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About this Presentation
• Resource for entrepreneurs who are creating pitches for
   – Combines content from three blogging venture capitalists

• Statistics
   – 6 ‘must include’ slides (referenced by all three sources)
   – 4 ‘should include’ slides (referenced by two sources)
   – 9 ‘might include’ slides (referenced by just one source

• Compiled by Matt Cutler, mcutler@alum.mit.edu
   – Why? For kicks.
   – Why the ‘minimalist’ design? So you can make it your own.

                       Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE    1
“Three guys with great content and a desire to share it with the world.”

• Brad Feld, Mobius Venture Capital
   – The Torturous World of Powerpoint
   – “The world would be a better place if all entrepreneurs could
     automagically incorporate this outline into their pitches - at least to me.”
• David Cowan, Bessemer Venture Partners
   – How Not to Write a Business Plan
   – “Your presentation should not exceed 10 slides. The appendix can
     include as many slides as you want.”
• Guy Kawasaki, Garage Technology Venures
   – The 10/20/30 Rule of Powerpoint
   – “A PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than
     twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.”

                          Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE                    2
Cover Slide
• Cowan: 1. The cover slide should offer
  complete contact info, and a tagline if
  you've got it.
  – One of the benefits of a Powerpoint plan is
    that it forces you to perform the critical
    exercise of describing the business in very
    few words.

                Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   3
Mission / Vision
•   Feld: 1. What is your vision?
     –   What is your big vision?
     –   What problem are you solving and for whom?
     –   Where do you want to be in the future?

•   Cowan: 2. A mission statement is a good idea to present, unless it's rather obvious
    from the tagline (as in BlueNile.com: Education, Guidance, Diamonds and Fine
    Jewelry). Select a mission statement that is achievable, but not yet achieved.
     –   Bad mission statements:
           •   "To create the world's largest software company." [too broad and unrealistic to practically guide
           •   "To develop the world's best technology for defending DNS servers from worm attacks." [er, you said
               you've already done that, right? Mission accomplished!]
     –   A clear mission statement also includes a clear idea of what the startup will NOT do. Here
         are some nice ones...
           •   "Healthia will operate America's most widely used comparison shopping portal for consumer driven
               healthcare, enabling businesses and their employees to choose health plans, ancillary health
               benefits, and medical services objectively and transparently.“
           •   "Prolexic will create and dominate a new network service category that defends web applications from
               distributed-denial-of-service attacks.“
     –   Sometimes the white space on the slide is filled with customer logos or testimonials.

                                     Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE                                          4
Market / Problem
• Feld: 2. What is your market opportunity and how big is
   – How big is the market opportunity you are pursuing and how fast
     is it growing?
   – How established (or nascent) is the market?
   – Do you have a credible claim on being one of the top two or
     three players in the market?

• Cowan: 4. Without yet getting into your product or
  service, describe the nature of the problem you address.
   – Emphasize the pain level and the inability of incumbents to
     satisfy the need.

• Kawasaki: 1. Problem

                      Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE       5
Product / Solution
• Feld: 3. Describe your product/service
  – What is your product/service?
  – How does it solve your customer’s problem?
  – What is unique about your product/service?

• Cowan: 5. Introduce your product, and the
  benefits (which should obviously address the
  market problem you just described).

• Kawasaki: 2. Your solution

                 Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   6
Underlying Technology
• Cowan: 6. Elaborate on the technology or
  methodology you have developed to
  enable your unique approach.
  – If appropriate, mention patent status.

• Kawasaki: 4. Underlying magic/technology

                Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   7
Target Customer
• Feld: 4. Who is your customer?
  – Who are your existing customers?
  – Who is your target customer?
  – What defines an "ideal" customer prospect?
  – Who actually writes you the check?
  – Use specific customer examples where

               Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   8
Value Proposition
• Feld: 5. What is your value proposition?
  – What is your value proposition to the customer?
  – What kind of ROI can your customer expect by using
    buying your product/service? What pain are you
  – Are you selling vitamins, aspirin or antibiotics? (I.e. a
    luxury, a nice-to-have, or a need-to-have)

                   Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE       9
Selling Strategy
• Feld: 6. How are you selling?
   – What does the sales process look like and how long is the sales
   – How will you reach the target customer? What does it cost to
     "acquire" a customer?
   – What is your sales, marketing and distribution strategy?
   – What is the current sales pipeline?

• Cowan: 8. Sales strategy.
   – Show the expected cost of customer acquisition.

• Kawasaki: 5. Marketing and sales

                      Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE       10
Customer Aquisition
• Feld: 7. How do you acquire customers?
  – What is your cost to acquire a customer?
  – How will this acquisition cost change over
    time and why?
  – What is the lifetime value of a customer?

                Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   11
Management Team
• Feld: 8. Who is your management team?
   – Who is the management team?
   – What is their experience?
   – What pieces are missing and what is the plan for filling them?

• Cowan: 3. Introduce the team.
   – On one slide, highlight the backgrounds of the key members of
     the team, and any directors or advisors (not too many) who bring
     something special to the startup. Explain verbally whom you
     intend to add to the team in the next year. (If that includes a
     CEO, say so up front, without waiting to be asked.)

• Kawasaki: 7. Team

                      Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE          12
Revenue Model
• Feld: 9. What is your revenue model?
  - How do you make money?
  - What is your revenue model?
  - What is required to become profitable?

• Kawasaki: 3. Business model

              Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   13
• Feld: 10. What stage of development are you at?
   – What is your stage of development? Technology/product?
     Team? Financial metrics/revenue?
   – What has been the progress to date (make reality and future
   – What are your future milestones?

• Cowan: 7. Show off early customer or distribution
  progress: numbers, logos, testimonials

• Kawasaki: 9. Status and timeline

                      Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE       14
Funding Plans
• Feld: 11. What are your plans for fund raising?
  – What funds have already been raised?
  – How much money are you raising and at what
  – How will the money be spent?
  – How long will it last and where will the company "be"
    on its milestones progress at that time?
  – How much additional funding do you anticipate raising
    & when?

                  Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   15
• Feld: 12. Who is your competition?
   – Who is your existing & likely competition?
   – Who is adjacent to you (in the market) that could enter your market (and
     compete) or could be a co-opted partner?
   – What are their strengths/weaknesses?
   – Why are you different?

• Cowan: 9. Competitive landscape.
   – Be sure to anticipate competitive responses (before the VC does), and
     never deny that you have competitors, no matter how unique you think
     you are. Really, it's okay to compete. Even against Microsoft (as Flock
     will prove).
   – This is also a good slide on which to show market size estimates.

• Kawasaki: 6. Competition

                        Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE                 16
• Feld: 13. What partnerships do you have?
  – Who are your key distribution and technology
    partners (current & future)?
  – How dependent are you on these partners?

               Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   17
Investor Fit
• Feld: 14. How do you fit with the
  prospective investor?
  – How does this fit w/ the investor’s portfolio
    and expertise?
  – What synergies, competition exist with the
    investor’s existing portfolio?

                 Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   18
• Feld: 15. Other
  – What assumptions are key to the success of
    the business?
  – What "gotchas" could change the business
    overnight? New technologies, new market
    entrants, change in standards or regulations?
  – What are your company’s weak links?

               Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   19
Financials / Projections
• Cowan: 10. Earnings Statement, historical and forecast.
   – For each time period, add headcount and cash balance. It
     should be clear how you expect the company to perform top line
     and bottom line three years out, and how much capital will be
     required now and later.
   – Prepare lots of backup slides to illustrate the assumptions
     behind these financials.
   – Okay, so you might need an 11th or even 12th slide to cover all
     the financials, to describe the follow-on businesses that may
     arise, or to provide a timeline if you have a complex product road

• Kawasaki: 8. Projections and milestones

                      Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE         20
Call to Action
• Kawasaki: 10. Summary and call to action

• Cutler: Good luck! :)
                          Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE   21

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  • 1. About this Presentation • Resource for entrepreneurs who are creating pitches for investors. – Combines content from three blogging venture capitalists • Statistics – 6 ‘must include’ slides (referenced by all three sources) – 4 ‘should include’ slides (referenced by two sources) – 9 ‘might include’ slides (referenced by just one source • Compiled by Matt Cutler, mcutler@alum.mit.edu – Why? For kicks. – Why the ‘minimalist’ design? So you can make it your own. Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 1
  • 2. Sources “Three guys with great content and a desire to share it with the world.” • Brad Feld, Mobius Venture Capital – The Torturous World of Powerpoint – “The world would be a better place if all entrepreneurs could automagically incorporate this outline into their pitches - at least to me.” • David Cowan, Bessemer Venture Partners – How Not to Write a Business Plan – “Your presentation should not exceed 10 slides. The appendix can include as many slides as you want.” • Guy Kawasaki, Garage Technology Venures – The 10/20/30 Rule of Powerpoint – “A PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes, and contain no font smaller than thirty points.” Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 2
  • 3. Cover Slide • Cowan: 1. The cover slide should offer complete contact info, and a tagline if you've got it. – One of the benefits of a Powerpoint plan is that it forces you to perform the critical exercise of describing the business in very few words. Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 3
  • 4. Mission / Vision • Feld: 1. What is your vision? – What is your big vision? – What problem are you solving and for whom? – Where do you want to be in the future? • Cowan: 2. A mission statement is a good idea to present, unless it's rather obvious from the tagline (as in BlueNile.com: Education, Guidance, Diamonds and Fine Jewelry). Select a mission statement that is achievable, but not yet achieved. – Bad mission statements: • "To create the world's largest software company." [too broad and unrealistic to practically guide decision-making] • "To develop the world's best technology for defending DNS servers from worm attacks." [er, you said you've already done that, right? Mission accomplished!] – A clear mission statement also includes a clear idea of what the startup will NOT do. Here are some nice ones... • "Healthia will operate America's most widely used comparison shopping portal for consumer driven healthcare, enabling businesses and their employees to choose health plans, ancillary health benefits, and medical services objectively and transparently.“ • "Prolexic will create and dominate a new network service category that defends web applications from distributed-denial-of-service attacks.“ – Sometimes the white space on the slide is filled with customer logos or testimonials. Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 4
  • 5. Market / Problem • Feld: 2. What is your market opportunity and how big is it? – How big is the market opportunity you are pursuing and how fast is it growing? – How established (or nascent) is the market? – Do you have a credible claim on being one of the top two or three players in the market? • Cowan: 4. Without yet getting into your product or service, describe the nature of the problem you address. – Emphasize the pain level and the inability of incumbents to satisfy the need. • Kawasaki: 1. Problem Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 5
  • 6. Product / Solution • Feld: 3. Describe your product/service – What is your product/service? – How does it solve your customer’s problem? – What is unique about your product/service? • Cowan: 5. Introduce your product, and the benefits (which should obviously address the market problem you just described). • Kawasaki: 2. Your solution Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 6
  • 7. Underlying Technology • Cowan: 6. Elaborate on the technology or methodology you have developed to enable your unique approach. – If appropriate, mention patent status. • Kawasaki: 4. Underlying magic/technology Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 7
  • 8. Target Customer • Feld: 4. Who is your customer? – Who are your existing customers? – Who is your target customer? – What defines an "ideal" customer prospect? – Who actually writes you the check? – Use specific customer examples where possible. Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 8
  • 9. Value Proposition • Feld: 5. What is your value proposition? – What is your value proposition to the customer? – What kind of ROI can your customer expect by using buying your product/service? What pain are you eliminating? – Are you selling vitamins, aspirin or antibiotics? (I.e. a luxury, a nice-to-have, or a need-to-have) Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 9
  • 10. Selling Strategy • Feld: 6. How are you selling? – What does the sales process look like and how long is the sales cycle? – How will you reach the target customer? What does it cost to "acquire" a customer? – What is your sales, marketing and distribution strategy? – What is the current sales pipeline? • Cowan: 8. Sales strategy. – Show the expected cost of customer acquisition. • Kawasaki: 5. Marketing and sales Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 10
  • 11. Customer Aquisition • Feld: 7. How do you acquire customers? – What is your cost to acquire a customer? – How will this acquisition cost change over time and why? – What is the lifetime value of a customer? Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 11
  • 12. Management Team • Feld: 8. Who is your management team? – Who is the management team? – What is their experience? – What pieces are missing and what is the plan for filling them? • Cowan: 3. Introduce the team. – On one slide, highlight the backgrounds of the key members of the team, and any directors or advisors (not too many) who bring something special to the startup. Explain verbally whom you intend to add to the team in the next year. (If that includes a CEO, say so up front, without waiting to be asked.) • Kawasaki: 7. Team Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 12
  • 13. Revenue Model • Feld: 9. What is your revenue model? - How do you make money? - What is your revenue model? - What is required to become profitable? • Kawasaki: 3. Business model Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 13
  • 14. Status • Feld: 10. What stage of development are you at? – What is your stage of development? Technology/product? Team? Financial metrics/revenue? – What has been the progress to date (make reality and future clear)? – What are your future milestones? • Cowan: 7. Show off early customer or distribution progress: numbers, logos, testimonials • Kawasaki: 9. Status and timeline Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 14
  • 15. Funding Plans • Feld: 11. What are your plans for fund raising? – What funds have already been raised? – How much money are you raising and at what valuation? – How will the money be spent? – How long will it last and where will the company "be" on its milestones progress at that time? – How much additional funding do you anticipate raising & when? Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 15
  • 16. Competition • Feld: 12. Who is your competition? – Who is your existing & likely competition? – Who is adjacent to you (in the market) that could enter your market (and compete) or could be a co-opted partner? – What are their strengths/weaknesses? – Why are you different? • Cowan: 9. Competitive landscape. – Be sure to anticipate competitive responses (before the VC does), and never deny that you have competitors, no matter how unique you think you are. Really, it's okay to compete. Even against Microsoft (as Flock will prove). – This is also a good slide on which to show market size estimates. • Kawasaki: 6. Competition Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 16
  • 17. Partnerships • Feld: 13. What partnerships do you have? – Who are your key distribution and technology partners (current & future)? – How dependent are you on these partners? Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 17
  • 18. Investor Fit • Feld: 14. How do you fit with the prospective investor? – How does this fit w/ the investor’s portfolio and expertise? – What synergies, competition exist with the investor’s existing portfolio? Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 18
  • 19. Other • Feld: 15. Other – What assumptions are key to the success of the business? – What "gotchas" could change the business overnight? New technologies, new market entrants, change in standards or regulations? – What are your company’s weak links? Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 19
  • 20. Financials / Projections • Cowan: 10. Earnings Statement, historical and forecast. – For each time period, add headcount and cash balance. It should be clear how you expect the company to perform top line and bottom line three years out, and how much capital will be required now and later. – Prepare lots of backup slides to illustrate the assumptions behind these financials. – Okay, so you might need an 11th or even 12th slide to cover all the financials, to describe the follow-on businesses that may arise, or to provide a timeline if you have a complex product road map. • Kawasaki: 8. Projections and milestones Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 20
  • 21. Call to Action • Kawasaki: 10. Summary and call to action • Cutler: Good luck! :) Copyright 2006, YOUR COMPANY NAME HERE 21