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Think yourself Thin!!! By Rich McKeating


“ weight loss begins in the mind”


Motivation!!! Do you really need it? What would happen if you didn't? Write down your top 5 achievements in life Your body doesnt care if you where motivated or not to skip desert, all it cares about is- did you eat the cake? Or not?


The power of visualization Roger Banister  If you can see it, you can believe it If you believe it, you can achieve it


The magic fairy secret of goal setting Take a moment to imagine a fairy has granted you a wish. It can be for anything you want. Really engage yourself in how it looks,feels, smells and taste to have everything you want. What are you wearing? Where are you? How do you feel?


If you don't feel excited then start again! Now write this down, use detail! SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable,  Realistic? , Time orientated Could you feel that way right now? Let the subconcious mind know


Success is 80% why, and 20% how Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Get down to the deep rooted cause of your motivation


What do you want? Thinner waist? Smaller backside? Thinner thighs? More energy? Sleep better? Happier Reduce the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other weight related complications? Do you really want all of this?




What is that price? Go back to the magic fairy wish, how would you maintain this wish if it really where granted now? Brainstorm the price of fat loss Write down 5 things you would definitely be willing to do every day in order to lose weight Positive pressure


Old Native American saying “ if you want to know what a person was thinking yesterday, look at their body today. If you want to know what a person will look like tomorrow, look at their thoughts today”


How to think yourself thin re- establish belief in your word Take control Think yourself in a positive light Phyhiological process of a negative thought Flush away Replace with light and substitute Give up excuses and generalizations Stop blaming! Stop complaining! Let go of Envy, guilt, all negative thoughts Thank your gremlins for their contribution Stop Pretending you don't care about being overweight


The power of the spoken word Dr. Masaru Emoto


“ love”   “you make me sick”


The love principle You are the result of what you love most What is it that you love the most? Steps towards a more loving life Be truthfull about what you love Choose to love yourself more than things Speak to yourself like a loving parent when you make loving choices Reward yourself “ The world is as we are”


Emotional eating 1) What am I really feeling? 2) Is there a better way to take care of myself? 3) What gift can I give myself that won't cost me any personal power? 4) What could I do right now that would make me feel good tomorrow?


Conscious eating Re-establish a good relationship with food Do not reduce it to calories, carbs, fats or other Jargon Take away all distractions Experience the feel, smell, taste, texture Allow yourself food


Homework Measure where you are now-weight/waist/hips/thighs/arms/calfs/photo Re-read goal every night Strengthen your word with the to do list Count your negative thoughts- quickly re-adjust them Fill out a food diary Grateful log, include at least 3 things good about yourself! And dont forget to congratulate yourself on progress.


Powerful questions What did I achieve today? Why is that important? What could I do more of? What should I stop doing? What did I learn today? What nice thing did I do today? What nice thing did some one do for me today?


The fat loss war!!! Fat loss is an all out war The power of a group! Eliminate toxic people Give it 30 days War is hell! Use a veteran to guide you Do as I say Fill out your diary Bring it with you


4 more talks Food Glorious food Find out the essential nutrition facts you need to know in order to make good eating choices Learn the many values of food,  5 food principles that will guarantee results if practised consistently Healthy, tasty recopies to trim the waist, boost energy and change your life Go through the nutrition plan that works every time


Healthy Lifestyle How you can life the live you want Solve sleep problems and nap to good health Learn social habits of successful slimmers How to rejuvenate! Why you are tired and how you can regain your childlike energy Master your emotions to reveal your true identity Time management skills to get more out of life


Detoxify your life Learn the real origins of toxins Where they are What they do What you can do about them Be prepared to start a proper detox diet Learn about health dangers you never even know existed


Wrap up Semi private session at my studio Time for the final weigh in!! What did you lose? How did you find the challenge? How you could improve on it next time? Where to take it from here/ lets personalize it


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  • 1. Think yourself Thin!!! By Rich McKeating
  • 2. “ weight loss begins in the mind”
  • 3. Motivation!!! Do you really need it? What would happen if you didn't? Write down your top 5 achievements in life Your body doesnt care if you where motivated or not to skip desert, all it cares about is- did you eat the cake? Or not?
  • 4. The power of visualization Roger Banister If you can see it, you can believe it If you believe it, you can achieve it
  • 5. The magic fairy secret of goal setting Take a moment to imagine a fairy has granted you a wish. It can be for anything you want. Really engage yourself in how it looks,feels, smells and taste to have everything you want. What are you wearing? Where are you? How do you feel?
  • 6. If you don't feel excited then start again! Now write this down, use detail! SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic? , Time orientated Could you feel that way right now? Let the subconcious mind know
  • 7. Success is 80% why, and 20% how Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Get down to the deep rooted cause of your motivation
  • 8. What do you want? Thinner waist? Smaller backside? Thinner thighs? More energy? Sleep better? Happier Reduce the risk of dying from heart disease, cancer, diabetes and other weight related complications? Do you really want all of this?
  • 9.  
  • 10. What is that price? Go back to the magic fairy wish, how would you maintain this wish if it really where granted now? Brainstorm the price of fat loss Write down 5 things you would definitely be willing to do every day in order to lose weight Positive pressure
  • 11. Old Native American saying “ if you want to know what a person was thinking yesterday, look at their body today. If you want to know what a person will look like tomorrow, look at their thoughts today”
  • 12. How to think yourself thin re- establish belief in your word Take control Think yourself in a positive light Phyhiological process of a negative thought Flush away Replace with light and substitute Give up excuses and generalizations Stop blaming! Stop complaining! Let go of Envy, guilt, all negative thoughts Thank your gremlins for their contribution Stop Pretending you don't care about being overweight
  • 13. The power of the spoken word Dr. Masaru Emoto
  • 14. “ love” “you make me sick”
  • 15. The love principle You are the result of what you love most What is it that you love the most? Steps towards a more loving life Be truthfull about what you love Choose to love yourself more than things Speak to yourself like a loving parent when you make loving choices Reward yourself “ The world is as we are”
  • 16. Emotional eating 1) What am I really feeling? 2) Is there a better way to take care of myself? 3) What gift can I give myself that won't cost me any personal power? 4) What could I do right now that would make me feel good tomorrow?
  • 17. Conscious eating Re-establish a good relationship with food Do not reduce it to calories, carbs, fats or other Jargon Take away all distractions Experience the feel, smell, taste, texture Allow yourself food
  • 18. Homework Measure where you are now-weight/waist/hips/thighs/arms/calfs/photo Re-read goal every night Strengthen your word with the to do list Count your negative thoughts- quickly re-adjust them Fill out a food diary Grateful log, include at least 3 things good about yourself! And dont forget to congratulate yourself on progress.
  • 19. Powerful questions What did I achieve today? Why is that important? What could I do more of? What should I stop doing? What did I learn today? What nice thing did I do today? What nice thing did some one do for me today?
  • 20. The fat loss war!!! Fat loss is an all out war The power of a group! Eliminate toxic people Give it 30 days War is hell! Use a veteran to guide you Do as I say Fill out your diary Bring it with you
  • 21. 4 more talks Food Glorious food Find out the essential nutrition facts you need to know in order to make good eating choices Learn the many values of food, 5 food principles that will guarantee results if practised consistently Healthy, tasty recopies to trim the waist, boost energy and change your life Go through the nutrition plan that works every time
  • 22. Healthy Lifestyle How you can life the live you want Solve sleep problems and nap to good health Learn social habits of successful slimmers How to rejuvenate! Why you are tired and how you can regain your childlike energy Master your emotions to reveal your true identity Time management skills to get more out of life
  • 23. Detoxify your life Learn the real origins of toxins Where they are What they do What you can do about them Be prepared to start a proper detox diet Learn about health dangers you never even know existed
  • 24. Wrap up Semi private session at my studio Time for the final weigh in!! What did you lose? How did you find the challenge? How you could improve on it next time? Where to take it from here/ lets personalize it

Editor's Notes

  1. Mis lead diet advice, unsure of healthy foods, which report on healthy food, rising obesity levels