This document discusses vitamin D deficiency in India. It provides the following key points:
1. More than 80% of adults in India do not get enough vitamin D, despite India's sunny climate, due to factors like skin pigmentation and low dietary intake.
2. The most common disorders caused by vitamin D deficiency in India are osteomalacia and rickets, which are bone diseases characterized by softening of the bones.
3. Good food sources of vitamin D include cod liver oil, fatty fish like salmon and tuna, and fortified foods like milk, cereal and orange juice. However, dietary intake of vitamin D is still low for most Indians.
2. Is there deficiency in
sunny India?
Latitude of 22 ° 00' N
Longitude of 77 ° 00‘ W
Can there be
chances of
deficiency in India?
3. 1. ↓ Intake or synthesis of cholecalciferol
↓ sunlight: ageing, veiling, illness, immobility
↓ synthesis for a given UV exposure: ageing, dark skin
As above combined with low dietary intake
1. Disorders associated with abnormal gut function and
Small bowel disorders: coeliac disease, sprue, IBD, infiltrative
disorders, small bowel resection
Pancreatic insufficiency: chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis
Biliary obstruction: 1° biliary cirrhosis, external biliary drainage
4. 3. ↓ synthesis or enhanced degradation of 25OHD
chronic hepatic disorders: hepatitis, cirrhosis
drugs: rifampicin, anticonvulsants
4. AHA 2010 Conference revealed that Vitamin-D
deficiency is highly prevalent in U.S. black populations.
Melanin in the skin blocks the UVB synthesis of vitamin D.
Silent epidemic, often unrecognized by clinicians
5. Cod liver oil – 1 TBS 1,360 IU
Salmon 3.5 oz. 360
Mackerel 3.5 oz. 345
Tuna, canned, in oil, 3 oz. 200
Sardines 3.5 oz. 250
Milk (fortified) 8 oz. 98
Ready to eat cereal (fortified) ¾ 40
- 1 cup
Egg 1 whole 20
Liver, 3.5 oz. 15
Cheese, swiss 1 oz. 12
6. Most Indians suffer from Vitamin D Deficiency
1. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000;72: 472-75 2. Data on file
7. Is there deficiency in
sunny India?
Latitude of 22 ° 00' N
Longitude of 77 ° 00‘ W
More than 80 % of
adult Indians not
enough Vitamin D
8. Osteomalacia & Rickets are the most common
disorders due to Vitamin D deficiency in India
Osteomalacia present in 35.3% adults with Vitamin D
Rickets present in 30.3 % Indian infants with
25(OH)D <10ng/ml.2
1. Indian J Med Res. 2008;127:219-228.
2. Indian J Med Res. 2011;133:267-273
9. Softening of bones due to insufficient
vitamin D, or problems with metabolism of
this vitamin.
Osteomalacia in children is known as
Signs & Symptoms
Bone Weakness
Bone Pain
Muscle Weakness
10. Osteomalacia
Weakening of Bones
In osteoporosis, bones become weak, fragile and
brittle due to loss of minerals like calcium and get
fractured more easily than normal bone.
1 out of 8 males & 1 out of 3 females in India suffer
from Osteoporosis
Normal Bone Osteoporosis
11. Osteomalacia
↑ risk &
Muscle weakness
Rate of Fall ↑ Risk of #
Over 90% of Fractures occur after fall and fall rate
increases due to poor muscle strength and function.1
Adequate dose of Vitamin D found to be useful in ↓
of persistent non specific pain & Fractures
Medicographia. 2010;32(4):384-390
12. Osteomalacia Osteoporosis
Physiology Abnormal bone building Degeneration of built bone
Occurrence Adults Elderly
Muscle Weakness Frequent fractures
Bone Weakness & Pain Loss on height (due to compression of spine
Bone softening
Complications Results in bone fragility & fractures
Bone bending
Can be prevented by Ca &
Prognosis Cannot be prevented. Can only be treated
Vitamin D supplements
Outcome Osteoporosis Fractures
14. Musculoskeletal disorders
Low back pain, joint pain
Fatigue and Muscular Weakness
Increased susceptibility to infections
It thus adversely effects Quality of Life
Is it common in adults or children?
16. It is a fat soluble vitamin.
Not just a vitamin it is a prehormone
Found in some food and made in the body after
exposure to UV rays
Major biological function is to maintain normal blood
levels of Ca and Po4
Other tissues like macrophages, prostrate tissue also
have Vitamin D Receptor [VDR].
17. Existed over 500 million years
Industrial revolution: rickets
Cod liver oil: common folklore medicine
Discovery of Vit D as the antirachitic factor in cod liver
Discovery of conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol in the
skin to vit D (1937)
Antirachitic property in food & fortification of food with
vitamin D was patented.
22. Vitamin D3 and D2 (made in skin or ingested) are
transported to liver and metabolised to 25(OH)D
25(OH)D is the major circulating form
Further hydroxylation occurs in kidney to form highly
biologically active 1,25(OH)2D that promotes
Absorption of calcium and phosphate from small intestine
Extracellular calcium homeostasis
Mineralisation of skeleton
(DeLuca and Zierold 1998)
23. Vitamin D3 is not secreted
by a classical endocrine
gland - the active form of
the hormone is released
from the kidney - and
acts at distant sites or
Each of the forms of
vitamin D is hydrophobic,
and is transported in blood
bound to carrier proteins.
Only remains in a free
form in the circulation and
has a serum t1/2 of about 5
hours, for a small
proportion of vitamin D.
27. Association of low intake of milk and vit D during
pregnancy with decreased birth weight.
C.A. Mannion, Katherine Gray-Donald, kristine G. Koski. CMAJ
April 25, 2006
Women between ages 19-45yrs in Calgary
</= 250 ml of milk = low birth weight
milk or vit D independent predictor of BW
1 cup milk = 41 gm increase in BW
1 Mcg increase in dietary vit D = 11 gm increase in BW
28. Maternal vitamin D status during pregnancy and
childhood bone mass at age 9yrs.
M.K. Javaid, SR Crozeir at al. Lancet Jan 7 2006
198 children born in 1991-92 in South Hampton UK, were
followed up at age 9yrs
31% mother had insufficient and 18% had deficient serum
vit D during late pregnancy
Decrease vit D in mothers = decrease bone mineral content
in children at age 9 yrs
Mother’s exposure to UV rays and use of vit D predicted vit
D and childhood bone mass
29. Vitamin D deficiency in breastfed infants in Iowa.
Ekhard E. Ziegler, Bruce w. Hollis, Steven E Nelson and Janice
M. Jeter. Pediatrics 2006
84 breastfed infants were followed, their blood samples and
dietary records were taken
35 infants were unsupplemented
49 infants were either supplemented with formula or vit D
10% were vit D deficient
30. Prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among healthy
Catherine M Gordon, Kerrin C. DePeter, Henry A. Feldman,
Estherann Grace, Jean Emans. Arch pediatr Adolesc med June
307 healthy adolescents 11-18 yrs,
24.1% of the participants were vit D deficient
Highest prevalence in african american
No difference in prevalence between girls and boys
+ Correlation between soft drink consumption and vit D
Inverse correlation between vit D deficiency and milk and cold
cereal consumption.
37. Traditionally: regulation of calcium homeostasis and
bone metabolism
More recently Vitamin D is known to
modulate immune function in humans and
affect a wide-range of diseases, including
autoimmune disorders, cancer, metabolic
– suppresses (overaggressive) reactions
Type 1 diabetes prevented by 1,25-(OH)2D in animal
models with some evidence for protective effect in
humans / only a few studies published to date.
38. Vitamin D facilitates the
intestinal absorption of
calcium by stimulating the
expression of a number of
proteins involved in
transporting calcium from
the lumen of the intestine,
across the epithelial cells
and into blood.
Calcium absorption is
transported across the
epithelial cell, greatly
enhanced by the carrier
protein calbindin, synthesis
of which is totally
dependent on vitamin D.
39. The adjoining figure shows
expressed Calbindins and
how they facilitate transport
of Calcium through the
In the absence of vitamin D,
dietary calcium is not
absorbed efficiently.
Vitamin D also plays an
important part in regulating
the proliferation and
differentiation of both types
of bone remodeling cells -
those responsible for bone
breakdown and those that
reform the bone anew…and
40. Net result is: Calcium
absorption and
41. Vitamin D deficiency
Abnormal motor performance, ↑ body sway and
quadriceps weakness reported for 25OHD < 20-30
nmol/L (Glerup 2000, Dhesi 2002)
An independent predictor of falls in older women in
residential care (Flicker 2003)
Linked with falls and fractures in elderly men and
women (Pfeifer 2000, Bischoff 2003, Flicker 2005).
42. Aim: to determine if vitD supplementation (D2) reduced
falls in older people in residential care, not classically
vitD deficient
RCT, two years duration
60 hostels, 89 nursing homes across Australia, 625 residents (mean
age 83.4yr),
25OHD 25-90nmol/L
↓ falls by 27% - 37%
Estimated that 8 people need to be treated to prevent 1
Flicker 2005
43. Pivotal trial relating fracture reduction in high risk
group: 800 IU D3 for 18 mo
41% ↓ hip fracs elderly women in residential care (Chapuy NEJM
389 people from community:
benefit from daily Ca (500mg) + vitD (700 IU) on bone loss & frac
(Dawson-Hughes NEJM 1997)
Double-blind RCT oral 100,000 IU every 4mo for 5yr ↓
risk of first hip, wrist, forearm, vert frac in 2686 people
from community by 33% (Trivedi, BMJ 2003).
44. One meta-analysis concluded vitD (Papadimitopoulos
Endocr Rev 2002)
↓ vertebral frac risk 37% (RR 0.63; 95%CI 0.45-0.88)
but no sig ↓ in non-vert fracs (RR 0.77; 0.57-1.04)
More recent meta-analysis showed vitD (Bischoff-Ferrari
JAMA 2005)
↓ hip frac (RR=0.74, 0.61-0.88) and
↓ non-vert frac (RR=0.77, 0.68-0.87)
45. Greatest benefits:
High-risk vitamin D-deficient patients, with ↓BMD
Unlikely that supplementation effective in vitamin D
replete individuals but optimal 25OHD levels unknown:
thresholds 50-110 nmol/L reported (Parfitt 1990, Mithal
Vitamin D examined in fracture prevention trials but
differences in baseline PTH and 25OHD make comparisons
Adequate calcium AND vitamin D likely to be required to
reduce fracture risk
47. A single dose of Vit D enhances immunity to
( Martineau et al. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 176;208-213, 2007)
Double-blind RCT in 192 healthy adult TB contacts in
Single oral dose of 2.5mg Vit D vs placebo
Measured response to BCG-lux (measures the ability of
whole blood to restrict the growth of recombinant reporter
mycobacteria in vitro)
Single dose of Vit D significantly enhances TB pts’
antimycobacterial immunity in vitro
48. Indonesian study in 2006
Double-blind RCT, Vit D vs placebo (in addition to RIPE)
in 67 pts with active pulmonary TB
Rate of sputum conversion as follows
Vit D 100%
Placebo 76% (p=0.002)
More subjects with radiologic improvement in Vit D group
49. In 1986-1987, Rook and Crowle infected human
monocytes and macrophages with M. Tb. and added
1,25D3, which triggered significant antimicrobial activity
Subsequently, Toll-like receptors were discovered.
TLRs are pattern-recognition receptors whose activation induces
expression of antimicrobial peptides
11 subtypes of TLRs are expressed on various types of immune and
non-immune cells
TLRs trigger direct antimicrobial activity against intracellular bacteria
as well as apoptosis, cytokine secretion, and so on
50. Upregulation of macrophage 1α,25(OH)2D synthesis following administration of pharmacologic doses of vitamin D in active
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection.
In the granuloma both IFNγ and ligation of macrophage TLR2/1 by M. tuberculosis induces macrophage expression of 25(OH)D-1α-
Administration of pharmacologic doses of vitamin D results in increased circulating concentrations of free 25(OH)D, which is metabolised
by upregulated 1α-hydroxylase to 1α,25(OH)2D.
DEFENSINs are antimicrobial peptides produced by activation of TLR.
51. TLR2–TLR1 stimulation results in the upregulation of the expression of Cyp27B1 and of VDR. Cyp27B1 converts inactive vitamin D
(25D3) into its active form (1,25D3).
The intracellular pool of 25D3 is shuttled into the cell via the vitamin D binding protein (DBP). Once activated, 1,25D3 can then bind to
and activate the VDR, and induce transcription of antimicrobial factors, including the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (Cath.). The
cathelicidin peptide can then traffic into intracellular compartments harboring mycobacteria.
The cathelicidin peptide has been demonstrated to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis directly. Therefore, cathelicidin probably has an
important role in the TLR2–TLR1-mediated antimicrobial activity, but is probably not the only effector. The induction of host-defense
mechanisms by TLR2–TLR1 depends on the amount of 25D3 present in the serum.
52. TLR2–TLR1 stimulation results in the upregulation of the expression of Cyp27B1 and of VDR. Cyp27B1 converts inactive vitamin D
(25D3) into its active form (1,25D3).
The intracellular pool of 25D3 is shuttled into the cell via the vitamin D binding protein (DBP). Once activated, 1,25D3 can then bind to
and activate the VDR, and induce transcription of antimicrobial factors, including the antimicrobial peptide cathelicidin (Cath.). The
cathelicidin peptide can then traffic into intracellular compartments harboring mycobacteria.
The cathelicidin peptide has been demonstrated to kill Mycobacterium tuberculosis directly. Therefore, cathelicidin probably has an
important role in the TLR2–TLR1-mediated antimicrobial activity, but is probably not the only effector. The induction of host-defense
mechanisms by TLR2–TLR1 depends on the amount of 25D3 present in the serum.
53. 1,25-D3 and the VDR then together induce
the expression of the gene encoding the
human antimicrobial peptide LL-37.
Vitamin D3 enters the systemic circulation
and is converted to 25-D3 by the liver.
Circulating monocytes are activated by
TLR2/1 agonists present on specific
The genes encoding VDR and CYP 27B1
are induced. CYP27B1 converts 25-D3 from
the circulation to 1,25-D3, joins with the
VDR and activates the gene encoding LL-
37, leading to an increase in cellular LL-37
and enhanced microbicidal activity of the
Nature Medicine - 12, 388 - 390 (2006)
54. May influence both incidence and mortality
Linked with GI cancer, prostate and breast cancers,
lymphomas, endometrial and lung cancers
Vitamin D receptors[VDR] found in malignant
melanoma cells and myeloid leukemia cells
1,25(OH)2D inhibited melanoma cell proliferation and
induced myeloid cell differentiation
55. Altered vitamin D &calcium homeostasis may play a role
in development of type 2 diabetes
Low serum levels of 25(OH)D = impaired pancreatic β
cell function & insulin resistance
High calcium intake is inversely associated with body
Daily intake of >1,200 mg calcium & >800IU vitamin D -
associated with a 33% lower risk of type 2 diabetes
compared with an intake of <600 mg calcium & <400 IU
vitamin D
Pittas, et al., 2006
56. • Third National Health & Nutrition Examination Survey
• 14,000 subjects
• Dose-response correlation between percent predicted FEV1
and FVC values and circulating 25(OH)D
• Plausibility: vitamin D shown to prevent experimental
inflammatory diseases in mice including allergic asthma
• Black, et al., Chest, 2005
57. • 50 COPD >70 year patients with a history of
exacerbations were assigned to receive a monthly dose of
vitamin D [100,000 IUs (international units) of vitamin
D] or placebo.
• All patients participated in a pulmonary rehabilitation
program for 3 months.
• At the beginning and again at the completion of the
rehabilitation program, peripheral and respiratory muscle
strength, exercise capacity and vitamin D levels were
• Patients were also asked to complete a quality of life survey
both before and after rehabilitation.
58. • At the end of the study, researchers found that patients
treated with vitamin D had a significant
• improvement in exercise capacity and respiratory muscle
strength compared to those in the placebo group.
• The genetic association of VDR with COPD may be
mediated by effects on macrophage activation, since VDR
relates to FEV1, and affects macrophage activation.
• Thorax 2011;66:205-210 , Vitamin D-binding protein contributes
to COPD by activation of alveolar macrophages by A M Wood et
59. • Respiratory epithelial cells constitutively activate vitamin
D and are capable of creating a microenvironment that
has high levels of active form of the vitamin.
• Activation has effects that include up-regulation of the
cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide gene and the toll-like
receptor, co-receptor.
• Viral infection leads to increased activation of vitamin D
and further increases in cathelicidin mRNA.
• Local vitamin D activation might be an important
component of host defense.
• J Immunol. 2008 November 15; 181(10): 7090–7099.
60. Recent association studies demonstrating a significant inverse
correlation between the serum 25D level and an increase in components
of the human metabolic syndrome
Mortality causes First author Year Ref.
All causes Melamed 2008 Arch Intern Med
Dobnig 2008 Arch Intern Med
Cardiovascular Kim 2008 Am J Cardiol
disease 102:1540 (34)
Wang 2008 Circulation 117:503
Kendrick 2009 Atherosclerosis
Hypertension Judd 2008 Am J Clin Nutr
BMI Looker 2008 Am J Clin Nutr
88:1519 (14)
Insulin resistance Liu 2009 J Nutr 139:329
Wu 2009 J Nutr 139:547
62. Vitamin D insufficiency, 25(OH)D levels <30ng/ml is prevalent,
worldwide, especially in Middle East and South Asia. 2
J Am Coll Cardiol. 2008;52:1949–1956.
Osteoporos Int. 2010 Jul;21(7):1151-4.
63. Prevent disease of deficiency – rickets, osteomalacia
Prevent complications of insufficiency – impaired
calcium absorption and increased bone resorption
Minimize risks of future disease – cancer,
cardiopulmonary diseases, diabetes, other immune-
related diseases
65. Age Children Men Women Pregnancy lactation
Birth-13 5mcgs
yrs =200IU
14-18yrs 5mcgs 5mcgs 5mcgs 5mcgs
=200IU =200IU =200IU =200IU
19-50 5mcgs 5mcgs 5mcgs 5mcgs
Yrs =200IU =200IU =200IU =200IU
51-70 10 mcg 10 mcg
Yrs =400 IU =400 IU
71+ 15 mcg 15 mcg
=600 IU =600 IU
66. 100 I.U./day of Vitamin D(3) increases circulating
25(OH)D by 1 ng/ml when taken for 2 months
If the typical serum 25 (OH)D level in Indians is 10 ng/ml…
And if the target serum 25 (OH)D level is 30 ng/ml…
Patients would require about 2000 IU/Day or 60000 IU per month
50-60% fractures can be reduced at ~30 ng/ml serum Vitamin D.1
1. Alt Med Rev. 2008;13(1):21-33.
67. To raise Serum 25-
(OH)D by 1 ng./ml. [2.5
nmol / L] one needs
100 additional i.u. / day
of vitamin D3
Hence, to raise a
patient’s Vitamin D level
from 15 to 30 ng. / ml.;
there will be an
additional requirement
of 1500 i.u./ day.
Great inter-patient
variability in Cmax
levels, too.
68. With oral vitamin D supplements, serum levels can be
expected to plateau after 3-4 months.
Among patients with osteoporosis, check 25-OH-D levels
at baseline and 3 months after initiation of vitamin D
Vitamin D3 is the preferred supplement for adults.
Calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) has a narrow safety
index and should not be used for routine
69. Vitamin D deficient ( < 10 ng /ml) population:
Prevention of Osteoporosis:
60,000 IU (1gm Sachet /Month)
In Osteomalacia, treatment of osteoporosis
60,000 IU (1 gm sachet )/week* 8 weeks
Followed by 60,000 IU (1 gm Sachet ) /month
Dose safe to be used, upto:
Pediatrics 0 – 12 months – 1000 IU / Day
All others – 2000 IU / Day
70. To prevent deficiency disease –
> 25 nmol / L
To prevent complications of insufficiency –
> 50 nmol/L
For maximum bone health and prevention of chronic
disease –
75 – 100 nmol/L
71. Routine screening / Annual testing of 25(OH)D
Rectify deficiency / insufficiency
Maintain levels through a patient-specific combination
of diet, supplementation, and sun exposure
25(OH)D closely reflects total amount of vit D produced
in the skin and from diet
72. In the elderly, to maintain recommended levels, if not
getting enough sun exposure to maintain vitamin D
levels :
1000 - 2000 IU / day or
60,000 IU monthly OR MORE
73. ‘…the present recommended allowance for vitamin D
– 400 IU – for individuals aged 50 – 70 years is
inadequate even to maintain skeletal health and is
probably too low for meaningful anticancer effects.’
Schwartz & Blot, J National Cancer Institute, 2006
74. “to minimize the health risks associated with UVB
radiation exposure while maximizing the potential
benefits of optimum vitamin D status, {dietary}
supplementation and small amounts of sun exposure
are the preferred methods of obtaining vitamin D.”
Consensus statement, 2006
75. Depends on:
Amount of vitamin D obtained from diet
Skin darkness
Sunshine intensity
77. Q. 1 What is Vitamin D?
(a) Fat Soluble vitamin
(b) Hormone necessary for the body
(c) Water Soluble vitamin
(d) Both (a) & (b)
78. Q. 2 Conversion of Vitamin D3 to 25(OH) vitamin
D3 takes place in the
(a) Liver
(b) Heart
(c) Kidney
(d) All of the above
79. Q. 3 The active form of Vitamin D is
(a) Cholecalciferol
(b) 25(OH) vitamin D3
(c) Ergocalciferol
(d) Calcitriol
80. Q. 4 What is the optimum level of Vitamin D in the body?
(a) 10 ng/ml
(b) 20 ng/ml
(c) > 30 ng/ml
(d) None of the above
81. Q. 5 What is vitamin D Deficiency
(a) High level of Vitamin D in the Body
(b) Low level of Vitamin D in the Body
(c) Optimum level of Vitamin D in the Body
(d) None of the above
82. Q. 6 How many Indians have Vitamin Deficiency?
(a) 20%
(b) 30%
(d) More than 80%
83. Q. 7 Vitamin D has the following actions on the body?
a) Increases bone mineralization
b) Inhibits PTH secretion
c) Increase calcium absorption from intestine
d) All of the above
84. Q. 8 What are Osteoblasts?
a) Cells which help bone formation
b) Cells which help bone resorption
c) Both (a) &(b)
d) None of the above
85. Q. 9 Vitamin D Deficiency is associated with ?
a) Osteomalacia
b) Musculoskeletal Disorders
c) Osteoporosis & Fractures
d) All of the above
86. Q. 10 What is Osteomalacia?
a) Softening of bones due to Vitamin D Deficiency
b) Breaking of bones
c) Indigestion
d) None of the above
87. Q. 11 Rickets occur commonly in?
a) Pregnant Women
b) Children
c) Adults
d) All of the above
88. Q. 12 What is Osteoporosis?
a) Disease caused due to iron deficiency
b) Disease caused by bacterial infection
c) Disease in which bones become fragile resulting in fractures
d) None of the above
89. Q. 13 What is the correct statement?
a) Vitamin D Deficiency also affects Musculoskeletal health
b) Ca & Vitamin D Deficiency can cause fractures
c) Vitamin D supplements can cause fractures
d) Both (a) & (b)
90. Q. 14 What are the advantages of Vitamin D oral supplement
Vs. injection?
a) Higher absorption of Vitamin D with oral supplement
b) Better safety profile with oral supplement
c) Both (a) & (b)
d) None of the above
93. Low back pain
Joint pain
Perimenopausal osteoporosis
1 sachet/week for 8-12 weeks, followed by 1 sachet every month
94. Low back pain
Joint pain
Perimenopausal osteoporosis
1 sachet/week for 8-12 weeks, followed by 1 sachet every month
95. Rickets
1 sachet/week for 8-12 weeks, followed by 1 sachet every month
96. Most currently available supplements contain
Calcium (500 mg)+ Vitamin D (500-800IU)
But in Indians ....... High prevalence of Vitamin
Deficiency (25 (OH)D ~10 ng/ml)
To achieve Sufficiency (target 25 (OH)D level =
30 ng/ml)… patients would require 2000
IU/Day (60,000 IU/month)
Existing products would increase vitamin D by
only 5-8 ng/ml
102. Environmental: sunlight & diet
Calcitriol (hormonal form of vitamin D) controls the
differentiation of many cells that possess vitamin D
receptors (VDR)
Induce cell differentiation and apoptosis of cancer cells
while inhibiting cell proliferation, angiogenesis, and
Genetic: VDR polymorphisms
103. Women who regularly took vitamin D3 and calcium
had a 60% reduction in all-cancer incidence
compared with a group taking placebo and a 77%
reduction when the analysis was confined to cancers
diagnosed after the first 12 months.
104. 1,25(OH)2D:
inhibits proliferation and induces differentiation of
lung cancer cell lines (Higashimoto, et al., 1996,
Guzey, et al., 1998)
inhibits metastatic growth and locoregional
recurrence of lung cancer cells in mice (Wiers, et al.,
105. 456 patients with early stage NSCLC
Median age – 69
96% Caucasian
Data collection:
Season of surgery
Food frequency questionnaire
Recurrence free survival (RFS)
Overall survival (OS)
Zhou, et al., 2005
106. Patients who had surgery during summer with the
highest vitamin D intake had better RFS that patients
who had surgery during winter with the lowest
vitamin D intake.
Similar associations were seen for overall survival.
Zhou, et al., 2005
107. 1,25(OH)2D:
inhibits cell proliferation, induces differentiation
& apoptosis, and inhibits angiogenesis in normal
and breast cancer cells (Colston, et al, 1989, Saez,
et al, 1993, Mantell, et al., 2000)
suppresses high-fat diet-induced mammary
tumorigenesis in rats (Jacobson, et al., 1989, Xue,
108. Inverse association between vitamin D & calcium
intake and breast density
Inconclusive results in studies looking at VDR
genetic polymorphisms and breast cancer
Inverse association between high sunlight
exposure and breast cancer risk
Association may be stronger for premenopausal
than postmenopausal women due to interactions
between vitamin D, the VDR, estrogen and
insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)
Cui & Rohan, 2006
109. Case-control study – 972 women with newly-
diagnosed breast cancer & 1,135 healthy controls
Interviews regarding vitamin D-related exposures, e.g.
outdoor activities, use of sunscreen, dietary
Knight, 2007
110. More frequent sun exposure during adolescence was
associated with a 35% reduction in breast cancer risk
later in life
Lower risk also linked to cod liver oil and milk intake
> 10 glasses / week
Milder protection seen for people age 20 – 29
No protection for people over age 45
111. Epidemiologic study of different regions of
Norway, each with a different annual UV exposure
Prognosis 15 – 25% better for women diagnosed /
treated in the summer vs. winter
<get this article: Breast Cancer Research and
Treatment, May>Knight , 2007
112. Is ultraviolet B irradiance inversely associated with
incidence rates of endometrial cancer: an ecological
study of 107 countries.
Mohr, et al, 2007
113. Objective: perform an ecological analysis of the
relationship between low levels of ultraviolet B
irradiance and age-standardized incidence rates of
endometrial cancer by country, controlling for known
114. 107 countries:
UVB irradiance
cloud cover
intake of energy from animal sources
proportion overweight
skin pigmentation
cigarette consumption
health expenditure
total fertility rates
vs. age-standardized incidence of endometrial
115. Association found between endometrial cancer
incidence rates and:
Low UVB irradiance
High intake of energy from animal sources ( IGF-I?)
Per capital health expenditure
Proportion of population overweight
116. Prospectively collected diet and lifestyle data
Nurses’ Health Study – 75,427 women
Health Professionals Follow-up Study – 46,771 men
Pancreatic cancer risk 41% lower among those
who consumed > 600 IU of vitamin D / day vs.
those who consumed < 150 IU / day
Skinner, et al., 2006
117. Summer / Fall (vs. Winter / Spring) diagnosis
associated with improved survival in:
Colorectal cancer
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
Breast cancer
118. Intermittent sun exposure associated with
increased survival following a diagnosis of
Berwick, et al., 2005
Editor's Notes
Although called “a vitamin”, vitamin D is in fact a hormone, which is synthesized in the skin after exposure to UV-B radiation from the sun. It can also be obtained thorough diet, although most foods contain only small amounts or no vitamin D. The main natural dietary source is fish, but the concentration varies between fish species and even between individual fish. Because the intake is often very low, some foods are fortified with small amounts of of vitamin D (e.g. margarine, milk). In many countries vitamin D supplementation is recommended for infants and other special groups which often have restricted intake (e.g. elderly individuals). It has been known for long time that vitamin D is essential for bone health, severe deficiency leading to rickets in children or osteomalasia in adults. During recent years scientific literature has suggested a wide-range of health effects for vitamin D, although only a few associations have been well demonstrated to date. Vitamin D receptors have been discovered from all over the body (e.g. immune-cells, brain, heart, pancreas, intestine) suggesting that vitamin D is likely to have some kind of function in these tissues. It is already known that vitamin D affects the immune system in humans. How would you measure vitamin D intake in an epidemiological study? What aspects would you need to consider? Links: Vitamin D Rickets
Global Vitamin D Status Although a consensus regarding the optimal level of serum 25(OH)D has not yet been established, most experts define vitamin D deficiency as a 25(OH)D level of 20 ng/ml (50 nmol/l) and vitamin D insufficiency as 21 to 29 ng/ml (Table 1). 1 Vitamin D insufficiency is prevalent worldwide. Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the Middle East and South Asia. 2