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Prototyping (Breakfast Edition)
Stephen Denning – Senior UX Consultant


User Vision Breakfast Briefing - Prototyping


What we will cover…

•   Background
•   What is a prototype?
•   Why use prototypes?
•   A brief look at the toolkit
•   Prototyping principles


What is the User Experience (UX)?

user experience:
n. the overall experience and satisfaction a user has when using a
product or system


A User-Centred Design (UCD) process

 Concept/Plan                Design
 • Contextual Analysis       •   Wireframing
 • User Profiling/Persona    •   Prototyping
   development               •   IA Analysis
 • User Needs Analysis       •   Co-Design Workshops
 • Competitor Analysis

 Live Support                Evaluate
 •   Customer Surveys        •   Usability Testing
 •   Analytics               •   Expert Evaluation
 •   A/B Testing             •   Eye-tracking
 •   Multi-variate Testing   •   Accessibility Audits


Where are we…?

•   Background
•   What is a prototype?
•   Why use prototypes?
•   A brief look at the toolkit
•   Prototyping principles


What is a prototype?

“An approximation of a product (or system) or its components, in
     some form, for a definite purpose in its implementation”
                         (Chua, Leong & Lim)

             “A visualisation of the requirements”

   “A representative model or simulation of the final system”


What is a prototype?


What is a prototype?
Three dimensions:
   1. Scope (Distinct aspect   Entire product/service)

   2. Form (Abstract     Tangible)

   3. Fidelity (Rough representation   Exact representation)


Prototypes vs Wireframes

                               •   Look
                               •   Feel
                               •   Experience
                               •   Flow

•    Layout
•    Content
•    Structure
•    Specification


Where are we…?

•   Background
•   What is a prototype?
•   Why use prototypes?
•   A brief look at the toolkit
•   Prototyping principles


The goal of prototyping

      “The goal of prototyping is to
 convince yourself and others of an idea”

          An idea has no value
     Unless it can be communicated!



Why use prototypes?

“My perspective is that the bulk of our industry is organized around the
  demonstratable myth that we know what we want at the start, and how to
  get it, and therefore build our process assuming that we will take an
  optimal, direct path to get there. Nonsense. The process must reflect that
  we don't know and acknowledge that the sooner we make errors and
  detect and fix them, the less (not more) the cost.” (Bill Buxton)


Why use prototypes?

Prototyping allows us to...
    Brainstorm
    Design
    Create
    Test
    Communicate
   ...interaction design concepts and user interfaces, early in the design
       process and in a cost effective manner.


Why use prototypes?

    They help to generate ideas
    They can communicate aspects of the design that cannot be
     adequately communicated by other artefacts
    They increase understanding, add clarity and reduce
    They can be updated quickly to reflect changes
    They can enable quicker identification of mistakes and risks

        When applied early and often, the use of prototypes can
     save time and effort, reduce waste and ultimately save money


Where are we…?

•   Background
•   What is a prototype?
•   Why use prototypes?
•   A brief look at the toolkit
•   Prototyping principles


A look at some tools

 #1 Paper

 #2 Office tools

 #3 Vector drawing tools

 #4 Web based tools

 #5 Purpose-built prototyping tools

 #6 HTML


#1 - Paper
Paper, pen, scissors, tape & post-its (Blue Peter prototyping)

    Best use: To test specific interactions or competing concepts

    Advantages: Fast, cheap, computer-less, lack of realism/aesthetics

    Disadvantages: Not easily distributed, lack of realism/aesthetics


#2 – Office tools
PowerPoint, Excel, Keynote

    Best use: To add basic interaction to flat designs, dashboards (Excel)

    Advantages: Cheap, easy to pick up, easy to import graphics, some
      interactivity, basic data/graph incorporation (Excel)

    Disadvantages: Largely linear, limited editing/drawing


#3 – Vector drawing tools
e.g. MS Visio, Omnigraffle, Adobe InDesign, etc.

     Best use: Medium/high-fidelity screen mock-ups

     Advantages: Use of stencils, precise layout, potential richer interactivity

     Disadvantages: More cost, interactivity requires coding knowledge


#4 – Web-based tools
e.g. Protoshare, Mockingbird, Protonotes

    Best use: For distributed teams

    Advantages: Online, collaborative, easily shared

    Disadvantages: Less rich interactions, no HTML export


#4 – Web-based tools

Example: Protoshare


 Browser-based access
 Distributed comment &
 States and dynamic
 Export HTML, CSS,
 Produce Word/PDF specs


#5 – Prototyping tools
e.g. Axure RP Pro, iRise, MockupScreens, Balsamiq, Fireworks

    Best use: More complete/complex models

    Advantages: Fast, rich interaction, collaboration, generate specs, HTML

    Disadvantages: Costly, longer to pick up, not (always) reusable


#5 – Prototyping tools

Example: Axure RP Pro


 Drag-and-drop
 Custom widgets and masters
 Rich interactions
 Multiple platform templates
 Mobile prototypes
 Collaboration/version-control
 Export to HTML
 Word/PDF specs


#6 - HTML
Fully-fledged web pages

    Best use: For finalising design decisions

    Advantages: Full interaction, expandable, easily transportable

    Disadvantages: Time and effort, requires expertise


Where are we…?

•   Background
•   What is a prototype?
•   Why use prototypes?
•   A brief look at the toolkit
•   Prototyping principles


Six Prototyping principles                      (Raskin)

#1 Your first try will be wrong.
• No matter how good you are, there is no substitute
  for trying it out
• Budget for it
• Design for it


Six Prototyping principles               (Raskin)

#2 Aim to finish a usable artifact in a day
• This helps you focus and scope
• Do less
• Don’t be afraid to start again


Six Prototyping principles             (Raskin)

#3 You are making a touchable sketch
• Do not fill in all the blanks
• Focus on key contentelements
• Remember the goal of the prototype


Six Prototyping principles                         (Raskin)

#4 You are iterating your understanding of
the problem as well as your solution
• Use the process to evaluate, validate and clarify your
• Be prepared to admit you were wrong!
• Establish a tight feedback loop


Six Prototyping principles                      (Raskin)

#5 Borrow liberally
• Don’t reinvent the wheel
• Don’t waste time with the painting and decorating


Six Prototyping principles            (Raskin)

#6 Tell a story with your prototype
• Think about your personas
• Think about your user’s journey
• It isn’t just a set of features
• Sell the idea!


Other resources

      Prototyping       Paper Prototyping      Effective Prototyping      Sketching User
    Todd Zaki Warfel     Carolyn Snyder         Jonathan Arnowitz          Experiences
                                                                            Bill Buxton

A few web resources:
•     Prototyping Tools Review (http://goo.gl/QHI6m)
•     “Prototypically speaking” prototyping blog (http://softwareprototyping.net/)
•     Effective Prototyping site (http://www.effectiveprototyping.com/)


Eye tracking



Thank You

 Stephen Denning
 Senior User Experience Consultant

 User Vision
 55 North Castle Street
 EH2 3QA

 T: 0131 225 0850
 E: stephen@uservision.co.uk
 W: www.uservision.co.uk

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User Vision Breakfast Briefing - Prototyping

  • 1. Prototyping (Breakfast Edition) Stephen Denning – Senior UX Consultant
  • 3. What we will cover… • Background • What is a prototype? • Why use prototypes? • A brief look at the toolkit • Prototyping principles
  • 4. What is the User Experience (UX)? user experience: n. the overall experience and satisfaction a user has when using a product or system
  • 5. A User-Centred Design (UCD) process Concept/Plan Design • Contextual Analysis • Wireframing • User Profiling/Persona • Prototyping development • IA Analysis • User Needs Analysis • Co-Design Workshops • Competitor Analysis Live Support Evaluate • Customer Surveys • Usability Testing • Analytics • Expert Evaluation • A/B Testing • Eye-tracking • Multi-variate Testing • Accessibility Audits
  • 6. Where are we…? • Background • What is a prototype? • Why use prototypes? • A brief look at the toolkit • Prototyping principles
  • 7. What is a prototype? “An approximation of a product (or system) or its components, in some form, for a definite purpose in its implementation” (Chua, Leong & Lim) “A visualisation of the requirements” (Arnowitz) “A representative model or simulation of the final system” (Warfel)
  • 8. What is a prototype?
  • 9. What is a prototype? Three dimensions: 1. Scope (Distinct aspect Entire product/service) 2. Form (Abstract Tangible) 3. Fidelity (Rough representation Exact representation)
  • 10. Prototypes vs Wireframes Prototype • Look • Feel • Experience • Flow Wireframe • Layout • Content • Structure • Specification
  • 11. Where are we…? • Background • What is a prototype? • Why use prototypes? • A brief look at the toolkit • Prototyping principles
  • 12. The goal of prototyping “The goal of prototyping is to convince yourself and others of an idea” An idea has no value Unless it can be communicated! (Raskin)
  • 13. Why use prototypes? “My perspective is that the bulk of our industry is organized around the demonstratable myth that we know what we want at the start, and how to get it, and therefore build our process assuming that we will take an optimal, direct path to get there. Nonsense. The process must reflect that we don't know and acknowledge that the sooner we make errors and detect and fix them, the less (not more) the cost.” (Bill Buxton)
  • 14. Why use prototypes? Prototyping allows us to...  Brainstorm  Design  Create  Test  Communicate ...interaction design concepts and user interfaces, early in the design process and in a cost effective manner.
  • 15. Why use prototypes? Benefits  They help to generate ideas  They can communicate aspects of the design that cannot be adequately communicated by other artefacts  They increase understanding, add clarity and reduce misinterpretation  They can be updated quickly to reflect changes  They can enable quicker identification of mistakes and risks When applied early and often, the use of prototypes can save time and effort, reduce waste and ultimately save money
  • 16. Where are we…? • Background • What is a prototype? • Why use prototypes? • A brief look at the toolkit • Prototyping principles
  • 17. A look at some tools #1 Paper #2 Office tools #3 Vector drawing tools #4 Web based tools #5 Purpose-built prototyping tools #6 HTML
  • 18. #1 - Paper Paper, pen, scissors, tape & post-its (Blue Peter prototyping) Best use: To test specific interactions or competing concepts Advantages: Fast, cheap, computer-less, lack of realism/aesthetics Disadvantages: Not easily distributed, lack of realism/aesthetics
  • 19. #2 – Office tools PowerPoint, Excel, Keynote Best use: To add basic interaction to flat designs, dashboards (Excel) Advantages: Cheap, easy to pick up, easy to import graphics, some interactivity, basic data/graph incorporation (Excel) Disadvantages: Largely linear, limited editing/drawing
  • 20. #3 – Vector drawing tools e.g. MS Visio, Omnigraffle, Adobe InDesign, etc. Best use: Medium/high-fidelity screen mock-ups Advantages: Use of stencils, precise layout, potential richer interactivity Disadvantages: More cost, interactivity requires coding knowledge
  • 21. #4 – Web-based tools e.g. Protoshare, Mockingbird, Protonotes Best use: For distributed teams Advantages: Online, collaborative, easily shared Disadvantages: Less rich interactions, no HTML export
  • 22. #4 – Web-based tools Example: Protoshare Features:  Browser-based access  Distributed comment & review  States and dynamic interactions  Export HTML, CSS, JavaScript  Produce Word/PDF specs
  • 23. #5 – Prototyping tools e.g. Axure RP Pro, iRise, MockupScreens, Balsamiq, Fireworks Best use: More complete/complex models Advantages: Fast, rich interaction, collaboration, generate specs, HTML export Disadvantages: Costly, longer to pick up, not (always) reusable
  • 24. #5 – Prototyping tools Example: Axure RP Pro Features:  Drag-and-drop  Custom widgets and masters  Rich interactions  Multiple platform templates  Mobile prototypes  Collaboration/version-control  Export to HTML  Word/PDF specs
  • 25. #6 - HTML Fully-fledged web pages Best use: For finalising design decisions Advantages: Full interaction, expandable, easily transportable Disadvantages: Time and effort, requires expertise
  • 26. Where are we…? • Background • What is a prototype? • Why use prototypes? • A brief look at the toolkit • Prototyping principles
  • 27. Six Prototyping principles (Raskin) #1 Your first try will be wrong. • No matter how good you are, there is no substitute for trying it out • Budget for it • Design for it
  • 28. Six Prototyping principles (Raskin) #2 Aim to finish a usable artifact in a day • This helps you focus and scope • Do less • Don’t be afraid to start again
  • 29. Six Prototyping principles (Raskin) #3 You are making a touchable sketch • Do not fill in all the blanks • Focus on key contentelements • Remember the goal of the prototype
  • 30. Six Prototyping principles (Raskin) #4 You are iterating your understanding of the problem as well as your solution • Use the process to evaluate, validate and clarify your requirements • Be prepared to admit you were wrong! • Establish a tight feedback loop
  • 31. Six Prototyping principles (Raskin) #5 Borrow liberally • Don’t reinvent the wheel • Don’t waste time with the painting and decorating
  • 32. Six Prototyping principles (Raskin) #6 Tell a story with your prototype • Think about your personas • Think about your user’s journey • It isn’t just a set of features • Sell the idea!
  • 33. Other resources Prototyping Paper Prototyping Effective Prototyping Sketching User Todd Zaki Warfel Carolyn Snyder Jonathan Arnowitz Experiences Bill Buxton A few web resources: • Prototyping Tools Review (http://goo.gl/QHI6m) • “Prototypically speaking” prototyping blog (http://softwareprototyping.net/) • Effective Prototyping site (http://www.effectiveprototyping.com/)
  • 35. Thank You Stephen Denning Senior User Experience Consultant User Vision 55 North Castle Street Edinburgh EH2 3QA T: 0131 225 0850 E: stephen@uservision.co.uk W: www.uservision.co.uk