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UX STRAT 2014: Jon Kolko, "Well Designed: Bringing Design Thinking to Product Management in Order to Create Products People Love"
2 | 8/28/2014 
Where do 
great new products 
come from?
3 | 8/28/2014 
Is it vision?
4 | 8/28/2014 
“As a company, we certainly have a 
vision of where the product is going. 
We generally have a North Star 
that we are all headed towards...” 
Joe Gebbia 
Chief Product Officer, AirBNB
5 | 8/28/2014 
Is it process?
“There aren’t a lot of examples of 
people who have gone through the 
whole process: how do you take a 
product, turn it into a startup, turn it 
6 | 8/28/2014 
into a company, turn it into an 
…At the speed at which startups grow, 
that process is very fragile.” 
Alex Rainert 
Head of Product, foursquare
7 | 8/28/2014 
Is it just hard work?
“I’ve been doing this, essentially by 
myself, for seven years and two months. 
…I love what I do. I get to watch sports 
all day and talk about math. I went 
four years without making a single 
dollar, without a single customer.” 
8 | 8/28/2014 
Mark Phillip 
CEO, Are You Watching This?!
9 | 8/28/2014 
product management
Kevin Cheng 
CEO, IncredibleLabs 
10 | 8/28/2014 
Josh Elman 
Partner, Greylock 
Leland Rechis 
Head of Product, 
Joe Gebbia 
Chief Product Officer, 
Preston Smalley 
Executive Director 
of Product, Comcast 
Frank Lyman 
Chief Product Officer, 
Maya Baratz 
Head of New Products, 
ABC News 
Mark Phillip 
CEO, Are You 
Watching This?! 
Alex Rainert 
Head of Product, 
Gary Chou 
Former GM, Union 
Square Ventures 
11 | 8/28/2014
12 | 8/28/2014 
13 | 8/28/2014 
14 | 8/28/2014 
15 | 8/28/2014 
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17 | 8/28/2014 
18 | 8/28/2014 
19 | 8/28/2014 
/ Political 
20 | 8/28/2014 
/ Political 
21 | 8/28/2014 
/ Political 
22 | 8/28/2014 
/ Political 
23 | 8/28/2014 
24 | 8/28/2014 
25 | 8/28/2014 
26 | 8/28/2014 
27 | 8/28/2014 
28 | 8/28/2014 
29 | 8/28/2014 
30 | 8/28/2014 
31 | 8/28/2014 
32 | 8/28/2014 
33 | 8/28/2014 
Where is the trend towards 
“design-led product” 
coming from?
34 | 8/28/2014
35 | 8/28/2014
36 | 8/28/2014
37 | 8/28/2014 
How does it look? 
How does it feel? 
Is it consistent with our brand? 
Is it easy to use? 
Is it easy to learn? 
Do I make errors? 
Information & Flow 
Can I find my way? 
Is it extensible? 
Is it well structured?
38 | 8/28/2014 
Design is tactical
39 | 8/28/2014 
Design is tactical 
Is it new? 
Is it exciting? 
Does it have the 
potential to disrupt? 
Is it competitive? 
Is it differentiated? 
Is there a market 
Is it desirable? 
Is it systemic? 
Does it reflect cultural 
Is there demand? 
Can we create demand? 
What are the revenue 
40 | 8/28/2014 
Design is strategic 
Design is tactical
41 | 8/28/2014 
Design is strategic 
How can I bridge this gap? 
Design is tactical
42 | 8/28/2014 
Design is strategic 
Product Management 
Design is tactical
43 | 8/28/2014 
What are the qualities of a 
good product manager?
44 | 8/28/2014 
“You need to sell, engage, learn, 
and listen, and get the whole 
team excited to go do it. You need 
to be a good storyteller. Great 
product managers can tell a story 
about a user, what he is doing in 
his life today, and what he would 
be able to do in the future if we 
just got him the right product.” 
Josh Elman 
Partner, Greylock
45 | 8/28/2014 
“You need to sell, engage, learn, 
and listen, and get the whole 
team excited to go do it. You need 
to be a good storyteller. Great 
product managers can tell a story 
about a user, what he is doing in 
his life today, and what he would 
be able to do in the future if we 
just got him the right product.” 
Josh Elman 
Partner, Greylock 
Ability to tell stories 
about an optimistic future
46 | 8/28/2014 
“I toggle between my rational 
brain that says, ‘Here’s what the 
competition is doing, here’s what 
the data says the customers 
want’, and my emotional feelings 
that ‘this will have impact’. No 
one has said they want this, no 
one has done it before, but I’m 
looking at it and I think it will 
have impact.” 
Frank Lyman 
Chief Product Officer, MyEdu
47 | 8/28/2014 
“I toggle between my rational 
brain that says, ‘Here’s what the 
competition is doing, here’s what 
the data says the customers 
want’, and my emotional feelings 
that ‘this 2 
will have impact’. No 
one has said they want this, no 
one has done it before, but I’m 
looking at it and I think it will 
have impact.” 
Ability to make sense of signals 
from people and the market 
Frank Lyman 
Chief Product Officer, MyEdu
48 | 8/28/2014 
“I think it’s important to practice 
making people talkative. It’s 
about having the ability to have 
people open up. You have to be 
able to listen really well. Don’t 
worry about being exciting. 
Instead, ask a lot of questions. 
Be interested, not interesting.” 
Mark Phillip 
CEO, Are You Watching This?!
49 | 8/28/2014 
“I think it’s important to practice 
making people talkative. It’s 
about having the ability to have 
people open up. You have to be 
able to listen really well. Don’t 
worry 3 
about being exciting. 
Instead, ask a lot of questions. 
Be interested, not interesting.” 
A passion for listening and 
learning about people 
Mark Phillip 
CEO, Are You Watching This?!
50 | 8/28/2014 
“Can we teach someone to care? 
That’s much more of a function of 
how someone was raised; what 
their values are, what their 
beliefs are. It’s about if you are 
curious enough. Curiosity will 
lead you to your next insight. It’s 
this ‘what if’, or what does the 
data show.” 
Gary Chou 
Former GM, Union Square Ventures Network
51 | 8/28/2014 
“Can we teach someone to care? 
That’s much more of a function of 
how someone was raised; what 
their values are, what their 
beliefs are. It’s about if you are 
curious enough. Curiosity will 
lead you to your next insight. It’s 
this ‘what if’, or what does the 
data show.” 
Curiosity about other disciplines 
Gary Chou 
Former GM, Union Square Ventures Network
52 | 8/28/2014 
“For better or for worse, product 
is the discipline that sits at the 
hub of the wheel. You need people 
that can work with designers, 
work with engineers, work with 
marketing, work with biz-dev. But 
at the same time, you deal with 
the challenges of all of those 
different areas.” 
Alex Rainert 
Head of Product, foursquare
53 | 8/28/2014 
“For better or for worse, product 
is the discipline that sits at the 
hub of the wheel. You need people 
that can work with designers, 
work with engineers, work with 
marketing, 5 
work with biz-dev. But 
at the same time, you deal with 
the challenges of all of those 
different areas.” 
Affable – the ability to work with others 
and drive consensus 
Alex Rainert 
Head of Product, foursquare
54 | 8/28/2014 
Ability to tell stories 
about an optimistic future 
Ability to make sense of signals 
from people and the market 
A passion for listening and learning about people 
Curiosity about other disciplines 
Affable – the ability to work with others 
and drive consensus
55 | 8/28/2014 
So what does a 
product manager actually 
56 | 8/28/2014 
57 | 8/28/2014 
58 | 8/28/2014
59 | 8/28/2014 
Succeed in 
Tell their 
a job
60 | 8/28/2014
61 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback
62 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To build an understanding of the 
process, workflow, vocabulary, and 
cultural context 
To gain empathy with the people you 
are hoping to serve 
To identify opportunity for innovation
63 | 8/28/2014
“Your resume is like your life - it is your golden ticket to 
the chocolate factory. I like to put customer service 
and management things and stuff like that on my 
Everyone has a business degree these days, so I’ll 
always be able to get a job. I found out about the 
international business major from a guy at The Gap. 
I didn't even know what it was. I Googled it, and it 
sounded better than just regular business, so I just 
chose that. My life decisions are based on stupid 
Samantha, 21 year old international business major 
64 | 8/28/2014
65 | 8/28/2014
“[Students say] ‘I could do anything – I 
think I could do this, I think I could do 
that.’ You couldn’t say something worse to 
a recruiter – don’t apply to 5 of my jobs, 
66 | 8/28/2014 
because you aren’t going to get 
any of them.” 
Meg, Recruiter
67 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To build an understanding of the 
process, workflow, vocabulary, and 
cultural context 
To gain empathy with the people you 
are hoping to serve 
To identify opportunity for innovation 
Identify a research focus 
Identify participants 
Watch the participants as they work, 
live, and play 
Observe real behavior
68 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To make sense of chaotic, qualitative 
research data 
To find patterns and anomalies, and 
to look at the world in new ways 
To act as a procedural stepping-stone 
between research and insight
69 | 8/28/2014
70 | 8/28/2014
71 | 8/28/2014
72 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To make sense of chaotic, qualitative 
research data 
To find patterns and anomalies, and 
to look at the world in new ways 
To act as a procedural stepping-stone 
between research and insight 
Transcribe all of the research data 
“Explode” the data, blending 
utterances across participants 
Identify groupings, and make 
observations about them 
Identify anomalies
73 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To formalize the “big rocks” that 
provoke new innovate ideas 
To make inferential leaps about why 
people do the things they do 
To make obvious the specific goal 
for driving behavior-change
Students think they have an 
idea of what employers want 
in a candidate, but they are 
often wrong. 
“Your resume is like your life - it is your 
golden ticket to the chocolate factory.” 
Samantha, international business major 
• Emphasize bullets on a resume, 
rather than exhibit skills through 
artifacts (portfolio) 
• Think they should have a broad-but-shallow 
74 | 8/28/2014 
set of abilities, rather than 
a depth of competency in one area 
• Typically apply for any and every job 
Recruiters make snap 
judgments, directly impacting 
a candidate’s chances of 
“Don’t apply to 5 of my jobs, because 
you aren’t going to get any of them.” 
Meg, Recruiter 
• Form an opinion of a candidate in 
seconds based on a single data point 
• Are looking for specific skills, and 
evidence of competency in that skill 
• Create a mental narrative of what a 
candidate can do, based on how the 
student presents themselves
Students think they have an 
idea of what employers want 
in a candidate, but they are 
often wrong. 
75 | 8/28/2014 
Recruiters make snap 
judgments, directly impacting 
a candidate’s chances of 
These are insights: 
provocative statements about 
human behavior, framed as 
universal truths.
76 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To formalize the “big rocks” that 
provoke new innovate ideas 
To make inferential leaps about why 
people do the things they do 
To make obvious the specific goal 
for driving behavior-change 
Ask “Why” about the utterances and 
observational groups, and force 
yourself to answer (even if you don’t 
know for sure) 
Make an inferential leap 
Frame the statement as a universal 
truth (even though it’s biased)
77 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To formalize a new product or service 
trajectory based on insights 
To identify the utility and emotional 
resonance you hope to provide 
To create a North Star or vision for 
everyone to align around
Students think they have an 
idea of what employers want 
in a candidate, but they are 
often wrong. 
78 | 8/28/2014 
Recruiters make snap 
judgments, directly impacting 
a candidate’s chances of 
I don’t know how to 
show specific skills. 
I’m not sure I have 
specific skills. 
I don’t really 
understand what 
happens during 
the hiring process. 
The key to getting 
a job is having a 
resume and cover 
It’s important to be 
viewed as having a 
broad set of interests 
and being open for 
I need to see 
evidence that you 
can do certain 
I’m looking to match 
a very specific skill 
Students think they have an 
idea of what employers want 
in a candidate, but they are 
often wrong. 
79 | 8/28/2014 
I’ll build a story about 
you based on the 
smallest details, and 
use this to decide if 
you move through the 
I’m very busy. 
Recruiters make snap 
judgments, directly impacting 
a candidate’s chances of 
What if we helped students identify their skills and present 
80 | 8/28/2014 
them to employers in a credible way? 
Students think they have an 
idea of what employers want 
in a candidate, but they are 
often wrong. 
Recruiters make snap 
judgments, directly impacting 
a candidate’s chances of 
MyEdu helps students identify their skills and 
present them to employers in a credible way. 
Students think they have an 
idea of what employers want 
in a candidate, but they are 
often wrong. 
81 | 8/28/2014 
Recruiters make snap 
judgments, directly impacting 
a candidate’s chances of 
82 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To formalize a new product or service 
trajectory based on insights 
To identify the utility and emotional 
resonance you hope to provide 
To create a North Star or vision for 
everyone to align around 
Tell (and show) a story of the existing 
problem state 
Provoke “What-If” questions to find 
ways to improve the problem state 
Frame the new capability as a 
statement of value provided to a 
83 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To define the capability in a way that 
supports the value proposition 
To reduce ambiguity during 
To ensure we ship the right product to 
the right people at the right time
84 | 8/28/2014 
MyEdu helps students identify their skills and 
present them to employers in a credible way. 
Add a Skill 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Profile 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Collaborative 
Browse For Skill 
Search For Skill 
Substantiate Skill 
Via Endorsement 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill by 
Linking to a 
Work Experience 
Display Skill 
on Profile
85 | 8/28/2014 
MyEdu helps students identify their skills and 
present them to employers in a credible way. 
Add a Skill 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Profile 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Collaborative 
Browse For Skill 
Search For Skill 
Substantiate Skill 
Via Endorsement 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill by 
Linking to a 
Work Experience 
Display Skill 
on Profile
86 | 8/28/2014
87 | 8/28/2014
88 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To define the capability in a way that 
supports the value proposition 
To reduce ambiguity during 
To ensure we ship the right product to 
the right people at the right time 
Create scenarios and high-level flow 
diagrams of the ideal solution state 
“Chunk” the ideal solution state into a 
series of smaller feature initiatives 
Work with design to produce 
wireframes, comps, assets, etc
89 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To provide everyone in the 
organization with a common language 
for tracking & understanding success 
To understand the effectiveness of the 
product changes you’ve made 
To adjust subsequent activities
90 | 8/28/2014
91 | 8/28/2014
92 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To provide everyone in the 
organization with a common language 
for tracking & understanding success 
To understand the effectiveness of the 
product changes you’ve made 
To adjust subsequent activities 
Prior to launch, identify usage 
behavior that will indicate if your 
value proposition is being realized 
Create a regular communication 
mechanism for disseminating results 
Try to understand relationship 
between design and behavior
93 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To improve a given capability based 
on usage data and insight 
To fix defects or usability issues 
To finish deferred work that directly 
supports the value proposition
94 | 8/28/2014 
MyEdu helps students identify their skills and 
present them to employers in a credible way. 
Add a Skill 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Profile 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Collaborative 
Browse For Skill 
Search For Skill 
Substantiate Skill 
Via Endorsement 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill by 
Linking to a 
Work Experience 
Display Skill 
on Profile
95 | 8/28/2014 
MyEdu helps students identify their skills and 
present them to employers in a credible way. 
Add a Skill 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Profile 
Suggest Skills to Add 
Based On Collaborative 
Browse For Skill 
Search For Skill 
Substantiate Skill 
Via Endorsement 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill 
by Linking to a 
Substantiate Skill by 
Linking to a 
Work Experience 
Display Skill 
on Profile
96 | 8/28/2014
97 | 8/28/2014
98 | 8/28/2014
99 | 8/28/2014
100 | 8/28/2014
8/28/2014 | 101
102 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To improve a given capability based 
on usage data and insight 
To fix defects or usability issues 
To finish deferred work that directly 
supports the value proposition 
Make hypotheses based on usage 
data and value proposition 
Prioritize design changes based on 
assumed effectiveness 
Work with design to produce 
wireframes, comps, assets, etc
103 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To communicate the existence and 
value of a new capability 
To increase the likelihood of realizing 
your value proposition 
To formalize an entryway into the new 
capability or feature
104 | 8/28/2014
105 | 8/28/2014
106 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To communicate the existence and 
value of a new capability 
To increase the likelihood of realizing 
your value proposition 
To formalize an entryway into the new 
capability or feature 
Identify strategic method for 
communicating value 
Ensure method includes an action 
that supports the value proposition 
Disseminate a test to a significant 
population of users
107 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To leverage alternative signals related 
to product usage 
To better understand how people 
perceive product changes 
To understand the “gestalt” of the 
UX STRAT 2014: Jon Kolko, "Well Designed: Bringing Design Thinking to Product Management in Order to Create Products People Love"
109 | 8/28/2014 
Contextual Research 
Synthesis & Sensemaking 
Behavioral Insights 
Value Proposition 
Feature Definition 
Launch & Usage Metrics 
Iteration & Extensions 
Communication Strategy 
Community Feedback 
To leverage alternative signals related 
to product usage 
To better understand how people 
perceive product changes 
To understand the “gestalt” of the 
Ensure that you receive all 
communication that in any way 
touches an end-user
110 | 8/28/2014
111 | 8/28/2014 
Profile Acquisition Per Day, Over Time 
2014 (post-acquisition) 
2013 (pre-acquisition)
112 | 8/28/2014 
113 | 8/28/2014 
This sounds great, I’m in. 
How do I get started in 
114 | 8/28/2014 
“Get your hands as dirty as 
possible. Throw yourself into an 
experience of making. Coding, 
design, or whatever it is – learn 
it, and make something. It’s not 
like there have to be 10 million 
people using it. It might be just 
your friends, or yourself. But you 
made something, and you 
shipped it.” 
Joe Gebbia 
Chief Product Officer, AirBNB
115 | 8/28/2014 
“Get some skills, first... you have 
to have some street cred. You 
have to have some experience in 
building something. Building as a 
designer, building as an engineer, 
and probably a little bit of 
Leland Rechis 
Head of Product, Kickstarter
116 | 8/28/2014 
“Go make something… If it 
succeeds, great, you have a 
business. If it fails, you have a 
great experience and a set of 
stories to talk about that make 
you very marketable to teams 
that need people like you.” 
Gary Chou 
Former GM, Union Square Ventures Network
117 | 8/28/2014 
product/market fit
118 | 8/28/2014 
behavioral insight
119 | 8/28/2014 
Ship something.

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UX STRAT 2014: Jon Kolko, "Well Designed: Bringing Design Thinking to Product Management in Order to Create Products People Love"

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  • 42. 42 | 8/28/2014 Design is strategic Product Management Design is tactical
  • 43. 43 | 8/28/2014 What are the qualities of a good product manager?
  • 44. 44 | 8/28/2014 “You need to sell, engage, learn, and listen, and get the whole team excited to go do it. You need to be a good storyteller. Great product managers can tell a story about a user, what he is doing in his life today, and what he would be able to do in the future if we just got him the right product.” Josh Elman Partner, Greylock
  • 45. 45 | 8/28/2014 “You need to sell, engage, learn, and listen, and get the whole team excited to go do it. You need to be a good storyteller. Great product managers can tell a story about a user, what he is doing in his life today, and what he would be able to do in the future if we just got him the right product.” Josh Elman Partner, Greylock 1 Ability to tell stories about an optimistic future
  • 46. 46 | 8/28/2014 “I toggle between my rational brain that says, ‘Here’s what the competition is doing, here’s what the data says the customers want’, and my emotional feelings that ‘this will have impact’. No one has said they want this, no one has done it before, but I’m looking at it and I think it will have impact.” Frank Lyman Chief Product Officer, MyEdu
  • 47. 47 | 8/28/2014 “I toggle between my rational brain that says, ‘Here’s what the competition is doing, here’s what the data says the customers want’, and my emotional feelings that ‘this 2 will have impact’. No one has said they want this, no one has done it before, but I’m looking at it and I think it will have impact.” Ability to make sense of signals from people and the market Frank Lyman Chief Product Officer, MyEdu
  • 48. 48 | 8/28/2014 “I think it’s important to practice making people talkative. It’s about having the ability to have people open up. You have to be able to listen really well. Don’t worry about being exciting. Instead, ask a lot of questions. Be interested, not interesting.” Mark Phillip CEO, Are You Watching This?!
  • 49. 49 | 8/28/2014 “I think it’s important to practice making people talkative. It’s about having the ability to have people open up. You have to be able to listen really well. Don’t worry 3 about being exciting. Instead, ask a lot of questions. Be interested, not interesting.” A passion for listening and learning about people Mark Phillip CEO, Are You Watching This?!
  • 50. 50 | 8/28/2014 “Can we teach someone to care? That’s much more of a function of how someone was raised; what their values are, what their beliefs are. It’s about if you are curious enough. Curiosity will lead you to your next insight. It’s this ‘what if’, or what does the data show.” Gary Chou Former GM, Union Square Ventures Network
  • 51. 51 | 8/28/2014 “Can we teach someone to care? That’s much more of a function of how someone was raised; what their values are, what their beliefs are. It’s about if you are curious enough. Curiosity will 4 lead you to your next insight. It’s this ‘what if’, or what does the data show.” Curiosity about other disciplines Gary Chou Former GM, Union Square Ventures Network
  • 52. 52 | 8/28/2014 “For better or for worse, product is the discipline that sits at the hub of the wheel. You need people that can work with designers, work with engineers, work with marketing, work with biz-dev. But at the same time, you deal with the challenges of all of those different areas.” Alex Rainert Head of Product, foursquare
  • 53. 53 | 8/28/2014 “For better or for worse, product is the discipline that sits at the hub of the wheel. You need people that can work with designers, work with engineers, work with marketing, 5 work with biz-dev. But at the same time, you deal with the challenges of all of those different areas.” Affable – the ability to work with others and drive consensus Alex Rainert Head of Product, foursquare
  • 54. 54 | 8/28/2014 1 Ability to tell stories about an optimistic future 2 Ability to make sense of signals from people and the market 3 A passion for listening and learning about people 4 Curiosity about other disciplines 5 Affable – the ability to work with others and drive consensus
  • 55. 55 | 8/28/2014 So what does a product manager actually …do?
  • 56. 56 | 8/28/2014 Establish vision Ship product Drive consensus
  • 57. 57 | 8/28/2014 Establish vision Ship product Drive consensus
  • 59. 59 | 8/28/2014 Succeed in college Tell their story Get a job
  • 61. 61 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback
  • 62. 62 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To build an understanding of the process, workflow, vocabulary, and cultural context To gain empathy with the people you are hoping to serve To identify opportunity for innovation
  • 64. “Your resume is like your life - it is your golden ticket to the chocolate factory. I like to put customer service and management things and stuff like that on my resume. Everyone has a business degree these days, so I’ll always be able to get a job. I found out about the international business major from a guy at The Gap. I didn't even know what it was. I Googled it, and it sounded better than just regular business, so I just chose that. My life decisions are based on stupid things.” Samantha, 21 year old international business major 64 | 8/28/2014
  • 66. “[Students say] ‘I could do anything – I think I could do this, I think I could do that.’ You couldn’t say something worse to a recruiter – don’t apply to 5 of my jobs, 66 | 8/28/2014 because you aren’t going to get any of them.” Meg, Recruiter
  • 67. 67 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To build an understanding of the process, workflow, vocabulary, and cultural context To gain empathy with the people you are hoping to serve To identify opportunity for innovation Method Identify a research focus Identify participants Watch the participants as they work, live, and play Observe real behavior
  • 68. 68 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To make sense of chaotic, qualitative research data To find patterns and anomalies, and to look at the world in new ways To act as a procedural stepping-stone between research and insight
  • 72. 72 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To make sense of chaotic, qualitative research data To find patterns and anomalies, and to look at the world in new ways To act as a procedural stepping-stone between research and insight Method Transcribe all of the research data “Explode” the data, blending utterances across participants Identify groupings, and make observations about them Identify anomalies
  • 73. 73 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To formalize the “big rocks” that provoke new innovate ideas To make inferential leaps about why people do the things they do To make obvious the specific goal for driving behavior-change
  • 74. STUDENT INSIGHT Students think they have an idea of what employers want in a candidate, but they are often wrong. “Your resume is like your life - it is your golden ticket to the chocolate factory.” Samantha, international business major • Emphasize bullets on a resume, rather than exhibit skills through artifacts (portfolio) • Think they should have a broad-but-shallow 74 | 8/28/2014 set of abilities, rather than a depth of competency in one area • Typically apply for any and every job EMPLOYER INSIGHT Recruiters make snap judgments, directly impacting a candidate’s chances of success. “Don’t apply to 5 of my jobs, because you aren’t going to get any of them.” Meg, Recruiter • Form an opinion of a candidate in seconds based on a single data point • Are looking for specific skills, and evidence of competency in that skill • Create a mental narrative of what a candidate can do, based on how the student presents themselves
  • 75. STUDENT INSIGHT Students think they have an idea of what employers want in a candidate, but they are often wrong. 75 | 8/28/2014 EMPLOYER INSIGHT Recruiters make snap judgments, directly impacting a candidate’s chances of success. These are insights: provocative statements about human behavior, framed as universal truths.
  • 76. 76 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To formalize the “big rocks” that provoke new innovate ideas To make inferential leaps about why people do the things they do To make obvious the specific goal for driving behavior-change Method Ask “Why” about the utterances and observational groups, and force yourself to answer (even if you don’t know for sure) Make an inferential leap Frame the statement as a universal truth (even though it’s biased)
  • 77. 77 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To formalize a new product or service trajectory based on insights To identify the utility and emotional resonance you hope to provide To create a North Star or vision for everyone to align around
  • 78. STUDENT INSIGHT Students think they have an idea of what employers want in a candidate, but they are often wrong. 78 | 8/28/2014 EMPLOYER INSIGHT Recruiters make snap judgments, directly impacting a candidate’s chances of success. I don’t know how to show specific skills. I’m not sure I have specific skills. I don’t really understand what happens during the hiring process. The key to getting a job is having a resume and cover letter. It’s important to be viewed as having a broad set of interests and being open for anything.
  • 79. I need to see evidence that you can do certain things. I’m looking to match a very specific skill profile. STUDENT INSIGHT Students think they have an idea of what employers want in a candidate, but they are often wrong. 79 | 8/28/2014 I’ll build a story about you based on the smallest details, and use this to decide if you move through the process. I’m very busy. EMPLOYER INSIGHT Recruiters make snap judgments, directly impacting a candidate’s chances of success.
  • 80. What if we helped students identify their skills and present 80 | 8/28/2014 WHAT-IF OPPORTUNITY them to employers in a credible way? L STUDENT INSIGHT Students think they have an idea of what employers want in a candidate, but they are often wrong. EMPLOYER INSIGHT Recruiters make snap judgments, directly impacting a candidate’s chances of success. ?
  • 81. CAPABILITY VALUE PROPOSITION MyEdu helps students identify their skills and present them to employers in a credible way. STUDENT INSIGHT Students think they have an idea of what employers want in a candidate, but they are often wrong. 81 | 8/28/2014 EMPLOYER INSIGHT Recruiters make snap judgments, directly impacting a candidate’s chances of success. L
  • 82. 82 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To formalize a new product or service trajectory based on insights To identify the utility and emotional resonance you hope to provide To create a North Star or vision for everyone to align around Method Tell (and show) a story of the existing problem state Provoke “What-If” questions to find ways to improve the problem state Frame the new capability as a statement of value provided to a person
  • 83. 83 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To define the capability in a way that supports the value proposition To reduce ambiguity during development To ensure we ship the right product to the right people at the right time
  • 84. 84 | 8/28/2014 CAPABILITY VALUE PROPOSITION MyEdu helps students identify their skills and present them to employers in a credible way. Add a Skill Suggest Skills to Add Based On Profile Suggest Skills to Add Based On Collaborative Filtering Browse For Skill Search For Skill Substantiate Skill Via Endorsement Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Class Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Project Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Work Experience Display Skill on Profile
  • 85. 85 | 8/28/2014 CAPABILITY VALUE PROPOSITION MyEdu helps students identify their skills and present them to employers in a credible way. Add a Skill Suggest Skills to Add Based On Profile Suggest Skills to Add Based On Collaborative Filtering Browse For Skill Search For Skill Substantiate Skill Via Endorsement Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Class Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Project Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Work Experience Display Skill on Profile
  • 88. 88 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To define the capability in a way that supports the value proposition To reduce ambiguity during development To ensure we ship the right product to the right people at the right time Method Create scenarios and high-level flow diagrams of the ideal solution state “Chunk” the ideal solution state into a series of smaller feature initiatives Work with design to produce wireframes, comps, assets, etc
  • 89. 89 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To provide everyone in the organization with a common language for tracking & understanding success To understand the effectiveness of the product changes you’ve made To adjust subsequent activities
  • 91. 14.00% 12.00% 10.00% 8.00% 6.00% 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% 91 | 8/28/2014
  • 92. 92 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To provide everyone in the organization with a common language for tracking & understanding success To understand the effectiveness of the product changes you’ve made To adjust subsequent activities Method Prior to launch, identify usage behavior that will indicate if your value proposition is being realized Create a regular communication mechanism for disseminating results Try to understand relationship between design and behavior
  • 93. 93 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To improve a given capability based on usage data and insight To fix defects or usability issues To finish deferred work that directly supports the value proposition
  • 94. 94 | 8/28/2014 CAPABILITY VALUE PROPOSITION MyEdu helps students identify their skills and present them to employers in a credible way. Add a Skill Suggest Skills to Add Based On Profile Suggest Skills to Add Based On Collaborative Filtering Browse For Skill Search For Skill Substantiate Skill Via Endorsement Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Class Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Project Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Work Experience Display Skill on Profile
  • 95. 95 | 8/28/2014 CAPABILITY VALUE PROPOSITION MyEdu helps students identify their skills and present them to employers in a credible way. Add a Skill Suggest Skills to Add Based On Profile Suggest Skills to Add Based On Collaborative Filtering Browse For Skill Search For Skill Substantiate Skill Via Endorsement Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Class Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Project Substantiate Skill by Linking to a Work Experience Display Skill on Profile
  • 102. 102 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To improve a given capability based on usage data and insight To fix defects or usability issues To finish deferred work that directly supports the value proposition Method Make hypotheses based on usage data and value proposition Prioritize design changes based on assumed effectiveness Work with design to produce wireframes, comps, assets, etc
  • 103. 103 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To communicate the existence and value of a new capability To increase the likelihood of realizing your value proposition To formalize an entryway into the new capability or feature
  • 106. 106 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To communicate the existence and value of a new capability To increase the likelihood of realizing your value proposition To formalize an entryway into the new capability or feature Method Identify strategic method for communicating value Ensure method includes an action that supports the value proposition Disseminate a test to a significant population of users
  • 107. 107 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To leverage alternative signals related to product usage To better understand how people perceive product changes To understand the “gestalt” of the community
  • 109. 109 | 8/28/2014 Contextual Research Synthesis & Sensemaking Behavioral Insights Value Proposition Feature Definition Launch & Usage Metrics Iteration & Extensions Communication Strategy Community Feedback Goals To leverage alternative signals related to product usage To better understand how people perceive product changes To understand the “gestalt” of the community Method Ensure that you receive all communication that in any way touches an end-user
  • 111. 111 | 8/28/2014 Profile Acquisition Per Day, Over Time 20,000/day 18,000/day 16,000/day 14,000/day 12,000/day 10,000/day 8,000/day 6,000/day 4,000/day 2,000/day 0 2014 (post-acquisition) 2013 (pre-acquisition)
  • 112. 112 | 8/28/2014 Establish vision Ship product product Drive consensus
  • 113. 113 | 8/28/2014 This sounds great, I’m in. How do I get started in product?
  • 114. 114 | 8/28/2014 “Get your hands as dirty as possible. Throw yourself into an experience of making. Coding, design, or whatever it is – learn it, and make something. It’s not like there have to be 10 million people using it. It might be just your friends, or yourself. But you made something, and you shipped it.” Joe Gebbia Chief Product Officer, AirBNB
  • 115. 115 | 8/28/2014 “Get some skills, first... you have to have some street cred. You have to have some experience in building something. Building as a designer, building as an engineer, and probably a little bit of crossover…” Leland Rechis Head of Product, Kickstarter
  • 116. 116 | 8/28/2014 “Go make something… If it succeeds, great, you have a business. If it fails, you have a great experience and a set of stories to talk about that make you very marketable to teams that need people like you.” Gary Chou Former GM, Union Square Ventures Network
  • 117. 117 | 8/28/2014 product/market fit
  • 118. 118 | 8/28/2014 behavioral insight
  • 119. 119 | 8/28/2014 Ship something.