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Virtualization 101

Timothy Stephan, Senior Director
vSphere Product Marketing

    Goals for this session

     • Gain a fundamental understanding
      of VMware’s core virtualization
     • Understand the customer benefits of
     • Explore how vSphere components
      work together to form a complete
      cloud infrastructure platform.
     • Teach you how to get started today!


    What Exactly is Virtualization?

    Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve?

    How Will Virtualization Benefit Me?

    Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go


    What Exactly is Virtualization?

    Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve?

    How Will Virtualization Benefit Me?

    Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go

Virtualization Defined

Virtualization ● virt·tual·iz-a-tion ● [vur-choo-uhl-iz-ey-shuhn]
1. Today’s x86 computer hardware was designed to run a
   single operating system and a single application,
   leaving most machines vastly underutilized.
   Virtualization lets you run multiple virtual machines on
   a single physical machine, with each virtual machine
   sharing the resources of that one physical computer
   across multiple environments. Different virtual
   machines can run different operating systems and
   multiple applications on the same physical computer.
2. Something only VMware can do well :)

Virtualization & Cloud = Top Priorities for CIOs

    CIO Technology                   2010 Priority   2009 Priority

      Virtualization                      1               3

    Cloud Computing                       2              14

Source: Gartner CIO study, Q4 2009

Virtualization Defined

    For those more visually inclined…

          Traditional Architecture      Virtual Architecture

Key Properties of Virtual Machines

                         Run multiple operating systems on
                         one physical machine
                         Divide system resources between
                         virtual machines

Key Properties of Virtual Machines : Continued

                   Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine
                   Divide system resources between virtual machines

                                Fault and security isolation at the
       VMware                   hardware level
                                Advanced resource controls preserve

Key Properties of Virtual Machines : Continued

                 Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine
                 Divide system resources between virtual machines

     VMware       Fault and security isolation at the hardware level
                  Advanced resource controls preserve performance

                          Entire state of the virtual machine can
                          be saved to files
                          Move and copy virtual machines as
                          easily as moving and copying files

Key Properties of Virtual Machines : Continued

                 Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine
                 Divide system resources between virtual machines

     VMware       Fault and security isolation at the hardware level
                  Advanced resource controls preserve performance

                 Entire state of the virtual machine can be saved to files
                 Move and copy virtual machines as easily as moving and copying files

                  Hardware Independence
                     Provision or migrate any virtual machine
                     to any similar or different physical server

Abstraction + Pooling = Reduced Complexity

                   Traditional View                                       Virtual

     Exchange                     File/Print
     Operating System            Operating System                     Virtual Infrastructure

      SAP ERP                   Oracle CRM
     Operating System            Operating System             Pool


Abstraction + Pooling = Reduced Complexity

     Exchange            File/Print
     Operating System   Operating System             Virtual Infrastructure


      SAP ERP           Oracle CRM
     Operating System   Operating System      Pool



     What Exactly is Virtualization?

     Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve?

     How Will Virtualization Benefit Me?

     Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go

VMware is the Customer Proven Market Leader

 Company Overview
     • $3.77 billion in 2011 revenues
     • >$4.5 billion in cash and equivalents
     • 30%+ operating margins
     • ~11,000 employees worldwide
     • 5th largest infrastructure software
      company in the world
 Proven in the Trenches
     • 300,000+ VMware customers
     • 100% of Fortune 100
     • 100% of Fortune Global 100
     • 99% of Fortune 1000
     • 97% of Fortune Global 500

VMware is the Customer Proven Market Leader

 Company Overview
      • $3.77 billion in 2011 revenues
      • >$4.5 billion in cash and equivalents
      • 30%+ operating margins
      • ~11,000 employees worldwide
      • 5th largest infrastructure software
         company in theof mid-2011,
                 As world   about 81%
 Proven inof installed VMs are VMware-based
            the Trenches
      • 300,000+ Gartner,customers
                 VMware June 2011
      • 100% of Fortune 100
      • 100% of Fortune Global 100
      • 99% of Fortune 1000
      • 97% of Fortune Global 500

     Source: From Virtualization to Cloud Computing, Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations and Management Summit, June 2011, Thomas Bittman

Our Mission – Aligns with your Mission

                       Enable Our Customers By
             Simplifying and Automating IT in the Cloud Era

                                                    Leading to a
       Optimizing IT        Enabling Greater        More Engaged,
       Efficiency…          Business Agility…       Productive

       Enabling Business Transformation thru IT Transformation

VMware History – the Road to Cloud Infrastructure
       Gen 1:                         Gen 2:                          Gen 3:                    Gen 4:
       Client Hypervisor              Server Hypervisor               Virtual Infrastructure    vSphere

                                                                                                   Focus is on the
 App     App   App   App   App      App     App   App   App   App

 OS       OS   OS    OS    OS        OS     OS    OS    OS    OS

                                    App     App   App   App   App
     VMware Server (GSX)
                                     OS     OS    OS    OS    OS
       HOST OS                            ESX Server
                                                                                                 Foundation of a
                                                                                                 Private Cloud     VIP

                                                                          Central management              Central management
                                                                          via vCenter                     via vCenter

 • Higher utilization            • Complete OS/App fault            • Centralized              • Policy-based control of
                                   isolation                          management                 compute, network, and
 • Some OS/App fault
                                                                                                 storage resources
   isolation                     • Encapsulation of virtual         • Move virtual machines
                                   machines                           while running            • Security and fault tolerance
                                 • Hardware Independence            • Automatic business       • Focus is on the application

Our Focus

     Empowered, Secure
                                 End-User Computing
     Mobile Workforce

     for Modern
                           Cloud Application Platform

     A More Flexible,
     Scalable, Efficient
     Infrastructure      Cloud   Infrastructure & Management
     for All Apps

                                 Existing Datacenters     Public Cloud Services

VMware in the Leaders Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization

Gartner, Inc. Magic Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure, Thomas J. Bittman, Philip Dawson, Mark Margevicius, George J. Weiss, 30 June 2011.
This Magic Quadrant graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research note and should be evaluated in the context of the entire report. The Gartner report is available upon request from VMware.

The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted 2011 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused with permission. The Magic Quadrant is a graphical representation of a marketplace at and for a specific time period. It depicts Gartner's analysis of how certain vendors measure
against criteria for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in the Magic Quadrant, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors placed in the "Leaders" quadrant.
The Magic Quadrant is intended solely as a research tool, and is not meant to be a specific guide to action. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a
particular purpose.

VMware and Our Partner Network…

          Deep Expertise…                    Economics of Choice…

      2,200+ Technology and                   70+ vCloud
        Consulting Partners                   Service Providers

         Collectively committed to achieving transformative business
      outcomes through continuous innovation and superior technology.
     Together we have the complementary skills and shared commitment
      to bring the best expertise and business solutions to each unique
                           customer environment.

         Leverage Existing
                                             Available Resources…

             25,000+                            59,000+ VMware
         Channel Partners                    Certified Professionals

Broadest Software and Hardware Support in the Industry

Over 1400 ISV Partners Supporting   Broadest ISV and IHV Support
over 2500 Applications on VMware
                                     Majority ISVs Support VMware
                                      SAP and IBM have clear support
           10 out of Top 10            statements for running their software on
           Healthcare ISVs

                                      Oracle’s official support policy (Document
            10 out of Top 10           ID #249212.1) states they will support
            Finance ISVs               Oracle Databases, applications &
                                       middleware virtualized on VMware

                                      Microsoft fully supports all leading
           5 out of Top 5              applications on VMware (and recently
           Telecom ISVs                extended support for Exchange 2010

           4 out of Top 5
                                     Broadest x86 Hardware Support
           Retail ISVs
                                      The broadest choice of x86 hardware

So, What’s the Problem?

                          © 2010 VMware Inc. All rights reserved
IT Mandate

        IT will always be pressured to …

     enable greater business agility,

             while becoming more efficient.

IT is Traditionally Forced to Focus on Non-Value-Add Activity

                        IT Investment
                                                          Overwhelming complexity
                                5%                                    +
                          Investment                         Brittle infrastructure
                                                            < 30% of IT budgets
                 Application              42%               goes to innovation and
                 Investment            Infrastructure       competitive advantage

                                                        Business Agility
                                                            Depends on IT Agility

Source: VMware Fortune 100 Customers

Before VMware: The State of at IT Infrastructure

      Server Sprawl                                                        Power & Cooling
       36M physical x86 servers by                                         $1 for every $1 spent on
          2011— a ten-fold increase                                            servers
          over 15 years                                                     $29 bn in power and
       $140 bn in excess server                                               cooling industry wide
          capacity - a 3-year supply

        Space Crunch Costs                                                  Operating Costs
        $1,000 / sq ft                                                       $8 in maintenance for
        $2,400 / server                                                        every $1 spent on new
        $40,000 / rack
                                                                              20-30 : 1 server-to-admin

  1. IDC, U.S. and Worldwide Server Installed Base 2007–2011 Forecast, Doc #207044, May 2007
272. IDC, Virtualization And Multicore Innovations Disrupt The Worldwide Server Market, Doc #206035, March 2007
  3. Source: VMware
Obviously something isn’t working very well…

                                 …so what should we do?


     What Exactly is Virtualization?

     Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve?

     How Will Virtualization Benefit Me?

     Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go

Core Benefits

         1. Reduce                     2. Dramatically           3. Enable Flexible, Agile
       the Complexity                   Lower Costs                 IT Service Delivery
     to simplify operations        to redirect investment into   to meet and anticipate the
        and maintenance             value-add opportunities        needs of the business

                        Drive IT Agility to Increase Business Value

How Do I Get Those Benefits?

Consolidation - One-time event that moves existing applications
onto a fewer number of servers

Containment - An ongoing effort to virtualize new applications
and manage growth of existing ones

Availability – Introducing virtualization to increase application
availability and data recoverability

              …there are many more benefits of virtualization
What is vSphere?

                    Industry’s Most Complete and Robust
                    Virtualization Platform

                   vSphere Provides:
                     Infrastructure consolidation and cost savings
                     Application high-availability and business continuity
                     Simple, yet powerful IT management

                   What Does vSphere Solve for Customers?
                     Provides a Powerful Disaster Recovery Strategy
                     Supports Running Mission-Critical Applications
                     Simplifies IT Operations
                     Delivers the Most Flexible Building Block for Leveraging
                      the Cloud
VMware vSphere Platform

                             vCenter Server

                     • High Availability
                     • Fault Tolerance
                                            • vShield Zones
                     • vMotion                                        • Hot Add
                                            • Security APIs
                     • Storage vMotion                                • DRS
                     • Data Recovery

                        Availability           Security                   Scalability

  VMware vSphere

                        Compute                Storage                    Network

    Services                               • Thin Provisioning
                                                                      • Network I/O Control
                     • ESXi Convergence    • Storage DRS
                                                                      • Distributed Switch
                     • Auto Deploy         • Profile-Driven Storage
                     • DRS                 • Storage I/O Control
                                           • Storage APIs
High Availability

Enables the high availability of
virtual machines by restarting

them on a different vSphere
host in the event of a failure

Benefits:                              Resource Pool
•   Minimizes downtime and IT
    service disruption
•   Reduce cost and complexity
    compared to traditional
Live Machine Migration with Zero Downtime

Enables the live migration of virtual
machines from one host to another
with continuous service availability.

•    Revolutionary technology that is the
     basis for automated virtual machine
•    Meets service level and performance

Better Storage Utilization and Efficiency

 Provisioning storage only based on what is
 needed now and grow into requested size
 over time

 •   Eliminate over-allocating storage
 •   Reduce CapEx purchases
 •   More granular controls over
     storage resources
 •   Easy to convert from virtual disks
     that were previously thick
     (Storage vMotion)
Save Time During Disaster Recovery

              Configure           Install      Configure   Install   Start ―Single-step
              hardware            OS           OS          backup    automatic recovery‖
              Restore     Power
                                                                                  40+ hrs
              VM          on VM
                                                 < 4 hrs

Eliminate recovery steps
• No operating system re-install or bare-metal recovery
• No time spent reconfiguring hardware

Standardize recovery process
• Consistent process independent of operating system and hardware
The Results are Transformational

      Financial                 Resources                                Human                Resources                 Earth’s   Resources

                                            ―Strategically, virtualization leads
                                          inexorably down a path toward agility,
                                        flexible sourcing and cloud computing.‖
                                                   Tom Bittman, Gartner

                                 Capital costs
                                 reduced by
                                 50% - 60%                                                       Average of 33%
                                                                                                 reduction in routine
                                 Delayed data                                                    admin time
                                                                                                                                  Up to 80%
                                 center expansion
                                                                                                 E.g. provision                   reduction in
                                 Operational costs                                               a server in minutes              datacenter
                                 reduced by 25%+                                                                                  energy costs

     Source: Gartner; 29 July 2010 Q&A: Six Misconceptions About Server Virtualization, Tom Bittman.


     What Exactly is Virtualization?

     Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve?

     How Will Virtualization Benefit Me?

     Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go

vSphere Hypervisor - Overview

     A Free Version of VMware’s Leading ESXi Architecture

                           Partitions a server into virtual machines
                             Reduces hardware, power, and cooling with the
                             performance and features of ESX

                             Minimal configuration. Run VMs in minutes

                           OS-Independent, thin architecture
                             Unparalleled security and reliability

                             Superior consolidation and scalability

                           Ease of Use
                             Easy to manage with remote tools
                             Free download from vmware.com
                             Simple license upgrade to vSphere editions
Hardware Requirements
     Minimum: Single socket, dual core
     Ideal: Dual-socket, 4 or more cores per CPU
     Minimum: 2GB
     Ideal: 8+GB
  Minimum: one NIC, plus one for Management interface
  Ideal: One for Management Interface plus multiple NICs for
Storage                                                            Network
  Local Storage (SATA/SAS):
     Minimum: one 80GB drive
     Ideal:2 mirrored drives (only for ESXi Installable)
     plus 4 RAID5 drives for VMs
     ESXi 4.0 Installable may be installed on 1GB+ USB 2.0 flash
     storage device
  Shared Storage
     NFS, iSCSI, Fibre Channel: for VM storage
     ESXi Installable requires local disk or 1 GB+ USB 2.0 flash
     storage for the hypervisor
Installing vSphere Hypervisor

vSphere Hypervisor             vSphere Hypervisor               VMware Go
Embedded                       Installable
 • Installed via SD flash or    • Load Installer via CD         • Go to
  USB key internal to the        or ISO image                    “go.vmware.com”
  server                        • Simple 2-step                  1.   Register for an account
 • Distributed with a new        procedure:                      2.   Accept EULA
  server                          1.   Accept EULA               3.   Walk through
 • No Installation -- Just        2.   Select local drive for         installation wizard
  Turn It On!                          installation
Installing vSphere Hypervisor: Using VMware Go
VMware Go UI

vSphere Installation wizard:

                                                 VMware Go - FREE

                                                 • Simplified
                                                   installation with
                                                   HCL verification
                                                 • Configuration &
                                                 • Installation, HW/SW
                                                   inventory tracking
Get up and running in Minutes

                                1. Power on server , which boots
                                   into hypervisor
                                2. Configure Admin Password
                               3. (optional) Modify network
                               4. Connect via vSphere Client
                                     Point your browser to the configured
                                     IP Address
                                     Download & Install Windows-based
                                    vSphere Client
                                     Start vSphere Client and log into
Manage Your ESXi Host: vSphere Client
Interacting with Virtual Machines

       Virtual Machine Console

                         Or just use standard remote
                         access, e.g. RDP, ssh, etc.
Creating Virtual Machines

                                        Use VMware Converter
                                            Transfer existing physical
                                            servers into virtual
                                            Import existing VMware and
                                            3rd party virtual images

                                             Create from Scratch
                                                 Specify CPUs (1-4),
                                                 Memory (1-256 GB),
                                                 Disks, Network interfaces
                                                 Load OS from ISO image
                                                 (over 80 supported OSes)

                            Import a Virtual Appliance
                               Hundreds to choose from on the
                               Virtual Appliance Marketplace
                               Download directly via vSphere
                               Client and deploy on host
Manage Individual VMs

Control capabilities
 • Power on/off
 • Suspend
    Captures state of VM to disk
    Can resume back to same state
• Snapshot
    Makes point-in-time copy of
     virtual disk(s)
    Can have multiple snapshots in
     a tree
Monitor Individual VMs
Easily Upgrade vSphere Hypervisor

  vSphere Hypervisor                     vSphere – Kits or Editions
  • FREE                                 • Pools of computing resources
  • Single server partitioning           • Centralized management
  • Production-class hypervisor          • Built-in automation, availability and
  • Advanced server resource               manageability
    management                           • All Kits or Editions include ESXi, starting
                                           at $83 per CPU socket

 The hypervisor is to Virtual Infrastructure what the engine is to a car, or the
     BIOS to a PC – an required component, but not the whole solution.
VMware vSphere Deployment Architecture

                                   • Deploy ESXi on each host
                                   • Add vCenter Server to
                                    Centrally manage ESXi
                                   • Upgrade license file to
VMware vSphere Storage Appliance:
Delivering shared storage capability to all SMBs
      Traditional IT Environment                VMware vSphere Storage Appliance

                                                                     VSA runs as a virtual machine, with
                                                                     your application workloads

Shared storage                                  VSA uses server
hardware provides                               internal disk – no         VSA clusters storage
centralized arrays                              shared storage             across server nodes
of storage over a                               hardware
high-speed network                              required

     Traditionally shared storage hardware          VSA delivers high availability and
     is required to use high availability and       advanced vSphere features to SMBs
     advanced vSphere features                      without shared storage hardware

Simplify Management with vCenter Operations

                                   Comprehensive dashboard for
                                    infrastructure operations with
                                    health, risk and efficiency scores
                                   Single tool to manage
                                    performance, capacity and
                                    configuration changes across
                                    entire environment

                                   End-to-end visibility into
                                    infrastructure health
                                   Proactively ensure quality of
                                    service and incident avoidance
                                   Optimize for efficiency and cost

In Summary

             Virtualization reduces cost, improves high availability,
             and simplifies operations

             ESXi is a high performance, enterprise-class hypervisor

             vSphere Hypervisor can be up and running with VMs in
             minutes and is available for free. VMware Go can help!

             vSphere Hypervisor can be upgraded to VMware
             vSphere to deliver high availability and reduce OpEx
             and CapEx.
Visibility into Immediate and Potential Future Problems

                 Operations   Short and Long Term Capacity

• Immediate                                                  • Forward
 problems                                                     Looking
• What is                                                    • Are there
 happening                                                    areas that I
 right now?                                                   should be
• What do I                                                   concerned
 need to pay                                                  about from a
 attention to?                                                capacity
                                                             • Have I
                                                              deployed my
                                                              VI in the
                                                              most efficient

                                  “ We chose VMware as they are the leader in the market. When
                                   you choose VMware, you know that you have a solution which
                                   is always going to support you.‖
                                  - Daniel Bellini, CIO, Ducati
Industry         Automotive
Headquarters     Bologna, Italy
Employees        1,100
                                  •To meet their requirements in terms of growth and
                                  compete/win against must larger brands, Ducati needed to
Annual Revenue €403 million
                                  find a partner with the capabilities to support them.
                                  VMware Solution
                                  •Cloud infrastructure has enabled Ducati to link it’s racing
                                  and street bike businesses.
 • VMware vSphere
                                  •Ducati’s Cloud is 100% integrated on VMware technology
 • VMware vCloud Director
 • VMware View                    Business Impact
                                  •0%-to-98% virtualized in less than 2 years, all with no down
                                  time and supporting a 3x increase in production.
                                  •Ducati’s IT infrastructure supports the production of 40K
                                  bikes per year, and helps them outrace competitors
                                  significantly larger.

Centaur Fund Services
Profile                                    ―As a start up business, choosing the right IT infrastructure for our
                                           business was absolutely crucial. We needed a scalable, resilient and
                                           affordable solution... We’re 100% confident we made the right choice in
                                           selecting VMware to provide our data center and desktop technology.‖
                                           — Karen Malone, Managing Director

                                           Customer Objectives
                                            Create a highly resilient and scalable IT infrastructure without
Industry            Finance
                                              significant initial investment
Headquarters        Dublin, Ireland
                                            Provide a robust remote working solution to reduce downtime
Employees           100+

The Numbers
                                            Deployed vSphere 4 for high availability and enhanced business
• 2 data centers in the UK                     continuity as well as a secure environment for cost effective growth
• Manages $200 billion in assets            Used View 4 for remote working capability
• 100% of server environment virtualized

                                           Business Impact
                                            Reduced downtime to zero
VMware Products & Services                  Increased speed of responses to client requests
                                            Maximized utilization of servers to reduce capital and operating costs
• vSphere 4                                 Increased ability to access applications remotely
• View 4

Profile                                         ―We have made huge savings across our IT…VMware’s server and
                                                desktop virtualization solutions have enhanced the performance and
                                                availability of our key business applications and our business
                                                continuity and disaster recovery plans have been transformed.‖
                                                — Phil Whittock, Head of Infrastructure Architecture

                                                Customer Objectives
                                                 Maintain high availability for operational and regulatory purposes
Industry            Finance                      Reduce costs and streamline operations by consolidating data centers
Headquarters        London, UK                   Improve security and application delivery for end-users
Employees           100+

The Numbers
                                                 Deployed VMware virtualization to consolidate data centers and
                                                   provide high availability for applications
• 5 data centers in the UK
• Manages £59 billion ($90 billion) in assets
                                                 Used View to enhance desktop application and remote IT delivery
• Achieved 10:1 server consolidation
                                                Business Impact
                                                 Saved 6-figures in cost avoidance
VMware Products & Services                       Virtualized over 80% of applications to improve delivery
                                                 Reduced cost of ensuring high availability by 90%
• VMware Infrastructure 3                        Reduced server provisioning by 3X
• View                                           Enhanced overall business agility

Start Virtualization Today
 How to get started
     • vSphere Eval Download link: https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=vmware-vsphere5-

     • vSphere Eval Guide: https://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/products/vsphere/VMware-vSphere-

     • VMware Hardware Compatibility Guide:

     • vSphere Quick Start Classes: http://www.vmware.com/a/webcasts/details/260?lp=default
     • vSphere Product Documentation: https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vsphere-esxi-vcenter-

 Additional resources
     • vSphere Product Demos: https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=vmware-vsphere5-ent&lp=default
     • VMware ROI/TCO Calculator: http://roitco.vmware.com/vmw/
     • VMware Cost per App Calculator: http://www.vmware.com/technology/whyvmware/calculator/
     • Get Started with vSphere Kits: http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter-


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Virtualization 101: Everything You Need To Know To Get Started With VMware

  • 1. Virtualization 101 Timothy Stephan, Senior Director vSphere Product Marketing
  • 2. Introduction Goals for this session • Gain a fundamental understanding of VMware’s core virtualization technology • Understand the customer benefits of virtualization • Explore how vSphere components work together to form a complete cloud infrastructure platform. • Teach you how to get started today! 2
  • 3. Agenda What Exactly is Virtualization? Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve? How Will Virtualization Benefit Me? Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go 3
  • 4. Agenda What Exactly is Virtualization? Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve? How Will Virtualization Benefit Me? Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go 4
  • 5. Virtualization Defined Virtualization ● virt·tual·iz-a-tion ● [vur-choo-uhl-iz-ey-shuhn] –noun 1. Today’s x86 computer hardware was designed to run a single operating system and a single application, leaving most machines vastly underutilized. Virtualization lets you run multiple virtual machines on a single physical machine, with each virtual machine sharing the resources of that one physical computer across multiple environments. Different virtual machines can run different operating systems and multiple applications on the same physical computer. 2. Something only VMware can do well :) 5
  • 6. Virtualization & Cloud = Top Priorities for CIOs CIO Technology 2010 Priority 2009 Priority Virtualization 1 3 Cloud Computing 2 14 Source: Gartner CIO study, Q4 2009 6
  • 7. Virtualization Defined For those more visually inclined… Traditional Architecture Virtual Architecture 7
  • 8. Key Properties of Virtual Machines Partitioning Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine Divide system resources between virtual machines 8
  • 9. Key Properties of Virtual Machines : Continued Partitioning Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine Divide system resources between virtual machines Isolation Fault and security isolation at the VMware hardware level Advanced resource controls preserve performance 9
  • 10. Key Properties of Virtual Machines : Continued Partitioning Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine Divide system resources between virtual machines Isolation VMware Fault and security isolation at the hardware level Advanced resource controls preserve performance Encapsulation Entire state of the virtual machine can be saved to files Move and copy virtual machines as easily as moving and copying files 10
  • 11. Key Properties of Virtual Machines : Continued Partitioning Run multiple operating systems on one physical machine Divide system resources between virtual machines Isolation VMware Fault and security isolation at the hardware level Advanced resource controls preserve performance Encapsulation Entire state of the virtual machine can be saved to files Move and copy virtual machines as easily as moving and copying files Hardware Independence Provision or migrate any virtual machine to any similar or different physical server 11
  • 12. Abstraction + Pooling = Reduced Complexity Traditional View Virtual Infrastructure Exchange File/Print Operating System Operating System Virtual Infrastructure OS Virtualization OS Virtualization CPU Pool Memory Pool SAP ERP Oracle CRM Storage Operating System Operating System Pool OS Virtualization OS Virtualization Interconnect Pool 12
  • 13. Abstraction + Pooling = Reduced Complexity Exchange File/Print Operating System Operating System Virtual Infrastructure CPU Pool Memory Pool SAP ERP Oracle CRM Storage Operating System Operating System Pool Interconnect Pool 13
  • 14. Agenda What Exactly is Virtualization? Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve? How Will Virtualization Benefit Me? Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go 14
  • 15. VMware is the Customer Proven Market Leader  Company Overview • $3.77 billion in 2011 revenues • >$4.5 billion in cash and equivalents • 30%+ operating margins • ~11,000 employees worldwide • 5th largest infrastructure software company in the world  Proven in the Trenches • 300,000+ VMware customers • 100% of Fortune 100 • 100% of Fortune Global 100 • 99% of Fortune 1000 • 97% of Fortune Global 500 15
  • 16. VMware is the Customer Proven Market Leader  Company Overview • $3.77 billion in 2011 revenues • >$4.5 billion in cash and equivalents • 30%+ operating margins • ~11,000 employees worldwide • 5th largest infrastructure software company in theof mid-2011, As world about 81%  Proven inof installed VMs are VMware-based the Trenches • 300,000+ Gartner,customers VMware June 2011 • 100% of Fortune 100 • 100% of Fortune Global 100 • 99% of Fortune 1000 • 97% of Fortune Global 500 Source: From Virtualization to Cloud Computing, Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations and Management Summit, June 2011, Thomas Bittman 16
  • 17. Our Mission – Aligns with your Mission Enable Our Customers By Simplifying and Automating IT in the Cloud Era Leading to a Optimizing IT Enabling Greater More Engaged, Efficiency… Business Agility… Productive Workforce Enabling Business Transformation thru IT Transformation 18
  • 18. VMware History – the Road to Cloud Infrastructure Gen 1: Gen 2: Gen 3: Gen 4: Client Hypervisor Server Hypervisor Virtual Infrastructure vSphere Focus is on the application App App App App App App App App App App OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS OS App App App App App VMware Server (GSX) OS OS OS OS OS VIP HOST OS ESX Server Foundation of a Private Cloud VIP Central management Central management via vCenter via vCenter • Higher utilization • Complete OS/App fault • Centralized • Policy-based control of isolation management compute, network, and • Some OS/App fault storage resources isolation • Encapsulation of virtual • Move virtual machines machines while running • Security and fault tolerance • Hardware Independence • Automatic business • Focus is on the application continuity 19
  • 19. Our Focus Empowered, Secure End-User Computing Mobile Workforce Faster Time-to-Market for Modern Cloud Application Platform Applications A More Flexible, Scalable, Efficient Infrastructure Cloud Infrastructure & Management for All Apps Existing Datacenters Public Cloud Services 20
  • 20. VMware in the Leaders Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Gartner, Inc. Magic Quadrant for x86 Server Virtualization Infrastructure, Thomas J. Bittman, Philip Dawson, Mark Margevicius, George J. Weiss, 30 June 2011. This Magic Quadrant graphic was published by Gartner, Inc. as part of a larger research note and should be evaluated in the context of the entire report. The Gartner report is available upon request from VMware. The Magic Quadrant is copyrighted 2011 by Gartner, Inc. and is reused with permission. The Magic Quadrant is a graphical representation of a marketplace at and for a specific time period. It depicts Gartner's analysis of how certain vendors measure against criteria for that marketplace, as defined by Gartner. Gartner does not endorse any vendor, product or service depicted in the Magic Quadrant, and does not advise technology users to select only those vendors placed in the "Leaders" quadrant. The Magic Quadrant is intended solely as a research tool, and is not meant to be a specific guide to action. Gartner disclaims all warranties, express or implied, with respect to this research, including any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 21
  • 21. VMware and Our Partner Network… Deep Expertise… Economics of Choice… 2,200+ Technology and 70+ vCloud Consulting Partners Service Providers Collectively committed to achieving transformative business outcomes through continuous innovation and superior technology. Together we have the complementary skills and shared commitment to bring the best expertise and business solutions to each unique customer environment. Leverage Existing Available Resources… Relationships… 25,000+ 59,000+ VMware Channel Partners Certified Professionals 22
  • 22. Broadest Software and Hardware Support in the Industry Over 1400 ISV Partners Supporting Broadest ISV and IHV Support over 2500 Applications on VMware Majority ISVs Support VMware  SAP and IBM have clear support 10 out of Top 10 statements for running their software on VMware Healthcare ISVs  Oracle’s official support policy (Document 10 out of Top 10 ID #249212.1) states they will support Finance ISVs Oracle Databases, applications & middleware virtualized on VMware  Microsoft fully supports all leading 5 out of Top 5 applications on VMware (and recently Telecom ISVs extended support for Exchange 2010 DAG) 4 out of Top 5 Broadest x86 Hardware Support Retail ISVs  The broadest choice of x86 hardware 23
  • 23. So, What’s the Problem? © 2010 VMware Inc. All rights reserved
  • 24. IT Mandate IT will always be pressured to … enable greater business agility, while becoming more efficient. 25
  • 25. IT is Traditionally Forced to Focus on Non-Value-Add Activity IT Investment Overwhelming complexity 5% + Infrastructure Investment Brittle infrastructure = < 30% of IT budgets 23% Application 42% goes to innovation and Investment Infrastructure competitive advantage Maintenance 30% Application Maintenance Business Agility Depends on IT Agility Source: VMware Fortune 100 Customers 26
  • 26. Before VMware: The State of at IT Infrastructure Server Sprawl Power & Cooling  36M physical x86 servers by  $1 for every $1 spent on 2011— a ten-fold increase servers over 15 years  $29 bn in power and  $140 bn in excess server cooling industry wide capacity - a 3-year supply Space Crunch Costs Operating Costs  $1,000 / sq ft  $8 in maintenance for  $2,400 / server every $1 spent on new infrastructure  $40,000 / rack  20-30 : 1 server-to-admin ratio 1. IDC, U.S. and Worldwide Server Installed Base 2007–2011 Forecast, Doc #207044, May 2007 272. IDC, Virtualization And Multicore Innovations Disrupt The Worldwide Server Market, Doc #206035, March 2007 3. Source: VMware
  • 27. Obviously something isn’t working very well… …so what should we do? 28
  • 28. Agenda What Exactly is Virtualization? Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve? How Will Virtualization Benefit Me? Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go 29
  • 29. Core Benefits 1. Reduce 2. Dramatically 3. Enable Flexible, Agile the Complexity Lower Costs IT Service Delivery to simplify operations to redirect investment into to meet and anticipate the and maintenance value-add opportunities needs of the business Drive IT Agility to Increase Business Value 30
  • 30. How Do I Get Those Benefits? Consolidation - One-time event that moves existing applications onto a fewer number of servers Containment - An ongoing effort to virtualize new applications and manage growth of existing ones Availability – Introducing virtualization to increase application availability and data recoverability …there are many more benefits of virtualization
  • 31. What is vSphere? Industry’s Most Complete and Robust Virtualization Platform vSphere Provides:  Infrastructure consolidation and cost savings  Application high-availability and business continuity  Simple, yet powerful IT management What Does vSphere Solve for Customers?  Provides a Powerful Disaster Recovery Strategy  Supports Running Mission-Critical Applications  Simplifies IT Operations  Delivers the Most Flexible Building Block for Leveraging the Cloud
  • 32. VMware vSphere Platform vCenter Server • High Availability • Fault Tolerance • vShield Zones • vMotion • Hot Add • Security APIs • Storage vMotion • DRS • Data Recovery Application Services Availability Security Scalability VMware vSphere Compute Storage Network Infrastructure Services • Thin Provisioning • Network I/O Control • ESXi Convergence • Storage DRS • Distributed Switch • Auto Deploy • Profile-Driven Storage • DRS • Storage I/O Control • Storage APIs
  • 33. High Availability Description: Enables the high availability of virtual machines by restarting X them on a different vSphere host in the event of a failure Benefits: Resource Pool • Minimizes downtime and IT service disruption • Reduce cost and complexity compared to traditional clustering
  • 34. Live Machine Migration with Zero Downtime Description: Enables the live migration of virtual machines from one host to another with continuous service availability. Benefits: • Revolutionary technology that is the basis for automated virtual machine movement • Meets service level and performance goals 35
  • 35. Better Storage Utilization and Efficiency Description: Provisioning storage only based on what is needed now and grow into requested size over time Benefits Benefits: • Eliminate over-allocating storage • Reduce CapEx purchases • More granular controls over storage resources • Easy to convert from virtual disks that were previously thick (Storage vMotion)
  • 36. Save Time During Disaster Recovery Physical Configure Install Configure Install Start ―Single-step hardware OS OS backup automatic recovery‖ agent Virtual Restore Power 40+ hrs VM on VM < 4 hrs Eliminate recovery steps • No operating system re-install or bare-metal recovery • No time spent reconfiguring hardware Standardize recovery process • Consistent process independent of operating system and hardware
  • 37. The Results are Transformational Financial Resources Human Resources Earth’s Resources ―Strategically, virtualization leads inexorably down a path toward agility, flexible sourcing and cloud computing.‖ Tom Bittman, Gartner Capital costs reduced by 50% - 60% Average of 33% reduction in routine Delayed data admin time Up to 80% center expansion E.g. provision reduction in Operational costs a server in minutes datacenter reduced by 25%+ energy costs Source: Gartner; 29 July 2010 Q&A: Six Misconceptions About Server Virtualization, Tom Bittman. 38
  • 38. Agenda What Exactly is Virtualization? Who is VMware? What are We Trying to Solve? How Will Virtualization Benefit Me? Getting Started: vSphere Hypervisor and VMware Go 40
  • 39. vSphere Hypervisor - Overview A Free Version of VMware’s Leading ESXi Architecture Partitions a server into virtual machines Reduces hardware, power, and cooling with the performance and features of ESX Plug-and-Play Minimal configuration. Run VMs in minutes OS-Independent, thin architecture Unparalleled security and reliability Full-featured Superior consolidation and scalability Ease of Use Easy to manage with remote tools Free download from vmware.com Simple license upgrade to vSphere editions
  • 40. Hardware Requirements Server CPU Minimum: Single socket, dual core CPU Ideal: Dual-socket, 4 or more cores per CPU Memory: Minimum: 2GB Ideal: 8+GB Memory Network Minimum: one NIC, plus one for Management interface Ideal: One for Management Interface plus multiple NICs for VMs Storage Network Local Storage (SATA/SAS): Minimum: one 80GB drive Ideal:2 mirrored drives (only for ESXi Installable) plus 4 RAID5 drives for VMs Storage ESXi 4.0 Installable may be installed on 1GB+ USB 2.0 flash storage device Shared Storage NFS, iSCSI, Fibre Channel: for VM storage ESXi Installable requires local disk or 1 GB+ USB 2.0 flash storage for the hypervisor
  • 41. Installing vSphere Hypervisor vSphere Hypervisor vSphere Hypervisor VMware Go Embedded Installable • Installed via SD flash or • Load Installer via CD • Go to USB key internal to the or ISO image “go.vmware.com” server • Simple 2-step 1. Register for an account • Distributed with a new procedure: 2. Accept EULA server 1. Accept EULA 3. Walk through • No Installation -- Just 2. Select local drive for installation wizard Turn It On! installation
  • 42. Installing vSphere Hypervisor: Using VMware Go VMware Go UI vSphere Installation wizard: VMware Go - FREE • Simplified installation with HCL verification • Configuration & management • Installation, HW/SW inventory tracking
  • 43. Get up and running in Minutes  1. Power on server , which boots into hypervisor 2. Configure Admin Password  3. (optional) Modify network configuration  4. Connect via vSphere Client Point your browser to the configured IP Address Download & Install Windows-based  vSphere Client Start vSphere Client and log into host
  • 44. Manage Your ESXi Host: vSphere Client
  • 45. Interacting with Virtual Machines Virtual Machine Console Or just use standard remote access, e.g. RDP, ssh, etc.
  • 46. Creating Virtual Machines Use VMware Converter Transfer existing physical servers into virtual machines Import existing VMware and 3rd party virtual images Create from Scratch Specify CPUs (1-4), Memory (1-256 GB), Disks, Network interfaces Load OS from ISO image (over 80 supported OSes) Import a Virtual Appliance Hundreds to choose from on the Virtual Appliance Marketplace Download directly via vSphere Client and deploy on host
  • 47. Manage Individual VMs Control capabilities • Power on/off • Suspend  Captures state of VM to disk  Can resume back to same state • Snapshot  Makes point-in-time copy of virtual disk(s)  Can have multiple snapshots in a tree
  • 49. Easily Upgrade vSphere Hypervisor vSphere Hypervisor vSphere – Kits or Editions • FREE • Pools of computing resources • Single server partitioning • Centralized management • Production-class hypervisor • Built-in automation, availability and • Advanced server resource manageability management • All Kits or Editions include ESXi, starting at $83 per CPU socket The hypervisor is to Virtual Infrastructure what the engine is to a car, or the BIOS to a PC – an required component, but not the whole solution.
  • 50. VMware vSphere Deployment Architecture • Deploy ESXi on each host • Add vCenter Server to Centrally manage ESXi hosts • Upgrade license file to vSphere
  • 51. VMware vSphere Storage Appliance: Delivering shared storage capability to all SMBs Traditional IT Environment VMware vSphere Storage Appliance VSA runs as a virtual machine, with your application workloads Shared storage VSA uses server hardware provides internal disk – no VSA clusters storage centralized arrays shared storage across server nodes of storage over a hardware high-speed network required Traditionally shared storage hardware VSA delivers high availability and is required to use high availability and advanced vSphere features to SMBs advanced vSphere features without shared storage hardware 53
  • 52. Simplify Management with vCenter Operations Overview  Comprehensive dashboard for infrastructure operations with health, risk and efficiency scores  Single tool to manage performance, capacity and configuration changes across entire environment Benefits  End-to-end visibility into infrastructure health  Proactively ensure quality of service and incident avoidance  Optimize for efficiency and cost 54
  • 53. In Summary Virtualization reduces cost, improves high availability, and simplifies operations ESXi is a high performance, enterprise-class hypervisor architecture vSphere Hypervisor can be up and running with VMs in minutes and is available for free. VMware Go can help! vSphere Hypervisor can be upgraded to VMware vSphere to deliver high availability and reduce OpEx and CapEx.
  • 56. Visibility into Immediate and Potential Future Problems Operations Short and Long Term Capacity • Immediate • Forward problems Looking • What is • Are there happening areas that I right now? should be • What do I concerned need to pay about from a attention to? capacity perspective? • Have I deployed my VI in the most efficient manner? 58
  • 57. Ducati PROFILE “ We chose VMware as they are the leader in the market. When you choose VMware, you know that you have a solution which is always going to support you.‖ - Daniel Bellini, CIO, Ducati Industry Automotive Objectives Headquarters Bologna, Italy Employees 1,100 •To meet their requirements in terms of growth and compete/win against must larger brands, Ducati needed to Annual Revenue €403 million find a partner with the capabilities to support them. VMware Solution VMWARE PRODUCTS & SERVICES •Cloud infrastructure has enabled Ducati to link it’s racing and street bike businesses. • VMware vSphere •Ducati’s Cloud is 100% integrated on VMware technology • VMware vCloud Director • VMware View Business Impact •0%-to-98% virtualized in less than 2 years, all with no down time and supporting a 3x increase in production. •Ducati’s IT infrastructure supports the production of 40K bikes per year, and helps them outrace competitors significantly larger. 59
  • 58. Centaur Fund Services Profile ―As a start up business, choosing the right IT infrastructure for our business was absolutely crucial. We needed a scalable, resilient and affordable solution... We’re 100% confident we made the right choice in selecting VMware to provide our data center and desktop technology.‖ — Karen Malone, Managing Director Customer Objectives  Create a highly resilient and scalable IT infrastructure without Industry Finance significant initial investment Headquarters Dublin, Ireland  Provide a robust remote working solution to reduce downtime Employees 100+ Solution The Numbers  Deployed vSphere 4 for high availability and enhanced business • 2 data centers in the UK continuity as well as a secure environment for cost effective growth • Manages $200 billion in assets  Used View 4 for remote working capability • 100% of server environment virtualized Business Impact  Reduced downtime to zero VMware Products & Services  Increased speed of responses to client requests  Maximized utilization of servers to reduce capital and operating costs • vSphere 4  Increased ability to access applications remotely • View 4 60
  • 59. Threadneedle Profile ―We have made huge savings across our IT…VMware’s server and desktop virtualization solutions have enhanced the performance and availability of our key business applications and our business continuity and disaster recovery plans have been transformed.‖ — Phil Whittock, Head of Infrastructure Architecture Customer Objectives  Maintain high availability for operational and regulatory purposes Industry Finance  Reduce costs and streamline operations by consolidating data centers Headquarters London, UK  Improve security and application delivery for end-users Employees 100+ Solution The Numbers  Deployed VMware virtualization to consolidate data centers and provide high availability for applications • 5 data centers in the UK • Manages £59 billion ($90 billion) in assets  Used View to enhance desktop application and remote IT delivery • Achieved 10:1 server consolidation Business Impact  Saved 6-figures in cost avoidance VMware Products & Services  Virtualized over 80% of applications to improve delivery  Reduced cost of ensuring high availability by 90% • VMware Infrastructure 3  Reduced server provisioning by 3X • View  Enhanced overall business agility 61
  • 60. Start Virtualization Today  How to get started • vSphere Eval Download link: https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=vmware-vsphere5- ent&lp=default • vSphere Eval Guide: https://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/products/vsphere/VMware-vSphere- Evaluation-Guide-1.pdf • VMware Hardware Compatibility Guide: http://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?lp=default • vSphere Quick Start Classes: http://www.vmware.com/a/webcasts/details/260?lp=default • vSphere Product Documentation: https://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/vsphere-esxi-vcenter- server-pubs.html  Additional resources • vSphere Product Demos: https://www.vmware.com/tryvmware/?p=vmware-vsphere5-ent&lp=default • VMware ROI/TCO Calculator: http://roitco.vmware.com/vmw/ • VMware Cost per App Calculator: http://www.vmware.com/technology/whyvmware/calculator/ • Get Started with vSphere Kits: http://www.vmware.com/products/datacenter- virtualization/vsphere/small-business/compare-kits.html 62

Editor's Notes

  1. We are uniquely qualified to support customers’ journey to the new era of IT, given our clear leadership in virtualization – the foundation for cloud computing architectures. Through innovation, and by challenging the status quo, VMware has become central to the IT transformation wave taking place in small to large global enterprises, fueling continual growth and investment in further product development.
  2. This is why VMware continues to lead the market in both technology and market share, as cited by Gartner, the most respected analyst firm in the IT industry.
  3. Enabling our Customers:To better servetheir customersFreeing up time and money By Simplifying and Automating IT:InfrastructureProvide efficient, evolutionary path forward for existing and future appsReplacing management wherever possible with automationDevelopmentEnabling new applications, across cloudsNew ways to workEnabling the multi-device, mobile eraIn the Cloud Era:“IT-as-a-service”: Enabling everything to be used with the simplicity of a service, securely, delivered off or on premise
  4. These are our 3 core focus areas – Cloud Infrastructure and ManagementCloud Application PlatformEnd-User ComputingWe are delivering a broad technology and services portfolio to transform how customers build, deliver and consume applications in the Post-PC, cloud era.
  5. We are not in this alone, and in fact have invested heavily since our inception in building out a comprehensive ecosystem of partners to support our customers’ needs. Collectively, we bring the expertise, technology, and services to help every customer achieve their full IT potential.
  6. SLIDE: What is vSphere?VMware vSphere is the industry’s leading virtualization platform. It provides a robust and complete platform for customers to easily virtualize their infrastructure and achieve infrastructure consolidation and CapEx and OpEx savings. vSphere also provides application high-availability and business continuity by intelligently backing up virtual machines, optimizing IT resources and detecting hardware failures. And vSphere makes managing your virtual infrastructure simple with powerful management tools, like vCenter Operations Management Suite and browser-based management with VMware Go.vSphere provides a powerful solution to address customers’ business continuity/disaster recovery requirements, high-availability and SLAs for mission-critical applications. The consolidation, automation, HA and security benefits of vSphere also help simplify IT operations. And with your applications virtualized with vSphere you’re in a position to migrate applications to the cloud if you so choose or build your own private cloud.
  7. The impact to IT can be characterized in 3 categories of resource savings – financial, human, and the earth’s. The first category, Financial Resources, is what attracts most people to virtualization in the beginning – server consolidation. For example, VMware customers have seen on average a 50 to 60 percent cost reduction in server hardware when leveraging VMware technology. Of even bigger impact for some is the ability to delay costly datacenter expansion, because of the reclaimed floor space, power and cooling as a result of these consolidation efforts. The second category is Human Resources, or staff labor. This is all about shifting their focus away from managing hardware, to spending time on business needs. A study of our highly virtualized customer base showed that on average these customers were spending one-third less time on routine administrative tasks in IT operations due to virtualization and the automation achieved with it. That’s a third of your day, everyday, in return capacity. And finally, the Earth’s Resources, which contributes literally to green initiatives. Virtualization in the datacenter has shown the ability to save up to 80% in energy costs. The result of all of these savings can now be applied to the business. And with advances in automation and self-service enablement, IT can dramatically increase its responsiveness to the business.
  8. The savings that come from hardware cost are pretty clear, so let’s look at annual costs of running your servers.If your cost per server is $4,000, that’s $40K a year. If you consolidate this to three servers, that’s $28 in savings.This represents a conservative consolidation ratio (~3:1) typically we see ratios around 8~10.
  9. ]
  10. Customer website: http://centaurfundservices.com/Customer Case Study: http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/customers/10Q2_css_Centaur_UK.pdf?src=WWW_customers_10Q2_css_Centaur_UK.pdfEstablished in 2009, Centaur Fund Services is a fast growing hedge fund administrator providing services to the hedge fund industry. Having worked across a number of larger enterprises in their former careers, the founders of Centaur recognized the importance of IT to their company. Anticipating significant future growth they wanted a ‘future-proof’ IT infrastructure that would give them the flexibility to grow, without a significant initial investment. Establishing a highly resilient IT infrastructure was also crucial as they could not afford to experience downtime, especially while building a reputation with new clients.
  11. Customer website: http://threadneedle.com/Customer Case Study: http://www.vmware.com/files/pdf/customers/EMEA_10Q1_uk_cs_Threadneedle_UK.PDF?src=WWW_customers_EMEA_10Q1_uk_cs_Threadneedle_UK.PDFThreadneedle is an award-winning global asset manager, providing investment solutions to institutional and retail clients across the globe. It actively manages £59bn of assets (as at December 2009) from equities and bonds to property and alternative investments. Founded in 1994, Threadneedle is fully-owned by Ameriprise Financial, a publicly quoted investment company that is listed on the NYSE.