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CIO Design | UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking
Using mixed methods to extract hidden insights
Feb 2021
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
• UX Fracking:
o Is intentional UX research
o Uses mixed methods
o Tests hypotheses about what users are thinking, doing, or
o Goes below the surface of token research to crack open
the insights
• “Hidden insights” - because users are notoriously bad at
telling you what they think.
• Understanding what is really going on requires skills, context,
and a scientific, curious outlook.
UX Research
Creative Director
Jason Telner, Ph.D. Annette Tassone, Ph.D.
Office of the CIO, CIO Design, IBM
Senior User Experience
Researcher & Designer
Jon Temple, Ph.D.
Design Principal,
UX Design Creative
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Research: We can
do better!
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
The design
cycle –User
research and
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Research Map
Research Led
Sanders, L. (2008) On modeling an evolving map of design practice and design
research. Interactions 15(6) pp13-17. add t
• Research-led perspective
relies on the data from
qualitative and
quantitative research
methods to inform
design and has the roots
of their methods based in
traditional disciplines
such as applied
anthropology, sociology.
• Design-led approaches
are more modern
methods that focus on
the experiences of users
of a product or service.
User Experience
Research Map
Scripted (lab-based) use of
Natural use of product De-contextualized/not using product
• User experience research
consist of the dimensions of
qualitative vs. quantitative
research approaches, as
well as behavioral vs
attitudinal data.
• Various research methods
lie along the spectrum and
those in the middle consist
of mixed methods and data
• The methods can also be
categorized by if they
examine users using a
product in their natural
environments, in a lab
based setting, not using the
product or some
combination of approaches
Cultural shifts
To save time, we see
general movement
away from users and
their needs and
towards the design.
Move away from
strategic to the
User Research :: UX Design
Design Research :: UI Design
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Do research
• Commoditization of
UX Research
• No time to acquire
domain knowledge
• Top-down design
(stakeholders, PO)
• UXR adds time
• Do all research
within a
development sprint
(don’t do that!)
research vs. UX
research –
compare and
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
What is the
purpose of
Design Research
User Experience Research
To inform design of products
services or user interfaces.
To better understand how
users interact and feel about a
are used?
Use a variety of qualitative
and quantitative methods to
inform the look and feel of a
product or service.
Use a variety of qualitative and
quantitative methods to
understand and improve how a
user interacts and experiences a
product or service.
What are
Investigate which design a
user prefers with regards to
how it looks.
Investigate how a user
interacts with a proposed
design and what their
experience is like.
Hallmarks of
unlikely to
provide deeper
• Focus on preferences – “they
liked A more than B”. (But why?)
• Testing navigation that doesn’t
support real tasks – “they found
• Looking at just the happy path
• Using narrow tasks that are not
• Sticking to “the script”
• Unsupervised research conducted
by untrained, non-UXR
• Starting research over from scratch
– dismiss “old” data
• Users that never complain or act
• Using personas built in a co-
creation workshop w/o real
• Failing to include alternative
outcomes or designs
• Generalizing from a single outlier
• Consider user language to be
technically precise
• Comment analysis: Always
backing into preexisting
• Focusing on extremely rare edge
But may have their
place within the
context of design
Dangers of doing superficial research
• Inaccurate insights
• Misinformed design decisions
• Missed opportunities
• Lower user satisfaction
• Higher training costs
• Higher support costs
• Wasted time and money
• High redesign costs
• Failure to innovate and differentiate
Dangers are similar to not doing any UXR; work
products that evaluate without revealing.
What is “UX Fracking”?
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
• Inject “fracturing
• Data-driven decisions
• Extremely lucrative
way to get hidden
natural resources
• Controversial
practice (groundwater
wasteful, flaming
Natural Gas
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
• Metaphor - intentional mixed-
methods research
• Data to decide if big UXR payoff
• Seek hidden UX insights
• Not controversial – except where
companies are not design or research
UX Fracking
Extracting Hidden UX
Great UXR helps us understand what
is in the mind of the user.
Which may or may not be what they
are saying.
UX Fracking is another way to
extract insights from our users.
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking in
7 steps
1. Listen to what users say (with a critical ear)
2. Watch what users do (with a critical eye)
3. Think end-to-end about the user’s tasks
4. Build testable hypotheses about what was thought or meant
5. Test hypotheses by chaining mixed methods
6. Synthesize findings across methods
7. Review what you think you have learned with users
1. Listen to what users say (with a
critical ear)
Always, always talk
to users
Interview them…
Survey them…
Interview them
Words are a clue;
need a lot of
context to interrupt
what is meant.
Users do not use the
same words in the
same way as experts.
Not technically
Users are not
designers. Do not
take their
Image from wired.com
Role of implicit versus explicit
Human information processing
Users may feel or understand
something they cannot
From: SimplyPsychology
“Faster horses”
Henry Ford famously (never) said this:
“If I had asked people what they wanted,
they would have said faster horses.”
Illustrates many users/consumers lack
sufficient creativity and imagination.
Doesn’t mean users do not recognize
value (superiority of recognition over
When users design…
• Users Don’t Always Know
What They Want
• Users Are Not Trained
Interaction Designers
• Users Design for Themselves
“Make sure that you do not take
user feedback or requests for
design changes at face value.”
(UX Matters, 2011)
Homer Simpson’s dream car. (Cup holder for beer not
Real world example
Long ago, in a usability lab far far
Usability test: Users couldn’t find the
“key” information on a busy
Asked them to redesign the page.
I got this:
• Move everything above the fold
• Bold everything that might be
• Flaming letters?
2. Watch what users do (with a
critical eye)
Usability testing –
too late for current
release but rich
quantitative data
for the future.
between what they
do and say is PURE
A-B Tests
Diary studies – watch
users in “the wild”.
Usage metrics
provide more
“Relax, and remember we are testing the
application and not you. You can begin!”
Behavioral data requires critical
analysis, too
During WWII, American bombers
shot down.
Naïve analysis: Double up the armor
where there are holes.
Statistician Abraham Wald pointed
• Data from bombers who returned
(Survivor bias)
• "Missing data"
Hidden insight led to improving the
armor where no holes (cockpit,
engines, tail).
Look at those bullet holes! Better double up the armor
there, right? Guess again.
3. Think end-to-end about the user’s
Projects are often
siloed. “In scope”.
But may not fully
reflect what the
user does or need.
Thinking end-to-
end uncovers
hidden pain points,
gaps in
For example:
How do they get
How do they know
when they are done?
• Journey maps
• Task analysis
• Friction analysis
4. Build testable hypotheses about
what was thought or meant
Use “hypothesis” in
a similar manner to
Jeff Gothelf.
Doesn’t need to be
formal or require
significance testing.
Have both a null and
an alternative
Hypotheses must
be measurable and
capable of being
• Experience: I’ve seen this
elsewhere – is it true here?
• Violation of a key UX heuristic.
Experience & best practices
• Stakeholders
• Product Owner
• Development team
• Insightful user comment
Stakeholders &
extended team
• Disconnect between the user model
and the expert or business model
(gaps, workarounds).
• Disconnect between UX methods –
user fails test but reports high
• Known pain points may lead to
other questions.
User disconnects &
top pain points • Root decisions in research – and
test hypotheses to decide
between alternatives.
• (You don’t need a formal A-B test
to make an A-B decision).
Design decisions
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Where do
hypotheses come
5. Test hypotheses by chaining
mixed methods
Triangulate on a
problem with a
combination of
Discovery phase:
fishing, look for
Deepening expertise
in a domain: Knowing
what to look for, test
more hypotheses.
Goal is to feel
reasonably confident
you have surfaced an
important insight
that will improve the
Build out a test
plan, or topological
map, that captures
your journey.
6. Synthesize findings across
methodology is
important; be
prepared to speak
to it.
Record enough for
Focus not on
standalone work
The UX insight is the
Focus should be on
the problem, the new
Helps you understand
the solution better,
what should be done.
7. Review what you think you have
learned with users
Review your
findings with users,
give them a chance
to react.
Recognition is
better than recall.
What they could not
articulate, they
might recognize.
If you are wrong, let
the users surprise
“I say: I noticed y'all missed the Submit button
because the scroll bar was hidden. Maybe a pattern
that works great on mobile isn't so great on the
Story time: How we used mixed
methods to help us understand
the true source of friction
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking topology
of new Device
Data migration
is the biggest
pain point
about end-to-
end device
(Analyze +
Survey to
discovery with
larger sample
design 1
design 2
UX metrics at
task level
Test Hypothesis
Journey map
of As-Is
Evaluate remediation
Business wanted to refresh an old design
Website in need of a refresh
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Dunnings – borrowed from collection
Business wanted
old devices
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Business model
Simone needs
a new laptop
Simone returns
old device
Receives reminder
Schedules a
1. Select a new device
2. Receive reminders to return old device
3. Return the old device
App Feedback Walkthrough results
• Employees (18)
Early research
• App-specific feedback
(comment analysis)
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Employee quotes
“I am not a technical person and I work 60-80 hours at a client site. When things
don't work out I am stuck. I have no time to do it and it takes hours longer for a
nontechnical person when things don't go correctly (like installing Notes).”
“I cannot spend a whole day setting up a computer.”
“The new machine migration was
“If you are not an expert it's really hard. I am getting a lot of requests
from people around to help or guide them in this process. The main
issues is notes data files/location.”
"Migrating data using Crashplan is not practical at all, and with USB ports disabled, it
was very difficult to know what files/settings to migrate outside of my home folder. "
"What directions there were on the WEB were not real clear when
everything did not start automatically. If not for the help desk then it
would have taken much much longer."
"It would help if the DEVICES@IBM could have a list of applications that we need to be installed before
the device is sent out. Some of this information is available via the IBM Standard Asset Manager
Software list."
[Before returning machine] “2 months. When I’ve got an email from IBM to return the laptop.
Otherwise, I would probably have sent it back after about 4 months.”
The process is straightforward, and everyone knows what to do*. But users
are very busy and do not have time, so they wait as long as they can.
The process is complex and time-consuming, and most do not know what
to do.
Users take their time to ensure they haven’t “missed” anything that might
later prove important.
UX Fracking begins with a question…
Question: Why are users really taking so long to return an old device?
Understanding the end-to-end process
• Product Owners
• Subject Matter Experts
• End users
Journey map
• High-level
• Main phases, key steps
• End to end
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Business versus the user perspective
Simone needs a
new laptop
Simone returns
old device
Receives reminder
Schedules a
Experience from a BUSINESS perspective
Asks manager
about device
refresh rules
Reads policy info Selects
Follows setup
Figure out how to
migrate data
Learn how &
then transfer
migrates data
installs missing
Wipes data /
passwords /
packs up old
Receives Dunning
Schedules a
Experience from a USER’S perspective
Identifying problem areas
What would you say is the biggest pain point in
this area? (n=27)
Data Migration 15 56%
Installing apps 4 15%
Network setup 2 7%
Platform adoption 1 4%
Device setup 2 7%
Dunning Email 3 11%
How confident are you that you got
everything you need? (n=23)
Confident 12 52%
Somewhat confident 5 22%
Not at all confident 5 22%
Unclear 1 4%
How long did you wait to return your
old machine? (n=24)
Returned same day 1 4%
Within 1 week 4 17%
Within 1 month 7 29%
After 1 month 4 17%
Not returned yet 8 33%
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
As-is experience: The Journey to A New Device
Tyson just started a new project requiring a lot of number
crunching and decided to upgrade his aging PC.
Quickly select a new PC and confidently migrate all of his data and apps
over, without losing a day of work.
1. How do I get a new device? 2. Order new device 3. Migrate data and apps 4. Return old device
My machine is slow. Am
I eligible for a new
machine? Who do I ask?
Not really sure what to
search for, so I ask my
manager, who told me
to go to Devices@IBM.
Found Devices@IBM
link in search. Not sure
whether I am eligible
will request a refresh
anyway just in case.
I need a more powerful
machine now. But
difficult to compare all
of the specs, which
seem buried.
I don’t see the
‘Developer machine’ I
am told is the best. Will
ask my manager how to
request an exception.
Exception was
approved. UPS tells me I
should receive the new
device soon.
Received my new PC
today. There is a link to
setup instructions in the
Confused about how
to move my data
over. Code42?
Migration tool? A
friend says to copy
everything to Box; it’s
really slow, like half a
Installing apps from
the IBM app store
was a breeze!
Missing some key apps. Need to
track them down one by one. One
requires a new Software License.
I can’t get the VPN to
work. Calling the Help
I can’t get IBM
Notes to work.
Calling the Help
Desk again!
Keep receiving
“Dunning” emails to
return my machine. But
I am not sure I have all
of my data or apps yet.
My manager says not to
It’s been 2 months and I
think I have everything.
Time to return my old
clunker (and shut off
those ”Dunnings”).
Manager Devices@IBM Setupmypc or
Box, Code42, or
Migration tool
IBM App Store SLM catalog,
App Store, other
Help desk ThinkDesk, UPS,
manager, etc
Does our small group findings generalize?
• End users
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Reasons to
deter you from
Breakdown of Categorized Responses for Device Refresh Survey
Data migration
I have not
the migration
1 - 3 hours
4 - 7 hours
1 - 2 days
3 - 5 days
1 - 3 weeks
1 - 2 months
More than 2
Value Percent Count
I have not completed the migration 0.8% 3
1 - 3 hours 16.4% 61
4 - 7 hours 23.3% 87
1 - 2 days 27.1% 101
3 - 5 days 15.8% 59
1 - 3 weeks 11.5% 43
1 - 2 months 3.5% 13
More than 2 months 1.6% 6
Totals 373
(147 )
59% (213)
From a colleague In person from
Deskside support,
Over the phone or
chat with
Other - Write-in
Did you need help with your migration
(including all data and applications)?
32% took 3 days or more….
How long did it take?
Friction analysis: As-Is
5 6
Task analysis, identify
pain points
PURE scoring of As-
Is steps
• Task analysis - detailed analysis
at the step level
• Use to synthesize findings (pain
points) across methods
• Use a spreadsheet
• Optionally, journey map
• PURE (Pragmatic User
Ratings by Expert)
• Multiple scorers
Current (As Is)
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
PURE Methodology
Pragmatic User Rating by Experts
From NN/g Nielsen Norman Group: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/pure-method/
Scoring process
1. Detailed task analysis
(discrete substeps)
2. Map pain points /
quotes against steps
3. Individual raters
assign score
4. Team score
5. Add them up
As-is PURE for Device
management: 69
Compare alternative designs
• Full Data migration
• Full app migration
• PURE: 42
• Reduction in friction: 39%
Design alternative 1:
As Is: 69 (PURE)
Design alternative 2:
• Mirror hard drive in cloud
• Re-installing apps still
• PURE: 58
• Reduction in friction: 16%
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
What did we
learn? Why does this matter?
• Majority of development for
device selection, had relatively
low friction, and for emails
urging device returns.
• Should prioritize highest points
of friction over lower.
• Improved automation of
migration likely to lower overall
friction than just telling people.
Hypothesis confirmed:
Data migration and app
installation are very time
consuming, difficult to do,
and are directly
responsible to the delay in
returning old machines.
The user model around acquiring
new devices:
Sure, device selection design could
be improved.
But my biggest pain points – was
data migration, reinstalling apps.
These are unsupported.
I don't understand how to start, it
takes a long time to do, and I have
low confidence I was successful.
Where did we
end up? In the beginning:
• Seen but not seen: “I know this!”
• Diffusion of responsibility: "Not my app!"
With UX Fracking, drew attention to issues “hidden in plain sight”:
• Dismissed claims: “everyone knows how to do that!”
• Measured the highest points of friction
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Story time: How we determined
why “search” sucked and what
should be done about it
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
• Search
• Alternative
Search may
suck – but
users mean
survey: Ask
about search
Test Hypothesis
about search
patterns of
success and
outcome to an
UX Fracking topology
Users are unable to find the solutions provided.
Users are unable to find solutions that do not exist or do not meet
UX Fracking begins with a question…
Question: What do users mean when they say “Search sucks”?
NPS Comment analysis (N=387)
Search-specific complaints (35%)
• “The website looks nice, but it's hard to find
what you need.”
• “Search brings up too much data that has very
low relevance to the search. I wasn't able to
find the 2018 holiday calendar for
Content is missing or not relevant (18%)
• “It's difficult to find out the solution to your
specific problem”
• “handles main cases, but not rare cases”
• “Too vague, more helpful searching forums in
most cases”
• “Things I can't solve by myself are the more
obscure issues that aren't handled by a FAQ.”
• “I have installed outlook and it was not easy at
all to find related information.”
Interviews with people who identified
If I didn’t find it for any reason, I would agree with
the statement: “search sucks.”
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Intercept survey
Reasons for failed searches
Yes: 52% No: 48%
Intercept survey
Comparing what was sought to what could be found
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
86% (n=132) were
looking for content
that did not (yet)
Evaluated the ease of
locating this
information and
compared this back to
the reasons for search
“Bunch of garbage text for normies
to not feel anxious but no normal
information on how to resolve a
“We need a better system in
place to get direct answer to
many avenues to find the correct
Survey respondents
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
What did we
learn? Why does this matter?
• Correct diagnosis
• Enhancements to the search engine
unlikely to help
• Focus needs to be related to
content: missing content, answering
specific questions, quality
Hypothesis confirmed:
Complaints about "search"
were not technically about
The user model around failed
I used search but...
I did not find anything that helped.
Missing content or content that didn't
meet expectations.
I used search; I did not find an
answer; so I consider this to be
'search' related.
Where did we
end up? UX Fracking surfaced issues completely hidden:
• Naïve comment analysis by keywords alone would
have missed this key insight
• Listened to what users were really trying to tell us:
“I didn’t find what I needed!”
• Disentangled search from content
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Parting words
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Remember: If UX is not
answering these questions,
someone not trained in UX
will act as if they know the
And they will likely get it
UX Fracking can be
combined with any UXR
program to get to the
bottom of key user
assumptions or decide
between design approaches.
UX Fracking is a mixed
methods approach that uses
"hypotheses" to help test
out poorly understood or
hidden user issues.
Thank you
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
Special thanks to Adobe Firefly
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
UXPA 2023: UX Fracking: Using Mixed Methods to Extract Hidden Insights
UX Fracking
UXPA 2023, Austin
User Experience Index (UXI)
1. Research end-to-end tasks to determine
the actual “friction” for that task.
2. Design the ideal user experience and
estimate the target friction for the task.
Compute the “Change in Friction”.
3. Create a normalized difference score
(enables cross-task comparison) by
converting it to a 100-point scale with
larger numbers being better. Assign grade.
4. To compare the same task against
different targets or goals, use the Change
in Friction (CIF) not the UXI. Multiply by
Actual Friction Target Friction
Actual Friction
Scores range from 0 to 1, with lower scores being better
(0 means actual experience matches ”ideal”)
UXI = 100 * 1 - Change in Friction
Change in
Friction (CIF)
Use the CIF score to compare the same task with different targets; use UXI to
compare different tasks over time against a single but realistic target or goal.
UXPA 2023: UX Fracking: Using Mixed Methods to Extract Hidden Insights
Task Ease (3Q21) Ease (3Q22)
Sign in and/or authenticate during installations 70% 75%
Install the software and tools that I need 64% 72%
Connect a new device to the IBM network 63% 69%
Find the software and tools that I need 60% 65%
Return an old device 60% 66%
Select the appropriate computer that meets my needs 56% 67%
Purchase an old laptop/desktop for my personal use from IBM 54% 53%
Setup a new device 51% 64%
Contact the help desk to solve problems encountered during setup 48% 59%
Find help information to solve problems encountered during setup 46% 58%
Refresh/upgrade my laptop/desktop 43% 57%
Transfer all existing data from my old device to a new device 42% 55%
Request an emergency replacement for my laptop/desktop 41% 55%
Find the relevant policies and procedures about acquiring devices or accessories 37% 48%
Manage registration - 66%
Long-term monitoring
1 Very difficult --- Neither easy nor difficult --- Very easy 7

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UXPA 2023: UX Fracking: Using Mixed Methods to Extract Hidden Insights

  • 1. CIO Design | UXPA 2023, Austin UX Fracking Using mixed methods to extract hidden insights
  • 2. Feb 2021 UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin • UX Fracking: o Is intentional UX research o Uses mixed methods o Tests hypotheses about what users are thinking, doing, or feeling o Goes below the surface of token research to crack open the insights • “Hidden insights” - because users are notoriously bad at telling you what they think. • Understanding what is really going on requires skills, context, and a scientific, curious outlook.
  • 3. UX Research Creative Director Jason Telner, Ph.D. Annette Tassone, Ph.D. Office of the CIO, CIO Design, IBM Senior User Experience Researcher & Designer Jon Temple, Ph.D. Design Principal, UX Design Creative Director UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 4. UX Research: We can do better! UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 5. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin The design cycle –User research and design research Define Ideate Protype Test Empathize Discovery: User research Validation: Design research
  • 6. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin Design Research Map Research Led Sanders, L. (2008) On modeling an evolving map of design practice and design research. Interactions 15(6) pp13-17. add t • Research-led perspective relies on the data from qualitative and quantitative research methods to inform design and has the roots of their methods based in traditional disciplines such as applied psychology, anthropology, sociology. • Design-led approaches are more modern methods that focus on the experiences of users of a product or service. k.
  • 7. User Experience Research Map Scripted (lab-based) use of product Natural use of product De-contextualized/not using product Combination/hybrid • User experience research consist of the dimensions of qualitative vs. quantitative research approaches, as well as behavioral vs attitudinal data. • Various research methods lie along the spectrum and those in the middle consist of mixed methods and data sources. • The methods can also be categorized by if they examine users using a product in their natural environments, in a lab based setting, not using the product or some combination of approaches
  • 8. Cultural shifts To save time, we see general movement away from users and their needs and towards the design. Move away from strategic to the tactical. User Research :: UX Design Design Research :: UI Design UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin D e s i g n U s e r
  • 9. Do research faster! • Commoditization of UX Research • No time to acquire domain knowledge • Top-down design (stakeholders, PO) • UXR adds time • Do all research within a development sprint (don’t do that!)
  • 10. Design research vs. UX research – compare and contrast UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin What is the purpose of the research? Design Research User Experience Research To inform design of products services or user interfaces. To better understand how users interact and feel about a product What methods are used? Use a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to inform the look and feel of a product or service. Use a variety of qualitative and quantitative methods to understand and improve how a user interacts and experiences a product or service. What are example research activities? Investigate which design a user prefers with regards to how it looks. Investigate how a user interacts with a proposed design and what their experience is like.
  • 11. Hallmarks of research unlikely to provide deeper insights • Focus on preferences – “they liked A more than B”. (But why?) • Testing navigation that doesn’t support real tasks – “they found it!” • Looking at just the happy path • Using narrow tasks that are not end-to-end • Sticking to “the script” • Unsupervised research conducted by untrained, non-UXR • Starting research over from scratch – dismiss “old” data • Users that never complain or act negative • Using personas built in a co- creation workshop w/o real users • Failing to include alternative outcomes or designs • Generalizing from a single outlier • Consider user language to be technically precise • Comment analysis: Always backing into preexisting categories • Focusing on extremely rare edge cases But may have their place within the context of design research.
  • 12. Dangers of doing superficial research • Inaccurate insights • Misinformed design decisions • Missed opportunities • Lower user satisfaction • Higher training costs • Higher support costs • Wasted time and money • High redesign costs • Failure to innovate and differentiate Dangers are similar to not doing any UXR; work products that evaluate without revealing.
  • 13. What is “UX Fracking”? UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 14. • Inject “fracturing fluid” • Data-driven decisions • Extremely lucrative way to get hidden natural resources • Controversial practice (groundwater contamination, wasteful, flaming faucets) Natural Gas Fracking
  • 15. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin • Metaphor - intentional mixed- methods research • Data to decide if big UXR payoff • Seek hidden UX insights • Not controversial – except where companies are not design or research led UX Fracking 1
  • 16. Extracting Hidden UX insights Great UXR helps us understand what is in the mind of the user. Which may or may not be what they are saying. UX Fracking is another way to extract insights from our users. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 17. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin UX Fracking in 7 steps 1 1. Listen to what users say (with a critical ear) 2. Watch what users do (with a critical eye) 3. Think end-to-end about the user’s tasks 4. Build testable hypotheses about what was thought or meant 5. Test hypotheses by chaining mixed methods 6. Synthesize findings across methods 7. Review what you think you have learned with users
  • 18. 1. Listen to what users say (with a critical ear) 1 Always, always talk to users Interview them… Survey them… Interview them again! Words are a clue; need a lot of context to interrupt what is meant. Users do not use the same words in the same way as experts. Not technically accurate. Users are not designers. Do not take their suggestions literally. Image from wired.com
  • 19. Role of implicit versus explicit memory Human information processing limitations. Users may feel or understand something they cannot describe. From: SimplyPsychology
  • 20. “Faster horses” Henry Ford famously (never) said this: “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Illustrates many users/consumers lack sufficient creativity and imagination. Doesn’t mean users do not recognize value (superiority of recognition over recall).
  • 21. When users design… Remember: • Users Don’t Always Know What They Want • Users Are Not Trained Interaction Designers • Users Design for Themselves “Make sure that you do not take user feedback or requests for design changes at face value.” (UX Matters, 2011) Homer Simpson’s dream car. (Cup holder for beer not included)
  • 22. Real world example Long ago, in a usability lab far far away… Usability test: Users couldn’t find the “key” information on a busy webpage. Asked them to redesign the page. I got this: • Move everything above the fold • Bold everything that might be important • Flaming letters?
  • 23. 2. Watch what users do (with a critical eye) 1 Methods: Usability testing – too late for current release but rich quantitative data for the future. Disconnect between what they do and say is PURE GOLD! A-B Tests Diary studies – watch users in “the wild”. Usage metrics provide more context. “Relax, and remember we are testing the application and not you. You can begin!”
  • 24. Behavioral data requires critical analysis, too During WWII, American bombers shot down. Naïve analysis: Double up the armor where there are holes. Statistician Abraham Wald pointed out: • Data from bombers who returned (Survivor bias) • "Missing data" Hidden insight led to improving the armor where no holes (cockpit, engines, tail). Look at those bullet holes! Better double up the armor there, right? Guess again.
  • 25. 3. Think end-to-end about the user’s tasks 1 Projects are often siloed. “In scope”. But may not fully reflect what the user does or need. Thinking end-to- end uncovers hidden pain points, gaps in functionality, missed opportunities. For example: How do they get started? How do they know when they are done? Methods: • Journey maps • Task analysis • Friction analysis
  • 26. 4. Build testable hypotheses about what was thought or meant 1 Use “hypothesis” in a similar manner to Jeff Gothelf. Doesn’t need to be formal or require significance testing. Have both a null and an alternative hypothesis. Hypotheses must be measurable and capable of being rejected.
  • 27. • Experience: I’ve seen this elsewhere – is it true here? • Violation of a key UX heuristic. Experience & best practices 2 4 • Stakeholders • Product Owner • Development team • Insightful user comment Stakeholders & extended team • Disconnect between the user model and the expert or business model (gaps, workarounds). • Disconnect between UX methods – user fails test but reports high satisfaction. • Known pain points may lead to other questions. User disconnects & top pain points • Root decisions in research – and test hypotheses to decide between alternatives. • (You don’t need a formal A-B test to make an A-B decision). Design decisions UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin 1 3 Where do hypotheses come from? Anywhere!
  • 28. 5. Test hypotheses by chaining mixed methods 1 Triangulate on a problem with a combination of methods. Discovery phase: fishing, look for patterns. Deepening expertise in a domain: Knowing what to look for, test more hypotheses. Goal is to feel reasonably confident you have surfaced an important insight that will improve the solution. Build out a test plan, or topological map, that captures your journey.
  • 29. 6. Synthesize findings across methods 1 Proper methodology is important; be prepared to speak to it. Record enough for posterity. Focus not on standalone work products. The UX insight is the deliverable. Focus should be on the problem, the new insight. Helps you understand the solution better, what should be done.
  • 30. 7. Review what you think you have learned with users 1 Review your findings with users, give them a chance to react. Recognition is better than recall. What they could not articulate, they might recognize. If you are wrong, let the users surprise you. “I say: I noticed y'all missed the Submit button because the scroll bar was hidden. Maybe a pattern that works great on mobile isn't so great on the desktop."
  • 31. Story time: How we used mixed methods to help us understand the true source of friction UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 32. UX Fracking topology NPS Feedback Comments Walkthrough of new Device selection design Hypothesis: Data migration is the biggest pain point Interviews about end-to- end device migration Friction analysis (Analyze + Quantify) Survey to validate discovery with larger sample Compare to alternative design 1 Compare to alternative design 2 Summarize Longitudinal UX metrics at task level Compare Monitor Discovery Test Hypothesis Journey map of As-Is Evaluate remediation Validate
  • 33. Business wanted to refresh an old design Website in need of a refresh UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 34. Dunnings – borrowed from collection agencies Business wanted old devices returned promptly UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 35. Business model Simone needs a new laptop Simone returns old device Selects replacement device Receives reminder emails Schedules a return 1. Select a new device 2. Receive reminders to return old device 3. Return the old device
  • 36. App Feedback Walkthrough results 2 1 • Employees (18) Early research • App-specific feedback (comment analysis) UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 37. Employee quotes “I am not a technical person and I work 60-80 hours at a client site. When things don't work out I am stuck. I have no time to do it and it takes hours longer for a nontechnical person when things don't go correctly (like installing Notes).” “I cannot spend a whole day setting up a computer.” “The new machine migration was hard.” “If you are not an expert it's really hard. I am getting a lot of requests from people around to help or guide them in this process. The main issues is notes data files/location.” "Migrating data using Crashplan is not practical at all, and with USB ports disabled, it was very difficult to know what files/settings to migrate outside of my home folder. " "What directions there were on the WEB were not real clear when everything did not start automatically. If not for the help desk then it would have taken much much longer." "It would help if the DEVICES@IBM could have a list of applications that we need to be installed before the device is sent out. Some of this information is available via the IBM Standard Asset Manager Software list." [Before returning machine] “2 months. When I’ve got an email from IBM to return the laptop. Otherwise, I would probably have sent it back after about 4 months.”
  • 38. NULL HYPOTHESIS: The process is straightforward, and everyone knows what to do*. But users are very busy and do not have time, so they wait as long as they can. HYPOTHESIS 1: The process is complex and time-consuming, and most do not know what to do. Users take their time to ensure they haven’t “missed” anything that might later prove important. UX Fracking begins with a question… Question: Why are users really taking so long to return an old device?
  • 39. Interviews 3 Understanding the end-to-end process • Product Owners • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) • End users Journey map 4 • High-level • Main phases, key steps • End to end UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 40. Business versus the user perspective Simone needs a new laptop Simone returns old device Selects replacement device Receives reminder emails Schedules a return Experience from a BUSINESS perspective Asks manager about device refresh rules Reads policy info Selects replacement device Receives device Follows setup process Figure out how to migrate data Learn how & then transfer bookmarks Manually migrates data Manually installs missing software Wipes data / passwords / packs up old device Receives Dunning emails Schedules a return Experience from a USER’S perspective
  • 41. Identifying problem areas What would you say is the biggest pain point in this area? (n=27) Data Migration 15 56% Installing apps 4 15% Network setup 2 7% Platform adoption 1 4% Device setup 2 7% Dunning Email 3 11% How confident are you that you got everything you need? (n=23) Confident 12 52% Somewhat confident 5 22% Not at all confident 5 22% Unclear 1 4% How long did you wait to return your old machine? (n=24) Returned same day 1 4% Within 1 week 4 17% Within 1 month 7 29% After 1 month 4 17% Not returned yet 8 33% UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 42. As-is experience: The Journey to A New Device Tyson Employee Scenario Tyson just started a new project requiring a lot of number crunching and decided to upgrade his aging PC. Goal Quickly select a new PC and confidently migrate all of his data and apps over, without losing a day of work. 1. How do I get a new device? 2. Order new device 3. Migrate data and apps 4. Return old device My machine is slow. Am I eligible for a new machine? Who do I ask? Not really sure what to search for, so I ask my manager, who told me to go to Devices@IBM. Found Devices@IBM link in search. Not sure whether I am eligible will request a refresh anyway just in case. I need a more powerful machine now. But difficult to compare all of the specs, which seem buried. I don’t see the ‘Developer machine’ I am told is the best. Will ask my manager how to request an exception. Exception was approved. UPS tells me I should receive the new device soon. Received my new PC today. There is a link to setup instructions in the box. Confused about how to move my data over. Code42? Migration tool? A friend says to copy everything to Box; it’s really slow, like half a day. Installing apps from the IBM app store was a breeze! Missing some key apps. Need to track them down one by one. One requires a new Software License. I can’t get the VPN to work. Calling the Help Desk. I can’t get IBM Notes to work. Calling the Help Desk again! Keep receiving “Dunning” emails to return my machine. But I am not sure I have all of my data or apps yet. My manager says not to worry. It’s been 2 months and I think I have everything. Time to return my old clunker (and shut off those ”Dunnings”). Manager Devices@IBM Setupmypc or Help@IBM Box, Code42, or Migration tool IBM App Store SLM catalog, App Store, other Help desk ThinkDesk, UPS, manager, etc
  • 43. Surveys 4 Does our small group findings generalize? • End users UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 44. 44 Findings Reasons to deter you from refreshing Breakdown of Categorized Responses for Device Refresh Survey
  • 45. Data migration I have not completed the migration 1% 1 - 3 hours 16% 4 - 7 hours 23% 1 - 2 days 27% 3 - 5 days 16% 1 - 3 weeks 12% 1 - 2 months 3% More than 2 months 2% Value Percent Count I have not completed the migration 0.8% 3 1 - 3 hours 16.4% 61 4 - 7 hours 23.3% 87 1 - 2 days 27.1% 101 3 - 5 days 15.8% 59 1 - 3 weeks 11.5% 43 1 - 2 months 3.5% 13 More than 2 months 1.6% 6 Totals 373 Yes 41% (147 ) No 59% (213) 26.7% 52.1% 27.4% 6.2% 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 From a colleague In person from Helpdesk, Deskside support, or THINKDESK Over the phone or chat with Helpdesk Other - Write-in Percent Did you need help with your migration (including all data and applications)? 32% took 3 days or more…. How long did it take?
  • 46. Friction analysis: As-Is 5 6 Task analysis, identify pain points PURE scoring of As- Is steps • Task analysis - detailed analysis at the step level • Use to synthesize findings (pain points) across methods • Use a spreadsheet • Optionally, journey map • PURE (Pragmatic User Ratings by Expert) • Multiple scorers Current (As Is) UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 47. PURE Methodology Pragmatic User Rating by Experts From NN/g Nielsen Norman Group: https://www.nngroup.com/articles/pure-method/
  • 48. Scoring process 1. Detailed task analysis (discrete substeps) 2. Map pain points / quotes against steps 3. Individual raters assign score 4. Team score 5. Add them up As-is PURE for Device management: 69
  • 49. Compare alternative designs • Full Data migration • Full app migration • PURE: 42 • Reduction in friction: 39% Design alternative 1: As Is: 69 (PURE) Design alternative 2: • Mirror hard drive in cloud • Re-installing apps still manual • PURE: 58 • Reduction in friction: 16% UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 50. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin What did we learn? Why does this matter? • Majority of development for device selection, had relatively low friction, and for emails urging device returns. • Should prioritize highest points of friction over lower. • Improved automation of migration likely to lower overall friction than just telling people. Winner: H1 Hypothesis confirmed: Data migration and app installation are very time consuming, difficult to do, and are directly responsible to the delay in returning old machines. The user model around acquiring new devices: Sure, device selection design could be improved. But my biggest pain points – was data migration, reinstalling apps. These are unsupported. I don't understand how to start, it takes a long time to do, and I have low confidence I was successful. “ “
  • 51. Where did we end up? In the beginning: • Seen but not seen: “I know this!” • Diffusion of responsibility: "Not my app!" With UX Fracking, drew attention to issues “hidden in plain sight”: • Dismissed claims: “everyone knows how to do that!” • Measured the highest points of friction UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 52. Story time: How we determined why “search” sucked and what should be done about it UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 53. Anecdotal: “Search sucks!” • Search usage • SEO • Alternative engines Survey Feedback Comments Hypothesis: Search may suck – but users mean something else Intercept survey: Ask about search experience Discovery Test Hypothesis Summarize Non-UX Interviews about search experience Analyze patterns of success and failure Compare reported outcome to an idealized outcome Recommend pivots UX Fracking topology
  • 54. NULL HYPOTHESIS: Users are unable to find the solutions provided. HYPOTHESIS 1: Users are unable to find solutions that do not exist or do not meet expectations. UX Fracking begins with a question… Question: What do users mean when they say “Search sucks”?
  • 55. NPS Comment analysis (N=387) Search-specific complaints (35%) • “The website looks nice, but it's hard to find what you need.” • “Search brings up too much data that has very low relevance to the search. I wasn't able to find the 2018 holiday calendar for Poughkeepsie.” Content is missing or not relevant (18%) • “It's difficult to find out the solution to your specific problem” • “handles main cases, but not rare cases” • “Too vague, more helpful searching forums in most cases” • “Things I can't solve by myself are the more obscure issues that aren't handled by a FAQ.” • “I have installed outlook and it was not easy at all to find related information.” Interviews with people who identified themselves: If I didn’t find it for any reason, I would agree with the statement: “search sucks.”
  • 56. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin Intercept survey Reasons for failed searches N=570 Yes: 52% No: 48%
  • 57. Intercept survey Comparing what was sought to what could be found UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin 86% (n=132) were looking for content that did not (yet) exist. Evaluated the ease of locating this information and compared this back to the reasons for search failure. “Bunch of garbage text for normies to not feel anxious but no normal information on how to resolve a problem.” “We need a better system in place to get direct answer to many avenues to find the correct answer.” Survey respondents
  • 58. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin What did we learn? Why does this matter? • Correct diagnosis • Enhancements to the search engine unlikely to help • Focus needs to be related to content: missing content, answering specific questions, quality Winner: H1 Hypothesis confirmed: Complaints about "search" were not technically about "search". The user model around failed searches: I used search but... I did not find anything that helped. Missing content or content that didn't meet expectations. I used search; I did not find an answer; so I consider this to be 'search' related. “ “
  • 59. Where did we end up? UX Fracking surfaced issues completely hidden: • Naïve comment analysis by keywords alone would have missed this key insight • Listened to what users were really trying to tell us: “I didn’t find what I needed!” • Disentangled search from content UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 61. UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin Summary Remember: If UX is not answering these questions, someone not trained in UX will act as if they know the answers. And they will likely get it wrong. UX Fracking can be combined with any UXR program to get to the bottom of key user assumptions or decide between design approaches. UX Fracking is a mixed methods approach that uses "hypotheses" to help test out poorly understood or hidden user issues.
  • 63. Special thanks to Adobe Firefly UX Fracking UXPA 2023, Austin
  • 66. User Experience Index (UXI) Computation 1. Research end-to-end tasks to determine the actual “friction” for that task. 2. Design the ideal user experience and estimate the target friction for the task. Compute the “Change in Friction”. 3. Create a normalized difference score (enables cross-task comparison) by converting it to a 100-point scale with larger numbers being better. Assign grade. 4. To compare the same task against different targets or goals, use the Change in Friction (CIF) not the UXI. Multiply by 100%. Actual Friction Target Friction - Actual Friction Scores range from 0 to 1, with lower scores being better (0 means actual experience matches ”ideal”) UXI = 100 * 1 - Change in Friction Change in Friction (CIF) = Use the CIF score to compare the same task with different targets; use UXI to compare different tasks over time against a single but realistic target or goal.
  • 68. Task Ease (3Q21) Ease (3Q22) Sign in and/or authenticate during installations 70% 75% Install the software and tools that I need 64% 72% Connect a new device to the IBM network 63% 69% Find the software and tools that I need 60% 65% Return an old device 60% 66% Select the appropriate computer that meets my needs 56% 67% Purchase an old laptop/desktop for my personal use from IBM 54% 53% Setup a new device 51% 64% Contact the help desk to solve problems encountered during setup 48% 59% Find help information to solve problems encountered during setup 46% 58% Refresh/upgrade my laptop/desktop 43% 57% Transfer all existing data from my old device to a new device 42% 55% Request an emergency replacement for my laptop/desktop 41% 55% Find the relevant policies and procedures about acquiring devices or accessories 37% 48% Manage registration - 66% Long-term monitoring 1 Very difficult --- Neither easy nor difficult --- Very easy 7