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Making the Right
Choice for Checkout
With eCommerce growing at four times the rate of traditional commerce, it’s critical that paying
online is as easy as shopping in a brick-and-mortar store. A fast and easy online checkout
experience is key to getting customers from shopping cart to purchase. A new comScore study
shows that Visa Checkout is more effective than other checkout options in converting shoppers
into buyers. Greater conversion means increased sales. With such a direct benefit to an online
retailer’s bottom line, it’s clear that the time to adopt Visa Checkout is now.
Visa Checkout Helps Consumers
Speed through Checkout Faster
Single Sign-in Faster Checkout
Customers enter card and address information one
time when creating a Visa Checkout account. Once
the account has been created, a customer simply
enters her username and password. It’s just a few
clicks and she’s done!
Did You Know That...?
…Visa Checkout conversion rates from the merchant
shopping cart are higher than those for either PayPal
Express Checkout or traditional checkout.1
Visa Checkout enrolled customers
completed 69% of transactions
from the shopping cart.1
The difference is clear: Visa
Checkout enrolled customers
achieve 17 percentage points
higher lift in conversion rate
compared to PayPal Express
Checkout customers.
PayPal Express Checkout
customers have a 49%
higher conversion rate
when compared to
traditional checkout
say sign-up
was easy2
Visa Checkout enrolled customers
completed transactions from the
shopping cart page 22% faster than
did customers using a merchant’s
traditional checkout process1
VISA CHECKOUT conversion
Visa Checkout provides an easy and secure
purchase experience for customers…
…and Visa
want to
return for
Visa Checkout Customers are Highly
Active Online and are Likely to Shop
The Demographics1
Visa Checkout customers are highly
active in visiting online shopping sites.
are satisfied with
their experience
and say they are
likely to continue
using Visa Checkout2
96% feel
secure making a
purchase with
Visa Checkout2
95% 96%
Skew toward women, aged 25 – 44,
with two children in the household
Consumers with a diverse
range of incomes
Represent a wide range of
ethnicities and geographies
They spend more time online, and consume more content.
Visa Checkout customers spent 46 hours online and viewed
more than 4,000 pages of content in December, 20141
expressing a passion for information.
Compared to overall customers, Visa Checkout customers have significantly more page views
on average at shopping-related sites, particularly in retail (especially apparel and department
stores), technology, education, health, and lifestyle (particularly food) categories.
lift for Visa
compared to
total customers1
Difference in
comparison to
total customers
Difference in
comparison to
total customers
VISA CHECKOUT customers 46 hours
TOTAL customers 38 hours
1 / comScore 2015 Visa Checkout Study, commissioned by Visa. Based on data from the
comScore research panel of one million U.S. PC/laptop users, August-December 2014.
2 / Millward Brown Visa Checkout Customer Experience, March, 2015; commissioned by
Visa. Based on data from an online survey of 1,241 U.S. consumers.
VISA CHECKOUT customers 4,372 pages
TOTAL customers 3,466 pages
hours per customer1
pages visited per customer1
Visa Checkout enrolled
customers have a 66%
higher conversion rate
when compared to
traditional checkout
The average transaction size for
Visa Checkout orders is 7% higher
than non-Visa Checkout orders
among retail and travel sites studied.1

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  • 1. Making the Right Choice for Checkout With eCommerce growing at four times the rate of traditional commerce, it’s critical that paying online is as easy as shopping in a brick-and-mortar store. A fast and easy online checkout experience is key to getting customers from shopping cart to purchase. A new comScore study shows that Visa Checkout is more effective than other checkout options in converting shoppers into buyers. Greater conversion means increased sales. With such a direct benefit to an online retailer’s bottom line, it’s clear that the time to adopt Visa Checkout is now. Visa Checkout Helps Consumers Speed through Checkout Faster Single Sign-in Faster Checkout Customers enter card and address information one time when creating a Visa Checkout account. Once the account has been created, a customer simply enters her username and password. It’s just a few clicks and she’s done! Did You Know That...? …Visa Checkout conversion rates from the merchant shopping cart are higher than those for either PayPal Express Checkout or traditional checkout.1 Visa Checkout enrolled customers completed 69% of transactions from the shopping cart.1 The difference is clear: Visa Checkout enrolled customers achieve 17 percentage points higher lift in conversion rate compared to PayPal Express Checkout customers. FASTER PayPal Express Checkout customers have a 49% higher conversion rate when compared to traditional checkout customers1 95% say sign-up was easy2 Visa Checkout enrolled customers completed transactions from the shopping cart page 22% faster than did customers using a merchant’s traditional checkout process1 VISA CHECKOUT conversion TRADITIONAL CHECKOUT conversion Visa Checkout provides an easy and secure purchase experience for customers… …and Visa Checkout customers want to return for more shopping Visa Checkout Customers are Highly Active Online and are Likely to Shop The Demographics1 Visa Checkout customers are highly active in visiting online shopping sites. are satisfied with their experience and say they are likely to continue using Visa Checkout2 96% feel secure making a purchase with Visa Checkout2 95% 96% Skew toward women, aged 25 – 44, with two children in the household Consumers with a diverse range of incomes Represent a wide range of ethnicities and geographies They spend more time online, and consume more content. Visa Checkout customers spent 46 hours online and viewed more than 4,000 pages of content in December, 20141 expressing a passion for information. Compared to overall customers, Visa Checkout customers have significantly more page views on average at shopping-related sites, particularly in retail (especially apparel and department stores), technology, education, health, and lifestyle (particularly food) categories. Pages/visitor lift for Visa Checkout customers compared to total customers1 Difference in comparison to total customers Difference in comparison to total customers VISA CHECKOUT customers 46 hours TOTAL customers 38 hours Sources 1 / comScore 2015 Visa Checkout Study, commissioned by Visa. Based on data from the comScore research panel of one million U.S. PC/laptop users, August-December 2014. 2 / Millward Brown Visa Checkout Customer Experience, March, 2015; commissioned by Visa. Based on data from an online survey of 1,241 U.S. consumers. VISA CHECKOUT customers 4,372 pages TOTAL customers 3,466 pages hours per customer1 pages visited per customer1 PAYPAL EXPRESS CHECKOUT conversion Visa Checkout enrolled customers have a 66% higher conversion rate when compared to traditional checkout customers1 CONFIRMED The average transaction size for Visa Checkout orders is 7% higher than non-Visa Checkout orders among retail and travel sites studied.1 +68% FOOD +20% HEALTH +38% FAMILY & PARENTING +51% JEWELRY, LUXURY GOODS, ACCESSORIES +42% SOCIAL MEDIA +11% DEPARTMENT STORES +37% APPAREL +84% TECHNOLOGY +93% HOTEL/RESORTS +45% RETAIL USERNAME PASSWORD