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Varun Krishnamurthy




• 9 Questions
• ID both player and the nickname
• +5 for each question
• No parts applicable
• +5 bonus if all correct


Since X used to practice a lot during the night after his duty hours, he
used to wait for the moon to come out so that the visibility in the field
(during his era there were no flood lights) improved. He was hence
called Y by his fellow players, as his practice sessions at night invariably
coincided with the coming out of the moon.


X has a self-appointed moniker, Y, with several layers of meaning; apart
from his association with his famously-cold homeland, he is widely
considered to have a cool temperament under pressure and also a cold
persona with most other drivers, team members and the media.


Only 19, the law at the time stated that X had to have a legal guardian
sign his baseball contract in order for him to play professionally. As a
result, Dunn became X's legal guardian, leading teammates to jokingly
call X "Dunn's new Y." The joke stuck, and X quickly earned the nickname
"Y" X. Give Y or its popular Italian translation.


X started his trademark Y in 2009 after being too lazy. His Y has
appeared in songs and on T-shirts. The X Illustrated project, by designer
Filip Peraić, is about illustrating the Y profile of X in a variety of styles and
techniques. It's hard to not recognize this basketball player.


X's nickname Y, which features on his shirt, dates back to his childhood.
It was first given to him by his grandparents, due to a resemblance to
the character from X's favourite Japanese cartoon programme as a child.
The footballer has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm inscribed that
transliterates roughly to YX in the Latin script.


The name was given to him in college by a sportswriter covering his alma
mater, Louisiana Tech for "delivering" match winning performances.
Like a X delivers, he used to “deliver” regularly. It referred to his
performances on the court, game in and game out.


X has the habit of placing bet on greyhound racing and that is the reason
behind his nickname. He recently told a website that he enjoys the "vice"
(which is ironic as he liked playing something else his entire career). X
even owns greyhounds.
"Another vice for me away from cricket, to give me some enjoyment. I've
been involved in greyhound racing for over 20 years now, I really enjoy it
and once cricket is finished I'll be able to become more involved," X was
quoted as saying.


Since dominating the 500 cc category, the Y has become the nickname of
choice for X. Two theories prevail as to why X uses the Y. One is that X
adopted the nickname upon having earned a degree, which in Italy
entitles one to use the title Y. Another, as spoken by Graziano himself,
"The Y because, I don't think there is a particular reason, but it's
beautiful, and is important, the Y. And in Italy, Y is a name you give to
someone for respect, it's very important, the Y... important."


A boy with a carefree attitude, he was smaller than other kids his age,
with his sister Rosa noticing he was as small as a little bird she started
calling him Y, the north-eastern name for the wren, a little brown bird.
The name stuck and by the age of four years, long before football fame,
he was known as X to his family and friends.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Since X used to practice a lot during the night after his duty hours, he
used to wait for the moon to come out so that the visibility in the field
(during his era there were no flood lights) improved. He was hence
called Y by his fellow players, as his practice sessions at night invariably
coincided with the coming out of the moon.


Dhyan Chand


X has a self-appointed moniker, Y, with several layers of meaning; apart
from its association with famously-cold homeland, he is widely
considered to have a cool temperament under pressure and also a cold
persona with most other drivers, team members and the media.




Only 19, the law at the time stated that X had to have a legal guardian
sign his baseball contract in order for him to play professionally. As a
result, Dunn became X's legal guardian, leading teammates to jokingly
call X "Dunn's new Y." The joke stuck, and X quickly earned the nickname
"Y" X. Give Y or its popular Italian translation.




X started his trademark Y in 2009 after being too lazy. His Y has
appeared in songs and on T-shirts. The X Illustrated project, by designer
Filip Peraić, is about illustrating the Y profile of X in a variety of styles and
techniques. It's hard to not recognize this basketball player.




X's nickname Y, which features on his shirt, dates back to his childhood.
It was first given to him by his grandparents, due to a resemblance to
the character from X's favourite Japanese cartoon programme as a child.
The footballer has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm inscribed that
transliterates roughly to YX in the Latin script.


ANSWER Kun, SergioKunAguero


The name was given to him in college by a sportswriter covering his alma
mater, Louisiana Tech for "delivering" match winning performances.
Like a X delivers, he used to “deliver” regularly! It referred to his
performances on the court, game in and game out.


MailMan, Karl Malone


X has the habit of placing bet on greyhound racing and that is the reason
behind his nickname. He recently told a website that he enjoys the "vice"
(which is ironic as he liked playing something else his entire career). X
even owns greyhounds.
"Another vice for me away from cricket, to give me some enjoyment. I've
been involved in greyhound racing for over 20 years now, I really enjoy it
and once cricket is finished I'll be able to become more involved," X was
quoted as saying.


Punter, Ponting


Since dominating the 500 cc category, the Y has become the nickname of
choice for X. Two theories prevail as to why X uses the Y. One is that X
adopted the nickname upon having earned a degree, which in Italy
entitles one to use the title Y. Another, as spoken by Graziano himself,
"The Y because, I don't think there is a particular reason, but it's
beautiful, and is important, the Y. And in Italy, Y is a name you give to
someone for respect, it's very important, the Y... important."


Valentino Rossi


A boy with a carefree attitude, he was smaller than other kids his age,
with his sister Rosa noticing he was as small as a little bird she started
calling him Y, the north-eastern name for the wren, a little brown bird.
The name stuck and by the age of four years, long before football fame,
he was known as X to his family and friends.


Garrincha, Manuel Francos




• 10 questions, clockwise.
• Bounce: +10/0
• Pounce: +10/-5
• QM’s decision is final.


A few weeks back, ‘The Rolling Pin’ bakery had created a bespoke
delicacy, the ___ _____ pie, filled with chicken, chorizo and onion with the
iconic X on its crust.
Dave and Susan Shaw, owners of The Rolling Pin, said: "Reaching the
quarter finals has created a real atmosphere in the town and is also
expected to provide local businesses like ours a massive boost. We’re
expecting a bumper trade this weekend.”
"As a way of celebrating the Cup run and saying ‘thank you’ to the club,
players and fans, we worked to create this hot and fiery pie that reflects
___ _____’s performances in the competition." FITB.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Will Grigg


Following an eclectic mix of music that included theme from Batman,
Send in the clowns and Tone Loc's funky version of wild things, where X
landed seven triple jumps-one of them being ___-, more than 10,000
spectators leaped with applause.
In the following years X performed to theme from "Y", a popular science
fiction flick, hoping for "resurrection" of her career, an innuendo to a
comeback from sporting “extinction”.
Get X and Y.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


X: Tonya Harding
Y: Jurassic Park


After X refused to sell his motorsport division to Y, Y vowed to take
revenge by beating X at Le Mans which they had won for the past four
years. For this purpose, Y designed an iconic car. For two more years, X
continued to dominate and then in 1966 Y won with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd
podium sweep. Y then won consecutively for the next three years. Id the
variables in one of motorsport's greatest rivalries.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Enzo Ferrari
Henry Ford


Shown here is a picture of _______ _______. When he was eight months
old, he contracted polio with both legs affected, the right one severely.
He was quoted as saying "I simply wanted to do things that challenge
"There were no fears. I was practically a robot. I focused on my
positioning and reaching the target. My feelings were taken from the
people who described to me how they saw it. What they felt, their
emotions, their cries. This is what made me realise what the moment
actually meant." he says, of an iconic moment that took place 26 years
Take a look at the pic in the next slide. What is his claim to fame?


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Lighting ofthetorchinthe1992BarcelonaOlympics
Antonio Rebollo, a paralympian lit the olympic flame with an arrow in
Barcelona 1992.


With 7 minutes, 24 seconds left in the first quarter of a game between
the Golden State Warriors and the Utah Jazz, one of basketball’s more
remarkable streaks appeared to suddenly end. Rudy Gobert took a flying
swipe at a X resulting in the shot airballing wide right. Gobert motioned
to the scorer’s table that he blocked it, but he wasn’t credited. After the
game, Gobert reiterated that he blocked the shot.He was adamant for a
Even in a season of staggering X’s stats, this one stands out. The X is the
new Y -- a virtually unstoppable, efficiency-unlocking cheat code.
ID X and Y, with their trademarks.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


X: Stephen Curry 3 pointer
Y: Kareem Abdul Jabbar Skyhook


Isabella I reigned as Queen of Castile from 1474 until her death.
She reorganized the governmental system, and brought the crime rate
to the lowest it had been in years. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for
completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim
and Jewish subjects, and for supporting and financing Christopher
Columbus's 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the New World and
to the establishment of Spain as the first global power which dominated
Europe and much of the world for more than a century.
What in the world of gaming is a direct allusion to Isabella I?


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Change of power in the of the queen in the chess board from 2 square in
any direction


In 2014 X struck a $400 million deal with the NFL to promote their latest
release, hoping to gain traction.
This however ended up becoming their undoing as the commentators
kept referring to the products being televised throughout the season as
Y, a competitor’s product along the same line. As a direct result Y's sales
soared leaving X in the dust.
ID X and Y.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


X- Microsoft Surface
Y- Apple iPad


Las Ventas is a famous bullring located in Madrid, Spain. Shown in the
slide to follow is a feature outside the venue unveiled in 1964, with a
bullfighter paying respects with his montera (the hat worn in the arena)
to the bust of a very famous person.
Given that bullfighters get gored in their job, whose bust is this?


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Alexander Fleming


In a recent Footlocker ad featuring Kyrie Irving, Dennis Rodman, X and
other prominent sports personalities, talking about setting things right
in the world around us.
During this ad:
‘I’m sorry, _______,’ X says. ‘It’s your ___.
‘I kept that in formaldehyde.’
What did X return and to whom after 16 years.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


X: Mike Tyson
Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield’s ear off


This is a failed patent of a X
used to make the viewing
experience better, easier to
follow on the television.
It would change colour based
on its speed.
However, it was removed when
the broadcasting rights of the
this sport was changed.
What is X?
Top view


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Glow Puck




• 9 questions.
• +5 for each
• +5 bonus if all correct
• QM’s decision is final.




















UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


1: Goal of the Century
2: Andy Murray Wimbledon victory
3: Aussie Glory ice skating
4: Bolt 9.64 London 2012 Olympics
5: Bergkamp goal vs Argentina 1998
6: Gordon Hayward, Butler vs Duke
7: Tiger Woods, 2005, Augusta Masters
8: Jordan 1998 finals
9: Ashes




• 9 Questions
• +5 for each Question
• +5 bonus for all correct


This shoe was created in
order to take a “jibe”/shot
at this players’ previous


The ceremony was held in
honour of X who will run his
last races this August on the
global stage, with his 100m
final on the 5th August and
4x100m relay on the 12th


X’s new shoes were created
in two colour ways.


This is a tribute shoe for X
after he won 5th ______ ___ .


X’s shoe today is more commonly
used as casual footwear.
X is an American tennis player,
who was active between the end
of the 1960s and the beginning of
the 1980s.
This shoe became more famous
than X himself.


Id the following personalised
shoe that X wore during the
clay season.


X’s relationship with this
company began because
of a major mishap during
the presentation of
another company.


During the Berlin Olympics _______ _________
were targets of Hitler’s vile ideology, and
Adidas would easily become a target of
severe repercussions from the Nazi
government. Still, Dassler and Waitzer
disregarded the possible dangers concerning
the promotion of their product, and they
approached X at the Olympic village and
offered him the special shoes that were
designed and crafted by Dassler himself.


X had not yet won an individual
gold medal by the time the
Atlanta Olympics came around.
He decided to work with Nike
to wear gold spikes in an effort
to "call his shot" with the world


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


1. Kevin Durant, Cupcake
2. Usain Bolt, Fastest forever
3. Lebron James, Equality
4. Cristiano Ronaldo
5. Stan Smith
6. Stan Wawrinka
7. Stephen Curry, Under armour
8. Jesse Owens
9. Michael Johnson




• 7 Variables.
• +3 for each.
• +6 if all correct
• No negatives. Feel free to guess.


If you combine the only player A to score in the FA Cup, League Cup, UEFA
Cup and Champions League finals with a Bollywood extraterrestrial
blockbuster, you get B. B is married to C, known for a certain honest body
part. C's name sounds a bit like the footballer D, known for his career from
Bayern to Inter to Stoke. D began his career at the football club of E which
is the hometown of his country's greatest sportsman F. If you subtract
'what a salesman would do' from E, you would get a sound. If you
repeated this sound, people would associate it with which animal. These
animals can be looked after by someone G who has a disliking towards a
certain number H.
ID the number


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


A: Steven Gerrard
B: Gerard Pique
C: Shakira
D: Xherdan Shaqiri
E: FC Basel
F: Federer
G: David Shephard
H: 111




• 10 questions, anti-clockwise.
• Bounce: +10/0
• Pounce: +10/-5
• QM’s decision is final.


After entering the lifeboat he spent several hours knee-deep in freezing
water.The ordeal left his legs so severely frostbitten that the doctor
wanted to amputate them. X, who did not want his tennis career to be
cut short, opted instead to work through the injury by simply getting up
and walking around every two hours, around the clock. The choice
worked out well for him: later that year, he won his first U.S. Tennis
Championship, in mixed doubles, and went on to win many more
championships including the Davis Cup with fellow survivor Carl Bher. X
also won the mixed doubles gold in the 1924 paris olympics.
ID the disaster that caused this to occurence


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


R Norris Williams
RMS Titanic
R. Norris Williams
RMS Titanic


“I toured New Zealand for six weeks during the summer, covering the
British & Irish Lions tour for Sportsfile.This image, which has been
nominated for a World Press Award, came during the fifth game of the
trip on a cold,wet winters night in Rotorua. The floodlights on the pitch
were very harsh and had an immediate fall off from the pitch to the
bleachers", Says Stephen McCarthy, a Sportsfile staff photographer. A
large amount of humidity along with the favourable lighting meant that a
particular phenomenon was observed.This photographic masterpiece
earned Stephen McCarthy a nomination for Sports Photo of the Year by
the World Press Photo Foundation. ID the phenomenon.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Steam Scrum


X is a former Australian rules footballer, best known for his career for St
Kilda and the Western Bulldogs in the Australian Football League, as well
as South Fremantle in the West Australian Football League.Twenty five
years from his iconic response to something at Victoria Park,after an
historic St Kilda win in 1993, X will have his iconic gesture immortalised
with a bronze statue later this year. What does this iconic gesture indicate
and it was a response to what? Also ID X.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Nicky Winmar, lifted his jumper and pointed to his skin, declaring: ''I'm
black – and I'm proud to be black'' as a defiant response to the racist
taunting of Collingwood fans.


In the 1937 Ashes held in England, Australia made the mistake of batting
first on a wicket which had faced heavy rains the night before. As a result,
managed only 200. The next day, England collapsed to 76. The then
Australian captain knew his batsmen would follow a similar fate and he did
something, considering there was a Sunday gap. The tactic worked and
Australia went on to win the match by a whopping 365 runs, with the captain
scoring a massive Double Century, setting a record unbeaten till date. What
was the tactic? Who was the captain? Also give me the record.


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Don Bradman reversing his batting order, and scoring 270 at No. 7,
which remains highest score at that number.


____ _______ was a Czech long distance runner who was nicknamed ‘The
Czech’ locomotive. He was selected as the Greatest Runner of All Time by
the world runners magazine. He is the first and only athlete to have won
the 5000m, 10000m and the marathon at the same Olympics, which he
did so in 1952, Helsinki. He developed his own training program and is
the originator of interval training and hypoventilation training.
He modeled his training based on X, who hails from the same country as
the ‘52 Olympics host nation and was incidentally the torch bearer of the
‘52 Olympics
ID both. (FITB and give X)


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Emil Zatopek
Paavo Nurmi


In mathematics, the X-Y pair consists of two consecutive integers for
which the sums of the prime factors of each integer are equal.
For example, the pair (49,50) can be considered an X-Y pair as:
Also, 2+5=7
Such a method of classification was developed by Number theorist Carl
Pomerance, who named it after noticing the pattern based on the efforts
of players X and Y. X’s record, set against the Pirates in 1935 stood
unchallenged for 39 years when Y surpassed it in 1974. ID X and Y.


Y surpassing X’s Record


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Babe Ruth,Hank Aaron


Gather 16 of the left goose wing, and when smashed, it spins clockwise.
Gather 16 from the right, and it totally screws the player's mind.
Gather 8 from the right, and 8 from the left, and it goes all wobbly.
Left goose wings are of supreme importance and aerodynamically, a
lesson of Physics. Protests from animal activists over this has largely
been ignored, blatantly.
What am I talking about?


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Shuttle cock


Norwegian military officer Oscar wergeland, in 1865 wrote a book of
specific drills for his troops. He turned this drill into an official exercise,
the idea took off throughout Europe. In 1939 finnish troops fought the
russians in the WW2 invasion called winter war, although finland lost
countries saw this success and started creating propaganda for their
own winter warfare. This practice evolved into a sport.
Name the sport.
(Picture of the instruments used in the drill on the next slide)


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals




"I was 12 when I turned my back on you, denying my past to guarantee you a safe future.
I went with my heart
I went with my instinct
But the day I stopped looking you in the face is also the day that I started to love you
To protect you
To be your first and last line of defence
I promised myself that I would do everything not to see your face again. Or that I would do it as little as possible. It
was painful every time I did, turning round and realising I had disappointed you.
And again.
We have always been opposites yet we are complementary, like the sun and the moon. Forced to live side by side
without being able to touch. Team-mates for life, a life in which we are denied all contact
More than 25 years ago I made my vow: I swore to protect you. Look after you. A shield against all your enemies. I’ve
always thought about your welfare, putting it first even ahead of my own.
I was 12 when I turned my back on __ ____. And I will keep doing it as long as my legs, my head and my heart will
Whose poem? Who is 'you'( or fill the blanks)?


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Gigi Buffon to his goal


Louis _______ was a Monégasque racing driver who
competed in rallies, sports car races, and Grands Prix.
Post retirement, he maintained an executive role with
the organizers of the Monaco Grand Prix, who honored
him with a statue on the Grand Prix course and renamed
the Swimming Pool corner after him.
1) What distinction does he hold in motorsport?
2) How did the racecar team he achieved the most
podiums under honour him, not so long ago?


UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals


Luis Fagioli
Bugatti chiron


Tie breaker
Golf asks players to do things like mark their own ball on the putting green, but the rules
know better than to trust them to do it honestly; the LPGA's rules are such that if a player
marks her ball in a way that gives her an undue advantage, she's penalized two strokes. If she
signs a scorecard attesting that she didn't do that when in fact she did, she's penalized two
more; that last penalty is a reduction from the old standard, which was immediate
All of this will become important.
22-year-old American star Lexi Thompson seemed very much on her way to a win at the ANA
Inspiration open in Rancho Mirage, California. Before she reached the tee on the 13th hole,
though, a LPGA official informed her that her four-stroke lead over So Yeon Ryu had become
a one-stroke deficit. The reason for this was that, while putting her ball down on the green
after marking her putt during play on Saturday, Thompson had minutely and apparently
inadvertently moved the ball slightly closer to the cup.
The officials assessed the penalty one day later, why after one day?

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UTPT 2018 Sports Quiz Finals

  • 3. Rules • 9 Questions • ID both player and the nickname • +5 for each question • No parts applicable • +5 bonus if all correct
  • 4. Q1 Since X used to practice a lot during the night after his duty hours, he used to wait for the moon to come out so that the visibility in the field (during his era there were no flood lights) improved. He was hence called Y by his fellow players, as his practice sessions at night invariably coincided with the coming out of the moon. ID X.
  • 5. Q2 X has a self-appointed moniker, Y, with several layers of meaning; apart from his association with his famously-cold homeland, he is widely considered to have a cool temperament under pressure and also a cold persona with most other drivers, team members and the media. ID X.
  • 6. Q3 Only 19, the law at the time stated that X had to have a legal guardian sign his baseball contract in order for him to play professionally. As a result, Dunn became X's legal guardian, leading teammates to jokingly call X "Dunn's new Y." The joke stuck, and X quickly earned the nickname "Y" X. Give Y or its popular Italian translation.
  • 7. Q4 X started his trademark Y in 2009 after being too lazy. His Y has appeared in songs and on T-shirts. The X Illustrated project, by designer Filip Peraić, is about illustrating the Y profile of X in a variety of styles and techniques. It's hard to not recognize this basketball player.
  • 8. Q5 X's nickname Y, which features on his shirt, dates back to his childhood. It was first given to him by his grandparents, due to a resemblance to the character from X's favourite Japanese cartoon programme as a child. The footballer has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm inscribed that transliterates roughly to YX in the Latin script.
  • 9. Q6 The name was given to him in college by a sportswriter covering his alma mater, Louisiana Tech for "delivering" match winning performances. Like a X delivers, he used to “deliver” regularly. It referred to his performances on the court, game in and game out.
  • 10. Q7 X has the habit of placing bet on greyhound racing and that is the reason behind his nickname. He recently told a website that he enjoys the "vice" (which is ironic as he liked playing something else his entire career). X even owns greyhounds. "Another vice for me away from cricket, to give me some enjoyment. I've been involved in greyhound racing for over 20 years now, I really enjoy it and once cricket is finished I'll be able to become more involved," X was quoted as saying.
  • 11. Q8 Since dominating the 500 cc category, the Y has become the nickname of choice for X. Two theories prevail as to why X uses the Y. One is that X adopted the nickname upon having earned a degree, which in Italy entitles one to use the title Y. Another, as spoken by Graziano himself, "The Y because, I don't think there is a particular reason, but it's beautiful, and is important, the Y. And in Italy, Y is a name you give to someone for respect, it's very important, the Y... important."
  • 12. Q9 A boy with a carefree attitude, he was smaller than other kids his age, with his sister Rosa noticing he was as small as a little bird she started calling him Y, the north-eastern name for the wren, a little brown bird. The name stuck and by the age of four years, long before football fame, he was known as X to his family and friends.
  • 14. Q1 Since X used to practice a lot during the night after his duty hours, he used to wait for the moon to come out so that the visibility in the field (during his era there were no flood lights) improved. He was hence called Y by his fellow players, as his practice sessions at night invariably coincided with the coming out of the moon. ID X.
  • 16. Q2 X has a self-appointed moniker, Y, with several layers of meaning; apart from its association with famously-cold homeland, he is widely considered to have a cool temperament under pressure and also a cold persona with most other drivers, team members and the media. ID X.
  • 18. Q3 Only 19, the law at the time stated that X had to have a legal guardian sign his baseball contract in order for him to play professionally. As a result, Dunn became X's legal guardian, leading teammates to jokingly call X "Dunn's new Y." The joke stuck, and X quickly earned the nickname "Y" X. Give Y or its popular Italian translation.
  • 20. Q4 X started his trademark Y in 2009 after being too lazy. His Y has appeared in songs and on T-shirts. The X Illustrated project, by designer Filip Peraić, is about illustrating the Y profile of X in a variety of styles and techniques. It's hard to not recognize this basketball player.
  • 22. Q5 X's nickname Y, which features on his shirt, dates back to his childhood. It was first given to him by his grandparents, due to a resemblance to the character from X's favourite Japanese cartoon programme as a child. The footballer has a tattoo on the inside of his right arm inscribed that transliterates roughly to YX in the Latin script.
  • 24. Q6 The name was given to him in college by a sportswriter covering his alma mater, Louisiana Tech for "delivering" match winning performances. Like a X delivers, he used to “deliver” regularly! It referred to his performances on the court, game in and game out.
  • 26. Q7 X has the habit of placing bet on greyhound racing and that is the reason behind his nickname. He recently told a website that he enjoys the "vice" (which is ironic as he liked playing something else his entire career). X even owns greyhounds. "Another vice for me away from cricket, to give me some enjoyment. I've been involved in greyhound racing for over 20 years now, I really enjoy it and once cricket is finished I'll be able to become more involved," X was quoted as saying.
  • 28. Q8 Since dominating the 500 cc category, the Y has become the nickname of choice for X. Two theories prevail as to why X uses the Y. One is that X adopted the nickname upon having earned a degree, which in Italy entitles one to use the title Y. Another, as spoken by Graziano himself, "The Y because, I don't think there is a particular reason, but it's beautiful, and is important, the Y. And in Italy, Y is a name you give to someone for respect, it's very important, the Y... important."
  • 30. Q9 A boy with a carefree attitude, he was smaller than other kids his age, with his sister Rosa noticing he was as small as a little bird she started calling him Y, the north-eastern name for the wren, a little brown bird. The name stuck and by the age of four years, long before football fame, he was known as X to his family and friends.
  • 33. Rules • 10 questions, clockwise. • Bounce: +10/0 • Pounce: +10/-5 • QM’s decision is final.
  • 34. Q1 A few weeks back, ‘The Rolling Pin’ bakery had created a bespoke delicacy, the ___ _____ pie, filled with chicken, chorizo and onion with the iconic X on its crust. Dave and Susan Shaw, owners of The Rolling Pin, said: "Reaching the quarter finals has created a real atmosphere in the town and is also expected to provide local businesses like ours a massive boost. We’re expecting a bumper trade this weekend.” "As a way of celebrating the Cup run and saying ‘thank you’ to the club, players and fans, we worked to create this hot and fiery pie that reflects ___ _____’s performances in the competition." FITB.
  • 38. Q2 Following an eclectic mix of music that included theme from Batman, Send in the clowns and Tone Loc's funky version of wild things, where X landed seven triple jumps-one of them being ___-, more than 10,000 spectators leaped with applause. In the following years X performed to theme from "Y", a popular science fiction flick, hoping for "resurrection" of her career, an innuendo to a comeback from sporting “extinction”. Get X and Y.
  • 40. ANSWER X: Tonya Harding Y: Jurassic Park
  • 41. Q3 After X refused to sell his motorsport division to Y, Y vowed to take revenge by beating X at Le Mans which they had won for the past four years. For this purpose, Y designed an iconic car. For two more years, X continued to dominate and then in 1966 Y won with a 1st, 2nd and 3rd podium sweep. Y then won consecutively for the next three years. Id the variables in one of motorsport's greatest rivalries.
  • 44. Shown here is a picture of _______ _______. When he was eight months old, he contracted polio with both legs affected, the right one severely. He was quoted as saying "I simply wanted to do things that challenge me." "There were no fears. I was practically a robot. I focused on my positioning and reaching the target. My feelings were taken from the people who described to me how they saw it. What they felt, their emotions, their cries. This is what made me realise what the moment actually meant." he says, of an iconic moment that took place 26 years ago. Take a look at the pic in the next slide. What is his claim to fame? Q4
  • 47. ANSWER Lighting ofthetorchinthe1992BarcelonaOlympics Antonio Rebollo, a paralympian lit the olympic flame with an arrow in Barcelona 1992.
  • 48. With 7 minutes, 24 seconds left in the first quarter of a game between the Golden State Warriors and the Utah Jazz, one of basketball’s more remarkable streaks appeared to suddenly end. Rudy Gobert took a flying swipe at a X resulting in the shot airballing wide right. Gobert motioned to the scorer’s table that he blocked it, but he wasn’t credited. After the game, Gobert reiterated that he blocked the shot.He was adamant for a reason. Even in a season of staggering X’s stats, this one stands out. The X is the new Y -- a virtually unstoppable, efficiency-unlocking cheat code. ID X and Y, with their trademarks. Q5
  • 50. ANSWER X: Stephen Curry 3 pointer Y: Kareem Abdul Jabbar Skyhook
  • 51. Q6 Isabella I reigned as Queen of Castile from 1474 until her death. She reorganized the governmental system, and brought the crime rate to the lowest it had been in years. Isabella and Ferdinand are known for completing the Reconquista, ordering conversion or exile of their Muslim and Jewish subjects, and for supporting and financing Christopher Columbus's 1492 voyage that led to the opening of the New World and to the establishment of Spain as the first global power which dominated Europe and much of the world for more than a century. What in the world of gaming is a direct allusion to Isabella I?
  • 53. ANSWER Change of power in the of the queen in the chess board from 2 square in any direction
  • 54. Q7 In 2014 X struck a $400 million deal with the NFL to promote their latest release, hoping to gain traction. This however ended up becoming their undoing as the commentators kept referring to the products being televised throughout the season as Y, a competitor’s product along the same line. As a direct result Y's sales soared leaving X in the dust. ID X and Y.
  • 57. Q8 Las Ventas is a famous bullring located in Madrid, Spain. Shown in the slide to follow is a feature outside the venue unveiled in 1964, with a bullfighter paying respects with his montera (the hat worn in the arena) to the bust of a very famous person. Given that bullfighters get gored in their job, whose bust is this?
  • 61. Q9 In a recent Footlocker ad featuring Kyrie Irving, Dennis Rodman, X and other prominent sports personalities, talking about setting things right in the world around us. During this ad: ‘I’m sorry, _______,’ X says. ‘It’s your ___. ‘I kept that in formaldehyde.’ What did X return and to whom after 16 years.
  • 63. ANSWER X: Mike Tyson Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield’s ear off
  • 64. Q10 This is a failed patent of a X used to make the viewing experience better, easier to follow on the television. It would change colour based on its speed. However, it was removed when the broadcasting rights of the this sport was changed. What is X? Top view
  • 68. Rules • 9 questions. • +5 for each • +5 bonus if all correct • QM’s decision is final.
  • 69. Q1
  • 70. Q2
  • 71. Q3
  • 72. Q4
  • 73. Q5
  • 74. Q6
  • 75. Q7
  • 76. Q8
  • 77. Q9
  • 79. ANSWER 1: Goal of the Century 2: Andy Murray Wimbledon victory 3: Aussie Glory ice skating 4: Bolt 9.64 London 2012 Olympics 5: Bergkamp goal vs Argentina 1998 6: Gordon Hayward, Butler vs Duke 7: Tiger Woods, 2005, Augusta Masters 8: Jordan 1998 finals 9: Ashes
  • 81. Rules • 9 Questions • +5 for each Question • +5 bonus for all correct
  • 82. Q1 This shoe was created in order to take a “jibe”/shot at this players’ previous team.
  • 83. Q2 The ceremony was held in honour of X who will run his last races this August on the global stage, with his 100m final on the 5th August and 4x100m relay on the 12th August ID X
  • 84. Q3 X’s new shoes were created in two colour ways. why? ID X
  • 85. Q4 This is a tribute shoe for X after he won 5th ______ ___ .
  • 86. Q5 X’s shoe today is more commonly used as casual footwear. X is an American tennis player, who was active between the end of the 1960s and the beginning of the 1980s. This shoe became more famous than X himself.
  • 87. Q6 Id the following personalised shoe that X wore during the clay season.
  • 88. Q7 ID X X’s relationship with this company began because of a major mishap during the presentation of another company.
  • 89. Q8 During the Berlin Olympics _______ _________ were targets of Hitler’s vile ideology, and Adidas would easily become a target of severe repercussions from the Nazi government. Still, Dassler and Waitzer disregarded the possible dangers concerning the promotion of their product, and they approached X at the Olympic village and offered him the special shoes that were designed and crafted by Dassler himself.
  • 90. Q9 X had not yet won an individual gold medal by the time the Atlanta Olympics came around. He decided to work with Nike to wear gold spikes in an effort to "call his shot" with the world watching.
  • 92. Answers 1. Kevin Durant, Cupcake 2. Usain Bolt, Fastest forever 3. Lebron James, Equality 4. Cristiano Ronaldo 5. Stan Smith 6. Stan Wawrinka 7. Stephen Curry, Under armour 8. Jesse Owens 9. Michael Johnson
  • 94. Rules • 7 Variables. • +3 for each. • +6 if all correct • No negatives. Feel free to guess.
  • 95. If you combine the only player A to score in the FA Cup, League Cup, UEFA Cup and Champions League finals with a Bollywood extraterrestrial blockbuster, you get B. B is married to C, known for a certain honest body part. C's name sounds a bit like the footballer D, known for his career from Bayern to Inter to Stoke. D began his career at the football club of E which is the hometown of his country's greatest sportsman F. If you subtract 'what a salesman would do' from E, you would get a sound. If you repeated this sound, people would associate it with which animal. These animals can be looked after by someone G who has a disliking towards a certain number H. ID the number
  • 97. ANSWER A: Steven Gerrard B: Gerard Pique C: Shakira D: Xherdan Shaqiri E: FC Basel F: Federer G: David Shephard H: 111
  • 99. Rules • 10 questions, anti-clockwise. • Bounce: +10/0 • Pounce: +10/-5 • QM’s decision is final.
  • 100. Q1 After entering the lifeboat he spent several hours knee-deep in freezing water.The ordeal left his legs so severely frostbitten that the doctor wanted to amputate them. X, who did not want his tennis career to be cut short, opted instead to work through the injury by simply getting up and walking around every two hours, around the clock. The choice worked out well for him: later that year, he won his first U.S. Tennis Championship, in mixed doubles, and went on to win many more championships including the Davis Cup with fellow survivor Carl Bher. X also won the mixed doubles gold in the 1924 paris olympics. ID X. ID the disaster that caused this to occurence
  • 102. ANSWER R Norris Williams RMS Titanic R. Norris Williams RMS Titanic
  • 103. Q2 “I toured New Zealand for six weeks during the summer, covering the British & Irish Lions tour for Sportsfile.This image, which has been nominated for a World Press Award, came during the fifth game of the trip on a cold,wet winters night in Rotorua. The floodlights on the pitch were very harsh and had an immediate fall off from the pitch to the bleachers", Says Stephen McCarthy, a Sportsfile staff photographer. A large amount of humidity along with the favourable lighting meant that a particular phenomenon was observed.This photographic masterpiece earned Stephen McCarthy a nomination for Sports Photo of the Year by the World Press Photo Foundation. ID the phenomenon.
  • 106. Q3 X is a former Australian rules footballer, best known for his career for St Kilda and the Western Bulldogs in the Australian Football League, as well as South Fremantle in the West Australian Football League.Twenty five years from his iconic response to something at Victoria Park,after an historic St Kilda win in 1993, X will have his iconic gesture immortalised with a bronze statue later this year. What does this iconic gesture indicate and it was a response to what? Also ID X.
  • 108. ANSWER Nicky Winmar, lifted his jumper and pointed to his skin, declaring: ''I'm black – and I'm proud to be black'' as a defiant response to the racist taunting of Collingwood fans.
  • 109. Q4 In the 1937 Ashes held in England, Australia made the mistake of batting first on a wicket which had faced heavy rains the night before. As a result, managed only 200. The next day, England collapsed to 76. The then Australian captain knew his batsmen would follow a similar fate and he did something, considering there was a Sunday gap. The tactic worked and Australia went on to win the match by a whopping 365 runs, with the captain scoring a massive Double Century, setting a record unbeaten till date. What was the tactic? Who was the captain? Also give me the record.
  • 111. ANSWER Don Bradman reversing his batting order, and scoring 270 at No. 7, which remains highest score at that number.
  • 112. Q5 ____ _______ was a Czech long distance runner who was nicknamed ‘The Czech’ locomotive. He was selected as the Greatest Runner of All Time by the world runners magazine. He is the first and only athlete to have won the 5000m, 10000m and the marathon at the same Olympics, which he did so in 1952, Helsinki. He developed his own training program and is the originator of interval training and hypoventilation training. He modeled his training based on X, who hails from the same country as the ‘52 Olympics host nation and was incidentally the torch bearer of the ‘52 Olympics ID both. (FITB and give X)
  • 115. Q6 In mathematics, the X-Y pair consists of two consecutive integers for which the sums of the prime factors of each integer are equal. For example, the pair (49,50) can be considered an X-Y pair as: 49=7*7 50=2*5*5 Also, 2+5=7 Such a method of classification was developed by Number theorist Carl Pomerance, who named it after noticing the pattern based on the efforts of players X and Y. X’s record, set against the Pirates in 1935 stood unchallenged for 39 years when Y surpassed it in 1974. ID X and Y.
  • 119. Q7 Gather 16 of the left goose wing, and when smashed, it spins clockwise. Gather 16 from the right, and it totally screws the player's mind. Gather 8 from the right, and 8 from the left, and it goes all wobbly. Left goose wings are of supreme importance and aerodynamically, a lesson of Physics. Protests from animal activists over this has largely been ignored, blatantly. What am I talking about?
  • 122. Q8 Norwegian military officer Oscar wergeland, in 1865 wrote a book of specific drills for his troops. He turned this drill into an official exercise, the idea took off throughout Europe. In 1939 finnish troops fought the russians in the WW2 invasion called winter war, although finland lost countries saw this success and started creating propaganda for their own winter warfare. This practice evolved into a sport. Name the sport. (Picture of the instruments used in the drill on the next slide)
  • 126. Q9 "I was 12 when I turned my back on you, denying my past to guarantee you a safe future. I went with my heart I went with my instinct But the day I stopped looking you in the face is also the day that I started to love you To protect you To be your first and last line of defence I promised myself that I would do everything not to see your face again. Or that I would do it as little as possible. It was painful every time I did, turning round and realising I had disappointed you. Again And again. We have always been opposites yet we are complementary, like the sun and the moon. Forced to live side by side without being able to touch. Team-mates for life, a life in which we are denied all contact More than 25 years ago I made my vow: I swore to protect you. Look after you. A shield against all your enemies. I’ve always thought about your welfare, putting it first even ahead of my own. I was 12 when I turned my back on __ ____. And I will keep doing it as long as my legs, my head and my heart will allow.” Whose poem? Who is 'you'( or fill the blanks)?
  • 129. Q10 Louis _______ was a Monégasque racing driver who competed in rallies, sports car races, and Grands Prix. Post retirement, he maintained an executive role with the organizers of the Monaco Grand Prix, who honored him with a statue on the Grand Prix course and renamed the Swimming Pool corner after him. 1) What distinction does he hold in motorsport? 2) How did the racecar team he achieved the most podiums under honour him, not so long ago?
  • 132. Tie breaker Golf asks players to do things like mark their own ball on the putting green, but the rules know better than to trust them to do it honestly; the LPGA's rules are such that if a player marks her ball in a way that gives her an undue advantage, she's penalized two strokes. If she signs a scorecard attesting that she didn't do that when in fact she did, she's penalized two more; that last penalty is a reduction from the old standard, which was immediate disqualification. All of this will become important. 22-year-old American star Lexi Thompson seemed very much on her way to a win at the ANA Inspiration open in Rancho Mirage, California. Before she reached the tee on the 13th hole, though, a LPGA official informed her that her four-stroke lead over So Yeon Ryu had become a one-stroke deficit. The reason for this was that, while putting her ball down on the green after marking her putt during play on Saturday, Thompson had minutely and apparently inadvertently moved the ball slightly closer to the cup. The officials assessed the penalty one day later, why after one day?