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UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims


______ is a culture of people who feel a sense of empathy and love
towards a certain subject. Although the term has been around only for a
few years, Merriam-Webster dates this term back to 1903, when the
term meant an appreciation for sports.
A ______ can be made around any celebrity, fashion, genre, or hobby.


According to King Jaehaerys II “Madness and greatness are two sides of the
same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born ... the Gods toss the coin in
the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land".
What is the presumed reason for House Targaryen's affinity to madness?


Originally known as “The Ultimate”, this creature was created during
prehistoric Krypton. At one point The Ultimate ended up on Earth
whereupon it went on a rampage in Midwestern America
Justice League member Booster Gold made a statement that the
destruction it havoced resembled “The arrival of ________”, The comment
reached the broadcast media and led to the creature becoming known
by its new name.
What is the popular name of this creature?


The ___________ is a blue and green winged magical creature. It looks like
a cross between a reptile and an extremely large butterfly.
When it isn't flying with its spiked wings, the ___________ shrinks into a
It can be quite dangerous as it is an encephalophage - it feeds on
people's brains and its skin has the ability to deflect at least some spells.
It secretes venom that when properly diluted can be used to erase bad


The following are the words of a person:
“An immensely complex spell involving the concealment of a secret
inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen
person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find - unless,
of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-
Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-Who could search the village where
Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he
had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!”
Who is the person and what is he talking about?


● Uncle Bhim
● Nalin Oberoi
● Hari Oberoi
● Aadi
● Auntie Maya
● Pavitr Prabhakar
Put Funda.


When this actor got his long overdue star on the Hollywood walk of
fame, he couldn't contain himself and quipped about it, as is his usual
demeanor. In his acceptance speech he started off by saying “This will be
a very short speech because honestly, I'm at a loss for words. The last
time I was this speechless was in _____ _______”


This is a poem called the riddle of _______ written by Bilbo Baggins for a certain person.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.
Who was this written for and what is the blank? (Blank is an alternative name for the person)


The Multiverse is the collection of alternate universes which share a
universal hierarchy. A large variety of these universes were originated as
forms of divergence from other realities, where an event with different
possible outcomes gives rise to different universes, one for each
Every universe is given a numerical designation. For example, Earth 616
is the mainstream Marvel universe, it is where the major portion of the
stories take place and Earth 1218 is the Earth we exist in.
On Earth 1218 however, Earth 19999 is more well-known than Earth 616
How do we know Earth 19999 better?


An X is is a Person who works in Y. Very little is known about what
an X actually does, due to a high level of secrecy surrounding Y.
Some may study love in the Love Chamber, which, according to
Albus Dumbledore, is kept locked at all times, or time in the Time
Chamber, others may explore the nature of thought in the
Thought Chamber, or death in the Death Chamber.
Who are X and where do they work (Y)?


Whose origin is this issue about?/FITB
(Image on next slide)


UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims


The Girdle of Arda was shown in Tolkien's maps of Arda in the Elder Days
and Second Age. It ran from the far western part of Aman through the
Valar city of Valmar, across the middle of the Great Sea, the Hither
Lands, the East Sea, the Dark Land, and finally the mountain of Kalormë
in the Land of the Sun or the Uttermost East, beyond which lay the Gates
of Morning
What does the Girdle of Arda correspond to in Earth?


The Vale of X is a river valley in the X Lands northeast of Asshai. The
valley is a narrow cleft in the mountains through which the river Ash
passes on its way from the Mountains of the Morn to the Jade Sea. The
mountain cliffs are so high and steep that it is said no light falls within
the valley except at noon. Demons and dragons and worse things are
said to live in caves in the cliffs.
What is X?


When the trailer of this movie was released, a certain group of fans were
outraged. They publicly started dissing the film and its creators and
started online petitions to make sure that the film flops in the box office.
When asked about why they were doing so, they commented that the
making of this film “takes away the mysterious aura and charming
personality” of the titular character. They preferred the character’s origin
to be unknown as making a film on it would take away everything that
made him/her the iconic character he/she is.
Which film?


This one of a kind lightsaber was made by Tarre Vizsla, the first
Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order prior to 1032 BBY. It
makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Due to its unique
feature it's called a ____saber instead of a lightsaber. What was different
about the lightsaber and what was it called?


Nienna was an Ainur, one of the Aratar, who was responsible for the
mercy and grief spread through Arda. She was known to wear a grey
hood at all times. After the destruction of the two trees, Nienna
mourned for them and her tears brought healing but could not heal the
mortal wounds of the trees. The trees therefore brought forth their last
flower and fruit that made the Sun and the Moon.
Identify her most famous pupil Z who was named as an Istari based on
her clothing.


This man was a famous commander of the Night’s Watch during the age
of heroes. He fell in love with a woman “with skin as white as the moon
and eyes like blue stars”.
He brought her back to the Night Fort, underwent a drastic change, and
ruled over it for 13 years. After he was overthrown, all records of him
were destroyed and his name was forgotten and forbidden
How would you know him better?


The X wanted to make a LOTR film in the 1960s with legendary director
Stanley Kubrick. John was reportedly a huge fan of the series, and was
driven to make this. The 4 had also decided the roles they had wanted to
play, which seemed rather apt given their appearance somewhat. One
would play Gollum, one Frodo, one Sam and the last Gandalf. However
both Kubrick and JRR turned down the idea. ID X


Tarth also known as “Sapphire Isle” is an island in the Narrow Sea off the
southeastern coast of Westeros, separated from the mainland by the
Straits of Tarth and Shipbreaker Bay. It is part of the Stormlands.
When Locke was about to let his men rape Brienne, Jaime Lannister told
him who she was and that Tarth was called the "Sapphire Isle" because
every sapphire in the Seven Kingdoms was mined on it, to point out the
wealth of her father
This was a bluff from Jaime and Brienne later mentions the real reason
for the name of “Sapphire Isle”. What was the reason?


Following is a letter sent by Dumbledore to X
"Yes, we [wizards] have been given power and, yes, that gives us the right to
rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled... We seize control for
the greater good. And from this it follows that...we must use only the force
that is necessary and no more."
X was inspired by this letter and used a specific phrase from this letter
for his propaganda.
ID X and the phrase


Mitochondria is the organelle that provides energy to the cells.
Mitochondria are believed to have once been separate organisms that
inhabited living cells and have since become part of them; even now,
mitochondria act in some ways as independent lifeforms, with DNA all
their own. This property directly inspired something in a popular
fandom, and was also responsible for the birth of a central character in
the series.
What did it inspire?


In DOTA 2, there are countless hero-lines that are references to pop
When the hero Lion encounters another hero by the name of Witch
Doctor in the game, he says, “Now all we need is a ________.”
Identify which famous series this is a reference to.


Stovokor is an American death metal band from Portland, Oregon. This
bands songs and appearance is based on a fictional species. The name
of the band is also based on the afterlife of the aforementioned species.
The lyrics of this band are also in the language of this species.
ID the species which is also the name of the language they talk in.
Image of the band follows


UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims


“The Master” is a Time Lord who is the arch nemesis of The Doctor, and
is a recurring antagonist in the series.
The Master was absent for almost 3 seasons and made a reappearance
during season 8 of the rebooted series, with a different name. The new
name had something to do with the new reincarnation of the Master.
What was so different about this reincarnation that the Master had to
change names? And what was the new name?


There have been several comparisons between the series X and Y, based
on the characters, languages, and themes.
One comparison is done based on their forms of government.
X is said to be against a totalitarian regime where the locals are trying to
overthrow the majority power to restore a republic.
Y is said to be more of a democracy where conflicts are solved by
diplomatic solutions and discussion before an attack is ordered upon the
concerned party.
ID X and Y.


UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims




______ is a culture of people who feel a sense of empathy and love
towards a certain subject. Although the term has been around only for a
few years, Merriam-Webster dates this term back to 1903, when the
term meant an appreciation for sports.
A ______ can be made around any celebrity, fashion, genre, or hobby.




According to King Jaehaerys II “Madness and greatness are two sides of the
same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born ... the Gods toss the coin in
the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land".
What is the presumed reason for House Targaryen's affinity to madness?




Originally known as “The Ultimate”, this creature was created during
prehistoric Krypton. At one point The Ultimate ended up on Earth
whereupon it went on a rampage in Midwestern America
Justice League member Booster Gold made a statement that the
destruction it havoced resembled “The arrival of ________”, The comment
reached the broadcast media and led to the creature becoming known
by its new name.
What is the popular name of this creature?




The ___________ is a blue and green winged magical creature. It looks like
a cross between a reptile and an extremely large butterfly.
When it isn't flying with its spiked wings, the ___________ shrinks into a
It can be quite dangerous as it is an encephalophage - it feeds on
people's brains and its skin has the ability to deflect at least some spells.
It secretes venom that when properly diluted can be used to erase bad


Swooping Evil


The following are the words of a person:
“An immensely complex spell involving the concealment if a secret inside
a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person,
or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find - unless, of
course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret-
Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-Who could search the village where
Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he
had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!”
Who is the person and what is he talking about?


Fidelius Charm


● Uncle Bhim
● Nalin Oberoi
● Hari Oberoi
● Aadi
● Auntie Maya
● Pavitr Prabhakar
Put Funda.


Spider Man India


When this actor got his long overdue star on the Hollywood walk of
fame, he couldn't contain himself and quipped about it, as is his usual
demeanor. In his acceptance speech he started off by saying “This will be
a very short speech because honestly, I'm at a loss for words. The last
time I was this speechless was in _____ _______”


Force Awakens ( Mark Hamill )


This is a Poem called the riddle of _______ written by bilbo baggins for a certain person.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.
Who was this written for and what is the blank? (Blank is an alternative name for the person)




The Multiverse is the collection of alternate universes which share a
universal hierarchy. A large variety of these universes were originated as
forms of divergence from other realities, where an event with different
possible outcomes gives rise to different universes, one for each
Every universe is given a numerical designation. For example, Earth 616
is the mainstream Marvel universe, it is where the major portion of the
stories take place and Earth 1218 is the Earth we exist in.
On Earth 1218 however, Earth 19999 is more well-known than Earth 616
How do we know Earth 19999 better?


Marvel Cinematic Universe


An X is is a Person who works in Y. Very little is known about what
an X actually does, due to a high level of secrecy surrounding Y.
Some may study love in the Love Chamber, which, according to
Albus Dumbledore, is kept locked at all times, or time in the Time
Chamber, others may explore the nature of thought in the
Thought Chamber, or death in the Death Chamber.
Who are X and where do they work (Y)?


X - Unspeakable
Y - Department of Mysteries


Whose origin is this issue about?/FITB
(Image on next slide)


UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims


The Batman Who Laughs


The Girdle of Arda was shown in Tolkien's maps of Arda in the Elder Days
and Second Age. It ran from the far western part of Aman through the
Valar city of Valmar, across the middle of the Great Sea, the Hither
Lands, the East Sea, the Dark Land, and finally the mountain of Kalormë
in the Land of the Sun or the Uttermost East, beyond which lay the Gates
of Morning
What does the Girdle of Arda correspond to in Earth?




The Vale of X is a river valley in the X Lands northeast of Asshai. The
valley is a narrow cleft in the mountains through which the river Ash
passes on its way from the Mountains of the Morn to the Jade Sea. The
mountain cliffs are so high and steep that it is said no light falls within
the valley except at noon. Demons and dragons and worse things are
said to live in caves in the cliffs.
What is X?


Vale of Shadows


When the trailer of this movie was released, a certain group of fans were
outraged. They publicly started dissing the film and its creators and
started online petitions to make sure that the film flops in the box office.
When asked about why they were doing so, they commented that the
making of this film “takes away the mysterious aura and charming
personality” of the titular character. They preferred the character’s origin
to be unknown as making a film on it would take away everything that
made him/her the iconic character he/she is.
Which film?


Han Solo


This one of a kind lightsaber was made by Tarre Vizsla, the first
Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order prior to 1032 BBY. It
makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Due to its unique
feature it's called a ____saber instead of a lightsaber. What was different
about the lightsaber and what was it called?




Nienna was an Ainur, one of the Aratar, who was responsible for the
mercy and grief spread through Arda. She was known to wear a grey
hood at all times. After the destruction of the two trees, Nienna
mourned for them and her tears brought healing but could not heal the
mortal wounds of the trees. The trees therefore brought forth their last
flower and fruit that made the Sun and the Moon.
Identify her most famous pupil Z who was named as an Istari based on
her clothing.


Gandalf the Grey


This man was a famous commander of the Night’s Watch during the age
of heroes. He fell in love with a woman “with skin as white as the moon
and eyes like blue stars”.
He brought her back to the Night Fort, underwent a drastic change, and
ruled over it for 13 years. After he was overthrown, all records of him
were destroyed and his name was forgotten and forbidden
What is the title he is known by?


Night’s King


The X wanted to make a LOTR film in the 1960s with legendary director
Stanley Kubrick. John was reportedly a huge fan of the series, and was
driven to make this. The 4 had also decided the roles they had wanted to
play, which seemed rather apt given their appearance somewhat. One
would play Gollum, one Frodo, one Sam and the last Gandalf. However
both Kubrick and JRR turned down the idea. ID X


X- Beatles


Tarth also known as “Sapphire Isle” is an island in the Narrow Sea off the
southeastern coast of Westeros, separated from the mainland by the
Straits of Tarth and Shipbreaker Bay. It is part of the Stormlands.
When Locke was about to let his men rape Brienne, Jaime Lannister told
him who she was and that Tarth was called the "Sapphire Isle" because
every sapphire in the Seven Kingdoms was mined on it, to point out the
wealth of her father
This was a bluff from Jaime and Brienne later mentions the real reason
for the name of “Sapphire Isle”. What was the reason?


The water surrounding the Isle was as blue as


Following is a letter sent by Dumbledore to X
"Yes, we [wizards] have been given power and, yes, that gives us the right to
rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled... We seize control for
the greater good. And from this it follows that...we must use only the force
that is necessary and no more."
X was inspired by this letter and used a specific phrase from this letter
for his propaganda.
ID X and the phrase


Gellert Grindelwald
“For the greater good”


Mitochondria is the organelle that provides energy to the cells.
Mitochondria are believed to have once been separate organisms that
inhabited living cells and have since become part of them; even now,
mitochondria act in some ways as independent lifeforms, with DNA all
their own. This property directly inspired something in a popular
fandom, and was also responsible for the birth of a central character in
the series.
What did it inspire?


Midi Chlorians in Star Wars


In DOTA 2, there are countless hero-lines that are references to pop
When the hero Lion encounters another hero by the name of Witch
Doctor in the game, he says, “Now all we need is a ________.”
Identify which famous series this is a reference to.


Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe
(Blank is wardrobe)


Stovokor is an American death metal band from Portland, Oregon. This
bands songs and appearance is based on a fictional species. The name
of the band is also based on the afterlife of the aforementioned species.
The lyrics of this band are also in the language of this species.
ID the species which is also the name of the language they talk in.
Image of the band follows


UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims




“The Master” is a Time Lord who is the arch nemesis of The Doctor, and
is a recurring antagonist in the series.
The Master was absent for almost 3 seasons and made a reappearance
during season 8 of the rebooted series, with a different name. The new
name had something to do with the new reincarnation of the Master.
What was so different about this reincarnation that the Master had to
change names? And what was the new name?


The Master was reincarnated as a female this time
So the name was changed from Master to Missy
(Short for mistress)


There have been several comparisons between the series X and Y, based
on the characters, languages, and themes.
One comparison is done based on their forms of government.
X is said to be against a totalitarian regime where the locals are trying to
overthrow the majority power to restore a republic.
Y is said to be more of a democracy where conflicts are solved by
diplomatic solutions and discussion before an attack is ordered upon the
concerned party.
ID X and Y.


X - Star Wars
Y - Star Trek


UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims

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UTPT 2018 Fandom Quiz Prelims

  • 3. ______ is a culture of people who feel a sense of empathy and love towards a certain subject. Although the term has been around only for a few years, Merriam-Webster dates this term back to 1903, when the term meant an appreciation for sports. A ______ can be made around any celebrity, fashion, genre, or hobby. FITB. Q1
  • 4. Q2 According to King Jaehaerys II “Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born ... the Gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land". What is the presumed reason for House Targaryen's affinity to madness?
  • 5. Q3 Originally known as “The Ultimate”, this creature was created during prehistoric Krypton. At one point The Ultimate ended up on Earth whereupon it went on a rampage in Midwestern America Justice League member Booster Gold made a statement that the destruction it havoced resembled “The arrival of ________”, The comment reached the broadcast media and led to the creature becoming known by its new name. What is the popular name of this creature?
  • 6. Q4 The ___________ is a blue and green winged magical creature. It looks like a cross between a reptile and an extremely large butterfly. When it isn't flying with its spiked wings, the ___________ shrinks into a cocoon. It can be quite dangerous as it is an encephalophage - it feeds on people's brains and its skin has the ability to deflect at least some spells. It secretes venom that when properly diluted can be used to erase bad memories. FITB.
  • 7. Q5 The following are the words of a person: “An immensely complex spell involving the concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find - unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret- Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-Who could search the village where Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!” Who is the person and what is he talking about?
  • 8. Q6 ● Uncle Bhim ● Nalin Oberoi ● Hari Oberoi ● Aadi ● Auntie Maya ● Pavitr Prabhakar Put Funda.
  • 9. Q7 When this actor got his long overdue star on the Hollywood walk of fame, he couldn't contain himself and quipped about it, as is his usual demeanor. In his acceptance speech he started off by saying “This will be a very short speech because honestly, I'm at a loss for words. The last time I was this speechless was in _____ _______” FITB
  • 10. Q8 This is a poem called the riddle of _______ written by Bilbo Baggins for a certain person. All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king. Who was this written for and what is the blank? (Blank is an alternative name for the person)
  • 11. Q9 The Multiverse is the collection of alternate universes which share a universal hierarchy. A large variety of these universes were originated as forms of divergence from other realities, where an event with different possible outcomes gives rise to different universes, one for each outcome. Every universe is given a numerical designation. For example, Earth 616 is the mainstream Marvel universe, it is where the major portion of the stories take place and Earth 1218 is the Earth we exist in. On Earth 1218 however, Earth 19999 is more well-known than Earth 616 is. How do we know Earth 19999 better?
  • 12. Q10 An X is is a Person who works in Y. Very little is known about what an X actually does, due to a high level of secrecy surrounding Y. Some may study love in the Love Chamber, which, according to Albus Dumbledore, is kept locked at all times, or time in the Time Chamber, others may explore the nature of thought in the Thought Chamber, or death in the Death Chamber. Who are X and where do they work (Y)?
  • 13. Q11 Whose origin is this issue about?/FITB (Image on next slide)
  • 15. Q12 The Girdle of Arda was shown in Tolkien's maps of Arda in the Elder Days and Second Age. It ran from the far western part of Aman through the Valar city of Valmar, across the middle of the Great Sea, the Hither Lands, the East Sea, the Dark Land, and finally the mountain of Kalormë in the Land of the Sun or the Uttermost East, beyond which lay the Gates of Morning What does the Girdle of Arda correspond to in Earth?
  • 16. Q13 The Vale of X is a river valley in the X Lands northeast of Asshai. The valley is a narrow cleft in the mountains through which the river Ash passes on its way from the Mountains of the Morn to the Jade Sea. The mountain cliffs are so high and steep that it is said no light falls within the valley except at noon. Demons and dragons and worse things are said to live in caves in the cliffs. What is X?
  • 17. Q14 When the trailer of this movie was released, a certain group of fans were outraged. They publicly started dissing the film and its creators and started online petitions to make sure that the film flops in the box office. When asked about why they were doing so, they commented that the making of this film “takes away the mysterious aura and charming personality” of the titular character. They preferred the character’s origin to be unknown as making a film on it would take away everything that made him/her the iconic character he/she is. Which film?
  • 18. Q15 This one of a kind lightsaber was made by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order prior to 1032 BBY. It makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Due to its unique feature it's called a ____saber instead of a lightsaber. What was different about the lightsaber and what was it called?
  • 19. Q16 Nienna was an Ainur, one of the Aratar, who was responsible for the mercy and grief spread through Arda. She was known to wear a grey hood at all times. After the destruction of the two trees, Nienna mourned for them and her tears brought healing but could not heal the mortal wounds of the trees. The trees therefore brought forth their last flower and fruit that made the Sun and the Moon. Identify her most famous pupil Z who was named as an Istari based on her clothing.
  • 20. Q17 This man was a famous commander of the Night’s Watch during the age of heroes. He fell in love with a woman “with skin as white as the moon and eyes like blue stars”. He brought her back to the Night Fort, underwent a drastic change, and ruled over it for 13 years. After he was overthrown, all records of him were destroyed and his name was forgotten and forbidden How would you know him better?
  • 21. Q18 The X wanted to make a LOTR film in the 1960s with legendary director Stanley Kubrick. John was reportedly a huge fan of the series, and was driven to make this. The 4 had also decided the roles they had wanted to play, which seemed rather apt given their appearance somewhat. One would play Gollum, one Frodo, one Sam and the last Gandalf. However both Kubrick and JRR turned down the idea. ID X
  • 22. Q19 Tarth also known as “Sapphire Isle” is an island in the Narrow Sea off the southeastern coast of Westeros, separated from the mainland by the Straits of Tarth and Shipbreaker Bay. It is part of the Stormlands. When Locke was about to let his men rape Brienne, Jaime Lannister told him who she was and that Tarth was called the "Sapphire Isle" because every sapphire in the Seven Kingdoms was mined on it, to point out the wealth of her father This was a bluff from Jaime and Brienne later mentions the real reason for the name of “Sapphire Isle”. What was the reason?
  • 23. Q20 Following is a letter sent by Dumbledore to X "Yes, we [wizards] have been given power and, yes, that gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled... We seize control for the greater good. And from this it follows that...we must use only the force that is necessary and no more." X was inspired by this letter and used a specific phrase from this letter for his propaganda. ID X and the phrase
  • 24. Q21 Mitochondria is the organelle that provides energy to the cells. Mitochondria are believed to have once been separate organisms that inhabited living cells and have since become part of them; even now, mitochondria act in some ways as independent lifeforms, with DNA all their own. This property directly inspired something in a popular fandom, and was also responsible for the birth of a central character in the series. What did it inspire?
  • 25. Q22 In DOTA 2, there are countless hero-lines that are references to pop culture. When the hero Lion encounters another hero by the name of Witch Doctor in the game, he says, “Now all we need is a ________.” Identify which famous series this is a reference to.
  • 26. Q23 Stovokor is an American death metal band from Portland, Oregon. This bands songs and appearance is based on a fictional species. The name of the band is also based on the afterlife of the aforementioned species. The lyrics of this band are also in the language of this species. ID the species which is also the name of the language they talk in. Image of the band follows
  • 28. Q24 “The Master” is a Time Lord who is the arch nemesis of The Doctor, and is a recurring antagonist in the series. The Master was absent for almost 3 seasons and made a reappearance during season 8 of the rebooted series, with a different name. The new name had something to do with the new reincarnation of the Master. What was so different about this reincarnation that the Master had to change names? And what was the new name?
  • 29. Q25 There have been several comparisons between the series X and Y, based on the characters, languages, and themes. One comparison is done based on their forms of government. X is said to be against a totalitarian regime where the locals are trying to overthrow the majority power to restore a republic. Y is said to be more of a democracy where conflicts are solved by diplomatic solutions and discussion before an attack is ordered upon the concerned party. ID X and Y.
  • 32. ______ is a culture of people who feel a sense of empathy and love towards a certain subject. Although the term has been around only for a few years, Merriam-Webster dates this term back to 1903, when the term meant an appreciation for sports. A ______ can be made around any celebrity, fashion, genre, or hobby. FITB. Q1
  • 34. Q2 According to King Jaehaerys II “Madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born ... the Gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land". What is the presumed reason for House Targaryen's affinity to madness?
  • 36. Q3 Originally known as “The Ultimate”, this creature was created during prehistoric Krypton. At one point The Ultimate ended up on Earth whereupon it went on a rampage in Midwestern America Justice League member Booster Gold made a statement that the destruction it havoced resembled “The arrival of ________”, The comment reached the broadcast media and led to the creature becoming known by its new name. What is the popular name of this creature?
  • 38. Q4 The ___________ is a blue and green winged magical creature. It looks like a cross between a reptile and an extremely large butterfly. When it isn't flying with its spiked wings, the ___________ shrinks into a cocoon. It can be quite dangerous as it is an encephalophage - it feeds on people's brains and its skin has the ability to deflect at least some spells. It secretes venom that when properly diluted can be used to erase bad memories. FITB.
  • 40. Q5 The following are the words of a person: “An immensely complex spell involving the concealment if a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find - unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it. As long as the Secret- Keeper refused to speak, You-Know-Who could search the village where Lily and James were staying for years and never find them, not even if he had his nose pressed against their sitting room window!” Who is the person and what is he talking about?
  • 42. Q6 ● Uncle Bhim ● Nalin Oberoi ● Hari Oberoi ● Aadi ● Auntie Maya ● Pavitr Prabhakar Put Funda.
  • 44. Q7 When this actor got his long overdue star on the Hollywood walk of fame, he couldn't contain himself and quipped about it, as is his usual demeanor. In his acceptance speech he started off by saying “This will be a very short speech because honestly, I'm at a loss for words. The last time I was this speechless was in _____ _______” FITB
  • 45. ANSWER Force Awakens ( Mark Hamill )
  • 46. Q8 This is a Poem called the riddle of _______ written by bilbo baggins for a certain person. All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither, Deep roots are not reached by the frost. From the ashes a fire shall be woken, A light from the shadows shall spring; Renewed shall be blade that was broken, The crownless again shall be king. Who was this written for and what is the blank? (Blank is an alternative name for the person)
  • 48. Q9 The Multiverse is the collection of alternate universes which share a universal hierarchy. A large variety of these universes were originated as forms of divergence from other realities, where an event with different possible outcomes gives rise to different universes, one for each outcome. Every universe is given a numerical designation. For example, Earth 616 is the mainstream Marvel universe, it is where the major portion of the stories take place and Earth 1218 is the Earth we exist in. On Earth 1218 however, Earth 19999 is more well-known than Earth 616 is. How do we know Earth 19999 better?
  • 50. Q10 An X is is a Person who works in Y. Very little is known about what an X actually does, due to a high level of secrecy surrounding Y. Some may study love in the Love Chamber, which, according to Albus Dumbledore, is kept locked at all times, or time in the Time Chamber, others may explore the nature of thought in the Thought Chamber, or death in the Death Chamber. Who are X and where do they work (Y)?
  • 51. ANSWER X - Unspeakable Y - Department of Mysteries
  • 52. Q11 Whose origin is this issue about?/FITB (Image on next slide)
  • 55. Q12 The Girdle of Arda was shown in Tolkien's maps of Arda in the Elder Days and Second Age. It ran from the far western part of Aman through the Valar city of Valmar, across the middle of the Great Sea, the Hither Lands, the East Sea, the Dark Land, and finally the mountain of Kalormë in the Land of the Sun or the Uttermost East, beyond which lay the Gates of Morning What does the Girdle of Arda correspond to in Earth?
  • 57. Q13 The Vale of X is a river valley in the X Lands northeast of Asshai. The valley is a narrow cleft in the mountains through which the river Ash passes on its way from the Mountains of the Morn to the Jade Sea. The mountain cliffs are so high and steep that it is said no light falls within the valley except at noon. Demons and dragons and worse things are said to live in caves in the cliffs. What is X?
  • 59. Q14 When the trailer of this movie was released, a certain group of fans were outraged. They publicly started dissing the film and its creators and started online petitions to make sure that the film flops in the box office. When asked about why they were doing so, they commented that the making of this film “takes away the mysterious aura and charming personality” of the titular character. They preferred the character’s origin to be unknown as making a film on it would take away everything that made him/her the iconic character he/she is. Which film?
  • 61. Q15 This one of a kind lightsaber was made by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian to be inducted into the Jedi Order prior to 1032 BBY. It makes an appearance in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Due to its unique feature it's called a ____saber instead of a lightsaber. What was different about the lightsaber and what was it called?
  • 63. Q16 Nienna was an Ainur, one of the Aratar, who was responsible for the mercy and grief spread through Arda. She was known to wear a grey hood at all times. After the destruction of the two trees, Nienna mourned for them and her tears brought healing but could not heal the mortal wounds of the trees. The trees therefore brought forth their last flower and fruit that made the Sun and the Moon. Identify her most famous pupil Z who was named as an Istari based on her clothing.
  • 65. Q17 This man was a famous commander of the Night’s Watch during the age of heroes. He fell in love with a woman “with skin as white as the moon and eyes like blue stars”. He brought her back to the Night Fort, underwent a drastic change, and ruled over it for 13 years. After he was overthrown, all records of him were destroyed and his name was forgotten and forbidden What is the title he is known by?
  • 67. Q18 The X wanted to make a LOTR film in the 1960s with legendary director Stanley Kubrick. John was reportedly a huge fan of the series, and was driven to make this. The 4 had also decided the roles they had wanted to play, which seemed rather apt given their appearance somewhat. One would play Gollum, one Frodo, one Sam and the last Gandalf. However both Kubrick and JRR turned down the idea. ID X
  • 69. Q19 Tarth also known as “Sapphire Isle” is an island in the Narrow Sea off the southeastern coast of Westeros, separated from the mainland by the Straits of Tarth and Shipbreaker Bay. It is part of the Stormlands. When Locke was about to let his men rape Brienne, Jaime Lannister told him who she was and that Tarth was called the "Sapphire Isle" because every sapphire in the Seven Kingdoms was mined on it, to point out the wealth of her father This was a bluff from Jaime and Brienne later mentions the real reason for the name of “Sapphire Isle”. What was the reason?
  • 70. ANSWER The water surrounding the Isle was as blue as sapphires
  • 71. Q20 Following is a letter sent by Dumbledore to X "Yes, we [wizards] have been given power and, yes, that gives us the right to rule, but it also gives us responsibilities over the ruled... We seize control for the greater good. And from this it follows that...we must use only the force that is necessary and no more." X was inspired by this letter and used a specific phrase from this letter for his propaganda. ID X and the phrase
  • 73. Q21 Mitochondria is the organelle that provides energy to the cells. Mitochondria are believed to have once been separate organisms that inhabited living cells and have since become part of them; even now, mitochondria act in some ways as independent lifeforms, with DNA all their own. This property directly inspired something in a popular fandom, and was also responsible for the birth of a central character in the series. What did it inspire?
  • 75. Q22 In DOTA 2, there are countless hero-lines that are references to pop culture. When the hero Lion encounters another hero by the name of Witch Doctor in the game, he says, “Now all we need is a ________.” Identify which famous series this is a reference to.
  • 76. ANSWER Narnia: The Lion,the Witch and the Wardrobe (Blank is wardrobe)
  • 77. Q23 Stovokor is an American death metal band from Portland, Oregon. This bands songs and appearance is based on a fictional species. The name of the band is also based on the afterlife of the aforementioned species. The lyrics of this band are also in the language of this species. ID the species which is also the name of the language they talk in. Image of the band follows
  • 80. Q24 “The Master” is a Time Lord who is the arch nemesis of The Doctor, and is a recurring antagonist in the series. The Master was absent for almost 3 seasons and made a reappearance during season 8 of the rebooted series, with a different name. The new name had something to do with the new reincarnation of the Master. What was so different about this reincarnation that the Master had to change names? And what was the new name?
  • 81. ANSWER The Master was reincarnated as a female this time So the name was changed from Master to Missy (Short for mistress)
  • 82. Q25 There have been several comparisons between the series X and Y, based on the characters, languages, and themes. One comparison is done based on their forms of government. X is said to be against a totalitarian regime where the locals are trying to overthrow the majority power to restore a republic. Y is said to be more of a democracy where conflicts are solved by diplomatic solutions and discussion before an attack is ordered upon the concerned party. ID X and Y.
  • 83. ANSWER X - Star Wars Y - Star Trek