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By- Vivek Priyadarshi
M.Sc in Petroleum Geosciences Sem - I


 An unconformity is a surface of erosion that
separates the younger strata from older
 It is one of the most common geological
feature found in rocks or in succession.
 It is different then all other geological
structures viz. the fold, joints and faults
 Unconformities are resulted due to tectonic
activity in form of uplift or subsidence of
 It is referred to a period of non-deposition


Characteristics of Unconformity :-
1. Amount of dip direction :-
2. Difference in Rock Composition :-


3. Difference in Structural Feature :-
4. Difference in Fossil Content :-


• Angular unconformity
• When the underlying (older) rocks and overlying
(younger) rock strata show some angle w.r.t one another =
Angular unconformity.
• Here both underlying and overlying rocks are of
sedimentary origin.


Types of Angular Unconformity :-
1. Amount of dip direction :-
2. Difference in Structural Feature :-


 Non-conformity
 When the underlying rocks are Igneous or Metamorphic
(i.e. unstratified) and the overlying younger rocks are
sedimentary (stratified) = Non-conformity
 Essential concept – prolonged erosion must occur to
expose the intrusive before burial.


• Disconformity
• Also known as parallel unconformity.
• It is formed in areas of lesser magnitude of
• When the underlying (older) and overlying (younger)
sedimentary rock strata are parallel and the contact
plane is an erosional surface = Disconformity


 Also known as non-depositional unconformity.
 It is similar to a disconformity but local in extent
and represents a short period of non-deposition.
 The age difference between the overlying and
underlying beds is very less.
 This is generally found in flood affected areas
representing short time gaps.


 A surface of erosion, covered by residual
graded soil.
 Lack of a sharp contact.


 If two beds or two series of beds are non-
parallel on vertical section as exposed in a
hill or railway cutting, the surface of contact
represents unconformity.
 The lowest bed above unconformity may
usually consist of conglomerate pebbles.
 Unconformity may be indicated by sharp
contrast in the degree of induration.


 Disconformity may be readily recognized in
outcrops, road cuts etc. if there is:
 Sharp contrast in colour of the younger and older
 Undulated appearance of the plane of
 Radical difference in fossil contents.
 Variation in lithologic peculiarities in between beds.


 Unconformity represents a break or an interval
in deposition of beds and forms a record of
time gap.
 Unconformity indicates a stratigraphical hiatus
and represents the period during which the
region was a land mass and eroded
 In certain situations unconformity produces
potential oil traps and aquifers.


 Unconformity helps visualizing
paleogeography of a region.
 Unconformity is an important structural
feature that affects site foundations for
engineering works. It generally forms a
weak zone.



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  • 1. By- Vivek Priyadarshi M.Sc in Petroleum Geosciences Sem - I
  • 2.  An unconformity is a surface of erosion that separates the younger strata from older rocks.  It is one of the most common geological feature found in rocks or in succession.  It is different then all other geological structures viz. the fold, joints and faults  Unconformities are resulted due to tectonic activity in form of uplift or subsidence of land  It is referred to a period of non-deposition
  • 3. Characteristics of Unconformity :- 1. Amount of dip direction :- 2. Difference in Rock Composition :-
  • 4. 3. Difference in Structural Feature :- 4. Difference in Fossil Content :-
  • 5. • Angular unconformity • When the underlying (older) rocks and overlying (younger) rock strata show some angle w.r.t one another = Angular unconformity. • Here both underlying and overlying rocks are of sedimentary origin.
  • 6. Types of Angular Unconformity :- 1. Amount of dip direction :- 2. Difference in Structural Feature :-
  • 7.  Non-conformity  When the underlying rocks are Igneous or Metamorphic (i.e. unstratified) and the overlying younger rocks are sedimentary (stratified) = Non-conformity  Essential concept – prolonged erosion must occur to expose the intrusive before burial.
  • 8. • Disconformity • Also known as parallel unconformity. • It is formed in areas of lesser magnitude of diastrophism. • When the underlying (older) and overlying (younger) sedimentary rock strata are parallel and the contact plane is an erosional surface = Disconformity
  • 9.  Also known as non-depositional unconformity.  It is similar to a disconformity but local in extent and represents a short period of non-deposition.  The age difference between the overlying and underlying beds is very less.  This is generally found in flood affected areas representing short time gaps.
  • 10.  A surface of erosion, covered by residual graded soil.  Lack of a sharp contact.
  • 11.  If two beds or two series of beds are non- parallel on vertical section as exposed in a hill or railway cutting, the surface of contact represents unconformity.  The lowest bed above unconformity may usually consist of conglomerate pebbles.  Unconformity may be indicated by sharp contrast in the degree of induration.
  • 12.  Disconformity may be readily recognized in outcrops, road cuts etc. if there is:  Sharp contrast in colour of the younger and older bed.  Undulated appearance of the plane of unconformity.  Radical difference in fossil contents.  Variation in lithologic peculiarities in between beds.
  • 13.  Unconformity represents a break or an interval in deposition of beds and forms a record of time gap.  Unconformity indicates a stratigraphical hiatus and represents the period during which the region was a land mass and eroded subsequently.  In certain situations unconformity produces potential oil traps and aquifers.
  • 14.  Unconformity helps visualizing paleogeography of a region.  Unconformity is an important structural feature that affects site foundations for engineering works. It generally forms a weak zone.