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Unit 5: Geo physical methods
Prepared by:K.SAHITYA,
Asst prof.
Civil engineering dept.
BVC college,odalarevu
Geophysics is the study of the earth by making use of the principles of Physics.
By measuring certain physical properties of rock types, the subsurface data,
the location of ore deposits, groundwater conditions etc can be achieved by
using Geophysical investigations.
To ensure safety, economy in construction of civil engineering structures, it is
necessary to aware of the geology and subsurface structure of the concerned
site. In order to acquire the subsurface details, only two approaches exist. They
Direct observations by means of digging, trenching and drilling of the ground.
Such processes are expensive and time consuming process.
Indirect inferences are drawn by means of Geophysical methods which provide
the subsurface date quickly without much expensive. The other advantages
Large areas can be investigated in short period and hence time is saved. The
Geophysical devices are simple, portable and can be operated easily. The
Geophysical investigation does not include any consumables and these methods
are economical.
Importance of geophysical methods: The Geophysical investigations are
multipurpose. The obtained data can be interpreted for knowing the subsurface rock
types, regional geology of an area; geological structures which are favourable for
accumulation of oil and gas; groundwater potential and its quality; locating and
estimation of ore deposit reserves and also to solve the Engineering Geology
problems such as:
1. To determine the thickness of overburden
2. Locating fault zones, shear zones which act as places of leakage in
reservoirs or as places of weakness in foundation sites;
3. To locate places where building materials occur at a shallow depth
4. To solve some of the Non-geological problems such as
 location of buried iron pipe lines (by magnetic methods);
 location of areas of buried pipes carrying oil & gas (by electrical methods);
 location & liquidation of underground fire (by geothermal methods)
 location of cavities in masonry constructions of dams (by radio wave absorption
GRAVITY METHODS: In gravity methods, the nature of distribution
of gravity (g) on the surface is analyzed. The instruments for gravity prospecting
may be divided into three types.
(a) Pendulum
(b) Torsion balance
(c) Gravimeters ( WORDEN GRAVIMETER)
Among these, only gravimeters are very popular. A gravimeter measures the relative
variations in the vertical component of the gravitational force. It is somewhat like a
spring balance which weighs a constant mass and detects the relative difference in
weight with great accuracy of the region.
If the subsurface has a relatively heavier body, the gravity pull is more there (+g) and
the spring extends becoming longer. If the subsurface has relatively a lighter body
there the gravity pull is less (-g) and the spring contracts becoming shorter. Hence, g
values reflect the subsurface geological strata.
Gravity methods are carried out during oil and gas exploration. These investigations
are also useful in finding iron ore, manganese ore, graphite, coal, Chromite and
bauxite deposits.
Spring spring
of gravimeter
( - g )
( + g )
Lighter body local body heavier body
Thus in a particular region, if subsurface bodies whose densities are different
from the surrounding rocks exist, the gravity field deviates from the normal value
that is expected . From these deviations, it is possible to locate the
inhomogenous bodies in the subsurface.
Geological age Lithology Av density (gm/cc)
Gondawanas Calcareous Sandstones 2.55
Ferruginous sandstones 2.33
Vindhyans shales 2.65
Limestones with shale intercalations 2.72
sandstones 2.13
cuddapahs Calcareous shales 2.77
limestones 3.10
Phyllites 2.72
Quartzites 2.65
Archaeans Granites 2.65
gneisses 2.65
charnockites 2.82
Khondalites 2.50
MAGNETIC METHODS: Like gravity methods, these investigations also
related to the findings of subsurface geology. In general, the magnetic field of the earth
or one of its components (vertical or horizontal component) is measured on the surface
to know the subsurface bodies data by studying the anomaly. Any deviations in the
measured quantities help to locate the anomalous objects.. For eg a dolerite dyke
which is occurring in a granitic terrain shows variations in the magnetic anomalies.
During the magnetic surveys in the field, when the dyke is approached the magnetic
intensities ( z) becomes more and then becomes less after the dyke is crossed.
Away from the dyke, on either side ( z) is nearly same and only over the dyke
anomaly can be noticed.
Positive magnetic (vertical) ANOMALY z
The different parameters measured during magnetic investigations are total magnetic
field and different space components (ie vertical component z; horizontal component H;
inclination I and declination D). The magnetic field is measured in terms of
Different magnetometers are available at present for conducting magnetic
surveys. Some of them are as follows:
A magnetometer is a measuring instrument used to measure the strength or direction
of magnetic fields.
The SI unit of magnetic field strength is tesla. As this is a very large unit for most
practical uses, scientists commonly use the nanotesla (nT) as their working unit of
measure. Engineers often measure magnetic fields in Gauss (1 Gauss = 100,000 nT, or
100,000 gamma).
The Earth's magnetic field (the magnetosphere) varies both temporally (there is a daily
variation of around 30 nT at mid latitudes and hundreds of nT at the poles) and spatially
(from around 20,000 nT near the equator to 80,000 nT near the poles) for various
reasons, such as the in homogeneity of rocks and the interaction between charged
particles from the Sun and the magnetosphere.
Magnetometers can detect magnetic (ferrous) metals.
Magnetometers can be used to help map basin shape at a regional scale, and
commonly used to map hazards in coal mining.
Also used to demarcate the basaltic intrusions such as dykes, sills etc
Magnetometers can also locate zones ignited by lightning and map siderite (an impurity
in coal).
Modern surveys generally use magnetometers with GPS technology to automatically
record the magnetic field and their location.
Magnetometers are one of the primary tools used to locate the deposits of gold, silver,
copper, iron, tin, platinum and diamonds.
Types: Magnetometers can be divided into two basic types:
 Scalar magnetometers measure the total strength of the magnetic field to which
they are subjected, and
 Vector magnetometers have the capability to measure the component of the
magnetic field in a particular direction, relative to the spatial orientation of the
Scalar magnetometers Fluxgate magnetometer
Vector magnetometers: The Earth's magnetic field at a given point is a vector. A vector
magnetometer measures both the magnitude and direction of the total magnetic field..
Examples of vector magnetometers are fluxgates.
Scalar magnetometers: Scalar magnetometers measure the total magnetic field
strength but not its direction. A magnetograph is a magnetometer that continuously
records data.
Since magnetic surveys have certain inherent limitations (ie orientation of
instruments), magnetic prospecting is often carried out alongwith gravity or other
geophysical methods for accurate solutions. Magnetic investigations are employed
for solving the following geological issues:
1. Delineation of large structural forms where usually accumulation of oil and
gas deposits takes place
2. Detection & demarcation of basic and ultrabasic bodies such as dykes.
3. Locating iron ores and other deposits such as chromite, manganese and bauxite
4. Also to demark the ore bodies of copper and nickel sulphides.
ELECTRICAL METHODS: Electrical resistivity methods, electromagnetic
methods, self-potential methods and induced polarization methods are the important
categories of electrical methods. All geological formations have a property called
electrical resistivity (ƿ) and this resistivity is expressed in the units of Ohm-meters (Ωm).
The electrical resistivities of subsurface formations vary from one another if they are
inhomogeneous and are studied with the help of the electrical resistivity methods.
The various geological factors which influence the electrical resistivity of the
subsurface formations are :
1. Mineral content (most of the rock forming minerals have high resistivity
except sulphide minerals)
2. Compactness
3. Moisture (moisture may occur in the rocks)
4. Salinity of moisture.
5. Texture of the rock (fine grained rocks show a higher resistivity compared to coarse
grained ones)
EQUIPMENT: A resistivity meter is used in carrying out the electrical methods to
calculate the apparent resistivity (Pa). It is necessary to remember that what is
measured in the field during resistivity investigation is the “Apparent resistivity” and not
the true resistivity of the subsurface. To get true resistivity, the apparent resistivity is to
be multiplied by a constant (K) as per the spacing pattern. Electrical resistivity values
decreases considerably if the rocks contain moisture in the pore spaces (not for
Fig shows the pattern of distribution of current and equipotential lines in a
homogeneous ground. Current is sent inside the ground through metallic electrodes
C1 and C2. The potential difference is measured by non-polarising electrodes P1
and P2.
BATTERY ammeter
C1 P1 P2 C2
C 1 and C2 = current electrodes & P1 and P2 = Potential electrodes
- - - - - - distribution of current lines
______ distribution of equipotential lines
Resistivity methods are classified into:
1. Profiling Method (Lateral exploration)
2. Sounding method (Vertical exploration)
3. Potential Method
Profiling is done to detect lateral changes in resistivity which reflects the
subsurface lithology in a large area whereas sounding (also known as Vertical
Electrical Sounding VES) is done to determine vertical changes in resistivity which
reveals the changes in Lithology at a particular place with increasing depth.
In profiling or sounding, there is scope for electrode arrangements to be made in
different ways in the field as such arrangements are called “electrode configurations”.
Profiling method is carried out by adopting the Wenner configuration.
The Wenner configuration:This method was developed by Wenner in 1915. In this
configuration, the outer electrodes, C1 and C2 are used to send current into the
ground and the inner electrodes, P1 and P2 are used to measure the potential. The
important feature of this setup is that the distance between any two successive
electrodes is equal. The apparent resistivity measured in the Wenner method is given
by Pa = 2πa(V/I) where
a = Electrode separation
v = Potential difference measured
I = Current sent into the ground
Pa = apparent resistance (ohm-mts )
Profiling Method: This is also known as Lateral Electrical investigation. In this process,
the electrode array i.e., setup as a whole is moved from place to place with same
intervals (constant electrode spacing) along a given line and the Pa value at each of
the station is determined. The changes in pa indicate lateral variations in the
subsurface to a certain depth.
It is obvious that the profiling technique will be useful in detecting only the dyke bodies
or vertical beds. The presentation of profiling data is done on a ordinary graph sheet
on X-axis (station) and true resistivity values on Y-axis (ohm-mts). The interpretation of
profiling data can demarcate the high and low resistivity values of the sub-surface.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C1 P1 P2 C2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C1 P1 P2 C2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C1 P1 P2 C2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
PROFILING METHOD (The diagram shows four steps, denoting how an
electrode arrangement with fixed separation is moved along successive
stations of a traverse line) .
C1 and C2 are current electrodes & P1 and P2 are Potential electrodes.
stations 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89
Graph shows a plot of resistivity data for the above traverse
The Schlumberger Configuration:This method was developed by Schlumberger in
1916. In this method, potential electrodes are kept at smaller side compared to the
current electrodes. In general, the electrode separation MN < 1/5 AB relation is
maintained in this investigation. Here A and B are the current electrodes and M and N
are the potential electrodes. The apparent resistivity measured in the Schlumberger
configuration is given by Pa= K(V/I) where K is a constant and the value varies as per
AB distance
Sounding: This method is popularly known as Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES). In
this method, a number of pa values are measured at the same place by increasing
the distances between the current electrodes each time after taking the reading.
The successive increasing in distance makes the current penetrate more and
more deeply. Generally, the depth of penetration of the current (ie depth) is about
1/3rd of the distance between the current electrodes. It is necessary to cancel the
self-potential before taking V and I readings for every electrode separation. From I/V
values of each electrode separation, pa is obtained and it is multiplied by the
configuration constant (K) to obtain true resistivity values.
The values are plotted on log–log sheet by plotting the electrode separation
(station/distance) on x-axis and true resistivity values (ohm-mts) on y-axis. The
obtained curve is to be matched with master curves.
Self-Potential methods: In self-potential methods, the natural electric field existing
in an area is investigated whereas in other methods, the ground is charged by
an artificial electric field and the results on the surface are investigated.
Self-potential method involves measuring the potential between the potential
electrodes for different electrode spacing without any current into the ground.
This method is also known as the “Spontaneous Polarization method”. This means
the potential measured is the natural potential existing in the ground all the
time. Several sulphide ores such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite,
cobaltite etc.. show spontaneous polarization. Anthracite (coal) and graphite are
known to give strong SP effects.
The instruments required for carrying out SP surveys are:
(1) A pair or non-polarizing electrodes to pick up the potentials from the
(2) A devise ie DC potentiometer or electronic milli volt meter to measure the value
of the potentials (voltages) in the ground picked up through electrodes.
The ground immediately above the ore body will therefore be an area of lowest
potential, theoretically speaking the negative centre. The location of such negative
centres is the target of S.P. surveys, since the ore body can be discovered
usually below such centres.
The negative centres can be located either by determining the lines of equal
electric potential ( ie equi-potential lines ) directly on the ground. The ore body is
often met below the negative centre.
Seismology, the science dealing with the natural phenomena relating to
earthquakes. The Greek word seismos means shaking. Earthquakes are vibrations
or oscillations due to sudden disturbances in the earth, which produce elastic waves
which travel away in all directions from the point of origin. These elastic waves
are called seismic waves.
In seismic prospecting, artificial explosions (explosives, dynamites may produce
elastic waves if they fire ) are made to study the travel times of seismic waves
through geological formations, suffer reflection or refraction and arrive at the
surface of the earth where they are detected by geophones.
With the help of geophones fixed at suitable intervals on the ground, the
different seismic waves (P,S and L waves) reaching the surface are recorded and
time-distance curves ( hodographs ) are constructed.
Seismic waves are classed into three types:
1. Primary waves or P waves
2. Secondary waves or S waves
3. Surface waves or L – waves
Terminology of an earthquake:
 Focus: Place of origin of the earthquake in the interior of the earth.
 Epicenter: A point on the ground surface, which is vertically above the focus.
 Seismic waves: The enormous energy released from the focus at the time
of earthquake is transmitted in all directions in the form of waves.
 Elastic waves: A wave propagated by a medium having inertia and elasticity
in which displaced particles transfer momentum to neighbouring particles and
are themselves restored to original position.
 Isoseismal: The imaginary line joining the points of same intensity of the
 Hodograph: time - distance curve
 Seismograph: an instrument is used to detect/ record the seismic waves
 Seismogram: Recorded data in seismic methods
Of all geophysical methods, seismic prospecting is more complicated and
expensive. However, seismic method consists of a number of geophones; an
amplifier and a galvanometer are used in addition to explosive material.
Seismic methods are effective for depths more than a km but are not suitable
for shallow exploration. Seismic methods are important to locate the anticline and
synclinal structures in oil exploration, and to identify fault zones. It is also helped a
great deal in understanding the internal structure of the earth.
Many seismological observations have been established in India. The major ones
among them are at New Delhi, Colaba (Mumbai) Alipore (Kolkatta); Shillong etc
maintained by the Indian Meteorological Department and at Hyderabad by the National
Geophysical Research Institute.
based on their depth of origin, and described as shallow or intermediate or
deeper earthquakes. Earthquakes with a focus depth < 60 km are called shallow
earthquakes. If the depth is > 60 kms but < 300 kms, they are called intermediate
earthquakes. Other which have a focus depth > 300 kms are called deeper
earthquakes. Earthquakes originating at depths > 700 kms are extremely rare.
TYPES: Based on the causes responsible for their occurrence, earthquakes are
Tectonic earthquakes are exclusively due to internal causes ( ie disturbance of
geological formations) that takes place in the earth’s interior. Generally, Tectonic
earthquakes frequency is less with high intensity and more destructive in nature.
Non-tectonic earthquakes are generally due to external causes. These are very
frequent but minor intensity and not destructive in nature.
These earthquakes occur due to variety of reasons as follows:
 Due to huge water falls.
 Due to meteorites: Meteorites are bodies of various sizes wandering in space.
When they come under the influence of the earth’s gravity field, they suddenly
fall on the earth’s surface.
 Due to landslides
 Due to volcanic eruptions: Some volcanoes pour lava by throwing out the fire,
smoke etc to greater heights. Such violent eruptions sometimes cause earthquakes.
eg: Indonesia volcano(1883) due to eruption of volcano.
 Due to tsunamis: Tsunamis are giant sea waves. They move shore wards
and dash against the coastline. Eg: Lisbon earthquake of 1775.
 Due to man-made explosions: During mining, and quarrying, many explosions
are carried out.
 Due to collapse of caves, tunnels etc..
 Due to dams and reservoirs: when the reservoir was filled with water shows
the signs of tremors. This is due to lateral thrust of reservoir water
contributing stress.
SIZE OF EARTHQUAKES:The size of an earthquake is defined by its intensity
and magnitude. Intensity is expressed based on the degree of destruction
caused and varies from place to place. It is maximum around the epicentral
Earthquake intensities
Intensity Effects
I Not serious
II Felt by few persons at rest, particularly on upper floors of buildings
III Vibrations similar to a moving truck
IV Windows and doors rattle; loose objects disturb
V Breakage of dishes; wall plaster breaks
VI Walls crack
VII Slight to moderate damage in well-built structures
VIII Falling of walls
IX Ground cracks; breakage of underground pipes; considerable
damage to buildings
X Bending of rails; occurrence of land slides
XI Buildings destroy
XII Total destruction, surface displacements; objects thrown into air
The intensity at a place depends on several factors such as distance from the
epicenter; depth of focus, geological formations and also on the type of
construction of a structure..
Magnitude: Energy released during the time of an earthquake is commonly expressed
as Richter’s magnitude. Magnitude of an earthquake does not vary from place to
Energy released (E) is obtained from the expression: √E = c (a/h)(d2 + h2)
Where E = total energy released ( ergs)
c = constant ( taken as 0.625 )
a = ground acceleration
d = distance (km) of the recording station from the epicenter
h = depth of focus (km )
Richter’s scale has magnitude numbers upto 10. But the maximum known magnitude is
around 9.6 only. An earthquake magnitude of 6.0 involves energy of around 2.5x1020
ergs (equivalent to that of an atom bomb) while for magnitude of earthquake is 7.0, it is
around 80x1020 ergs (equivalent to that of a Hydrogen bomb ). For an earthquake of
magnitude is 8.0, then the energy may be around 2500x1020 ergs ( most powerful).
The magnitudes of some of the important earthquakes in India are given below:
City Date Magnitude of
Shillong June12, 1897 8.7
Kangra April 4, 1905 8.0
North Bihar Jan 15, 1934 8.3
Assam Aug 15, 1950 8.6
Dec 11, 1967 6.4
Chamoli (Uttaranchal) Oct 20, 1991 6.5 Sand and mud with
water was ejected
Killari ( Latur ) Sept30, 1993 6.5
Jabalpur (MP) May 22, 1997 6.0
Bhuj (Gujarat) Jan 26, 2001 7.5 Vertical & partial
collapse of a building
Andamans Dec 26, 2004 9.0
country has been divided into 7 zones in terms of severity (magnitude). First seismic
map (zoning map) was prepared in 1962 on the basis of historical data available
regarding the occurrence of earthquakes all over the country. Subsequently the
zoning map was revised in 1966.
Many of the areas in zone V and VI were merged into one because of their high
risk. In the zone map brought out in the year 2000, the earlier zones II and I
were merged. So the number of zones got reduced from 7 to 5. Zone – I is
least severe and the Zone VI is most severe.
Entire NE regions, parts of Uttaranchal, Rann of Kutch ( Gujarat ) & Srinagar are
included in zone V where the earthquake severity is high. All regions in
Southern India are included in Zone III. Rest of the parts of India are included in
Zone I & II. Zone 4 is also treated as severity.
Precautionary measures for the construction of buildings, dams/reservoirs etc
in seismic areas: To make suitable constructions in seismic areas, IS codes 1893 –
2970 give guidelines.
For Construction of Buildings:In addition to the safety factors considered there are
other precautionary measures which help in increasing the stability of buildings in
seismic areas. They are as follows:
 Buildings should be founded on hard bedrock and never on loose soils or fractured
rocks. This is so because loose ground can easily expose to earthquake vibrations.
 Foundation should be of same depth throughout for continuity.
 Buildings situated near hill sides, near steep slopes, on undulating ground or on
marshy ground always suffer more when earthquake occurs. Therefore these
situations may be avoided.
 Buildings should have light walls.
 Different parts of abuilding should be well tied together so that the whole structure
behaves like a single unit to the vibrations.
 Proper proportionate of cement and mortar should be used.
 Doors and windows should be kept to a minimum and they should not be in vertical
rows but preferably along the diagonals.
 The building should have uniform height and additional features such as parapets,
cantilevers, domes and arches are undesirable.
 Buildings should have flat RCC roofs and they should be designed not to yield to
lateral stress.
 Projections above the roofs are undesirable.
For Construction of Dams: Dams being very costly projects their consideration in
seismic areas needs careful study to ensure their safety precautionary measures which
are as follows:
 Forces in the dam due to reservoir water and due to the dams weight are to counter
balanced by introducing additional stress in the design of the dam.
 Design of the dam is to be made such that during an earthquake they move along
with the foundations below.
 Dams should not ordinarily be built along or across the faults because possible
slipping along these planes during earthquakes will introduce additional
 The resonance factor value (vibrations due to sound) should be given due
consideration because a coincidence in the period of vibration of the dam and the
earthquake vibrations can produce cumulative effects.
RADIOMETRIC METHODS: The nuclei of certain elements are
unstable (U, Th) and change spontaneously into the nuclei of other elements. This
change is accompanied by emission of radiations known as alpha; beta and
gamma rays. Hence, these rays are measured in the study of radiometric
methods. Instruments used in radiometric prospecting are called radiometers. A
radiometer consists of three basic components:
(i) a detector of radiations
(ii) an amplifying and recording unit and
(iii) a power supply unit .
The radioactivity is different in various types of rocks.
In igneous rocks, the radio activity decreases with decreasing acidity as:
Plutonic rocks basic rocks ultrabasic rocks
(Radioactivity is high) ………………………………. (Radioactivity is least)
In sedimentary rocks, the radioactivity decreases as :
Shales sandstones limestones
Thus based on radioactivity, it is not only distinguish different rock types but
also to detect ore bodies. Under favourable conditions, it may be possible to
identify geological structures such as faults and folds in the subsurface.
Positive anomaly over ore body
Granite ore body Granite Gabbro
Radiometric methods of investigation are useful in:
 Exploration of U and Th mineral deposits
 Indirect location of rare elements such as Zr, Be, Li etc occurring in pegmatites
and Tantalum, Niobium etc occurring in some alkaline rocks.
 In case of exploration of oil and gas due to the low values of gamma
 By means of radioactive techniques, it is possible to study the velocity of
ground water, its direction, salt water bodies etc.
 Radioactive tracer techniques may be utilized for finding leakages in water
storage structures.
GEOTHERMAL METHODS: Geothermal methods deals with
measurements of the physical properties of the earth. The emphasis is mainly related
to temperature and fluid content of the rocks. The important physical parameters in a
geothermal system are:
chemical content of fluid (salinity); and
The aim can be to delineate a geothermal resource, to locate aquifers, or structures
that may control aquifers etc..
Temperature distribution on the surface of the earth is due to three different
sources. They are:
(i) Heat received from the sun ( varies with the time of the day and with the
season ) up to a few meters depth only.
(ii) Heat conveyed from the hot interior of the earth due to conduction and
convection processes
(iii)Heat due to decay of radioactive minerals in the crust of the earth.
By eliminating (i) and (ii), the solar heat component and the heat contribution of
radioactive mineral decay, the only one is to interpret the values of temp of the earth’s
surface. For the measurement of the temperature on the surface of the earth, in
shallow holes or in deep bore holes, THERMISTOR THERMOMETERS and PLATINUM
RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS can achieve an accuracy of 0.01oC are used.
The geothermal methods find application to locate structural bodies, oil and gas
structures, ore deposits, ground water studies etc…
Thermal methods include direct measurements of temperature and/or heat, and thus
correlate better with the properties of the geothermal system than other methods. To
measure temperatures close to the surface, in the uppermost part of the earth crust is
fairly simple. Knowledge about status at deeper levels is based on the existence of
wells, usually shallow gradient wells (e.g. 30-100 m deep), from which the thermal
gradient can be calculated and possibly the depth to the exploitable geothermal
resource. Drilling is though usually fairly expensive, and puts practical limits to the use
of the method. Furthermore, shallow wells are not always adequate to get reliable
values on the thermal gradient.
The heat exchange mechanism in the earth is important for interpretation of thermal
methods. A distinction is made between:
• Conduction, which is based on atomic vibrations, and is important for transfer of heat
in the earth's crust;
• Convection, which transfers heat by motion of mass, e.g. natural circulation of hot
water; and
• Radiation, which does not influence geothermal systems.
The parameter k, the thermal conductivity (W/m°C), is a material constant, which ranges
between 1 and 5 W/m°C, with the low values usually associated with sedimentary
formations and the higher for crystalline rocks. The thermal gradient, )T/ )z, gives
information on the increase of temperature with depth, and its distribution can be
important information for understanding and delineation of the geothermal resource,
both on a regional scale and local scale. If the conductive hear transfer, Q, is 80- 100
mW/m2 or higher, it may indicate geothermal conditions in the subsurface.
name given to the study of behavior of rocks under loads imposed upon them
in the laboratory with all possible combinations.
From civil engineering point of view, rocks are used for various purposes ie for
laying foundations, as building stones (for walls, columns, lintels and arches ); as
concrete aggregate, as roofing material, as flooring material, as polished stones
for face work, as paving stones of roads, for making statues, as road metal, as
railway ballast, as construction stones for bridges, piers, abutments, retaining
walls, light houses, dams, for tunneling and so on..
Certain rock mechanics (physical properties of rocks ) are necessary to make
rocks suitable for certain purposes. A number of IS codes are available to
determine the different engineering properties for rocks such as Crushing
strength, shearing strength, density, toughness, resistance to abrasion, durability.
For eg:
Strength of a rock is important for foundation purposes to withstand heavy loads (
colour, appearance etc are unimportant ).
Resistance to abrasion is also important when rocks are used for flooring
Durability ( resistance to weathering ) for roofing purpose
Absence of reaction with chemicals for concrete aggregates;
Softness for carving purpose
Lightness is important for rocks/stones used in arches and so on.
Eg: Marble, is well known for its pleasant colors, good appearance, easy workability,
ability to take a high degree of polish is selected for sculpture works whereas it is
unsuitable to serve as a foundation rock whereas basalt is just the opposite of
marble in its nature and suitability.
Hence, the engineering properties of rocks can be studied under:
(i) For construction purposes especially foundation of dams
(ii) Rocks utilized as materials of construction ie building stones
(iii) Rocks used as aggregate ( small broken pieces ) of concrete.
Engineering properties to be tested for rocks
Foundation purposes Building stone for
construction purpose
As aggregates for
concrete purpose
Uniaxial compressive
Crushing strength Hardness test
Tensile strength Transverse strength Toughness test
Shear strength Porosity Binding properties
Modulus of elasticity Density Crushing strength
Abrasive resistance
Frost & fire resistance
Uniaxial compressive strength: This test is carried out on cylindrical
specimens with a length - diameter ratio of 2 and the results are reduced to a
length – diameter ratio of 1 by using the formula:
Co = Cs [ 0.8 + (0.2 / ( L/D)] where Co is the observed compressive strength, Cs
is the standard Uniaxial compressive strength ; L is the length of the cylinder and
D is the diameter of the cylinder.
Tensile Strength: The test consists of loading a test cylinder diametrically in
such a way that the applied loads would develop tensile rupturing along the
diametrical plane of the specimen. The loads are gradually increased till the
cylinder is fractured. The load P at rupture thus being known, Transverse
strength Ts is calculated by using the formula: Ts = 2 P / DL; where D and L
are the diameter and length of the specimen respectively and P is the load.
Shear strength: A bar shaped specimen is held under grips and supported at
its ends below. It is loaded from above and rupture occurs as a result of failure
along two planes when the shearing strength is exceeded. The shearing
strength is calculated by using the formula (P/2) / A, where P is the load at
failure and A is the area of cross-section of the specimen under load.
Modulus of Elasticity ( Young’s modulus ): The modulus of elasticity of rocks
indicates their deformation under loads. Such deformation is recovered when
loads are removed. The value of E is required especially in tunnel works and
the abutments of arch dams. E is expressed by the relation s / e where s is the
stress and e is the strain.
To ensure safety, success and economy in construction of major civil engineering
structures, it is necessary to be thoroughly aware of the geology of the concerned site.
The relevant details can be readily obtained if a suitable and large number of outcrops
of in situ rocks are noticed on the surface. This happens due to various reasons such as
occurrence of soil cover, intense weathering of exposed rocks, sprawling cultivated
lands, townships, forests, surface water bodies and so on at the concerned site. In such
cases in order to acquire the subsurface details only two approaches exist. They are:
direct observations or indirect inferences.
(i) Direct observations can be made by digging, trenching or drilling the ground.
Suchprocesses are expensive, laborious and time consuming. But they give exact data
of the existing subsurface conditions of the site.
(ii) Indirect inferences are drawn by means of geophysical methods of
investigation.These provide quick, inexpensive, easy and fairly reliable means to get
gaining importance very rapidly because of their success in solving a vast variety of
problems. The other advantages are:
(1) These investigations are carried out quickly. This means large areas can be
investigated in a reasonably short period and hence time is saved.
(2) The geophysical instruments used in the field are simple, portable (mostly) and can
be operated easily. This means the fieldwork is not laborious.
(3) Since the work is carried out quickly and only physical observations are made
without the use of consumables (like chemicals), it is economical too (particularly in the
case of gravity, magnetic and some electrical methods of investigations).
(4) Different inferences to suit different purposes can be drawn from the same field data.
(5) Scope to check the correctness of conclusions is possible
(6) To suit the requirements and to be economical, geophysical investigations are
amenable to be carried out on different scales. This means that if only preliminary
information is required; reconnaissance surveys are enough. Then the scale of survey
may range from 1: 100,000 to 1: 1,000,000. However, if more details are required,
detailed surveys can be taken up with the scale of survey ranging from 1: 1000 to I:
Applications of geophysical investigations which account for their inherent importance
are as follows:
(I) Non-geological: Detecting hidden treasures, ammunition dumps, buried Pipeline
patterns or pipes come under this category. Such applications are not many.
(2) Geological: Such applications are numerous, important and widely varied.
These can be broadly grouped into five kinds as follows:
(i) Investigations aimed at solving problems of regional geology;
(ii) Investigations aimed at locating geological structures which are favourable
foraccumulation of oil and gas;
(iii) investigations aimed at locating and estimating economically important
mineral deposits;
(iv) investigations aimed at locating and assessing ground water potential and itsquality;
(v) investigations aimed at solving problems connected with "engineering geology".
"Exploration geophysics" comprises five branches, namely;
regional geophysics, oil and gas geophysics, ore geophysics, ground water geophysics
and engineering geophysics

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Unit 5

  • 1. Unit 5: Geo physical methods Prepared by:K.SAHITYA, Asst prof. Civil engineering dept. BVC college,odalarevu Geophysics is the study of the earth by making use of the principles of Physics. By measuring certain physical properties of rock types, the subsurface data, the location of ore deposits, groundwater conditions etc can be achieved by using Geophysical investigations. To ensure safety, economy in construction of civil engineering structures, it is necessary to aware of the geology and subsurface structure of the concerned site. In order to acquire the subsurface details, only two approaches exist. They are: Direct observations by means of digging, trenching and drilling of the ground. Such processes are expensive and time consuming process. Indirect inferences are drawn by means of Geophysical methods which provide the subsurface date quickly without much expensive. The other advantages include: Large areas can be investigated in short period and hence time is saved. The Geophysical devices are simple, portable and can be operated easily. The Geophysical investigation does not include any consumables and these methods are economical. CLASSIFICATION OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS. These include: GRAVITY METHODS; MAGNETIC METHODS; ELECTRICAL METHODS; SEISMIC METHODS; RADIOMETRIC METHODS and GEOTHERMAL METHODS.
  • 2. Importance of geophysical methods: The Geophysical investigations are multipurpose. The obtained data can be interpreted for knowing the subsurface rock types, regional geology of an area; geological structures which are favourable for accumulation of oil and gas; groundwater potential and its quality; locating and estimation of ore deposit reserves and also to solve the Engineering Geology problems such as: 1. To determine the thickness of overburden 2. Locating fault zones, shear zones which act as places of leakage in reservoirs or as places of weakness in foundation sites; 3. To locate places where building materials occur at a shallow depth 4. To solve some of the Non-geological problems such as  location of buried iron pipe lines (by magnetic methods);  location of areas of buried pipes carrying oil & gas (by electrical methods);  location & liquidation of underground fire (by geothermal methods)  location of cavities in masonry constructions of dams (by radio wave absorption methods) GRAVITY METHODS: In gravity methods, the nature of distribution of gravity (g) on the surface is analyzed. The instruments for gravity prospecting may be divided into three types. (a) Pendulum (b) Torsion balance (c) Gravimeters ( WORDEN GRAVIMETER) Among these, only gravimeters are very popular. A gravimeter measures the relative variations in the vertical component of the gravitational force. It is somewhat like a spring balance which weighs a constant mass and detects the relative difference in weight with great accuracy of the region. If the subsurface has a relatively heavier body, the gravity pull is more there (+g) and the spring extends becoming longer. If the subsurface has relatively a lighter body there the gravity pull is less (-g) and the spring contracts becoming shorter. Hence, g values reflect the subsurface geological strata. Gravity methods are carried out during oil and gas exploration. These investigations are also useful in finding iron ore, manganese ore, graphite, coal, Chromite and bauxite deposits.
  • 3. Spring spring of gravimeter ( - g ) ( + g ) Lighter body local body heavier body Thus in a particular region, if subsurface bodies whose densities are different from the surrounding rocks exist, the gravity field deviates from the normal value that is expected . From these deviations, it is possible to locate the inhomogenous bodies in the subsurface. Geological age Lithology Av density (gm/cc) Gondawanas Calcareous Sandstones 2.55 Ferruginous sandstones 2.33 Vindhyans shales 2.65 Limestones with shale intercalations 2.72 sandstones 2.13 cuddapahs Calcareous shales 2.77 limestones 3.10
  • 4. Phyllites 2.72 Quartzites 2.65 Archaeans Granites 2.65 gneisses 2.65 charnockites 2.82 Khondalites 2.50 MAGNETIC METHODS: Like gravity methods, these investigations also related to the findings of subsurface geology. In general, the magnetic field of the earth or one of its components (vertical or horizontal component) is measured on the surface to know the subsurface bodies data by studying the anomaly. Any deviations in the measured quantities help to locate the anomalous objects.. For eg a dolerite dyke which is occurring in a granitic terrain shows variations in the magnetic anomalies. During the magnetic surveys in the field, when the dyke is approached the magnetic intensities ( z) becomes more and then becomes less after the dyke is crossed. Away from the dyke, on either side ( z) is nearly same and only over the dyke anomaly can be noticed. Positive magnetic (vertical) ANOMALY z 500 400 300 200 100 GRANITE DYKE GRANITE SURFACE SURFACE
  • 5. The different parameters measured during magnetic investigations are total magnetic field and different space components (ie vertical component z; horizontal component H; inclination I and declination D). The magnetic field is measured in terms of gamma. Different magnetometers are available at present for conducting magnetic surveys. Some of them are as follows: The SCHMIDT MAGNETOMETER TORSION MAGNETOMETER FLUX GATE MAGNETOMETER A magnetometer is a measuring instrument used to measure the strength or direction of magnetic fields. The SI unit of magnetic field strength is tesla. As this is a very large unit for most practical uses, scientists commonly use the nanotesla (nT) as their working unit of measure. Engineers often measure magnetic fields in Gauss (1 Gauss = 100,000 nT, or 100,000 gamma). The Earth's magnetic field (the magnetosphere) varies both temporally (there is a daily variation of around 30 nT at mid latitudes and hundreds of nT at the poles) and spatially (from around 20,000 nT near the equator to 80,000 nT near the poles) for various reasons, such as the in homogeneity of rocks and the interaction between charged particles from the Sun and the magnetosphere. Applications: Magnetometers can detect magnetic (ferrous) metals. Magnetometers can be used to help map basin shape at a regional scale, and commonly used to map hazards in coal mining. Also used to demarcate the basaltic intrusions such as dykes, sills etc Magnetometers can also locate zones ignited by lightning and map siderite (an impurity in coal). Modern surveys generally use magnetometers with GPS technology to automatically record the magnetic field and their location.
  • 6. Magnetometers are one of the primary tools used to locate the deposits of gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, platinum and diamonds. Types: Magnetometers can be divided into two basic types:  Scalar magnetometers measure the total strength of the magnetic field to which they are subjected, and  Vector magnetometers have the capability to measure the component of the magnetic field in a particular direction, relative to the spatial orientation of the device. Scalar magnetometers Fluxgate magnetometer Vector magnetometers: The Earth's magnetic field at a given point is a vector. A vector magnetometer measures both the magnitude and direction of the total magnetic field.. Examples of vector magnetometers are fluxgates. Scalar magnetometers: Scalar magnetometers measure the total magnetic field strength but not its direction. A magnetograph is a magnetometer that continuously records data. Since magnetic surveys have certain inherent limitations (ie orientation of instruments), magnetic prospecting is often carried out alongwith gravity or other geophysical methods for accurate solutions. Magnetic investigations are employed for solving the following geological issues: 1. Delineation of large structural forms where usually accumulation of oil and gas deposits takes place 2. Detection & demarcation of basic and ultrabasic bodies such as dykes. 3. Locating iron ores and other deposits such as chromite, manganese and bauxite deposits. 4. Also to demark the ore bodies of copper and nickel sulphides.
  • 7. ELECTRICAL METHODS: Electrical resistivity methods, electromagnetic methods, self-potential methods and induced polarization methods are the important categories of electrical methods. All geological formations have a property called electrical resistivity (ƿ) and this resistivity is expressed in the units of Ohm-meters (Ωm). The electrical resistivities of subsurface formations vary from one another if they are inhomogeneous and are studied with the help of the electrical resistivity methods. The various geological factors which influence the electrical resistivity of the subsurface formations are : 1. Mineral content (most of the rock forming minerals have high resistivity except sulphide minerals) 2. Compactness 3. Moisture (moisture may occur in the rocks) 4. Salinity of moisture. 5. Texture of the rock (fine grained rocks show a higher resistivity compared to coarse grained ones) EQUIPMENT: A resistivity meter is used in carrying out the electrical methods to calculate the apparent resistivity (Pa). It is necessary to remember that what is measured in the field during resistivity investigation is the “Apparent resistivity” and not the true resistivity of the subsurface. To get true resistivity, the apparent resistivity is to be multiplied by a constant (K) as per the spacing pattern. Electrical resistivity values decreases considerably if the rocks contain moisture in the pore spaces (not for always). Fig shows the pattern of distribution of current and equipotential lines in a homogeneous ground. Current is sent inside the ground through metallic electrodes C1 and C2. The potential difference is measured by non-polarising electrodes P1 and P2. BATTERY ammeter Voltmeter C1 P1 P2 C2 A V
  • 8. C 1 and C2 = current electrodes & P1 and P2 = Potential electrodes - - - - - - distribution of current lines ______ distribution of equipotential lines Resistivity methods are classified into: 1. Profiling Method (Lateral exploration) 2. Sounding method (Vertical exploration) 3. Potential Method Profiling is done to detect lateral changes in resistivity which reflects the subsurface lithology in a large area whereas sounding (also known as Vertical Electrical Sounding VES) is done to determine vertical changes in resistivity which reveals the changes in Lithology at a particular place with increasing depth. In profiling or sounding, there is scope for electrode arrangements to be made in different ways in the field as such arrangements are called “electrode configurations”. Profiling method is carried out by adopting the Wenner configuration. The Wenner configuration:This method was developed by Wenner in 1915. In this configuration, the outer electrodes, C1 and C2 are used to send current into the ground and the inner electrodes, P1 and P2 are used to measure the potential. The important feature of this setup is that the distance between any two successive electrodes is equal. The apparent resistivity measured in the Wenner method is given by Pa = 2πa(V/I) where a = Electrode separation v = Potential difference measured I = Current sent into the ground Pa = apparent resistance (ohm-mts ) Profiling Method: This is also known as Lateral Electrical investigation. In this process, the electrode array i.e., setup as a whole is moved from place to place with same intervals (constant electrode spacing) along a given line and the Pa value at each of the station is determined. The changes in pa indicate lateral variations in the subsurface to a certain depth. It is obvious that the profiling technique will be useful in detecting only the dyke bodies or vertical beds. The presentation of profiling data is done on a ordinary graph sheet
  • 9. on X-axis (station) and true resistivity values on Y-axis (ohm-mts). The interpretation of profiling data can demarcate the high and low resistivity values of the sub-surface. C1 P1 P2 C2 DIRECTION OF LINE 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C1 P1 P2 C2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C1 P1 P2 C2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 C1 P1 P2 C2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
  • 10. PROFILING METHOD (The diagram shows four steps, denoting how an electrode arrangement with fixed separation is moved along successive stations of a traverse line) . C1 and C2 are current electrodes & P1 and P2 are Potential electrodes. Ohm-mts stations 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 Graph shows a plot of resistivity data for the above traverse The Schlumberger Configuration:This method was developed by Schlumberger in 1916. In this method, potential electrodes are kept at smaller side compared to the current electrodes. In general, the electrode separation MN < 1/5 AB relation is maintained in this investigation. Here A and B are the current electrodes and M and N are the potential electrodes. The apparent resistivity measured in the Schlumberger configuration is given by Pa= K(V/I) where K is a constant and the value varies as per AB distance Sounding: This method is popularly known as Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES). In this method, a number of pa values are measured at the same place by increasing the distances between the current electrodes each time after taking the reading. The successive increasing in distance makes the current penetrate more and more deeply. Generally, the depth of penetration of the current (ie depth) is about 1/3rd of the distance between the current electrodes. It is necessary to cancel the self-potential before taking V and I readings for every electrode separation. From I/V values of each electrode separation, pa is obtained and it is multiplied by the configuration constant (K) to obtain true resistivity values.
  • 11. The values are plotted on log–log sheet by plotting the electrode separation (station/distance) on x-axis and true resistivity values (ohm-mts) on y-axis. The obtained curve is to be matched with master curves. Self-Potential methods: In self-potential methods, the natural electric field existing in an area is investigated whereas in other methods, the ground is charged by an artificial electric field and the results on the surface are investigated. Self-potential method involves measuring the potential between the potential electrodes for different electrode spacing without any current into the ground. This method is also known as the “Spontaneous Polarization method”. This means the potential measured is the natural potential existing in the ground all the time. Several sulphide ores such as pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, cobaltite etc.. show spontaneous polarization. Anthracite (coal) and graphite are known to give strong SP effects. The instruments required for carrying out SP surveys are: (1) A pair or non-polarizing electrodes to pick up the potentials from the ground. (2) A devise ie DC potentiometer or electronic milli volt meter to measure the value of the potentials (voltages) in the ground picked up through electrodes. The ground immediately above the ore body will therefore be an area of lowest potential, theoretically speaking the negative centre. The location of such negative centres is the target of S.P. surveys, since the ore body can be discovered usually below such centres. The negative centres can be located either by determining the lines of equal electric potential ( ie equi-potential lines ) directly on the ground. The ore body is often met below the negative centre. SEISMIC METHODS Seismology, the science dealing with the natural phenomena relating to earthquakes. The Greek word seismos means shaking. Earthquakes are vibrations or oscillations due to sudden disturbances in the earth, which produce elastic waves which travel away in all directions from the point of origin. These elastic waves are called seismic waves. In seismic prospecting, artificial explosions (explosives, dynamites may produce elastic waves if they fire ) are made to study the travel times of seismic waves
  • 12. through geological formations, suffer reflection or refraction and arrive at the surface of the earth where they are detected by geophones. With the help of geophones fixed at suitable intervals on the ground, the different seismic waves (P,S and L waves) reaching the surface are recorded and time-distance curves ( hodographs ) are constructed. Seismic waves are classed into three types: 1. Primary waves or P waves 2. Secondary waves or S waves 3. Surface waves or L – waves Terminology of an earthquake:  Focus: Place of origin of the earthquake in the interior of the earth.  Epicenter: A point on the ground surface, which is vertically above the focus.  Seismic waves: The enormous energy released from the focus at the time of earthquake is transmitted in all directions in the form of waves.  Elastic waves: A wave propagated by a medium having inertia and elasticity in which displaced particles transfer momentum to neighbouring particles and are themselves restored to original position.  Isoseismal: The imaginary line joining the points of same intensity of the earthquake.  Hodograph: time - distance curve  Seismograph: an instrument is used to detect/ record the seismic waves  Seismogram: Recorded data in seismic methods Of all geophysical methods, seismic prospecting is more complicated and expensive. However, seismic method consists of a number of geophones; an amplifier and a galvanometer are used in addition to explosive material. Seismic methods are effective for depths more than a km but are not suitable for shallow exploration. Seismic methods are important to locate the anticline and synclinal structures in oil exploration, and to identify fault zones. It is also helped a great deal in understanding the internal structure of the earth. Many seismological observations have been established in India. The major ones among them are at New Delhi, Colaba (Mumbai) Alipore (Kolkatta); Shillong etc maintained by the Indian Meteorological Department and at Hyderabad by the National Geophysical Research Institute.
  • 13. CLASSIFICATION AND CAUSES OF EARTHQUAKES: Earthquakes are grouped based on their depth of origin, and described as shallow or intermediate or deeper earthquakes. Earthquakes with a focus depth < 60 km are called shallow earthquakes. If the depth is > 60 kms but < 300 kms, they are called intermediate earthquakes. Other which have a focus depth > 300 kms are called deeper earthquakes. Earthquakes originating at depths > 700 kms are extremely rare. TYPES: Based on the causes responsible for their occurrence, earthquakes are described as TECTONIC EARTHQUAKES AND NON-TECTONIC EARTHQUAKES. Tectonic earthquakes are exclusively due to internal causes ( ie disturbance of geological formations) that takes place in the earth’s interior. Generally, Tectonic earthquakes frequency is less with high intensity and more destructive in nature. Non-tectonic earthquakes are generally due to external causes. These are very frequent but minor intensity and not destructive in nature. These earthquakes occur due to variety of reasons as follows:  Due to huge water falls.  Due to meteorites: Meteorites are bodies of various sizes wandering in space. When they come under the influence of the earth’s gravity field, they suddenly fall on the earth’s surface.  Due to landslides  Due to volcanic eruptions: Some volcanoes pour lava by throwing out the fire, smoke etc to greater heights. Such violent eruptions sometimes cause earthquakes. eg: Indonesia volcano(1883) due to eruption of volcano.  Due to tsunamis: Tsunamis are giant sea waves. They move shore wards and dash against the coastline. Eg: Lisbon earthquake of 1775.  Due to man-made explosions: During mining, and quarrying, many explosions are carried out.  Due to collapse of caves, tunnels etc..  Due to dams and reservoirs: when the reservoir was filled with water shows the signs of tremors. This is due to lateral thrust of reservoir water contributing stress. SIZE OF EARTHQUAKES:The size of an earthquake is defined by its intensity and magnitude. Intensity is expressed based on the degree of destruction
  • 14. caused and varies from place to place. It is maximum around the epicentral area. Earthquake intensities Intensity Effects I Not serious II Felt by few persons at rest, particularly on upper floors of buildings III Vibrations similar to a moving truck IV Windows and doors rattle; loose objects disturb V Breakage of dishes; wall plaster breaks VI Walls crack VII Slight to moderate damage in well-built structures VIII Falling of walls IX Ground cracks; breakage of underground pipes; considerable damage to buildings X Bending of rails; occurrence of land slides XI Buildings destroy XII Total destruction, surface displacements; objects thrown into air The intensity at a place depends on several factors such as distance from the epicenter; depth of focus, geological formations and also on the type of construction of a structure.. Magnitude: Energy released during the time of an earthquake is commonly expressed as Richter’s magnitude. Magnitude of an earthquake does not vary from place to place. Energy released (E) is obtained from the expression: √E = c (a/h)(d2 + h2) Where E = total energy released ( ergs) c = constant ( taken as 0.625 )
  • 15. a = ground acceleration d = distance (km) of the recording station from the epicenter h = depth of focus (km ) Richter’s scale has magnitude numbers upto 10. But the maximum known magnitude is around 9.6 only. An earthquake magnitude of 6.0 involves energy of around 2.5x1020 ergs (equivalent to that of an atom bomb) while for magnitude of earthquake is 7.0, it is around 80x1020 ergs (equivalent to that of a Hydrogen bomb ). For an earthquake of magnitude is 8.0, then the energy may be around 2500x1020 ergs ( most powerful). The magnitudes of some of the important earthquakes in India are given below: City Date Magnitude of earthquake Shillong June12, 1897 8.7 Kangra April 4, 1905 8.0 North Bihar Jan 15, 1934 8.3 Assam Aug 15, 1950 8.6 Koyna (Maharashtra) Dec 11, 1967 6.4 Chamoli (Uttaranchal) Oct 20, 1991 6.5 Sand and mud with water was ejected Killari ( Latur ) Sept30, 1993 6.5 Jabalpur (MP) May 22, 1997 6.0 Bhuj (Gujarat) Jan 26, 2001 7.5 Vertical & partial collapse of a building Andamans Dec 26, 2004 9.0 SEISMIC BELTS & SEISMIC ZONING MAP OF INDIA:On a seismic map, the country has been divided into 7 zones in terms of severity (magnitude). First seismic map (zoning map) was prepared in 1962 on the basis of historical data available regarding the occurrence of earthquakes all over the country. Subsequently the zoning map was revised in 1966. Many of the areas in zone V and VI were merged into one because of their high risk. In the zone map brought out in the year 2000, the earlier zones II and I
  • 16. were merged. So the number of zones got reduced from 7 to 5. Zone – I is least severe and the Zone VI is most severe. Entire NE regions, parts of Uttaranchal, Rann of Kutch ( Gujarat ) & Srinagar are included in zone V where the earthquake severity is high. All regions in Southern India are included in Zone III. Rest of the parts of India are included in Zone I & II. Zone 4 is also treated as severity. Precautionary measures for the construction of buildings, dams/reservoirs etc in seismic areas: To make suitable constructions in seismic areas, IS codes 1893 – 2970 give guidelines. For Construction of Buildings:In addition to the safety factors considered there are other precautionary measures which help in increasing the stability of buildings in seismic areas. They are as follows:  Buildings should be founded on hard bedrock and never on loose soils or fractured rocks. This is so because loose ground can easily expose to earthquake vibrations.  Foundation should be of same depth throughout for continuity.  Buildings situated near hill sides, near steep slopes, on undulating ground or on marshy ground always suffer more when earthquake occurs. Therefore these situations may be avoided.  Buildings should have light walls.  Different parts of abuilding should be well tied together so that the whole structure behaves like a single unit to the vibrations.  Proper proportionate of cement and mortar should be used.  Doors and windows should be kept to a minimum and they should not be in vertical rows but preferably along the diagonals.  The building should have uniform height and additional features such as parapets, cantilevers, domes and arches are undesirable.  Buildings should have flat RCC roofs and they should be designed not to yield to lateral stress.  Projections above the roofs are undesirable. For Construction of Dams: Dams being very costly projects their consideration in seismic areas needs careful study to ensure their safety precautionary measures which are as follows:  Forces in the dam due to reservoir water and due to the dams weight are to counter balanced by introducing additional stress in the design of the dam.  Design of the dam is to be made such that during an earthquake they move along with the foundations below.  Dams should not ordinarily be built along or across the faults because possible slipping along these planes during earthquakes will introduce additional complications.
  • 17.  The resonance factor value (vibrations due to sound) should be given due consideration because a coincidence in the period of vibration of the dam and the earthquake vibrations can produce cumulative effects. RADIOMETRIC METHODS: The nuclei of certain elements are unstable (U, Th) and change spontaneously into the nuclei of other elements. This change is accompanied by emission of radiations known as alpha; beta and gamma rays. Hence, these rays are measured in the study of radiometric methods. Instruments used in radiometric prospecting are called radiometers. A radiometer consists of three basic components: (i) a detector of radiations (ii) an amplifying and recording unit and (iii) a power supply unit . The radioactivity is different in various types of rocks. In igneous rocks, the radio activity decreases with decreasing acidity as: Plutonic rocks basic rocks ultrabasic rocks (Radioactivity is high) ………………………………. (Radioactivity is least) In sedimentary rocks, the radioactivity decreases as : Shales sandstones limestones Thus based on radioactivity, it is not only distinguish different rock types but also to detect ore bodies. Under favourable conditions, it may be possible to identify geological structures such as faults and folds in the subsurface. Positive anomaly over ore body 50 40 30 20 10 Fault SURFACE SURFACE
  • 18. Granite ore body Granite Gabbro Fault Radiometric methods of investigation are useful in:  Exploration of U and Th mineral deposits  Indirect location of rare elements such as Zr, Be, Li etc occurring in pegmatites and Tantalum, Niobium etc occurring in some alkaline rocks.  In case of exploration of oil and gas due to the low values of gamma rays.  By means of radioactive techniques, it is possible to study the velocity of ground water, its direction, salt water bodies etc.  Radioactive tracer techniques may be utilized for finding leakages in water storage structures. GEOTHERMAL METHODS: Geothermal methods deals with measurements of the physical properties of the earth. The emphasis is mainly related to temperature and fluid content of the rocks. The important physical parameters in a geothermal system are: temperature; porosity; permeability; chemical content of fluid (salinity); and (pressure) The aim can be to delineate a geothermal resource, to locate aquifers, or structures that may control aquifers etc.. Temperature distribution on the surface of the earth is due to three different sources. They are: (i) Heat received from the sun ( varies with the time of the day and with the season ) up to a few meters depth only. (ii) Heat conveyed from the hot interior of the earth due to conduction and convection processes (iii)Heat due to decay of radioactive minerals in the crust of the earth. By eliminating (i) and (ii), the solar heat component and the heat contribution of radioactive mineral decay, the only one is to interpret the values of temp of the earth’s surface. For the measurement of the temperature on the surface of the earth, in
  • 19. shallow holes or in deep bore holes, THERMISTOR THERMOMETERS and PLATINUM RESISTANCE THERMOMETERS can achieve an accuracy of 0.01oC are used. The geothermal methods find application to locate structural bodies, oil and gas structures, ore deposits, ground water studies etc… Thermal methods include direct measurements of temperature and/or heat, and thus correlate better with the properties of the geothermal system than other methods. To measure temperatures close to the surface, in the uppermost part of the earth crust is fairly simple. Knowledge about status at deeper levels is based on the existence of wells, usually shallow gradient wells (e.g. 30-100 m deep), from which the thermal gradient can be calculated and possibly the depth to the exploitable geothermal resource. Drilling is though usually fairly expensive, and puts practical limits to the use of the method. Furthermore, shallow wells are not always adequate to get reliable values on the thermal gradient. The heat exchange mechanism in the earth is important for interpretation of thermal methods. A distinction is made between: • Conduction, which is based on atomic vibrations, and is important for transfer of heat in the earth's crust; • Convection, which transfers heat by motion of mass, e.g. natural circulation of hot water; and • Radiation, which does not influence geothermal systems. The parameter k, the thermal conductivity (W/m°C), is a material constant, which ranges between 1 and 5 W/m°C, with the low values usually associated with sedimentary formations and the higher for crystalline rocks. The thermal gradient, )T/ )z, gives information on the increase of temperature with depth, and its distribution can be important information for understanding and delineation of the geothermal resource, both on a regional scale and local scale. If the conductive hear transfer, Q, is 80- 100 mW/m2 or higher, it may indicate geothermal conditions in the subsurface. FUNDAMENTAL ASPECTS OF ROCK MECHANICS:“Rock mechanics” is the name given to the study of behavior of rocks under loads imposed upon them in the laboratory with all possible combinations. From civil engineering point of view, rocks are used for various purposes ie for laying foundations, as building stones (for walls, columns, lintels and arches ); as concrete aggregate, as roofing material, as flooring material, as polished stones for face work, as paving stones of roads, for making statues, as road metal, as
  • 20. railway ballast, as construction stones for bridges, piers, abutments, retaining walls, light houses, dams, for tunneling and so on.. Certain rock mechanics (physical properties of rocks ) are necessary to make rocks suitable for certain purposes. A number of IS codes are available to determine the different engineering properties for rocks such as Crushing strength, shearing strength, density, toughness, resistance to abrasion, durability. For eg: Strength of a rock is important for foundation purposes to withstand heavy loads ( colour, appearance etc are unimportant ). Resistance to abrasion is also important when rocks are used for flooring purposes. Durability ( resistance to weathering ) for roofing purpose Absence of reaction with chemicals for concrete aggregates; Softness for carving purpose Lightness is important for rocks/stones used in arches and so on. Eg: Marble, is well known for its pleasant colors, good appearance, easy workability, ability to take a high degree of polish is selected for sculpture works whereas it is unsuitable to serve as a foundation rock whereas basalt is just the opposite of marble in its nature and suitability. Hence, the engineering properties of rocks can be studied under: (i) For construction purposes especially foundation of dams (ii) Rocks utilized as materials of construction ie building stones (iii) Rocks used as aggregate ( small broken pieces ) of concrete. Engineering properties to be tested for rocks Foundation purposes Building stone for construction purpose As aggregates for concrete purpose Uniaxial compressive strength Crushing strength Hardness test Tensile strength Transverse strength Toughness test Shear strength Porosity Binding properties Modulus of elasticity Density Crushing strength
  • 21. Abrasive resistance Frost & fire resistance Durability Uniaxial compressive strength: This test is carried out on cylindrical specimens with a length - diameter ratio of 2 and the results are reduced to a length – diameter ratio of 1 by using the formula: Co = Cs [ 0.8 + (0.2 / ( L/D)] where Co is the observed compressive strength, Cs is the standard Uniaxial compressive strength ; L is the length of the cylinder and D is the diameter of the cylinder. Tensile Strength: The test consists of loading a test cylinder diametrically in such a way that the applied loads would develop tensile rupturing along the diametrical plane of the specimen. The loads are gradually increased till the cylinder is fractured. The load P at rupture thus being known, Transverse strength Ts is calculated by using the formula: Ts = 2 P / DL; where D and L are the diameter and length of the specimen respectively and P is the load. Shear strength: A bar shaped specimen is held under grips and supported at its ends below. It is loaded from above and rupture occurs as a result of failure along two planes when the shearing strength is exceeded. The shearing strength is calculated by using the formula (P/2) / A, where P is the load at failure and A is the area of cross-section of the specimen under load. Modulus of Elasticity ( Young’s modulus ): The modulus of elasticity of rocks indicates their deformation under loads. Such deformation is recovered when loads are removed. The value of E is required especially in tunnel works and the abutments of arch dams. E is expressed by the relation s / e where s is the stress and e is the strain. NECESSITY OF GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS To ensure safety, success and economy in construction of major civil engineering structures, it is necessary to be thoroughly aware of the geology of the concerned site. The relevant details can be readily obtained if a suitable and large number of outcrops of in situ rocks are noticed on the surface. This happens due to various reasons such as occurrence of soil cover, intense weathering of exposed rocks, sprawling cultivated lands, townships, forests, surface water bodies and so on at the concerned site. In such
  • 22. cases in order to acquire the subsurface details only two approaches exist. They are: direct observations or indirect inferences. (i) Direct observations can be made by digging, trenching or drilling the ground. Suchprocesses are expensive, laborious and time consuming. But they give exact data of the existing subsurface conditions of the site. (ii) Indirect inferences are drawn by means of geophysical methods of investigation.These provide quick, inexpensive, easy and fairly reliable means to get subsurfacedetails. IMPORTANCE OF GEOPHYSICAL INVESTIGATIONS: Geophysical investigations are gaining importance very rapidly because of their success in solving a vast variety of problems. The other advantages are: (1) These investigations are carried out quickly. This means large areas can be investigated in a reasonably short period and hence time is saved. (2) The geophysical instruments used in the field are simple, portable (mostly) and can be operated easily. This means the fieldwork is not laborious. (3) Since the work is carried out quickly and only physical observations are made without the use of consumables (like chemicals), it is economical too (particularly in the case of gravity, magnetic and some electrical methods of investigations). (4) Different inferences to suit different purposes can be drawn from the same field data. (5) Scope to check the correctness of conclusions is possible (6) To suit the requirements and to be economical, geophysical investigations are amenable to be carried out on different scales. This means that if only preliminary information is required; reconnaissance surveys are enough. Then the scale of survey may range from 1: 100,000 to 1: 1,000,000. However, if more details are required, detailed surveys can be taken up with the scale of survey ranging from 1: 1000 to I: 10,000. Applications of geophysical investigations which account for their inherent importance are as follows:
  • 23. (I) Non-geological: Detecting hidden treasures, ammunition dumps, buried Pipeline patterns or pipes come under this category. Such applications are not many. (2) Geological: Such applications are numerous, important and widely varied. These can be broadly grouped into five kinds as follows: (i) Investigations aimed at solving problems of regional geology; (ii) Investigations aimed at locating geological structures which are favourable foraccumulation of oil and gas; (iii) investigations aimed at locating and estimating economically important mineral deposits; (iv) investigations aimed at locating and assessing ground water potential and itsquality; and (v) investigations aimed at solving problems connected with "engineering geology". "Exploration geophysics" comprises five branches, namely; regional geophysics, oil and gas geophysics, ore geophysics, ground water geophysics and engineering geophysics