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Vendor Ratingv.2.0
Application for suppliers’ performance objective evaluation
Ulysses-VRM v. 2.0
Vendor Rating issued through this application allows:
Fields of application for Vendor Rating-2
- An objective management for the evaluation of the performance of external or internal suppliers;
- An historical monitoring of external or internal supplier’s performance;
- An automatically issue (via e-mail) of a graphic report about the required target and the trends shown by
external or internal suppliers;
- A dynamic definition, through appropriate parameterization, of indicators, weights and thresholds for each
vendor group (external or internal)
This application can then be applied with appropriate parameterization, for:
- An objective evaluation of external suppliers;
- An objective assertion of internal departments’ performances;
- An identification of critical success factors for business processes (CSF);
- A monitoring of business departments’ grow
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
To start the
select its icon
on the
When you open the application, you will be prompted to log in as a user
with a password ...
You confirm the login by pressing the button «Confirm»
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
A start screen
appears and allows
us to:
- Choose Vendor
Rating type
- Configure
- Update source
- Issue and
manage VR
- Open achieved
performance last
- Change language
- Change user
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating type choice-9
Choose the type of Vendor Rating by selecting it from the drop-down menu highlighted by the text "Choose VR»
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating type choice-10
Choosing the type of Vendor Rating, the application automatically identifies, in addition to the indicators in this category, with
their respective weights and thresholds, also the data source to be eventually updated
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Data update-11
Updating of data source can be made for each individual archive by clicking on the proper button...
… or for all files by clicking on "UPDATE ALL".
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Data update-12
The application will ask you to locate the file with the data source (on the server or on your PC) and confirm your choice.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Indicators’ configuration-13
Extracted source data, will be used to recalculated chosen performance indicators. You can set indicators, access to them,
manage or change weights and thresholds assigned to them, by using proper commands in section “CONFIGURE KPIs»
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Indicators’ configuration-14
To set indicators to be used for a given type of Vendor Rating, click on «KPI Definition». On the next screen, an editable list
of indicator appears. You can change names and descriptions.
In any case, we can use the buttons at the
bottom to clear all fields, delete only names
or delete only descriptions.
Once set up correctly the indicators, we
should save their definition by clicking on the
button «SAVE».
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Indicators’ configuration-15
To access and modify weights assigned to indicators, click on «KPI» weights. Next screen shows currently used Set of
weights. You can directly modify this Set of weights by placing the correct values in the appropriate fields…
…or select another Set of weights from saved
ones and then click on "Restore".
After having completed changes, You can save
the new Set of weights and give it a name.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Indicators’ configuration-16
To make the classification of providers/departments possible, You must indicate, for each indicator’s performance, a
threshold of acceptability (above which Supplier/Department should be assigned to the worst class) and a expected
threshold (below which supplier/department will achieve best performances).
We also have the possibility to
define a tolerance percentage
for the assignment to each
After making changes, You can
save the new thresholds for
chosen set of indicators.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating’s issuing-17
Once You had updated source files, set the indicators with weights and thresholds, You can launch the issue of Vendor Rating
of the selected type. Go to the section labeled as "START" and click on the button «FINAL PERFORMANCE»…
… program will ask You to assign a name to identify
the elaboration…
… and will issue this Vendor Rating.
IMPORTANT! The Vendor Rating is issued, but not yet saved and stored by the program.
You still have the chance to previously check the results and possibly correct
inconsistencies in the data source or recalibrate the Vendor Rating.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating’s preliminary check-18
Issued Vendor Rating can be
viewed using the buttons
placed in «SHOW» section
You can access to the results for each indicator…
…or to the final result, that is to the overall evaluation and the
assignment to a supply class.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating’s final result-19
As a result elaboration, You have a summary of the weights and thresholds used…
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating’s final result-20
… a (editable) sorting (with chromatic classification), from the worst to the best performance…
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM .v.2.0
Vendor Rating’s final result-21
… a summary through table and graph for the composition of classes of supply.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating’s save-22
Once You verified the results of the elaboration, You can proceed to saving procedure. In «LAUNCH» section, You should click
on «Save»
… the program will ask You to confirm the chosen
name to identify the elaboration (You can eventually
change it)…
… then Vendor Rating (or better: the final Performance of the Vendor Rating), with the
name You gave, is saved in the appropriate directory as an excel file.
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating report for each supplier-23
A comparison (in the form of a table and of a graph) of the performance of suppliers can be obtained by focusing on
“LAUNCH" section and clicking on the "PDF REPORTS".
This opens a list of suppliers, among which You can
select (with an "X") one or more suppliers.
After choosing the elaborations to be compared on the
… You can proceed to launch the report by clicking on
Methodological topics
Ulysses-VRM v.2.0
Vendor Rating report for each supplier-24
You then get a table and a pdf report (for each of the chosen vendors) showing the results of the comparison. This report can
be customized (graphic and text).
Methodological topics

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Ulysses-VRM Vendor Rating Management

  • 1. Ulysses-VRM Vendor Ratingv.2.0 Application for suppliers’ performance objective evaluation
  • 2. Ulysses-VRM v. 2.0 Vendor Rating issued through this application allows: Fields of application for Vendor Rating-2 - An objective management for the evaluation of the performance of external or internal suppliers; - An historical monitoring of external or internal supplier’s performance; - An automatically issue (via e-mail) of a graphic report about the required target and the trends shown by external or internal suppliers; - A dynamic definition, through appropriate parameterization, of indicators, weights and thresholds for each vendor group (external or internal) This application can then be applied with appropriate parameterization, for: - An objective evaluation of external suppliers; - An objective assertion of internal departments’ performances; - An identification of critical success factors for business processes (CSF); - A monitoring of business departments’ grow Methodological topics
  • 3. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Start-7 To start the application, select its icon on the desktop… When you open the application, you will be prompted to log in as a user with a password ... You confirm the login by pressing the button «Confirm» Methodological topics
  • 4. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Start-8 A start screen appears and allows us to: - Choose Vendor Rating type - Configure indicators - Update source data - Issue and manage VR - Open achieved performance last status - Change language - Change user Methodological topics
  • 5. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating type choice-9 Choose the type of Vendor Rating by selecting it from the drop-down menu highlighted by the text "Choose VR» Methodological topics
  • 6. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating type choice-10 Choosing the type of Vendor Rating, the application automatically identifies, in addition to the indicators in this category, with their respective weights and thresholds, also the data source to be eventually updated Methodological topics
  • 7. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Data update-11 Updating of data source can be made for each individual archive by clicking on the proper button... … or for all files by clicking on "UPDATE ALL". Methodological topics
  • 8. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Data update-12 The application will ask you to locate the file with the data source (on the server or on your PC) and confirm your choice. Methodological topics
  • 9. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Indicators’ configuration-13 Extracted source data, will be used to recalculated chosen performance indicators. You can set indicators, access to them, manage or change weights and thresholds assigned to them, by using proper commands in section “CONFIGURE KPIs» Methodological topics
  • 10. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Indicators’ configuration-14 To set indicators to be used for a given type of Vendor Rating, click on «KPI Definition». On the next screen, an editable list of indicator appears. You can change names and descriptions. In any case, we can use the buttons at the bottom to clear all fields, delete only names or delete only descriptions. Once set up correctly the indicators, we should save their definition by clicking on the button «SAVE». Methodological topics
  • 11. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Indicators’ configuration-15 To access and modify weights assigned to indicators, click on «KPI» weights. Next screen shows currently used Set of weights. You can directly modify this Set of weights by placing the correct values in the appropriate fields… …or select another Set of weights from saved ones and then click on "Restore". After having completed changes, You can save the new Set of weights and give it a name. Methodological topics
  • 12. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Indicators’ configuration-16 To make the classification of providers/departments possible, You must indicate, for each indicator’s performance, a threshold of acceptability (above which Supplier/Department should be assigned to the worst class) and a expected threshold (below which supplier/department will achieve best performances). We also have the possibility to define a tolerance percentage for the assignment to each classe. After making changes, You can save the new thresholds for chosen set of indicators. Methodological topics
  • 13. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating’s issuing-17 Once You had updated source files, set the indicators with weights and thresholds, You can launch the issue of Vendor Rating of the selected type. Go to the section labeled as "START" and click on the button «FINAL PERFORMANCE»… … program will ask You to assign a name to identify the elaboration… … and will issue this Vendor Rating. IMPORTANT! The Vendor Rating is issued, but not yet saved and stored by the program. You still have the chance to previously check the results and possibly correct inconsistencies in the data source or recalibrate the Vendor Rating. Methodological topics
  • 14. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating’s preliminary check-18 Issued Vendor Rating can be viewed using the buttons placed in «SHOW» section You can access to the results for each indicator… …or to the final result, that is to the overall evaluation and the assignment to a supply class. Methodological topics
  • 15. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating’s final result-19 As a result elaboration, You have a summary of the weights and thresholds used… Methodological topics
  • 16. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating’s final result-20 … a (editable) sorting (with chromatic classification), from the worst to the best performance… Methodological topics
  • 17. Ulysses-VRM .v.2.0 Vendor Rating’s final result-21 … a summary through table and graph for the composition of classes of supply. Methodological topics
  • 18. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating’s save-22 Once You verified the results of the elaboration, You can proceed to saving procedure. In «LAUNCH» section, You should click on «Save» … the program will ask You to confirm the chosen name to identify the elaboration (You can eventually change it)… … then Vendor Rating (or better: the final Performance of the Vendor Rating), with the name You gave, is saved in the appropriate directory as an excel file. Methodological topics
  • 19. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating report for each supplier-23 A comparison (in the form of a table and of a graph) of the performance of suppliers can be obtained by focusing on “LAUNCH" section and clicking on the "PDF REPORTS". This opens a list of suppliers, among which You can select (with an "X") one or more suppliers. After choosing the elaborations to be compared on the report…. … You can proceed to launch the report by clicking on "LAUNCH REPORT". Methodological topics
  • 20. Ulysses-VRM v.2.0 Vendor Rating report for each supplier-24 You then get a table and a pdf report (for each of the chosen vendors) showing the results of the comparison. This report can be customized (graphic and text). Methodological topics