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Vernal Pools – World
      of Amphibians

Mick Micacchion
Ohio EPA, Wetland Ecology Group
Vernal Pools
• Forested and Shrub
  depressions in a forested
• Isolated hydrology –
  primarily surface and
  ground water
• Seasonal hydrology –
  ephemeral – at least late
  winter (Feb/March) to
  early summer (June/July)
• Provide important
  amphibian breeding
Amphibian Habitat Needs
• Woodlands – especially
  important within 200m
• Seasonal hydrology -
  March-June at minimum
• Fish-free – bass, sunfish,
  pike, bullheads
• Leaf litter/ Woody debris
• Other breeding pools
Ohio Vernal Pool Habitat
•   Forest or shrub habitat
•   Forest surrounding pools
•   Other nearby pools
•   Seasonal hydrology
•   Surface water and/or
    groundwater hydrology
•   Fish-free
•   Leaf litter and woody
•   A habitat we are losing in
•   Complex ecosystems, not
    easy to replicate
Vernal Pool Habitat in Ohio
• A habitat that is
  disappearing at alarming
• Many species that rely on
  this habitat are becoming
• Those habitats that are
  remaining need to be
• Development of
  additional habitat is
  critically needed to help
  reverse the trend

       Monitored over
       200 wetlands for
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Amphibian Habitat Needs

    12.6 hectares
    31.0 acres
                    1000 meters
                     200 meters

   Wood Frogs
   314.0 hectares
   775.9 acres
Spring Peeper.
Pseudacris crucifer
Spring Peeper,
Pseudacris crucifer
Spring Peeper
Pseudacris crucifer
Western Chorus Frog,
Pseudacris triseriata
Gray Trefrog,
Hyla versicolor
Gray Treefrog,
Hyla versicolor
Northern Leopard Frog
Lithobates pipiens
Northern Leopard Frog,
Lithobates pipiens
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Wood Frog
Lithobates sylvaticus
Wood Frog Distribution

From Davis and Menze 2000
Wood Frog Reproduction Ecology
• Late winter/early spring, males advertise
• Only breed for a few days each year
• Communal egg laying
• 800- 1200 eggs per mass
• Larvae metamorphose
  in about 90 days
• Males mature in 1 year,
  females in 2 years
• Adults live 3 to 4 years tops
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Wood Frog Egg Collection
• Clear Creek Metro Park
  and other sites in
  Hocking Co.
• Collected and moved
  750,000 eggs
• Collected by hand
• Eggs iced in buckets
  with water and trucked
• Eggs deposited same
Repatriation Sites
• 3 Metro Parks
• Sites that once had
  wood frogs
• 30,000-50,000 eggs
  per pool
• Cluster eggs together
Success Criteria
• Successful breeding
   – Large numbers of
     breeding adults in the
   – A like number of eggs,
     tadpoles and metamorphs
• Healthy populations of
  wood frogs throughout
  the parks
• Long-term viability of the
• No human intervention
Red-spotted Newt
Notophthalmus viridescens
Red-spotted Newts
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Small-mouthed Salamander,
Ambystoma texanum
Small-mouthed Salamander
Ambystoma texanum
Jefferson Salamander
Ambystoma jeffersonianum
Spotted Salamander
Ambystoma maculatum
Spotted Salamander,
Ambystoma maculatum
Spotted salamander
                                                   A. maculatum response to % forest coverage

Probability of A. maculatum occupancy

                                                                                                                            Classification Tablea

                                                                                                                                                      maculatum           Percentage
                                                                                                   Observed                                         0           1          Correct
                                                                                         Step 1    Ambystoma            0                              17            3           85.0
                                                                                                   maculatum            1                               4          12            75.0
                                                                                                   Overall Percentage                                                            80.6
                                                                                            a. The cut value is .500


                                              0       25                  50                              75                                                              100
                                                                  % Forest within 200m

                                                                                                                 Slide by Deni Porej
Marbled Salamander,
Ambystoma opacum
Tiger Salamander,
Ambystoma tigrinum
Tiger Salamander
Ambystoma tigrinum
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Tiger Salamander larva
Tiger Salamander larva
Unisexual Hybrid
Ambystoma sp.
Unisexual Hybrid
Ambystoma sp.
Four-toed Salamander,
Hemidactylium scutatum   Photo by Jim Harding
Four-toed Salamander
and eggs               Photo by Mike Graziano
Identifying Potential Sites
• Hydric soil areas where hydrology can be
  restored by minimal construction
  – breaking tiles
  – plugging ditches
• Existing woodlands
  – In field or old field surrounded by woodlands
    or nearby (within 200m)
  – Located in existing woodlands
    • Restoration preferred
    • Creation if all other factors are good
Identifying Potential Sites
• Existing populations of breeding
  – Close enough to migrate to new wetlands
  – Repatriations should only be a last gasp
     • Extremely labor intensive
     • Low probability of success
• Locate near existing vernal pools
  – Metapopulation dynamics
  – Breeding success
Construction Techniques
• Keep engineering simple -break tiles/plug
• Move as little soil as possible
• Work with existing landscape features
  – Use existing depressions
  – Work around existing mature trees
• Stockpile and replace top soil, leaf litter
  and woody debris
Pool Construction
• Keep slopes gentle - 1:15 > 50% of pool
• Maximum depths of pools at 18-24” with
  occasional depths of < 36”
• Develop hummocks and tussocks and
  work with existing features if present
• Plant native vernal pool plants
Predicted “High Quality” Vernal Pool Locations
Vernal Pools & Amphibians
Vernal Pools & Amphibians

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Vernal Pools & Amphibians