This document discusses using R for customer segmentation. It outlines using purchase behavior data and survey response data to create actionable customer segments. The goal is to improve customer lifetime value by sending targeted messages. The document demonstrates building RFM (recency, frequency, monetary) metrics and segments from purchase data, including data aggregation, metric calculation, and segment assignment. Visualizations of customers in the RFM space are shown to understand segment distributions.
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Using R for customer segmentation
1. Using R for Customer Segmentation
useR! 2008
Dortmund, Germany
August, 2008
Jim Porzak,
Senior Director of Analytics
Responsys, Inc.
San Francisco, California
2. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 2
● Two main case study examples
– Customer purchase behavior data
● Goal: actionable segments to improve LTV of customer
– Prospect intent & interest survey data
● Goal: actionable segments to better target messaging
content and tactics
● Real data from real clients (sanitized)
● Workshop format
– Hands on
– Discussion heavy
4. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 4
Why Segment?
● Better communication with customers and
– Recipient should feel that we understand him or her
as an individual
– “Send the right message to the right person at the
right time”
● Challenges:
– Widely applicable
● General rules based on readily available data
● A new contact can be placed in their segment easily
– Usable
● Marketing can relate
● Technology can deliver
5. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 5
Segmentation in Practice
7. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 7
What's Behavioral Segmentation?
● Based on what people actually do
– Not on what that say they do
● Purchase behavior
– Discuss examples...
● Usage behavior
– Discuss examples...
8. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 8
Why do Behavioral Segmentation?
● All comes down to interacting with your
customer or prospect in the appropriate way
– From customers perspective, not yours!
● Ideally a “one-to-one” interaction
– Not practical in today's world
– Goal: perceived by customer as “one-to-one”
9. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 9
Today's Purchase Behavior Data Set
● Actual web & phone sales records (sanitized)
– 541k order detail lines
– 135k Customers
– Over 2 ½ years
– Of ~900 different products
– In 5 product categories
● Conventional wisdom
– Strong seasonality
– Have a loyal customer base
– But, have retention problem
10. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 10
What we know
Date: 10/10/07 Order #: 12345
Customer: 3894832
Sue Smith
1 Short Street
Qty SKU Description Unit Price Ext Price
1 123 1.50 1.50
3 345 White Widget 2.00 6.00
Total 7.50
Tax 0.60
Shipping 2.00
Grand Total 10.10
Smallville, ND, 39248
Green Gizzmo
Imagine a customer order form:
We get the highlighted data.
Plus: order channel and product (SKU) category
12. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 12
orders summary
> summary(orders[-(1:2)])
CustID OrderID OrderDate Quantity
Min. : 2 Min. : 2 Min. :2005-09-01 Min. : 0.000
1st Qu.: 62221 1st Qu.:105292 1st Qu.:2006-07-18 1st Qu.: 1.000
Median :124343 Median :210908 Median :2007-02-14 Median : 1.000
Mean :152974 Mean :207535 Mean :2007-03-11 Mean : 1.113
3rd Qu.:185119 3rd Qu.:315711 3rd Qu.:2007-12-04 3rd Qu.: 1.000
Max. :506929 Max. :388319 Max. :2008-07-14 Max. :275.000
NA's : 4
Amount Channel Category
Min. : 0.01 phone1: 14303 *: 0
1st Qu.: 20.00 phone2: 90 C:142147
Median : 30.00 web1 :451354 G:114300
Mean : 31.81 web2 : 75354 I: 14961
3rd Qu.: 35.00 N: 50385
Max. :4577.00 T:199354
X: 19954
13. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 13
Goal of this exercise?
● Marketers need to come up with a
communication strategy & associated tactics
which will entice customers to exhibit higher
LTV – Long Term Value.
● Segment by past purchase behavior to provide
actionable subsets of customers
– When marketers use our subsets, they get
measurably better results than previous “one size
fits all” method.
14. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 14
How are we going to do this?
16. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 16
Recency, Frequency, & Monetary Metrics
● Recency
– How long ago was last purchase? (days)
– Measured for “As Of Date” of data set
● Frequency
– How many orders in analysis period (2 ½ years)
– Attempting to measure engagement
● Monetary
– What is total $ value of all orders in analysis period
Question: Do you expect these three to be uncorrelated?
17. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 17
An Aside: Classical RFM
● Invented by direct marketers in 1950's as a way to
model response rates (before good stat software was
readily available)
● One typical method
– R, F, & M each scored in quantile (typically 5)
– Combined score for each recipient was
concatenation of the three digits, eg “351”
– Scores ranked by empirical response rate
– Mailing then done to top xx% of list
● Today we use, lm, glm, randomForest, ...
● But, concepts still valid as conceptional model
● And, R & F measures typically very important in any
predictive model
18. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 18
I also typically include...
● Breadth
– How many different SKUs purchased?
● Tenure
– How long as customer been with us?
19. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 19
Next Step – Aggregate by Customer
● We need some “raw” RFM values
● Make the data frame “RFM_raw”
– CustomerID: the business key back to database
– FirstPurchaseDate: interesting for tenure metric
– LastPurchaseDate: basis of Recency
– NumberOrders: basis of Frequency
– NumberSKUs: basis of Breadth (engagement metric)
– TotalAmount: basis of Monetary
● Also calculate
– AsOfDate <- max(LastPurchaseDate)
20. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 20
Building the RFM_raw data frame
## for performance, make OrderDate an integer during aggregation
orders_n <- orders
orders_n$OrderDate <- as.integer(orders_n$OrderDate)
## build up one column at a time
RFM_raw <- with(orders_n, data.frame(CustomerID = sort(unique(CustID))))
RFM_raw <- cbind(RFM_raw, FirstPurchaseDate = with(orders_n,
as.Date(as.integer(by(OrderDate, CustID, min)), "1970-01-01")))
RFM_raw <- cbind(RFM_raw, LastPurchaseDate = with(orders_n,
as.Date(as.integer(by(OrderDate, CustID, max)), "1970-01-01")))
RFM_raw <- cbind(RFM_raw, NumberOrders = with(orders_n,
as.numeric(by(OrderID, CustID, function(x) length(unique(x))))))
RFM_raw <- cbind(RFM_raw, NumberSKUs = with(orders_n,
as.numeric(by(SKU_ID, CustID, function(x) length(unique(x))))))
RFM_raw <- cbind(RFM_raw, TotalAmount = with(orders_n,
as.numeric(by(Amount, CustID, sum))))
AsOfDate <- max(RFM_raw$LastPurchaseDate)
save(RFM_raw, AsOfDate, file = "RFM_raw.Rda")
This take a while (1 ½ minutes on my laptop). You may want to download RFM_raw.Rda
21. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 21
Do some RMF EDA
## Jim's miscellaneous DMA functions
## for interactive games:
## EDA plots using base graphics
rfm.plot(as.numeric(AsOfDate - LastPurchaseDate) %/% 7, "rec")
rfm.plot(NumberOrders, "freq")
rfm.plot(TotalAmount, "mon")
rfm.plot(NumberSKUs, "breadth")
## EDA plots using iPlots
ihist(as.numeric(AsOfDate - LastPurchaseDate) %/% 7, title = "Recency")
ihist(NumberOrders, title = "Frequency")
ihist(TotalAmount, title = "Monetary")
ihist(NumberSKUs, title = "Breadth")
22. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 22
In all cases, “best is left.”
23. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 23
Assign reasonable RFM breaks
● Recency:
– Breaks (weeks <=): 25, 51, 77, 103, <else>
– levels = c("0-5", "6-11", "12-17", "18-23", "24-29"))
● Note levels labeled in months, not weeks
● Frequency:
– Breaks (count <=): 1, 3, 7, <else>
– levels = c("8+", "7-4", "3-2", "1"))
● Note ordering for best is left.
● Monetary:
– Breaks (value <=): 50, 100, 200, 400, <else>
– levels = c("401+", "400-201", "200-101", "100-51", "50-0"))
● Again ordering is best is left.
26. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 26
How do customers look in RFM space?
● I like mosaic plots (& especially vcd* package!)
● Set up a “structure table” with assignments:
● And a convenience function for mosaic:
RFM_st <- structable(~ Recency + Frequency + Monetary + Breadth,
data = RFM_segs)
mm <- function(f) {
mosaic(f, data = RFM_st,
shade = TRUE,
labeling_args = list(rot_labels = c(left = 90, top = 45),
just_labels = c(left = "left",
top = "center")),
spacing = spacing_dimequal(unit(c(0.5, 0.8), "lines")),
keep_aspect_ratio = FALSE
* To learn more, attend: The strucplot framework for Visualizing Categorical Data. Wed, 11:30. E29
31. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 31
To really show off vcd!
pairs(RFM_st, lower_panel = pairs_assoc, shade = TRUE)
32. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 32
Time to get real – remember goal?
33. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 33
Actionable for Marketers
The big two concepts:
1. Lifestage
2. Value
Turns out we can do both with Recency &
34. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 34
Use Balloon Plots to Communicate
# Recency by Frequence - Counts
RxF <-$Recency, RFM_segs$Frequency,
dnn = c("Recency", "Frequency")),
responseName = "Number_Customers")
with(RxF, balloonplot(Recency, Frequency, Number_Customers, zlab = "#
# Recency by Frequency - Annual Value (total annual sales to segment)
VbyRxF <- (aggregate(RFM_segs$Monetary_value,
by = list(Recency = factor(RFM_segs$Recency),
Frequency = RFM_segs$Frequency),
names(VbyRxF)[3] <- "Annual_Sales"
VbyRxF$Annual_Sales <- VbyRxF$Annual_Sales / (28/12) ## normalize to
annual revnue
with(VbyRxF, balloonplot(Recency, Frequency, Annual_Sales / 1000, zlab =
"Annual Sales (000)"))
35. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 35
Recency by Frequency - Counts
36. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 36
Recency by Frequency - Value
37. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 37
Exercise – Assign Segments
● Lifestage “dimension”
– New
– Active
– Lapsed
– Lost
● Value “dimension”
– Gold
– Silver
– Bronze
● Combined as
– High Value, Repeat, New, One-time, Lapsed, & Lost
38. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 38
Color & Label Segment Cells
# a matrix of segment codes
RF_segs0 <- matrix("", nrow = 4, ncol = 5)
# manually make assignments
object.browser() ## Fill in H, R, N, L, or O. Save as RF_segs.txt
# get back into R
RF_segs <- as.matrix(read.delim("RF_segs.txt", sep = "t",
na.strings = ""))
RF_segs[] <- "X" ## N/A's become “Lost”
# add colors and labels to balloon plot
# Magic values for balloon cell centers
RF_x <- matrix(2:6 + 0.25, nrow = 4, ncol = 5, byrow = TRUE)
RF_y <- matrix(4:1, nrow = 4, ncol = 5, byrow = FALSE)
RF_cols <- sapply(RF_segs, function(x) switch(x, H="gold",
R="slategray2", N="green",
L="yellow", O="darkgreen", "red"))
points(RF_x, RF_y, col = RF_cols, pch = 16, cex = 12)
text(RF_x, RF_y, RF_segs, cex = 2)
39. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 39
Final Segments for Marketers
43. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 43
Marketing Challenge
● Our client offers free download of software with
high perceived value, but
● First asks user to fill out a simple survey
● Challenge is to come up with a “few” segments
that will be used by segment to:
– Prioritize contact strategy
– Craft marketing messages based on profile
44. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 44
Sample Data
● Surveys from 20k respondents
● All within same time frame (a number of weeks)
● All requested the software download
45. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 45
Survey Description
● 35 check boxes or radio buttons
– None required. Coded as binary responses
● Arranged in 5 sections
– License: W and/or X
– Role: one of D, SA, ITM, ITA, Str, Oth (radio
– System: any of S, T, A, B, C, D, O (check boxes)
– Interest: any of M, O Pl, Pr, Sup, 64, Con, Per, DT,
Z, Oth. (check boxes)
– Application: any of Web, Inf, Col, Db, J2, Top, Dev,
Per, Other (check boxes)
46. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 46
Data Set
Provided as data frame csb, in
# Getting started
load(file = "InterestPreferenceSurvey.Rda")
'data.frame': 20000 obs. of 35 variables:
$ Lic_W : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ Lic_X : int 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Role_D : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 ...
$ Role_SA : int 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 ...
$ Role_ITM: int 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
$ Role_ITA: int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...
48. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 48
Clustering Strategy
● flexclust package by Fritz Leisch
● See his 2006 paper (on his personal page):
A Toolbox for K-Centroids Cluster Analysis
● This is (mostly) an optional response type
– 1 = “yes” is significant
– 0 is just absence not really a “no”
– Respondents checking Role_SA have much more
in common than those not checking Role_SA
● Following Fritz's argument we use the
expectation based Jaccard distance measure.
49. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 49
A First Cluster Run
## set up flexclust control object
fc_cont <- new("flexclustControl")
fc_cont@tolerance <- 0.1 ## this doesn't seem to work as expected
fc_cont@iter.max <- 30 ## seems to be effective convergence
##fc_cont@verbose <- 1 ## set TRUE if to see each step
my_seed <- 0
my_family <- "ejaccard"
num_clust <- 4
my_seed <- my_seed + 1
cl <- kcca(csb, k = num_clust, = TRUE, control = fc_cont,
family = kccaFamily(my_family))
## This takes ~ 1.5 min. on my laptop
50. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 50
Cluster Summary
> summary(cl)
kcca object of family 'ejaccard'
kcca(x = csb, k = num_clust, family = kccaFamily(my_family),
control = fc_cont, = TRUE)
cluster info:
size av_dist max_dist separation
1 5551 0.7159832 1 0.6766653
2 4577 0.7707523 1 0.7437616
3 2535 0.7482347 1 0.7038259
4 7337 0.7215583 1 0.6732479
no convergence after 200 iterations
sum of within cluster distances: 14693.00
55. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 55
Are any of these any good?
● If so, which?
● How to decide?
● Quoting Fritz (pg 15):
The actual choice of expectation-based Jaccard
with K = 6 clusters ... has been made manually by
comparing various solutions and selecting the one
which made most sense from the practitioners
point of view. This may seem unsatisfying because
the decision is subjective, but cluster analysis here
is used as a tool for exploratory data analysis and
offers simplified views of a complex data set.
56. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 56
Our Selection Criteria
1. Choice of k, must have mostly ~ stable
solutions, and
2. Cluster profiles must be interpretable. IOW,
what is the story you can tell about each
cluster? Will the marketers relate to it?
57. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 57
Your Challenge...
Do what Fritz said:
The actual choice ... has been made manually by
comparing various solutions and selecting the one
which made most sense.
Here are 4 runs for each k = 3 to 8; 24 in all.
Pick the “best” one, make up stories for each cluster,
and explain your choice to group.
58. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 58
For the Record. Jim's Pick:
59. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 59
Jim's Stories
Based on knowing a bit more about the client
than I can share with you.
#1: An “S” loyalist, high % SA's
#2: Favors name brands, high responders
#3: A “T” loyalist, broad but reduced responses
#4: Favors name brands, but otherwise low resp.
#5: Student, gray box, open source, desktop.
60. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 60
Finally, using predict in flexclust
Once we (analysts & marketers) have decided on
a clustering model, we want to use it to assign
new respondents to likely segment.
flexclust includes predict:
persona <- predict(cl, csb)
PersonaPredict <-
names(PersonaPredict) <- "cluster"
> table(PersonaPredict)
1 2 3 4 5
2313 6479 4654 2702 3852
61. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 61
Closing the Loop –
Tying Back to Purchase Model
Where ppBand is probability of purchase band ( 0 = 0.0 – 0.999,
1 = 0.10 – 0.199, … 9 = 0.90 – 0.999). IOW, 0 is really low & 9 is
really high probability of purchase according to the model
63. 11Aug08 userR! 08 - Porzak, Customer Segmentation 63
Follow up
● Slides and code will be up next week on
● Ping me with questions or comments:
● Check out the San Francisco useR Group: