Recent And Future Trends In Os
Linux Kernel Module Programming, Embedded Operating Systems: Characteristics of Embedded Systems, Embedded Linux, and Application specific OS. Basic services of NACH Operating System.
Introduction to Service Oriented Operating System (SOOS), Introduction to Ubuntu EDGE OS.
Designed By : Tushar B Kute (
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Unit 6 Operating System TEIT Savitribai Phule Pune University by Tushar B Kute
1. Linux Kernel Module Programming
What are kernel modules?
Kernel modules are piece of code, that can be loaded and unloaded from kernel on demand.
Kernel modules offers an easy way to extend the functionality of the base kernel without having to
rebuild or recompile the kernel again. Most of the drivers are implemented as a Linux kernel modules.
When those drivers are not needed, we can unload only that specific driver, which will reduce the kernel
image size.
The kernel modules will have a .ko extension. On a normal linux system, the kernel modules will reside
inside /lib/modules/<kernel_version>/kernel/ directory.
I. Utilities to Manipulate Kernel Modules
1. lsmod – List Modules that Loaded Already
lsmod command will list modules that are already loaded in the kernel as shown beblow.
2. insmod – Insert Module into Kernel
insmod command will insert a new module into the kernel as shown below.
# insmod /lib/modules/3.5.0-19-generic/kernel/fs/squashfs/ squashfs.ko
# lsmod | grep "squash"
squashfs 35834 0
3. modinfo – Display Module Info
modinfo command will display information about a kernel module as shown below.
# modinfo /lib/modules/3.5.0-19-generic/kernel/fs/squashfs/squashfs.ko
4. rmmod – Remove Module from Kernel
rmmod command will remove a module from the kernel. You cannot remove a module which is already
used by any program.
# rmmod squashfs.ko
5. modprobe – Add or Remove modules from the kernel
modprobe is an intelligent command which will load/unload modules based on the dependency between
modules. Refer to modprobe commands for more detailed examples.
II. Write a Simple Hello World Kernel Module
1. Installing the linux headers
You need to install the linux-headers-.. first as shown below. Depending on your distro, use apt-get or
2. yum.
# apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)
2. Hello World Module Source Code
Next, create the following hello.c module in C programming language.
#include <linux/module.h> // included for all kernel modules
#include <linux/kernel.h> // included for KERN_INFO
#include <linux/init.h> // included for __init and __exit macros
MODULE_DESCRIPTION("A Simple Hello World module");
static int __init hello_init(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Hello world!n");
return 0;
// Non-zero return means that the module couldn't be loaded.
static void __exit hello_cleanup(void)
printk(KERN_INFO "Cleaning up module.n");
Warning: All kernel modules will operate on kernel space, a highly privileged mode. So be careful with
what you write in a kernel module.
3. Create Makefile to Compile Kernel Module
The following makefile can be used to compile the above basic hello world kernel module.
obj-m += hello.o
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
Use the make command to compile hello world kernel module as shown below.
# make
make -C /lib/modules/3.5.0-19-generic/build M=/home/lakshmanan/a
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.5.0-19-generic'
CC [M] /home/lakshmanan/a/hello.o
3. Building modules, stage 2.
MODPOST 1 modules
CC /home/lakshmanan/a/hello.mod.o
LD [M] /home/lakshmanan/a/hello.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-3.5.0-19-generic'
The above will create hello.ko file, which is our sample Kernel module.
4. Insert or Remove the Sample Kernel Module
Now that we have our hello.ko file, we can insert this module to the kernel by using insmod command as
shown below.
# insmod hello.ko
# dmesg | tail -1
[ 8394.731865] Hello world!
# rmmod hello.ko
# dmesg | tail -1
[ 8707.989819] Cleaning up module.
When a module is inserted into the kernel, the module_init macro will be invoked, which will call the
function hello_init. Similarly, when the module is removed with rmmod, module_exit macro will be
invoked, which will call the hello_exit. Using dmesg command, we can see the output from the sample
Kernel module.
Please note that printk is a function which is defined in kernel, and it behaves similar to the printf in the
IO library. Remember that you cannot use any of the library functions from the kernel module.
4. Embedded Linux
Embedded Linux is the usage of the Linux kernel and various open-source components in embedded
Advantages of Using Linux in embedded systems.
Re-using components
• The key advantage of Linux and open-source in embedded systems is the ability to re-use
• The open-source ecosystem already provides many components for standard features, from
hardware support to network protocols, going through multimedia, graphic, cryptographic
libraries, etc.
• As soon as a hardware device, or a protocol, or a feature is wide-spread enough, high chance of
having open-source components that support it.
Low cost
• Free software can be duplicated on as many devices as you want, free of charge.
• If your embedded system uses only free software, you can reduce the cost of software licenses to
zero. Even the development tools are free, unless you choose a commercial embedded Linux
Full control
• With open-source, you have the source code for all components in your system
• Allows unlimited modifications, changes, tuning, debugging, optimization, for an unlimited
period of time
• Allows to have full control over the software part of your system
• Many open-source components are widely used, on millions of systems
• Usually higher quality than what an in-house development can produce, or even proprietary
• Allows to design your system with high-quality components at the foundations
Eases testing of new features
• Open-source being freely available, it is easy to get a piece of software and evaluate it
• Allows to easily study several options while making a choice
Community support
• Open-source software components are developed by communities of developers and users
• This community can provide a high-quality support: you can directly contact the main developers
of the component you are using.
• Taking part into the community
Possibility of taking part into the development community of some of the components used in the
5. embedded systems: bug reporting, test of new versions or features, patches that fix bugs or add new
features, etc.
Examples of Embedded Linux
• Personal routers
• Television
• Point of sale terminal
• Laser cutting machine
• Viticulture machine
Embedded hardware for Linux system
• The Linux kernel and most other architecture-dependent component support a wide range of 32
and 64 bits architectures
• x86 and x86-64, as found on PC platforms, but also embedded systems (multimedia, industrial)
• ARM, with hundreds of different SoC (multimedia, industrial)
• PowerPC (mainly real-time, industrial applications)
• MIPS (mainly networking applications)
• SuperH (mainly set top box and multimedia applications)
• Blackfin (DSP architecture)
• Microblaze (soft-core for Xilinx FPGA)
• Coldfire, SCore, Tile, Xtensa, Cris, FRV, AVR32, M32R
Embedded Linux system archirecture.
Software components
● Cross-compilation toolchain
6. ● Compiler that runs on the development machine, but generates code for the target
● Bootloader
● Started by the hardware, responsible for basic initialization, loading and executing the kernel
● Linux Kernel
● Contains the process and memory management, network stack, device drivers and provides
services to user space applications
● C library
● The interface between the kernel and the user space applications
● Libraries and applications
● Third-party or in-house
Embedded Linux work
Several distinct tasks are needed when deploying embedded Linux in a product:
• Board Support Package development
• A BSP contains a bootloader and kernel with the suitable device drivers for the targeted
• Purpose of our Kernel Development training
• System integration
• Integrate all the components, bootloader, kernel, third-party libraries and applications and in-
house applications into a working system
• Purpose of this training
• Development of applications
• Normal Linux applications, but using specifically chosen libraries
7. Application Specific Operating Systems
Application specific customization became all the more important with the advent of application
domains such as multimedia, database, parallel computing etc., which demand high performance and
high functionality. Resource management and communication/sharing between applications is to be done
by the operating system code running as library routines in each application. Since these library routines
can be made application-specific, the programmer has the flexibility to easily modify them whenever
that is necessary for performance.
Need for customized operating systems
Greater Performance
One of the primary motivation for such a system is greater performance. Problems with traditional
operating systems is that they hide information behind high-level abstractions like processes, page table
structures, IPC etc. And hence they provide a virtual machine to the user. Thus they give a fixed
implementation to all applications thereby making domain specific optimizations impossible. General
purpose implementations do reduce performance to a great extent and that application specific virtual
memory policies can increase application performance.
More Functionality and flexibility
Further move towards customization is motivated by a need for more functionality. New application
domains like multimedia need different sets of services. Incorporating all the services is not a good idea,
because one may not use number of those service but still have to pay for them in the form of OS
Sophisticated Security
Modern application technologies such as Java require sophisticated security in the form of access
controls, that default operating systems may not provide.
Simple rather than a complex kernel is easy to implement and is efficient. One may draw an analogy to
RISC systems for this aspect.
Issues and Problems
• Protection and Sharing
• Too much of flexibility
• Application programmers aren’t operating systems designers
• Backward compatibility and Portability
Extensible Application Specific Operating Systems
SPIN investigates kernels that allow applications to make policy decisions. All management policies are
defined by embedded implementations called spindles. These spindles are dynamically loaded into the
8. Merits:
Secure because of the use of type safe language and compiler checks
Good amount of extensibility, relatively with less burden on user
High overhead due to cross domain calls
Fair sharing across applications is not possible
Not reflective i.e. it cannot monitor and modify its own behavior as it executes
Aegis – an Exokernel
Aegis uses the familiar “end-to-end” argument that applies to low-level communications protocols.
Maximum opportunity for application-level resource management is assured by designing a thin
exokernel. The job of exokernel is to a. track ownership of resources b. perform access control.
Truly extensible and flexible as it exposes the hardware
Very efficient
Too flexible and hence may lead to portability and compatibility problems
Less secure – it expects a high degree of trust
Highly Complex software support is needed
SPACE uses processors, address spaces, and a generalized exception mechanism as the basic
abstractions. The processor has more than one privilege mode and thus arbitrary number of domains can
exist in an address space.
Virtualized resources as the fundamental abstraction and hence more customizable .
Building applications in terms of spaces, domains, and portals is highly complex and lacks portability.
This work is a follow on from Synthesis project. It makes use of feedback from the system and use it to
dynamically modify the code. The make use of the information from dynamically changing conditions.
They use this technique not only for designing OS but also for seamless mobility and few others.
Absolutely no burden on user
There are no problems of portability, security etc.. in fact it is implemented on HP-UX
No full support for customization
9. Kea
In Kea kernel can be reconfigured through RPC mechanism. RPC in Kea is very general unlike others
and eliminate unnecessary steps often made in a general RPC system (like in LRPC). Kea has domains,
threads, inter-domain calls and portals as abstractions.
Provides a neat interface through user : user can use usual semantics to configure kernel
Huge penalty is incurred because of number of cross domain calls
VINO is a downloadable system, that uses sand-boxing [] to enforce trust and security. Sandboxing is a
technique developed to allow embedding of untrusted application code inside trusted programs.
Extensions are written in c++ and are compiler by a trusted compiler. This trusted code is then
downloaded into the kernel. Each extension in VINO is run in the context of a transaction.
Performance is only slightly worse than unprotected c++
Extensions can be implemented in conventional languages
Security of the system is heavily dependent on compiler. There is no guard if a malicious user tricks the
Spring is also another micro-kernel based operating system developed to build operating system out of
replaceable parts.
10. Nach OS
Nach os is a new teaching operating system and simulation environment. It makes it possible to give
assignments that require students to write significant portions of each of the major pieces of a modern
operating system: thread management, file systems, multiprogramming, virtual memory, and
networking. The concepts are necessary to understand the computer systems of today and of the future:
concurrency and synchronization, caching and locality, the trade-off between simplicity and
performance, building reliability from unreliable components, dynamic scheduling, the power of a level
of translation, distributed computing, layering, and virtualization.
Basic services of Nach OS
1. Thread Management
Basic working thread system and an implementation of semaphores. The assignment is to
implement Mesa-style locks and condition variables using semaphores, and then to implement
solutions to a number of concurrency problems using these synchronization primitives.
2. File Systems
Real file systems can be very complex artifacts. The UNIX file system, for example, has at least
three levels of indirection – the per-process file descriptor table, the system-wide open file table,
and the in-core inode table – before one even gets to disk blocks.
3. Multiprogramming
The code to create a user address space, load a Nachos file containing an executable image into
user memory, and then to run the program is provided. Initial code is restricted to running only a
single user program at a time.
4. Virtual Memory
It asks students to replace their simple memory management code from the previous assignment
with a true virtual memory system, that is, one that presents to each user program the abstraction
of an (almost) unlimited virtual memory size by using main memory as a cache for the disk. No
new hardware or operating system components are provided.
5. Networking
At the hardware level, we simulate the behavior a network of workstations, each running Nachos,
by connecting the UNIX processes running Nachos via sockets. The Nachos operating system
and user programs running on it can communicate with other machines" running Nachos simply
by sending messages into the emulated network the transmission is actually accomplished by
socket send and receive.
Introduction to Service Oriented Operating System
The S(o)OS project addressed future distributed systems on the level of a holistic operating system
architecture by drawing from Service Oriented Architectures and the strength of Grids. This decouples
the OS from the underlying resource infrastructure, thus making execution across an almost unlimited
number of varying devices possible, independent from the actual hardware.
S(o)OS investigated alternative Operating System Architectures that base on a modular principle, where
not only the individual modules may be replaced according to the respective resource specifics, but,
more importantly, where also the modules may be distributed according to the executing process’
requirements. The Operating System thus becomes a dynamic service oriented infrastructure in which
each executing process may specify the required services which are detected, deployed and adapted on
11. the fly.
S(o)OS examined how code can be segmented in a fashion that allows for concurrent execution over a
heterogeneous infrastructure by combining the two approaches above. This principle implicitly supports
parallelisation of code in a fashion that reduces the communication overhead. With the information
about the code behaviour and dependencies, further optimisation steps can be taken related to the
infrastructure’s communication layout, cache and memory limitations, resource specific capabilities and
restrictions etc. Depending on the size and complexity of the segments, on-the-fly adaptation steps may
furthermore be taken to increase heterogeneity and in particular to improve performance by exploiting
the resource features.
Introduction to Ubuntu Edge OS (Ubuntu Touch)
Ubuntu Touch (also known as Ubuntu Phone) is a mobile version of the Ubuntu operating system
developed by Canonical UK Ltd and Ubuntu Community. It is designed primarily for touchscreen
mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers.
Canonical released Ubuntu Touch 1.0, the first developer/partner version on 17 October 2013, along
with Ubuntu 13.10 that "primarily supports the Galaxy Nexus and Nexus 4 phones, though there are
images available for other phones and tablets". Ubuntu Touch uses the Qt 5-based touch user interface
and various software frameworks originally developed for Maemo and MeeGo such as oFono as
telephony stack, accounts-sso for single sign-on, and Maliit for input. Utilizing libhybris the system can
often be used with Linux kernels used in Android, which makes it easily ported to most recent Android
Ubuntu Touch utilizes the same core technologies as the Ubuntu Desktop, so applications designed for
the latter platform run on the former and vice versa. Additionally, Ubuntu Desktop components come
with the Ubuntu Touch system; allowing Ubuntu Touch devices to provide a full desktop experience
when connected to an external monitor. Ubuntu Touch devices can be equipped with a full Ubuntu
session and may change into a full desktop operating system when plugged into a docking station. If
plugged the device can use all the features of Ubuntu and user can perform office work or even play
ARM-ready games on such device.