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               User experience Design

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Have you been here?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
And here?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Have you been here?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
And here?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Have you used these?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
And this?



© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Why they succeed where others fail?
   Domain brilliance ?
   Innovation drive ?
   Marketing strategy ?

           User Experience
           Define the primary goal of the user-
           The user is here to search, let him do that first! Excellent page ranking for the most
           Relevant search results no matter what profile is searching it
           The user is hungry, feed his fast, feed him good & smile!

           Put marketing and technology gimmicks/limitations way over users needs
           Google continuously refuses to place banner ads or introduce pop-ups on its
           We may not have the best seating arrangement, but we do serve fast and we
           Do serve it hot!

           A satisfied customer always returns!

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Hard lessons learnt?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
So, what is User Experience?

                       n. the holistic experience and satisfaction
                       a end user has when using a product or

                       ...driven by consideration of the
                       ‘moments’ of engagement between people
                       and brands, and the memories these
                       moments create.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
User Experience is multi-dimensional

                                                                     Can I trust what I see and what
                                                                     I do on the interface?
   Can I do the task
   I intend to complete?

                                                 Useful           Trust


                                            Usability             Desire
   Can I do the task
   Easily ?
   Is it accessible?
   Is it findable?                                                   Value of image, brand &

        Value: Contribute to the overall user’s satisfaction on functional and emotional needs

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
In SDLC however, User Experience is also multi-disciplinary

             User Research ( type of users, their goals and needs )
             Usability Testing ( test when possible, test frequent)
             Information Architecture ( detailed site map of the system )
             Interaction Design (follow all good usability principles | Innovate!)
             Information Design ( accurate, contextual and effective information )
             Accessibility ( usable by the physically challenged-sight, sound, speech, muscle )
             Visual Design ( font type, layout, color, trust & desire, brand appeal )
             Server logs/web analytics ( technical analysis, check results )

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
How do designers work?

                      Discover                         Define and Design                          UXD Prototype                      UsbTest

 Activities   • Understand Application and       • Consolidate findings through      • Develop key screen based on        • Usability Testing
                the client environment.            interviews and questionnaire        scenarios identified
                                                                                                                          • Incorporate Feedback
              • Investigate the User-Tasks-      • Present finding to stakeholders   • Development team to
                                                                                                                          • Iterate Test
                Profile                                                                prototype the scenarios
                                                 • Define Scope for design
              • Identify preliminary User                                            • Design Visual Design and UI
                                                 • Prepare Personas
                Experience Issues through                                              assets ( icons, etc) for ’to-be’
                heuristics evaluation            • Role Play                           environment
              • Interview Users in their own     • Card Sorting. Design IA &         • Documents the approved
                environment                        Navigation Concepts.                design in the form of a UI
                                                                                       Design Style Guide
                                                 • Paper Prototypes
                                                 • Design sample wire frame /
                                                   screen to depict the same
                                                 • Sign Off on Design

                           Quick Start/Project Inception                                                      Iteration Cycles

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The UX team at your company should be
Or a combination of
These profiles:
•User Researcher
•UI Designer
•Visual Designer
•UI Developer
•Usability Tester

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Having the designer on board

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences

                            •We need some “Wireframes” done.
                             Can you join our team?
                             •We need you to make this look good?
                              Can you join our team?
                             •At release:
                              Can you test our application?

                                Right needs; wrong approach

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

                       You are NOT designing for your client!

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

                        Happy End Users!
                        (Who have finished their tasks with ease)
                        More Sales: More Profits
                        Less Time lost: More Productivity
                        More Utilization
                        Better Competition: Better Brand Value
                        Happy Customer 
                        More Business opportunities
                        More satisfaction at delivering value &
                        Not just software: It’s a relationship

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

                       Involve designers right from the START!

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

                  •Designer to help you understand the
                   Client’s competition better.

                  •Do COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING on UX!

                    The better you understand the business & the competition
                    for the client, the more they will trust you to deliver what
                    your recommend & is required.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

                 •Designer to help you review what’s wrong
                  with the client’s application

                 •Arm your sales pitch with a
                  USABILITY REPORT!

                   The better you understand the application and what’s wrong
                   with it, the more the client will trust you to deliver what’s right.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

    Project Inceptions
                  •Designer to help you realize a broader
                   vision, a digital strategy for your product

                  •CONCEPTUALIZE! A unique User Experience

                    Work WITH and NOT FOR the client as a team. Make the
                    Product your own. Be responsible for the value you bring.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

    Project In progress
                 •Designer to help you mock the vision
                  on paper or board or prototype

                  •VIEW and take FEEDBACK on the screens
                   you design for the End User!

                   Involve the End Users of the application in the process.
                   They are the ones you are doing this all for.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

    Project In progress
                  •Designer to help you put the vision on paper

                  •ITERATE! Chart the flows! ESTIMATE!

                     Iterate on feedback. Understand what the screens mean
                     from a technical point of view.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

    Project In progress
                  •Designer to help you find alternatives

                   •PAIR PROGRAM with a designer on the
                     Seek alternatives to difficult and laborious UI designs.
                     Collaborate and Brainstorm to find quick alternatives.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

    Project In progress
                 •Designer to help you Test & Ok quickly

                  •QA through a designer when your story is
                   Catch issues before even the clients test out the story/build.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

   Project Release ‘n’
                  •Designer to help you Test for Usability

                 •USABILITY TEST your release with the
                  end users
                   Make sure you put that feedback back into the story loop
                   based on priority.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
The reason you need an UXD

    Final Release
                  •Designer to help you Capture Metrics

                 •ROI analysis

                   Capture the value add to the business. Capture the ROI on
                   Usability. Translate that to money invested and return gained.
                   Know YOUR value.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
User Experience Design

              User Experience Design may be a large
           and complex field, but making user-conscious
             decisions does not require years of study.

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Questions ?

© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
Vijender Reddy
                          Sr. Software Engineer | UI Designer
                          Hyd, India

                          Skype: vijay.web

                                                        # Images picked up from Google Search and need due credit
© Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences

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User Experience Design

  • 1. UxD User experience Design © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 2. Have you been here? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 3. And here? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 4. Have you been here? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 5. And here? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 6. Have you used these? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 7. And this? ‘96 ‘09 © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 8. Why they succeed where others fail? Domain brilliance ? Innovation drive ? Marketing strategy ? User Experience Define the primary goal of the user- The user is here to search, let him do that first! Excellent page ranking for the most Relevant search results no matter what profile is searching it or The user is hungry, feed his fast, feed him good & smile! Put marketing and technology gimmicks/limitations way over users needs Google continuously refuses to place banner ads or introduce pop-ups on its Interfaces or We may not have the best seating arrangement, but we do serve fast and we Do serve it hot! A satisfied customer always returns! © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 9. Hard lessons learnt? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 10. So, what is User Experience? n. the holistic experience and satisfaction a end user has when using a product or system ...driven by consideration of the ‘moments’ of engagement between people and brands, and the memories these moments create. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 11. User Experience is multi-dimensional Can I trust what I see and what I do on the interface? Can I do the task I intend to complete? Useful Trust Value Usability Desire Can I do the task Easily ? Is it accessible? Is it findable? Value of image, brand & identity? Value: Contribute to the overall user’s satisfaction on functional and emotional needs © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 12. In SDLC however, User Experience is also multi-disciplinary User Research ( type of users, their goals and needs ) Usability Testing ( test when possible, test frequent) Information Architecture ( detailed site map of the system ) Interaction Design (follow all good usability principles | Innovate!) Information Design ( accurate, contextual and effective information ) Accessibility ( usable by the physically challenged-sight, sound, speech, muscle ) Visual Design ( font type, layout, color, trust & desire, brand appeal ) Server logs/web analytics ( technical analysis, check results ) © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 13. How do designers work? Phase Discover Define and Design UXD Prototype UsbTest Activities • Understand Application and • Consolidate findings through • Develop key screen based on • Usability Testing the client environment. interviews and questionnaire scenarios identified • Incorporate Feedback • Investigate the User-Tasks- • Present finding to stakeholders • Development team to • Iterate Test Profile prototype the scenarios • Define Scope for design • Identify preliminary User • Design Visual Design and UI • Prepare Personas Experience Issues through assets ( icons, etc) for ’to-be’ heuristics evaluation • Role Play environment • Interview Users in their own • Card Sorting. Design IA & • Documents the approved environment Navigation Concepts. design in the form of a UI Design Style Guide • Paper Prototypes • Design sample wire frame / screen to depict the same • Sign Off on Design Concepts/approach Quick Start/Project Inception Iteration Cycles © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 14. The UX team at your company should be Or a combination of These profiles: •User Researcher •UI Designer •Visual Designer •UI Developer •Usability Tester © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 15. Having the designer on board © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 16. The UXD •We need some “Wireframes” done. Can you join our team? •We need you to make this look good? Can you join our team? •At release: Can you test our application? Right needs; wrong approach © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 17. The reason you need an UXD You are NOT designing for your client! © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 18. The reason you need an UXD Happy End Users! (Who have finished their tasks with ease) = More Sales: More Profits Less Time lost: More Productivity More Utilization Better Competition: Better Brand Value = Happy Customer  = More Business opportunities More satisfaction at delivering value & Not just software: It’s a relationship © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 19. The reason you need an UXD Involve designers right from the START! © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 20. The reason you need an UXD Pre-Sales •Designer to help you understand the Client’s competition better. •Do COMPETITIVE BENCHMARKING on UX! The better you understand the business & the competition for the client, the more they will trust you to deliver what your recommend & is required. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 21. The reason you need an UXD Pre-Sales •Designer to help you review what’s wrong with the client’s application •Arm your sales pitch with a USABILITY REPORT! The better you understand the application and what’s wrong with it, the more the client will trust you to deliver what’s right. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 22. The reason you need an UXD Project Inceptions •Designer to help you realize a broader vision, a digital strategy for your product •CONCEPTUALIZE! A unique User Experience Work WITH and NOT FOR the client as a team. Make the Product your own. Be responsible for the value you bring. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 23. The reason you need an UXD Project In progress •Designer to help you mock the vision on paper or board or prototype •VIEW and take FEEDBACK on the screens you design for the End User! Involve the End Users of the application in the process. They are the ones you are doing this all for. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 24. The reason you need an UXD Project In progress •Designer to help you put the vision on paper •ITERATE! Chart the flows! ESTIMATE! Iterate on feedback. Understand what the screens mean from a technical point of view. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 25. The reason you need an UXD Project In progress •Designer to help you find alternatives •PAIR PROGRAM with a designer on the table! Seek alternatives to difficult and laborious UI designs. Collaborate and Brainstorm to find quick alternatives. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 26. The reason you need an UXD Project In progress •Designer to help you Test & Ok quickly •QA through a designer when your story is complete Catch issues before even the clients test out the story/build. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 27. The reason you need an UXD Project Release ‘n’ •Designer to help you Test for Usability •USABILITY TEST your release with the end users Make sure you put that feedback back into the story loop based on priority. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 28. The reason you need an UXD Final Release •Designer to help you Capture Metrics •ROI analysis Capture the value add to the business. Capture the ROI on Usability. Translate that to money invested and return gained. Know YOUR value. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 29. User Experience Design User Experience Design may be a large and complex field, but making user-conscious decisions does not require years of study. © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 30. Questions ? © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences
  • 31. Vijender Reddy Sr. Software Engineer | UI Designer Hyd, India itnvijay@gmail.com Skype: vijay.web # Images picked up from Google Search and need due credit © Vijender Reddy | Designer-User’s Experiences