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Issue 03
Corporate social networking

Corporate social
networking – is it right
for your business?


Corporate digital communications
Issue 03
Corporate social networking

                              A practical guide to
                              integrating social media
                              into your business
                              In this issue we explore how corporate social networking is being used to
                              add genuine value to traditional stakeholder communications strategies.

                              In the last two years social media tools and networking channels have
                              become a dominant feature in the online landscape. Your employees are
                              using them. Potential recruits are using them. Investors are using them.
                              Customers are using them. Discussions about your brand are already taking place.
                              Whether your organisation is ready for it or not, social networking is here to stay.

                              The reality is that companies need to be participating in these stakeholder
                              conversations so that they can help shape the outcomes. So it is important to
                              understand how these new tools can benefit your business and how corporate
                              social networking can be integrated into your existing corporate brand and
                              communications strategy.

                              On the face of things social media present a bewildering array of new options.
                              RSS feeds, corporate tweets, iPhone apps, to name but a few. And this is even
                              before you throw user generated content (UGC) into the mix. Not only do you
                              have to plan your own communications, if you are lucky enough to be successful
                              and engage with your stakeholders, you now also have to prepare for them to
                              communicate back when they Yelp about you or write about your brand on their
                              Facebook wall.

                              Bewildering? Initially maybe. Beyond you? Absolutely not. Nothing has
                              fundamentally changed. As with any innovation in the marketplace there is a lot
                              of hype. The key is in cutting through the noise and deciding what is right for your
                              company and where social networking can offer genuine benefit to your existing
                              stakeholder communications.

                                        PLANNING YOUR
                                        STAKEHOLDER SOC
                                        MEDIA ROADMAP


                        CONTENT SHARING SITES


                        USER GENERATED INFORMATION
Think before you tweet!                                             STAFF

Our guide to getting                                                Create employee
your social media                                                   social networks in
strategy off the ground                                             the workplace
                                                                    Introduce wikis to provide a place where your people
1   Make it count                                                   can build connections, collaborate, share best practices
                                                                    and support career development and learning. We can
    Don’t make a hasty decision to rush into social media.
                                                                    imagine a time when social networks replace email as
    If you invest straight away in recruiting a new ‘tweeting
                                                                    the primary internal communications channel – for the
    engagement team’ without a clear plan as to how it
                                                                    very simple reason that hitting ‘reply all’ is not the same
    fits in with wider objectives, you will end up regretting it.
                                                                    as collaboration!
    Set KPI’s in advance and measure ROI based on
    actual business results for the company.
                                                                    Recommended social media

2   Cover all the bases                                                     User generated information
    Social media doesn’t just mean Twitter or Facebook!
    The channels are changing daily so don’t just invest                    Social networks
    in one. Research which social media sites your
    stakeholders are using. Choose a few of the most
    appropriate and spread your time and energy evenly
    across them.

                                                                    At Nokia more than 20% of the company’s
3   Plan your content                                               68,000 employees now use wiki pages to collaborate
    Clearly the content must be engaging. But who will              globally – updating schedules and project status,
    be responsible for approving it and making sure it is           exchanging ideas, and editing shared files.
    on-brand? What formats will you need – copy, video,
    photos, audio, interactive? Where will it come from,
    is it original or repurposed? How will you address any
    negative comments about the company? Is your strategy
    compliant with legal and regulatory requirements?

4   Think long-term
    Once your company begins dialogue with stakeholders
    it needs to be continued. This may mean long-term
    commitment of time and resource from your team –
    producing content, posting, sharing, and responding.
    So ensure that you have the right process, assets and
    tools in place. One option is to outsource these tasks
    to an external digital agency via an SLA to ensure
    creative and timely ongoing management.

5   Build a network
    Don’t overlook the process of building a network.
    Just because you start a conversation don’t assume
    that stakeholders will respond. Without effective reach,
    there is no effective ROI so don’t underestimate the
    need for traditional media channels to seed growth
    onto your new corporate social network. Identify your
    different stakeholder groups and work out which of
    these groups is most likely to respond to social media.

6   Experiment
    Until you dip your toe into the water you won’t know
    the benefits or risks of corporate social networking
    for your company. So as a first step: pick a trial social
    media project for one stakeholder group that won’t take
    too much time; write down successes and challenges;
    ask or listen to people you connected with as to what
    worked and what didn’t; watch other companies, copy,
    remix and move on to the next stakeholder group.
GRADUATES                                                  INVESTORS

Win the war for talent                                     Make your company
by building your own                                       a more attractive
talent communities                                         investment opportunity
Boost your employee retention and engage with              Get to know the online financial blogs where
potential recruits to your business through social         your stakeholders are discussing their investments.
media channels. Micro-blogs can add ‘human interest’       Some of the biggest are Seeking Alpha, StockTwits
to your corporate recruitment messages. Internally,        and wikinvest. Make your financial content social by
consider using podcasts to deliver training globally.      sharing it – add your presentations to content sharing
Externally, consider setting up a Facebook group           sites and increase transparency with the wider online
to foster your own talent community.                       community of investors, analysts and the press.

Recommended social media                                   Recommended social media

       User generated content                                     Content sharing

       Social networks                                            User generated content

Microsoft has built a community that adds value to         Rio Tinto uses Twitter as a newswire to notify shareholders
the target recruits beyond just the future job prospect.   on financial updates. The Tweets cover news, events and
The site showcases ‘Real People’ telling ‘Real Stories’    presentations and link back to the corporate IR website.
and features the latest in social networking, RSS feeds,
video and blogs.
CUSTOMERS                                                MEDIA

Start putting your                                       Proactively manage
customer at the heart                                    your corporate
of your brand                                            reputation online
Social networks can be used to deliver improved          Leverage micro-blogging platforms such as Twitter
customer service and address negative perceptions        to set the media agenda and drive users back to
about your company online. Twitter provides a good       stories on your corporate site. It can also be used for
platform to immediately engage with customers by         live-blogging of company events such as the AGM or
responding directly to conversations, enquiries          quarterly results announcements. Content sharing sites
or complaints related to your organisation.              can be used to make brand assets such as video and
                                                         images quickly available to the media.

Recommended social media                                 Recommended social media

      User generated content                                     Content sharing

      Social networks                                            Social networks

Dell taps into its own customers as a source of talent   Centrica has created a dedicated YouTube channel
and innovation. Customers can submit ideas for new       to host videos produced by the company. The videos
products or improvements to existing services and vote   showcase the company’s community involvement and
on the ideas they would most like to see Dell develop.   CSR activities.

                                                         TO FIND OUT HOW SOCIAL
                                                         MEDIA CAN WORK
                                                         FOR YOUR BUSINESS
                                                         GIVE US A CALL
Issue 03
Corporate social networking

                              “Empower your staff
                               to participate in social
                               media conversations”
                               Andy Robinson Technical team lead

                               Whatever your company’s official level of engagement in social media the personal
                               take up of sites such as Facebook and services such as Twitter means there is a
                               good chance that your staff are already involved everyday in online conversations
                               that may impact – either directly or indirectly – on your company and your brand.
                               So it is important to put in place corporate guidelines that empower your staff to
                               participate in social media conversations in the right way.

                               Social media channels are by definition new and unfamiliar environments with
                               new rules and conventions. And often the distinction between staff participating
                               personally or acting on behalf of the company can become blurred. It is all too
                               easy to forget that what is posted in haste on Twitter can be seen by colleagues
                               or customers, as well as by friends. And we have heard many social media horror
                               stories – such as the recent case of one part of our clients business uploading
                               sales videos onto YouTube which directly contradicted messages from another
                               part of the business!

                               The best guidelines often simply boil down to reminding staff that the same rules
                               that apply to messaging and communication in traditional media still apply in the
                               social media space. They give advice on how company and brand values can
                               be applied to social media. They remind staff about the difference in speaking
                               ‘on behalf of the company’ and speaking ‘about’ the company. And they give
                               the communications team a place to emphasise important company policies,
                               such as Code of Business Conduct or Confidentiality Agreements, which need
                               to be adhered to online.

                               Guidelines should not only protect your brand but also protect your staff and
                               provide your entire organisation with a framework to use social media channels
                               with confidence both personally and professionally. If done well they can help
                               turn your staff into social network champions for the business. You can ask them
                               to monitor the social media landscape during their own usage and report back
                               positive and negative remarks about the company.

                               The best advice we give our own staff is to use their common sense.
                               Conversations are the lifeblood of social networks and over time the conversations
                               they are having today may well prove to be springboards for wider company
                               marketing and communications initiatives in the future.

                               For more View blogs visit our website:
View is a corporate digital communications agency.

We help FTSE and global companies engage with their business stakeholders.

We do communications and content strategy; stakeholder engagement;
corporate websites, intranets and microsites; bespoke application development;
integrated marcomms campaigns; digital design, build and support services.

For more information please contact:

Jason Ross, CEO
Tel: +44 (0)20 8811 8651

Ben Procter, Senior Account Director
Tel: +44 (0)20 8811 8613

The Penthouse
Block A, Long Island House
Warple Way
W3 0RG

+44 (0)20 8811 8600

Corporate digital communications

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  • 1. Issue 03 Corporate social networking Corporate social networking – is it right for your business? viewpoint Corporate digital communications
  • 2. Issue 03 Corporate social networking viewpoint A practical guide to integrating social media into your business In this issue we explore how corporate social networking is being used to add genuine value to traditional stakeholder communications strategies. In the last two years social media tools and networking channels have become a dominant feature in the online landscape. Your employees are using them. Potential recruits are using them. Investors are using them. Customers are using them. Discussions about your brand are already taking place. Whether your organisation is ready for it or not, social networking is here to stay. The reality is that companies need to be participating in these stakeholder conversations so that they can help shape the outcomes. So it is important to understand how these new tools can benefit your business and how corporate social networking can be integrated into your existing corporate brand and communications strategy. On the face of things social media present a bewildering array of new options. RSS feeds, corporate tweets, iPhone apps, to name but a few. And this is even before you throw user generated content (UGC) into the mix. Not only do you have to plan your own communications, if you are lucky enough to be successful and engage with your stakeholders, you now also have to prepare for them to communicate back when they Yelp about you or write about your brand on their Facebook wall. Bewildering? Initially maybe. Beyond you? Absolutely not. Nothing has fundamentally changed. As with any innovation in the marketplace there is a lot of hype. The key is in cutting through the noise and deciding what is right for your company and where social networking can offer genuine benefit to your existing stakeholder communications. PLANNING YOUR IAL STAKEHOLDER SOC MEDIA ROADMAP
  • 4. Think before you tweet! STAFF Our guide to getting Create employee your social media social networks in strategy off the ground the workplace Introduce wikis to provide a place where your people 1 Make it count can build connections, collaborate, share best practices and support career development and learning. We can Don’t make a hasty decision to rush into social media. imagine a time when social networks replace email as If you invest straight away in recruiting a new ‘tweeting the primary internal communications channel – for the engagement team’ without a clear plan as to how it very simple reason that hitting ‘reply all’ is not the same fits in with wider objectives, you will end up regretting it. as collaboration! Set KPI’s in advance and measure ROI based on actual business results for the company. Recommended social media 2 Cover all the bases User generated information Social media doesn’t just mean Twitter or Facebook! The channels are changing daily so don’t just invest Social networks in one. Research which social media sites your stakeholders are using. Choose a few of the most appropriate and spread your time and energy evenly across them. At Nokia more than 20% of the company’s 3 Plan your content 68,000 employees now use wiki pages to collaborate Clearly the content must be engaging. But who will globally – updating schedules and project status, be responsible for approving it and making sure it is exchanging ideas, and editing shared files. on-brand? What formats will you need – copy, video, photos, audio, interactive? Where will it come from, is it original or repurposed? How will you address any negative comments about the company? Is your strategy compliant with legal and regulatory requirements? 4 Think long-term Once your company begins dialogue with stakeholders it needs to be continued. This may mean long-term commitment of time and resource from your team – producing content, posting, sharing, and responding. So ensure that you have the right process, assets and tools in place. One option is to outsource these tasks to an external digital agency via an SLA to ensure creative and timely ongoing management. 5 Build a network Don’t overlook the process of building a network. Just because you start a conversation don’t assume that stakeholders will respond. Without effective reach, there is no effective ROI so don’t underestimate the need for traditional media channels to seed growth onto your new corporate social network. Identify your different stakeholder groups and work out which of these groups is most likely to respond to social media. 6 Experiment Until you dip your toe into the water you won’t know the benefits or risks of corporate social networking for your company. So as a first step: pick a trial social media project for one stakeholder group that won’t take too much time; write down successes and challenges; ask or listen to people you connected with as to what worked and what didn’t; watch other companies, copy, remix and move on to the next stakeholder group.
  • 5. GRADUATES INVESTORS Win the war for talent Make your company by building your own a more attractive talent communities investment opportunity Boost your employee retention and engage with Get to know the online financial blogs where potential recruits to your business through social your stakeholders are discussing their investments. media channels. Micro-blogs can add ‘human interest’ Some of the biggest are Seeking Alpha, StockTwits to your corporate recruitment messages. Internally, and wikinvest. Make your financial content social by consider using podcasts to deliver training globally. sharing it – add your presentations to content sharing Externally, consider setting up a Facebook group sites and increase transparency with the wider online to foster your own talent community. community of investors, analysts and the press. Recommended social media Recommended social media User generated content Content sharing Social networks User generated content Microsoft has built a community that adds value to Rio Tinto uses Twitter as a newswire to notify shareholders the target recruits beyond just the future job prospect. on financial updates. The Tweets cover news, events and The site showcases ‘Real People’ telling ‘Real Stories’ presentations and link back to the corporate IR website. and features the latest in social networking, RSS feeds, video and blogs.
  • 6. CUSTOMERS MEDIA Start putting your Proactively manage customer at the heart your corporate of your brand reputation online Social networks can be used to deliver improved Leverage micro-blogging platforms such as Twitter customer service and address negative perceptions to set the media agenda and drive users back to about your company online. Twitter provides a good stories on your corporate site. It can also be used for platform to immediately engage with customers by live-blogging of company events such as the AGM or responding directly to conversations, enquiries quarterly results announcements. Content sharing sites or complaints related to your organisation. can be used to make brand assets such as video and images quickly available to the media. Recommended social media Recommended social media User generated content Content sharing Social networks Social networks Dell taps into its own customers as a source of talent Centrica has created a dedicated YouTube channel and innovation. Customers can submit ideas for new to host videos produced by the company. The videos products or improvements to existing services and vote showcase the company’s community involvement and on the ideas they would most like to see Dell develop. CSR activities. TO FIND OUT HOW SOCIAL MEDIA CAN WORK FOR YOUR BUSINESS GIVE US A CALL
  • 7. Issue 03 Corporate social networking viewpoint “Empower your staff to participate in social media conversations” Andy Robinson Technical team lead Whatever your company’s official level of engagement in social media the personal take up of sites such as Facebook and services such as Twitter means there is a good chance that your staff are already involved everyday in online conversations that may impact – either directly or indirectly – on your company and your brand. So it is important to put in place corporate guidelines that empower your staff to participate in social media conversations in the right way. Social media channels are by definition new and unfamiliar environments with new rules and conventions. And often the distinction between staff participating personally or acting on behalf of the company can become blurred. It is all too easy to forget that what is posted in haste on Twitter can be seen by colleagues or customers, as well as by friends. And we have heard many social media horror stories – such as the recent case of one part of our clients business uploading sales videos onto YouTube which directly contradicted messages from another part of the business! The best guidelines often simply boil down to reminding staff that the same rules that apply to messaging and communication in traditional media still apply in the social media space. They give advice on how company and brand values can be applied to social media. They remind staff about the difference in speaking ‘on behalf of the company’ and speaking ‘about’ the company. And they give the communications team a place to emphasise important company policies, such as Code of Business Conduct or Confidentiality Agreements, which need to be adhered to online. Guidelines should not only protect your brand but also protect your staff and provide your entire organisation with a framework to use social media channels with confidence both personally and professionally. If done well they can help turn your staff into social network champions for the business. You can ask them to monitor the social media landscape during their own usage and report back positive and negative remarks about the company. The best advice we give our own staff is to use their common sense. Conversations are the lifeblood of social networks and over time the conversations they are having today may well prove to be springboards for wider company marketing and communications initiatives in the future. For more View blogs visit our website: www.view.uk.com/wesay
  • 8. View is a corporate digital communications agency. We help FTSE and global companies engage with their business stakeholders. We do communications and content strategy; stakeholder engagement; corporate websites, intranets and microsites; bespoke application development; integrated marcomms campaigns; digital design, build and support services. For more information please contact: Jason Ross, CEO jross@view.uk.com Tel: +44 (0)20 8811 8651 Ben Procter, Senior Account Director bprocter@view.uk.com Tel: +44 (0)20 8811 8613 View The Penthouse Block A, Long Island House Warple Way London W3 0RG +44 (0)20 8811 8600 www.view.uk.com Corporate digital communications