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Table of Contents
1. 10 Tips For A Successful Ppc Ad Campaign
2. Internet & Affiliate Marketing: Celebrate The Small Victories
3. Affiliate Tracking Software: How It Can Help You
4. Pay Per Click Advertising
5. Get more visitors to your website using free Traffic Exchanges
6. Making Your Affiliate Marketing Website Payoff!
7. How To Blog From Your Own Website
8. Text-Link Advertising: Making the Most of Your Budget
9. 100+ Resources for Your Online Business
10. Internet Marketing Made Easier Because Of A Reliable Affiliate Program
11. 3 Simple Steps To Building An Affiliate Empire
12. Want To Be A Stay At Home Mom Or Dad?
13. Making Headway on a Slow Day: 9 Ways to Turn Down-Time into Productivity Time
14. The Easy Way To Build A Viral E-book That Brings You Traffic
15. Information About Internet Marketing
16. Choosing an Affiliate Program
17. 4 Secret Selling Techniques You Must Implement
18. Affiliate Program-Information For All Beginners
19. The Principle Of Higher Self
20. Are You Content with Ryze? Leverage that Gold Membership & Make the Most of
Your Online Networking
21. Guide To Getting Linked
22. How To Choose The Best Home Based Business
23. Debt Consolidation Help: Become Debt Free!
24. Free Internet Marketing Articles!
25. Virtual Real Estate Investing in 2006 by Jack Humphrey
26. How To Choose Affiliate Banners For Your Site
27. Know When Two Sites Are Better Than One?
28. Adsense Arbitrage Voodoo Review - Hot Or Not?
29. Christian Home Based Business
30. Sityodtong Muay Thai Legacy
31. The Inside Scoop On Anti Virus Programs
32. The Affiliate Interview - Do you have what it takes?
33. Blogging For Bucks? Here's How To Use Social Network Sites To Promote
34. Make Your Fortune In A Paper Business
35. Search Engines & Web Directories
36. Submitting Articles For Affiliate Cash
37. Would YOU Like To Work In The Comfort Of Youre Own Home ?
38. Back End Affiliate Marketing
39. Hocus Pocus...Your A Millionaire
40. Finding The Right Home Based Business
41. Rarely-Used But Very-Effective Internet Marketing Tools
42. Internet Marketing What Comes First?
43. Five Tips To Save Money While Shopping
44. Drop Shipping Your Way to Increased Sales & Profits...
45. Earn a respectable Extra Income
46. Making money from Keyword Adsense sites
47. Powerful Pay Per Click Tatic
48. Mobile casinos: Microgaming/Spin3 software.
49. Poker Affiliate Programs: Profitable Promotion Tactics For Generating Commissions
50. 50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing
1. 10 Tips For A Successful Ppc Ad Campaign
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1. When first starting out in the PPC search engines keep your bids close to $0.10 and
never pay over $0.30 until you gain more experience. If you find yourself to low on certain
keywords, just drop them and add more until you get your desired spots. Once you find
a winner, raise your bids to get more traffic.
2. You are shooting for at least a 40% and ideally a 50% return on your advertising
dollars. So if your selling a product that gives you a $20 commission, and a part...
Adsense, google, ppc, pay per click, adwords, overture
1. When first starting out in the PPC search engines keep your bids close to $0.10 and
never pay over $0.30 until you gain more experience. If you find yourself to low on certain
keywords, just drop them and add more until you get your desired spots. Once you find
a winner, raise your bids to get more traffic.
2. You are shooting for at least a 40% and ideally a 50% return on your advertising
dollars. So if your selling a product that gives you a $20 commission, and a particular
keyword takes 50 visitors to create a sale, than a 50% return would put your bid at no
higher than $0.20 per click.
3. Fund your accounts with the lowest possible amount allowable. This will help you get
started and get a feel for the system, without breaking the bank.
4. Never pay more than $50 on any particular ad without seeing a return on your
investment. You need to either change the ad or start promoting a new product.
5. A great way to maximize your profits is to run two separate ads for the same product
at the same time. This way you can see what ad is bringing in more sales. Drop the bad
ad and add a new one until you are satisfied with the results.
6. When you decide what website or websites to promote, take the time to read the
website and get familiar with it. Than pick your keywords and place your ads.
7. Make sure to keep up with your ads, watch them closely, and check your Affiliate
Affiliate Bank account to see if the ad is pulling it's weight.
8. Try to use your keywords in your ads as much as possible, it is known to give you a
better conversion rate.
9. Add new keywords to your ads as you find new ones and get rid of the ones that are
not producing. You need to maximize your profits whenever possible.
10. When you have an ad that's producing nice for you always be looking for the next hit,
this way you can have multiple streams of money coming in from different ads around
the clock.
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2. Internet & Affiliate Marketing: Celebrate The Small Victories
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Most internet marketing ventures start as one-man operations. When mistakes are
made, you know who to blame. But don't just beat yourself up, remember that when
progress is made, that was all you too. Celebrate the small victories.
When you are just starting in internet marketing, keeping a positive mindset can be a
crucial ingredient of long term survival. On or off the web, most new businesses do not
become profitable immediately. Sales can be mediocre as your marketing ...
internet marketing, affiliate marketing, marketing, marketers
Most internet marketing ventures start as one-man operations. When mistakes are
made, you know who to blame. But don't just beat yourself up, remember that when
progress is made, that was all you too. Celebrate the small victories.
When you are just starting in internet marketing, keeping a positive mindset can be a
crucial ingredient of long term survival. On or off the web, most new businesses do not
become profitable immediately. Sales can be mediocre as your marketing campaign gets
going, and if you didn't plan ahead for this fallow period you may begrudge the out-of-
pocket expenses that arise. It is easy to get discouraged.
Worse, many marketers lack basic support and encouragement. In a normal workplace
there are other employees to share the load and help solve problems. Not so for most
start-ups, and your personal support network may lack enthusiasm. Your friends may
think you're a sucker involved with some newfangled scam. Your family may worry that
your seemingly unprofitable internet career is interfering with your day job.
You must remember that you are your own manager, and good managers care about
their employees' morale and motivation. Notice and enjoy the small milestones in your
business as they pass by, whether it is finally getting your web design just right or
suddenly nailing the top search position on a good keyword. Reward yourself with a day
off or a good meal. Tell your friends about it even if their eyes glaze over; you listen to
their stories about their dull jobs, right?
Verbalizing your success is for your own benefit, and it can help you assess your
accomplishments and know when you've made real progress along your business plan.
Don't commit the common mistake of neglecting the hardest working, most under-
appreciated person in your employ - yourself.
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3. Affiliate Tracking Software: How It Can Help You
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If you own an online retail store or run an online business that sells a specific service, you
may be looking for ways to increase your sales. There are a number of different methods
that you can use to do this; however, one method is more effective than most. That
method is creating your own affiliate program. To determine whether or not you can
benefit from this advertising method, you are advised to learn more. You may end up
surprised with what you have learned http://www...
Affiliate Tracking Software: How It Can Help You
If you own an online retail store or run an online business that sells a specific service, you
may be looking for ways to increase your sales. There are a number of different methods
that you can use to do this; however, one method is more effective than most. That
method is creating your own affiliate program. To determine whether or not you can
benefit from this advertising method, you are advised to learn more. You may end up
surprised with what you have learned http://www.FreeAutoPress.org
Affiliate programs are designed to connect you with webmasters. Webmasters are
individuals who own and operate their own online websites. Online, there are an unlimited
number of websites. Many of these websites have different focuses, but there is a
good chance that some of those websites are, in one way or another, related to your
business. By striking a partnership with one of those webmasters, you may be able to
increase your own sales. However, to make a partnership with webmasters, you often
have to give them something in return. That is where the affiliate programs come in.
With affiliate programs, you will provide webmasters with pre-made banners and links.
These banners often show pictures of the products or services that you offer for sale.
By placing your banners and links on a related website, especially one that receives a
large amount of internet traffic, you should also see an increase in your page views. If
you have a wide selection of products or services available for purchase, you may also
see an increase in sales.
They key to starting an affiliate partnership with webmasters is to offer them an
incentive. The incentive that works the best is money. By allowing your affiliate partner
to make money off of each sale that they bring in, you will not only make money, but
they will as well. For many business owners, maybe yourself included, the hardest part is
getting started. Many business owners automatically assume that it would be too
difficult to track how each sale was generated. This process can be difficult, unless you
use affiliate tracking software.
Affiliate tracking software programs are programs that designed to make it easier for all
business owners, just like you, to start their own affiliate program. These software
programs will often work in conjunction with your links, banners, and your website's
checkout program. Each time that a sale is generated, the software program will
automatically outline whether or not that sale was generated through one of your
affiliates. In addition to outlining which affiliate, if any, generated the sale, it will also
assign the appropriate amount of money to that affiliate. This can be done as soon you
enter your business and affiliate information into the software program.
When it comes to obtaining affiliate tracking software, you will need to decide which
type of software you would like to use. There are a number of individuals and companies
who have designed their own unique software. This software can often be purchased for
a reasonable price, online. The only problem with this software is that many programs
still require you to monitor and pay each affiliate on your own. However, there are
alternative software programs that will handle those important issues for you. This
software is often referred to as third party affiliate tracking software.
Third party affiliate tracking software is also known as an affiliate network. This is
because these types of companies will not only provide you with affiliate software, but
they also monitor almost all aspects of your affiliate program for you. In addition to
monitoring and outlining which affiliates helped you to generate sales, it also pays them
and keeps a detailed report of those payments. If you are looking for an affiliate
software program that requires little or no work, this may be your best option.
Regardless of which affiliate tracking software you choose to use, if you choose to use
any at all, you should be able to seen an increase in sales by starting your own affiliate
program. With a large number of webmasters looking to make money, you shouldn't have
a difficult time finding affiliates; in fact, many of them will come to you.
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4. Pay Per Click Advertising
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Pay per click advertising is one of the fastest growing sources of online advertising on
the Internet today. Pay per click advertising is very cost effective and the traffic you will
receive is all targeted to you products or services using keyword search technology.
There are many different pay per click advertising services to choose from search the
net and find the right company for you. I'll show you what to look for in a pay per click
search engine advertising company and how they work.
pay per Click advertising, pay per click advertising company, pay per click, payperclick
Pay per click advertising is one of the fastest growing sources of online advertising on
the Internet today. Pay per click advertising is very cost effective and the traffic you will
receive is all targeted to you products or services using keyword search technology.
There are many different pay per click advertising services to choose from search the
net and find the right company for you. I'll show you what to look for in a pay per click
search engine advertising company and how they work.
Why is pay per click advertising so popular? First of all it gives any small business a
chance to compete with large corporations who control the major search engine results.
There's a lot less work involved all you have to do is set up an account with any company
that's right for you, then create an ad with your selected related keywords and submit.
Then sit back and watch our traffic stats go though the roof.
Pay per click advertising companies provide targeted traffic to your website, meaning
everybody who comes to your website are looking for your products or services.
The price is right, one of the best qualities of pay per click advertising is that set your
daily limit to what you want. Spend as little as $10 a day and receive 1000 unique visitors
if your keyword bid is only $0.01 per click.
How dose pay per click advertising work? You as an advertiser bid on keywords related
to your website on a pay per click bases to receive targeted traffic. Say if your website
sells car Insurance you bid on "Car Insurance, Car, Insurance and so on in till you find as
many possible related phrases to your website as you can. Some keywords and phrases
will be more expensive then others depending on your competitions bid on the same
keyword or phrase. After you let your ad run for a couple days you start to see what
keyword work the best to bring traffic to your website. NOTE: try to keep keywords
related to your site that way people are actually looking to buy or find info on your
products or services.
How to pick the right pay per click advertising company? Personally I look for a company
that can provide me with low keyword bidding any where for $0.01 - $0.05 per click on
keywords for a minimum bid. Even If the pay per click advertising company can only send
you a hundred unique visitors a day it is way more cost effective in the long run compare
to paying a dollar a click with a larger company to get the same amount of traffic for
more money. Some pay per click advertising companies have affiliate programs allowing
you to earn free traffic by placing a search bar on your website, you earn credits towards
your pay per click account every time some one dose a search or clicks on a paying
averter. Now this is a must it will say some where on the site usually when your sign up
for your account that they are protected against click fraud, If not they can scam you
money. A promotional deal is always nice, when I sign up with a company it's good to get
a deal so you can try their services with out pay a lot or some times nothing.
There are many different forms of advertising online and in my experience pay per click
advertising has allowed me to keep up with my larger competitors with out breaking the
bank or a sweat. Pay per click advertising combined with other free methods of
advertising can bring thousands of visitor to your site a month with very little money
invested. Pay per click advertising is perfetct for small businesses it helped me and it
can easily help you.
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5. Get more visitors to your website using free Traffic Exchanges
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Trying to get traffic to your new website or to your gateway pages for an affiliate
program can be difficult if you are just starting out and have little or no advertising
budget. This article will explain how you can use traffic exchanges to get a steady
stream of visitors to your website, without having break your budget or spend hours on
end clicking away to get credits.
In simple terms, a traffic exchange is a place that you can join and view other members
web pages in exchange for having your own web page viewed. Every time you view
another member's web page for a period of time (e.g. 20 seconds) your balance of
credits increases. Every time a member views your web page for the same period of
time your credit balance decreases.
There are two main types of traffic exchanges - manual exchanges and auto exchanges.
A manual exchange requires a real human being to view the web page and click on a link
to proceed to the next web page, whereas an auto exchange can be left running in your
web browser and will automatically refresh to a new web page.
Although both of these methods will bring hits to your website, the use of a manual
exchange is far more likely to bring a visitor who will actually read what is on your web
page. The auto exchange user who leaves their computer on all night, surfing web pages
while they sleep is unlikely to buy your product! It is for this reason that I have not
ventured down the path of using auto exchanges.
So how do you go about choosing which traffic exchange(s) to use? First let's take a look
at the most common features of a traffic exchange, so you can differentiate between
the competition.
*Credit Surfing - all traffic exchanges allow you to earn credit in return for viewing other
member's web pages. Also look out for bonus credits. Many exchanges will give you
bonus credits for signing up, for surfing a certain number of pages, or for winning
competitions or sweepstakes.
*Minimum Time Limit - when surfing for credits, most traffic exchanges require you to
view a site for a minimum amount of time before you earn a credit. This is normally
somewhere between 10 and 30 seconds.
*Anti Cheat Mechanisms - to ensure that a real person is viewing your web site most
traffic exchanges employ anti cheating mechanisms. This usually means that instead of
clicking a "Next Site" button you have to click on a specific graphic such as a number,
letter, picture or coloured icon from a selection of a few, to proceed to the next site.
Repeated failure to do this correctly means suspension or termination of your account.
*Referring Others - this is the fastest way to build up your credits. Most traffic
exchanges provide you with referral pages and banners. You can use these to recruit
yourself a downline. When someone signs up from your promotional web page or banner
they are placed in your downline. This can earn you an immediate bonus plus a
percentage of your downline's credits e.g. 1 credit for every 10 sites surfed.
*Paid/Pro Memberships - most traffic exchanges offer paid memberships as well as free
memberships. Normally a paid membership earns you privileges such as an allocation of
credits per month plus an increased number of credits for your own surfing and the
surfing of your downline. Most exchanges also allow you to purchase extra credits. I don't
recommend going for a paid membership or buying credits until you have tried out the
traffic exchange for free first.
A quick search on Google, using the keywords "traffic exchange" will reveal almost
200,000 results, including hundreds of differently themed traffic exchange websites.
Within minutes you can sign up for an account, submit your URL and start surfing for
credits. Easy? Yes, but how do you know if this traffic exchange will give you results?
How do you choose between the hundreds of different traffic exchanges?
I use a report from a company called Traffic Hoopla (http://www.traffichoopla.com/cgi-
bin/p.cgi/6637/) to decide which traffic exchanges to sign up with. This report is updated
weekly with the top 50 traffic exchanges and the top 10 new traffic exchanges. You can
find out from this report who delivers the highest unique percentage of visitors and who
will deliver traffic to your website in a timely manner. Armed with this information you can
sign up for only the best traffic exchanges and get the biggest reward for your efforts.
Once you have signed up for some of the top traffic exchanges, you now need to earn
some credits. There are three ways to do this:
(1)Personally surf for credits (2)Purchase Credits (3)Build a downline
In the beginning you may want to set aside a few hours each week to personally surf for
some credits - in fact some traffic exchanges require you to surf a certain number of
sites to activate your account.
However, the best way to be successful with traffic exchanges is to build your own
downline. This way you can keep the credits flowing in by letting your downline do all the
clicking for you. You can do this by using the referral web pages of each of the traffic
exchanges that you have signed up with or you can sign up with Traffic Hoopla and
advertise the 50 best traffic exchanges in one go. I chose the latter method and after
signing up for the top 10 traffic exchanges I had over 60 people signed up under me in
the various programs after the first week. I can't quite put my feet up and stop surfing
yet, but every week I can spend less time clicking on traffic exchanges and more time
deciding how to use all my credits.
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6. Making Your Affiliate Marketing Website Payoff!
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When creating an affiliate marketing website, here are some valuable tips you should
know. The key to great performance is of course having the right product-and the right
marketing niche. Make sure that the content and links are easy to follow, user friendly,
and that there is key contact information for your customers to reach you with follow up
affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing website
When creating an affiliate marketing website, here are some valuable tips you should
know. The key to great performance is of course having the right product-and the right
marketing niche. Make sure that the content and links are easy to follow, user friendly,
and that there is key contact information for your customers to reach you with follow up
The headline of an affiliate website, or any website in general, should have a strong
headline that grabs the attention of the reader. This should be immediate. Studies rule
that the attention span of people surfing the net is far shorter than if reading a book or
newspaper. Make sure the content is such that a reader will want to read more.
Plan for solid endorsement content on your web page. As a rule people like to know what
others who have tried the product or service really feel about it. This is where having a
hybrid sales letter/article, will be the best way to quickly inform the reader of the
benefits of making a purchase. However, at this stage, the goal of an affiliate website
and its content should be working to build trust. What you'll be offering is content,
reviews, and articles that will help the buyer make a decision to purchase. This necessary
material will also provide search engines with the material that your prospects are
looking to find. In short, this means more traffic to the web site-and the results are
increased sales.
A good piece of advice is to also build in an informative FAQ section. A customer should
always have every available piece of information possible at their fingertips. A FAQ
section entails facts about the product and services and how they impact the
customer's level of satisfaction. This will keep them at the website.
Consider scripting support and e-commerce services as part of your affiliate marketing
website development plan. The scripting option will allow you to gather information on
the customers shopping habits. This can proves useful down the line when developing or
offering new products. Make sure you don't overdue it with the scripts though. Your
customers should not be caught in a snag if they want to depart.
There are even web page analyzer tools that can gauge how fast your page is
downloading. This information will reveal if the website is too busy. Customers will tend
to shy away from websites that take too long to download. Remember, you want the
customer to have easy and speedy access to the products or services. All of these
things are important because they allow you to know your business up close and
personal. And don't feel lacking if you're unfamiliar with some of these elements right
now. Knowledge comes with time, often by trial and error. The goal is to reduce the error
rate and maximize your time and money.
Don't be shy either in utilizing the links on your page to their maximum advantage. A
common mistake is to make the links too small or obscure at first. Try for a workable
balance of size and quantity that is proportional to other word content on the site. The
goal is to direct the reader to more information that can help them make a well-informed
decision. A well-informed decision results in a sale-that leads into repeat buys.
If you're serious about growing your affiliate marketing business, it'll help to have some
type of answering service also that can screen and direct inquiries if you're unavailable to
be on the other end. The most successful web sites understand this and provide
immediate access for the reader. This gives the impression that the website is run by a
professional. Once again, you'll be building the trust that allows the reader to ultimately
make a purchase.
What would turn people off from a potentially dynamic affiliate website, and from signing
on to an affiliate marketing program is too much initial hype. People can sense if the
message is all about signing up new prospects. There has to be sincerity about fulfilling a
need in the initial message conveyed. The goal is find buying customers-and to retain
them possibly as affiliates who will be as loyal and charged about the service as you are.
Another major turnoff is a pushy response to buy now. The buy now concept may work
on merchant web sites, but an affiliate marketing approach has to be far more subtle.
Remember, the primary goal of the affiliate marketing program is to win friends-and
influence people.
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7. How To Blog From Your Own Website
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If you know how to blog from your own website then you will have many options open to
you in the design and functionality of your blog that are not available on a hosted blog.
You can use Blogger from blogger.com or Wordpress from wordpress.com. Each has its
own peculiarities, benefits and disadvantages, such as the lack of trackback and
categories on Blogger, and the relatively poor raw html editing facility on Wordpress.
However, each has its fans and adherents, and thos...
how to blog, blogging, blogs, blog, blog from your own website, blog plugins, wordpress
If you know how to blog from your own website then you will have many options open to
you in the design and functionality of your blog that are not available on a hosted blog.
You can use Blogger from blogger.com or Wordpress from wordpress.com. Each has its
own peculiarities, benefits and disadvantages, such as the lack of trackback and
categories on Blogger, and the relatively poor raw html editing facility on Wordpress.
However, each has its fans and adherents, and those used to one or the other are
generally loathe to changing. Neither, however, offers the wide range of options open to
those that have chosen to run Wordpress or any other blogging software from their own
Those who use the hosted versions likely do so either because they have no need of the
options that the uploaded software offers, and are happy operating a blog using the
range of options offered by the blog host. Others might not have a website, and have
no intentions of having one because they have no need for their own site. Many bloggers
are not involved in internet marketing, and are not using their blogs to make money - not
even Adsense revenue.
They enjoy blogging about the political issues of the day, the latest movies and even
just their everyday lives. Others, however, use blogs professionally as part of their
business, and a blog is a great medium for advertising a business or a product. It is an
ideal way of linking several websites that have been designed to sell different products,
and even cover different niches. This is not easy to do without a blog, since search
engines such as Google frown on adverts on one website for anther site offering
information on a totally different topic.
What is regarded as a lack of relevance in a website is diversity in a blog. So how do you
go about running your blog from your own website? Wordpress.org offers free software
that you can upload to your own web space. The best way to do this is by use of an ftp
client. This is software that allows you transfer files and folders from your hard drive to
your website. It can also be used to transfer files from one website to another.
Upload facilities on websites allow you only to upload files, not folders or directories.
Without an ftp client, you would have to create folders identical to those containing the
Wordpress files. You would then have to upload each file individually, while maintaining
the original directory structure. This can take some time to do, and errors are easy to
make. Your first steps, then, are to download the blogging software to your hard disk,
then ftp it to your website. When doing this, your ftp software will also allow you to
change file permissions as detailed in the blog set up instructions. You will also have to
use a text editor to change the contents of a few files, but this is fairly simple to do.
You then have to create a MySQL database for your blog. MySQL is a powerful Open
Source Software database management system that uses SQL (structured query
language) that most normal web hosting services offer free on your web space. The
database is easy to set up by following the instructions that will likely be provided by
your web host.
After that you are all set. You can use the default page template that comes with
Wordpress, but you now have complete flexibility in the look and feel of your blog. You
can upload any of the thousands of free or paid templates available online, and also any
of the plugins that you want to use. You can edit all of the template elements you want
to completely customize them, including the stylesheet for the whole page, the header,
footer, sidebars and so on. You can add graphics, Adsense blocks, affiliate links and even
offer your own products for sale.
Plugins are software elements that provide specific resources to your blog. Examples
are calendars, anti-spam filters, RSS feeds, sitemap generators, tag systems and so on.
There are thousands of them that can be used to totally customize your blog.
If you have your own website and business, then a blog can be a very dangerous thing. It
can become so addictive that you can find yourself neglecting your website and
business and spending all your time blogging and trying out various plugins, templates
and themes.
Knowing how to blog from your blog from own website can be very useful, but make sure
that you budget your time on it. A blog is a great thing, but very addictive.
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8. Text-Link Advertising: Making the Most of Your Budget
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Make the most of your text-link advertising dollars with these tips.
text-link advertising, text link ad
Reading through a text-link advertising forum recently, I noticed a number of negative
posts. One post in particular stuck in my mind and I want to answer it here.
The poster had been frustrated with his results from a text-link ad campaign. He
mentioned that he was new to text-link advertising and he wasn't getting any results.
My short answer to him would be, "Your text-link ads can get results, but you have to
use the right text links and the right ads."
My long answer follows, in the form of five key tips for any text-link advertising
1-First, make sure you have a product that's good. In this case, your product is your
website. Make sure it's designed well, easy to navigate, with content people are
interested in. Nothing is worse for a bad website than a good text-link ad campaign--you
drive people to it once and then they never come back.
While you're at it, be sure your website is designed to encourage visitors to do what you
want them to do (i.e. click on CPC ads, buy your or your affiliate program's products,
etc.), ETHICALLY, of course.
2-Second, what's your ad campaign objective? Before you spend a penny on text-link
advertising, you need to decide what you want your ads to do for you. Do you just want
more traffic to your site? Or do you want people to take some action once they get to
your site (i.e., buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, etc.). Make sure you're clear on
what you want for your text-link ad dollars first.
3-Related to step 2, take advantage of any special features offered by the website
you've placed your text-link ads on--especially if they offer conversion tracking.
Conversion, for the uninitiated, means CONVERTING a visitor into either a customer
(they buy a product), a subscriber (they sign up for your newsletter) or whatever other
action you want to "CONVERT" your visitors into taking. Conversion tracking will help you
figure out which of your text-link ads are getting you the kind of visitors you want.
4-Test, test, test. The beauty of most text-link advertising is that it's not prohibitively
expensive to advertise or test your ads (as long as you watch your spending limits). If
you can, run a few different text-link ad variations.
Something to consider when creating your text-link ad: put yourself in your visitors'
shoes as much as possible. When you're just surfing the web casually or looking for
information in a broad sense, your searches tend to be broad, don't they? But when
you're ready to buy, or take some other action, your searches are more narrow and your
search terms are more specific to what you want.
For example, if you're casually interested in bicycles, you might search just using that as
your keyword, "bicycle." But once you've decided to buy a bike, you'll probably have
something more specific in mind: "red ten-speed bikes" or "Mike's Bike Shop."
If you want your visitors to do something specific at your website, then your text-link ad
should be as specific as possible.
Once you set up your text-link ad campaign, give it some time to see what ads work, at
least a week or preferably a couple of weeks. Be aware of the season, or if a holiday
weekend falls during your testing, as those factors will affect your text-link ads' results.
5-And last but not least, don't be afraid to make changes to your text-link ad campaign.
Just make sure they're incremental, and give each change some time to see if it works.
For example, pick the text-link ad that gives you the best conversion rate and tweak it,
while you drop the others. Change the times and days of the week it appears (if you can)
to find out when to schedule them. Or try another text-link ad variation.
Just make sure you make these changes to your text-link ads one at a time and keep
track of them (enter your text-link ad changes into a diary or journal, for example) so you
can easily measure their effect. A tweak as minor as changing a word or two in your text-
link ad could increase your conversion rate significantly. Or it might not. So keep track of
what works (and what doesn't so you don't repeat it).
Don't make the mistake that poster made, throwing money at his text-link advertising
and then cutting it off in frustration when it didn't work. Make sure to set up your text-
link ads properly and then tinker with them until you get the results you want.
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9. 100+ Resources for Your Online Business
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This week's article is going to be a list of helpful resources for your online business.
There are so many facets to this business and so many resources are needed. I hope
you find something useful in this column.
***Ezine Publishing and Promotion***
Text Editors
Ad Swaps
Ezine Announcement Lists
Ezine Directories
Ezine Content
Misc. Resources
***Affiliate Programs***
Affiliate Marketing - Downloads A Guide to Success in Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing Success Tips
Affiliate Marketing 101 This book comes in pdf, so right click and then click "Save
Target"As" to download
More resources
Programs to Join
***Writing and Submitting Articles***
Articles on writing articles
Article Sites and Lists
***Website Design and Promotion***
***Fr~E Downloads***
***Online Networking***
Discussion Groups
Message Boards
***Business Helpers***
***Misc. Resources***
You should be able to find something in this list that will help you with your online
business. Thank you.
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10. Internet Marketing Made Easier Because Of A Reliable Affiliate
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When you have an internet business you face the tough prospect of attracting visitors
to your website without breaking the bank. Marketing on the internet is challenging and
takes time to achieve results. There are ways to market for internet traffic and stay
within a budget. Here we will outline how it can be done.The most important task in
internet marketing is search engine optimization and submission. Affiliate programs are
what you need to become acquainted with if you are into internet marketing.
There are some quality directories and search engines where you can submit your
website. By submitting your website to the quality directories, search engines will be
able to find your website. Be careful to avoid services promise to submit your website
to 75,000 search engines. They often submit your website in such a manner that may
result in your website getting permanently banned from search engines.
An affiliate program is something that can be confusing when you first hear about it but
after a little research and doing some extra work, you will quickly be on your way to
finding yourself a fantastically beneficial job.
Only do business with services that submit your website to quality web directories and
major search engines.Optimizing your website for search engines is a very important
step. To optimize you need to focus on keyword density positioning for the phrases and
words for which you want to rank highly. To help the search engines interpret your pages
you should also use good Meta tags.
You can optimize your website yourself or search at Google for an optimization
consultant. Stay away from those experts charging $1,000 a month or more. They have
only one goal and that is to get as much out of you as possible before you figure out
they are not helping you. Stay with SEO consultants who charge a fee more
reasonable.Affiliate programs can make it possible for you to have a very wealthy future
in store for you.
An affiliate program is the main reason that so many businesses have succeeded so
tremendously over some time. There are so many things that can be learned from
operating an affiliate program and if you can really take in everything that you can you
are going to be much better off at the end of the day. This could be your time to shine
and you could really earn yourself a substantial income as well, which most of us all really
do want anyway.
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11. 3 Simple Steps To Building An Affiliate Empire
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If you have your own product or service on the Internet today then you will know that the
way to explode your profits is to have your very own, successful affiliate program. The
problem is that most people do not have their program set up in the right way resulting
in low traffic counts and therefore poor sales from their affiliates.
In this article I am going to outline some tricks and strategies that anyone with their own
affiliate program should use in order to take th...
affiliates, increase affiliates, affiliates sign up, affiliate sales
If you have your own product or service on the Internet today then you will know that the
way to explode your profits is to have your very own, successful affiliate program. The
problem is that most people do not have their program set up in the right way resulting
in low traffic counts and therefore poor sales from their affiliates.
In this article I am going to outline some tricks and strategies that anyone with their own
affiliate program should use in order to take their online business to the next level.
Encourage People To Sign Up
This is where most people start to go wrong. They set up an affiliate program, stick up a
link that says "click here to sign up" and leave it at that. You need to sell your affiliate
program. After all there is an incredible amount of competition out there.
Have a mini sales letter that explains the benefits to people signing up. Tell them their
commissions and how they can earn an income without having to worry about creating a
product or having a website but from promoting your products instead.
Provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials
Here's another big one. Site owners get people to sign up their affiliate program and
then just leave them to it. It's like they're saying "thanks for signing up, now go and
make me some cash". That's ridiculous. To start earning the big bucks, you need to do all
the hard work for your affiliates. If you don't, somebody else will.
Provide your affiliate with email promotions, articles, press releases, pay per click ads,
banner adverts and whatever else you can create that will enable people to promote
your site to the masses with as little work as possible.
Here's the thing. You could write an article and submit it to article directories all over the
Internet and do very well for yourself. However if you just had one hundred affiliates
blasting that article all over the net you've just multiplied your marketing power by one
hundred. This is the key to making massive mounts online.
If you can't write articles etc yourself hire someone to do so from www.elance.com but
do provide your affiliates with marketing materials or your just setting yourself up for
having a very mediocre Internet business
Have An Affiliate Only Newsletter
Here's a real cracker. Have an email list of only your affiliates. Each week send out a mini
blueprint on how they can market your products and earn a commission. Inform them of
new products you've just launched or new marketing materials you've just added to your
affiliates area.
Another great method you can use with this is to have a weekly completion. Each week
your affiliate who earns the most gets an extra one hundred dollars or whatever you can
afford. Mention the winner in each week's newsletter and say things like "who thinks they
can overtake Joe Bloggs as being my top affiliate? Come on guys I know I've got some
great marketers signed up as my affiliates prove it and I'll mention you in next weeks
This is great. Psychologically you are motivating your affiliates to promote your products
like crazy to get recognition as being your "top gun". Often ego trips are just as
motivating as money.
Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits
In this article I've been taking about what you need to do in order to earn a serious living
online through having your own affiliate program. Done properly this could earn you more
money than you could ever have dreamed of. The methods in this article outline what
you need to do to in order to overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliate
You need to:
Persuade people to sign up
Make it easy for them to market
Motivate them to market fast and market hard.
Do these three things and you will be able to create a massively successful affiliate
program and you will sell buckets of your products, and build a huge list without any real
hard work or costs.
Take my word on this; if you implement these simple strategies today then you will see
a marked improvement in both your affiliate sign ups and your affiliates marketing
efforts. Go on. Give it a go!
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12. Want To Be A Stay At Home Mom Or Dad?
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With competing demands on our time and money, the family environment may suffer.
Spouses can't spend enough time with each other. Parents and children don't spend
enough time together. Everyone's patience wears thin as we deal with this and any
financial troubles we may have. Simply quitting work isn't an option because one income
doesn't go far enough in providing everything we want for our families.
Working from home is a great way to earn income and devote more time to ...
With competing demands on our time and money, the family environment may suffer.
Spouses can't spend enough time with each other. Parents and children don't spend
enough time together. Everyone's patience wears thin as we deal with this and any
financial troubles we may have. Simply quitting work isn't an option because one income
doesn't go far enough in providing everything we want for our families.
Working from home is a great way to earn income and devote more time to your family.
Often, mothers and fathers cannot afford to stay home from work to raise their children
without putting a financial strain on the family. But they strongly feel that placing their
children in daycare or homecare is not ideal. Working from home is a fantastic way to
allow yourself the opportunity to better manage time spent with your children and still
earn an income. The stay at home Mom or Dad will also feel less guilty about not having
quality time with their children. Working from home allows a parent, and the child, to be
rewarded with extra time for each other. You will be able to witness all of your child's
firsts, such as first steps, first words, first foods, while allowing you to continue to
financially support your family.
Moms or Dads who choose to have home based businesses may find it difficult to
balance their responsibilities to their children and still accomplish all of the work that
needs to be completed by their deadlines. Stay at home parents deal with the added
stress of being there to take care of their children, while taking care of their business.
You must be able to allocate time to each role and to have structure in your daily
environment to accomplish what needs to be done. Write out a schedule to identify
what needs to be done and how long you have to accomplish each task. Plan out your
week with what needs to be accomplished each day and by the end of the week. Then
each morning, prioritize things that you need to work on for your business, and items
that need to be done in regards to taking care of your house and other responsibilities.
As you complete each portion successfully, you will be more confident of accomplishing
It is important that you discuss your schedule needs with your spouse. If you can reach
agreement on sharing free time, household chores and the like, then you will increase
your chance of being successful with your schedule. Working out your schedule with your
spouse and children will help to ensure that your goal or working at home is a family goal.
Make your family be a part of your success, opportunities, and disappointments and you
will be amazed at the support that you get from them.
Being able to stay home with your child can help them to advance faster. Children whose
parents work from home tend to thrive in their education and do well in school. They
bond faster to their parental role models, than those that are not able to stay home
with their parents. Children are able to receive individualized attention from their
parents, helping them to grow and flourish. The environment tends to be more
personalized and nurturing towards the children.
Starting your own home business may be challenging to maintain while you take care of
your children, but it can be done. You will learn to manage your company and be your own
boss, while being there for all of the plays, practices and musical events that your child
will participate in throughout the years.
You can start your home based business while you keep your day job. I used online
affiliate marketing to allow me to work at home while building up revenue. You will know
when the time is right to quit your day job and spend more time doing the things you
love like spending time with your children.
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13. Making Headway on a Slow Day: 9 Ways to Turn Down-Time
into Productivity Time
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If you work from home, you know the kind of day I mean. You made the calls. You revised
those drafts. You sent out the emails. Where is everybody!? As much as you used to
relish a slow day when you were corporate, it's a little different when you're playing boss
to yourself. Your mind gets to wandering. Should I head out to the park? Should I hit the
mall? Should I... file for unemployment?
For a freelance writer, designer or web marketer who works from home, a day without
contact from the outside world can bring on anything from sluggishness and inertia to a
panic attack. Such fun games the mind will play when the two of you are left alone for
long periods of time! But here's a little secret about slow days. They're the perfect
opportunity to catch up on everything that went out of your head the minute the phone
stopped ringing.
How do you remember what it is you were supposed to be doing before it became
unimportant? Think back to the last time you were swamped! Chances are, your mind
was in overdrive, firing off ideas about how you could be improving your business. Were
you mulling over a couple of articles? Pipedreaming a new web marketing strategy with
an online buddy? Wishing you had remembered to meta-tag every page of your website?
A slow day is your big chance to get cracking on those little plans that will lead to big
business for your company. Do you make lists of things that never get accomplished?
Today's the day you'll be filling that goal notebook with checkmarks! Here are some tips
on how to make headway on a slow day.
Learn a new program. Remember last month when you bought "HTML for Dummies" and
then tossed it into your closet? Now's the time to drag that book out of hiding.
Remember that free software you installed along with your scanner? Take the tutorial. A
day that's free of interruption is the perfect day to pick up a few new technical pointers.
Mastering some new programs can save you a huge headache when push comes to
shove and you're struggling with that last-minute project.
Organize your workspace. Isn't it about time you stopped using the floor as your file
cabinet? And STOP depending on your email for phone numbers; you'll be sorry the day
the server goes down and you can't get in touch with your biggest client! Invest in some
hanging file folders and a Rolodex--so you'll have easy access to contact information,
project notes, contracts and such. Stock up on printer cartridges and paper so you don't
run out in the middle of an important project. Hang a wall calendar and start using it.
There are so many small things you can do to get organized and increase your
Write an article. Experiencing freelancer frustration with nowhere to vent? Had a recent
eye-opener while doing work for a client? Being an independent contractor means
something new every day. Whether it's a challenge, a victory or a pitfall, everything you
come away with is a valuable lesson to be learned. Why not share your knowledge with
the world? There are thousands of websites looking for content. Many give you a byline,
and some will even pay you! What a great way to make the most of your experiences...
and get your name out there in print.
Do some research. Ever have a conversation with a colleague, and "not really know what
they're talking about?" Say they mention 'viral marketing'- well, you've heard the term,
sure, but what does it mean, really? "AdSense articles... what is that?" you wonder. Down
time is the perfect time to get informed and updated! Do a Google search on all those
mysterious buzzwords you've been hearing. Go through your old emails and catch up on
reading. Surf around; bookmark some good sites. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what
you learn in just a few hours!
Join a Network. Web networking's the way to go... use your "free day" to make some new
contacts and maybe even a few friends. Participate in a forum discussion where you can
share your knowledge as well as learn from others! If you're already part of a network,
take this time to reconnect with people who might become future clients or business
associates. When you least expect it, they'll come out of hiding with an exciting work
proposition... maybe even on your next "slow day!"
Update your website. There is nothing more unprofessional than a website that's only
half-built, or not up-to-date. Still have Christmas imagery bedecking your homepage in
March? Get rid of it! Thought about raising your hourly rate but never got around to doing
it? Now's the time! Whether it's adding portfolio samples, improving the general design,
adding legalese or putting together a Testimonials page from satisfied clients, chances
are there's something that can be done to improve your website and increase your
Buy a present for your business. Got a stash of cash in your PayPal account? Invest a
little of it in the future of your business. Join a freelance website with a good reputation.
Take a 2-day course in something you've always wanted to know more about. Gifts that
will broaden your professional horizons and ultimately increase sales are money well
Learn how to become a Website Affiliate. Build business relationships, get exposure,
share information and get paid for it! Affiliate Programs are usually free to join, and with a
few clicks of the mouse, you can supplement your income simply by driving traffic to
other people's websites. How's that for easy cash?
Create a Company Newsletter. If you don't already have one, downtime is your chance to
build a contact list and put together a company newsletter. With a little investigation
you'll discover that many websites offer free trial periods where you can learn to use
their contact base and newsletter-template software. And there are tons of sites on
the web that offer free articles that you can print in your publication. Maybe you can
even make use of those articles you wrote the last time nothing was going on!
Now, what are you waiting for? You've only got half-a-slow-day left to get going on
these projects. Happy Freelancing!
Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. Use with permission.
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14. The Easy Way To Build A Viral E-book That Brings You Traffic
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Every time I release a free e-book to my subscribers, I get great feedback about how
awesome I am and how they could NEVER create anything so cool.
I have a confession to make. You see ... it is really really simple to make a short, viral e-
book. It's not rocket science, I promise.
If you know how to use Word for Windows, you can create an e-book. Now, as far as
doing market research to find out if anyone will *buy* your e-book -- that's a whole
'nother ball...
Viral e-Book
Every time I release a free e-book to my subscribers, I get great feedback about how
awesome I am and how they could NEVER create anything so cool.
I have a confession to make. You see ... it is really really simple to make a short, viral e-
book. It's not rocket science, I promise.
If you know how to use Word for Windows, you can create an e-book. Now, as far as
doing market research to find out if anyone will *buy* your e-book -- that's a whole
'nother ball game. But, if you want to make a nice little giveaway for some viral
marketing, it's easy as pie!
Step 1: Write your e-book in Word for Windows.
As you write it, keep the following in mind:
* This e-book should serve a purpose, either to generate traffic to your website or to
make affiliate sales. However, it should also be informative and useful to the reader. This
e-book will represent your company. Make it quality.
* Double check that all links are active before you save your final copy in Word.
* Keep your images and pictures small, because you don't want the final product to have
a large file size. When you're saving your images, test the file types. I find that saving an
image in .jpg is smaller than saving it in some other file sizes. Test yours, too.
Step 2: Go to my favorite tool, http://convert.neevia.com/
See where it says "Select the file"? Browse to your Word for Windows file and click
Upload and Convert
That's all there is. Like I said, EASY EASY EASY.
Now, it's your job to get your ebook into the hands of people.
1. Send it to your mailing list or newsletter.
2. Allow your friends to give it away.
3. Submit it to free e-book directories.
4. Use it as an enticement for people to sign up for your mailing list (You can say "Sign up
and receive this cool e-book - free!")
5. You can even give it away as a free gift to people who win your auctions on eBay to
make your auction stand out from others.
So, if you'd like to have viral marketing working for you, too, get started today on your
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15. Information About Internet Marketing
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Confused about Internet Marketing? Maybe this can answer a few questions that you
may have.
legal website, legal websites
So you have finally decided to climb onto the diving board of internet marketing but
before you dive into the pool to wade alongside with millions of other companies who
have decided to use this medium of advertisement, you still have some doubts. Having
doubts is normal. No one can always be absolutely sure about something, and this is
probably one of those times. Internet marketing doesn't come by cheap. It can be very
expensive however those expenses can be easily be nullified by the amount of traffic
your internet marketing team will create for you.
Before we start, what exactly is internet marking. It's basically what the name says;
marking over the internet by a variety of methods that include search engine marketing,
display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, blog
marketing, and viral marketing.
Why is internet marketing such a popular choice by so many businesses around the
world? Well, probably the number one reason would have to be it's a lot cheaper than the
traditional media of television, radio and print. Though it may still be expensive
compared to the other means, it costs a lot less.
Another reason of why it is so popular is because it is a lot more convenient for
businesses to use because of the one-to-many approach. If using the traditional
method of sales, a salesperson can only interact with one person at a time, or otherwise
it would not only come off as rude to the consumers to handle multiple persons at once,
but also very confusing and difficult for the salesperson as well. By using internet
marketing you can easily accommodate many people at once by allowing them to
browse through your website.
This method also allows for a business to target a consumer group by behavior rather
than a demographic which means for a higher success rate of sales of a certain product.
Not everyone who is between the ages of sixteen and twenty, female, attending school
and is single will be interested in stuffed animals, but anyone who searches the internet
to find such an item has a much higher probability to buy such an item. Also this method
is also easily traced, measured and tested giving the business a much better idea of
what the consumers want and to offer more items that are as or much more appealing
to their consumer group.
Internet marketing is also a lot faster as it is to the traditional methods and which is why
it is also paired with those methods. While a consumer is browsing through the internet
everything is being updated in real-time for the business to understand more about their
consumers and also is easily accessed by the consumer in the comfort and ease of their
home making it incredibly popular.
But like the traditional methods of advertising, it has some of its own drawbacks,
because internet marketing requires it consumers to be familiar with the newer
technologies available it may be completely ignoring those who are computer illiterate.
Also internet marketing doesn't allow the consumer to use their senses of touch, feel,
smell, and taste to be used when buying an item. However it is much a standard for
those involved e-commerce to have a liberal return policy or have an in-store pick-up
service. But with society becoming more and more technologically advanced, there is no
reason why you shouldn't use internet marketing to connect with customers.
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16. Choosing an Affiliate Program
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What should you consider when choosing an affiliate program? You need to think about
two key things: what business are you in and what can the affiliate program provide to
your customers.
affiliate marketing, affiliate programs, marketing, home business, business success
What should you consider when choosing an affiliate program? You need to think about
two key things: what business are you in and what can the affiliate program provide to
your customers.
No matter what business you are in, the largest investment you make will be customer
acquisition. If you have your own product, and have acquired a base of satisfied
customers, then single product affiliate programs could work very well for you.
However, if your business is acquiring customers for other businesses, that is, purely
affiliate programs, then a better choice for you could be affiliate programs with multiple
products or services. This will help you to capitalise on your investment in customer
The key to choosing successfully is to ensure that the affiliate program offers products
that meet the needs of your potential customers. Coupled with this is the need for the
products to be high quality and for the supplier to provide excellent customer service.
Remember, your credibility is on the line every time you refer someone to buy through
your affiliate relationship.
Some of the other factors I consider when evaluating affiliate programs include:
+ Is the affiliate program a reputable business? You can check out a business you are
considering a relationship with in variety of ways. Talk to the Better Business Bureau in
your local area or a similar body. In addition, I find web sites that monitor affiliate
programs to be worth looking at. The best I have found is Associate Programs
http://www.AssociatePrograms.com. Allan Gardyne pulls no punches and tells it as it is.
+ Does the program enable you to share in the lifetime value of the customer? Great
programs will give you commissions on all future purchases of the customers you
introduce. This is where the real profits are. These types of programs, in effect, allow
you to partner with the supplier.
+ Does the program reward you for introducing other affiliates? This type of program is
commonly referred to as a two-tier program. Often your customer may become an
affiliate also and you will be rewarded for this.
+ Is the supplier interested in your success as an affiliate? The top affiliate programs
engage in a process of coaching or information sharing to help you succeed. Affiliates
are provided with regular newsletters outlining what is working for successful affiliates
and providing updates and details on new products.
+ Is the commission reasonable? Commission rates on commodity products such as
books and CDs are low. This is because there is very little margin in the products due to
competition. Look for products that have a commission rate of 15% or more that are
not commodities - that way you will be better able to recoup your customer acquisition
+ Are statistics provided? The higher the level of statistics provided, the better off you
are. This will enable you to measure the success of your marketing efforts and to
determine the best places to invest your marketing dollars. Insufficient statistics is a
sign that the affiliate program is not sufficiently interested in your success.
+ Are new products being developed regularly? To get the full value from lifetime
commissions, new products need to be introduced on a regular basis. Without this,
lifetime commissions can be worthless. Also, look for consistent high quality in new
products introduced.
+ How frequently are commissions paid? The more frequently commissions are paid, the
better off you are. Good quality affiliate programs will pay you monthly. In some
situations, commissions are not paid until a certain level is reached. If the program you
are considering has this requirement, check how many sales need to be made before the
level is reached.
+ Have you read the affiliate agreement? This is a key area that you should look at.
Some affiliate agreements are totally in favour of the supplier. Others are more
balanced. Some agreements restrict your ability to promote similar products from other
suppliers. Most agreements have anti-spam provisions. Look for agreements that are
fair and that do not stack everything against you as the affiliate.
While there are other factors that can be considered when choosing an affiliate program,
following the suggestions above will help you to make superior business choices that will
lead to long-term success.
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17. 4 Secret Selling Techniques You Must Implement
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It's difficult to reach your buisness goals if you don't have the right materials and/or the
information to help your buisness reach the success it's capable of. These four insights
will help you generate the buisness you've always dreamed of.
choices, options, follow-up
1. Explore New Advertising Methods
The first sign that you might need to explore new marketing strategies, is a sharp
decline in the effectiveness of your advertisment campaign. Yeah, you shell out a lot of
hard earned cash to advertise, and the public turns its nose up! Don't wait until your
profits are plunging to start hunting for new marketing strategies.
Wouldn't it be great if you could foolproof your selling techniques? Yeah, no more
customers walking out with empty hands... no more profits disappearing into thin air!
Here are 4 secrets that will help you put money in your pocket, and lengthen your current
customer list.
1. Make It Easy
There's an old adage that says variety is the spice of life, but hey, too many choices can
lead to indecision and procrastination. We all know what happens when customers
procrastinate... yeah, you lose a sale.
When a customer walks into your business ready to purchase, and suddenly sees several
options he didn't know were there, he'll stop then decide... which one? If he's uncertain...
well, you lose a sale that was already in your pocket.
Make it easy for your customers to decide... yes, I'll buy it... no I won't buy it. Yes and no
decisions are a lot easier to make, and are more likely to put cash in the drawer.
2. Offer Several Ways To Buy
Too many choices can overwhelm customers and cost you sales, but options of how to
buy open up avenues for customers to purchase the product they've decided they
need. They say there are different strokes for different folks... your customers don't all
use the same methods to buy. It just makes sense that if the method they prefer is
available, they'll be more likely to take advantage of it.
Convenience it the key to attracting buyers in today's fast paced society. What will be
the fastest and easiest for them... credit card, phone, fax, Internet, or cold hard cash?
3. Keep it Simple
You remember the frustration of spending 10 minutes pushing buttons on the phone
just to get through a pain-in-the-neck automated ordering service. Heck, you just
wanted to buy one item! Maybe it was the time you had to click your finger raw, just to
jump through the hoops of an online shopping cart. Yeah, the temptation to just forget
it is right there!
Don't frustrate your customers with intricate ordering processes. Most likely, they just
want to place the order in a few minutes and be done. Let them get frustrated, and
they'll go elsewhere, or just abandon the idea altogether.
4. Follow Up
One of my favorite catalog companies always closes out the sale with a special buy that
is available only at the time of purchase. I'm not an impulsive shopper by any stretch of
the imagination, but it stops me in my tracks every time. I know it's a one-time shot, and
I really consider whether I want or need it before I hang up the phone.
How many items would your customers buy if you were to follow up every sale with a
special offer? Internet marketers have a world of options at their fingertips. The
products you offer don't even have to be yours... and you can still make a profit!
Affiliate marketing is sweeping the Web. Think about it... would your customers benefit
from an ebook that deals with the product they are purchasing? You can offer it to
them, and let the owner handle ordering process while you collect the commission. It's
as easy as 1, 2, and 3 and profitable too!
Boosting your sales numbers and profit dollars isn't as tough as it sounds. Implement
these 4 simple selling techniques, and watch your sales steadily climb... and just think...
they didn't cost you a penny!
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18. Affiliate Program-Information For All Beginners
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AdMarketplace, the auction-based market for buyers and sellers of graphical online
advertising has announced the launch of a new Affiliate Program for Web publishers.
There are so many things to be learned about this specific topic of interest so continue
reading throughout this article, you just might be surprised as to just how much helpful
information you can gather from this. The Affiliate Program which adMarketplace notes
as the first of its kind that will allow publishers the chance to earn revenue on every site
in the adMarketplace Network.
With working with publishers and encouraging them to bring as much content as they
can, we have a better chance of using that niche content for our advertisers as well.
There are most definitely lots of competitors out there and this differentiates us from
the pack. We want to bring additional value to publishers and we really wanted to let
advertisers expand their ability to target ads.
Through the program, publishers add a link on their site that leads prospective
advertisers to a co-branded registration page introducing the network. Referring
publishers then receive a portion of total revenue across adMarketplace's entire network
for advertisers that sign up through this program. There is a great deal of money to be
made but you just have to be determined enough to work very hard to achieve just that.
The adMarketplace Affiliate Program handles all the back-end work for publishers who
aren't able to directly sell their ad space, and allows publishers to leverage the inventory
across the Network as a whole," stated by many business professionals.
The Program is neither a one-time bounty nor limited to the publisher's own inventory -
it's a chance for publishers to create a long-term annuity with advertisers they introduce
to adMarketplace. The adMarketplace Network is fully transparent for advertisers,
displaying competitive bids, ads, and linking URLs.
The cost-per-click ads are served on a rotational basis to unique users in sequence, from
highest rank to lowest, giving top bidders the first shot at every user in their target
audience across the Network. The Network easily integrates with all ad-serving
platforms, with IAB-standard ad unit sizes requiring little or no configuration.
Learning about all types of affiliate programs can be challenging but once you get into
this sort of thing you are going to be very pleased at the end of it all, once it is all said
and done. You will begin generating an income like you never have before, which is always
very thrilling for beginners in the affiliate program business.
Check out different affiliate program websites, magazines, books and other sources,
these are where you will find a great deal of information that is crucial for learning about
the affiliate program opportunities. Pay close attention during your studies because at
the end you are going to be excited to see just how much you can get accomplished
once you have an affiliate based program that you are working from.
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19. The Principle Of Higher Self
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I want to begin this lesson by a quote from Dr Wayne Dyer.He said this in his book
"Manifest Your Destiny".
"Within you is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire."
--------Wayne Dyer
I am sure you will agree with me that we are not just this physical form or this body.
There is something within us that is invisible and is eternal.Let me ask you a question.
Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body? I am sure that something inside you
tells you that you are a soul with a body.We are not just this physical form that we can
see and touch, we are much more than it. Within us, there is something eternal, it is
never born and never dies.This is your soul or your "higher self".
Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Where do we come from? Who created
this physical world that we are living in? When we see tree or flowers, our logical mind
tells us that there is something within the tree creates that tree. We go out to look for
the solution,then we find that the trees come from one small seed.Then we know that
the answer must be within this seed.We open up the seed, what we see is just some
brown stuff, then we put this stuff under microscope,we see some molecules, then we
see some atoms.Finally, we put it under the most powerful microscope,and we discover
that there is no particle there;there is only energy that comes and goes.How mysterious
this is! We try to find something that created the tree, and finally we discover it is
NOTHING.It is this NOTHINGNESS or NON-STUFF that created the tree.It not only created
the tree, it also created our body.We come from this world of nothingness. In the
beginning,there is only energy. This is our original self; this is our "higher self". This is also
the field of creation or manifestation. Everything in this physical universe comes from
the same field of energy.It is the same field of energy that created a forest,or a galaxy,
or a star, created a human body.This is the source of creation or source of
manifestation. Most importantly, you are from the same source,and you actually are this
source itself.It is also important to realize that the source energy is dimensionless; it
has no boundary, and inseparable.We have been taught that we are all separate human
being,in fact, we are all one, and the entire universe is one.
To truly understand your higher self, you must be aware of the fact that you are both a
physical body and a non-physical body. This non-physical body is your higher self, and
your true self. It is eternal, and it never dies. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, who is
reading, who is observing, and who is thinking. Who is this "I" inside this body, this skin,
and this bone? Once you discover this "I", you will know that this is your true self, this is
your higher self. To understand your higher self more deeply, you must be aware that
you are not what you observe, you are the observer.This observer inside you is that
cause of everything that you observe. It is the origin of everything. It is the source of
Once you come to the understanding that you and the source energy is one, you begin
to realize that you are the creator of your life. You begin to know that anything you can
imagine, you can create.Since the source energy is dimensionless, it has no boundary and
you and source energy is one, then you are dimensionless, and you have no boundary.
You are connected to everything and anything in this universe.You are connected to
everything through this energy field.I repeat "at the energy level, we are all
connected.We and what we desire are also connected.". Now we have come to the
realization that what we desire is already exist as a form of energy in this huge ocean of
source energy. What we need to do is simply attract this energy by sending out the
same vibration of energy. As long as you do this, your desire will be guaranteed to show
up in your life. If it does not, that will mean the fail of universal law.
I want to use Dr Wayne Dyer's words to finish this article. These words perfectly
summarize the essence of manifestation and the true meaning of higher self.I hope you
can repeat them many times until you can memorize. Here is what he said.
"Manifesting is not about getting things that are not here. It is about attracting what it
is already here and is a part of you on a spiritual level." ----- Wayne Dyer
How to put this principle into practice?
Be the observer, consistently observe your thoughts.Notice the invisible "self" within
you. Ask yourself all the time, who is thinking, who is observing.Then you will realize your
higher self.
Whenever you have a feeling of doubt,worry and anxiety, remind yourself that you and
the source energy is one. Your desires are coming to you atthe energy level by the
unbreakable universal laws.Repeat this "What I am seeking is seeking me."
See the world as one. The divine energy passing through you passes through everything.
See everything as apart of you. Refuse to put anybody above you or under you,instead
see them as you.
I highly encourage anyone who wants to learn the art of manifesting desires at energy
level to checkout Dr Robert Anthony's 6 week audio program "Know How to Be Rich". It
not only teaches you how to attract unlimited abundance of material wealth, but also
teaches you how to manifest anything you desire with the least effort by using the
unbreakable laws of the universe.It is just so powerful. I love it so much,and you will love
it too. You can get your copy here
Copyright 2004-2005 Song Chengxiang
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20. Are You Content with Ryze? Leverage that Gold Membership &
Make the Most of Your Online Networking
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So you joined Ryze thinking that there would be opportunities knocking around every
corner? And yet every time you unleash your best sales pitch, someone slaps you in the
mouth. Wasn't this supposed to be for business networking? Instead, everyone's just
milling around and you're having no luck.
The problem is, you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole.
First, Ryze is a horse of another color. Think about this - what if everyone just ran around
Ryze posting spam ads? Would you have a reason to choose one of the five bazillion
coffee distributors over the next? No. So it's clear that the straight-sell does NOT work
on Ryze.
Second, you need to discipline yourself if you want to make solid Ryze contacts. Don't
let yourself get sucked into a conversation that's going in circles, or worse, escalating
into an argument. ALWAYS remember why you're there: to share your knowledge and
make your expertise known. You're there to meet marketers like yourself, who have
integrity and a strong work ethic. Anyone who doesn't fall into that category gets a
polite nod and privately dismissed as not worth your time.
Okay, now we know the two major points about Ryze. So here's the plan. If you feel
confident leading people, create your own network. Get it going, throw your whole self
into it, let a few months go by. And if you do a really good job of balancing web
marketing lessons with fun, social interactions with selling, and keeping your network
mostly clear of pettiness while fostering motivation and inspiration...
The time has come for a group project. Leverage the power in numbers. If you have a
network of buddies that seems like it's growing stagnant, turn over a new leaf. Put the
your group to work for everyone's business. Dream up a new marketing invention that
every single person there can contribute to, feel good about what they added, and use
to their advantage, advertising their business to millions.
What types of projects can a group of Ryze Networkers do together?
1. Write an e-guide on any major topic. Try Article Marketing, Blogging for Business,
Affiliate Programs, Web Design, Networking... the list is neverending. How to go about it?
Simply start with a few posts. The network moderator can encourage members to ask
and respond to questions that will initiate productive discussion. Over the course of
three months, those conversation starters will have resulted in some mighty powerful
info that any new marketer would salivate for! Collect it all for output and you have your
instant Group Marketer E-Book.
2. Give back to the global community. A friend of mine, Lori Davis, did a noble thing after
Hurrican Katrina devastated New Orleans. She created a new online network where folks
who wanted to contribute, vent, share news, grieve, pray etc. could converge and take
action together. You can do this for any cause, provided all network members are willing
and able to pitch in.
3. Invent a new Web Holiday and Showcase Your Talents on the Website. I'm actually
doing this now. After creating an e-book with my Ryze Network that was wildly
successful in gaining me and my members better page rank and more exposure, I
decided to buy the domain for WebContentAwarenessDay.com. A group of us are
working now to create the site's content and layout as well as advertise with articles
and press releases that contain incentives for the new marketer to visit, get to know us
and buy our product!
Again, there is incredible power in numbers and incredible value in networking. Start
looking at networking in a new light. Be proactive about who you keep your time with and
what comes of your discussions. Web forums are NOT just for meeting people. They are
a gargantuan content machine that just keeps churning and churning. Make the most of
this wonderful free opportunity and start seeing results in your marketing!
Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.
Are YOU Content With Your Content? Get Top Secret Marketing Tips from the Web's
Biggest Gurus and Expert Authors on The First Annual Web Content Awareness Day on
FEBRUARY 9, 2006.
Go to http://wordfeeder.com/wcad/landingpage.html for details.
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21. Guide To Getting Linked
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Getting links from other websites pointing to your site can sometimes seem very hard
and time consuming. There are several ways to get people interested in your site,
you've just got to be creative with it and think more in terms of putting yourself in the
other webmaster's shoes- figure out what the advantages are for them to be linked to
One thing that you often hear is that to attain a high Page Rank thru Google, (which, let's
face it, is the Big Daddy of Search Engines) that you have to link to other high PR sites.
This is not necessarily true. No one is 100% on the relevance of PR rank affecting a link
exchange. Link to as many non-link farm sites that are similar to your site as you possibly
can, because the more inbound links pointing to your site that you have, the more
search engines will look at your site as an important site in the business or opportunity
that you are promoting or selling. So don't look down on sites that have low a low PR,
everyone at one point or another has a zero PR, doesn't mean that they don't get
traffic, you just never know. Just because someone has a low PR doesn't mean that they
don't get monster traffic to their site, whether it's through pay-per-click advertising, or
other means, so no one should turn their nose up at anyone who doesn't have a great
If you are a new webmaster and have just started a new website, sell the fact that
you're new, and that you're going to be focusing on putting quality CONTENT on your
site. Because, A Number 1 as far as Google is concerned is to have relevant content on
your site relating to your business or opportunities. Making a business grow and succeed
is based solely on the ability of a webmaster to make his/or her site relevant to search
engine spiders, whom look every day for great content.
Another idea is to promote what you are advertising to a webmaster, showing that the
product/or opportunity is viable and is something that makes your website worth linking
to. Either by having testimonials, or by having them sign up as an affiliate to see results
for themselves, showing how much you believe in your opportunity might show a
webmaster that you are committed to making your site everything it can possibly be,
and thus, possibly giving their website more exposure.
Even with the hassles that go along with linking to other sites it really is a great way to
show that your site does have importance. Being partners through links with others in
your online business makes for long lasting business relationships, and support for
others that are getting started. There's room for everyone to succeed online, and
helping others along the way is as important to the growth of online business as
anything else. Here's to your success!!
Copyright @ 2005 Erich Winnecke, Jr.
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22. How To Choose The Best Home Based Business
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If ever there was a time to start your best home based business - now is the time!
There has never been such a large amount of information so readily available on the
subject as there is now. Help abounds for you.
In this article, I will give you just a preview of what is out there, and how you might go
about getting started.
Types of Home Based Businesses Available
Every business, whether in your home, storefront, or high-rise, consists of basically two
types. You can provide a product, or a service.
Provide A Product
This traditional type of business requires being able to manufacture the product,
distribute it, and store enough of it to meet demand. Here are a few ideas for this:
Restaurant or catering
Selling on e-bay
Selling an invention
Custom-designed sweatshirts, etc.
Selling books (bound, or electronic)
Product assembly, etc.
Another option to making the product yourself that is very popular, is to sell other
people's products - become an affiliate. This way the manufacturing, shipping and
storing aspect, of delivery is handled for you - your main task is to advertise, take the
orders, and follow through. For many online companies, however, about all you have to do
is build websites, learn how to promote them adequately - and the company does the
rest. This is so easy, that it could become your best home based business rather easily.
Provide A Service
The other type of home based business is that of providing a service. This could include:
Typing resumes
Data entry
Cleaning offices
Administrative assistant
Writing and editing
Travel agent
Car repair
Both these types of businesses will allow you operate as an independent, or if you have
some money to invest, there are companies that will allow you to franchise (ex. -
Servicemaster, Snap-On Tools, WSI Internet, etc.). This means that you can pay a fee,
get some marketing process and management support along with the use of their
One of the most highly recommended home based businesses and one that makes top
dollar today, is the making and selling of your own e-books. If you have the ability to
write, and know a little about software programs, then e-books may be for you. Find a
"niche-market" (a market to people looking for specific information that is inadequately
covered by the major companies); publish an informative e-book on the subject and
market to the world with e-bay or with your own affiliate program.
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23. Debt Consolidation Help: Become Debt Free!
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Worried about how much you owe? Are you almost over the limit on
your card? Only making the minimum payments? Living from paycheck
to paycheck? Left with no money after
you've paid all your bills? Considering bankruptcy as a way out?
Well, don't: What you need is debt consolidation help!
What is debt consolidation?
Debt consolidation is a simple way to manage your way out of
debt. When you initiate the debt consolidation process, you can
hand over all of your information about your credit position,
your debts, and your unsecured loans to a debt consolidation
analyst who works for a debt consolidation firm.
This allows you to attain a debt consolidation loan at a low
interest rate, which will help you to avoid bankruptcy and give
you a set date at which your debt will be cleared.
How can I get debt consolidation help and for how much?
Debt consolidation help can be obtained for little or sometimes
even free, depending upon where you decide to take it. There are
many ways in which you can obtain debt consolidation help.
You could obtain free debt guidance and financial analysis online
Consumers in need of debt relief can seek advice from non-profit
groups affiliated with government consumer agencies.
These groups carefully evaluate the current budget of the
consumer and counsel the individuals on better money management
while providing help to reduce current debts and avoid further
You could also spend a little amount and try credit repair
companies, debt management companies, or banks offering debt
consolidation loans. Companies provide quick and
pain-free fixes.
These companies help "manage" your debt by taking one monthly
payment from you and distributing the money among your
creditors--with whom they work out lower payments and lower
interest rates.
One way to determine if you may need debt reduction help is if
you are unable to make the minimum payments. Even if you can make
all of your minimum payments, but the balances still remain the
same, you should search for help to reduce your debt.
You could decide on the amount you can afford to spend on debt
consolidation help; and likewise select the path you should
Talbert Williams 2000-2006 All Rights Reserved
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24. Free Internet Marketing Articles!
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Did you know there is a new site that offers over 1000 free articles on internet
marketing There is! Check out this new resource on MAKING MONEY ONLINE! Brand New
Internet Marketing Articles! Over 1000 Free Articles on Making A Living Online!! A
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5 Things Every Internet Marketer Must Learn From Mail Order To Increase Their Profits
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Ultimate affiliate marketing_guide_2018

  • 1. Table of Contents 1. 10 Tips For A Successful Ppc Ad Campaign 2. Internet & Affiliate Marketing: Celebrate The Small Victories 3. Affiliate Tracking Software: How It Can Help You 4. Pay Per Click Advertising 5. Get more visitors to your website using free Traffic Exchanges 6. Making Your Affiliate Marketing Website Payoff! 7. How To Blog From Your Own Website 8. Text-Link Advertising: Making the Most of Your Budget 9. 100+ Resources for Your Online Business 10. Internet Marketing Made Easier Because Of A Reliable Affiliate Program 11. 3 Simple Steps To Building An Affiliate Empire 12. Want To Be A Stay At Home Mom Or Dad? 13. Making Headway on a Slow Day: 9 Ways to Turn Down-Time into Productivity Time 14. The Easy Way To Build A Viral E-book That Brings You Traffic 15. Information About Internet Marketing 16. Choosing an Affiliate Program 17. 4 Secret Selling Techniques You Must Implement 18. Affiliate Program-Information For All Beginners 19. The Principle Of Higher Self 20. Are You Content with Ryze? Leverage that Gold Membership & Make the Most of Your Online Networking 21. Guide To Getting Linked 22. How To Choose The Best Home Based Business 23. Debt Consolidation Help: Become Debt Free! 24. Free Internet Marketing Articles! 25. Virtual Real Estate Investing in 2006 by Jack Humphrey 26. How To Choose Affiliate Banners For Your Site 27. Know When Two Sites Are Better Than One? 28. Adsense Arbitrage Voodoo Review - Hot Or Not? 29. Christian Home Based Business 30. Sityodtong Muay Thai Legacy 31. The Inside Scoop On Anti Virus Programs 1
  • 2. 32. The Affiliate Interview - Do you have what it takes? 33. Blogging For Bucks? Here's How To Use Social Network Sites To Promote 34. Make Your Fortune In A Paper Business 35. Search Engines & Web Directories 36. Submitting Articles For Affiliate Cash 37. Would YOU Like To Work In The Comfort Of Youre Own Home ? 38. Back End Affiliate Marketing 39. Hocus Pocus...Your A Millionaire 40. Finding The Right Home Based Business 41. Rarely-Used But Very-Effective Internet Marketing Tools 42. Internet Marketing What Comes First? 43. Five Tips To Save Money While Shopping 44. Drop Shipping Your Way to Increased Sales & Profits... 45. Earn a respectable Extra Income 46. Making money from Keyword Adsense sites 47. Powerful Pay Per Click Tatic 48. Mobile casinos: Microgaming/Spin3 software. 49. Poker Affiliate Programs: Profitable Promotion Tactics For Generating Commissions 50. 50 Benefits Of Joint Venture Marketing 2
  • 3. 1. 10 Tips For A Successful Ppc Ad Campaign Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 351 Summary: 1. When first starting out in the PPC search engines keep your bids close to $0.10 and never pay over $0.30 until you gain more experience. If you find yourself to low on certain keywords, just drop them and add more until you get your desired spots. Once you find a winner, raise your bids to get more traffic. 2. You are shooting for at least a 40% and ideally a 50% return on your advertising dollars. So if your selling a product that gives you a $20 commission, and a part... Keywords: Adsense, google, ppc, pay per click, adwords, overture 1. When first starting out in the PPC search engines keep your bids close to $0.10 and never pay over $0.30 until you gain more experience. If you find yourself to low on certain keywords, just drop them and add more until you get your desired spots. Once you find a winner, raise your bids to get more traffic. 2. You are shooting for at least a 40% and ideally a 50% return on your advertising dollars. So if your selling a product that gives you a $20 commission, and a particular keyword takes 50 visitors to create a sale, than a 50% return would put your bid at no higher than $0.20 per click. 3. Fund your accounts with the lowest possible amount allowable. This will help you get started and get a feel for the system, without breaking the bank. 4. Never pay more than $50 on any particular ad without seeing a return on your 3
  • 4. investment. You need to either change the ad or start promoting a new product. 5. A great way to maximize your profits is to run two separate ads for the same product at the same time. This way you can see what ad is bringing in more sales. Drop the bad ad and add a new one until you are satisfied with the results. 6. When you decide what website or websites to promote, take the time to read the website and get familiar with it. Than pick your keywords and place your ads. 7. Make sure to keep up with your ads, watch them closely, and check your Affiliate Affiliate Bank account to see if the ad is pulling it's weight. 8. Try to use your keywords in your ads as much as possible, it is known to give you a better conversion rate. 9. Add new keywords to your ads as you find new ones and get rid of the ones that are not producing. You need to maximize your profits whenever possible. 10. When you have an ad that's producing nice for you always be looking for the next hit, this way you can have multiple streams of money coming in from different ads around the clock. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 4
  • 5. 2. Internet & Affiliate Marketing: Celebrate The Small Victories Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 299 Summary: Most internet marketing ventures start as one-man operations. When mistakes are made, you know who to blame. But don't just beat yourself up, remember that when progress is made, that was all you too. Celebrate the small victories. When you are just starting in internet marketing, keeping a positive mindset can be a crucial ingredient of long term survival. On or off the web, most new businesses do not become profitable immediately. Sales can be mediocre as your marketing ... Keywords: internet marketing, affiliate marketing, marketing, marketers Most internet marketing ventures start as one-man operations. When mistakes are made, you know who to blame. But don't just beat yourself up, remember that when progress is made, that was all you too. Celebrate the small victories. When you are just starting in internet marketing, keeping a positive mindset can be a crucial ingredient of long term survival. On or off the web, most new businesses do not become profitable immediately. Sales can be mediocre as your marketing campaign gets going, and if you didn't plan ahead for this fallow period you may begrudge the out-of- pocket expenses that arise. It is easy to get discouraged. Worse, many marketers lack basic support and encouragement. In a normal workplace there are other employees to share the load and help solve problems. Not so for most start-ups, and your personal support network may lack enthusiasm. Your friends may think you're a sucker involved with some newfangled scam. Your family may worry that 5
  • 6. your seemingly unprofitable internet career is interfering with your day job. You must remember that you are your own manager, and good managers care about their employees' morale and motivation. Notice and enjoy the small milestones in your business as they pass by, whether it is finally getting your web design just right or suddenly nailing the top search position on a good keyword. Reward yourself with a day off or a good meal. Tell your friends about it even if their eyes glaze over; you listen to their stories about their dull jobs, right? Verbalizing your success is for your own benefit, and it can help you assess your accomplishments and know when you've made real progress along your business plan. Don't commit the common mistake of neglecting the hardest working, most under- appreciated person in your employ - yourself. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 6
  • 7. 3. Affiliate Tracking Software: How It Can Help You Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 709 Summary: If you own an online retail store or run an online business that sells a specific service, you may be looking for ways to increase your sales. There are a number of different methods that you can use to do this; however, one method is more effective than most. That method is creating your own affiliate program. To determine whether or not you can benefit from this advertising method, you are advised to learn more. You may end up surprised with what you have learned http://www... Keywords: Affiliate Tracking Software: How It Can Help You If you own an online retail store or run an online business that sells a specific service, you may be looking for ways to increase your sales. There are a number of different methods that you can use to do this; however, one method is more effective than most. That method is creating your own affiliate program. To determine whether or not you can benefit from this advertising method, you are advised to learn more. You may end up surprised with what you have learned http://www.FreeAutoPress.org Affiliate programs are designed to connect you with webmasters. Webmasters are individuals who own and operate their own online websites. Online, there are an unlimited number of websites. Many of these websites have different focuses, but there is a good chance that some of those websites are, in one way or another, related to your business. By striking a partnership with one of those webmasters, you may be able to increase your own sales. However, to make a partnership with webmasters, you often have to give them something in return. That is where the affiliate programs come in. 7
  • 8. With affiliate programs, you will provide webmasters with pre-made banners and links. These banners often show pictures of the products or services that you offer for sale. By placing your banners and links on a related website, especially one that receives a large amount of internet traffic, you should also see an increase in your page views. If you have a wide selection of products or services available for purchase, you may also see an increase in sales. They key to starting an affiliate partnership with webmasters is to offer them an incentive. The incentive that works the best is money. By allowing your affiliate partner to make money off of each sale that they bring in, you will not only make money, but they will as well. For many business owners, maybe yourself included, the hardest part is getting started. Many business owners automatically assume that it would be too difficult to track how each sale was generated. This process can be difficult, unless you use affiliate tracking software. Affiliate tracking software programs are programs that designed to make it easier for all business owners, just like you, to start their own affiliate program. These software programs will often work in conjunction with your links, banners, and your website's checkout program. Each time that a sale is generated, the software program will automatically outline whether or not that sale was generated through one of your affiliates. In addition to outlining which affiliate, if any, generated the sale, it will also assign the appropriate amount of money to that affiliate. This can be done as soon you enter your business and affiliate information into the software program. When it comes to obtaining affiliate tracking software, you will need to decide which type of software you would like to use. There are a number of individuals and companies who have designed their own unique software. This software can often be purchased for a reasonable price, online. The only problem with this software is that many programs still require you to monitor and pay each affiliate on your own. However, there are alternative software programs that will handle those important issues for you. This software is often referred to as third party affiliate tracking software. Third party affiliate tracking software is also known as an affiliate network. This is 8
  • 9. because these types of companies will not only provide you with affiliate software, but they also monitor almost all aspects of your affiliate program for you. In addition to monitoring and outlining which affiliates helped you to generate sales, it also pays them and keeps a detailed report of those payments. If you are looking for an affiliate software program that requires little or no work, this may be your best option. Regardless of which affiliate tracking software you choose to use, if you choose to use any at all, you should be able to seen an increase in sales by starting your own affiliate program. With a large number of webmasters looking to make money, you shouldn't have a difficult time finding affiliates; in fact, many of them will come to you. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 9
  • 10. 4. Pay Per Click Advertising Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 640 Summary: Pay per click advertising is one of the fastest growing sources of online advertising on the Internet today. Pay per click advertising is very cost effective and the traffic you will receive is all targeted to you products or services using keyword search technology. There are many different pay per click advertising services to choose from search the net and find the right company for you. I'll show you what to look for in a pay per click search engine advertising company and how they work. Keywords: pay per Click advertising, pay per click advertising company, pay per click, payperclick Pay per click advertising is one of the fastest growing sources of online advertising on the Internet today. Pay per click advertising is very cost effective and the traffic you will receive is all targeted to you products or services using keyword search technology. There are many different pay per click advertising services to choose from search the net and find the right company for you. I'll show you what to look for in a pay per click search engine advertising company and how they work. Why is pay per click advertising so popular? First of all it gives any small business a chance to compete with large corporations who control the major search engine results. There's a lot less work involved all you have to do is set up an account with any company that's right for you, then create an ad with your selected related keywords and submit. Then sit back and watch our traffic stats go though the roof. Pay per click advertising companies provide targeted traffic to your website, meaning 10
  • 11. everybody who comes to your website are looking for your products or services. The price is right, one of the best qualities of pay per click advertising is that set your daily limit to what you want. Spend as little as $10 a day and receive 1000 unique visitors if your keyword bid is only $0.01 per click. How dose pay per click advertising work? You as an advertiser bid on keywords related to your website on a pay per click bases to receive targeted traffic. Say if your website sells car Insurance you bid on "Car Insurance, Car, Insurance and so on in till you find as many possible related phrases to your website as you can. Some keywords and phrases will be more expensive then others depending on your competitions bid on the same keyword or phrase. After you let your ad run for a couple days you start to see what keyword work the best to bring traffic to your website. NOTE: try to keep keywords related to your site that way people are actually looking to buy or find info on your products or services. How to pick the right pay per click advertising company? Personally I look for a company that can provide me with low keyword bidding any where for $0.01 - $0.05 per click on keywords for a minimum bid. Even If the pay per click advertising company can only send you a hundred unique visitors a day it is way more cost effective in the long run compare to paying a dollar a click with a larger company to get the same amount of traffic for more money. Some pay per click advertising companies have affiliate programs allowing you to earn free traffic by placing a search bar on your website, you earn credits towards your pay per click account every time some one dose a search or clicks on a paying averter. Now this is a must it will say some where on the site usually when your sign up for your account that they are protected against click fraud, If not they can scam you money. A promotional deal is always nice, when I sign up with a company it's good to get a deal so you can try their services with out pay a lot or some times nothing. There are many different forms of advertising online and in my experience pay per click advertising has allowed me to keep up with my larger competitors with out breaking the bank or a sweat. Pay per click advertising combined with other free methods of advertising can bring thousands of visitor to your site a month with very little money invested. Pay per click advertising is perfetct for small businesses it helped me and it 11
  • 12. can easily help you. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 12
  • 13. 5. Get more visitors to your website using free Traffic Exchanges Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: Trying to get traffic to your new website or to your gateway pages for an affiliate program can be difficult if you are just starting out and have little or no advertising budget. This article will explain how you can use traffic exchanges to get a steady stream of visitors to your website, without having break your budget or spend hours on end clicking away to get credits. In simple terms, a traffic exchange is a place that you can join and view other members web pages in exchange for having your own web page viewed. Every time you view another member's web page for a period of time (e.g. 20 seconds) your balance of credits increases. Every time a member views your web page for the same period of time your credit balance decreases. There are two main types of traffic exchanges - manual exchanges and auto exchanges. A manual exchange requires a real human being to view the web page and click on a link to proceed to the next web page, whereas an auto exchange can be left running in your web browser and will automatically refresh to a new web page. Although both of these methods will bring hits to your website, the use of a manual exchange is far more likely to bring a visitor who will actually read what is on your web page. The auto exchange user who leaves their computer on all night, surfing web pages while they sleep is unlikely to buy your product! It is for this reason that I have not 13
  • 14. ventured down the path of using auto exchanges. So how do you go about choosing which traffic exchange(s) to use? First let's take a look at the most common features of a traffic exchange, so you can differentiate between the competition. *Credit Surfing - all traffic exchanges allow you to earn credit in return for viewing other member's web pages. Also look out for bonus credits. Many exchanges will give you bonus credits for signing up, for surfing a certain number of pages, or for winning competitions or sweepstakes. *Minimum Time Limit - when surfing for credits, most traffic exchanges require you to view a site for a minimum amount of time before you earn a credit. This is normally somewhere between 10 and 30 seconds. *Anti Cheat Mechanisms - to ensure that a real person is viewing your web site most traffic exchanges employ anti cheating mechanisms. This usually means that instead of clicking a "Next Site" button you have to click on a specific graphic such as a number, letter, picture or coloured icon from a selection of a few, to proceed to the next site. Repeated failure to do this correctly means suspension or termination of your account. *Referring Others - this is the fastest way to build up your credits. Most traffic exchanges provide you with referral pages and banners. You can use these to recruit yourself a downline. When someone signs up from your promotional web page or banner they are placed in your downline. This can earn you an immediate bonus plus a percentage of your downline's credits e.g. 1 credit for every 10 sites surfed. *Paid/Pro Memberships - most traffic exchanges offer paid memberships as well as free memberships. Normally a paid membership earns you privileges such as an allocation of credits per month plus an increased number of credits for your own surfing and the surfing of your downline. Most exchanges also allow you to purchase extra credits. I don't recommend going for a paid membership or buying credits until you have tried out the traffic exchange for free first. 14
  • 15. A quick search on Google, using the keywords "traffic exchange" will reveal almost 200,000 results, including hundreds of differently themed traffic exchange websites. Within minutes you can sign up for an account, submit your URL and start surfing for credits. Easy? Yes, but how do you know if this traffic exchange will give you results? How do you choose between the hundreds of different traffic exchanges? I use a report from a company called Traffic Hoopla (http://www.traffichoopla.com/cgi- bin/p.cgi/6637/) to decide which traffic exchanges to sign up with. This report is updated weekly with the top 50 traffic exchanges and the top 10 new traffic exchanges. You can find out from this report who delivers the highest unique percentage of visitors and who will deliver traffic to your website in a timely manner. Armed with this information you can sign up for only the best traffic exchanges and get the biggest reward for your efforts. Once you have signed up for some of the top traffic exchanges, you now need to earn some credits. There are three ways to do this: (1)Personally surf for credits (2)Purchase Credits (3)Build a downline In the beginning you may want to set aside a few hours each week to personally surf for some credits - in fact some traffic exchanges require you to surf a certain number of sites to activate your account. However, the best way to be successful with traffic exchanges is to build your own downline. This way you can keep the credits flowing in by letting your downline do all the clicking for you. You can do this by using the referral web pages of each of the traffic exchanges that you have signed up with or you can sign up with Traffic Hoopla and advertise the 50 best traffic exchanges in one go. I chose the latter method and after signing up for the top 10 traffic exchanges I had over 60 people signed up under me in the various programs after the first week. I can't quite put my feet up and stop surfing yet, but every week I can spend less time clicking on traffic exchanges and more time deciding how to use all my credits. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 15
  • 16. 6. Making Your Affiliate Marketing Website Payoff! Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 770 Summary: When creating an affiliate marketing website, here are some valuable tips you should know. The key to great performance is of course having the right product-and the right marketing niche. Make sure that the content and links are easy to follow, user friendly, and that there is key contact information for your customers to reach you with follow up questions. Keywords: affiliate marketing, affiliate marketing website When creating an affiliate marketing website, here are some valuable tips you should know. The key to great performance is of course having the right product-and the right marketing niche. Make sure that the content and links are easy to follow, user friendly, and that there is key contact information for your customers to reach you with follow up questions. The headline of an affiliate website, or any website in general, should have a strong headline that grabs the attention of the reader. This should be immediate. Studies rule that the attention span of people surfing the net is far shorter than if reading a book or newspaper. Make sure the content is such that a reader will want to read more. Plan for solid endorsement content on your web page. As a rule people like to know what others who have tried the product or service really feel about it. This is where having a hybrid sales letter/article, will be the best way to quickly inform the reader of the benefits of making a purchase. However, at this stage, the goal of an affiliate website 16
  • 17. and its content should be working to build trust. What you'll be offering is content, reviews, and articles that will help the buyer make a decision to purchase. This necessary material will also provide search engines with the material that your prospects are looking to find. In short, this means more traffic to the web site-and the results are increased sales. A good piece of advice is to also build in an informative FAQ section. A customer should always have every available piece of information possible at their fingertips. A FAQ section entails facts about the product and services and how they impact the customer's level of satisfaction. This will keep them at the website. Consider scripting support and e-commerce services as part of your affiliate marketing website development plan. The scripting option will allow you to gather information on the customers shopping habits. This can proves useful down the line when developing or offering new products. Make sure you don't overdue it with the scripts though. Your customers should not be caught in a snag if they want to depart. There are even web page analyzer tools that can gauge how fast your page is downloading. This information will reveal if the website is too busy. Customers will tend to shy away from websites that take too long to download. Remember, you want the customer to have easy and speedy access to the products or services. All of these things are important because they allow you to know your business up close and personal. And don't feel lacking if you're unfamiliar with some of these elements right now. Knowledge comes with time, often by trial and error. The goal is to reduce the error rate and maximize your time and money. Don't be shy either in utilizing the links on your page to their maximum advantage. A common mistake is to make the links too small or obscure at first. Try for a workable balance of size and quantity that is proportional to other word content on the site. The goal is to direct the reader to more information that can help them make a well-informed decision. A well-informed decision results in a sale-that leads into repeat buys. If you're serious about growing your affiliate marketing business, it'll help to have some type of answering service also that can screen and direct inquiries if you're unavailable to 17
  • 18. be on the other end. The most successful web sites understand this and provide immediate access for the reader. This gives the impression that the website is run by a professional. Once again, you'll be building the trust that allows the reader to ultimately make a purchase. What would turn people off from a potentially dynamic affiliate website, and from signing on to an affiliate marketing program is too much initial hype. People can sense if the message is all about signing up new prospects. There has to be sincerity about fulfilling a need in the initial message conveyed. The goal is find buying customers-and to retain them possibly as affiliates who will be as loyal and charged about the service as you are. Another major turnoff is a pushy response to buy now. The buy now concept may work on merchant web sites, but an affiliate marketing approach has to be far more subtle. Remember, the primary goal of the affiliate marketing program is to win friends-and influence people. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 18
  • 19. 7. How To Blog From Your Own Website Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 787 Summary: If you know how to blog from your own website then you will have many options open to you in the design and functionality of your blog that are not available on a hosted blog. You can use Blogger from blogger.com or Wordpress from wordpress.com. Each has its own peculiarities, benefits and disadvantages, such as the lack of trackback and categories on Blogger, and the relatively poor raw html editing facility on Wordpress. However, each has its fans and adherents, and thos... Keywords: how to blog, blogging, blogs, blog, blog from your own website, blog plugins, wordpress If you know how to blog from your own website then you will have many options open to you in the design and functionality of your blog that are not available on a hosted blog. You can use Blogger from blogger.com or Wordpress from wordpress.com. Each has its own peculiarities, benefits and disadvantages, such as the lack of trackback and categories on Blogger, and the relatively poor raw html editing facility on Wordpress. However, each has its fans and adherents, and those used to one or the other are generally loathe to changing. Neither, however, offers the wide range of options open to those that have chosen to run Wordpress or any other blogging software from their own webspace. Those who use the hosted versions likely do so either because they have no need of the options that the uploaded software offers, and are happy operating a blog using the range of options offered by the blog host. Others might not have a website, and have 19
  • 20. no intentions of having one because they have no need for their own site. Many bloggers are not involved in internet marketing, and are not using their blogs to make money - not even Adsense revenue. They enjoy blogging about the political issues of the day, the latest movies and even just their everyday lives. Others, however, use blogs professionally as part of their business, and a blog is a great medium for advertising a business or a product. It is an ideal way of linking several websites that have been designed to sell different products, and even cover different niches. This is not easy to do without a blog, since search engines such as Google frown on adverts on one website for anther site offering information on a totally different topic. What is regarded as a lack of relevance in a website is diversity in a blog. So how do you go about running your blog from your own website? Wordpress.org offers free software that you can upload to your own web space. The best way to do this is by use of an ftp client. This is software that allows you transfer files and folders from your hard drive to your website. It can also be used to transfer files from one website to another. Upload facilities on websites allow you only to upload files, not folders or directories. Without an ftp client, you would have to create folders identical to those containing the Wordpress files. You would then have to upload each file individually, while maintaining the original directory structure. This can take some time to do, and errors are easy to make. Your first steps, then, are to download the blogging software to your hard disk, then ftp it to your website. When doing this, your ftp software will also allow you to change file permissions as detailed in the blog set up instructions. You will also have to use a text editor to change the contents of a few files, but this is fairly simple to do. You then have to create a MySQL database for your blog. MySQL is a powerful Open Source Software database management system that uses SQL (structured query language) that most normal web hosting services offer free on your web space. The database is easy to set up by following the instructions that will likely be provided by your web host. After that you are all set. You can use the default page template that comes with 20
  • 21. Wordpress, but you now have complete flexibility in the look and feel of your blog. You can upload any of the thousands of free or paid templates available online, and also any of the plugins that you want to use. You can edit all of the template elements you want to completely customize them, including the stylesheet for the whole page, the header, footer, sidebars and so on. You can add graphics, Adsense blocks, affiliate links and even offer your own products for sale. Plugins are software elements that provide specific resources to your blog. Examples are calendars, anti-spam filters, RSS feeds, sitemap generators, tag systems and so on. There are thousands of them that can be used to totally customize your blog. If you have your own website and business, then a blog can be a very dangerous thing. It can become so addictive that you can find yourself neglecting your website and business and spending all your time blogging and trying out various plugins, templates and themes. Knowing how to blog from your blog from own website can be very useful, but make sure that you budget your time on it. A blog is a great thing, but very addictive. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 21
  • 22. 8. Text-Link Advertising: Making the Most of Your Budget Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 772 Summary: Make the most of your text-link advertising dollars with these tips. Keywords: text-link advertising, text link ad Reading through a text-link advertising forum recently, I noticed a number of negative posts. One post in particular stuck in my mind and I want to answer it here. The poster had been frustrated with his results from a text-link ad campaign. He mentioned that he was new to text-link advertising and he wasn't getting any results. My short answer to him would be, "Your text-link ads can get results, but you have to use the right text links and the right ads." My long answer follows, in the form of five key tips for any text-link advertising campaign: 1-First, make sure you have a product that's good. In this case, your product is your website. Make sure it's designed well, easy to navigate, with content people are interested in. Nothing is worse for a bad website than a good text-link ad campaign--you drive people to it once and then they never come back. While you're at it, be sure your website is designed to encourage visitors to do what you want them to do (i.e. click on CPC ads, buy your or your affiliate program's products, 22
  • 23. etc.), ETHICALLY, of course. 2-Second, what's your ad campaign objective? Before you spend a penny on text-link advertising, you need to decide what you want your ads to do for you. Do you just want more traffic to your site? Or do you want people to take some action once they get to your site (i.e., buy a product, sign up for a newsletter, etc.). Make sure you're clear on what you want for your text-link ad dollars first. 3-Related to step 2, take advantage of any special features offered by the website you've placed your text-link ads on--especially if they offer conversion tracking. Conversion, for the uninitiated, means CONVERTING a visitor into either a customer (they buy a product), a subscriber (they sign up for your newsletter) or whatever other action you want to "CONVERT" your visitors into taking. Conversion tracking will help you figure out which of your text-link ads are getting you the kind of visitors you want. 4-Test, test, test. The beauty of most text-link advertising is that it's not prohibitively expensive to advertise or test your ads (as long as you watch your spending limits). If you can, run a few different text-link ad variations. Something to consider when creating your text-link ad: put yourself in your visitors' shoes as much as possible. When you're just surfing the web casually or looking for information in a broad sense, your searches tend to be broad, don't they? But when you're ready to buy, or take some other action, your searches are more narrow and your search terms are more specific to what you want. For example, if you're casually interested in bicycles, you might search just using that as your keyword, "bicycle." But once you've decided to buy a bike, you'll probably have something more specific in mind: "red ten-speed bikes" or "Mike's Bike Shop." If you want your visitors to do something specific at your website, then your text-link ad should be as specific as possible. Once you set up your text-link ad campaign, give it some time to see what ads work, at least a week or preferably a couple of weeks. Be aware of the season, or if a holiday 23
  • 24. weekend falls during your testing, as those factors will affect your text-link ads' results. 5-And last but not least, don't be afraid to make changes to your text-link ad campaign. Just make sure they're incremental, and give each change some time to see if it works. For example, pick the text-link ad that gives you the best conversion rate and tweak it, while you drop the others. Change the times and days of the week it appears (if you can) to find out when to schedule them. Or try another text-link ad variation. Just make sure you make these changes to your text-link ads one at a time and keep track of them (enter your text-link ad changes into a diary or journal, for example) so you can easily measure their effect. A tweak as minor as changing a word or two in your text- link ad could increase your conversion rate significantly. Or it might not. So keep track of what works (and what doesn't so you don't repeat it). Don't make the mistake that poster made, throwing money at his text-link advertising and then cutting it off in frustration when it didn't work. Make sure to set up your text- link ads properly and then tinker with them until you get the results you want. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 24
  • 25. 9. 100+ Resources for Your Online Business Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: This week's article is going to be a list of helpful resources for your online business. There are so many facets to this business and so many resources are needed. I hope you find something useful in this column. ***Ezine Publishing and Promotion*** Text Editors http://www.textpad.com http://softw.subportal.com/sn/Utilities/Text_Editors_Q-Z/9679.html AutoResponders http://www.getresponse.com http://www.sendfree.com Ad Swaps http://www.ezinelocater.com/browse_specs.php?sid=8 25
  • 27. Ezine Content http://www.ezinetrendz.com/publishers.htm http://www.ideamarketers.com http://website101.com/freecontent.html Misc. Resources http://personalizedpartyfavor.com/freenocatch.htm http://ezinexchange.com/index.html?m=62065191 http://www.myownezine.com/tutorial/index.shtml ***Affiliate Programs*** Affiliate Marketing - Downloads A Guide to Success in Affiliate Marketing http://www.myownezine.com/ebooks/success1.exe Affiliate Marketing Success Tips http://www.myownezine.com/ebooks/successtips.exe Affiliate Marketing 101 This book comes in pdf, so right click and then click "Save Target"As" to download http://www.myownezine.com/ebooks/aebk0002.pdf More resources 27
  • 28. http://www.myownezine.com/affiliatesuccess/index.shtml Programs to Join http://www.affiliate-programs-guide.com/ http://www.associateprograms.com/index.shtml http://www.myownezine.com/affiliates/index.shtml ***Writing and Submitting Articles*** Articles on writing articles mailto:getideas@getresponse.com mailto:yesarticles@getresponse.com http://www.ezinehub.com/articles/96.html Article Sites and Lists http://www.connectionteam.com http://www.ezinearticles.com http://www.ideamarketers.com http://www.marketing-seek.com http://www.articlecentral.com/suggest.asp http://www.articlecity.com/article_submission.shtml 28
  • 33. http://www.gobcl.com http://www.stickysauce.com http://www.myownezine.com/ecourses/index.shtml http://www.ecommercedealers.com/wpp/free/webprotect.zip You should be able to find something in this list that will help you with your online business. Thank you. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 33
  • 34. 10. Internet Marketing Made Easier Because Of A Reliable Affiliate Program Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: When you have an internet business you face the tough prospect of attracting visitors to your website without breaking the bank. Marketing on the internet is challenging and takes time to achieve results. There are ways to market for internet traffic and stay within a budget. Here we will outline how it can be done.The most important task in internet marketing is search engine optimization and submission. Affiliate programs are what you need to become acquainted with if you are into internet marketing. There are some quality directories and search engines where you can submit your website. By submitting your website to the quality directories, search engines will be able to find your website. Be careful to avoid services promise to submit your website to 75,000 search engines. They often submit your website in such a manner that may result in your website getting permanently banned from search engines. An affiliate program is something that can be confusing when you first hear about it but after a little research and doing some extra work, you will quickly be on your way to finding yourself a fantastically beneficial job. Only do business with services that submit your website to quality web directories and major search engines.Optimizing your website for search engines is a very important step. To optimize you need to focus on keyword density positioning for the phrases and 34
  • 35. words for which you want to rank highly. To help the search engines interpret your pages you should also use good Meta tags. You can optimize your website yourself or search at Google for an optimization consultant. Stay away from those experts charging $1,000 a month or more. They have only one goal and that is to get as much out of you as possible before you figure out they are not helping you. Stay with SEO consultants who charge a fee more reasonable.Affiliate programs can make it possible for you to have a very wealthy future in store for you. An affiliate program is the main reason that so many businesses have succeeded so tremendously over some time. There are so many things that can be learned from operating an affiliate program and if you can really take in everything that you can you are going to be much better off at the end of the day. This could be your time to shine and you could really earn yourself a substantial income as well, which most of us all really do want anyway. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 35
  • 36. 11. 3 Simple Steps To Building An Affiliate Empire Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 736 Summary: If you have your own product or service on the Internet today then you will know that the way to explode your profits is to have your very own, successful affiliate program. The problem is that most people do not have their program set up in the right way resulting in low traffic counts and therefore poor sales from their affiliates. In this article I am going to outline some tricks and strategies that anyone with their own affiliate program should use in order to take th... Keywords: affiliates, increase affiliates, affiliates sign up, affiliate sales If you have your own product or service on the Internet today then you will know that the way to explode your profits is to have your very own, successful affiliate program. The problem is that most people do not have their program set up in the right way resulting in low traffic counts and therefore poor sales from their affiliates. In this article I am going to outline some tricks and strategies that anyone with their own affiliate program should use in order to take their online business to the next level. Encourage People To Sign Up This is where most people start to go wrong. They set up an affiliate program, stick up a link that says "click here to sign up" and leave it at that. You need to sell your affiliate program. After all there is an incredible amount of competition out there. 36
  • 37. Have a mini sales letter that explains the benefits to people signing up. Tell them their commissions and how they can earn an income without having to worry about creating a product or having a website but from promoting your products instead. Provide Affiliates With Marketing Materials Here's another big one. Site owners get people to sign up their affiliate program and then just leave them to it. It's like they're saying "thanks for signing up, now go and make me some cash". That's ridiculous. To start earning the big bucks, you need to do all the hard work for your affiliates. If you don't, somebody else will. Provide your affiliate with email promotions, articles, press releases, pay per click ads, banner adverts and whatever else you can create that will enable people to promote your site to the masses with as little work as possible. Here's the thing. You could write an article and submit it to article directories all over the Internet and do very well for yourself. However if you just had one hundred affiliates blasting that article all over the net you've just multiplied your marketing power by one hundred. This is the key to making massive mounts online. If you can't write articles etc yourself hire someone to do so from www.elance.com but do provide your affiliates with marketing materials or your just setting yourself up for having a very mediocre Internet business Have An Affiliate Only Newsletter Here's a real cracker. Have an email list of only your affiliates. Each week send out a mini blueprint on how they can market your products and earn a commission. Inform them of new products you've just launched or new marketing materials you've just added to your affiliates area. Another great method you can use with this is to have a weekly completion. Each week your affiliate who earns the most gets an extra one hundred dollars or whatever you can afford. Mention the winner in each week's newsletter and say things like "who thinks they 37
  • 38. can overtake Joe Bloggs as being my top affiliate? Come on guys I know I've got some great marketers signed up as my affiliates prove it and I'll mention you in next weeks newsletter". This is great. Psychologically you are motivating your affiliates to promote your products like crazy to get recognition as being your "top gun". Often ego trips are just as motivating as money. Motivate Your Affiliates And Explode Your Profits In this article I've been taking about what you need to do in order to earn a serious living online through having your own affiliate program. Done properly this could earn you more money than you could ever have dreamed of. The methods in this article outline what you need to do to in order to overcome the three barriers of starting an affiliate program You need to: Persuade people to sign up Make it easy for them to market Motivate them to market fast and market hard. Do these three things and you will be able to create a massively successful affiliate program and you will sell buckets of your products, and build a huge list without any real hard work or costs. Take my word on this; if you implement these simple strategies today then you will see a marked improvement in both your affiliate sign ups and your affiliates marketing efforts. Go on. Give it a go! Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 38
  • 39. 12. Want To Be A Stay At Home Mom Or Dad? Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 662 Summary: With competing demands on our time and money, the family environment may suffer. Spouses can't spend enough time with each other. Parents and children don't spend enough time together. Everyone's patience wears thin as we deal with this and any financial troubles we may have. Simply quitting work isn't an option because one income doesn't go far enough in providing everything we want for our families. Working from home is a great way to earn income and devote more time to ... Keywords: With competing demands on our time and money, the family environment may suffer. Spouses can't spend enough time with each other. Parents and children don't spend enough time together. Everyone's patience wears thin as we deal with this and any financial troubles we may have. Simply quitting work isn't an option because one income doesn't go far enough in providing everything we want for our families. Working from home is a great way to earn income and devote more time to your family. Often, mothers and fathers cannot afford to stay home from work to raise their children without putting a financial strain on the family. But they strongly feel that placing their children in daycare or homecare is not ideal. Working from home is a fantastic way to allow yourself the opportunity to better manage time spent with your children and still earn an income. The stay at home Mom or Dad will also feel less guilty about not having quality time with their children. Working from home allows a parent, and the child, to be rewarded with extra time for each other. You will be able to witness all of your child's firsts, such as first steps, first words, first foods, while allowing you to continue to 39
  • 40. financially support your family. Moms or Dads who choose to have home based businesses may find it difficult to balance their responsibilities to their children and still accomplish all of the work that needs to be completed by their deadlines. Stay at home parents deal with the added stress of being there to take care of their children, while taking care of their business. You must be able to allocate time to each role and to have structure in your daily environment to accomplish what needs to be done. Write out a schedule to identify what needs to be done and how long you have to accomplish each task. Plan out your week with what needs to be accomplished each day and by the end of the week. Then each morning, prioritize things that you need to work on for your business, and items that need to be done in regards to taking care of your house and other responsibilities. As you complete each portion successfully, you will be more confident of accomplishing more. It is important that you discuss your schedule needs with your spouse. If you can reach agreement on sharing free time, household chores and the like, then you will increase your chance of being successful with your schedule. Working out your schedule with your spouse and children will help to ensure that your goal or working at home is a family goal. Make your family be a part of your success, opportunities, and disappointments and you will be amazed at the support that you get from them. Being able to stay home with your child can help them to advance faster. Children whose parents work from home tend to thrive in their education and do well in school. They bond faster to their parental role models, than those that are not able to stay home with their parents. Children are able to receive individualized attention from their parents, helping them to grow and flourish. The environment tends to be more personalized and nurturing towards the children. Starting your own home business may be challenging to maintain while you take care of your children, but it can be done. You will learn to manage your company and be your own boss, while being there for all of the plays, practices and musical events that your child will participate in throughout the years. 40
  • 41. You can start your home based business while you keep your day job. I used online affiliate marketing to allow me to work at home while building up revenue. You will know when the time is right to quit your day job and spend more time doing the things you love like spending time with your children. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 41
  • 42. 13. Making Headway on a Slow Day: 9 Ways to Turn Down-Time into Productivity Time Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: If you work from home, you know the kind of day I mean. You made the calls. You revised those drafts. You sent out the emails. Where is everybody!? As much as you used to relish a slow day when you were corporate, it's a little different when you're playing boss to yourself. Your mind gets to wandering. Should I head out to the park? Should I hit the mall? Should I... file for unemployment? For a freelance writer, designer or web marketer who works from home, a day without contact from the outside world can bring on anything from sluggishness and inertia to a panic attack. Such fun games the mind will play when the two of you are left alone for long periods of time! But here's a little secret about slow days. They're the perfect opportunity to catch up on everything that went out of your head the minute the phone stopped ringing. How do you remember what it is you were supposed to be doing before it became unimportant? Think back to the last time you were swamped! Chances are, your mind was in overdrive, firing off ideas about how you could be improving your business. Were you mulling over a couple of articles? Pipedreaming a new web marketing strategy with an online buddy? Wishing you had remembered to meta-tag every page of your website? A slow day is your big chance to get cracking on those little plans that will lead to big 42
  • 43. business for your company. Do you make lists of things that never get accomplished? Today's the day you'll be filling that goal notebook with checkmarks! Here are some tips on how to make headway on a slow day. Learn a new program. Remember last month when you bought "HTML for Dummies" and then tossed it into your closet? Now's the time to drag that book out of hiding. Remember that free software you installed along with your scanner? Take the tutorial. A day that's free of interruption is the perfect day to pick up a few new technical pointers. Mastering some new programs can save you a huge headache when push comes to shove and you're struggling with that last-minute project. Organize your workspace. Isn't it about time you stopped using the floor as your file cabinet? And STOP depending on your email for phone numbers; you'll be sorry the day the server goes down and you can't get in touch with your biggest client! Invest in some hanging file folders and a Rolodex--so you'll have easy access to contact information, project notes, contracts and such. Stock up on printer cartridges and paper so you don't run out in the middle of an important project. Hang a wall calendar and start using it. There are so many small things you can do to get organized and increase your productivity! Write an article. Experiencing freelancer frustration with nowhere to vent? Had a recent eye-opener while doing work for a client? Being an independent contractor means something new every day. Whether it's a challenge, a victory or a pitfall, everything you come away with is a valuable lesson to be learned. Why not share your knowledge with the world? There are thousands of websites looking for content. Many give you a byline, and some will even pay you! What a great way to make the most of your experiences... and get your name out there in print. Do some research. Ever have a conversation with a colleague, and "not really know what they're talking about?" Say they mention 'viral marketing'- well, you've heard the term, sure, but what does it mean, really? "AdSense articles... what is that?" you wonder. Down time is the perfect time to get informed and updated! Do a Google search on all those mysterious buzzwords you've been hearing. Go through your old emails and catch up on reading. Surf around; bookmark some good sites. You'll be pleasantly surprised at what 43
  • 44. you learn in just a few hours! Join a Network. Web networking's the way to go... use your "free day" to make some new contacts and maybe even a few friends. Participate in a forum discussion where you can share your knowledge as well as learn from others! If you're already part of a network, take this time to reconnect with people who might become future clients or business associates. When you least expect it, they'll come out of hiding with an exciting work proposition... maybe even on your next "slow day!" Update your website. There is nothing more unprofessional than a website that's only half-built, or not up-to-date. Still have Christmas imagery bedecking your homepage in March? Get rid of it! Thought about raising your hourly rate but never got around to doing it? Now's the time! Whether it's adding portfolio samples, improving the general design, adding legalese or putting together a Testimonials page from satisfied clients, chances are there's something that can be done to improve your website and increase your credibility! Buy a present for your business. Got a stash of cash in your PayPal account? Invest a little of it in the future of your business. Join a freelance website with a good reputation. Take a 2-day course in something you've always wanted to know more about. Gifts that will broaden your professional horizons and ultimately increase sales are money well spent! Learn how to become a Website Affiliate. Build business relationships, get exposure, share information and get paid for it! Affiliate Programs are usually free to join, and with a few clicks of the mouse, you can supplement your income simply by driving traffic to other people's websites. How's that for easy cash? Create a Company Newsletter. If you don't already have one, downtime is your chance to build a contact list and put together a company newsletter. With a little investigation you'll discover that many websites offer free trial periods where you can learn to use their contact base and newsletter-template software. And there are tons of sites on the web that offer free articles that you can print in your publication. Maybe you can even make use of those articles you wrote the last time nothing was going on! 44
  • 45. Now, what are you waiting for? You've only got half-a-slow-day left to get going on these projects. Happy Freelancing! Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. Use with permission. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 45
  • 46. 14. The Easy Way To Build A Viral E-book That Brings You Traffic Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 369 Summary: Every time I release a free e-book to my subscribers, I get great feedback about how awesome I am and how they could NEVER create anything so cool. ((sigh)) I have a confession to make. You see ... it is really really simple to make a short, viral e- book. It's not rocket science, I promise. If you know how to use Word for Windows, you can create an e-book. Now, as far as doing market research to find out if anyone will *buy* your e-book -- that's a whole 'nother ball... Keywords: Viral e-Book Every time I release a free e-book to my subscribers, I get great feedback about how awesome I am and how they could NEVER create anything so cool. ((sigh)) I have a confession to make. You see ... it is really really simple to make a short, viral e- book. It's not rocket science, I promise. If you know how to use Word for Windows, you can create an e-book. Now, as far as doing market research to find out if anyone will *buy* your e-book -- that's a whole 'nother ball game. But, if you want to make a nice little giveaway for some viral marketing, it's easy as pie! 46
  • 47. Step 1: Write your e-book in Word for Windows. As you write it, keep the following in mind: * This e-book should serve a purpose, either to generate traffic to your website or to make affiliate sales. However, it should also be informative and useful to the reader. This e-book will represent your company. Make it quality. * Double check that all links are active before you save your final copy in Word. * Keep your images and pictures small, because you don't want the final product to have a large file size. When you're saving your images, test the file types. I find that saving an image in .jpg is smaller than saving it in some other file sizes. Test yours, too. Step 2: Go to my favorite tool, http://convert.neevia.com/ See where it says "Select the file"? Browse to your Word for Windows file and click Upload and Convert That's all there is. Like I said, EASY EASY EASY. Now, it's your job to get your ebook into the hands of people. 1. Send it to your mailing list or newsletter. 2. Allow your friends to give it away. 3. Submit it to free e-book directories. 4. Use it as an enticement for people to sign up for your mailing list (You can say "Sign up and receive this cool e-book - free!") 5. You can even give it away as a free gift to people who win your auctions on eBay to 47
  • 48. make your auction stand out from others. So, if you'd like to have viral marketing working for you, too, get started today on your giveaway! Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 48
  • 49. 15. Information About Internet Marketing Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 577 Summary: Confused about Internet Marketing? Maybe this can answer a few questions that you may have. Keywords: legal website, legal websites So you have finally decided to climb onto the diving board of internet marketing but before you dive into the pool to wade alongside with millions of other companies who have decided to use this medium of advertisement, you still have some doubts. Having doubts is normal. No one can always be absolutely sure about something, and this is probably one of those times. Internet marketing doesn't come by cheap. It can be very expensive however those expenses can be easily be nullified by the amount of traffic your internet marketing team will create for you. Before we start, what exactly is internet marking. It's basically what the name says; marking over the internet by a variety of methods that include search engine marketing, display advertising, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, interactive advertising, blog marketing, and viral marketing. Why is internet marketing such a popular choice by so many businesses around the world? Well, probably the number one reason would have to be it's a lot cheaper than the traditional media of television, radio and print. Though it may still be expensive compared to the other means, it costs a lot less. 49
  • 50. Another reason of why it is so popular is because it is a lot more convenient for businesses to use because of the one-to-many approach. If using the traditional method of sales, a salesperson can only interact with one person at a time, or otherwise it would not only come off as rude to the consumers to handle multiple persons at once, but also very confusing and difficult for the salesperson as well. By using internet marketing you can easily accommodate many people at once by allowing them to browse through your website. This method also allows for a business to target a consumer group by behavior rather than a demographic which means for a higher success rate of sales of a certain product. Not everyone who is between the ages of sixteen and twenty, female, attending school and is single will be interested in stuffed animals, but anyone who searches the internet to find such an item has a much higher probability to buy such an item. Also this method is also easily traced, measured and tested giving the business a much better idea of what the consumers want and to offer more items that are as or much more appealing to their consumer group. Internet marketing is also a lot faster as it is to the traditional methods and which is why it is also paired with those methods. While a consumer is browsing through the internet everything is being updated in real-time for the business to understand more about their consumers and also is easily accessed by the consumer in the comfort and ease of their home making it incredibly popular. But like the traditional methods of advertising, it has some of its own drawbacks, because internet marketing requires it consumers to be familiar with the newer technologies available it may be completely ignoring those who are computer illiterate. Also internet marketing doesn't allow the consumer to use their senses of touch, feel, smell, and taste to be used when buying an item. However it is much a standard for those involved e-commerce to have a liberal return policy or have an in-store pick-up service. But with society becoming more and more technologically advanced, there is no reason why you shouldn't use internet marketing to connect with customers. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 50
  • 51. 16. Choosing an Affiliate Program Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 705 Summary: What should you consider when choosing an affiliate program? You need to think about two key things: what business are you in and what can the affiliate program provide to your customers. Keywords: affiliate marketing, affiliate programs, marketing, home business, business success What should you consider when choosing an affiliate program? You need to think about two key things: what business are you in and what can the affiliate program provide to your customers. No matter what business you are in, the largest investment you make will be customer acquisition. If you have your own product, and have acquired a base of satisfied customers, then single product affiliate programs could work very well for you. However, if your business is acquiring customers for other businesses, that is, purely affiliate programs, then a better choice for you could be affiliate programs with multiple products or services. This will help you to capitalise on your investment in customer acquisition. The key to choosing successfully is to ensure that the affiliate program offers products that meet the needs of your potential customers. Coupled with this is the need for the products to be high quality and for the supplier to provide excellent customer service. Remember, your credibility is on the line every time you refer someone to buy through 51
  • 52. your affiliate relationship. Some of the other factors I consider when evaluating affiliate programs include: + Is the affiliate program a reputable business? You can check out a business you are considering a relationship with in variety of ways. Talk to the Better Business Bureau in your local area or a similar body. In addition, I find web sites that monitor affiliate programs to be worth looking at. The best I have found is Associate Programs http://www.AssociatePrograms.com. Allan Gardyne pulls no punches and tells it as it is. + Does the program enable you to share in the lifetime value of the customer? Great programs will give you commissions on all future purchases of the customers you introduce. This is where the real profits are. These types of programs, in effect, allow you to partner with the supplier. + Does the program reward you for introducing other affiliates? This type of program is commonly referred to as a two-tier program. Often your customer may become an affiliate also and you will be rewarded for this. + Is the supplier interested in your success as an affiliate? The top affiliate programs engage in a process of coaching or information sharing to help you succeed. Affiliates are provided with regular newsletters outlining what is working for successful affiliates and providing updates and details on new products. + Is the commission reasonable? Commission rates on commodity products such as books and CDs are low. This is because there is very little margin in the products due to competition. Look for products that have a commission rate of 15% or more that are not commodities - that way you will be better able to recoup your customer acquisition investment. + Are statistics provided? The higher the level of statistics provided, the better off you are. This will enable you to measure the success of your marketing efforts and to determine the best places to invest your marketing dollars. Insufficient statistics is a sign that the affiliate program is not sufficiently interested in your success. 52
  • 53. + Are new products being developed regularly? To get the full value from lifetime commissions, new products need to be introduced on a regular basis. Without this, lifetime commissions can be worthless. Also, look for consistent high quality in new products introduced. + How frequently are commissions paid? The more frequently commissions are paid, the better off you are. Good quality affiliate programs will pay you monthly. In some situations, commissions are not paid until a certain level is reached. If the program you are considering has this requirement, check how many sales need to be made before the level is reached. + Have you read the affiliate agreement? This is a key area that you should look at. Some affiliate agreements are totally in favour of the supplier. Others are more balanced. Some agreements restrict your ability to promote similar products from other suppliers. Most agreements have anti-spam provisions. Look for agreements that are fair and that do not stack everything against you as the affiliate. While there are other factors that can be considered when choosing an affiliate program, following the suggestions above will help you to make superior business choices that will lead to long-term success. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 53
  • 54. 17. 4 Secret Selling Techniques You Must Implement Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 625 Summary: It's difficult to reach your buisness goals if you don't have the right materials and/or the information to help your buisness reach the success it's capable of. These four insights will help you generate the buisness you've always dreamed of. Keywords: choices, options, follow-up 1. Explore New Advertising Methods The first sign that you might need to explore new marketing strategies, is a sharp decline in the effectiveness of your advertisment campaign. Yeah, you shell out a lot of hard earned cash to advertise, and the public turns its nose up! Don't wait until your profits are plunging to start hunting for new marketing strategies. Wouldn't it be great if you could foolproof your selling techniques? Yeah, no more customers walking out with empty hands... no more profits disappearing into thin air! Here are 4 secrets that will help you put money in your pocket, and lengthen your current customer list. 1. Make It Easy There's an old adage that says variety is the spice of life, but hey, too many choices can lead to indecision and procrastination. We all know what happens when customers procrastinate... yeah, you lose a sale. 54
  • 55. When a customer walks into your business ready to purchase, and suddenly sees several options he didn't know were there, he'll stop then decide... which one? If he's uncertain... well, you lose a sale that was already in your pocket. Make it easy for your customers to decide... yes, I'll buy it... no I won't buy it. Yes and no decisions are a lot easier to make, and are more likely to put cash in the drawer. 2. Offer Several Ways To Buy Too many choices can overwhelm customers and cost you sales, but options of how to buy open up avenues for customers to purchase the product they've decided they need. They say there are different strokes for different folks... your customers don't all use the same methods to buy. It just makes sense that if the method they prefer is available, they'll be more likely to take advantage of it. Convenience it the key to attracting buyers in today's fast paced society. What will be the fastest and easiest for them... credit card, phone, fax, Internet, or cold hard cash? 3. Keep it Simple You remember the frustration of spending 10 minutes pushing buttons on the phone just to get through a pain-in-the-neck automated ordering service. Heck, you just wanted to buy one item! Maybe it was the time you had to click your finger raw, just to jump through the hoops of an online shopping cart. Yeah, the temptation to just forget it is right there! Don't frustrate your customers with intricate ordering processes. Most likely, they just want to place the order in a few minutes and be done. Let them get frustrated, and they'll go elsewhere, or just abandon the idea altogether. 4. Follow Up One of my favorite catalog companies always closes out the sale with a special buy that 55
  • 56. is available only at the time of purchase. I'm not an impulsive shopper by any stretch of the imagination, but it stops me in my tracks every time. I know it's a one-time shot, and I really consider whether I want or need it before I hang up the phone. How many items would your customers buy if you were to follow up every sale with a special offer? Internet marketers have a world of options at their fingertips. The products you offer don't even have to be yours... and you can still make a profit! Affiliate marketing is sweeping the Web. Think about it... would your customers benefit from an ebook that deals with the product they are purchasing? You can offer it to them, and let the owner handle ordering process while you collect the commission. It's as easy as 1, 2, and 3 and profitable too! Boosting your sales numbers and profit dollars isn't as tough as it sounds. Implement these 4 simple selling techniques, and watch your sales steadily climb... and just think... they didn't cost you a penny! Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 56
  • 57. 18. Affiliate Program-Information For All Beginners Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: AdMarketplace, the auction-based market for buyers and sellers of graphical online advertising has announced the launch of a new Affiliate Program for Web publishers. There are so many things to be learned about this specific topic of interest so continue reading throughout this article, you just might be surprised as to just how much helpful information you can gather from this. The Affiliate Program which adMarketplace notes as the first of its kind that will allow publishers the chance to earn revenue on every site in the adMarketplace Network. With working with publishers and encouraging them to bring as much content as they can, we have a better chance of using that niche content for our advertisers as well. There are most definitely lots of competitors out there and this differentiates us from the pack. We want to bring additional value to publishers and we really wanted to let advertisers expand their ability to target ads. Through the program, publishers add a link on their site that leads prospective advertisers to a co-branded registration page introducing the network. Referring publishers then receive a portion of total revenue across adMarketplace's entire network for advertisers that sign up through this program. There is a great deal of money to be made but you just have to be determined enough to work very hard to achieve just that. The adMarketplace Affiliate Program handles all the back-end work for publishers who 57
  • 58. aren't able to directly sell their ad space, and allows publishers to leverage the inventory across the Network as a whole," stated by many business professionals. The Program is neither a one-time bounty nor limited to the publisher's own inventory - it's a chance for publishers to create a long-term annuity with advertisers they introduce to adMarketplace. The adMarketplace Network is fully transparent for advertisers, displaying competitive bids, ads, and linking URLs. The cost-per-click ads are served on a rotational basis to unique users in sequence, from highest rank to lowest, giving top bidders the first shot at every user in their target audience across the Network. The Network easily integrates with all ad-serving platforms, with IAB-standard ad unit sizes requiring little or no configuration. Learning about all types of affiliate programs can be challenging but once you get into this sort of thing you are going to be very pleased at the end of it all, once it is all said and done. You will begin generating an income like you never have before, which is always very thrilling for beginners in the affiliate program business. Check out different affiliate program websites, magazines, books and other sources, these are where you will find a great deal of information that is crucial for learning about the affiliate program opportunities. Pay close attention during your studies because at the end you are going to be excited to see just how much you can get accomplished once you have an affiliate based program that you are working from. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 58
  • 59. 19. The Principle Of Higher Self Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: I want to begin this lesson by a quote from Dr Wayne Dyer.He said this in his book "Manifest Your Destiny". "Within you is a divine capacity to manifest and attract all that you need or desire." --------Wayne Dyer I am sure you will agree with me that we are not just this physical form or this body. There is something within us that is invisible and is eternal.Let me ask you a question. Are you a body with a soul or a soul with a body? I am sure that something inside you tells you that you are a soul with a body.We are not just this physical form that we can see and touch, we are much more than it. Within us, there is something eternal, it is never born and never dies.This is your soul or your "higher self". Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Where do we come from? Who created this physical world that we are living in? When we see tree or flowers, our logical mind tells us that there is something within the tree creates that tree. We go out to look for the solution,then we find that the trees come from one small seed.Then we know that the answer must be within this seed.We open up the seed, what we see is just some brown stuff, then we put this stuff under microscope,we see some molecules, then we see some atoms.Finally, we put it under the most powerful microscope,and we discover 59
  • 60. that there is no particle there;there is only energy that comes and goes.How mysterious this is! We try to find something that created the tree, and finally we discover it is NOTHING.It is this NOTHINGNESS or NON-STUFF that created the tree.It not only created the tree, it also created our body.We come from this world of nothingness. In the beginning,there is only energy. This is our original self; this is our "higher self". This is also the field of creation or manifestation. Everything in this physical universe comes from the same field of energy.It is the same field of energy that created a forest,or a galaxy, or a star, created a human body.This is the source of creation or source of manifestation. Most importantly, you are from the same source,and you actually are this source itself.It is also important to realize that the source energy is dimensionless; it has no boundary, and inseparable.We have been taught that we are all separate human being,in fact, we are all one, and the entire universe is one. To truly understand your higher self, you must be aware of the fact that you are both a physical body and a non-physical body. This non-physical body is your higher self, and your true self. It is eternal, and it never dies. Stop for a moment and ask yourself, who is reading, who is observing, and who is thinking. Who is this "I" inside this body, this skin, and this bone? Once you discover this "I", you will know that this is your true self, this is your higher self. To understand your higher self more deeply, you must be aware that you are not what you observe, you are the observer.This observer inside you is that cause of everything that you observe. It is the origin of everything. It is the source of creation. Once you come to the understanding that you and the source energy is one, you begin to realize that you are the creator of your life. You begin to know that anything you can imagine, you can create.Since the source energy is dimensionless, it has no boundary and you and source energy is one, then you are dimensionless, and you have no boundary. You are connected to everything and anything in this universe.You are connected to everything through this energy field.I repeat "at the energy level, we are all connected.We and what we desire are also connected.". Now we have come to the realization that what we desire is already exist as a form of energy in this huge ocean of source energy. What we need to do is simply attract this energy by sending out the same vibration of energy. As long as you do this, your desire will be guaranteed to show up in your life. If it does not, that will mean the fail of universal law. 60
  • 61. I want to use Dr Wayne Dyer's words to finish this article. These words perfectly summarize the essence of manifestation and the true meaning of higher self.I hope you can repeat them many times until you can memorize. Here is what he said. "Manifesting is not about getting things that are not here. It is about attracting what it is already here and is a part of you on a spiritual level." ----- Wayne Dyer How to put this principle into practice? Be the observer, consistently observe your thoughts.Notice the invisible "self" within you. Ask yourself all the time, who is thinking, who is observing.Then you will realize your higher self. Whenever you have a feeling of doubt,worry and anxiety, remind yourself that you and the source energy is one. Your desires are coming to you atthe energy level by the unbreakable universal laws.Repeat this "What I am seeking is seeking me." See the world as one. The divine energy passing through you passes through everything. See everything as apart of you. Refuse to put anybody above you or under you,instead see them as you. I highly encourage anyone who wants to learn the art of manifesting desires at energy level to checkout Dr Robert Anthony's 6 week audio program "Know How to Be Rich". It not only teaches you how to attract unlimited abundance of material wealth, but also teaches you how to manifest anything you desire with the least effort by using the unbreakable laws of the universe.It is just so powerful. I love it so much,and you will love it too. You can get your copy here http://theultimatesecrets.com/Affiliate.cgi?id=20&a=t&tid=14 Copyright 2004-2005 Song Chengxiang Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 61
  • 62. 20. Are You Content with Ryze? Leverage that Gold Membership & Make the Most of Your Online Networking Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: So you joined Ryze thinking that there would be opportunities knocking around every corner? And yet every time you unleash your best sales pitch, someone slaps you in the mouth. Wasn't this supposed to be for business networking? Instead, everyone's just milling around and you're having no luck. The problem is, you're trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. First, Ryze is a horse of another color. Think about this - what if everyone just ran around Ryze posting spam ads? Would you have a reason to choose one of the five bazillion coffee distributors over the next? No. So it's clear that the straight-sell does NOT work on Ryze. Second, you need to discipline yourself if you want to make solid Ryze contacts. Don't let yourself get sucked into a conversation that's going in circles, or worse, escalating into an argument. ALWAYS remember why you're there: to share your knowledge and make your expertise known. You're there to meet marketers like yourself, who have integrity and a strong work ethic. Anyone who doesn't fall into that category gets a polite nod and privately dismissed as not worth your time. Okay, now we know the two major points about Ryze. So here's the plan. If you feel 62
  • 63. confident leading people, create your own network. Get it going, throw your whole self into it, let a few months go by. And if you do a really good job of balancing web marketing lessons with fun, social interactions with selling, and keeping your network mostly clear of pettiness while fostering motivation and inspiration... The time has come for a group project. Leverage the power in numbers. If you have a network of buddies that seems like it's growing stagnant, turn over a new leaf. Put the your group to work for everyone's business. Dream up a new marketing invention that every single person there can contribute to, feel good about what they added, and use to their advantage, advertising their business to millions. What types of projects can a group of Ryze Networkers do together? 1. Write an e-guide on any major topic. Try Article Marketing, Blogging for Business, Affiliate Programs, Web Design, Networking... the list is neverending. How to go about it? Simply start with a few posts. The network moderator can encourage members to ask and respond to questions that will initiate productive discussion. Over the course of three months, those conversation starters will have resulted in some mighty powerful info that any new marketer would salivate for! Collect it all for output and you have your instant Group Marketer E-Book. 2. Give back to the global community. A friend of mine, Lori Davis, did a noble thing after Hurrican Katrina devastated New Orleans. She created a new online network where folks who wanted to contribute, vent, share news, grieve, pray etc. could converge and take action together. You can do this for any cause, provided all network members are willing and able to pitch in. 3. Invent a new Web Holiday and Showcase Your Talents on the Website. I'm actually doing this now. After creating an e-book with my Ryze Network that was wildly successful in gaining me and my members better page rank and more exposure, I decided to buy the domain for WebContentAwarenessDay.com. A group of us are working now to create the site's content and layout as well as advertise with articles and press releases that contain incentives for the new marketer to visit, get to know us and buy our product! 63
  • 64. Again, there is incredible power in numbers and incredible value in networking. Start looking at networking in a new light. Be proactive about who you keep your time with and what comes of your discussions. Web forums are NOT just for meeting people. They are a gargantuan content machine that just keeps churning and churning. Make the most of this wonderful free opportunity and start seeing results in your marketing! Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved. Are YOU Content With Your Content? Get Top Secret Marketing Tips from the Web's Biggest Gurus and Expert Authors on The First Annual Web Content Awareness Day on FEBRUARY 9, 2006. Go to http://wordfeeder.com/wcad/landingpage.html for details. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 64
  • 65. 21. Guide To Getting Linked Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: Getting links from other websites pointing to your site can sometimes seem very hard and time consuming. There are several ways to get people interested in your site, you've just got to be creative with it and think more in terms of putting yourself in the other webmaster's shoes- figure out what the advantages are for them to be linked to you! One thing that you often hear is that to attain a high Page Rank thru Google, (which, let's face it, is the Big Daddy of Search Engines) that you have to link to other high PR sites. This is not necessarily true. No one is 100% on the relevance of PR rank affecting a link exchange. Link to as many non-link farm sites that are similar to your site as you possibly can, because the more inbound links pointing to your site that you have, the more search engines will look at your site as an important site in the business or opportunity that you are promoting or selling. So don't look down on sites that have low a low PR, everyone at one point or another has a zero PR, doesn't mean that they don't get traffic, you just never know. Just because someone has a low PR doesn't mean that they don't get monster traffic to their site, whether it's through pay-per-click advertising, or other means, so no one should turn their nose up at anyone who doesn't have a great PR. If you are a new webmaster and have just started a new website, sell the fact that you're new, and that you're going to be focusing on putting quality CONTENT on your 65
  • 66. site. Because, A Number 1 as far as Google is concerned is to have relevant content on your site relating to your business or opportunities. Making a business grow and succeed is based solely on the ability of a webmaster to make his/or her site relevant to search engine spiders, whom look every day for great content. Another idea is to promote what you are advertising to a webmaster, showing that the product/or opportunity is viable and is something that makes your website worth linking to. Either by having testimonials, or by having them sign up as an affiliate to see results for themselves, showing how much you believe in your opportunity might show a webmaster that you are committed to making your site everything it can possibly be, and thus, possibly giving their website more exposure. Even with the hassles that go along with linking to other sites it really is a great way to show that your site does have importance. Being partners through links with others in your online business makes for long lasting business relationships, and support for others that are getting started. There's room for everyone to succeed online, and helping others along the way is as important to the growth of online business as anything else. Here's to your success!! Copyright @ 2005 Erich Winnecke, Jr. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 66
  • 67. 22. How To Choose The Best Home Based Business Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: If ever there was a time to start your best home based business - now is the time! There has never been such a large amount of information so readily available on the subject as there is now. Help abounds for you. In this article, I will give you just a preview of what is out there, and how you might go about getting started. Types of Home Based Businesses Available Every business, whether in your home, storefront, or high-rise, consists of basically two types. You can provide a product, or a service. Provide A Product This traditional type of business requires being able to manufacture the product, distribute it, and store enough of it to meet demand. Here are a few ideas for this: Restaurant or catering Selling on e-bay 67
  • 68. Selling an invention Custom-designed sweatshirts, etc. Selling books (bound, or electronic) Product assembly, etc. Another option to making the product yourself that is very popular, is to sell other people's products - become an affiliate. This way the manufacturing, shipping and storing aspect, of delivery is handled for you - your main task is to advertise, take the orders, and follow through. For many online companies, however, about all you have to do is build websites, learn how to promote them adequately - and the company does the rest. This is so easy, that it could become your best home based business rather easily. Provide A Service The other type of home based business is that of providing a service. This could include: Typing resumes Data entry Cleaning offices Administrative assistant Writing and editing Travel agent Car repair Both these types of businesses will allow you operate as an independent, or if you have 68
  • 69. some money to invest, there are companies that will allow you to franchise (ex. - Servicemaster, Snap-On Tools, WSI Internet, etc.). This means that you can pay a fee, get some marketing process and management support along with the use of their name. One of the most highly recommended home based businesses and one that makes top dollar today, is the making and selling of your own e-books. If you have the ability to write, and know a little about software programs, then e-books may be for you. Find a "niche-market" (a market to people looking for specific information that is inadequately covered by the major companies); publish an informative e-book on the subject and market to the world with e-bay or with your own affiliate program. Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 69
  • 70. 23. Debt Consolidation Help: Become Debt Free! Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 0 Summary: Keywords: Worried about how much you owe? Are you almost over the limit on your card? Only making the minimum payments? Living from paycheck to paycheck? Left with no money after you've paid all your bills? Considering bankruptcy as a way out? Well, don't: What you need is debt consolidation help! What is debt consolidation? Debt consolidation is a simple way to manage your way out of debt. When you initiate the debt consolidation process, you can hand over all of your information about your credit position, your debts, and your unsecured loans to a debt consolidation analyst who works for a debt consolidation firm. 70
  • 71. This allows you to attain a debt consolidation loan at a low interest rate, which will help you to avoid bankruptcy and give you a set date at which your debt will be cleared. How can I get debt consolidation help and for how much? Debt consolidation help can be obtained for little or sometimes even free, depending upon where you decide to take it. There are many ways in which you can obtain debt consolidation help. You could obtain free debt guidance and financial analysis online Consumers in need of debt relief can seek advice from non-profit groups affiliated with government consumer agencies. These groups carefully evaluate the current budget of the consumer and counsel the individuals on better money management while providing help to reduce current debts and avoid further debt. You could also spend a little amount and try credit repair companies, debt management companies, or banks offering debt consolidation loans. Companies provide quick and 71
  • 72. pain-free fixes. These companies help "manage" your debt by taking one monthly payment from you and distributing the money among your creditors--with whom they work out lower payments and lower interest rates. One way to determine if you may need debt reduction help is if you are unable to make the minimum payments. Even if you can make all of your minimum payments, but the balances still remain the same, you should search for help to reduce your debt. You could decide on the amount you can afford to spend on debt consolidation help; and likewise select the path you should follow. Talbert Williams 2000-2006 All Rights Reserved Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! 72
  • 73. 24. Free Internet Marketing Articles! Click here to discover 500 ways to make money online! Word Count: 964 Summary: Did you know there is a new site that offers over 1000 free articles on internet marketing There is! Check out this new resource on MAKING MONEY ONLINE! Brand New Internet Marketing Articles! Over 1000 Free Articles on Making A Living Online!! A Tremendous FREE Resource to Help YOU Make Money Now!k The site has great information by many of the webs top marketers who share tips, tools and tactics on marketing businesses on the internet. There are many different topics covered ... Keywords: free internet marketing articles Did you know there is a new site that offers over 1000 free articles on internet marketing There is! Check out this new resource on MAKING MONEY ONLINE! Brand New Internet Marketing Articles! Over 1000 Free Articles on Making A Living Online!! A Tremendous FREE Resource to Help YOU Make Money Now!k The site has great information by many of the webs top marketers who share tips, tools and tactics on marketing businesses on the internet. There are many different topics covered including: 5 Things Every Internet Marketer Must Learn From Mail Order To Increase Their Profits Now! Understanding that the Internet is another vehicle for direct response marketing can potentially make you rich!It's true. Not many people actually 'get it'. Outsourcing Your Web Marketing The online world is constantly evolving. You may be thinking about outsourcing your Web promotion to an expert who is immersed in this world as their fulltime occupation, rather than trying to acquire this knowledge yourself, and cope with 73