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Vital Signs Reflective Essay
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Vital Signs Reflective EssayVital Signs Reflective Essay


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. s Speech During The 1963 March...
Perhaps the most prominent figure of change in 20th century America was Baptist minister
turned social activist Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Born into a black, middle class family in
Georgia, Dr. King grew up in one of the nations darkest periods of discrimination and hatred.
After pursuing a rigorous and extensive education, fledgling civil rights activism turned King to
enroll in a seminary and devote his life to fighting systemic issues of racial, economic and broad
injustice. Though his initial influence was largely isolated to the black community, his capstone
speech during the 1963 March on Washington allowed his voice to reach the ears of diverse
groups across the nation. The speech is an eloquent and broad call for civil and economic
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Land Art History
When it emerged in the sixties among the crush of several other art movements (Pop Art,
Minimalism, among others) Land Art came to be an anti gallery artistic offshoot that straddled the
domain between architecture and sculpture. It had no manifestos nor schools nor leaders and it
was not quite a movement; the artists who were involved with it were also involved in other types
of arts. Land artwas labelled as modern sculpture but its versatility and introduction of new
concepts and visual materials made it difficult to ascribe it to one field or term. Later on, the term
Earth Works, coined by Robert Smithsoncame to use but Earth Works only refers to works that use
earth while Land Art is an all encompassing umbrella that includes works... Show more content on
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Smithson s work Broken Circle Spiral Hill is two different works situated near each other. It is
actually not in America but was commissioned for an exhibition in the Netherlands near Emmen.
Spiral Hill is an earth mound that coils clockwise unto itself, like a sleeping snake. When it was
completed it was just shaped earth but in current day it is covered in green grass. Situated
nearby on the edge of the shore and into the water is the Broken Circle; its site was actually a
functioning sand and gravel quarry which was filled with green water. Smithson played with the
negative and positive space in such a way that the broken circle whose alternating arms are
shaped with white and yellow sand, recalls the Chinese Yin Yang symbol. In the middle of the
positive space half circle sits a boulder and this is yet again another allusion to monumental
works of the past, this one appropriately native to Dutch lands. Yet the center boulder in fact
significantly expands the associative levels of this work because it offers a direct tie to prehistory.
. . . In the Bronze Age they [this type of large rock] were used to make huge dolmens and
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Variability Within The Dopamine System
Heterogeneity within the dopamine system becomes apparent early on in midbrain development.
Dopamine neurons are derived from the sonic hedgehog positive floor plate (Abeliovich and
Hammond, 2007; Blaess et al., 2011; Hayes et al., 2011; Joksimovic et al., 2009; Kittappa et al.,
2007). These immature neurons migrate from the ventricular zone into the mantle guided by a
complex network of interacting signalling and spatiotemporal expression of several transcription
factors, (Chung et al., 2005; Di Salvio et al., 2010; Simeone, 2005; Smidt and Burbach, 2007;
Smits et al., 2013). Some of this variable expression pattern also extends into adulthood: Ardbk2,
Gsg2k1, Pbx1/3, Ahd2, and Dssrl1 are expressed in subsets of SNc dopamineneurons and... Show
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The transcription factor Otx2 is prevalently detected in TH+ neurons located ventral medial
VTA neurons, and this distribution is gradually decreased in the central and dorsal lateral VTA.
It has also been shown that Otx2 is sporadically co expressed with Girk2, while most if not all of
the Otx2+ neurons are Calb+, and those located in the ventral VTA are also Ahd2+ (Di Salvio et
al., 2010; Liang et al., 1996; Schein et al., 1998; Simeone et al., 2011). Despite this slight
anatomical and molecular topography, the cell bodies are still largely intermingled within the
midbrain nuclei (Fig 1).
One recent study attempted to deconstruct the molecular diversity of the midbrain dopamine
system. They postulated the existence of several molecularly distinct dopamine neuron subtypes and
used a microfluidic dynamic array to simultaneously evaluate the expression of 96 genes in single
neurons (Poulin et al., 2014). Using this method identified two main clusters of neurons. They also
uncovered 10 genes that appeared to be expressed uniformly in all dopamine neurons (PD linked
genes: Atp13a2, Lrrk2, Park2, Park7, and Pink1. Transcription factors: Foxa1, En1/2, Lmx1b, Pitx3,
and Nr4a2). Although informative, this study does have some limitations. Firstly the method used
restricts the identification of novel subgroups to a combination of only 96 different genes taken
from previous gene expression studies. This could have
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Role Of Supernatural Elements In Macbeth
In the play entitled Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the supernatural is the most important
element in the play which leads to Macbeth s desire for the throne. Throughout the play,
supernatural appeals to the audience in various forms which is represented by the witches, the
prophecies, the floating dagger, and ghost. The existence of these supernatural elements in Macbeth
foreshadows the evil ambitions and actions possess by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Besides that,
these supernatural elements also are the key elements to the manipulative play as it evoke the
emotions among the audience to perceive the horror, mystery, evil and death throughout the play.
The introduction of the three witches with their prophecies in Act 1 Scene 3, about Macbeth after
he won the war against the Norwegians, at the beginning of the play has naturally motivated
Macbeth s actions to make the prophecies into reality.
The witches are not human or half ways normal when Banquo quotes to Macbeth that the creatures
are not human like as well as irregular in some sort and very unattractive. The witches then
presented as Macbeth s fortune tellers. The witches called Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of
Cawdor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The existence of supernatural elements in Macbeth played a huge role because without it Macbeth
would have never killed Duncan. The witches and their prophecies become the ultimate key factor
for Macbeth s dynamic character as their ability to foresee Macbeth s fate affect his actions and
endeavors. Macbeth was once a respected hero, but his desire to become King of Scotland
destroyed his nobility. It is also very effective as it highlights the horror, fears, cruelty and
blameworthy of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The elements successfully appeal to the audience s
curiosity of the mysterious and thus strengthen their interest towards the
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Los Angeles Metro and Accessibility
Wheelchairs, canes, crutches all these devices help an individual maneuver around after certain
injuries or complications make life harder for them. Although full mobility with these devices
isn t restored, it makes a metaphorical bridge for their reentry into society. As if life wasn t hard
enough for these people, they still have to work and make a life for themselves. Due to the fact
that many diseases are incurable they have to find ways to cope with their disabilities. Having
less maneuverability calls for things such as designated areas for the disabled on Public busses or
ergonomic seats that can work on both the disabled in a general situation, and the typical
passenger. These things need to be implemented on Metro busses in the Los Angeles Region
because roughly 1.3 million riders have a disability. Certain things can happen in today s system
where a disabled rider could hurt themselves in the movement of the buswhen they re not strapped
in or when there are no open seats on the bus. A
Accessibility s Significance and Its History
The United States has been a world leader for helping out in civil rights and such, and one of its
many civil rights acts was the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Act entitles people with
disabilities their basic rights and sets rules for Public Areas and Private areas where disabled people
would potentially have to go. This Act now gave disabled people a means to go places. It caused
designated areas for wheelchairs in Parking
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Advanced Rocket Personal Statement
Through participating Science Olympiad and Society of Advanced Rocket Propulsion and
learned how to design, build, and test engineered devices, I found that I would love to be an
astronautical engineer. Even though we can see far into the space with telescopes but I believe
that to truly explore space, we have to use rockets and spacecrafts. With all the theories and
assumptions about, there is always a need for exploration, which requires engineers to build these
instruments. Since my childhood, I ve always found rockets and spacecrafts to be fascinating and
exciting, however, they had always seemed so far away from me because of the silly thought:
they are expensive . Indeed, this is a problem. I want to reduce the cost of space explorations...
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Then, I joined SARP (Society of Advanced Rocket Propulsion). This year, I got hands on
experience on the structures team from building the body tubes to co designing the new composite
layup turnpike mechanism to allow for more efficient composite layups. These involvements not
only contributed to the building of the rocket, but also granted me the opportunity learn the
process of engineering of a rocket. The result of joining SARP further ensures that my passion lies
in the aerospace industry. Therefore, I would love to continue my journey in SARP. In addition to
the experience that I have in SARP, I am also currently working in the Mechanical and Hydraulic
department as an intern at the Boeing Company. I will be working with the hydraulic system
analysis team as well as with the components team to conduct certification tests for Boeing
Commercial airplanes. At the Boeing company, I work with professional engineers who design and
test flying machines that carry millions of people crossing the world; I constantly expose myself to
new knowledge that I ve never thought existed and challenges that provoke further interest in the
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Osmosis Diffusion Lab
Osmosis : How Water Diffuses
The plasma membrane, the outside barrier of the cell is selectively permeable, allowing certain
substances to cross more easily than others. When a cell is put in a solution, passive transport,
diffusion, and osmosis occurs. During passive transport, diffusion of a substance takes place across a
membrane without energy contribution, because of diffusion, the tendency for molecules to spread
out. Net movement allows substances to move in one direction. Many molecules and hydrocarbons
diffuse down the concentration gradient, moving from a high concentration to a low concentration.
Without diffusion, osmosis cannot occur, osmosis is diffusion of water. During osmosis in animal
and plant cells, tonicity, ability to cause a cell to gain or lose water, causes three different solutions,
isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic. The purpose of the experiment ... Show more content on
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p. ___ ____
Explain why osmosis and diffusion are important to cells?
Osmosis and diffusion are important to cells because they do not require energy(ATP) to transport
molecules across, such as water and oxygen molecules, which are needed in the cell to function.
Without diffusion, osmosis cannot occur. And without osmosis, the water molecules is not a able
to move from a high concentration to a low concentration.
Describe what is meant by the term selectively permeable and explain the role of selectively
permeable membrane in osmosis Selectively permeable membranes main functions is to regulate
the movement of substances entering and exiting the cell. It allows the exchange of nutrients
between the cell and its environment. Osmosis allows the animal cell to stay at a isotonic solution
allowing water molecules to enter or exit to stabilize the cell to be able to stay at the right type of
Describe the effects of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic solutions on animal and plant
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Getting Into The Real Estate
If you re thinking about getting into the real estate business then there s a lot you need to take
into consideration before you make the jump. I ve been a licensed, active agent for over two
years now and I admit that in the beginning I had no clue about the costs, work, or time involved
in getting started. All I knew was I wanted to do it so I dove in head first without doing the
research. Don t make that mistake. While real estatecan be a very rewarding practice, it s not
necessarily for everyone. It takes a person with a special type of motivation and sales skills to
make a living with the job and most agents can t handle the aspect of complete freedom without
abusing their time. If you re curious about what it takes to get started, then this article will clear
things up. First of all, it s important for you to know exactly what a real estate agent does. An
agent assists clients in buying or selling houses. A real estate agent must have a great knowledge
of the local market and is able to tell someone how much their house is worth. Agents also must
have a general knowledge of the communities in the area, as well as any restrictions or covenants
for that same area. In a way, real estate agents serve as the backbone to the entire deal. We assist
buyers in finding a good mortgage broker, home inspector, termite inspector, closing attorney, and
many other aspects. On the flip side, real estate agents that represent sellers are required to help
conduct a comparative
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Differences Between Han China And Gupta India
During the years 320 BCE and 550 CE, two civilizations coexisted, Han China and Gupta India;
both civilizations developed in Eurasia. Han China and Gupta India, both focused their religious
views on the mandate of heaven. The political system of Han China is similar to that of Gupta
India, in that both included strict laws and stressed the importance of your role in society. Han China
and Gupta India also used hierarchy and bureaucracy as their political control. A major difference
between these administrations is that in Han China the emperor was fully in charge, even
revered, while in Gupta India priests were at the top of the hierarchy. Han China and Gupta India
both had an idea of hierarchy social structure. However, the Gupta s social hierarchy was based on
religion and Han was not. The Han China has king on top of... Show more content on
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The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled this period is called the
Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive achievements in science, technology, engineering,
art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy that crystallized the
elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture. Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, and
Chandragupta II were the most notable rulers of the Gupta dynasty. Chandragupta II defeated the
Sakas and established the supremacy of Gupta empire in the Indian subcontinent. Guptas
maintained a huge army and a large navy. This strong and efficient military organization made
Gupta empire the most powerful empire in the world at that time. The Han Dynasty was the second
imperial dynasty of China, which was founded by the peasant rebel leader Liu Bang, known
posthumously as Emperor Gaozu of Han. Spanning over four centuries, the period of the Han
Dynasty is considered a golden age in Chinese history. To this day, China s majority ethnic group
refers to itself as the Han
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Lastig Effects of the Holocaust
The Holocaust not only affected the areas where it took place, it affected the entire world. Even
though Jewish people were the main victims in the Holocaust, it also left lasting effects on other
groups of people. Both, the Nazi and Jewish decedents, still feel the aftermath of one of the most
horrific counts of genocide that the world has ever encountered. The cries of the victims in
concentration camps still ring around the globe today, and they are not easily ignored. Although the
Holocausttook place during World War Two, the effects that it had on the world are still prominent
today. The Holocaust was a very impressionable period of time. It not only got media attention
during that time, but movies, books, websites, and other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Holocaust made being proud of oneself a crime. It attacked the Jewish people religion, way
of life, and self pride. They feared for their children s futures, and their grandchildren s future. To
them, being Jewish wasn t worth going to concentration camps to fight for their heritage. The
Holocaust was one of the first giant acts of genocide. It brought light to the horrific acts of
racism that the world still faces today. The Nazi s were not only trying to destroy Jewish people,
they were trying kill all of the Polish and Roman people as well. (HARFF 6) They believed that
these types of people were evil and did not deserve to live on the same earth with them. Acts of
hate have steamed from the Holocaust and still continue to be an issue today. The Holocaust is
often compared to civil rights movements, terrorism, and other acts of hate against a certain group
of people or a race of people. Because Hitler inhabited most of Germany with his camps and army
so that his genocide would be successful, the Jewish people that got the chance to escape ran to
places like Poland and other parts of Europe. (GOTTFRIED 3) This brought destruction down upon
their places of refuge. Many countries protected their boarders so that Jewish people could not seek
shelter in their homeland and bring death and destruction to their country. (GOTTFRIED 4) Hitler
created a bad reputation that followed the Jewish people wherever they went, and some
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The Count Of Monte Cristo Figurative Language
Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.
Samuel Johnson. In The Count of Monte Cristo, a young man gets framed for something he didn t
do. After he escaped from prison, he decided to do the unforgettable. He sought revenge. The Count
of Monte Cristo, and Revenge , each author employs details and figurative language to convey the
idea that revenge allows one to feel vindication which is sometimes necessary even if the results are
inhumane or grueling.
Details are used by the authors to portray the idea of revenge. In The Count of Monte Cristo by
Alexandre Dumas, the count wants to seek revenge on his enemies because they put him in prison.
The count embarrassed a man named Fernand so
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Organisms Of Two Unknown Bacterial Cultures Essay
Introduction The objective of this experiment is to identify the organisms of two unknown bacterial
cultures. Students must identify the species of the unknown bacteria by utilizing the techniques
and information learned in previous laboratory exercises. These techniques include streaking for
isolation, Gram staining, and specific biochemical tests. Students are given a map known as a
dichotomous key, a guide in determining the identity of their unknown sample.
Identifying microbes using a series of biochemical tests, like those performed by students, is used in
a clinical settings for several important reasons other than taxonomy. It is used to determine
susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs, gain information for future treatments, identify pathogens in
terms of their potential danger, aid epidemiologists in tracing sources of infections, and to
accumulate data of interest to those studying infectious diseases (Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R., Case,
C. L., 2016).
The first steps to identifying the two unknown microorganisms in tube 33 34 is to perform a Gram
Stain, prepare a MacConkey Agar plate, and subculture each unknown on to a Blood Heart Infusion
Agar slant.
Table 1.1: Gram Staining result for unknown 33
Identify and classify bacteria as gram negative or gram positive. Crystal violet, Iodine, alcohol,
SafraninPink rod rod shaped bacteriumGram Negative Bacilli
Table 1.2: Gram Staining result for unknown 34
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Thyroid Pathogenesis Lab Report
Thyroid Disorder27
Pathogenesis: both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can lead to amenorrhea, though most
commonly it present as primary amenorrhea in patients with hypothyroidism. Low levels of thyroid
hormones, T3 and T4, stimulate the hypothalamus to produce thyrotropin releasing hormone
(TRH), which stimulates both thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin production in the
anterior pituitary. High prolactin levels inhibit GnRH production in the hypothalamus, which is
needed for LH and FSH activation in the anterior pituitary. Without LH and FSH, ovarian follicles
cannot mature and menstruation does not occur.
Diagnosis: patients who present with signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as low energy,
weight gain, cold intolerance, and amenorrhea, should be tested for the disorder with serum
measurements of TSH and free T4. High TSH and low free T4 levels suggest hypothyroidism.
Conversely, measurement of anti thyroid antibodies may also be tested, such as anti thyroglobulin,
anti thyroid peroxidase, and anti TSH receptor. Clinical suspicion should still be present when
patients do not have these characteristic hypothyroid symptoms, but present with primary
amenorrhea in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Imaging may show the presence of testes, karyotype analysis demonstrates a 46XY karyotype,
and serum testosterone concentrations in the normal adult male range. CAIS should also be
suspected in females with inguinal hernias or inguinal or labial masses as about 1 2% of these
individuals may have CAIS. Newborns with a female phenotype can also be diagnosed if prenatal
karyotyping identifies a 46,XY karyotype. In CAIS, testes may be located in the abdomen or
inguinal region. If the site and size of the testes cannot be elucidated by ultrasonography then MRI
may be more
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How The 2010 Haiti Earthquake Changed My Life
In January 12, 2010, I encounter a tragedy that had me believe that I wasn t going to see what my
life would be like after I graduate college. this unforgettable tragedy was the 2010 Haiti earthquake
with a magnitude of 7.0.
The day start like every normal day. I remember waking up at about 7:25 and took a shower after
that i put on my school uniform. I remember I had coffee and with a baguette (a long thin French
bread made from basic lean dough). Before I left my house, my Aunt called me and give a $1 for
lunch which was basically nothing but money is money. I left my house at exactly 8:00 o clock
and arrived at the school right before class started. I was in 6th and if you were in my grade,
recess was always at 12:30 for us. That day, at recess I bought a patty with the dollar my Aunt
gave me and played soccer with my friends and I remember we made the ball using socks and
plastic bags. At 1:15 in the afternoon, I went back to class with my classmate and I remember the
first thing the teacher wanted was to take out our homework. I recalled it was a math homework
cause Monday homework was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Back in Haiti if a parent wanted to send his/her children to school, she had to pay a great amount
of money. When I came here, the first thing that my mother and some of my family said was that
If you stay in school, you can be whatever you want to be in this world . School was challenging
at first because I did not speak the English language but when I started picking up the language, I
made sure that I did all my work and learned everything that a subject could offer. I set myself to
learn to learn something new everyday because at the end of the day, the stuff you learn or the
tragedies that you face are what get you ready to face the reality of the whole
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What Is The 60 Minutes Effect On American Society
60 minutes
60 minutes was one of the first television shows ever. It started in 1964 and is still going today.
The show is a news outlet for the American people. The television show 60 minutes has a good
effect on American society because it alerts viewers what is going on in America s society, it might
have had a good start but now that there is competition their not doing so well.
After being on Nielsen s top 10 list from 1977 1996 they are getting smaller and now their ranked
17th with 14 million viewers a week which isn t good compared to others. They are hungry for
news magazines(Greppi 1). so they might be running out of things to talk about. 60 minutes is
producing a second edition and is going to be aired on Tuesday and wednesday nights. Hewitt
even said the 60 minutes 11 was a terrible idea but he helped anyway(Zoglin 2). ... Show more
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Harry Reasoner and Mike Wallace are the host and they started at 1968 and are still hosting till this
day(Thompson 1),( 60 Minutes First Televised 1). The founder and executive producer of the
original is Don Hewitt( Televisionof Broadcasting News 6). He was hired right after being fired
from the CBS Evening News in 1964(Coletta 1). Don Hewitt stood against them a few weeks
ago. He was arguing that these shows are created to fill the gaps in the network schedules(Zoglin
1). They are about to sign Charlie Rose up for the new 60 minutes, he will be doing 10 12 pieces a
year. He will still host his own show, PBS talk show. Bob Simon, Chris Wallace, and Vicki Mabrey
are expected to join the
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Robin Williams Autopsy
Robin Williams was a famous actor and comedian who died at the age of 63. On August 11,
2014, he was found dead in his home by his assistant. His assistant found him hanging in his
stepson s room. Robin Williams was having trouble sleeping due to his insomnia, anxiety, and
Parkinson s disease, so he had been sleeping in his step sons room. He was last seen by spouse
Susan Williams the night prior to his death. Susan said Robin was looking for his watches the
night before because he was worried that something would happen to them. Susan also said that
she thought Robin was in a good mood that night because he grabbed his iPad before bed. She
thought this was a good sign since Robin hadn t watched TV or read a book in six months. Susan...
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The first page talks about personal information like occupation, date of birth, etc. Other sections
were external examinations and internal examinations. It also lists medical history and
postmortem changes in the body. The three general sections of a complete autopsy report are
toxicology report/ lab results, diagnostics (ex. Ligature marks around the neck), and cause
/manner of death. Each section is important because they all help the forensic pathologist get all
the evidence so they can look at the entire picture. All these sections play an important role in
determining cause and manner of death. For example, a forensic pathologist can t say that
someone died because of a drug overdose if they don t have a toxicology report. This is why
autopsy reports can be lengthy because they have to make sure they are as accurate as possible.
Three things I learned is that Robin Williams had a lot of mental illnesses that the public didn t
know about. He also had a lot of drug and alcohol abuse in his past. I also learned what Parkinson
s and Lewy body dementia is and how it affects the body. I also learned about some of the
medications that are used to treat depression and Parkinson s disease. Lastly, I found it strange that
Williams was found hanging in a sitting
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Nancy Spero Analysis
I believe I m directly contradicting the way human beings are represented in our society. I think
the universal is the male. And so in my deliberately turning this around and trying to universalize
the female, I tried to challenge myself to look at the world as I wanted to, as a woman artist,
realizing the complexities of doing so because the world isn t really that way .
Nancy Spero was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1926. Her early development as an artist was highly
influenced by the Chicago art scene, the city from which Art Institute she graduated. Chicago s art
scene was resistant to the one in New York where Abstract Expressionism was going on at the time
while in Chicago figuration remained more important. Spero, while aware of Abstract
Expressionism, she was also resistant to it as her main interest was painting the figurative
expressionism. She believed that nothing could eradicate human presence, although she did
recognize its importance, as she considered human image the most important conceptual subject. ...
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In Spero s work the text and the image are set in tension. She is constantly requesting for a voice
and a body. In her works bodies express a voice, they speak.
Nancy Spero in her work engages and blends history with contemporary social issues. Women are
the central subject of her work, her protagonists, being collectively represented through the ancient
civilisation to the present. The past and present become interwoven. This way Spero rewrites
history, the history written by men for men. She makes past present making that way history
forever changeable, never complete. Her use of the same images in different situations or contexts
shows this constant shift of meaning by neutralizing the images and reinventing their
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My Family Holiday
Today was going to be one of the most irritating days for my family and we didn t know it. We
thought our family holiday was going great, there hadn t been any arguments that cause my
mother to say, That s it, pack everything!, I ve had enough, we re going back home . Even if she
had said that,I would highly doubt that she would have packed the car to drive ten hours back
home. The last full day of our trip was today, so we decided to visit friends of my parents, Bruce
and Martha. Their house was around an hour away from the caravan park, so we started
preparing for our mini trip, finally about half an hour later, we were ready to leave. We climb
into our petite black car and set off driving along the little road out of the site.Driving along
happily looking out the window at all the brightly fresh green grassed fields catching a glance of
the mixture of cars pass by my window. As we near our destination, we turn off up this little road
that led us beneath a large bridge. The road had a slight twist and my stomach felt like a field of
butterflies. Around a sharp bend, Into sight I noticed a sign that reads Welcome to Portsmouth .
My father s face looked astonished as he saying aloud I m surprised we made it, without any
problems , well he spoke to soon. Around the corner, I noticed a few run down pubs and
restaurants, reaching a set of traffic lights and of course we ended up getting stop at the red light. It
felt like everyone and their Grandmother got through except
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A New Day Of A New Year s Day
New Year s Day/ New Year s Eve Happy New Year Everyone! As we go into 2018, we look to
new horizons and opportunities. The best time to start a new beginning is now. Here in the U.S.
we pop the champagne and watch the ball drop; whereas, in England, the first guest after the
New Year brings good fortune. The English custom for welcoming New Year is full of
hospitality and warmth. They believe that the first guest for the year would bring fortune for
them. He should be a male, should enter through the front door and bear some traditional gifts
like loaf for the kitchen, drink for the head of the family and coal to light the fire, otherwise, he
is not allowed. They believe that these bring good luck throughout the year. Martyr s Day
Panama Today is a day of grieving for our fellow co workers in Panama. The Association of
Diplomatic Studies and Training defines Martyr s Day as On January 9,1964, grievances between
native Panamanians and Zonians , or Americans residing within the U.S. controlled Canal Zone,
boiled over into a series of anti American riots which resulted in an evacuation of the U.S. embassy
in Panama City, widespread looting, and dozens of deaths. Most importantly, this uprising honored
annually in Panama as Martyr s Day eventually led to a renegotiation of the original 1903 treaty
and is commonly remembered as the beginning of the end of American hegemony over the Panama
Canal Zone. Today we remember the lives lost on this day. Martin Luther King
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Snorkeling In Emerald Bay
The location of the camp is Emerald Bay just east of Arrow Point. The climate is warm and
sometimes cloudy. Animals that live on this beautiful island are foxes, bison, deer, and feral
cats. Catalina is only a 1 2 hour boat trip depending on where you live and the ride back is
usually faster. San Pedro to Emerald bay is about 24 miles. The perimeter of the island is 54 miles.
The mountain Sliver Peak located near the camp is about 1800 feet.
Emerald bay is an amazing place to snorkel. While snorkeling you will see kelp forests, Garibaldi,
Sheephead, Blacksmith, and other small fish. Before snorkeling you can wear a wetsuit. Wearing a
wetsuit helps with floating and you stay warmer. While snorkeling you have to wear a snorkel.
The snorkel helps you breath and see underwater because while you are snorkeling you want to see
the fish.
hiking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This activity is amazing and the hike up is surprisingly easy. Before the hike be prepared with
hiking shoes and water, the weather is usually sunny. The hike up is stunning, you will see some
animals. While hiking take time to look at the trees, they are astonishing. When hiking, as you
look down you can see the Garibaldi fish. Once at the top of the mountain the views are
breathtaking. When you look forward you can see the beautiful aqua and turquoise waters, with
bright orange Garibaldi fish. kayaking Kayaking is another fun activity and I would definitely
recommend it. You will kayak all the way to a rock out in the ocean. Before kayaking the leader
will teach you how to steer the kayak using the paddles. Just in case you do fall in you will be
provided with a life jacket. When your kayaking you will be able to see the Garibaldi fish and the
kelp forest. When you re close enough to shore you can stand on your kayak and the possibility of
you falling in is high.
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What Is Soulmates Essay
How do you know that you ve found The One ? Soulmates. The other half to a whole ? Well..
While the idea of two souls joining together to perfect each other might be somewhat of an
exaggerated romantic notion; there is no contesting the fact that there does exist someone out
there who would be a better fit to you than most others. This person might not be completely in
sync with you, and they will definitely not be perfectly compatible if such a thing even exists with
you; but they do hold the power to make you extremely very happy. The One does exist whether
soulmates do or not. They say When you know, you know ; but how? Some relationships are
fleeting, some long; some are intense, others comfortable; some are explosive, others... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
They are your best friend. You want to speak to them even when you re too worked up to speak
to anyone at all. You can talk to them with ease and share anything that s on your mind The good
and the bad and you know they ll be there to listen, and support you. You never feel like they aren
t listening to you, even when you re in a fight. They make you feel good about yourself You can
be in your pajamas or all dressed up, they make you feel attractive regardless. Even when you re
feeling a little down in the dumps because of the extra winter weight or the haircut gone awry,
they know how to say just the right things to make all your insecurities fly away. They celebrate
your success and motivate you when you fail. They help you grow without making you feel like
you re lacking. You can be yourself and you don t feel the need to put on a front to impress them
because you know they admire you for who you are. The attraction is electric As cheesy as it
sounds, when you re together, sparks fly. All your inhibitions fade away. All that remains is the
attraction which is palpable. It s just you and them alone in this moment; and it s
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Explain The Ways And Strategies Of Inappropriate Behaviour
Some Ways and Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate and Correct Behaviors in Class Rooms
Teacher s role is of paramount importance in acknowledging and promoting appropriate behaviours
in class rooms. Their attitude can change the climate in the class rooms by concentrating on
positive behaviours. A teacher can motivate children to adapt and use those behaviours through
observation and acknowledgement. Effective teachers apply encouraging behaviours and demand
from their students to exhibit these behaviours in the class rooms and in return students want their
teacher s appreciation. Teachers can make this win win situation more effective through their own
behaviour by using certain ways and strategies in the class rooms.
Verbal Acknowledgement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In order to make teachers instructions more effective she suggests that commands should be: в—Џ
delivered after the teacher has sought and gained attention; в—Џ short, clear and specific; в—Џ
expressed in positive terms; в—Џ followed by time for children to comply 6 Guidelines for
Teachers в—Џ followed up by positive reinforcement of children who have followed the
commands; and в—Џ reinforced by giving further signals to non compliant children such as by
standing close, using eye contact and calling their name. T
Writing a Class Pledge or Promise
Many effective teachers involve students in writing a class pledge or promise is an important
strategy which helps build a shared sense of responsibility, respectful attitudes towards self and
others, and promotes a culture of learning. Class room management rules can be well demonstrated
through a well defined class pledge or promise. This is an effective way to reinforce students sense
of responsibility for the management of the classroom. Moreover when students sign the pledge, it
further enhances the student buy in and responsibility. A class promise can also be written in many
forms such as, rules list, general norms, and good commands or through a
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The Pros And Cons Of Biomass
There are many different types of renewable resources. There s wind, solar and many more.
Today we are going to talk about one of the many renewable resources. The renewable resource is
called Biomass. So let s dive into the amazing renewable resource called Biomass.
Biomass is an organic matter that comes from plants and also from animals and it is also a
renewable energy source. Biomass can also be used as a facility heating, Electric power generation,
and combined heat and power. Using Biomass is Burning, Fermentation, and Conversion. Reason
why Biomass is a renewable source cause supplies aren t limited. And biomass reduce dependence
on foreign oil cause biofuels is the only renewable liquid.
Biomass contains stored from the sun and plants absorbs the sun s energy in process is called
photosynthesis. When the Biomass is burn the chemical energy it releases as heats. The percent
of fuel of biomass contains about 5% for this time of year. Mostly researcher are trying to find
more ways to contain more biomass fuel for years. For this year wood has the largest amount of
biomass energy resources stored today but some other natural resources can be stored as well.
And also biomass has the potential to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emission. There are some
pros of biomass, but there are also some cons of biomass. One pro of biomass is the fact that it is a
renewable energy. It s renewable by converting one year s crop into fuel, and while you are doing
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Informative Speech Evaluation Essay
Informative speech evaluation
My introduction was quite low. Like they always say the beginning of everything is always the
hardest. Later on when I continued with my speech I started to gain my audience s attention since
I became more confidence in my self than when I first started my presentation. I had my note card
with me that really helped me a lot with all my points, hence I could have forgotten everything
that I had prepared on the table for the day. It helped me in reviewing all my points one by one. I
used the power point method as part of the requirement for the presentation. Which also helped in
supporting my speech, since it gave a better understanding on what I was talking about.
Being a little bit nervous which I do think
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Sojourner Truth Legend
Sojourner Truth is an American legend. She began life as a slave and ended her life as an
outgoing speaker and free woman. Sojourner led a very disadvantage life but was able to rise
above her hardships. Truth was a motivational speaker even though she was not able to read or
write. Sojourner Truth continues to impact lives today through her works.
Isabella Baumfree was born in 1797 in Ulster County, New York (Women in History). Isabella
became widely known as Sojourner Truth. Sojourner s parents, Elizabeth and James Baumfree
were slaves. Her childhood was spent under the watchful eyes of abusive masters. Her primary
language during her childhood was Dutch. At age nine, Sojourner was sold to John Neely. It was
in this abusive situation that she turned to religion. Religion was her refuge . Sojourner Truth
had at least five children between 1815 and 1827. Truth was sold several times and was finally
purchased by Isaac and Maria Van Wagenen in New York State. The Van Wagenen s gave
Sojourner her freedom in 1827. It was during this time that Truth felt the call to preach (Women in
History). In approximately 1829, she moved to New York City with her youngest two children (
Sojourner Truth Encyclopedia Britannica). The rest of her children had been sold as slaves
(Women in History). Sojourner Truth s legal name at this time was Isabella Van Wagener (
Sojourner Truth Encyclopedia Britannica).
Sojourner Truth spent the next several years traveling and preaching (Butler, Mary G.). During
her travels, she met several important reformers and abolitionist of that time such as William
Lloyd Garrison, Susan B. Anthony, and Harriet Beecher Stowe (Butler, Mary G.). While
traveling, she lived and worked with many different groups and associations (Women in
History). She met and worked with Olive Gilbert at an association created by abolitionists. This
association encouraged cooperative and productive labor. Olive Gilbert wrote The Narrative of
Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave in 1850 with Truth dictating. C Span American Writers article,
Sojourner Truth , describes this book as a fractional biography of Sojourner s life. It details the
experiences she had as a slave and her spiritual change which led her to become a
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Azide Lab Report
The antagonistic effect of glutamine on Azide 1 mediated light production was tested by
increasing the glutamine concentration from 0.1 to 5mM. The results show a dose dependent
inhibition of BLI signal by L glutamine in HT1080 luc2 and HepG2 luc2 cells. This reduction
confirms the signal obtained by Azide 1 was due to the competitive interference with glutamine
uptake. However, a fall in the light intensity could not be observed in 4T1 RLR cells. This
outcome does not mean that Azide 1 did not compete with L glutamine for the transporter
mediated uptake. The reason of no effect observed is because 4T1 RLR which is a more glucose
dependent cell line doesn t have a good affinity for L glutamine (Fig. 7A), but binds well... Show
more content on Helpwriting.net ...
10A). Hence, this proves that L glutamine wouldn t have many chances to compete with Azide 1 for
transporter binding.
To confirm the exact potential mechanism involved in the uptake of Azide 1, a competitive
inhibition was carried out in glutamine dependent cancer cell lines: HT1080 luc2, U87MG luc2
and HepG2 luc2 using the specific inhibitor GPNA for the system ASCT2. The reason for
choosing to test the involvement of this specific type of transporter in the uptake of Azide 1 is
because the signal produced by Azide 1 in HT1080 luc2 and HepG2 luc2 cells could be reduced
in the antagonistic effect assay by using L glutamine which is the natural competitor for binding
to glutamine transporter systems ASC and N. It was also figured out in this study that HepG2
luc2, HT1080 luc2 and U87MG luc2 express the ASCT2 transporter on the cell surface. GPNA
decreased the signal intensity in HT1080 luc2 and U87MG luc2 cells. This decrease confirms the
potential involvement of ASCT2 transporter in Azide 1 uptake. On the other hand, an increase in
the BLI signal was obtained in HepG2 luc2 cells. This outcome likely came from the effect of
gamma glutamyl transferase which is an enzyme found in liver cancer cells (e.g. HepG2 cell) and
catalyses the transfer of the gamma glutamyl moiety to an acceptor to form
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Michael Jordan Family Tree
8 Finland Portugal Budget $100 $100 Costof production: Cell phone/piece $1 $20 Cost of
production:Wine/gallon $5 $10 Maximum consumption underno trade condition (other
combinations are possible) 50 cellphones 10 gallons 4 cell phones 2 gallons Trade (Other
combinations are possible. This oneis preferred but not optimal. Maximumspecialization yields
maximum utility) Make: 60 cell phones 8gallons of wine Sell: 5 phones $15/piece = $75 Buy: 6.25
gallons @ $12 Endresult: 55 cell phones (+5) 14.25 gallons (+4.25) Make: 10 gallons of wine Sell:
6.25 gallons @ $12 = $75 Buy: 5 cell phones @ $15 Endresult: 5 cell phones (+1) 3.75 gallons
(+1.25) Real Life Explanation Michael Jordan has a clogged toilet. He is considering whether he
should fix the problem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
26 Basic factors (spark initial production) geography, climate, natural resources, large workforce;
e.g., tile was more available and less expensive than wood, ceramic tile industry started in Italy
Advanced factors (sustain competitive advantage) Result of investing in education and innovation:
skill of workforce segments, technological infrastructure, market knowledge e.g., a network of
professional schools, community colleges and apprenticeship programs ensured Italy s leadership
1/11/2016 14 FACTOR CONDITIONS 27 Notes: Both Basic and Advanced factor conditions are
changeable. E.g., today s climate of South Wales (Great Britain) resembles that of ... Burgundy
(France) 200 years ago. пѓ the UK is becoming a serious player in wine industryE.g., with China
having tremendous investment in education and research, number of scholarly publications
authored by professors form Chinese universities doubles every year! пѓ China likely to gain a
competitive edge in high tech within 10
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Septic Tank Inspections
If you are buying your first home, or if you are buying your first home with a septic tank, you
need to take the septic tank inspection seriously. The septic tank inspection will reveal if you are
good to go for a number of years, or if you need to set aside thousands of dollars to replace the
septic tank within the first few years of purchasing the home. Here are the steps you needto take in
order to ensure you have accurate information before you purchase a home with a septic tank:
Step #1: Call A Licensed Septic Installation Company
The first thing you want to do is call up a licensed septic installation company to perform the septic
tank inspection for you. You want to use an septic tank expert to inspect it; not a general home
inspector. An expert can tell you what condition the septic tank is in and how much work you are
going to have to put into it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Ask they to provide you with a quote for how much it would cost for you to do any necessary
repairs and fix the septic tank so that it is like new. You should also ask them to provide you with
the cost to install an entirely new septic system.
Even if the septic tank turns out to be in good condition, make sure that you get these numbers.
They will allow you to see and judge if you can afford the upcoming maintenance cost and plan for
future replacement costs.
Make sure that you get these quotes in writing with the date that the prices will be honored until.
That way, if you choose to fix or upgrade the system, you ll know the information you got during
your inspection was accurate, and actionable.
Step #3: Show Up For The
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Analysis Of New Zealand Shared Space Design Essay
In New Zealand shared spaces are a relatively new concept in relation to the United Kingdom, and
Netherlands. Therefore, case studies from the UK will provide strong insight in providing
guidance on speed reduction principles of shared spaces. The principles discovered throughout
these case studies will assist in developing an assessment criteria that is reliable and effective.
New Road, Brighton, London
New Roads shared space design has had an impressive design impact. Traffic volumes have reduced
by 93%, and vehicle speeds remain below 20km/hr. The road has many physical features that
occupy the street such as benches, restaurant, and cafГ© and bar seating, vegetation and pedestrian
dominated, with a carriageway width of 3.0 metres.
New Road, Brighton use different types of surfaces within the space with many pedestrians citing
the different surfaces as the key factor as the reason for taking ownership of the whole street with
vehicles and cyclists feel the different surfaces make them feel as pedestrians have priority
therefore, they travel with more care.
Ashford Ring Road
Ashford Ring Road shared space design has improved safety significantly. Vehicle speeds remain
around 32km/hr. This road also has many physical features that occupy the street such as benches,
signage, vegetation and pedestrian dominated. The road uses physical features to visually narrow
the road to reduce vehicle speeds with one way traffic carriageways 3.0 metres wide
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Formative AssessmentThe Goal Of Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
The goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the
students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes
assessments for students and instructors.
Summative Assessment
The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been
obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark.
Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture Have
students submit an outline for a paper.
Early course evaluations
Assigning a grade to a final exam
Critique of a Senior recital
University ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Types of Comprehension Questions2) Inferential Questions Examples: explain clearly / explain the
contrast... suggest how... what do you think... why does the author suggest... what impression...
Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide
6. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing QuestionsP Rewrite in your own words but
keep the meaningP read the phrase or sentence in its context in the passage so that your explanation
is appropriate to the situation Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide
7. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing Questions Examples: Explain the term /phrase
/sentence... Explain in your own words... Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary
8. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary QuestionsP Explain word or phrase
meaningP a certain word or phrase is chosen from the passageP You are required to give another
word or phrase bearing the same meaning as the word Adapted from O level Comprehension and


Summary Writing Guide
9. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary Questions Examples: What does the word
suggest about... What picture do these words suggest? What does the word even suggest about...
What does
preserve the market mean? Adapted from O level Comprehension and
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Practical Report
Universiti Teknologi Mara requires their students to attend training sessions related to their courses
to give a preliminary exposure regarding the real working environment in an organization. This
program has been offered by the Faculty of Accountancy, UiTM and needed to be completed in 6
months before completing their study.
By undergoing practical training, student will be placed in government or private sector, where
they will be given opportunity to learn and adapt the real working environment. Besides, the
practical training will increase and develop students communication skills, management skills and
other skills which will benefit their daily life and future career.
2.0 ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND AND... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This job was specially requested by the clients to reconcile their unreconciled items. I also get to
apply my knowledge in AIS when doing a detailed flowchart for IWK s Treasury Policies.
Audit work also involves outdoor work such as asset sighting, cash count and stock take. I did
asset sighting and cash count for Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn Bhd where my senior and I
went to see their Sewerage Treatment Plant and Refurbished Assets to ensure the asset s existence,
count the cash collections and compared both sightings with their listings or report. For stock
taking, I was in charge of counting stocks for Farmasi UKM Kesihatan, Pine 38 Restaurant under
Bagong Dagang Sdn Bhd and I Shoppe Technology Park Malaysia to prepare for their closing
3.2Accounting Work Done
Apart from doing audit work, I was also assigned to do an accounting job for construction
companies, Ramstar (M) Sdn Bhd and Rahajaya Sdn Bhd in which both are related companies for
their 2011 and 2012 accounts. In this job, I was able to experience the life of an accountant for 2
months keying in all their invoices, suppliers invoices, payment vouchers, bank transactions, and
general journals for depreciation, accruals, interests and others. Since the companies are
construction companies, I also learnt about Wang Jaminan Pertahanan (WJP), MOF Advance
Recoupment, Sub contractors, Claims, work in progress and their computations. Other than that, I
also did
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Thesis Statement Of The Art Of War
Statement of Purpose
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting , author cautions neo liberal
approach of The Art of War [BC 445] for the speculation of regional strategic hegemony and
inject Global economic superiority by emerging markets in response to Western aggression in
Asian mainland. One of the unique work I have struggled with this past year for an honors thesis
entitled BRICS Trade: Possibilities of New Multi polar World : paradigm shift of world focus to
east. As shown in the title, thesis explores a provocative, but as of yet scarcely narrow down
issues of bridging gap between eastern giants and probable ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Though I remain wary about committing myself prematurely to a specific topic of research, I am
also eager to elaborate, modify, and complicate my original assertions about the nature of the
problem of East centered oligarchic movement. Indeed, many of the conclusions reached in the
thesis, such as my claim that the conjoining areas and mutual collaborative effort between Asian
giants and BRICS grouping, serve as starting points for future research and study.
Master s thesis gave me the chance to become better acquainted with the essentials of social
science research methodologies. Suspecting that empirical study of IR theories with respect to neo
liberal economic attributions collide with practicality of policies and its implications, navigated me
to encounter with popular works ranging from The Tragedy of Great Power Politics by John
Mearsheimer, an insightful work of K.Ohame, The Border less World .....
Though I cannot predict the course this project might take in graduate school, I expect that it will
address the following themes and issues. First is the overarching issue of distinguishing the
phenomena I observe from the IR theories and neo liberal approaches to sustain with the blood of
others and to defuse them for making future strategic
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Relationship Between Europeans And Native American Colonists
When Christopher Columbus had first arrived in 1492 to the New World, American Indians and
European colonists started interacting with each other. These two very different societies
interacting with one another was caused by the European colonists desire to expand into the New
World and the land owned by American Indians. Due to the unwillingness to accept the Native
people, the relationship in the New World between these two societies was a one of unease and
violence. When the first European colonists arrived in 1620 on land in the New World, a disaster
was forming. Arriving in what is known today as Massachusetts on The Mayflower, the settlers
didn t have enough experience surviving cold, harsh winters causing almost half of the settlers to
die that had arrived on The Mayflower. This had changed in 1621 with the help of the Native
people. The American Indians had started teaching the English peoplehow to do many things
including harvesting and growing crops. This help from the Native s had led to the first
Thanksgiving between the two groups. These two societies, however, didn t remain friends. The
English settlers had kicked off the American Indians of their own land and tried to make them
convert to Christianity. The English settlers had also brought diseases from Europe causing many
Indians to get very sick and even some die. In 1637, warfare started to erupt between a group of
English colonists and an Indian tribe named Pequot. The English settlers along with a
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Analysis Of Dan Brown s The Da Vinci Code
Toward the start of your studies, you will most likely have many general inquiries, for example,
o How did Europe come to overwhelm such an extensive amount advanced history?
o Was North America bound to end up a super power?
o Does the past have any bearing on the world today?
o Does history have any bearing on a distinct individual s life?
Many individuals appreciate steering into history and authentic inquiries by perusing recorded
fiction. Dan Brown s The Da Vinci Code is a mainstream decision and can lead individuals to
further study Renaissance workmanship, culture, and history.
History of War
Many individuals start concentrating on history by taking a gander at the historical backdrop of
fighting. Military History and Maritime History can captivate subjects. You can concentrate on the
wars themselves or the political figures who arranged the occasions.
Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940 45 by Sir Max Hastings is a nitty gritty picture of Winston
Churchill. It is an interesting prologue to England amid the cutting edge wars. Finding out about
the war time frames can irritate. You may have many inquiries concerning the very way of war.
A few inquiries may be:
o Does war characterize mankind s history?
o Should you characterize recorded eras by the wars that were battled?
o If history is composed by the victors, would we be able to ever have a genuinely precise record
of a war?
o Can lessons from history help us avert future mobilized
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APA FSB Style Standards
These standards are excerpted from the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American
Association, published in 2010. These standards are intended to provide an overview of APA
formatting necessary for the Forbes School of Business, writing assignments.
Standard 1: Manuscript Elements o o
Manuscript Format
 Left, top, bottom, and right margins should be 1 inch.
 Paper is prepared in Times New Roman, 12 point font and is double spaced throughout.
 Page numbers are Arabic numerals in the upper right corner of each page, ½ inch from the
top, and are consecutive from the title page through any appendices.
 Preliminary pages contain numbers in lowercase Roman numerals.
Title ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Common Format Examples:
 One Work by One Author:
 In text citation: Goodson (2013) found that higher concentrations of sulfur increased the odor of
the spring water. or Parenthetical citation: Significant variation from the mean results in a higher
probability of failure (Baker, 2012).
 One Work by Multiple Authors:
 In text citation: Lawrence, Patrick, Evans and Smith (2009) found...
[Use as first citation in text.]
 Lawrence et al. (2009) found...
[Use as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.]
 Works with No Author or with an Anonymous Author:
 The APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) says, When a work has no identified author, cite in
the text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double
quotation marks around the title of an article, a chapter, or a web page and italicize the title of a
periodical, a book, or a report (p. 176).
8620 Spectrum Center Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92123


Parenthetical citation: High temperature is a common predictor of decreased employee morale in
certain work areas ( Workplace Dynamics,
In text citation: The book The Managers Perspective (2011) outlined the... or Parenthetical citation:
Garbage output is a predictor of economic health (Anonymous, 2008).
Direct Quotation of Sources:
 Citing quoted information (Periodical):
Quote (Kotter, 2012, para. 2). or As stated by Deming (1991),
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Foreign Aid In Australia
Aid has never been an altruistic process; countries have always given aid to areas that best further
their own national interests. Countries give aid for a number of reasons; they range from securing
political connections to creating more favourable trade routes. Pure altruism is never the number
one reason a country gives aid, and Australia is no exception. National interest lies at the core of all
of Australia s foreign aid policies, (DFAT 2015). As a nation Australia would most benefit from
concentrating her aid on the Indo Pacific region. Providing the nations within Australia s regional
neighbourhood with aid results in economic growth for both Australia and her aid recipients. Aid
also stabilises trade and security within the region,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Focussing Australia s aid on the Indo Pacific region leads to regional dominance, which in turn
affords Australia certain privileges within the international community. Australia is the largest
(in terms of population and military strength) and most economically developed state in
Oceania, this awards her with certain privileges and if she were to stop giving aid within the
region those privileges could be revoked, (Schwebel 2009). These privileges include being a
member of the G20, and if Australia were to stop giving aid many countries would cease to see
her as a good international citizen, which could have dire effects for Australia, (Beeson 2015). Aid
also allows Australia to maintain her dominance as a regional power. It continues to solidify
regional partnerships in the face of increasing interest in the region from emerging donors such as
China, (Lowy Institute 2015). Australia must thus continue giving aid within the Indo Pacific
region lest her place as a regional power be overtaken by an emerging donor, (Hayward Jones
2013). Australia is most effective at distributing aid in the Indo Pacific region. Henceforth,
focussing on the Indo Pacific region allows Australia to create the most difference; she plays into
the role of a good international citizen by taking care of her surrounding neighbourhood, (DFAT
2015). Australia s international standing is seen to be at her highest when Australia s influence over
the region is at its strongest, (Bishop 2013). It is in Australia s best national interest to retain a good
international standing, maintaining a dominant role in the region through aid affords her this
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Cloning, Pros and Cons Essay
The young couple sat in the waiting room of the doctor s office with their heads hung low. They
mumbled between themselves, wondering what the doctor would say at this visit. It is their
ump teenth check up to try and figure out why they have not been able to conceive a child for
the past 5 years. The woman wants with all of her heart to give birth to a child of her very own.
They wondered if the doctor could do anything else to help them. Would the dream of having a
baby of the couple s own blood vanish? Would the doctor have any other suggestions? Is this the
end of their rope, or is there another option?
Only a few blocks away, at the General Hospital, lies a one week old girl with bronchiolitis
obliterans, a disease that causes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Could people be cloned without conscious brains, so their body parts could be harvested with
fewer moral worries? Could vital organs be grown using cloning without the rest of the body?
(New Scientist, 2003). Could a woman clone herself or her husband to have a child? The idea of
humans someday cloning themselves (created from a cell without sexual reproduction) is now
closer to reality (Daniel Levine, 2001).
Types of Cloning
There are actually two types of cloning: reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive
cloning is making human beings asexually. In reproductive cloning, the offspring receives genetic
information from one parent through a duplication process in a laboratory. DreamTech
International states, All we need is a tiny swab of cell tissue from the inside of your mouth,
which is used to obtain the genetic material for producing an embryo with your DNA. If you are
female, you have the option of being implanted with the embryo yourself, or hiring a surrogate
birther (2002). The reason for doing this process could be for a number of reasons: to prevent
congenital disorders, to propagate the genes of someone who has had no children in the
conventional manner, to have a specific type of offspring, or in the situation of not being able to
reproduce sexually (Dream Technologies International, 2002). There is almost a universal
agreement that cloning human beings is so unsafe and, to some, morally repugnant that it
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Language and Identity Are Inextricably Linked. How Is This...
There are many indicators of identity by which we are made known individually, socially and
culturally; the best of these would be language and how it has shown great flexibility in
accommodating the needs of people. Through language people have been able to establish their
identities and cultivate friendships with others who share the same common ground. By looking at
accents such as Broad Australian English, slang and phonological features as they apply to
Australian varieties, we can see how it has forged solidarity and assisted in creating an identity on
an individual and national scale.
Broad Australian English (BAE) is a language variety unique to Australia. Despite being spoken by
a minority of Australian population today, it has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Identity is formed through the mutual trends of a group through slang and is used as
identification for users who have these lexical features in common. The shortening of the
lexeme whatever to whatevz or the reduplication and shortening of crazy to cray cray are words
that have appealed to young Australian teenagers. Through use of diminutives, identity can be
further formed as they are uniquely Australian, where lexemes are shortened to a syllable and
the suffix of ie, y or o is added like smoko for smoking, devo for devastated and bottle o for a
liquor store. The use of slang like this enhances our identity and care free nature that helps us
understand phrases like I m devo that brekky at Maccas is done . This way slang builds certain
characteristics that are known to Australians in the same way phonological features have.
A recent phonological development in Australian English displays a difference between younger
and older generations through the High Rising Terminal (HRT) which is a rising intonation
contour on declarative clauses. The intonation pattern is considered a distinctive feature of
Australian English and shows how speakers carry themselves as a person. HRT is used primarily
by the younger demographics in Australia, in particular female speakers and has been criticised
often, deeming it as a marker of insecurity. However as researchers now point out,
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Corporate Entrepreneurship
Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate Entrepreneurship can be seen as the process whereby an
individual or a group creates a new venture within an existing organization, revitalizes and renews
an organization ,or innovates. Zahra s(1986) definition of corporate entrepreneurship suggests
aformal or informal activity aimed at creating new businesses in established firms through product
and process innovations and market developments,whereas sathe(1985) defines corporate
entrepreneurship as a process of organizational renewal. Corporate Entrepreneurship has emerged as
a much needed ingredient contributing towards the growth of any organization under a changing
business environment. Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) is widely considered as a... Show more
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There have been dozens of definitions of entrepreneurship. The first of those is the phenomenon
that some people, rather than working for somebody else under an employment contract, strike out
on their own and become self employed. These economic entities involve some element of
innovation at start up, and some degree of innovativeness is needed to survive over time. However,
innovation is not central to this phenomenon. It is to the second social reality. This reality involves
the development and renewal of any society, economy or organization, which is based on micro
level actors who have the initiative and persistence to make change happen. In this reality,
entrepreneurship means the creation of new economic activities and organizations as well as the
transformation of existing ones . Indicators of Contributions to Economic Outcomes 1)Employment
: Firms may contribute to the amount of employment generated or to the quality of employment.
Firm growth, measured by the number of jobs created (relative to the size of the firm), is often
used as an indicator of the quantity of employment generated. The quality of employment is
measured in terms of the remuneration offered to employees. The primary indicators used are
wage levels, benefits (e.g. health insurance), and the use of productivity related pay (PRP). Job
satisfaction levels of the employees in entrepreneurial firms relative to employees in
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Grammar Is The Foundation Of The Majority Of Our Literary...
Grammar is the foundation of the majority of our literary works throughout the years. Although as
teaching styles evolve throughout time, the instruction of grammar should evolve as well. An
article in The Atlantic, The Wrong Way to Teach Grammar, by Michelle Navarre Cleary, touches
base on how grammar lessons today should be learned through the use of creative writingrather than
more traditional means of grammar instruction. Her article does well as she connects the reader
logically and emotionally about how grammar hinders people s passion of English and writing.
Although, I do believe that grammar can first be taught by more traditional means to understand
how to use the skill and then later be applied through creative writing, rather than eliminating
grammar lessons altogether. The author, Michelle Cleary, who is now an associate professor and
dean at DePaul University is accredited with her professional writing skills. Before working at
DePaul, she taught writing at a community college for eight years. However, the dropout rate at the
community college was astoundingly at a 90 percent rate. She infers that one of the primary culprits
for not finishing school was the required developmental writing classes with traditional grammar
lessons. Ms. Cleary also mentions how students tell her these grammar confessions which would
altogether have them avoid writing. Although grammar is not generally enjoyable to learn, it is
helpful to learn and refresh the rules of grammar
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Tuckman s Stages Analysis
2 out of 4 Tuckman s Stages
The Tuckman 4 stages all have to do with a group trying to work on a project together or maybe
even playing a sport. Each stage can be seen in a part of everyone s daily life whether they are at
school, home, on the field, and or in movies. The most common stages are forming and storming.
Forming is when a group comes together for the first time and everyone tries to get to know each
other. This is the first stage. No roles are placed within the team and many members are feeling
multiple feelings like anxiousness, nervousness, and some might be clueless on the work. I have
experienced forming when I played softball for the Mooresville Recreation Department in my
town. The rec department would blindly place girls
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Atyotypical BCR-ABL Translocation
This paper is a short case study focused on a patient with an atypical BCR ABL translocation in
CML. The 80 year old male patient presented with a history of two months of worsening fatigue,
weakness, shortness of breath and weight loss. Blood tests showed mild anemia, normal platelets,
and leukocytosis with elevated myelocytes and metamyelocytes. The bone marrowaspirate showed a
hypercellular marrow with 90% myeloid cells, but no myeloblasts. A karyotype was performed
on the cells from the marrow aspirate; it revealed the Philadelphia chromosome translocation.
This confirmed the diagnosis of CML. Further PCR study was done on the patient s RNA and it
revealed an atypical band on the gel. This band was purified from the gel and sequenced. It
revealed the rare presence of the e1a3 BCR ABL exon combination.... Show more content on
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This absence predisposes the patient s cells to growth factor independence and therefore
transformation. Another aspect of the transformation of note is that the proliferation takes longer
due to slower leukemogenesis. This gives this disease an indolent course, which makes it
particularly difficult to detect. The patient in this case was put on 400mg of Imatinib daily. The
CML responded well to the treatment, the patient s blood and marrow studies normalized. However,
after five months the patient developed a lymphoid blast crisis. Bone marrow studies showed 94%
lymphoid blast
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The Importance Of The Second Amendment To The United...
Do you know what function the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution actually
serves? No, it is not so that people can go hunting or protect themselves against personal assault.
Neither is it a stupid, brainless provision that some lamebrain slipped into the Constitution.
Like a shield of freedom, it is one of the primary reasons that the United States Constitution still
As one who is not a gun owner, I treasure the Second Amendment. It is one of our best safeguards
against tyranny, not from foreign governments, but from our own.
This amendment reads, A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the
right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
The militia written of here is a volunteer army that basically provides its own weapons. That is,
these are soldiers who are already armed, who already have their own guns.
In The Federalist Papers, the authors wrote of concerns that a standing army could lead to tyranny
(loss of freedom), so the Second Amendment was conceived in such a way that the U.S. could have
an army at need, and would not have to have a large standing army. This was so that the national
government would not threaten our freedom. (Trust me; it s in there.)
There are historical examples of governments wanting to tighten their controls over the people, so
they went out and disarmed the people (like the sword hunt in Japan), or made it illegal for them to
own weapons (there are
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The Lord Of Literature By. R. Tolkien
Caleb CassidyHonors English Literature 9/14/16 4th hour J.R.R Tolkien, The lord of Literature
Poet and author J.R.R. Tolkien is held by many as one of the greats within English literature. He
was a master of writing and teaching, and he showed excellence in academia, prose, and poetry.
He left an everlasting impact on the world of literature by using his great understanding of
language and his talent of creating mythical lands of consistent excellence. Tolkien started his
life in tragedy, but used his circumstances to his advantage in his latter life and within his literary
career. A man of higher intellect than most was Tolkien, which is what contributed to making
him an amazing writer and poet. On January 3, 1892 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born to
Mabel and Arthur Tolkien in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Arthur Tolkien was a bank clerk from
the U.K. who left for South Africa in the 1890s for better chances of promotion (Doughan).
Mabel Tolkien, maiden name Suffield, was from the city of Birmingham in the West Midlands of
Britain. At the age of eighteen Mabel Suffield became engaged to Arthur Tolkien. The two were
destined for marriage, but Mabel s father forbade them from marrying for three years. During their
three year betrothal Mabel and Arthur exchanged letters to keep in touch ( Mabel Tolkien ). When
the three years were up Mabel sailed to Cape town South Africa to marry Arthur, and so began the
Tolkien family. Mabel and Arthur were married on April 16,
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Response Of The Human Cardiovascular System
The tilt study demonstrated the baroreflex response of the human cardiovascular system to
changes in posture. Expected decreases in BP, MAP, CO at 30 seconds post tilt and immediate
decreases in SV and TPR as seen in Figures 2, 4, 6 and Table 1 were observed. These decreases
were due to increased pooling of bloodin the lower limbs leading to lower venous return and
subsequently decreasing flow out of the heart. Furthermore, there was a reflexive response by the
autonomic nervous system in order to regain normal cardiovascular parameters mediated by the
Going from supine to standing position induced changes in the hydrostatic pressure experienced
by the superior and inferior regions of the body. As tilt occurred blood began to pool in highly
distensible veins of the lower region. Because of this pooling phenomena there was an expected
reduction in venous return to the heart and subsequently a reduced CO (Fig. 5) as seen 30
seconds post tilt (Sherwood, 2013). This reduced CO exemplifies the Frank Starling Law of the
Heart which states that reduced venous return will result in reduced CO by the heart
(Sherwood, 2013). The Frank Starling Law can also explain lowered SV as seen in Figure 4. The
only explanation to why CO (a product of HR and SV) might have increased in this experiment
immediately after tilt was because HR (Fig. 1) significantly increased at the same time in
comparison to the small decrease in SV as seen in Figure 4. MAP and BP decreases were
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Mixed Race Culture
Research Paper
Mixed Race and Cultural Expectance among Asian American Artists
The idea of mixed race, culture, heritage has been a subject for many discussions and debates
regarding its communication through art. How the artist themselves relate to this idea and how or
why they use specific art pieces to portray their idea is very interesting. Viewers who do not share
the same upbringing or lifestyle may find it harder to understand such pieces if it is only
characterized as being artworks of Asian Americans. Questions such as who is Asian American or
what is an Asian American start to emerge amongst audience like that. However, two Asian
American artists: Roger Shimomura and Kip Fulbeck both men who are clearly of different
generations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Just as common, subtle references continue to connect me to stereotypical oriental traits, both
physical and behavioral. As mentioned earlier, due to having his Japanese heritage but living in the
United States, Shimomura has been subjected to many stereotypical cruelty, where he is often
asked what part of Japan he is from; leading back to the idea of being a knockoff in America.
There are many images in the series but there are three similar images: American Mouse, Roger
the Goof, and American Hello Kitty. All these images are of the iconic Mickey Mouse, Goofy
and Hello Kitty but he changed their faces into his own. These three images portray the idea of
how Shimomura felt being stereotyped and categorized as Japanese solely due to his heritage.
American Mouse and Roger the Goof convey his idea of how he may look Japanese on the
outside; he is no doubt American in the inside. As for the American Hello Kitty, Shimomura
slightly diverges and is trying to attack two stereotypes: one, that Japan is considered to be strongly
connected to Hello Kitty as a culture and the other that since he is Japanese, he must know and
relate to it as well. Such cultural expectations are very much showing through this particular
piece because of how he only changed the face, viewers can tell it is Hello Kitty without looking
at the name based on the clothing and ears but it is comical but very straightforward in portraying
the idea of being expected to know or act a certain way simply because of
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King Daniel Research Paper
The Babylonians had attacked Jerusalem and took many Jewish captives; one of them was
Daniel. He is known loyal to God and wise beyond his years. He interprets dreams and visions.
His gifts are from God of Israel, and he became a living testimony to God in a strange land. His
symbolic visions about the future of Israel, world kingdoms, and the kingdom of God exposes
everyone to the long term plan for the world. Daniel is not only known as Daniel the prophet; he
is also known as one of the most influential figures in the Book of Daniel who served the King and
his successors in Babylon with loyalty, while remaining true to God of Israel. Daniel s life and
prophecies are recorded in the Book of Daniel. Great Prophet Daniel was descended ... Show more
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He made up in his mind to serve God. He accepted the bondage of eating the king s food at the
king s table and being torn apart from his family, ripped out of everything he has known, and
being trained to work for a pagan king. He also accepted the pagan education and a new pagan
name. He had to make three important decisions every day. Daniel had to take part in a pagan
education, put up with being called a pagan name, and eating pagan food. He and his friends
exceeded the physical development of their novitiates not because of their genius or diet, but
because God gave Daniel knowledge and skill in every aspect of literature and wisdom (1: 17).
In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning the King inquires; Daniel s influence
assisted in every matter due to the power of his God. He knew sharing a meal at the king s table
meant sharing the king s values. Eating together implies friendship, support, endorsement, and
shared values. Eating the food in this type of situation represented a moral compromise of
everything he had hoped for. His influence on biblical events is important to learn from because it
teaches that a person cannot corrupt a man from the outside. Daniel may have appeared as a pagan
on the outside but on the inside, he was a servant of the living God. He risked putting his life on the
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Managerial Accounting -Wendy s
Pam Powers
MBA 516
Case Study: Wendy s Chili: A costing Conundrum
Dave Thomas was a man with a vision. He began his career in Columbus, Ohio in 1969 when he
purchased a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise that was unprofitable. Dave turned that
franchise into a profitable business and sold it back to KFC at a substantial profit. Dave had also co
founded Arthur Treacher s Fish amp; Chips and was very familiar with the quick service industry.
However, hamburgers were Dave s favorite food and he could not get a decent hamburger in town
without waiting 30 minutes and so the idea of Wendy s became a reality.
Dave had a vision for Wendy s; to provide consumers with bigger and better hamburgers that were
cooked to order, served ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Time spent on purchasing. g. Less production area. h. Less equipment needed.
Some disadvantages of a limited menu are: a. Losing the competitive edge. b. Losing the market
share of sales from the customers that want chicken or fish. c. Not being able to meet the needs of
different target markets.
The concept was eventually discontinued due the response of competitive pressures and changing
customer demands.
3) Success from Wendy s drive thru windows was a combination of several things. I believe that the
uniformity of the building, the advertising strategy and the location which was usually located in
urban or densely populated suburban areas. I also think that the limited number of menu items
helped facilitate orders being given out faster.
4) I calculated that it costs $1.06 to make an eight ounce bowl of chili using the full cost basis.
Out of pocket cost was figured at $1.10 per eight ounce serving.
5) A bowl of chili costs $1.06 using the full cost method of using direct costs.
6) Based on just the direct cost I would drop the chili.
However, so many factors are not shown which could impact profitability. In the winter when
chili sales are high do people come for a hot bowl of chili and buy and hamburger? Chili is one of
Wendy s core products and by dropping it would it cause them to lose customers who purchase chili
and other items?


Another item to consider is the price of
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Running head: OBJECT RELATIONS CASE STUDY ! ! ! ! ! ! Object Relations Case Study of
Melanie Freeland A Conceptualization and Treatment Plan Raven N. Aponte Liberty University !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !1 OBJECT RELATIONS CASE STUDY !2 Abstract This case study presents the use
of Object Relations Theory. Object Relations Theory is the relation between the internalized sense
of self and others, and how it affects present relationships. OR therapy specifically focuses on the
relationship between the child and early caregiver. OR theorist concludes how attachment styles
influence the way an individual conceptualizes themselves as they relate to others. Object, refers to
people, an environment, or images... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Object relations theorist says past memories, relationships, and images of events can effect an
individuals present functioning (Butman, Jones, 2011, 140). Internal objects are the most
important because they influence the individuals self, relationships they engage in, and the
attachment these individuals form within those relationships (Murdock, 2013, 83). These
internal objects determine how we relate to people (Butman, Jones, 2011, 141). Internalized
objects also represent how individuals view themselves (Butman, Jones, 2011, 141). When an
individual is nurtured and protected, they are more likely to develop a whole view of
themselves (Butman, Jones, 2011, 141). On the contrary, individuals who do not feel protected
and loved tending to get stuck in the relationship where their needs were not met (Butman, Jones,
2011, 144). This leads the individual to view other relationships immaturely and consistently
seek to meet primitive needs (Butman, Jones, 2011, 144). Melanie did not form the appropriate
attachments with either parent due to her mothers chronic drug use and her father absence.
Melanie s regrets from dropping out of high school also signify some repressed anger toward her
parents. The lack of love from both parents, has left Melanie feeling rejected; which she has
probably felt since childhood. Melanie may feel as if she OBJECT RELATIONS CASE STUDY !5
was unimportant or unworthy of love and time because
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Trickery Has Always Existed
Trickery Has Always Existed
In the Twelfth Night, the typical craziness of love and relationships is shown. Viola starts the
confusion as she poses a man to get a job in the home of the Duke, Orsino. Because of her hard
work and loyalty, she or Cesario (which is her disguised name) becomes a favorite of Orsino. The
real twist begins here because Viola begins to fall in lovewith Orsino, but since she is Cesario , she
cannot let these feelings be known without reveling her true identity.
One of her duties in the house of the Duke is messenger and she is required to deliver a message to
Lady Olivia who Orsino is love with. The messages she must deliver are Orsino declaring his love
to Olivia, but the opposite happens. Olivia falls for
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MIDTERM Informative Critique
The Unites States has made some changes to the way we handle Security with respect to the
effects of 9/11. We began to be much more vigilant looking at every aspect of transportation from
enhancing our airline security, railroad to include maritime operations. One particular area of focus
is our ports and how we support our trade and make it safer against the threat of another terrorist
attack. The ports are extremely vital to the U.S. According to the Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, 14 percent of U.S. counties that are adjacent to the coast produce 45 percent of the nation
s gross domestic product ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
E., Rice, J. B. (2011). Formal Vulnerability Assessment of a maritime transportation system.
Reliability Engineering System Safety, 96(6), 696 705. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2010.12.011
The Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (1997). doi:10.17226/5809 https://www.rita.dot.gov/bts
Bill Summary Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002. (n.d.). Retrieved January 5, 2017,
from http://www.admiraltylawguide.com/documents/sum107 295.html
Christopher, K. (2014). Port Security Management, Second Edition. CRC Press.
Five Years After 9/11 Attacks (2006). U.S. Ports More Secure Than Ever; Progress Must Continue.
(n.d.). Retrieved January 04, 2017, from http://www.aapa ports.org/advocating
How important is the ocean to our economy? (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2017, from http:/
Peckham, C. (2012). An overview of maritime and port security. 2012 IEEE Conference on
Technologies for Homeland Security (HST).
Q A: US Port Security Before and After 9/11. (n.d.). Retrieved January 08, 2017, from
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  • 5. Role Of Supernatural Elements In Macbeth In the play entitled Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the supernatural is the most important element in the play which leads to Macbeth s desire for the throne. Throughout the play, supernatural appeals to the audience in various forms which is represented by the witches, the prophecies, the floating dagger, and ghost. The existence of these supernatural elements in Macbeth foreshadows the evil ambitions and actions possess by Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. Besides that, these supernatural elements also are the key elements to the manipulative play as it evoke the emotions among the audience to perceive the horror, mystery, evil and death throughout the play. The introduction of the three witches with their prophecies in Act 1 Scene 3, about Macbeth after he won the war against the Norwegians, at the beginning of the play has naturally motivated Macbeth s actions to make the prophecies into reality. The witches are not human or half ways normal when Banquo quotes to Macbeth that the creatures are not human like as well as irregular in some sort and very unattractive. The witches then presented as Macbeth s fortune tellers. The witches called Macbeth as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The existence of supernatural elements in Macbeth played a huge role because without it Macbeth would have never killed Duncan. The witches and their prophecies become the ultimate key factor for Macbeth s dynamic character as their ability to foresee Macbeth s fate affect his actions and endeavors. Macbeth was once a respected hero, but his desire to become King of Scotland destroyed his nobility. It is also very effective as it highlights the horror, fears, cruelty and blameworthy of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The elements successfully appeal to the audience s curiosity of the mysterious and thus strengthen their interest towards the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Los Angeles Metro and Accessibility Wheelchairs, canes, crutches all these devices help an individual maneuver around after certain injuries or complications make life harder for them. Although full mobility with these devices isn t restored, it makes a metaphorical bridge for their reentry into society. As if life wasn t hard enough for these people, they still have to work and make a life for themselves. Due to the fact that many diseases are incurable they have to find ways to cope with their disabilities. Having less maneuverability calls for things such as designated areas for the disabled on Public busses or ergonomic seats that can work on both the disabled in a general situation, and the typical passenger. These things need to be implemented on Metro busses in the Los Angeles Region because roughly 1.3 million riders have a disability. Certain things can happen in today s system where a disabled rider could hurt themselves in the movement of the buswhen they re not strapped in or when there are no open seats on the bus. A Accessibility s Significance and Its History The United States has been a world leader for helping out in civil rights and such, and one of its many civil rights acts was the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Act entitles people with disabilities their basic rights and sets rules for Public Areas and Private areas where disabled people would potentially have to go. This Act now gave disabled people a means to go places. It caused designated areas for wheelchairs in Parking ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Advanced Rocket Personal Statement Through participating Science Olympiad and Society of Advanced Rocket Propulsion and learned how to design, build, and test engineered devices, I found that I would love to be an astronautical engineer. Even though we can see far into the space with telescopes but I believe that to truly explore space, we have to use rockets and spacecrafts. With all the theories and assumptions about, there is always a need for exploration, which requires engineers to build these instruments. Since my childhood, I ve always found rockets and spacecrafts to be fascinating and exciting, however, they had always seemed so far away from me because of the silly thought: they are expensive . Indeed, this is a problem. I want to reduce the cost of space explorations... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Then, I joined SARP (Society of Advanced Rocket Propulsion). This year, I got hands on experience on the structures team from building the body tubes to co designing the new composite layup turnpike mechanism to allow for more efficient composite layups. These involvements not only contributed to the building of the rocket, but also granted me the opportunity learn the process of engineering of a rocket. The result of joining SARP further ensures that my passion lies in the aerospace industry. Therefore, I would love to continue my journey in SARP. In addition to the experience that I have in SARP, I am also currently working in the Mechanical and Hydraulic department as an intern at the Boeing Company. I will be working with the hydraulic system analysis team as well as with the components team to conduct certification tests for Boeing Commercial airplanes. At the Boeing company, I work with professional engineers who design and test flying machines that carry millions of people crossing the world; I constantly expose myself to new knowledge that I ve never thought existed and challenges that provoke further interest in the aerospace ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Osmosis Diffusion Lab Title Osmosis : How Water Diffuses Introduction The plasma membrane, the outside barrier of the cell is selectively permeable, allowing certain substances to cross more easily than others. When a cell is put in a solution, passive transport, diffusion, and osmosis occurs. During passive transport, diffusion of a substance takes place across a membrane without energy contribution, because of diffusion, the tendency for molecules to spread out. Net movement allows substances to move in one direction. Many molecules and hydrocarbons diffuse down the concentration gradient, moving from a high concentration to a low concentration. Without diffusion, osmosis cannot occur, osmosis is diffusion of water. During osmosis in animal and plant cells, tonicity, ability to cause a cell to gain or lose water, causes three different solutions, isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic. The purpose of the experiment ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... p. ___ ____ Questions Explain why osmosis and diffusion are important to cells? Osmosis and diffusion are important to cells because they do not require energy(ATP) to transport molecules across, such as water and oxygen molecules, which are needed in the cell to function. Without diffusion, osmosis cannot occur. And without osmosis, the water molecules is not a able to move from a high concentration to a low concentration. Describe what is meant by the term selectively permeable and explain the role of selectively permeable membrane in osmosis Selectively permeable membranes main functions is to regulate the movement of substances entering and exiting the cell. It allows the exchange of nutrients between the cell and its environment. Osmosis allows the animal cell to stay at a isotonic solution allowing water molecules to enter or exit to stabilize the cell to be able to stay at the right type of solution. Describe the effects of hypertonic, isotonic, and hypotonic solutions on animal and plant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Getting Into The Real Estate If you re thinking about getting into the real estate business then there s a lot you need to take into consideration before you make the jump. I ve been a licensed, active agent for over two years now and I admit that in the beginning I had no clue about the costs, work, or time involved in getting started. All I knew was I wanted to do it so I dove in head first without doing the research. Don t make that mistake. While real estatecan be a very rewarding practice, it s not necessarily for everyone. It takes a person with a special type of motivation and sales skills to make a living with the job and most agents can t handle the aspect of complete freedom without abusing their time. If you re curious about what it takes to get started, then this article will clear things up. First of all, it s important for you to know exactly what a real estate agent does. An agent assists clients in buying or selling houses. A real estate agent must have a great knowledge of the local market and is able to tell someone how much their house is worth. Agents also must have a general knowledge of the communities in the area, as well as any restrictions or covenants for that same area. In a way, real estate agents serve as the backbone to the entire deal. We assist buyers in finding a good mortgage broker, home inspector, termite inspector, closing attorney, and many other aspects. On the flip side, real estate agents that represent sellers are required to help conduct a comparative ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. Differences Between Han China And Gupta India During the years 320 BCE and 550 CE, two civilizations coexisted, Han China and Gupta India; both civilizations developed in Eurasia. Han China and Gupta India, both focused their religious views on the mandate of heaven. The political system of Han China is similar to that of Gupta India, in that both included strict laws and stressed the importance of your role in society. Han China and Gupta India also used hierarchy and bureaucracy as their political control. A major difference between these administrations is that in Han China the emperor was fully in charge, even revered, while in Gupta India priests were at the top of the hierarchy. Han China and Gupta India both had an idea of hierarchy social structure. However, the Gupta s social hierarchy was based on religion and Han was not. The Han China has king on top of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The peace and prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled this period is called the Golden Age of India and was marked by extensive achievements in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy that crystallized the elements of what is generally known as Hindu culture. Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, and Chandragupta II were the most notable rulers of the Gupta dynasty. Chandragupta II defeated the Sakas and established the supremacy of Gupta empire in the Indian subcontinent. Guptas maintained a huge army and a large navy. This strong and efficient military organization made Gupta empire the most powerful empire in the world at that time. The Han Dynasty was the second imperial dynasty of China, which was founded by the peasant rebel leader Liu Bang, known posthumously as Emperor Gaozu of Han. Spanning over four centuries, the period of the Han Dynasty is considered a golden age in Chinese history. To this day, China s majority ethnic group refers to itself as the Han ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Lastig Effects of the Holocaust The Holocaust not only affected the areas where it took place, it affected the entire world. Even though Jewish people were the main victims in the Holocaust, it also left lasting effects on other groups of people. Both, the Nazi and Jewish decedents, still feel the aftermath of one of the most horrific counts of genocide that the world has ever encountered. The cries of the victims in concentration camps still ring around the globe today, and they are not easily ignored. Although the Holocausttook place during World War Two, the effects that it had on the world are still prominent today. The Holocaust was a very impressionable period of time. It not only got media attention during that time, but movies, books, websites, and other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Holocaust made being proud of oneself a crime. It attacked the Jewish people religion, way of life, and self pride. They feared for their children s futures, and their grandchildren s future. To them, being Jewish wasn t worth going to concentration camps to fight for their heritage. The Holocaust was one of the first giant acts of genocide. It brought light to the horrific acts of racism that the world still faces today. The Nazi s were not only trying to destroy Jewish people, they were trying kill all of the Polish and Roman people as well. (HARFF 6) They believed that these types of people were evil and did not deserve to live on the same earth with them. Acts of hate have steamed from the Holocaust and still continue to be an issue today. The Holocaust is often compared to civil rights movements, terrorism, and other acts of hate against a certain group of people or a race of people. Because Hitler inhabited most of Germany with his camps and army so that his genocide would be successful, the Jewish people that got the chance to escape ran to places like Poland and other parts of Europe. (GOTTFRIED 3) This brought destruction down upon their places of refuge. Many countries protected their boarders so that Jewish people could not seek shelter in their homeland and bring death and destruction to their country. (GOTTFRIED 4) Hitler created a bad reputation that followed the Jewish people wherever they went, and some ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. The Count Of Monte Cristo Figurative Language Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged. Samuel Johnson. In The Count of Monte Cristo, a young man gets framed for something he didn t do. After he escaped from prison, he decided to do the unforgettable. He sought revenge. The Count of Monte Cristo, and Revenge , each author employs details and figurative language to convey the idea that revenge allows one to feel vindication which is sometimes necessary even if the results are inhumane or grueling. Details are used by the authors to portray the idea of revenge. In The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, the count wants to seek revenge on his enemies because they put him in prison. The count embarrassed a man named Fernand so ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Organisms Of Two Unknown Bacterial Cultures Essay Introduction The objective of this experiment is to identify the organisms of two unknown bacterial cultures. Students must identify the species of the unknown bacteria by utilizing the techniques and information learned in previous laboratory exercises. These techniques include streaking for isolation, Gram staining, and specific biochemical tests. Students are given a map known as a dichotomous key, a guide in determining the identity of their unknown sample. Identifying microbes using a series of biochemical tests, like those performed by students, is used in a clinical settings for several important reasons other than taxonomy. It is used to determine susceptibility to antimicrobial drugs, gain information for future treatments, identify pathogens in terms of their potential danger, aid epidemiologists in tracing sources of infections, and to accumulate data of interest to those studying infectious diseases (Tortora, G. J., Funke, B. R., Case, C. L., 2016). Results The first steps to identifying the two unknown microorganisms in tube 33 34 is to perform a Gram Stain, prepare a MacConkey Agar plate, and subculture each unknown on to a Blood Heart Infusion Agar slant. Table 1.1: Gram Staining result for unknown 33 PURPOSEREAGENTOBSERVATIONRESULT Identify and classify bacteria as gram negative or gram positive. Crystal violet, Iodine, alcohol, SafraninPink rod rod shaped bacteriumGram Negative Bacilli Table 1.2: Gram Staining result for unknown 34 PURPOSE ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Thyroid Pathogenesis Lab Report Thyroid Disorder27 Pathogenesis: both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can lead to amenorrhea, though most commonly it present as primary amenorrhea in patients with hypothyroidism. Low levels of thyroid hormones, T3 and T4, stimulate the hypothalamus to produce thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH), which stimulates both thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and prolactin production in the anterior pituitary. High prolactin levels inhibit GnRH production in the hypothalamus, which is needed for LH and FSH activation in the anterior pituitary. Without LH and FSH, ovarian follicles cannot mature and menstruation does not occur. Diagnosis: patients who present with signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as low energy, weight gain, cold intolerance, and amenorrhea, should be tested for the disorder with serum measurements of TSH and free T4. High TSH and low free T4 levels suggest hypothyroidism. Conversely, measurement of anti thyroid antibodies may also be tested, such as anti thyroglobulin, anti thyroid peroxidase, and anti TSH receptor. Clinical suspicion should still be present when patients do not have these characteristic hypothyroid symptoms, but present with primary amenorrhea in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Imaging may show the presence of testes, karyotype analysis demonstrates a 46XY karyotype, and serum testosterone concentrations in the normal adult male range. CAIS should also be suspected in females with inguinal hernias or inguinal or labial masses as about 1 2% of these individuals may have CAIS. Newborns with a female phenotype can also be diagnosed if prenatal karyotyping identifies a 46,XY karyotype. In CAIS, testes may be located in the abdomen or inguinal region. If the site and size of the testes cannot be elucidated by ultrasonography then MRI may be more ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. How The 2010 Haiti Earthquake Changed My Life In January 12, 2010, I encounter a tragedy that had me believe that I wasn t going to see what my life would be like after I graduate college. this unforgettable tragedy was the 2010 Haiti earthquake with a magnitude of 7.0. The day start like every normal day. I remember waking up at about 7:25 and took a shower after that i put on my school uniform. I remember I had coffee and with a baguette (a long thin French bread made from basic lean dough). Before I left my house, my Aunt called me and give a $1 for lunch which was basically nothing but money is money. I left my house at exactly 8:00 o clock and arrived at the school right before class started. I was in 6th and if you were in my grade, recess was always at 12:30 for us. That day, at recess I bought a patty with the dollar my Aunt gave me and played soccer with my friends and I remember we made the ball using socks and plastic bags. At 1:15 in the afternoon, I went back to class with my classmate and I remember the first thing the teacher wanted was to take out our homework. I recalled it was a math homework cause Monday homework was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Back in Haiti if a parent wanted to send his/her children to school, she had to pay a great amount of money. When I came here, the first thing that my mother and some of my family said was that If you stay in school, you can be whatever you want to be in this world . School was challenging at first because I did not speak the English language but when I started picking up the language, I made sure that I did all my work and learned everything that a subject could offer. I set myself to learn to learn something new everyday because at the end of the day, the stuff you learn or the tragedies that you face are what get you ready to face the reality of the whole ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. What Is The 60 Minutes Effect On American Society 60 minutes 60 minutes was one of the first television shows ever. It started in 1964 and is still going today. The show is a news outlet for the American people. The television show 60 minutes has a good effect on American society because it alerts viewers what is going on in America s society, it might have had a good start but now that there is competition their not doing so well. After being on Nielsen s top 10 list from 1977 1996 they are getting smaller and now their ranked 17th with 14 million viewers a week which isn t good compared to others. They are hungry for news magazines(Greppi 1). so they might be running out of things to talk about. 60 minutes is producing a second edition and is going to be aired on Tuesday and wednesday nights. Hewitt even said the 60 minutes 11 was a terrible idea but he helped anyway(Zoglin 2). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Harry Reasoner and Mike Wallace are the host and they started at 1968 and are still hosting till this day(Thompson 1),( 60 Minutes First Televised 1). The founder and executive producer of the original is Don Hewitt( Televisionof Broadcasting News 6). He was hired right after being fired from the CBS Evening News in 1964(Coletta 1). Don Hewitt stood against them a few weeks ago. He was arguing that these shows are created to fill the gaps in the network schedules(Zoglin 1). They are about to sign Charlie Rose up for the new 60 minutes, he will be doing 10 12 pieces a year. He will still host his own show, PBS talk show. Bob Simon, Chris Wallace, and Vicki Mabrey are expected to join the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. Robin Williams Autopsy Robin Williams was a famous actor and comedian who died at the age of 63. On August 11, 2014, he was found dead in his home by his assistant. His assistant found him hanging in his stepson s room. Robin Williams was having trouble sleeping due to his insomnia, anxiety, and Parkinson s disease, so he had been sleeping in his step sons room. He was last seen by spouse Susan Williams the night prior to his death. Susan said Robin was looking for his watches the night before because he was worried that something would happen to them. Susan also said that she thought Robin was in a good mood that night because he grabbed his iPad before bed. She thought this was a good sign since Robin hadn t watched TV or read a book in six months. Susan... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first page talks about personal information like occupation, date of birth, etc. Other sections were external examinations and internal examinations. It also lists medical history and postmortem changes in the body. The three general sections of a complete autopsy report are toxicology report/ lab results, diagnostics (ex. Ligature marks around the neck), and cause /manner of death. Each section is important because they all help the forensic pathologist get all the evidence so they can look at the entire picture. All these sections play an important role in determining cause and manner of death. For example, a forensic pathologist can t say that someone died because of a drug overdose if they don t have a toxicology report. This is why autopsy reports can be lengthy because they have to make sure they are as accurate as possible. Three things I learned is that Robin Williams had a lot of mental illnesses that the public didn t know about. He also had a lot of drug and alcohol abuse in his past. I also learned what Parkinson s and Lewy body dementia is and how it affects the body. I also learned about some of the medications that are used to treat depression and Parkinson s disease. Lastly, I found it strange that Williams was found hanging in a sitting ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Nancy Spero Analysis I believe I m directly contradicting the way human beings are represented in our society. I think the universal is the male. And so in my deliberately turning this around and trying to universalize the female, I tried to challenge myself to look at the world as I wanted to, as a woman artist, realizing the complexities of doing so because the world isn t really that way . Nancy Spero was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1926. Her early development as an artist was highly influenced by the Chicago art scene, the city from which Art Institute she graduated. Chicago s art scene was resistant to the one in New York where Abstract Expressionism was going on at the time while in Chicago figuration remained more important. Spero, while aware of Abstract Expressionism, she was also resistant to it as her main interest was painting the figurative expressionism. She believed that nothing could eradicate human presence, although she did recognize its importance, as she considered human image the most important conceptual subject. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In Spero s work the text and the image are set in tension. She is constantly requesting for a voice and a body. In her works bodies express a voice, they speak. Nancy Spero in her work engages and blends history with contemporary social issues. Women are the central subject of her work, her protagonists, being collectively represented through the ancient civilisation to the present. The past and present become interwoven. This way Spero rewrites history, the history written by men for men. She makes past present making that way history forever changeable, never complete. Her use of the same images in different situations or contexts shows this constant shift of meaning by neutralizing the images and reinventing their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. My Family Holiday Today was going to be one of the most irritating days for my family and we didn t know it. We thought our family holiday was going great, there hadn t been any arguments that cause my mother to say, That s it, pack everything!, I ve had enough, we re going back home . Even if she had said that,I would highly doubt that she would have packed the car to drive ten hours back home. The last full day of our trip was today, so we decided to visit friends of my parents, Bruce and Martha. Their house was around an hour away from the caravan park, so we started preparing for our mini trip, finally about half an hour later, we were ready to leave. We climb into our petite black car and set off driving along the little road out of the site.Driving along happily looking out the window at all the brightly fresh green grassed fields catching a glance of the mixture of cars pass by my window. As we near our destination, we turn off up this little road that led us beneath a large bridge. The road had a slight twist and my stomach felt like a field of butterflies. Around a sharp bend, Into sight I noticed a sign that reads Welcome to Portsmouth . My father s face looked astonished as he saying aloud I m surprised we made it, without any problems , well he spoke to soon. Around the corner, I noticed a few run down pubs and restaurants, reaching a set of traffic lights and of course we ended up getting stop at the red light. It felt like everyone and their Grandmother got through except ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. A New Day Of A New Year s Day New Year s Day/ New Year s Eve Happy New Year Everyone! As we go into 2018, we look to new horizons and opportunities. The best time to start a new beginning is now. Here in the U.S. we pop the champagne and watch the ball drop; whereas, in England, the first guest after the New Year brings good fortune. The English custom for welcoming New Year is full of hospitality and warmth. They believe that the first guest for the year would bring fortune for them. He should be a male, should enter through the front door and bear some traditional gifts like loaf for the kitchen, drink for the head of the family and coal to light the fire, otherwise, he is not allowed. They believe that these bring good luck throughout the year. Martyr s Day Panama Today is a day of grieving for our fellow co workers in Panama. The Association of Diplomatic Studies and Training defines Martyr s Day as On January 9,1964, grievances between native Panamanians and Zonians , or Americans residing within the U.S. controlled Canal Zone, boiled over into a series of anti American riots which resulted in an evacuation of the U.S. embassy in Panama City, widespread looting, and dozens of deaths. Most importantly, this uprising honored annually in Panama as Martyr s Day eventually led to a renegotiation of the original 1903 treaty and is commonly remembered as the beginning of the end of American hegemony over the Panama Canal Zone. Today we remember the lives lost on this day. Martin Luther King ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Snorkeling In Emerald Bay camp The location of the camp is Emerald Bay just east of Arrow Point. The climate is warm and sometimes cloudy. Animals that live on this beautiful island are foxes, bison, deer, and feral cats. Catalina is only a 1 2 hour boat trip depending on where you live and the ride back is usually faster. San Pedro to Emerald bay is about 24 miles. The perimeter of the island is 54 miles. The mountain Sliver Peak located near the camp is about 1800 feet. Snorkeling Hiking Kayaking snorkeling Emerald bay is an amazing place to snorkel. While snorkeling you will see kelp forests, Garibaldi, Sheephead, Blacksmith, and other small fish. Before snorkeling you can wear a wetsuit. Wearing a wetsuit helps with floating and you stay warmer. While snorkeling you have to wear a snorkel. The snorkel helps you breath and see underwater because while you are snorkeling you want to see the fish. hiking ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This activity is amazing and the hike up is surprisingly easy. Before the hike be prepared with hiking shoes and water, the weather is usually sunny. The hike up is stunning, you will see some animals. While hiking take time to look at the trees, they are astonishing. When hiking, as you look down you can see the Garibaldi fish. Once at the top of the mountain the views are breathtaking. When you look forward you can see the beautiful aqua and turquoise waters, with bright orange Garibaldi fish. kayaking Kayaking is another fun activity and I would definitely recommend it. You will kayak all the way to a rock out in the ocean. Before kayaking the leader will teach you how to steer the kayak using the paddles. Just in case you do fall in you will be provided with a life jacket. When your kayaking you will be able to see the Garibaldi fish and the kelp forest. When you re close enough to shore you can stand on your kayak and the possibility of you falling in is high. Breakfast Lunch ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. What Is Soulmates Essay How do you know that you ve found The One ? Soulmates. The other half to a whole ? Well.. While the idea of two souls joining together to perfect each other might be somewhat of an exaggerated romantic notion; there is no contesting the fact that there does exist someone out there who would be a better fit to you than most others. This person might not be completely in sync with you, and they will definitely not be perfectly compatible if such a thing even exists with you; but they do hold the power to make you extremely very happy. The One does exist whether soulmates do or not. They say When you know, you know ; but how? Some relationships are fleeting, some long; some are intense, others comfortable; some are explosive, others... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They are your best friend. You want to speak to them even when you re too worked up to speak to anyone at all. You can talk to them with ease and share anything that s on your mind The good and the bad and you know they ll be there to listen, and support you. You never feel like they aren t listening to you, even when you re in a fight. They make you feel good about yourself You can be in your pajamas or all dressed up, they make you feel attractive regardless. Even when you re feeling a little down in the dumps because of the extra winter weight or the haircut gone awry, they know how to say just the right things to make all your insecurities fly away. They celebrate your success and motivate you when you fail. They help you grow without making you feel like you re lacking. You can be yourself and you don t feel the need to put on a front to impress them because you know they admire you for who you are. The attraction is electric As cheesy as it sounds, when you re together, sparks fly. All your inhibitions fade away. All that remains is the attraction which is palpable. It s just you and them alone in this moment; and it s ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Explain The Ways And Strategies Of Inappropriate Behaviour Some Ways and Strategies to Acknowledge Appropriate and Correct Behaviors in Class Rooms Teacher s role is of paramount importance in acknowledging and promoting appropriate behaviours in class rooms. Their attitude can change the climate in the class rooms by concentrating on positive behaviours. A teacher can motivate children to adapt and use those behaviours through observation and acknowledgement. Effective teachers apply encouraging behaviours and demand from their students to exhibit these behaviours in the class rooms and in return students want their teacher s appreciation. Teachers can make this win win situation more effective through their own behaviour by using certain ways and strategies in the class rooms. Verbal Acknowledgement... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In order to make teachers instructions more effective she suggests that commands should be: в—Џ delivered after the teacher has sought and gained attention; в—Џ short, clear and specific; в—Џ expressed in positive terms; в—Џ followed by time for children to comply 6 Guidelines for Teachers в—Џ followed up by positive reinforcement of children who have followed the commands; and в—Џ reinforced by giving further signals to non compliant children such as by standing close, using eye contact and calling their name. T Writing a Class Pledge or Promise Many effective teachers involve students in writing a class pledge or promise is an important strategy which helps build a shared sense of responsibility, respectful attitudes towards self and others, and promotes a culture of learning. Class room management rules can be well demonstrated through a well defined class pledge or promise. This is an effective way to reinforce students sense of responsibility for the management of the classroom. Moreover when students sign the pledge, it further enhances the student buy in and responsibility. A class promise can also be written in many forms such as, rules list, general norms, and good commands or through a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. The Pros And Cons Of Biomass There are many different types of renewable resources. There s wind, solar and many more. Today we are going to talk about one of the many renewable resources. The renewable resource is called Biomass. So let s dive into the amazing renewable resource called Biomass. Biomass is an organic matter that comes from plants and also from animals and it is also a renewable energy source. Biomass can also be used as a facility heating, Electric power generation, and combined heat and power. Using Biomass is Burning, Fermentation, and Conversion. Reason why Biomass is a renewable source cause supplies aren t limited. And biomass reduce dependence on foreign oil cause biofuels is the only renewable liquid. Biomass contains stored from the sun and plants absorbs the sun s energy in process is called photosynthesis. When the Biomass is burn the chemical energy it releases as heats. The percent of fuel of biomass contains about 5% for this time of year. Mostly researcher are trying to find more ways to contain more biomass fuel for years. For this year wood has the largest amount of biomass energy resources stored today but some other natural resources can be stored as well. And also biomass has the potential to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emission. There are some pros of biomass, but there are also some cons of biomass. One pro of biomass is the fact that it is a renewable energy. It s renewable by converting one year s crop into fuel, and while you are doing that, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Informative Speech Evaluation Essay Informative speech evaluation My introduction was quite low. Like they always say the beginning of everything is always the hardest. Later on when I continued with my speech I started to gain my audience s attention since I became more confidence in my self than when I first started my presentation. I had my note card with me that really helped me a lot with all my points, hence I could have forgotten everything that I had prepared on the table for the day. It helped me in reviewing all my points one by one. I used the power point method as part of the requirement for the presentation. Which also helped in supporting my speech, since it gave a better understanding on what I was talking about. Being a little bit nervous which I do think ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Sojourner Truth Legend Sojourner Truth is an American legend. She began life as a slave and ended her life as an outgoing speaker and free woman. Sojourner led a very disadvantage life but was able to rise above her hardships. Truth was a motivational speaker even though she was not able to read or write. Sojourner Truth continues to impact lives today through her works. Isabella Baumfree was born in 1797 in Ulster County, New York (Women in History). Isabella became widely known as Sojourner Truth. Sojourner s parents, Elizabeth and James Baumfree were slaves. Her childhood was spent under the watchful eyes of abusive masters. Her primary language during her childhood was Dutch. At age nine, Sojourner was sold to John Neely. It was in this abusive situation that she turned to religion. Religion was her refuge . Sojourner Truth had at least five children between 1815 and 1827. Truth was sold several times and was finally purchased by Isaac and Maria Van Wagenen in New York State. The Van Wagenen s gave Sojourner her freedom in 1827. It was during this time that Truth felt the call to preach (Women in History). In approximately 1829, she moved to New York City with her youngest two children ( Sojourner Truth Encyclopedia Britannica). The rest of her children had been sold as slaves (Women in History). Sojourner Truth s legal name at this time was Isabella Van Wagener ( Sojourner Truth Encyclopedia Britannica). Sojourner Truth spent the next several years traveling and preaching (Butler, Mary G.). During her travels, she met several important reformers and abolitionist of that time such as William Lloyd Garrison, Susan B. Anthony, and Harriet Beecher Stowe (Butler, Mary G.). While traveling, she lived and worked with many different groups and associations (Women in History). She met and worked with Olive Gilbert at an association created by abolitionists. This association encouraged cooperative and productive labor. Olive Gilbert wrote The Narrative of Sojourner Truth: A Northern Slave in 1850 with Truth dictating. C Span American Writers article, Sojourner Truth , describes this book as a fractional biography of Sojourner s life. It details the experiences she had as a slave and her spiritual change which led her to become a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Azide Lab Report The antagonistic effect of glutamine on Azide 1 mediated light production was tested by increasing the glutamine concentration from 0.1 to 5mM. The results show a dose dependent inhibition of BLI signal by L glutamine in HT1080 luc2 and HepG2 luc2 cells. This reduction confirms the signal obtained by Azide 1 was due to the competitive interference with glutamine uptake. However, a fall in the light intensity could not be observed in 4T1 RLR cells. This outcome does not mean that Azide 1 did not compete with L glutamine for the transporter mediated uptake. The reason of no effect observed is because 4T1 RLR which is a more glucose dependent cell line doesn t have a good affinity for L glutamine (Fig. 7A), but binds well... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 10A). Hence, this proves that L glutamine wouldn t have many chances to compete with Azide 1 for transporter binding. To confirm the exact potential mechanism involved in the uptake of Azide 1, a competitive inhibition was carried out in glutamine dependent cancer cell lines: HT1080 luc2, U87MG luc2 and HepG2 luc2 using the specific inhibitor GPNA for the system ASCT2. The reason for choosing to test the involvement of this specific type of transporter in the uptake of Azide 1 is because the signal produced by Azide 1 in HT1080 luc2 and HepG2 luc2 cells could be reduced in the antagonistic effect assay by using L glutamine which is the natural competitor for binding to glutamine transporter systems ASC and N. It was also figured out in this study that HepG2 luc2, HT1080 luc2 and U87MG luc2 express the ASCT2 transporter on the cell surface. GPNA decreased the signal intensity in HT1080 luc2 and U87MG luc2 cells. This decrease confirms the potential involvement of ASCT2 transporter in Azide 1 uptake. On the other hand, an increase in the BLI signal was obtained in HepG2 luc2 cells. This outcome likely came from the effect of gamma glutamyl transferase which is an enzyme found in liver cancer cells (e.g. HepG2 cell) and catalyses the transfer of the gamma glutamyl moiety to an acceptor to form ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Michael Jordan Family Tree 8 Finland Portugal Budget $100 $100 Costof production: Cell phone/piece $1 $20 Cost of production:Wine/gallon $5 $10 Maximum consumption underno trade condition (other combinations are possible) 50 cellphones 10 gallons 4 cell phones 2 gallons Trade (Other combinations are possible. This oneis preferred but not optimal. Maximumspecialization yields maximum utility) Make: 60 cell phones 8gallons of wine Sell: 5 phones $15/piece = $75 Buy: 6.25 gallons @ $12 Endresult: 55 cell phones (+5) 14.25 gallons (+4.25) Make: 10 gallons of wine Sell: 6.25 gallons @ $12 = $75 Buy: 5 cell phones @ $15 Endresult: 5 cell phones (+1) 3.75 gallons (+1.25) Real Life Explanation Michael Jordan has a clogged toilet. He is considering whether he should fix the problem... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 26 Basic factors (spark initial production) geography, climate, natural resources, large workforce; e.g., tile was more available and less expensive than wood, ceramic tile industry started in Italy Advanced factors (sustain competitive advantage) Result of investing in education and innovation: skill of workforce segments, technological infrastructure, market knowledge e.g., a network of professional schools, community colleges and apprenticeship programs ensured Italy s leadership 1/11/2016 14 FACTOR CONDITIONS 27 Notes: Both Basic and Advanced factor conditions are changeable. E.g., today s climate of South Wales (Great Britain) resembles that of ... Burgundy (France) 200 years ago. пѓ the UK is becoming a serious player in wine industryE.g., with China having tremendous investment in education and research, number of scholarly publications authored by professors form Chinese universities doubles every year! пѓ China likely to gain a competitive edge in high tech within 10 ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Septic Tank Inspections If you are buying your first home, or if you are buying your first home with a septic tank, you need to take the septic tank inspection seriously. The septic tank inspection will reveal if you are good to go for a number of years, or if you need to set aside thousands of dollars to replace the septic tank within the first few years of purchasing the home. Here are the steps you needto take in order to ensure you have accurate information before you purchase a home with a septic tank: Step #1: Call A Licensed Septic Installation Company The first thing you want to do is call up a licensed septic installation company to perform the septic tank inspection for you. You want to use an septic tank expert to inspect it; not a general home inspector. An expert can tell you what condition the septic tank is in and how much work you are going to have to put into it. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Ask they to provide you with a quote for how much it would cost for you to do any necessary repairs and fix the septic tank so that it is like new. You should also ask them to provide you with the cost to install an entirely new septic system. Even if the septic tank turns out to be in good condition, make sure that you get these numbers. They will allow you to see and judge if you can afford the upcoming maintenance cost and plan for future replacement costs. Make sure that you get these quotes in writing with the date that the prices will be honored until. That way, if you choose to fix or upgrade the system, you ll know the information you got during your inspection was accurate, and actionable. Step #3: Show Up For The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Analysis Of New Zealand Shared Space Design Essay Introduction In New Zealand shared spaces are a relatively new concept in relation to the United Kingdom, and Netherlands. Therefore, case studies from the UK will provide strong insight in providing guidance on speed reduction principles of shared spaces. The principles discovered throughout these case studies will assist in developing an assessment criteria that is reliable and effective. New Road, Brighton, London New Roads shared space design has had an impressive design impact. Traffic volumes have reduced by 93%, and vehicle speeds remain below 20km/hr. The road has many physical features that occupy the street such as benches, restaurant, and cafГ© and bar seating, vegetation and pedestrian dominated, with a carriageway width of 3.0 metres. New Road, Brighton use different types of surfaces within the space with many pedestrians citing the different surfaces as the key factor as the reason for taking ownership of the whole street with vehicles and cyclists feel the different surfaces make them feel as pedestrians have priority therefore, they travel with more care. Ashford Ring Road Ashford Ring Road shared space design has improved safety significantly. Vehicle speeds remain around 32km/hr. This road also has many physical features that occupy the street such as benches, signage, vegetation and pedestrian dominated. The road uses physical features to visually narrow the road to reduce vehicle speeds with one way traffic carriageways 3.0 metres wide ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Formative AssessmentThe Goal Of Formative Assessment Formative Assessment The goal of formative assessment is to gather feedback that can be used by the instructor and the students to guide improvements in the ongoing teaching and learning context. These are low stakes assessments for students and instructors. Summative Assessment The goal of summative assessment is to measure the level of success or proficiency that has been obtained at the end of an instructional unit, by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. Examples: Examples: Asking students to submit one or two sentences identifying the main point of a lecture Have students submit an outline for a paper. Early course evaluations Assigning a grade to a final exam Critique of a Senior recital University ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Types of Comprehension Questions2) Inferential Questions Examples: explain clearly / explain the contrast... suggest how... what do you think... why does the author suggest... what impression... Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide 6. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing QuestionsP Rewrite in your own words but keep the meaningP read the phrase or sentence in its context in the passage so that your explanation is appropriate to the situation Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide 7. Types of Comprehension Questions3) Rephrasing Questions Examples: Explain the term /phrase /sentence... Explain in your own words... Adapted from O level Comprehension and Summary Writing Guide 8. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary QuestionsP Explain word or phrase meaningP a certain word or phrase is chosen from the passageP You are required to give another word or phrase bearing the same meaning as the word Adapted from O level Comprehension and
  • 32. Summary Writing Guide 9. Types of Comprehension Questions4) Vocabulary Questions Examples: What does the word suggest about... What picture do these words suggest? What does the word even suggest about... What does preserve the market mean? Adapted from O level Comprehension and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Practical Report 1.0 INTRODUCTION Universiti Teknologi Mara requires their students to attend training sessions related to their courses to give a preliminary exposure regarding the real working environment in an organization. This program has been offered by the Faculty of Accountancy, UiTM and needed to be completed in 6 months before completing their study. By undergoing practical training, student will be placed in government or private sector, where they will be given opportunity to learn and adapt the real working environment. Besides, the practical training will increase and develop students communication skills, management skills and other skills which will benefit their daily life and future career. 2.0 ORGANIZATION BACKGROUND AND... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This job was specially requested by the clients to reconcile their unreconciled items. I also get to apply my knowledge in AIS when doing a detailed flowchart for IWK s Treasury Policies. Audit work also involves outdoor work such as asset sighting, cash count and stock take. I did asset sighting and cash count for Indah Water Konsortium (IWK) Sdn Bhd where my senior and I went to see their Sewerage Treatment Plant and Refurbished Assets to ensure the asset s existence, count the cash collections and compared both sightings with their listings or report. For stock taking, I was in charge of counting stocks for Farmasi UKM Kesihatan, Pine 38 Restaurant under Bagong Dagang Sdn Bhd and I Shoppe Technology Park Malaysia to prepare for their closing stocks. 3.2Accounting Work Done Apart from doing audit work, I was also assigned to do an accounting job for construction companies, Ramstar (M) Sdn Bhd and Rahajaya Sdn Bhd in which both are related companies for their 2011 and 2012 accounts. In this job, I was able to experience the life of an accountant for 2 months keying in all their invoices, suppliers invoices, payment vouchers, bank transactions, and general journals for depreciation, accruals, interests and others. Since the companies are construction companies, I also learnt about Wang Jaminan Pertahanan (WJP), MOF Advance Recoupment, Sub contractors, Claims, work in progress and their computations. Other than that, I also did ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Thesis Statement Of The Art Of War Statement of Purpose The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting , author cautions neo liberal approach of The Art of War [BC 445] for the speculation of regional strategic hegemony and inject Global economic superiority by emerging markets in response to Western aggression in Asian mainland. One of the unique work I have struggled with this past year for an honors thesis entitled BRICS Trade: Possibilities of New Multi polar World : paradigm shift of world focus to east. As shown in the title, thesis explores a provocative, but as of yet scarcely narrow down issues of bridging gap between eastern giants and probable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Though I remain wary about committing myself prematurely to a specific topic of research, I am also eager to elaborate, modify, and complicate my original assertions about the nature of the problem of East centered oligarchic movement. Indeed, many of the conclusions reached in the thesis, such as my claim that the conjoining areas and mutual collaborative effort between Asian giants and BRICS grouping, serve as starting points for future research and study. Master s thesis gave me the chance to become better acquainted with the essentials of social science research methodologies. Suspecting that empirical study of IR theories with respect to neo liberal economic attributions collide with practicality of policies and its implications, navigated me to encounter with popular works ranging from The Tragedy of Great Power Politics by John Mearsheimer, an insightful work of K.Ohame, The Border less World ..... Though I cannot predict the course this project might take in graduate school, I expect that it will address the following themes and issues. First is the overarching issue of distinguishing the phenomena I observe from the IR theories and neo liberal approaches to sustain with the blood of others and to defuse them for making future strategic ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Relationship Between Europeans And Native American Colonists When Christopher Columbus had first arrived in 1492 to the New World, American Indians and European colonists started interacting with each other. These two very different societies interacting with one another was caused by the European colonists desire to expand into the New World and the land owned by American Indians. Due to the unwillingness to accept the Native people, the relationship in the New World between these two societies was a one of unease and violence. When the first European colonists arrived in 1620 on land in the New World, a disaster was forming. Arriving in what is known today as Massachusetts on The Mayflower, the settlers didn t have enough experience surviving cold, harsh winters causing almost half of the settlers to die that had arrived on The Mayflower. This had changed in 1621 with the help of the Native people. The American Indians had started teaching the English peoplehow to do many things including harvesting and growing crops. This help from the Native s had led to the first Thanksgiving between the two groups. These two societies, however, didn t remain friends. The English settlers had kicked off the American Indians of their own land and tried to make them convert to Christianity. The English settlers had also brought diseases from Europe causing many Indians to get very sick and even some die. In 1637, warfare started to erupt between a group of English colonists and an Indian tribe named Pequot. The English settlers along with a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Analysis Of Dan Brown s The Da Vinci Code Toward the start of your studies, you will most likely have many general inquiries, for example, o How did Europe come to overwhelm such an extensive amount advanced history? o Was North America bound to end up a super power? o Does the past have any bearing on the world today? o Does history have any bearing on a distinct individual s life? Many individuals appreciate steering into history and authentic inquiries by perusing recorded fiction. Dan Brown s The Da Vinci Code is a mainstream decision and can lead individuals to further study Renaissance workmanship, culture, and history. History of War Many individuals start concentrating on history by taking a gander at the historical backdrop of fighting. Military History and Maritime History can captivate subjects. You can concentrate on the wars themselves or the political figures who arranged the occasions. Finest Years: Churchill as Warlord 1940 45 by Sir Max Hastings is a nitty gritty picture of Winston Churchill. It is an interesting prologue to England amid the cutting edge wars. Finding out about the war time frames can irritate. You may have many inquiries concerning the very way of war. A few inquiries may be: o Does war characterize mankind s history? o Should you characterize recorded eras by the wars that were battled? o If history is composed by the victors, would we be able to ever have a genuinely precise record of a war? o Can lessons from history help us avert future mobilized ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. APA FSB Style Standards FORBES SCHOOL OF BUSINESS STYLE STANDARDS These standards are excerpted from the 6th edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, published in 2010. These standards are intended to provide an overview of APA formatting necessary for the Forbes School of Business, writing assignments. Standard 1: Manuscript Elements o o Manuscript Format  Left, top, bottom, and right margins should be 1 inch.  Paper is prepared in Times New Roman, 12 point font and is double spaced throughout.  Page numbers are Arabic numerals in the upper right corner of each page, ВЅ inch from the top, and are consecutive from the title page through any appendices.  Preliminary pages contain numbers in lowercase Roman numerals. Title ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Common Format Examples:  One Work by One Author:  In text citation: Goodson (2013) found that higher concentrations of sulfur increased the odor of the spring water. or Parenthetical citation: Significant variation from the mean results in a higher probability of failure (Baker, 2012).  One Work by Multiple Authors:  In text citation: Lawrence, Patrick, Evans and Smith (2009) found... [Use as first citation in text.]  Lawrence et al. (2009) found... [Use as subsequent first citation per paragraph thereafter.]  Works with No Author or with an Anonymous Author:  The APA Publication Manual (6th ed.) says, When a work has no identified author, cite in the text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title of an article, a chapter, or a web page and italicize the title of a periodical, a book, or a report (p. 176). 8620 Spectrum Center Blvd. San Diego, CA 92123  o o o
  • 38. Parenthetical citation: High temperature is a common predictor of decreased employee morale in certain work areas ( Workplace Dynamics, 2013). or In text citation: The book The Managers Perspective (2011) outlined the... or Parenthetical citation: Garbage output is a predictor of economic health (Anonymous, 2008). Direct Quotation of Sources:  Citing quoted information (Periodical): Quote (Kotter, 2012, para. 2). or As stated by Deming (1991), ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Foreign Aid In Australia Aid has never been an altruistic process; countries have always given aid to areas that best further their own national interests. Countries give aid for a number of reasons; they range from securing political connections to creating more favourable trade routes. Pure altruism is never the number one reason a country gives aid, and Australia is no exception. National interest lies at the core of all of Australia s foreign aid policies, (DFAT 2015). As a nation Australia would most benefit from concentrating her aid on the Indo Pacific region. Providing the nations within Australia s regional neighbourhood with aid results in economic growth for both Australia and her aid recipients. Aid also stabilises trade and security within the region,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Focussing Australia s aid on the Indo Pacific region leads to regional dominance, which in turn affords Australia certain privileges within the international community. Australia is the largest (in terms of population and military strength) and most economically developed state in Oceania, this awards her with certain privileges and if she were to stop giving aid within the region those privileges could be revoked, (Schwebel 2009). These privileges include being a member of the G20, and if Australia were to stop giving aid many countries would cease to see her as a good international citizen, which could have dire effects for Australia, (Beeson 2015). Aid also allows Australia to maintain her dominance as a regional power. It continues to solidify regional partnerships in the face of increasing interest in the region from emerging donors such as China, (Lowy Institute 2015). Australia must thus continue giving aid within the Indo Pacific region lest her place as a regional power be overtaken by an emerging donor, (Hayward Jones 2013). Australia is most effective at distributing aid in the Indo Pacific region. Henceforth, focussing on the Indo Pacific region allows Australia to create the most difference; she plays into the role of a good international citizen by taking care of her surrounding neighbourhood, (DFAT 2015). Australia s international standing is seen to be at her highest when Australia s influence over the region is at its strongest, (Bishop 2013). It is in Australia s best national interest to retain a good international standing, maintaining a dominant role in the region through aid affords her this privilege. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. Cloning, Pros and Cons Essay The young couple sat in the waiting room of the doctor s office with their heads hung low. They mumbled between themselves, wondering what the doctor would say at this visit. It is their ump teenth check up to try and figure out why they have not been able to conceive a child for the past 5 years. The woman wants with all of her heart to give birth to a child of her very own. They wondered if the doctor could do anything else to help them. Would the dream of having a baby of the couple s own blood vanish? Would the doctor have any other suggestions? Is this the end of their rope, or is there another option? Only a few blocks away, at the General Hospital, lies a one week old girl with bronchiolitis obliterans, a disease that causes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Could people be cloned without conscious brains, so their body parts could be harvested with fewer moral worries? Could vital organs be grown using cloning without the rest of the body? (New Scientist, 2003). Could a woman clone herself or her husband to have a child? The idea of humans someday cloning themselves (created from a cell without sexual reproduction) is now closer to reality (Daniel Levine, 2001). Types of Cloning There are actually two types of cloning: reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning is making human beings asexually. In reproductive cloning, the offspring receives genetic information from one parent through a duplication process in a laboratory. DreamTech International states, All we need is a tiny swab of cell tissue from the inside of your mouth, which is used to obtain the genetic material for producing an embryo with your DNA. If you are female, you have the option of being implanted with the embryo yourself, or hiring a surrogate birther (2002). The reason for doing this process could be for a number of reasons: to prevent congenital disorders, to propagate the genes of someone who has had no children in the conventional manner, to have a specific type of offspring, or in the situation of not being able to reproduce sexually (Dream Technologies International, 2002). There is almost a universal agreement that cloning human beings is so unsafe and, to some, morally repugnant that it ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Language and Identity Are Inextricably Linked. How Is This... There are many indicators of identity by which we are made known individually, socially and culturally; the best of these would be language and how it has shown great flexibility in accommodating the needs of people. Through language people have been able to establish their identities and cultivate friendships with others who share the same common ground. By looking at accents such as Broad Australian English, slang and phonological features as they apply to Australian varieties, we can see how it has forged solidarity and assisted in creating an identity on an individual and national scale. Broad Australian English (BAE) is a language variety unique to Australia. Despite being spoken by a minority of Australian population today, it has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Identity is formed through the mutual trends of a group through slang and is used as identification for users who have these lexical features in common. The shortening of the lexeme whatever to whatevz or the reduplication and shortening of crazy to cray cray are words that have appealed to young Australian teenagers. Through use of diminutives, identity can be further formed as they are uniquely Australian, where lexemes are shortened to a syllable and the suffix of ie, y or o is added like smoko for smoking, devo for devastated and bottle o for a liquor store. The use of slang like this enhances our identity and care free nature that helps us understand phrases like I m devo that brekky at Maccas is done . This way slang builds certain characteristics that are known to Australians in the same way phonological features have. A recent phonological development in Australian English displays a difference between younger and older generations through the High Rising Terminal (HRT) which is a rising intonation contour on declarative clauses. The intonation pattern is considered a distinctive feature of Australian English and shows how speakers carry themselves as a person. HRT is used primarily by the younger demographics in Australia, in particular female speakers and has been criticised often, deeming it as a marker of insecurity. However as researchers now point out, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate Entrepreneurship Corporate Entrepreneurship can be seen as the process whereby an individual or a group creates a new venture within an existing organization, revitalizes and renews an organization ,or innovates. Zahra s(1986) definition of corporate entrepreneurship suggests aformal or informal activity aimed at creating new businesses in established firms through product and process innovations and market developments,whereas sathe(1985) defines corporate entrepreneurship as a process of organizational renewal. Corporate Entrepreneurship has emerged as a much needed ingredient contributing towards the growth of any organization under a changing business environment. Corporate entrepreneurship (CE) is widely considered as a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There have been dozens of definitions of entrepreneurship. The first of those is the phenomenon that some people, rather than working for somebody else under an employment contract, strike out on their own and become self employed. These economic entities involve some element of innovation at start up, and some degree of innovativeness is needed to survive over time. However, innovation is not central to this phenomenon. It is to the second social reality. This reality involves the development and renewal of any society, economy or organization, which is based on micro level actors who have the initiative and persistence to make change happen. In this reality, entrepreneurship means the creation of new economic activities and organizations as well as the transformation of existing ones . Indicators of Contributions to Economic Outcomes 1)Employment : Firms may contribute to the amount of employment generated or to the quality of employment. Firm growth, measured by the number of jobs created (relative to the size of the firm), is often used as an indicator of the quantity of employment generated. The quality of employment is measured in terms of the remuneration offered to employees. The primary indicators used are wage levels, benefits (e.g. health insurance), and the use of productivity related pay (PRP). Job satisfaction levels of the employees in entrepreneurial firms relative to employees in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Grammar Is The Foundation Of The Majority Of Our Literary... Grammar is the foundation of the majority of our literary works throughout the years. Although as teaching styles evolve throughout time, the instruction of grammar should evolve as well. An article in The Atlantic, The Wrong Way to Teach Grammar, by Michelle Navarre Cleary, touches base on how grammar lessons today should be learned through the use of creative writingrather than more traditional means of grammar instruction. Her article does well as she connects the reader logically and emotionally about how grammar hinders people s passion of English and writing. Although, I do believe that grammar can first be taught by more traditional means to understand how to use the skill and then later be applied through creative writing, rather than eliminating grammar lessons altogether. The author, Michelle Cleary, who is now an associate professor and dean at DePaul University is accredited with her professional writing skills. Before working at DePaul, she taught writing at a community college for eight years. However, the dropout rate at the community college was astoundingly at a 90 percent rate. She infers that one of the primary culprits for not finishing school was the required developmental writing classes with traditional grammar lessons. Ms. Cleary also mentions how students tell her these grammar confessions which would altogether have them avoid writing. Although grammar is not generally enjoyable to learn, it is helpful to learn and refresh the rules of grammar ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Tuckman s Stages Analysis 2 out of 4 Tuckman s Stages The Tuckman 4 stages all have to do with a group trying to work on a project together or maybe even playing a sport. Each stage can be seen in a part of everyone s daily life whether they are at school, home, on the field, and or in movies. The most common stages are forming and storming. Forming is when a group comes together for the first time and everyone tries to get to know each other. This is the first stage. No roles are placed within the team and many members are feeling multiple feelings like anxiousness, nervousness, and some might be clueless on the work. I have experienced forming when I played softball for the Mooresville Recreation Department in my town. The rec department would blindly place girls ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Atyotypical BCR-ABL Translocation This paper is a short case study focused on a patient with an atypical BCR ABL translocation in CML. The 80 year old male patient presented with a history of two months of worsening fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath and weight loss. Blood tests showed mild anemia, normal platelets, and leukocytosis with elevated myelocytes and metamyelocytes. The bone marrowaspirate showed a hypercellular marrow with 90% myeloid cells, but no myeloblasts. A karyotype was performed on the cells from the marrow aspirate; it revealed the Philadelphia chromosome translocation. This confirmed the diagnosis of CML. Further PCR study was done on the patient s RNA and it revealed an atypical band on the gel. This band was purified from the gel and sequenced. It revealed the rare presence of the e1a3 BCR ABL exon combination.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This absence predisposes the patient s cells to growth factor independence and therefore transformation. Another aspect of the transformation of note is that the proliferation takes longer due to slower leukemogenesis. This gives this disease an indolent course, which makes it particularly difficult to detect. The patient in this case was put on 400mg of Imatinib daily. The CML responded well to the treatment, the patient s blood and marrow studies normalized. However, after five months the patient developed a lymphoid blast crisis. Bone marrow studies showed 94% lymphoid blast ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. The Importance Of The Second Amendment To The United... Do you know what function the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution actually serves? No, it is not so that people can go hunting or protect themselves against personal assault. Neither is it a stupid, brainless provision that some lamebrain slipped into the Constitution. Like a shield of freedom, it is one of the primary reasons that the United States Constitution still stands. As one who is not a gun owner, I treasure the Second Amendment. It is one of our best safeguards against tyranny, not from foreign governments, but from our own. This amendment reads, A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The militia written of here is a volunteer army that basically provides its own weapons. That is, these are soldiers who are already armed, who already have their own guns. In The Federalist Papers, the authors wrote of concerns that a standing army could lead to tyranny (loss of freedom), so the Second Amendment was conceived in such a way that the U.S. could have an army at need, and would not have to have a large standing army. This was so that the national government would not threaten our freedom. (Trust me; it s in there.) There are historical examples of governments wanting to tighten their controls over the people, so they went out and disarmed the people (like the sword hunt in Japan), or made it illegal for them to own weapons (there are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. The Lord Of Literature By. R. Tolkien Caleb CassidyHonors English Literature 9/14/16 4th hour J.R.R Tolkien, The lord of Literature Poet and author J.R.R. Tolkien is held by many as one of the greats within English literature. He was a master of writing and teaching, and he showed excellence in academia, prose, and poetry. He left an everlasting impact on the world of literature by using his great understanding of language and his talent of creating mythical lands of consistent excellence. Tolkien started his life in tragedy, but used his circumstances to his advantage in his latter life and within his literary career. A man of higher intellect than most was Tolkien, which is what contributed to making him an amazing writer and poet. On January 3, 1892 John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born to Mabel and Arthur Tolkien in Bloemfontein, South Africa. Arthur Tolkien was a bank clerk from the U.K. who left for South Africa in the 1890s for better chances of promotion (Doughan). Mabel Tolkien, maiden name Suffield, was from the city of Birmingham in the West Midlands of Britain. At the age of eighteen Mabel Suffield became engaged to Arthur Tolkien. The two were destined for marriage, but Mabel s father forbade them from marrying for three years. During their three year betrothal Mabel and Arthur exchanged letters to keep in touch ( Mabel Tolkien ). When the three years were up Mabel sailed to Cape town South Africa to marry Arthur, and so began the Tolkien family. Mabel and Arthur were married on April 16, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. Response Of The Human Cardiovascular System The tilt study demonstrated the baroreflex response of the human cardiovascular system to changes in posture. Expected decreases in BP, MAP, CO at 30 seconds post tilt and immediate decreases in SV and TPR as seen in Figures 2, 4, 6 and Table 1 were observed. These decreases were due to increased pooling of bloodin the lower limbs leading to lower venous return and subsequently decreasing flow out of the heart. Furthermore, there was a reflexive response by the autonomic nervous system in order to regain normal cardiovascular parameters mediated by the baroreceptors. Going from supine to standing position induced changes in the hydrostatic pressure experienced by the superior and inferior regions of the body. As tilt occurred blood began to pool in highly distensible veins of the lower region. Because of this pooling phenomena there was an expected reduction in venous return to the heart and subsequently a reduced CO (Fig. 5) as seen 30 seconds post tilt (Sherwood, 2013). This reduced CO exemplifies the Frank Starling Law of the Heart which states that reduced venous return will result in reduced CO by the heart (Sherwood, 2013). The Frank Starling Law can also explain lowered SV as seen in Figure 4. The only explanation to why CO (a product of HR and SV) might have increased in this experiment immediately after tilt was because HR (Fig. 1) significantly increased at the same time in comparison to the small decrease in SV as seen in Figure 4. MAP and BP decreases were ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Mixed Race Culture Research Paper Mixed Race and Cultural Expectance among Asian American Artists The idea of mixed race, culture, heritage has been a subject for many discussions and debates regarding its communication through art. How the artist themselves relate to this idea and how or why they use specific art pieces to portray their idea is very interesting. Viewers who do not share the same upbringing or lifestyle may find it harder to understand such pieces if it is only characterized as being artworks of Asian Americans. Questions such as who is Asian American or what is an Asian American start to emerge amongst audience like that. However, two Asian American artists: Roger Shimomura and Kip Fulbeck both men who are clearly of different generations ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just as common, subtle references continue to connect me to stereotypical oriental traits, both physical and behavioral. As mentioned earlier, due to having his Japanese heritage but living in the United States, Shimomura has been subjected to many stereotypical cruelty, where he is often asked what part of Japan he is from; leading back to the idea of being a knockoff in America. There are many images in the series but there are three similar images: American Mouse, Roger the Goof, and American Hello Kitty. All these images are of the iconic Mickey Mouse, Goofy and Hello Kitty but he changed their faces into his own. These three images portray the idea of how Shimomura felt being stereotyped and categorized as Japanese solely due to his heritage. American Mouse and Roger the Goof convey his idea of how he may look Japanese on the outside; he is no doubt American in the inside. As for the American Hello Kitty, Shimomura slightly diverges and is trying to attack two stereotypes: one, that Japan is considered to be strongly connected to Hello Kitty as a culture and the other that since he is Japanese, he must know and relate to it as well. Such cultural expectations are very much showing through this particular piece because of how he only changed the face, viewers can tell it is Hello Kitty without looking at the name based on the clothing and ears but it is comical but very straightforward in portraying the idea of being expected to know or act a certain way simply because of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. King Daniel Research Paper Daniel The Babylonians had attacked Jerusalem and took many Jewish captives; one of them was Daniel. He is known loyal to God and wise beyond his years. He interprets dreams and visions. His gifts are from God of Israel, and he became a living testimony to God in a strange land. His symbolic visions about the future of Israel, world kingdoms, and the kingdom of God exposes everyone to the long term plan for the world. Daniel is not only known as Daniel the prophet; he is also known as one of the most influential figures in the Book of Daniel who served the King and his successors in Babylon with loyalty, while remaining true to God of Israel. Daniel s life and prophecies are recorded in the Book of Daniel. Great Prophet Daniel was descended ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He made up in his mind to serve God. He accepted the bondage of eating the king s food at the king s table and being torn apart from his family, ripped out of everything he has known, and being trained to work for a pagan king. He also accepted the pagan education and a new pagan name. He had to make three important decisions every day. Daniel had to take part in a pagan education, put up with being called a pagan name, and eating pagan food. He and his friends exceeded the physical development of their novitiates not because of their genius or diet, but because God gave Daniel knowledge and skill in every aspect of literature and wisdom (1: 17). In every matter of wisdom and understanding concerning the King inquires; Daniel s influence assisted in every matter due to the power of his God. He knew sharing a meal at the king s table meant sharing the king s values. Eating together implies friendship, support, endorsement, and shared values. Eating the food in this type of situation represented a moral compromise of everything he had hoped for. His influence on biblical events is important to learn from because it teaches that a person cannot corrupt a man from the outside. Daniel may have appeared as a pagan on the outside but on the inside, he was a servant of the living God. He risked putting his life on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Managerial Accounting -Wendy s Pam Powers MBA 516 Case Study: Wendy s Chili: A costing Conundrum Dave Thomas was a man with a vision. He began his career in Columbus, Ohio in 1969 when he purchased a Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) franchise that was unprofitable. Dave turned that franchise into a profitable business and sold it back to KFC at a substantial profit. Dave had also co founded Arthur Treacher s Fish amp; Chips and was very familiar with the quick service industry. However, hamburgers were Dave s favorite food and he could not get a decent hamburger in town without waiting 30 minutes and so the idea of Wendy s became a reality. Dave had a vision for Wendy s; to provide consumers with bigger and better hamburgers that were cooked to order, served ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Time spent on purchasing. g. Less production area. h. Less equipment needed. Some disadvantages of a limited menu are: a. Losing the competitive edge. b. Losing the market share of sales from the customers that want chicken or fish. c. Not being able to meet the needs of different target markets. The concept was eventually discontinued due the response of competitive pressures and changing customer demands. 3) Success from Wendy s drive thru windows was a combination of several things. I believe that the uniformity of the building, the advertising strategy and the location which was usually located in urban or densely populated suburban areas. I also think that the limited number of menu items helped facilitate orders being given out faster. 4) I calculated that it costs $1.06 to make an eight ounce bowl of chili using the full cost basis. Out of pocket cost was figured at $1.10 per eight ounce serving. 5) A bowl of chili costs $1.06 using the full cost method of using direct costs. 6) Based on just the direct cost I would drop the chili. However, so many factors are not shown which could impact profitability. In the winter when chili sales are high do people come for a hot bowl of chili and buy and hamburger? Chili is one of Wendy s core products and by dropping it would it cause them to lose customers who purchase chili and other items?
  • 52. Another item to consider is the price of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. Conceptualization Running head: OBJECT RELATIONS CASE STUDY ! ! ! ! ! ! Object Relations Case Study of Melanie Freeland A Conceptualization and Treatment Plan Raven N. Aponte Liberty University ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !1 OBJECT RELATIONS CASE STUDY !2 Abstract This case study presents the use of Object Relations Theory. Object Relations Theory is the relation between the internalized sense of self and others, and how it affects present relationships. OR therapy specifically focuses on the relationship between the child and early caregiver. OR theorist concludes how attachment styles influence the way an individual conceptualizes themselves as they relate to others. Object, refers to people, an environment, or images... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Object relations theorist says past memories, relationships, and images of events can effect an individuals present functioning (Butman, Jones, 2011, 140). Internal objects are the most important because they influence the individuals self, relationships they engage in, and the attachment these individuals form within those relationships (Murdock, 2013, 83). These internal objects determine how we relate to people (Butman, Jones, 2011, 141). Internalized objects also represent how individuals view themselves (Butman, Jones, 2011, 141). When an individual is nurtured and protected, they are more likely to develop a whole view of themselves (Butman, Jones, 2011, 141). On the contrary, individuals who do not feel protected and loved tending to get stuck in the relationship where their needs were not met (Butman, Jones, 2011, 144). This leads the individual to view other relationships immaturely and consistently seek to meet primitive needs (Butman, Jones, 2011, 144). Melanie did not form the appropriate attachments with either parent due to her mothers chronic drug use and her father absence. Melanie s regrets from dropping out of high school also signify some repressed anger toward her parents. The lack of love from both parents, has left Melanie feeling rejected; which she has probably felt since childhood. Melanie may feel as if she OBJECT RELATIONS CASE STUDY !5 was unimportant or unworthy of love and time because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Trickery Has Always Existed Trickery Has Always Existed In the Twelfth Night, the typical craziness of love and relationships is shown. Viola starts the confusion as she poses a man to get a job in the home of the Duke, Orsino. Because of her hard work and loyalty, she or Cesario (which is her disguised name) becomes a favorite of Orsino. The real twist begins here because Viola begins to fall in lovewith Orsino, but since she is Cesario , she cannot let these feelings be known without reveling her true identity. One of her duties in the house of the Duke is messenger and she is required to deliver a message to Lady Olivia who Orsino is love with. The messages she must deliver are Orsino declaring his love to Olivia, but the opposite happens. Olivia falls for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. MIDTERM Informative Critique MIDTERM LEGISLATIVE CRITIQUE NICOLE L. VELSOR AMERICAN PUBLIC UNIVERSITY The Unites States has made some changes to the way we handle Security with respect to the effects of 9/11. We began to be much more vigilant looking at every aspect of transportation from enhancing our airline security, railroad to include maritime operations. One particular area of focus is our ports and how we support our trade and make it safer against the threat of another terrorist attack. The ports are extremely vital to the U.S. According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 14 percent of U.S. counties that are adjacent to the coast produce 45 percent of the nation s gross domestic product ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... E., Rice, J. B. (2011). Formal Vulnerability Assessment of a maritime transportation system. Reliability Engineering System Safety, 96(6), 696 705. doi:10.1016/j.ress.2010.12.011 The Bureau of Transportation Statistics. (1997). doi:10.17226/5809 https://www.rita.dot.gov/bts /sites/rita.dot.gov.bts/files/publications/americas_container_ports/2009/html/table_08.html Bill Summary Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002. (n.d.). Retrieved January 5, 2017, from http://www.admiraltylawguide.com/documents/sum107 295.html Christopher, K. (2014). Port Security Management, Second Edition. CRC Press. Five Years After 9/11 Attacks (2006). U.S. Ports More Secure Than Ever; Progress Must Continue. (n.d.). Retrieved January 04, 2017, from http://www.aapa ports.org/advocating /PRdetail.aspx?itemnumber=1092 How important is the ocean to our economy? (n.d.). Retrieved January 2, 2017, from http:/ /oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/oceaneconomy.html Peckham, C. (2012). An overview of maritime and port security. 2012 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST). Q A: US Port Security Before and After 9/11. (n.d.). Retrieved January 08, 2017, from ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...