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Unit1 Buyer Behaviour - Who buys, why, when and where? Subhajit Sanyal
Week two - learning outcomes Different types of consumer Different types of purchasing The buying decision process Influences on Buyer Behaviour Organisational roles in buying Models of Buying Behaviour
Content of this week’s lecture The Black Box Types of Buying Decision & The Decision process Dissatisfaction  Adoption of Innovation Industrial Applications
Person making buying decision Product purchased or not purchased Product offerings Other stimuli The simple ‘black box’ model of buying behaviour Adcock et al (2001,pp77)
Model of buyer behaviour Marketing  stimuli Other stimuli Buyer’s Charact-eristics Buyer’s decision   process Buyer’s   decisions 4 P’s Econ. Tech. Pol. Cult. Cult. Soc. Pers. Psy. Prob. recog. Info. search Eval. of alt. Purch. decision Post-purch. beh. Pdct. choice Brand choice Dealer choice Purchase timing Purchase amount (Kotler, 2003)
Understanding Customers -Key Questions Who is important? Why? How do they buy? When do they buy?  How often? Where are purchases made? What are the selection criteria?
Consumer buying decision process and possible influences on the process Psychological influences Perception Motives Ability and Knowledge Attitudes Personality Personal   influences Demographic Situational Involvement Social influences Roles and family Reference groups Social classes Culture and  subcultures Consumer buying decision process Evaluation of alternatives Post - purchase evaluation Purchase Information search Problem recognition Feedback
Unit1 consumer behaviour1
Indian household distribution Source: NCAER (2003) India Market Demographics Report – 2002, New Delhi: NCAER
Urban rural household incomes Source: NCAER (2003) India Market Demographics Report – 2002, New Delhi: NCAER
Occupational income distribution   Source: NCAER (2003) India Market Demographics Report – 2002, New Delhi: NCAER
A Hierarchy of Influences Socio cultural Group influences Influence of individuals Personal factors Situational factors Promotional factors Product factors  Marketing mix - other elements
Personal   Influences Gender Race/caste/community Physical attributes Colour Culture Subculture Religion Nationality
Large Group Influences Standard of living Materialism Political correctness Laws and conformity Value of education Value of professions
Small group influences Values Morals Ethics Aspiration (Motivations)
Unpredictable’s Climate Health Mental state Previous activities Relationships Time available Future activities
Purchase situation Perceived risk Relative cost Availability Choice Information available Previous experience Environment Others present (their impact )
Maslow’s Hierarchy
The exchange process in organisational buying Information Product Financial Social Selling  company Buying company
Organisational buying decision process and factors that may influence it Decision process Recognise problem Develop product specifications to solve problem Search for products and suppliers Evaluate products and supplies relative to specifications Select and order most appropriate products and supplies Evaluate product and supplier performance Feedback SOURCE: Adapted from Frederick E. Webster, Jr, and Yoram Wind, Organisational Buying Bahaviour (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972), pp. 33-37. Adapted by permission. Possible   influencing factors Competitive factors Legal and regulatory forces Economic conditions Sociocultural issues Technological changes Objectives Purchasing policies Resources Buying centre structure Environmental Organisational Interpersonal Co-operation Conflict Power relationships Age Education level Job status Personality Income Individual
Organisational Roles in Buying User Influencer Decider Buyer Gatekeeper
Refreshing Break THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION.  Have you prepared your case study?

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Unit1 consumer behaviour1

  • 1. Unit1 Buyer Behaviour - Who buys, why, when and where? Subhajit Sanyal
  • 2. Week two - learning outcomes Different types of consumer Different types of purchasing The buying decision process Influences on Buyer Behaviour Organisational roles in buying Models of Buying Behaviour
  • 3. Content of this week’s lecture The Black Box Types of Buying Decision & The Decision process Dissatisfaction Adoption of Innovation Industrial Applications
  • 4. Person making buying decision Product purchased or not purchased Product offerings Other stimuli The simple ‘black box’ model of buying behaviour Adcock et al (2001,pp77)
  • 5. Model of buyer behaviour Marketing stimuli Other stimuli Buyer’s Charact-eristics Buyer’s decision process Buyer’s decisions 4 P’s Econ. Tech. Pol. Cult. Cult. Soc. Pers. Psy. Prob. recog. Info. search Eval. of alt. Purch. decision Post-purch. beh. Pdct. choice Brand choice Dealer choice Purchase timing Purchase amount (Kotler, 2003)
  • 6. Understanding Customers -Key Questions Who is important? Why? How do they buy? When do they buy? How often? Where are purchases made? What are the selection criteria?
  • 7. Consumer buying decision process and possible influences on the process Psychological influences Perception Motives Ability and Knowledge Attitudes Personality Personal influences Demographic Situational Involvement Social influences Roles and family Reference groups Social classes Culture and subcultures Consumer buying decision process Evaluation of alternatives Post - purchase evaluation Purchase Information search Problem recognition Feedback
  • 9. Indian household distribution Source: NCAER (2003) India Market Demographics Report – 2002, New Delhi: NCAER
  • 10. Urban rural household incomes Source: NCAER (2003) India Market Demographics Report – 2002, New Delhi: NCAER
  • 11. Occupational income distribution Source: NCAER (2003) India Market Demographics Report – 2002, New Delhi: NCAER
  • 12. A Hierarchy of Influences Socio cultural Group influences Influence of individuals Personal factors Situational factors Promotional factors Product factors Marketing mix - other elements
  • 13. Personal Influences Gender Race/caste/community Physical attributes Colour Culture Subculture Religion Nationality
  • 14. Large Group Influences Standard of living Materialism Political correctness Laws and conformity Value of education Value of professions
  • 15. Small group influences Values Morals Ethics Aspiration (Motivations)
  • 16. Unpredictable’s Climate Health Mental state Previous activities Relationships Time available Future activities
  • 17. Purchase situation Perceived risk Relative cost Availability Choice Information available Previous experience Environment Others present (their impact )
  • 19. The exchange process in organisational buying Information Product Financial Social Selling company Buying company
  • 20. Organisational buying decision process and factors that may influence it Decision process Recognise problem Develop product specifications to solve problem Search for products and suppliers Evaluate products and supplies relative to specifications Select and order most appropriate products and supplies Evaluate product and supplier performance Feedback SOURCE: Adapted from Frederick E. Webster, Jr, and Yoram Wind, Organisational Buying Bahaviour (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1972), pp. 33-37. Adapted by permission. Possible influencing factors Competitive factors Legal and regulatory forces Economic conditions Sociocultural issues Technological changes Objectives Purchasing policies Resources Buying centre structure Environmental Organisational Interpersonal Co-operation Conflict Power relationships Age Education level Job status Personality Income Individual
  • 21. Organisational Roles in Buying User Influencer Decider Buyer Gatekeeper
  • 22. Refreshing Break THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION. Have you prepared your case study?

Editor's Notes

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