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Becoming a UX Coach:   Proving Success One Champion at a Time IA Summit 2008 Miami, Florida Yvonne Shek | nForm User Experience nform.ca [email_address]


Introduction  Yvonne is a Director at nForm. She has ten years of experience as an IA/UX practitioner.  A number of her clients are Fortune 500 companies. Before that, Yvonne was a human factors researcher for five years, at the Defense and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, in Toronto. She earned her M.Sc. in ergonomics from UCL in the U.K. and her B.Sc. In cognitive psychology from the University of Toronto.


What we will talk about today > UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study  > Heart of Coaching


The human case for coaching   The traditional approach to management has its roots in an autocratic, military-style “command-and-control” model that works well in the environment for which is was designed: WAR. But in most business settings, it has serious unintended consequences.  - Crane & Patrick


Command and Control Approach Is imprinted






Chronic problem  (of reach and effectiveness)


Getting buy-in from client / manager Client: “ Make sure you talk about what it is that you do in your SOW” “ Please tell everyone in the meeting what you are doing here” Manager: “ Tell me again: why you are in my group? I mean, shouldn’t Usability be in Marketing or something?” “ Can you write a summary of your deliverables for our intranet?”


Cost-Justifying Usability From macro- to micro- justifications Measurements to make a case for Different organizations & scenarios Case studies View from the other side of the table Bias, R. G. & Mayhew, D. J. (2005).  Cost-Justifying Usability (Second Edition) – An Update for the Internet Age.  San Francisco: Elsevier Inc.




Business acumen  (so you got yourself an MBA)




The frustrating thing  (about having some experience)


1998 This is not a new problem that we are facing. It is more like a problem that would not go away.


“ Now what?!”


Transformational Coaching  (why we’ve arrived here)


Transformational Coaching WHAT:  What is transformational coaching? WHY:  Why would we do this? WHO:  Choosing a Champion WHEN:  Timing strategy HOW:  The 5 planes of UX/IA coaching


Transformational Coaching |   WHAT? “ the  art  of assisting people to enhance their effectiveness, in a way they  feel helped .”  Crane & Patrick, 2007 Ref 4, Page 31


> UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study  > Heart of Coaching


Who wins with UX Coaching? You, because you will have an internal advocate. Someone with influence.  Your Coachee because s/he will be able to make valuable contributions to his/her organization (or to your own org) – and look good! Both learn and grow in the process. It is a life-changing process. Transformational Coaching |   WHY?


Client: “ I got promoted because of our work together. This promotion really belongs to the team. Thank you for your contribution to my success.”  “ I am going to recommend your company to my friends and colleagues.” Manager: “ I think we should sell our usability services more often! Your work with this client is no longer a one-of. It looks like a long-term relationship!” Transformational Coaching |   WHY?  | From Buy-in to Advocacy


Transformational Coaching |   WHY?  Because the only constant is change, and the time is right Ref 4: page 18 adapted  Relentless Incremental Technology Questioning, influencing, role modeling Telling, directing, controlling Leader’s core skills Leader, coach, facilitator, servant, role model, visionary Manager, boss, decision maker, supervisor, traffic cop, delegator Leadership Shared purpose, collaboration, empowerment Turf protection, conflict, command & control Culture Networks with distributed authority Hierarchical, central authority Structure + Systems Surviving meetings and exceeding expectation Growth through satisfying customers Organization Regional and/or Global Local Competitive environment Present  (conducive to coaching) Past  (not conducive to coaching) Dimension


Agile Survival 2.0 Transformational Coaching |   WHY?


> UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study  > Heart of Coaching


Understands  the  domain  and its stakeholders Understands and works well with  people Listens , listens some more, then talks  Is  open  and flexible to ideas Takes  risks Makes decisions based on  evidence  Is an  advocate   of sorts Values  value Asks a lot of  questions Has  low ego needs Transformational Coaching |   WHO?  Choosing a Champion Ref 11


> UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study  > Heart of Coaching


When your  foot is in the door  (while you are  hot ) Budget  allocation  or review When the organization is  ready  for it When they are  listening After a  massive failure   or   organization shake up * Organizational or project  benchmark When you have  time and energy Purely  opportunistic When the  group decides When you are  not stuck in Review-Approve Land,  but regarded as a  partner Transformational Coaching |   WHEN?  Timing Strategy


Transformational Coaching |   WHEN?  Timing Strategy The organizational shake up: Alan Mullaly. Mandated to shake things up at Ford.


> UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study  > Heart of Coaching


Coaching Steps Modeling, Training, Simulation Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Teaching IA / UX through doing Creating a high-performance  environment Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Gestalt Consulting Strategic UX / IA Steps Abstract Concrete Transformational Coaching |   HOW?  5 Planes of UX Coaching Refs 1, 5 ( Whitmore), 6


Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Goal + Reality  maps to   Research + Discovery Seek first to understand (Covey) Tools: Competitive Analysis Analytics Examining secondary research Usability testing (shock from Morae) Heuristic evaluation Card sorting Interviews + surveys Ethnography 1 st  Plane  1 of 2 Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Option + Will maps to   Alignment Tools: Accelerator Workshop Using personas Design the Box Backcasting Alignment modeling Experience mapping Project mapping 1 st  Plane  2 of 2 Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


2 nd  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Modeling, Training, Simulation   all map to   Teaching Any and all tools can be taught. First through showing, then through practice. One of the most concrete things to teach is usability testing. Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching Usability through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


Letting go  (with the right Champion) Risk: Changing your practice and revenue model


3 rd  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Gestalt:  A collection of physical, biological, psychological or symbolic entities that creates a unified concept, configuration or pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts.  “ Synergize” according to Covey. Tools + Methods: Teach by being (and teaching together) Many methods + tools Whole is > the  Σ   of the parts Cares about the “whole person” (when you know about her wedding plans) Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


4 th  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted professional On many matters, not just directly on project issues or deliverables. This could include other projects, approaches, processes, ways to succeed, etc.  Tools + Methods: Gestalt Consulting Deep listening Planning together When you are involved in Hiring, Inspiring, Firing Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


5 th  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted advisor On more and deeper matters, including all aspects of life, such as vocational, personal, and interpersonal. "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs." (Covey) Tools + Methods: Team building Organizational behavior and change management Governance modeling Counseling When you know where he is interviewing for a job Ref 2 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


> UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study   > Heart of Coaching


LearnAlberta.ca Coaching an organization through a project and beyond


We were brought in  to take some notes... What the client was looking for: “ We cannot nail things down... Can you help us capture our thoughts and issues?”


So they knew…


We were brought in  to take some notes... What we did: Alignment workshops: Experience Mapping Why and What questions Half-day workshops over a couple of months


What we did |   Workshops












What we did |   Workshops


What we did |   Swimlane Doc


Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Option + Will maps to   Alignment Tools: Accelerator Workshop Using personas Design the Box Backcasting Alignment modeling Experience mapping Project mapping 1 st  Plane  2 of 2 Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


Time passes... Kim starts at Learn Alberta - As Web Coordinator - Our main client contact - Teaches approach, methods, and tools


Time passes...


What we did |   Wireframes, Prototype, Utests Co-design / Participation Co-design / Participation Co-design / Participation


Project Gateway Started with: Explore (faceted browse) Search All Search Within


Project Gateway Ended with: Explore X Search All  X Search Within  √


2 nd  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Modeling, Training, Simulation   all map to   Teaching Any and all tools can be taught. First through showing, then through practice. One of the most concrete things to teach is  usability testing . Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching Usability through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


Time passes...


What we did |   Talk on “Validation Approach”


What we did |   Talk on “Validation Approach”


What we did |   Talk on “Validation Approach”


“ Validation Approach”???


Time passes...


3 rd  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Gestalt:  A collection of physical, biological, psychological or symbolic entities that creates a unified concept, configuration or pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts.  “ Synergize” according to Covey. Tools + Methods: Teach by being (and teaching together) Many methods + tools Whole is > the  Σ   of the parts Cares about the “whole person” (when you know about her wedding plans) Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


What we did |   Relationship + Team Building


4 th  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted professional On many matters, not just directly on project issues or deliverables. This could include other projects, approaches, processes, ways to succeed, etc.  Tools + Methods: Gestalt Consulting Deep listening Planning together When you are involved in Hiring, Inspiring , Firing Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


Time passes...


5 th  Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted advisor On more and deeper matters, including all aspects of life, such as vocational, personal, and interpersonal. "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs." (Covey) Tools + Methods: Team building Organizational behavior and change management Governance modeling Counseling When you know where he is interviewing for a job Ref 2 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance  UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening,  Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from  doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting


> UX Coaching:  WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study  > Heart of Coaching


The Heart of Coaching “ I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”   – Maya Angelou


The Heart of Transformation Transformational Components: Changing mindsets All that ego stuff Becoming more centered A matter of personal + generational style Leadership by example + Self disclosure


The Heart of Transformation 1. Changing Mindsets Ref  4:  Page 123 Focused on process that creates the bottom-line results Focused on the bottom line Vulnerability is power Knowledge is power Does the right things Does things right Creates vision and flexibility Creates structure and procedures Models accountability Delegates responsibility Collaborator / Facilitator Problem solver / Decision maker Celebrates learning Points to errors Stimulates creativity using purpose to inspire commitment Triggers insecurity using fear to achieve compliance Seeks the answer Knows the answer Facilitates by empowering Controls through decisions Engages in dialogue with people Talks at people Asks / Requests / Listens Tells / Directs / Lectures Lifts / Supports Pushes / Drives COACH BOSS


The Heart of Transformation 2. All that ego stuff Ref  4:  Page 141 Not telling lies Open to interpretation Not making mistakes Locked into expectations Follows innate wisdom Accepting / Open to change Follows external authority Denial / Stuck Being “in process” Reflective Being perfect Resistant Grateful Detached Triggered / Angry Takes things personally Nurturing Authentic / Real Controlling Invested in image Purposeful Accepting others Protective Fixing others Giving Paying attention Getting Wanting attention Seeks truth Learning / Beginners mind Seeks approval Righteous (always right) Listens a lot Quiet mind Talks a lot Busy mind Patient Connected Hurried Separate Humble Self-aware Arrogant Self-conscious A Centered State An Ego-Driven State


The Heart of Transformation 3. Becoming more centered HIGHER STATES  ► ◄  LOWER STATES Ref  4:  Page 143 Victim, sinking, others control you, giving up Frozen, negative, reactionary Depressed, out of control, alone, despair “ I’m powerless” I can’t I am stuck / helpless Conflict, struggle, politics, war Attributions, resistance, attack, sabotage Insecure, threatened, suspicious, afraid “ I am my role” Take it personally Win or Lose Tension, distance, withdrawal, compliance Critical, judging, blame, defend, protect stuff “ Better than” (arrogant) “ Less than” (resentful) “ I’m separate” You vs. Me Judgment & comparing ♦  CHOICE  ♦ Learning, connecting, trust, rapport Ask questions, attentive listening, disclosing, respectful Open, accepting, fascinated, surprised “ I’m curious” Wonderment Interested & inviting Fulfillment, intimacy, safety, partnership Contribute, give, support, thanks Generous, empowered, abundant, positive “ I’m grateful” Appreciative Unique & precious Joy, peace, bliss, resiliency Graceful, creative, purposeful, responsive Confident, inspired, eager, optimistic “ I’m resourceful” Worthy Enough ROI  (Results, Outcomes, Impacts) Behaviors (Actions & Reactions) Feeling State (Emotional Response) Thinking State (Beliefs & Attitudes)


The Heart of Transformation EMOTIVENESS  ► Ref  4:  Page 149 http://collaborationblog.typepad.com/collaboration/collaborative_leadership/index.html High Low High Low ASSERTIVENESS  ► 4. A matter of style (personal context for coaching) Conducting Clarifying Weaknesses Autocratic Insensitive Impatient Poor listener Strengths Independent Initiator Disciplined Organized Weaknesses Data bound Risk averse Tedious Perfectionist Strengths Systematic Objective Thorough Accurate Weaknesses Poor follow-through Impulsive Misses details Poor planner Strengths Enthusiastic Creative Spontaneous Dynamic Weaknesses Non confronting Overly compliant Overly emotional Can’t say no Strengths Team player Sensitive Flexible Patient Creating Collaborating


The Heart of Transformation 4. Generational style (cultural context for coaching) Ref  4:  Pg.155 Distrust big business Nine to five Independence “ Work gives me a life” Climb the ladder Build career Workaholics “ Work is my life” Work hard Pay dues Keep head down “ I am my job” Work ethic Rap, Punk Heavy Metal Alternative Rock & Roll Jazz New Age Swing Old standards Elevator music Music favored 70’s – 80’s 50’s – 60’s 30’s – 40’s Conditioning years Challenge it Question it Respect it Attitude toward authority Technology Feelings Doctors Who/what to trust Latch key kids Divorced Nuclear Family Structure MTV, AIDS epidemic Cynical Grim economic reality Sexual revolution Economic expansion Abundance, spending Depression, WWII Struggle and sacrifice Delayed gratification World Frame 1965 - 1980 1946 - 1964 1925 - 1945 Birth years Gen X Boomers “ Yuppies” Traditionalists “ The silent generation”


The Heart of Transformation 4. Generational style, continued Ref  4:  Pg.155 Corporate politics Boomers clogging the system Control Slackers Change Lack of respect What is resented Realistic Risk takers No agreement Disillusioned Downsized Broken agreement Dedicated Committed Social contract How organizational life is dealt with My family My profession My company Loyalty to Learning Quality of life Involvement Stimulation Fun Variety Achievement Actualization Career Flexibility Stability Respect Trust Hard work Loyalty What is valued Need news, straight talk, and feedback Any news is good news No news is good news How communication is perceived Stepping stone Career growth Stability, Security How job is valued Unconventional Connected network Informal Accessible Formal Hierarchical Organizational structure favored Entrepreneurial Collaborative Command and control Management style favored X’ers  “ Yiffies” Boomers “ Yuppies” Traditionalists “ The silent generation”


The Heart of Transformation 5. Leadership by example + Self-Disclosure “ What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson


UX / IA Coaching going forward Leverage  UX toolset, current behaviors and opportunities  Put  your heart  into it Be in   process, share,   and   offer UX Coaching on your  website and bio


What UX Coaching is all about A monk was asked what his life was like  before  he became enlightened. He replied, “I chopped wood and carried water.” When asked what it was like  after  enlightenment, he responded, “I chop wood and carry water.” It is not  what  we do that changes, it is  how  we do it and  the fact that  we do it. Ref  4:  Pg.218


References Jesse James Garrett (2002).  The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web.  New Riders Press. David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, & Robert M. Galford (2000).  The Trusted Advisor.  New York: Touchstone Rockefeller Center.  Deborah J. Mayhew & Randolph G. Bias (2005).  Cost-Justifying Usability (Second Edition) – An Update for the Internet Age.  San Francisco: Elsevier Inc. Thomas G. Crane & Lerrisa Nancy Patrick (2002).  The Heart of Coaching: Using Transformational Coaching to Create a High-Performance Culture (Second Edition).  San Diego: FTA Press. John Whitmore (2002).  Coaching for Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose (Third Edition).  London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Lois J. Zachary (2000).  The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships.  New Jersey: Jossey-Bass Inc., an imprint of Wiley. Stephen R. Covey (1990).  The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.  The Free Press.  Stephen R. Covey (2004).  The 8 th  Habit. From Effectiveness to Greatness.  The Free Press. Jeffery Pfeffer & Robert I. Sutton (2006).  Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths And Total Nonsense: Profiting From Evidence-Based Management. Harvard Business School Press.   David H. Maister (2001).  Practice what you Preach: What managers must do to create a high achievement culture.  The Free Press. Seth Godin’s blog:  http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2007/06/coachable.html UX Methods website:  http:// www.uxmethods.com /


Thank you! Yvonne Shek | nForm User Experience nform.ca [email_address] Presentation at  nform.ca/blog  or  slideshare.net

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Uxcoach Yshek Iasummit2008

  • 1. Becoming a UX Coach: Proving Success One Champion at a Time IA Summit 2008 Miami, Florida Yvonne Shek | nForm User Experience nform.ca [email_address]
  • 2. Introduction Yvonne is a Director at nForm. She has ten years of experience as an IA/UX practitioner. A number of her clients are Fortune 500 companies. Before that, Yvonne was a human factors researcher for five years, at the Defense and Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, in Toronto. She earned her M.Sc. in ergonomics from UCL in the U.K. and her B.Sc. In cognitive psychology from the University of Toronto.
  • 3. What we will talk about today > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 4. The human case for coaching The traditional approach to management has its roots in an autocratic, military-style “command-and-control” model that works well in the environment for which is was designed: WAR. But in most business settings, it has serious unintended consequences. - Crane & Patrick
  • 5. Command and Control Approach Is imprinted
  • 6.  
  • 7.  
  • 8. Chronic problem (of reach and effectiveness)
  • 9. Getting buy-in from client / manager Client: “ Make sure you talk about what it is that you do in your SOW” “ Please tell everyone in the meeting what you are doing here” Manager: “ Tell me again: why you are in my group? I mean, shouldn’t Usability be in Marketing or something?” “ Can you write a summary of your deliverables for our intranet?”
  • 10. Cost-Justifying Usability From macro- to micro- justifications Measurements to make a case for Different organizations & scenarios Case studies View from the other side of the table Bias, R. G. & Mayhew, D. J. (2005). Cost-Justifying Usability (Second Edition) – An Update for the Internet Age. San Francisco: Elsevier Inc.
  • 11.  
  • 12. Business acumen (so you got yourself an MBA)
  • 13. MBA
  • 14. The frustrating thing (about having some experience)
  • 15. 1998 This is not a new problem that we are facing. It is more like a problem that would not go away.
  • 17. Transformational Coaching (why we’ve arrived here)
  • 18. Transformational Coaching WHAT: What is transformational coaching? WHY: Why would we do this? WHO: Choosing a Champion WHEN: Timing strategy HOW: The 5 planes of UX/IA coaching
  • 19. Transformational Coaching | WHAT? “ the art of assisting people to enhance their effectiveness, in a way they feel helped .” Crane & Patrick, 2007 Ref 4, Page 31
  • 20. > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 21. Who wins with UX Coaching? You, because you will have an internal advocate. Someone with influence. Your Coachee because s/he will be able to make valuable contributions to his/her organization (or to your own org) – and look good! Both learn and grow in the process. It is a life-changing process. Transformational Coaching | WHY?
  • 22. Client: “ I got promoted because of our work together. This promotion really belongs to the team. Thank you for your contribution to my success.” “ I am going to recommend your company to my friends and colleagues.” Manager: “ I think we should sell our usability services more often! Your work with this client is no longer a one-of. It looks like a long-term relationship!” Transformational Coaching | WHY? | From Buy-in to Advocacy
  • 23. Transformational Coaching | WHY? Because the only constant is change, and the time is right Ref 4: page 18 adapted Relentless Incremental Technology Questioning, influencing, role modeling Telling, directing, controlling Leader’s core skills Leader, coach, facilitator, servant, role model, visionary Manager, boss, decision maker, supervisor, traffic cop, delegator Leadership Shared purpose, collaboration, empowerment Turf protection, conflict, command & control Culture Networks with distributed authority Hierarchical, central authority Structure + Systems Surviving meetings and exceeding expectation Growth through satisfying customers Organization Regional and/or Global Local Competitive environment Present (conducive to coaching) Past (not conducive to coaching) Dimension
  • 24. Agile Survival 2.0 Transformational Coaching | WHY?
  • 25. > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 26. Understands the domain and its stakeholders Understands and works well with people Listens , listens some more, then talks Is open and flexible to ideas Takes risks Makes decisions based on evidence Is an advocate of sorts Values value Asks a lot of questions Has low ego needs Transformational Coaching | WHO? Choosing a Champion Ref 11
  • 27. > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 28. When your foot is in the door (while you are hot ) Budget allocation or review When the organization is ready for it When they are listening After a massive failure or organization shake up * Organizational or project benchmark When you have time and energy Purely opportunistic When the group decides When you are not stuck in Review-Approve Land, but regarded as a partner Transformational Coaching | WHEN? Timing Strategy
  • 29. Transformational Coaching | WHEN? Timing Strategy The organizational shake up: Alan Mullaly. Mandated to shake things up at Ford.
  • 30. > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 31. Coaching Steps Modeling, Training, Simulation Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Teaching IA / UX through doing Creating a high-performance environment Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Gestalt Consulting Strategic UX / IA Steps Abstract Concrete Transformational Coaching | HOW? 5 Planes of UX Coaching Refs 1, 5 ( Whitmore), 6
  • 32. Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Goal + Reality maps to Research + Discovery Seek first to understand (Covey) Tools: Competitive Analysis Analytics Examining secondary research Usability testing (shock from Morae) Heuristic evaluation Card sorting Interviews + surveys Ethnography 1 st Plane 1 of 2 Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 33. Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Option + Will maps to Alignment Tools: Accelerator Workshop Using personas Design the Box Backcasting Alignment modeling Experience mapping Project mapping 1 st Plane 2 of 2 Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 34. 2 nd Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Modeling, Training, Simulation all map to Teaching Any and all tools can be taught. First through showing, then through practice. One of the most concrete things to teach is usability testing. Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching Usability through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 35. Letting go (with the right Champion) Risk: Changing your practice and revenue model
  • 36. 3 rd Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Gestalt: A collection of physical, biological, psychological or symbolic entities that creates a unified concept, configuration or pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts. “ Synergize” according to Covey. Tools + Methods: Teach by being (and teaching together) Many methods + tools Whole is > the Σ of the parts Cares about the “whole person” (when you know about her wedding plans) Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 37. 4 th Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted professional On many matters, not just directly on project issues or deliverables. This could include other projects, approaches, processes, ways to succeed, etc. Tools + Methods: Gestalt Consulting Deep listening Planning together When you are involved in Hiring, Inspiring, Firing Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 38. 5 th Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted advisor On more and deeper matters, including all aspects of life, such as vocational, personal, and interpersonal. "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs." (Covey) Tools + Methods: Team building Organizational behavior and change management Governance modeling Counseling When you know where he is interviewing for a job Ref 2 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 39. > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 40. LearnAlberta.ca Coaching an organization through a project and beyond
  • 41. We were brought in to take some notes... What the client was looking for: “ We cannot nail things down... Can you help us capture our thoughts and issues?”
  • 43. We were brought in to take some notes... What we did: Alignment workshops: Experience Mapping Why and What questions Half-day workshops over a couple of months
  • 44. What we did | Workshops
  • 45.  
  • 46.  
  • 47.  
  • 48.  
  • 49.  
  • 50. What we did | Workshops
  • 51. What we did | Swimlane Doc
  • 52. Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Option + Will maps to Alignment Tools: Accelerator Workshop Using personas Design the Box Backcasting Alignment modeling Experience mapping Project mapping 1 st Plane 2 of 2 Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 53. Time passes... Kim starts at Learn Alberta - As Web Coordinator - Our main client contact - Teaches approach, methods, and tools
  • 55. What we did | Wireframes, Prototype, Utests Co-design / Participation Co-design / Participation Co-design / Participation
  • 56. Project Gateway Started with: Explore (faceted browse) Search All Search Within
  • 57. Project Gateway Ended with: Explore X Search All X Search Within √
  • 58. 2 nd Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Modeling, Training, Simulation all map to Teaching Any and all tools can be taught. First through showing, then through practice. One of the most concrete things to teach is usability testing . Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching Usability through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 60. What we did | Talk on “Validation Approach”
  • 61. What we did | Talk on “Validation Approach”
  • 62. What we did | Talk on “Validation Approach”
  • 65. 3 rd Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Gestalt: A collection of physical, biological, psychological or symbolic entities that creates a unified concept, configuration or pattern which is greater than the sum of its parts. “ Synergize” according to Covey. Tools + Methods: Teach by being (and teaching together) Many methods + tools Whole is > the Σ of the parts Cares about the “whole person” (when you know about her wedding plans) Refs 5, 6, 12 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 66. What we did | Relationship + Team Building
  • 67. 4 th Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted professional On many matters, not just directly on project issues or deliverables. This could include other projects, approaches, processes, ways to succeed, etc. Tools + Methods: Gestalt Consulting Deep listening Planning together When you are involved in Hiring, Inspiring , Firing Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 69. 5 th Plane Coaching Steps Strategic Usability Steps Trusted advisor On more and deeper matters, including all aspects of life, such as vocational, personal, and interpersonal. "Find your voice and inspire others to find theirs." (Covey) Tools + Methods: Team building Organizational behavior and change management Governance modeling Counseling When you know where he is interviewing for a job Ref 2 Modeling, Training, Simulation Teaching UX through doing Creating a high-performance UCD environment Trust and Honesty GROW: Goal, Reality, Option, Will Project Foundation + Alignment Gestalt Consulting, Listening, Planning together Relationship building Mind shift from doing to being (authentic) Gestalt Consulting
  • 70. > UX Coaching: WHAT WHY WHO WHEN HOW > Case Study > Heart of Coaching
  • 71. The Heart of Coaching “ I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou
  • 72. The Heart of Transformation Transformational Components: Changing mindsets All that ego stuff Becoming more centered A matter of personal + generational style Leadership by example + Self disclosure
  • 73. The Heart of Transformation 1. Changing Mindsets Ref 4: Page 123 Focused on process that creates the bottom-line results Focused on the bottom line Vulnerability is power Knowledge is power Does the right things Does things right Creates vision and flexibility Creates structure and procedures Models accountability Delegates responsibility Collaborator / Facilitator Problem solver / Decision maker Celebrates learning Points to errors Stimulates creativity using purpose to inspire commitment Triggers insecurity using fear to achieve compliance Seeks the answer Knows the answer Facilitates by empowering Controls through decisions Engages in dialogue with people Talks at people Asks / Requests / Listens Tells / Directs / Lectures Lifts / Supports Pushes / Drives COACH BOSS
  • 74. The Heart of Transformation 2. All that ego stuff Ref 4: Page 141 Not telling lies Open to interpretation Not making mistakes Locked into expectations Follows innate wisdom Accepting / Open to change Follows external authority Denial / Stuck Being “in process” Reflective Being perfect Resistant Grateful Detached Triggered / Angry Takes things personally Nurturing Authentic / Real Controlling Invested in image Purposeful Accepting others Protective Fixing others Giving Paying attention Getting Wanting attention Seeks truth Learning / Beginners mind Seeks approval Righteous (always right) Listens a lot Quiet mind Talks a lot Busy mind Patient Connected Hurried Separate Humble Self-aware Arrogant Self-conscious A Centered State An Ego-Driven State
  • 75. The Heart of Transformation 3. Becoming more centered HIGHER STATES ► ◄ LOWER STATES Ref 4: Page 143 Victim, sinking, others control you, giving up Frozen, negative, reactionary Depressed, out of control, alone, despair “ I’m powerless” I can’t I am stuck / helpless Conflict, struggle, politics, war Attributions, resistance, attack, sabotage Insecure, threatened, suspicious, afraid “ I am my role” Take it personally Win or Lose Tension, distance, withdrawal, compliance Critical, judging, blame, defend, protect stuff “ Better than” (arrogant) “ Less than” (resentful) “ I’m separate” You vs. Me Judgment & comparing ♦ CHOICE ♦ Learning, connecting, trust, rapport Ask questions, attentive listening, disclosing, respectful Open, accepting, fascinated, surprised “ I’m curious” Wonderment Interested & inviting Fulfillment, intimacy, safety, partnership Contribute, give, support, thanks Generous, empowered, abundant, positive “ I’m grateful” Appreciative Unique & precious Joy, peace, bliss, resiliency Graceful, creative, purposeful, responsive Confident, inspired, eager, optimistic “ I’m resourceful” Worthy Enough ROI (Results, Outcomes, Impacts) Behaviors (Actions & Reactions) Feeling State (Emotional Response) Thinking State (Beliefs & Attitudes)
  • 76. The Heart of Transformation EMOTIVENESS ► Ref 4: Page 149 http://collaborationblog.typepad.com/collaboration/collaborative_leadership/index.html High Low High Low ASSERTIVENESS ► 4. A matter of style (personal context for coaching) Conducting Clarifying Weaknesses Autocratic Insensitive Impatient Poor listener Strengths Independent Initiator Disciplined Organized Weaknesses Data bound Risk averse Tedious Perfectionist Strengths Systematic Objective Thorough Accurate Weaknesses Poor follow-through Impulsive Misses details Poor planner Strengths Enthusiastic Creative Spontaneous Dynamic Weaknesses Non confronting Overly compliant Overly emotional Can’t say no Strengths Team player Sensitive Flexible Patient Creating Collaborating
  • 77. The Heart of Transformation 4. Generational style (cultural context for coaching) Ref 4: Pg.155 Distrust big business Nine to five Independence “ Work gives me a life” Climb the ladder Build career Workaholics “ Work is my life” Work hard Pay dues Keep head down “ I am my job” Work ethic Rap, Punk Heavy Metal Alternative Rock & Roll Jazz New Age Swing Old standards Elevator music Music favored 70’s – 80’s 50’s – 60’s 30’s – 40’s Conditioning years Challenge it Question it Respect it Attitude toward authority Technology Feelings Doctors Who/what to trust Latch key kids Divorced Nuclear Family Structure MTV, AIDS epidemic Cynical Grim economic reality Sexual revolution Economic expansion Abundance, spending Depression, WWII Struggle and sacrifice Delayed gratification World Frame 1965 - 1980 1946 - 1964 1925 - 1945 Birth years Gen X Boomers “ Yuppies” Traditionalists “ The silent generation”
  • 78. The Heart of Transformation 4. Generational style, continued Ref 4: Pg.155 Corporate politics Boomers clogging the system Control Slackers Change Lack of respect What is resented Realistic Risk takers No agreement Disillusioned Downsized Broken agreement Dedicated Committed Social contract How organizational life is dealt with My family My profession My company Loyalty to Learning Quality of life Involvement Stimulation Fun Variety Achievement Actualization Career Flexibility Stability Respect Trust Hard work Loyalty What is valued Need news, straight talk, and feedback Any news is good news No news is good news How communication is perceived Stepping stone Career growth Stability, Security How job is valued Unconventional Connected network Informal Accessible Formal Hierarchical Organizational structure favored Entrepreneurial Collaborative Command and control Management style favored X’ers “ Yiffies” Boomers “ Yuppies” Traditionalists “ The silent generation”
  • 79. The Heart of Transformation 5. Leadership by example + Self-Disclosure “ What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • 80. UX / IA Coaching going forward Leverage UX toolset, current behaviors and opportunities Put your heart into it Be in process, share, and offer UX Coaching on your website and bio
  • 81. What UX Coaching is all about A monk was asked what his life was like before he became enlightened. He replied, “I chopped wood and carried water.” When asked what it was like after enlightenment, he responded, “I chop wood and carry water.” It is not what we do that changes, it is how we do it and the fact that we do it. Ref 4: Pg.218
  • 82. References Jesse James Garrett (2002). The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web. New Riders Press. David H. Maister, Charles H. Green, & Robert M. Galford (2000). The Trusted Advisor. New York: Touchstone Rockefeller Center. Deborah J. Mayhew & Randolph G. Bias (2005). Cost-Justifying Usability (Second Edition) – An Update for the Internet Age. San Francisco: Elsevier Inc. Thomas G. Crane & Lerrisa Nancy Patrick (2002). The Heart of Coaching: Using Transformational Coaching to Create a High-Performance Culture (Second Edition). San Diego: FTA Press. John Whitmore (2002). Coaching for Performance: Growing People, Performance and Purpose (Third Edition). London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Lois J. Zachary (2000). The Mentor’s Guide: Facilitating Effective Learning Relationships. New Jersey: Jossey-Bass Inc., an imprint of Wiley. Stephen R. Covey (1990). The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The Free Press. Stephen R. Covey (2004). The 8 th Habit. From Effectiveness to Greatness. The Free Press. Jeffery Pfeffer & Robert I. Sutton (2006). Hard Facts, Dangerous Half-Truths And Total Nonsense: Profiting From Evidence-Based Management. Harvard Business School Press. David H. Maister (2001). Practice what you Preach: What managers must do to create a high achievement culture. The Free Press. Seth Godin’s blog: http://sethgodin.typepad.com/seths_blog/2007/06/coachable.html UX Methods website: http:// www.uxmethods.com /
  • 83. Thank you! Yvonne Shek | nForm User Experience nform.ca [email_address] Presentation at nform.ca/blog or slideshare.net