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Ukraine has excellent technical renewable energy potential, supportive government policies and a legislative
framework. In particular, the green feed-in-tariff supports renewable energies from solar, small hydro, biomass,
wind power and biogas. The feed-in tariff payments are constructed to 1 January 2030, ensuring the security of
long-term investment. In addition, the‘green tariff’is amended each month by the current exchange rate (hryv-
nia/€), but contains a guaranteed minimum floor. The World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business index ranks Ukraine
in 112th
position. From 2013 to 2014, the Dealing with Construction Permits indicator has seen the country’s
ranking rise by an impressive 145 places to 41st, while its position in the Registering Property indicator has also
risen by 61 places to 97th
spot (IFC &World Bank, 2014). It is likely that the previous lack of transparency and com-
plex permission granting process for renewable energy power plants is to be improved in the coming years.
General Country
Population: 45,593,300
Surface Area: 603,550 km²
Capital City: Kiev
GDP (2012): $ 176.3 billion
GDP Per Capita (2012): $ 3,867
WB Ease of Doing Business: 112
Sources: SAEEU(2013); Institute for Renewable Energy at NAS of Ukraine (2013);Trypolska (2012);WWEA (2013); EPIA (2013);World
Bank (2014); EIA (2010); EIA (2013); SRS NET & EEE (2008); Hoogwijk and Graus (2008); Hoogwijk (2004); JRC (2011); and UNDP cal-
R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T :
Key information about renewable energy in Ukraine
Empowered lives.
Resilient nations.
RE Share
55,754 MW
Total Installed Capacity
Biomass Solar PV Wind Small Hydro
8 373 276 112
24,500 807,500 26,800 2,000
769 MW
Installed RE Capacity
Electricity Generating
Capacity 2012
Installed Renewable Electricity
Capacity 2012 in MW
Technical Potential for Installed
Renewable Electricity Capacity in MW
In its 2006 and 2009 Energy Strategies, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry declared that, by 2030, 19 percent
of total energy consumption and 10 percent of existing electricity capacity should come from renewable and
unconventional energy (OECD, 2012). Ukraine’s Draft Updated Energy Strategy to 2030 (7 June 2012) provides
for a comprehensive programme of energy efficiency with a reduction in energy consumption in the economy
by 30 percent to 35 percent by 2030 (ECS, 2013). Ukraine has also committed itself to implement EU Directive
2009/28/EC and amendments to Article 20 of the Energy Community Treaty. Ukraine’s share of energy derived
from renewable sources was set at 11 percent for 2020 (EC, 2012).The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible for
policy coordination and oversight of state energy companies. The Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry is re-
sponsible for the country’s overall energy policy and grid management. In addition to the feed-in tariff, there are
several tax incentives on renewable energy projects. For instance, VAT is exempted from imported equipment
and materials for construction of renewable energy plants. Taxes on land used for installed renewable energy
production are reduced by 25 percent. Equipment that consumes renewable energy is also exempt from VAT.
After the feed-in tariff support scheme was adjusted in December 2012, Local Content Requirements were im-
plemented. For power plants commissioned after 1 January 2013, the feed-in tariff is only available if the total
construction costs include 30 percent of Ukrainian raw materials, fixed assets and services. That share has been
increased to 50 percent for power plants commissioned after 1 January 2014. Additionally, solar power plants
commissioned after 1 January 2013 (1 January 2014) are only eligible for the green tariff, if the installed photo-
voltaic modules contain 30 percent (50 percent) of Ukrainian raw and other materials in their production costs
(Imepower, 2013).
Legislation and policy
Feed-in tariff in Ukraine
R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T :
Green Tariffs in € / MW-h
31 March
1 April 2013
31 Dec 2014
01 Jan 2015
31 Dec 2019
01 Jan 2020
31 Dec 2024
01 Jan 2025
31 Dec 2029
Wind <600 kW
>600 kW <2 MW
>2 MW
Biomass 123.9 123.9 111.5 99.1 86.7
Biogas - 123.9 111.5 99.1 86.7
Solar (Ground
465.3 339.3 305.3 271.4 237.5
Solar (on roofs
or facades of
<10 kW
<100 KW
>100 kW
Hydro Micro
Source: Imepower (2013)
Organization Responsibility Website
Ministry of Energy
and Coal Industry
- Defines the overall energy policy and legislation http://mpe.kmu.gov.ua/
Ministry of Ecology
and Natural Resources
- Responsible for licencing and agreements for shar-
ing production, hydrocarbon development and for
climate change policy
Ministry of Finance - Responsible for energy sector taxation www.minfin.gov.ua/
National Electricity
Regulatory Committee
- Grants business licences to investors
- Grants the‘green tariff’
- Grants grid access
State Agency on Energy
Efficiency and Energy
Savings of Ukraine (SAEEU)
- Develops investments polices on energy efficiency
and renewable energies
State Environmental Invest-
ment Agency of Ukraine
- Fulfils UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol requirements
- Establishes and operates national circulation and
trade of carbon credits
- Implements the joint implementation projects
NPC Ukrenergo - National grid operator, provides grid access www.ukrenergo.energy.gov.ua
Invest Ukraine - State agency responsible for consulting and attract-
ing foreign investors
Opportunities to finance renewable energy projects in Ukraine
Financing organization Details Website
Ukraine Energy Efficiency
Programme (UKEEP)
Provides loans up to $3 million from EBRD and free
technical advice for privately owned companies seek-
ing to invest in renewable energy projects.
Ukraine Sustainable Energy
Lending Facility (USELF)
Provides European Bank for Reconstruction and Devel-
opment loans from €1 million and free technical ad-
vice for small and medium renewable energy projects.
Nordic Environment Finance
Corporation (NEFCO)
Complements financing from other parties and/or fi-
nancial institutions for eligible projects that have a
Nordic company or institution as business partner.
Green Growth Fund Provides direct and indirect (through financial inter-
mediaries) financing for small scale renewable energy
projects usually not larger than EUR 50 million.
European Bank
for Reconstruction
and Development
Provides renewable energy developers with equity,
loans and loan guarantees for projects with good
commercial prospects of up to 15 years’duration.
Energy Community (EC), 2012: Energy Community
Ministerial Council adopts Renewable Energy 2020
targets. Available at: www.energy-community.org/
Energy Charter Secretariat (ECS), 2013: In-Depth Review
of the Energy Efficiency Policy of Ukraine. Available at:
European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA),
2013: Global Market Outlook For Photovoltaics 2013-
2017. Available at:
Hoogwijk, M., 2004: On the global and regional
potential of renewable energy sources. Utrecht:
Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Scheikunde. Dissertation.
Available at: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl
Hoogwiijk, M. andW. Graus, 2008: Global Potential of
Renewable Energy Sources: A Literature Assessment.
Available at: www.ecofys.com/files/files
Imepower, 2013: Opportunities for International
Investors. Available at:
Institute for Renewable Energy at NAS of Ukraine, 2013:
Development or renewable energy in Ukraine as a
contribution to environmental stability in Europe and
development of new models of cooperation in energy
sector. Presented at the 21st OSCE Economic And
Environmental Forum first Preparatory meeting.
Available at: www.osce.org/eea/99193
International Finance Corporation (IFC) andWorld Bank,
2014: Doing Business – Measuring Business Regulations.
Available at:
Joint Research Centre of the European Commission
(JRC), 2011:Technical Assessment of the Renewable
Energy Action Plans. Available at:
OECD, 2012: Private Sector Development Policy
Handbook - Attracting Investment in Renewable Energy
in Ukraine. Available at: www.oecd.org/countries
Scientific Reference System on New Energy
Technologies, Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy
(SRS NET & EEE), 2008:WP3-Technology data - Executive
Summary on Small Hydro. Available at:
State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy saving of
Ukraine (SAEEU), 2013. Available at:
Trypolska, G., 2012: Feed-in tariff in Ukraine:The only
driver of renewables’industry growth? In: Energy Policy
(45): 645-653
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2010:
Electricity Data -Total Electricity Installed Capacity.
Available at:
U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2013:
Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the
Annual Energy Outlook 2013. Available at:
World Bank, 2014: Data Catalog. Available at:
WorldWind Energy Association (WWEA), 2013: 2012
Annual Report. Available at: www.wwindea.org/
Recent projects
Company Project Status
Ekotechnik Czech
(Czech Republic)
A 5 MW solar power plant was put into operation in
Activ Solar
Completed the 43.1 MW Dunayskaya solar power
plant in the Odessa region.
Guris (Turkey) and Green-
worx (Belgium)
A 126 MW Western Crimean Wind Power Plant being
considered by IFC and the Ukraine Sustainable Energy
Lending Facility.
Under development
Financing organization Details Website
International Finance
Corporation (IFC)
Through the Sustainable Energy Finance Program, IFC
helps product developers to build relationships with
potential financial institutions. Selected Ukrainian fi-
nancial institutions are provided with credit lines and

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  • 1. Ukraine has excellent technical renewable energy potential, supportive government policies and a legislative framework. In particular, the green feed-in-tariff supports renewable energies from solar, small hydro, biomass, wind power and biogas. The feed-in tariff payments are constructed to 1 January 2030, ensuring the security of long-term investment. In addition, the‘green tariff’is amended each month by the current exchange rate (hryv- nia/€), but contains a guaranteed minimum floor. The World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business index ranks Ukraine in 112th position. From 2013 to 2014, the Dealing with Construction Permits indicator has seen the country’s ranking rise by an impressive 145 places to 41st, while its position in the Registering Property indicator has also risen by 61 places to 97th spot (IFC &World Bank, 2014). It is likely that the previous lack of transparency and com- plex permission granting process for renewable energy power plants is to be improved in the coming years. Ukraine General Country Information Population: 45,593,300 Surface Area: 603,550 km² Capital City: Kiev GDP (2012): $ 176.3 billion GDP Per Capita (2012): $ 3,867 WB Ease of Doing Business: 112 Sources: SAEEU(2013); Institute for Renewable Energy at NAS of Ukraine (2013);Trypolska (2012);WWEA (2013); EPIA (2013);World Bank (2014); EIA (2010); EIA (2013); SRS NET & EEE (2008); Hoogwijk and Graus (2008); Hoogwijk (2004); JRC (2011); and UNDP cal- culations. R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T : Key information about renewable energy in Ukraine Empowered lives. Resilient nations. 1.4% RE Share 55,754 MW Total Installed Capacity Biomass Solar PV Wind Small Hydro 8 373 276 112 24,500 807,500 26,800 2,000 769 MW Installed RE Capacity Electricity Generating Capacity 2012 Installed Renewable Electricity Capacity 2012 in MW Technical Potential for Installed Renewable Electricity Capacity in MW
  • 2. In its 2006 and 2009 Energy Strategies, the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry declared that, by 2030, 19 percent of total energy consumption and 10 percent of existing electricity capacity should come from renewable and unconventional energy (OECD, 2012). Ukraine’s Draft Updated Energy Strategy to 2030 (7 June 2012) provides for a comprehensive programme of energy efficiency with a reduction in energy consumption in the economy by 30 percent to 35 percent by 2030 (ECS, 2013). Ukraine has also committed itself to implement EU Directive 2009/28/EC and amendments to Article 20 of the Energy Community Treaty. Ukraine’s share of energy derived from renewable sources was set at 11 percent for 2020 (EC, 2012).The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible for policy coordination and oversight of state energy companies. The Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry is re- sponsible for the country’s overall energy policy and grid management. In addition to the feed-in tariff, there are several tax incentives on renewable energy projects. For instance, VAT is exempted from imported equipment and materials for construction of renewable energy plants. Taxes on land used for installed renewable energy production are reduced by 25 percent. Equipment that consumes renewable energy is also exempt from VAT. After the feed-in tariff support scheme was adjusted in December 2012, Local Content Requirements were im- plemented. For power plants commissioned after 1 January 2013, the feed-in tariff is only available if the total construction costs include 30 percent of Ukrainian raw materials, fixed assets and services. That share has been increased to 50 percent for power plants commissioned after 1 January 2014. Additionally, solar power plants commissioned after 1 January 2013 (1 January 2014) are only eligible for the green tariff, if the installed photo- voltaic modules contain 30 percent (50 percent) of Ukrainian raw and other materials in their production costs (Imepower, 2013). Legislation and policy Feed-in tariff in Ukraine R E N E W A B L E E N E R G Y S N A P S H O T : Eligible technologies Installed capacity Green Tariffs in € / MW-h Until 31 March 2013 1 April 2013 to 31 Dec 2014 01 Jan 2015 to 31 Dec 2019 01 Jan 2020 to 31 Dec 2024 01 Jan 2025 to 31 Dec 2029 Wind <600 kW >600 kW <2 MW >2 MW 64.6 75.4 113.1 64.6 75.4 113.1 58.2 67.9 101.8 51.7 60.3 90.5 45.2 52.8 79.2 Biomass 123.9 123.9 111.5 99.1 86.7 Biogas - 123.9 111.5 99.1 86.7 Solar (Ground Mounted) 465.3 339.3 305.3 271.4 237.5 Solar (on roofs or facades of buildings) <10 kW <100 KW >100 kW - 426.5 445.9 358.6 358.6 348.9 322.8 322.8 314.1 286.9 286.9 279.2 251 251 244.3 Hydro Micro Mini Small 116.3 116.3 116.3 193.9 155.1 116.1 174.5 139.6 104.7 155.1 124.1 93.1 135.7 108.6 81.4 Source: Imepower (2013)
  • 3. Ukraine Institutions Organization Responsibility Website Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry - Defines the overall energy policy and legislation http://mpe.kmu.gov.ua/ Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources - Responsible for licencing and agreements for shar- ing production, hydrocarbon development and for climate change policy www.menr.gov.ua/ Ministry of Finance - Responsible for energy sector taxation www.minfin.gov.ua/ National Electricity Regulatory Committee (NERC) - Grants business licences to investors - Grants the‘green tariff’ - Grants grid access www.nerc.gov.ua/ State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy Savings of Ukraine (SAEEU) - Develops investments polices on energy efficiency and renewable energies www.saee.gov.ua/en/ State Environmental Invest- ment Agency of Ukraine (SEIA) - Fulfils UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol requirements - Establishes and operates national circulation and trade of carbon credits - Implements the joint implementation projects www.seia.gov.ua/nature/control/en.index NPC Ukrenergo - National grid operator, provides grid access www.ukrenergo.energy.gov.ua Invest Ukraine - State agency responsible for consulting and attract- ing foreign investors www.investukraine.com/ Opportunities to finance renewable energy projects in Ukraine Financing organization Details Website Ukraine Energy Efficiency Programme (UKEEP) Provides loans up to $3 million from EBRD and free technical advice for privately owned companies seek- ing to invest in renewable energy projects. www.ukeep.org/ Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility (USELF) Provides European Bank for Reconstruction and Devel- opment loans from €1 million and free technical ad- vice for small and medium renewable energy projects. www.uself.com.ua/ Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) Complements financing from other parties and/or fi- nancial institutions for eligible projects that have a Nordic company or institution as business partner. www.nefco.org/ Green Growth Fund Provides direct and indirect (through financial inter- mediaries) financing for small scale renewable energy projects usually not larger than EUR 50 million. www.ggf.lu/ European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Provides renewable energy developers with equity, loans and loan guarantees for projects with good commercial prospects of up to 15 years’duration. www.ebrd.com/pages/workingwithus/pro jects.shtml
  • 4. Ukraine References Energy Community (EC), 2012: Energy Community Ministerial Council adopts Renewable Energy 2020 targets. Available at: www.energy-community.org/ portal/page/portal/ENC_HOME/NEWS/News_Details ?p_new_id=6342 Energy Charter Secretariat (ECS), 2013: In-Depth Review of the Energy Efficiency Policy of Ukraine. Available at: www.encharter.org/fileadmin/user_upload/ Publications/Ukraine_EE_2013_ENG.pdf European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), 2013: Global Market Outlook For Photovoltaics 2013- 2017. Available at: www.epia.org/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u= 0&file=/uploads/tx_epiapublications/GMO_2013_- _Final_PDF_01.pdf&t=1371545969&hash=b8a6b70a25 a6f556f849eef7de6b2b44033e143a Hoogwijk, M., 2004: On the global and regional potential of renewable energy sources. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, Faculteit Scheikunde. Dissertation. Available at: http://igitur-archive.library.uu.nl /dissertations/2004-0309-123617/full.pdf Hoogwiijk, M. andW. Graus, 2008: Global Potential of Renewable Energy Sources: A Literature Assessment. Available at: www.ecofys.com/files/files /report_global_potential_of_renewable_energy_sourc es_a_literature_assessment.pdf Imepower, 2013: Opportunities for International Investors. Available at: http://imepower.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/platts- eiee-ukraine-renewables-2013-01-11.pdf Institute for Renewable Energy at NAS of Ukraine, 2013: Development or renewable energy in Ukraine as a contribution to environmental stability in Europe and development of new models of cooperation in energy sector. Presented at the 21st OSCE Economic And Environmental Forum first Preparatory meeting. Available at: www.osce.org/eea/99193 International Finance Corporation (IFC) andWorld Bank, 2014: Doing Business – Measuring Business Regulations. Available at: www.doingbusiness.org/data/exploreeconomies/russia/ Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC), 2011:Technical Assessment of the Renewable Energy Action Plans. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/jrc/downloads/jrc_reference _report_2011_reap.pdf OECD, 2012: Private Sector Development Policy Handbook - Attracting Investment in Renewable Energy in Ukraine. Available at: www.oecd.org/countries /ukraine/UkraineRenewableEnergy.pdf Scientific Reference System on New Energy Technologies, Energy End-use Efficiency and Energy (SRS NET & EEE), 2008:WP3-Technology data - Executive Summary on Small Hydro. Available at: http://srs.epu.ntua.gr/Portals/SRS/material /technologyreview/Small%20Hydro.pdf State Agency on Energy Efficiency and Energy saving of Ukraine (SAEEU), 2013. Available at: http://saee.gov.ua/en/ Trypolska, G., 2012: Feed-in tariff in Ukraine:The only driver of renewables’industry growth? In: Energy Policy (45): 645-653 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2010: Electricity Data -Total Electricity Installed Capacity. Available at: www.eia.gov/cfapps/ipdbproject/IEDIndex3.cfm?tid= 2&pid=2&aid=7 U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), 2013: Levelized Cost of New Generation Resources in the Annual Energy Outlook 2013. Available at: www.eia.gov/forecasts/aeo/electricity_generation.cfm World Bank, 2014: Data Catalog. Available at: http://datacatalog.worldbank.org/ WorldWind Energy Association (WWEA), 2013: 2012 Annual Report. Available at: www.wwindea.org/ webimages/WorldWindEnergyReport2012_final.pdf Recent projects Company Project Status Ekotechnik Czech (Czech Republic) A 5 MW solar power plant was put into operation in Yasenovka. Commissioned Activ Solar (Austria) Completed the 43.1 MW Dunayskaya solar power plant in the Odessa region. Commissioned Guris (Turkey) and Green- worx (Belgium) A 126 MW Western Crimean Wind Power Plant being considered by IFC and the Ukraine Sustainable Energy Lending Facility. Under development Financing organization Details Website International Finance Corporation (IFC) Through the Sustainable Energy Finance Program, IFC helps product developers to build relationships with potential financial institutions. Selected Ukrainian fi- nancial institutions are provided with credit lines and assistance. www.ifc.org/