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Video content marketing ideas 
In this file, we share with you all information that related to video 
content marketing ideas such as video marketing tips, video marketing 
tools, video marketing sites. 
If you need top free materials below, please visit: 
· Top 21 tips for video marketing 
· Top 31 sites to upload your videos 
· Top free 7 tools for video marketing 
I. Video marketing content for you! 
Coming up with new content ideas can be a challenge, especially for 
those new to content marketing. 
10-video-marketing-content-ideas-anyone-can-useWhile video 
marketing has become one of the most popular content tactics for B2B 
companies, creating enough content to keep those strategies humming is 
still an uphill battle for many. You hear it all the time: “We plan to 
create more content, we just need to come up with some new ideas.” 
The fact is, great content ideas are all around you if you take the time to 
notice them. For video in particular, different styles can often inspire a 
treasure trove of untapped coverage areas to take advantage of. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 1
If you find yourself stuck in a content rut, here are 10 simple content 
ideas for video marketing that any business can benefit from. 
#1. Feature demos. You’ve just released a new product or added a cool 
new feature. You’ve written the press releases, updated your site, wrote 
a blog post and shared it via a variety of channels. Now what? Well, 
why not put together a simple video presentation that demonstrates how 
your new feature works? If you’ve unveiled a whole new product, 
chances are you’ll be able to create videos for each new feature, leaving 
you with a host of new topics to add to your content calendar. 
Demos like these can be shared with current customers and prospects 
during the sales cycle, or posted to YouTube to attract new audiences. 
(For example, our initial SlideShark demo is still our most popular video 
on YouTube.) 
#2. Tips and how-tos. While feature demos are meant to be instructional, 
you can also extend that idea to more general topics that aren’t so 
“product-centric.” If you have a tip or idea that you think will help your 
audience perform better, than share it in a video. 
You can even repurpose existing blog posts to create new video assets 
on the same topic. Remember, just because you’ve done something 
once, doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. Creating video how-tos will 
extend your knowledge and reach beyond your blog to folks who prefer 
to learn in different ways. 
#3. Customer testimonials. Chances are, you’re already using and 
repurposing testimonials as part of your overall marketing strategy. But 
have you thought about using video to recreate them as well? You can 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 2
interview satisfied customers to share their success stories, or even 
simply compile your best customer quotes to be used in a short 
presentation (here is an example). This can help add an even more 
personal touch to testimonial content that you show to potential clients. 
#4. Value props. Product demos showcase your features and what they 
look like, but what about your value statement? You can create videos 
that introduce people to your company or products as well, focusing on 
the benefits they offer more than the nuts and bolts of how they work. 
This content can be posted to your company website or used in email 
marketing campaigns for demand generation. You can even tailor them 
toward specific markets and verticals to reach more segmented 
audiences. For instance, here’s a Brainshark presentation we put together 
specifically for organizations in the healthcare industry. 
#5. Webinar invites. Video is also a great way to promote registration 
for upcoming webinars and other events. You can even use the event 
speakers to add a personal touch to the invite, and include it in other 
promotional content and emails. For more details, here are some great 
tips for using online video to create an effective event invitation. 
#6. Expert Q&As. Not all of your content needs to come from you. Try 
tracking down other experts or influencers in your field and see if they’d 
be willing to sit down for a short Q&A video on a specific topic. Not 
only will this give you at least one new content asset, but it will help you 
build relationships with other thought leaders. Heck, they’ll probably 
even help promote it for you! 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 3
(For example, here are some simple “talking head” videos featuring 
yours truly. For each video, I take a few minutes to answer one question, 
resulting in three unique videos from one session.) 
#7. Man on the street interviews. If you can’t lock down an expert to talk 
to, you can always take your camera and head out to talk to the masses, 
just like a broadcast journalist. Unlike most news stories, however, these 
videos tend to be lighter and more spontaneous. Our team recently 
staked out an Apple store in Boston to ask people about the different 
ways they use their iPads, and the results were highly entertaining. 
This is also an effective tactic to use when attending industry events, 
where you can approach attendees or even expert presenters for short 
video insights on relevant topics. 
#8. Video infographics. You already know that graphical infographics 
are valuable content marketing assets. They get shared like crazy, and 
people love them. But why stop there? You can take all that data and 
imagery and repurpose it into a cool video infographic as well. Once 
again, this content can be used in both inbound and direct marketing 
strategies to help extend the reach of your message. 
#9. Whiteboards. You’ve no doubt scene these before, and they are a 
great tool for visual storytelling. There’s more than one way to create a 
cool whiteboard marketing video, but the simplest ones only require a 
dry-erase marker and a camera. When done well, content like this can be 
very popular (this one from The RSA has over 9 million views, for 
example). For more details on creating whiteboard marketing videos, 
check out this post. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 4
#10. Holiday greetings. I know, I know – the holiday season just ended. 
But hey, it’s never too late to start thinking about next year, right? A 
holiday greeting is a great way for companies to make stronger 
connections with existing customers, and video is an excellent tool for 
creating content that truly makes a difference. It’s also incredibly easy to 
do. Here are some easy steps to putting together a holiday video greeting 
that will stand out from the masses. 
As you can see, there’s no shortage of video marketing content ideas to 
choose from, but this is hardly a complete list. Do you have any other 
ideas for creating cool, unique video content? Sound off in the 
comments and let us know! 
II. Video marketing tips 
#1: Take advantage of video’s 
branding opportunities 
For branding purposes, have your 
company logo displayed 
prominently somewhere on the 
screen. You can do this at all 
times, or during key times in your 
In the image below, notice how the company logo is displayed in the 
upper-left corner. You can display your logo throughout your video or 
only at key times. 
#2: Include your URL in your video 
When you edit your video, take advantage of the different editing 
features. One easy feature is to add a text box to your video. This is 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 5
where you can display your website address and it’s a great way to get 
Here’s a screen shot of Mari Smith’s YouTube channel. Notice how she 
used a text box in her video to display key information, including her 
website URL at the end of her video. Smart move! 
#3: Make your title count 
Just like a headline to a blog post, video titles can pull powerful traffic. 
There are two main reasons why the title is so important. One, a great 
title can instantly grab a viewer’s attention. 
Two, when you use the appropriate keywords in your title, you are more 
likely to show up on search engines when people are searching for your 
topic. And remember Google owns YouTube, so there’s a story 
connection between video and searching. 
#4: Provide excellent content 
Take some time to think about your ideal viewer. What do you know 
that they’ll find valuable? What can you teach them? “How-to” videos 
are extremely successful because not only do they offer great value to 
your viewer, but also you’re able to showcase your knowledge and skill, 
thus positioning yourself as an expert. This is key as you continue to 
grow your brand 
#5: Always provide an HTML link 
When you post on YouTube, you have the option to write a short 
description of your video. Always start with the link you want to drive 
your viewers to so you don’t miss this key opportunity. 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 6
Here’s a snapshot of the description boxes from one of my YouTube 
videos. Notice the placement of my website URL (it’s the first thing 
you want to put in the box!) and the keywords I used in my title as well 
as the description. 
#6: Go beyond YouTube 
Most people post their videos on YouTube. In addition to this, make 
sure to always embed your video on your own website. This will 
increase the amount of time people spend on your website and help grow 
a captive audience. 
Also, Google’s algorithms consider how many times a video is viewed, 
and embedded video views you receive get added to the ‘views’ tally on 
YouTube. This is important for showing up in Google search results! 
Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 7

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Video content marketing ideas

  • 1. Video content marketing ideas In this file, we share with you all information that related to video content marketing ideas such as video marketing tips, video marketing tools, video marketing sites. If you need top free materials below, please visit: videomarketingaz.com · Top 21 tips for video marketing · Top 31 sites to upload your videos · Top free 7 tools for video marketing I. Video marketing content for you! Coming up with new content ideas can be a challenge, especially for those new to content marketing. 10-video-marketing-content-ideas-anyone-can-useWhile video marketing has become one of the most popular content tactics for B2B companies, creating enough content to keep those strategies humming is still an uphill battle for many. You hear it all the time: “We plan to create more content, we just need to come up with some new ideas.” The fact is, great content ideas are all around you if you take the time to notice them. For video in particular, different styles can often inspire a treasure trove of untapped coverage areas to take advantage of. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 1
  • 2. If you find yourself stuck in a content rut, here are 10 simple content ideas for video marketing that any business can benefit from. #1. Feature demos. You’ve just released a new product or added a cool new feature. You’ve written the press releases, updated your site, wrote a blog post and shared it via a variety of channels. Now what? Well, why not put together a simple video presentation that demonstrates how your new feature works? If you’ve unveiled a whole new product, chances are you’ll be able to create videos for each new feature, leaving you with a host of new topics to add to your content calendar. Demos like these can be shared with current customers and prospects during the sales cycle, or posted to YouTube to attract new audiences. (For example, our initial SlideShark demo is still our most popular video on YouTube.) #2. Tips and how-tos. While feature demos are meant to be instructional, you can also extend that idea to more general topics that aren’t so “product-centric.” If you have a tip or idea that you think will help your audience perform better, than share it in a video. You can even repurpose existing blog posts to create new video assets on the same topic. Remember, just because you’ve done something once, doesn’t mean you can’t do it again. Creating video how-tos will extend your knowledge and reach beyond your blog to folks who prefer to learn in different ways. #3. Customer testimonials. Chances are, you’re already using and repurposing testimonials as part of your overall marketing strategy. But have you thought about using video to recreate them as well? You can Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 2
  • 3. interview satisfied customers to share their success stories, or even simply compile your best customer quotes to be used in a short presentation (here is an example). This can help add an even more personal touch to testimonial content that you show to potential clients. #4. Value props. Product demos showcase your features and what they look like, but what about your value statement? You can create videos that introduce people to your company or products as well, focusing on the benefits they offer more than the nuts and bolts of how they work. This content can be posted to your company website or used in email marketing campaigns for demand generation. You can even tailor them toward specific markets and verticals to reach more segmented audiences. For instance, here’s a Brainshark presentation we put together specifically for organizations in the healthcare industry. #5. Webinar invites. Video is also a great way to promote registration for upcoming webinars and other events. You can even use the event speakers to add a personal touch to the invite, and include it in other promotional content and emails. For more details, here are some great tips for using online video to create an effective event invitation. #6. Expert Q&As. Not all of your content needs to come from you. Try tracking down other experts or influencers in your field and see if they’d be willing to sit down for a short Q&A video on a specific topic. Not only will this give you at least one new content asset, but it will help you build relationships with other thought leaders. Heck, they’ll probably even help promote it for you! Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 3
  • 4. (For example, here are some simple “talking head” videos featuring yours truly. For each video, I take a few minutes to answer one question, resulting in three unique videos from one session.) #7. Man on the street interviews. If you can’t lock down an expert to talk to, you can always take your camera and head out to talk to the masses, just like a broadcast journalist. Unlike most news stories, however, these videos tend to be lighter and more spontaneous. Our team recently staked out an Apple store in Boston to ask people about the different ways they use their iPads, and the results were highly entertaining. This is also an effective tactic to use when attending industry events, where you can approach attendees or even expert presenters for short video insights on relevant topics. #8. Video infographics. You already know that graphical infographics are valuable content marketing assets. They get shared like crazy, and people love them. But why stop there? You can take all that data and imagery and repurpose it into a cool video infographic as well. Once again, this content can be used in both inbound and direct marketing strategies to help extend the reach of your message. #9. Whiteboards. You’ve no doubt scene these before, and they are a great tool for visual storytelling. There’s more than one way to create a cool whiteboard marketing video, but the simplest ones only require a dry-erase marker and a camera. When done well, content like this can be very popular (this one from The RSA has over 9 million views, for example). For more details on creating whiteboard marketing videos, check out this post. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 4
  • 5. #10. Holiday greetings. I know, I know – the holiday season just ended. But hey, it’s never too late to start thinking about next year, right? A holiday greeting is a great way for companies to make stronger connections with existing customers, and video is an excellent tool for creating content that truly makes a difference. It’s also incredibly easy to do. Here are some easy steps to putting together a holiday video greeting that will stand out from the masses. As you can see, there’s no shortage of video marketing content ideas to choose from, but this is hardly a complete list. Do you have any other ideas for creating cool, unique video content? Sound off in the comments and let us know! II. Video marketing tips #1: Take advantage of video’s branding opportunities For branding purposes, have your company logo displayed prominently somewhere on the screen. You can do this at all times, or during key times in your video. In the image below, notice how the company logo is displayed in the upper-left corner. You can display your logo throughout your video or only at key times. #2: Include your URL in your video When you edit your video, take advantage of the different editing features. One easy feature is to add a text box to your video. This is Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 5
  • 6. where you can display your website address and it’s a great way to get exposure. Here’s a screen shot of Mari Smith’s YouTube channel. Notice how she used a text box in her video to display key information, including her website URL at the end of her video. Smart move! #3: Make your title count Just like a headline to a blog post, video titles can pull powerful traffic. There are two main reasons why the title is so important. One, a great title can instantly grab a viewer’s attention. Two, when you use the appropriate keywords in your title, you are more likely to show up on search engines when people are searching for your topic. And remember Google owns YouTube, so there’s a story connection between video and searching. #4: Provide excellent content Take some time to think about your ideal viewer. What do you know that they’ll find valuable? What can you teach them? “How-to” videos are extremely successful because not only do they offer great value to your viewer, but also you’re able to showcase your knowledge and skill, thus positioning yourself as an expert. This is key as you continue to grow your brand #5: Always provide an HTML link When you post on YouTube, you have the option to write a short description of your video. Always start with the link you want to drive your viewers to so you don’t miss this key opportunity. Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 6
  • 7. Here’s a snapshot of the description boxes from one of my YouTube videos. Notice the placement of my website URL (it’s the first thing you want to put in the box!) and the keywords I used in my title as well as the description. #6: Go beyond YouTube Most people post their videos on YouTube. In addition to this, make sure to always embed your video on your own website. This will increase the amount of time people spend on your website and help grow a captive audience. Also, Google’s algorithms consider how many times a video is viewed, and embedded video views you receive get added to the ‘views’ tally on YouTube. This is important for showing up in Google search results! Video marketing. Free pdf download examples Page 7