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Data, trends and best practice
In partnership with




	 4	Introduction
		 About Velti
	 6	Forewords
		 From Velti
		 From Econsultancy
	 7	 Consumer Data: The Case for Mobile
	 8	 Mobile penetration and use grows
	 9	 Tablets become the screen of choice
	 10	 Marketers need to cater for an multichannel world
	16	 The Business Landscape
	20	 Best Practice Advice
	 21	 Five steps to mobile success
	 23	 Measurement for mobile
	 24	 Mobile tactics for your marketing funnel
	25	 Case Studies
	 26	 Vodafone Freebies
	 26	 Walkers Homegrown
	 27	 Samsung Hope Relay
	28	 How Velti Can Help You
	 28	 Strategy in action


Introduction2013 ushers in a new age of consumer preference, consumer habits and
consumer devices. The focus for marketers should be the same as it has
always been, on the customer. Mobile marketing has made it through
the Wild West and we are delighted to see positive and wide adoption
in the industry.
We have seen a surge of interest from brands investing time, thought
and resources into their mobilisation efforts. Brands from all of our
sectors have sought advice on mobile best practice, and due to the
demand, we are delighted to share some of that expertise. Our research
combines leading industry statistics, primary data and analytics from our
own Velti platforms.
To fully understand how the end consumers are using their devices, we
are delighted to have partnered with Velti, the leading mobile marketing
and advertising agency, to provide truly actionable insights to help you
formulate an effective and accountable mobile strategy.


About Velti
Velti is the leading global provider of mobile marketing and advertising
technology solutions that enable brands to implement highly targeted,
interactive and measurable campaigns by communicating with and
engaging consumers via their mobile devices.
Velti’s experience in mobile spans all sectors and global regions, whilst
their solutions cover the full end-to-end mobilisation journey, from initial
activation to mobile customer acquisition through to retention strategies.
They work with their clients to educate, optimise and inspire the use of
the mobile channel and ultimately grow their revenues.
Our clients include:
and MNOs
Gaming and


6 www.velti.co.uk
From Velti
As a business we aim to innovate, explore and
share groundbreaking best practice to ensure that
we help our clients capitalise efficiently on the
mobile channel. The mobile landscape is complex
and our team of dedicated strategic planners and
analysts are committed to sharing both internal
and external knowledge to advance your own
marketing strategies in 2013.
Just two in 10 of our sample* stated that they
are 100% mobile, while a significant 45% of
respondents stated that they need to do more or
don’t do anything on the channel. This means that
there is still much work to be done in our industry
to assist brands in their mobilisation efforts and
revenue growth activities.
We look forward to hearing about your plans and
ideas for the channel of choice in 2013.
Best Regards
Barry Houlihan
General Manager
Velti Western Europe
From Econsultancy
Over the past few years, a cliché within marketing
has been “This is the year of the mobile”, or more
recently in a desperate plea for attention, “This year
is really the year of the mobile”.
In my opinion, such comments are not helpful.
They present mobile as a transient consumer
trend or fashionable term which can be dropped
into conversation to win budgets and convince
organisations to take action.
The reality is that mobile is now already entrenched
within consumer behaviours and decision making.
Over half the population in the UK and the US
own a smartphone and 65% of all online activities
begin on a smartphone.1 With PC sales plummeting,
mobile devices are already the default way for
most consumers to access and gain information on
digital products and services.
Despite this, the research revealed by Velti in this
document shows that the majority of marketers are
spending 5% or less of their efforts on mobile.
I hope the data, insights and best practice tips
presented in this document will spur you and your
organisation to take action and take advantage
of the opportunity presented by the new digital
Andrew Warren-Payne
Senior Research Analyst


Mobile devices facilitate consumer interactions with your brand at
any time or place convenient to them, and with over 14,000 different
smart devices and tablets in use, interactions on the mobile channel
are increasingly critical moments in the customer journey. Ensuring
that these experiences remain positive should be at the centre of your
mobile strategy.
Consumer expectation has soared in recent years. Consumers now
demand brands to be uniformly presented regardless of access points
and oversight has meant many brands falling behind their full potential.
The successful implementation of many brands’ mobile strategies
(including Facebook and Amazon) has been a positive step in the right
direction for the industry. However, despite undeniable adoption of
smart devices by global consumers, marketers have been relatively
slow to fully realise the potential of the opportunity presented. With
the imminent rollout of 4G services, the ever-increasing presence of a
variety of devices and screen sizes, Tablet, Phablet (ie. phones so large
they are almost like tablets, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note) and
even Laplets (Laptop/Tablet hybrids such as Windows Surface), it is vital
to understand the role these devices play and how to best adapt your
marketing strategy to become truly multi channel.
The connected consumer now uses a variety of devices to research
and complete even simpler purchases. They expect a great brand
experience on every channel, platform or device, and they expect to be
able to switch between them seamlessly. Anything less is a poor brand
experience. Many brands state they have tried mobile but customers
only use it to brand their product not purchase. Chances are
what this really means is that most brands have not been
optimised for mobile.
Consumer Data:
The Case for Mobile


8 www.velti.co.uk
Mobile penetration and use grows
Mobile devices have rapidly become an
integral part of our everyday lives
A recent survey by the insurer Endsleigh reports that 32% of us
would be more willing to go without alcohol for a month than
lose our mobile phone, with 24% of respondents believing that
losing their phone would be detrimental to their mental health.
Nielsen reports a 97% mobile phone penetration in the UK,
with 64% of these being ‘smartphones’.
A year ago, smartphone penetration in the UK tipped over the
50% mark, making ownership irrefutably ‘mainstream’ for the
first time. At the end of 2013, penetration levels were close to
two-thirds of the population. That has changed the way brands
can communicate.
Smartphone use is a global phenomenon
This phenomenon isn’t contained within the UK. Smartphone
penetration in the EU5 has crossed over into the mainstream
at 57%, which is higher than the respective penetration rate
of the United States (54%). Meanwhile, rates are lower in
Germany (51%) and Italy (53%).
Key facts about global mobile use
•	 Over 712 million smartphones were shipped globally
in 2012 according to IDC – a 45% increase on 2011.
•	 Lower-cost smartphones made by Huawei and ZTC
are helping to fuel this trend in emerging markets.
Android becomes the dominant smartphone
operating system
The rising success of Android has altered the landscape of
mobile operating systems. Android now outpaces iOS sales by
two to one, and this trend is increasing. Already, penetration of
Android smartphones is close to 50%.
53.0% 52.6%
Market Share
in the UK
Smartphone penetration
97%mobile phone penetration in the UK,
of which are


www.velti.co.uk 9
Tablets become the screen of choice
Tablet penetration has also doubled since 2011, and the increased competition from cheap
alternatives has undoubtedly helped to fuel this growth. The rapid adoption of tablet devices
has fragmented the mobile landscape and there are notable differences in user characteristics
between the two mediums. Mobiles are highly personal, while tablets are often shared. The
majority of tablets are WiFi-only and used mainly at home.
Tablets to replace PCs and laptops as the
device of consumer choice
With IDC reporting a near 14% drop in PC and laptop sales in
the first quarter of 2013, it’s likely that beyond handheld mobile
devices, the tablet will be the primary device through which
the majority of consumers will interact digitally with brands. By
2017, it’s expected that annual tablet shipments will exceed
350 million, significantly in excess of the 300 million PCs
currently shipped annually. Consumers are migrating to the
portable device fast.
Key facts about tablet penetration
•	 Close to 53 million tablets were sold worldwide in Q4
2012, a 75% increase YoY.
•	 From Q4 2011 to the same period in 2012, Samsung
and Asus had the biggest growth but Apple is still in
the lead.
•	 Tablets sold globally in Q4 2012:
–	22.9 million iPads
–	7.9 million Samsung devices
–	3.1 million Asus devices
The switch from desktop and laptop devices to tablet has
been accelerated by a number of factors. Manufacturers are
increasingly seeing the value of creating smaller and cheaper
tablet devices as these are lower cost. In addition, larger
tablets are less portable while their heavier weight makes
them less comfortable to use for prolonged periods of time.
4Q12/4Q11 Growth in Tablets
– global data
24% 24%
Tablet penetration


10 www.velti.co.uk
Tablets become the second screen of the family
With their ease of use, long battery life and high-quality user
experiences, tablets are well used in the homes of consumers.
Rather than desktop devices, which are more likely to be
confined to a single location, tablets can be moved around the
house and used for a multitude of tasks.
One phenomenon that’s occurred with the rise of smartphones
and tablets is that of ‘second screening’. This is the use of
tablets while watching TV or another device. In the UK, 24%
of consumers do this several times a day. The activities being
performed during second screening are broad and occur both
sequentially, as we start tasks on one device and continue on
another, and simultaneously, as we watch two screens at the
same time. There’s a vital link between traditional consumer
engagement with brand advertising and mobile search; and
of course hard wiring ads to devices with Shortcodes to drive
customer response levels.
In addition to second-screening, tablets are used to access
television content. UK consumers are the most likely in the
world to access television content over the internet ahead of
the US. This is encouraged by the early arrival and success of
products such as BBC iPlayer.
By understanding second-screening behaviour, marketers
have a unique opportunity to tailor campaigns in an integrated
fashion. TV no longer commands our full attention – for half
of us, ‘lean back’ now has a ‘sit forward’ component, which
provides an opportunity to engage with consumers in a
timely and relevant fashion through the channels available to
them via a tablet device, but given the range of screen sizes
many brands are coming unstuck by relying on their website
experience to render to tablet.
•	 The tablet is not confined to one room in the house. It is well
shared and well liked
•	 Tablets are used for email and gaming, with levels of
shopping twice that of a smartphone
•	 Tablets can empower better conversion rate through
touchable and swipe-able content
•	 Multi-screening consumer behaviour is both sequential and
Key facts about second screening
•	 78% of UK TV viewers simultaneously use a
smartphone while watching television in a typical day
•	 80% of UK tablet owners do the same (but as yet,
fewer owners).
Simultaneous use of Tablet
while watching TV
Top Activities performed during
simultaneous screen usage
Social Networking
Playing a Game


www.velti.co.uk 11
Tablet behaviour is different to that on smartphones
The characteristics of tablet devices compared with
smartphones means that consumer behaviour is markedly
different between the two. In particular, consumers appear
to be more willing to shop on tablets (4 in 10) than on
smartphones (2 in 10); but this still means that 6 in 10 people
shop on mobile devices
The creation of mobile-optimised shopping experiences,
which take full advantage of the larger screen and touchability
provided by the tablet, along with the time of day a tablet is
most likely to be used (ie. at home in the evening), mean that
retailers will often see significantly higher conversion rates
from tablet than from mobile devices; these mobile optimised
experiences will also serve users who shop on smartphones
Key facts about tablet behaviour
vs. smartphone behaviour
•	 The survey showed 67% of tablet and smartphone
shoppers only use apps for their favourite stores.
79% 78%
20% 20%
For which of the following do you
typically use a tablet / smartphone?


12 www.velti.co.uk
Marketers need to cater for a
multichannel world
Although the trends and statistics present a strong case for developing a valuable user
experience on smartphone and tablet devices, the reality is that the use of these does not exist in
a vacuum. Although digital has often being quoted as the disrupting factor in creating non-linear
customer journeys, customers have always carried out their purchasing decisions in complex and
unique ways.
Companies need to cater to multi-device
user journeys
Today’s reality is that many consumer purchase decisions
cross multiple devices, and research from Google shows that
smartphones are the most common way in which consumers
start their online activities.
Key facts about multi-device journeys
•	 When shopping, sequential multi-screening and
channel threading is commonplace.
•	 67% reported they start a shopping activity on one
device and continue on another.
•	 Mobile is the most common starting point for
shopping activity.
65%start on a
continue on a
continue on a
25%start on a
continue on a
continue on a
65%start on a
continue on a


www.velti.co.uk 13
Selling effectively means reaching the right person at the right time at the right place –
and on the right device
Users typically use devices differently depending on a number
of factors, including time of day, their position in the buying
cycle, where they are physically located (eg. home, work or
travelling) and the product which they are researching.
Marketers should look to provide a customer experience
that adjusts and accommodates for the variation in content
consumption and buying behaviour by device, time and place.
The chart below illustrates how device behaviour changes
depending on both the time of day and also whether or not
it is a weekend. Weekends and evenings generally see an
increase in the amount of time people spend on mobile
devices, particularly on tablets such as the iPad.
The reason for this increase mainly comes down to the fact
that these are the times when people are likely to be finished
with work and therefore using mobile devices either while
travelling or commuting, while out and about, or relaxing in the
home. Marketers should take advantage of these behaviours
by timing their efforts accordingly using mobile media to
maximise at its peak times and geofence to find consumers
in the right place.
Another change caused by the shift to mobile is that marketers
can more effectively geo-target their ad campaigns to only hit
those who are in the right place at the right time. For example,
local retailers can choose to have their campaigns display only
to people within a certain distance of their store and when the
store is actually open.
Key tips to target
multichannel customers
•	 Ensure your digital properties are mobile-ready.
Conduct user experience testing in order to make
sure your customers can conduct key tasks on an
array of devices.
•	 Experiment with custom-ad scheduling to show
mobile ads/SEO/PPC (both display, paid search and
more) at the times of day when up to 60% of your
customers are most likely to engage effectively with
•	 Post on social media when your consumers are most
likely to engage. Often this means in the evenings
and at the weekend.
•	 Take account of the changing pattern of consumer
behaviour throughout the day and week. Target your
mobile efforts accordingly.


14 www.velti.co.uk
ROPO and ‘showrooming’ become the way consumers like to shop
Another effect caused by the proliferation of mobile devices
are the phenomena of the ‘ROPO effect’ and ‘showrooming’.
ROPO refers to when consumers ‘research online and
purchase offline’ while ‘showrooming’ is where consumers
look to inspect products in-store before purchasing them at a
lower price online.
Research from Econsultancy shows that this trend is significant,
with a survey of 1,000 UK and US consumers showing that
more than 90% use the internet to research products and
services before buying at a local store, while 43% of UK
consumers and 50% of US consumers said that they had used
their mobile to compare prices and look up product reviews
while out shopping.
With the number of people owning smartphones still increasing
and the most successful bricks and mortar stores gaining more
of their income from digital than ever before, retailers who do
not adapt to this change in consumer behaviour are likely to
find themselves in a precarious position.
Key steps to accommodate for ROPO
and ‘showrooming’ behaviours
•	 Facilitate ROPO behaviour by offering click-and-
collect services, prominent telephone numbers on
mobile websites, and easy-to-use store finders which
can make use of GPS-enabled smartphones.
•	 Include mobile-relevant calls to action in-store –
these can include QR codes and shortened for apps
and websites, product reviews, videos and more.
•	 Use mobile coupons, SMS codes rewards points and
geo-targeted ads to drive mobile users to purchase,
whether in-store or online.
•	 Provide a customer experience that cannot be
undercut – while pureplays such as Amazon may
be able to undercut competitors on price, providing
a stress-free and enjoyable customer experience
can assist in acquiring and retaining customers who
place a premium on a quality shopping experience.
90%of consumers use the internet to
research products and services
before buying at a local store


www.velti.co.uk 15
The actions of GAFA shape the way consumers and businesses adapt to the mobile and
multichannel world
Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (collectively referred to
as GAFA) represent the four most powerful companies within
the digital world. Despite the fact that all come from different
roots, their activities are beginning to converge and overlap
in a way that has significant effects for all as digital becomes
a more integral part of consumers’ everyday personal and
professional lives.
Very few companies have the ability to directly compete
against GAFA in the areas in which they excel. Rather,
companies should be looking to harness the way that their
products and services provide them with ways to interact
and engage with their customers, while staying abreast of
developments that may cause damage to their business.
Such changes that have caught companies out include:
•	 Operating system changes in Android and iOS, leading
to higher than expected costs for app development and
•	 The removal of free product listings within Google Shopping,
changes to algorithms and the deployment of ‘Enhanced
•	 Changes to Facebook’s news feed algorithm, reducing
the opportunity for low cost and wide reach, placing a
requirement on paid advertising.
•	 The emergence of competitors selling similar products on
Amazon Marketplace.
In short, companies should ensure that they are not dependent
on any single GAFA-powered customer acquisition or retention
channel. They should look to diversify the ways in which they
reach and engage with their customer base so that any rapid
changes will not place them in harm’s way.
Key facts about GAFA and
•	 Google has a 95% share of the mobile search market
and they pay Apple in the region of $1bn a year to be
the default search on iOS devices.
•	 Google collects 57% of mobile ad revenue in the
United States while Facebook, its nearest competitor,
gets just 9%.
•	 Google are no longer doing ‘mobile-only’ ads. By
launching ‘Enhanced Campaigns’, all campaigns
must now target tablet/desktop-only or all devices
(mobile plus tablet/desktop).
Collects Just
Mobile Ad revenue
collected by
Google in the US


As smartphone penetration rapidly increases and more and more retail brands
add mobile to their strategy, you probably don’t want to be the one left behind
trying to catch up with the latest trends.
Many organisations have woven online into their customer strategy and many
have been weaving social into their mix but few have mobile at the heart of
everything they do.
As shown in the previous section,
consumer behaviour is changing so
rapidly that it requires constant innovation
and investment. With 65% of shopping
journeys starting with a mobile device
channel threading (customer journeys
spanning multiple devices) commonplace,
and simultaneous screening and mobile
retail sales still growing exponentially,
almost every business has a strong
business case for investment in mobile.
Velti’s survey has found that investment
into mobile has slightly increased in
recent years, with 2% more brands now
allocating between 5% and 15% of their
marketing budget into mobile. This, along
with the fact that 6% more brands have
turned 100% mobile, indicates that mobile
is now a core part of most organisations’
Additional responses that will help
you build your confidence towards the
mobile approach of your business and its
potential ROI, are the following metrics
which a sound mobile strategy can help to
•	 62% know what tasks their customers
perform on their mobile devices
•	 54% are acquiring new customers
through mobile
•	 50% feel they do as much as their
competitors on mobile
•	 49% state that mobile is delivering extra
With these in mind, it goes without
saying that adding mobile to your online
and traditional media strategy will help
you create a match for your customers
behaviours, enhance your relationship
with them, turning them into your brand
devotees and sell more products.
It is forecasted that the strong investment
levels in mobile will continue through
the rest of the year, so make sure you
take good advantage of the time left
and develop the most suitable mobile
solutions for your audience strategy.
The Changing
Business Landscape


www.velti.co.uk 17
How mobile is your brand?
4% Don’t know
We don’t do
We need to do
more / We’ve
scratched the
Doing it well
with a few gaps
We’re 100%
Brand activation shows promising growth, with 40% of brand
respondents stating that they were proficient with their
mobilisation. However, this leaves the majority of respondents
(59.3%) who felt that they needed to do a lot more.
Surprisingly, only 27% of respondents were utilising the mobile
channel to acquire new customers. Mobile is a fantastic
channel to merge your offline marketing efforts with traceable
digital interactions through Shortcodes and messaging to
activate mobile sites and app downloads Advances in geo-
locational technology and the proliferation of smartphone
devices into the consumer landscape have meant also smarter
targeting, faster response time and, importantly, accountable
revenue increases.
What share of your marketing effort is
devoted to mobile marketing?
The data from our survey shows that the majority of companies
(53%) are only dedicating a small fraction of their marketing
efforts to mobile. With smartphone penetration on the rise
and mobile often being the most frequently used digital
channel by consumers, the proportion of marketers spending
more time on their mobile marketing efforts will have to grow
substantially over the coming years.
Key steps to make your brand
more mobile
•	 Segment your analytics to investigate the differences
between mobile and non-mobile traffic. Use this
insight to exploit mobile strengths such as more
local content, and counter weaknesses such as non-
mobile optimised checkouts. Velti can help with this.
•	 Consider older techniques such as SMS to increase
brand loyalty. SMS codes can be used to track the
effectiveness of such campaigns. They are still
massive functions in mobile utility (8 billion external
messages per annum in the UK).
•	 Exploit lower advertising costs on mobile channels as
a tool to lower your customer acquisition costs.


18 www.velti.co.uk
What do you know about the impact of
Although our data indicates there is a clear acknowledgement
that brands on the whole need to do a lot more on the mobile
channel, current investments tell a different story. Only 33.3%
of respondents indicated that over 15% of their marketing
budget was invested in the mobile channel.
Key tips to get ahead of the curve
•	 Most marketers are behind the curve when it comes to mobile. By investing now, you will be reaping the rewards in the
coming months and years as customers place even more importance on a quality mobile experience. Early adopters
will gain critical mobile market share.
•	 Adopt an agile approach to mobile development and improvement. This will allow you to move quickly with rapid
changes in the market.
•	 Consider the whole customer journey when justifying the mobile business case – looking from a last-click perspective
will most likely undervalue the channel massively. Investigate analytics tools which will enable you to form a more
accurate picture of how journeys across devices are part of the customer journey.
•	 Don’t expect your web and e-Commerce platform to work on mobile and tablet devices.
Key tips to get ahead of the curve
•	 Perform mobile user experience testing to
understand how customers use your site and
e-Commerce services on mobile.
•	 Ensure key tasks such as mobile checkout, locating
a phone number and store search can be completed
with ease on mobile by testing them across multiple
•	 Make sure that your mobile experience at least
matches that offered by your competitors. Remember
it only takes one click for a user to leave your site.
•	 Mobile KPIs and ROI estimates need to be predicated
upon mobile specific activities, not with generic
digital marketing milestones. Understand how these
contribute to the broader marketing picture.
•	 Start building a mobile opt in database for


www.velti.co.uk 19
How significant do you think the following
trends will be over the next 12 months?
1% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% 3% 2% 5% 3% 5% 8% 16%
Significant Somewhat
Not at all
4% 7% 9% 16% 12% 19% 12% 24%
19% 21% 18%
25% 36%
34% 44% 44% 47%
51% 52%
47% 48%
32% 32%
Customer Engagement, Mobile Web and Mobile Payments
are highlighted as the top three trends our respondents
felt would be very significant over the next 12 months.
Interestingly, the core elements of the mobile mix have not
changed significantly since our last survey, indicating that last
year’s uncertainties regarding best practice have not yet been
On a scale of 1 to 3 how worried are you
about the impact of each of the following
issues on your business?
Mobile broadband
Mobile messaging
Mobile data warehousing
Location based services
Geo targeting
Mobile convergence
Operating systems
New rich media formats
The role of MNOs (Operators)
Mobile payments
The value of mobile as a channel
The standard of delivery from the
mobile industry
Customer adoption and insight
The shape of the mobile landscape
over the next 24 months
Evolving and new technology
Not at all worried
Somewhat concerned
Extremely worried
Marketers were also asked to list how worried they were about
a number of topics within mobile. The survey revealed that
areas that were significantly ambiguous or unclear were those
most likely to cause concern. New technology, The shape of
the mobile landscape over the next 24 months and The value
of mobile as a channel were all areas in which one in five or
more marketers said they were ‘extremely worried’.
While the speed of change in the digital (and especially
mobile) landscape can be daunting, there are ways of handling
it. Make sure you keep testing and experimenting to ensure
constant incremental improvement. Adopt agile development
practices to respond quickly to change. Look at how your
customers use and engage with your brand to gain insight that
will enable you to take action.
How to use mobile trends
to drive your efforts forward
•	 Audit your own mobile efforts across the trends that
are coming up. See how well you engage with your
customers through mobile, how your site performs in
different mobile browsers, and what mobile-enabled
payment methods you are offering.
•	 Analyse how your competitors are also behaving in
this space Keep an eye on how they are coping with
emerging trends.
•	 Identify which quick wins you can achieve to
make progress in these areas. For more detailed
progress, create a roadmap that you can implement
as the situation changes. Again, by taking an agile
approach, you can react swiftly to changes in
mobile and adapt existing products and services to
changing circumstances.




www.velti.co.uk 21
Five steps to mobile success
As the data from our survey of marketers has shown, few companies are putting significant
resource into their mobile marketing efforts, despite the growing impact of mobile devices on
consumer behaviour and the huge penetration levels.
To get you ahead of the field, Velti have put together this mobile checklist to help you assess
your own organisation and how mobile-ready you are.
1  Carry out a mobile audit
Before you begin any work on mobilising your business, you
should form a robust understanding of where you are now and
how you are providing services to your mobile clients.
Key questions to ask include:
•	 How many customers are trying to interact with your brand
through mobile? How is this growing over time?
•	 What do your customers want from your brand/business on
•	 What key tasks do you need your customers to achieve on
mobile? Can they achieve these across multiple devices?
•	 What is your revenue and customer acquisition from mobile?
These are just some of the questions you should be asking,
but the key requirement is to form a set of quantitative
and qualitative benchmark against which progress and
improvement can be measured. The audit will also reveal
the strengths and weaknesses of your brand on mobile, and
enable you to divert resources accordingly.
Did you know?
•	 SMS campaigns can start from as little as 2.2p
per message*. With a sizeable opted-in database,
this can be a powerful addition to any campaign.
Sending a URL link embedded in an SMS can create
significant click through.
2 Test and improve the mobile
customer journey
Are you providing an elegant mobile journey for customers?
Have you mobilised all touchpoints? Far too often, we see
brands either diverting to non-optimised websites or sending
out non-responsive emails which don’t render to match the
device format. What about your application? Is this just a
replication of your mobile website?
Key steps to follow include:
•	 Compare bounce rates and exit pages on mobile versus
desktop traffic. This could reveal certain places where the
customer falls out of the journey. Make sure they fall out
because they have what they need (eg. a telephone number
or store location) rather than because your site failed them.
•	 Check ad campaigns to make sure that your customers will
land on mobile-optimised pages. This includes paid ads,
display ads and mobile email.
•	 Consider mobile user experience testing. Many online
companies now exist which will conduct user experience
tests using a panel at very low costs (eg. £30 per test).
Did you know?
•	 In the UK, 62%* (Google) of emails are read daily
on a smartphone. Are your communications not as
effective as they should be 62% of the time?


22 www.velti.co.uk
3 Communicate a unique value
proposition for your brand on
Satisfy your customers through consistent and ongoing value
creation. Mobile experiences that enhance your brand offering
should be at the forefront of your mobile strategy. This is
difficult however, and requires intelligent thinking to distil core
messages down to mobile formats.
Key steps to follow are:
•	 Identify the core messages and values that your brand
currently uses. Think of how they can be demonstrated
on mobile devices. Cut core messages down.Consider
the ways mobile can add value. Examples include: using
cameras as barcode scanners for price comparison; QR
codes and short URLs in-store to provide more information
on products; games that use touchscreen functionality
and accelerometers within phones to provide an enriched
experience; videos detailing product information, store
layouts and brand experience.
•	 If mobile is not the last stage of the customer journey, assist
in leading the customer on. Provide telephone numbers and
store locators, call me click and collect functions, and use
email capture to drive the customer towards a sale.
Did you know?
•	 In the UK, 65%* (Google) expect websites on a
mobile to be as easy to use as on a computer.
Is yours?
4 Divert budget for mobile
Return is linked to investment. Are you investing the correct
amount into your mobile activities in order to see a sizeable
return? The survey results show many marketers aren’t. Get
ahead of the curve by winning budget and improving your
mobile offering.
Key steps to follow are:
•	 Use case studies, competitor analysis and consumer trends
to build the case for mobile investment.
•	 Build fast growth scalable pilots to test and innovate.
•	 Use analytics data to estimate the gap between performance
on mobile devices and desktop. Illustrate how the gap will
widen over time.
•	 Gain a human angle: use feedback on social media, from
filmed user experience testing, and comments/complaints
from customers to drive the mobile agenda.
Did you know?
•	 53% of our respondents were only investing 5%
of their marketing budget on mobile. We believe
that a substantial lead in market share could be
created your competitive landscape with increased
mobile investment. Let Velti show you how to get a
disproportionate ROI on this channel.
5 Schedule regular monitoring of
how well you are performing
In such a fast-moving area, what may have been applicable a
few months previously may no longer apply. Set time in your
calendar to regularly assess the directions of your efforts and
see how much you have improved.
Did you know?
•	 45% of our survey respondents stated that they
could do more/haven’t begun their mobilisation. Is
your brand in this segment?


www.velti.co.uk 23
Measurement for mobile
One hindrance to widespread adoption has been the lack of effective ROI metrics for mobile.
Different channels should have different measurements of success and this is paralleled in online
vs. mobile metrics. Mobile is utilised in very different ways to online. Therefore, the ROI should
be predicated upon different metrics specific to mobile. The steps below cover some things you
should be thinking about when it comes to mobile measurement and improvement.
Create mobile-specific goals
With so much data generated by each customer touchpoint,
understanding where to look can be a challenge. It is all too
easy to spend hours in front of an analytics tool and achieving
very little.
Therefore, the first step in effective mobile measurement is to
understand what goals you have and why you wish to track
them. These goals are the first step in identifying which metrics
and KPIs you will be monitoring to track your efforts. Mobile
response and CTAs are notably different to online behaviour
of dwell times and page views. Make sure you adapt your KPIs
Have in place a suitable analytics solution
and dedicate resources to it
While this may seem obvious, it is not unusual for marketers
to have ineffective analytics solutions deployed which will
prevent true insight being developed. This is particularly acute
for app usage. Make sure you have the right tools in place and,
crucially, someone with the time to get insights out of the data.
Make sure your analytics are correctly tagged
On campaigns you run, make sure any links you share or use
in a campaign (eg. in paid search, on social or email marketing)
have correct tagging on them to allow you to understand the
sources and media that are contributing to your efforts and
build them into your big data strategies.
Look at landing pages, exit pages and
keywords to identify user intent
Seeing what the most frequent first and last pages of a
customer visit are and the keywords they use to reach your
site will provide an indication of the key tasks that your users
are trying to achieve through your site. Make a case for your
customers to buy on mobile devices using ‘nudge’ principles.
Mobile customers use their smart devices to search for your
store locations, compare products/prices or research features,
and finally head into store. Econsultancy’s Multichannel Retail
Survey found that 32% of consumers in the UK and 41% in the
US had used a mobile device to find a retailer’s nearest store
and opening times. Find out what pages and keywords are
being used on these customer journeys.
Reassess your KPIs frequently
As mobile is such a fast-moving field, KPIs that you had last
year may not be relevant today. Keep an eye on how useful
they are and be prepared to change them, but retain the main
stays as you can track growth on the mobile channel.
Finally, but most importantly, use your insight
to drive change
One significant problem with web analytics and measurement
is that, although companies produce a glut of reports, little
action is taken to make best use of the data collected and
improve the processes through which the company operates.


24 www.velti.co.uk
Mobile tactics for your marketing funnel
Whatever version of the marketing funnel you use, mobile can play a key part at every stage of
the customer journey.
Below are some tactics you should consider implementing to make best use of the mobile
opportunity. Velti can help you each step of the way.
Mobile Advertising (Mobclix)
Mobile Ad Serving
QR Codes, Shortcodes and Keywords
SMS Messaging
Mobile Sites and Apps
Mobile Alerts and Notifications
Mobile Community Management
URLs Embedded in Shortcode MT Responses
Large Scale Promotions
Inventory Monetisation
Mobile Payments
Multichannel Loyalty
mCRM Solutions


Case studies can help you prove the business case for
investing in mobile. Velti has helped the following clients
drive outstanding results.


26 www.velti.co.uk
Vodafone Freebies
The Challenge
The UK is one of the most competitive
telco markets in the world. With more
mobile devices than people and a large
number of networks operating on thin
margins, it can be difficult to retain
customers – especially those on pay-as-
you-go (PAYG).
Vodafone in particular wanted to retain
customers by building brand loyalty and
reducing the churn rate of its customers.
The solution, powered by Velti, was its
rewards programme called ‘Freebies
The Solution
For every top-up over £5, customers
received a code via SMS. Customers
could then use this to grab instant
Rewards or grow Points to save up
for something bigger. Prizes included
Vodafone Network prizes, third-
party prizes and discounts, and a
mystery Star Reward. The solution
was complemented by TV and above-
the-line advertising, as well as online
advertising and engagement through
social channels.
The Result
The results were significant. In total:
•	 4.9million users participated in the
loyalty program.
•	 12.6 rewards were redeemed.
•	 92% chose to ‘grow’ their rewards,
indicating increased loyalty and higher
brand retention.
Walkers Homegrown
The Challenge
Walkers (PepsiCo) are the most popular
crisp brand in the UK market. However,
with the rise of premium crisp brands
and a large number of other options to
choose from, Walkers needed to engage
customers in order to increase their
consumption and drive sales.
The Solution
The solution for Walkers Homegrown
was to use the opportunity of the
connected consumer to engage with
customers on multiple devices and
Over six years, Velti has worked
with Walkers to increase loyalty and
engage their audience on a number
of successful campaigns that have
included ‘Brit Trips’, ‘Gary’s Great Trips’,
and ‘Do us a Flavour’.
The Results to date
300 million web sessions, 1.6 million
registered users on Walker’s properties,
900k opt-ins to communications, a 53%
email open rate and five million entries
to competitions. Velti has enabled an
FMCG brand to be as relevant as ever
across digital channels in the rapidly
changing mobile and digital multi-
channel landscape.


www.velti.co.uk 27
Samsung Hope Relay
The Challenge
To leverage Samsung’s investment as
official sponsor of the Olympic Torch
Relay. Samsung wished to build brand
equity through individual experience
and reach beyond attendees to relay
participants plus spectators in the UK
and 10 other countries in order to give
everyone the chance to be part of the
The Solution
To build a personalised app experience
to encourage participation.
Velti created an app that allowed users
to run, walk or cycle, and track via GPS
their miles covered while raising money
for charity. In order to maximise reach,
the app was developed for Android,
iPhone and Samsung bada, as well as
share and monitor personal and team
success through Facebook.
The Result
In the UK, Samsung donated £530,317
to children’s charities ‘Kids Company’
and ‘International Inspiration’. The
app was downloaded 369,454 times
(122,670 in the UK) with donations from
48,386 people in 11 countries (the UK,
France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Poland,
Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Brazil and
Belgium). Between them they covered
over one million kilometres.


It Happen
Strategy in action
There is immense business opportunity in mobile. Failure to mobilise your
business, quite simply will mean you will start to lose market share.
The incredible pace and diversity of technological advancements means
it’s essential to get the basics right before moving onto advanced
marketing techniques.
Our approach at Velti is to listen to our clients’ immediate revenue
growth and cost-reduction aspirations and help our clients to shape a
mobile strategy that forms a key strand of their overall business strategy,
including brand experience, customer service and IT strategy.
By putting the consumer at the heart of the mobile and multichannel
digital strategy, we can build a trusted relationship and a roadmap of
initiatives to maximise the benefits and minimise the risks, based on
our sector-specific knowledge and our experience in helping clients to
mobilise their business, and to drive brand and revenue growth.


How to Contact us
	 +44 (0)20 7921 5560



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Velti mobile whitebook 2013

  • 1. Mobile Whitebook 2013 Data, trends and best practice In partnership with
  • 3. MobileWhitebook2013 3www.velti.co.uk Contents 4 Introduction About Velti 6 Forewords From Velti From Econsultancy 7 Consumer Data: The Case for Mobile 8 Mobile penetration and use grows 9 Tablets become the screen of choice 10 Marketers need to cater for an multichannel world 16 The Business Landscape 20 Best Practice Advice 21 Five steps to mobile success 23 Measurement for mobile 24 Mobile tactics for your marketing funnel 25 Case Studies 26 Vodafone Freebies 26 Walkers Homegrown 27 Samsung Hope Relay 28 How Velti Can Help You 28 Strategy in action
  • 4. MobileWhitebook2013 4 Introduction2013 ushers in a new age of consumer preference, consumer habits and consumer devices. The focus for marketers should be the same as it has always been, on the customer. Mobile marketing has made it through the Wild West and we are delighted to see positive and wide adoption in the industry. We have seen a surge of interest from brands investing time, thought and resources into their mobilisation efforts. Brands from all of our sectors have sought advice on mobile best practice, and due to the demand, we are delighted to share some of that expertise. Our research combines leading industry statistics, primary data and analytics from our own Velti platforms. To fully understand how the end consumers are using their devices, we are delighted to have partnered with Velti, the leading mobile marketing and advertising agency, to provide truly actionable insights to help you formulate an effective and accountable mobile strategy. www.velti.co.uk
  • 5. www.velti.co.uk MobileWhitebook2013 5 About Velti Velti is the leading global provider of mobile marketing and advertising technology solutions that enable brands to implement highly targeted, interactive and measurable campaigns by communicating with and engaging consumers via their mobile devices. Velti’s experience in mobile spans all sectors and global regions, whilst their solutions cover the full end-to-end mobilisation journey, from initial activation to mobile customer acquisition through to retention strategies. They work with their clients to educate, optimise and inspire the use of the mobile channel and ultimately grow their revenues. Our clients include: Media Retail FMCG Finance and MNOs Gaming and Gambling Others
  • 6. MobileWhitebook2013 6 www.velti.co.uk From Velti As a business we aim to innovate, explore and share groundbreaking best practice to ensure that we help our clients capitalise efficiently on the mobile channel. The mobile landscape is complex and our team of dedicated strategic planners and analysts are committed to sharing both internal and external knowledge to advance your own marketing strategies in 2013. Just two in 10 of our sample* stated that they are 100% mobile, while a significant 45% of respondents stated that they need to do more or don’t do anything on the channel. This means that there is still much work to be done in our industry to assist brands in their mobilisation efforts and revenue growth activities. We look forward to hearing about your plans and ideas for the channel of choice in 2013. Best Regards Barry Houlihan General Manager Velti Western Europe From Econsultancy Over the past few years, a cliché within marketing has been “This is the year of the mobile”, or more recently in a desperate plea for attention, “This year is really the year of the mobile”. In my opinion, such comments are not helpful. They present mobile as a transient consumer trend or fashionable term which can be dropped into conversation to win budgets and convince organisations to take action. The reality is that mobile is now already entrenched within consumer behaviours and decision making. Over half the population in the UK and the US own a smartphone and 65% of all online activities begin on a smartphone.1 With PC sales plummeting, mobile devices are already the default way for most consumers to access and gain information on digital products and services. Despite this, the research revealed by Velti in this document shows that the majority of marketers are spending 5% or less of their efforts on mobile. I hope the data, insights and best practice tips presented in this document will spur you and your organisation to take action and take advantage of the opportunity presented by the new digital landscape. Andrew Warren-Payne Senior Research Analyst Econsultancy Forewords **http://services.google.com/fh/files/misc/multiscreenworld_final.pdf*400surveyrespondentsrandomlysampled andpolledacrossallsectorsintheUK
  • 7. www.velti.co.uk MobileWhitebook2013 7 Mobile devices facilitate consumer interactions with your brand at any time or place convenient to them, and with over 14,000 different smart devices and tablets in use, interactions on the mobile channel are increasingly critical moments in the customer journey. Ensuring that these experiences remain positive should be at the centre of your mobile strategy. Consumer expectation has soared in recent years. Consumers now demand brands to be uniformly presented regardless of access points and oversight has meant many brands falling behind their full potential. The successful implementation of many brands’ mobile strategies (including Facebook and Amazon) has been a positive step in the right direction for the industry. However, despite undeniable adoption of smart devices by global consumers, marketers have been relatively slow to fully realise the potential of the opportunity presented. With the imminent rollout of 4G services, the ever-increasing presence of a variety of devices and screen sizes, Tablet, Phablet (ie. phones so large they are almost like tablets, such as the Samsung Galaxy Note) and even Laplets (Laptop/Tablet hybrids such as Windows Surface), it is vital to understand the role these devices play and how to best adapt your marketing strategy to become truly multi channel. The connected consumer now uses a variety of devices to research and complete even simpler purchases. They expect a great brand experience on every channel, platform or device, and they expect to be able to switch between them seamlessly. Anything less is a poor brand experience. Many brands state they have tried mobile but customers only use it to brand their product not purchase. Chances are what this really means is that most brands have not been optimised for mobile. Consumer Data: The Case for Mobile
  • 8. MobileWhitebook2013 8 www.velti.co.uk Mobile penetration and use grows Mobile devices have rapidly become an integral part of our everyday lives A recent survey by the insurer Endsleigh reports that 32% of us would be more willing to go without alcohol for a month than lose our mobile phone, with 24% of respondents believing that losing their phone would be detrimental to their mental health. Nielsen reports a 97% mobile phone penetration in the UK, with 64% of these being ‘smartphones’. A year ago, smartphone penetration in the UK tipped over the 50% mark, making ownership irrefutably ‘mainstream’ for the first time. At the end of 2013, penetration levels were close to two-thirds of the population. That has changed the way brands can communicate. Smartphone use is a global phenomenon This phenomenon isn’t contained within the UK. Smartphone penetration in the EU5 has crossed over into the mainstream at 57%, which is higher than the respective penetration rate of the United States (54%). Meanwhile, rates are lower in Germany (51%) and Italy (53%). Key facts about global mobile use • Over 712 million smartphones were shipped globally in 2012 according to IDC – a 45% increase on 2011. • Lower-cost smartphones made by Huawei and ZTC are helping to fuel this trend in emerging markets. Android becomes the dominant smartphone operating system The rising success of Android has altered the landscape of mobile operating systems. Android now outpaces iOS sales by two to one, and this trend is increasing. Already, penetration of Android smartphones is close to 50%. EU5 UK SPAIN FRANCE ITALY GERMANY US 56.5% 64.0% 65.8% 53.0% 52.6% 50.8% 53.8% Dec 2012 Dec 2011 iOS 28% Symbian 3.1% Android 46.6% BlackBerry 15.2% Windows 6.4% Market Share iOS/Android in the UK Smartphone penetration 97%mobile phone penetration in the UK, 64% of which are Smartphones
  • 9. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 9 Tablets become the screen of choice Tablet penetration has also doubled since 2011, and the increased competition from cheap alternatives has undoubtedly helped to fuel this growth. The rapid adoption of tablet devices has fragmented the mobile landscape and there are notable differences in user characteristics between the two mediums. Mobiles are highly personal, while tablets are often shared. The majority of tablets are WiFi-only and used mainly at home. Tablets to replace PCs and laptops as the device of consumer choice With IDC reporting a near 14% drop in PC and laptop sales in the first quarter of 2013, it’s likely that beyond handheld mobile devices, the tablet will be the primary device through which the majority of consumers will interact digitally with brands. By 2017, it’s expected that annual tablet shipments will exceed 350 million, significantly in excess of the 300 million PCs currently shipped annually. Consumers are migrating to the portable device fast. Key facts about tablet penetration • Close to 53 million tablets were sold worldwide in Q4 2012, a 75% increase YoY. • From Q4 2011 to the same period in 2012, Samsung and Asus had the biggest growth but Apple is still in the lead. • Tablets sold globally in Q4 2012: – 22.9 million iPads – 7.9 million Samsung devices – 3.1 million Asus devices The switch from desktop and laptop devices to tablet has been accelerated by a number of factors. Manufacturers are increasingly seeing the value of creating smaller and cheaper tablet devices as these are lower cost. In addition, larger tablets are less portable while their heavier weight makes them less comfortable to use for prolonged periods of time. 263.0% 26.8% 402.5% -27.7% 77.4% 48.1% 4Q12/4Q11 Growth in Tablets – global data UK FRANCE GERMANY ITALY USA SPAIN AUSTRIA 19% 15% 10% 23% 20% 24% 24% 2012 2011 Tablet penetration
  • 10. MobileWhitebook2013 10 www.velti.co.uk Tablets become the second screen of the family With their ease of use, long battery life and high-quality user experiences, tablets are well used in the homes of consumers. Rather than desktop devices, which are more likely to be confined to a single location, tablets can be moved around the house and used for a multitude of tasks. One phenomenon that’s occurred with the rise of smartphones and tablets is that of ‘second screening’. This is the use of tablets while watching TV or another device. In the UK, 24% of consumers do this several times a day. The activities being performed during second screening are broad and occur both sequentially, as we start tasks on one device and continue on another, and simultaneously, as we watch two screens at the same time. There’s a vital link between traditional consumer engagement with brand advertising and mobile search; and of course hard wiring ads to devices with Shortcodes to drive customer response levels. In addition to second-screening, tablets are used to access television content. UK consumers are the most likely in the world to access television content over the internet ahead of the US. This is encouraged by the early arrival and success of products such as BBC iPlayer. By understanding second-screening behaviour, marketers have a unique opportunity to tailor campaigns in an integrated fashion. TV no longer commands our full attention – for half of us, ‘lean back’ now has a ‘sit forward’ component, which provides an opportunity to engage with consumers in a timely and relevant fashion through the channels available to them via a tablet device, but given the range of screen sizes many brands are coming unstuck by relying on their website experience to render to tablet. • The tablet is not confined to one room in the house. It is well shared and well liked • Tablets are used for email and gaming, with levels of shopping twice that of a smartphone • Tablets can empower better conversion rate through touchable and swipe-able content • Multi-screening consumer behaviour is both sequential and simultaneous Key facts about second screening • 78% of UK TV viewers simultaneously use a smartphone while watching television in a typical day • 80% of UK tablet owners do the same (but as yet, fewer owners). SEVERALTIMESADAY ONCEADAY SEVERALTIMESAWEEK SEVERALTIMESAMONTH ONCEAMONTHORLESS NEVER 26% 24% 12% 15% 19% 17% 16% 14% 24% US UK GERMANY ITALY 23% 19% 20% 13% 10% 15% 13% 7% 7% 9% 9% 12% 20% 29% 29% Simultaneous use of Tablet while watching TV Top Activities performed during simultaneous screen usage 60% Emailing 42% Social Networking 15% Work Documents 25% Playing a Game 23% Searching 9% Watching Video 44% Internet Browsing
  • 11. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 11 Tablet behaviour is different to that on smartphones The characteristics of tablet devices compared with smartphones means that consumer behaviour is markedly different between the two. In particular, consumers appear to be more willing to shop on tablets (4 in 10) than on smartphones (2 in 10); but this still means that 6 in 10 people shop on mobile devices The creation of mobile-optimised shopping experiences, which take full advantage of the larger screen and touchability provided by the tablet, along with the time of day a tablet is most likely to be used (ie. at home in the evening), mean that retailers will often see significantly higher conversion rates from tablet than from mobile devices; these mobile optimised experiences will also serve users who shop on smartphones   Key facts about tablet behaviour vs. smartphone behaviour • The survey showed 67% of tablet and smartphone shoppers only use apps for their favourite stores. Email Playinggames Facebook Readingbooks Readingnews Listeningtomusic Shopping WatchingmoviesorTV Researchrestaurants Researchtravel Email Makingphonecalls Facebook Listeningtomusic Playinggames Readingnews Photomanagement Researchrestaurants Shopping Twitter 72% 67% 61% 59% 50% 46% 44% 42% 30% TABLET OWNERS SMARTPHONE OWNERS 30% 79% 78% 58% 52% 48% 37% 26% 24% 20% 20% For which of the following do you typically use a tablet / smartphone?
  • 12. MobileWhitebook2013 12 www.velti.co.uk Marketers need to cater for a multichannel world Although the trends and statistics present a strong case for developing a valuable user experience on smartphone and tablet devices, the reality is that the use of these does not exist in a vacuum. Although digital has often being quoted as the disrupting factor in creating non-linear customer journeys, customers have always carried out their purchasing decisions in complex and unique ways. Companies need to cater to multi-device user journeys Today’s reality is that many consumer purchase decisions cross multiple devices, and research from Google shows that smartphones are the most common way in which consumers start their online activities.   Key facts about multi-device journeys • When shopping, sequential multi-screening and channel threading is commonplace. • 67% reported they start a shopping activity on one device and continue on another. • Mobile is the most common starting point for shopping activity. 65%start on a Smartphone 61% continue on a PC/Laptop 4% continue on a Tablet 25%start on a PC/Laptop 19% continue on a Smartphone 5% continue on a Tablet 65%start on a Tablet 10% continue on a PC/Laptop
  • 13. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 13 Selling effectively means reaching the right person at the right time at the right place – and on the right device Users typically use devices differently depending on a number of factors, including time of day, their position in the buying cycle, where they are physically located (eg. home, work or travelling) and the product which they are researching. Marketers should look to provide a customer experience that adjusts and accommodates for the variation in content consumption and buying behaviour by device, time and place. The chart below illustrates how device behaviour changes depending on both the time of day and also whether or not it is a weekend. Weekends and evenings generally see an increase in the amount of time people spend on mobile devices, particularly on tablets such as the iPad. The reason for this increase mainly comes down to the fact that these are the times when people are likely to be finished with work and therefore using mobile devices either while travelling or commuting, while out and about, or relaxing in the home. Marketers should take advantage of these behaviours by timing their efforts accordingly using mobile media to maximise at its peak times and geofence to find consumers in the right place. Another change caused by the shift to mobile is that marketers can more effectively geo-target their ad campaigns to only hit those who are in the right place at the right time. For example, local retailers can choose to have their campaigns display only to people within a certain distance of their store and when the store is actually open. Weekday 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Android iPhone iPad Weekend Weekday 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 Android iPhone iPad Weekend Key tips to target multichannel customers • Ensure your digital properties are mobile-ready. Conduct user experience testing in order to make sure your customers can conduct key tasks on an array of devices. • Experiment with custom-ad scheduling to show mobile ads/SEO/PPC (both display, paid search and more) at the times of day when up to 60% of your customers are most likely to engage effectively with them. • Post on social media when your consumers are most likely to engage. Often this means in the evenings and at the weekend. • Take account of the changing pattern of consumer behaviour throughout the day and week. Target your mobile efforts accordingly.
  • 14. MobileWhitebook2013 14 www.velti.co.uk ROPO and ‘showrooming’ become the way consumers like to shop Another effect caused by the proliferation of mobile devices are the phenomena of the ‘ROPO effect’ and ‘showrooming’. ROPO refers to when consumers ‘research online and purchase offline’ while ‘showrooming’ is where consumers look to inspect products in-store before purchasing them at a lower price online. Research from Econsultancy shows that this trend is significant, with a survey of 1,000 UK and US consumers showing that more than 90% use the internet to research products and services before buying at a local store, while 43% of UK consumers and 50% of US consumers said that they had used their mobile to compare prices and look up product reviews while out shopping. USA UK YES 50% 43% NO 57% 50% With the number of people owning smartphones still increasing and the most successful bricks and mortar stores gaining more of their income from digital than ever before, retailers who do not adapt to this change in consumer behaviour are likely to find themselves in a precarious position. Key steps to accommodate for ROPO and ‘showrooming’ behaviours • Facilitate ROPO behaviour by offering click-and- collect services, prominent telephone numbers on mobile websites, and easy-to-use store finders which can make use of GPS-enabled smartphones. • Include mobile-relevant calls to action in-store – these can include QR codes and shortened for apps and websites, product reviews, videos and more. • Use mobile coupons, SMS codes rewards points and geo-targeted ads to drive mobile users to purchase, whether in-store or online. • Provide a customer experience that cannot be undercut – while pureplays such as Amazon may be able to undercut competitors on price, providing a stress-free and enjoyable customer experience can assist in acquiring and retaining customers who place a premium on a quality shopping experience. 90%of consumers use the internet to research products and services before buying at a local store
  • 15. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 15 The actions of GAFA shape the way consumers and businesses adapt to the mobile and multichannel world Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon (collectively referred to as GAFA) represent the four most powerful companies within the digital world. Despite the fact that all come from different roots, their activities are beginning to converge and overlap in a way that has significant effects for all as digital becomes a more integral part of consumers’ everyday personal and professional lives. Very few companies have the ability to directly compete against GAFA in the areas in which they excel. Rather, companies should be looking to harness the way that their products and services provide them with ways to interact and engage with their customers, while staying abreast of developments that may cause damage to their business. Such changes that have caught companies out include: • Operating system changes in Android and iOS, leading to higher than expected costs for app development and improvement. • The removal of free product listings within Google Shopping, changes to algorithms and the deployment of ‘Enhanced Campaigns’. • Changes to Facebook’s news feed algorithm, reducing the opportunity for low cost and wide reach, placing a requirement on paid advertising. • The emergence of competitors selling similar products on Amazon Marketplace. In short, companies should ensure that they are not dependent on any single GAFA-powered customer acquisition or retention channel. They should look to diversify the ways in which they reach and engage with their customer base so that any rapid changes will not place them in harm’s way. Key facts about GAFA and multichannel • Google has a 95% share of the mobile search market and they pay Apple in the region of $1bn a year to be the default search on iOS devices. • Google collects 57% of mobile ad revenue in the United States while Facebook, its nearest competitor, gets just 9%. • Google are no longer doing ‘mobile-only’ ads. By launching ‘Enhanced Campaigns’, all campaigns must now target tablet/desktop-only or all devices (mobile plus tablet/desktop). Facebook Collects Just 57%9% Mobile Ad revenue collected by Google in the US
  • 16. www.velti.co.uk MobileWhitebook2013 16 As smartphone penetration rapidly increases and more and more retail brands add mobile to their strategy, you probably don’t want to be the one left behind trying to catch up with the latest trends. Many organisations have woven online into their customer strategy and many have been weaving social into their mix but few have mobile at the heart of everything they do. As shown in the previous section, consumer behaviour is changing so rapidly that it requires constant innovation and investment. With 65% of shopping journeys starting with a mobile device channel threading (customer journeys spanning multiple devices) commonplace, and simultaneous screening and mobile retail sales still growing exponentially, almost every business has a strong business case for investment in mobile. Velti’s survey has found that investment into mobile has slightly increased in recent years, with 2% more brands now allocating between 5% and 15% of their marketing budget into mobile. This, along with the fact that 6% more brands have turned 100% mobile, indicates that mobile is now a core part of most organisations’ strategy. Additional responses that will help you build your confidence towards the mobile approach of your business and its potential ROI, are the following metrics which a sound mobile strategy can help to define: • 62% know what tasks their customers perform on their mobile devices • 54% are acquiring new customers through mobile • 50% feel they do as much as their competitors on mobile • 49% state that mobile is delivering extra revenue With these in mind, it goes without saying that adding mobile to your online and traditional media strategy will help you create a match for your customers behaviours, enhance your relationship with them, turning them into your brand devotees and sell more products. It is forecasted that the strong investment levels in mobile will continue through the rest of the year, so make sure you take good advantage of the time left and develop the most suitable mobile solutions for your audience strategy. The Changing Business Landscape
  • 17. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 17 How mobile is your brand? Haveyouactivatedyour brandonmobile? 17% 23% 45% 11% 3% Doyouusemobileto acquirenewcustomers? 11% 16% 47% 23% 2% Doyouusemobileinsights tooptimisecampaigns? 10% 14% 49% 20% 6% Doyouusemobileto drivecustomerloyalty? 10% 12% 46% 28% 4% Don’t know We don’t do anything We need to do more / We’ve scratched the surface Doing it well with a few gaps We’re 100% mobile Brand activation shows promising growth, with 40% of brand respondents stating that they were proficient with their mobilisation. However, this leaves the majority of respondents (59.3%) who felt that they needed to do a lot more. Surprisingly, only 27% of respondents were utilising the mobile channel to acquire new customers. Mobile is a fantastic channel to merge your offline marketing efforts with traceable digital interactions through Shortcodes and messaging to activate mobile sites and app downloads Advances in geo- locational technology and the proliferation of smartphone devices into the consumer landscape have meant also smarter targeting, faster response time and, importantly, accountable revenue increases. What share of your marketing effort is devoted to mobile marketing? 53% 14% 13% 10% 10% 5% 10% 15% 20% 50%+ The data from our survey shows that the majority of companies (53%) are only dedicating a small fraction of their marketing efforts to mobile. With smartphone penetration on the rise and mobile often being the most frequently used digital channel by consumers, the proportion of marketers spending more time on their mobile marketing efforts will have to grow substantially over the coming years. Respondents:180 Respondents:171 Key steps to make your brand more mobile • Segment your analytics to investigate the differences between mobile and non-mobile traffic. Use this insight to exploit mobile strengths such as more local content, and counter weaknesses such as non- mobile optimised checkouts. Velti can help with this. www.velti.com • Consider older techniques such as SMS to increase brand loyalty. SMS codes can be used to track the effectiveness of such campaigns. They are still massive functions in mobile utility (8 billion external messages per annum in the UK). • Exploit lower advertising costs on mobile channels as a tool to lower your customer acquisition costs.
  • 18. MobileWhitebook2013 18 www.velti.co.uk What do you know about the impact of mobile? No Don’t know Yes 13% 25% 62% Doyouknowwhattasksyourcustomers performontheirmobiledevices? 17% 25% 58% Doesmobilehelpyouengagecustomernetworks andspreadthewordaboutyourbrand? 12% 31% 57% Doyouviewmobileasthe shopinyourpocket? 13% 33% 54% Areyouacquiringnew customersviamobile? 15% 35% 49% Doesyourmobilestrategyallowyoutodo atleastthesameasyourcompetitors? 14% 37% 49% Ismobiledeliveringextrarevenue asaserviceandsaleschannel? 22% 42% 36% Areyouprovidingatruevalue exchangeforyourcustomers? Although our data indicates there is a clear acknowledgement that brands on the whole need to do a lot more on the mobile channel, current investments tell a different story. Only 33.3% of respondents indicated that over 15% of their marketing budget was invested in the mobile channel.   Key tips to get ahead of the curve • Most marketers are behind the curve when it comes to mobile. By investing now, you will be reaping the rewards in the coming months and years as customers place even more importance on a quality mobile experience. Early adopters will gain critical mobile market share. • Adopt an agile approach to mobile development and improvement. This will allow you to move quickly with rapid changes in the market. • Consider the whole customer journey when justifying the mobile business case – looking from a last-click perspective will most likely undervalue the channel massively. Investigate analytics tools which will enable you to form a more accurate picture of how journeys across devices are part of the customer journey. • Don’t expect your web and e-Commerce platform to work on mobile and tablet devices. Respondents:176 Key tips to get ahead of the curve • Perform mobile user experience testing to understand how customers use your site and e-Commerce services on mobile. • Ensure key tasks such as mobile checkout, locating a phone number and store search can be completed with ease on mobile by testing them across multiple devices. • Make sure that your mobile experience at least matches that offered by your competitors. Remember it only takes one click for a user to leave your site. • Mobile KPIs and ROI estimates need to be predicated upon mobile specific activities, not with generic digital marketing milestones. Understand how these contribute to the broader marketing picture. • Start building a mobile opt in database for
  • 19. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 19 How significant do you think the following trends will be over the next 12 months? CustomerEngagement MobileWeb MobilePayments Loyalty mCommerce InAppPayment Social InAppNotification HTML5 MobileMessaging(2way) PlatformConvergence SecondScreen Gamification 1% 2% 2% 4% 2% 2% 3% 2% 5% 3% 5% 8% 16% Very significant Significant Somewhat significant Not at all significant 4% 7% 9% 16% 12% 19% 12% 24% 19% 21% 18% 30% 35% 26% 25% 36% 29% 34% 32% 37% 34% 44% 44% 47% 37% 30% 69% 66% 54% 51% 52% 47% 48% 40% 32% 32% 30% 26% 19% Customer Engagement, Mobile Web and Mobile Payments are highlighted as the top three trends our respondents felt would be very significant over the next 12 months. Interestingly, the core elements of the mobile mix have not changed significantly since our last survey, indicating that last year’s uncertainties regarding best practice have not yet been answered. On a scale of 1 to 3 how worried are you about the impact of each of the following issues on your business? Games 4G Mobile broadband Mobile messaging Apps NFC Mobile data warehousing Location based services Geo targeting Mobile convergence mWallets Operating systems New rich media formats The role of MNOs (Operators) Mobile payments The value of mobile as a channel The standard of delivery from the mobile industry Customer adoption and insight The shape of the mobile landscape over the next 24 months Evolving and new technology Not at all worried Somewhat concerned Extremely worried Marketers were also asked to list how worried they were about a number of topics within mobile. The survey revealed that areas that were significantly ambiguous or unclear were those most likely to cause concern. New technology, The shape of the mobile landscape over the next 24 months and The value of mobile as a channel were all areas in which one in five or more marketers said they were ‘extremely worried’. While the speed of change in the digital (and especially mobile) landscape can be daunting, there are ways of handling it. Make sure you keep testing and experimenting to ensure constant incremental improvement. Adopt agile development practices to respond quickly to change. Look at how your customers use and engage with your brand to gain insight that will enable you to take action. Respondents:171 Respondents:156 How to use mobile trends to drive your efforts forward • Audit your own mobile efforts across the trends that are coming up. See how well you engage with your customers through mobile, how your site performs in different mobile browsers, and what mobile-enabled payment methods you are offering. • Analyse how your competitors are also behaving in this space Keep an eye on how they are coping with emerging trends. • Identify which quick wins you can achieve to make progress in these areas. For more detailed progress, create a roadmap that you can implement as the situation changes. Again, by taking an agile approach, you can react swiftly to changes in mobile and adapt existing products and services to changing circumstances.
  • 21. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 21 Five steps to mobile success As the data from our survey of marketers has shown, few companies are putting significant resource into their mobile marketing efforts, despite the growing impact of mobile devices on consumer behaviour and the huge penetration levels. To get you ahead of the field, Velti have put together this mobile checklist to help you assess your own organisation and how mobile-ready you are. 1  Carry out a mobile audit Before you begin any work on mobilising your business, you should form a robust understanding of where you are now and how you are providing services to your mobile clients. Key questions to ask include: • How many customers are trying to interact with your brand through mobile? How is this growing over time? • What do your customers want from your brand/business on mobile? • What key tasks do you need your customers to achieve on mobile? Can they achieve these across multiple devices? • What is your revenue and customer acquisition from mobile? These are just some of the questions you should be asking, but the key requirement is to form a set of quantitative and qualitative benchmark against which progress and improvement can be measured. The audit will also reveal the strengths and weaknesses of your brand on mobile, and enable you to divert resources accordingly. Did you know? • SMS campaigns can start from as little as 2.2p per message*. With a sizeable opted-in database, this can be a powerful addition to any campaign. Sending a URL link embedded in an SMS can create significant click through. 2 Test and improve the mobile customer journey Are you providing an elegant mobile journey for customers? Have you mobilised all touchpoints? Far too often, we see brands either diverting to non-optimised websites or sending out non-responsive emails which don’t render to match the device format. What about your application? Is this just a replication of your mobile website? Key steps to follow include: • Compare bounce rates and exit pages on mobile versus desktop traffic. This could reveal certain places where the customer falls out of the journey. Make sure they fall out because they have what they need (eg. a telephone number or store location) rather than because your site failed them. • Check ad campaigns to make sure that your customers will land on mobile-optimised pages. This includes paid ads, display ads and mobile email. • Consider mobile user experience testing. Many online companies now exist which will conduct user experience tests using a panel at very low costs (eg. £30 per test). Did you know? • In the UK, 62%* (Google) of emails are read daily on a smartphone. Are your communications not as effective as they should be 62% of the time?
  • 22. MobileWhitebook2013 22 www.velti.co.uk 3 Communicate a unique value proposition for your brand on mobile Satisfy your customers through consistent and ongoing value creation. Mobile experiences that enhance your brand offering should be at the forefront of your mobile strategy. This is difficult however, and requires intelligent thinking to distil core messages down to mobile formats. Key steps to follow are: • Identify the core messages and values that your brand currently uses. Think of how they can be demonstrated on mobile devices. Cut core messages down.Consider the ways mobile can add value. Examples include: using cameras as barcode scanners for price comparison; QR codes and short URLs in-store to provide more information on products; games that use touchscreen functionality and accelerometers within phones to provide an enriched experience; videos detailing product information, store layouts and brand experience. • If mobile is not the last stage of the customer journey, assist in leading the customer on. Provide telephone numbers and store locators, call me click and collect functions, and use email capture to drive the customer towards a sale. Did you know? • In the UK, 65%* (Google) expect websites on a mobile to be as easy to use as on a computer. Is yours? 4 Divert budget for mobile improvements Return is linked to investment. Are you investing the correct amount into your mobile activities in order to see a sizeable return? The survey results show many marketers aren’t. Get ahead of the curve by winning budget and improving your mobile offering. Key steps to follow are: • Use case studies, competitor analysis and consumer trends to build the case for mobile investment. • Build fast growth scalable pilots to test and innovate. • Use analytics data to estimate the gap between performance on mobile devices and desktop. Illustrate how the gap will widen over time. • Gain a human angle: use feedback on social media, from filmed user experience testing, and comments/complaints from customers to drive the mobile agenda. Did you know? • 53% of our respondents were only investing 5% of their marketing budget on mobile. We believe that a substantial lead in market share could be created your competitive landscape with increased mobile investment. Let Velti show you how to get a disproportionate ROI on this channel. 5 Schedule regular monitoring of how well you are performing In such a fast-moving area, what may have been applicable a few months previously may no longer apply. Set time in your calendar to regularly assess the directions of your efforts and see how much you have improved. Did you know? • 45% of our survey respondents stated that they could do more/haven’t begun their mobilisation. Is your brand in this segment?
  • 23. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 23 Measurement for mobile One hindrance to widespread adoption has been the lack of effective ROI metrics for mobile. Different channels should have different measurements of success and this is paralleled in online vs. mobile metrics. Mobile is utilised in very different ways to online. Therefore, the ROI should be predicated upon different metrics specific to mobile. The steps below cover some things you should be thinking about when it comes to mobile measurement and improvement. Create mobile-specific goals With so much data generated by each customer touchpoint, understanding where to look can be a challenge. It is all too easy to spend hours in front of an analytics tool and achieving very little. Therefore, the first step in effective mobile measurement is to understand what goals you have and why you wish to track them. These goals are the first step in identifying which metrics and KPIs you will be monitoring to track your efforts. Mobile response and CTAs are notably different to online behaviour of dwell times and page views. Make sure you adapt your KPIs accordingly. Have in place a suitable analytics solution and dedicate resources to it While this may seem obvious, it is not unusual for marketers to have ineffective analytics solutions deployed which will prevent true insight being developed. This is particularly acute for app usage. Make sure you have the right tools in place and, crucially, someone with the time to get insights out of the data. Make sure your analytics are correctly tagged On campaigns you run, make sure any links you share or use in a campaign (eg. in paid search, on social or email marketing) have correct tagging on them to allow you to understand the sources and media that are contributing to your efforts and build them into your big data strategies. Look at landing pages, exit pages and keywords to identify user intent Seeing what the most frequent first and last pages of a customer visit are and the keywords they use to reach your site will provide an indication of the key tasks that your users are trying to achieve through your site. Make a case for your customers to buy on mobile devices using ‘nudge’ principles. Mobile customers use their smart devices to search for your store locations, compare products/prices or research features, and finally head into store. Econsultancy’s Multichannel Retail Survey found that 32% of consumers in the UK and 41% in the US had used a mobile device to find a retailer’s nearest store and opening times. Find out what pages and keywords are being used on these customer journeys. Reassess your KPIs frequently As mobile is such a fast-moving field, KPIs that you had last year may not be relevant today. Keep an eye on how useful they are and be prepared to change them, but retain the main stays as you can track growth on the mobile channel. Finally, but most importantly, use your insight to drive change One significant problem with web analytics and measurement is that, although companies produce a glut of reports, little action is taken to make best use of the data collected and improve the processes through which the company operates.
  • 24. MobileWhitebook2013 24 www.velti.co.uk Mobile tactics for your marketing funnel Whatever version of the marketing funnel you use, mobile can play a key part at every stage of the customer journey. Below are some tactics you should consider implementing to make best use of the mobile opportunity. Velti can help you each step of the way.   AWARENESS ENGAGEMENT CONVERSION RETENTION Mobile Advertising (Mobclix) Mobile Ad Serving QR Codes, Shortcodes and Keywords SMS Messaging Mobile Sites and Apps Mobile Alerts and Notifications Mobile Community Management URLs Embedded in Shortcode MT Responses Large Scale Promotions Inventory Monetisation Mobile Payments Multichannel Loyalty Solutions mCRM Solutions
  • 25. www.velti.co.uk MobileWhitebook2013 25 Case Studies Case studies can help you prove the business case for investing in mobile. Velti has helped the following clients drive outstanding results.
  • 26. MobileWhitebook2013 26 www.velti.co.uk Vodafone Freebies The Challenge The UK is one of the most competitive telco markets in the world. With more mobile devices than people and a large number of networks operating on thin margins, it can be difficult to retain customers – especially those on pay-as- you-go (PAYG). Vodafone in particular wanted to retain customers by building brand loyalty and reducing the churn rate of its customers. The solution, powered by Velti, was its rewards programme called ‘Freebies Rewardz’. The Solution For every top-up over £5, customers received a code via SMS. Customers could then use this to grab instant Rewards or grow Points to save up for something bigger. Prizes included Vodafone Network prizes, third- party prizes and discounts, and a mystery Star Reward. The solution was complemented by TV and above- the-line advertising, as well as online advertising and engagement through social channels. The Result The results were significant. In total: • 4.9million users participated in the loyalty program. • 12.6 rewards were redeemed. • 92% chose to ‘grow’ their rewards, indicating increased loyalty and higher brand retention. Walkers Homegrown The Challenge Walkers (PepsiCo) are the most popular crisp brand in the UK market. However, with the rise of premium crisp brands and a large number of other options to choose from, Walkers needed to engage customers in order to increase their consumption and drive sales. The Solution The solution for Walkers Homegrown was to use the opportunity of the connected consumer to engage with customers on multiple devices and channels. Over six years, Velti has worked with Walkers to increase loyalty and engage their audience on a number of successful campaigns that have included ‘Brit Trips’, ‘Gary’s Great Trips’, and ‘Do us a Flavour’. The Results to date 300 million web sessions, 1.6 million registered users on Walker’s properties, 900k opt-ins to communications, a 53% email open rate and five million entries to competitions. Velti has enabled an FMCG brand to be as relevant as ever across digital channels in the rapidly changing mobile and digital multi- channel landscape.
  • 27. MobileWhitebook2013 www.velti.co.uk 27 Samsung Hope Relay The Challenge To leverage Samsung’s investment as official sponsor of the Olympic Torch Relay. Samsung wished to build brand equity through individual experience and reach beyond attendees to relay participants plus spectators in the UK and 10 other countries in order to give everyone the chance to be part of the Games. The Solution To build a personalised app experience to encourage participation. Velti created an app that allowed users to run, walk or cycle, and track via GPS their miles covered while raising money for charity. In order to maximise reach, the app was developed for Android, iPhone and Samsung bada, as well as share and monitor personal and team success through Facebook. The Result In the UK, Samsung donated £530,317 to children’s charities ‘Kids Company’ and ‘International Inspiration’. The app was downloaded 369,454 times (122,670 in the UK) with donations from 48,386 people in 11 countries (the UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Russia, Brazil and Belgium). Between them they covered over one million kilometres.
  • 28. MobileWhitebook2013 28 Making It Happen Strategy in action There is immense business opportunity in mobile. Failure to mobilise your business, quite simply will mean you will start to lose market share. The incredible pace and diversity of technological advancements means it’s essential to get the basics right before moving onto advanced marketing techniques. Our approach at Velti is to listen to our clients’ immediate revenue growth and cost-reduction aspirations and help our clients to shape a mobile strategy that forms a key strand of their overall business strategy, including brand experience, customer service and IT strategy. By putting the consumer at the heart of the mobile and multichannel digital strategy, we can build a trusted relationship and a roadmap of initiatives to maximise the benefits and minimise the risks, based on our sector-specific knowledge and our experience in helping clients to mobilise their business, and to drive brand and revenue growth. www.velti.co.uk
  • 29. www.velti.co.uk MobileWhitebook2013 29 How to Contact us +44 (0)20 7921 5560 redwards@velti.com www.velti.co.uk