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Design and Implementation
Software design and implementation
 The process of converting the system
specification into an executable system.
 Software design
• Design a software structure that realises the
 Implementation
• Translate this structure into an executable
 The activities of design and implementation are
closely related and may be inter-leaved.
The Design Phase
High-level (architectural) design consists
of developing an architectural structure for
software programs, databases, the user
interface, and the operating environment.
Low-level (detailed) design entails
developing the detailed algorithms and
data structures that are required for
program development.
The Implementation Phase
Primary objectives are to ensure that:
System is built, tested and installed (actual
programming of the system)
The implementation phase includes five
Construct software components
Verify and test
Develop prototypes for tuning
Train and document
Install the system
 Designer plans to produce a s/w system such that it is
• Functional
• Reliable
• Easy to understand, modify, & maintain
 SRS manifested with functional, information, and
behavioral models feed the design process.
 Design produces
• Data Design
• Architecture Design
• Procedural Design
• Interface Design
Analysis Vs Design Models
Design Models ?
 Data Design
• created by transforming the data dictionary and ERD into
implementation data structures.
• requires as much attention as algorithm design.
 Architectural Design
• Defines relationship b/w structural elements of the s/w.
• derived from the analysis model and the subsystem interactions
defined in the DFD.
 Interface Design
• derived from DFD and CFD and describes communication of
software elements with other software elements, other systems,
and human users.
 Procedural Design
• Transforms structural elements into procedural description.
The Software Design Process
Architectural Design
 Layered Architecture Example (UNIX)
• Core Layer Kernel
• Utility Layer System Calls
• Application Layer Shell & Library routines
• User Interface Layer User Application
 Data Centered Architecture: Central database is processed
through other components which add, delete, and update the
 Data Flow Architecture: Applied when input data is to be
transformed into output data through a series of components.
Generally uses concepts of pipes and filters.
 Object Oriented Architecture: Data and operations
encapsulated together and communication among objects is
through message passing.
UNIX Layered Architecture
Importance of Design
 Design is a phase where quality is fostered.
 Without proper design we risk building an unstable
 Design acts as a foundation for all subsequent
Importance of Design
What is a Module?
 A lexically contiguous sequence of program
statements, bounded by boundary elements, with
an aggregate identifier.
• “Lexically contiguous”
• Adjoining in the code
• “Boundary elements”
• { ... }
• begin ... end
• “Aggregate identifier”
• A name for the entire module
 Attribute of the s/w that allows it to be
managed intellectually.
 A monolithic s/w can’t be easily grasped by a
Degree of Modularity
Cost to module
Cost to
Overall efforts
 Attribute of s/w that allows it to be managed intellectually. A
monolithic s/w can not be grasped by a reader easily.
 Therefore, it is easier to solve a complex problem by dividing
it into manageable pieces (modules).
 C(x): perceived complexity of the problem
 E(x): Effort required to solve the problem
 For two problems P1 and P2
If C(P1) > C(P2) Then E(P1) > E(P2)
 Also it has been observed that
C(P1)+C(P2) < C(P1+P2)
 It therefore, follows that
E(P1)+E(P2) < E(P1+P2)
Control Hierarchy
 Organization of program components is depicted
• Depth and Width of the structure (graph)
• Number of levels of control.
• and overall span of control.
• Concept of FAN-IN and FAN-OUT.
• Concept of Super ordinate and subordinate
• Concept of Visibility and Connectivity.
Control Hierarchy
Control Hierarchy
 The degree of interaction between two modules.
• Seven categories or levels of coupling
1. No direct coupling (Good)
2. Data coupling
3. Stamp coupling
4. Control coupling
5. External coupling
6. Common coupling
7. Content coupling (Bad)
Content Coupling
 Two modules are content coupled if one module
directly modifies content or branches into the
middle of the other module.
 Examples:
• Module p modifies a statement of module q.
• Module p refers to local data of module q in
terms of some numerical displacement within q.
• Module p branches into a local label of module q.
Why is Content Coupling So Bad?
 Almost any change to module q, requires a change
to module p
Common Coupling
 Two modules are common coupled if they share
or have write access to the global data.
 Example 1:
• Modules cca and ccb can access and change the
value of global_variable
Common Coupling (contd)
 Example 2:
• Modules cca and ccb both have access to the same
database, and can both read and write the same record
 Example 3:
• FORTRAN common
• COBOL common (nonstandard)
• COBOL-80 global
• C extern
External Coupling
 Two modules are externally related by a common
data structure or device format etc.
 A form of coupling in which a module has a
dependency to other module, external to the
software being developed or to a particular type of
 This is basically related to the communication to
external tools and devices.
Control Coupling
 Two modules are control coupled if one module
controls the other by passing control flag as
parameter to the other.
 Example:
• A control switch passed as an argument.
Stamp Coupling
 Some languages allow only simple variables as parameters
• part_number
• satellite_altitude
• degree_of_multiprogramming
 Many languages also support the passing of data
• part_record
• satellite_coordinates
• segment_table
 Two modules are stamp coupled if a data structure is
passed as a parameter, but the called module operates on
some but not all of the individual components of the data
Data Coupling
 Two modules are data coupled if all parameters are
homogeneous data items (simple parameters, or
data structures all of whose elements are used by
called module)
 Examples:
• display_time_of_arrival (flight_number);
• compute_product (first_number, second_number);
• get_job_with_highest_priority (job_queue);
Coupling Values
Sr. No. Type of Coupling Value
1. Content Coupling 0.95
2. Common Coupling 0.70
3. External Coupling 0.60
4. Control Coupling 0.50
5. Stamp Coupling 0.35
6. Data Coupling 0.20
7. No Direct Coupling 0.00
 The degree of interaction within a module. A
measure of the degree to which the elements of a
module are functionally related.
 Seven categories or levels of cohesion
1. Functional cohesion (good)
2. Sequential cohesion
3. Communicational cohesion
4. Procedural cohesion
5. Temporal cohesion
6. Logical cohesion
7. Coincidental cohesion (bad)
Types of Cohesion
Coincidental Cohesion
 Coincidental cohesion exists in modules containing
instructions that have little or no relationship to one another.
 A module has coincidental cohesion if it performs multiple,
completely unrelated functions/actions.
 X and Y have no conceptual relationship.
 Example: Module checks user security,authenticates and
also prints monthly payrol.
• print_next_line, reverse_string_of_characters_comprising_second_
parameter, add_7_to_fifth_parameter,
convert_fourth_parameter_to_ floating_point
 It degrades maintainability.
 A module with coincidental cohesion is not reusable.
Logical Cohesion
 A module has logical cohesion when it performs a
series of logically related actions, one of which is
selected by the calling module.
 Example 1:
• An object performing all inputs irrespective of the device
it is coming from or the nature of use of the data.
 Example 2:
• For more than one data items of type date in an input
transaction, separate code would be written to check that
each date is a valid date.
• A better way is to construct a DATECHECK module and
call it wherever necessary.
Temporal Cohesion
 A module has temporal cohesion when it performs a
series of actions related in time. May be performed in
the same time span.
 Example:
• open_old_master_file, new_master_file, transaction_file,
and print_file; initialize_sales_district_table,
read_first_old_master_record (a.k.a. perform_initialization)
• The set of functions responsible for initialization, setting
start up values such as setting program counter or control
flags exhibit temporal cohesion. They should not be put in
the same function.
Procedural Cohesion
 A module has procedural cohesion if it performs a
series of actions related by the procedure to be
followed by the product.
 The two components X and Y are structured the
same way.
 Example:
• Data entry, Checking, and manipulation are
three functions but performed in a proper
• Calculate student GPA, print student record,
calculate cumulative GPA, Print cumulative GPA
 A module has communicational cohesion if it performs a
series of actions related by the procedure to be followed
by the product, but in addition all the actions operate on
the same data
 Two components operate on the same input data or
contribute to the same output data.
 X and Y operate on the same i/p data or contribute to
same o/p data.
 Example 1: Fetching of unrelated data from tape or disk
because it requires only one access.
 Example 2:
Communicational Cohesion
Functional Cohesion
 A module with functional cohesion performs exactly
one action
 X and Y are part of the same functional task.
 Example 1:
• get_temperature_of_furnace
 Example 2:
• compute_orbital_of_electron
 Example 3:
• write_to_floppy_disk
 Example 4:
• calculate_sales_commission
Sequential Cohesion
 More than one functions performed by the module
occur in an order prescribed by the specifications.
 X outputs some data which forms the input to Y.
Cohesion Values
Sr. NO. Type of Cohesion Value
1. Coincidental 0.20
2. Logical 0.23
3. Temporal 0.25
4. Procedural 0.40
5. Communicational 0.60
6. Sequential 0.70
7. Functional 0.95
Design Strength
 Dependence Matrix
• Depicts quantitative measure of dependence of
• Used to find strength of design.
• Primarily affected by the coupling and
• Gives the probability of having to change
module i given that module j is changed.
• First order dependence and complete
dependence matrix are found.
First Order Dependence Matrix
 Represent coupling among various modules by a coupling matrix
C which will be symmetric i.e. Ci,j = Cj,I and diagonal elements
will be 1 i.e. Ci,i = 1.
 Represent strength of various modules by the strength vector S.
 FODM is constructed by the following formula
Di,j = 0.15*(Si+Sj)+0.7*Ci,j
= 0 where Ci,j = 0
= 1 where Ci,j = 1
 FODM can be represented by a undirected graph having
links labeled with the dependence values.
 Initial connectivity status of modules can also be depicted by
a undirected graph having links assigned the coupling value
and nodes the strength value.
 FODM does not give a clear picture of dependence because
it is not able to incorporate indirect connectivity.
Undirected Graph for FODM
Observation about FODM
 Probability that module 3 changes if module 1 is changed
is not simply 0.2 as given by FODM .
 This probability will be in fact higher than 0.2 because
change in module 1 leads to a change in 4 which in turn
leads to a change in 8. A change in 8 due to external
coupling leads to a change in 7 due to external coupling 7
which leads to a change in 3.
 FODM depicts that there is no dependence b/w module 1
and 9 which is really not correct.
 Infact there is a dependence among all module but the
level of dependence may be high or low.
 Due to this reason, a Complete Dependence Matrix
(CDM) is required for stability analysis of a program.
Complete Dependence Matrix
 CDM is obtained by finding out all unique paths from
one module to all other modules.
 Because these paths may not be mutually exclusive
to each other, hence addition law of probability is
not directly applicable.
 IF there are three unique paths to B from A labeled
as x, y, and z respectively with probabilities as P(x),
P(y), and P(z) THEN
 P(B changing) = P(x) + P(y) + P(z) - P(x)*P(y)
- P(y)*P(z) - P(x)*P(z) + P(x)*P(y)*P(z)
Undirected Graph & FODM
A 1.0 0.4 0.3 0.0
B 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.5
C 0.3 0.4 1.0 0.2
D 0.0 0.5 0.2 1.0
Finding CDM
 Assume that A changes, probability of B changing is not
0.4 as shown by FODM but is higher than this.
 There are three possible chances of B changing as
there are three paths to B from A.
 Probabilities of these paths are
• P(x: A to B) = 0.4
• P(y: A to C to B) = 0.3 x 0.4 = 0.12
• P(z: A to C to D to B) = 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.5 = 0.030
 P(B Changing)= (0.4+0.12+0.030) - (0.4x0.12) -
(0.12x0.030) - (0.4x0.030) + (0.4x0.12x0.030) = 0.4878
 In similar way other probabilities and hence CDM can
be obtained.
Strength Measures
 CDM can be used to find the following measures
• Expected Change Measure (ECM) which gives
a probability of changing the number of modules
if a particular module changes.
ECMi = ΣDi,j where i and j are not equal.
• Overall Design Measure (ODM) which gives the
expected number of modules to be changed
given a module changes.
ODM = Σ Σ Di,j /m for i,j = 1 to m
Design of Computer
 A highly incompetent
computer architect
decides to build an
ALU, shifter, and 16
registers with AND,
OR, and NOT gates,
rather than NAND or
NOR gates.
Figure 7.1
Design of Computer (contd..)
 The architect
designs 3
silicon chips
Figure 7.2
Design of Computer (Contd..)
 Redesign with
one gate type per
 Resulting
Figure 7.3
Computer Design (contd)
 The two designs are functionally equivalent but the
second design is
• Hard to understand.
• Hard to locate faults.
• Difficult to extend or enhance.
• Cannot be reused in another product.
 Modules must be like the first design
• Maximal relationships within modules, and
• Minimal relationships between modules.
Software Development Approaches
 The past
Procedural programs
Deterministic execution
Program in control
 The present
Interactive program
Event-driven execution
Structured Approach
 Systematic approaches to develop a software
 The design is usually documented as a set of
graphical models.
 Possible models
• Object model;
• Sequence model;
• State transition model;
• Structural model;
• Data-flow model.
Structured approach
 Modeling techniques
 Problems
Sequential and transformational
Inflexible solutions
No reuse
Structured Approach
 The structured paradigm was successful initially
but started to fail with larger products (> 50,000
 Post delivery maintenance problems (today, 70 to
80 percent of total effort)
 Reason: Structured methods are
• Action oriented (e.g., finite state machines,
data flow diagrams); or
• Data oriented (e.g., entity-relationship
• But not both
Structure Chart Notations
Transaction Centered Structure
Modules to Objects
Objects with high cohesion and low coupling
Information hiding
Abstract data types
Data encapsulation
Modules with high cohesion and low coupling
Object-Oriented approach
 Data-centric
 Event-driven
 Addresses emerging applications
 Follows iterative and incremental process
Structured versus Object-Oriented
Account Balance
Deposit Message
Strengths of the Object-Oriented
 Information hiding reduces post-delivery maintenance due to
reduced chances of regression faults.
 Development is easier because Objects generally have physical
counterparts and this simplifies the modeling process.
 Well-designed objects are independent units as everything that
relates to the real-world object being modeled is encapsulated in
the object.
• Communication is by sending messages.
• Independence is enhanced by responsibility-driven design.
 A classical product conceptually consists of a single unit and
hence complex. But, object-oriented paradigm reduces complexity
because the product generally consists of independent units.
 The object-oriented paradigm promotes reuse of objects as they
are independent entities.
Classical Phases vs Object-
Oriented Workflows
 There is no correspondence between phases and
Classical Paradigm
1. Requirements phase
2. Analysis &
specification phase
3. Design phase
4. Implementation phase
5. Post-delivery
6. Retirement
Object-Oriented Paradigm
1. Requirements workflow
2. Object-Oriented Analysis
3. Object-Oriented Design
4. Object-Oriented
Implementation workflow
5. Post-delivery maintenance
6. Retirement
In More Details
 Objects enter here
 Modules (objects) are introduced as early as the object-oriented
analysis workflow.
• This ensures a smooth transition from the analysis workflow to
the design workflow
 The objects are then coded during the implementation workflow
• Again, the transition is smooth
Classical paradigm
2. Analysis (specification) phase
• Determine what the product is
to do
3. Design phase
• Architectural design
• Detailed design
4. Implementation phase
• Code the modules in an
appropriate programming
• Integrate the coded modules.
Object-Oriented paradigm
2. Object-Oriented Analysis workflow
• Determine what the product is to
• Extract the classes
3. Object-Oriented Design workflow
• Detailed design
4. Object-Oriented Implementation
• Code the modules in an
appropriate OO prog. language.
• Integrate
Modeling Primitives
 Objects
• an entity that has state, attributes and services.
• Interested in problem-domain objects for requirements
 Classes
• Provide a way of grouping objects with similar attributes or
• Classes form an abstraction hierarchy though ‘is_a’
 Attributes
• Together represent an object’s state.
• May specify type, visibility and modifiability of each attribute.
 Relationships
• ‘is_a’ classification relations.
• ‘part_of’ assembly relationships.
• ‘associations’ between classes.
Modeling Primitives
 Methods (services, functions)
• These are the operations that all objects in a class
can do when called on to do so by other objects
• E.g. Constructors/Destructors (if objects are
created dynamically)
• E.g. Set/Get (access to the object’s state)
 Message Passing
• How objects invoke services of other objects.
 Use Cases/Scenarios
• Sequences of message passing between objects.
• Represent specific interactions.
Key Principles
 Classification (using inheritance)
• Classes capture commonalities of a number of
• Each subclass inherits attributes and methods
from its parent.
• Forms an ‘is_a’ hierarchy
 Child class may ‘specialize’ the parent class.
• by adding additional attributes & methods.
• by replacing an inherited attribute or method with
 Multiple inheritance is possible where a class is
subclass of several different super classes.
Key Principles
 Information Hiding
• internal state of an object need not be visible to
external viewers.
• Objects can encapsulate other objects, and keep
their services internal.
 Aggregation
• Can describe relationships between parts and the
whole objects.
UML Diagram Types (9)
 These can be classified into 'static' and 'dynamic' diagrams.
• Static
• Class diagram
• Object diagram
• Component diagram
• Deployment diagram
• Dynamic
• Use Case diagram
• Activity diagram
• State chart diagram
• Collaboration
• Sequence diagram
Parts of UML
 Class Diagrams
• Structure models
 Object Diagrams
• example models
 Use Case Diagrams
• document who can do what in a system
 Sequence Diagrams
• shows interactions between objects used to implement a
use case
 Collaboration Diagrams
• same as sequence diagrams but in different style
Parts of UML (Cont…)
 State chart Diagrams
• possible states and responses of a class and what transitions
 Activity Diagrams
• describe the behavior of a class in response to internal
 Component Diagrams
• Organization of and dependencies amongst software
implementation components.
 Deployment Diagrams
• Describe the mapping of software implementation components
onto processing nodes.
• A concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp
boundaries and meaning for the problem at
• promote understanding of the real world
• provide a practical basis for computer
Problem Decomposition
 Decomposition of a problem into
objects depends on
• Judgment
• The nature of the problem being solved
• Not only the domain: two analyses of the same
domain will turn out differently depending upon the
kind of programs we wish to produce.
 A class describes a group of objects
with similar properties.
• Class: Instructor
• Object: David Penny
• Object: Matthew Zaleski
Instructor Department
• Class: Department
• Object: Department of Computer Science
• Object: Department of Electrical Engineering
 Data values held by the objects of a class
name: string
age: integer
weight: integer
 A function or a transformation that may be
applied to or by objects in a class.
• Not often used (not often terribly useful) in an
Links and Associations
 The means for establishing
relationships among objects and
• link: a connection between two object
• association: a collection of links with
common structure and semantics.
Instructor Department
teaches for
Object Diagrams
 Models instances of things contained in class
 Shows a set of objects and their links at a
point in time
 Useful preparatory to deciding on class
 Useful in order to better explain more
complex class diagrams by giving instance
i: Instructor
name = “Penny”
j: Instructor
name = “Zaleski”
: Department
name = “DCS”
: Department
name = “ECE”
 Used to indicate the number of potential
instances involved in the association when the
other associated classes are fixed.
Instructor Department
A given instructor
can teach for
potentially many
departments or none)
A given department
employs zero or
more instructors
N-ary Associations
Instructor Department
1 1
A given instructor
teaching for a given
department may
teach zero or more
courses for that
There is exactly
one instructor
teaching a given
course for a given
Try to avoid them!
Attributes on Associations
Instructor Department
teaches for
Aggregation Indicators (Part-Of)
multiplicity of 1
(strong ownership,
coincident lifetime)
(no associated semantics)
Generalization (a.k.a.
Inheritance, is-a)
Rectangle Circle Triangle
 We are asked to build a system for
keeping track of the time our workers
spend working on customer projects.
 We divide projects into activities, and
the activities into tasks. A task is
assigned to a worker, who could be a
salaried worker or an hourly worker.
 Each task requires a certain skill, and
resources have various skills at various
level of expertise.
 Analyze the written requirements
• Extract nouns: make them classes
• Extract verbs: make them associations
• Draw the OOA UML class diagrams
• Determine attributes
• Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
Steps (contd..)
 Determine the system’s use cases
• Identify Actors
• Identify use case
• Relate use cases
 Draw sequence diagrams
• One per use case
• Use to assign responsibilities to classes
 Add methods to OOA classes
 We are asked to build a system for
keeping track of the time our workers
spend working on customer projects.
spends *
 We divide projects into activities, and
the activities into tasks. A task is
assigned to a worker, who could be a
salaried worker or an hourly worker.
SalariedWorker HourlyWorker
spent on ◄
 Each task requires a certain skill, and
workers have various skills at various
level of expertise.
 Analyze the written requirements
• Extract nouns: make them classes
• Extract verbs: make them associations
• Draw the OOA UML class diagrams
• Determine attributes
• Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
 Determine the system’s use cases
• Identify Actors
• Identify use case
• Relate use cases
• Project has no attribute in Customer
• association is enough
• no database id for Customer shown
• in an OOA, only include an id if visible to users
• may include such things during database design or OOD
startDate: date
contracts ◄
startDate: date
estHours: int
deliverable: string
startDate: date
estHours: int
assigned to
Constraint: A task may only
be assigned to a worker who
has the required skill.
name: string
salary: real
vacationDays: int
hourlyWage: real
level: int
rateMultiplier: real
assigned to
name: string
start: dateTime
end: dateTime
hours: real
Task Worker
assigned to
spent on
 Analyze the written requirements
• Extract nouns: make them classes
• Extract verbs: make them associations
• Draw the OOA UML class diagrams
• Determine attributes
• Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
 Determine the system’s use cases
• Identify Actors
• Identify use case
• Relate use cases
 Draw sequence diagrams
• One per use case
• Use to assign responsibilities to classes
 Add methods to OOA classes
Object Diagrams
start: Jan.23, 2002, 8:00
end: Jan.23, 2002, 18:00
hours: 4.2
description: “develop class diagrams”
name: “Matt”
 Analyze the written requirements
• Extract nouns: make them classes
• Extract verbs: make them associations
• Draw the OOA UML class diagrams
• Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
• Determine attributes
 Determine the system’s use cases
• Identify Actors
• Identify use case
• Relate use cases
 Draw sequence diagrams
• One per use case
• Use to assign responsibilities to classes
 Add methods to OOA classes
Use Cases
 Actors:
• Represent users of a system
• human users
• other systems
 Use cases
• Represent functionality or services
provided by a system to its users
Use Case Diagrams
Time & Resource Management System
Log Time
Resource Manager Use Cases
More Resource Manager Use
Assign Skill
to Worker
Unassign Skill
from Worker
 Analyze the written requirements
• Extract nouns: make them classes
• Extract verbs: make them associations
• Draw the OOA UML class diagrams
• Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
• Determine attributes
 Determine the system’s use cases
• Identify Actors
• Identify use case
• Relate use cases
 Draw sequence diagrams
• One per use case
• Use to assign responsibilities to classes
 Add methods to OOA classes
Sequence Diagram – Assign Skill to
Worker Use Case
Res. Mgr. Win: UI :Worker :Skill :SkillLevel
find worker
find skill
assign skill
to worker
find worker
by name
find skill by name
[worker does not currently have skill]
assign skill to worker
 Analyze the written requirements
• Extract nouns: make them classes
• Extract verbs: make them associations
• Draw the OOA UML class diagrams
• Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
• Determine attributes
 Determine the system’s use cases
• Identify Actors
• Identify use case
• Relate use cases
 Draw sequence diagrams
• One per use case
• Use to assign responsibilities to classes
 Add methods to OOA classes
Add Methods
 Read sequence diagrams to identify necessary
name: string
+ static Worker findWorker(String name);
+ static list of Workers getWorkers();
In Design
 Bring methods closer to implementation
name: string
+ static Worker findWorker(String name);
+ static int getNWorkers();
+ static Worker getWorker(int);
In Design
 Bring methods closer to implementation
name: string
+ static Worker findWorker(String name);
Int getNumListElements();
String getListElement(int n);
int getNumListElements();
String getListElement(int n);
Software Measurement
 Software Measurement: Quantitative
determination of an attribute of the software.
 Why to Measure the Software ?
 To gain insight by providing mechanisms for
objective evaluation.
 To improve understanding of particular entities
and attributes.
 Developers measure software to check whether
 Requirements are consistent and complete.
 Design is of high quality.
 Code is ready to be tested.
 Project Managers measure software to
 Decide about delivery date (Schedule).
 Check the Budget.
 Evaluate Attributes of process and product.
 Customers measure software to check
 Whether Requirements are met ?
 Quality of the product.
 Attributes of the final product.
 Maintainers measure software to decide
 What to be up-graded and improved ?
 Aspects of adaptability.
Software Measurement
Software Measurement Objectives
 Indicate quality of the Software.
 Assess the productivity of the people.
 Assess benefits derived from new methods
and tools.
 Form baseline for future estimation.
 Justifications for new tools and training.
 To ensure control in project management.
“You can not control what you can not measure”
- DeMarco (1982)
What to Measure ?
 Size
 Complexity
 Reliability
 Quality
 Coupling and Cohesion
 Cost
 Duration
 Efforts
Function Points
Parameter Simple + Average + Complex = Fi
Distinct input items 3( ) + 4( ) + 6( ) = ?
Output screens/
4( ) + 5( ) + 7( ) = ?
Types of user queries 3( ) + 4( ) + 6( ) = ?
Number of files 7( ) + 10( ) + 15( ) = ?
External interface 5( ) + 7( ) + 10( ) = ?
Total (T) = ?
Function Point Equation
FP = T * (0.65 + 0.01 * Q)
Where T = unadjusted table total
Q = score from questionnaire
(14 items with values 0 to 5)
 Cost of producing one function point? May be
organization specific.
Function Point Questionnaire
1. Backup.
2. Data communication.
3. Distributed processes.
4. Optimal performance.
5. Heavily used
operating system.
6. On-line data security.
7. Multiple screens.
8. On-line master file
9. Complex inputs,
queries, outputs.
10. Complex internal
11. Reusable code.
12. Conversion or
13. Multiple user sites.
14. Ease of use.
Halstead’s Software Science
 complete algorithm specification exist
 programmer works alone
 programmer knows what to do
 Based on counting of
n1 = # of unique operators
n2 = # of unique operands
N1 = # of occurrences of operators
N2 = # of occurrences of operands
Halstead Equations
 Program Vocabulary (n) = n1+n2
 Program Length (N) = N1+N2
 Program Length (N) = n1* log2 (n1) + n2* log2 (n2)
 Program Volume (V) = N* log2 (n)
 Program Level (L) = V*/V = (2/n1)*(n2/N2)
 Effort (E) = V/L = V2 /V*=V*[(n1*N2)/(2*n2)]
 Language Level (l) = LV* (Constant)
 Time (T)= E/B where B = (18) 5 to 20
a,b,c,d,m: integer;
a:= a+a;
m:= a+b-c;
Calculations (Example1)
n1=11 (BEGIN_END , readln () ; := + * - writeln .)
n2= 5 (a b c d m)
N1= 23 (1+3+1+2+5+4+3+1+1+1+1)
N2= 18 (5+5+4+2+2)
V= 41*log(11+5)=164
E= 164*[911*18)/(2*5)]=3247
a,b,c,d,m: integer;
m:= a+b
Calculations (Example2)
n1 = 11 (BEGIN_END readln () , ; IF-THEN-ELSE
> := + writeln .)
n2 = 5 (a b c d m)
N1 = 22 (1+1+2+3+2+2+2+3+4+1+1)
N2 = 19 (3+6+4+2+4)
V = 41*log(11+5) = 164
E = 164*[(11*19)/(2*5)] = 3427
Halstead Modified Theory
 Certain operators and operands which are part of
control statements contribute extra in the count value.
 Assign weights so that measures can reflect complexity
produced by the non sequential control structures.
 Nw1 =Σx in T [1+µ(x)*{L(x)+Adw(x)}]
 Nw2 =Σx in R [1+µ(x)*{L(x)+Adw(x)}]
 Where µ(x) = 1 if x is the part of control statement
= 0 otherwise
 L(x) is the level of the statement and Adw(x) is the
additional weight assigned depending on the number of
test conditions checked for taking decision.
Calculations (Example2)
 n1 = 11 (BEGIN_END readln () , ; IF-THEN-ELSE >
:= + writeln . )
 n2 = 5 (a b c d m)
 Nw1 = N1+6 = 28
 Nw2 = N2+6 = 25
 Vw = 53*log(11+5) = 212
 Ew = 212*[(11*25)/(2*5)] = 5830
Cyclomatic Complexity Measure
Cyclomatic Complexity
 Cyclomatic complexity of the program is computed
from its flow graph using the formula
• CC(G) = E – N + 2*k where k is number of
connected components.
• CC(G)=P+1 where P is the number of predicate
nodes which can be counted by the conditional
statements in the PDL representation.
• CC(G)= R+1 where R is the number of closed
regions in the flow graph.
Basis Path Testing
 Determine the basis set of linearly independent
 Cardinality of this set is the program cyclomatic
 Prepare test cases that will force the execution
of each path in the basis set.

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  • 2. Software design and implementation  The process of converting the system specification into an executable system.  Software design • Design a software structure that realises the specification;  Implementation • Translate this structure into an executable program;  The activities of design and implementation are closely related and may be inter-leaved.
  • 4. The Design Phase High-level (architectural) design consists of developing an architectural structure for software programs, databases, the user interface, and the operating environment. Low-level (detailed) design entails developing the detailed algorithms and data structures that are required for program development.
  • 9. The Implementation Phase Primary objectives are to ensure that: System is built, tested and installed (actual programming of the system) The implementation phase includes five activities: Construct software components Verify and test Develop prototypes for tuning Train and document Install the system
  • 10. Design  Designer plans to produce a s/w system such that it is • Functional • Reliable • Easy to understand, modify, & maintain  SRS manifested with functional, information, and behavioral models feed the design process.  Design produces • Data Design • Architecture Design • Procedural Design • Interface Design
  • 12. Design Models ?  Data Design • created by transforming the data dictionary and ERD into implementation data structures. • requires as much attention as algorithm design.  Architectural Design • Defines relationship b/w structural elements of the s/w. • derived from the analysis model and the subsystem interactions defined in the DFD.  Interface Design • derived from DFD and CFD and describes communication of software elements with other software elements, other systems, and human users.  Procedural Design • Transforms structural elements into procedural description.
  • 14. Architectural Design  Layered Architecture Example (UNIX) • Core Layer Kernel • Utility Layer System Calls • Application Layer Shell & Library routines • User Interface Layer User Application  Data Centered Architecture: Central database is processed through other components which add, delete, and update the data.  Data Flow Architecture: Applied when input data is to be transformed into output data through a series of components. Generally uses concepts of pipes and filters.  Object Oriented Architecture: Data and operations encapsulated together and communication among objects is through message passing.
  • 19. Importance of Design  Design is a phase where quality is fostered.  Without proper design we risk building an unstable software.  Design acts as a foundation for all subsequent phases.
  • 21. What is a Module?  A lexically contiguous sequence of program statements, bounded by boundary elements, with an aggregate identifier. • “Lexically contiguous” • Adjoining in the code • “Boundary elements” • { ... } • begin ... end • “Aggregate identifier” • A name for the entire module
  • 23. Modularity  Attribute of the s/w that allows it to be managed intellectually.  A monolithic s/w can’t be easily grasped by a reader Degree of Modularity Cost of Efforts Cost to module Cost to Interface Overall efforts
  • 24. Modularity  Attribute of s/w that allows it to be managed intellectually. A monolithic s/w can not be grasped by a reader easily.  Therefore, it is easier to solve a complex problem by dividing it into manageable pieces (modules).  C(x): perceived complexity of the problem  E(x): Effort required to solve the problem  For two problems P1 and P2 If C(P1) > C(P2) Then E(P1) > E(P2)  Also it has been observed that C(P1)+C(P2) < C(P1+P2)  It therefore, follows that E(P1)+E(P2) < E(P1+P2)
  • 25. Control Hierarchy  Organization of program components is depicted through • Depth and Width of the structure (graph) representing • Number of levels of control. • and overall span of control. • Concept of FAN-IN and FAN-OUT. • Concept of Super ordinate and subordinate modules. • Concept of Visibility and Connectivity.
  • 32. Coupling  The degree of interaction between two modules. • Seven categories or levels of coupling 1. No direct coupling (Good) 2. Data coupling 3. Stamp coupling 4. Control coupling 5. External coupling 6. Common coupling 7. Content coupling (Bad)
  • 33. Content Coupling  Two modules are content coupled if one module directly modifies content or branches into the middle of the other module.  Examples: • Module p modifies a statement of module q. • Module p refers to local data of module q in terms of some numerical displacement within q. • Module p branches into a local label of module q. Why is Content Coupling So Bad?  Almost any change to module q, requires a change to module p
  • 35. Common Coupling  Two modules are common coupled if they share or have write access to the global data.  Example 1: • Modules cca and ccb can access and change the value of global_variable
  • 36. Common Coupling (contd)  Example 2: • Modules cca and ccb both have access to the same database, and can both read and write the same record  Example 3: • FORTRAN common • COBOL common (nonstandard) • COBOL-80 global • C extern
  • 38. External Coupling  Two modules are externally related by a common data structure or device format etc.  A form of coupling in which a module has a dependency to other module, external to the software being developed or to a particular type of hardware.  This is basically related to the communication to external tools and devices.
  • 39. Control Coupling  Two modules are control coupled if one module controls the other by passing control flag as parameter to the other.  Example: • A control switch passed as an argument.
  • 40. Stamp Coupling  Some languages allow only simple variables as parameters • part_number • satellite_altitude • degree_of_multiprogramming  Many languages also support the passing of data structures • part_record • satellite_coordinates • segment_table  Two modules are stamp coupled if a data structure is passed as a parameter, but the called module operates on some but not all of the individual components of the data structure.
  • 41. Data Coupling  Two modules are data coupled if all parameters are homogeneous data items (simple parameters, or data structures all of whose elements are used by called module)  Examples: • display_time_of_arrival (flight_number); • compute_product (first_number, second_number); • get_job_with_highest_priority (job_queue);
  • 42. Coupling Values Sr. No. Type of Coupling Value 1. Content Coupling 0.95 2. Common Coupling 0.70 3. External Coupling 0.60 4. Control Coupling 0.50 5. Stamp Coupling 0.35 6. Data Coupling 0.20 7. No Direct Coupling 0.00
  • 43. Cohesion  The degree of interaction within a module. A measure of the degree to which the elements of a module are functionally related.  Seven categories or levels of cohesion 1. Functional cohesion (good) 2. Sequential cohesion 3. Communicational cohesion 4. Procedural cohesion 5. Temporal cohesion 6. Logical cohesion 7. Coincidental cohesion (bad)
  • 45. Coincidental Cohesion  Coincidental cohesion exists in modules containing instructions that have little or no relationship to one another.  A module has coincidental cohesion if it performs multiple, completely unrelated functions/actions.  X and Y have no conceptual relationship.  Example: Module checks user security,authenticates and also prints monthly payrol. • print_next_line, reverse_string_of_characters_comprising_second_ parameter, add_7_to_fifth_parameter, convert_fourth_parameter_to_ floating_point It’s BAD BECAUSE:  It degrades maintainability.  A module with coincidental cohesion is not reusable.
  • 46. Logical Cohesion  A module has logical cohesion when it performs a series of logically related actions, one of which is selected by the calling module.  Example 1: • An object performing all inputs irrespective of the device it is coming from or the nature of use of the data.  Example 2: • For more than one data items of type date in an input transaction, separate code would be written to check that each date is a valid date. • A better way is to construct a DATECHECK module and call it wherever necessary.
  • 47. Temporal Cohesion  A module has temporal cohesion when it performs a series of actions related in time. May be performed in the same time span.  Example: • open_old_master_file, new_master_file, transaction_file, and print_file; initialize_sales_district_table, read_first_transaction_record, read_first_old_master_record (a.k.a. perform_initialization) • The set of functions responsible for initialization, setting start up values such as setting program counter or control flags exhibit temporal cohesion. They should not be put in the same function.
  • 48. Procedural Cohesion  A module has procedural cohesion if it performs a series of actions related by the procedure to be followed by the product.  The two components X and Y are structured the same way.  Example: • Data entry, Checking, and manipulation are three functions but performed in a proper sequence. • Calculate student GPA, print student record, calculate cumulative GPA, Print cumulative GPA
  • 49.  A module has communicational cohesion if it performs a series of actions related by the procedure to be followed by the product, but in addition all the actions operate on the same data  Two components operate on the same input data or contribute to the same output data.  X and Y operate on the same i/p data or contribute to same o/p data.  Example 1: Fetching of unrelated data from tape or disk because it requires only one access.  Example 2: calculate_new_coordinates_and_send_them_to_terminal Communicational Cohesion
  • 50. Functional Cohesion  A module with functional cohesion performs exactly one action  X and Y are part of the same functional task.  Example 1: • get_temperature_of_furnace  Example 2: • compute_orbital_of_electron  Example 3: • write_to_floppy_disk  Example 4: • calculate_sales_commission
  • 51. Sequential Cohesion  More than one functions performed by the module occur in an order prescribed by the specifications.  X outputs some data which forms the input to Y.
  • 52. Cohesion Values Sr. NO. Type of Cohesion Value 1. Coincidental 0.20 2. Logical 0.23 3. Temporal 0.25 4. Procedural 0.40 5. Communicational 0.60 6. Sequential 0.70 7. Functional 0.95
  • 53. Design Strength  Dependence Matrix • Depicts quantitative measure of dependence of modules. • Used to find strength of design. • Primarily affected by the coupling and cohesion. • Gives the probability of having to change module i given that module j is changed. • First order dependence and complete dependence matrix are found.
  • 54. First Order Dependence Matrix  Represent coupling among various modules by a coupling matrix C which will be symmetric i.e. Ci,j = Cj,I and diagonal elements will be 1 i.e. Ci,i = 1.  Represent strength of various modules by the strength vector S.  FODM is constructed by the following formula Di,j = 0.15*(Si+Sj)+0.7*Ci,j = 0 where Ci,j = 0 = 1 where Ci,j = 1  FODM can be represented by a undirected graph having links labeled with the dependence values.  Initial connectivity status of modules can also be depicted by a undirected graph having links assigned the coupling value and nodes the strength value.  FODM does not give a clear picture of dependence because it is not able to incorporate indirect connectivity.
  • 56. Observation about FODM  Probability that module 3 changes if module 1 is changed is not simply 0.2 as given by FODM .  This probability will be in fact higher than 0.2 because change in module 1 leads to a change in 4 which in turn leads to a change in 8. A change in 8 due to external coupling leads to a change in 7 due to external coupling 7 which leads to a change in 3.  FODM depicts that there is no dependence b/w module 1 and 9 which is really not correct.  Infact there is a dependence among all module but the level of dependence may be high or low.  Due to this reason, a Complete Dependence Matrix (CDM) is required for stability analysis of a program.
  • 57. Complete Dependence Matrix  CDM is obtained by finding out all unique paths from one module to all other modules.  Because these paths may not be mutually exclusive to each other, hence addition law of probability is not directly applicable.  IF there are three unique paths to B from A labeled as x, y, and z respectively with probabilities as P(x), P(y), and P(z) THEN  P(B changing) = P(x) + P(y) + P(z) - P(x)*P(y) - P(y)*P(z) - P(x)*P(z) + P(x)*P(y)*P(z)
  • 58. Undirected Graph & FODM A B C D A 1.0 0.4 0.3 0.0 B 0.4 1.0 0.4 0.5 C 0.3 0.4 1.0 0.2 D 0.0 0.5 0.2 1.0
  • 59. Finding CDM  Assume that A changes, probability of B changing is not 0.4 as shown by FODM but is higher than this.  There are three possible chances of B changing as there are three paths to B from A.  Probabilities of these paths are • P(x: A to B) = 0.4 • P(y: A to C to B) = 0.3 x 0.4 = 0.12 • P(z: A to C to D to B) = 0.3 x 0.2 x 0.5 = 0.030  P(B Changing)= (0.4+0.12+0.030) - (0.4x0.12) - (0.12x0.030) - (0.4x0.030) + (0.4x0.12x0.030) = 0.4878  In similar way other probabilities and hence CDM can be obtained.
  • 60. Strength Measures  CDM can be used to find the following measures • Expected Change Measure (ECM) which gives a probability of changing the number of modules if a particular module changes. ECMi = ΣDi,j where i and j are not equal. • Overall Design Measure (ODM) which gives the expected number of modules to be changed given a module changes. ODM = Σ Σ Di,j /m for i,j = 1 to m
  • 61. Design of Computer  A highly incompetent computer architect decides to build an ALU, shifter, and 16 registers with AND, OR, and NOT gates, rather than NAND or NOR gates. Figure 7.1
  • 62. Design of Computer (contd..)  The architect designs 3 silicon chips Figure 7.2
  • 63. Design of Computer (Contd..)  Redesign with one gate type per chip.  Resulting “masterpiece”. Figure 7.3
  • 64. Computer Design (contd)  The two designs are functionally equivalent but the second design is • Hard to understand. • Hard to locate faults. • Difficult to extend or enhance. • Cannot be reused in another product.  Modules must be like the first design • Maximal relationships within modules, and • Minimal relationships between modules.
  • 70. Software Development Approaches  The past Procedural programs Deterministic execution Program in control  The present Interactive program Event-driven execution Objects
  • 71. Structured Approach  Systematic approaches to develop a software design.  The design is usually documented as a set of graphical models.  Possible models • Object model; • Sequence model; • State transition model; • Structural model; • Data-flow model.
  • 72. Structured approach  Modeling techniques DFD ERD  Problems Sequential and transformational Inflexible solutions No reuse
  • 73. Structured Approach  The structured paradigm was successful initially but started to fail with larger products (> 50,000 LOC)  Post delivery maintenance problems (today, 70 to 80 percent of total effort)  Reason: Structured methods are • Action oriented (e.g., finite state machines, data flow diagrams); or • Data oriented (e.g., entity-relationship diagrams); • But not both
  • 83. Modules to Objects Objects with high cohesion and low coupling  Objects  Information hiding  Abstract data types  Data encapsulation  Modules with high cohesion and low coupling  Modules
  • 84. Object-Oriented approach  Data-centric  Event-driven  Addresses emerging applications  Follows iterative and incremental process
  • 85. Structured versus Object-Oriented Paradigm Account Balance Deposit Withdrawal Determine Balance Account Balance Message Withdrawal Determine Balance Account Balance Deposit Message Message
  • 86. Strengths of the Object-Oriented Paradigm  Information hiding reduces post-delivery maintenance due to reduced chances of regression faults.  Development is easier because Objects generally have physical counterparts and this simplifies the modeling process.  Well-designed objects are independent units as everything that relates to the real-world object being modeled is encapsulated in the object. • Communication is by sending messages. • Independence is enhanced by responsibility-driven design.  A classical product conceptually consists of a single unit and hence complex. But, object-oriented paradigm reduces complexity because the product generally consists of independent units.  The object-oriented paradigm promotes reuse of objects as they are independent entities.
  • 87. Classical Phases vs Object- Oriented Workflows  There is no correspondence between phases and workflows Classical Paradigm 1. Requirements phase 2. Analysis & specification phase 3. Design phase 4. Implementation phase 5. Post-delivery maintenance 6. Retirement Object-Oriented Paradigm 1. Requirements workflow 2. Object-Oriented Analysis workflow 3. Object-Oriented Design workflow 4. Object-Oriented Implementation workflow 5. Post-delivery maintenance 6. Retirement
  • 88. In More Details  Objects enter here  Modules (objects) are introduced as early as the object-oriented analysis workflow. • This ensures a smooth transition from the analysis workflow to the design workflow  The objects are then coded during the implementation workflow • Again, the transition is smooth Classical paradigm 2. Analysis (specification) phase • Determine what the product is to do 3. Design phase • Architectural design • Detailed design 4. Implementation phase • Code the modules in an appropriate programming language. • Integrate the coded modules. Object-Oriented paradigm 2. Object-Oriented Analysis workflow • Determine what the product is to do • Extract the classes 3. Object-Oriented Design workflow • Detailed design 4. Object-Oriented Implementation workflow • Code the modules in an appropriate OO prog. language. • Integrate
  • 89. Modeling Primitives  Objects • an entity that has state, attributes and services. • Interested in problem-domain objects for requirements analysis.  Classes • Provide a way of grouping objects with similar attributes or services. • Classes form an abstraction hierarchy though ‘is_a’ relationships.  Attributes • Together represent an object’s state. • May specify type, visibility and modifiability of each attribute.  Relationships • ‘is_a’ classification relations. • ‘part_of’ assembly relationships. • ‘associations’ between classes.
  • 90. Modeling Primitives  Methods (services, functions) • These are the operations that all objects in a class can do when called on to do so by other objects • E.g. Constructors/Destructors (if objects are created dynamically) • E.g. Set/Get (access to the object’s state)  Message Passing • How objects invoke services of other objects.  Use Cases/Scenarios • Sequences of message passing between objects. • Represent specific interactions.
  • 91. Key Principles  Classification (using inheritance) • Classes capture commonalities of a number of objects. • Each subclass inherits attributes and methods from its parent. • Forms an ‘is_a’ hierarchy  Child class may ‘specialize’ the parent class. • by adding additional attributes & methods. • by replacing an inherited attribute or method with another.  Multiple inheritance is possible where a class is subclass of several different super classes.
  • 92. Key Principles  Information Hiding • internal state of an object need not be visible to external viewers. • Objects can encapsulate other objects, and keep their services internal.  Aggregation • Can describe relationships between parts and the whole objects.
  • 93. UML Diagram Types (9)  These can be classified into 'static' and 'dynamic' diagrams. • Static Structure • Class diagram • Object diagram Implementation • Component diagram • Deployment diagram • Dynamic Functionality • Use Case diagram Behavior • Activity diagram • State chart diagram Interaction • Collaboration diagram • Sequence diagram System Model
  • 94. Parts of UML  Class Diagrams • Structure models  Object Diagrams • example models  Use Case Diagrams • document who can do what in a system  Sequence Diagrams • shows interactions between objects used to implement a use case  Collaboration Diagrams • same as sequence diagrams but in different style
  • 95. Parts of UML (Cont…)  State chart Diagrams • possible states and responses of a class and what transitions them.  Activity Diagrams • describe the behavior of a class in response to internal processing.  Component Diagrams • Organization of and dependencies amongst software implementation components.  Deployment Diagrams • Describe the mapping of software implementation components onto processing nodes.
  • 96. • A concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp boundaries and meaning for the problem at hand • promote understanding of the real world • provide a practical basis for computer implementation Object
  • 97. Problem Decomposition  Decomposition of a problem into objects depends on • Judgment • The nature of the problem being solved • Not only the domain: two analyses of the same domain will turn out differently depending upon the kind of programs we wish to produce.
  • 98. Classes  A class describes a group of objects with similar properties. • Class: Instructor • Object: David Penny • Object: Matthew Zaleski Instructor Department
  • 99. Example • Class: Department • Object: Department of Computer Science • Object: Department of Electrical Engineering
  • 100. Attributes  Data values held by the objects of a class Instructor name: string age: integer weight: integer
  • 101. Operations  A function or a transformation that may be applied to or by objects in a class. • Not often used (not often terribly useful) in an OOA Instructor name age weight teach mark listen_to_complaints
  • 102. Links and Associations  The means for establishing relationships among objects and classes. • link: a connection between two object instances • association: a collection of links with common structure and semantics. Instructor Department teaches for
  • 103. Object Diagrams  Models instances of things contained in class diagrams.  Shows a set of objects and their links at a point in time  Useful preparatory to deciding on class structures.  Useful in order to better explain more complex class diagrams by giving instance examples.
  • 104. i: Instructor name = “Penny” j: Instructor name = “Zaleski” : Department name = “DCS” : Department name = “ECE”
  • 105. Multiplicity  Used to indicate the number of potential instances involved in the association when the other associated classes are fixed. Instructor Department teaches for A given instructor can teach for potentially many departments or none) A given department employs zero or more instructors * *
  • 106. N-ary Associations Instructor Department teaches 1 1 Course * A given instructor teaching for a given department may teach zero or more courses for that department. There is exactly one instructor teaching a given course for a given department Try to avoid them!
  • 107. Attributes on Associations Instructor Department teaches for pay
  • 108. Aggregation Indicators (Part-Of) Department Student Implied multiplicity of 1 Window Frame Composition (strong ownership, coincident lifetime) Aggregation (no associated semantics)
  • 110. Example  We are asked to build a system for keeping track of the time our workers spend working on customer projects.  We divide projects into activities, and the activities into tasks. A task is assigned to a worker, who could be a salaried worker or an hourly worker.  Each task requires a certain skill, and resources have various skills at various level of expertise.
  • 111. Steps  Analyze the written requirements • Extract nouns: make them classes • Extract verbs: make them associations • Draw the OOA UML class diagrams • Determine attributes • Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams
  • 112. Steps (contd..)  Determine the system’s use cases • Identify Actors • Identify use case • Relate use cases  Draw sequence diagrams • One per use case • Use to assign responsibilities to classes  Add methods to OOA classes
  • 113. Example  We are asked to build a system for keeping track of the time our workers spend working on customer projects. Worker Customer Project Time spends * 1 * * * * * 1 contracts
  • 114. Example  We divide projects into activities, and the activities into tasks. A task is assigned to a worker, who could be a salaried worker or an hourly worker. Project Worker SalariedWorker HourlyWorker Activity 1..* Task 1..* * 1 Assignment Time spent on ◄
  • 115. Example  Each task requires a certain skill, and workers have various skills at various level of expertise. Worker Skill Task requires ◄ ha s SkillLevel 1..* * * 1..*
  • 116. Steps  Analyze the written requirements • Extract nouns: make them classes • Extract verbs: make them associations • Draw the OOA UML class diagrams • Determine attributes • Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams  Determine the system’s use cases • Identify Actors • Identify use case • Relate use cases
  • 117. Example Customer companyName primeContact address phone fax Project contracts N.B. • Project has no attribute in Customer • association is enough • no database id for Customer shown • in an OOA, only include an id if visible to users • may include such things during database design or OOD
  • 119. Example Task description startDate: date estHours: int Activity Skill Worker requires assigned to has Constraint: A task may only be assigned to a worker who has the required skill.
  • 120. Example Worker name: string SalariedWorker salary: real vacationDays: int HourlyWorker hourlyWage: real SkillLevel level: int rateMultiplier: real Task assigned to Skill name: string has
  • 121. Example Time start: dateTime end: dateTime hours: real Assignment Task Worker assigned to spent on
  • 122. Steps  Analyze the written requirements • Extract nouns: make them classes • Extract verbs: make them associations • Draw the OOA UML class diagrams • Determine attributes • Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams  Determine the system’s use cases • Identify Actors • Identify use case • Relate use cases  Draw sequence diagrams • One per use case • Use to assign responsibilities to classes  Add methods to OOA classes
  • 123. Object Diagrams :Time start: Jan.23, 2002, 8:00 end: Jan.23, 2002, 18:00 hours: 4.2 :Assignment :Task description: “develop class diagrams” :Worker name: “Matt”
  • 124. Steps  Analyze the written requirements • Extract nouns: make them classes • Extract verbs: make them associations • Draw the OOA UML class diagrams • Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams • Determine attributes  Determine the system’s use cases • Identify Actors • Identify use case • Relate use cases  Draw sequence diagrams • One per use case • Use to assign responsibilities to classes  Add methods to OOA classes
  • 125. Use Cases  Actors: • Represent users of a system • human users • other systems  Use cases • Represent functionality or services provided by a system to its users
  • 126. Use Case Diagrams Time & Resource Management System (TRMS) project manager resource manager worker <<actor>> Backup System Manage Resources Log Time Manage Projects Administer System system administrator
  • 127. Resource Manager Use Cases resource manager Add Skill Remove Skill Update Skill Find Skill <<uses>>
  • 128. More Resource Manager Use Cases resource manager Add Worker Remove Worker Update Worker Find Worker Find Skill <<uses>> Assign Skill to Worker Unassign Skill from Worker <<extends>> <<uses>>
  • 129. Steps  Analyze the written requirements • Extract nouns: make them classes • Extract verbs: make them associations • Draw the OOA UML class diagrams • Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams • Determine attributes  Determine the system’s use cases • Identify Actors • Identify use case • Relate use cases  Draw sequence diagrams • One per use case • Use to assign responsibilities to classes  Add methods to OOA classes
  • 130. Sequence Diagram – Assign Skill to Worker Use Case resource manager Res. Mgr. Win: UI :Worker :Skill :SkillLevel find worker find skill assign skill to worker find worker by name find skill by name [worker does not currently have skill] assign skill to worker
  • 131. Steps  Analyze the written requirements • Extract nouns: make them classes • Extract verbs: make them associations • Draw the OOA UML class diagrams • Draw object diagrams to clarify class diagrams • Determine attributes  Determine the system’s use cases • Identify Actors • Identify use case • Relate use cases  Draw sequence diagrams • One per use case • Use to assign responsibilities to classes  Add methods to OOA classes
  • 132. Add Methods  Read sequence diagrams to identify necessary methods Worker name: string + static Worker findWorker(String name); + static list of Workers getWorkers();
  • 133. In Design  Bring methods closer to implementation Worker name: string + static Worker findWorker(String name); + static int getNWorkers(); + static Worker getWorker(int);
  • 134. In Design  Bring methods closer to implementation Worker name: string + static Worker findWorker(String name); WorkList Int getNumListElements(); String getListElement(int n); ListModel int getNumListElements(); String getListElement(int n);
  • 135. Software Measurement  Software Measurement: Quantitative determination of an attribute of the software.  Why to Measure the Software ?  To gain insight by providing mechanisms for objective evaluation.  To improve understanding of particular entities and attributes.
  • 136.  Developers measure software to check whether  Requirements are consistent and complete.  Design is of high quality.  Code is ready to be tested.  Project Managers measure software to  Decide about delivery date (Schedule).  Check the Budget.  Evaluate Attributes of process and product.  Customers measure software to check  Whether Requirements are met ?  Quality of the product.  Attributes of the final product.  Maintainers measure software to decide  What to be up-graded and improved ?  Aspects of adaptability. Software Measurement
  • 137. Software Measurement Objectives  Indicate quality of the Software.  Assess the productivity of the people.  Assess benefits derived from new methods and tools.  Form baseline for future estimation.  Justifications for new tools and training.  To ensure control in project management. “You can not control what you can not measure” - DeMarco (1982)
  • 138. What to Measure ?  Size  Complexity  Reliability  Quality  Coupling and Cohesion  Cost  Duration  Efforts
  • 139. Function Points Parameter Simple + Average + Complex = Fi Distinct input items 3( ) + 4( ) + 6( ) = ? Output screens/ reports 4( ) + 5( ) + 7( ) = ? Types of user queries 3( ) + 4( ) + 6( ) = ? Number of files 7( ) + 10( ) + 15( ) = ? External interface 5( ) + 7( ) + 10( ) = ? Total (T) = ?
  • 140. Function Point Equation FP = T * (0.65 + 0.01 * Q) Where T = unadjusted table total Q = score from questionnaire (14 items with values 0 to 5)  Cost of producing one function point? May be organization specific.
  • 141. Function Point Questionnaire 1. Backup. 2. Data communication. 3. Distributed processes. 4. Optimal performance. 5. Heavily used operating system. 6. On-line data security. 7. Multiple screens. 8. On-line master file update. 9. Complex inputs, queries, outputs. 10. Complex internal processing. 11. Reusable code. 12. Conversion or installation. 13. Multiple user sites. 14. Ease of use.
  • 142. Halstead’s Software Science Assumptions  complete algorithm specification exist  programmer works alone  programmer knows what to do  Based on counting of n1 = # of unique operators n2 = # of unique operands N1 = # of occurrences of operators N2 = # of occurrences of operands
  • 143. Halstead Equations  Program Vocabulary (n) = n1+n2  Program Length (N) = N1+N2  Program Length (N) = n1* log2 (n1) + n2* log2 (n2)  Program Volume (V) = N* log2 (n)  Program Level (L) = V*/V = (2/n1)*(n2/N2)  Effort (E) = V/L = V2 /V*=V*[(n1*N2)/(2*n2)]  Language Level (l) = LV* (Constant)  Time (T)= E/B where B = (18) 5 to 20
  • 145. Calculations (Example1) n1=11 (BEGIN_END , readln () ; := + * - writeln .) n2= 5 (a b c d m) N1= 23 (1+3+1+2+5+4+3+1+1+1+1) N2= 18 (5+5+4+2+2) V= 41*log(11+5)=164 E= 164*[911*18)/(2*5)]=3247
  • 146. Example2 PROGRAM2(input,otput); VAR a,b,c,d,m: integer; BEGIN readln(a,b,c,d); IF a>b THEN IF b>c THEN m:= a+b ELSE m:=b+c ELSE m:=b+c+d; writeln(m) END.
  • 147. Calculations (Example2) n1 = 11 (BEGIN_END readln () , ; IF-THEN-ELSE > := + writeln .) n2 = 5 (a b c d m) N1 = 22 (1+1+2+3+2+2+2+3+4+1+1) N2 = 19 (3+6+4+2+4) V = 41*log(11+5) = 164 E = 164*[(11*19)/(2*5)] = 3427
  • 148. Halstead Modified Theory  Certain operators and operands which are part of control statements contribute extra in the count value.  Assign weights so that measures can reflect complexity produced by the non sequential control structures.  Nw1 =Σx in T [1+µ(x)*{L(x)+Adw(x)}]  Nw2 =Σx in R [1+µ(x)*{L(x)+Adw(x)}]  Where µ(x) = 1 if x is the part of control statement = 0 otherwise  L(x) is the level of the statement and Adw(x) is the additional weight assigned depending on the number of test conditions checked for taking decision.
  • 149. Calculations (Example2)  n1 = 11 (BEGIN_END readln () , ; IF-THEN-ELSE > := + writeln . )  n2 = 5 (a b c d m)  Nw1 = N1+6 = 28  Nw2 = N2+6 = 25  Vw = 53*log(11+5) = 212  Ew = 212*[(11*25)/(2*5)] = 5830
  • 151. Cyclomatic Complexity  Cyclomatic complexity of the program is computed from its flow graph using the formula • CC(G) = E – N + 2*k where k is number of connected components. • CC(G)=P+1 where P is the number of predicate nodes which can be counted by the conditional statements in the PDL representation. • CC(G)= R+1 where R is the number of closed regions in the flow graph.
  • 152. Basis Path Testing  Determine the basis set of linearly independent paths.  Cardinality of this set is the program cyclomatic complexity  Prepare test cases that will force the execution of each path in the basis set.