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1 Notations 2
2 Types of V-belts and Pulleys 3
3 Standard Pitch Lengths of V-belts 3
4 Advantages and Disadvantages of V-belt Drive over Flat Belt Drive 4
5 Ratio of Driving Tensions for V-belt 5
6 V-flat Drives 6
7 Rope Drives 6
8 Fiber Ropes 6
9 Advantages of Fiber Rope Drives 6
10 Sheave for Fiber Ropes 7
11 Ratio of Driving Tensions for Fiber Rope 7
12 Wire Ropes 7
13 Advantages of Wire Ropes 7
14 Construction of Wire Ropes 8
15 Classification of Wire Ropes 8
16 Designation of Wire Ropes 9
17 Properties of Wire Ropes 9
18 Diameter of Wire and Area of Wire Rope 10
19 Factor of Safety for Wire Ropes 11
20 Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums 11
21 Wire Rope Fasteners 12
22 Stresses in Wire Ropes 12
23 Procedure for Designing a Wire Rope 14
24 Examples 15
25 References 29
26 Contacts 29
1 Notations
• R1 = Normal reactions between belts and sides of the groove.
• R = Total reaction in the plane of the groove.
• µ = Coefficient of friction between the belt and sides of the groove.
• W = Load lifted.
• w = Weight of the rope.
• A = Net cross-sectional area of the rope.
• Er = Modulus of elasticity of the wire rope.
• dw = Diameter of the wire.
• D = Diameter of the sheave or drum.
• A = Net cross-sectional area of the rope.
• n = The total number of wires in the rope section.
• a = Acceleration of the rope and load.
• g = Acceleration due to gravity.
• h = Slackness in the rope.
• l = Length of the rope.
2 Types of V-belts and Pulleys
Figure 1: V-Belt and V-grooved pulley.
Note: Face width (B) = (n − 1) e + 2 f
3 Standard Pitch Lengths of V-belts
According to IS: 2494-1974, the V-belts are designated by its type and nominal inside length. For example, a
V-belt of type Aand inside length 914 mm is designated as A914IS: 2494. The standard inside lengths of V-belts
in mm are as follows:
610, 660, 711, 787, 813, 889, 914, 965, 991, 1016, 1067, 1092, 1168, 1219, 1295, 1372, 1397, 1422, 1473, 1524,
1600, 1626, 1651, 1727, 1778, 1905, 1981, 2032, 2057, 2159, 2286, 2438, 2464, 2540, 2667, 2845, 3048, 3150,
3251, 3404, 3658, 4013, 4115, 4394, 4572, 4953, 5334, 6045, 6807, 7569, 8331, 9093, 9885, 10 617, 12 141, 13
665, 15 189, 16 713
According to IS: 2494-1974, the pitch length is defined as the circumferential length of the belt at the pitch
width (i.e. the width at the neutral axis) of the belt. The value of the pitch width remains constant for each
type of belt irrespective of the groove angle.
The pitch lengths are obtained by adding to inside length: 36 mm for type A, 43 mm for type B, 56 mm for
type C, 79 mm for type D and 92 mm for type E. The following table shows the standard pitch lengths for the
various types of belt.
Note: The V-belts are also manufactured in non-standard pitch lengths (i.e. in oversize and undersize). The
standard pitch length belt is designated by grade number 50. The oversize belts are designated by a grade
number more than 50, while the undersize belts are designated by a grade number less than 50. It may be
noted that one unit of a grade number represents 2.5 mm in length from nominal pitch length. For example, a
V-belt marked A−914−50 denotes a standard belt of inside length 914 mm and a pitch length 950 mm. A belt
marked A − 914 − 52 denotes an oversize belt by an amount of (52 − 50) = 2 units of grade number. Since one
unit of grade number represents 2.5 mm, therefore the pitch length of this belt will be 950 + 2 × 2.5 = 955 mm.
Similarly, a belt marked A − 914 − 48 denotes an undersize belt, whose pitch length will be 950 − 2 × 2.5 = 945
4 Advantages and Disadvantages of V-belt Drive over Flat Belt Drive
1. The V-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between centers of pulleys.
2. The drive is positive, because the slip between the belt and the pulley groove is negligible.
3. Since the V-belts are made endless and there is no joint trouble, therefore the drive is smooth.
4. It provides longer life, 3 to 5 years.
5. It can be easily installed and removed.
6. The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet.
7. The belts have the ability to cushion the shock when machines are started.
8. The high velocity ratio (maximum 10) may be obtained.
9. The wedging action of the belt in the groove gives high value of limiting ratio of tensions. Therefore the
power transmitted by V-belts is more than flat belts for the same coefficient of friction, arc of contact and
allowable tension in the belts.
10. The V-belt may be operated in either direction, with tight side of the belt at the top or bottom. The
center line may be horizontal, vertical or inclined.
1. The V-belt drive can not be used with large center distances, because of larger weight per unit length.
2. The V-belts are not so durable as flat belts.
3. The construction of pulleys for V-belts is more complicated than pulleys of flat belts.
4. Since the V-belts are subjected to certain amount of creep, therefore these are not suitable for constant
speed applications such as synchronous machines and timing devices.
5. The belt life is greatly influenced with temperature changes, improper belt tension and mismatching of
belt lengths.
6. The centrifugal tension prevents the use of V-belts at speeds below 5 m/s and above 50 m/s.
5 Ratio of Driving Tensions for V-belt
Resolving the reactions vertically to the groove, we have
R = R1 sin β + R1 sin β = 2R1 sin β ⇒ R1 =
2 sin β
We know that the frictional force
= 2µR1 = 2µ ×
2 sin β
sin β
= µR csc β
the relation between T1 and T2 for the V-belt drive
2.3 log
= µθ csc β
Figure 2: V-belt with pulley.
6 V-flat Drives
In many cases, particularly, when a flat belt is replaced by V-belt, it is economical to use flat-faced pulley,
instead of large grooved pulley. The cost of cutting the grooves is thereby eliminated. Such a drive is known as
V-flat drive.
Figure 3: V-flat drive.
7 Rope Drives
The rope drives are widely used where a large amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another,
over a considerable distance. It may be noted that the use of flat belts is limited for the transmission of moderate
power from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are not more than 8 meters apart. If large amounts of
power are to be transmitted, by the flat belt, then it would result in excessive belt cross-section.
The ropes drives use the following two types of ropes:
1. Fiber ropes, and
2. Wire ropes.
The fiber ropes operate successfully when the pulleys are about 60 meters apart, while the wire ropes are used
when the pulleys are upto 150 meters apart.
8 Fiber Ropes
The ropes for transmitting power are usually made from fibrous materials such as hemp, manila and cotton.
Since the hemp and manila fibres are rough, therefore the ropes made from these fibres are not very flexible
and possesses poor mechanical properties. The hemp ropes have less strength as compared to manila ropes.
When the hemp and manila ropes are bent over the sheave, there is some sliding of the fibres, causing the rope
to wear and chafe internally. In order to minimise this defect, the rope fibres are lubricated with a tar, tallow
or graphite. The lubrication also makes the rope moisture proof. The hemp ropes are suitable only for hand
operated hoisting machinery and as tie ropes for lifting tackle, hooks etc.
The cotton ropes are very soft and smooth. The lubrication of cotton ropes is not necessary. But if it is done,
it reduces the external wear between the rope and the grooves of its sheaves. It may be noted that the manila
ropes are more durable and stronger than cotton ropes. The cotton ropes are costlier than manila ropes.
1. The diameter of manila and cotton ropes usually ranges from 38 mm to 50 mm. The size of the rope is
usually designated by its circumference or ’girth’.
2. The ultimate tensile breaking load of the fiber ropes varies greatly. For manila ropes, the average value of
the ultimate tensile breaking load may be taken as 500 d2
kN and for cotton ropes, it may be taken as 350
kN, where dis the diameter of rope in mm.
9 Advantages of Fiber Rope Drives
The fiber rope drives have the following advantages:
1. They give smooth, steady and quiet service.
2. They are little affected by out door conditions.
3. The shafts may be out of strict alignment.
4. The power may be taken off in any direction and in fractional parts of the whole amount.
5. They give high mechanical efficiency.
10 Sheave for Fiber Ropes
The fiber ropes are usually circular in cross-section as shown in Fig. 4 (a). The sheave for the fiber ropes, is
shown in Fig. 4 (b). The groove angle of the pulley for rope drives is usually 45o
The grooves in the pulleys are made narrow at the bottom and the rope is pinched between the edges of the
V-groove to increase the holding power of the rope on the pulley. The grooves should be finished smooth to
avoid chafing of the rope. The diameter of the sheaves should be large to reduce the wear on the rope due to
internal friction and bending stresses. The proper size of sheave wheels is 40 d and the minimum size is 36 d,
where d is the diameter of rope in cm.
Note: The number of grooves should not be more than 24.
Figure 4: Rope and sheave.
11 Ratio of Driving Tensions for Fiber Rope
A fiber rope with a grooved pulley is shown in Fig. 4 (a). The fiber ropes are designed in the similar way as
The ratio of driving tensions is
2.3 log
= µθ csc β
12 Wire Ropes
When a large amount of power is to be transmitted over long distances from one pulley to another (i.e. when
the pulleys are upto 150 meters apart), then wire ropes are used. The wire ropes are widely used in elevators,
mine hoists, cranes, conveyors, hauling devices and suspension bridges.
The wire ropes are made from cold drawn wires in order to have increase in strength and durability. It may
be noted that the strength of the wire rope increases as its size decreases. The various materials used for wire
ropes in order of increasing strength are wrought iron, cast steel, extra strong cast steel, plough steel and alloy
steel. For certain purposes, the wire ropes may also be made of copper, bronze, aluminum alloys and stainless
13 Advantages of Wire Ropes
The wire ropes have the following advantages as compared to fiber ropes.
1. These are lighter in weight,
2. These offer silent operation,
3. These can withstand shock loads,
4. These are more reliable,
5. These are more durable,
6. They do not fail suddenly,
7. The efficiency is high, and
8. The cost is low.
14 Construction of Wire Ropes
The wire ropes are made from various grades of steel wire having a tensile strength ranging from 1200 to 2400
MPa as shown in the following table:
The wires are first given special heat treatment and then cold drawn in order to have high strength and durability
of the rope. The steel wire ropes are manufactured by special machines. First of all, a number of wires such as
7, 19 or 37 are twisted into a strand and then a number of strands, usually 6 or 8 are twisted about a core or
center to form the rope as shown in Fig. 5. The core may be made of hemp, jute, asbestos or a wire of softer
steel. The core must be continuously saturated with lubricant for the long life of the core as well as the entire
rope. The asbestos or soft wire core is used when ropes are subjected to radiant heat such as cranes operating
near furnaces. However, a wire core reduces the flexibility of the rope and thus such ropes are used only where
they are subjected to high compression as in the case of several layers wound over a rope drum.
Figure 5: Cross-sections of wire rope.
15 Classification of Wire Ropes
According to the direction of twist of the individual wires and that of strands, relative to each other, the wire
ropes may be classified as follows:
1. Cross or regular lay ropes. In these types of ropes, the direction of twist of wires in the strands is
opposite to the direction of twist of the stands, as shown in Fig. 6 (a). Such type of ropes are most popular.
2. Parallel or lang lay ropes. In these type of ropes, the direction of twist of the wires in the strands is
same as that of strands in the rope, as shown in Fig. 6 (b). These ropes have better bearing surface but is
harder to splice and twists more easily when loaded. These ropes are more flexible and resists wear more
effectively. Since such ropes have the tendency to spin, therefore these are used in lifts and hoists with
guide ways and also as haulage ropes.
3. Composite or reverse laid ropes. In these types of ropes, the wires in the two adjacent strands are
twisted in the opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 6 (c).
Figure 6: Wire ropes classified according to the direction of twist of the individual wires.
16 Designation of Wire Ropes
The wire ropes are designated by the number of strands and the number of wires in each strand. For example,
a wire rope having six strands and seven wires in each strand is designated by 6×7 rope. Following table shows
the standard designation of ropes and their applications:
17 Properties of Wire Ropes
The following tables show the properties of the various types of wire ropes. In these properties, the diameter of
the wire rope (d) is in mm.
18 Diameter of Wire and Area of Wire Rope
The following table shows the diameter of wire (dw) and area of wire rope (A) for different types of wire ropes:
19 Factor of Safety for Wire Ropes
The factor of safety for wire ropes based on the ultimate strength are given in the following table.
20 Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums
The sheave diameter should be fairly large in order to reduce the bending stresses in the ropes when they bend
around the sheaves or pulleys. The following table shows the sheave diameters for various types of wire ropes:
For light and medium service, the sheaves are made of cast iron, but for heavy crane service they are often made
of steel castings. The sheaves are usually mounted on fixed axles on anti-friction bearings or bronze bushings.
The small drums in hand hoists are made plain. A hoist operated by a motor or an engine has a drum with
helical grooves, as shown in Fig. 7 (b). The pitch (p) of the grooves must be made slightly larger than the rope
diameter to avoid friction and wear between the coils.
Figure 7:
21 Wire Rope Fasteners
The various types of rope fasteners are shown in Fig. 8. The splices in wire ropes should be avoided because it
reduces the strength of the rope by 25 to 30 percent of the normal ultimate strength.
Figure 8: Types of wire rope fasteners.
The efficiencies of various types of fasteners are given in the following table.
22 Stresses in Wire Ropes
A wire rope is subjected to the following types of stresses:
1. Direct stress due to axial load lifted and weight of the rope
Direct stress,
σd =
W + w
2. Bending stress when the rope winds round the sheave or drum.
When a wire rope is wound over the sheave, then the bending stresses are induced in the wire which is
tensile at the top and compressive at the lower side of the wire. The bending stress induced depends upon
many factors such as construction of rope, size of wire, type of center and the amount of restraint in the
grooves. The approximate value of the bending stress in the wire as proposed by Reuleaux, is
σb =
Er × dw
and equivalent bending load on the rope
Wb = σb × A =
Er × dw × A
It may be noted that Er is not the modulus of elasticity for the wire material, but it is of the entire rope.
The value of Er may be taken as 77 kN/mm2
for wrought iron ropes and 84 kN/mm2
for steel ropes. It
has been found experimentally that Er = 3/8 E, where E is the modulus of elasticity of the wire material.
If σb is the bending stress in each wire, then the load on the whole rope due to bending may be obtained
from the following relation, i.e.
Wb =
w n × σb
3. Stresses during starting and stopping.
During starting and stopping, the rope and the supported load are to be accelerated. This induces additional
load in the rope which is given by
Wa =
W + w
× a
and the corresponding stress,
σ =
W + w
If the time (t) necessary to attain a speed (v) is known, then the value of a is given by
a = v/60t
The general case of starting is when the rope has a slack (h) which must be overcome before the rope is
taut and starts to exert a pull on the load. This induces an impact load on the rope.
The impact load on starting may be obtained by the impact equation, i.e.
Wst = (W + w) 1 + 1 +
2a × h × Er
σd × l × g
and velocity of the rope (vr) at the instant when the rope is taut,
vr =
2a × h
When there is no slackness in the rope, then h = 0 and vr = 0, therefore
Impact load during starting,
Wst = 2(W + w)
and the corresponding stress,
σst =
2(W + w)
4. Stress due to change in speed.
The additional stress due to change in speed may be obtained in the similar way as discussed above in
which the acceleration is given by
a =
v2 − v1
where (v2 − v1) is the change in speed in m/s and t is the time in seconds.
It may be noted that when the hoist drum is suddenly stopped while lowering the load, it produces a
stress that is several times more than the direct or static stress because of the kinetic energy of the moving
masses is suddenly made zero. This kinetic energy is absorbed by the rope and the resulting stress may
be determined by equating the kinetic energy to the resilience of the rope. If during stopping, the load
moves down a certain distance, the corresponding change of potential energy must be added to the kinetic
energy. It is also necessary to add the work of stretching the rope during stopping, which may be obtained
from the impact stress.
5. Effective stress.
The sum of the direct stress (σd) and the bending stress (σb) is called the effective stress in the rope during
normal working. Mathematically,
Effective stress in the rope during normal working
= σd + σb
Effective stress in the rope during starting
= σst + σb
and effective stress in the rope during acceleration of the load
= σd + σb + σa
While designing a wire rope, the sum of these stresses should be less than the ultimate strength divided
by the factor of safety.
23 Procedure for Designing a Wire Rope
The following procedure may be followed while designing a wire rope.
1. First of all, select a suitable type of rope from Tables 20.6, 20.7, 20.8 and 20.9 for the given application.
2. Find the design load by assuming a factor of safety 2 to 2.5 times the factor of safety given in Table 20.11.
3. Find the diameter of wire rope (d) by equating the tensile strength of the rope selected to the design load.
4. Find the diameter of the wire (d w ) and area of the rope (A) from Table 20.10.
5. Find the various stresses (or loads) in the rope as discussed in Art. 20.22.
6. Find the effective stresses (or loads) during normal working, during starting and during acceleration of the
7. Now find the actual factor of safety and compare with the factor of safety given in Table 20.11. If the
actual factor of safety is within permissible limits, then the design is safe.
24 Examples
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
V belt and rope drives
25 References
1. R.S. KHURMI, J.K. GUPTA, A Textbook Of Machine Design
26 Contacts

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V belt and rope drives

  • 1. Contents 1 Notations 2 2 Types of V-belts and Pulleys 3 3 Standard Pitch Lengths of V-belts 3 4 Advantages and Disadvantages of V-belt Drive over Flat Belt Drive 4 5 Ratio of Driving Tensions for V-belt 5 6 V-flat Drives 6 7 Rope Drives 6 8 Fiber Ropes 6 9 Advantages of Fiber Rope Drives 6 10 Sheave for Fiber Ropes 7 11 Ratio of Driving Tensions for Fiber Rope 7 12 Wire Ropes 7 13 Advantages of Wire Ropes 7 14 Construction of Wire Ropes 8 15 Classification of Wire Ropes 8 16 Designation of Wire Ropes 9 17 Properties of Wire Ropes 9 18 Diameter of Wire and Area of Wire Rope 10 19 Factor of Safety for Wire Ropes 11 20 Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums 11 21 Wire Rope Fasteners 12 22 Stresses in Wire Ropes 12 23 Procedure for Designing a Wire Rope 14 24 Examples 15 25 References 29 26 Contacts 29
  • 2. 1 Notations • R1 = Normal reactions between belts and sides of the groove. • R = Total reaction in the plane of the groove. • µ = Coefficient of friction between the belt and sides of the groove. • W = Load lifted. • w = Weight of the rope. • A = Net cross-sectional area of the rope. • Er = Modulus of elasticity of the wire rope. • dw = Diameter of the wire. • D = Diameter of the sheave or drum. • A = Net cross-sectional area of the rope. • n = The total number of wires in the rope section. • a = Acceleration of the rope and load. • g = Acceleration due to gravity. • h = Slackness in the rope. • l = Length of the rope.
  • 3. 2 Types of V-belts and Pulleys Figure 1: V-Belt and V-grooved pulley. Note: Face width (B) = (n − 1) e + 2 f 3 Standard Pitch Lengths of V-belts According to IS: 2494-1974, the V-belts are designated by its type and nominal inside length. For example, a V-belt of type Aand inside length 914 mm is designated as A914IS: 2494. The standard inside lengths of V-belts in mm are as follows: 610, 660, 711, 787, 813, 889, 914, 965, 991, 1016, 1067, 1092, 1168, 1219, 1295, 1372, 1397, 1422, 1473, 1524,
  • 4. 1600, 1626, 1651, 1727, 1778, 1905, 1981, 2032, 2057, 2159, 2286, 2438, 2464, 2540, 2667, 2845, 3048, 3150, 3251, 3404, 3658, 4013, 4115, 4394, 4572, 4953, 5334, 6045, 6807, 7569, 8331, 9093, 9885, 10 617, 12 141, 13 665, 15 189, 16 713 According to IS: 2494-1974, the pitch length is defined as the circumferential length of the belt at the pitch width (i.e. the width at the neutral axis) of the belt. The value of the pitch width remains constant for each type of belt irrespective of the groove angle. The pitch lengths are obtained by adding to inside length: 36 mm for type A, 43 mm for type B, 56 mm for type C, 79 mm for type D and 92 mm for type E. The following table shows the standard pitch lengths for the various types of belt. Note: The V-belts are also manufactured in non-standard pitch lengths (i.e. in oversize and undersize). The standard pitch length belt is designated by grade number 50. The oversize belts are designated by a grade number more than 50, while the undersize belts are designated by a grade number less than 50. It may be noted that one unit of a grade number represents 2.5 mm in length from nominal pitch length. For example, a V-belt marked A−914−50 denotes a standard belt of inside length 914 mm and a pitch length 950 mm. A belt marked A − 914 − 52 denotes an oversize belt by an amount of (52 − 50) = 2 units of grade number. Since one unit of grade number represents 2.5 mm, therefore the pitch length of this belt will be 950 + 2 × 2.5 = 955 mm. Similarly, a belt marked A − 914 − 48 denotes an undersize belt, whose pitch length will be 950 − 2 × 2.5 = 945 mm. 4 Advantages and Disadvantages of V-belt Drive over Flat Belt Drive Advantages 1. The V-belt drive gives compactness due to the small distance between centers of pulleys. 2. The drive is positive, because the slip between the belt and the pulley groove is negligible. 3. Since the V-belts are made endless and there is no joint trouble, therefore the drive is smooth. 4. It provides longer life, 3 to 5 years. 5. It can be easily installed and removed.
  • 5. 6. The operation of the belt and pulley is quiet. 7. The belts have the ability to cushion the shock when machines are started. 8. The high velocity ratio (maximum 10) may be obtained. 9. The wedging action of the belt in the groove gives high value of limiting ratio of tensions. Therefore the power transmitted by V-belts is more than flat belts for the same coefficient of friction, arc of contact and allowable tension in the belts. 10. The V-belt may be operated in either direction, with tight side of the belt at the top or bottom. The center line may be horizontal, vertical or inclined. Disadvantages 1. The V-belt drive can not be used with large center distances, because of larger weight per unit length. 2. The V-belts are not so durable as flat belts. 3. The construction of pulleys for V-belts is more complicated than pulleys of flat belts. 4. Since the V-belts are subjected to certain amount of creep, therefore these are not suitable for constant speed applications such as synchronous machines and timing devices. 5. The belt life is greatly influenced with temperature changes, improper belt tension and mismatching of belt lengths. 6. The centrifugal tension prevents the use of V-belts at speeds below 5 m/s and above 50 m/s. 5 Ratio of Driving Tensions for V-belt Resolving the reactions vertically to the groove, we have R = R1 sin β + R1 sin β = 2R1 sin β ⇒ R1 = R 2 sin β We know that the frictional force = 2µR1 = 2µ × R 2 sin β = µR sin β = µR csc β the relation between T1 and T2 for the V-belt drive 2.3 log T1 T2 = µθ csc β Figure 2: V-belt with pulley.
  • 6. 6 V-flat Drives In many cases, particularly, when a flat belt is replaced by V-belt, it is economical to use flat-faced pulley, instead of large grooved pulley. The cost of cutting the grooves is thereby eliminated. Such a drive is known as V-flat drive. Figure 3: V-flat drive. 7 Rope Drives The rope drives are widely used where a large amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another, over a considerable distance. It may be noted that the use of flat belts is limited for the transmission of moderate power from one pulley to another when the two pulleys are not more than 8 meters apart. If large amounts of power are to be transmitted, by the flat belt, then it would result in excessive belt cross-section. The ropes drives use the following two types of ropes: 1. Fiber ropes, and 2. Wire ropes. The fiber ropes operate successfully when the pulleys are about 60 meters apart, while the wire ropes are used when the pulleys are upto 150 meters apart. 8 Fiber Ropes The ropes for transmitting power are usually made from fibrous materials such as hemp, manila and cotton. Since the hemp and manila fibres are rough, therefore the ropes made from these fibres are not very flexible and possesses poor mechanical properties. The hemp ropes have less strength as compared to manila ropes. When the hemp and manila ropes are bent over the sheave, there is some sliding of the fibres, causing the rope to wear and chafe internally. In order to minimise this defect, the rope fibres are lubricated with a tar, tallow or graphite. The lubrication also makes the rope moisture proof. The hemp ropes are suitable only for hand operated hoisting machinery and as tie ropes for lifting tackle, hooks etc. The cotton ropes are very soft and smooth. The lubrication of cotton ropes is not necessary. But if it is done, it reduces the external wear between the rope and the grooves of its sheaves. It may be noted that the manila ropes are more durable and stronger than cotton ropes. The cotton ropes are costlier than manila ropes. Notes: 1. The diameter of manila and cotton ropes usually ranges from 38 mm to 50 mm. The size of the rope is usually designated by its circumference or ’girth’. 2. The ultimate tensile breaking load of the fiber ropes varies greatly. For manila ropes, the average value of the ultimate tensile breaking load may be taken as 500 d2 kN and for cotton ropes, it may be taken as 350 d2 kN, where dis the diameter of rope in mm. 9 Advantages of Fiber Rope Drives The fiber rope drives have the following advantages: 1. They give smooth, steady and quiet service. 2. They are little affected by out door conditions. 3. The shafts may be out of strict alignment. 4. The power may be taken off in any direction and in fractional parts of the whole amount. 5. They give high mechanical efficiency.
  • 7. 10 Sheave for Fiber Ropes The fiber ropes are usually circular in cross-section as shown in Fig. 4 (a). The sheave for the fiber ropes, is shown in Fig. 4 (b). The groove angle of the pulley for rope drives is usually 45o . The grooves in the pulleys are made narrow at the bottom and the rope is pinched between the edges of the V-groove to increase the holding power of the rope on the pulley. The grooves should be finished smooth to avoid chafing of the rope. The diameter of the sheaves should be large to reduce the wear on the rope due to internal friction and bending stresses. The proper size of sheave wheels is 40 d and the minimum size is 36 d, where d is the diameter of rope in cm. Note: The number of grooves should not be more than 24. Figure 4: Rope and sheave. 11 Ratio of Driving Tensions for Fiber Rope A fiber rope with a grooved pulley is shown in Fig. 4 (a). The fiber ropes are designed in the similar way as V-belts. The ratio of driving tensions is 2.3 log T1 T2 = µθ csc β 12 Wire Ropes When a large amount of power is to be transmitted over long distances from one pulley to another (i.e. when the pulleys are upto 150 meters apart), then wire ropes are used. The wire ropes are widely used in elevators, mine hoists, cranes, conveyors, hauling devices and suspension bridges. The wire ropes are made from cold drawn wires in order to have increase in strength and durability. It may be noted that the strength of the wire rope increases as its size decreases. The various materials used for wire ropes in order of increasing strength are wrought iron, cast steel, extra strong cast steel, plough steel and alloy steel. For certain purposes, the wire ropes may also be made of copper, bronze, aluminum alloys and stainless steels. 13 Advantages of Wire Ropes The wire ropes have the following advantages as compared to fiber ropes. 1. These are lighter in weight, 2. These offer silent operation, 3. These can withstand shock loads, 4. These are more reliable, 5. These are more durable, 6. They do not fail suddenly, 7. The efficiency is high, and 8. The cost is low.
  • 8. 14 Construction of Wire Ropes The wire ropes are made from various grades of steel wire having a tensile strength ranging from 1200 to 2400 MPa as shown in the following table: The wires are first given special heat treatment and then cold drawn in order to have high strength and durability of the rope. The steel wire ropes are manufactured by special machines. First of all, a number of wires such as 7, 19 or 37 are twisted into a strand and then a number of strands, usually 6 or 8 are twisted about a core or center to form the rope as shown in Fig. 5. The core may be made of hemp, jute, asbestos or a wire of softer steel. The core must be continuously saturated with lubricant for the long life of the core as well as the entire rope. The asbestos or soft wire core is used when ropes are subjected to radiant heat such as cranes operating near furnaces. However, a wire core reduces the flexibility of the rope and thus such ropes are used only where they are subjected to high compression as in the case of several layers wound over a rope drum. Figure 5: Cross-sections of wire rope. 15 Classification of Wire Ropes According to the direction of twist of the individual wires and that of strands, relative to each other, the wire ropes may be classified as follows: 1. Cross or regular lay ropes. In these types of ropes, the direction of twist of wires in the strands is opposite to the direction of twist of the stands, as shown in Fig. 6 (a). Such type of ropes are most popular. 2. Parallel or lang lay ropes. In these type of ropes, the direction of twist of the wires in the strands is same as that of strands in the rope, as shown in Fig. 6 (b). These ropes have better bearing surface but is harder to splice and twists more easily when loaded. These ropes are more flexible and resists wear more effectively. Since such ropes have the tendency to spin, therefore these are used in lifts and hoists with guide ways and also as haulage ropes. 3. Composite or reverse laid ropes. In these types of ropes, the wires in the two adjacent strands are twisted in the opposite direction, as shown in Fig. 6 (c). Figure 6: Wire ropes classified according to the direction of twist of the individual wires.
  • 9. 16 Designation of Wire Ropes The wire ropes are designated by the number of strands and the number of wires in each strand. For example, a wire rope having six strands and seven wires in each strand is designated by 6×7 rope. Following table shows the standard designation of ropes and their applications: 17 Properties of Wire Ropes The following tables show the properties of the various types of wire ropes. In these properties, the diameter of the wire rope (d) is in mm.
  • 10. 18 Diameter of Wire and Area of Wire Rope The following table shows the diameter of wire (dw) and area of wire rope (A) for different types of wire ropes:
  • 11. 19 Factor of Safety for Wire Ropes The factor of safety for wire ropes based on the ultimate strength are given in the following table. 20 Wire Rope Sheaves and Drums The sheave diameter should be fairly large in order to reduce the bending stresses in the ropes when they bend around the sheaves or pulleys. The following table shows the sheave diameters for various types of wire ropes: For light and medium service, the sheaves are made of cast iron, but for heavy crane service they are often made of steel castings. The sheaves are usually mounted on fixed axles on anti-friction bearings or bronze bushings. The small drums in hand hoists are made plain. A hoist operated by a motor or an engine has a drum with helical grooves, as shown in Fig. 7 (b). The pitch (p) of the grooves must be made slightly larger than the rope diameter to avoid friction and wear between the coils. Figure 7:
  • 12. 21 Wire Rope Fasteners The various types of rope fasteners are shown in Fig. 8. The splices in wire ropes should be avoided because it reduces the strength of the rope by 25 to 30 percent of the normal ultimate strength. Figure 8: Types of wire rope fasteners. The efficiencies of various types of fasteners are given in the following table. 22 Stresses in Wire Ropes A wire rope is subjected to the following types of stresses: 1. Direct stress due to axial load lifted and weight of the rope Direct stress, σd = W + w A 2. Bending stress when the rope winds round the sheave or drum. When a wire rope is wound over the sheave, then the bending stresses are induced in the wire which is tensile at the top and compressive at the lower side of the wire. The bending stress induced depends upon many factors such as construction of rope, size of wire, type of center and the amount of restraint in the grooves. The approximate value of the bending stress in the wire as proposed by Reuleaux, is σb = Er × dw D and equivalent bending load on the rope Wb = σb × A = Er × dw × A D It may be noted that Er is not the modulus of elasticity for the wire material, but it is of the entire rope. The value of Er may be taken as 77 kN/mm2 for wrought iron ropes and 84 kN/mm2 for steel ropes. It has been found experimentally that Er = 3/8 E, where E is the modulus of elasticity of the wire material. If σb is the bending stress in each wire, then the load on the whole rope due to bending may be obtained from the following relation, i.e. Wb = π 4 d2 w n × σb
  • 13. 3. Stresses during starting and stopping. During starting and stopping, the rope and the supported load are to be accelerated. This induces additional load in the rope which is given by Wa = W + w g × a and the corresponding stress, σ = W + w g × a A If the time (t) necessary to attain a speed (v) is known, then the value of a is given by a = v/60t The general case of starting is when the rope has a slack (h) which must be overcome before the rope is taut and starts to exert a pull on the load. This induces an impact load on the rope. The impact load on starting may be obtained by the impact equation, i.e. Wst = (W + w) 1 + 1 + 2a × h × Er σd × l × g and velocity of the rope (vr) at the instant when the rope is taut, vr = √ 2a × h When there is no slackness in the rope, then h = 0 and vr = 0, therefore Impact load during starting, Wst = 2(W + w) and the corresponding stress, σst = 2(W + w) A 4. Stress due to change in speed. The additional stress due to change in speed may be obtained in the similar way as discussed above in which the acceleration is given by a = v2 − v1 t where (v2 − v1) is the change in speed in m/s and t is the time in seconds. It may be noted that when the hoist drum is suddenly stopped while lowering the load, it produces a stress that is several times more than the direct or static stress because of the kinetic energy of the moving masses is suddenly made zero. This kinetic energy is absorbed by the rope and the resulting stress may be determined by equating the kinetic energy to the resilience of the rope. If during stopping, the load moves down a certain distance, the corresponding change of potential energy must be added to the kinetic energy. It is also necessary to add the work of stretching the rope during stopping, which may be obtained from the impact stress. 5. Effective stress. The sum of the direct stress (σd) and the bending stress (σb) is called the effective stress in the rope during normal working. Mathematically, Effective stress in the rope during normal working = σd + σb Effective stress in the rope during starting = σst + σb and effective stress in the rope during acceleration of the load = σd + σb + σa While designing a wire rope, the sum of these stresses should be less than the ultimate strength divided by the factor of safety.
  • 14. 23 Procedure for Designing a Wire Rope The following procedure may be followed while designing a wire rope. 1. First of all, select a suitable type of rope from Tables 20.6, 20.7, 20.8 and 20.9 for the given application. 2. Find the design load by assuming a factor of safety 2 to 2.5 times the factor of safety given in Table 20.11. 3. Find the diameter of wire rope (d) by equating the tensile strength of the rope selected to the design load. 4. Find the diameter of the wire (d w ) and area of the rope (A) from Table 20.10. 5. Find the various stresses (or loads) in the rope as discussed in Art. 20.22. 6. Find the effective stresses (or loads) during normal working, during starting and during acceleration of the load. 7. Now find the actual factor of safety and compare with the factor of safety given in Table 20.11. If the actual factor of safety is within permissible limits, then the design is safe.
  • 29. 25 References 1. R.S. KHURMI, J.K. GUPTA, A Textbook Of Machine Design 26 Contacts mohamed.atyya94@eng-st.cu.edu.eg