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“Trends in Change adoptions practices”
Ashim Srivastava
Introduction to Change Management
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
Change management is the approach to transitioning individual, team and organization towards desired future state.
What is Change Management?
• A method for reducing and
managing resistance to change.
• A necessary component for any
organizational performance
improvement process.
• The process how we drive the
adoption and usage we need to
realize business results.
What isn’t Change Management?
• A stand-alone process for
designing a business solution.
• A stand-alone technique for
improving organizational
• A process improvement method.
Prosci’s Change Management Process
Introduction to Change Management
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
Change management focuses on people, and is about ensuring change is thoroughly, smoothly and lastingly implemented.
Change management objectives-
• Sponsorship
• Buy-in
• Involvement
• Impact
• Communication
• Readiness
Ensuring there is clear expression of the reasons for change, and helping the sponsor communicate this
Identifying "change agents"
Assessing all the stakeholders and defining the nature of sponsorship, involvement and communication that will be required
Planning the involvement and project activities of the change sponsor(s)
Planning how and when the changes will be communicated, and delivering the communications messages.
Assessing the impact of the changes on people and the organization's structure.
Planning activities needed to address the impacts of the change
Ensuring that people involved and affected by the change understand the process change
Identifying and agreeing the success indicators for change, and ensure they are regularly measured and reported on.
Activities involved in making change a
Change Management Adoption Strategies
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
Chin and Benne (1984) outlined three meta-approaches to the implementation of change in social and organizational contexts.
Strategy Selection Considerations-
• Degree of Change
• Degree of Resistance
• Population
• Stakes
• Time Frame
• Expertise
• Dependency
•People are rational beings, will follow self interest.
•Success is based on communication of information and offering of incentives.
•People are social beings and will adhere to social norms.
•Success is based on redefining and reinterpreting existing norms and values.
Normative-Re educative
•People are generally compliant and will generally do what they are told to do.
•Success is based on implementation of authority and imposition of sanctions.
•People oppose loss and disruptions but adapt readily to new circumstances.
•Success is based on creating a new organization and gradually shifting people from old to new environment.
•Being purposeful and being aware.
• There is no single strategy for
managing a change.
• There may be a grand
strategy, but for an initiative
mix of strategies is needed.
Change Management Models
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
Models of change management are useful in that they describe and simplify a process so that principles can be understood and applied.
Kurt Lewin’s Unfreeze-
• Unfreeze
• Transition
• Refreeze
ADKAR model
• Awareness
• Knowledge
• Desire
• Ability
• Reinforcement
McKinsey 7-S Model
• Shared Values
• Strategy
• Structure
• Systems
• Style
• Staff
• Skills
Kotter’s 8 Step Change
• Increase the urgency
• Change management coalition
• Create the vision for change
• Communicate the change vision
• Empower staff
• Create short term goals.
• Consolidate and produce more
• Instill the change in culture.
Latest Trends in Adoption in CM
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
Top 10 trends in change management in 2014
 Awareness
• Greater awareness of the need for and value of change
 Competency and leadership development
• Training, skills development, leadership pipeline planning,
succession planning
 Resource utilization-
• Human resources and physical resources
• Establishment of change management group
• Underestimation and allocation of change management resources
 Change saturation
 Integration with project management
 Increased usage of structured methodology, tools and language
 Management of portfolio of change
Greater awareness of the need for and value of change management
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Awareness as well as urgency for change is the critical factor for incorporating and sustaining the
 Answers the primary question – “ Why we need change”
 Effects of overlooking this-
• Microsoft leading operator in PC’s and laptop overlooked the advent of android in mobile
• Kodak was not able to in-vision the power of digital camera and relied on existing film rolls
 Effects of being aware of future change needs –
• Capitalizing in tremendous increase in usage of mobile s and its utilities – successful merger
of WhatsApp- $22 billion
Change management – Stakeholders and competency development
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Competent trainer – Train the trainer for the change management.
 Start with appreciation of the importance of change management competencies throughout the
 Be strategic on where, what and how to train
 Build competencies at multiple levels in the organization – from the CEO to blue coloured workers
 P&G acquisition of Warner Lambert Co.
Issues –
• Dilution of core business due to venture in pharmaceutical industry
• Resignation of CEO- Durk I.Jager , controls to A.G. Lafley
• Stakeholders dumped the stocks and profitability declined
• Dissolution of strategies not generating revenues
• Leadership development and training for developing talent pipeline
Change management – Dedication of resources, change management group
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Starts with appreciation that change management delivers value and hence it is good to invest in
the change
 Hybrid structure – dedicated human resource
 Shared services – technology, manpower, R&D
 Decide on best resourcing model Action items: Decide on best resourcing model
 Consider the influencing and constraining factors
 Distillery bottling company-
 New technology of multifeed distilling to overcome erratic availability of raw material
 Shared information- Delphi technique , Union workers involvement in decision making
 Research and development
 Redundant workers- training and job rotation
Change Saturation
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Change saturation results from two distinct elements –
• change capacity (how much change can we handle) and change disruption (how much
change is occurring).
 Change saturation - Change disruption > Change capacity.
 Why change saturation occurs?
• The amount of change is on the rise in most organizations
• Project teams focus on their own solutions without thinking about the cumulative impact
• No one is looking at the cumulative impact in the organization
 Effect of change saturation
• Automatic resistance
• Lack of focus on operations
• Attrition and turnover
• Low morale throughout the organization
• Changes were viewed as distractions
 China youth survey 2013-14- 600,000 youths died due to over-fatigue, heart failures and anxiety
Use of structured methodology, tools and language
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Nearly 80% of study participants utilized a structured approach .
 Nearly six in 10 projects are utilizing a structured change methodology
 The use of a structured approach to change management was cited as the No. 2 contributor to success
(behind active and visible executive sponsorship).
 “Change Management Tools” rated as one of the most important tools added to the
Portfolio of tools available with Bain & Co.
Best Practices study Percentage of participants that followed a particular CM methodology
2003 34%
2008 58%
2011 72%
Change PortfolioManagement
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
• Organizations today are facing, and creating, more change than ever before.
• The frequency, number, size and importance of change all continue to increase.
• Project teams are consumed with finding the right solution to the opportunity or issue they are
addressing with their projects.
• Managers and supervisors are working to keep the business running while implementing changes to how
that work gets done.
• The unfortunate reality, though, is that no one is keeping tabs on all of the change happening - the
portfolio of change.
• Front-line employees are often the only ones who know how much change is actually occurring because
they are the ones who encounter it each and every day.
• Reasons why Change Portfolio Management is needed-
The ever increasing
amount of change
organizations are
The potential for
change saturation
The consequences
of change collision
Integration with project management
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Changing business environment has caused many companies to shift from being operations focused to
being project driven( Jarocki, 2011).
 Turner (2009) - continuous change in organizations requires project-oriented management as the
“control and monitor model” is no longer sufficient.
 In Traditional PM focus is on tactics and results vis a vis CM where
• CM professionals are traditionally from social sciences and humanities backgrounds and have a
tendency to avoid the task and process-orientated approach
• By placing a much stricter emphasis on the human, political and organizational change
 Implementing and coordinating the logistics of a complex change project requires PM skills to plan and
execute the change initiative (Kotter and Dan, 2002).
 Therefore,
• whilst PM processes and techniques are ideally suited to CM, its techniques are also valuable.
• CM and PM are no more mutually exclusive.
Integration with project management
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
 Example – IT organizations have propagated the idea of handling changes as a project which is more and
more being adapted by manufacturing organizations and other domains.
Integration with project management
Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption
Uh13012 ashim srivastava l&t infotech

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  • 1. “Trends in Change adoptions practices” Ashim Srivastava XIMB
  • 2. Introduction to Change Management Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption Change management is the approach to transitioning individual, team and organization towards desired future state. What is Change Management? • A method for reducing and managing resistance to change. • A necessary component for any organizational performance improvement process. • The process how we drive the adoption and usage we need to realize business results. What isn’t Change Management? • A stand-alone process for designing a business solution. • A stand-alone technique for improving organizational performance. • A process improvement method. Reinforce Change Manage Change Prepare for Change Prosci’s Change Management Process
  • 3. Introduction to Change Management Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption Change management focuses on people, and is about ensuring change is thoroughly, smoothly and lastingly implemented. Change management objectives- • Sponsorship • Buy-in • Involvement • Impact • Communication • Readiness Ensuring there is clear expression of the reasons for change, and helping the sponsor communicate this Identifying "change agents" Assessing all the stakeholders and defining the nature of sponsorship, involvement and communication that will be required Planning the involvement and project activities of the change sponsor(s) Planning how and when the changes will be communicated, and delivering the communications messages. Assessing the impact of the changes on people and the organization's structure. Planning activities needed to address the impacts of the change Ensuring that people involved and affected by the change understand the process change Identifying and agreeing the success indicators for change, and ensure they are regularly measured and reported on. Activities involved in making change a success
  • 4. Change Management Adoption Strategies Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption Chin and Benne (1984) outlined three meta-approaches to the implementation of change in social and organizational contexts. Strategy Selection Considerations- • Degree of Change • Degree of Resistance • Population • Stakes • Time Frame • Expertise • Dependency Change Strategies- •People are rational beings, will follow self interest. •Success is based on communication of information and offering of incentives. Empirical-Rational •People are social beings and will adhere to social norms. •Success is based on redefining and reinterpreting existing norms and values. Normative-Re educative •People are generally compliant and will generally do what they are told to do. •Success is based on implementation of authority and imposition of sanctions. Power-Coercive •People oppose loss and disruptions but adapt readily to new circumstances. •Success is based on creating a new organization and gradually shifting people from old to new environment. Environmental-Adaptive •Being purposeful and being aware. Action-Oriented • There is no single strategy for managing a change. • There may be a grand strategy, but for an initiative mix of strategies is needed.
  • 5. Change Management Models Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption Models of change management are useful in that they describe and simplify a process so that principles can be understood and applied. Kurt Lewin’s Unfreeze- Change-Refreeze model • Unfreeze • Transition • Refreeze ADKAR model • Awareness • Knowledge • Desire • Ability • Reinforcement McKinsey 7-S Model • Shared Values • Strategy • Structure • Systems • Style • Staff • Skills Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model • Increase the urgency • Change management coalition • Create the vision for change • Communicate the change vision • Empower staff • Create short term goals. • Consolidate and produce more change • Instill the change in culture.
  • 6. Latest Trends in Adoption in CM Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption Top 10 trends in change management in 2014  Awareness • Greater awareness of the need for and value of change management  Competency and leadership development • Training, skills development, leadership pipeline planning, succession planning  Resource utilization- • Human resources and physical resources • Establishment of change management group • Underestimation and allocation of change management resources  Change saturation  Integration with project management  Increased usage of structured methodology, tools and language  Management of portfolio of change
  • 7. Greater awareness of the need for and value of change management Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Awareness as well as urgency for change is the critical factor for incorporating and sustaining the change.  Answers the primary question – “ Why we need change”  Effects of overlooking this- • Microsoft leading operator in PC’s and laptop overlooked the advent of android in mobile phones. • Kodak was not able to in-vision the power of digital camera and relied on existing film rolls  Effects of being aware of future change needs – • Capitalizing in tremendous increase in usage of mobile s and its utilities – successful merger of WhatsApp- $22 billion
  • 8. Change management – Stakeholders and competency development Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Competent trainer – Train the trainer for the change management.  Start with appreciation of the importance of change management competencies throughout the organization  Be strategic on where, what and how to train  Build competencies at multiple levels in the organization – from the CEO to blue coloured workers  P&G acquisition of Warner Lambert Co. Issues – • Dilution of core business due to venture in pharmaceutical industry • Resignation of CEO- Durk I.Jager , controls to A.G. Lafley • Stakeholders dumped the stocks and profitability declined Approach- • Dissolution of strategies not generating revenues • Leadership development and training for developing talent pipeline
  • 9. Change management – Dedication of resources, change management group Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Starts with appreciation that change management delivers value and hence it is good to invest in the change  Hybrid structure – dedicated human resource  Shared services – technology, manpower, R&D  Decide on best resourcing model Action items: Decide on best resourcing model  Consider the influencing and constraining factors  Distillery bottling company-  New technology of multifeed distilling to overcome erratic availability of raw material  Shared information- Delphi technique , Union workers involvement in decision making  Research and development  Redundant workers- training and job rotation
  • 10. Change Saturation Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Change saturation results from two distinct elements – • change capacity (how much change can we handle) and change disruption (how much change is occurring).  Change saturation - Change disruption > Change capacity.  Why change saturation occurs? • The amount of change is on the rise in most organizations • Project teams focus on their own solutions without thinking about the cumulative impact • No one is looking at the cumulative impact in the organization  Effect of change saturation • Automatic resistance • Lack of focus on operations • Attrition and turnover • Low morale throughout the organization • Changes were viewed as distractions  China youth survey 2013-14- 600,000 youths died due to over-fatigue, heart failures and anxiety
  • 11. Use of structured methodology, tools and language Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Nearly 80% of study participants utilized a structured approach .  Nearly six in 10 projects are utilizing a structured change methodology  The use of a structured approach to change management was cited as the No. 2 contributor to success (behind active and visible executive sponsorship).  “Change Management Tools” rated as one of the most important tools added to the Portfolio of tools available with Bain & Co. Best Practices study Percentage of participants that followed a particular CM methodology 2003 34% 2008 58% 2011 72%
  • 12. Change PortfolioManagement Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption • Organizations today are facing, and creating, more change than ever before. • The frequency, number, size and importance of change all continue to increase. • Project teams are consumed with finding the right solution to the opportunity or issue they are addressing with their projects. • Managers and supervisors are working to keep the business running while implementing changes to how that work gets done. • The unfortunate reality, though, is that no one is keeping tabs on all of the change happening - the portfolio of change. • Front-line employees are often the only ones who know how much change is actually occurring because they are the ones who encounter it each and every day. • Reasons why Change Portfolio Management is needed- The ever increasing amount of change organizations are facing The potential for change saturation The consequences of change collision
  • 13. Integration with project management Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Changing business environment has caused many companies to shift from being operations focused to being project driven( Jarocki, 2011).  Turner (2009) - continuous change in organizations requires project-oriented management as the “control and monitor model” is no longer sufficient.  In Traditional PM focus is on tactics and results vis a vis CM where • CM professionals are traditionally from social sciences and humanities backgrounds and have a tendency to avoid the task and process-orientated approach • By placing a much stricter emphasis on the human, political and organizational change considerations  Implementing and coordinating the logistics of a complex change project requires PM skills to plan and execute the change initiative (Kotter and Dan, 2002).  Therefore, • whilst PM processes and techniques are ideally suited to CM, its techniques are also valuable. • CM and PM are no more mutually exclusive.
  • 14. Integration with project management Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption  Example – IT organizations have propagated the idea of handling changes as a project which is more and more being adapted by manufacturing organizations and other domains.
  • 15. Integration with project management Change Management CM Adoption Strategies CM Models Trends in CM Adoption