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Uva Admissions Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of Uva admissions can be a challenging task, as it requires a careful
balance between showcasing your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations while adhering
to the expectations and criteria set by the admissions committee. The difficulty lies in crafting a
narrative that not only highlights your academic achievements but also provides insight into your
personality, passions, and how you would contribute to the university community.
The Uva admissions essay prompts often demand thoughtful reflection and introspection,
pushing applicants to articulate their goals and motivations clearly. It's not just about listing
accomplishments but weaving a compelling story that resonates with the values and ethos of the
University of Virginia. Striking this delicate balance requires time, effort, and a deep
understanding of what the university is looking for in its prospective students.
Furthermore, the essay needs to be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and organized in a
way that captivates the reader's attention from the beginning to the end. It's not merely about
conveying information but about doing so in a manner that engages and leaves a lasting
impression on the reader.
In summary, the difficulty in writing a Uva admissions essay lies in the intricate process of self-
reflection, effective storytelling, and meeting the specific expectations of the university. It is not
just an academic exercise but a personal and strategic endeavor that necessitates careful
consideration of every word and sentence.
For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing challenges, individuals may explore
services like HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide guidance and support
tailored to their specific needs.
Uva Admissions Essay Uva Admissions Essay


Reactionism And Structural Functionalism Theory
I.Introduction Have you ever felt that everything in this world is interconnected in
some way? It s as if everything won t function if one thing fails to do what it s
supposed to do. This is structural functionalism. II.Theory and Definition Structural
functionalism theory states that society is held together by social bonds, which are
religion, shared values, traditions and cultural norms. Every one of them has the
same goals and agendas they want to achieve. Each individual is assigned a certain
role and as long as everyone works together in fulfilling whatever their roles require
from them, they can all achieve their goals. Emile Durkheim theorized that when just
one part of the system undergoes a problem, then other parts of the... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Structural functionalism is all of these concepts merged into one whole idea.
IV.Proponents 1. Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim was the one who laid the
foundation for this theory during the late 1800s through his book entitled Suicide
which explains that people commit such act because of external factors like society.
It means that society highly affects the behaviour of an individual. 2. Talcott
Parsons He synthesized the works of Weber, Durkheim, and Pareto s theories into
his own theory of social action during the 1960s. His theory of social action states
that every decision of an individual is influenced by society and in result will benefit
both himself or herself and society as a whole. 3. Herbert Blumer Herbert Blumer
founded symbolic interactionism which states that humans act based on meanings
and symbols that arise from social interaction. He saw society as an ongoing process
or something that is still under construction. 4. Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann
They developed the concept of social construction through their co authored book
entitled The Social Construction of Reality. Social construction is people creating
meanings for each others actions, and over time, these meanings eventually become
the basis of how people act around each other. 5. Harold Garfinkel He developed
ethnomethodology which studies the ways social groups interact in order to maintain
order in society. 6. Erving Goffman He developed the dramaturgical approach which


gifted education and funding Essay
How Lack Of Funding Effects Gifted Students In Ohio
This year is a landmark year for Gifted Education in Ohio; for the last few years the
number of gifted children in Ohio has been growing steadily. This year for the first
time the percentage of children in Ohio that were identified as Gifted and Talented
finally equaled the percentage of children who were served in Special Education
Classrooms. There is only one small problem with this statement. The percentage is
equal only if you count the students who are identified as being Talented and Gifted,
not served. There are currently only 11% of all Talented and Gifted students being
served in the State of Ohio.
The Ohio ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ohio now requires school district to test students to see how gifted they are, and to
notify parents that there students are talented and gifted, but does not require that
school districts do anything to enhance or accelerate that child s education. The state
would never consider doing this to a child in special education, but it is well accepted
in gifted education.
The Ohio Department of Education beliefs that gifted children can make it on their
own and do not need special services. This is not true, high percentages of students
become underachieves and never attend college. Many are discipline problems,
eventually dropout, and many commit suicide. Many gifted students who stand out in
classrooms, are often used as a tutor for the other students. This only further excludes
them from learning and makes them stand out to ridicule.
The No Child Left Behind law is commonly referred to as the No Child Pushed
Forward law in the gifted community. This is due to the fact the classrooms are
required to assure that every child meets basic requirements, however once gifted
children meet these requirements they are required to wait and practice a few more
times while every catches up. This law has helped many slow learning students, but it
has impeded many gifted students.
Gifted Education while a section of Special Education is not required to fill out


Team Building, Leadership And Motivation Essay
Team building, Leadership and Motivation
Building the right team with the most appropriate leadership and striving to keep the
team motivated cannot be over estimated in project management. This stage is
initiated from the planning stage. Unlike larger scaled projects that teams are to be
built around the project, our team was built before defining the project, we therefore
had to tap into the strengths of each group member. This was achieved by gauging
the types of contributions made by members during the planning stage, making it
easy to identify what roles specific individuals are best suited to carry out. More so,
significant leadership qualities were identified in individuals within the group. These
included, taking responsibility for initiating work towards the project, taking
responsibility of gathering all team members to initial meetings as well natural co
ordination of group activities.
According to The Management Study guide, Team building refers to the various
activities undertaken to motivate the team members and increase the overall
performance of the team (Management Study Guide 2016). The dynamics of building
and maintaining a strong team are extremely vital as the knowledge and expertise
each teammate brings to the table will be beneficial, ultimately. To build momentum
and a healthy work relationship within the team, we held several team meets and
went to lunch and/or dinner occasionally. This phase of project management carries
through to the completion


Building A Disaster Recovery Plan
RPO is the time that the data for a business will need to be restored in order to
meet the requirements for the owners. This will judge when the end user will be
able to regain access to data on the system. RTO is the measured time a system or
application will not be operational before it is considered insufferable to the business.
Risk Management Phases
What is to be done
Inventory all applications, data, operating systems, and physical servers
Monitor workload data information like network utilization.
Build a disaster recovery plan that will be able to handle the workload information.
Configure your entire virtual environment to be able to match the physical production
of the servers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Risk Management planning methods:
One on one BIA interviews.
Group BIA interview sessions or exercises
Executive management mandate.
Electronic medium. Use of voice and data communications technologies, video
conferencing, and Web based technologies and media are becoming increasingly
accepted and popular.
Financial Impacts
Operational Impacts
Location Impacts
Technological Dependence
Economic and operational impact categories (lost sales, interest paid on borrowed
funds, business interruption, customer inconvenience, etc.)
Organizational chart reviews.
Overlaying systems technology
Executive management interviews
The goal of these processes is to support IT, voice and data networks, facilities,
human resources, E commerce initiatives, etc. Time critical business processes are
prioritized in terms of their MTDs/RTOs
Data centers dashboards and others DMSS
In this section we will study about the Data centers dashboards and others DMSS
Classification system context
Monitoring Automation
Planning Implementation


Data collection
Energy and environmental dashboards
Data Center Business Value Dashboards
These dashboards, known within the sector as Data Center Infrastructure
Management systems, can track information technology equipment status and can
provide actionable information and analyses for management of IT equipment, data
center space, power, and cooling.
DCIM tools monitor, measure, manage and


The Strange Death of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov
Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov is a landowner very known for his strange death.
Fyodor started from nothing and had married a rich, beautiful and intelligent girl
named Adelaida Ivavnova Miusov. The two had a son named Dmitri, but Adelaida
soon had realized the she does not love Fyodor and decided to run away. Some after
time, a news have reached Fyodor that Adelaida had died. Some says that Fyodor
celebrated his freedom others said that he wept like a poor little child. Fyodor left
with their son, he has not served his responsibility to Dmitri so the child was taken
care off by Adelaida s relatives. When Dmitri was being raised, he was taught to
think that he had a huge amount of inheritance that her mother left to her father. He
entered the military and after that went to his father to claim for his inheritance.
Dmitri was deceived by his father about the inheritance and he had accumulated
anger and wanted to fight for his rights. After getting rid of Dmitri way back then
he married again to Sofia Ivanovna. They had 2 sons namely Ivan and Alexei.
Fyodor mistreated her wife. He held immoral and vicious acts in front of her own
wife such as infidelity attending and sleeping with other women, holding orgies and
maltreatment. With these happenings Sofia became mentally unstable and soon died.
Their two sons were taken cared off by the person who was also part of raising
Dmitri up. The two went to school, Ivan


Ancient And Early Modern Societies
Haylee Ferguson
Professor Seaman
History 4
27 November 2016
Ancient and Early Modern Societies Mesopotamia, China, Aryan India, and early
modern Europe are all different when it comes to the way they live.
Mesopotamia is known to be the land between the Tigris and Euphrates river ,
according to the Greek meaning. In Mesopotamia there is four primary categories of
people. First is the nobles, second is the free clients who worked the lands, third is
the commoners who owned their own land, and lastly is the slaves who were
prisoners of war. Mesopotamia was the first civilization in history to create a
detailed legal system. This system is called the code of Hammurabi. The laws
differed for different social statuses and the punishments were an eye for an eye. If
an awilu [craftsmen/laborers] should blind the eye of another awilu, they shall blind
his eye. (Milestone Documents, Mesopotamia: Code of Hammurabi Short Version )
This punishment comes from the context of the Talion Laws and it states that the
action done by the person, the punishment should be on the same level as the action.
These laws were written on Diorite Stela which is a hard black stone and written in
the language Akkadian. This language was spoken throughout Mesopotamia.
Specifically there is 282 laws but they were quickly destroyed by king Shutruk
Nahhunte. A Mesopotamian religion is different than your typical religion. Their
religion focuses on different aspects of a life. For example


How Did Adolf Hitler s Rise To Power
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20,1889. He died on April 30,1945 in Berlin
Germany. Son of Klara Hitler and Alois Hitler. Their sibling was Paula Hitler,
Angela Hitler, Ida Hitler, Alois Hitler Jr., Edmund Hitler, otto Hitler, and Gustav
Hitler. Sadly they did not have any kids because Hitler had barely gotten married
to Eva Braun when he committed suicide.Eva was a german teacher and seamstress
who came from middle class families. Then she and Hitler were together when they
she was 17 years old. Hitler went to college at BRG for one year. Then after that, he
went to Bundesrealgymnasium Linz for 4 years. Then after that, he finally went to
folks Schuler Wambach for another year as well.
Adolf Hitler was rejected from Art schools across Austria, which supports the
idea.That he traveled to Liverpool to study. He spoke little English and spent most
nights wandering the streets of Liverpool alone.In the election of late 1932, the Nazis
won 37 percent of the vote and became the largest single party in the Reichstag. Hitler
demanded the right to become Chancellor , but ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
He initiated world war 2 and oversaw fascist policies that result in millions of
deaths.Born in Austria in 1889, Adolf Hitler rose to power in German politics as
leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazi Party.
Hitler was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and served as dictator from
1934 to 1945. His policies precipitated World War II and the Holocaust.As with
many other Germans, Hitler bought into the philosophy that they were stabbed in
the back by the Jews. He put the Social Democrats, who signed the Armistice in the
same group as the Jewish War Profiteers. This simply added to his growing hatred of
the Jews, giving way to one more reason why Hitler hated jews.Mein Kampf was
published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. The book was edited by Hitler s deputy


There are many theories about how earth came to be, and one of them a
scientifically detailed explanation. In this theory, it is said that earth s history has
been broken up into four main eras. The Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and
Cenozoic Eras. Each of these eras have there own accomplishments, or milestone
events, that occurred within the time period. From one celled organisms to
dinosaurs, it all eventually leads up to the first sightings of humans. The first era to
occur was the Precambrian Era. One of the first events to happen in the history of the
earth is the Hadean Eon. The Hadean Eon was the time period in which earth s
surface hardened and became solid. Scientists found out the location of the layer that
the Hadean Eon occurred... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of the Cenozoic Era s milestones is development of mammals. Mammals ruled
the Cenozoic Era after being some of the only surviving species after the mass
extinction of the dinosaurs. Fossils of mammals can be found using radioactive
dating to show when these mammals dominated the Cenozoic Era. And the last event
to talk about is the placement of some of the continents and land masses. India
collided with Asia between 55 and 45 million years ago, and Arabia collided with
Eurasia 35 million years ago. Scientists can date these events by taking the direction
that the plates are moving and reversing the


Female Sexuality, Gender, And The Body
Women s body which is personal in nature is, no more personal, it s always binding
by the culture. Female sexuality in a Brahmanical Patriarchy is much more
complicated. Caste hierarchy and gender hierarchy are the organizing principles of
the brahmanical (Chakravarti 1993). Most often women are denied of their rights
over her own body. Here culture plays a prominent role in binding the women s
rights over the body and the power of her body is vested in the hands of the men.
Women s body is continually made to fit and mould to societal expectations with a
sever denial rights, her bodily integrity constantly violated. Bodily integrity includes
the process of expanding the real freedoms that women enjoy, and the freedom to
express one s sexuality and sexual orientation or genderidentity is a development
issue as important as any other. Sexuality, gender and the body is a complex
interplay of dominant forces, are root of women s oppression in contemporary
society through objectification of the a female form in everyday life .Thapan (2006)
Here the paper attempts to make the interface between body, culture, sexuality and
power with reference to the lived experience of Tamil Brahmin in south India. Here
the paper attempts to make the inter linkages of culture and body over the sexuality
of women.
Here the 1st section of paper the unpacking of the body, culture, sexuality and power
over women. On the second section deals, the sexuality and culture of the women is


The Themes Of Romeo And Juliet
1. Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is feasibly the most famed lovers ever. This is an persistent
awful love story dealing with love written by William Shakespeare about two
young ill starred lovers whose deaths eventually embrace their wrangling families.
Romeo and Juliet have become prototypical of young lovers and ordained love.
The fiction of two youngsters from two arguing families who fall in love at first
ability to see and then marry, become true lovers and then risk it all for their love.
To take your own life for your husband or wife is categorically a sign of true
love.The Friar narrates their story. These families are acquiescent by their children s
demises and agree to end their ferocious dispute.
2. Cleopatra and Mark Antony
The factual love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most unforgettable,
fascinating and affecting of all times. The story of these two ancient typescripts
had later been docudramatic by William Shakespeare and is still staged all over the
world. The liaison of Antony and Cleopatra is a true test of love. They fell in love at
first ability to see. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It takes place throughout feudal stretches during the control of King Arthur. Isolde of
Ireland was the offspring of the King of Ireland Related in Homer s Iliad, the
section of Helen of Troy and the Trojan Conflict is a Greek daring fable, uniting
circumstance and fiction. Helen of Troy is careful one the most attractive
womenfolk in completely literature. She was wedded to Menelaus, royal of Sparta.
Paris, child of Royal Priam of Troy, clear cut in love with Helen and kidnapped her,
captivating her spinal to Troy. The Greeks accumulated a countless crowd, controlled
by Menelaus s brother, Agamemnon, to regain Helen. Troy was demolished. Helen
refunded securely to Sparta, where she survived fortunately with Menelaus for the
respite of her natural


Muhammad Ali Essay
Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali, was the first Islamic boxer to win a World Title.
Grit is perseverance, passion, and faith to get to your life goals and over difficult
challenges. Muhammad Ali born January 17, 1942 Louisville Kentucky he passed
June 03, 2016. After an amazing boxing career and then the battle against Parkinson s
diseases outside the ring. Muhammad Aliused perseverance, passion, and faith to
get him through life and to become one of the best boxers in history. To begin with,
Muhammad Ali used perseverance to overcome misfortunes. Firstly Ali had lost
Golden Gloves Championship two times in a row. For example Frank Collective
author of MuhammadAli.com reports even though Ali had lost twice he went back
for a third time and finally won Golden Gloves Championship (Collective).
Therefore Muhammad Ali did not give up on his goals an finally became a
champion. Secondly, Ali was a draft dodger. For... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Firstly, Muhammad Ali used faith to become a national figure. For example, Frank
Collective, Enterprise, Shares Ali was the first national figure to speak out against the
Vietnam war (Collective). Therefore, Ali used faith to stand up against something
that America has so much nationalism behind. Secondly, Ali used faith when he
switched religions. For instance, Frank, Reports Ali switched to nation of Islam even
though he knew he would lose sponsors and great friendships (Frank). Thus, the
switch he had made included allot of faith because he could have lost everything just
for what he believed in. Thirdly, Muhammad Ali had faith in his boxing. For example,
Frank, Shares Ali s second fight back after his three and a half year suspension was
against Joe Frazier an undefeated champion at one of the biggest stages Madison
Square Garden March 8, 1971 for the world heavy weight title. Ali used faith to not
be scared of anything that came in his way. Ali used faith to overcome his life
challenges, and he kept pressuring his


The Role Of Bread In Japanese Economic History
Food of Efficiency : The Role of Bread in Japanese Economic History from the
1910s to the 1960s The history of bread in Japan began in the early Meiji Period,
when Kimuraya Sohonten, a Tokyo bread store, opened and invented Anpan, a
popular sweet bread with red bean paste inside. Approximately one hundred and fifty
years have passed since then. In these 150 years, Japan s numerous social changes
have shifted and redefined the role of breadin the Japanese diet. Frist, bread was a
popular novelty food and a status symbol until the beginning of the 20th century .
Between the 1910s and the 1960s, bread functioned as a food of efficiency and
eventually became one of the main staple foods in Japan. Form the 1970s to the
present, bread has reformed into a form of snack in the Japanese daily diet . While
appreciating the delicate contemporary bread snacks , one might also notice the
contrast between bread s role as snack now and its role as a food of efficiency before.
How did bread become a food of efficiency, and what was the significance of this
part of the history of bread in Japan? From the beginning of World War I in the
1910s to Japan s Economy Miracle in the 1960s, bread served as a food of
efficiency and the history of bread in Japan closely reflected the country s
industrialization and economy growth. Bread started its transformation into one
staple foodof Japan in the 1910s. Japan had won the First Sino Japanese War and the
Russo Japanese War in the


Tim Burton Cinematic Techniques
Burton s Style Tim Burton uses cinematic techniques to create his movies. Through
his use of cinematic techniques in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward
Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice. Some of Burton s cinematic techniques are lighting,
music, and costumes. Cinematic techniques are camera shots used to demonstrate
different aspects of a films setting, characters and themes. In at least three of his
movies, Burton uses similar cinematic techniques to portray mood to his audience.
Burton, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factoryuses clothes in order to portray the
characters.They all were different kinds of clothes like Veruca had on rich clothes,and
Violet and her mom had matching clothes on.The parents and kids had different


Eating On The Cheap Essay
Eating On the Cheap: Surviving At All Costs
A previous article talked about lessons we could learn or have learned from the
great depression of the 1920 s and 30 s. When many if not most of the people at the
time were essentially broke, food became a big problem, especially for those living
in the cities because they could not step out their back door and pick a hand full of
corn or tomatoes for dinner, or grab the hatchet and go collect Sunday dinner from the
henhouse. Their food was processed by others and then delivered to stores, but soon
the deliveries stopped because the meat packing plants closed, the delivery drivers
were laid off, and many merchants shuttered their doors. Food was scarce.
We Waste a Tremendous Amount of Food
According to the National Resources Defense Council, on average an American
family tosses away approximately 25 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Small restaurants and convenient stores could not always get a food vendor to
deliver because their purchases were not big enough to warrant a large delivery
truck, so they shopped for their businesses themselves. Be careful when shopping
and avoid buying bulk just because it is a good deal.
If you buy meat in bulk do not let it set in the Fridge until it spoils, get it into the
freezer the day you brought it home. Fresh meat spoils within days even when stored
under refrigeration, so if you waste time you will end up wasting food.
Shop with a list and stick to it, but it takes planning because you will need to know
what meals you want to prepare for the next few days. Buy just enough for the meals
you have planned, which brings us to cooking at home. Do you know how to cook,
because eating out rarely saves you money on your grocery bill? People eat out and
they still stock their freezers and refrigerators with food, food that spoils because
they are not eating it at


My Interview With A University Education
For my faculty interview, I interviewed Dr. Adem, my chemistry professor. I
interviewed Dr. Adem because he teaches my chemistry lecture, lab, and recitation,
which I like his teaching methods and class. Since, I he teaches so many of my
classes and I like how he teaches, I thought it would be good to get to know him
better. I found Dr. Adem to care for the success of students and for his success as a
teacher. For my interview with Dr. Adem, three questions that were asked were
provided to me. The first questions was why do you value a universityeducation? Dr.
Adem replied that he values a university education because he went to a university
and his parents never went, so they provided him the opportunity for a better life.
He says that he would not be where he is, without it. This implies that to him a
university education may not have been expectation like it is in America for many
of us. This may have caused him to value it more than some people do, but his
reasoning is accurate for everyone. Without a university education many people
could not be where they are today, they would not be as successful without. The
value of a university education is more than just a degree, it is the learning of life
skills. With the university in mind, the next two provided questions asked if a higher
educationwas a right or privilege and if it is a public good or private benefit. The
response wat that it should be a right, although it sometimes not. Everyone should be


Essay On Milgram Experiment
Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment to find out how far people would go in
obeying instructions if it included harming another person. This experiment was
also trying to prove how easily an ordinary person could be influenced into
committing atrocities such as the Nazi killings in World War II (McLeod, 2007).
The experiment was first advertised in the newspaper to look for male participants
for the experiment and they were paid $4.50 for participating the experiment which
were conducted at Yale University. In the experiment, a participant is assigned with
the role of a teacher and they were paired up with another person (one of Milgram s
confederates) who took the role as a learner (McLeod, 2007). The learner were placed
inside... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This obedience occurred even though the learner had mention at first before the
experiment that he has a heart problem and demanded to be released during the
experiment (Feldman, 2013). Most of the participants continued sending the shocks
even though the learner was screaming and shouting. During the experiment many of
the participants were uncomfortable and angry at the experimenter and yet they still
continued following instructions until the end of the experiment (Cherry, n.d.). These
participants had believed that the experimenter would be held responsible for any
potential after effects of the experiment and not them therefore continued sending
shocks to the learner in the experiment (Feldman, 2013). The results of this
experiment has suggested that ordinary people would obey orders given by an
authority even though it includes harming another person because they had the
mindset of just following orders and not being personally held responsible for any the
possible negative outcomes. Although this experiment shows that situational
variables have a stronger sway than personality factors in determining obedience,
there are other psychologists claim that obedience is greatly affected by both
physical and mental factors such as personal beliefs and total character (Cherry,


What Are The Toxic Components Of Its Harmful Effects
Direct exposure to chemicals being used in a variety of PC material is harmful for
our health plan, as well as harmful and a threat to the environment. If you open a
different part of the PC have exposed, and toxic metals such as lead, mercury,
cadmium, barium, chromium, and copper etc. can face serious losses. Computer
material containing harmful toxic elements in the brain, kidney, serious harmful to
the fetus and Reproductive System. Harmful toxic elements that are widely used in a
variety of PC components of its harmful effects and remedies as follows: 1. CRT
Monitor Lead, phosphorus, cadmium: CRT television sets and used to Monitor
cathode ray tubes as well. The images generate by electron beams, where the tube hit
phosphorus. In... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Well established and renowned companies are Recently in the lead free shoulder
and harmful toxic elements by using less material. 5. Ink and toner, printer drum
(photo copier) Ink and toner, drum printer, etc. use large amounts of cadmium are
harmful components. So the old abandoned or empty drum printer, inkjet and laser
printers should not there. If your kidneys exposed to cadmium for a long time may
have a serious harmful effect. The plastic used for manufacturing quality is also
not much. These are compounds which are toxic chemicals in soil, water,
atmosphere and serious. 6. Tapes and floppy disks Chromium magnetic media,
such as chromium dioxide, magnetic recording tapes and floppy disks used as
particles. While the cassette tape has now been terminated, using the tape is still a
powerful enterprise class storage systems. Chromium is a harmful toxic material,
which Probably easily absorbed in the human body. It can destroy the DNA, which
in human development. Chromium causes lung cancer if exposed for a long time
probably. Should high chromium in the workplace can cause asthma, allergy can
cause. Computer harmful metals Of which the human body Lead:This material
being used to infect computers nerve in our brain. Organic material is toxic to the
body of the children s adolescence can. With every breath a person regularly takes
powder or fine particles of lead or lead swallowed, then there will be some physical
problems, such as headaches, deafness, insomnia,


Religious Influence On Public Decision-Making
Say yes to the man
Religion can weigh heavily on the decision making of Adolescent children. Many
people around the world have been introduced to religion at a young age, which has
seemed to impact their growth. Religion can play a role in children s decisions and
this is why some parents introduce religion to their kids. Religion can have positive
or negative effects on children, however, the positives outweigh the negatives. Many
parents would argue that religion would help children make better decisions, while
other parents are hesitant to introduce religion to their child. Introducing religion to
children could possibly introduce them to new ideas and opportunities they would
not have even thought of. Religion can teach children many important life skills that
can help them in their future. Also religion allows children to build morals and
values. As stated by Mark Joseph Stern in Is Religion good for Children? , Several
studies do seem to corroborate the conventional wisdom that kids raised with religion
any religion are psychologically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With this information and insight it shows some of the negatives many parents think
about when deciding to introduce their child to religion.
This can be seen on the graph of the decline of religious identity.
As shown on the graph religion is on the decline at a steady pace in America. Many
people in America alone have stopped being religious or do not identify as any
religion. This has led to Americans trying to reduce federal aid toward these religious
groups, believing they are just a waste of money. As seen in the article Faith Based
Initiatives by Sarah Glazer A recent poll illustrates the tension between supporting
religious groups and crossing the line to government supported


Bhp Billiton And World Biggest Natural Resources
BHP BILLITON is established and world biggest natural resources organisation. This
company is working in 25 countries across the world. BHP BILLITON is one of the
top industries for producing aluminium, energy coal, metallurgical coal, copper,
uranium, iron ore, oil, gas, diamonds. Head office of this organisation is in
Melbourne, Australia.
пЃ¶BHP BILLITON also provided steel for Sydney Harbour Bridge. BHP BILLITON
is also a part of the first Military Aircraft in Australia. (Edumine, 2015)
пЃ¶BHP BILLITON stayed on top in progress of gas and oil. It emerged highest
scores in 2014 and 2015. (Disclosing annual report, 2015)
пЃ¶In 2005 BHP BILLITON became second largest copper producer and third largest
nickel producer.
Background of the organisation
BHP BILLITON is merger of two companies. First one is BHP (Broken Hill) was
formed by Charles Rasp in western New South Wales. BHP started their business
with mining of silver and lead. Second one is Billiton used to abstract tin in mid
1800s. BHP was largest zinc producer but when these came to less profitable then
David Baker gave advice to established steel making in Australia. Established steel
industry was the milestone in Australia. BHP also started manufacturing ships and
they launched first ship in 1941. In 1960, Australia had no oil and it was huge
disadvantage in cars, trucks. BHP discovered natural gas in 1965 and oil in 1967.
Billiton expands its operati on by establishing the raw material process to produce


Hamlet s Inner and Outer Conflict in Shakespeare s
Conflict, in literary context, can be defined as the opposition of persons or forces
that gives rise to the dramatic action in a drama or fiction. Conflicts can be external,
between two or more persons, or internal, within one s self. In most literature the
conflict adds to the execution of the plot itself. Shakespeare s Hamletmakes use of
both forms of conflict as an essential element of the play. I will show how Hamlet
presents inner and outer conflicts with examples of each and how their resolutions
(if any) serve as a major part of the overall play itself.
Inner Conflict
Over the course of the play Hamlet has a number of ongoing conflicts within himself.
These conflicts, in my opinion, serve as Hamlet s greatest ... Show more content on
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It is this mourning that becomes the foundation of conflicts to come. After an
encounter with his father s ghost, Hamlet learns of his uncle s treachery and is at
first filled with rage, Haste me to know t, that I with wings as swift, as meditation
or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge. (Hamlet aside, Act I, Scene V,
p.1651), but it is Hamlet s struggle with himself that leads to not act upon his words
as fast as he had clamed to.
Outer Conflict
An example of (and the initial) external conflict exists between Hamlet and his
uncle and mother. Hamlet, already in mourning, is greatly angered at his mother,
Gertrude, queen of Denmark, and his uncle, Claudius, the new king of Denmark,
for marrying so shortly after the death of his father. Hamlet does not openly
express his discontent towards Gertrude and Claudius at first, though he does make
his mourning known Seems, madam! nay it is; I know not seems. Tis not alone
my inky cloak, good mother... These but the trappings and the suits of woe.
(Hamlet to Gertrude, Act I, Scene II, p. 1640), as well other characters, I pray thee,
do not mock me, fellow student...I think it was to see my mother s wedding. Thrift,
thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables.
Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven or ever I had seen that day, Horatio!
(Hamlet to Horatio, Act I, Scene II, p. 1642)


Gender Differences in Communication In The Workplace
During spring and summer of 201 I underwent a six month internship in the
information services department of a major company in my country Botswana. The
company , Botswana power corporation is the sole producer and distributor of
electricity in Botswana. As a company with branches all over the country it is easy to
understand why communicationwould be crucial to the day to day operations of this
company as a whole. For the sake of clarity however I m going to limit the focus of
this paper to the Information servives departmentin which I worked.
My internship position was at the companies head office in Gaborone .As intern it did
not take me long to realize that almost all the departments needed the services of the
IS department in one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The only time when the all the staff members got together was during the weekly
meeting in the managers office.The meeting was held with members sitting in around
a round table ,so that the group members could freely themselves verbally and non
verbally.The atmosphere was usually relaxed(except during emergency meetings)with
drinks and snacks being served.It was during these meetings that projectscheduling,
recurring problems and internal matters were disciussed.The meeting as was the
office ws run democratic manner.All members of the group was encouraged to offer
their input.When there was disagreement over a certain issue it was often put to the
vote. As an intern these meetings were the highlight of the week because of the many
brilliant ideas that were born from the brainstorming sessions that often went on
during them.Group think was to a large part avoided by the fact that we all knew that
the manager door was


Physical Activity Analysis
Through the use of MyFitnessPal I was able to carefully document and analyze my
physical activity for three days. MyfitnessPal has a unique feature with my iPhone
that can track my actual steps taken per day. Unfortunately, I did not have the time
during the three days to do any exercise besides walking around campus and steps
obtained from running errands. It is important that I not only focus on the foods I
consume but also exercisemy muscles for short and long term health advantages. In
essence, after this module and the app I received valuable information about my
health based on the amount of physical activity done daily. Furthermore, I begin to
track my steps on Tuesday, but in order to obtain authentic results I did not focus on...
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For instance, reducing cancer risk, improved weight management, and also
improves stress management for good mental health. Physical fitness plays a
significant role in our bodies by providing energy, therefore, I am going to alter my
poor habits. I aspire to construct a better diet and be strict on working out at the gym
or any physical activity at the recommended amounts. For this reason, I believe
having an active life will not only improve your health, but as a whole attract a better


Innocence In Lord Of The Flies
Innocence is something every child has in them. By nature all kids are innocent, but
when they re disconnected from their society and civilization, their inner savagery
will come out and overcome their purity. This was shown to us by William Golding
through is book Lord of the Flies, in which a group of British boys are disconnected
from civilization and society by getting stranded on an island. And by being away
from civilization they slowly start to let their inner savages out, soon putting their
innocenceto an end. Through this he shows; a group of boys who are initially
innocent will lose this pure state of mind to the appeal of fun and power, eventually
resorting to savagery and losing their innocence altogether.
At the beginning of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Jack held up the head and jammed the soft throat down on the pointed end of the
stick which pierced through into the mouth. He stood back and the head hung
there, a little blood dribbling down the stick. (136) Jack had violently killed the
sow and stuck its head on a stick as a gift for the beast. By now Jack had turned
into a complete savage and the rest of them followed him since he was chief of his
fun tribe. They re going to hunt you tomorrow. [...] Roger sharpened a stick at both
ends. (188 190) Jack started hating Ralph so much that he wanted to hunt and kill
him. So he made a plan with his tribe to spread across the whole island to search for
Ralph and kill him. Roger had sharpened a stick at both ends to do the same as they
did with the pigs head, cut the head off and put it on a stick as a gift for the beast.
Fortunately, Ralph didn t get caught by them. As he tried to escape from them he
ran out toward the beach where he finds a naval officer and starts crying. And in
the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept
for the end of innocence, the darkest of man s heart, and the fall through the air of
the true, wise friend called Piggy. (202) Without a doubt, they had killed their pure
minds and Ralph cried for that end of innocence. The boys put their innocence to a
complete end ever after they joined Jack s tribe, who was the one


American Funerals
Student Name
2 May 2014
A Re look at the America Funeral Process
Funerals are some of the most difficult activities for most individuals to experience,
especially when they involve the death of a loved one. Over the years, there has
grown a common and yet distinct American custom when it comes to how funerals
are perceived and conducted (James 348). However, most Americans still hold unto
the traditional funerals as opposed to modern ones. Unfortunately, the American
funeral customs put a lot of more emphasis on some activities that turn out to be very
costly. Worst of all, the economic burden that this traditions put on the bereaved
families is even more detrimental.
Most of the old folks are the greatest defenders ... Show more content on
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Identified by the majority as funeral directors in America, these specialists have
transformed the twentieth century experience of death and body disposal. On the flip
side though, this does not mean that they have made things any easier.
Since the funeral expense plans have become a part of the American funeral
custom, here is a look at how this plans may not be a good investment after all.
First of all, such plans usually accord the client negligible interest of their money,
and in some cases the interest goes into their pockets therefore meaning that they do
not over individual the control of the money they have invested in them (Nash).
Secondly, the funeral plans will always cost more than they claim that it will cost
for them to offer their services fully during the death of an individual. In that regard,
I would like to point out that this is my utmost to both funeral homes and American
funerals since the two are intertwined. According to Nash , most commercial on
American televisions currently advertise the services of funeral plans, saying that it
costs just around $6,000 for and individual to get a full cover. However, this is a huge
lie. This could have been true a few decades ago, not today.
When factoring in additional expenses that funeral plans do not often disclose, the
total figure of an entire funeral process ends up doubling. Nash


Communication Is Essential For Good Communication
This assignment focuses on: communication, its definition, further explores its
meaning to nursing and how communication develops. Communication is essential
in everyday life and it is vital in conducting any aspect of business. It is an
operation that involves a few stages, whereby actions and words are conveyed in a
way that makes it easier for the listening person to understand and make sense of all
that is being said (Rayudu, C.S 2010). While communication, whereby a person
communicated via noises and stares to send messages has been an existing activity
for over two million years (Rayudu, C. S 2010), it remains a complex phenomenon. It
is always essential for good communication to be conducted effectively in health
settings, as poor communication may lead to conflicts between nurses and patients,
inadvertently leading to poor delivery of care in cases such as, the inquiry into
failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Francis, 2013, Department of
Health, 2013, Hawthorn, Maureen 2015).
In nursing, communication forms one of the 6Cs (Care, Compassion, Competence,
Communication, Courage and Commitment) core competences integral in the
execution of the profession (Royal College of Nursing 2015). The need for effective
communication has been highlighted by high profile cases where unfortunately
innocent young and old lives have been lost for example; failings at Mid
Staffordshire NHS Foundation and the Baby Peter s case. (Community care 2009,
Francis Report


Is A As Effective As Clopidogrel For The Patient With...
Is prasugrel as effective as clopidogrel for the patient with acute coronary syndrome?
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the most common form of cardiovascular
disease.1 In 2006, about 733,000 ACS patients were discharged from hospitals
costing the United States $150 billion annually.2 Eighty percent of these cases were
either unstable angina (UA) or no ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and
the remaining 20% were ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The
pathophysiology of ACS includes the stable plaque forms get converted into unstable
plaque forms.2 These unstable plaque forms have numerous thin fibrous cap cells,
inflammatory cells, activated macrophages, and smooth muscle cells. Sympathetic
activity increases myocardial contractility, pulse rate, blood pressure, and coronary
blood flow which leads to plaque rupture or fissure. As the artery ruptures, it causes
thrombus formation and ischemia in this particular artery. Depending on the
condition, different thrombi could form. The unstable angina forms a small thrombus
formation, NSTEMI forms a partial thrombus formation, and STEMI forms a
complete and persistent thrombus. The risk factors involved in ACS are age, physical
inactivity, and history of hypertension, diabetes, or angina. The signs of acute
coronary syndromes are an acute heart failure, tachycardia, bradycardia, or heart
blockage, and the symptoms of ACS consist of chest pain, pain in the extremities,
nausea, shortness of breath, heavy


Pre-k Math Classroom Observation Report
This paper will summarize the session of a pre k math session. Secondly describe
the evaluation results in connection to the five stages of professional development.
Lastly, analyze the lower rated aspects of the session for improvement. I recently
attended a professional development session for pre k Math. This professional
development session has help enhance the pedagogy for novice teachers. The
professional development courses were designed to help share how pre k math helps
students rote count, patterns, geometry, compare, short, long. The skills will help
teachers prepare students with the concept of Pre k math.
The professional development was well organized for the teacher to have
comprehend the pre k math skills. The teachers lean how to implement the smart
board for the pre k classes. The smart board is a new technology that is being
implemented in the pre k ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The teacher learns how to organize the lesson plan. The lesson plan is a guide
instruction on how to implement the lesson so, that they students reach their goals.
According Glickman, Gordon, and Ross Gordon text: share will the information be
useful that was provided during the professional development meeting. Did the
teachers comprehend what was taught during the pre k session? The teachers were
able to take the information back to the classroom after learning how to implement the
skills. The development was organized into small groups so, that the teachers where
able to discuss the session and write down question. There question was answer when
asked by the speaker. After the teacher were given the new information they were
shown how to evaluate the students when they go back to their classroom.
Encouraging students to come to school so, the lesson can be follow in sequence
order. Making sure students were completing the homework assignments and asking
open ended


Multicultural Excellence
1 Within the four components of Multicultural Excellence, I have experienced a
greater expansion of my awareness in the discrimination of women in the education
system. During my high school education, none of the history classes I took
included in their curriculum a chapter on Title IX, and why it was added. In doing
my Title IX research project, I became aware that in our recent history, before 1972,
that there were quotas set in place, limiting the number of female students in a
University. I am glad that legislation has passed removing quotas, but I also became
aware that women are currently still a minority within the STEM majors. I believe
this is due to our social construct here in America.
My knowledge of how I can become an ally has ... Show more content on
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This concept can be found on page 67 of our textbook. Individualistic cultures place
the importance on the individual and competing with each other. Collectivistic
cultures place importance on the group s needs, and conforming to take the place
within the group. In understanding this concept, I then begin to understand the
worldviews of other people. This also plays an important role on how the family is
structures. If I have a client in the future who has a collectivistic culture, I need to
remain aware, and respect this, and work to develop a therapeutic plan that holds to
their values, and alleviates their stress, without projecting my own individualistic
thoughts onto the client. In this way, I can provide support in the way that they need it.
A3.1 In the film, Let s Get Real, I watched as a child acted as an ally for a child
who recently immigrated from Iran. While the other children were teasing him, in
a language he did not understand very well, one child decided to stand up, and in
doing so created a friend, and provided support for a child who really needed it.
Later, the child reported how good it felt to have a friend, and how he was able to
learn English through this friendship. It has helped provide me insight on the
injustices on how people in the Big 8 of Diversities Culture group, who don t speak
the dominant language, are poorly


The Effect Of Distributed Generation On Power Quality
The Effect of Distributed Generation on Power Quality of Iraqi power System
Abstract: The primary motivation behind this paper is to examine the essential
comprehension of power quality in connection to the distributed generation. Because
of extensive cover between two innovations, aggravations influencing the power
quality, which are principally caused by the expansion of Distributed Generation
(DG) on the existing power system network. Infusion of the DG into an electric power
grid can influence the voltage quality. Distributed generation of various voltage levels
when associated with the power system network could impact the voltage regulation,
sustained interruptions, harmonics, sags, swells, and so on. All the data given here
are gathered from various references by remembering the understudies at the starting
level of the concerned topic.
The request of force is heightened in the realm of power.This development of
interest triggers a need of more power generation. DG utilizes smaller sized
generators than does the ordinary central station plant. Distributed generators are
little scale generators found near purchasers; regularly Distributed Generators are of
1 kW to 100 MW [1].
Meaning of DG [2].
Distributed generation in straightforward term can be characterized as a small scale
generation. It is an active power generating unit that is connected at distribution level.
IEEE characterizes the generation of power by offices adequately


Summary Of A Demon s Promise By Kristie Cook
In this book A Demon s Promise by Kristie Cook, the main characters, Alexis and
Tristan are living in this menacing dramatic life. Keeping in mind that Alexis is just
a nineteen year old girl, and is being chased down by the Daemoni who are trying
stop them. Alexis isn t fully aware of her situation, her mother had kept many secrets
about her family and also about her future from her. Alexis and Tristanfell deeply in
love, ironically this had already been planned way before she was born, apparently
there souls were created for each other. Although, they do get married out of love, and
ultimately keeping the Amadis powerful and enduring. Tristan was created by the
Daemoni to destroy the Amadis people, but tristan has an overwhelming amount...
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Then there s the beach house that Tristan had designed for Alexis, which is the
first place they had made love, and they promised each other that they would after
they got married, this is where they had spent a couple weeks of their honeymoon.
Sophia s cottage is also very important because this is where she found out the truth
of who Tristan really was and also she found out more about herself here. Alexis
also met her grandmother Rina here when she came to see Alexis. Also, this
particular house is where Alexis began creating and writing her first novel, and
was the first place her and Tristan hang out, that wasn t school or at the beach. Then
there is Tristan house, Alexis never really imagined that this would have been his
house but she admired the sculpture that were created by him. This is where Alexis
got drunk for her first time, and she found out that she was pretty strong when
Tristan made her upset and she grabbed a granite countertop that weights a few
hundred pounds and launched it across the room. Tristan house was the first place
they got attacked by Rogues and they didn t really succeed because Sophia was
there to help Tristan defeat them. Alexis is not very strong and is very fragile
because she yet has gone through the Ang dora which is where she becomes who
she is meant to be and also receives the powers of Amadis and make her the most
powerful member of it. After they had gone on there honeymoon, the Daemoni had
blown up Tristan s house to send him a message, after they found out he married


Speech Censorship
Free Speech Regulations With The Use Of Censorship The use of censorship when
it comes to free speech is extremely present in today s society. However, freedom of
speech has caused vast problems in our history s past. Censorship has helped regulate
free speech, acting as a barrier to various societies that make up the American culture.
Hate speechhas created various stereotypes which lead to violence, hence censorship
should be implemented in order to prevent these issues, whether on campuses, in the
media or even in religious settings. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on
various topics regarding how censorship can prevent hate speech towards
communities that coincide with violence within the American society and explore
different ways to respond when hate speech is directed towards a community. In
America s past history, the offensive speech that was present in classic literature, as
well as films containing controversial content, making them socially unacceptable or
racist in today s society. I believe the use of censorship should be implemented in
current literature, films and amongst the media, which can prevent hate speech and
racial slurs. However, I believe that literature or films shouldn t be revised or have
present censorship applied as it acts a representation of what the cultural atmosphere
was during that specific time of publication. I consider the unedited original version a
glimpse into the past. Further, I believe that these controversial


Fa Mulan Research Paper
Hua Mulan or Fa Mulan is a legendary woman warrior from Ancient China. Hua
Mulan was originally starred in a poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. She is a
legend from ancient China and was originally described in a Chinese poem known
as the Ballad of Mulan. She wasn t like any of the normal Chinese woman who
cleans, cooks, and sews. When she was around 18 she joined an all male army in
place of her father, who was too old, and a younger brother who was still too young.
During her war years, she fought against forces from the Middle East and the
Mongolian/nomadic tribes, and was able to claim victory for Chinafor a short period
of time.
In the Chinese culture, the woman was the most honored and longest living member
in the family. She would obey her father until she gets married then she would
answer to her husband (Ancient Peoples 1) and look after her husband, son and any
other men in her life. Their main jobs that they do for their family is ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
From the time they came along in the ancient period to today more and more are
allowed to actually fight on the frontline or engage in violent and dangerous tasks
(Mulan in Real Life: Chinese Women Soldiers and Feminism 2). People see this as
a huge progress in feminism (2). During the ancient period, Mulan was the earliest
legendary woman women in Chinese culture (2) and was probably the one that has
attracted the widest range of attention (2). The Post Opium War Time Period lasted
from 1840 1949 and during this time period woman soldiers were starting to get very
active. From 1949 to now, they consider the modern times. In these times Chinese
woman make up 7 ВЅ percent of the military. Along with that the army, navy, and air
force has the biggest marching group in modern history (2). Chinese woman join the
military because it opens opportunities for education and training, better jobs in the
future, possible residence in cities, and higher status in society


Symbols Of Power In Lord Of The Flies
Symbols of Power in Lord of The Flies
Symbols have been used to express power throughout history. Judges have gavels.
Police officers wear badges. Kings wear crowns. Symbols are used to categorize
people into different social classes or groups. In Lord of the Flies, by William
Golding, those in leadership use tangible objects as symbols in an attempt to gain
control over the group.
There are two main symbols of power in the novel the conch shell and the ????
At the beginning of the novel, one symbol of power is the conch shell. Piggy finds
the shell and realizes it can be used as a horn to call the boys together. We can use
this to call the others. Have a meeting. They ll come when they hear us. Later, he
suggests that whoever holds the conch shell in their meetings has permission to
speak, and everyone accepts that the shell is a symbol of authority. Ralph uses the
conch as a symbol of dominance. He always speaks using the conch in meetings: I
ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he is speaking
(39). The boys gain power through holding the conch shell it represents law and
order. Golding writes that, Most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the
conch. Toward the end of the novel, Jack no longer recognizes the conch shell as a
symbol of power and authority. Jack declares that the conch is meaningless as a
symbol of power, and its decline in importance parallels the decline of civilization on


Risk Assessment For Malathion
Conducting a risk assessment for malathion would begin by planning. The first step
in thisprocess would be to see who and what are at risk. We would also look at what
areas are at risk.This would then be further broken down to more specific groups,
such as adults , children, teens,and pregnant women. Looking deeper at who would
be affected we would next look at the highlysusceptible subgroups. This would be
people with asthma or genetic problems, and those with ahigher exposer based on
geographical area than others. We would then begin looking at theenvironmental
hazardof malathion. An example of what we would be looking for then would bethe
cumulative riskof chemicals. Would this effect microbiological or biological beings,
or willthis effect... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This means there will be a check to see what health problems are caused
bymalathion. We would check the toxicokinetics, to see how the body absorbs and
processesmalathion and the toxicodynamics to focus on if there are any effects from
the chemicals on thehuman body. This would be done by a dose response
assessment, to see what the healthproblems are at different amounts of exposure.
Doing a exposure assessment we could see howmuch of the malathion people are
exposed to for the months of June, July, and August. With thiswe can also see how
many people will be exposed. Then checking the risk characterization to seewhat the
risk is of the certain health problems to the exposed population.Malathion is an
organophosphate insecticide it was first registered for use by the USDAin 1956. It is
now regulated by the EPA. It is used to control a broad assortment or insects
bothagriculturally and residentially. Malathion is registered for use on crops, food,
and feed.Malathion is toxic via skin contact, inhalation and through ingestion. It
works by overstimulating the nervous system and ending stimulation of the neurons.
Malathion has a very loworal toxicity. With lower toxicity in males than


Essay about The Crack Cocaine Epidemic of the Mid 1980s
Just Say No! A statement that takes us deep into yet another decade in the history
of the United States which was excited by controversies, social issues, and drug
abuse. The topic of this statement is fueled by the growing abuse of cocaine in the
mid 1980s. I shall discuss the effects of the crack cocaine epidemic of the mid
1980s from a cultural and social stand point because on that decade this country
moved to the rhythms and the pace of this uncanny drug. Cocaine took its told on
American society by in the 1980s; it ravaged with every social group, race, class,
etc. It reigned over the United States without any prejudices. Crack cocaine was the
way into urban society, because of its affordability in contrast to the powdered...
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The numbers speak loud and clear. This was part of the effects that where brought
about by this epidemic, the growing use of the drug. Crack cocaine pierced through
urban neighborhoods; its roots were tightly griped in Los Angeles California s
black neighborhoods (Webb Dark Alliance; War... ). In effect, the growing use of
cocaine in the US brought fort new types of profit and purpose for the drug
trafficking industry; thus the emergence of crack cocaine on American soil,
especially through the explosion in LA. This was due to a link between these
areas drug dealers and the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (FDA), know as the
Contras here in the US (Webb Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ). The Contras
imported the cocaine through one man, Oscar Danilo Blandon (Webb Dark
Alliance; the Shadowy... ). The Contras revolution against the socialist
establishment in Nicaragua was being funded by the drug trafficking industry in
other words (Webb Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ), and this ius when a chain effect
begins. The chains of effects begin in Nicaragua, but ultimately it ends and harbors
itself in the US within its urban neighborhoods. The CIA was involved with the
Contras is one way or another, this is where the conspiracy theories begin (Webb
Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ). Supposedly in the most extreme conclusion of them
all is that the CIA was allowing the Contras to import and deliver all their cocaine, in
order for them to find the monetary means for their


Yu-Gi-Oh Game Analysis
1.In the game of Yu Gi Oh, there is a lot of give and take when it comes to cards.
When determining whether a card is good or not, I often look at just the good
parts of the effect and not the drawbacks. For example, there is a card called Card
of Demise. This card allows you to draw until you have 3 cards in your hand, but
you cannot do damage to your opponent for the rest of the turn, you send your
entire hand to the Graveyard during the End Phase, and you cannot Special
Summon during the turn you activate this card. While there are some clear
negatives to the card, I overlook those and really only look at the fact that you can
draw up to 3 cards, which is unprecedented in Yu Gi Oh. While the creators of the
card, Konami, try to make Card... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One cannot see the Yu Gi Oh community without a glimpse of bandwagon. While in
the card game almost anything can be played within the entire 20 year history,
people often flock to bandwagoning the quote best decks. It has even gotten to the
point where people come up with a Tier List to place decks from best to worst, but
these list are subjective. While there is potential for any deck to do well in a
tournament, one will see the same decks top because of the numbers that represent
those decks at a tournament because of bandwagoning. With groupthink, the
community believes those decks to be the best and are the decks that are looked at
when it is time to hit cards on the Ban


Essay on Ketamine
Description: Ketamine is a nonbarbiturate, sedative hypnotic used parenterally to
provide anesthesia for short diagnostic and surgical procedures. It is also used as an
inducing agent, as an adjunct to supplement low potency anesthetics such as nitrous
oxide, and as a supplement to local and regional anesthesia. Ketamine can be used
concomitantly with muscle relaxants without complication because it does not
provide muscle relaxation of its own. It is a fairly short acting agent that provides a
profound, rapid, dissociative state and a short recovery time. Mechanism: Although
the exact mechanism of action is not known, ketamine appears to be an agonist at
CNS muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and opiate receptors. Ketamine ... Show
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More rapid administration can result in respiratory depression, apnea, and an
enhanced pressor response. Usual induction doses are 1 2 mg/kg IV and will
produce 5 10 minutes of surgical anesthesia.
Intramuscular dosage is 3 7 mg/kg IM, which will produce 12 25 minutes of surgical
anesthesia. For intramuscular injection, no dilution is necessary and the standard
procedures for IM injection should be followed, such as injecting into a large muscle
mass and aspiration prior to injection to avoid injection into a blood vessel.
For general anesthesia maintenance: 50 100% of the full IV or IM induction dose
can be repeated as needed.
Ketamine can be used for sedation before minor procedures, although this use is not
approved by the FDA
The oral dosage would be 6 10 mg/kg PO (mixed in cola or other beverage) given 30
minutes before procedure.
The intravenous dosage in this case is 0.5 1 mg/kg IV (range: 0.5 2 mg/kg).
In any usage, ketamine should be given on an empty stomach to help prevent possible
vomiting and aspiration.
There is some evidence in the literature that repeated use can result in tolerance,
requiring higher doses with successive administrations to achieve the same levels of
sedation and anesthesia. Ketamine is contraindicated in patients with hypertension,
cardiac disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, head trauma or
intracranial mass, or intracranial bleeding, or in other patients


Texas Vaptist Education Society
Baylor University is the oldest university in the State of Texas. Throughout its rich
history, Baylor has endured many hardships. However, these hardships have only
helped to strengthen the university into the successful intuition that it is today. In the
early 1840 s, Union Baptist Association members discussed the establishment of a
Baptist university. This discussion lead to the development of the TexasBaptist
Education Society. The Texas Baptist Education Society would work hard to establish
a Baptist university, no matter what struggles they encountered. In the end, the Texas
Baptist Education Society decided to petition congress to charter the university. After
the signing of the charter, Baylor Universityopened its doors to twenty four... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
At this time, the university was open to both male and female students. This
would change over the years from co ed, to male, and back to co ed again, as
Baylor grew and adjusted as a university. Students paid $8 to $15 per five month
term, depending on the courses of study, which included the three Rs as well as
geography, grammar, philosophy, chemistry, and the Latin and Greek languages
(Baker, n.d.). Until the arrival of Baylor s first president Henry L. Graves, the
faculty and staff consisted of one man by the name of Henry F. Gillette. Graves
dealt with many hardships during his time at the university, some of which were
four original trustees resigned; another, William M. Tryon, died; finances
dwindled; salaries went unpaid; and Gillette left, principally because of hardships
he had to endure (Baker, n.d.). While there were many hardships, Graves did make
many positive contributions, such as the organization of a collegiate department
and the addition of law lectures. By adding the study of law in 1849, Baylor
became the first in Texas and the second university west of the Mississippi to teach
law (The History of Baylor,


Comparing The National Council Of Teachers Of
This paper serves to compare the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Standards for Secondary Mathematics (NCTM), Common Core State Standards
(CCSS), and Virginia s Standards of Learning (VSOL). The comparison will include
similarities and differences among the three documents as well as discuss their
strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, a combined setof standards will be developed and
presented, encompassing the strengths of the various standards. The first similarity
between the three documents would be the structure of the standards. Each document
varies in the numberof standards, but all are separated through domains of
mathematical learning. For example, out of the fourteen NCTM Curriculum
Standards for Secondary Mathematics, five standards detail the process of learning
mathematics. These standards include Mathematics as Problem Solving,
Mathematics as Communication, Mathematics as Reasoning, Mathematical
Connections, and Mathematical Structures. Similarly, Common Core State Standards
provide the state of Alabama with Mathematical Practice Standards which parallel
with similar methods of learning mathematics. Within the Virginia Standards of
Learning are embedded similar languages describing mathematical learning. There are
several parallel thoughts concerning the mathematical learning process. NCTM
Standard 1: Mathematics as Problem Solving outlines the expectations for students to
refine their method of problem solving by investigation and integration of


The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Analysis
In the story The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie,
points out the hardships of being a Native American back in the 20th century.
These hardships were racism, alcoholism, poverty and isolation. The story takes
place in the reservation and it is about a young Native American whom struggles in
society because of his skin color, family s addictions and fights. The narrator
moves to Seattle with his white girlfriend who he seems to have an odd
relationship because they are constantly fighting. He becomes an alcoholic and
moves back to the reservation after a break up with his girlfriend. The story begins
with the narrator who enters a 7 11 store at three in the morning to be exact. The
cashier looks at him in a frightened way as if he was a criminal and becomes aware
of every action that he does in the store. Of course, this is something that still goes
on today, specially at 7 11 stores and I once experienced it. The cashier acted in a
racist manner because he judges the guy due to his dark skin color and thought he
was a robber. Although the narrator did understand the reason why the cashier
behaved that way as he once worked in a 7 11 store and was robbed. The narrator
started fooling around with the cashier by making him more frightened, but the
cashier noticed that he wasn t a bad guy and offered him the Creamsicle for free.
The narrator moves to Seattle and lives with his white girlfriend who he is constantly
fighting all the time. He breaks


The Transformation Of E. Coli
Jack Dildabanian
Ms. Buckley
The Transformation of E. coli using the plasmid GFP
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe bacterial growth under various
conditions including the transformation of bacteria; to understand how the process of
transformation occurs.
Background Information: Transformation is the process by which the genetic
material carried by an individual cell is altered by the incorporation of foreign
(exogenous) DNA into its genome (MedicineNet.com, Definition of Genetic
transformation ). Transformation in bacterial cells occurs when the cell incorporates
DNA into its genetic material. Bacteria cells that have the ability to take up DNA are
called competent. In a lab setting, this is encouraged by placing the mixtures of
transformation solution and plasmid DNA on ice, then rapidly transferring them to a
hot water bath for about fifty seconds, and then placing them back on ice again.
This procedure is called heat shock and increases the permeability of the cell
membrane to DNA. The agent which the new genetic material is incorporated into is
the bacterial plasmid. A plasmid is a circular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule
that replicates independently of the bacterial chromosome and often permits a
bacteria to gain resistance to an antibiotic. Recombinant plasmids are those which
have DNA from two or more sources incorporated into a single plasmid. To make
recombinant plasmids, two different plasmids are cut with the same


Marketing Strategy For A New Service
Success in a New Service Demographic segment variables subdivides people based
on a wide variety of characteristics. This allows the business to decide what group
they will be targeting based on their desired target market. Because grocery shopping
is common, this business should not have limitations on genders or age. To increase
sales they may target families and also college students who have a vehicle. However,
the business should not restrict it to only these two entities. The business will not
depend on specific incomes to market to people. The business must differentiate itself
by emphasizing its drive through option, offering incentives, promoting ethical
values, and staying connected with the customers and employees. The... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
This will give the business an idea of how many potential customers there are and
how to market to them. Once the business knows the percentage of possible
customers, they can begin placing them into the different categories available.
After the business has established their target group and placed them in the
categories, they will be able to use aggregated data (InfoGroup). When the two
entities respond or expresses an interest for the drive through grocery store, the
business will be able to offer the families and college students a way to sign up to
receive additional information. This allows the business to receive more
information about the customer which they may not had. The business must begin
by constructing a SWOT Analysis which will provide them with the necessary
tools to avoid problems and excel. A strength would be the availability for its
customers to use the drive through instead of walking in on busy days. A
weakness is this business will be a first mover in the area (the location will be held
at city with a population size of 60,000 or greater); it will be exposed to trial and
error, and their competitors will be able to see their mistakes and avoid them. The
business can increase their revenue by expanding the service (either increasing the
amount of employees or having a customer assistance button available for the


Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper
The Battle of the Alamo was a historic event that led to many thrilling affairs.
For example, the independence of Texas. Many of the soldiers that fought for this
fort, fought to protect the citizens in this country so there wouldn t be any harm
made of any kind. Next, this event happened in the early 1800 s and occurred when
Mexico came unexpected to Texasand astonished them with a surprise attack that no
one was prepared for. The Battle of the Alamooccurred in 1836, it was a battle
between Mexico and the Texas Republic. More than 3,000 men fought for Mexico,
which meant that Texas was outnumbered. This event was caused by Mexico wanting
Texas territory. Mexico was lead by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.


1.Describe The Mode Of Actions Of The Drugs That
1.Describe the mode of actions of the drugs that interfere with protein synthesis.
Drugs that interfere with protein synthesis are derived from various actinomycetes
species Streptomyces and Micromonospora. They inhibit protein synthesis by binding
to one of the ribosomal subunits. Thus, disrupting protein synthesis as the ribosomes
can no longer produce proteins.
2.Name and describe the actions of the aminoglycoside subgroup.
Aminoglycosides are composed of one or more amino sugars and an aminocyclitol
And the aminoglycosides are relatively broad spectrum drugs. They inhibit protein
synthesis by binding to one of the ribosomal subunits. Streptomyces was one of the
first aminoglycosides to be used and has been somewhat ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
If a patient is prescribed it, levels in the blood need to be constantly monitored. It is
used to treat typhoid fever, brain abscesses and rickettsial and chlamydial infections
that are resistant to other drugs.
5. Name and describe the uses of the newly developed classes of antibiotics.
Fosfomycin trimethamine is a phosphoric acid agent used to treat UTIs caused by
enteric bacteria. It works by inhibiting an enzyme needed for cell wall synthesis.
Synercid used to treat Staphylococcus and Enterococcus infections. These infections
often include endocarditis and surgical infections and they work by binding to the
ribosomes. Daptomycin is a lipopeptide works against gram positive bacteria
disrupting membrane functions. It is not used very often.
Ketolides are similar to erythromycin and used to treat respiratory infections that are
caused by macrolide resistant bacteria. Oxazolidinone works by inhibiting the
initiation of protein synthesis as it interferes with the interaction between mRNA and
the ribosomes. It is used to treat MRSA and vancomycin resistant Enterococcus.
6. Describe how polyenes work on fungal cells. Why is this drug safe for us?
Polyenes work by binding to fungal membranes and cause the loss of selective
permeability. The cells essentially start to leak their insides out. These drugs are
specific for fungi because they bind to the


Biography of Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux grew up in Soviet occupied East Germany. She was raised inside the
Berlin Wall that came down when she was 20 years old. A year after the wall came
down in 1990 Loretta stared studying paintings and art which she perused until
1996. Three years on and she had started studying photography. In 2004 she had her
first solo show in America at the Yossi Milo Gallery, New York. In 2005, Loretta
received the Infinity Award for Art from the International Center of Photography. Her
work has since been exhibited extensively abroad, including solo exhibitions in 2006
at the Fotomuseum Den Haag, The Netherlands, and the Sixth Moscow Photo
biennale. Loretta s main influences in her art are by painters such as Agnolo
Bronzino, Diego VelГЎzquez, and Phillip Otto Runge. In Loretta s photographs she
uses a very soft pastel colour pallet, this gives to us a calm or soothing feel. Most
of her photographs are of young children, she says that she likes working with
children because they are young, innocent and easier to work with. Loretta makes
the children pull a serious face, this makes them look like they have a secret or
have been up to mischief. She uses her own clothes from when she was a child and
because vintage clothing is coming back this gives the photo a feeling of
timelessness. Loretta s photographs tend to be at eye level making the child look
superior. She also strips down the background making the main focus on the child.
Loretta s artworks have been shown in numerous


What is the importance of the description of Alison in...
In The Miller s Tale , the poet Chaucer depicts the tale of a hende man and his
attempt to tempt the primerole Alisoun to commit adultery and therefore render
her husband, John a cokewold . The Miller s Tale is just one story amongst a
collection of greater works known collectively as The Canterbury Tales . The
placing of this tale is significant becomes it comes directly after the Knight s Tale
revolving around nobility and chivalry and forms a direct contrast due to the fact it
is bawdy, lewd and highly inappropriate. The tale is a fabliau, a versified short story
designed to make you laugh; concerned usually with sexual or excretory functions.
The plot often involves members of the clergy, and is usually in the form of a... Show
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We are also invited to think of Alison as a sexual being in the line upon hir lendes
(loins) We can also infer that Alison is somewhat promiscuous (and therefore John
has a right to [hold] hire narwe in cage ) because we are told that her shoes were
laced on hir legges hye and we would only know that if her skirt was hitched up.
Short skirts in those days had connotations with prostitutes, the same as they do today.
The appropriate attitude for a man to take to such a woman (the Miller thinks) is
shown by such terms as quot;popelote quot;, quot;primerole quot; and
quot;piggesnie quot;, for which we can readily find modern equivalents. Alison is
suitable as a mistress for quot;any lord quot;; as a wife, she can expect at best to
marry a yeoman, for any good yeman to wedde . Among the many other physical
details packed into the Miller s set piece description we learn that Alison has
delicately plucked sloe black eyebrows; that she is tall and erect ( upright as a bolt
) and that her breath is sweet. Much of the account is taken up with an inventory of
her clothes. These seem fairly expensive, but John evidently wishes her to spend on
her wardrobe. The clothes are stylish and exaggerate her attractive features. We learn
that many garments are of silk, that smock and collar are embroidered, that her apron


What Is The Code Of Hammurabi Dbq
The Killer Hammurabi Imagine hitting your parents and having your hands cut off
because you will never make a mistake again. Can you imagine that from the rules of
your king? Well let s find out if you would like Hammurabi as a king that told
everyone the laws from a God. The year he began ruler was 1707 B.C.E. and ended
in 1750 B.C.E. He ruled babylonand created the first ever written laws. He made the
laws and he made 282 of them! The laws are called Hammurabi s code. Mostly if you
disobeyed the code you will die or get punished for your actions even if you make a
mistake. He was born in the year 1811 B.C.E. Were Hammurabi s laws fair to
everyone in Babylonia? No the laws were not fair for everyone in Babylonia because
if you make a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
First, In Law 148 If a man has married a wife and a disease has seized her, if he is
determined to marry a second wife, he shall marry her. He shall not divorce the
wife whom the disease has seized. (Doc C). Second, In Law 129 If a married lady
is caught [in adultery] with another man, they shall bind them and cast them into
the water. (Doc C). These examples show that Hammurabi s Code was unjust
because if you are stupid and you make a mistake you will most likely die. If you
cheat on your husband and had to get bound together with the man you cheated on
him for and both of you thrown into a river and drowned so you would never make
a mistake like again and your punishment would be death back then with
Hammurabi as a king you should be only put in jail or divorced on the spot instead
of dying in a river. Hammurabi had even more laws that you had to for example if
your with get diagnosed with a disease and you want to get another wife she will
stay in the same house and you have to care for both wives. I believe that this is
unjust for the reason of you making a mistake and dying for it and if you get a
disease it is not your fault so the husband should not even have a choice of getting


A Brief Note On The Attack Recovery Plan
Radiological Attack Recovery Plan Thesis Statement: It is essential for all the
bodies of authority as well as the public to have a proper plan to mitigate the
impacts caused by a possible radiological attack exposure. The local, public, and
national emergency preparedness in responding to a radiological detonation could
lead to saving of many lives. 1.Introduction I.Define radiological emergency, causes
and effects of radiological emergency, areas prone to radiological emergencies A
radiological emergency is an emergency in which there is or there seems to be a
hazard due to radiation exposure from a radioactive source. This may result from a
variety of reasons such as uncontrolled sources, misuse of equipment or malicious
acts. Although there has been no successful terrorist attack has happened in the US
since 9/11, terrorism experts are wary that one is likely to occur in the near future.
Numerous terrorism plans of various proportions have been foiled in the US.
These include plans to detonate radiological dispersal devices (RDD) (Eggen
Sxhmidt, 2002). Al Qaeda has expressed intent to obtain and use nuclear devices in
the United States with Osama bin Laden having declared it a duty on Muslims to
acquire nuclear devices (Ferguson et al, 2004, Lawrence, 2005). Although nuclear
attacks are way too complicated for terrorists a simpler equally psychologically
effective means exists. The use of radio active materials on various soft targets offers
cost and simplicity


Symptoms And Treatment Of Retinoblastoma
Cancer comes in many forms and can attack just about anyone. Some cancers take
more time to grow, spread and show signs of attack, but it is very important for
everyone to be very careful and cautious because anyone can be a victim for this
cruel cancer. Retinoblastoma is one of the cancers that can become very fatal to
someone s vision if not treated. Retinoblastoma is caused when the cancercells start
to grow with no control. Cells can become cancer cells in any part of the body so it
is very essential for it to be treated as soon as possible. It can also extend to any
other parts of the body. Retinoblastoma is started in the retina of the eye and is most
common in children.
The very first thing anyone should do when they are diagnosed with cancer is to
consult with their doctor about treatment plans. Retinoblastoma has many treatment
options for the patient. One of the main treatments of retinoblastoma is surgery. If
the retinoblastoma is detected while it is a small tumor, surgery is not necessary. If
the tumor is not found in time and is quite large, the eye s vision has most likely
been already damaged. If this is ever the case, then there is a procedure called,
enucleation, and this procedure removes the whole eye and a part of the optic nerve
that was connected. Meanwhile, during the enucleation procedure, an orbital implant
is put in, taking the place of the eye. The orbital implant contains contents such as,
silicone or hydroxyapatite. This substance is very alike


Summary Of The Jataka Tales
THE JATAKA TALES On a warm July night, a prince was born in Jambudvipa
(India). He grew up in a lifestyle filled with the finest of things, confined in his
palace, being sheltered from the realities of danger. His father raised him to be the
next wheel turning king. Siddhartha Gautama did not know that he had the
markings that predetermined his life. His father chose him as king, but as history
proves, his dharma was to be the Buddha. Siddhartha s encounter with the outside
world during his manhood, struck him to his core. He would refuse the heir to the
throne, and with his Great Departure he would seek out the life of the ascetics to
find meaning to the world s sufferings. During his six year journey, he was still
plagued with questions of suffering and remained in meditation until he found his
answers. Here under the Bodhi tree, he found the answers in which he was
earnestly seeking, and in the process transformed himself into the Enlightened
One. Awoke from his prolonged unconsciousness, he understood that every living
thing was a part of Samsara (The eternal cycle of life). He spoke of reincarnation
and how a person would continue to be born, live, and die over many life times
until he changed his karma and gradually made his way towards Brahmin. This goal
can take many life times, hundreds, even thousands. Buddha spoke of his many
embodiments and how he made his way to his last rebirth as the Buddha. The Jataka
Tales is a large collection of stories the Buddha


Becoming A Marine Biologist
Marine Biologists
Marine Biologists can choose to specialize in ...
Ichthyology (the study of fishes)
Phycology (the study of algae)
Invertebrate Zoology (the study of animals without a backbone )
Marine Mammalogy (the study of marine mammals)
Fishery Biology ( the study of fishing )
Marine Biotechnology ( the study of using microorganisms to improve the
productivity of plants or algae)
Marine Microbiology (the study of microorganisms in the sea )
Marine Ecology. ( the study of the creatures habitats populations and interactions
throughout the ocean )
To become a Marine Biologist you must complete a masters degree in Marine Biology
. This can take as long as four years to obtain your degree
Marine Biologists have a wide variety of places and jobs that they can apply for. For
instance, they could become a teacher and teach people about marine biology or they
could be working as a zookeeper and take care of the animals. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
(2017, March 27 ). Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What are examples of
marine biology experiments, That some examples of marine biologists experiments
are tracking blue crabs this was said by Eli Salcedo, Aspiring marine biologist.
Although they could be observing marine life behavior and trying to apply that to the
oceans currently or they could be using microorganisms to breed together different
species of coral. They did the first step to this in early November 2017 when the
coral spawn happened and scientist all over the globe came to collect them. Although
this was crucial at the time because there was constant bleaching happening back to
back and the coral was


Similarities Between Hannah Dustan And Mary Rowlandson
There are many great stories to be told from American Literature up to 1890.
Hannah Dustan and Mary Rowlandson are both key figures when it comes to such
American Literature. Both of these women shared their own personal experiences
of being held captive. They both have a lot in common as they both were captured
by Native Americans; both were puritans and both lost members of their family.
While Rowlandson chose to write her story in a first person narrative, Dustan s story
was told in the words of Cotton Mather based on what he had heard from Dustan
herself. This could also be interpreted that Mather could have changed around bits of
Dustan s story. Dustan and Rowlandson were both captured by Native Americans.
They became heroines due to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She was captured on the 10th of February, 1675 and was held captive for 11 weeks
before she was ransomed. Rowlandson was not alone whilst held captive. She was
joined by her three children. Her youngest however did not survive the captivity.
Psalms and the bible played a massive part in Rowlandson s narrative. The more
you read, the more frequently psalms quoted from the bible seem to be used.
Approximately one third of the Biblical references that pervade Rowlandson s
narrative of her captivity (Henwood, 169). It is clearly evident that religion plays a
massive part of her life and she turns to her religion throughout her captivity. She
uses the psalms as a context for her misery, spiritual assurance, and emotional
release (Henwood, 170). Some have stated that the use of all the psalms in
Rowlandson s narrative has prevented her from telling some of the story.
Derounian and others have portrayed the Biblical text as inhibiting Rowlandson s
ability to tell her own tale (Henwood, 170). Although Henwood herself disagreed
with this theory stating, the sacred Psalms render publicly legitimate, even
righteous, the captive s very human frustration and rage and thus enable her, as
well as the communal vision she is a part of, to survive (170). The psalms become
such a massive part of the narrative it is easy to see how some people find them to
overshadow the story. Rowlandson however seemed to be such a religious


Student leadership
Student Leadership Application
1. Why do you want to be a member of the Student Academy Leadership Team?
I would like to be a member of the Student Academy Leadership team because I
think I d make a good head boy and I d do everything I can to make a difference to
the academy and improve anything that needs to be improved. I am only in year 7
meaning I m not too familiar with the Academy but so far I love it. I think our school
is outstanding and it s an honour to be able to attend the Acaemy as a student. I
believe I have the skills and the ability to make a different to the Academy to make
it a better place for us kids to enjoy learning and be able to transform our learning,
transform our lives and to transform our community. I ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
To organise any events or fulfil the duties I would happily spend some of my
break. I will take the time out of my days to catch up in my studies and organise
any events instead of watching TV. Even though I will try to fit everything in and
not just stay at home all day watching TV I would still give myself some free time
so I don t get stressed out or overworked. I would also be prepared and ask for
deadlines to make sure I do the tasks on time. I may even make a routine for myself
for example when I get home at around 4, I could change, eat and shower at a certain
and then spend a few hours on revising and homework, then spend some time on
fulfilling my responsibilities as a student leader.
6. Which public figurehead/leader is inspirational to you and why?
My inspirational leader would be Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela was a very
important leader in history, and he sacrificed most of his life for equal rights and
opportunities to black people. Nelson Mandela was the first black South African
President and fought to stop racism. Mandela was imprisoned in 1962; he spent 27
years in prison simply to save millions of people from slavery. For that reasons he is
my hero and my inspirational leader, he inspires me to be a better person and lead
students in a good


Gender Stereotypes In The Flash Reborn
Society always keeps the idea of heroes alive through media. Girls inspired by
movies or television shows dream of knights in shining armor saving the day. These
same shows often represent the women as weak and dependent on men. Men fight the
bad guys and save the day while the women work behind the scenes giving
information to the men. The genderstereotype of men protecting the women often
reveals itself in television shows, especially in one episode of a television show
called The Flash. The episode from The Flashtitled The Flash Reborn, illustrates the
gender stereotype of men as the protector of women and this negatively shows a
stereotype of beautiful women that cannot take care of themselves.
The first act of protection comes from Flash the main character. Flash, also known
as Barry Allen, cares for and protects his fiancГ©, Iris West, and his city, Central
City. Barry will do anything to protect Iris and Central City. At the end of season
three, a giant speed force threatens to suck up Central City. Barry realizes if he lets
the speed force suck him up instead of the city, he will save the city. Barry lets the
speed force take him away and he saves the city and, more specifically Iris. At the
beginning of the first episode in season four of The Flash Reborn, the speed forces
secures Barry in its clutches. Ever since Barry sacrificed himself to save the city and
her, Iris stays in deep dismay. She reminds herself of the words Barry told her before
he left, stay


Uva Admissions Essay

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Uva Admissions Essay

  • 1. Uva Admissions Essay Writing an essay on the topic of Uva admissions can be a challenging task, as it requires a careful balance between showcasing your unique qualities, experiences, and aspirations while adhering to the expectations and criteria set by the admissions committee. The difficulty lies in crafting a narrative that not only highlights your academic achievements but also provides insight into your personality, passions, and how you would contribute to the university community. The Uva admissions essay prompts often demand thoughtful reflection and introspection, pushing applicants to articulate their goals and motivations clearly. It's not just about listing accomplishments but weaving a compelling story that resonates with the values and ethos of the University of Virginia. Striking this delicate balance requires time, effort, and a deep understanding of what the university is looking for in its prospective students. Furthermore, the essay needs to be well-written, free of grammatical errors, and organized in a way that captivates the reader's attention from the beginning to the end. It's not merely about conveying information but about doing so in a manner that engages and leaves a lasting impression on the reader. In summary, the difficulty in writing a Uva admissions essay lies in the intricate process of self- reflection, effective storytelling, and meeting the specific expectations of the university. It is not just an academic exercise but a personal and strategic endeavor that necessitates careful consideration of every word and sentence. For assistance with similar essays or any academic writing challenges, individuals may explore services like HelpWriting.net, where professional writers can provide guidance and support tailored to their specific needs. Uva Admissions Essay Uva Admissions Essay
  • 2. Reactionism And Structural Functionalism Theory I.Introduction Have you ever felt that everything in this world is interconnected in some way? It s as if everything won t function if one thing fails to do what it s supposed to do. This is structural functionalism. II.Theory and Definition Structural functionalism theory states that society is held together by social bonds, which are religion, shared values, traditions and cultural norms. Every one of them has the same goals and agendas they want to achieve. Each individual is assigned a certain role and as long as everyone works together in fulfilling whatever their roles require from them, they can all achieve their goals. Emile Durkheim theorized that when just one part of the system undergoes a problem, then other parts of the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Structural functionalism is all of these concepts merged into one whole idea. IV.Proponents 1. Emile Durkheim Emile Durkheim was the one who laid the foundation for this theory during the late 1800s through his book entitled Suicide which explains that people commit such act because of external factors like society. It means that society highly affects the behaviour of an individual. 2. Talcott Parsons He synthesized the works of Weber, Durkheim, and Pareto s theories into his own theory of social action during the 1960s. His theory of social action states that every decision of an individual is influenced by society and in result will benefit both himself or herself and society as a whole. 3. Herbert Blumer Herbert Blumer founded symbolic interactionism which states that humans act based on meanings and symbols that arise from social interaction. He saw society as an ongoing process or something that is still under construction. 4. Peter Berger and Thomas Luckmann They developed the concept of social construction through their co authored book entitled The Social Construction of Reality. Social construction is people creating meanings for each others actions, and over time, these meanings eventually become the basis of how people act around each other. 5. Harold Garfinkel He developed ethnomethodology which studies the ways social groups interact in order to maintain order in society. 6. Erving Goffman He developed the dramaturgical approach which
  • 3. gifted education and funding Essay How Lack Of Funding Effects Gifted Students In Ohio This year is a landmark year for Gifted Education in Ohio; for the last few years the number of gifted children in Ohio has been growing steadily. This year for the first time the percentage of children in Ohio that were identified as Gifted and Talented finally equaled the percentage of children who were served in Special Education Classrooms. There is only one small problem with this statement. The percentage is equal only if you count the students who are identified as being Talented and Gifted, not served. There are currently only 11% of all Talented and Gifted students being served in the State of Ohio. The Ohio ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ohio now requires school district to test students to see how gifted they are, and to notify parents that there students are talented and gifted, but does not require that school districts do anything to enhance or accelerate that child s education. The state would never consider doing this to a child in special education, but it is well accepted in gifted education. The Ohio Department of Education beliefs that gifted children can make it on their own and do not need special services. This is not true, high percentages of students become underachieves and never attend college. Many are discipline problems, eventually dropout, and many commit suicide. Many gifted students who stand out in classrooms, are often used as a tutor for the other students. This only further excludes them from learning and makes them stand out to ridicule. The No Child Left Behind law is commonly referred to as the No Child Pushed Forward law in the gifted community. This is due to the fact the classrooms are required to assure that every child meets basic requirements, however once gifted children meet these requirements they are required to wait and practice a few more times while every catches up. This law has helped many slow learning students, but it has impeded many gifted students. Gifted Education while a section of Special Education is not required to fill out
  • 4. Team Building, Leadership And Motivation Essay Team building, Leadership and Motivation Building the right team with the most appropriate leadership and striving to keep the team motivated cannot be over estimated in project management. This stage is initiated from the planning stage. Unlike larger scaled projects that teams are to be built around the project, our team was built before defining the project, we therefore had to tap into the strengths of each group member. This was achieved by gauging the types of contributions made by members during the planning stage, making it easy to identify what roles specific individuals are best suited to carry out. More so, significant leadership qualities were identified in individuals within the group. These included, taking responsibility for initiating work towards the project, taking responsibility of gathering all team members to initial meetings as well natural co ordination of group activities. According to The Management Study guide, Team building refers to the various activities undertaken to motivate the team members and increase the overall performance of the team (Management Study Guide 2016). The dynamics of building and maintaining a strong team are extremely vital as the knowledge and expertise each teammate brings to the table will be beneficial, ultimately. To build momentum and a healthy work relationship within the team, we held several team meets and went to lunch and/or dinner occasionally. This phase of project management carries through to the completion
  • 5. Building A Disaster Recovery Plan RPO is the time that the data for a business will need to be restored in order to meet the requirements for the owners. This will judge when the end user will be able to regain access to data on the system. RTO is the measured time a system or application will not be operational before it is considered insufferable to the business. Risk Management Phases Phases What is to be done Analysis Inventory all applications, data, operating systems, and physical servers Monitor Monitor workload data information like network utilization. Build Build a disaster recovery plan that will be able to handle the workload information. Configure Configure your entire virtual environment to be able to match the physical production of the servers. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Risk Management planning methods: One on one BIA interviews. Group BIA interview sessions or exercises Executive management mandate. Electronic medium. Use of voice and data communications technologies, video conferencing, and Web based technologies and media are becoming increasingly accepted and popular. Financial Impacts Operational Impacts Location Impacts Technological Dependence Economic and operational impact categories (lost sales, interest paid on borrowed funds, business interruption, customer inconvenience, etc.) Organizational chart reviews. Overlaying systems technology Executive management interviews The goal of these processes is to support IT, voice and data networks, facilities, human resources, E commerce initiatives, etc. Time critical business processes are prioritized in terms of their MTDs/RTOs Data centers dashboards and others DMSS In this section we will study about the Data centers dashboards and others DMSS Classification system context Monitoring Automation Planning Implementation
  • 6. Data collection Energy and environmental dashboards Data Center Business Value Dashboards These dashboards, known within the sector as Data Center Infrastructure Management systems, can track information technology equipment status and can provide actionable information and analyses for management of IT equipment, data center space, power, and cooling. DCIM tools monitor, measure, manage and
  • 7. The Strange Death of Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov http://www.dartmouth.edu/~karamazov/resources/?page_id=440 Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov is a landowner very known for his strange death. Fyodor started from nothing and had married a rich, beautiful and intelligent girl named Adelaida Ivavnova Miusov. The two had a son named Dmitri, but Adelaida soon had realized the she does not love Fyodor and decided to run away. Some after time, a news have reached Fyodor that Adelaida had died. Some says that Fyodor celebrated his freedom others said that he wept like a poor little child. Fyodor left with their son, he has not served his responsibility to Dmitri so the child was taken care off by Adelaida s relatives. When Dmitri was being raised, he was taught to think that he had a huge amount of inheritance that her mother left to her father. He entered the military and after that went to his father to claim for his inheritance. Dmitri was deceived by his father about the inheritance and he had accumulated anger and wanted to fight for his rights. After getting rid of Dmitri way back then he married again to Sofia Ivanovna. They had 2 sons namely Ivan and Alexei. Fyodor mistreated her wife. He held immoral and vicious acts in front of her own wife such as infidelity attending and sleeping with other women, holding orgies and maltreatment. With these happenings Sofia became mentally unstable and soon died. Their two sons were taken cared off by the person who was also part of raising Dmitri up. The two went to school, Ivan
  • 8. Ancient And Early Modern Societies Haylee Ferguson Professor Seaman History 4 27 November 2016 Ancient and Early Modern Societies Mesopotamia, China, Aryan India, and early modern Europe are all different when it comes to the way they live. Mesopotamia is known to be the land between the Tigris and Euphrates river , according to the Greek meaning. In Mesopotamia there is four primary categories of people. First is the nobles, second is the free clients who worked the lands, third is the commoners who owned their own land, and lastly is the slaves who were prisoners of war. Mesopotamia was the first civilization in history to create a detailed legal system. This system is called the code of Hammurabi. The laws differed for different social statuses and the punishments were an eye for an eye. If an awilu [craftsmen/laborers] should blind the eye of another awilu, they shall blind his eye. (Milestone Documents, Mesopotamia: Code of Hammurabi Short Version ) This punishment comes from the context of the Talion Laws and it states that the action done by the person, the punishment should be on the same level as the action. These laws were written on Diorite Stela which is a hard black stone and written in the language Akkadian. This language was spoken throughout Mesopotamia. Specifically there is 282 laws but they were quickly destroyed by king Shutruk Nahhunte. A Mesopotamian religion is different than your typical religion. Their religion focuses on different aspects of a life. For example
  • 9. How Did Adolf Hitler s Rise To Power Adolf Hitler was born on April 20,1889. He died on April 30,1945 in Berlin Germany. Son of Klara Hitler and Alois Hitler. Their sibling was Paula Hitler, Angela Hitler, Ida Hitler, Alois Hitler Jr., Edmund Hitler, otto Hitler, and Gustav Hitler. Sadly they did not have any kids because Hitler had barely gotten married to Eva Braun when he committed suicide.Eva was a german teacher and seamstress who came from middle class families. Then she and Hitler were together when they she was 17 years old. Hitler went to college at BRG for one year. Then after that, he went to Bundesrealgymnasium Linz for 4 years. Then after that, he finally went to folks Schuler Wambach for another year as well. Adolf Hitler was rejected from Art schools across Austria, which supports the idea.That he traveled to Liverpool to study. He spoke little English and spent most nights wandering the streets of Liverpool alone.In the election of late 1932, the Nazis won 37 percent of the vote and became the largest single party in the Reichstag. Hitler demanded the right to become Chancellor , but ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He initiated world war 2 and oversaw fascist policies that result in millions of deaths.Born in Austria in 1889, Adolf Hitler rose to power in German politics as leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, also known as the Nazi Party. Hitler was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945 and served as dictator from 1934 to 1945. His policies precipitated World War II and the Holocaust.As with many other Germans, Hitler bought into the philosophy that they were stabbed in the back by the Jews. He put the Social Democrats, who signed the Armistice in the same group as the Jewish War Profiteers. This simply added to his growing hatred of the Jews, giving way to one more reason why Hitler hated jews.Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926. The book was edited by Hitler s deputy Rudolf
  • 10. Eras There are many theories about how earth came to be, and one of them a scientifically detailed explanation. In this theory, it is said that earth s history has been broken up into four main eras. The Precambrian, Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic Eras. Each of these eras have there own accomplishments, or milestone events, that occurred within the time period. From one celled organisms to dinosaurs, it all eventually leads up to the first sightings of humans. The first era to occur was the Precambrian Era. One of the first events to happen in the history of the earth is the Hadean Eon. The Hadean Eon was the time period in which earth s surface hardened and became solid. Scientists found out the location of the layer that the Hadean Eon occurred... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of the Cenozoic Era s milestones is development of mammals. Mammals ruled the Cenozoic Era after being some of the only surviving species after the mass extinction of the dinosaurs. Fossils of mammals can be found using radioactive dating to show when these mammals dominated the Cenozoic Era. And the last event to talk about is the placement of some of the continents and land masses. India collided with Asia between 55 and 45 million years ago, and Arabia collided with Eurasia 35 million years ago. Scientists can date these events by taking the direction that the plates are moving and reversing the
  • 11. Female Sexuality, Gender, And The Body Women s body which is personal in nature is, no more personal, it s always binding by the culture. Female sexuality in a Brahmanical Patriarchy is much more complicated. Caste hierarchy and gender hierarchy are the organizing principles of the brahmanical (Chakravarti 1993). Most often women are denied of their rights over her own body. Here culture plays a prominent role in binding the women s rights over the body and the power of her body is vested in the hands of the men. Women s body is continually made to fit and mould to societal expectations with a sever denial rights, her bodily integrity constantly violated. Bodily integrity includes the process of expanding the real freedoms that women enjoy, and the freedom to express one s sexuality and sexual orientation or genderidentity is a development issue as important as any other. Sexuality, gender and the body is a complex interplay of dominant forces, are root of women s oppression in contemporary society through objectification of the a female form in everyday life .Thapan (2006) Here the paper attempts to make the interface between body, culture, sexuality and power with reference to the lived experience of Tamil Brahmin in south India. Here the paper attempts to make the inter linkages of culture and body over the sexuality of women. Here the 1st section of paper the unpacking of the body, culture, sexuality and power over women. On the second section deals, the sexuality and culture of the women is discuses
  • 12. The Themes Of Romeo And Juliet 1. Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet is feasibly the most famed lovers ever. This is an persistent awful love story dealing with love written by William Shakespeare about two young ill starred lovers whose deaths eventually embrace their wrangling families. Romeo and Juliet have become prototypical of young lovers and ordained love. The fiction of two youngsters from two arguing families who fall in love at first ability to see and then marry, become true lovers and then risk it all for their love. To take your own life for your husband or wife is categorically a sign of true love.The Friar narrates their story. These families are acquiescent by their children s demises and agree to end their ferocious dispute. 2. Cleopatra and Mark Antony The factual love story of Antony and Cleopatra is one of the most unforgettable, fascinating and affecting of all times. The story of these two ancient typescripts had later been docudramatic by William Shakespeare and is still staged all over the world. The liaison of Antony and Cleopatra is a true test of love. They fell in love at first ability to see. The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It takes place throughout feudal stretches during the control of King Arthur. Isolde of Ireland was the offspring of the King of Ireland Related in Homer s Iliad, the section of Helen of Troy and the Trojan Conflict is a Greek daring fable, uniting circumstance and fiction. Helen of Troy is careful one the most attractive womenfolk in completely literature. She was wedded to Menelaus, royal of Sparta. Paris, child of Royal Priam of Troy, clear cut in love with Helen and kidnapped her, captivating her spinal to Troy. The Greeks accumulated a countless crowd, controlled by Menelaus s brother, Agamemnon, to regain Helen. Troy was demolished. Helen refunded securely to Sparta, where she survived fortunately with Menelaus for the respite of her natural
  • 13. Muhammad Ali Essay Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ali, was the first Islamic boxer to win a World Title. Grit is perseverance, passion, and faith to get to your life goals and over difficult challenges. Muhammad Ali born January 17, 1942 Louisville Kentucky he passed June 03, 2016. After an amazing boxing career and then the battle against Parkinson s diseases outside the ring. Muhammad Aliused perseverance, passion, and faith to get him through life and to become one of the best boxers in history. To begin with, Muhammad Ali used perseverance to overcome misfortunes. Firstly Ali had lost Golden Gloves Championship two times in a row. For example Frank Collective author of MuhammadAli.com reports even though Ali had lost twice he went back for a third time and finally won Golden Gloves Championship (Collective). Therefore Muhammad Ali did not give up on his goals an finally became a champion. Secondly, Ali was a draft dodger. For... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Firstly, Muhammad Ali used faith to become a national figure. For example, Frank Collective, Enterprise, Shares Ali was the first national figure to speak out against the Vietnam war (Collective). Therefore, Ali used faith to stand up against something that America has so much nationalism behind. Secondly, Ali used faith when he switched religions. For instance, Frank, Reports Ali switched to nation of Islam even though he knew he would lose sponsors and great friendships (Frank). Thus, the switch he had made included allot of faith because he could have lost everything just for what he believed in. Thirdly, Muhammad Ali had faith in his boxing. For example, Frank, Shares Ali s second fight back after his three and a half year suspension was against Joe Frazier an undefeated champion at one of the biggest stages Madison Square Garden March 8, 1971 for the world heavy weight title. Ali used faith to not be scared of anything that came in his way. Ali used faith to overcome his life challenges, and he kept pressuring his
  • 14. The Role Of Bread In Japanese Economic History Food of Efficiency : The Role of Bread in Japanese Economic History from the 1910s to the 1960s The history of bread in Japan began in the early Meiji Period, when Kimuraya Sohonten, a Tokyo bread store, opened and invented Anpan, a popular sweet bread with red bean paste inside. Approximately one hundred and fifty years have passed since then. In these 150 years, Japan s numerous social changes have shifted and redefined the role of breadin the Japanese diet. Frist, bread was a popular novelty food and a status symbol until the beginning of the 20th century . Between the 1910s and the 1960s, bread functioned as a food of efficiency and eventually became one of the main staple foods in Japan. Form the 1970s to the present, bread has reformed into a form of snack in the Japanese daily diet . While appreciating the delicate contemporary bread snacks , one might also notice the contrast between bread s role as snack now and its role as a food of efficiency before. How did bread become a food of efficiency, and what was the significance of this part of the history of bread in Japan? From the beginning of World War I in the 1910s to Japan s Economy Miracle in the 1960s, bread served as a food of efficiency and the history of bread in Japan closely reflected the country s industrialization and economy growth. Bread started its transformation into one staple foodof Japan in the 1910s. Japan had won the First Sino Japanese War and the Russo Japanese War in the
  • 15. Tim Burton Cinematic Techniques Burton s Style Tim Burton uses cinematic techniques to create his movies. Through his use of cinematic techniques in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Edward Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice. Some of Burton s cinematic techniques are lighting, music, and costumes. Cinematic techniques are camera shots used to demonstrate different aspects of a films setting, characters and themes. In at least three of his movies, Burton uses similar cinematic techniques to portray mood to his audience. Burton, in Charlie and the Chocolate Factoryuses clothes in order to portray the characters.They all were different kinds of clothes like Veruca had on rich clothes,and Violet and her mom had matching clothes on.The parents and kids had different
  • 16. Eating On The Cheap Essay Eating On the Cheap: Surviving At All Costs A previous article talked about lessons we could learn or have learned from the great depression of the 1920 s and 30 s. When many if not most of the people at the time were essentially broke, food became a big problem, especially for those living in the cities because they could not step out their back door and pick a hand full of corn or tomatoes for dinner, or grab the hatchet and go collect Sunday dinner from the henhouse. Their food was processed by others and then delivered to stores, but soon the deliveries stopped because the meat packing plants closed, the delivery drivers were laid off, and many merchants shuttered their doors. Food was scarce. We Waste a Tremendous Amount of Food According to the National Resources Defense Council, on average an American family tosses away approximately 25 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Small restaurants and convenient stores could not always get a food vendor to deliver because their purchases were not big enough to warrant a large delivery truck, so they shopped for their businesses themselves. Be careful when shopping and avoid buying bulk just because it is a good deal. If you buy meat in bulk do not let it set in the Fridge until it spoils, get it into the freezer the day you brought it home. Fresh meat spoils within days even when stored under refrigeration, so if you waste time you will end up wasting food. Shop with a list and stick to it, but it takes planning because you will need to know what meals you want to prepare for the next few days. Buy just enough for the meals you have planned, which brings us to cooking at home. Do you know how to cook, because eating out rarely saves you money on your grocery bill? People eat out and they still stock their freezers and refrigerators with food, food that spoils because they are not eating it at
  • 17. My Interview With A University Education For my faculty interview, I interviewed Dr. Adem, my chemistry professor. I interviewed Dr. Adem because he teaches my chemistry lecture, lab, and recitation, which I like his teaching methods and class. Since, I he teaches so many of my classes and I like how he teaches, I thought it would be good to get to know him better. I found Dr. Adem to care for the success of students and for his success as a teacher. For my interview with Dr. Adem, three questions that were asked were provided to me. The first questions was why do you value a universityeducation? Dr. Adem replied that he values a university education because he went to a university and his parents never went, so they provided him the opportunity for a better life. He says that he would not be where he is, without it. This implies that to him a university education may not have been expectation like it is in America for many of us. This may have caused him to value it more than some people do, but his reasoning is accurate for everyone. Without a university education many people could not be where they are today, they would not be as successful without. The value of a university education is more than just a degree, it is the learning of life skills. With the university in mind, the next two provided questions asked if a higher educationwas a right or privilege and if it is a public good or private benefit. The response wat that it should be a right, although it sometimes not. Everyone should be provided
  • 18. Essay On Milgram Experiment Stanley Milgram conducted an experiment to find out how far people would go in obeying instructions if it included harming another person. This experiment was also trying to prove how easily an ordinary person could be influenced into committing atrocities such as the Nazi killings in World War II (McLeod, 2007). The experiment was first advertised in the newspaper to look for male participants for the experiment and they were paid $4.50 for participating the experiment which were conducted at Yale University. In the experiment, a participant is assigned with the role of a teacher and they were paired up with another person (one of Milgram s confederates) who took the role as a learner (McLeod, 2007). The learner were placed inside... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This obedience occurred even though the learner had mention at first before the experiment that he has a heart problem and demanded to be released during the experiment (Feldman, 2013). Most of the participants continued sending the shocks even though the learner was screaming and shouting. During the experiment many of the participants were uncomfortable and angry at the experimenter and yet they still continued following instructions until the end of the experiment (Cherry, n.d.). These participants had believed that the experimenter would be held responsible for any potential after effects of the experiment and not them therefore continued sending shocks to the learner in the experiment (Feldman, 2013). The results of this experiment has suggested that ordinary people would obey orders given by an authority even though it includes harming another person because they had the mindset of just following orders and not being personally held responsible for any the possible negative outcomes. Although this experiment shows that situational variables have a stronger sway than personality factors in determining obedience, there are other psychologists claim that obedience is greatly affected by both physical and mental factors such as personal beliefs and total character (Cherry,
  • 19. What Are The Toxic Components Of Its Harmful Effects And... Direct exposure to chemicals being used in a variety of PC material is harmful for our health plan, as well as harmful and a threat to the environment. If you open a different part of the PC have exposed, and toxic metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, barium, chromium, and copper etc. can face serious losses. Computer material containing harmful toxic elements in the brain, kidney, serious harmful to the fetus and Reproductive System. Harmful toxic elements that are widely used in a variety of PC components of its harmful effects and remedies as follows: 1. CRT Monitor Lead, phosphorus, cadmium: CRT television sets and used to Monitor cathode ray tubes as well. The images generate by electron beams, where the tube hit phosphorus. In... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Well established and renowned companies are Recently in the lead free shoulder and harmful toxic elements by using less material. 5. Ink and toner, printer drum (photo copier) Ink and toner, drum printer, etc. use large amounts of cadmium are harmful components. So the old abandoned or empty drum printer, inkjet and laser printers should not there. If your kidneys exposed to cadmium for a long time may have a serious harmful effect. The plastic used for manufacturing quality is also not much. These are compounds which are toxic chemicals in soil, water, atmosphere and serious. 6. Tapes and floppy disks Chromium magnetic media, such as chromium dioxide, magnetic recording tapes and floppy disks used as particles. While the cassette tape has now been terminated, using the tape is still a powerful enterprise class storage systems. Chromium is a harmful toxic material, which Probably easily absorbed in the human body. It can destroy the DNA, which in human development. Chromium causes lung cancer if exposed for a long time probably. Should high chromium in the workplace can cause asthma, allergy can cause. Computer harmful metals Of which the human body Lead:This material being used to infect computers nerve in our brain. Organic material is toxic to the body of the children s adolescence can. With every breath a person regularly takes powder or fine particles of lead or lead swallowed, then there will be some physical problems, such as headaches, deafness, insomnia,
  • 20. Religious Influence On Public Decision-Making Say yes to the man Religion can weigh heavily on the decision making of Adolescent children. Many people around the world have been introduced to religion at a young age, which has seemed to impact their growth. Religion can play a role in children s decisions and this is why some parents introduce religion to their kids. Religion can have positive or negative effects on children, however, the positives outweigh the negatives. Many parents would argue that religion would help children make better decisions, while other parents are hesitant to introduce religion to their child. Introducing religion to children could possibly introduce them to new ideas and opportunities they would not have even thought of. Religion can teach children many important life skills that can help them in their future. Also religion allows children to build morals and values. As stated by Mark Joseph Stern in Is Religion good for Children? , Several studies do seem to corroborate the conventional wisdom that kids raised with religion any religion are psychologically ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With this information and insight it shows some of the negatives many parents think about when deciding to introduce their child to religion. This can be seen on the graph of the decline of religious identity. As shown on the graph religion is on the decline at a steady pace in America. Many people in America alone have stopped being religious or do not identify as any religion. This has led to Americans trying to reduce federal aid toward these religious groups, believing they are just a waste of money. As seen in the article Faith Based Initiatives by Sarah Glazer A recent poll illustrates the tension between supporting religious groups and crossing the line to government supported
  • 21. Bhp Billiton And World Biggest Natural Resources Organisation Introduction BHP BILLITON is established and world biggest natural resources organisation. This company is working in 25 countries across the world. BHP BILLITON is one of the top industries for producing aluminium, energy coal, metallurgical coal, copper, uranium, iron ore, oil, gas, diamonds. Head office of this organisation is in Melbourne, Australia. пЃ¶BHP BILLITON also provided steel for Sydney Harbour Bridge. BHP BILLITON is also a part of the first Military Aircraft in Australia. (Edumine, 2015) пЃ¶BHP BILLITON stayed on top in progress of gas and oil. It emerged highest scores in 2014 and 2015. (Disclosing annual report, 2015) пЃ¶In 2005 BHP BILLITON became second largest copper producer and third largest nickel producer. Background of the organisation BHP BILLITON is merger of two companies. First one is BHP (Broken Hill) was formed by Charles Rasp in western New South Wales. BHP started their business with mining of silver and lead. Second one is Billiton used to abstract tin in mid 1800s. BHP was largest zinc producer but when these came to less profitable then David Baker gave advice to established steel making in Australia. Established steel industry was the milestone in Australia. BHP also started manufacturing ships and they launched first ship in 1941. In 1960, Australia had no oil and it was huge disadvantage in cars, trucks. BHP discovered natural gas in 1965 and oil in 1967. Billiton expands its operati on by establishing the raw material process to produce
  • 22. Hamlet s Inner and Outer Conflict in Shakespeare s Hamlet... Conflict, in literary context, can be defined as the opposition of persons or forces that gives rise to the dramatic action in a drama or fiction. Conflicts can be external, between two or more persons, or internal, within one s self. In most literature the conflict adds to the execution of the plot itself. Shakespeare s Hamletmakes use of both forms of conflict as an essential element of the play. I will show how Hamlet presents inner and outer conflicts with examples of each and how their resolutions (if any) serve as a major part of the overall play itself. Inner Conflict Over the course of the play Hamlet has a number of ongoing conflicts within himself. These conflicts, in my opinion, serve as Hamlet s greatest ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is this mourning that becomes the foundation of conflicts to come. After an encounter with his father s ghost, Hamlet learns of his uncle s treachery and is at first filled with rage, Haste me to know t, that I with wings as swift, as meditation or the thoughts of love, may sweep to my revenge. (Hamlet aside, Act I, Scene V, p.1651), but it is Hamlet s struggle with himself that leads to not act upon his words as fast as he had clamed to. Outer Conflict An example of (and the initial) external conflict exists between Hamlet and his uncle and mother. Hamlet, already in mourning, is greatly angered at his mother, Gertrude, queen of Denmark, and his uncle, Claudius, the new king of Denmark, for marrying so shortly after the death of his father. Hamlet does not openly express his discontent towards Gertrude and Claudius at first, though he does make his mourning known Seems, madam! nay it is; I know not seems. Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother... These but the trappings and the suits of woe. (Hamlet to Gertrude, Act I, Scene II, p. 1640), as well other characters, I pray thee, do not mock me, fellow student...I think it was to see my mother s wedding. Thrift, thrift, Horatio! the funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables. Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven or ever I had seen that day, Horatio! (Hamlet to Horatio, Act I, Scene II, p. 1642) This
  • 23. Gender Differences in Communication In The Workplace Essay During spring and summer of 201 I underwent a six month internship in the information services department of a major company in my country Botswana. The company , Botswana power corporation is the sole producer and distributor of electricity in Botswana. As a company with branches all over the country it is easy to understand why communicationwould be crucial to the day to day operations of this company as a whole. For the sake of clarity however I m going to limit the focus of this paper to the Information servives departmentin which I worked. My internship position was at the companies head office in Gaborone .As intern it did not take me long to realize that almost all the departments needed the services of the IS department in one ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The only time when the all the staff members got together was during the weekly meeting in the managers office.The meeting was held with members sitting in around a round table ,so that the group members could freely themselves verbally and non verbally.The atmosphere was usually relaxed(except during emergency meetings)with drinks and snacks being served.It was during these meetings that projectscheduling, recurring problems and internal matters were disciussed.The meeting as was the office ws run democratic manner.All members of the group was encouraged to offer their input.When there was disagreement over a certain issue it was often put to the vote. As an intern these meetings were the highlight of the week because of the many brilliant ideas that were born from the brainstorming sessions that often went on during them.Group think was to a large part avoided by the fact that we all knew that the manager door was
  • 24. Physical Activity Analysis Through the use of MyFitnessPal I was able to carefully document and analyze my physical activity for three days. MyfitnessPal has a unique feature with my iPhone that can track my actual steps taken per day. Unfortunately, I did not have the time during the three days to do any exercise besides walking around campus and steps obtained from running errands. It is important that I not only focus on the foods I consume but also exercisemy muscles for short and long term health advantages. In essence, after this module and the app I received valuable information about my health based on the amount of physical activity done daily. Furthermore, I begin to track my steps on Tuesday, but in order to obtain authentic results I did not focus on... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, reducing cancer risk, improved weight management, and also improves stress management for good mental health. Physical fitness plays a significant role in our bodies by providing energy, therefore, I am going to alter my poor habits. I aspire to construct a better diet and be strict on working out at the gym or any physical activity at the recommended amounts. For this reason, I believe having an active life will not only improve your health, but as a whole attract a better
  • 25. Innocence In Lord Of The Flies Innocence is something every child has in them. By nature all kids are innocent, but when they re disconnected from their society and civilization, their inner savagery will come out and overcome their purity. This was shown to us by William Golding through is book Lord of the Flies, in which a group of British boys are disconnected from civilization and society by getting stranded on an island. And by being away from civilization they slowly start to let their inner savages out, soon putting their innocenceto an end. Through this he shows; a group of boys who are initially innocent will lose this pure state of mind to the appeal of fun and power, eventually resorting to savagery and losing their innocence altogether. At the beginning of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Jack held up the head and jammed the soft throat down on the pointed end of the stick which pierced through into the mouth. He stood back and the head hung there, a little blood dribbling down the stick. (136) Jack had violently killed the sow and stuck its head on a stick as a gift for the beast. By now Jack had turned into a complete savage and the rest of them followed him since he was chief of his fun tribe. They re going to hunt you tomorrow. [...] Roger sharpened a stick at both ends. (188 190) Jack started hating Ralph so much that he wanted to hunt and kill him. So he made a plan with his tribe to spread across the whole island to search for Ralph and kill him. Roger had sharpened a stick at both ends to do the same as they did with the pigs head, cut the head off and put it on a stick as a gift for the beast. Fortunately, Ralph didn t get caught by them. As he tried to escape from them he ran out toward the beach where he finds a naval officer and starts crying. And in the middle of them, with filthy body, matted hair, and unwiped nose, Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkest of man s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy. (202) Without a doubt, they had killed their pure minds and Ralph cried for that end of innocence. The boys put their innocence to a complete end ever after they joined Jack s tribe, who was the one
  • 26. American Funerals Student Name Tutor Course 2 May 2014 A Re look at the America Funeral Process Funerals are some of the most difficult activities for most individuals to experience, especially when they involve the death of a loved one. Over the years, there has grown a common and yet distinct American custom when it comes to how funerals are perceived and conducted (James 348). However, most Americans still hold unto the traditional funerals as opposed to modern ones. Unfortunately, the American funeral customs put a lot of more emphasis on some activities that turn out to be very costly. Worst of all, the economic burden that this traditions put on the bereaved families is even more detrimental. Most of the old folks are the greatest defenders ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Identified by the majority as funeral directors in America, these specialists have transformed the twentieth century experience of death and body disposal. On the flip side though, this does not mean that they have made things any easier. Since the funeral expense plans have become a part of the American funeral custom, here is a look at how this plans may not be a good investment after all. First of all, such plans usually accord the client negligible interest of their money, and in some cases the interest goes into their pockets therefore meaning that they do not over individual the control of the money they have invested in them (Nash). Secondly, the funeral plans will always cost more than they claim that it will cost for them to offer their services fully during the death of an individual. In that regard, I would like to point out that this is my utmost to both funeral homes and American funerals since the two are intertwined. According to Nash , most commercial on American televisions currently advertise the services of funeral plans, saying that it costs just around $6,000 for and individual to get a full cover. However, this is a huge lie. This could have been true a few decades ago, not today. When factoring in additional expenses that funeral plans do not often disclose, the total figure of an entire funeral process ends up doubling. Nash
  • 27. Communication Is Essential For Good Communication This assignment focuses on: communication, its definition, further explores its meaning to nursing and how communication develops. Communication is essential in everyday life and it is vital in conducting any aspect of business. It is an operation that involves a few stages, whereby actions and words are conveyed in a way that makes it easier for the listening person to understand and make sense of all that is being said (Rayudu, C.S 2010). While communication, whereby a person communicated via noises and stares to send messages has been an existing activity for over two million years (Rayudu, C. S 2010), it remains a complex phenomenon. It is always essential for good communication to be conducted effectively in health settings, as poor communication may lead to conflicts between nurses and patients, inadvertently leading to poor delivery of care in cases such as, the inquiry into failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust (Francis, 2013, Department of Health, 2013, Hawthorn, Maureen 2015). In nursing, communication forms one of the 6Cs (Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment) core competences integral in the execution of the profession (Royal College of Nursing 2015). The need for effective communication has been highlighted by high profile cases where unfortunately innocent young and old lives have been lost for example; failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation and the Baby Peter s case. (Community care 2009, Francis Report
  • 28. Is A As Effective As Clopidogrel For The Patient With... Is prasugrel as effective as clopidogrel for the patient with acute coronary syndrome? Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is the most common form of cardiovascular disease.1 In 2006, about 733,000 ACS patients were discharged from hospitals costing the United States $150 billion annually.2 Eighty percent of these cases were either unstable angina (UA) or no ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI), and the remaining 20% were ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). The pathophysiology of ACS includes the stable plaque forms get converted into unstable plaque forms.2 These unstable plaque forms have numerous thin fibrous cap cells, inflammatory cells, activated macrophages, and smooth muscle cells. Sympathetic activity increases myocardial contractility, pulse rate, blood pressure, and coronary blood flow which leads to plaque rupture or fissure. As the artery ruptures, it causes thrombus formation and ischemia in this particular artery. Depending on the condition, different thrombi could form. The unstable angina forms a small thrombus formation, NSTEMI forms a partial thrombus formation, and STEMI forms a complete and persistent thrombus. The risk factors involved in ACS are age, physical inactivity, and history of hypertension, diabetes, or angina. The signs of acute coronary syndromes are an acute heart failure, tachycardia, bradycardia, or heart blockage, and the symptoms of ACS consist of chest pain, pain in the extremities, nausea, shortness of breath, heavy
  • 29. Pre-k Math Classroom Observation Report This paper will summarize the session of a pre k math session. Secondly describe the evaluation results in connection to the five stages of professional development. Lastly, analyze the lower rated aspects of the session for improvement. I recently attended a professional development session for pre k Math. This professional development session has help enhance the pedagogy for novice teachers. The professional development courses were designed to help share how pre k math helps students rote count, patterns, geometry, compare, short, long. The skills will help teachers prepare students with the concept of Pre k math. The professional development was well organized for the teacher to have comprehend the pre k math skills. The teachers lean how to implement the smart board for the pre k classes. The smart board is a new technology that is being implemented in the pre k ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The teacher learns how to organize the lesson plan. The lesson plan is a guide instruction on how to implement the lesson so, that they students reach their goals. According Glickman, Gordon, and Ross Gordon text: share will the information be useful that was provided during the professional development meeting. Did the teachers comprehend what was taught during the pre k session? The teachers were able to take the information back to the classroom after learning how to implement the skills. The development was organized into small groups so, that the teachers where able to discuss the session and write down question. There question was answer when asked by the speaker. After the teacher were given the new information they were shown how to evaluate the students when they go back to their classroom. Encouraging students to come to school so, the lesson can be follow in sequence order. Making sure students were completing the homework assignments and asking open ended
  • 30. Multicultural Excellence 1 Within the four components of Multicultural Excellence, I have experienced a greater expansion of my awareness in the discrimination of women in the education system. During my high school education, none of the history classes I took included in their curriculum a chapter on Title IX, and why it was added. In doing my Title IX research project, I became aware that in our recent history, before 1972, that there were quotas set in place, limiting the number of female students in a University. I am glad that legislation has passed removing quotas, but I also became aware that women are currently still a minority within the STEM majors. I believe this is due to our social construct here in America. My knowledge of how I can become an ally has ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This concept can be found on page 67 of our textbook. Individualistic cultures place the importance on the individual and competing with each other. Collectivistic cultures place importance on the group s needs, and conforming to take the place within the group. In understanding this concept, I then begin to understand the worldviews of other people. This also plays an important role on how the family is structures. If I have a client in the future who has a collectivistic culture, I need to remain aware, and respect this, and work to develop a therapeutic plan that holds to their values, and alleviates their stress, without projecting my own individualistic thoughts onto the client. In this way, I can provide support in the way that they need it. A3.1 In the film, Let s Get Real, I watched as a child acted as an ally for a child who recently immigrated from Iran. While the other children were teasing him, in a language he did not understand very well, one child decided to stand up, and in doing so created a friend, and provided support for a child who really needed it. Later, the child reported how good it felt to have a friend, and how he was able to learn English through this friendship. It has helped provide me insight on the injustices on how people in the Big 8 of Diversities Culture group, who don t speak the dominant language, are poorly
  • 31. The Effect Of Distributed Generation On Power Quality Of... The Effect of Distributed Generation on Power Quality of Iraqi power System Networks. Abstract: The primary motivation behind this paper is to examine the essential comprehension of power quality in connection to the distributed generation. Because of extensive cover between two innovations, aggravations influencing the power quality, which are principally caused by the expansion of Distributed Generation (DG) on the existing power system network. Infusion of the DG into an electric power grid can influence the voltage quality. Distributed generation of various voltage levels when associated with the power system network could impact the voltage regulation, sustained interruptions, harmonics, sags, swells, and so on. All the data given here are gathered from various references by remembering the understudies at the starting level of the concerned topic. I. INTRODUCTION The request of force is heightened in the realm of power.This development of interest triggers a need of more power generation. DG utilizes smaller sized generators than does the ordinary central station plant. Distributed generators are little scale generators found near purchasers; regularly Distributed Generators are of 1 kW to 100 MW [1]. Meaning of DG [2]. Distributed generation in straightforward term can be characterized as a small scale generation. It is an active power generating unit that is connected at distribution level. IEEE characterizes the generation of power by offices adequately
  • 32. Summary Of A Demon s Promise By Kristie Cook In this book A Demon s Promise by Kristie Cook, the main characters, Alexis and Tristan are living in this menacing dramatic life. Keeping in mind that Alexis is just a nineteen year old girl, and is being chased down by the Daemoni who are trying stop them. Alexis isn t fully aware of her situation, her mother had kept many secrets about her family and also about her future from her. Alexis and Tristanfell deeply in love, ironically this had already been planned way before she was born, apparently there souls were created for each other. Although, they do get married out of love, and ultimately keeping the Amadis powerful and enduring. Tristan was created by the Daemoni to destroy the Amadis people, but tristan has an overwhelming amount... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then there s the beach house that Tristan had designed for Alexis, which is the first place they had made love, and they promised each other that they would after they got married, this is where they had spent a couple weeks of their honeymoon. Sophia s cottage is also very important because this is where she found out the truth of who Tristan really was and also she found out more about herself here. Alexis also met her grandmother Rina here when she came to see Alexis. Also, this particular house is where Alexis began creating and writing her first novel, and was the first place her and Tristan hang out, that wasn t school or at the beach. Then there is Tristan house, Alexis never really imagined that this would have been his house but she admired the sculpture that were created by him. This is where Alexis got drunk for her first time, and she found out that she was pretty strong when Tristan made her upset and she grabbed a granite countertop that weights a few hundred pounds and launched it across the room. Tristan house was the first place they got attacked by Rogues and they didn t really succeed because Sophia was there to help Tristan defeat them. Alexis is not very strong and is very fragile because she yet has gone through the Ang dora which is where she becomes who she is meant to be and also receives the powers of Amadis and make her the most powerful member of it. After they had gone on there honeymoon, the Daemoni had blown up Tristan s house to send him a message, after they found out he married
  • 33. Speech Censorship Free Speech Regulations With The Use Of Censorship The use of censorship when it comes to free speech is extremely present in today s society. However, freedom of speech has caused vast problems in our history s past. Censorship has helped regulate free speech, acting as a barrier to various societies that make up the American culture. Hate speechhas created various stereotypes which lead to violence, hence censorship should be implemented in order to prevent these issues, whether on campuses, in the media or even in religious settings. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on various topics regarding how censorship can prevent hate speech towards communities that coincide with violence within the American society and explore different ways to respond when hate speech is directed towards a community. In America s past history, the offensive speech that was present in classic literature, as well as films containing controversial content, making them socially unacceptable or racist in today s society. I believe the use of censorship should be implemented in current literature, films and amongst the media, which can prevent hate speech and racial slurs. However, I believe that literature or films shouldn t be revised or have present censorship applied as it acts a representation of what the cultural atmosphere was during that specific time of publication. I consider the unedited original version a glimpse into the past. Further, I believe that these controversial
  • 34. Fa Mulan Research Paper Hua Mulan or Fa Mulan is a legendary woman warrior from Ancient China. Hua Mulan was originally starred in a poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. She is a legend from ancient China and was originally described in a Chinese poem known as the Ballad of Mulan. She wasn t like any of the normal Chinese woman who cleans, cooks, and sews. When she was around 18 she joined an all male army in place of her father, who was too old, and a younger brother who was still too young. During her war years, she fought against forces from the Middle East and the Mongolian/nomadic tribes, and was able to claim victory for Chinafor a short period of time. In the Chinese culture, the woman was the most honored and longest living member in the family. She would obey her father until she gets married then she would answer to her husband (Ancient Peoples 1) and look after her husband, son and any other men in her life. Their main jobs that they do for their family is ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... From the time they came along in the ancient period to today more and more are allowed to actually fight on the frontline or engage in violent and dangerous tasks (Mulan in Real Life: Chinese Women Soldiers and Feminism 2). People see this as a huge progress in feminism (2). During the ancient period, Mulan was the earliest legendary woman women in Chinese culture (2) and was probably the one that has attracted the widest range of attention (2). The Post Opium War Time Period lasted from 1840 1949 and during this time period woman soldiers were starting to get very active. From 1949 to now, they consider the modern times. In these times Chinese woman make up 7 ВЅ percent of the military. Along with that the army, navy, and air force has the biggest marching group in modern history (2). Chinese woman join the military because it opens opportunities for education and training, better jobs in the future, possible residence in cities, and higher status in society
  • 35. Symbols Of Power In Lord Of The Flies Symbols of Power in Lord of The Flies Symbols have been used to express power throughout history. Judges have gavels. Police officers wear badges. Kings wear crowns. Symbols are used to categorize people into different social classes or groups. In Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, those in leadership use tangible objects as symbols in an attempt to gain control over the group. There are two main symbols of power in the novel the conch shell and the ???? PIGGY s GLASSES? BEAST? CONCH At the beginning of the novel, one symbol of power is the conch shell. Piggy finds the shell and realizes it can be used as a horn to call the boys together. We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. They ll come when they hear us. Later, he suggests that whoever holds the conch shell in their meetings has permission to speak, and everyone accepts that the shell is a symbol of authority. Ralph uses the conch as a symbol of dominance. He always speaks using the conch in meetings: I ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he is speaking (39). The boys gain power through holding the conch shell it represents law and order. Golding writes that, Most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch. Toward the end of the novel, Jack no longer recognizes the conch shell as a symbol of power and authority. Jack declares that the conch is meaningless as a symbol of power, and its decline in importance parallels the decline of civilization on
  • 36. Risk Assessment For Malathion Conducting a risk assessment for malathion would begin by planning. The first step in thisprocess would be to see who and what are at risk. We would also look at what areas are at risk.This would then be further broken down to more specific groups, such as adults , children, teens,and pregnant women. Looking deeper at who would be affected we would next look at the highlysusceptible subgroups. This would be people with asthma or genetic problems, and those with ahigher exposer based on geographical area than others. We would then begin looking at theenvironmental hazardof malathion. An example of what we would be looking for then would bethe cumulative riskof chemicals. Would this effect microbiological or biological beings, or willthis effect... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This means there will be a check to see what health problems are caused bymalathion. We would check the toxicokinetics, to see how the body absorbs and processesmalathion and the toxicodynamics to focus on if there are any effects from the chemicals on thehuman body. This would be done by a dose response assessment, to see what the healthproblems are at different amounts of exposure. Doing a exposure assessment we could see howmuch of the malathion people are exposed to for the months of June, July, and August. With thiswe can also see how many people will be exposed. Then checking the risk characterization to seewhat the risk is of the certain health problems to the exposed population.Malathion is an organophosphate insecticide it was first registered for use by the USDAin 1956. It is now regulated by the EPA. It is used to control a broad assortment or insects bothagriculturally and residentially. Malathion is registered for use on crops, food, and feed.Malathion is toxic via skin contact, inhalation and through ingestion. It works by overstimulating the nervous system and ending stimulation of the neurons. Malathion has a very loworal toxicity. With lower toxicity in males than
  • 37. Essay about The Crack Cocaine Epidemic of the Mid 1980s Just Say No! A statement that takes us deep into yet another decade in the history of the United States which was excited by controversies, social issues, and drug abuse. The topic of this statement is fueled by the growing abuse of cocaine in the mid 1980s. I shall discuss the effects of the crack cocaine epidemic of the mid 1980s from a cultural and social stand point because on that decade this country moved to the rhythms and the pace of this uncanny drug. Cocaine took its told on American society by in the 1980s; it ravaged with every social group, race, class, etc. It reigned over the United States without any prejudices. Crack cocaine was the way into urban society, because of its affordability in contrast to the powdered... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The numbers speak loud and clear. This was part of the effects that where brought about by this epidemic, the growing use of the drug. Crack cocaine pierced through urban neighborhoods; its roots were tightly griped in Los Angeles California s black neighborhoods (Webb Dark Alliance; War... ). In effect, the growing use of cocaine in the US brought fort new types of profit and purpose for the drug trafficking industry; thus the emergence of crack cocaine on American soil, especially through the explosion in LA. This was due to a link between these areas drug dealers and the Fuerza Democratica Nicaraguense (FDA), know as the Contras here in the US (Webb Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ). The Contras imported the cocaine through one man, Oscar Danilo Blandon (Webb Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ). The Contras revolution against the socialist establishment in Nicaragua was being funded by the drug trafficking industry in other words (Webb Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ), and this ius when a chain effect begins. The chains of effects begin in Nicaragua, but ultimately it ends and harbors itself in the US within its urban neighborhoods. The CIA was involved with the Contras is one way or another, this is where the conspiracy theories begin (Webb Dark Alliance; the Shadowy... ). Supposedly in the most extreme conclusion of them all is that the CIA was allowing the Contras to import and deliver all their cocaine, in order for them to find the monetary means for their
  • 38. Yu-Gi-Oh Game Analysis 1.In the game of Yu Gi Oh, there is a lot of give and take when it comes to cards. When determining whether a card is good or not, I often look at just the good parts of the effect and not the drawbacks. For example, there is a card called Card of Demise. This card allows you to draw until you have 3 cards in your hand, but you cannot do damage to your opponent for the rest of the turn, you send your entire hand to the Graveyard during the End Phase, and you cannot Special Summon during the turn you activate this card. While there are some clear negatives to the card, I overlook those and really only look at the fact that you can draw up to 3 cards, which is unprecedented in Yu Gi Oh. While the creators of the card, Konami, try to make Card... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One cannot see the Yu Gi Oh community without a glimpse of bandwagon. While in the card game almost anything can be played within the entire 20 year history, people often flock to bandwagoning the quote best decks. It has even gotten to the point where people come up with a Tier List to place decks from best to worst, but these list are subjective. While there is potential for any deck to do well in a tournament, one will see the same decks top because of the numbers that represent those decks at a tournament because of bandwagoning. With groupthink, the community believes those decks to be the best and are the decks that are looked at when it is time to hit cards on the Ban
  • 39. Essay on Ketamine Ketamine Description: Ketamine is a nonbarbiturate, sedative hypnotic used parenterally to provide anesthesia for short diagnostic and surgical procedures. It is also used as an inducing agent, as an adjunct to supplement low potency anesthetics such as nitrous oxide, and as a supplement to local and regional anesthesia. Ketamine can be used concomitantly with muscle relaxants without complication because it does not provide muscle relaxation of its own. It is a fairly short acting agent that provides a profound, rapid, dissociative state and a short recovery time. Mechanism: Although the exact mechanism of action is not known, ketamine appears to be an agonist at CNS muscarinic acetylcholine receptors and opiate receptors. Ketamine ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... More rapid administration can result in respiratory depression, apnea, and an enhanced pressor response. Usual induction doses are 1 2 mg/kg IV and will produce 5 10 minutes of surgical anesthesia. Intramuscular dosage is 3 7 mg/kg IM, which will produce 12 25 minutes of surgical anesthesia. For intramuscular injection, no dilution is necessary and the standard procedures for IM injection should be followed, such as injecting into a large muscle mass and aspiration prior to injection to avoid injection into a blood vessel. For general anesthesia maintenance: 50 100% of the full IV or IM induction dose can be repeated as needed. Ketamine can be used for sedation before minor procedures, although this use is not approved by the FDA The oral dosage would be 6 10 mg/kg PO (mixed in cola or other beverage) given 30 minutes before procedure. The intravenous dosage in this case is 0.5 1 mg/kg IV (range: 0.5 2 mg/kg). In any usage, ketamine should be given on an empty stomach to help prevent possible vomiting and aspiration. Tolerance: There is some evidence in the literature that repeated use can result in tolerance, requiring higher doses with successive administrations to achieve the same levels of sedation and anesthesia. Ketamine is contraindicated in patients with hypertension, cardiac disease, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, stroke, head trauma or intracranial mass, or intracranial bleeding, or in other patients
  • 40. Texas Vaptist Education Society Baylor University is the oldest university in the State of Texas. Throughout its rich history, Baylor has endured many hardships. However, these hardships have only helped to strengthen the university into the successful intuition that it is today. In the early 1840 s, Union Baptist Association members discussed the establishment of a Baptist university. This discussion lead to the development of the TexasBaptist Education Society. The Texas Baptist Education Society would work hard to establish a Baptist university, no matter what struggles they encountered. In the end, the Texas Baptist Education Society decided to petition congress to charter the university. After the signing of the charter, Baylor Universityopened its doors to twenty four... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this time, the university was open to both male and female students. This would change over the years from co ed, to male, and back to co ed again, as Baylor grew and adjusted as a university. Students paid $8 to $15 per five month term, depending on the courses of study, which included the three Rs as well as geography, grammar, philosophy, chemistry, and the Latin and Greek languages (Baker, n.d.). Until the arrival of Baylor s first president Henry L. Graves, the faculty and staff consisted of one man by the name of Henry F. Gillette. Graves dealt with many hardships during his time at the university, some of which were four original trustees resigned; another, William M. Tryon, died; finances dwindled; salaries went unpaid; and Gillette left, principally because of hardships he had to endure (Baker, n.d.). While there were many hardships, Graves did make many positive contributions, such as the organization of a collegiate department and the addition of law lectures. By adding the study of law in 1849, Baylor became the first in Texas and the second university west of the Mississippi to teach law (The History of Baylor,
  • 41. Comparing The National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics... This paper serves to compare the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Standards for Secondary Mathematics (NCTM), Common Core State Standards (CCSS), and Virginia s Standards of Learning (VSOL). The comparison will include similarities and differences among the three documents as well as discuss their strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, a combined setof standards will be developed and presented, encompassing the strengths of the various standards. The first similarity between the three documents would be the structure of the standards. Each document varies in the numberof standards, but all are separated through domains of mathematical learning. For example, out of the fourteen NCTM Curriculum Standards for Secondary Mathematics, five standards detail the process of learning mathematics. These standards include Mathematics as Problem Solving, Mathematics as Communication, Mathematics as Reasoning, Mathematical Connections, and Mathematical Structures. Similarly, Common Core State Standards provide the state of Alabama with Mathematical Practice Standards which parallel with similar methods of learning mathematics. Within the Virginia Standards of Learning are embedded similar languages describing mathematical learning. There are several parallel thoughts concerning the mathematical learning process. NCTM Standard 1: Mathematics as Problem Solving outlines the expectations for students to refine their method of problem solving by investigation and integration of
  • 42. The Lone Ranger And Tonto Fistfight In Heaven Analysis In the story The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie, points out the hardships of being a Native American back in the 20th century. These hardships were racism, alcoholism, poverty and isolation. The story takes place in the reservation and it is about a young Native American whom struggles in society because of his skin color, family s addictions and fights. The narrator moves to Seattle with his white girlfriend who he seems to have an odd relationship because they are constantly fighting. He becomes an alcoholic and moves back to the reservation after a break up with his girlfriend. The story begins with the narrator who enters a 7 11 store at three in the morning to be exact. The cashier looks at him in a frightened way as if he was a criminal and becomes aware of every action that he does in the store. Of course, this is something that still goes on today, specially at 7 11 stores and I once experienced it. The cashier acted in a racist manner because he judges the guy due to his dark skin color and thought he was a robber. Although the narrator did understand the reason why the cashier behaved that way as he once worked in a 7 11 store and was robbed. The narrator started fooling around with the cashier by making him more frightened, but the cashier noticed that he wasn t a bad guy and offered him the Creamsicle for free. The narrator moves to Seattle and lives with his white girlfriend who he is constantly fighting all the time. He breaks
  • 43. The Transformation Of E. Coli Jack Dildabanian Ms. Buckley Genetics 11/6/15 The Transformation of E. coli using the plasmid GFP Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to observe bacterial growth under various conditions including the transformation of bacteria; to understand how the process of transformation occurs. Background Information: Transformation is the process by which the genetic material carried by an individual cell is altered by the incorporation of foreign (exogenous) DNA into its genome (MedicineNet.com, Definition of Genetic transformation ). Transformation in bacterial cells occurs when the cell incorporates DNA into its genetic material. Bacteria cells that have the ability to take up DNA are called competent. In a lab setting, this is encouraged by placing the mixtures of transformation solution and plasmid DNA on ice, then rapidly transferring them to a hot water bath for about fifty seconds, and then placing them back on ice again. This procedure is called heat shock and increases the permeability of the cell membrane to DNA. The agent which the new genetic material is incorporated into is the bacterial plasmid. A plasmid is a circular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule that replicates independently of the bacterial chromosome and often permits a bacteria to gain resistance to an antibiotic. Recombinant plasmids are those which have DNA from two or more sources incorporated into a single plasmid. To make recombinant plasmids, two different plasmids are cut with the same
  • 44. Marketing Strategy For A New Service Success in a New Service Demographic segment variables subdivides people based on a wide variety of characteristics. This allows the business to decide what group they will be targeting based on their desired target market. Because grocery shopping is common, this business should not have limitations on genders or age. To increase sales they may target families and also college students who have a vehicle. However, the business should not restrict it to only these two entities. The business will not depend on specific incomes to market to people. The business must differentiate itself by emphasizing its drive through option, offering incentives, promoting ethical values, and staying connected with the customers and employees. The... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This will give the business an idea of how many potential customers there are and how to market to them. Once the business knows the percentage of possible customers, they can begin placing them into the different categories available. After the business has established their target group and placed them in the categories, they will be able to use aggregated data (InfoGroup). When the two entities respond or expresses an interest for the drive through grocery store, the business will be able to offer the families and college students a way to sign up to receive additional information. This allows the business to receive more information about the customer which they may not had. The business must begin by constructing a SWOT Analysis which will provide them with the necessary tools to avoid problems and excel. A strength would be the availability for its customers to use the drive through instead of walking in on busy days. A weakness is this business will be a first mover in the area (the location will be held at city with a population size of 60,000 or greater); it will be exposed to trial and error, and their competitors will be able to see their mistakes and avoid them. The business can increase their revenue by expanding the service (either increasing the amount of employees or having a customer assistance button available for the
  • 45. Battle Of The Alamo Research Paper The Battle of the Alamo was a historic event that led to many thrilling affairs. For example, the independence of Texas. Many of the soldiers that fought for this fort, fought to protect the citizens in this country so there wouldn t be any harm made of any kind. Next, this event happened in the early 1800 s and occurred when Mexico came unexpected to Texasand astonished them with a surprise attack that no one was prepared for. The Battle of the Alamooccurred in 1836, it was a battle between Mexico and the Texas Republic. More than 3,000 men fought for Mexico, which meant that Texas was outnumbered. This event was caused by Mexico wanting Texas territory. Mexico was lead by General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
  • 46. 1.Describe The Mode Of Actions Of The Drugs That Interfere 1.Describe the mode of actions of the drugs that interfere with protein synthesis. Drugs that interfere with protein synthesis are derived from various actinomycetes species Streptomyces and Micromonospora. They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to one of the ribosomal subunits. Thus, disrupting protein synthesis as the ribosomes can no longer produce proteins. 2.Name and describe the actions of the aminoglycoside subgroup. Aminoglycosides are composed of one or more amino sugars and an aminocyclitol ring And the aminoglycosides are relatively broad spectrum drugs. They inhibit protein synthesis by binding to one of the ribosomal subunits. Streptomyces was one of the first aminoglycosides to be used and has been somewhat ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If a patient is prescribed it, levels in the blood need to be constantly monitored. It is used to treat typhoid fever, brain abscesses and rickettsial and chlamydial infections that are resistant to other drugs. 5. Name and describe the uses of the newly developed classes of antibiotics. Fosfomycin trimethamine is a phosphoric acid agent used to treat UTIs caused by enteric bacteria. It works by inhibiting an enzyme needed for cell wall synthesis. Synercid used to treat Staphylococcus and Enterococcus infections. These infections often include endocarditis and surgical infections and they work by binding to the ribosomes. Daptomycin is a lipopeptide works against gram positive bacteria disrupting membrane functions. It is not used very often. Ketolides are similar to erythromycin and used to treat respiratory infections that are caused by macrolide resistant bacteria. Oxazolidinone works by inhibiting the initiation of protein synthesis as it interferes with the interaction between mRNA and the ribosomes. It is used to treat MRSA and vancomycin resistant Enterococcus. 6. Describe how polyenes work on fungal cells. Why is this drug safe for us? Polyenes work by binding to fungal membranes and cause the loss of selective permeability. The cells essentially start to leak their insides out. These drugs are specific for fungi because they bind to the
  • 47. Biography of Loretta Lux Loretta Lux grew up in Soviet occupied East Germany. She was raised inside the Berlin Wall that came down when she was 20 years old. A year after the wall came down in 1990 Loretta stared studying paintings and art which she perused until 1996. Three years on and she had started studying photography. In 2004 she had her first solo show in America at the Yossi Milo Gallery, New York. In 2005, Loretta received the Infinity Award for Art from the International Center of Photography. Her work has since been exhibited extensively abroad, including solo exhibitions in 2006 at the Fotomuseum Den Haag, The Netherlands, and the Sixth Moscow Photo biennale. Loretta s main influences in her art are by painters such as Agnolo Bronzino, Diego VelГЎzquez, and Phillip Otto Runge. In Loretta s photographs she uses a very soft pastel colour pallet, this gives to us a calm or soothing feel. Most of her photographs are of young children, she says that she likes working with children because they are young, innocent and easier to work with. Loretta makes the children pull a serious face, this makes them look like they have a secret or have been up to mischief. She uses her own clothes from when she was a child and because vintage clothing is coming back this gives the photo a feeling of timelessness. Loretta s photographs tend to be at eye level making the child look superior. She also strips down the background making the main focus on the child. Loretta s artworks have been shown in numerous
  • 48. What is the importance of the description of Alison in... In The Miller s Tale , the poet Chaucer depicts the tale of a hende man and his attempt to tempt the primerole Alisoun to commit adultery and therefore render her husband, John a cokewold . The Miller s Tale is just one story amongst a collection of greater works known collectively as The Canterbury Tales . The placing of this tale is significant becomes it comes directly after the Knight s Tale revolving around nobility and chivalry and forms a direct contrast due to the fact it is bawdy, lewd and highly inappropriate. The tale is a fabliau, a versified short story designed to make you laugh; concerned usually with sexual or excretory functions. The plot often involves members of the clergy, and is usually in the form of a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... We are also invited to think of Alison as a sexual being in the line upon hir lendes (loins) We can also infer that Alison is somewhat promiscuous (and therefore John has a right to [hold] hire narwe in cage ) because we are told that her shoes were laced on hir legges hye and we would only know that if her skirt was hitched up. Short skirts in those days had connotations with prostitutes, the same as they do today. The appropriate attitude for a man to take to such a woman (the Miller thinks) is shown by such terms as quot;popelote quot;, quot;primerole quot; and quot;piggesnie quot;, for which we can readily find modern equivalents. Alison is suitable as a mistress for quot;any lord quot;; as a wife, she can expect at best to marry a yeoman, for any good yeman to wedde . Among the many other physical details packed into the Miller s set piece description we learn that Alison has delicately plucked sloe black eyebrows; that she is tall and erect ( upright as a bolt ) and that her breath is sweet. Much of the account is taken up with an inventory of her clothes. These seem fairly expensive, but John evidently wishes her to spend on her wardrobe. The clothes are stylish and exaggerate her attractive features. We learn that many garments are of silk, that smock and collar are embroidered, that her apron is
  • 49. What Is The Code Of Hammurabi Dbq The Killer Hammurabi Imagine hitting your parents and having your hands cut off because you will never make a mistake again. Can you imagine that from the rules of your king? Well let s find out if you would like Hammurabi as a king that told everyone the laws from a God. The year he began ruler was 1707 B.C.E. and ended in 1750 B.C.E. He ruled babylonand created the first ever written laws. He made the laws and he made 282 of them! The laws are called Hammurabi s code. Mostly if you disobeyed the code you will die or get punished for your actions even if you make a mistake. He was born in the year 1811 B.C.E. Were Hammurabi s laws fair to everyone in Babylonia? No the laws were not fair for everyone in Babylonia because if you make a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... First, In Law 148 If a man has married a wife and a disease has seized her, if he is determined to marry a second wife, he shall marry her. He shall not divorce the wife whom the disease has seized. (Doc C). Second, In Law 129 If a married lady is caught [in adultery] with another man, they shall bind them and cast them into the water. (Doc C). These examples show that Hammurabi s Code was unjust because if you are stupid and you make a mistake you will most likely die. If you cheat on your husband and had to get bound together with the man you cheated on him for and both of you thrown into a river and drowned so you would never make a mistake like again and your punishment would be death back then with Hammurabi as a king you should be only put in jail or divorced on the spot instead of dying in a river. Hammurabi had even more laws that you had to for example if your with get diagnosed with a disease and you want to get another wife she will stay in the same house and you have to care for both wives. I believe that this is unjust for the reason of you making a mistake and dying for it and if you get a disease it is not your fault so the husband should not even have a choice of getting another
  • 50. A Brief Note On The Attack Recovery Plan Radiological Attack Recovery Plan Thesis Statement: It is essential for all the bodies of authority as well as the public to have a proper plan to mitigate the impacts caused by a possible radiological attack exposure. The local, public, and national emergency preparedness in responding to a radiological detonation could lead to saving of many lives. 1.Introduction I.Define radiological emergency, causes and effects of radiological emergency, areas prone to radiological emergencies A radiological emergency is an emergency in which there is or there seems to be a hazard due to radiation exposure from a radioactive source. This may result from a variety of reasons such as uncontrolled sources, misuse of equipment or malicious acts. Although there has been no successful terrorist attack has happened in the US since 9/11, terrorism experts are wary that one is likely to occur in the near future. Numerous terrorism plans of various proportions have been foiled in the US. These include plans to detonate radiological dispersal devices (RDD) (Eggen Sxhmidt, 2002). Al Qaeda has expressed intent to obtain and use nuclear devices in the United States with Osama bin Laden having declared it a duty on Muslims to acquire nuclear devices (Ferguson et al, 2004, Lawrence, 2005). Although nuclear attacks are way too complicated for terrorists a simpler equally psychologically effective means exists. The use of radio active materials on various soft targets offers cost and simplicity
  • 51. Symptoms And Treatment Of Retinoblastoma Cancer comes in many forms and can attack just about anyone. Some cancers take more time to grow, spread and show signs of attack, but it is very important for everyone to be very careful and cautious because anyone can be a victim for this cruel cancer. Retinoblastoma is one of the cancers that can become very fatal to someone s vision if not treated. Retinoblastoma is caused when the cancercells start to grow with no control. Cells can become cancer cells in any part of the body so it is very essential for it to be treated as soon as possible. It can also extend to any other parts of the body. Retinoblastoma is started in the retina of the eye and is most common in children. The very first thing anyone should do when they are diagnosed with cancer is to consult with their doctor about treatment plans. Retinoblastoma has many treatment options for the patient. One of the main treatments of retinoblastoma is surgery. If the retinoblastoma is detected while it is a small tumor, surgery is not necessary. If the tumor is not found in time and is quite large, the eye s vision has most likely been already damaged. If this is ever the case, then there is a procedure called, enucleation, and this procedure removes the whole eye and a part of the optic nerve that was connected. Meanwhile, during the enucleation procedure, an orbital implant is put in, taking the place of the eye. The orbital implant contains contents such as, silicone or hydroxyapatite. This substance is very alike
  • 52. Summary Of The Jataka Tales THE JATAKA TALES On a warm July night, a prince was born in Jambudvipa (India). He grew up in a lifestyle filled with the finest of things, confined in his palace, being sheltered from the realities of danger. His father raised him to be the next wheel turning king. Siddhartha Gautama did not know that he had the markings that predetermined his life. His father chose him as king, but as history proves, his dharma was to be the Buddha. Siddhartha s encounter with the outside world during his manhood, struck him to his core. He would refuse the heir to the throne, and with his Great Departure he would seek out the life of the ascetics to find meaning to the world s sufferings. During his six year journey, he was still plagued with questions of suffering and remained in meditation until he found his answers. Here under the Bodhi tree, he found the answers in which he was earnestly seeking, and in the process transformed himself into the Enlightened One. Awoke from his prolonged unconsciousness, he understood that every living thing was a part of Samsara (The eternal cycle of life). He spoke of reincarnation and how a person would continue to be born, live, and die over many life times until he changed his karma and gradually made his way towards Brahmin. This goal can take many life times, hundreds, even thousands. Buddha spoke of his many embodiments and how he made his way to his last rebirth as the Buddha. The Jataka Tales is a large collection of stories the Buddha
  • 53. Becoming A Marine Biologist Marine Biologists Marine Biologists can choose to specialize in ... Ichthyology (the study of fishes) Phycology (the study of algae) Invertebrate Zoology (the study of animals without a backbone ) Marine Mammalogy (the study of marine mammals) Fishery Biology ( the study of fishing ) Marine Biotechnology ( the study of using microorganisms to improve the productivity of plants or algae) Marine Microbiology (the study of microorganisms in the sea ) Marine Ecology. ( the study of the creatures habitats populations and interactions throughout the ocean ) To become a Marine Biologist you must complete a masters degree in Marine Biology . This can take as long as four years to obtain your degree Marine Biologists have a wide variety of places and jobs that they can apply for. For instance, they could become a teacher and teach people about marine biology or they could be working as a zookeeper and take care of the animals. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... (2017, March 27 ). Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What are examples of marine biology experiments, That some examples of marine biologists experiments are tracking blue crabs this was said by Eli Salcedo, Aspiring marine biologist. Although they could be observing marine life behavior and trying to apply that to the oceans currently or they could be using microorganisms to breed together different species of coral. They did the first step to this in early November 2017 when the coral spawn happened and scientist all over the globe came to collect them. Although this was crucial at the time because there was constant bleaching happening back to back and the coral was
  • 54. Similarities Between Hannah Dustan And Mary Rowlandson There are many great stories to be told from American Literature up to 1890. Hannah Dustan and Mary Rowlandson are both key figures when it comes to such American Literature. Both of these women shared their own personal experiences of being held captive. They both have a lot in common as they both were captured by Native Americans; both were puritans and both lost members of their family. While Rowlandson chose to write her story in a first person narrative, Dustan s story was told in the words of Cotton Mather based on what he had heard from Dustan herself. This could also be interpreted that Mather could have changed around bits of Dustan s story. Dustan and Rowlandson were both captured by Native Americans. They became heroines due to... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... She was captured on the 10th of February, 1675 and was held captive for 11 weeks before she was ransomed. Rowlandson was not alone whilst held captive. She was joined by her three children. Her youngest however did not survive the captivity. Psalms and the bible played a massive part in Rowlandson s narrative. The more you read, the more frequently psalms quoted from the bible seem to be used. Approximately one third of the Biblical references that pervade Rowlandson s narrative of her captivity (Henwood, 169). It is clearly evident that religion plays a massive part of her life and she turns to her religion throughout her captivity. She uses the psalms as a context for her misery, spiritual assurance, and emotional release (Henwood, 170). Some have stated that the use of all the psalms in Rowlandson s narrative has prevented her from telling some of the story. Derounian and others have portrayed the Biblical text as inhibiting Rowlandson s ability to tell her own tale (Henwood, 170). Although Henwood herself disagreed with this theory stating, the sacred Psalms render publicly legitimate, even righteous, the captive s very human frustration and rage and thus enable her, as well as the communal vision she is a part of, to survive (170). The psalms become such a massive part of the narrative it is easy to see how some people find them to overshadow the story. Rowlandson however seemed to be such a religious
  • 55. Student leadership Student Leadership Application 1. Why do you want to be a member of the Student Academy Leadership Team? I would like to be a member of the Student Academy Leadership team because I think I d make a good head boy and I d do everything I can to make a difference to the academy and improve anything that needs to be improved. I am only in year 7 meaning I m not too familiar with the Academy but so far I love it. I think our school is outstanding and it s an honour to be able to attend the Acaemy as a student. I believe I have the skills and the ability to make a different to the Academy to make it a better place for us kids to enjoy learning and be able to transform our learning, transform our lives and to transform our community. I ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To organise any events or fulfil the duties I would happily spend some of my break. I will take the time out of my days to catch up in my studies and organise any events instead of watching TV. Even though I will try to fit everything in and not just stay at home all day watching TV I would still give myself some free time so I don t get stressed out or overworked. I would also be prepared and ask for deadlines to make sure I do the tasks on time. I may even make a routine for myself for example when I get home at around 4, I could change, eat and shower at a certain and then spend a few hours on revising and homework, then spend some time on fulfilling my responsibilities as a student leader. 6. Which public figurehead/leader is inspirational to you and why? My inspirational leader would be Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela was a very important leader in history, and he sacrificed most of his life for equal rights and opportunities to black people. Nelson Mandela was the first black South African President and fought to stop racism. Mandela was imprisoned in 1962; he spent 27 years in prison simply to save millions of people from slavery. For that reasons he is my hero and my inspirational leader, he inspires me to be a better person and lead students in a good
  • 56. Gender Stereotypes In The Flash Reborn Society always keeps the idea of heroes alive through media. Girls inspired by movies or television shows dream of knights in shining armor saving the day. These same shows often represent the women as weak and dependent on men. Men fight the bad guys and save the day while the women work behind the scenes giving information to the men. The genderstereotype of men protecting the women often reveals itself in television shows, especially in one episode of a television show called The Flash. The episode from The Flashtitled The Flash Reborn, illustrates the gender stereotype of men as the protector of women and this negatively shows a stereotype of beautiful women that cannot take care of themselves. The first act of protection comes from Flash the main character. Flash, also known as Barry Allen, cares for and protects his fiancГ©, Iris West, and his city, Central City. Barry will do anything to protect Iris and Central City. At the end of season three, a giant speed force threatens to suck up Central City. Barry realizes if he lets the speed force suck him up instead of the city, he will save the city. Barry lets the speed force take him away and he saves the city and, more specifically Iris. At the beginning of the first episode in season four of The Flash Reborn, the speed forces secures Barry in its clutches. Ever since Barry sacrificed himself to save the city and her, Iris stays in deep dismay. She reminds herself of the words Barry told her before he left, stay