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Mobile UX — State of the Art & Challenges
UXperts.mobi, April 29th 2013
Johan Verhaegen
desktop touch
•  Users	
•  Tasks	
•  Context	
•  Business	
•  Vision	
•  Technology	
•  Data	
•  NaCve	
•  Web	
•  mobile	
•  responsive	
Business context
“Skate where the puck’s going, not where it’s been.”
Wayne Gretzky
Challenge n°1 - So, do you skate where the puck’s going?
The world outside
users • tasks • context
“Start with the customer and work backwards.”
Jeff Bezos
Mobile UX strategy
native • mobile • responsive
“You don’t walk into a hardware store, notice a good-
looking shovel, then say “Boy this sure looks like a mighty
fine looking shovel. I’m gonna head home and start
finding stuff to dig up with this here shovel.”
Brad Frost, blogpost “Native vs Web” is total bullshit, July 2011
the native road
“As of this writing, there’s no contest: Ship [native] mobile apps if you can afford
We measured a success rate of 74 percent when people used [native] mobile apps,
which is much higher than the 64 percent recorded for mobile-specific websites.”
Jakob Nielsen, Mobile Usability, 2013
§  When to build?
§  you want
§  rich interaction
§  fluent animations
§  full access to device functionality
§  shiny graphics
§  on a level you would struggle with HTML5 (at the time of this
§  you can afford it (and the price tag tends to go up and up and…)
§  more platforms, often forked in
¨  sub-platforms: e.g. iOS for iPhone and iPad
¨  sub-versions: Android Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich,
Jelly Bean,…
§  native development is not a walk in the park
The native road - when
§  When to build? <ctd>
§  you want to be present in app stores
§  your competitors have already set up camp there
§  you like some cash
¨  minus a 30% cut for the [platform] owner
§  your users will download updates, won’t they…?
The native road - when
§  Your focus is on
§  best possible (device-specific) UX
§  multitouch
§  fast graphics (how’s the refresh rate?)
§  fluid animations
§  ease of use
§  a solid business case
The native road - focus
§  Limited continuity between different contexts
§  No comparable desktop and mobile experience
§  Features and content not equally likely to be accessed
on multiple devices
§  Other iOS native apps already being used
§  Interesting times…
Nokeos design strategy
The web road
“Once you start thinking in terms of networks, it just doesn’t make much
sense to prefer local apps, with downloadable, installable code that
needs to be constantly updated.
But we’re not yet in a world of infinite speed, so that’s why we have
mobile apps and PC and Mac software on laptops and phones. That’s why
there are still Xbox games on discs. That’s why everything isn’t in the
cloud. But eventually the technology wants it all to be up there.”
Marc Andreessen, Wired Magazine, April 2012
the web road
§  Mobile-optimized websites and web applications
§  Living on the web
§  Often a subset of content/features of the
“normal” version of the website/web application
§  but what’s important? what’s not?
-> user research (esp. data analysis) will help you out
§  A wide audience reach
The web road, direction mobile
§  When to build?
§  your users’ goals differ depending on device/context
§  you offer ‘simple’ functionality like look-ups and
simple workflows
§  you need speed
§  you don’t need
§  lots of editing or data manipulation
§  on-device functions
The web road, direction mobile - when
§  Your focus is on
§  stripping features that are not the core of the mobile
use case
§  reducing ⎜ removing ⎜ demoting
§  enlarging interface elements
§  providing an emergency exit
§  cross-link from desktop site (or ‘full site’) to mobile site and
vice versa
The web road, direction mobile - focus
Uw kind wil u iets vertellen
die telkens een andere kleur hebben. Kinderen leren stap voor stap tennissen op een aangepast terrein met een
ander type bal.Aan de hand van testjes en diploma’s kunnen ook de ouders de tennisevolutie van hun kind volgen.
Een KidsTennisser beleeft niet alleen veel plezier,hij of zij leert ook op een kwaliteitsvolle manier tennissen.Meer
info? Surf dan naar kidstennis.be en zoek een KidsTennisclub in uw buurt!
Omdat bewegen gezond is
f l u i d g r i d s
f l e x i b l e m e d i a
m e d i a q u e r i e s
“Perhaps there’s a compelling reason to keep your site’s desktop and mobile
experiences separate, or perhaps your content would be better served by a
responsive approach. Only you and your users know for certain.”
Ethan Marcotte - Responsive Web Design, 2011
§  When to build?
§  you want continuity between different contexts
§  you want a seamless multi-device experience
§  the features and content you offer are equally likely
to be accessed on multiple devices
§  you don’t ‘over-code’
§  might indicate that you need to go native or mobile
§  and that might even be cheaper to build and maintain
The web road, direction responsive - when
§  Your focus is on
§  content/feature-driven design
§  tiny screen usability
§  multi-device customization
§  touch interaction
¨  gestures
§  design patterns
¨  navigation, data grids, forms,…
§  graphical design
¨  typography, images, backgrounds,…
The web road, direction responsive - focus
•  NaCve	
•  Web	
•  mobile	
•  responsive	
•  Users	
•  Tasks	
•  Context	
•  Business	
•  Vision	
•  Technology	
•  Data	
See also
-  www.higroup.com/news-publications/white-papers
-  www.higroup.com/cases
De Regenboog 11
2800 Mechelen
+32 (0)15 40 01 38
Human Interface Group
Human Interface Group

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Uxperts mobi 2013 soa & challenges

  • 1. 1 Mobile UX — State of the Art & Challenges UXperts.mobi, April 29th 2013 Johan Verhaegen
  • 2. 2 TV mobile desktop touch web Giving  technology  a  human  face   The  world  outside   •  Users   •  Tasks   •  Context   Business  context   •  Business  domain   •  Vision  &  mission   •  Technology   •  Data   Mobile  UX  strategy   •  NaCve   •  Web   •  mobile   •  responsive  
  • 3. 3 Business context “Skate where the puck’s going, not where it’s been.” Wayne Gretzky Walter  Gretzky   ‘Gretzky’s  Office’  
  • 4. 4
  • 6. 6 Challenge n°1 - So, do you skate where the puck’s going? The world outside users • tasks • context
  • 7. 7 “Start with the customer and work backwards.” Jeff Bezos Let's  get  out  of  this  building…  
  • 8. 8 …and  enter  into  the  real  world   hKp://www.mobify.com/blog/  
  • 9. 9 Your  building.  Do  you  get  out  from  :me  to  :me?   Challenge  n°  2   Mobile UX strategy native • mobile • responsive
  • 10. 10 “You don’t walk into a hardware store, notice a good- looking shovel, then say “Boy this sure looks like a mighty fine looking shovel. I’m gonna head home and start finding stuff to dig up with this here shovel.” Brad Frost, blogpost “Native vs Web” is total bullshit, July 2011 the native road
  • 11. 11 “As of this writing, there’s no contest: Ship [native] mobile apps if you can afford it (…) We measured a success rate of 74 percent when people used [native] mobile apps, which is much higher than the 64 percent recorded for mobile-specific websites.” Jakob Nielsen, Mobile Usability, 2013
  • 12. 12 Jakob  ‘we  know,  because  we’ve  seen  it  happen’  Nielsen   Jakob  Who?   §  When to build? §  you want §  rich interaction §  fluent animations §  full access to device functionality §  shiny graphics §  on a level you would struggle with HTML5 (at the time of this writing) §  you can afford it (and the price tag tends to go up and up and…) §  more platforms, often forked in ¨  sub-platforms: e.g. iOS for iPhone and iPad ¨  sub-versions: Android Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean,… §  native development is not a walk in the park The native road - when native
  • 13. 13 §  When to build? <ctd> §  you want to be present in app stores §  your competitors have already set up camp there §  you like some cash ¨  minus a 30% cut for the [platform] owner §  your users will download updates, won’t they…? The native road - when native §  Your focus is on §  best possible (device-specific) UX §  multitouch §  fast graphics (how’s the refresh rate?) §  fluid animations §  ease of use §  a solid business case The native road - focus native
  • 14. 14
  • 15. 15
  • 16. 16
  • 17. 17 HAZMAT  evac   Cargo  Decoder   currently  being  developed   not  for  publicaCon  
  • 18. 18 §  Limited continuity between different contexts §  No comparable desktop and mobile experience §  Features and content not equally likely to be accessed on multiple devices §  Other iOS native apps already being used §  Interesting times… Nokeos design strategy currently  being  developed   not  for  publicaCon  
  • 19. 19 The web road “Once you start thinking in terms of networks, it just doesn’t make much sense to prefer local apps, with downloadable, installable code that needs to be constantly updated. (…) But we’re not yet in a world of infinite speed, so that’s why we have mobile apps and PC and Mac software on laptops and phones. That’s why there are still Xbox games on discs. That’s why everything isn’t in the cloud. But eventually the technology wants it all to be up there.” Marc Andreessen, Wired Magazine, April 2012
  • 20. 20 Marc  ‘a  lot  of  things  you  want  to  do  as  part  of  daily  life  can  now  be  done  over  the  internet’  Andreessen   Marc  Who?   the web road
  • 21. 21 §  Mobile-optimized websites and web applications §  Living on the web §  Often a subset of content/features of the “normal” version of the website/web application §  but what’s important? what’s not? -> user research (esp. data analysis) will help you out §  A wide audience reach The web road, direction mobile
  • 22. 22 §  When to build? §  your users’ goals differ depending on device/context §  you offer ‘simple’ functionality like look-ups and simple workflows §  you need speed §  you don’t need §  lots of editing or data manipulation §  on-device functions The web road, direction mobile - when §  Your focus is on §  stripping features that are not the core of the mobile use case §  reducing ⎜ removing ⎜ demoting §  enlarging interface elements §  providing an emergency exit §  cross-link from desktop site (or ‘full site’) to mobile site and vice versa The web road, direction mobile - focus
  • 23. 23 Uw kind wil u iets vertellen KidsTennisishetVTV-opleidingsconceptvoorkinderenvanaf3jaar.Deopleidingisopgedeeldinvaardigheidsniveaus die telkens een andere kleur hebben. Kinderen leren stap voor stap tennissen op een aangepast terrein met een ander type bal.Aan de hand van testjes en diploma’s kunnen ook de ouders de tennisevolutie van hun kind volgen. Een KidsTennisser beleeft niet alleen veel plezier,hij of zij leert ook op een kwaliteitsvolle manier tennissen.Meer info? Surf dan naar kidstennis.be en zoek een KidsTennisclub in uw buurt! Omdat bewegen gezond is currently  being  developed   not  for  publicaCon  
  • 24. 24 f l u i d g r i d s f l e x i b l e m e d i a m e d i a q u e r i e s ©  ezmarkup.com/learn-­‐how-­‐to-­‐design-­‐a-­‐mobile-­‐website.html   ©  2013  Brad  Frost  
  • 25. 25 “Perhaps there’s a compelling reason to keep your site’s desktop and mobile experiences separate, or perhaps your content would be better served by a responsive approach. Only you and your users know for certain.” Ethan Marcotte - Responsive Web Design, 2011 That’s  right.  This  guy  sCll  has  to  prove  a  thing  or  two.   Like  most  of  us.   Ethan  Who?  
  • 26. 26 §  When to build? §  you want continuity between different contexts §  you want a seamless multi-device experience §  the features and content you offer are equally likely to be accessed on multiple devices §  you don’t ‘over-code’ §  might indicate that you need to go native or mobile §  and that might even be cheaper to build and maintain The web road, direction responsive - when §  Your focus is on §  content/feature-driven design §  tiny screen usability §  multi-device customization §  touch interaction ¨  gestures §  design patterns ¨  navigation, data grids, forms,… §  graphical design ¨  typography, images, backgrounds,… The web road, direction responsive - focus
  • 27. 27 currently  being  developed   not  for  publicaCon   native Challenge  n°  3  -­‐  So,  which  road  will  you  choose?    
  • 28. 28 Mobile  UX  strategy   •  NaCve   •  Web   •  mobile   •  responsive   The  world  outside   •  Users   •  Tasks   •  Context   Business  context   •  Business  domain   •  Vision  &  mission   •  Technology   •  Data   See also -  www.higroup.com/news-publications/white-papers -  www.higroup.com/cases De Regenboog 11 2800 Mechelen +32 (0)15 40 01 38 www.higroup.com @higroup Human Interface Group Human Interface Group johan.verhaegen@higroup.com @johanverhaegen