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©Fluid Studio, 2009
p 801 295 9820
   f 801 951 5815
1065 South 500 West
Bountiful, Utah 84010
Before we begin . . .
I am a firm believer in principles—out of the chute,
    you should know there is no “silver bullet”
Social media is
just one tool in
the toolbox
We all have
a circle of
influence.        Circle of Concern     What you
                                      care about.
People are
by those they
trust                                  What you can
                                       do something

                Circle of Influence
People do not
want to be
sold to—they
want to
interact and
be heard
You cannot
control the
but you can
in it
Although social
media is “one-to-
many” broadcast
marketing, at
the end of the
 day real results
will occur when
relationships are
The 4 P’s of
(product, price,
place, promotion)
still exist, but the 3
R’s (relevant, real,
responsive) are
rising quickly in a
web 2.0 world, and
will result in a 4th
Side-by-side comparison
Side-by-side comparison—
     Facebook detail
Demographics of Facebook users
Demographics   The number of Americans over
of Facebook    ages 35, 45, and 55 on Facebook is
users          growing fast.

               In the last 90 days alone, the
               number of people over 35 has
               nearly doubled.

               There are more Facebook users
               ages 26-44 than 18-25 today.
of Facebook
of Facebook
of Facebook
11 Business Benefits of Using Facebook Applications

         Compliments to marketing-jive.com
11 Business      1. Branding
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Facebook can be a great resource
Applications     for generating brand awareness. It
                 can help build relationships with
                 your prospects and clients.
11 Business      2. Customer Engagement
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Using Facebook applications can
Applications     be a great way for communicating
                 promotions, contests, and events.
11 Business      3. Drive Web Traffic
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Facebook can act as a portal point
Applications     for driving traffic to your site and
                 other online properties.
A breakdown
of the
popularity of
11 Business      4. Reputation Management
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Facebook can be a useful tool for
Applications     listening and responding to what
                 users are saying about you and
                 your brand.
11 Business      5. New Customer Acquisition
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Facebook provides an opportunity
Applications     to find consumers you may have
                 not otherwise discovered (based
                 solely on their interests and affinity
11 Business      6. Advertising
Benefits of
Using Facebook   You can drill down and advertise
Applications     just to the target audience that
                 has the demographic footprint you
11 Business      7. Client Retention
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Facebook provides another
Applications     communication point to build
                 a strong relationship with your
11 Business      8. Access to the social world and
Benefits of          its inherent value (the "in" factor)
Using Facebook
                 Consider the following scenario: a potential
                 prospect could be doing research on your
                 brand or organization and may use Facebook
                 to see if you have a presence there. Then
                 they see that you have a Facebook profile
                 and see a number of positive posts about
                 your brand. This in turn can shape their
                 opinion and could end up being one of many
                 deciding factors as to why the prospect
                 selects you over a competitor. The perception
                 that Facebook is "in" and the fact that you
                 are using Facebook could help influence the
                 perception of your brand.
11 Business      9. The Viral Effect
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd.
                 And Facebook is attracting quite the
                 crowd . . .
11 Business      10. Feedback Mechanism
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Using Facebook and the various
Applications     applications available can help you
                 understand consumer behavior based on
                 the sharing of content and commentary
                 on the social networking site.
11 Business      11. Build Business Use Cases
Benefits of
Using Facebook   Facebook can provide you with
Applications     an opportunity to build successful
                 business cases as you target specific
                 vertical markets with specific
                 business objectives.
According to a      “Social media sites continue to be
study released      an important source of community
in January 2009     connection, and savvy retailers
by Rosetta, an      are reaping the benefits of
interactive         Facebook’s rapid extension into new
marketing agency,   demographics, such as Gen X and
59 of the 100       seniors,” said Adam Cohen, partner
top retailers       with Rosetta’s consumer goods and
have a Facebook     retail practice.
General Tips   The most effective Facebook fan
               pages are updated on a regular basis
               with new content.
General Tips   If there's actually evidence that
               the page administrator is visiting
               regularly and interacting with the
               community, the more engaged fans
               will be (check out the wall on Dell's
General Tips   Facebook pages work best when their
               less about "me, me, me" and more about
               "you, you, you" (customer-centric).
General Tips   Be a good member of the community:
               promote others even more than
               you promote yourself. Linking and
               promoting others is a nice way to show
               you care about others and can set you
               apart as an “expert” in the field.
General Tips   The creative material of your message
               should be something that people want
               to share virally with others. Make
               it newsworthy, controversial, timely,
               immediately useful, or even humorous.
General Tips   Don't spam—wrap your self-promotion
               in something of value to others.
Tostitos on   0 to 17,000+ fans in one month
Case Study
Tostitos on   The concept was simple. Get the
Facebook:     most rabid, dyed-in-the-wool fans to
Case Study    compete against each other for the
              chance to win a $100,000 scholarship
              for their school.
Tostitos on   Tactic:
Facebook:     Create a Facebook application that
Case Study    collected fans’ info., a short paragraph
              about why they should be selected, and
              a photo showing their school spirit.
Tostitos on   Two teams were selected a few weeks
Facebook:     later, and they began a cross-country
Case Study    challenge that started in NYC and
              ended at the Tostito’s Fiesta Bowl on
              game day. Throughout the challenge,
              they were filmed and wrote updates
              about their experience on the Facebook
              fan page.
Tostitos on   Results:
Case Study     17,779 people became fans of the
               Facebook page

               56,531 page views

               39,477 unique visitors

               597 wall posts

               1098 entries with photos for the contest

               1925 entries to the contest were shared
               with a friends
Tostitos on   Success Tip #1
Case Study    Give users value

              Aside from the $100k scholarship (which
              is admittedly a clear value), Tostitos had
              high entertainment value. People flocked
              to the site.
Tostitos on   Success Tip #2
Case Study    Invite (and unite) a community

              Facebook was a natural fit for this
              promotion. The first big spike on the fans
              chart above happened after the schools
              were announced. When the page first
              launched, Tostitos had to cast a somewhat
              wide net with their ad placement. After it
              was announced on December 7 that Ohio
              State and University of Texas were the
              two competing schools, Tostitos refined
              their ad target down to just current and
              alums of those schools.
Tostitos on   Success Tip #3
Case Study    (New) content is king!

              The next big spike in traffic can be
              brought attributed to status updates. Once
              the race began, the page lit up with new
              content on a very frequent basis. This
              created news feed items and gave fans a
              reason to come back to the page. Graphics
              and content were updated often.

              Engagement. Engagement. Engagement.
              There is no substitute.
30+ apps for doing business on Facebook
Top 10 business applications for Facebook
Using a "widget" to promote your business
Widgets   Widgets are like portable websites
          that operate with the same
          functionality as the host site but can
          be embedded into a blog, webpage,
          or other internet property.

          This is an optimal tool for lead
          generation that can attract clients
          from diverse demographics.
What does a        Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah
widget look like
and how does it
What does a        United Way
widget look like
and how does it
What does a        National Multiple Sclerosis Society
widget look like
and how does it
What does a        Rhodes Rolls
widget look like
and how does it
What does a        Widgets are viral!
widget look like
and how does it
p 801 295 9820
   f 801 951 5815
1065 South 500 West
Bountiful, Utah 84010

More Related Content

Using Facebook to Grow Your Business

  • 2. p 801 295 9820 f 801 951 5815 www.fluid-studio.net 1065 South 500 West Bountiful, Utah 84010
  • 3. Before we begin . . . I am a firm believer in principles—out of the chute, you should know there is no “silver bullet”
  • 4. Social media is just one tool in the toolbox
  • 5. We all have a circle of influence. Circle of Concern What you care about. People are influenced by those they trust What you can do something about. Circle of Influence
  • 6. People do not want to be sold to—they want to interact and be heard
  • 7. You cannot control the conversation, but you can participate in it
  • 8. Although social media is “one-to- many” broadcast marketing, at the end of the day real results will occur when “one-to-one” relationships are formed
  • 9. The 4 P’s of marketing (product, price, place, promotion) still exist, but the 3 R’s (relevant, real, responsive) are rising quickly in a web 2.0 world, and will result in a 4th R—relationship
  • 11. Side-by-side comparison— Facebook detail
  • 13. Demographics The number of Americans over of Facebook ages 35, 45, and 55 on Facebook is users growing fast. In the last 90 days alone, the number of people over 35 has nearly doubled. There are more Facebook users ages 26-44 than 18-25 today.
  • 17. 11 Business Benefits of Using Facebook Applications Compliments to marketing-jive.com
  • 18. 11 Business 1. Branding Benefits of Using Facebook Facebook can be a great resource Applications for generating brand awareness. It can help build relationships with your prospects and clients.
  • 19. 11 Business 2. Customer Engagement Benefits of Using Facebook Using Facebook applications can Applications be a great way for communicating promotions, contests, and events.
  • 20. 11 Business 3. Drive Web Traffic Benefits of Using Facebook Facebook can act as a portal point Applications for driving traffic to your site and other online properties.
  • 21. A breakdown of the popularity of Facebook applications
  • 22. 11 Business 4. Reputation Management Benefits of Using Facebook Facebook can be a useful tool for Applications listening and responding to what users are saying about you and your brand.
  • 23. 11 Business 5. New Customer Acquisition Benefits of Using Facebook Facebook provides an opportunity Applications to find consumers you may have not otherwise discovered (based solely on their interests and affinity alignments).
  • 24. 11 Business 6. Advertising Benefits of Using Facebook You can drill down and advertise Applications just to the target audience that has the demographic footprint you desire.
  • 25. 11 Business 7. Client Retention Benefits of Using Facebook Facebook provides another Applications communication point to build a strong relationship with your consumer.
  • 26. 11 Business 8. Access to the social world and Benefits of its inherent value (the "in" factor) Using Facebook Consider the following scenario: a potential Applications prospect could be doing research on your brand or organization and may use Facebook to see if you have a presence there. Then they see that you have a Facebook profile and see a number of positive posts about your brand. This in turn can shape their opinion and could end up being one of many deciding factors as to why the prospect selects you over a competitor. The perception that Facebook is "in" and the fact that you are using Facebook could help influence the perception of your brand.
  • 27. 11 Business 9. The Viral Effect Benefits of Using Facebook Nothing attracts a crowd like a crowd. Applications And Facebook is attracting quite the crowd . . .
  • 28. 11 Business 10. Feedback Mechanism Benefits of Using Facebook Using Facebook and the various Applications applications available can help you understand consumer behavior based on the sharing of content and commentary on the social networking site.
  • 29. 11 Business 11. Build Business Use Cases Benefits of Using Facebook Facebook can provide you with Applications an opportunity to build successful business cases as you target specific vertical markets with specific business objectives.
  • 30. According to a “Social media sites continue to be study released an important source of community in January 2009 connection, and savvy retailers by Rosetta, an are reaping the benefits of interactive Facebook’s rapid extension into new marketing agency, demographics, such as Gen X and 59 of the 100 seniors,” said Adam Cohen, partner top retailers with Rosetta’s consumer goods and have a Facebook retail practice. presence.
  • 31. General Tips The most effective Facebook fan pages are updated on a regular basis with new content.
  • 32. General Tips If there's actually evidence that the page administrator is visiting regularly and interacting with the community, the more engaged fans will be (check out the wall on Dell's page).
  • 33. General Tips Facebook pages work best when their less about "me, me, me" and more about "you, you, you" (customer-centric).
  • 34. General Tips Be a good member of the community: promote others even more than you promote yourself. Linking and promoting others is a nice way to show you care about others and can set you apart as an “expert” in the field.
  • 35. General Tips The creative material of your message should be something that people want to share virally with others. Make it newsworthy, controversial, timely, immediately useful, or even humorous.
  • 36. General Tips Don't spam—wrap your self-promotion in something of value to others.
  • 37. Tostitos on 0 to 17,000+ fans in one month Facebook: Case Study
  • 38. Tostitos on The concept was simple. Get the Facebook: most rabid, dyed-in-the-wool fans to Case Study compete against each other for the chance to win a $100,000 scholarship for their school.
  • 39. Tostitos on Tactic: Facebook: Create a Facebook application that Case Study collected fans’ info., a short paragraph about why they should be selected, and a photo showing their school spirit.
  • 40. Tostitos on Two teams were selected a few weeks Facebook: later, and they began a cross-country Case Study challenge that started in NYC and ended at the Tostito’s Fiesta Bowl on game day. Throughout the challenge, they were filmed and wrote updates about their experience on the Facebook fan page.
  • 41. Tostitos on Results: Facebook: Case Study 17,779 people became fans of the Facebook page 56,531 page views 39,477 unique visitors 597 wall posts 1098 entries with photos for the contest 1925 entries to the contest were shared with a friends
  • 42. Tostitos on Success Tip #1 Facebook: Case Study Give users value Aside from the $100k scholarship (which is admittedly a clear value), Tostitos had high entertainment value. People flocked to the site.
  • 43. Tostitos on Success Tip #2 Facebook: Case Study Invite (and unite) a community Facebook was a natural fit for this promotion. The first big spike on the fans chart above happened after the schools were announced. When the page first launched, Tostitos had to cast a somewhat wide net with their ad placement. After it was announced on December 7 that Ohio State and University of Texas were the two competing schools, Tostitos refined their ad target down to just current and alums of those schools.
  • 44. Tostitos on Success Tip #3 Facebook: Case Study (New) content is king! The next big spike in traffic can be brought attributed to status updates. Once the race began, the page lit up with new content on a very frequent basis. This created news feed items and gave fans a reason to come back to the page. Graphics and content were updated often. Engagement. Engagement. Engagement. There is no substitute.
  • 45. 30+ apps for doing business on Facebook
  • 46. Top 10 business applications for Facebook
  • 47. Using a "widget" to promote your business
  • 48. Widgets Widgets are like portable websites that operate with the same functionality as the host site but can be embedded into a blog, webpage, or other internet property. This is an optimal tool for lead generation that can attract clients from diverse demographics.
  • 49. What does a Big Brothers Big Sisters of Utah widget look like and how does it function?
  • 50. What does a United Way widget look like and how does it function?
  • 51. What does a National Multiple Sclerosis Society widget look like and how does it function?
  • 52. What does a Rhodes Rolls widget look like and how does it function?
  • 53. What does a Widgets are viral! widget look like and how does it function?
  • 54. p 801 295 9820 f 801 951 5815 www.fluid-studio.net 1065 South 500 West Bountiful, Utah 84010