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Landscape Style – formal and informal-Types of
garden – Egyptian , Roman, Chinese, Hindu- Buddhist
Mughal and Japanese


Formal And Informal Landscaping


Formal Landscaping
Formal landscaping is best described as
structured, orderly, perfect or clean.
Hedges are often used in formal landscaping.
Some hedges are straight, some have curves, but
they tend to have a great sense of symmetry and
Formal gardening attempts to fight with nature to
make it stay growing and stay perfect.


This image of a Formal Landscape
Example is a Garden Design that fits
a formal colonial home- the hedges
are equally spaced on both sides of
the walk. The planting design is
symmetrical and both sides of the
walk match.




Informal Landscaping
Informal landscaping is more relaxed than
formal landscaping.
If hedges are used at all, they are not sheared
flat, but instead they are left fluffy and soft.
Informal landscaping is more in-step with
nature, it looks more natural.
Informal Landscaping include the organic form.


A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment
of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made
Gardens include- Residential garden, Zoological garden, Botanical garden, Zen Garden, Xeriscape
Garden etc.
Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting
of gardens and landscapes.
The history of ornamental gardening may be considered as aesthetic expressions of beauty
through art and nature, a display of taste or style in civilized life, an expression of an individual's or
culture's philosophy, and sometimes as a display of private status or national pride—in private
and public Landscapes.
The earliest gardens were grown for practical reasons. People grew herbs or vegetables. However
when man became civilized an upper class emerged with the leisure to enjoy purely decorative
gardens. They also had servants (or slaves) to do the gardening for them. After the emergence of
the first civilizations, wealthy individuals began to create gardens for purely aesthetic purposes.




Egyptian GARDEN
The gardens of ancient Egypt probably began as simple fruit orchards and vegetable gardens,
irrigated with water from the Nile. Gradually as the country became richer, they evolved into
pleasure gardens, with flowers, ponds and alleys of fruit and shade trees. Temples, palaces, and
private residences had their own gardens, and models of gardens were sometimes placed in tombs
so their owners could enjoy them in their afterlife.
Rectangular fishpond with
ducks and lotus planted
round with date palms and
fruit trees, in a fresco from
the Tomb of Nebamun,
Thebes, 18th Dynasty
A funerary model of a garden,
dating to the Eleventh dynasty of
Egypt, circa 2009–1998 BC. Made
of painted and gessoed wood,
originally from Thebes


Egyptian GARDEN
In the hot and arid climate of ancient Egypt rich people liked to rest in the shade of trees. They
created gardens enclosed by walls with trees planted with trees in rows. Sometime the Egyptians
planted alternating species.
 They grew trees like sycamores, date palms, fig trees, nut trees and pomegranate trees. They
also grew willows. The Egyptians also grew vineyards. (Although beer was the drink of the
common people the rich liked drinking wine).
The Egyptians also grew a wide variety of flowers including roses, poppies, irises, daisies and
Egyptians also liked their gardens to have rectangular ponds. Sometimes they were stocked with
The Egyptians also liked to grow fragrant trees and shrubs.
The Egyptians believed that the gods liked gardens and so temples usually had gardens by them.
In ancient Egypt gardens also had religious significance as different trees were associated with
different Gods.
However in Egypt there was no strict division between gardens for pleasure and gardens for
produce. As well as being beautiful gardens were used to grow fruit and vegetables and to produce
wine and olive oil.


The date palm, used by
the Ancient Egyptians
both as a food and for
making wine.
The Persea indica tree, in
the same family as the
avocado, once common in
Egypt, has vanished there.
The sycamore (Ficus
sycomorus) was often
planted for shade. It was
also often planted at
temples, and its wood was
used for making coffins for
Tamarisk tree, used for
The Acacia tree was
associated with Iusaaset,
the primal goddess of
Egyptian mythology.
Fruit of the Pomegranate
tree, introduced during
the New Kingdom, used
as a medicine against
tapeworm various
Egyptian blue lotus,
found in garden ponds
Cyperus papyrus was
used as a writing
material, for making
boats, and even eaten


The Greeks were not great gardeners. They sometimes planted trees to provide shade around
and other public places but pleasure gardens were rare. The Greeks did grow flowers but usually
in containers.
Although Greek travelers admired the gardens of the east, in Greece gardens were usually grown
for practical reasons.
The Greeks grew orchards, vineyards and vegetable gardens.
When they conquered Egypt in 30 BC the Romans introduced eastern ideas about gardening. Rich
Romans created gardens next to their palaces and villas. The Romans were masters of the art of
Roman gardens were adorned with statues and sculptures.
Roman gardens were laid out with hedges and vines. They also contained a wide variety of
flowers including acanthus, cornflowers and crocus, cyclamen, hyacinth, iris and ivy, lavender, lilies,
myrtle, narcissus, poppy, rosemary and violet.
In the towns wealthy Romans built houses around a courtyard. The courtyard usually contained a
colonnaded porch, a pool and a fountain as well as beds of flowers.
After the Romans conquered Britain they introduced a number of new plants including roses,
leeks, turnips and plums. They may also have introduced cabbages.


The garden was a place of peace and tranquillity – a refuge from urban life – and a place filled
with religious and symbolic meanings. As Roman culture developed and became increasingly
influenced by foreign civilizations through trade, the use of gardens expanded and gardens
ultimately thrived in Ancient Rome.


Persia is located in west and south-west Asia. At the height of the empire it stretched from Egypt
to India. It was conquered by Alexander the Great between 334-331 B.C.
Persia was the official name of Iran until 1935.
The dry arid climate of Persia had enormous impact on the designs of their garden paradises.
Persian gardens may originate as early as 4000 BCE.
The Persian garden was an answer to the aridity of the local climate where the high walled
garden and the shady trees with its air cooled by streams and fountains, was a simple recipe for
paradise. Mediterranean and hence all Western Gardens have their origins in Egypt between three
and four thousand years ago. Since Egypt is a natural desert depending on the Nile for its fertility,
its gardens were planted along reservoirs and irrigation canals.
Two main waterways divided the garden into four – representing it as the four quarters of the
universe. The centre of the cross was often a brimming tank lined with blue tiles. In larger gardens
subsidiary canals subdivided the garden. Small jets of water made sounds such that water was
heard and seen


Sunlight and its effects were an important factor of
structural design in Persian gardens.
Textures and shapes were specifically chosen
by architects to harness the light.
Iran's dry heat makes shade important in gardens,
which would be nearly unusable without it. Trees
and trellises largely feature as
biotic shade; pavilions and walls are also structurally
prominent in blocking the sun.
The heat also makes water important. A form of
underground tunnel below the water table, called
a qanat, irrigates the garden and its environs.
Well-like structures then connect to the Jannat,
enabling the drawing of water wheel .
The Persian style often attempts to integrate
indoors with outdoors through the connection of a
surrounding garden with an inner courtyard.
Designers often place architectural elements such
as vaulted arches between the outer and interior
areas to open up the divide between them.
The key to the gardens of the Islamic
world was the idea of an oasis. All around
stretch bare hills in the burning sun. Within
the garden wall, the essentials are cool
shade and the sight and sound of water.


The Mughal architecture flourished in the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal rule (1526-
It was a combination of Indo, Islamic and Persian style of art.
The use of running water in their palaces and pleasure resorts was a special feature of the
Mughal garden.
The Mughal Gardens introduced by Babur to India was used extensively used to decorate the
surrounding of these buildings.
A notable feature of the Mughal architecture was the use of red sandstone.
Babur Humayun Akbar Jahangir Shah Jahan Aurangzeb………………
…………………………………….. Bahadur Shah Zafar


Mughal gardens are a group of gardens built by
the Mughals in the Islamic style of architecture.
This style was influenced by Persian gardens and
Timurid gardens.
Significant use of rectilinear layouts are made
within the walled enclosures.
Some of the typical features include pools,
fountains and canals inside the gardens.
The famous gardens are the Char Bagh gardens at
Taj Mahal, Shalimar Gardens of Lahore, Delhi and
Kashmir as well as Pinjore Garden in Haryana.


The description of paradise in the ‘Koran’ served as the basis for design of gardens all over
the Muslim world.
The most famous description of paradise is found in Suratar Rahman. “Gardens under which
rivers flow” is a phrase used in the Koran more than 30 times to describe Paradise.
The Muslim rulers of subsequent times tried to create manmade reflections of the Koranic
images of Paradise on earth. Cool pavilions, flowing springs, rivers, gushing fountains, shady
and fruit trees, mentioned in the Koranic description of Paradise, are essential features of
Mughal gardens like Islamic gardens elsewhere.


The founder of the Mughal empire, Babur, described his favourite type of garden as a
Charbagh. This word developed a new meaning in India, because as Babur explains, India
lacked the fast-flowing streams required for the Central Asian charbagh From the beginnings of
the Mughal Empire, the construction of gardens was a beloved imperial pastime.
Babur, the first Mughal conqueror-king, had gardens built in Lahore and Dholpur . Humayun,
his son, does not seem to have had much time for building—he was busy reclaiming and
increasing the realm—but he is known to have spent a great deal of time at his father’s
Akbar built several gardens first in Delhi, then in Agra, These tended to be riverfront gardens
rather than the fortress gardens that his predecessors built. Building riverfront rather than
fortress gardens influenced later Mughal garden architecture considerably. Jahangir's son,
Shah Jahan, marks the apex of Mughal garden architecture and floral design.


Site and Style of Design
Canals of running water,
 Fountains
Baradari or pavilion
Tree, flowers and birds


Complete, ideal Char Bagh with four channels of water flowing out from fountain in the centre to channels
round edge of garden. The garden is divided into four parts, linked by bridges over the water channels.


Only one arm of this Char Bagh is a water channel. The other three arms are tree-lined paths, plus little pools
on the edge of the central pool. But the garden is still divided into four parts.
Another Char Bagh plan which does not have the full four water channels. This plan is from a famous medresse
in Isfahan, Iran.


This garden is divided into four parts entirely by paths, not by water channels. There is a fountain pool in the

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Types of gardens

  • 1. Landscape Style – formal and informal-Types of garden – Egyptian , Roman, Chinese, Hindu- Buddhist Mughal and Japanese
  • 2. Formal And Informal Landscaping
  • 3. Formal Landscaping Formal landscaping is best described as structured, orderly, perfect or clean. Hedges are often used in formal landscaping. Some hedges are straight, some have curves, but they tend to have a great sense of symmetry and balance. Formal gardening attempts to fight with nature to make it stay growing and stay perfect.
  • 4. This image of a Formal Landscape Example is a Garden Design that fits a formal colonial home- the hedges are equally spaced on both sides of the walk. The planting design is symmetrical and both sides of the walk match.
  • 6. Informal Landscaping Informal landscaping is more relaxed than formal landscaping. If hedges are used at all, they are not sheared flat, but instead they are left fluffy and soft. Informal landscaping is more in-step with nature, it looks more natural. Informal Landscaping include the organic form.
  • 7. GARDEN DESIGN A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors, set aside for the display, cultivation, and enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature. The garden can incorporate both natural and man-made materials. Gardens include- Residential garden, Zoological garden, Botanical garden, Zen Garden, Xeriscape Garden etc. Garden design is the art and process of designing and creating plans for layout and planting of gardens and landscapes. The history of ornamental gardening may be considered as aesthetic expressions of beauty through art and nature, a display of taste or style in civilized life, an expression of an individual's or culture's philosophy, and sometimes as a display of private status or national pride—in private and public Landscapes. The earliest gardens were grown for practical reasons. People grew herbs or vegetables. However when man became civilized an upper class emerged with the leisure to enjoy purely decorative gardens. They also had servants (or slaves) to do the gardening for them. After the emergence of the first civilizations, wealthy individuals began to create gardens for purely aesthetic purposes.
  • 9. Egyptian GARDEN The gardens of ancient Egypt probably began as simple fruit orchards and vegetable gardens, irrigated with water from the Nile. Gradually as the country became richer, they evolved into pleasure gardens, with flowers, ponds and alleys of fruit and shade trees. Temples, palaces, and private residences had their own gardens, and models of gardens were sometimes placed in tombs so their owners could enjoy them in their afterlife. Rectangular fishpond with ducks and lotus planted round with date palms and fruit trees, in a fresco from the Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, 18th Dynasty A funerary model of a garden, dating to the Eleventh dynasty of Egypt, circa 2009–1998 BC. Made of painted and gessoed wood, originally from Thebes
  • 10. Egyptian GARDEN In the hot and arid climate of ancient Egypt rich people liked to rest in the shade of trees. They created gardens enclosed by walls with trees planted with trees in rows. Sometime the Egyptians planted alternating species.  They grew trees like sycamores, date palms, fig trees, nut trees and pomegranate trees. They also grew willows. The Egyptians also grew vineyards. (Although beer was the drink of the common people the rich liked drinking wine). The Egyptians also grew a wide variety of flowers including roses, poppies, irises, daisies and cornflowers. Egyptians also liked their gardens to have rectangular ponds. Sometimes they were stocked with fish. The Egyptians also liked to grow fragrant trees and shrubs. The Egyptians believed that the gods liked gardens and so temples usually had gardens by them. In ancient Egypt gardens also had religious significance as different trees were associated with different Gods. However in Egypt there was no strict division between gardens for pleasure and gardens for produce. As well as being beautiful gardens were used to grow fruit and vegetables and to produce wine and olive oil.
  • 11. The date palm, used by the Ancient Egyptians both as a food and for making wine. The Persea indica tree, in the same family as the avocado, once common in Egypt, has vanished there. The sycamore (Ficus sycomorus) was often planted for shade. It was also often planted at temples, and its wood was used for making coffins for mummies. Tamarisk tree, used for shade The Acacia tree was associated with Iusaaset, the primal goddess of Egyptian mythology. Fruit of the Pomegranate tree, introduced during the New Kingdom, used as a medicine against tapeworm various infection Egyptian blue lotus, found in garden ponds Cyperus papyrus was used as a writing material, for making boats, and even eaten COMMON TREES OF ANCIENT EGYPT
  • 12. GREEK AND ROMAN GARDEN GREEK GARDENS The Greeks were not great gardeners. They sometimes planted trees to provide shade around temples and other public places but pleasure gardens were rare. The Greeks did grow flowers but usually in containers. Although Greek travelers admired the gardens of the east, in Greece gardens were usually grown for practical reasons. The Greeks grew orchards, vineyards and vegetable gardens. ROMAN GARDENS When they conquered Egypt in 30 BC the Romans introduced eastern ideas about gardening. Rich Romans created gardens next to their palaces and villas. The Romans were masters of the art of topiary. Roman gardens were adorned with statues and sculptures. Roman gardens were laid out with hedges and vines. They also contained a wide variety of flowers including acanthus, cornflowers and crocus, cyclamen, hyacinth, iris and ivy, lavender, lilies, myrtle, narcissus, poppy, rosemary and violet. In the towns wealthy Romans built houses around a courtyard. The courtyard usually contained a colonnaded porch, a pool and a fountain as well as beds of flowers. After the Romans conquered Britain they introduced a number of new plants including roses, leeks, turnips and plums. They may also have introduced cabbages.
  • 13. The garden was a place of peace and tranquillity – a refuge from urban life – and a place filled with religious and symbolic meanings. As Roman culture developed and became increasingly influenced by foreign civilizations through trade, the use of gardens expanded and gardens ultimately thrived in Ancient Rome.
  • 14. Mughal GARDEN PERSIAN GARDENS ISLAMIC GARDEN MUGHAL GARDEN Persia is located in west and south-west Asia. At the height of the empire it stretched from Egypt to India. It was conquered by Alexander the Great between 334-331 B.C. Persia was the official name of Iran until 1935. The dry arid climate of Persia had enormous impact on the designs of their garden paradises. Persian gardens may originate as early as 4000 BCE. EVOLUTION OF PERSIAN GARDEN The Persian garden was an answer to the aridity of the local climate where the high walled garden and the shady trees with its air cooled by streams and fountains, was a simple recipe for paradise. Mediterranean and hence all Western Gardens have their origins in Egypt between three and four thousand years ago. Since Egypt is a natural desert depending on the Nile for its fertility, its gardens were planted along reservoirs and irrigation canals. Two main waterways divided the garden into four – representing it as the four quarters of the universe. The centre of the cross was often a brimming tank lined with blue tiles. In larger gardens subsidiary canals subdivided the garden. Small jets of water made sounds such that water was heard and seen
  • 15. ELEMENTS OF THE PERSIAN GARDEN Sunlight and its effects were an important factor of structural design in Persian gardens. Textures and shapes were specifically chosen by architects to harness the light. Iran's dry heat makes shade important in gardens, which would be nearly unusable without it. Trees and trellises largely feature as biotic shade; pavilions and walls are also structurally prominent in blocking the sun. The heat also makes water important. A form of underground tunnel below the water table, called a qanat, irrigates the garden and its environs. Well-like structures then connect to the Jannat, enabling the drawing of water wheel . The Persian style often attempts to integrate indoors with outdoors through the connection of a surrounding garden with an inner courtyard. Designers often place architectural elements such as vaulted arches between the outer and interior areas to open up the divide between them. The key to the gardens of the Islamic world was the idea of an oasis. All around stretch bare hills in the burning sun. Within the garden wall, the essentials are cool shade and the sight and sound of water.
  • 16. The Mughal architecture flourished in the Indian subcontinent during the Mughal rule (1526- 1857). It was a combination of Indo, Islamic and Persian style of art. The use of running water in their palaces and pleasure resorts was a special feature of the Mughal garden. The Mughal Gardens introduced by Babur to India was used extensively used to decorate the surrounding of these buildings. A notable feature of the Mughal architecture was the use of red sandstone. Babur Humayun Akbar Jahangir Shah Jahan Aurangzeb……………… …………………………………….. Bahadur Shah Zafar MUGHAL PERIOD
  • 17. MUGHAL GARDENS Mughal gardens are a group of gardens built by the Mughals in the Islamic style of architecture. This style was influenced by Persian gardens and Timurid gardens. Significant use of rectilinear layouts are made within the walled enclosures. Some of the typical features include pools, fountains and canals inside the gardens. The famous gardens are the Char Bagh gardens at Taj Mahal, Shalimar Gardens of Lahore, Delhi and Kashmir as well as Pinjore Garden in Haryana.
  • 18. MUGHAL LANDSCAPE-ORIGIN AND CONCEPT The description of paradise in the ‘Koran’ served as the basis for design of gardens all over the Muslim world. The most famous description of paradise is found in Suratar Rahman. “Gardens under which rivers flow” is a phrase used in the Koran more than 30 times to describe Paradise. The Muslim rulers of subsequent times tried to create manmade reflections of the Koranic images of Paradise on earth. Cool pavilions, flowing springs, rivers, gushing fountains, shady and fruit trees, mentioned in the Koranic description of Paradise, are essential features of Mughal gardens like Islamic gardens elsewhere.
  • 19. CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH LANDSCAPE DEVELOPED The founder of the Mughal empire, Babur, described his favourite type of garden as a Charbagh. This word developed a new meaning in India, because as Babur explains, India lacked the fast-flowing streams required for the Central Asian charbagh From the beginnings of the Mughal Empire, the construction of gardens was a beloved imperial pastime. Babur, the first Mughal conqueror-king, had gardens built in Lahore and Dholpur . Humayun, his son, does not seem to have had much time for building—he was busy reclaiming and increasing the realm—but he is known to have spent a great deal of time at his father’s gardens. Akbar built several gardens first in Delhi, then in Agra, These tended to be riverfront gardens rather than the fortress gardens that his predecessors built. Building riverfront rather than fortress gardens influenced later Mughal garden architecture considerably. Jahangir's son, Shah Jahan, marks the apex of Mughal garden architecture and floral design.
  • 20. SALIENT FEATURES Site and Style of Design Walls Gates Terrace Canals of running water,  Fountains Baradari or pavilion Mosque Tree, flowers and birds
  • 21. PLAN 1 Complete, ideal Char Bagh with four channels of water flowing out from fountain in the centre to channels round edge of garden. The garden is divided into four parts, linked by bridges over the water channels.
  • 22. PLAN 2 Only one arm of this Char Bagh is a water channel. The other three arms are tree-lined paths, plus little pools on the edge of the central pool. But the garden is still divided into four parts. PLAN 3 Another Char Bagh plan which does not have the full four water channels. This plan is from a famous medresse in Isfahan, Iran.
  • 23. PLAN 4 This garden is divided into four parts entirely by paths, not by water channels. There is a fountain pool in the centre.