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Studio 4: CSS

  Prof. Alvarado
MDST 3703/7703
20 September 2012


• Quizzes due Thursday at midnight
  – Will extend if the WordPress server goes
    down again
• 90 mins …
  – But some flexibility
  – Two hours is the hard limit
• Plan to have graded by next week


Responses from Last Studio
• “Should I continue to break the divisions
  down into sentences? What would happen if
  you broke it down into individual words? If I
  were to further break it down, how could
  this be useful for me? What could I do with
  – See the Charrette Project


Turning words into elements


• How can the word “broken,” with the
  quotation marks around it, mean anything?
  Is there somewhere that I can go in and
  signify what each classification means? Will
  my signifying what it means change
  anything about the html document? I feel
  like I am seeing one side of the process. Is
  there another side to it?
  – Classes provide “hooks” that can be used to
    define styles and behaviors


• In simple recreation exists a form of
  democratization of information
  – Remediation as appropriation
• I am still confused about what SPAN and DIV
  actually do
  – These are just generic structural elements
  – DIVs are blocks, SPANs are in-line
• Where/when do you define what a “chapter-
  name” actually looks like
  – In CSS or JavaScript …


• Under content is where the actual tags of
  paragraph and quote come into play, which
  also confuses me because I typically think
  of those aspects as belonging under
  structure, since they don’t relate to the
  meaning, or maybe even layout since they
  help format the page.
  – Paragraphs and quotes are structure
  – Content comprises the actual words and
    letters (the “character data”)


• I feel like I need a crash course in HTML
  before I can handle the fast pace of this class
  – It should feel weird at first!
  – No need to internalize all of HTML
  – We are learning the logic of markup
• I thought we were using HTML on JEdit
  which is supposed to be non-linear and non-
  hierarchical, but we have also been using XML
  which is very hierarchical
  – Yes, non-linear and hierarchical patterns are
    mixed up in real life


The Document Stack

CONTENT (TEXT)   ASCII, Unicode, etc.

 STRUCTURE              XML



represented by HTML


LAYOUT, as interpreted by


LAYOUT, with CSS (as
interpreted by Chrome)


• Stands for “Cascading Style Sheets”
• Allows you to add styles to HTML
  – and XML in general
  – Browsers know how to apply CSS styles to
• “Style” includes things like
  –   Font characteristics
  –   Line characteristics
  –   Background colors and images
  –   Position of things on a page


How does it work?


CSS is language that associates
 style directives with document

A style directive is something like
 “make the font size 12 points”

To do this, CSS needs an efficient
    way to describe document


• The elements in a document marked up in
  HTML are stored in a a tree called the
  – Document Object Model
• The browser can do this because HTML
  follows the OHCO model
• CSS uses the DOM to specify elements


In the DOM, every element has an address
that can be expressed as a string
                                e.g. html/body/h1
Think of this as the element‟s ancestry


Let’s look at an example …


   <title>I’m an HTML document</title>
   <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
   <p>Here is some conent</p>

            Standard HTML Doc


   <title>I’m an HTML document</title>
   <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
   <p>Here is some content:</p>
   Here is some special content that I
  want to make bigger.
</html>         Standard HTM


   <title>I’m an HTML document</title>
   <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
   <p>Here is some content:</p>
   Here is some special content that I
  want to make bigger.
</html>        What not to do!


   <title>I’m an HTML document</title>
   <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
   <p>Here is some conent</p>
   <div style=“font-size:14pt;">
   Here is some special content that I
  want to make bigger.
</html>        Instead, use CSS


<title>I’m an HTML document</title>
 <style type="text/css">
 div {
   font-size:14pt;      Better yet,
                       put CSS here
 <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
 <p>Here is some conent</p>
 Here is some special content that I
want to make bigger.


<title>I’m an HTML document</title>
 <style type="text/css">
 .foo {
   font-weight:bold;     Or using a
 }                     class attribute
 <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
 <p>Here is some conent</p>
 <div class=“foo”>
 Here is some special content that I
want to make bigger.


   <title>I’m an HTML document</title>
   <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css”
  href=“default.css” />
  <body>    Even better: CSS in linked file
   <h1>Here is the first header</h1>
   <p>Here is some conent</p>
   Here is some special content that I want
  to make bigger.


.foo {

 This is what the content of the
 default.css file would look like.


CSS Syntax: Selectors
.foo {

        The “selector” indicates what
        elements the styles apply to. Can
        address element names, classes,
        and ID. This uses the DOM.


CSS Syntax: Selectors
                      Here the selector
#foo {                finds an element with
  font-size:14pt;     an ID attribute with
                      the value “foo” …

e.g. <div id=“foo”>Hey.</div>


Example selectors
p   Any p element
p.foo Any p element with a class of foo
.foo Any element with a class of foo
#foo The element with an id of foo


CSS Selectors and the DOM
X                           Y is descendant of X
     Elements of type X    X>Y
#X                          Y is child
     Element with ID X     X+Y
.X                          Y follows X
     Elements of Class X   X~Y
*                           Y immediately follows
     Every element


CSS Selectors and Attributes
X[title]                   href ends with
  X has title            X[data-*="foo"]
X[href=“foo”]              Attribute matches
  X has href of „foo‟    X[foo~="bar"]
X[href*=”foo"]             Attribute among
  href contains „foo‟        values
                           e.g. attr=“v1 v2 v3”
  href begins with ...


CSS Selectors and Pseudo Elements
X:link               X:before
  unclicked anchor   X:after
X:visited              Before and after the
  clicked anchor         element
X:hover                Works with the
                         content property
  on mouse hover
                       E.g. content:”foo”;
  checked input


CSS Selectors: Double Colon
• X::first-letter
• X::first-line


CSS Syntax: Declarations
.foo {
          The “declarations” specify
          properties and values to apply to
          the element.

      Format = property-name:


Example Directives
font-family: Georgia, Garamond, serif;
color: blue;
color: #eeff99;
background-color: gray;
border: 1px solid black;


CSS Box Model


Basic Idea
• A CSS file is just a series of “rules” that
  associated styles with elements
• A CSS rule has two parts
  – A selector to identify elements (tag name,
    class, id)
  – One or more declarations of style
• CSS rules have a simple syntax
  – Selectors followed by curly braces
  – Key/value pairs separated by colons
  – Rules separated by semi-colons


Basic idea
• You can apply any number of rules to a
• Rules may appear in attributes, headers, or
  external files
• Rules are “cascaded”
  – Later ones inherit previous ones
  – Later ones have precedence (can
    overwrite) earlier ones


• Let’s try to format out Persuasion
• Go to blog post for today’s studio

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UVA MDST 3073 CSS 2012-09-20

  • 1. Studio 4: CSS Prof. Alvarado MDST 3703/7703 20 September 2012
  • 2. Business • Quizzes due Thursday at midnight – Will extend if the WordPress server goes down again • 90 mins … – But some flexibility – Two hours is the hard limit • Plan to have graded by next week
  • 3. Responses from Last Studio • “Should I continue to break the divisions down into sentences? What would happen if you broke it down into individual words? If I were to further break it down, how could this be useful for me? What could I do with it?” – See the Charrette Project
  • 5. Responses • How can the word “broken,” with the quotation marks around it, mean anything? Is there somewhere that I can go in and signify what each classification means? Will my signifying what it means change anything about the html document? I feel like I am seeing one side of the process. Is there another side to it? – Classes provide “hooks” that can be used to define styles and behaviors
  • 6. Responses • In simple recreation exists a form of democratization of information – Remediation as appropriation • I am still confused about what SPAN and DIV actually do – These are just generic structural elements – DIVs are blocks, SPANs are in-line • Where/when do you define what a “chapter- name” actually looks like – In CSS or JavaScript …
  • 7. Responses • Under content is where the actual tags of paragraph and quote come into play, which also confuses me because I typically think of those aspects as belonging under structure, since they don’t relate to the meaning, or maybe even layout since they help format the page. – Paragraphs and quotes are structure – Content comprises the actual words and letters (the “character data”)
  • 8. Responses • I feel like I need a crash course in HTML before I can handle the fast pace of this class – It should feel weird at first! – No need to internalize all of HTML – We are learning the logic of markup • I thought we were using HTML on JEdit which is supposed to be non-linear and non- hierarchical, but we have also been using XML which is very hierarchical – Yes, non-linear and hierarchical patterns are mixed up in real life
  • 9. The Document Stack CONTENT (TEXT) ASCII, Unicode, etc. STRUCTURE XML STYLE / LAYOUT CSS
  • 12. LAYOUT, with CSS (as interpreted by Chrome)
  • 13. CSS • Stands for “Cascading Style Sheets” • Allows you to add styles to HTML – and XML in general – Browsers know how to apply CSS styles to documents • “Style” includes things like – Font characteristics – Line characteristics – Background colors and images – Position of things on a page
  • 14. How does it work?
  • 15. CSS is language that associates style directives with document elements A style directive is something like “make the font size 12 points” To do this, CSS needs an efficient way to describe document elements
  • 16. The DOM • The elements in a document marked up in HTML are stored in a a tree called the DOM – Document Object Model • The browser can do this because HTML follows the OHCO model • CSS uses the DOM to specify elements
  • 17. In the DOM, every element has an address that can be expressed as a string e.g. html/body/h1 Think of this as the element‟s ancestry
  • 18. Let’s look at an example …
  • 19. <html> <head> <title>I’m an HTML document</title> </head> <body> <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some conent</p> </body> </html> Standard HTML Doc
  • 20. <html> <head> <title>I’m an HTML document</title> </head> <body> <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some content:</p> <div> Here is some special content that I want to make bigger. </div> </body> </html> Standard HTM
  • 21. <html> <head> <title>I’m an HTML document</title> </head> <body> <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some content:</p> <h1> Here is some special content that I want to make bigger. </h1> </body> </html> What not to do!
  • 22. <html> <head> <title>I’m an HTML document</title> </head> <body> <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some conent</p> <div style=“font-size:14pt;"> Here is some special content that I want to make bigger. </div> </body> </html> Instead, use CSS
  • 23. <title>I’m an HTML document</title> <style type="text/css"> div { font-size:14pt;  Better yet, font-weight:bold; } put CSS here </style> </head> <body> <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some conent</p> <div> Here is some special content that I want to make bigger. </div>
  • 24. <title>I’m an HTML document</title> <style type="text/css"> .foo { font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; Or using a } class attribute </style> </head> <body> <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some conent</p> <div class=“foo”> Here is some special content that I want to make bigger. </div>
  • 25. <html> <head> <title>I’m an HTML document</title> <link rel=“stylesheet” type=“text/css” href=“default.css” /> </head> <body> Even better: CSS in linked file <h1>Here is the first header</h1> <p>Here is some conent</p> <div> Here is some special content that I want to make bigger. </div> </body> </html>
  • 26. default.css .foo { font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; } This is what the content of the default.css file would look like.
  • 27. CSS Syntax: Selectors .foo { font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; } The “selector” indicates what elements the styles apply to. Can address element names, classes, and ID. This uses the DOM.
  • 28. CSS Syntax: Selectors Here the selector #foo { finds an element with font-size:14pt; an ID attribute with the value “foo” … font-weight:bold; } e.g. <div id=“foo”>Hey.</div>
  • 29. Example selectors p Any p element p.foo Any p element with a class of foo .foo Any element with a class of foo #foo The element with an id of foo
  • 30. CSS Selectors and the DOM X Y is descendant of X Elements of type X X>Y #X Y is child Element with ID X X+Y .X Y follows X Elements of Class X X~Y * Y immediately follows Every element XY
  • 31. CSS Selectors and Attributes X[title] href ends with X has title X[data-*="foo"] X[href=“foo”] Attribute matches X has href of „foo‟ X[foo~="bar"] X[href*=”foo"] Attribute among href contains „foo‟ values e.g. attr=“v1 v2 v3” X[href^="http"] href begins with ... X[href$=".jpg”]
  • 32. CSS Selectors and Pseudo Elements X:link X:before unclicked anchor X:after X:visited Before and after the clicked anchor element X:hover Works with the content property on mouse hover E.g. content:”foo”; X:checked checked input
  • 33. CSS Selectors: Double Colon • X::first-letter • X::first-line
  • 34. CSS Syntax: Declarations .foo { font-size:14pt; font-weight:bold; } The “declarations” specify properties and values to apply to the element. Format = property-name: value;
  • 35. Example Directives font-family: Georgia, Garamond, serif; color: blue; color: #eeff99; background-color: gray; border: 1px solid black;
  • 37. Basic Idea • A CSS file is just a series of “rules” that associated styles with elements • A CSS rule has two parts – A selector to identify elements (tag name, class, id) – One or more declarations of style • CSS rules have a simple syntax – Selectors followed by curly braces – Key/value pairs separated by colons – Rules separated by semi-colons
  • 38. Basic idea • You can apply any number of rules to a document • Rules may appear in attributes, headers, or external files • Rules are “cascaded” – Later ones inherit previous ones – Later ones have precedence (can overwrite) earlier ones
  • 39. Exercise • Let’s try to format out Persuasion • Go to blog post for today’s studio