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    Universal Design for
    Cindy Clark
    Walden University
    Reaching and Engaging all Learners EDUC-6714l-1
    Dr. Jacqueline Derby
    July 17, 2012


    Inspiration for Universal Design
    for Learning
       Universal Design was a concept in architecture that stemmed
        from designing and providing easy access for the physical
        needs of our diverse population. This change in design gave
        multiple ways to access and benefitted society as a whole.
                                                Using Universal Design
               No Universal Design


    Examples of Universal Design in
    Today’s Society


    Three Principles of
    Universal Design for Learning
     1.Provide multiple means of REPRESENTATION (the What)

     2.Provide multiple means of EXPRESSION (the How)

     3. Provide multiple means of ENGAGEMENT (the Why)

           Image found on: http://udlinformationandresources.wikispaces.com/Brain+Research


    Examples of Instructional Methods
    and Technology used for Multiple
    Means of Representation ( Principle 1)
        How can the content of your lesson be presented to
           reach visual, audio, and kinesthetic learners?
             What tools are best suited for each student?
       Books on tape/ text to audio

       Videos/ Taping Lectures/Screencasts

       Interactive Websites/Virtual tours/Timelines

       Visuals/Posters in various font and picture sizes

       Charts/Diagrams/Graphic Organizers

       Resource Links for Easy Access

       Highlight Important areas of text                   www. moma.com.


    Examples of Instructional Methods
    and Technology used for Multiple
    Means of Expression (Principle 2)
    How can a teacher provide options for actions and expression
          to help capitalize on strengths not weaknesses?

                                GIVE A CHOICE!

       Write: handwritten, word processing, audio to text

       Create: by hand, digitally, photographically,
        3-D design, video

       Record: narrate, digital story, Voicethread, video


    Examples of Instructional Methods
    and Technology used for Multiple
    Means of Engagement (Principle 3)
    How can a teacher spark interest, motivate,
      and engage diverse learners?

    Interest, Effort, Self Monitoring

       Interest: Interweave students interests into
        lesson (ie: sports, music, art for greater
        autonomy and choice). Use internet to
        research and find more information to
        integrate or ask students.

       Motivate: by using ongoing feedback in class and also digitally through blogging. Create a
        digital portfolio so students see progress. Encourage peer feedback through peer critiques
        and online dialog. Create online quizzes or skill sheets to demonstrate mastery and
        increase confidence.

       Self-Monitor: Provide rubrics, online games/quizzes, daily goal sheets, to help students
        stay on task. Modify scaffold if student is struggling and provide options to help student
        overcome obstacle or disability.


+ The central role of technology is that it enables
    a teacher to easily offer multiple means of
    learning. Students can
    read, watch, interact, and simulate with
    technology to learn content using their
    strengths in their preferred learning styles.

       Digital materials make it possible for the same material to be flexibly
       presented and accessed—even adapted on a student-to-student basis
       (Strangman& Meyer 2003).

   Watch this short video which offers more input on Technology in UDL

      Technology and UDL


+ These are just a few simple technologies that
  can expand learning and engage all senses in
  a multitude of activities.


    How could UDL Impact
    Student Learning in LVMS?
       Increase motivation and engagement of middle school students by
        offering choices.

       No more “cookie-cutter” lessons. Lessons are modified to support
        all types of learners utilizing many forms of technology.

       All approaches to learning are considered so students feel more
        comfortable in using and building upon their strengths.

       Students receiving ongoing feedback from teacher, peers, and the
        global community, to have a clearer picture of their progress and
        daily goals.

       Increased skills in technology and communication that have real
        world applications.

       Students become more confident, self-directed learners.


    Brain Research and
    the What, How and Why of Learning
    The three networks of RECOGNITION, STRATEGIC, and AFFECTIVE
                 are interconnected and distribute processing.

                    How we identify      How we organize       How we motivate
                                           and express         and encourage

        Chart found on: http://www.uvm.edu/~cdci/universaldesign/images/3_brain_networks.png


    How can UDL support cultural, and
    linguistic diversity?
       Cultural: Research culture to include interests and diversity into
        lesson. Take virtual tours of various countries to understand

       Linguistic: Use online translation tools. According to M.D.Roblyer
        and A.H Doering (2012)
         According to M.D.Roblyer and A.H Doering (2012),
         These are among the most common free language translation tools on the
         web :
         Babel Fish (http://babelfish.yahoo.com/)
         Free Translator (http://www.free-translator.com)
         Free Translation (http://www.freetranslation.com)
         World Lingo (http://www.worldlingo.com)
         Education .com Translation tools http://www.education.com/reference/article/translation-tools-internet-language/


+ How can UDL support academic diversity?
     Provides multiple examples of learning content in multiple media and
      formats. (Rose & Meyer, 2002)
      Examples: audio, visual aids, podcasts, ebooks, virtual tours

     Provides flexible models of skilled performance and
      opportunities to practice skills. (2002)
      Examples: step by step demonstrations, modeling, screencasts

     Provides opportunity to practice and support feedback. (2002)
      Examples: online quizzes, games, blog interaction

     Provides different levels of challenge. (2002
      Examples: scaffold learning per style, enrichment lessons for G&T

     Provide choice of content and tools. (2002)
      Examples: PowerPoint, Hyperstudio, hand-drawn, digitally drawn
      3-D models, Voicethreads.


    Implications Addressing Brain
    Research and Instruction
     Rose & Meyer (2002) summed it up when they stated that when affective engagement links
     background knowledge with strategies and recognition tasks, students are more likely to build
                          skills, sustain interest and deeper understanding.

                                        Flexibility is the Key!

                              Both teacher and student must be flexible

                                       Materials must be flexible

                           Teaching and learning methods must be flexible

                                  Support methods must be flexible

        Image found on:http://youngmillionairegroup.com/blog/files/2008/08/the-key-to-success.png


    Top Ten Reasons Technology is
    Important in Implementing UDL
    1.    Provides multiple ways to learn content.

    2.    Provides opportunities to collaborate and share.

    3.    Provides opportunities to easily expand vocabulary and resources.

    4.    Increases important 21st century technical skills.

    5.    Flexibility of tools.

    6.    Allows engagement in different modes of learning.

    7.    Technology is available to fit individual learning styles or disabilities.

    8.    Provides more self monitoring and student autonomy.

    9.    Provides more independent learning through exploration.

    10.   It is a lot more engaging for middle school than books and lectures!


    CAST Online Tools and Resources
                           My Top Three Useful Resources

    Explore exemplars of UDL incorporated lessons
    Create your own lesson that can be saved and edited.


    Watch tutorial and download template to identify barriers in learning for your students.
    Review examples of methods and materials of other educators.


    Tutorial helps you practice applying the 3 principles of UDL.
    The downloadable template helps you to develop appropriate UDL solutions suitable for
    your classroom.


    One Last
    I have always used this
    poster as an inspiration
    in my art room and I
    now can see how easy
    it will be to incorporate
    the 3 UDL principles to
    each step of the
    creative process.

    Food for thought:
    How can you implement
    UDL into your
    curriculum to most
    benefit all your

    Poster found on:


+   Web Sources
Slide 4 http://udlinformationandresources.wikispaces.com/

Slide 5 http://www.winstonnoronha.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/engagement-in-lrng4.jpg

Slide 8 Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL implementation. Wakefield, MA:
    National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved July 14,2012

Slide 9 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NTAK0A-NO_0/T5wqA2ZppvI/AAAAAAAAASE/R3EshhQG6VE/s1600/Audio+Books.jpg




Slide 11 http://www.uvm.edu/~cdci/universaldesign/images/3_brain_networks.png

Slide 12 http://www.education.com/reference/article/translation-tools-internet-language/

Slide 13 Rose,D., Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Retrieved from
    http:/ www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/

Slide 16 http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/images/home/cast.png



Slide 18 http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/udlsolutionsfinder.cf

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  • 2. + Inspiration for Universal Design for Learning  Universal Design was a concept in architecture that stemmed from designing and providing easy access for the physical needs of our diverse population. This change in design gave multiple ways to access and benefitted society as a whole. Using Universal Design No Universal Design Accomodating Barriers
  • 3. + Examples of Universal Design in Today’s Society
  • 4. + Three Principles of Universal Design for Learning  1.Provide multiple means of REPRESENTATION (the What)  2.Provide multiple means of EXPRESSION (the How)  3. Provide multiple means of ENGAGEMENT (the Why) Image found on: http://udlinformationandresources.wikispaces.com/Brain+Research
  • 5. + Examples of Instructional Methods and Technology used for Multiple Means of Representation ( Principle 1) How can the content of your lesson be presented to reach visual, audio, and kinesthetic learners? What tools are best suited for each student?  Books on tape/ text to audio  Videos/ Taping Lectures/Screencasts  Interactive Websites/Virtual tours/Timelines  Visuals/Posters in various font and picture sizes  Charts/Diagrams/Graphic Organizers  Resource Links for Easy Access  Highlight Important areas of text www. moma.com.
  • 6. + Examples of Instructional Methods and Technology used for Multiple Means of Expression (Principle 2) How can a teacher provide options for actions and expression to help capitalize on strengths not weaknesses? GIVE A CHOICE!  Write: handwritten, word processing, audio to text  Create: by hand, digitally, photographically, 3-D design, video  Record: narrate, digital story, Voicethread, video
  • 7. + Examples of Instructional Methods and Technology used for Multiple Means of Engagement (Principle 3) How can a teacher spark interest, motivate, and engage diverse learners? Interest, Effort, Self Monitoring  Interest: Interweave students interests into lesson (ie: sports, music, art for greater autonomy and choice). Use internet to research and find more information to integrate or ask students.  Motivate: by using ongoing feedback in class and also digitally through blogging. Create a digital portfolio so students see progress. Encourage peer feedback through peer critiques and online dialog. Create online quizzes or skill sheets to demonstrate mastery and increase confidence.  Self-Monitor: Provide rubrics, online games/quizzes, daily goal sheets, to help students stay on task. Modify scaffold if student is struggling and provide options to help student overcome obstacle or disability.
  • 8. + The central role of technology is that it enables a teacher to easily offer multiple means of learning. Students can read, watch, interact, and simulate with technology to learn content using their strengths in their preferred learning styles. Digital materials make it possible for the same material to be flexibly presented and accessed—even adapted on a student-to-student basis (Strangman& Meyer 2003).  Watch this short video which offers more input on Technology in UDL Technology and UDL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLHYbCMOCBo
  • 9. + These are just a few simple technologies that can expand learning and engage all senses in a multitude of activities.
  • 10. + How could UDL Impact Student Learning in LVMS?  Increase motivation and engagement of middle school students by offering choices.  No more “cookie-cutter” lessons. Lessons are modified to support all types of learners utilizing many forms of technology.  All approaches to learning are considered so students feel more comfortable in using and building upon their strengths.  Students receiving ongoing feedback from teacher, peers, and the global community, to have a clearer picture of their progress and daily goals.  Increased skills in technology and communication that have real world applications.  Students become more confident, self-directed learners.
  • 11. + Brain Research and the What, How and Why of Learning The three networks of RECOGNITION, STRATEGIC, and AFFECTIVE are interconnected and distribute processing. How we identify How we organize How we motivate and express and encourage Chart found on: http://www.uvm.edu/~cdci/universaldesign/images/3_brain_networks.png
  • 12. + How can UDL support cultural, and linguistic diversity?  Cultural: Research culture to include interests and diversity into lesson. Take virtual tours of various countries to understand cultures.  Linguistic: Use online translation tools. According to M.D.Roblyer and A.H Doering (2012) According to M.D.Roblyer and A.H Doering (2012), These are among the most common free language translation tools on the web : Babel Fish (http://babelfish.yahoo.com/) Free Translator (http://www.free-translator.com) Free Translation (http://www.freetranslation.com) World Lingo (http://www.worldlingo.com) Education .com Translation tools http://www.education.com/reference/article/translation-tools-internet-language/
  • 13. + How can UDL support academic diversity?  Provides multiple examples of learning content in multiple media and formats. (Rose & Meyer, 2002) Examples: audio, visual aids, podcasts, ebooks, virtual tours  Provides flexible models of skilled performance and opportunities to practice skills. (2002) Examples: step by step demonstrations, modeling, screencasts  Provides opportunity to practice and support feedback. (2002) Examples: online quizzes, games, blog interaction  Provides different levels of challenge. (2002 Examples: scaffold learning per style, enrichment lessons for G&T students.  Provide choice of content and tools. (2002) Examples: PowerPoint, Hyperstudio, hand-drawn, digitally drawn 3-D models, Voicethreads.
  • 14. + Implications Addressing Brain Research and Instruction Rose & Meyer (2002) summed it up when they stated that when affective engagement links background knowledge with strategies and recognition tasks, students are more likely to build skills, sustain interest and deeper understanding. Flexibility is the Key! Both teacher and student must be flexible Materials must be flexible Teaching and learning methods must be flexible Support methods must be flexible Image found on:http://youngmillionairegroup.com/blog/files/2008/08/the-key-to-success.png
  • 15. + Top Ten Reasons Technology is Important in Implementing UDL 1. Provides multiple ways to learn content. 2. Provides opportunities to collaborate and share. 3. Provides opportunities to easily expand vocabulary and resources. 4. Increases important 21st century technical skills. 5. Flexibility of tools. 6. Allows engagement in different modes of learning. 7. Technology is available to fit individual learning styles or disabilities. 8. Provides more self monitoring and student autonomy. 9. Provides more independent learning through exploration. 10. It is a lot more engaging for middle school than books and lectures!
  • 16. + CAST Online Tools and Resources My Top Three Useful Resources LESSON BUILDER http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/images/home/cast.png Explore exemplars of UDL incorporated lessons Create your own lesson that can be saved and edited. CURRICULUM BARRIER TEMPLATE http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/curriculumbarrierstemplate.cfm Watch tutorial and download template to identify barriers in learning for your students. Review examples of methods and materials of other educators. UDL SOLUTIONS FINDER http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/udlsolutionsfinder.cfm Tutorial helps you practice applying the 3 principles of UDL. The downloadable template helps you to develop appropriate UDL solutions suitable for your classroom.
  • 17. + One Last Note I have always used this poster as an inspiration in my art room and I now can see how easy it will be to incorporate the 3 UDL principles to each step of the creative process. Food for thought: How can you implement UDL into your curriculum to most benefit all your students? Poster found on: http://www.cast.org/teachingeverys tudent/tools/udlsolutionsfinder.cf
  • 18. + Web Sources Slide 4 http://udlinformationandresources.wikispaces.com/ Slide 5 http://www.winstonnoronha.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/engagement-in-lrng4.jpg Slide 8 Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2003). Differentiated instruction and implications for UDL implementation. Wakefield, MA: National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. Retrieved July 14,2012 fromhttp://aim.cast.org/learn/historyarchive/backgroundpapers/differentiated Slide 9 http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NTAK0A-NO_0/T5wqA2ZppvI/AAAAAAAAASE/R3EshhQG6VE/s1600/Audio+Books.jpg http://www.sbcc.edu/healthservices/images/cool-videos.png http://imgc.allpostersimages.com/images/P-473-488-90/27/2744/P2BTD00Z/posters/j-howard-miller-we-can-do-it-rosie-the- riveter.jpg http://www.davenportschoolofthearts.com/Arts/images/v_art_chart.jpg Slide 11 http://www.uvm.edu/~cdci/universaldesign/images/3_brain_networks.png Slide 12 http://www.education.com/reference/article/translation-tools-internet-language/ Slide 13 Rose,D., Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Retrieved from http:/ www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/ideas/tes/ Slide 16 http://lessonbuilder.cast.org/images/home/cast.png http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/curriculumbarrierstemplate.cfm http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/udlsolutionsfinder.cf Slide 18 http://www.cast.org/teachingeverystudent/tools/udlsolutionsfinder.cf