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U2F Tutorial: Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and
● About FIDO U2F and Security Keys
● Exploring FIDO U2F
● FIDO U2F Demos
● Integrating FIDO U2F
© 2017 Yubico
About FIDO U2F and Security
FIDO U2F / Security Keys
Co-developed by Yubico and Google, completed and published as a
standard by the FIDO Alliance in 2014
# of ServicesAny Shared SecretsNoOne Authenticator
U2F Value
Eliminates Phishing & Prevents MitM
Insert and Touch Gold Contact
Use the Same Key for Unlimited Services
No Shared Secrets Between Services
No Shared Secrets with Yubico
Google Case Study
U2F YubiKey
vs Google Authenticator
● 4x faster to login
● Significant fraud reduction
● Support reduced by 92%
● YubiKey mandatory for all Google staff and contractors
● Support for Google end users
© 2017 Yubico
Exploring FIDO U2F
Protocol flows
Relying PartyUser Side
U2F Code
U2F JS APISecure Hardware
Web Application
U2F Library
FIDO Client/ BrowserU2F Authenticator
U2F Entities
Bluetooth API
User Action
Public Keys +
Key Handles +
private key,
public key,
key handle
channel ID
Private key
(per service/site)
Verify client data,
verify signature,
store public key
and key handle
Registration request
8 Successful
How FIDO Registration Works
Relying Party
(e.g. web
(e.g. YubiKey)
AppId, Challenge2
(e.g. web
Public key, key
handle, signature
6 PK,KH, sig,
client data
Require test of
user presence
before private
key can be used
channel ID
Private key
(per service/site)
Public key
Check signature
using public key
to verify origin
and channel ID
Login request
8 Successful login
How FIDO Authentication Works
Relying Party
(e.g. web
(e.g. YubiKey)
(e.g. web
Signed response 6 Signed response
© 2017 Yubico
Demo 1
FIDO U2F and Firefox
© 2017 Yubico
Demo 2
FIDO U2F and Android
© 2017 Yubico
Integrating FIDO U2F
Integrating FIDO U2F- client side
● Typically a U2F enabled browser
● Use the u2f-api.js library (high level API)
○ Simplest way to get started
● Call two functions
○ u2f.register
○ u2f.sign
● If not a browser use a U2F host library (Python, C)
Integrating FIDO U2F- client side
1. OTHER_ERROR: An error otherwise not enumerated here.
2. BAD_REQUEST: One of the following reasons:
○ The visited URL doesn’t match the App ID.
○ The App ID does not conform with the rules for App ID’s.
○ The U2F API is called with bad parameters (e.g. calling
u2f.register with the parameters in the wrong order).
3. CONFIGURATION_UNSUPPORTED: Client configuration is not
4. DEVICE_INELIGIBLE: The presented device is not eligible for this
request. For a registration request this may mean that the token is
already registered, and for a sign request it may mean that the token
does not know the presented key handle.
5. TIMEOUT: Timeout reached before request could be satisfied.
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
● Some servers are tightly coupled with the web application
● Others are decoupled (U2F as REST or SOAP API)
● Pros and cons dependent on the web application
● Messages between the U2F Authenticator and the U2F Server
are standardized
● Server implementation based on typical considerations
○ Cost
○ Ease-of-integration
○ Support
○ Scalability
○ Etc.
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
Tools for implementation (open source)
● Server libraries, in several programming languages:
○ C (libu2f-server)
○ Java (java-u2flib-server)
○ PHP (php-u2flib-server
○ Python (python-u2flib-server)
● Stand alone server (demo only):
○ Yubico U2FVAL server (REST, Python)
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
● Server-side U2F library has 4 basic functions:
○ Start registration
○ Finish registration
○ Start authentication
○ Finish authentication
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
private key,
public key,
key handle
channel ID
Private key
(per service/site)
Verify client data,
verify signature,
store public key
and key handle
Registration request
8 Successful
Integrating FIDO U2F - server side
(e.g. YubiKey)
(e.g. web
Public key, key
handle, signature 6
Generate challenge
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
Authentication: create challenges for all registered devices
Integrating FIDO U2F- server side
Authentication: successful for one registered device
Get Started
● Read the specifications: fidoalliance.org/specifications/overview/
● Go through a MiniTwit U2F tutorial: MiniTwit training video
● Google reference code: github.com/google/u2f-ref-code
● Build your own U2F server: dev.yubi.co/U2F/libraries
● Use Yubico standalone U2F server: dev.yubi.co/u2fval
● Yubico U2F demo server: demo.yubico.com/u2f
● Google U2F demo server: u2fdemo.appspot.com
FIDO U2F - Learn More

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U2F Tutorial - Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and Consumers

  • 1. U2F Tutorial: Authentication Tokens for Enterprise and Consumers MIGUEL RODRIGUEZ, EXPERT SERVICES, YUBICO
  • 2. 2 ©2018Yubico Agenda ● About FIDO U2F and Security Keys ● Exploring FIDO U2F ● FIDO U2F Demos ● Integrating FIDO U2F
  • 3. 3 ©2018Yubico © 2017 Yubico About FIDO U2F and Security Keys
  • 4. 4 ©2017Yubico FIDO U2F / Security Keys Co-developed by Yubico and Google, completed and published as a standard by the FIDO Alliance in 2014 # of ServicesAny Shared SecretsNoOne Authenticator
  • 5. 5 ©2018Yubico U2F Value Secure Eliminates Phishing & Prevents MitM Simple Insert and Touch Gold Contact Scalable Use the Same Key for Unlimited Services Private No Shared Secrets Between Services No Shared Secrets with Yubico
  • 6. 6 Google Case Study U2F YubiKey vs Google Authenticator ● 4x faster to login ● Significant fraud reduction ● Support reduced by 92% ● YubiKey mandatory for all Google staff and contractors ● Support for Google end users
  • 7. 7 ©2018Yubico © 2017 Yubico Exploring FIDO U2F Protocol flows
  • 8. 8 Relying PartyUser Side U2F Code USB (HID) API U2F JS APISecure Hardware (optional) Transport USB (HID) Web Application U2F Library FIDO Client/ BrowserU2F Authenticator U2F Entities NFC API Bluetooth API NFC Bluetooth User Action Public Keys + Key Handles + Attestation Certificates
  • 9. 9 ©2018Yubico Generate private key, public key, key handle AppId, Challenge, origin, channel ID Private key (per service/site) 1 4 Verify client data, verify signature, store public key and key handle 5 Registration request 7 8 Successful registration How FIDO Registration Works Relying Party (e.g. web service/site) Authenticator (e.g. YubiKey) AppId, Challenge2 Client (e.g. web browser) Public key, key handle, signature 6 PK,KH, sig, client data 3 andFIDO
  • 10. 10 ©2018Yubico Require test of user presence before private key can be used Challenge, origin, channel ID Private key (per service/site) Public key 1 4 Check signature using public key to verify origin and channel ID 5 Login request 7 8 Successful login How FIDO Authentication Works Relying Party (e.g. web service/site) Authenticator (e.g. YubiKey) Challenge2 Client (e.g. web browser) Signed response 6 Signed response 3 andFIDO
  • 11. 11 ©2018Yubico © 2017 Yubico Demo 1 FIDO U2F and Firefox
  • 12. 12 ©2018Yubico © 2017 Yubico Demo 2 FIDO U2F and Android
  • 14. 14 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- client side ● Typically a U2F enabled browser ● Use the u2f-api.js library (high level API) ○ Simplest way to get started ● Call two functions ○ u2f.register ○ u2f.sign ● If not a browser use a U2F host library (Python, C)
  • 15. 15 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- client side Errors 1. OTHER_ERROR: An error otherwise not enumerated here. 2. BAD_REQUEST: One of the following reasons: ○ The visited URL doesn’t match the App ID. ○ The App ID does not conform with the rules for App ID’s. ○ The U2F API is called with bad parameters (e.g. calling u2f.register with the parameters in the wrong order). 3. CONFIGURATION_UNSUPPORTED: Client configuration is not supported. 4. DEVICE_INELIGIBLE: The presented device is not eligible for this request. For a registration request this may mean that the token is already registered, and for a sign request it may mean that the token does not know the presented key handle. 5. TIMEOUT: Timeout reached before request could be satisfied.
  • 16. 16 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side ● Some servers are tightly coupled with the web application ● Others are decoupled (U2F as REST or SOAP API) ● Pros and cons dependent on the web application ● Messages between the U2F Authenticator and the U2F Server are standardized ● Server implementation based on typical considerations ○ Cost ○ Ease-of-integration ○ Support ○ Scalability ○ Etc.
  • 17. 17 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side Tools for implementation (open source) ● Server libraries, in several programming languages: ○ C (libu2f-server) ○ Java (java-u2flib-server) ○ PHP (php-u2flib-server ○ Python (python-u2flib-server) ● Stand alone server (demo only): ○ Yubico U2FVAL server (REST, Python)
  • 18. 18 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side ● Server-side U2F library has 4 basic functions: ○ Start registration ○ Finish registration ○ Start authentication ○ Finish authentication
  • 19. 19 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side Registration
  • 20. 20 ©2018Yubico Generate private key, public key, key handle AppId, Challenge, origin, channel ID Private key (per service/site) 1 4 Verify client data, verify signature, store public key and key handle 5 Registration request 7 8 Successful registration Integrating FIDO U2F - server side Relying Party Authenticator (e.g. YubiKey) start_registration 2 Client (e.g. web browser) Public key, key handle, signature 6 end_registration 3 andFIDO Generate challenge
  • 21. 21 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side Authentication
  • 22. 22 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side Authentication: create challenges for all registered devices
  • 23. 23 ©2018Yubico Integrating FIDO U2F- server side Authentication: successful for one registered device
  • 24. Get Started ● Read the specifications: fidoalliance.org/specifications/overview/ ● Go through a MiniTwit U2F tutorial: MiniTwit training video Implement ● Google reference code: github.com/google/u2f-ref-code ● Build your own U2F server: dev.yubi.co/U2F/libraries ● Use Yubico standalone U2F server: dev.yubi.co/u2fval Test ● Yubico U2F demo server: demo.yubico.com/u2f ● Google U2F demo server: u2fdemo.appspot.com FIDO U2F - Learn More 24