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susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 1
Topic : United Nations International Scientific Information
System [UNISIST]
Susheel Kumar Chourasiya
MS [LIS] 2016-18
PIN: 560059


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 2
● Introduction
● History of UNISIST
● Aims and Objectives
● Activities of UNISIST
● Why need of such program
● NISSAT in India
● Conclusion


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 3
● The United Nations , Educational , Scientific and Cultural
Organisation (UNESCO) has been concerned with
information matters since its founding in 1946.
● Article 1 of UNESCO's constitution stipulates that the
Organisation shall:
''maintain ,increase and diffuse knowledge ... by incouraging and co-
operation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity ... the
exchange of publications ... and other materials of information; and by initiating
methods of international co-operations calculated to give the people of all
countries access to the printed and published material produced by any of them.''


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 4
● UNISIST refers to the set of methods , norms
standards , principles and techniques developed
within the frame work of the Unesco General
Information programme;
● Previously was the Intergovernmental programme
for cooperation in the field of scientific and
Technological information , integrated within
General Information Program (PGI) in 1976.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 5
History of UNISIST
● The two organizations UNESCO and International Council
of Scientific Council (ICSU) jointly formed a UNESCO /
ICSU central committee in January 1967 to carry out a
feasibility study for a world science information system.
● The feasibility study continued for about 4 years and in 1970
the report entitled UNISIST study report on feasibility of a
world science information system by UNESCO and ICSU
was published and widely distributed. The feasibility report
was prepared by Jean Claude Gardin.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 6
● This report and a synoptic version became the
working document of the UNISIST inter
governmental conference held in Paris in October
● A second conference, the inter-governmental
conference on scientific and technical information
for development was held in Paris in 1979 to review
development since UNISIST conference of 1971.
This was known as UNISIST –II


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 7
Aims and Objectives
● The ultimate goal or keynote of UNISIST is the establishment of a
flexible and loosely connected network of information services
based on voluntary cooperation.
● UNISIST Aims are
to coordinate existing trends toward cooperation
to act as a catalyst for the necessary development in
scientific and technical information
to develop the necessary condition for system
interconnections and,
to facilitate access to world information resources.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 8
● The UNISIST study report made twenty two
recommendations which are focused on five main
objectives of the UNISIST programme. The may be
summarized as follows:
● a) Improvement of tools of system intercommunication
➢ Standard for machine interface;
➢ better tools for control of natural and indexing languages in S&T;
➢ establishment of international standards for bibliographical


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 9
● b) Strengthening the role of institutional
components of the information transfer
➢ strengthening of basic access viz. abstracting,
indexing and translation services ;
➢ Library infrastructure as essential component
of scientific information transfer.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 10
● c) Development of specialized manpower.
➢Authors and editors should exercise
responsibility of maintenance of quality control;
➢international agencies should influence scientists
to participate in programmes aimed at
improvement of World-wide information


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 11
● d) Development of scientific information policies and
➢National scientific information agencies should co-operate in
programmes of international scope within UNISIST goals
such as
➢ world-wide availability of scientific documents and data
➢information transfer network,
➢ pricing policies and.
➢administrative barriers.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 12
● e) Assistance in developing countries
in the development of scientific and
technical information infrastructure
➢linking the development of countries with
UNISIST with regard to technical
information needs.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 13
Activities of the UNISIST
● Under the UNISIST programme, standards rules, principles and
techniques for the processing and transfer of information are
adopted and applied internationally.
● a) Standardization of Bibliographic Description: The
UNISIST/ICSU working group has prepared a draft manual
(Reference manual for machine readable bibliographic
● b) Control of Serials and Abstracting / Indexing Periodicals: To
have a complete control over the periodical publications a
computer based system of data bank has been established under
the name of International Serial Data System (ISDS).


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 14
● c) Broad System of Ordering (BSO): In view of the great diversity of
classification schemes that are the existence the B.S.O has been
conceived as a switching mechanism to link different individual
classification and thesauri in the process of information transfer.
● d) Handbook and Manual: A comprehensive handbook for scientific
information and documentation services in developing countries has
been planned. The handbook has been published in 1977.
● e) National Focal Point: Emphasis has been given to the creation of a
focal point to scientific information agencies in each country.


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 15
Why need of such programs
● In the present day world, the role of scientific and technical
information has become increasingly important for an overall
development of nations. The nations progress is totally
dependent upon the quality of information, its easy availability,
transfer and utilisation.
● The dynamic and affluent society is heading towards more and
more complexities because of social, economic, techno-logical
and cultural advancements.These complexities can be solved
only by providing complete and accurate information which can
in turn help the society getting aware about recent


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 16
● Research - new scientific & technological Innovations &
● Development & -Techniques, application of knowledge.
● Production - Techniques, equipment, production control.
● Materials - Specifications, quality control, and supply.
● Marketing - Know-how & management,teristic &
● Management - Know-how & techniques, management infor-
mation system,Control of access.
Information requirements and


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 17
India at UNISIST
● The NISSAT advisory committee functions as the national committee of
UNISIST in India.
● In India , NISSAT is the organ of UNISIST program of UNESCO.
● The NICLAI of NISSAT is concerned with Leather and Allied Industry.
● The NICDROM is a sectoral information centre of NISSAT – CDROM.
● NICDAP of NISSAT is concerned with which subject scope – Drug and
● National centre on Bibliography is fuctioning in India under the support


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 18
● To sum up, UNISIST has achieved considerable
success since its inception.It has extended its
scope to whole range of world information as per
needs of the world society. A great deal is yet to
be achieved which is dependent upon the co-
operation between developed and developing
countries.Its success further depends upon the
designing of national infrastructure by all the


susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 19
● http://www.netugc.com/unisist
● http://unesdoc.unesco.org
● https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
● http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/2
● http://www.niscair.res.in/jinfo/ALIS/ALIS%202
● http://jis.sagepub.com/content/7/4-5/205.extract


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  • 1. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 1 Topic : United Nations International Scientific Information System [UNISIST] Susheel Kumar Chourasiya MS [LIS] 2016-18 DOCUMENTATION RESEARCH AND TRAINING CENTRE INDIAN STATISTICAL INSTITUTE, BANGALORE CENTRE PIN: 560059
  • 2. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 2 Contents ● Introduction ● History of UNISIST ● Aims and Objectives ● Activities of UNISIST ● Why need of such program ● NISSAT in India ● Conclusion
  • 3. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 3 Introduction ● The United Nations , Educational , Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has been concerned with information matters since its founding in 1946. ● Article 1 of UNESCO's constitution stipulates that the Organisation shall: ''maintain ,increase and diffuse knowledge ... by incouraging and co- operation among the nations in all branches of intellectual activity ... the exchange of publications ... and other materials of information; and by initiating methods of international co-operations calculated to give the people of all countries access to the printed and published material produced by any of them.''
  • 4. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 4 Cont.. ● UNISIST refers to the set of methods , norms standards , principles and techniques developed within the frame work of the Unesco General Information programme; ● Previously was the Intergovernmental programme for cooperation in the field of scientific and Technological information , integrated within General Information Program (PGI) in 1976.
  • 5. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 5 History of UNISIST ● The two organizations UNESCO and International Council of Scientific Council (ICSU) jointly formed a UNESCO / ICSU central committee in January 1967 to carry out a feasibility study for a world science information system. ● The feasibility study continued for about 4 years and in 1970 the report entitled UNISIST study report on feasibility of a world science information system by UNESCO and ICSU was published and widely distributed. The feasibility report was prepared by Jean Claude Gardin.
  • 6. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 6 Cont... ● This report and a synoptic version became the working document of the UNISIST inter governmental conference held in Paris in October 1971. ● A second conference, the inter-governmental conference on scientific and technical information for development was held in Paris in 1979 to review development since UNISIST conference of 1971. This was known as UNISIST –II
  • 7. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 7 Aims and Objectives ● The ultimate goal or keynote of UNISIST is the establishment of a flexible and loosely connected network of information services based on voluntary cooperation. ● UNISIST Aims are to coordinate existing trends toward cooperation to act as a catalyst for the necessary development in scientific and technical information to develop the necessary condition for system interconnections and, to facilitate access to world information resources.
  • 8. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 8 Cont.. ● The UNISIST study report made twenty two recommendations which are focused on five main objectives of the UNISIST programme. The may be summarized as follows: ● a) Improvement of tools of system intercommunication ➢ Standard for machine interface; ➢ better tools for control of natural and indexing languages in S&T; ➢ establishment of international standards for bibliographical description.
  • 9. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 9 Cont... ● b) Strengthening the role of institutional components of the information transfer chain ➢ strengthening of basic access viz. abstracting, indexing and translation services ; ➢ Library infrastructure as essential component of scientific information transfer.
  • 10. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 10 Cont... ● c) Development of specialized manpower. ➢Authors and editors should exercise responsibility of maintenance of quality control; ➢international agencies should influence scientists to participate in programmes aimed at improvement of World-wide information transfer.
  • 11. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 11 Cont.. ● d) Development of scientific information policies and structure ➢National scientific information agencies should co-operate in programmes of international scope within UNISIST goals such as ➢ world-wide availability of scientific documents and data ➢information transfer network, ➢ pricing policies and. ➢administrative barriers.
  • 12. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 12 Cont.. ● e) Assistance in developing countries in the development of scientific and technical information infrastructure ➢linking the development of countries with UNISIST with regard to technical information needs.
  • 13. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 13 Activities of the UNISIST ● Under the UNISIST programme, standards rules, principles and techniques for the processing and transfer of information are adopted and applied internationally. ● a) Standardization of Bibliographic Description: The UNISIST/ICSU working group has prepared a draft manual (Reference manual for machine readable bibliographic description). ● b) Control of Serials and Abstracting / Indexing Periodicals: To have a complete control over the periodical publications a computer based system of data bank has been established under the name of International Serial Data System (ISDS).
  • 14. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 14 Cont... ● c) Broad System of Ordering (BSO): In view of the great diversity of classification schemes that are the existence the B.S.O has been conceived as a switching mechanism to link different individual classification and thesauri in the process of information transfer. ● d) Handbook and Manual: A comprehensive handbook for scientific information and documentation services in developing countries has been planned. The handbook has been published in 1977. ● e) National Focal Point: Emphasis has been given to the creation of a focal point to scientific information agencies in each country.
  • 15. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 15 Why need of such programs ● In the present day world, the role of scientific and technical information has become increasingly important for an overall development of nations. The nations progress is totally dependent upon the quality of information, its easy availability, transfer and utilisation. ● The dynamic and affluent society is heading towards more and more complexities because of social, economic, techno-logical and cultural advancements.These complexities can be solved only by providing complete and accurate information which can in turn help the society getting aware about recent advancements.
  • 16. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 16 ● Research - new scientific & technological Innovations & facilities&knowledge, ● Development & -Techniques, application of knowledge. Design ● Production - Techniques, equipment, production control. ● Materials - Specifications, quality control, and supply. ● Marketing - Know-how & management,teristic & control. ● Management - Know-how & techniques, management infor- mation system,Control of access. Information requirements and functions
  • 17. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 17 India at UNISIST ● The NISSAT advisory committee functions as the national committee of UNISIST in India. ● In India , NISSAT is the organ of UNISIST program of UNESCO. ● The NICLAI of NISSAT is concerned with Leather and Allied Industry. ● The NICDROM is a sectoral information centre of NISSAT – CDROM. ● NICDAP of NISSAT is concerned with which subject scope – Drug and Pharmaceuticals. ● National centre on Bibliography is fuctioning in India under the support of NISSAT.
  • 18. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 18 Conclusion ● To sum up, UNISIST has achieved considerable success since its inception.It has extended its scope to whole range of world information as per needs of the world society. A great deal is yet to be achieved which is dependent upon the co- operation between developed and developing countries.Its success further depends upon the designing of national infrastructure by all the countries.
  • 19. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 19 References ● http://www.netugc.com/unisist ● http://unesdoc.unesco.org ● https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ● http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/2 7938/1/ALIS%2032(1-2)%207-14.pdf ● http://www.niscair.res.in/jinfo/ALIS/ALIS%202 3(3)%20(Focus%20on%20Unisist%20Programmes).pd f ● http://jis.sagepub.com/content/7/4-5/205.extract
  • 20. susheel chaurasiya, mslis ,DRTC 20 Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Column 1 Column 2 Column 3