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Urdu Essay Book Online Urdu Essay Book Online
Why Asian Mother Are Superior By Amy Cha
Despite of your background or ethnicity, all parents want to get the best for their own children.
In order to obtain a better life, some parents raise different than others but the goal is the same.
In Why Asian Mother are superior by Amy Chua, the author explains how she raise her
daughters by not allowing them some things with the purpose of getting the best for them. I
have some similarities in the way of how she treats her daughters but I also share some
differences with her drastic methods. I do believe that Chinese methods are effective; however,
I do not agree with them and also I do not believe they are superior than others. My parents are a
combination of Western and Chinese, which I believe it is the correct way to raise a kid. My
parents always said to me that doing something in excess is not good and now that I m an adult, I
strongly agree with them because life is not just about one thing. As a kid, you needto experiment
new things in order to learn and know about life. As everyone knows, Chinese people are consider
as one of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Chinese parents sometimes are too strict with their kids. When they obtain bad scores in
school, they abuse and shame them to the point where their self esteem is very low. As Chua
noted, That s why the solution to substandard performance is always to excoriate, punish and
shame the child (413). By contrast, I do not believe that all the blame should be on child. If a
child is studying hard for a test and he gets a B, the first thing that a parents should do is talk to
the child and try to help him as much as he can. If you punish him and blame everything on your
kid, he is going to be afraid of you and that is going to bring serious issues to him. I do agree that
every parent wants the best for their kids, but sometimes incorrect methods can hurt a child more
than what he or she can actually learn from
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The Social Responsibility Of University Of Manchester
University of Manchester not only charges its social responsibilities for the people in school, but
also does them for the people around the world. So the question about how University of
Manchester can perfectly perform its social responsibility is really considerable. The topic of my
essay will be that management contributes to the Universityof Manchester s vision for social
responsibilitythrough achieving a delicate balance in allocating resources. I will mainly introduce
the idea about how management allocate human resource and financial resource and how it relates
to the social responsibility of University of Manchester.
University of Manchester, as a huge educational organization, is made up by thousands of staffs.
Undoubtably, these staffs are the one to perform the social responsibility. This is where to show
management on human resources is extremely vital.
Management should pre realize the different functions of the departments of University and than
managing employees. In this case , human resources manager will be familiar with and obey the
disciplines of managing. First of all, they recruit and employ the staff through the most just and
ethic progress. The University of Manchester has aimed to be fair on employing so that they
provide the jobs to types of people from different countries with different race and religions and
also do give the same chance to the disable people as they have ability to undertake the job. Another
case that is worth to mention
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Review of the Bail Bond System
Kevin Hudson
3 29 2011
Prof. Kuennen
Review of Bail Bond System To begin the process of bail, first there must be a suspect, an arrest,
a police report filled out, and charges filed against the suspect. From here, there are five possible
release options: own recognizance, property bond, cash bond, surety bond, and citation release. In
the following paragraphs, I will present each of these topics and show how they are typically
used. The most commonly used form of release from jail, until the court date, is own recognizance
(O.R.) This program is used through the county or the specific law enforcement managed pre trial
program. In order to determine whether a suspect can be released by the own recognizance, a staff
member of the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The arraignment will usually be help anywhere from two week to a month from the date of the
release. If the suspect were to remain in custody of the police at that point he will be transported
to the court by the county or city facility in which he or she is being held. After Maurice
Clemmons murdered four Lakewood Officers on a cold night in November, it took just over two
months, February 2nd, 2010, for Governor Christine Gregoire to announce a review of the entire
Washington State bail bond system. A new policy has been suggested that will put legislator right
into the middle of the bail bonds war. With bail bond agencies undercutting each other, this
causes to a serious problem of inmates getting released for less than what is asked of the state. In
an article by OPB News, dated February 2nd, 2009, it was revealed that bail bond agencies were
trying to get the most customers and were indeed stealing other agencies customers from them.
This would happen through the mind of undercutting the other agencies by taking less than was
required to release a suspect from their jail cell. In a particular case discussed by the newspaper
article, Maurice Clemmons was released on a $190,000 bail after paying less than five percent,
even with a required ten percent up front. With a different bail, Bad Boys Bail Bonds
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Compare And Contrast Ford And Nixon Speech
President Richard Nixon resigned from office in 1974 which led to President Gerald Ford
taking his place. The day of Nixon s resignation he made a speech to the American people. This
speech was to let America know that this was the best thing he could do for the country. The
next day Ford was sworn into office and he also gave a speech. This speech shared a similar
purpose to the speech given by Nixon the day before. The purposes of these two speeches,
although were given for different things, were very similar. Nixon was involved with the
Watergate scandal which led to his impeachment. Nixon s speech to America was given a purpose,
and this was to let the people of his country know that this may not be ideal, but it was best. It states
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Causes and Effects of Global Warming Essay
As Robert Frost once said, Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I ve
tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. This excerpt can relate to the idea of global
warming. Global warming can be defined as an increase in the earth s average atmospheric
temperature that causes corresponding changes in climateand that may result from the greenhouse
effect. During the past 10,000 years the earthhas been in an ever growing cycle that has significantly
changed the climate. These changes are becoming more prevalent in our world today in the past
150 years. Scientists have been analyzing the causes and effects of the greenhouse effect and many
other issues that global warminghas presented. As John Houghton... Show more content on
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Aerosols have two major effects on the climate. They include direct and indirect radiation. The
cooling or warming of the atmosphere due to the reflective or absorbent properties of the
particles are considered direct effects. Reflective particles cool the atmosphere by scattering
energy from the sun back into space. Absorbent particles have the opposite effect. They add to
atmospheric heating by absorbing the sun s energy. (Calipso Outreach) An indirect effect of
aerosols is their roles on cloud condensation nuclei, CCN. The use of aerosols has a huge
relationship with the amount of CCN present in a cloud. Clouds with more CCN, from the higher
use of aerosols, are larger and more reflective than those with fewer CCN (Calipso Outreach).
Since the clouds are more reflective, light is being trapped in the earth s atmosphere. Ultimately
creating the earths temperature to rise. In Calipso Outreach they explain, The particles pushed into
the atmosphere from a dust storm are made of minerals with both reflective and absorbent
properties. The ability of the particles to absorb sunlight is thought to have a net warming effect on
area of the atmosphere they occupy. The particles from the dust storm get trapped up in the earth s
atmosphere, creating almost a mirror for sunlight to be reflected by. With the more sunlight being
reflected, the hotter the temperature will be on Earth. Aerosols are a huge cause of global
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Socio Political Significance of Bhakti Movement in Medival...
Bhakti Movement In Medieval India
Causes for the birth of Bhakti Movement:
Prior to the coming of Islam to India, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism were the dominant
religions. Hinduism lost its simplicity. Many philosophical schools appeared. Two different sects,
i.e., Vaishnavismand Saivism also appeared within Hinduism. In course of time Sakti worship also
came into existence. Common people were confused on the way of worshipping God. When Islam
came to India, the Hindus observed many ceremonies and worshipped many Gods and Goddesses.
There were all sorts of superstitious beliefs among them. Their religion had become complex in
nature. Added to these, the caste system, untouchability, blind... Show more content on
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From his childhood, he did not show any interest in worldly affairs. At the age of 29, he left his
home and became a Sadhu. He went to Mecca and Medina. He had travelled far and wide to
spread his teachings. Guru Nanak had finally settled at Karthpur. He laid emphasis on pure and
simple living. He preached the Unity of God and condemned idolatry. He was against the caste
system. Guru Nanak s followers are called the Sikhs. He started the Langer or the common
kitchen, where people belonging to all castes or religions could have their meals together. Nanak
s teachings were in the form of verses. They were collected in a book called the Adi Granth. Later
Adi Grantham was written in a script called Gurmukhi. The holy book of the Sikhs is popularly
known as Grantha Sahib . It contains verses from Kabir, Namdeva and other Bhakti and Sufi saints.
Chaitanya (A.D.1485 A.D.1533) : Chaitanya, a great devotee of Lord Krishna, was a saint from
Bengal. From his very childhood, he had showed great interest in education and studied
Sanskrit. He married the daughter of a Saintly person. Later at the age of 24, he renounced the
worldly life and became a sanyasin. He travelled all over the Deccan,Bihar, Bengal and Orissa.
His followers regarded him as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He helped the old and the needy. He
was opposed to the inequalities of the caste system. He emphasised the need for tolerance,
humanity and love. He spread the message of Bhakti in
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Wicca Vs Witchcraft
Wicca: More Than Witchcraft Wicca is an eclectic religious belief system centering around gods,
goddesses, and nature worship(2). Like Christianity; there are many different spiritual paths within
the Wiccan religion. Unlike Christianity; there is a belief in more than one god. The details of these
deities vary among individuals. This religionis attractive for many people who do not desire or
appreciate absolute truths(2). There is no bible, no head religious leader, and no belief in rewards
or punishments after death, only reincarnation. No matter the path one follows in Wicca, their
beliefs and practices will be centered around the balance between the god and goddess, holding
nature as sacred, and participating in witchcraft. Unfortunately,... Show more content on
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It is understandably very difficult to get past the witchcraft and view Wicca as a normal
religion, when witchcraft has always been said to be a satanic force. Wiccans do not believe in
the existence of a devil (they are not Satan worshippers)(2). Although the horned god has often
been mistaken for the devil by Christians, the two entities have no connection. As stated before,
there is no ultimate good or evil, sin is not a recognized concept either. Many will argue against
this by bringing up the pentacle, which is often mistaken for the pentagram. The five points on
both stars represent the four elements, plus the spirit. The difference between the two is that the
fifth point is pointed up on the pentacle, and down on the pentagram. The pentacle places the
spirit at the top, sending a positive message. As far as satanic practices go, no animal sacrifices will
be taking place in Wicca. The life of another is too sacred to allow this to happen. Bowls of
flowers, crystals, and food are given as offerings
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The Effect Of Salinity On Resistance, Proline, And Mineral...
1.GГјnes, Aydin, Ali Inal, and Mehmet Alpaslan. Effect of salinity on stomatal resistance, proline,
and mineral composition of pepper. Journal of Plant Nutrition 19.2 (1996): 389 396.
2.Pernezny, Ken, et al. Compendium of pepper diseases. American Phytopathological Society (APS
Press), 2003.
3.Davies, F. T., J. R. Potter, and R. G. Linderman. Mycorrhizaand repeated drought exposure affect
drought resistance and extraradical hyphae development of pepper plants independent of plant size
and nutrient content. Journal of Plant Physiology 139.3 (1992): 289 294.
4.Hirsch, Rebecca E., et al. A role for the AKT1 potassium channel in plant nutrition. Science
280.5365 (1998): 918 921.
5.Pepperillon, P., and A. Palloix. Influence of sodium chloride on the growth and mineral nutrition
of pepper cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20.9 (1997): 1085 1094.
6.Bar Tal, A., et al. Nitrogen nutrition of greenhouse pepper. I. Effects of nitrogen concentration
and NO3: NH4 ratio on yield, fruit shape, and the incidence of blossom end rot in relation to plant
mineral composition. HortScience 36.7 (2001): 1244 1251.
7.Kaya, Cengiz, Halil Kirnak, and David Higgs. Effects of supplementary potassium and
phosphorus on physiological development and mineral nutrition of cucumber and pepper cultivars
grown at high salinity (NaCl). Journal of Plant Nutrition 24.9 (2001): 1457 1471.
8.Graber, Ellen R., et al. Biochar impact on development and productivity of pepper and tomato
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The Diffusion Of The Italian Identity
Italian Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization,
it was the political result of the relationship between socialist and nationalist rhetoric. It is a form
of governance which employs intolerant views and practices, advocating traditionalism,
interventionism and sameness rather than individualism. In order to promote their totalitarian
ideals during the 1930s to 1945 fascist politicians such as Benito Mussolini, who had previously
been a socialist newspaper editor, employed propaganda that included virtually all modes of
media: the press, posters and film. The widespread dissemination of totalitarian ideals infiltrated
into the school system where young Italians born from 1910 to 1935 were taught to obey and
fight. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the diffusion of the Italian Identity through fascist
propaganda from 1922 1943 and the identity that was diffused as a result of the exploitation of
Mussolini s various propaganda mediums. Did fascist propaganda contribute to the diffusion of an
Italian identity? If so, what identity was diffused? The etymology of fascismis denotative of power
and dominance. For example, the term derived from the Roman fasces which were bundles of rods
bound to each other, carried in advance of Roman magistrates. The rods were symbolic of power to
punish through severe beating and the axes which extended from the center were symbolic of
punishment by death (Grolier Education p.110).
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Slumdog Millionaire Essay
Zhane Garcia Prof. Jocks Stelzer ENG 111 13 January, 2015 The Three Musketeer s In the Slum
of India The film Slumdog Millionaire narrates a story about the life of eighteen year old Jamal
Malik, his brother Salim, and friend Latika and how life was growing up in the slum of India.
The film takes place in Mumbai, India where Jamal is on a TV show, Who Wants to be a
Millionaire, and is one question away from becoming the next millionaire. Unfortunately, the
host of the popular Indian show has a difficult time believing Jamal, an uneducated young boy
from the slums, could have made it this far. Throughout the film, we go back in time to Jamal s
first appearance on show; with every question Jamal is asked, we are taken back even further to
Jamal s childhood and the occurrences in his life that lead to him to knowing the answers to each
of the challenging questions on the famous game show. Fairly quickly in to the movie, there is a
distinct difference with Jamal and his brother Salim. Jamal can be characterized as a soft and
careful child, while on the other hand, Salim is just the opposite. One scene in particular, when
Jamal lost his mother after an invasion of their slum, which is when the character Latika was
introduced, Latika had fallowed Jamal and Salim after the invasion as a... Show more content on
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Begging, stealing and growing up in the slum is what lead Jamal to find all the answers to the
famous game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Most importantly, the Malik brothers showed
great love and loyalty to each other throughout the film. Even though Salim may have ventured
off to become a gangster and make bad decision that impacted his life, he found a way to redeem
himself by helping Latika escape knowing it will cost him his life. Salim makes the sacrifice for
his brother as an apology for all the wrong he has done to him throughout the
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Essay On Corneal Ectasia
ECM proteins are known to play a significant role in the maintenance and preservation of tissue
ultrastructure and biological function. This study investigates the potential application of
leveraging these roles of ECM for structural reinforcement of the cornea to tackle the clinically
relevant challenges of corneal ectasia. We evaluated the benefits of ECM via biomechanical,
thermal, ultrastructural and geneexpression characterization, by treating enzyme digested corneas
with ECM conditioned media. ECM treatment demonstrated an increase in Young s modulus on the
KC corneas. Moreover, it restored thermal stability, and regulated gene expression of corneal
stromal cells. We have therefore conclusively established that tissue derived ECM... Show more
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In the native cornea, the proteoglycans containing chondroitin sulfate chains plays an important
role on regulating collagen size and inter fibrillar spacing [43]. In this ex vivo model, KC corneas
have larger inter fibrillar spacing and fibril diameter, which could be attributed to the degradation of
chondroitin sulfate chains via enzymatic action, thus weakening inter and intra fibrillar collagen
binding. The loss of inter fibrillar collagen binding results in lower collagen fibrillar density.
Meanwhile, the weakened intra fibrillar collagen binding causes loosening of the tight packing in
individual collagen fibrils, thereby changing the collagen fibril diameter distribution. ECM
treatment restored the fibril density and altered the fibril diameter distribution. Treatment with
different ECM groups (COR, CART, LN) resulted in different fibril sizes and density distributions.
The differences observed after treatment could potentially be attributed to the varying biological
components in the tissues from which the ECMs were extracted. While dissimilar in the
ultrastructures produced, all ECM treatment groups restored mechanical properties of the cornea
equally. Tensile strength is an important parameter for evaluating crosslinking efficiency, to ensure
that the corneal stroma can resist deformation due to intraocular pressure. The enzyme activity
decreased the tensile strength of KC corneas due to the degradation of proteoglycans,
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Holly Holm And Ronda Rousey s Battle Analysis
On Saturday, November 14th, 2015 Holly Holm and Ronda Rousey climbed in to the Ultimate
Fighting Championship (UFC) cage and began what would come to be known as one of the
greatest underdog matches in the twenty first century. Everyone knew from the second this fight
was scheduled that it would be legendary because going into the fight both amazing women were
undefeated. That being said, Ronda Rousey had twelve straight wins, compared to Holly Holm s
lowly nine, in mixed martial artsthat is. With both women being undefeated, and no chance for a
tie, it set the stage for a fight to be remembered.
Ronda Rousey was very heavily favored to win the fight, known as UFC 193, based on her higher
win record and her fighting style. Ronda was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Holly, the underdog, was definitely not expected to win, and ended up winning the entire match
very quickly, just like David. As Malcom Gladwell explained to us in his article, it was not luck
that let David win, it was statistics (How David Beats Goliath). Ronda was more experienced in
UFC and had a longer history in mixed martial arts but it was no comparison to the versatile
skills that Holly had. This is very similar to Goliath, because Goliath and Ronda might have been
extremely favored but it will never change the fact that David and Holly had better skills. David
with his distance weapon and Holly with her boxing and kickboxing career. Holly had the odds
stacked against her, but the statistics on her
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Change of Volume of a Gas
Change of Volume of a Gas
* Determine how the volume of a gas changes with the temperature for a fixed amount of gas and
* Determine absolute zero
Volume is directly proportional to Temperature
Preliminary Test
A preliminary experiment wsa carried out to test our apparatus. In this test we used an alcohol
thermometer to see if there was any change in volume as the capillary tube was heated. Our results
suggested that an increase in temperature resulted in an increase of volume of the air bubble.
Background research
When a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
· I have used a mercury thermometer over an alcohol one because it increases in volume at a
greater degree than alcohol when there s a change in temperature. Therefore it will reduce the
chances of recording the results incorrectly.
Capillary tube containing concentrated sulphuric acid
criteria needed to perform accurate measurements of change in volume:
· The amount of liquid mass and air mass must stay constant throughout the experiment.
· Sulphuric acid will not evaporate at temperatures used in the experiment (like water might) so
no liquid will change to gas, thus invalidating results.
· Measurement is in millimetres
· The range which it will measure is from 0 to 300mm in length well above the expected
increase in length of the
1 litre glass beaker
· 1 litre glass
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Patriotism In The Anti-War Film Paths Of Glory
Patriotism is a bundle of conflict within itself. Although patriotism is a show of immense
support towards one country, it can be depicted wrongfully at times. In reference to that
statement, consider the drama/anti war film Paths of Glory, directed by none other than Stanley
Kubrick, famous for other films such as the film adaptation of Stephen King s The Shining,
2001: A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange. Paths of Glory is a film where soldiers in
World War I refuse to execute an impossible attack, and their superior officers choose how to deal
with their cowardice, and is transcendently humane over other movies in comparison. In addition,
the film Paths of Glory criticizes acts of patriotism by depicting merciless, egomaniacal military
captains, commanders, and officers. However, it blatantly ignores acts of patriotism that achieve
results far beyond the normal expectation (even those of Kirk Douglas character, Colonel Dax, the
primary protagonist of the film), so the film s theme can blend in throughout the background of the
important events of the film. Patriotism is not something to be taken lightly, and the film Paths of
Glory is an example as to why and how it s such a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, Stanley Kubrick s Paths of Glory was released on December 25th, 1957, to a
limited theatrical release. December 25th is Christmas Day, and it seems like no coincidence for
an anti war film to release on such a day, and it is possible Kubrick wished to make a statement
with that release date. However, even with the release date taken out of the question, the visual
items presented with the film (such as posters, possible merchandise, etc.) were given a very pro
war vibe to them. Even so, the marketing team associated with the film did very well in terms of
twisting the viewer s thoughts on the idea and concept
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Texas Education System
Educational system in Texas
Education is a sensitive subject with a very divisive line. Many strongly believe in the system. Bill
Gates stated, It s hard to improve public education that s clear. Others oppose it just as strongly.
Friedrich Nietzsche felt, In large states public education will always be mediocre, for the same
reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad. In Texas, this has always been a concerned
issue for parents, teachers, and communities. It is not just a normal topic, but a major political
topic, in which the state government has shown continuous efforts to compare and evaluate the
standards in which students and teachers must follow. Proper education is now something that is
decided for students and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Student who didn t pass the year before were put in Saturday schools and in lunch tutoring in
preparation for the exams for the whole semester until the student have taken the test. I was one
of those student who was put in lunch tutoring for math, but I was doing well in math in my
regular classes. When it comes to the time of the test, it feels as thou were having a competition
with our other school districts and it made a lot of student stressful about it. I was always stress
out when it was time for the test and on the test day we spend about 4 hours testing even if a
student wasn t done, all student were given the whole school day to complete their exam. It was
something of life and death most especially our last testing during junior year, my follow
students and I were worried of what if , we didn t pass because we would not receive our diploma
even though we are allowed to walk on stage on the graduation day. So pass either standardize test
is the gateway out of high school and a road to
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Levels of Organizational Culture
Levels of culture
Organizational culture http://wiki.answers.com/Q
/What_is_the_difference_between_visible_and_invisible_culture?#slide=2 There are Three levels
in organization culture
пѓ Visible and feel able structure and process
пѓ Observed behaviour Difficult to decipher
2.Expounds Beliefs and Values
пѓ Ideas, goals, value, aspirations
пѓ Ideologies
пѓ Rationalizations
May or may not be congruent with behaviour and other artifacts
пѓ Unconscious, taken for granted beliefs and values Determine behaviour, perception, thought,
and feeling
http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/leadership/9780470190609/the three levels of culture/artifacts
The level of artifacts at the surface, Aspect the organization culture that you can see, hear, and feel.
Artifacts consist the visible products of the group, such that the architecture of it is physical
environment; like technology, language, and products, style, embodied in clothing, manner of
address, and emotional displays. Its myths story told about the organization Cultures. It is
ceremony, values and observable rituals.
The most important point to be made about this level of the culture is that it is both easy to observe
and very difficult to decipher. The Egyptians and the Mayans both built highly visible pyramids, but
the meaning of pyramids in each culture was very different.
Expounds Beliefs and Values
When a group is first created or when it faces a new task,
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How Did Ngo Dinh Diem Left Vietnam
Ngo Dinh Diem (1901 1963) was a staunchly against confidant Vietnamese statesman who declined
to band together with Ho Chi Minh after the Franco Vietnamese War. With the support of the
United States government, Diem drove South Vietnam from 1954 to 1963, when he was
slaughtered close by his kin in a military oust.
Ngo Dinh Diem was imagined in Vietnam in 1901. His ancestors had been changed over to
Christianity by Catholic evangelists in the 17th Century. Diem, as past times of his family, was
taught in French Catholic schools. After he graduated he was arranged as an executive for the
French overwhelming habitations in Vietnam. At a years of age quarter century transformed into an
ordinary congressperson.
In the midst of the French Indochina War, Diem left Vietnam for the United... Show more content
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The French battled against this stating that Diem was insufficient and also berserk . Regardless,
over the long haul it was picked that Diem showed the most obvious opportunity to keep South
Vietnam from falling under the control of communism.
Once in power, the Americans discovered that Diem was unwilling to be a puppet ruler. He
persistently rejects their suggestion and settled on decisions that wonder the South Vietnamese
people. A couple tries were made to topple Diem yet regardless of the way that the Americans were
sad with his execution as president, they felt they had no genuine alternative but to support him.
In October, 1955, the South Vietnamese people were asked for that pick between Bo Dai, the past
Emperor of Vietnam, and Diem for the activity of the country. Colonel Edward Lansdale suggested
that Diem should give two vote papers, red for Diem and green for Bao Dai. Lansdale assumed that
the Vietnamese conviction that red implied favorable circumstances whilst green demonstrated
dreadful fortune, would help affect the
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Ryanair Case Study
1.Ryan air s success can be attributed to a few factors. First would be its Ever decreasing costs
mantra, providing low cost, low fares and no frills carrier strategy while achieving operating
efficiency and satisfying its customers which gives it a competitive advantage and cost leadership.
It targets price sensitive customers and offers them the cheapest short haul service among all its
competitors in the market. Ryanair gives much focus on keeping costs low and is constantly
examining every area of its operation to implement cost reductions. The initiatives taken to keep
costs low include:
Using Boeing 737 planes to have a fleet commonality in order to minimize staff trainings and
aircraft maintenance costs.
Web check in facility that not only was loved by passengers but also helped Ryanair in reducing
staff and printing costs.
Point to point routes to avoid transfer costs of passengers.
Less airport charges by choosing secondary airports that were less congested and away from the
city centres and were looking to increase customer traffic.
Secondly, Ryanair keeps growing as a budget airlineby focusing on growth, expansion and
operational efficiency as it keeps adding new bases, routes and aircrafts and disposing older and
less efficient planes. Initially after 1996, Ryanair did not pay out dividends on its shares instead
retained those earnings to grow the operations and services of the company till 2010 when the
company had achieved a reasonably profitable
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The Perfect Memoir
The Perfect Pair of Genes
The advancement of technology has allowed us to do things that were once never possible. From
the first computer to now having laptops and tablets. The first mobile phone which has now
branched off to smart phones and even watches that can mimic the same functions of a cellular
device. With the internet being more advanced, we now have the ability to access it from our
televisions, smart TV s have enhanced our viewing experience to the ultimate extreme. There is no
telling what the future will hold as far as technology goes but what about when begin to use
technology to clone ourselves? Of course we are aware of the cloning of animals with Dolly the
sheep for an example. It is inevitable for someone to eventually ... Show more content on
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In most circumstances that have to do with fertility matters or same sex couples there are many
different options available such as adoption, in vitro fertilization, and the use of surrogates. There
is also the baby Moses law, it permits the parent or parents the choice of dropping their baby off
with no questions asked, which offers the child an opportunity to be with a loving family. Ian
Wilmut and Keith Campbell both feel that to bring a new human being into the world is a sacred
thing the most serious thing that most of us do in the course of our lives. 2 For those who are
unable to naturally bring a child into this world should be more concerned with having a child to
love instead of creating a designer baby or having one cloned for their own vain reasons. Even
without reproductive high technology, children have often been brought into this world for
dubious reasons 3, such as mending a failing marriage for example. With that said We should not
add insouciantly to the catalogue of unacceptability when it comes to producing a child. Not only
does the birth of a child affect the parents and family, it mainly affects the child. As humans who
want to be loved and appreciated for being themselves
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Being Healthy Or Living A Healthy Lifestyle
Juicing for Health Corwin Hartman AHP 2150 Fortis College March 9, 2015 Introduction Being
healthy or living a healthy lifestyle is something that only 35% of Americans strive to achieve
during their lifetime. In this paper, juicing and the effects on the human body and what it can
do, both good and bad will be explored. The history and popularity of juicing as well as its
benefits will be discussed. History of Juicing There are a great number of juicing fads and
celebrity diets popping up, but it is actually an age old tradition of body cleansing. Juicing has
also gained the reputation of being the magic pill (per say) for feeling your best, promoting
weight loss and anti aging. It is known that certain nutrients and herbs can regulate blood glucose
levels, stop cravings and balance energy level (alternativemedicine.com). Some of the first
documented evidence of humans juicing for health benefits are from the Dead Sea scrolls dated
150 B.C. through 70 A.D. Juicing was described in the scrolls as pounded mash of pomegranate
and fig resulting in profound strength and subtle form. Many cultures have used plants and ground
up herbs applied both internally and externally to promote healthy remedies and benefits all over
the world. In parts of the country like Korea and Peru, juicing green juices became part of healing
rituals (thejuicingclub.com). Max Garson, a German scientist in the 1920 s developed a theory that
combined raw juices and a vegetarian diet which
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What Is Delormier Giddens Theory Of Structuration
Delormier, Frohlich, Potvin, (2009) used Giddens theory of structuration, specifically the concepts
of social practice, the duality of the social structure, and agency to develop a conceptual
framework in their research on food as a social practice. According to Giddens (1984) social
practices are at the root of the constitution of both agent and society (ibid.: 1984:xxii); and social
structures constitute rules and resources which actors draw upon during practice, creating both
enabling and constraining conditions of practice (ibid.: 1984: xxii, 25). It is from this perspective
that Delormier, Frohlich and Potvin (2009) highlight that individual action is not determined by the
social structure, but rather enacted and concretised by people through the choices they make during
social practice, and that through their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Other scholars have suggested that the many actions that aimed at transforming Central and
Eastern European societies in the late 80s and early 90s served as springboard for many
scholarship on human agency and social structures (Ahearn, 2001). Several scholarships on the
concept have attempted to subdivide it into different categories: the agency of (unequal) power
(Ortner, 2006:147); residential agency and representational agency (Kockelman, 2007); the
performance of agency and the grammatical encoding of agency (Duranti, 2007). The wide interest
and use of the concept in the social sciences and humanities also imply the proliferation of
definitions though with foundation in Giddens theory of structuration. Agency is the capacity for
actors to intervene in the world and to influence a specific process or state of affairs; that is it can
be thought of as the capacity to act (Giddens,
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Luciano Farnese Essay
Palazzo Farnese, as designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, is still one of Rome s most
impressive palaces. It was built in a time where there were several guidelines established for
Renaissance architecture, which show in the way the palace was designed. The façade is
perfectly symmetrical and several elements in the plan are symmetrical as well. The palace has
three levels, which was characteristic for Renaissancepalaces. Unlike earlier Renaissance palaces,
all levels have the same height in the Farnese palace.
There is a great amount of rhythm in the façade, as all the, finely detailed, windows are aligned
for the three floors, with an exception made for the central axis, where the entrance and the balcony
on the piano nobile are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Cardinal s room, the most important room in the building, is located on the corner of the
first floor, where the Cardinal had the view over entire square as well. The building is
surmounted with a big cornice, of a size that emphasizes the power the building expresses. The
quoins on the side show an ending to the building, which in combination with the cornice form a
sort of frame, there can be no mistake made about the independence of the building. The pilasters
on the outside are of Ionian order on the first floor, and Corinthian order on the top floor. Around
the courtyard, the same orders were used, but with an added Tuscan order for the elements on the
ground floor.
From the outside, as seen from the piazza Farnese, you can definitely call the Palazzo Farnese a
true urban palace. It has an appearance of power, which was established by the fact the Pope used
to inhabit the palace. The position of the building, with the big square in front of it and no other
buildings of a similar size besides it, only confirms the status of urban palace. Although it does not
have a perfectly symmetrical interior, the majestic exterior makes sure nobody underestimates the
power of the
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Cloudstreet Character Analysis
Thrown together following two separate family tragedies, Tim Winton s Cloudstreet journeys
through the trials of the Pickles and Lamb families. In their misguided search for happiness, the
characters in Cloudstreet each engage in self destructive behavior. This fruitless search ultimately
becomes their greatest challenge. These catastrophic behaviors manifest uniquely in each character.
Whether through seeking independence, falling victim to addiction or deliberately separating
themselves from their families, Winton demonstrates how each character ultimately disconnects
themselves from their significant others in an effort to find contentment.
Cloudstreet becomes home to each of the family members, however, in a campaign for better things,
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With a deep disdain for one another, Dolly and Rose s relationship is greatly strained. Rose
describes hating her mother as the best part of being alive , similarly, Dolly sees Rose as the
enemy . Neither of them attempts to reconcile, believing their hatred is the only way for them to
coexist. Dealing with an existential crisis, whilst overwhelmed by the uneasiness of the house
and the realization that Fish didn t even know her , Oriel moves into a tent in the backyard, no
one missed the sight of Quick Lamb helping his mother out with the Jarrah bed . She wished she
could lace it up and never come out , which would allow her to deal with her internal battle, the
real war . However, the relocation simply pushed her further away from her family. Both these
forms of separation were temporary aids, providing no real resolution. Once Rose truly understood
Dolly s life, she found forgiveness for her, the two women wept together on the sagging women . In
a similar form of reunification, the novel closes with Oriel and Dolly packing down the tent, the
little boxy women and the big blowsy woman folded end to end till the tent was a parcel , allowing
Oriel to rejoin her family. Whilst distancing themselves brought short lived relief, it ultimately
impacted catastrophically on the
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2. Material and methods
In this investigation, 2 aminophenol(AP), 4 chloroBenzaldehyde(CB), the metal salts
CuCl2.2H2O(99.00%), Pd(OAc)2(99.99%), and AgNO3(99.50%) and Calf thymus DNA(CT
DNA) were utilized starting chemicals and purchased from Sigma Aldrich Chemise (Germany).
Agarose was purchased from Fischer Biotech (GE Heath care). Tracking dye (0.25 % bromophenol
blue, 40 % sucrose, 0.25 % xylene cyanole and 200 mM EDTA) and Ready load 100 bp DNA
ladder were used as the native size DNA and purchased from Bio labs.
2.1 Synthesis of the investigated bi dentate CBAP imine ligand The investigated bi dentate CBAP
imine ligand was synthesized by adding 4 chloro Benzaldehyde(10mmole, 1.40g) dissolved in
absolute ethanol to same moles of 2 aminophenol(10mmole, 1.09 g) dissolved in absolute ethanol.
This mixture was stirred under reflux at 700C for 2 h by using tri ethyl amine as a catalyst and
then allowed to cool at room temperature to obtain the yellow solid precipitate. This yellow
precipitate was then filtered, washed and dried in vacuo over anhydrous CaCl2 and checked the
purity of synthesized investigated imine ligand by TLC using silica gel G [15,16]. ... Show more
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This mixture was stirred for 1 h and evaporated overnight to obtain the investigated complex. This
formed solid investigated complex was filtered, wash and then dried in vacuo over anhydrous
CaCl2. TLC is used for determining the purity of investigated complex by using silica gel G
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World Need Adoption
Adoption: A Needed Action in the World I always questioned if I was ready to adopt and then I
realized no child was ready to be an orphan, said unknown author. There are children who are
without a home or family. Their parents are deceased or have chosen to abandon them. They have
to defend life themselves. Children die because they are hungry and do not have a source of food
supply. The problem, however, has a solution. Adoptionprovides homes and families for the
children. It also provides a child to a familythat could not have one themselves. Adoption is a
needed action in the world because it saves lives, provides homes, and creates opportunities for
the children. First, the world needs adoption because it saves an abundant amount of children s
lives. In some countries, mothers are allowed to only have one child or a certain gender. Mothers
will abandon the child to escape the cruel punishment. The children are left to defend for
themselves. Children make up half of the people living in poverty... Show more content on
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There are 140 million orphans in need of a home and family. If 140 million families adopted one
child, the number of orphans would nearly be vanished. Orphans would no longer exist. The
saying, Home is where the heart is, explains what adoption really gives a child. It provides a
home where they can feel loved. A home that will provide food so they do not have to worry
about starving anymore. A home that will, hopefully, share the love of Jesus. A home that will be
filled with laughter and fun. A home that will be filled with memories with their family. There are
around 136,000 children adopted each year (Davenport 2016). Each year, 136,000 children are
given a home and a family. Adoption is needed in the world because it provides a forever home for
the children that changes their
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The Importance Of Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an unpredictable, mostly paralyzing disease of the central nervous system that
inhibits the flow of information inside the brain, and between the brain and body.
The myelin sheath is sort of a conductive blanket around nerves which assists nerve impulses and
messages travel fast and effectively, it is made up of protein and fatty substances. Usually the
myelin sheath is used to keep a fast pace up nerve cell transmission from the brain and spinal cord.
The nodes of ranvier are constrictions in the myelin sheath that border the axons of nerve cells, or
neurons. They happen about one millimetre intervals along the body of the axon. There must be
breaks in the myelin to conduct electricity in neurons. These spaces are ... Show more content on
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How multiple sclerosis works is that white cells puncture the blood brain barrier and they infiltrate
the central nervous system. These white cells then damage/harm the myelin sheath that safeguards
the nerve fibers which then forms lesions. More white cells will then appear from being drawn by
chemical messages from the beginning white cells. Repair and scarring follow from the
inflammation but some myelin will be permanently damaged. Impulses will then travel along the
damaged nerves very poorly/slowly. In extreme cases nerve impulses don t travel at
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Arthritis And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay
Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the incurable diseases and turns chronic with progressive
inflammatory of the synovial lining of peripheral joins. It is characterized by symmetric, chronic,
and deforming polyatrhitis that causes long term joint disability when not controlled early.
Considering there is no cure for this disease, management focuses on pain and inflammation
reduction in order to prevent destruction of joints while at the same time preserving and improving
on the functionality of the patient (Varatharajan et al, 2009).
The type of treatment chosen depends on the type of arthritis and the effects it has on the patient as
well as the severity of the disease. Other factors to consider are the age of the patient and the joints
affected. Bearing in mind that different people exhibit different reactions to different medications,
treatment in this case is individualized but includes a combination of joint protection methods and
medication. For rheumatoid arthritis, the Initial treatment starts with non steroidal ant inflammatory
drugs and other simple analgesic but as the inflammation progresses, slow acting anti rheumatoid
drugs which are aimed at modifying the disease are introduced. They are added progressively as the
inflammation progresses in order to suppress the process that leads to chronic inflammation (Amin
After the analgesics or the non steroidal anti inflammatory drug commonly referred to as (NSAIDs)
have proven non responsive, disease modifying
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Comparison Of The Passage In Fasting Feasting, By Anita Desai
The passage in Fasting, Feasting, by Anita Desai, Arun is out of his comfort zone going to the
beach. Arun from the very start, starts making excuses to not go to the beach. He also, does not
want to be anywhere close to Melanie While they walk to the beach. He complains about the
noises of the wilderness and how horrible they are. He does these things because he does not feel
comfortable in these places he has never been before. He talks about how his hands are sweaty and
his hair on his neck raises. He also, wonders why people live in such close area to the wilderness.
The story says The town may be small and have little to offer, but how passionately he prefers its
post office, its shops, its dry cleaning stores and picture framers to this creeping curtain of
insidious green...(Desai). This complaining about the wilderness is most likely due to the fact that
he has most likely stayed in town most of his stay in America. He has adapted to the town he has
probably only really seen. 2.
The passage from Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv, he uses many examples to prove his
argument that we are separating from nature. He starts it off by talking about how they soon
will be able to decide the color on butterfly s wings and how they can use nature to advertise. The
Nature we all go visit is not real nature it s advertised and is not worth going to. They use parks
and beaches to get there product out there just for some money to keep the area clean and well
kept. It leads into talking about how we she nature from inside a car most of the time not in
person. It talks about how now we don t even need to pay attention to the nature now because we
have gps that guide us to our destination so we don t need to memorize routes. Even people in the
back seat don t have to pay attention anymore as tvs are now in cars to either watch movies or
play games. It says Perhaps we ll someday tell our grandchildren stories...We actually looked out
the car window(Louv). This is a little stretched because most likely kids will still look out the
windows when they don t have a movie playing or they are bored of what they were doing
beforehand. 3.
No snow days? Should there be online classes during snow days so school does
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Descriptive Essay About Swimming
There were families and friends along with me sitting in the benches surrounding the pool area.
Patiently waiting for the swimmers to arrive. After a couple of minutes we turn our heads to the
left and saw different schools arriving with swimmers on every yellow bus. All of them with
their duffle bags heading to the locker room. As the swimmers approached the pool area the
smell of sunscreen and chlorine surrounded us. We were now going to see the development of
every swimmer after their long hours and weeks of practice. The swimmers were all doing
different types of things. Some finishing putting sunscreen on, others asking for help to put their
caps on, and the rest socializing. Coaches then giving them a warning to finish up and gather
around. As the swimmers gathered you could see how anxious they all were. The coaches
assigned them to different lanes to do a 500 yard warm up of every stroke and dive. These
strokes were freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and back. Every stroke they practiced had there
own technique. This was the last time swimmers were able to work on their stroke techniques,
turns, and dives before their events. As they were all coming to an end of their warm up you
could see the anxiety on their faces. Coaches calling them over one last time. They were explaining
to every single one of their swimmers the rules and events they would be competing. Some
swimmers looked excited and others begging their coaches to change their events. They were either
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Comparison Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr And Wallace s Speech
It was the was the beginning of a new decade, Americans believed the 1960 s were going to be
the dawn of the golden age. Many historical feats are occurring, John Steinbeck wins a noble
peace prize, Nixon and Kennedy have the first televised debate, Mohamed Ali wins a gold medal
and the Civil Rights Movement is at the precipice in America. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and
Governor George C. Wallace are two prominent figures throughout the Civil Rights Movement.
Individually, they deliver historical speeches concerning civil rights, however the dialogue
encompasses completely different messages. Comparatively, the two speeches will be presented
side by side using Aristotle s, Kairos, Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. The year was 1963, as the chaos
of segregation was unfolding in the Southern states, Governor Wallace and Dr. King were
prepared to give their speech on Civil Rights. Governor Wallace will be addressing his
constituents in the beginning of the year, whereas Dr. King s response will be a few months
later. With that in mind, these two speeches will be analyzed using the appropriate and pivotal
moment they were delivered, also known as Kairos. January 1963, Governor Wallace is proudly
standing where the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis took his oath of office. He is
ready to address his fellow Americans with his inaugural speech as the newly appointed Governor
of Alabama. This key location is where he and fellow Southerner, Jefferson Davis share the same
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Unfavorable Budget Variances
The plastic and cedar direct materials both had unfavorable flexible budget variances. It is
unfavorable because they under budgeted the cost of the direct materials they were going to
purchase. This could have been caused by a sudden increase in the cost of buying the materials,
or they switched suppliers and had to pay more. The cedar also had an unfavorable price and
efficiency variance, while the plastic had an unfavorable efficiency variance. In order to
improve this, they need to try to stay consistent with their suppliers so that there is less of a
variance. They also need to watch market trends more to see whether people are wanting to buy
bird houses, because if they are, then they should budget a higher number of units sold, or vice
versa. The company also needs to be more efficient on how they use their materials. For example,
the workers need to not use too much or too little cedar when making a bird house, or else... Show
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They ended up paying the workers a lot more than they anticipated. They may have had to work
longer hours in order to complete the bird houses, whether it was because they were working too
slowly, or they tasks were to hard to complete in the given time. They could have also made poor
quality bird houses that needed to be rebuilt, which would have made them throw the old one out.
Along with this, the efficiency variance was also unfavorable. This proves that the workers are not
completing their work in an efficient manner. In order to improve this part of the budgeting
process, the managers should talk with the employees about needing to speed up the process of
making the bird houses so they are done on time. The managers may need to rework the setup of
the manufacturing center so that the steps to completing the bird house are one after another. This
would help the workers to work more efficiently, causing the direct labor variance to
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An Analysis Of To The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf
On the other hand, Mrs. Ramsay acts the role of the perfect wife with her warmth, kindness and
praise in contrast to Mr. Ramsay that is presented as oppressive. As Naremore suggests, The
narrator is interested not in a report of the scene s action, but in its rhythm, in the light healing
pulse of Mrs. Ramsay s sympathy contrasted to Mr. Ramsay s harsh, repeated demands for more
(pg.132 of To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
, 1969).
So, in the novel, we can see that opposition develop from the very first page. Mrs. Ramsay
encourages her son to hope to expect that they will go to the lighthouse. Yes, of course, if it s fine
tomorrow , said Mrs. Ramsay. But you ll have to be up with the lark , she added (TL: 3). And even
after Mr. Ramsay has contradicted her, she says, But it may be fine I expect it will be fine (TL: 4).
Mr. Ramsay, of course, disagrees. Stopping as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ramsay s exhaustion as the petals of a flower closing in upon one another: she seemed to fold
herself together , one petal closed in another , and the whole fabric fell in exhaustion upon itself .
These three appositional noun phrases try to reword and expand the metaphorical explanations of
Mrs. Ramsay and to further entrench her position within the narrative. Similarly, Mr. Ramsay is
described according to several repeating images whose appositional structure focuses on his position
within the written text. This passage provides a critique of gender, but Woolf s act of undermining
her own representational and syntactic styles introduces a deep ambiguity into the narrative.
So, as I mentioned earlier that Woolf s To the Lighthouse is characterized with stream of
consciousness literary techniques that is in the presence of third person pronouns and past tense,
which correspond with the form of narrative report, and on the other hand, it is also characterized
with symbolic methods such as multiple point of view, use of time montage, shift of characters
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I Am A Blonde Bombshell
Just like every other young girl at the age of ten, I screamed and cried for the Jonas brothers as
they sang Burnin up on my living room television. But, there was someone else who intriguingly
caught my attention every night in that same living room, her name was Tricia. Tricia, the
second oldest, blonde bombshell took the center of attention every night, as she dazzled
everybody away with her college etiquette. Behind her beauty, honor roll achievements, and
being the only member in our family to attend college, there was something else that I admired
more than just Tricia herself; it was the gibberish she spoke. It wasn t goo goo gaga baby
gibberish. Her gibberish was fluent, constant, bold, and captivating. She made every story sound
interesting, and could keep her audience listening in awe. Tricia s gibberish was state of the art
vocabulary words I have never even heard before, words that I never even knew existed. She
baffled me with her sentences containing words like; hackneyed, jubilation, and perfidious. How
could I gain this gibberish ? Did I have to be blonde? I was not smart enough? Of course, these
are some of the bizarre viewpoints; I questioned myself about on, how I could obtain such
gibberish . I yearned to sound smart just like Tricia, which later on led me to my obsession with
Sanabria 2 enhancing every aspect of my vocabulary. After spending sometime researching, I found
that reading, writing, listening, and speaking are the
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Is Jay Gatsby A Hero
Gatsby hero or not?
In the 1920s, one famous writer with the name of F. Scott Fitzgerald told and wrote countless of
stories involving characters who can lie through their teeth and characters who can love. In the
novel The Great Gatsby it contains small pieces of the author s past and he gives small gestures
that will tie into what Fitzgerald did in his life as a young adult and it will transfer to the
characteristics of Jay Gatsby. This famous piece of literature takes place in Long Island right
around the Great Depression and the prohibition which will make Gatsby s obtain a lavish and
awed lifestyle. Jay Gatsby may come off as a hopeful and successful man but many portray him as
an antihero. His crazy and hectic life consisted of marvelous ... Show more content on
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Oh, I ve been in several things, he corrected himself. I was in the drug business and then I was in
the oil business. But I m not in either one now (Pg.95). When Mr. Gatsby is talking about his
wealth, he is being shady because he said he inherited the money but then lost most of it in the
panic of the war. Then he was telling him lies about him working all these different jobs and it was
very shady and mysterious why he did give just one straight answer telling the truth in his
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The Molecular Docking Method Essay
In silico methods became widely used in the fields of structural molecular biology and structure
based drug design with the rapid increase in computational power. Molecular docking [2 4] is one
of these in silico techniques.
Docking is a method which predicts preferred orientation (on the basis of binding energy) of one
molecule to the second to form a stable complex. In the field of drug design, first molecule is
usually protein/enzyme/DNA and the second one is small organic molecule/small peptides as
potential drug candidate.
Knowledge of preferred orientation of ligand and protein used to predict binding affinity and to
discriminate high affinity drug candidates from the low affinity compounds. 2.6.1Lock and key
Molecular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
2.6.3 Search algorithms
The search space which the docking software should take into account theoretically consists of
every possible conformation and orientation of the receptor and ligand. While it is impossible to
exhaustively explore this search space, efficient search algorithm is able to explore its large portion
and identify global extrema (i.e. minima in the energy corresponding to the preferred
conformations) [22]. The docking problem can be handled manually with help of interactive
computer graphics. This solution may work, if we have a good idea of the binding mode of a
similar ligand. Automatic software will be however less biased than a human and will consider
many more possibilities in much shorter time frame.
2.6.4 Genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithms [25] are search methods that mimic the process of evolution by incorporation of
techniques inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation or crossover. In genetic
algorithm, an initial population of one dimensional strings (called chromosomes), which encode
candidate solutions (individuals) evolves toward better solutions. In case of a molecular docking,
each individual may represent one possible system configuration and each string may contain
information about its conformation (e.g. values of angles of rotatable bonds). At the beginning,
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Norman s Auditory Hallucination
Auditory hallucination is still regarded as a definitive symptom of psychosis. As schizophrenic
sound is sourceless and the patient is not able to pinpoint where the source emanate from, within
or without. For Foucault schizophrenic voices function in an impossible space, signifying the way
in which the subject s spatiotemporal world is restructured in deep mental illness (Erb 55).
Foucault observed [Schizophrenics] hear voices in mythical space . . . in which, axes of reference
are fluid and mobile: they hear next to them, around them, within them, the voices of persecutors,
which at the same time, they situate beyond the walls, beyond the city, beyond all frontiers (qtd in
Erb 55). We can apply this observation to study Norman s case
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Fast Fashion
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management
Emerald Article: Fast fashion: a financial snapshot S.G. Hayes, Nicola Jones
Article information:
To cite this document: S.G. Hayes, Nicola Jones, (2006), Fast fashion: a financial snapshot , Journal
of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 10 Iss: 3 pp. 282 300 Permanent link to this
document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13612020610679277 Downloaded on: 07 08 2012
References: This document contains references to 40 other documents To copy this document:
permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 10511 times since 2006. *
Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: *
Margaret Bruce, Lucy Daly, (2006), Buyer behaviour for fast fashion, Journal of Fashion ... Show
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This relatively recent phenomenon has been extensively discussed in the fashion press. It has been
suggested (Carruthers, 2003) that Zara s entry to the UK acted as a catalyst for other retailers
competing in the same market segment to attempt to improve their own response times. The aim of
this research is to establish the effect that lead time compression has on the success of fashion
retailers. In order to achieve this aim, three objectives were identified as follows: (1) identify and
describe techniques used to achieve lead time compression and evaluate their benefits; (2) judge
the contribution that following a fast fashion strategy makes to the success of fashion retailers; and
(3) assess if and how lead times will be reduced in future.
Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Vol. 10 No. 3, 2006 pp. 282 300 q Emerald Group
Publishing Limited 1361 2026 DOI 10.1108/13612020610679277
This paper presents the п¬Ѓndings from objectives (1) and (2). In the clothing market, the
competitive strategy of retailers is commonly based on price and product differentiation (Bridson
and Evans, 2004; Birtwistle et al., 1998) as there is a significant polarity between consumers
more concerned about the product
and/or the brand and those interested in price (Birtwistle and Freathy, 1998). The clothing market
can be segmented into fashion conscious
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Bacterial Growth Lab Report
The main purpose for completing the experiment is to understand bacterial growth. In order for
bacteria to grow effectively, two important factors are required, physical and nutritional. Physical
factors include temperature, pH, osmotic pressure and gaseous requirements1. Bacterial growth is
temperature sensitive. The optimum growth temperature of most species of bacteria is at body
temperature, approximately 37 бµ’C, while some bacteria reproduce best at high temperatures 2.
Some of the nutritional requirements are sources of carbon and nitrogen, water, minerals, vitamins,
and organic and inorganic compounds3. When bacteria are grown in laboratories, culture media are
sterilized and contain the substances required for the growth ... Show more content on
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coli culture incubated at 37 бµ’C and the other one for an E. coli culture incubated at 25 бµ’C.
To start the lab, one milliliter of the culture, Luria broth, is transferred to a spectrophotometer
tube and zeroed. One milliliter of each culture is transferred to a clean cuvette and the optical
density at a wavelength of 595 nm is measured. The OD values and times should be recorded. If
the OD value exceeds 1.0, one hundred microliters of the culture and nine hundreds microliters
of the nutrient broth must be taken and the OD should be measured again. One of the measured
cultures is then transferred into an Eppendorf tube. Following that, the cell density of the culture
is measured. Depending on the number of cells, a series of x 10 fold serial dilutions should be
made. The last dilution should contain between 100 and 1000 cells per milliliters. Three LB
plates are then labeled with A, B, and C. Ten microliters of the last dilution are spread on Plate A
and one hundred microliters of the last dilution on Plate B. On Plate C, one hundred microliters of
the dilution before the last are distributed. All of the plates are incubated at 37 бµ’C for 24 hours.
In the second part of the experiment, the concentration of the E. coli culture at 37 бµ’C is
calculated using Equation
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Essay On Presidential Democracy Vs Parliamentary Democracy
Topic: A presidential democracy is more likely to produce strong, effective government than a
parliamentary democracy.
The structure of a governments and party systems are of crucial importance for the functioning and
well stable effective government. In this case let s take example of United States and United
Presidential system of United States;
The United State presidential system is a system of government that features a president as the
nation head of state and active chief executive authority. It is associated with the congressional
system of government. In a presidential system, the central principle is that the legislative and
executive branches of government should be separated.
This lead to the separate election by the electorate or an electoral college of the president, who is
elected to office for a fixed term of office, and can only be remove in extreme cases for gross
misdemeanor by impeachment and dismissal. In addition he or she does not need to choose cabinet
members from or commanding the support of a legislative majority.
As with the president set term of office, the legislature also exists for a set term of office and
cannot be dissolve a head schedule. In the president system, the president usually has special
privileges in the enactment of legislation, namely the possession of a power of veto over
legislation of bills, in some cases subject to the power of the legislature by weighed majority to
override the veto.
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Essay on Siddhartha and The Razor’s Edge
Siddhartha and The Razor s Edge
The book Siddhartha and the movie The Razor s Edge are two similar yet different stories. Each
these two works explore man s search for truth, self, and life s true meaning. The main characters
of these stories are very different people, yet they are in search of similar goals. The main character
of Siddhartha is Siddhartha. The main character of The Razor s Edge is Larry Darryl. Larry and
Siddhartha go through several stages of their lives, which range from rich to poor and back again.
Siddhartha was a Brahmin s son, of the upper class in India. He is loved throughout his community.
He is revered by all that knows him. He spends his day in meditation and thought. ... Show more
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He meets a prostitute named Kamala. He wants to be with her but he is not yet worthy. She
sends Siddhartha to meet a merchant named Kamaswami. Kamaswami hires Siddhartha and he
becomes a merchant. Siddhartha is very good and gains wealth. He begins to visit Kamala and
she teaches him her art of love. As time goes on he begins to forget the teachings of the
Samanas. He begins to gamble and squander his money. A deep discontent for his life grows in
him. He leaves the town and returns to the river without telling Kamala. He wants to throw
himself in the river, but before he did he heard the holy Om from within and stopped himself. He
then falls asleep and when he woke up Govinda was there. Govinda didn t realize who
Siddhartha was. Siddhartha revealed himself and Govinda rejoiced. As they part Siddhartha
feels reborn. Siddhartha meets up with the ferryman he met when he first came to the river. His
name is Vasudeva. Siddhartha begins to live with Vasudeva. Vasudeva teaches him the secrets of
the river. When it is spread that Gotama is dying lots of people go to see him. Kamala and her
son (Samsara) travel to see him. When a snake bites her she is brought to Vasudeva s hut, there
she is reunited with Siddhartha. Siddhartha finds out that Kamala s son is his son too. When she
died their son stays with Siddhartha and Vasudeva. Samsara is spoiled and hates living by the
river so he run s away. Siddhartha gives chase but gave up when he realized he must
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Rip Van Winle As A National Mythology In Rip Van Winkle
Rip Van Winkle a National Mythology
Heroic, exciting, remarkable, and mysterious! These are a few characteristics found in a national
mythology. A national mythology is a body or collection of myths belonging to a people that
highlight the nation s values and ideals, celebrates its heroes and commemorates its defining
events. In the time after the American Revolutionary War people were very excited to have
freedom and some chose to show this pride and excitement through the writing of the crazy legends
known as national mythology. In Rip Van Winkleby Washington Irving, he creates a national
mythology through an incredible experience of the main character, Rip Van Winkle. The use of
remarkable characters, mysterious events, and exciting places in Rip Van Winkle highlights the
nation s values and ideals, commemorates its defining events, and celebrates its heroes. Rip
Van Winkle was based right around the time of revolutionary America, one exciting place within
the story was a quaint little village full of life, color, and culture. ...There were some of the
houses of the original settlers standing within a few years, with lattice windows, gable fronts
surmounted with weathercocks, and built of small yellow bricks brought from Holland (Irving
62). When Irving described this village he was sure to include the heritage found within this
small mountain town, the brightly colored yellow bricks from Holland and lattice windows,
each detail shows just how important culture was in early American lives. Irving was not only
able to show the importance of culture, he was also able to illustrate life in the village. When
Irving said, There were some of the houses of the original settlers he showed the importance of
past in this village and how an interesting land can also have an interesting history. Irving also
showed histories yet to be discovered. When he said, ... Every hour of the day produces some
change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains... (Irving 61). Another very exciting place
in Rip Van Winkle is the Kaatskill Mountains Irving describes these mountains with such beauty.
When Irving describes this mountain he shows them as changing, as if each time you looked at
them there was a new
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Analysis Of Buffalo Bill
Disorders that Buffalo Bill Has Buffalo Bill suffered from various psychological disorders, the
first disorder that I will focus on is Buffalo Bill s Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). The
text states that a someone who suffers from the ASPD as a psychological condition exhibited by
individuals who are basically unsocialized and whose behavior pattern brings them repeatedly into
conflict with society (Schmalleger, p. 132). Buffalo Bill would imprison the overweight woman
victims that he abducted in a large dry well in the basement of the home that he lived in. Buffalo
Bill showed no guilt for keeping his victims in the dry well, who most of the time would be left in
the dark which he enjoyed the thought of them feeling confused... Show more content on
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PTSD can be characterized by both psychological and physical symptoms, and people who suffer
from it will generally experience impaired functioning in various aspects of their lives
(Schmalleger, p. 246). In the film The Silence of the Lambs the screenplay really doesn t
provide too much insight on Buffalo Bill s childhood, but there is implications that Buffalo Bill
had a traumatic childhood. If the film The Silence of the Lambs provided additional information
on Buffalo Bill s childhood, we could have a better understanding of any specific traumatic or
terrifying experiences that lead to the development of Buffalo Bill s PTSD. Dr. Hannibal Lecter
in the film The Silence of the Lambs, tells Detective Clarice Starling Billy was not born a
criminal, but made one by years of systematic abuse . Due to Buffalo Bill s PTSD, it was clear
that he had feelings of anger, self hatred and wanted to kill women so that he could ultimately
become one after he stitched his victims skin together and made a woman suit for himself. Buffalo
Bill ultimately wanted to turn himself into someone that he didn t hate, so he felt like by wearing
the woman suit and becoming a woman he could accomplish that. These feelings could have been
a combination of both the Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) and also Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD). Summarize disorders here Criminological theories that apply to Buffalo Bill I
found that there were
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Santa Anita Park Thoroughbred Racing Fans Essay
To thoroughbred horse racing fans, Santa Anita Park in Arcadia is the place to go this winter.
The Park offers live horse racing in the backdrop of the magnificent San Gabriel Mountains.
Except for occasional tourists, horse racing fans are not there for the scenery but to bet and win
on horse races. Thoroughbred racing fans also called handicappers are using race programs and
tip sheets to analyze and bet on horse races. To the handicappers, winning a bet on a horse race is
like smoking marijuana. There is the euphoria of watching the horses run in the oval track. When
the horses run toward the finish line, the fans roar urging their favorite horse to edge ahead and
win. After a race, fans with winning tickets are showing exhilaration by... Show more content on
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These peer groups can be heard debating on their choices of horses to win. On some groups, one
member within the group is in charge of placing bets on a race. On one occasion, I have seen a
multi generational group in which the women were giving money to the elderly man, who I
assume was their father, to bet on the coming race. Finally, these racing fans come out in clusters
of groups to the outside in front of the racing track to watch and cheer for their favorite horses.
On President s Day at 2 pm, the grandstand terrace was half filled with fans of at least two
thousand. To increase the chance of winning, thoroughbred racing fans use handicapping guides
to select horses to wager on a race. Handicapping guides are race programs, tip sheets, and
newspaper style racing forms that ranked horses. At close inspection, one particular racing guide,
The Daily Racing Form , contains data such as a horse past performances, jockeys, owners, and
trainers. On two occasions, I observed that most fans have at least one of these racing guides.
Furthermore, I had seen several sections inside the grandstand that are like a cafeteria occupied by
handicappers but instead of food, handicapping guides lay on the table. In this scenario, the fans
look like researchers in a library. In addition to these handicapping sections, there are sections that
are like a stock exchange where handicappers are standing, facing, and
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Comparing Explorer Vs. Safari
Comparing Explorer vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Safari The internet is part of everyday life for
most people. It connects people to information that can be accessed from the web any time, any
day of the week. To connect to the internet, an individual needs a thing called a web browser, or
browser for short (Beal). A browser is defined as a software application used to locate, retrieve, and
display content on the World Wide Web
, including web pages, images, video, and other files
(Beal). There are many different types of browsers that are used to connect to the internet, but in
this paper only four browsers will be talked about. These four browsers are some of the well
known browsers which include: Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. In this research paper,
these browsers will be compared to each other, comparing some of their benefits and disadvantages.
In 1995, a company called Microsoft introduced their new browser called Internet Explorer1 to the
market. Nearly every single year until 1999, a new version of this browser would appear. In 1999,
something changed, Microsoft decided to integrate itself with Windows 98 Second Edition and
created Internet Explorer 5.0 (Neagle). Around the same time, this browser exceeded 80% of the
web browsermarket share (Neagle). Since Explorer became popular, it became a target to
malicious attacks and viruses on the 7th version of the browser. It was discovered that there was a
flaw that could allow criminals to take control of
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Market Revolution Dbq
Insert Title Before the Market Revolution, America as a whole differed greatly from the America
that had developed during the start of the 19th century. The ideals and values of an American
family life varied from those after the revolution. American economy had relied heavily on
agriculture and people had a more personal work sphere. The government as well, was cautious
when involving itself in the nation s economic affairs. The Market Revolution overall played a big
role in changing American society, economy, and politics by fueling sectionalism, increasing
commercialism, and forcing the government to take on more responsibilities to benefit the nation.
Society was one of the main elements of America to be impacted by the Market Revolution.... Show
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In general, the government helped promote and support businesses in order to advance the U.S.
s economy. Some examples would be the fact that they limited liability and incorporation laws
using charters to protect businesses, provided easy credit for loans, and supported entrepreneurs.
This type of involvement is what closely relates the changes in politics to the changes in
economy. Most of the government s involvement came through the American System. Developed
by Congressman Henry Clay, this system was meant to protect the U.S. industry with tariffs,
initiate internal improvements, and stabilize the economy. Clay s first part of the plan was to
put protective tariffs primarily on European goods. The total value of foreign exports to the U.S.
escalated dramatically in only two years, going from about $13 million (1814) to $151 million
(1816). British goods had unbeatable prices and the competition threatened to eliminate American
businesses. In order to prevent this from happening Clay decided to place taxes on imports which
would ultimately raise European costs to American consumers, shielding the U.S. so they could
survive the competition. Now that Clay had established a safer way to have the government
support the U.S. s foreign affairs, his second part of the system involved domestic improvement.
By the 1820 s, the controversial issue on whether Congress had the power to nationally finance
roads, bridges, harbors, canals, and railroads had finally eased up. Skeptics like Presidents James
Madison and Monroe had finally softened up and agreed that the government should play a larger
role in building the nation s infrastructure (Politics in the Market Revolution). They did this by
making funds accessible to the states as well as coordinating the projects, a good example
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Personal Themes In A Stolen Life By Jaycee Dugard
She was alone, she was scared, she had no idea that her normal life would be taken away for the
next eighteen years... and hope is the sole reason that she survived it. For kidnap victim, Jaycee
Dugard, the word hope brings back a flood of emotions and memories. In her chilling memoir, A
Stolen Life , she describes a very personal experience in which she encountered at age eleven,
where she soon learned just how important hope was. Dugard never saw it coming when a man
named Phillip Garrido stole her from that bus stop on just another normal morning... or so she
thought. Soon after, he took her away and held her hostage in his backyard for almost two
decades. Interestingly enough, she has miraculously turned this cruel situation into a very
inspiring story. Therefore, she proves to us that even if you re living out your worst nightmare,
you still have something to live for. For this reason, Dugard puts together a descriptive setting,
her absurd relationship with her abductor, and personal symbols to illustrate how just a little
hope can be the essence of surviving any situation life throws at you. For starters, it could have
been the easiest thing in the world for Jaycee to lose hope by becoming discouraged by the
filthiness and disgust of the environment she was held captive in for all of those years. She paints
a picture of just how unpleasant her setting was by describing how The desk had lots of junk on
it...to the left of the door there is a toilet with a built in
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How Did Steam Boats Impact The World
People strongly believe steam boats had a positive outcome to our world. Steam boats were
invented during the industrial revolution and are still being used till this very day. The invention of
steam boats has been highly successful not just for the economy but society as well. Profits and
travel has rapidly increased ever since the steam boat was created during the industrial revolution.
Manpower was no longer needed to be used and steam was officially the source to success by
powering the engine of the steam boat. Steamboats are one of the most popular boats to this very
day and is an astonishing way of transportation of goods and people. Steam boats were definitely a
positive impact to the world, and had made a gigantic profit to communities and businesses.... Show
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Robert first begun as a painter working for cordial which was a very famous drink company at
the time, they would show none of his style and rarely use his paintings. After retiring from
painting, he became interested in both steam engines and boats. In 1802 Fulton Livingston met
Robert, who then agreed to help in the creation of steam boats. They ordered their first engine in
1803 but it was not allowed to be exported until 1806 as it needed to be tested for safety and
development conditions. After the creation of the boat was approved to set sail, they went on a
voyage from New York city to Albany. They then named their ship Clermont which carried over
100 passengers each voyage, mostly from New York city and Albany. It broke the record of
traveling 40 miles in the time period of 8 hours during the industrial revolution. This invention was
a huge success during the industrial revolution as more and more people needed to be transported
due to the baby boom year, The steam boat was turned from an idea into very successful
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Reflection On Clinical Evaluation
This semester, through the use of clinical evaluation, I have learned how to be a better clinician.
To clarify, I have learned how to evaluate the interventions, measurement choices, implementation
of interventions and data collection process I practice with my clients to better understand how
my clients are responding to therapeutic treatment. The first experience with regards to clinical
evaluation I had began when I was required to complete the first immersion program report. In
order to better understand my positionality with clinical evaluation it is important to know that
this school year, I am interning with Henry Ittleson Center as a day treatment therapist. Henry
Ittleson Center is a day and residential child treatment center located in the Riverdale area of the
Bronx. The agency services children between the ages of 5 to 13 who are diagnosed with severe
emotional and behavioral disorders and require special education services. As a result of clinical
evaluation being such a long process, for the sake of this paper, I will be focusing on
apprehension moments I encountered when completing my immersion report such as
frustrations I faced with my agencies limited objectives/goals selection, frustrations with
diagnosing children, difficulties with measurement selection, biased results and quick glance at
the progress made by my client since I began to evaluate my own practices. My experiences with
clinical evaluation formally began when asked to complete section one of the immersion report,
which includes brief synopsis of client, target problem, goals and objectives. Initially, I found it
quite easy to list out the target problem, goals and objectives because in essence, I was taking
this information straight from the data base system we use in the agency to file our reports.
However, as I started to reflect on this process with my immersion partner, I realized that I was
not required or expected by my agency to ask my client or my client s family what they wanted
me to identify as my client s goals and objectives for the year. As I went back into the system, I
recognized that all the objectives and goals available on the AVATAR (system we use to keep our
records) are dependent on the client s
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  • 7. Socio Political Significance of Bhakti Movement in Medival... Bhakti Movement In Medieval India ________________________________________ Causes for the birth of Bhakti Movement: Prior to the coming of Islam to India, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism were the dominant religions. Hinduism lost its simplicity. Many philosophical schools appeared. Two different sects, i.e., Vaishnavismand Saivism also appeared within Hinduism. In course of time Sakti worship also came into existence. Common people were confused on the way of worshipping God. When Islam came to India, the Hindus observed many ceremonies and worshipped many Gods and Goddesses. There were all sorts of superstitious beliefs among them. Their religion had become complex in nature. Added to these, the caste system, untouchability, blind... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From his childhood, he did not show any interest in worldly affairs. At the age of 29, he left his home and became a Sadhu. He went to Mecca and Medina. He had travelled far and wide to spread his teachings. Guru Nanak had finally settled at Karthpur. He laid emphasis on pure and simple living. He preached the Unity of God and condemned idolatry. He was against the caste system. Guru Nanak s followers are called the Sikhs. He started the Langer or the common kitchen, where people belonging to all castes or religions could have their meals together. Nanak s teachings were in the form of verses. They were collected in a book called the Adi Granth. Later Adi Grantham was written in a script called Gurmukhi. The holy book of the Sikhs is popularly known as Grantha Sahib . It contains verses from Kabir, Namdeva and other Bhakti and Sufi saints. Chaitanya (A.D.1485 A.D.1533) : Chaitanya, a great devotee of Lord Krishna, was a saint from Bengal. From his very childhood, he had showed great interest in education and studied Sanskrit. He married the daughter of a Saintly person. Later at the age of 24, he renounced the worldly life and became a sanyasin. He travelled all over the Deccan,Bihar, Bengal and Orissa. His followers regarded him as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He helped the old and the needy. He was opposed to the inequalities of the caste system. He emphasised the need for tolerance, humanity and love. He spread the message of Bhakti in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Wicca Vs Witchcraft Wicca: More Than Witchcraft Wicca is an eclectic religious belief system centering around gods, goddesses, and nature worship(2). Like Christianity; there are many different spiritual paths within the Wiccan religion. Unlike Christianity; there is a belief in more than one god. The details of these deities vary among individuals. This religionis attractive for many people who do not desire or appreciate absolute truths(2). There is no bible, no head religious leader, and no belief in rewards or punishments after death, only reincarnation. No matter the path one follows in Wicca, their beliefs and practices will be centered around the balance between the god and goddess, holding nature as sacred, and participating in witchcraft. Unfortunately,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is understandably very difficult to get past the witchcraft and view Wicca as a normal religion, when witchcraft has always been said to be a satanic force. Wiccans do not believe in the existence of a devil (they are not Satan worshippers)(2). Although the horned god has often been mistaken for the devil by Christians, the two entities have no connection. As stated before, there is no ultimate good or evil, sin is not a recognized concept either. Many will argue against this by bringing up the pentacle, which is often mistaken for the pentagram. The five points on both stars represent the four elements, plus the spirit. The difference between the two is that the fifth point is pointed up on the pentacle, and down on the pentagram. The pentacle places the spirit at the top, sending a positive message. As far as satanic practices go, no animal sacrifices will be taking place in Wicca. The life of another is too sacred to allow this to happen. Bowls of flowers, crystals, and food are given as offerings ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. The Effect Of Salinity On Resistance, Proline, And Mineral... 1.GГјnes, Aydin, Ali Inal, and Mehmet Alpaslan. Effect of salinity on stomatal resistance, proline, and mineral composition of pepper. Journal of Plant Nutrition 19.2 (1996): 389 396. 2.Pernezny, Ken, et al. Compendium of pepper diseases. American Phytopathological Society (APS Press), 2003. 3.Davies, F. T., J. R. Potter, and R. G. Linderman. Mycorrhizaand repeated drought exposure affect drought resistance and extraradical hyphae development of pepper plants independent of plant size and nutrient content. Journal of Plant Physiology 139.3 (1992): 289 294. 4.Hirsch, Rebecca E., et al. A role for the AKT1 potassium channel in plant nutrition. Science 280.5365 (1998): 918 921. 5.Pepperillon, P., and A. Palloix. Influence of sodium chloride on the growth and mineral nutrition of pepper cultivars. Journal of Plant Nutrition 20.9 (1997): 1085 1094. 6.Bar Tal, A., et al. Nitrogen nutrition of greenhouse pepper. I. Effects of nitrogen concentration and NO3: NH4 ratio on yield, fruit shape, and the incidence of blossom end rot in relation to plant mineral composition. HortScience 36.7 (2001): 1244 1251. 7.Kaya, Cengiz, Halil Kirnak, and David Higgs. Effects of supplementary potassium and phosphorus on physiological development and mineral nutrition of cucumber and pepper cultivars grown at high salinity (NaCl). Journal of Plant Nutrition 24.9 (2001): 1457 1471. 8.Graber, Ellen R., et al. Biochar impact on development and productivity of pepper and tomato grown ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Diffusion Of The Italian Identity Italian Fascism is an authoritarian and nationalistic system of government and social organization, it was the political result of the relationship between socialist and nationalist rhetoric. It is a form of governance which employs intolerant views and practices, advocating traditionalism, interventionism and sameness rather than individualism. In order to promote their totalitarian ideals during the 1930s to 1945 fascist politicians such as Benito Mussolini, who had previously been a socialist newspaper editor, employed propaganda that included virtually all modes of media: the press, posters and film. The widespread dissemination of totalitarian ideals infiltrated into the school system where young Italians born from 1910 to 1935 were taught to obey and fight. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the diffusion of the Italian Identity through fascist propaganda from 1922 1943 and the identity that was diffused as a result of the exploitation of Mussolini s various propaganda mediums. Did fascist propaganda contribute to the diffusion of an Italian identity? If so, what identity was diffused? The etymology of fascismis denotative of power and dominance. For example, the term derived from the Roman fasces which were bundles of rods bound to each other, carried in advance of Roman magistrates. The rods were symbolic of power to punish through severe beating and the axes which extended from the center were symbolic of punishment by death (Grolier Education p.110). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Slumdog Millionaire Essay Zhane Garcia Prof. Jocks Stelzer ENG 111 13 January, 2015 The Three Musketeer s In the Slum of India The film Slumdog Millionaire narrates a story about the life of eighteen year old Jamal Malik, his brother Salim, and friend Latika and how life was growing up in the slum of India. The film takes place in Mumbai, India where Jamal is on a TV show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and is one question away from becoming the next millionaire. Unfortunately, the host of the popular Indian show has a difficult time believing Jamal, an uneducated young boy from the slums, could have made it this far. Throughout the film, we go back in time to Jamal s first appearance on show; with every question Jamal is asked, we are taken back even further to Jamal s childhood and the occurrences in his life that lead to him to knowing the answers to each of the challenging questions on the famous game show. Fairly quickly in to the movie, there is a distinct difference with Jamal and his brother Salim. Jamal can be characterized as a soft and careful child, while on the other hand, Salim is just the opposite. One scene in particular, when Jamal lost his mother after an invasion of their slum, which is when the character Latika was introduced, Latika had fallowed Jamal and Salim after the invasion as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Begging, stealing and growing up in the slum is what lead Jamal to find all the answers to the famous game show, Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Most importantly, the Malik brothers showed great love and loyalty to each other throughout the film. Even though Salim may have ventured off to become a gangster and make bad decision that impacted his life, he found a way to redeem himself by helping Latika escape knowing it will cost him his life. Salim makes the sacrifice for his brother as an apology for all the wrong he has done to him throughout the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Essay On Corneal Ectasia ECM proteins are known to play a significant role in the maintenance and preservation of tissue ultrastructure and biological function. This study investigates the potential application of leveraging these roles of ECM for structural reinforcement of the cornea to tackle the clinically relevant challenges of corneal ectasia. We evaluated the benefits of ECM via biomechanical, thermal, ultrastructural and geneexpression characterization, by treating enzyme digested corneas with ECM conditioned media. ECM treatment demonstrated an increase in Young s modulus on the KC corneas. Moreover, it restored thermal stability, and regulated gene expression of corneal stromal cells. We have therefore conclusively established that tissue derived ECM... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the native cornea, the proteoglycans containing chondroitin sulfate chains plays an important role on regulating collagen size and inter fibrillar spacing [43]. In this ex vivo model, KC corneas have larger inter fibrillar spacing and fibril diameter, which could be attributed to the degradation of chondroitin sulfate chains via enzymatic action, thus weakening inter and intra fibrillar collagen binding. The loss of inter fibrillar collagen binding results in lower collagen fibrillar density. Meanwhile, the weakened intra fibrillar collagen binding causes loosening of the tight packing in individual collagen fibrils, thereby changing the collagen fibril diameter distribution. ECM treatment restored the fibril density and altered the fibril diameter distribution. Treatment with different ECM groups (COR, CART, LN) resulted in different fibril sizes and density distributions. The differences observed after treatment could potentially be attributed to the varying biological components in the tissues from which the ECMs were extracted. While dissimilar in the ultrastructures produced, all ECM treatment groups restored mechanical properties of the cornea equally. Tensile strength is an important parameter for evaluating crosslinking efficiency, to ensure that the corneal stroma can resist deformation due to intraocular pressure. The enzyme activity decreased the tensile strength of KC corneas due to the degradation of proteoglycans, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Holly Holm And Ronda Rousey s Battle Analysis On Saturday, November 14th, 2015 Holly Holm and Ronda Rousey climbed in to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) cage and began what would come to be known as one of the greatest underdog matches in the twenty first century. Everyone knew from the second this fight was scheduled that it would be legendary because going into the fight both amazing women were undefeated. That being said, Ronda Rousey had twelve straight wins, compared to Holly Holm s lowly nine, in mixed martial artsthat is. With both women being undefeated, and no chance for a tie, it set the stage for a fight to be remembered. Ronda Rousey was very heavily favored to win the fight, known as UFC 193, based on her higher win record and her fighting style. Ronda was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Holly, the underdog, was definitely not expected to win, and ended up winning the entire match very quickly, just like David. As Malcom Gladwell explained to us in his article, it was not luck that let David win, it was statistics (How David Beats Goliath). Ronda was more experienced in UFC and had a longer history in mixed martial arts but it was no comparison to the versatile skills that Holly had. This is very similar to Goliath, because Goliath and Ronda might have been extremely favored but it will never change the fact that David and Holly had better skills. David with his distance weapon and Holly with her boxing and kickboxing career. Holly had the odds stacked against her, but the statistics on her ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Change of Volume of a Gas Change of Volume of a Gas Planning Aim * Determine how the volume of a gas changes with the temperature for a fixed amount of gas and pressure. * Determine absolute zero Hypothesis Volume is directly proportional to Temperature Preliminary Test A preliminary experiment wsa carried out to test our apparatus. In this test we used an alcohol thermometer to see if there was any change in volume as the capillary tube was heated. Our results suggested that an increase in temperature resulted in an increase of volume of the air bubble. Background research When a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... · I have used a mercury thermometer over an alcohol one because it increases in volume at a greater degree than alcohol when there s a change in temperature. Therefore it will reduce the chances of recording the results incorrectly. Capillary tube containing concentrated sulphuric acid criteria needed to perform accurate measurements of change in volume: · The amount of liquid mass and air mass must stay constant throughout the experiment. · Sulphuric acid will not evaporate at temperatures used in the experiment (like water might) so no liquid will change to gas, thus invalidating results. Ruler · Measurement is in millimetres
  • 15. · The range which it will measure is from 0 to 300mm in length well above the expected increase in length of the 1 litre glass beaker · 1 litre glass ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Patriotism In The Anti-War Film Paths Of Glory Patriotism is a bundle of conflict within itself. Although patriotism is a show of immense support towards one country, it can be depicted wrongfully at times. In reference to that statement, consider the drama/anti war film Paths of Glory, directed by none other than Stanley Kubrick, famous for other films such as the film adaptation of Stephen King s The Shining, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and A Clockwork Orange. Paths of Glory is a film where soldiers in World War I refuse to execute an impossible attack, and their superior officers choose how to deal with their cowardice, and is transcendently humane over other movies in comparison. In addition, the film Paths of Glory criticizes acts of patriotism by depicting merciless, egomaniacal military captains, commanders, and officers. However, it blatantly ignores acts of patriotism that achieve results far beyond the normal expectation (even those of Kirk Douglas character, Colonel Dax, the primary protagonist of the film), so the film s theme can blend in throughout the background of the important events of the film. Patriotism is not something to be taken lightly, and the film Paths of Glory is an example as to why and how it s such a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, Stanley Kubrick s Paths of Glory was released on December 25th, 1957, to a limited theatrical release. December 25th is Christmas Day, and it seems like no coincidence for an anti war film to release on such a day, and it is possible Kubrick wished to make a statement with that release date. However, even with the release date taken out of the question, the visual items presented with the film (such as posters, possible merchandise, etc.) were given a very pro war vibe to them. Even so, the marketing team associated with the film did very well in terms of twisting the viewer s thoughts on the idea and concept ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Texas Education System Educational system in Texas Education is a sensitive subject with a very divisive line. Many strongly believe in the system. Bill Gates stated, It s hard to improve public education that s clear. Others oppose it just as strongly. Friedrich Nietzsche felt, In large states public education will always be mediocre, for the same reason that in large kitchens the cooking is usually bad. In Texas, this has always been a concerned issue for parents, teachers, and communities. It is not just a normal topic, but a major political topic, in which the state government has shown continuous efforts to compare and evaluate the standards in which students and teachers must follow. Proper education is now something that is decided for students and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Student who didn t pass the year before were put in Saturday schools and in lunch tutoring in preparation for the exams for the whole semester until the student have taken the test. I was one of those student who was put in lunch tutoring for math, but I was doing well in math in my regular classes. When it comes to the time of the test, it feels as thou were having a competition with our other school districts and it made a lot of student stressful about it. I was always stress out when it was time for the test and on the test day we spend about 4 hours testing even if a student wasn t done, all student were given the whole school day to complete their exam. It was something of life and death most especially our last testing during junior year, my follow students and I were worried of what if , we didn t pass because we would not receive our diploma even though we are allowed to walk on stage on the graduation day. So pass either standardize test is the gateway out of high school and a road to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Levels of Organizational Culture Introduction Levels of culture Organizational culture http://wiki.answers.com/Q /What_is_the_difference_between_visible_and_invisible_culture?#slide=2 There are Three levels in organization culture 1.Artifacts пѓ Visible and feel able structure and process пѓ Observed behaviour Difficult to decipher 2.Expounds Beliefs and Values пѓ Ideas, goals, value, aspirations пѓ Ideologies пѓ Rationalizations May or may not be congruent with behaviour and other artifacts 3.Assumption пѓ Unconscious, taken for granted beliefs and values Determine behaviour, perception, thought, and feeling http://my.safaribooksonline.com/book/leadership/9780470190609/the three levels of culture/artifacts Artifacts The level of artifacts at the surface, Aspect the organization culture that you can see, hear, and feel. Artifacts consist the visible products of the group, such that the architecture of it is physical environment; like technology, language, and products, style, embodied in clothing, manner of address, and emotional displays. Its myths story told about the organization Cultures. It is ceremony, values and observable rituals. The most important point to be made about this level of the culture is that it is both easy to observe and very difficult to decipher. The Egyptians and the Mayans both built highly visible pyramids, but the meaning of pyramids in each culture was very different. Expounds Beliefs and Values When a group is first created or when it faces a new task, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. How Did Ngo Dinh Diem Left Vietnam Ngo Dinh Diem (1901 1963) was a staunchly against confidant Vietnamese statesman who declined to band together with Ho Chi Minh after the Franco Vietnamese War. With the support of the United States government, Diem drove South Vietnam from 1954 to 1963, when he was slaughtered close by his kin in a military oust. Ngo Dinh Diem was imagined in Vietnam in 1901. His ancestors had been changed over to Christianity by Catholic evangelists in the 17th Century. Diem, as past times of his family, was taught in French Catholic schools. After he graduated he was arranged as an executive for the French overwhelming habitations in Vietnam. At a years of age quarter century transformed into an ordinary congressperson. In the midst of the French Indochina War, Diem left Vietnam for the United... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The French battled against this stating that Diem was insufficient and also berserk . Regardless, over the long haul it was picked that Diem showed the most obvious opportunity to keep South Vietnam from falling under the control of communism. Once in power, the Americans discovered that Diem was unwilling to be a puppet ruler. He persistently rejects their suggestion and settled on decisions that wonder the South Vietnamese people. A couple tries were made to topple Diem yet regardless of the way that the Americans were sad with his execution as president, they felt they had no genuine alternative but to support him. In October, 1955, the South Vietnamese people were asked for that pick between Bo Dai, the past Emperor of Vietnam, and Diem for the activity of the country. Colonel Edward Lansdale suggested that Diem should give two vote papers, red for Diem and green for Bao Dai. Lansdale assumed that the Vietnamese conviction that red implied favorable circumstances whilst green demonstrated dreadful fortune, would help affect the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Ryanair Case Study 1.Ryan air s success can be attributed to a few factors. First would be its Ever decreasing costs mantra, providing low cost, low fares and no frills carrier strategy while achieving operating efficiency and satisfying its customers which gives it a competitive advantage and cost leadership. It targets price sensitive customers and offers them the cheapest short haul service among all its competitors in the market. Ryanair gives much focus on keeping costs low and is constantly examining every area of its operation to implement cost reductions. The initiatives taken to keep costs low include: Using Boeing 737 planes to have a fleet commonality in order to minimize staff trainings and aircraft maintenance costs. Web check in facility that not only was loved by passengers but also helped Ryanair in reducing staff and printing costs. Point to point routes to avoid transfer costs of passengers. Less airport charges by choosing secondary airports that were less congested and away from the city centres and were looking to increase customer traffic. Secondly, Ryanair keeps growing as a budget airlineby focusing on growth, expansion and operational efficiency as it keeps adding new bases, routes and aircrafts and disposing older and less efficient planes. Initially after 1996, Ryanair did not pay out dividends on its shares instead retained those earnings to grow the operations and services of the company till 2010 when the company had achieved a reasonably profitable ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Perfect Memoir The Perfect Pair of Genes The advancement of technology has allowed us to do things that were once never possible. From the first computer to now having laptops and tablets. The first mobile phone which has now branched off to smart phones and even watches that can mimic the same functions of a cellular device. With the internet being more advanced, we now have the ability to access it from our televisions, smart TV s have enhanced our viewing experience to the ultimate extreme. There is no telling what the future will hold as far as technology goes but what about when begin to use technology to clone ourselves? Of course we are aware of the cloning of animals with Dolly the sheep for an example. It is inevitable for someone to eventually ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In most circumstances that have to do with fertility matters or same sex couples there are many different options available such as adoption, in vitro fertilization, and the use of surrogates. There is also the baby Moses law, it permits the parent or parents the choice of dropping their baby off with no questions asked, which offers the child an opportunity to be with a loving family. Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell both feel that to bring a new human being into the world is a sacred thing the most serious thing that most of us do in the course of our lives. 2 For those who are unable to naturally bring a child into this world should be more concerned with having a child to love instead of creating a designer baby or having one cloned for their own vain reasons. Even without reproductive high technology, children have often been brought into this world for dubious reasons 3, such as mending a failing marriage for example. With that said We should not add insouciantly to the catalogue of unacceptability when it comes to producing a child. Not only does the birth of a child affect the parents and family, it mainly affects the child. As humans who want to be loved and appreciated for being themselves ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Being Healthy Or Living A Healthy Lifestyle Juicing for Health Corwin Hartman AHP 2150 Fortis College March 9, 2015 Introduction Being healthy or living a healthy lifestyle is something that only 35% of Americans strive to achieve during their lifetime. In this paper, juicing and the effects on the human body and what it can do, both good and bad will be explored. The history and popularity of juicing as well as its benefits will be discussed. History of Juicing There are a great number of juicing fads and celebrity diets popping up, but it is actually an age old tradition of body cleansing. Juicing has also gained the reputation of being the magic pill (per say) for feeling your best, promoting weight loss and anti aging. It is known that certain nutrients and herbs can regulate blood glucose levels, stop cravings and balance energy level (alternativemedicine.com). Some of the first documented evidence of humans juicing for health benefits are from the Dead Sea scrolls dated 150 B.C. through 70 A.D. Juicing was described in the scrolls as pounded mash of pomegranate and fig resulting in profound strength and subtle form. Many cultures have used plants and ground up herbs applied both internally and externally to promote healthy remedies and benefits all over the world. In parts of the country like Korea and Peru, juicing green juices became part of healing rituals (thejuicingclub.com). Max Garson, a German scientist in the 1920 s developed a theory that combined raw juices and a vegetarian diet which ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. What Is Delormier Giddens Theory Of Structuration Introduction: Delormier, Frohlich, Potvin, (2009) used Giddens theory of structuration, specifically the concepts of social practice, the duality of the social structure, and agency to develop a conceptual framework in their research on food as a social practice. According to Giddens (1984) social practices are at the root of the constitution of both agent and society (ibid.: 1984:xxii); and social structures constitute rules and resources which actors draw upon during practice, creating both enabling and constraining conditions of practice (ibid.: 1984: xxii, 25). It is from this perspective that Delormier, Frohlich and Potvin (2009) highlight that individual action is not determined by the social structure, but rather enacted and concretised by people through the choices they make during social practice, and that through their ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Other scholars have suggested that the many actions that aimed at transforming Central and Eastern European societies in the late 80s and early 90s served as springboard for many scholarship on human agency and social structures (Ahearn, 2001). Several scholarships on the concept have attempted to subdivide it into different categories: the agency of (unequal) power (Ortner, 2006:147); residential agency and representational agency (Kockelman, 2007); the performance of agency and the grammatical encoding of agency (Duranti, 2007). The wide interest and use of the concept in the social sciences and humanities also imply the proliferation of definitions though with foundation in Giddens theory of structuration. Agency is the capacity for actors to intervene in the world and to influence a specific process or state of affairs; that is it can be thought of as the capacity to act (Giddens, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Luciano Farnese Essay Palazzo Farnese, as designed by Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, is still one of Rome s most impressive palaces. It was built in a time where there were several guidelines established for Renaissance architecture, which show in the way the palace was designed. The faГ§ade is perfectly symmetrical and several elements in the plan are symmetrical as well. The palace has three levels, which was characteristic for Renaissancepalaces. Unlike earlier Renaissance palaces, all levels have the same height in the Farnese palace. There is a great amount of rhythm in the faГ§ade, as all the, finely detailed, windows are aligned for the three floors, with an exception made for the central axis, where the entrance and the balcony on the piano nobile are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Cardinal s room, the most important room in the building, is located on the corner of the first floor, where the Cardinal had the view over entire square as well. The building is surmounted with a big cornice, of a size that emphasizes the power the building expresses. The quoins on the side show an ending to the building, which in combination with the cornice form a sort of frame, there can be no mistake made about the independence of the building. The pilasters on the outside are of Ionian order on the first floor, and Corinthian order on the top floor. Around the courtyard, the same orders were used, but with an added Tuscan order for the elements on the ground floor. From the outside, as seen from the piazza Farnese, you can definitely call the Palazzo Farnese a true urban palace. It has an appearance of power, which was established by the fact the Pope used to inhabit the palace. The position of the building, with the big square in front of it and no other buildings of a similar size besides it, only confirms the status of urban palace. Although it does not have a perfectly symmetrical interior, the majestic exterior makes sure nobody underestimates the power of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Cloudstreet Character Analysis Thrown together following two separate family tragedies, Tim Winton s Cloudstreet journeys through the trials of the Pickles and Lamb families. In their misguided search for happiness, the characters in Cloudstreet each engage in self destructive behavior. This fruitless search ultimately becomes their greatest challenge. These catastrophic behaviors manifest uniquely in each character. Whether through seeking independence, falling victim to addiction or deliberately separating themselves from their families, Winton demonstrates how each character ultimately disconnects themselves from their significant others in an effort to find contentment. Cloudstreet becomes home to each of the family members, however, in a campaign for better things, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a deep disdain for one another, Dolly and Rose s relationship is greatly strained. Rose describes hating her mother as the best part of being alive , similarly, Dolly sees Rose as the enemy . Neither of them attempts to reconcile, believing their hatred is the only way for them to coexist. Dealing with an existential crisis, whilst overwhelmed by the uneasiness of the house and the realization that Fish didn t even know her , Oriel moves into a tent in the backyard, no one missed the sight of Quick Lamb helping his mother out with the Jarrah bed . She wished she could lace it up and never come out , which would allow her to deal with her internal battle, the real war . However, the relocation simply pushed her further away from her family. Both these forms of separation were temporary aids, providing no real resolution. Once Rose truly understood Dolly s life, she found forgiveness for her, the two women wept together on the sagging women . In a similar form of reunification, the novel closes with Oriel and Dolly packing down the tent, the little boxy women and the big blowsy woman folded end to end till the tent was a parcel , allowing Oriel to rejoin her family. Whilst distancing themselves brought short lived relief, it ultimately impacted catastrophically on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. 2-Contaminophenol 2. Material and methods In this investigation, 2 aminophenol(AP), 4 chloroBenzaldehyde(CB), the metal salts CuCl2.2H2O(99.00%), Pd(OAc)2(99.99%), and AgNO3(99.50%) and Calf thymus DNA(CT DNA) were utilized starting chemicals and purchased from Sigma Aldrich Chemise (Germany). Agarose was purchased from Fischer Biotech (GE Heath care). Tracking dye (0.25 % bromophenol blue, 40 % sucrose, 0.25 % xylene cyanole and 200 mM EDTA) and Ready load 100 bp DNA ladder were used as the native size DNA and purchased from Bio labs. 2.1 Synthesis of the investigated bi dentate CBAP imine ligand The investigated bi dentate CBAP imine ligand was synthesized by adding 4 chloro Benzaldehyde(10mmole, 1.40g) dissolved in absolute ethanol to same moles of 2 aminophenol(10mmole, 1.09 g) dissolved in absolute ethanol. This mixture was stirred under reflux at 700C for 2 h by using tri ethyl amine as a catalyst and then allowed to cool at room temperature to obtain the yellow solid precipitate. This yellow precipitate was then filtered, washed and dried in vacuo over anhydrous CaCl2 and checked the purity of synthesized investigated imine ligand by TLC using silica gel G [15,16]. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This mixture was stirred for 1 h and evaporated overnight to obtain the investigated complex. This formed solid investigated complex was filtered, wash and then dried in vacuo over anhydrous CaCl2. TLC is used for determining the purity of investigated complex by using silica gel G ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. World Need Adoption Adoption: A Needed Action in the World I always questioned if I was ready to adopt and then I realized no child was ready to be an orphan, said unknown author. There are children who are without a home or family. Their parents are deceased or have chosen to abandon them. They have to defend life themselves. Children die because they are hungry and do not have a source of food supply. The problem, however, has a solution. Adoptionprovides homes and families for the children. It also provides a child to a familythat could not have one themselves. Adoption is a needed action in the world because it saves lives, provides homes, and creates opportunities for the children. First, the world needs adoption because it saves an abundant amount of children s lives. In some countries, mothers are allowed to only have one child or a certain gender. Mothers will abandon the child to escape the cruel punishment. The children are left to defend for themselves. Children make up half of the people living in poverty... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are 140 million orphans in need of a home and family. If 140 million families adopted one child, the number of orphans would nearly be vanished. Orphans would no longer exist. The saying, Home is where the heart is, explains what adoption really gives a child. It provides a home where they can feel loved. A home that will provide food so they do not have to worry about starving anymore. A home that will, hopefully, share the love of Jesus. A home that will be filled with laughter and fun. A home that will be filled with memories with their family. There are around 136,000 children adopted each year (Davenport 2016). Each year, 136,000 children are given a home and a family. Adoption is needed in the world because it provides a forever home for the children that changes their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. The Importance Of Multiple Sclerosis Multiple sclerosis is an unpredictable, mostly paralyzing disease of the central nervous system that inhibits the flow of information inside the brain, and between the brain and body. The myelin sheath is sort of a conductive blanket around nerves which assists nerve impulses and messages travel fast and effectively, it is made up of protein and fatty substances. Usually the myelin sheath is used to keep a fast pace up nerve cell transmission from the brain and spinal cord. The nodes of ranvier are constrictions in the myelin sheath that border the axons of nerve cells, or neurons. They happen about one millimetre intervals along the body of the axon. There must be breaks in the myelin to conduct electricity in neurons. These spaces are ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... How multiple sclerosis works is that white cells puncture the blood brain barrier and they infiltrate the central nervous system. These white cells then damage/harm the myelin sheath that safeguards the nerve fibers which then forms lesions. More white cells will then appear from being drawn by chemical messages from the beginning white cells. Repair and scarring follow from the inflammation but some myelin will be permanently damaged. Impulses will then travel along the damaged nerves very poorly/slowly. In extreme cases nerve impulses don t travel at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Arthritis And Treatment Of Rheumatoid Arthritis Essay Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the incurable diseases and turns chronic with progressive inflammatory of the synovial lining of peripheral joins. It is characterized by symmetric, chronic, and deforming polyatrhitis that causes long term joint disability when not controlled early. Considering there is no cure for this disease, management focuses on pain and inflammation reduction in order to prevent destruction of joints while at the same time preserving and improving on the functionality of the patient (Varatharajan et al, 2009). The type of treatment chosen depends on the type of arthritis and the effects it has on the patient as well as the severity of the disease. Other factors to consider are the age of the patient and the joints affected. Bearing in mind that different people exhibit different reactions to different medications, treatment in this case is individualized but includes a combination of joint protection methods and medication. For rheumatoid arthritis, the Initial treatment starts with non steroidal ant inflammatory drugs and other simple analgesic but as the inflammation progresses, slow acting anti rheumatoid drugs which are aimed at modifying the disease are introduced. They are added progressively as the inflammation progresses in order to suppress the process that leads to chronic inflammation (Amin 1995). After the analgesics or the non steroidal anti inflammatory drug commonly referred to as (NSAIDs) have proven non responsive, disease modifying ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Comparison Of The Passage In Fasting Feasting, By Anita Desai The passage in Fasting, Feasting, by Anita Desai, Arun is out of his comfort zone going to the beach. Arun from the very start, starts making excuses to not go to the beach. He also, does not want to be anywhere close to Melanie While they walk to the beach. He complains about the noises of the wilderness and how horrible they are. He does these things because he does not feel comfortable in these places he has never been before. He talks about how his hands are sweaty and his hair on his neck raises. He also, wonders why people live in such close area to the wilderness. The story says The town may be small and have little to offer, but how passionately he prefers its post office, its shops, its dry cleaning stores and picture framers to this creeping curtain of insidious green...(Desai). This complaining about the wilderness is most likely due to the fact that he has most likely stayed in town most of his stay in America. He has adapted to the town he has probably only really seen. 2. The passage from Last Child in the Woods by Richard Louv, he uses many examples to prove his argument that we are separating from nature. He starts it off by talking about how they soon will be able to decide the color on butterfly s wings and how they can use nature to advertise. The Nature we all go visit is not real nature it s advertised and is not worth going to. They use parks and beaches to get there product out there just for some money to keep the area clean and well kept. It leads into talking about how we she nature from inside a car most of the time not in person. It talks about how now we don t even need to pay attention to the nature now because we have gps that guide us to our destination so we don t need to memorize routes. Even people in the back seat don t have to pay attention anymore as tvs are now in cars to either watch movies or play games. It says Perhaps we ll someday tell our grandchildren stories...We actually looked out the car window(Louv). This is a little stretched because most likely kids will still look out the windows when they don t have a movie playing or they are bored of what they were doing beforehand. 3. No snow days? Should there be online classes during snow days so school does ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Descriptive Essay About Swimming There were families and friends along with me sitting in the benches surrounding the pool area. Patiently waiting for the swimmers to arrive. After a couple of minutes we turn our heads to the left and saw different schools arriving with swimmers on every yellow bus. All of them with their duffle bags heading to the locker room. As the swimmers approached the pool area the smell of sunscreen and chlorine surrounded us. We were now going to see the development of every swimmer after their long hours and weeks of practice. The swimmers were all doing different types of things. Some finishing putting sunscreen on, others asking for help to put their caps on, and the rest socializing. Coaches then giving them a warning to finish up and gather around. As the swimmers gathered you could see how anxious they all were. The coaches assigned them to different lanes to do a 500 yard warm up of every stroke and dive. These strokes were freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, and back. Every stroke they practiced had there own technique. This was the last time swimmers were able to work on their stroke techniques, turns, and dives before their events. As they were all coming to an end of their warm up you could see the anxiety on their faces. Coaches calling them over one last time. They were explaining to every single one of their swimmers the rules and events they would be competing. Some swimmers looked excited and others begging their coaches to change their events. They were either ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Comparison Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr And Wallace s Speech It was the was the beginning of a new decade, Americans believed the 1960 s were going to be the dawn of the golden age. Many historical feats are occurring, John Steinbeck wins a noble peace prize, Nixon and Kennedy have the first televised debate, Mohamed Ali wins a gold medal and the Civil Rights Movement is at the precipice in America. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Governor George C. Wallace are two prominent figures throughout the Civil Rights Movement. Individually, they deliver historical speeches concerning civil rights, however the dialogue encompasses completely different messages. Comparatively, the two speeches will be presented side by side using Aristotle s, Kairos, Ethos, Logos, and Pathos. The year was 1963, as the chaos of segregation was unfolding in the Southern states, Governor Wallace and Dr. King were prepared to give their speech on Civil Rights. Governor Wallace will be addressing his constituents in the beginning of the year, whereas Dr. King s response will be a few months later. With that in mind, these two speeches will be analyzed using the appropriate and pivotal moment they were delivered, also known as Kairos. January 1963, Governor Wallace is proudly standing where the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis took his oath of office. He is ready to address his fellow Americans with his inaugural speech as the newly appointed Governor of Alabama. This key location is where he and fellow Southerner, Jefferson Davis share the same views ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Unfavorable Budget Variances The plastic and cedar direct materials both had unfavorable flexible budget variances. It is unfavorable because they under budgeted the cost of the direct materials they were going to purchase. This could have been caused by a sudden increase in the cost of buying the materials, or they switched suppliers and had to pay more. The cedar also had an unfavorable price and efficiency variance, while the plastic had an unfavorable efficiency variance. In order to improve this, they need to try to stay consistent with their suppliers so that there is less of a variance. They also need to watch market trends more to see whether people are wanting to buy bird houses, because if they are, then they should budget a higher number of units sold, or vice versa. The company also needs to be more efficient on how they use their materials. For example, the workers need to not use too much or too little cedar when making a bird house, or else... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They ended up paying the workers a lot more than they anticipated. They may have had to work longer hours in order to complete the bird houses, whether it was because they were working too slowly, or they tasks were to hard to complete in the given time. They could have also made poor quality bird houses that needed to be rebuilt, which would have made them throw the old one out. Along with this, the efficiency variance was also unfavorable. This proves that the workers are not completing their work in an efficient manner. In order to improve this part of the budgeting process, the managers should talk with the employees about needing to speed up the process of making the bird houses so they are done on time. The managers may need to rework the setup of the manufacturing center so that the steps to completing the bird house are one after another. This would help the workers to work more efficiently, causing the direct labor variance to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. An Analysis Of To The Lighthouse By Virginia Woolf On the other hand, Mrs. Ramsay acts the role of the perfect wife with her warmth, kindness and praise in contrast to Mr. Ramsay that is presented as oppressive. As Naremore suggests, The narrator is interested not in a report of the scene s action, but in its rhythm, in the light healing pulse of Mrs. Ramsay s sympathy contrasted to Mr. Ramsay s harsh, repeated demands for more (pg.132 of To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf , 1969). So, in the novel, we can see that opposition develop from the very first page. Mrs. Ramsay encourages her son to hope to expect that they will go to the lighthouse. Yes, of course, if it s fine tomorrow , said Mrs. Ramsay. But you ll have to be up with the lark , she added (TL: 3). And even after Mr. Ramsay has contradicted her, she says, But it may be fine I expect it will be fine (TL: 4). Mr. Ramsay, of course, disagrees. Stopping as... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ramsay s exhaustion as the petals of a flower closing in upon one another: she seemed to fold herself together , one petal closed in another , and the whole fabric fell in exhaustion upon itself . These three appositional noun phrases try to reword and expand the metaphorical explanations of Mrs. Ramsay and to further entrench her position within the narrative. Similarly, Mr. Ramsay is described according to several repeating images whose appositional structure focuses on his position within the written text. This passage provides a critique of gender, but Woolf s act of undermining her own representational and syntactic styles introduces a deep ambiguity into the narrative. So, as I mentioned earlier that Woolf s To the Lighthouse is characterized with stream of consciousness literary techniques that is in the presence of third person pronouns and past tense, which correspond with the form of narrative report, and on the other hand, it is also characterized with symbolic methods such as multiple point of view, use of time montage, shift of characters ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. I Am A Blonde Bombshell Just like every other young girl at the age of ten, I screamed and cried for the Jonas brothers as they sang Burnin up on my living room television. But, there was someone else who intriguingly caught my attention every night in that same living room, her name was Tricia. Tricia, the second oldest, blonde bombshell took the center of attention every night, as she dazzled everybody away with her college etiquette. Behind her beauty, honor roll achievements, and being the only member in our family to attend college, there was something else that I admired more than just Tricia herself; it was the gibberish she spoke. It wasn t goo goo gaga baby gibberish. Her gibberish was fluent, constant, bold, and captivating. She made every story sound interesting, and could keep her audience listening in awe. Tricia s gibberish was state of the art vocabulary words I have never even heard before, words that I never even knew existed. She baffled me with her sentences containing words like; hackneyed, jubilation, and perfidious. How could I gain this gibberish ? Did I have to be blonde? I was not smart enough? Of course, these are some of the bizarre viewpoints; I questioned myself about on, how I could obtain such gibberish . I yearned to sound smart just like Tricia, which later on led me to my obsession with Sanabria 2 enhancing every aspect of my vocabulary. After spending sometime researching, I found that reading, writing, listening, and speaking are the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Is Jay Gatsby A Hero Gatsby hero or not? In the 1920s, one famous writer with the name of F. Scott Fitzgerald told and wrote countless of stories involving characters who can lie through their teeth and characters who can love. In the novel The Great Gatsby it contains small pieces of the author s past and he gives small gestures that will tie into what Fitzgerald did in his life as a young adult and it will transfer to the characteristics of Jay Gatsby. This famous piece of literature takes place in Long Island right around the Great Depression and the prohibition which will make Gatsby s obtain a lavish and awed lifestyle. Jay Gatsby may come off as a hopeful and successful man but many portray him as an antihero. His crazy and hectic life consisted of marvelous ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Oh, I ve been in several things, he corrected himself. I was in the drug business and then I was in the oil business. But I m not in either one now (Pg.95). When Mr. Gatsby is talking about his wealth, he is being shady because he said he inherited the money but then lost most of it in the panic of the war. Then he was telling him lies about him working all these different jobs and it was very shady and mysterious why he did give just one straight answer telling the truth in his ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Molecular Docking Method Essay In silico methods became widely used in the fields of structural molecular biology and structure based drug design with the rapid increase in computational power. Molecular docking [2 4] is one of these in silico techniques. Docking is a method which predicts preferred orientation (on the basis of binding energy) of one molecule to the second to form a stable complex. In the field of drug design, first molecule is usually protein/enzyme/DNA and the second one is small organic molecule/small peptides as potential drug candidate. Knowledge of preferred orientation of ligand and protein used to predict binding affinity and to discriminate high affinity drug candidates from the low affinity compounds. 2.6.1Lock and key analogy Molecular ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 2.6.3 Search algorithms The search space which the docking software should take into account theoretically consists of every possible conformation and orientation of the receptor and ligand. While it is impossible to exhaustively explore this search space, efficient search algorithm is able to explore its large portion and identify global extrema (i.e. minima in the energy corresponding to the preferred conformations) [22]. The docking problem can be handled manually with help of interactive computer graphics. This solution may work, if we have a good idea of the binding mode of a similar ligand. Automatic software will be however less biased than a human and will consider many more possibilities in much shorter time frame. 2.6.4 Genetic algorithms Genetic algorithms [25] are search methods that mimic the process of evolution by incorporation of techniques inspired by natural evolution, such as inheritance, mutation or crossover. In genetic algorithm, an initial population of one dimensional strings (called chromosomes), which encode candidate solutions (individuals) evolves toward better solutions. In case of a molecular docking, each individual may represent one possible system configuration and each string may contain information about its conformation (e.g. values of angles of rotatable bonds). At the beginning, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Norman s Auditory Hallucination Auditory hallucination is still regarded as a definitive symptom of psychosis. As schizophrenic sound is sourceless and the patient is not able to pinpoint where the source emanate from, within or without. For Foucault schizophrenic voices function in an impossible space, signifying the way in which the subject s spatiotemporal world is restructured in deep mental illness (Erb 55). Foucault observed [Schizophrenics] hear voices in mythical space . . . in which, axes of reference are fluid and mobile: they hear next to them, around them, within them, the voices of persecutors, which at the same time, they situate beyond the walls, beyond the city, beyond all frontiers (qtd in Erb 55). We can apply this observation to study Norman s case ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Fast Fashion Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Emerald Article: Fast fashion: a financial snapshot S.G. Hayes, Nicola Jones Article information: To cite this document: S.G. Hayes, Nicola Jones, (2006), Fast fashion: a financial snapshot , Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, Vol. 10 Iss: 3 pp. 282 300 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/13612020610679277 Downloaded on: 07 08 2012 References: This document contains references to 40 other documents To copy this document: permissions@emeraldinsight.com This document has been downloaded 10511 times since 2006. * Users who downloaded this Article also downloaded: * Margaret Bruce, Lucy Daly, (2006), Buyer behaviour for fast fashion, Journal of Fashion ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This relatively recent phenomenon has been extensively discussed in the fashion press. It has been suggested (Carruthers, 2003) that Zara s entry to the UK acted as a catalyst for other retailers competing in the same market segment to attempt to improve their own response times. The aim of this research is to establish the effect that lead time compression has on the success of fashion retailers. In order to achieve this aim, three objectives were identiп¬Ѓed as follows: (1) identify and describe techniques used to achieve lead time compression and evaluate their beneп¬Ѓts; (2) judge the contribution that following a fast fashion strategy makes to the success of fashion retailers; and (3) assess if and how lead times will be reduced in future. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management Vol. 10 No. 3, 2006 pp. 282 300 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 1361 2026 DOI 10.1108/13612020610679277 This paper presents the п¬Ѓndings from objectives (1) and (2). In the clothing market, the competitive strategy of retailers is commonly based on price and product differentiation (Bridson and Evans, 2004; Birtwistle et al., 1998) as there is a signiп¬Ѓcant polarity between consumers more concerned about the product and/or the brand and those interested in price (Birtwistle and Freathy, 1998). The clothing market can be segmented into fashion conscious ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Bacterial Growth Lab Report Introduction The main purpose for completing the experiment is to understand bacterial growth. In order for bacteria to grow effectively, two important factors are required, physical and nutritional. Physical factors include temperature, pH, osmotic pressure and gaseous requirements1. Bacterial growth is temperature sensitive. The optimum growth temperature of most species of bacteria is at body temperature, approximately 37 бµ’C, while some bacteria reproduce best at high temperatures 2. Some of the nutritional requirements are sources of carbon and nitrogen, water, minerals, vitamins, and organic and inorganic compounds3. When bacteria are grown in laboratories, culture media are sterilized and contain the substances required for the growth ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... coli culture incubated at 37 бµ’C and the other one for an E. coli culture incubated at 25 бµ’C. To start the lab, one milliliter of the culture, Luria broth, is transferred to a spectrophotometer tube and zeroed. One milliliter of each culture is transferred to a clean cuvette and the optical density at a wavelength of 595 nm is measured. The OD values and times should be recorded. If the OD value exceeds 1.0, one hundred microliters of the culture and nine hundreds microliters of the nutrient broth must be taken and the OD should be measured again. One of the measured cultures is then transferred into an Eppendorf tube. Following that, the cell density of the culture is measured. Depending on the number of cells, a series of x 10 fold serial dilutions should be made. The last dilution should contain between 100 and 1000 cells per milliliters. Three LB plates are then labeled with A, B, and C. Ten microliters of the last dilution are spread on Plate A and one hundred microliters of the last dilution on Plate B. On Plate C, one hundred microliters of the dilution before the last are distributed. All of the plates are incubated at 37 бµ’C for 24 hours. In the second part of the experiment, the concentration of the E. coli culture at 37 бµ’C is calculated using Equation ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Essay On Presidential Democracy Vs Parliamentary Democracy Topic: A presidential democracy is more likely to produce strong, effective government than a parliamentary democracy. Introduction The structure of a governments and party systems are of crucial importance for the functioning and well stable effective government. In this case let s take example of United States and United Kingdom. Presidential system of United States; The United State presidential system is a system of government that features a president as the nation head of state and active chief executive authority. It is associated with the congressional system of government. In a presidential system, the central principle is that the legislative and executive branches of government should be separated. This lead to the separate election by the electorate or an electoral college of the president, who is elected to office for a fixed term of office, and can only be remove in extreme cases for gross misdemeanor by impeachment and dismissal. In addition he or she does not need to choose cabinet members from or commanding the support of a legislative majority. As with the president set term of office, the legislature also exists for a set term of office and cannot be dissolve a head schedule. In the president system, the president usually has special privileges in the enactment of legislation, namely the possession of a power of veto over legislation of bills, in some cases subject to the power of the legislature by weighed majority to override the veto. However, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Essay on Siddhartha and The Razor’s Edge Siddhartha and The Razor s Edge The book Siddhartha and the movie The Razor s Edge are two similar yet different stories. Each these two works explore man s search for truth, self, and life s true meaning. The main characters of these stories are very different people, yet they are in search of similar goals. The main character of Siddhartha is Siddhartha. The main character of The Razor s Edge is Larry Darryl. Larry and Siddhartha go through several stages of their lives, which range from rich to poor and back again. Siddhartha was a Brahmin s son, of the upper class in India. He is loved throughout his community. He is revered by all that knows him. He spends his day in meditation and thought. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He meets a prostitute named Kamala. He wants to be with her but he is not yet worthy. She sends Siddhartha to meet a merchant named Kamaswami. Kamaswami hires Siddhartha and he becomes a merchant. Siddhartha is very good and gains wealth. He begins to visit Kamala and she teaches him her art of love. As time goes on he begins to forget the teachings of the Samanas. He begins to gamble and squander his money. A deep discontent for his life grows in him. He leaves the town and returns to the river without telling Kamala. He wants to throw himself in the river, but before he did he heard the holy Om from within and stopped himself. He then falls asleep and when he woke up Govinda was there. Govinda didn t realize who Siddhartha was. Siddhartha revealed himself and Govinda rejoiced. As they part Siddhartha feels reborn. Siddhartha meets up with the ferryman he met when he first came to the river. His name is Vasudeva. Siddhartha begins to live with Vasudeva. Vasudeva teaches him the secrets of the river. When it is spread that Gotama is dying lots of people go to see him. Kamala and her son (Samsara) travel to see him. When a snake bites her she is brought to Vasudeva s hut, there she is reunited with Siddhartha. Siddhartha finds out that Kamala s son is his son too. When she died their son stays with Siddhartha and Vasudeva. Samsara is spoiled and hates living by the river so he run s away. Siddhartha gives chase but gave up when he realized he must ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Rip Van Winle As A National Mythology In Rip Van Winkle Rip Van Winkle a National Mythology Heroic, exciting, remarkable, and mysterious! These are a few characteristics found in a national mythology. A national mythology is a body or collection of myths belonging to a people that highlight the nation s values and ideals, celebrates its heroes and commemorates its defining events. In the time after the American Revolutionary War people were very excited to have freedom and some chose to show this pride and excitement through the writing of the crazy legends known as national mythology. In Rip Van Winkleby Washington Irving, he creates a national mythology through an incredible experience of the main character, Rip Van Winkle. The use of remarkable characters, mysterious events, and exciting places in Rip Van Winkle highlights the nation s values and ideals, commemorates its defining events, and celebrates its heroes. Rip Van Winkle was based right around the time of revolutionary America, one exciting place within the story was a quaint little village full of life, color, and culture. ...There were some of the houses of the original settlers standing within a few years, with lattice windows, gable fronts surmounted with weathercocks, and built of small yellow bricks brought from Holland (Irving 62). When Irving described this village he was sure to include the heritage found within this small mountain town, the brightly colored yellow bricks from Holland and lattice windows, each detail shows just how important culture was in early American lives. Irving was not only able to show the importance of culture, he was also able to illustrate life in the village. When Irving said, There were some of the houses of the original settlers he showed the importance of past in this village and how an interesting land can also have an interesting history. Irving also showed histories yet to be discovered. When he said, ... Every hour of the day produces some change in the magical hues and shapes of these mountains... (Irving 61). Another very exciting place in Rip Van Winkle is the Kaatskill Mountains Irving describes these mountains with such beauty. When Irving describes this mountain he shows them as changing, as if each time you looked at them there was a new ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Analysis Of Buffalo Bill Disorders that Buffalo Bill Has Buffalo Bill suffered from various psychological disorders, the first disorder that I will focus on is Buffalo Bill s Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). The text states that a someone who suffers from the ASPD as a psychological condition exhibited by individuals who are basically unsocialized and whose behavior pattern brings them repeatedly into conflict with society (Schmalleger, p. 132). Buffalo Bill would imprison the overweight woman victims that he abducted in a large dry well in the basement of the home that he lived in. Buffalo Bill showed no guilt for keeping his victims in the dry well, who most of the time would be left in the dark which he enjoyed the thought of them feeling confused... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... PTSD can be characterized by both psychological and physical symptoms, and people who suffer from it will generally experience impaired functioning in various aspects of their lives (Schmalleger, p. 246). In the film The Silence of the Lambs the screenplay really doesn t provide too much insight on Buffalo Bill s childhood, but there is implications that Buffalo Bill had a traumatic childhood. If the film The Silence of the Lambs provided additional information on Buffalo Bill s childhood, we could have a better understanding of any specific traumatic or terrifying experiences that lead to the development of Buffalo Bill s PTSD. Dr. Hannibal Lecter in the film The Silence of the Lambs, tells Detective Clarice Starling Billy was not born a criminal, but made one by years of systematic abuse . Due to Buffalo Bill s PTSD, it was clear that he had feelings of anger, self hatred and wanted to kill women so that he could ultimately become one after he stitched his victims skin together and made a woman suit for himself. Buffalo Bill ultimately wanted to turn himself into someone that he didn t hate, so he felt like by wearing the woman suit and becoming a woman he could accomplish that. These feelings could have been a combination of both the Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD) and also Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Summarize disorders here Criminological theories that apply to Buffalo Bill I found that there were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Santa Anita Park Thoroughbred Racing Fans Essay To thoroughbred horse racing fans, Santa Anita Park in Arcadia is the place to go this winter. The Park offers live horse racing in the backdrop of the magnificent San Gabriel Mountains. Except for occasional tourists, horse racing fans are not there for the scenery but to bet and win on horse races. Thoroughbred racing fans also called handicappers are using race programs and tip sheets to analyze and bet on horse races. To the handicappers, winning a bet on a horse race is like smoking marijuana. There is the euphoria of watching the horses run in the oval track. When the horses run toward the finish line, the fans roar urging their favorite horse to edge ahead and win. After a race, fans with winning tickets are showing exhilaration by... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These peer groups can be heard debating on their choices of horses to win. On some groups, one member within the group is in charge of placing bets on a race. On one occasion, I have seen a multi generational group in which the women were giving money to the elderly man, who I assume was their father, to bet on the coming race. Finally, these racing fans come out in clusters of groups to the outside in front of the racing track to watch and cheer for their favorite horses. On President s Day at 2 pm, the grandstand terrace was half filled with fans of at least two thousand. To increase the chance of winning, thoroughbred racing fans use handicapping guides to select horses to wager on a race. Handicapping guides are race programs, tip sheets, and newspaper style racing forms that ranked horses. At close inspection, one particular racing guide, The Daily Racing Form , contains data such as a horse past performances, jockeys, owners, and trainers. On two occasions, I observed that most fans have at least one of these racing guides. Furthermore, I had seen several sections inside the grandstand that are like a cafeteria occupied by handicappers but instead of food, handicapping guides lay on the table. In this scenario, the fans look like researchers in a library. In addition to these handicapping sections, there are sections that are like a stock exchange where handicappers are standing, facing, and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Comparing Explorer Vs. Safari Comparing Explorer vs. Chrome vs. Firefox vs. Safari The internet is part of everyday life for most people. It connects people to information that can be accessed from the web any time, any day of the week. To connect to the internet, an individual needs a thing called a web browser, or browser for short (Beal). A browser is defined as a software application used to locate, retrieve, and display content on the World Wide Web , including web pages, images, video, and other files (Beal). There are many different types of browsers that are used to connect to the internet, but in this paper only four browsers will be talked about. These four browsers are some of the well known browsers which include: Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. In this research paper, these browsers will be compared to each other, comparing some of their benefits and disadvantages. In 1995, a company called Microsoft introduced their new browser called Internet Explorer1 to the market. Nearly every single year until 1999, a new version of this browser would appear. In 1999, something changed, Microsoft decided to integrate itself with Windows 98 Second Edition and created Internet Explorer 5.0 (Neagle). Around the same time, this browser exceeded 80% of the web browsermarket share (Neagle). Since Explorer became popular, it became a target to malicious attacks and viruses on the 7th version of the browser. It was discovered that there was a flaw that could allow criminals to take control of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Market Revolution Dbq Insert Title Before the Market Revolution, America as a whole differed greatly from the America that had developed during the start of the 19th century. The ideals and values of an American family life varied from those after the revolution. American economy had relied heavily on agriculture and people had a more personal work sphere. The government as well, was cautious when involving itself in the nation s economic affairs. The Market Revolution overall played a big role in changing American society, economy, and politics by fueling sectionalism, increasing commercialism, and forcing the government to take on more responsibilities to benefit the nation. Society was one of the main elements of America to be impacted by the Market Revolution.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In general, the government helped promote and support businesses in order to advance the U.S. s economy. Some examples would be the fact that they limited liability and incorporation laws using charters to protect businesses, provided easy credit for loans, and supported entrepreneurs. This type of involvement is what closely relates the changes in politics to the changes in economy. Most of the government s involvement came through the American System. Developed by Congressman Henry Clay, this system was meant to protect the U.S. industry with tariffs, initiate internal improvements, and stabilize the economy. Clay s first part of the plan was to put protective tariffs primarily on European goods. The total value of foreign exports to the U.S. escalated dramatically in only two years, going from about $13 million (1814) to $151 million (1816). British goods had unbeatable prices and the competition threatened to eliminate American businesses. In order to prevent this from happening Clay decided to place taxes on imports which would ultimately raise European costs to American consumers, shielding the U.S. so they could survive the competition. Now that Clay had established a safer way to have the government support the U.S. s foreign affairs, his second part of the system involved domestic improvement. By the 1820 s, the controversial issue on whether Congress had the power to nationally finance roads, bridges, harbors, canals, and railroads had finally eased up. Skeptics like Presidents James Madison and Monroe had finally softened up and agreed that the government should play a larger role in building the nation s infrastructure (Politics in the Market Revolution). They did this by making funds accessible to the states as well as coordinating the projects, a good example ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Personal Themes In A Stolen Life By Jaycee Dugard She was alone, she was scared, she had no idea that her normal life would be taken away for the next eighteen years... and hope is the sole reason that she survived it. For kidnap victim, Jaycee Dugard, the word hope brings back a flood of emotions and memories. In her chilling memoir, A Stolen Life , she describes a very personal experience in which she encountered at age eleven, where she soon learned just how important hope was. Dugard never saw it coming when a man named Phillip Garrido stole her from that bus stop on just another normal morning... or so she thought. Soon after, he took her away and held her hostage in his backyard for almost two decades. Interestingly enough, she has miraculously turned this cruel situation into a very inspiring story. Therefore, she proves to us that even if you re living out your worst nightmare, you still have something to live for. For this reason, Dugard puts together a descriptive setting, her absurd relationship with her abductor, and personal symbols to illustrate how just a little hope can be the essence of surviving any situation life throws at you. For starters, it could have been the easiest thing in the world for Jaycee to lose hope by becoming discouraged by the filthiness and disgust of the environment she was held captive in for all of those years. She paints a picture of just how unpleasant her setting was by describing how The desk had lots of junk on it...to the left of the door there is a toilet with a built in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. How Did Steam Boats Impact The World People strongly believe steam boats had a positive outcome to our world. Steam boats were invented during the industrial revolution and are still being used till this very day. The invention of steam boats has been highly successful not just for the economy but society as well. Profits and travel has rapidly increased ever since the steam boat was created during the industrial revolution. Manpower was no longer needed to be used and steam was officially the source to success by powering the engine of the steam boat. Steamboats are one of the most popular boats to this very day and is an astonishing way of transportation of goods and people. Steam boats were definitely a positive impact to the world, and had made a gigantic profit to communities and businesses.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Robert first begun as a painter working for cordial which was a very famous drink company at the time, they would show none of his style and rarely use his paintings. After retiring from painting, he became interested in both steam engines and boats. In 1802 Fulton Livingston met Robert, who then agreed to help in the creation of steam boats. They ordered their first engine in 1803 but it was not allowed to be exported until 1806 as it needed to be tested for safety and development conditions. After the creation of the boat was approved to set sail, they went on a voyage from New York city to Albany. They then named their ship Clermont which carried over 100 passengers each voyage, mostly from New York city and Albany. It broke the record of traveling 40 miles in the time period of 8 hours during the industrial revolution. This invention was a huge success during the industrial revolution as more and more people needed to be transported due to the baby boom year, The steam boat was turned from an idea into very successful ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Reflection On Clinical Evaluation This semester, through the use of clinical evaluation, I have learned how to be a better clinician. To clarify, I have learned how to evaluate the interventions, measurement choices, implementation of interventions and data collection process I practice with my clients to better understand how my clients are responding to therapeutic treatment. The first experience with regards to clinical evaluation I had began when I was required to complete the first immersion program report. In order to better understand my positionality with clinical evaluation it is important to know that this school year, I am interning with Henry Ittleson Center as a day treatment therapist. Henry Ittleson Center is a day and residential child treatment center located in the Riverdale area of the Bronx. The agency services children between the ages of 5 to 13 who are diagnosed with severe emotional and behavioral disorders and require special education services. As a result of clinical evaluation being such a long process, for the sake of this paper, I will be focusing on apprehension moments I encountered when completing my immersion report such as frustrations I faced with my agencies limited objectives/goals selection, frustrations with diagnosing children, difficulties with measurement selection, biased results and quick glance at the progress made by my client since I began to evaluate my own practices. My experiences with clinical evaluation formally began when asked to complete section one of the immersion report, which includes brief synopsis of client, target problem, goals and objectives. Initially, I found it quite easy to list out the target problem, goals and objectives because in essence, I was taking this information straight from the data base system we use in the agency to file our reports. However, as I started to reflect on this process with my immersion partner, I realized that I was not required or expected by my agency to ask my client or my client s family what they wanted me to identify as my client s goals and objectives for the year. As I went back into the system, I recognized that all the objectives and goals available on the AVATAR (system we use to keep our records) are dependent on the client s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...