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Prepared by:K.SAHITYA,
Asst prof.
Civil engineering dept.
BVC college,odalarevu
The enormous requirement of water for irrigation, industries, power generation,
constructional activities, domestic and other purposes are met either by surface water
resources (like tanks, lakes and rivers) or underground water. Surface water resources
are fairly amenable for definite assessment and exploitation. Among the surface water
resources, rivers provide copious supplies of water which can be stored in man-made
reservoirs by constructing dams across the rivers.
A dam is a prestigious civil engineering structure which blocks a river channel
and compels the running water to accumulate within the reservoir. In other words
dams are constructed for impounding water.
Dams are the costliest multipurpose civil engineering constructions. They deliver
beneficial results for a long time to mankind. But the same dams, if they fail, create a
heavy toll of life and property through lightning floods. They may even cause the failure
of other dams built along the downstream course. Each dam consumes millions of
tons of building materials including cement, aggregates, sand and steel and other
Whenever this accumulation of water exceeds the desired limit of storage in
reservoir, the surplus water is allowed to flow downstream. The openings which
control the discharge of surplus water from reservoir together constitute the
SPILLWAY. The Spillway is commonly placed on a sound foundation within or
outside the body of the dam and the openings are controlled by suitably
designed gates.
Among various constructions, dams throw the toughest challenge to the civil engineer.
Barrages are similar to dams and are mainly meant to raise the level of water along the
course of a river to reap certain advantages.
The location of a dam or the selection of a dam site is mainly based on the
Geology of the site because the stability or success and the cost of dam are
dependant on different geological conditions of the site.
In India, more than 90% of the dams operating are primarily for irrigation.
Various purposes of dam construction are:
 To generate hydro-electric power
 For flood control
 For water supply to meet domestic, industrial ..
Parts of a Dam: The chief parts of a dam are as follows:
Heel: It is the part where the dam comes in contact with the ground on
the upstream side
Toe: It is that part where the dam comes in contact with the ground on
the downstream side
Free board: It is the difference in level between the top of the dam wall and the
highest storage level.
Galleries: These are small rooms left within the dam for checking operations.
Spillway: An arrangement is made in a dam near the top or inside to allow
excess water of the reservoir to the downstream side
Sluice: It is an opening in the dam near the ground level. It is useful in
clearing the silt of the reservoir.
Cut-off wall: It is an underground wall-like structure of concrete in the heel
portion. It is useful in preventing leakage under the foundation.
Abutment: These are the sides of the valley on which the dam structure rests.
Dams are of different types. Either they can be totally of reinforced concrete or totally of
earth materials or a combination of both.
Based on the construction material used, dams are grouped into concrete dams,
(masonry dams ) and earth dams.
Based on design, the concrete dams may be further grouped in to Gravity dams,
Buttress dams and Arch dams.
Similarly, Earth dams too are grouped in to Earth Fill dams and Rock Fill dams (based
on the kind of material used.)
Gravity dams: It is a heavy concrete structure. The weight of the dam acts vertically
( whole weight acts vertically downwards ) and plays an important part in its stability.
The stability of a gravity dam depends on the pressure distribution. This type of dam
is to be selected only in such places where competent and stable rocks occur.
For the dam to be stable, the resultant R of the force, [W (weight of the dam) and the
lateral thrust of the reservoir water (P) ] must be within the middle of the dam.
Foundation treatment like grouting is adopted in case of any incompetent
foundation material present.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(W) (R)
Buttress dams: These are concrete structures in which there is a DECK sloping
upstream, supported by BUTTRESSESS ( or walls ) placed at right angles to the
dam axis. These buttresses are further strengthened by cross-walls known as
The entire system with all these components distributes the load over the foundation.
Since the load distribution is over a wide area, even formations relatively weak are
FOUNDATION ROCKS ( top view of buttress dam )
Arch dams: This type of dam is preferred for narrow and deep river gorges. The arch is
convex to the upstream side. It can be a single arch dam or multiple arches. The design
of an arch dam is such that the whole part of the load is transformed to the abutments.
Since a substantial part of the load is transmitted to the abutments, the
formations constituting the abutments must be very competent. Arch dams need
better monitoring. Arch dams are best suited to narrow, deep, river-cut gorges.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Upstream Down stream
- RESERVOIR - - - - -
River course
( top view of an arch dam )
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NOTE: Masonry dams are suitable where the geological formations at the
dam site are very strong and stable, so as to withstand heavy loads
associated with the dams.
EARTH DAMS: These structures are large in size and trapezoidal in shape.
These are preferred in broad valleys and where the foundation material is weak
or where suitable competent rocks occur at a great depth.
The earth dams, relatively of smaller height are lighter structures and broad
based. Because of the broad nature of the dams, the weight of the dam is distributed
over a wide base and the force per unit area is consequently less.
The earth materials used in the construction are gravel, sand, silt and clay is called
an Earth Fill Dam and if the material used is rock, it is called a Rock Fill Dam.
The side slopes are maintained at 1 in 2.5 and an impervious clay core is
provided to arrest seepage across the structure.
Eg: Ft. Peck, Wyoming dam…. It is 41/2 miles long, 4000 feet thick at the base
and 250 feet high.
--Reservoir -----------------------------
LOCATION OF A DAM: The ideal site for location of a dam should satisfy the
following requirements:
 A narrow river valley along with steeper side slopes
 Stable slopes both at the dam location and along the reservoir sides
 Absence of weathered formations
 Competent geological formations devoid of weak zones
 Absence of clay and fractured material
 Absence of fault zones
 Stability of formations below the dam and reservoir area
 Easy access and supply of materials for construction of the structure
Clay core
It may be mentioned here that all these attributes never exist in any one
particular site. Consequently, appropriate foundation treatments are resorted for
making the dam site and reservoir area most suitable.
GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS for selection of a dam site:
(A) Topography and geomorphology of the site: At the proposed dam
site, if the valley is narrow, only a small dam is required, which means the
cost of dam construction will be less. On the other hand, if the valley is wide, a
bigger dam is necessary which means the construction cost will be very high.
Therefore, it is preferable, from the economy point of view, to select such a site
along the river valley which has the narrowest part of the river. However, narrow
river valley may have severe defects which may lead to leakages.
Quite often the valleys have TALUS and flood deposits along the slopes, thus giving a
narrow appearance to the valley but in fact it may be a wider river valley.
(B) Impact of Geological structures (occurrence of rock formations at shallow
depths) :
The rock formations at the dam site should be dipping towards upstream or horizontal.
This will counter the seepage, compared to the situation where the formations dip in the
downstream direction.
To ensure the safety and stability of a dam, it should necessarily rest the dam on strong
(physically) and very stable rocks (structurally).
 Usually the foundations will have greater stability when the load is normal in
case of horizontal formations or with low dip formations.
 Fault zones present in the formations result weakness in the rock formations.
 Extensive joints in the rocks threaten the safety of the structures by means of
 Presence of Anticlinal or Synclinal structures in the rocks also contribute to the
To know the bedrock profile ( ie the depths at which bedrock occurs at different
places ) in the river valley along the axis of a proposed dam, geophysical
investigations such as ‘Electrical Resistivity “ or “Seismic Refraction” methods are
to be carried out.
Following examples reveal the impact on dams where the cost was high as well
as the presence of structures in the rock formations:
1. Bhakranangal dam on sutlez river, the bed rocks were at a great depth caused more
excavation for foundation .
2. Koyna dam is located on an excellent competent basalts with 6 to 7 metres thick but
followed by weak volcanic breccia upto 20 mts below the ground level. This naturally
rise in the construction cost of the dam.
3. Presence of a fault and incompetent rocks of conglomerate in St. Francis dam of
California caused for enormous leakage of water through the conglomerates and
4. Similarly the presence of cavernous limestones in the foundations caused for the
collapse of Halesbar dam on the Tennessee river.
(C) Competent rocks to offer a stable foundation ( Lithology of the
formations ):
Among the Igneous rocks, (either plutonic or hypabyssal rocks) Granites, Syenites,
Diorites, Gabbros, and volcanic rocks viz., Basalts (fine grained) are most desirable at
the dam site. However, adverse effects will be noticed in basalts only when they are
highly vesicular and permeable.
In case of sedimentary rocks, particularly shales, poorly cemented sandstones and
cavernous limestones shall be undesirable to serve as foundation rocks. However, well
cemented siliceous sandstones have good compressive strength and suitable for the
dam foundation.
Laterites and conglomerates are undesirable at dam site. Clay, if present in any of
sedimentary rocks is totally to be excavated since it swells on saturation with water.
Among the metamorphic rocks; gneisses are generally competent whereas
schists are undesirable due to their well developed cleavages and foliation.
Quartzites are very hard and highly resistant to weathering and suitable for
foundation of dam sites.
Slates bear a typical slaty cleavage and soft nature are undesirable at dam sites.
Khondalites which are feldspar rich and contain soft graphite, and are usually
weathered and hence unsuitable at dam sites
Much attention is needed in case where the contact of igneous intrusives ( for
example dolerite ) with the host rocks often are fractured and jointed.
- Eg: (1) In the Ukai dam site in Gujarat, the contacts of basalts and the
dolerite dyke were the weak zones.
- Eg: (2) Similarly, at the contacts of a dolerite dyke with the host granite
gneisses in the Nagarjuna sagar dam area, shear zone with heavily
crushed rock was found. Of course, back filling with grouting was adopted.
(D)Influence and Effects of various factors:
1. The extent of weathering should be carefully assessed (through trial pits) to
ascertain whether a rock is suitable or unsuitable for the required purpose.
2. Study of intrusives such as dolerites and quartz veins is important factor. If they are
present they contribute to the heterogeneity at the dam site causing leakage.
3. Fracturing is a common phenomenon observed in all kinds of rocks and represents a
reduction in the cohesion or compactness of the rock. Suitable remedial measures
taken up to make the site rocks fit for the location of the dam.
4. Alternating soft and hard beds when inclined are bad and the situation leads to a
variety of problems including slipping of hard beds over softer ones at the time of
In civil Engineering point of view, the following cases of geological structures at dam site
are important:
I. Case of undisturbed strata.
Horizontal Strata: This geological situation is good at the dam site because the load of
the dam acts perpendicular to the dam site.
II. Beds Dipping towards Upstream Side
a. Gently Inclined beds:
In this case, rocks are best positioned to take the loads of dam because the resultant
force and the bedding planes are not in the same direction. No uplift force on the dam
and percolated water is returned to the upstream side only, so this is doubly
b. Steep beds:
This situation is not bad but not that competent to take up the dam loads as compared
to gently inclined beds. This may not cause uplift force on the dam and percolated water
is returned to the upstream side only.
III. Beds Dipping towards Downstream
c. Gently Inclined beds:
It is disadvantageous, because the resultant force and the bedding planes are in the
same direction. Percolated water to down stream side cause uplift force on the dam
and percolated water goes out and cause significant water loss.
d. Steep beds: This situation is similar to the above situation and further dangerous
because the resultant force and the bedding planes are almost parallel.
IV. Beds dipping vertically
e. Dam Over Vertical Beds:
Occurrence of this situation is rare. It will not pose problems of uplift force or leakage
below the dam. However, it shall not have any advantage in terms of competence of
V. Beds which are Folded
Dam Over Folded Beds: Folding of beds, are generally less dangerous than the
faulting, unless the folds are of a complex nature. The folded rocks are not only under
strain but also physically fractured along the crests. Hence grouting and other
precautions may have to be taken, depending upon the context, to improve the stability
and competence of rocks at the site.
VI. Beds which are Faulted
Dam over Faulted Beds: Occurrence of faulting at the dam site is most undesirable. If
the faults are active, under no circumstances, dam construction can be taken up there.
This is due to relative movement of bed and also possible occurrence of an earthquake.
1. If the faults occur in the downstream side, they will not be much harmful directly.
2. If the faults occur in the upstream side, the downstream dipping faults are dangerous
because they have all the disadvantages of a case with bedding planes of such attitude
( i.e., risk of uplift pressure, heavy leakage water), but if the faults dip in the upstream
side they need to be sealed to avoid possible leakage.
VII. Beds Which have Joints
Joints are nothing but gaps of different magnitude that are common in rocks. They
contribute to the physical weakness of the rock and also more porous and permeability.
These physical features are undesirable for the dam construction. Hence, by adopting
grouting technique, these weaknesses can be avoided.
VIII. Cases where beds lie parallel to the length of the valley
This is the case where the dam is aligned across the strike, i.e., in the dip direction of
the beds. In this case the danger will almost always be present as the slope of valley
sides are very steep at the dam sites and are very likely to be steeper than the dip of
rocks and causes instability at the site and slipping of rocks at one side
Stages/Exploratory investigations for site location of dam: The selection of a site
for dam construction is made in various stages.
Stage 1 (Preliminary stage ) : All the available information in terms of topographic
maps, geological maps, seismic information is summarized to have a preliminary
understanding of the area.
Detailed geological mapping by incorporating the rock formation details, boundaries of
formations, strike and dip of the beds, joints, faults, folds etc…. is to be prepared.
The field geological map is integrated with available aerial photos and satellite
imageries to produce a composite map. Aerial photo interpretation provides information
like litho logical variations of the formations; geological structures, landslide areas,
drainage patterns and structural control of drainage etc….
On the other hand, satellite data provide a regional picture on various features
related to Geology, Geomorphology and Physiography of the area under
Geophysical investigations including seismic and electrical resistivity surveys are
undertaken to obtain information both laterally and vertically ( depth). Drilling in
vertical and inclined directions, is undertaken. Drill hole data enable structural
variations in the formations to depth. Plate bearing load tests, water pressure
tests etc in bore holes are also undertaken.
Groundwater study and preparation of ground water contour maps are important
in preliminary investigation. Seepage including springs and the source of
seepage water, condition of seepage water, elevation at which the seepage is
present are to be recorded.
Stage 2 ( Detailed investigation ) : once all the field data is obtained from the
above approaches, locations are identified for samples to be collected for
laboratory investigations. Lab investigations include assessment of properties like
All the data on integration will provide the thickness of overburden, depth to
water table, areas of potential seepage, rock strengths and enable the
delineation of weak zones.
Table depicts the range of values for various rock formations for UCS & ME
UCS (kN/m2) UCS ( MPa ) kN/m2 (x106 )
QUARTZITE 200000 350000 200 350 8.28 44.06
GRANITE 40000 290000 40 290 10.35 82.11
BASALTS 180000 275000 180 275 40.71 85.56
GNEISS 151000 248000 151 248 24.15 104.19
SLATE 95000 250000 95 250
MARBLE 48000 230000 48 230
SANDSTONE 10000 23000 10 230 4.14 55.20
SCHISTS 7500 139000 7.5 139
SHALES 6500 200000 6.5 200 2.07 68.31
LIMESTONE 5000 200000 5 200 2.76 97.29
The rock formations RATING are classified as RQD (%) to access the suitability:
Strength of the rock RQD (%)
Very poor 0 25
Poor 25 50
Fair 50 75
Good 75 90
Excellent 90 100
ROCK QUALITY INDEX SYSTEM ( Q – SYSTEM ): rock mass rating on the
basis of Q value for TUNNEL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT is as follows:
Excellent 400 1000
Extremely good 100 400
Very good 40 100
Good 10 40
Fair 4 10
Poor 1 4
1. The St. Francis Dam was a concretegravity-arch dam, designed to create a reservoir
The dam was built between 1924 and 1926 under the supervision of William Mulholland
The dam Height is 195 feet (59 m) & its length is 608 feet (185 m). The dam
was constructed on the foundation of Schists and conglomerates and in turn,
separated by a distinct fault. In addition, conglomerates also had veins of
gypsum, a soluble mineral and hence both Schists and conglomerates are
unsuitable to serve as a foundation to such a dam.
Several temperature and contraction cracks appeared in the dam when the reservoir
had reached full capacity. Enormous leakage of stored water occurred through
the conglomerate and the dam failed by sliding in 1928 resulting more than
killing of 450 people.
Huge concrete block from the west abutment of the dam . The block is approximately 63
feet long, 30 feet high, and 54 feet wide. It was concluded that the disaster was
primarily caused by the landslide on which the eastern abutment of the dam was built.
2. Hales Bar Dam was a hydroelectric dam located on the Tennessee River in
Marion Country, Tennessee, USA. The Hales Bar Dam was constructed on the
foundation of cavernous limestones. Such rocks are naturally weak both
physically and chemically. To improve the site conditions and to reduce the
seepage, the large openings were filled up by using more than 3000 tons of
cement and 1100 barrels of asphalt. The height of the dam is 113 feet with a
length of 2315 feet
The dam was planned to complete in 1909, but numerous difficulties brought by the
soft bedrock ie limestone upon which the dam was built.
Leaks began to appear almost immediately after completion. However. in 1919,
engineers attempted to minimize the leakage by pumping hot asphalt into the dam's
foundation. This was temporarily successful, but by 1931, a study leaking at a rate of
1,000 cubic feet per second was noticed .
In the late 1950s, however, the water below Hales Bar Dam, was again leaking, this
time at an alarming 2,000 cubic feet per second. Dye tests carried out in 1960
suggested that many of the leakage channels had interconnected, increasing the
possibility of a future dam failure.
GEO HAZARDS : Geological hazards such as Earthquakes; volcanoes ;
landslides etc.. pose a threat to the earth’s stability. All these geological
hazards cause considerable destruction in many ways.
During earthquake, the ground motion results in damaging buildings, dams,
dislocating the roads and railway tracks; alter the course of surface water and
groundwater flow etc..
Volcanic activity brings devastation on large scale due to emission of a number
of gases.. Thick forests are denuded, vast areas are buried under thick volcanic
Land slides are common phenomena during earthquakes. Huge flow of pyroclastic
materials mix with water flows and cause damage to whatever lies in its path.
Thus, earthquakes, volcanic activity and land slides are all inter-related.
1. Earthquakes & earthquake hazards : The earth’s crust is broken into 13
major plates which are in constant movement ( 1 to 2 cm / year on average )
due to the convection currents in the interior of the earth. These plates are
called as Tectonic Plates .
The pate boundaries move away from each other at some places while they
converge and collide against each other at some places.
An earthquake is a sudden motion of the ground. In the Earth’s crust, at different
places , stresses accumulate causing slow and continuous deformation of rocks.
As the stress exceed its elastic limit, the rocks break . Due to this sudden
breakage, the strain energy is released in the form of shock waves.
The focus is the place where this slippage has initially taken place. Vertically
above the focus, the location on the ground surface is known as epicenter of
the earth quake.
Recording of the shock waves is done with the help of an instrument known as
Seismograph. The record ( chart ) is known as a seismogram. These records
for an earthquakes are useful in locating the epicenter of the earthquake and
also to define the size of the earthquake.
The size of an earthquake is defined by its intensity and magnitude.
The intensity at a place depends on several factors such as distance from the
epicenter, depth of focus, geological formations and the type of a civil structure.
The magnitude of an earthquake does not vary from place to place. Magnitude
is a function of the energy released in an earthquake and is common ly
expresses as Richter’s magnitude . Richter’s scale has magnitude numbers upto
10 but the maximum known magnitude is around 9.6 only.
In civil engineering practice, earthquake resistant designs have been needed
for all civil structures.
Earthquake Hazards:
 Destruction of buildings eg: Bhuj earthquake ( 7.5 ) on 26-01-2001
 Dislocation of transportation routes ( highways, bridges, railway tracks ).
Eg: (1) California earthquake of 1994, caused subsidence and landslides.
(2) Alaska earthquake ( 8.7) on 27-03-1964 causing the displacement of a
road bridge.
 Generation of Tsunamis for eg: Mexico, Chile , Indonesia ( Tsunami means
the rapid displacement on the sea floor during the earthquake. These
waves travel several thousands of kilometers.
 Power lines breakdown and cause for fires
2. Volcanic and volcanic hazards: The earth’s crust is highly fractured and
these fractures extending to certain depths and facilitate migration of magma
upwards . The rate of travel of magma depends on its composition (ie silica rich
magma) granitic magma ; Basaltic magma (Fe - Mg rich with deficiency of silica).
The molten rock material emerges on to the surface as Lava. Volcanic activity
involves eruptions with ejection of lava along with several volcanic gases.
Volcanic Hazards: Volcanic eruptions are hazardous and occur in many forms.
The details are as follows:
Volcanic gases: When a volcano erupts, gases ( water vapour; CO2; SO2; HCl; HF;
CO; H2S ) spreads into the atmosphere.
SO2 contributes acid rain and CO2 causes depletion of Ozone layer. Fluoride
and Chloride gases contaminate water and may also cause skin irritation.
Lava flows: Lava flows, being hot, are very disastrous. Volcanic flows vary in
their temperature between 200oC and 1000oC causing extensive burning of all the
material they encounter. The volcanic flows follow stream valleys resulting floods
in case of snow or ice terrains.
Volcanic Fragments / ash is also called as TEPHRA. If the fragments are < 2
mm, it will be called as VOLCANIC ASH whereas the large fragments are known
The volcanic ash spreads as a cloud covering enormous areas following the wind
direction. The fine particles sometimes gets electrically charged causing for
lightning. Volcanic ash causes breathing problems.
Lahars: Volcanic material mixed with water forms a slurry, similar to wet
concrete mix. Lahars containing around 80% of the volcanic materials and destroy
bridges and buildings.
Ground Subsidence: Movement of material vertically down is known as subsidence
(or) Ground subsidence involves vertical collapse of ground. Sinking of the ground
takes place due to underground presence of open spaces. Subsidence can be
slow or relatively fast depending upon the type. Subsidence can be caused by
natural or through human activities. Carbonate dissolution in the subsurface;
underground mining; ground water withdrawal etc are some of the examples for
Carbonate dissolution in the subsurface: This is common to limestone terrains.
If the ground water is slightly acidic, it reacts with CaCO3. In this reaction, the
bicarbonate formed is soluble and is carried away by the underground circulating
Cavities or caverns are common in limestone formations. In the caves, the
evidences of solution and the enrichment of carbonate ions in water can be seen
from the formation of stalactites (hanging carbonate precipitate) from the leaking
water on the cave roofs and also the growth of these deposits from the leaked
water falling on the floor of the cave ( stalagmites ).
Underground mining: in coalmines, the subsidence of the ground is common
due to collapse of the roof of the mine. During the mining, inadequate supports
or excessive mining of coal results the roof collapse. In addition, underground
fires taking place in some coal fields due ground subsidence. Eg: Jharia coal
Groundwater withdrawal in the subsurface: Excessive withdrawal of groundwater
from the subsurface results in subsidence. This process is known as hydro-
compaction, usually which takes place by dewatering from the geological
In oil and gas fields, withdrawal of the fluids ( crude oil ) also results in
ARCH DAM in India( Idukki Dam ): The 'Idukki Dam' - Asia's biggest Arch Dam of 555
feet height proudly standing between the two mountains - 'Kuravanmala' (839 meters)
and 'Kurathimala' (925 meters ) in Idukki district in Kerala. . This prestigeous project
power House is located at Moolamattom which is about 43 kms away from Idukki.
The Idukki Dam was commissioned in 1976. This is India’s first & only Arch Dam. This
is also the second highest concrete dam in India. It has a thickness of 19.81 m, at the
deepest foundation & 7.62 m at top.
The shape and the quality of rock at the deep gorge where this dam was built was
immensely suitable to adopt the arch shape of the dam. The double curvature arch
shape has resulted in an saving in concrete volume by 60 % as compared to a gravity
dam of this height.
Principal sources of natural recharge include precipitation, stream flows, lakes etc
whereas artificial recharge include excess irrigation water, seepage from canals.
Reservoirs are the results of human attempts to make effective use of the run-off water
which is otherwise going waste i.e., flowing into the sea. However, the reservoir basin
should be of adequate water capacity to hold a large and desirable quantity of water to
derive optimum benefit.
Geological investigations are carried out in advance to study the suitability of the site to
serve as the reservoir. In addition, non- geological aspects such as
 Water tightness of the reservoir site
 The life of the reservoir (rate of silting)
 The capacity of the reservoir
 The area covered by the reservoir
 The effect of evaporation
 Possible submerge of economic minerals
 Submerge of fertile land, forests.
 Submerge of places of interest like temples and historical monuments.
Considerations for successful reservoir: In general, a reservoir can be claimed to
be successful if it is watertight (doesn’t suffer from any serious leakage of water) and if
it has a very low rate of silting (long life of reservoir) in the reservoir basin. Of course,
the reservoirs capacity is very important and it depends on the existing topography and
the proposed top water level (TWL) of the reservoir.
(A) Water- tightness and influencing factors: As a consequence of weathering
(due to natural process), the surface is covered by loose and below it lies the fractured
rock and massive rock occurs further below. When a river flows over such loose soil or
fractured ground, it is natural that some river water percolates into underground through
cracks and may even cause for leakages. .
Before the construction of a reservoir, priority for leakage shall be considered as less or
limited to some extent. When a dam is constructed, the accumulated water occupy in
large quantities in a reservoir which cover a very large area. Due to the considerable
height of the water in the reservoir, significant hydrostatic pressure develops which will
make the leakage more effective on the sides and the floor of the reservoir through the
cracks. .
Buried river channels which are more frequent in glaciated regions are a serious source
of leakage when they occur at the reservoir site. Eg: A buried channel noticed in
Tapoban dam site of river Dhauli Ganga which is a tributary of the river Alaknanda (U.P)
Water tightness of a reservoir basin is very much influenced by the kind of rocks that
occur at the reservoir site. If the rocks are porous and permeable (i.e., aquifers) they will
cause the leakage of water and hence such rocks are undesirable at the reservoir site.
The Influence of commonly occuring rock types at the reservoir site play also a major
Granite: will not cause leakage unless the presence of joints/faults.
Basalts: Not desirable because of presence of vesicles, cracks, fractures, joints
etc… except if it is compact in nature .
Shales: shall not cause leakage due to fine grained and non permeable if compact
Sandstone: well cemented and compact sandstones will naturally be less porous and
less permeable and hence cause less leakage.
Limestone: Undesirable but not so always. Compact limestone have negligible porosity
may be suitable.
Conglomerate and Breccia cause leakage at the reservoir site.
Gneiss: will not cause.
Schists: Cause leakages due to the presence of soft and cleavage bearing
Quartzite: will not cause.
Marble: though compact not advisable by virtue of CaCO3 composition.
Slate: Cause leakage due to cleavages.
Influence of Geological structures such as folds, faults, joints, fractures have a
significant influence in increasing the leakage through the rocks at the reservoir.
Among the different structures, the bedding planes and fault planes are also represent
planes of weakness and provide scope for leakage. Of course this depends on their
attitude i.e., their Strike and Dip.
(B) Reservoir Silting (Life of Reservoir): The streams flowing through the
catchment area into the reservoir carry sediments and in turn the sediments
deposit in the reservoir. Silting of a reservoir is harmful and can cause the
failure of the reservoir and the quantity of water stored gets reduced. Ofcourse,
the life of the reservoir is based on the siltation rate.
If the rate of silting is very low, the life of the reservoir will be long and useful
for a long period and proves worthy. The total volume of the silt likely to be
deposited during the designed period of life of the reservoir /dam is therefore
estimated and approximately that much volume is left unused to allow for silting
and is known as dead storage. The remainder is known as effective storage.
The dead storage is generally > ¼ of the total capacity.
For eg: Total capacity of a reservoir is estimated as 30 million cubic mts.
Estimated dead storage is 6 million cubic mts.
Estimated average volume of sediment deposition is 0.15 m cu mts/year
Estimated dead storage in years is 6 / 0.15 = 40 years
Total storage of silt occupied in 30 / 0.15 = 200 years
Hence, after 200 years, the reservoir simply consists of silt only and no water.
Tunnel: An underground passage for vehicles or pedestrians, especially one which is
created by digging into earth.
Axis: The lengthwise course of a tunnel, especially along the center line.
Cross section : The shape of a tunnel for eg: horseshoe, round or square.
Excavation: The process of digging or the hole which results.
Muck: Debris removed during excavation.
Grouting: Unstable rock and soil is strengthened by the injection of chemicals,
cementious materials .
Lining: Materials used to finish the inside surface of the tunnel.
Overburden : The soil and rock supported by the roof of a tunnel.
Portal: The open end of a tunnel. Usually includes a wall to retain the soil around the
Adit: Main entrance location of a tunnel
Profile: A side view of the tunnel.
Shaft: A vertical, underground passage from the top to the bottom where there is
initially no access to the bottom.
Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM): A tunneling machine which has cutting teeth at its
front. It creates the tunnel opening while passing the waste material through the rear.
Ventilation: Circulation of fresh air is called as ventilation.
Tunnels are underground passages through hills or mountains used for several
operations. Tunnels are made by excavation of rocks below the surface or
through the hills.
Like other engineering structures, tunnels too need favourable geological
conditions at their sites for achieving success. In case of tunnels also, success
means safety, stability and economy.
To achieve these objectives, careful geological examinations should be made with
reference to the rock types occurring at the site ( lithology of rock-formations ),
structures associated with them and the prevailing ground water conditions.
The construction of underground tunnels, shafts and passageways are of course
essential but these are dangerous activities. Working under reduced light conditions,
limited access; the exposure to air contaminants and the hazards of fire and explosion,
underground construction workers face many dangers.
GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS: A tunnel project must start with a
comprehensive investigation of ground conditions by collecting samples from boreholes
and by other geophysical techniques. Involvement of machinery and methods for
excavation and ground support, which will reduce the risk of encountering unforeseen
ground conditions.
PURPOSES OF TUNNELLING: Tunnels are constructed for several operations:
 In mining practice: Adits and shafts for reaching the work spots and for
the transport of workers and materials.
 In certain mines: tunnels are made to extract coal from coal seams
 In hydroelectric projects:Diversion tunnels for channel diversion ( by
diverting the normal flow of river water through the tunnels ) and for power
 For water supply and sewage disposal: For supply of drinking water
or sewage disposal purposes, tunnels are made.
 Transportation: to lay roads or railway tracks to regularize the traffic and
transportation of goods.
 For laying cables and service lines: These are utility tunnels for laying
cables and for transport of oil/gas through pipelines.
 To reduce the distance: To reduce the distance between places of interest
across natural obstacles like hills, to save time and to provide conveyance.
Eg (1) In Bihar, between Hazaribagh and Gaya the eastern railway passes
through a number of tunnels across the hills of the Chota Nagapur
Eg (2) A number of tunnels of 1 km in length or less were driven in the
Deccan Traps between Bombay and Pune railway line.
Eg (3) In Jammu and Kashmir, 2 parallel tunnels of 2440 mts long were
made between Jammu and Srinagar in the Pir Panjal mountain range.
Eg (4): the under sea tunnels made between France and England and
between some islands of Japan.
Depending on the nature & competency of the ground, tunnels are classified as:
Hard rock tunnels: The tunnel alignment is essentially through competent rock
mass with little or no ground water seepage.
Soft rock tunnels: The tunnel alignment is through unconsolidated or highly
weathered material which always encounter the groundwater problems.
EFFECTS OF TUNNELLING: When tunnels are made through weak or
unconsolidated formations, they are provided with suitable lining for safety and
stability. Lining may be in the form of steel structures or concrete.
 Due to heavy and repeated blasting during excavation of a tunnel,
numerous cracks and fractures develop which reduces the compactness in
rocks. In addition, rock become loose/more fractured which allow water
movement .
 Lining of the tunnel helps in checking the leakage of groundwater into the
 Fault zones and shear zones are naturally weak and tunneling through
them further deteriorates and cause stability problem.
 Fall of rocks takes place even in hard rocks like granite though devoid of
bedding or foliation and this process is known as Popping.
 Roof may collapse due to stress and strain of the region due to overburden.
 Poisonous gases encountered during the excavation of tunnels, sometimes.
State Notes
8 820
Under the 3978 above msl high Rohtang pass on
Manali - Leh road
2 576
JK Jammu - Kashmir road. 2209 m above sea level
2 500
JK Srinagar - Jammu
1 843
MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway.
1 658
MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway
1 000
Khambatki -
890 m MH
Madap 646 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway
Kamshet-II 359 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway
Khandala 330 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway.
Aodoshi ? m MH
Mumbai - Pune Expressway. Only for Mumbai bound
LINING OF TUNNELS: When tunnels are made through weak or loose or
unconsolidated formations, they are provided with suitable lining for safety and
stability. Lining may be in the form of steel structures or concrete.
The main purposes of lining are to resist the pressures from the surroundings
(from the roof or the sides or the floor) and to protect the shape of the tunnel.
Lining also helps in the leakage of ground water into the tunnel . Thus lining is a
an effective remedial measure to overcome the various drawbacks resulting from
underground tunneling either geologically or non-geologically.
Lining provides a regular shape to the tunnel as the excessive excavated
portions ( ie over break ) are filled by concrete. Lining being a very expensive
treatment, needs to be provided only at such places where the rocks are not
capable of supporting themselves,., where the rocks are weak and likely to
Lining is also provided in such places where the seepage of water into the
tunnel occurs and creates problems. The zones of faulting or shearing also need
suitable lining to impart strength to them. Strong and complete lining is required
in hydropower tunnels which carry water under great pressure and even minor
leakages can prove hazardous.
GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Geological considerations of tunneling
depend on various geological factors prevailing at the site. The geological
considerations in a civil engineering project (ie tunneling) include
Lithology of rock formations;
Geological Structures and
Groundwater conditions.
1. LITHOLOGY OF ROCK FORMATIONS : Massive Igneous rocks ( ie plutonic
and hypabyssal rocks ) are in general compact and competent and no lining is
required for the tunnels designed. Volcanic igneous rocks being often vesicular,
porous and permeable posses a threat of water seepage in the tunnel. However,
sometimes, the vesicular character is also competent and suitable for tunneling.
Eg: 20 tunnels were excavated for Bombay–Delhi railway line through amygdaloidal
/ vesicular basalts.
Sedimentary rocks are less competent. However, sandstones with siliceous matrix
may be considered . If the sandstones have carbonate or iron oxide as
cementing material ( poorly cemented ), the tunnel lining needs reinforcement
otherwise they are undesirable.
Eg: In the Himalayan Ramganga diversion tunnel, a poorly cemented sandstone
formation, had caused a roof fall.
Limestones may expect seepage problems. Among limestones, dolomitic limestones
are harder and more durable. On the other hand, calcareous limestones or
porous limestones are naturally weaker, softer and are unsuitable for tunneling by
virtue of their tendency to corrode. Shales are the lest competent because of the
clay content. The presence of Clay layers are troublesome as they have low
Among the metamorphic rocks, Quartzites and gneisses are massive and
competent. Phyllites and Schists are problematic due to the presence of foliation
and presence of susceptible minerals like mica and clay. Depending the
orientation of cleavage of minerals in case of slates may be considered. Marbles
are reasonably competent by virtue of their high compactness and granulose
structure.. But their susceptibility to corrosion and softness necessitates lining.
Importance of Rock Types
SUITABILITY OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: Massive igneous rocks, i.e., the plutonic and
hypabyssal varieties, are very competent but difficult to work. They do not need any
lining or any special maintenance. This is so because they are very strong, tough, hard,
rigid, durable, impervious and, after tunneling, do not succumb to collapse, or to any
other deformation.
SUITABILITY OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS: Thick bedded, well-cemented and
siliceous or ferruginous sandstones are more competent and better suited for tunneling.
They will be strong, easily workable and, moreover, do not require any lining. Thus they
possess all the desirable qualities for tunneling, provided they are not affected
adversely by any geological structures and ground water conditions.
Poorly cemented or argillaceous sandstones, however, are weak and undesirable,
particularly if they get saturated with water or are thin bedded. Shales, by virtue of their
inherent weakness and lamination, may get badly shattered during blasting. Mudstones
are weaker than shales as they are less compacted.
Among limestones, dolomitic limestones are harder and more durable. They are better
than other varieties. On the other hand, calcareous limestones or porous limestones are
naturally weaker and softer. Conglomerates need not be considered seriously due to
the presence of pebbles and unconsolidation.
SUITABILITY OF METAMORPHICROCKS: Metamorphic rocks such as gneisses are
nearly similar to granites in terms of their competence, durability and workability.
Schists, Phyllites, etc., which are highly foliated and generally soft, are easily workable
but necessarily require good lining.
Quartzites are very hard and hence very difficult to work. Marbles are reasonably
competent by virtue of their high compactness and granulose structure. Slates are
rather soft and possess slaty cleavage. Hence they are weak and require lining.
Strike and Dip orientation; Joints, Faults, Folds etc are the most common
structural features associated with rocks.
If the tunnel alignment coincides with the strike of the formations, is acceptable if
the formations are competent but in the case of less competent formations, the
tunnel alignment should be a short span.
(A) Joints at the tunnel site: Closely spaced joints in all kinds of rocks are harmful
( eg Koyna third stage tail tunnel has been excavated through a closely jointed
basalt causing roof fall with heavy copious leakage of water ). Joints which strike
parallel to the tunnel axis for long distances are undesirable whereas the joints
which are perpendicular to the tunnel axis have a limited effect.
In sedimentary rocks, the presence of joints may be due to folding ( occur along
crests and troughs ) or faulting is undesirable.
In metamorphic rocks, such as granite gneisses and quartzites are competent even
if the joints present due to their competent nature. Schists and Slates with joints
will become very incompetent and require lining.
(B) Tunnels in Faulted Strata: Faults are harmful and undesirable because of
the following problems:
Fault zones are places where the displacement of rocks occur and lead to
discontinuity in the tunnel alignment. The fault zones are places of intense
fracturing which means physical weakness in rock masses. Fault zones allow
percolation of groundwater which may cause for collapse of walls. Eg: Koyna
(Maharashtra state) third stage tunnel collapsed about 15 mts along a fault zone.
Fault zones are normally avoided along tunnel alignments. However, if they
cannot be avoided, the fault zone has to be extensively treated with concrete
grout and a strong lining has to be provided.
Problems are severe if the tunnel alignment coincides with the strike of the fault.
If the tunnel is located in the foot wall of a fault, the roof portion of the tunnel
becomes instability and needs reinforcement. In case of Hanging wall, less effect
can be observed.
(C) Tunnels in Folded Strata: Folded rocks are always under considerable
strain. When excavation for tunnels are made in folded rocks, such rocks get the
opportunity to release the strain ( stored energy ). Such energy cause the rock
falls or bulging. In folded regions, the tunnel alignment may be advisable to
have the tunnel located on the limbs than at the core if possible.
Tunnel alignment parallel to the axis of a fold: This is desirable when tunneling
along limbs is considered. Rock masses may be in a highly fractured condition
along crests, hence there may be frequent fall of rocks from the roof. Tunnels
along troughs encounter harder formations and difficult to excavate. If bedding
planes are inclined, groundwater percolates and these aquifers are punctured
during the process of tunneling.
Tunnel alignment perpendicular to the axis of a fold: This is undesirable
because different rock formations are encountered along the length of the tunnel
due to heterogeneity in physical properties of rock.
In anticlinal fold, the central region will be under lesser pressure when compared
to synclinal fold where the central region will be under higher pressure in addition
to the occurrence of ground water.
However, anticlinal fold is to be considered for tunneling with proper precautions.
(2) GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS: Ground water problem in the tunneling is
the most serious one. If ground water encountered in case of tunneling, the
entire water is to be pumped out to keep the working area dry and adds the
expenditure on tunneling project.
If the water table lies below the level of the tunnel, no severe ground water
problem can be anticipated. But if the tunnel lies below the position of the water
table , then the ground water problem is inevitable. .
TUNNEL SUPPORTS : Supports are used for keeping the tunnel walls and the
roof in safety condition. Several support alternatives are available for use in
tunnels. Following are the types of supports:
Shotcrete : Shotcrete is mortar or concrete pneumatically sprayed at high
velocity through a hose. The process can be a dry process ( Guniting ) or a wet
Rock Bolts: These are steel bolts designed for holding weak formations
together. The bolts are driven into the formations without causing any
disturbance. These are used in tunneling for anchoring the tunnel walls to sold
Wire mesh; Concrete lining; Pre-stressed anchor cables; Steel ribs etc are
also used wherever is necessary.
Some of these types are used in combination also.
OVERBREAK: Excavations through hard rocks involves the removal of some of
the rocks outside the proposed perimeter of the tunnel.
The quantity of rock removed, in excess of what is required by the perimeter of
the proposed tunnel, is known as the over break.
The geological factors which govern the amount of over break are:
The nature of the rocks
The orientation and spacing of joints or weak zones
The orientation of the bedding planes in case sedimentary rocks.
In general, tunnels which pass through a single homogeneous formation without
structural defects produce little over break, whereas tunnels which pass through a
variety of rocks with structural defects ( like fault zones ) have more over break.
The factor of over break is important because it adds to the cost of tunneling,
particularly if lining is required. Hence, it is desirable that over break should be
as minimum as possible.
Bumping ground Rock displacement and dislodging in tunneling rocks
Circular shape tunnel Is adopted in case of diversion of water at dam site
Discharge tunnels Tunnels are those which are meant for conveying water
from one point to another under gravity force.
Diversion tunnels By diverting the normal flow of river water through the
tunnels dug along the valley sides
Fan cut blasting means To get more face for the excavation of rocks
Hokoriku railway tunnel in
Is 13.87 km through sandstones and granites.
Horse shoe shape tunnel; Is adopted for old tunnel excavations
Joints oblique or perpen-
dicular to the tunnel axis
Are obviously have a limited effect
Joints which are parallel to
the tunnel axis
Are undesirable in all kinds of rocks.
OVER BREAK The qty of rock broken and removed in excess of what is
required by the perimeter of the proposed tunnel.
Parallel hole cut blasting
Blast holes are placed parallel to each other with a
RELIEF HOLE of a larger dimension
Popping effect in tunneling It refers to the phenomenon of fall of rocks which takes
place in hard rocks like granite devoid of bedding or
Pressure tunnels Tunnels are those which are used to allow water to
pass through them under force. Used for power
Purpose of lining Lining refers to the support for the tunnel.
Rock Bursts means These occur at great depths with enormous overburden
Smooth blasting means Small holes are placed along the circumference of
blasting area
Suitability of shales Faster progress but proper lining is necessary
Suitability of gneisses &
Good in all aspects for tunneling
Suitability of Limestone &
dolomitic limestones
Durable for tunneling purpose
Suitability of Mudstones Weaker than shales and undesirable for tunneling.
Suitability of schists &
In competent but require lining for tunneling
Suitability of Conglomerates
for tunneling
Undesirable rocks
Suitability of igneous rocks Very competent and lining is required
Suitability of well-cemented
siliceous sandstone
Better suited for tunneling
RQD means Rock Quality Designation means the ratio of cumulative
length of rock pieces expressed as a percentage of total
length of the rock
RSR RSR means the rating of the quality of a rock for tunnel
support recommendations.

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Unit 6

  • 1. UNIT - VI: DAMS & RESERVOIRS Prepared by:K.SAHITYA, Asst prof. Civil engineering dept. BVC college,odalarevu The enormous requirement of water for irrigation, industries, power generation, constructional activities, domestic and other purposes are met either by surface water resources (like tanks, lakes and rivers) or underground water. Surface water resources are fairly amenable for definite assessment and exploitation. Among the surface water resources, rivers provide copious supplies of water which can be stored in man-made reservoirs by constructing dams across the rivers. A dam is a prestigious civil engineering structure which blocks a river channel and compels the running water to accumulate within the reservoir. In other words dams are constructed for impounding water. Dams are the costliest multipurpose civil engineering constructions. They deliver beneficial results for a long time to mankind. But the same dams, if they fail, create a heavy toll of life and property through lightning floods. They may even cause the failure of other dams built along the downstream course. Each dam consumes millions of tons of building materials including cement, aggregates, sand and steel and other items. Whenever this accumulation of water exceeds the desired limit of storage in reservoir, the surplus water is allowed to flow downstream. The openings which control the discharge of surplus water from reservoir together constitute the SPILLWAY. The Spillway is commonly placed on a sound foundation within or outside the body of the dam and the openings are controlled by suitably designed gates. Among various constructions, dams throw the toughest challenge to the civil engineer. Barrages are similar to dams and are mainly meant to raise the level of water along the course of a river to reap certain advantages. The location of a dam or the selection of a dam site is mainly based on the Geology of the site because the stability or success and the cost of dam are dependant on different geological conditions of the site. In India, more than 90% of the dams operating are primarily for irrigation. Various purposes of dam construction are:  To generate hydro-electric power  For flood control  For water supply to meet domestic, industrial ..
  • 2. Parts of a Dam: The chief parts of a dam are as follows: Heel: It is the part where the dam comes in contact with the ground on the upstream side Toe: It is that part where the dam comes in contact with the ground on the downstream side Free board: It is the difference in level between the top of the dam wall and the highest storage level. Galleries: These are small rooms left within the dam for checking operations. Spillway: An arrangement is made in a dam near the top or inside to allow excess water of the reservoir to the downstream side Sluice: It is an opening in the dam near the ground level. It is useful in clearing the silt of the reservoir. Cut-off wall: It is an underground wall-like structure of concrete in the heel portion. It is useful in preventing leakage under the foundation. Abutment: These are the sides of the valley on which the dam structure rests.
  • 3. TYPES OF DAMS & BEARING OF GEOLOGY OF SITE IN THEIR SELECTION Dams are of different types. Either they can be totally of reinforced concrete or totally of earth materials or a combination of both. Based on the construction material used, dams are grouped into concrete dams, (masonry dams ) and earth dams. Based on design, the concrete dams may be further grouped in to Gravity dams, Buttress dams and Arch dams. Similarly, Earth dams too are grouped in to Earth Fill dams and Rock Fill dams (based on the kind of material used.) Gravity dams: It is a heavy concrete structure. The weight of the dam acts vertically ( whole weight acts vertically downwards ) and plays an important part in its stability. The stability of a gravity dam depends on the pressure distribution. This type of dam is to be selected only in such places where competent and stable rocks occur. For the dam to be stable, the resultant R of the force, [W (weight of the dam) and the lateral thrust of the reservoir water (P) ] must be within the middle of the dam. Foundation treatment like grouting is adopted in case of any incompetent foundation material present. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - RESERVOIR (P) (W) (R) HEEL TOE FOUNDATION ROCKS
  • 4. Buttress dams: These are concrete structures in which there is a DECK sloping upstream, supported by BUTTRESSESS ( or walls ) placed at right angles to the dam axis. These buttresses are further strengthened by cross-walls known as STRUTS. The entire system with all these components distributes the load over the foundation. Since the load distribution is over a wide area, even formations relatively weak are considered. buttresses struts FOUNDATION ROCKS ( top view of buttress dam ) Arch dams: This type of dam is preferred for narrow and deep river gorges. The arch is convex to the upstream side. It can be a single arch dam or multiple arches. The design of an arch dam is such that the whole part of the load is transformed to the abutments. Since a substantial part of the load is transmitted to the abutments, the formations constituting the abutments must be very competent. Arch dams need better monitoring. Arch dams are best suited to narrow, deep, river-cut gorges. ABUTMENT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Upstream Down stream - RESERVOIR - - - - - River course ( top view of an arch dam ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ABUTMENT D E C K
  • 5. NOTE: Masonry dams are suitable where the geological formations at the dam site are very strong and stable, so as to withstand heavy loads associated with the dams. EARTH DAMS: These structures are large in size and trapezoidal in shape. These are preferred in broad valleys and where the foundation material is weak or where suitable competent rocks occur at a great depth. The earth dams, relatively of smaller height are lighter structures and broad based. Because of the broad nature of the dams, the weight of the dam is distributed over a wide base and the force per unit area is consequently less. The earth materials used in the construction are gravel, sand, silt and clay is called an Earth Fill Dam and if the material used is rock, it is called a Rock Fill Dam. The side slopes are maintained at 1 in 2.5 and an impervious clay core is provided to arrest seepage across the structure. Eg: Ft. Peck, Wyoming dam…. It is 41/2 miles long, 4000 feet thick at the base and 250 feet high. --------------------------------- --Reservoir ----------------------------- FOUNDATION ROCKS LOCATION OF A DAM: The ideal site for location of a dam should satisfy the following requirements:  A narrow river valley along with steeper side slopes  Stable slopes both at the dam location and along the reservoir sides  Absence of weathered formations  Competent geological formations devoid of weak zones  Absence of clay and fractured material  Absence of fault zones  Stability of formations below the dam and reservoir area  Easy access and supply of materials for construction of the structure Clay core
  • 6. It may be mentioned here that all these attributes never exist in any one particular site. Consequently, appropriate foundation treatments are resorted for making the dam site and reservoir area most suitable. GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS for selection of a dam site: (A) Topography and geomorphology of the site: At the proposed dam site, if the valley is narrow, only a small dam is required, which means the cost of dam construction will be less. On the other hand, if the valley is wide, a bigger dam is necessary which means the construction cost will be very high. Therefore, it is preferable, from the economy point of view, to select such a site along the river valley which has the narrowest part of the river. However, narrow river valley may have severe defects which may lead to leakages. Quite often the valleys have TALUS and flood deposits along the slopes, thus giving a narrow appearance to the valley but in fact it may be a wider river valley. (B) Impact of Geological structures (occurrence of rock formations at shallow depths) : The rock formations at the dam site should be dipping towards upstream or horizontal. This will counter the seepage, compared to the situation where the formations dip in the downstream direction. To ensure the safety and stability of a dam, it should necessarily rest the dam on strong (physically) and very stable rocks (structurally).  Usually the foundations will have greater stability when the load is normal in case of horizontal formations or with low dip formations.  Fault zones present in the formations result weakness in the rock formations.  Extensive joints in the rocks threaten the safety of the structures by means of seepage.  Presence of Anticlinal or Synclinal structures in the rocks also contribute to the seepage. To know the bedrock profile ( ie the depths at which bedrock occurs at different places ) in the river valley along the axis of a proposed dam, geophysical investigations such as ‘Electrical Resistivity “ or “Seismic Refraction” methods are to be carried out.
  • 7. Following examples reveal the impact on dams where the cost was high as well as the presence of structures in the rock formations: 1. Bhakranangal dam on sutlez river, the bed rocks were at a great depth caused more excavation for foundation . 2. Koyna dam is located on an excellent competent basalts with 6 to 7 metres thick but followed by weak volcanic breccia upto 20 mts below the ground level. This naturally rise in the construction cost of the dam. 3. Presence of a fault and incompetent rocks of conglomerate in St. Francis dam of California caused for enormous leakage of water through the conglomerates and failed 4. Similarly the presence of cavernous limestones in the foundations caused for the collapse of Halesbar dam on the Tennessee river. (C) Competent rocks to offer a stable foundation ( Lithology of the formations ): Among the Igneous rocks, (either plutonic or hypabyssal rocks) Granites, Syenites, Diorites, Gabbros, and volcanic rocks viz., Basalts (fine grained) are most desirable at the dam site. However, adverse effects will be noticed in basalts only when they are highly vesicular and permeable. In case of sedimentary rocks, particularly shales, poorly cemented sandstones and cavernous limestones shall be undesirable to serve as foundation rocks. However, well cemented siliceous sandstones have good compressive strength and suitable for the dam foundation. Laterites and conglomerates are undesirable at dam site. Clay, if present in any of sedimentary rocks is totally to be excavated since it swells on saturation with water. Among the metamorphic rocks; gneisses are generally competent whereas schists are undesirable due to their well developed cleavages and foliation. Quartzites are very hard and highly resistant to weathering and suitable for foundation of dam sites. Slates bear a typical slaty cleavage and soft nature are undesirable at dam sites. Khondalites which are feldspar rich and contain soft graphite, and are usually weathered and hence unsuitable at dam sites
  • 8. Much attention is needed in case where the contact of igneous intrusives ( for example dolerite ) with the host rocks often are fractured and jointed. - Eg: (1) In the Ukai dam site in Gujarat, the contacts of basalts and the dolerite dyke were the weak zones. - Eg: (2) Similarly, at the contacts of a dolerite dyke with the host granite gneisses in the Nagarjuna sagar dam area, shear zone with heavily crushed rock was found. Of course, back filling with grouting was adopted. (D)Influence and Effects of various factors: 1. The extent of weathering should be carefully assessed (through trial pits) to ascertain whether a rock is suitable or unsuitable for the required purpose. 2. Study of intrusives such as dolerites and quartz veins is important factor. If they are present they contribute to the heterogeneity at the dam site causing leakage. 3. Fracturing is a common phenomenon observed in all kinds of rocks and represents a reduction in the cohesion or compactness of the rock. Suitable remedial measures taken up to make the site rocks fit for the location of the dam. 4. Alternating soft and hard beds when inclined are bad and the situation leads to a variety of problems including slipping of hard beds over softer ones at the time of excavation. In civil Engineering point of view, the following cases of geological structures at dam site are important: I. Case of undisturbed strata. Horizontal Strata: This geological situation is good at the dam site because the load of the dam acts perpendicular to the dam site.
  • 9. II. Beds Dipping towards Upstream Side a. Gently Inclined beds: In this case, rocks are best positioned to take the loads of dam because the resultant force and the bedding planes are not in the same direction. No uplift force on the dam and percolated water is returned to the upstream side only, so this is doubly advantageous. b. Steep beds: This situation is not bad but not that competent to take up the dam loads as compared to gently inclined beds. This may not cause uplift force on the dam and percolated water is returned to the upstream side only.
  • 10. III. Beds Dipping towards Downstream c. Gently Inclined beds: It is disadvantageous, because the resultant force and the bedding planes are in the same direction. Percolated water to down stream side cause uplift force on the dam and percolated water goes out and cause significant water loss. d. Steep beds: This situation is similar to the above situation and further dangerous because the resultant force and the bedding planes are almost parallel.
  • 11. IV. Beds dipping vertically e. Dam Over Vertical Beds: Occurrence of this situation is rare. It will not pose problems of uplift force or leakage below the dam. However, it shall not have any advantage in terms of competence of rocks. V. Beds which are Folded Dam Over Folded Beds: Folding of beds, are generally less dangerous than the faulting, unless the folds are of a complex nature. The folded rocks are not only under strain but also physically fractured along the crests. Hence grouting and other precautions may have to be taken, depending upon the context, to improve the stability and competence of rocks at the site.
  • 12. VI. Beds which are Faulted Dam over Faulted Beds: Occurrence of faulting at the dam site is most undesirable. If the faults are active, under no circumstances, dam construction can be taken up there. This is due to relative movement of bed and also possible occurrence of an earthquake. 1. If the faults occur in the downstream side, they will not be much harmful directly. 2. If the faults occur in the upstream side, the downstream dipping faults are dangerous because they have all the disadvantages of a case with bedding planes of such attitude ( i.e., risk of uplift pressure, heavy leakage water), but if the faults dip in the upstream side they need to be sealed to avoid possible leakage. VII. Beds Which have Joints Joints are nothing but gaps of different magnitude that are common in rocks. They contribute to the physical weakness of the rock and also more porous and permeability. These physical features are undesirable for the dam construction. Hence, by adopting grouting technique, these weaknesses can be avoided.
  • 13. VIII. Cases where beds lie parallel to the length of the valley This is the case where the dam is aligned across the strike, i.e., in the dip direction of the beds. In this case the danger will almost always be present as the slope of valley sides are very steep at the dam sites and are very likely to be steeper than the dip of rocks and causes instability at the site and slipping of rocks at one side Stages/Exploratory investigations for site location of dam: The selection of a site for dam construction is made in various stages. Stage 1 (Preliminary stage ) : All the available information in terms of topographic maps, geological maps, seismic information is summarized to have a preliminary understanding of the area. Detailed geological mapping by incorporating the rock formation details, boundaries of formations, strike and dip of the beds, joints, faults, folds etc…. is to be prepared. The field geological map is integrated with available aerial photos and satellite imageries to produce a composite map. Aerial photo interpretation provides information like litho logical variations of the formations; geological structures, landslide areas, drainage patterns and structural control of drainage etc…. On the other hand, satellite data provide a regional picture on various features related to Geology, Geomorphology and Physiography of the area under consideration. Geophysical investigations including seismic and electrical resistivity surveys are undertaken to obtain information both laterally and vertically ( depth). Drilling in vertical and inclined directions, is undertaken. Drill hole data enable structural variations in the formations to depth. Plate bearing load tests, water pressure tests etc in bore holes are also undertaken.
  • 14. Groundwater study and preparation of ground water contour maps are important in preliminary investigation. Seepage including springs and the source of seepage water, condition of seepage water, elevation at which the seepage is present are to be recorded. Stage 2 ( Detailed investigation ) : once all the field data is obtained from the above approaches, locations are identified for samples to be collected for laboratory investigations. Lab investigations include assessment of properties like UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH (UCS); UNIAXIAL TENSILE STRENGTH; SHEAR STRENGTH; ELASTIC MODULI or MODULUS OF ELASTICITY (E); PERMEABILITY; EXTENT OF FRACTURING on the basis of ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION ( RQD ). All the data on integration will provide the thickness of overburden, depth to water table, areas of potential seepage, rock strengths and enable the delineation of weak zones. Table depicts the range of values for various rock formations for UCS & ME ROCK UNCONFINED COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Modulus of Elasticity UCS (kN/m2) UCS ( MPa ) kN/m2 (x106 ) QUARTZITE 200000 350000 200 350 8.28 44.06 GRANITE 40000 290000 40 290 10.35 82.11 BASALTS 180000 275000 180 275 40.71 85.56 GNEISS 151000 248000 151 248 24.15 104.19 SLATE 95000 250000 95 250 MARBLE 48000 230000 48 230 SANDSTONE 10000 23000 10 230 4.14 55.20 SCHISTS 7500 139000 7.5 139 SHALES 6500 200000 6.5 200 2.07 68.31 LIMESTONE 5000 200000 5 200 2.76 97.29
  • 15. The rock formations RATING are classified as RQD (%) to access the suitability: Strength of the rock RQD (%) Very poor 0 25 Poor 25 50 Fair 50 75 Good 75 90 Excellent 90 100 NOTE: NO SUPPORTS ARE NEEDED FOR FORMATIONS WITH RQD VALUES EXCEEDING 75. ROCK QUALITY INDEX SYSTEM ( Q – SYSTEM ): rock mass rating on the basis of Q value for TUNNEL SUPPORT REQUIREMENT is as follows: QUALITY Q VALUE Excellent 400 1000 Extremely good 100 400 Very good 40 100 Good 10 40 Fair 4 10 Poor 1 4 DAM FAILURES OF THE PAST: 1. The St. Francis Dam was a concretegravity-arch dam, designed to create a reservoir The dam was built between 1924 and 1926 under the supervision of William Mulholland The dam Height is 195 feet (59 m) & its length is 608 feet (185 m). The dam was constructed on the foundation of Schists and conglomerates and in turn, separated by a distinct fault. In addition, conglomerates also had veins of gypsum, a soluble mineral and hence both Schists and conglomerates are
  • 16. unsuitable to serve as a foundation to such a dam. Several temperature and contraction cracks appeared in the dam when the reservoir had reached full capacity. Enormous leakage of stored water occurred through the conglomerate and the dam failed by sliding in 1928 resulting more than killing of 450 people. Huge concrete block from the west abutment of the dam . The block is approximately 63 feet long, 30 feet high, and 54 feet wide. It was concluded that the disaster was primarily caused by the landslide on which the eastern abutment of the dam was built. 2. Hales Bar Dam was a hydroelectric dam located on the Tennessee River in Marion Country, Tennessee, USA. The Hales Bar Dam was constructed on the foundation of cavernous limestones. Such rocks are naturally weak both physically and chemically. To improve the site conditions and to reduce the seepage, the large openings were filled up by using more than 3000 tons of cement and 1100 barrels of asphalt. The height of the dam is 113 feet with a length of 2315 feet The dam was planned to complete in 1909, but numerous difficulties brought by the soft bedrock ie limestone upon which the dam was built. Leaks began to appear almost immediately after completion. However. in 1919, engineers attempted to minimize the leakage by pumping hot asphalt into the dam's foundation. This was temporarily successful, but by 1931, a study leaking at a rate of 1,000 cubic feet per second was noticed . In the late 1950s, however, the water below Hales Bar Dam, was again leaking, this time at an alarming 2,000 cubic feet per second. Dye tests carried out in 1960 suggested that many of the leakage channels had interconnected, increasing the possibility of a future dam failure. GEO HAZARDS : Geological hazards such as Earthquakes; volcanoes ; landslides etc.. pose a threat to the earth’s stability. All these geological hazards cause considerable destruction in many ways. During earthquake, the ground motion results in damaging buildings, dams, dislocating the roads and railway tracks; alter the course of surface water and groundwater flow etc.. Volcanic activity brings devastation on large scale due to emission of a number of gases.. Thick forests are denuded, vast areas are buried under thick volcanic debris.
  • 17. Land slides are common phenomena during earthquakes. Huge flow of pyroclastic materials mix with water flows and cause damage to whatever lies in its path. Thus, earthquakes, volcanic activity and land slides are all inter-related. 1. Earthquakes & earthquake hazards : The earth’s crust is broken into 13 major plates which are in constant movement ( 1 to 2 cm / year on average ) due to the convection currents in the interior of the earth. These plates are called as Tectonic Plates . The pate boundaries move away from each other at some places while they converge and collide against each other at some places. An earthquake is a sudden motion of the ground. In the Earth’s crust, at different places , stresses accumulate causing slow and continuous deformation of rocks. As the stress exceed its elastic limit, the rocks break . Due to this sudden breakage, the strain energy is released in the form of shock waves. The focus is the place where this slippage has initially taken place. Vertically above the focus, the location on the ground surface is known as epicenter of the earth quake. Recording of the shock waves is done with the help of an instrument known as Seismograph. The record ( chart ) is known as a seismogram. These records for an earthquakes are useful in locating the epicenter of the earthquake and also to define the size of the earthquake. The size of an earthquake is defined by its intensity and magnitude. The intensity at a place depends on several factors such as distance from the epicenter, depth of focus, geological formations and the type of a civil structure. The magnitude of an earthquake does not vary from place to place. Magnitude is a function of the energy released in an earthquake and is common ly expresses as Richter’s magnitude . Richter’s scale has magnitude numbers upto 10 but the maximum known magnitude is around 9.6 only. In civil engineering practice, earthquake resistant designs have been needed for all civil structures. Earthquake Hazards:  Destruction of buildings eg: Bhuj earthquake ( 7.5 ) on 26-01-2001  Dislocation of transportation routes ( highways, bridges, railway tracks ).
  • 18. Eg: (1) California earthquake of 1994, caused subsidence and landslides. (2) Alaska earthquake ( 8.7) on 27-03-1964 causing the displacement of a road bridge.  Generation of Tsunamis for eg: Mexico, Chile , Indonesia ( Tsunami means the rapid displacement on the sea floor during the earthquake. These waves travel several thousands of kilometers.  Power lines breakdown and cause for fires 2. Volcanic and volcanic hazards: The earth’s crust is highly fractured and these fractures extending to certain depths and facilitate migration of magma upwards . The rate of travel of magma depends on its composition (ie silica rich magma) granitic magma ; Basaltic magma (Fe - Mg rich with deficiency of silica). The molten rock material emerges on to the surface as Lava. Volcanic activity involves eruptions with ejection of lava along with several volcanic gases. Volcanic Hazards: Volcanic eruptions are hazardous and occur in many forms. The details are as follows: Volcanic gases: When a volcano erupts, gases ( water vapour; CO2; SO2; HCl; HF; CO; H2S ) spreads into the atmosphere. SO2 contributes acid rain and CO2 causes depletion of Ozone layer. Fluoride and Chloride gases contaminate water and may also cause skin irritation. Lava flows: Lava flows, being hot, are very disastrous. Volcanic flows vary in their temperature between 200oC and 1000oC causing extensive burning of all the
  • 19. material they encounter. The volcanic flows follow stream valleys resulting floods in case of snow or ice terrains. Volcanic Fragments / ash is also called as TEPHRA. If the fragments are < 2 mm, it will be called as VOLCANIC ASH whereas the large fragments are known as LAPILLI. The volcanic ash spreads as a cloud covering enormous areas following the wind direction. The fine particles sometimes gets electrically charged causing for lightning. Volcanic ash causes breathing problems. Lahars: Volcanic material mixed with water forms a slurry, similar to wet concrete mix. Lahars containing around 80% of the volcanic materials and destroy bridges and buildings. Ground Subsidence: Movement of material vertically down is known as subsidence (or) Ground subsidence involves vertical collapse of ground. Sinking of the ground takes place due to underground presence of open spaces. Subsidence can be slow or relatively fast depending upon the type. Subsidence can be caused by natural or through human activities. Carbonate dissolution in the subsurface; underground mining; ground water withdrawal etc are some of the examples for subsidence. Carbonate dissolution in the subsurface: This is common to limestone terrains. If the ground water is slightly acidic, it reacts with CaCO3. In this reaction, the bicarbonate formed is soluble and is carried away by the underground circulating water. Cavities or caverns are common in limestone formations. In the caves, the evidences of solution and the enrichment of carbonate ions in water can be seen from the formation of stalactites (hanging carbonate precipitate) from the leaking water on the cave roofs and also the growth of these deposits from the leaked water falling on the floor of the cave ( stalagmites ). Underground mining: in coalmines, the subsidence of the ground is common due to collapse of the roof of the mine. During the mining, inadequate supports or excessive mining of coal results the roof collapse. In addition, underground fires taking place in some coal fields due ground subsidence. Eg: Jharia coal fields.
  • 20. Groundwater withdrawal in the subsurface: Excessive withdrawal of groundwater from the subsurface results in subsidence. This process is known as hydro- compaction, usually which takes place by dewatering from the geological formations. In oil and gas fields, withdrawal of the fluids ( crude oil ) also results in subsidence. ARCH DAM in India( Idukki Dam ): The 'Idukki Dam' - Asia's biggest Arch Dam of 555 feet height proudly standing between the two mountains - 'Kuravanmala' (839 meters) and 'Kurathimala' (925 meters ) in Idukki district in Kerala. . This prestigeous project power House is located at Moolamattom which is about 43 kms away from Idukki. The Idukki Dam was commissioned in 1976. This is India’s first & only Arch Dam. This is also the second highest concrete dam in India. It has a thickness of 19.81 m, at the deepest foundation & 7.62 m at top. The shape and the quality of rock at the deep gorge where this dam was built was immensely suitable to adopt the arch shape of the dam. The double curvature arch shape has resulted in an saving in concrete volume by 60 % as compared to a gravity dam of this height. Reservoir Principal sources of natural recharge include precipitation, stream flows, lakes etc whereas artificial recharge include excess irrigation water, seepage from canals. Reservoirs are the results of human attempts to make effective use of the run-off water which is otherwise going waste i.e., flowing into the sea. However, the reservoir basin should be of adequate water capacity to hold a large and desirable quantity of water to derive optimum benefit. Geological investigations are carried out in advance to study the suitability of the site to serve as the reservoir. In addition, non- geological aspects such as  Water tightness of the reservoir site  The life of the reservoir (rate of silting)  The capacity of the reservoir  The area covered by the reservoir  The effect of evaporation  Possible submerge of economic minerals  Submerge of fertile land, forests.  Submerge of places of interest like temples and historical monuments. Considerations for successful reservoir: In general, a reservoir can be claimed to be successful if it is watertight (doesn’t suffer from any serious leakage of water) and if
  • 21. it has a very low rate of silting (long life of reservoir) in the reservoir basin. Of course, the reservoirs capacity is very important and it depends on the existing topography and the proposed top water level (TWL) of the reservoir. (A) Water- tightness and influencing factors: As a consequence of weathering (due to natural process), the surface is covered by loose and below it lies the fractured rock and massive rock occurs further below. When a river flows over such loose soil or fractured ground, it is natural that some river water percolates into underground through cracks and may even cause for leakages. . Before the construction of a reservoir, priority for leakage shall be considered as less or limited to some extent. When a dam is constructed, the accumulated water occupy in large quantities in a reservoir which cover a very large area. Due to the considerable height of the water in the reservoir, significant hydrostatic pressure develops which will make the leakage more effective on the sides and the floor of the reservoir through the cracks. . Buried river channels which are more frequent in glaciated regions are a serious source of leakage when they occur at the reservoir site. Eg: A buried channel noticed in Tapoban dam site of river Dhauli Ganga which is a tributary of the river Alaknanda (U.P) Water tightness of a reservoir basin is very much influenced by the kind of rocks that occur at the reservoir site. If the rocks are porous and permeable (i.e., aquifers) they will cause the leakage of water and hence such rocks are undesirable at the reservoir site. The Influence of commonly occuring rock types at the reservoir site play also a major role: Granite: will not cause leakage unless the presence of joints/faults. Basalts: Not desirable because of presence of vesicles, cracks, fractures, joints etc… except if it is compact in nature . Shales: shall not cause leakage due to fine grained and non permeable if compact Sandstone: well cemented and compact sandstones will naturally be less porous and less permeable and hence cause less leakage. Limestone: Undesirable but not so always. Compact limestone have negligible porosity may be suitable. Conglomerate and Breccia cause leakage at the reservoir site. Gneiss: will not cause.
  • 22. Schists: Cause leakages due to the presence of soft and cleavage bearing minerals. Quartzite: will not cause. Marble: though compact not advisable by virtue of CaCO3 composition. Slate: Cause leakage due to cleavages. Influence of Geological structures such as folds, faults, joints, fractures have a significant influence in increasing the leakage through the rocks at the reservoir. Among the different structures, the bedding planes and fault planes are also represent planes of weakness and provide scope for leakage. Of course this depends on their attitude i.e., their Strike and Dip. (B) Reservoir Silting (Life of Reservoir): The streams flowing through the catchment area into the reservoir carry sediments and in turn the sediments deposit in the reservoir. Silting of a reservoir is harmful and can cause the failure of the reservoir and the quantity of water stored gets reduced. Ofcourse, the life of the reservoir is based on the siltation rate. If the rate of silting is very low, the life of the reservoir will be long and useful for a long period and proves worthy. The total volume of the silt likely to be deposited during the designed period of life of the reservoir /dam is therefore estimated and approximately that much volume is left unused to allow for silting and is known as dead storage. The remainder is known as effective storage. The dead storage is generally > ¼ of the total capacity. For eg: Total capacity of a reservoir is estimated as 30 million cubic mts. Estimated dead storage is 6 million cubic mts. Estimated average volume of sediment deposition is 0.15 m cu mts/year Estimated dead storage in years is 6 / 0.15 = 40 years Total storage of silt occupied in 30 / 0.15 = 200 years Hence, after 200 years, the reservoir simply consists of silt only and no water.
  • 23. Terminology Tunnel: An underground passage for vehicles or pedestrians, especially one which is created by digging into earth. Axis: The lengthwise course of a tunnel, especially along the center line. Cross section : The shape of a tunnel for eg: horseshoe, round or square. Excavation: The process of digging or the hole which results. Muck: Debris removed during excavation. Grouting: Unstable rock and soil is strengthened by the injection of chemicals, cementious materials . Lining: Materials used to finish the inside surface of the tunnel. Overburden : The soil and rock supported by the roof of a tunnel. Portal: The open end of a tunnel. Usually includes a wall to retain the soil around the opening. Adit: Main entrance location of a tunnel Profile: A side view of the tunnel. Shaft: A vertical, underground passage from the top to the bottom where there is initially no access to the bottom. Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM): A tunneling machine which has cutting teeth at its front. It creates the tunnel opening while passing the waste material through the rear. Ventilation: Circulation of fresh air is called as ventilation. Tunnels are underground passages through hills or mountains used for several operations. Tunnels are made by excavation of rocks below the surface or through the hills.
  • 24. Like other engineering structures, tunnels too need favourable geological conditions at their sites for achieving success. In case of tunnels also, success means safety, stability and economy. To achieve these objectives, careful geological examinations should be made with reference to the rock types occurring at the site ( lithology of rock-formations ), structures associated with them and the prevailing ground water conditions. The construction of underground tunnels, shafts and passageways are of course essential but these are dangerous activities. Working under reduced light conditions, limited access; the exposure to air contaminants and the hazards of fire and explosion, underground construction workers face many dangers. GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS: A tunnel project must start with a comprehensive investigation of ground conditions by collecting samples from boreholes and by other geophysical techniques. Involvement of machinery and methods for excavation and ground support, which will reduce the risk of encountering unforeseen ground conditions. PURPOSES OF TUNNELLING: Tunnels are constructed for several operations:  In mining practice: Adits and shafts for reaching the work spots and for the transport of workers and materials.  In certain mines: tunnels are made to extract coal from coal seams  In hydroelectric projects:Diversion tunnels for channel diversion ( by diverting the normal flow of river water through the tunnels ) and for power generation.  For water supply and sewage disposal: For supply of drinking water or sewage disposal purposes, tunnels are made.  Transportation: to lay roads or railway tracks to regularize the traffic and transportation of goods.  For laying cables and service lines: These are utility tunnels for laying cables and for transport of oil/gas through pipelines.
  • 25.  To reduce the distance: To reduce the distance between places of interest across natural obstacles like hills, to save time and to provide conveyance. Eg (1) In Bihar, between Hazaribagh and Gaya the eastern railway passes through a number of tunnels across the hills of the Chota Nagapur Plateau. Eg (2) A number of tunnels of 1 km in length or less were driven in the Deccan Traps between Bombay and Pune railway line. Eg (3) In Jammu and Kashmir, 2 parallel tunnels of 2440 mts long were made between Jammu and Srinagar in the Pir Panjal mountain range. Eg (4): the under sea tunnels made between France and England and between some islands of Japan. CLASSIFICATION OF TUNNELS: Depending on the nature & competency of the ground, tunnels are classified as: Hard rock tunnels: The tunnel alignment is essentially through competent rock mass with little or no ground water seepage. Soft rock tunnels: The tunnel alignment is through unconsolidated or highly weathered material which always encounter the groundwater problems. EFFECTS OF TUNNELLING: When tunnels are made through weak or unconsolidated formations, they are provided with suitable lining for safety and stability. Lining may be in the form of steel structures or concrete.  Due to heavy and repeated blasting during excavation of a tunnel, numerous cracks and fractures develop which reduces the compactness in rocks. In addition, rock become loose/more fractured which allow water movement .  Lining of the tunnel helps in checking the leakage of groundwater into the tunnel.  Fault zones and shear zones are naturally weak and tunneling through them further deteriorates and cause stability problem.  Fall of rocks takes place even in hard rocks like granite though devoid of bedding or foliation and this process is known as Popping.  Roof may collapse due to stress and strain of the region due to overburden.  Poisonous gases encountered during the excavation of tunnels, sometimes.
  • 26. ROAD TUNNELS IN INDIA: Tunnel Lengt h State Notes Rohtang 8 820 m HP Under the 3978 above msl high Rohtang pass on Manali - Leh road Banihal 2 576 m JK Jammu - Kashmir road. 2209 m above sea level Jawarhar 2 500 m JK Srinagar - Jammu Kamshet-I 1 843 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway. Bhatan 1 658 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway Gokhale Nagar 1 000 m MH Khambatki - Ghat 890 m MH Madap 646 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway Kamshet-II 359 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway Khandala 330 m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway. Aodoshi ? m MH Mumbai - Pune Expressway. Only for Mumbai bound traffic LINING OF TUNNELS: When tunnels are made through weak or loose or unconsolidated formations, they are provided with suitable lining for safety and stability. Lining may be in the form of steel structures or concrete. The main purposes of lining are to resist the pressures from the surroundings (from the roof or the sides or the floor) and to protect the shape of the tunnel. Lining also helps in the leakage of ground water into the tunnel . Thus lining is a an effective remedial measure to overcome the various drawbacks resulting from underground tunneling either geologically or non-geologically. Lining provides a regular shape to the tunnel as the excessive excavated portions ( ie over break ) are filled by concrete. Lining being a very expensive
  • 27. treatment, needs to be provided only at such places where the rocks are not capable of supporting themselves,., where the rocks are weak and likely to collapse. Lining is also provided in such places where the seepage of water into the tunnel occurs and creates problems. The zones of faulting or shearing also need suitable lining to impart strength to them. Strong and complete lining is required in hydropower tunnels which carry water under great pressure and even minor leakages can prove hazardous. GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Geological considerations of tunneling depend on various geological factors prevailing at the site. The geological considerations in a civil engineering project (ie tunneling) include Lithology of rock formations; Geological Structures and Groundwater conditions. 1. LITHOLOGY OF ROCK FORMATIONS : Massive Igneous rocks ( ie plutonic and hypabyssal rocks ) are in general compact and competent and no lining is required for the tunnels designed. Volcanic igneous rocks being often vesicular, porous and permeable posses a threat of water seepage in the tunnel. However, sometimes, the vesicular character is also competent and suitable for tunneling. Eg: 20 tunnels were excavated for Bombay–Delhi railway line through amygdaloidal / vesicular basalts. Sedimentary rocks are less competent. However, sandstones with siliceous matrix may be considered . If the sandstones have carbonate or iron oxide as cementing material ( poorly cemented ), the tunnel lining needs reinforcement otherwise they are undesirable. Eg: In the Himalayan Ramganga diversion tunnel, a poorly cemented sandstone formation, had caused a roof fall.
  • 28. Limestones may expect seepage problems. Among limestones, dolomitic limestones are harder and more durable. On the other hand, calcareous limestones or porous limestones are naturally weaker, softer and are unsuitable for tunneling by virtue of their tendency to corrode. Shales are the lest competent because of the clay content. The presence of Clay layers are troublesome as they have low strength. Among the metamorphic rocks, Quartzites and gneisses are massive and competent. Phyllites and Schists are problematic due to the presence of foliation and presence of susceptible minerals like mica and clay. Depending the orientation of cleavage of minerals in case of slates may be considered. Marbles are reasonably competent by virtue of their high compactness and granulose structure.. But their susceptibility to corrosion and softness necessitates lining. GEOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR EFFECTIVE TUNNELLING Importance of Rock Types SUITABILITY OF IGNEOUS ROCKS: Massive igneous rocks, i.e., the plutonic and hypabyssal varieties, are very competent but difficult to work. They do not need any lining or any special maintenance. This is so because they are very strong, tough, hard, rigid, durable, impervious and, after tunneling, do not succumb to collapse, or to any other deformation.
  • 29. SUITABILITY OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS: Thick bedded, well-cemented and siliceous or ferruginous sandstones are more competent and better suited for tunneling. They will be strong, easily workable and, moreover, do not require any lining. Thus they possess all the desirable qualities for tunneling, provided they are not affected adversely by any geological structures and ground water conditions. Poorly cemented or argillaceous sandstones, however, are weak and undesirable, particularly if they get saturated with water or are thin bedded. Shales, by virtue of their inherent weakness and lamination, may get badly shattered during blasting. Mudstones are weaker than shales as they are less compacted. Among limestones, dolomitic limestones are harder and more durable. They are better than other varieties. On the other hand, calcareous limestones or porous limestones are naturally weaker and softer. Conglomerates need not be considered seriously due to the presence of pebbles and unconsolidation. SUITABILITY OF METAMORPHICROCKS: Metamorphic rocks such as gneisses are nearly similar to granites in terms of their competence, durability and workability. Schists, Phyllites, etc., which are highly foliated and generally soft, are easily workable but necessarily require good lining.
  • 30. Quartzites are very hard and hence very difficult to work. Marbles are reasonably competent by virtue of their high compactness and granulose structure. Slates are rather soft and possess slaty cleavage. Hence they are weak and require lining. (1) GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURES : Strike and Dip orientation; Joints, Faults, Folds etc are the most common structural features associated with rocks. If the tunnel alignment coincides with the strike of the formations, is acceptable if the formations are competent but in the case of less competent formations, the tunnel alignment should be a short span. (A) Joints at the tunnel site: Closely spaced joints in all kinds of rocks are harmful ( eg Koyna third stage tail tunnel has been excavated through a closely jointed basalt causing roof fall with heavy copious leakage of water ). Joints which strike parallel to the tunnel axis for long distances are undesirable whereas the joints which are perpendicular to the tunnel axis have a limited effect. In sedimentary rocks, the presence of joints may be due to folding ( occur along crests and troughs ) or faulting is undesirable. In metamorphic rocks, such as granite gneisses and quartzites are competent even if the joints present due to their competent nature. Schists and Slates with joints will become very incompetent and require lining. (B) Tunnels in Faulted Strata: Faults are harmful and undesirable because of the following problems: Fault zones are places where the displacement of rocks occur and lead to discontinuity in the tunnel alignment. The fault zones are places of intense fracturing which means physical weakness in rock masses. Fault zones allow percolation of groundwater which may cause for collapse of walls. Eg: Koyna (Maharashtra state) third stage tunnel collapsed about 15 mts along a fault zone. Fault zones are normally avoided along tunnel alignments. However, if they cannot be avoided, the fault zone has to be extensively treated with concrete grout and a strong lining has to be provided. Problems are severe if the tunnel alignment coincides with the strike of the fault. If the tunnel is located in the foot wall of a fault, the roof portion of the tunnel becomes instability and needs reinforcement. In case of Hanging wall, less effect can be observed.
  • 31. (C) Tunnels in Folded Strata: Folded rocks are always under considerable strain. When excavation for tunnels are made in folded rocks, such rocks get the opportunity to release the strain ( stored energy ). Such energy cause the rock falls or bulging. In folded regions, the tunnel alignment may be advisable to have the tunnel located on the limbs than at the core if possible. Tunnel alignment parallel to the axis of a fold: This is desirable when tunneling along limbs is considered. Rock masses may be in a highly fractured condition along crests, hence there may be frequent fall of rocks from the roof. Tunnels along troughs encounter harder formations and difficult to excavate. If bedding planes are inclined, groundwater percolates and these aquifers are punctured during the process of tunneling. Tunnel alignment perpendicular to the axis of a fold: This is undesirable because different rock formations are encountered along the length of the tunnel due to heterogeneity in physical properties of rock. In anticlinal fold, the central region will be under lesser pressure when compared to synclinal fold where the central region will be under higher pressure in addition to the occurrence of ground water. However, anticlinal fold is to be considered for tunneling with proper precautions. TUNNELS PERPENDICULAR TO THE AXIS OF FOLD L Lesser pressure Higher pressure
  • 32. (2) GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS: Ground water problem in the tunneling is the most serious one. If ground water encountered in case of tunneling, the entire water is to be pumped out to keep the working area dry and adds the expenditure on tunneling project. If the water table lies below the level of the tunnel, no severe ground water problem can be anticipated. But if the tunnel lies below the position of the water table , then the ground water problem is inevitable. . TUNNEL SUPPORTS : Supports are used for keeping the tunnel walls and the roof in safety condition. Several support alternatives are available for use in tunnels. Following are the types of supports: Shotcrete : Shotcrete is mortar or concrete pneumatically sprayed at high velocity through a hose. The process can be a dry process ( Guniting ) or a wet process. Rock Bolts: These are steel bolts designed for holding weak formations together. The bolts are driven into the formations without causing any disturbance. These are used in tunneling for anchoring the tunnel walls to sold rock. Wire mesh; Concrete lining; Pre-stressed anchor cables; Steel ribs etc are also used wherever is necessary. Some of these types are used in combination also. OVERBREAK: Excavations through hard rocks involves the removal of some of the rocks outside the proposed perimeter of the tunnel. The quantity of rock removed, in excess of what is required by the perimeter of the proposed tunnel, is known as the over break. The geological factors which govern the amount of over break are:
  • 33. The nature of the rocks The orientation and spacing of joints or weak zones The orientation of the bedding planes in case sedimentary rocks. In general, tunnels which pass through a single homogeneous formation without structural defects produce little over break, whereas tunnels which pass through a variety of rocks with structural defects ( like fault zones ) have more over break. The factor of over break is important because it adds to the cost of tunneling, particularly if lining is required. Hence, it is desirable that over break should be as minimum as possible. Bumping ground Rock displacement and dislodging in tunneling rocks Circular shape tunnel Is adopted in case of diversion of water at dam site Discharge tunnels Tunnels are those which are meant for conveying water from one point to another under gravity force. Diversion tunnels By diverting the normal flow of river water through the tunnels dug along the valley sides Fan cut blasting means To get more face for the excavation of rocks Hokoriku railway tunnel in Japan Is 13.87 km through sandstones and granites. Horse shoe shape tunnel; Is adopted for old tunnel excavations Joints oblique or perpen- dicular to the tunnel axis Are obviously have a limited effect Joints which are parallel to the tunnel axis Are undesirable in all kinds of rocks. OVER BREAK The qty of rock broken and removed in excess of what is required by the perimeter of the proposed tunnel. Parallel hole cut blasting means Blast holes are placed parallel to each other with a RELIEF HOLE of a larger dimension Popping effect in tunneling It refers to the phenomenon of fall of rocks which takes
  • 34. place in hard rocks like granite devoid of bedding or foliation. Pressure tunnels Tunnels are those which are used to allow water to pass through them under force. Used for power generation Purpose of lining Lining refers to the support for the tunnel. Rock Bursts means These occur at great depths with enormous overburden pressure Smooth blasting means Small holes are placed along the circumference of blasting area Suitability of shales Faster progress but proper lining is necessary Suitability of gneisses & quartzites Good in all aspects for tunneling Suitability of Limestone & dolomitic limestones Durable for tunneling purpose Suitability of Mudstones Weaker than shales and undesirable for tunneling. Suitability of schists & Phyllites In competent but require lining for tunneling Suitability of Conglomerates for tunneling Undesirable rocks Suitability of igneous rocks Very competent and lining is required Suitability of well-cemented siliceous sandstone Better suited for tunneling RQD means Rock Quality Designation means the ratio of cumulative length of rock pieces expressed as a percentage of total length of the rock RSR RSR means the rating of the quality of a rock for tunnel support recommendations.