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Business Transformation
Through Greater Customer
The Power of Social Currency
AUGUST   2016
Dear Reader:
Why should you care what’s inside this report? Because whether you lead a business transformation
project, a brand repositioning or new brand development project, whether you are in charge of
creating new products, services and seek to help your company to innovate, or whether you merely
want to improve your marketing or advertising, understanding consumers and customers matters
more thanever. Achieving new levels of customer-centricity should be a relentless pursuit.
This report provides a window into understanding customers today given the social, mobile and
digital context inwhich we live.
We appreciate any feedback about our research, thoughts, and insights, and are happy to answer
any questions.
Thank you.
Vivaldi introduced the term Social Currencyin 2010 and expanded on the research
in 2012.These studies established the role of Social Currency in driving preference, and choice
and in buildingstrongbrands.
This year, Vivaldi partnered with CMB, a world-class research consulting firm, in a
comprehensive effort to more profoundly and more deeply understand the social
lives of customers and what does and does not create Social Currency.
2010 2012 2016

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Fast growth, mergers and acquisitions, diversification… when an organisation is at a turning point, its corporate culture is often harmed. This webinar helps leaders and companies give meaning to their transformation and make their corporate culture a change accelerator, instead of an obstacle.

ogilvyconsultingogilvy consulting
Chief Customer Officer - Customers’ advocates enter the boardroom
Chief Customer Officer - Customers’ advocates enter the boardroomChief Customer Officer - Customers’ advocates enter the boardroom
Chief Customer Officer - Customers’ advocates enter the boardroom

The document discusses the emergence and role of the chief customer officer (CCO) position in companies. It provides the following key points: 1) More companies are creating CCO positions to strengthen customer relationships and drive a customer-centric culture as consumers have more power and influence. 2) CCOs are responsible for developing customer strategies, segmenting and understanding customers, and improving acquisition, retention and advocacy. 3) The CCO role involves changing company culture and processes to prioritize customer experience and align the organization around customer needs. 4) While responsibilities vary, CCOs typically oversee marketing, branding, analytics and customer service functions to bring the customer perspective across the company.

Ideations Newsletter- Issue 1, 2012
Ideations Newsletter- Issue 1, 2012Ideations Newsletter- Issue 1, 2012
Ideations Newsletter- Issue 1, 2012

The document discusses how design drives retail brand value. It identifies five principles that successful brands apply to bring the relationship between design and value to life: simplicity, shopper empathy, uniqueness, consistency across touchpoints, and relevance. Great design enhances communication, conveys meaning and values, and can surprise, delight and push boundaries. It discusses how the world's best retail brands excel at omnichannel integration, understanding shoppers' purchase pathways, responding quickly to changes, and pursuing remarkable experiences to build brand value over time.

“While a lot of companies
are doing digital
very few are doing it well yet.”
George Westerman /Principal Scientist, MIT/
97%of companies have launched digital
transformation efforts
70 %of these transformation efforts are
expected to fail
Source:   Survey  of   Senior   executives,   The   Economist   – SAP  Study,   2016.
What accounts for this high degree of failure?We think it has to do with the fact that consumers and customers change
more rapidly than organizations do and companies do not take into account a full understanding of consumers
and customers when launching a transformation.
and yet…
Business transformation
through technology
Social, digital & mobile
lives today
Business transformation
can only be successful if
it takes into account the
changes taking place in
peoples’ lives…
Companies need
to comprehensively
understand and
truly embrace the
of the consumer
or customer
• Manage their lives and achieve their goals using
technology across context and culture
• Make decisions given the limited attention,time and
effort available
• Use social media, content, and other sources to inform
themselves or entertain themselves along daily life
• Extract value and utility from solutions
• Become efficient and effective to complete processes
such as shopping for alternatives
in Today’s
& Digital

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1. A consumer insight is a profound understanding of consumers that leads to a business idea which can drive profitable growth. 2. Insights are important because all marketing processes begin after insights are identified. They are the starting point for strategies and drive brand equity. 3. There are various ways to find consumer insights such as analyzing consumer data, observing trends, speaking with experts, and directly interacting with consumers. Developing an insights-hungry culture across an organization can also help uncover insights.

How to make your customers fall in love with you.
How to make your customers fall in love with you.How to make your customers fall in love with you.
How to make your customers fall in love with you.

The document discusses how retailers can build meaningful relationships with customers by focusing on creating engaging experiences rather than just sales. It suggests that the retail experience should feel like a first date where the customer is already thinking about future interactions. To do this, retailers need to get to know customers' individual needs, create moments of delight, stay connected even when not making a purchase, and invite customer feedback and sharing of experiences. The document presents this approach as analogous to dating and emphasizes focusing on the customer experience and social interactions over short-term sales metrics.

brand experienceconsumerretailing
Sharing Surplus: The Brand is a Social Animal
Sharing Surplus: The Brand is a Social AnimalSharing Surplus: The Brand is a Social Animal
Sharing Surplus: The Brand is a Social Animal

The document discusses the rise of social media and how it has changed the relationship between brands and consumers. It suggests that brands need to focus on sharing surplus, which is the social and economic value consumers get from sharing their experiences with brands. The opportunity for brands is to help consumers collect social rewards from their peers by associating with the brand. However, brands must understand the nature of their relationship with consumers and the type of social capital they can offer in order to develop an effective social media strategy.

brandmarketing and advertisingsocial media
“We fail more often because we
solve the wrong problem than
becausewe get the wrong
solution to the right problem”
Russell Ackoff /Organizational Theorist/University ofPennsylvania
= People acting in service of themselves2016
Today consumers don’t serve brands; they serve themselves.They use their social connections to create their reality,
to manage their lives, to get the job done whether it is searching,evaluating,or buying or using a product or service or brand,
and proactively talk about brands only in so far as it helps them establish themselves.
= People acting in service of brands2010
That was the year when brands and marketers believed that social media,technologies, and currency would be used by consumers
to amplify messages, to serve as influencers to other consumers, to become brand ambassadors and to create“earned” media.
Social Currency
measures the abilityof brands to fit into how consumers managetheirsocial lives in today’s digital andmobileage.
How much my relationship to the brandplays into
my self-image and self-esteem.
How much I feel a senseof belongingor kinship
with others who use the brand.
How much the brand facilitates
communicating who I am.
How much the content sharedby/about the
brand engages me.
How much the brand helps me forgenewsocial
connections or relationships.
How much my engagement with the brandor its
customers enhances thevalue I get from the brand.
How much other people helpmediscover,
evaluate, andmakedecisions about the
7 Social Currency Dimensions
122 120
121 121 119 119 117
As an example, the best performing brand in our
study, Nike, has an indexed Social Currency
composite score of 120 - a weighted composite
of the brand’s results on the 7 dimensions.
This Social Currency score means that in the US,
Nike facilitates the identity-building behaviors
we’ve described at a 20% higher rate than the
average of the 90 industry-leading brands
covered in our study.All numbers on this slide
are similarly indexed and represent a market-
level snapshot of all US consumers who are
aware of Nike.

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The document discusses brand communities and what is required to create a successful one. It defines what a brand community is, why companies should focus on them, and what motivates consumers to engage with these communities. Specifically, it explores how brand icons, shared values, rituals and leadership can help foster strong brand communities. The document also provides examples of brands that have successfully built communities through embracing these key factors.

on line communities branding
The marksman january 2012
The marksman january 2012The marksman january 2012
The marksman january 2012

Marketing has evolved from Marketing 1.0, which focused on product-centric selling, to Marketing 2.0, which became more customer-centric in the information age. Now, Marketing 3.0 has emerged due to the rise of social media, where consumers turn to peer feedback online and user-generated content influences purchasing decisions. Marketing 3.0 shifts the focus from consumer-centricity to human-centricity, balancing profitability with corporate social responsibility by addressing societal problems and touching consumers at a deeper level. It is now value-centric marketing that meets rational and emotional needs.

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Neutral media late 2006 paper - 3 pages

Mike Morrison, Chief Strategy Officer at Y&R Brands Australia and New Zealand, argues that traditional agencies have adapted to changes in media for years and are well-positioned to help clients navigate today's fragmented media landscape. Y&R uses a Brand Asset Valuator tool that analyzes 350,000 consumer behaviors and 19,500 brands across 44 countries to inform strategies. Morrison has also created a "Simplexity" group to explore new ideas across media channels through collaboration with innovators. While new agencies focus on authenticity and consumer empowerment, Y&R offers extensive branding history and expertise in integrating brands across multiple touchpoints through their BAV analysis.

Social Currency is a powerful way to achieve the level of
understanding of customers required allowing business
transformation efforts to lead to a competitive advantage.
Social Currency describes how consumers manage their social
lives in today’s digital and mobile age and how brands or
businesses can help consumers make decisions and live their
lives more efficiently and effectively.
Adopting a Social Currency strategy will ensure that all initiatives
focus on the right problem – Helping customers make decisions
and helping customers manage their lives more effectively and
“Motivation,passion, and focus
have to come from the top.”
Kevin Plank /Founder of Under Armour, Inc./
Under Armour has disrupted the sports apparel sector and built a strong brand and successful
business by using Social Currency in order to compete against Nike and Adidas, some of the
best marketers in the world.
While smaller than Nike ($31 billion in revenue) and Adidas (over $16 billion), Under Armour
($4 billion) has grown rapidly since its founding 20 years ago and has a leg up on competition,
to use athletic language,in terms of its $16 billion market cap.This multiple is unrivaled.
Under Armour’s success has to do with a number of factors but at its core is how the
company runs its business and operations, how it competes on a few fundamentals that keep it
close to a rapidly changing customer, and how it leverages Social Currency (see page 18 for its
astonishing results in our study).
A differentiated strategic position drives the Social Currency dimensions
of Conversation, Expression that taps into Personal and Social Identity
Under Armour focuses on the top end of the performance apparel category in terms of quality and price
with a brand positioning that speaks to consumers about the power of their own will. This position is
highly democratizing, empowering and inclusive and contrasts to the Nike positioning. Under Armour also
nurtures well an underdog position and an attitude and competitive spirit that sets it apart. This brand
position helps consumers to articulate their personal and social identities. It drives Conversation and
Cutting-edge brand building creates Affiliation and Utility
Under Armour competes on parity activities such as great advertising and sponsorship. The “I Will”
positioning is best expressed in the ad “I will what I want” featuring Misty Copeland, the first black woman
to be promoted to principal dancer in the American Ballet Theatre’s 75-year history. It also underlies the
sponsorship ofTom Brady, Stephen Curry and Jordan Spieth as well as LinseyVon.
But the true point of difference activity is the $750 million investment in mobile technology. UA Record is
a comprehensive health and fitness system. To consumers, it creates Utility and Affiliation. To Under
Armour, it is the opportunity to transform the company from a performance apparel company to a
technology company.

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Tim Wragg, CEO Millward Brown Europe. Ideals – the ultimate growth driver. Idag är det viktigare än någonsin att skapa äkta och meningsfulla relationer till sina kunder. Forskning visar att företag som bygger djupare relationer till sina kunder och associeras med högre ideal och mänskliga värderingar också har den största finansiella tillväxten. Om vikten av att skapa mervärde och gå från produkt till syfte, från vad till varför.

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Our outlook for 2014 is optimistic. As marketers, it has never been a more exciting time. The following things to watch for range from very strategic to very tactical, but all are related in one big way. For marketers, none of them will matter, and none of them will work at all if not driven by a healthy, big idea.

geo-fencinguser experiencewearables
Relentless and superior product innovation creates Conversation and keeps
UA in the news with Information
Under Armour is all about new product, value-added services, added performance, wide product selection,
more attractive styling and technical superiority. The original base-layer or compression shirt for
footballers is long obsolete, it has innovated beyond it and outcompetes rivals. Under Armour
understands how to innovate at speed in mature categories. This creates news and novelty. It drives
Information value of Social Currency and it leads to enormous conversation in the high-interest
categories in which it competes.
A business model that is built on speed, scale and scope fuels its growth and
momentum as a brand and as a business.
This fourth factor is the huge accelerator or multiplier of the other three factors. Under Armour is a
rapidly growing firm deploying business transformation in full swing at all times. It does not run at the
clock speed of the athletic category but has adopted the dynamics of the fashion industry, with constant
changing styles and trends. Scale and scope at speed is the moto. Broader product offerings, new
consumer segments, new categories, new markets and additional distribution creates a virtuous cycle of
growth and momentum.
114 111
111 115 110 113 109
UnderArmour punches above its weight when Social Currency scores are compared to company revenues, which is
remarkable considering that UnderArmour has one fourth the revenue ofAdidas and one seventh the revenue of Nike.
“Research is to see what
everybody else has seen,
and to think what
nobody else has thought.”
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi /Nobel Prize Winning Psychologist/
The brands that emerged as having the highest Social Currency scores in our study represent a diverse set that cuts
across categories.
Top 10 Brands

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This document discusses the role of the Chief Brand Officer (CBO) in innovative companies. It notes that the CBO acts as a change agent to drive innovation through culture, focusing on customers, and establishing a clear brand strategy. An effective brand strategy involves living the brand through all parts of the business, having brand ambassadors, and making the brand visible. For innovation to be successful, companies must have the right culture that nurtures new ideas and is customer-focused.

The Future of Business Citizenship - People's Insights Magazine
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The Future of Business Citizenship - People's Insights Magazine

For our global research study, The Future of Business Citizenship, we surveyed 8,000 young people in 17 countries. Our findings confirm that Millennials have high expectations from business and add an insightful layer to our observations around this generation, with real implications for brands and corporations. MSLGROUP's global team of corporate and brand citizenship experts dive deep into the results of our study and outline what Millennials value as individuals and what they expect from businesses. The Future of Business Citizenship is part of MSLGROUP's People's Insights project that crowd-sources insights and foresights from MSLGROUP experts. We hope you enjoy reading this comprehensive report and invite you to share your feedback and tips with us @PeoplesLab or you can reach out to us on Twitter @msl_group.

by MSL
the future of business citizenshipmslgroupreport
15 Lessons In Social Business Strategy from the Biggest Brands in the World
15 Lessons In Social Business Strategy from the Biggest Brands in the World15 Lessons In Social Business Strategy from the Biggest Brands in the World
15 Lessons In Social Business Strategy from the Biggest Brands in the World

2014 Corporate Social Media Summit: 15 Lessons In Social Business Strategy from the Biggest Brands in the World

csmsfsocial mediastrategy
Our study shows that a higher Social Currency increases consumers’ likelihood to choose a brand by +27% on average.
Southwest topped the charts at +52%.The higher a brand’s Social Currency score, the more likely it will be chosen
at the time of purchase.
Likelihoodto Choose
+52% +51% +48% +43% +43%
Our study shows that a high Social Currency score corresponds on average to a +19% greater willingness to pay
a price premium. It is interesting to note the variation in price realization,category by category.
+14% +12% +27% +11%
+33% +12% +26% +12% +37% +9%
Airlines Beer
Food Auto Fashion
When we looked at brands’ Social Currency among its current customers,it was interesting to note how niche or more
targeted brands’ scores rose to the top.
172 151
116 115
161 158
112 110
124 124
108 108
Airlines Automobiles Beer
Vs Vs Vs
In the categories we studied, men contributed more to brands’ Social Currency than women did with the exception of airlines
and fashion.One hypothesis is that the brands included in this report were mass brands that men may identify more
with than women, especially in categories such as fashion. Unsurprisingly,the biggest gender gap in PersonalIdentity and Social
Identity lies in the beer industry.
All All
102 102
101 99
97 93
96 99
104 107
103 105
100 100
100 97
95 91
95 97
107 109
Men Women Men Women
100 100

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Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang teori mekanika kuantum dalam penjelasan model atom, dimulai dari gagasan De Broglie tentang sifat gelombang materi, prinsip ketidakpastian Heisenberg, dan persamaan gelombang Schrodinger yang menjelaskan fungsi gelombang elektron dalam atom.

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Furma Ariansyah is a 24-year-old Indonesian male from Kayu Agung who graduated from Sriwijaya University in 2016 with a degree in electrical engineering. He attended primary school at BINA BANGSA in Palembang from 1999 to 2006, middle school at SMP LTI IGM Palembang from 2006 to 2009, and high school at SMA N 2 Lahat from 2009 to 2012. While in high school, he was a member of the basketball team. During his university years, he joined the robotic team at Sriwijaya University from 2012 to 2013. His skills include intermediate English and computer abilities, and his interests include basketball.

Brands’ Social Currency varies across generations.For example,the set of top automotive brands that engage
Millennials come from more foreign brands whereas Boomers connect more withAmerican brands.
114 113
108 107
Top 5 Automotive: Boomers
112 112
108 107
Top 5 Automotive: Millennials
“The only source of knowledge
is experience.”
Albert Einstein /Theoretical Physicist/
• In November of 2015,VirginAmerica launched the“SeatView” campaign
where travelers could take a tour of theirAirbus A320 before entering the
aircraft in person
• In an industry where there is a low willingness to pay a price premium for
a product (only 14%), this offered a moving pre-flight experience
• We believe that the engagement around the campaign allowed for an
increase in the Social Currency dimension of Utility
• 15% lift in unique visitorsto the Virgin website y.o.y
• 10 million in earned impressions
• 600,000 interactions with Google Street View
• By April 2016 the airline’s trafficincreased 11.7% (13.5% higher than April 2015)
• The most engaging and talked about campaign in Wendy’s 44-year history
• 1.7 billion earned media impressions
• 7.5 million Facebook views
• 31% increase in Wendy’s stock price during the tenureof the campaign
• Wendy’s reintroduced their pretzel bacon cheeseburger in 2013 and
turned toTwitter for inspiration
• Their customers were tweeting how much they loved the pretzel bacon
cheeseburger soWendy’s created a campaign where performers took
actual customers tweets and sang them in the form of a love ballad
• The comedic value of the content made it extremely shareable while also
shining the spotlight on some of their customers, thereby increasing Social
Currency on the Social Identity, Conversation and Affiliation dimensions

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Bed & Belgium c'est une équipe qualifiée et expérimentée, composée de 7 personnes, qui a déjà fait ses preuves sur Bruxelles. En effet, notre équipe, depuis 1995, propose 700 logements à Bruxelles sur 2 plate-formes web : www.BnB-Brussels.be et www.BrusselsDestination.be

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La cooperativa ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION ofrece servicios técnicos especializados en las áreas de mecánica, eléctrica, civil y petrolera a la industria petrolera y de construcción. Su objetivo es convertirse en una empresa líder en asesoramiento e inspecciones de obras de ingeniería, y la ejecución de mantenimientos preventivos y correctivos. Cuenta con personal calificado con amplia experiencia en estas áreas.

• To launch their newAdizero F50 soccer cleat, Adidas wanted to light up
Boston and NewYork City with an event that would bring fans together
• A digital campaign alerted fans to the place and time at which a
promotional light show took place,and once they were on location,
integrated fan content such as their names and comments from Facebook
in the light show
• In fashion, the Affiliation dimension scores the lowest, so this was a great
way to help people form new social connections via Adidas
• Reached 7.3 million users
• Drove 45,856 clicks
• Adidas shares rose 2.2% the dayafter the release of the Adizero
• In January of 2016, Sam Adams launched its Nitro Beer which changed the
course of beer consumption
• This new line of beers was developed to encourage exploration of the
brewer’s art, in line with Sam Adam’s mission of innovation and education
• Nitro Beer increased the brand’s Social Currency by boosting its Personal
Identity dimension. Drinking this beer says that you are innovative and
thoughtful about the intricacies of your beer
• One of onlytwo nitro beer cans on the market. The other is Guinness.
• Fills the ‘white space’of innovation in craft brewing, allowing SamAdams to stand
out among the 4,200 craft brewers in the U.S. today
“Social Currency is about the new
behaviors of customers in today’s
social, digital and mobile world.
Understanding these behaviors
will help increase the success
of any business transformation
Erich Joachimsthaler, Ph.D /CEO and Founder, Vivaldi/
Digital transformation& customercentricity
are aboutconsumers,not about the brand.

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O documento discute a filosofia de Nietzsche e sua crítica à tradição filosófica ocidental. Nietzsche rejeita os valores morais estabelecidos por Sócrates e o cristianismo, que valorizam a humildade e condenam valores como o orgulho. Ele propõe que os homens criem novos valores que afirmem a vida e a vontade de poder, representados pela figura do Übermensch.

Audit performance on all dimensions
Understand linkage to current marketing
Define how customers use your brand to
achieve their goals
Map the landscape of behaviors that consumers
engage in
Research performance vs.industry
Identify best in class players and derive
Winningin today’s demandlandscaperequires understanding consumers’ activities andbehaviors in order
to anticipatetheirjourney. By anticipating theirjourneybrands can influenceconsumers’ purchasecriteria, innovateto
solvetheir problems andbuild an advantagebyaccumulating customerdata andharnessingnetwork effect.
Map the consumer journey
Define the business in terms of
consumer outcomes or goals
Define the brand strategy objectives
Identify the dimensions of social
currency that drive these objectives
Work across functions in the organization to
enable the customer’s social and digital life
and extend value creation beyond the usual
marketing playbook
Adopt a customer-first lens to manage
the organization and create a culture that
is focused on building value for customers
Develop branding and marketing programs
that help consumers in their journey
Marketers andbusiness leaders must shift their focus from making boldbranding promises tobuild value into every
experiencethat customers havewith the brand.
“The outcomeof any serious
research can only be
to make two questionsgrow
where only one grew before.”
Thorstein Veblen /Economist and Sociologist/

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April 2016 18,000 20 min
Self-funded,joint effort
between CMB and Vivaldi,
with a huge assist from
Lucid Research.
Consumers18 years and up,
with sample weighted to
reflect US Census age and
gender distributions.
Online questionnaire,with
consumers evaluating
brands they were familiar
with from theAirlines,
or Restaurant Industries.
We used Bayesian Networks to help understand the often-
complex relationships between the Social Currency
dimensions and key brand perception outcomes.
Bayes Networks utilize mutual information across all
variables in a network and are the best tool we have
to help understand causality.
Generally, we saw that:
• The Personal Identity and Social Identity
dimensions always had a direct relationship to
all of the various outcomes we modeled.
• Other dimensions usually had an indirect
relationship to the outcomes,mediated through
Personal and/or Social Identity.
Shapley Importance (%) Airlines Automotive Beer Fashion Food Total
SC Personal Identity Factor 17.4% 20.3% 20.7% 21.2% 24.6% 21.1%
SC Social Identity Factor 18.9% 17.9% 18.4% 18.5% 18.4% 18.8%
SC Utility Factor 12.6% 11.8% 12.2% 12.4% 10.9% 11.9%
SCAffiliation Factor 11.1% 10.6% 11.7% 10.2% 9.6% 10.6%
SC Expression Factor 13.2% 14.1% 14.1% 12.9% 15.4% 14.0%
SC Conversation Factor 13.9% 12.7% 11.4% 12.6% 10.8% 12.1%
SC Information Factor 12.8% 12.6% 11.5% 12.2% 10.2% 11.7%
r-Square 0.576 0.608 0.649 0.613 0.585 0.607
The final Social Currency factor compositions and the scores themselves are the product of 6 weeks of rigorous
analysis and multiple iterations of modeling.
For example, the regression model results below show Social Currency’s strong ability to predict higher level consumer
perceptions which are known to correlate with business financial success. The R2
statistics quantifies the total amount of
variance in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables in the model.

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The document discusses the history and influence of music. It begins by examining whether music is related to crime, citing research that shows music does not cause violence and is instead often used by mentally distressed individuals as an outlet. The document then explores various topics around the definition of good and bad music, whether popular music has devolved, and where music may be headed in the future. In the end, it argues that music acts as a powerful influence in society but can be used for both positive and negative outcomes depending on the context and individual.

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The document discusses cyber security challenges for Pakistan's national security. It highlights shortcomings in Pakistan's cyber security framework and policies. It outlines the essential elements needed for a comprehensive security framework, including strong leadership, clear policies and strategies, adequate funding and resources, and robust laws and enforcement. It also discusses the types of cyber attacks, targets, implications for national security, and challenges in responding to attacks.

MIT-CHIEF Training Session 1: Know your Market and Customers
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MIT-CHIEF Training Session 1: Know your Market and Customers

Have a startup idea? What’s your beachhead market? What’s the total addressable market (TAM)? Have you created a customer persona? These are key concepts that you must address thoroughly before moving ahead with prototyping. Based on a rigorous and structured framework for entrepreneurship from Bill Aulet, the managing director of Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship, this interactive workshop will provide you insights on how to conduct effective market research and identify target customers. It is the first part of MIT-CHIEF’s Disciplined Entrepreneurship Training Series - “Building bricks for the Great Wall”, which teaches you all you need to know about how to build an innovation-driven startup.

market analysisdisciplined entrepreneurshipmarket research
  FACTOR 0.336
Brand is worthpayingmorefor 0.238
  FACTOR 0.152
  FACTOR 0.145
Brand is agood deal in terms of cost/price 0.115
  FACTOR -0.102
Brand is sociallyresponsible -0.074
Brand is exciting 0.070
Brand rewards its customersfor their loyalty -0.058
Brand is useful 0.052
Brand is easy, convenient (e.g., easyto use) 0.041
Brand offers a wideselection : 0.037
Brand is arrogant -0.037
MODEL R2 0.680
Many models also included
traditional/functional brand drivers like
perceptions of price, selection and
Generally, we saw that including these
measures improve the model, but only
incrementally; e.g.,in theAutomotive
category shown, model R2
improves from
.61 to .68.
Our conclusion:while traditional brand
drivers are important and do improve help
our models, the Social Currency
dimensions are excellent predictors on
their own, and a new lens through which
brands can find high-impact improvement
This report benefited from the experiences and insights of all the partners and staff at
Vivaldi and CMB. We are lucky to be a part of a community of over 200 extremely
talented and smart consultants, strategists, designers, digital and social media
experts, and data scientists. So many have helped along the way, from
conceptualizing our company’s thinking about brands, business, and social media and
digital strategy, to executing the research and surveys, to designing and producing
the final report.
In particular we’d like to thank Markus Zinnbauer, Inga Folta, Stefan Schneider, Jessi
Mardakhaev, Jenifer Ekstein, Sara Bhouri, Lucas Austin, Jay Weiner, James Kelley,
Ed Loessi, Megan McManaman. They helped uncover the insights that shape social
currency, and contributed countless hours to research, analysis,and content creation.
Erich Joachimsthaler, Ph.D.
/Founder& CEO,Vivaldi/
Brant Cruz
/VP,DigitalMedia & Entertainment
Practice Leader,CMB/
Erica Carranza, Ph.D.

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This document discusses the importance of brands becoming useful to consumers in 2020 and beyond. It introduces the Bleublancrouge/Ipsos Utility Barometer, which measures six drivers of brand utility - captivate, co-exist, mobilize, inspire, challenge, and collaborate. The barometer was used to survey Canadians on over 100 brands. Key findings include that co-existing with consumers by making their daily lives easier has the most significant impact on perceived brand utility. Going forward, brands need to focus on problem-solving, demonstrating continued commitment, and acting on a human scale to build lasting relationships with consumers.

From Me To We: The Rise Of The Purpose-led Brand
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From Me To We: The Rise Of The Purpose-led Brand

This document discusses the rise of purpose-led brands and how companies are increasingly focusing on their social purpose to gain a competitive advantage. Some key points: - Customers now consider a brand's values and what it stands for, not just product/price. 62% want companies to take a stand on issues like sustainability. - Companies with a clear social purpose aligned with customer beliefs can build more authentic relationships moving from "give me what I want" to "support what we believe in." - Purpose provides differentiation when quality and experience are expected. It also boosts trust and protects brands from incidents that damage trust. - Activating purpose requires understanding factors like geography, industry, brand maturity and involving

brand identityfinancial servicescustomer expericence
The Future of Reputation - People's Insights Magazine
The Future of Reputation - People's Insights MagazineThe Future of Reputation - People's Insights Magazine
The Future of Reputation - People's Insights Magazine

Our reputation management experts in France, Brazil, the US, UK, Germany, India, the Netherlands, China and Poland, explore the evolving definition of reputation, how it can be protected, and how its sustainability can be assured for the future.

by MSL
reputation managementmslgroupsustainability
Vivaldi unlocks innovation and growth opportunities for
brands and businesses in the context of today’s digitally
connected world.
We are known for:
§ Identifying growth opportunities
§ Building strong brands
§ Creating bold innovation
§ Leading internal transformation
§ Designing powerful brand experiences
Vivaldi’s strategic guidance helps brand and business leaders
create breakthrough yet actionable strategies.
New York | Chicago | Toronto | Buenos Aires | London | Zurich| Munich|Hamburg|
Dusseldorf | Singapore| Cape Town
CMB partners with a select group of world leading brands todeliver
criticalinsights for confident,strategicdecision-making.
We are known for our:
§ Business decision focus
§ Advanced analytical techniques & methods
§ Collaborative, expert & tenured staff
§ Rock-solid execution
§ Storytelling
CMB’s custom primary research ensures executives get the answers they
need to grow, innovate, and stay ahead of the competition.
13 Crosby Street | New York, NY 10013
t +1 212 965 0900 | f +1 212 965 0992
179 South Street | Boston, MA 02111
t 617-350-8922 | f 617-451-5272
Thank You!

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Business Transformation Through Greater Customer Centricity : The Power of Social Currency

  • 1. Business Transformation Through Greater Customer Centricity The Power of Social Currency AUGUST   2016
  • 2. Dear Reader: Why should you care what’s inside this report? Because whether you lead a business transformation project, a brand repositioning or new brand development project, whether you are in charge of creating new products, services and seek to help your company to innovate, or whether you merely want to improve your marketing or advertising, understanding consumers and customers matters more thanever. Achieving new levels of customer-centricity should be a relentless pursuit. This report provides a window into understanding customers today given the social, mobile and digital context inwhich we live. We appreciate any feedback about our research, thoughts, and insights, and are happy to answer any questions. Thank you. 02
  • 3. A  NOTE  TO  THE  READER Vivaldi introduced the term Social Currencyin 2010 and expanded on the research in 2012.These studies established the role of Social Currency in driving preference, and choice and in buildingstrongbrands. This year, Vivaldi partnered with CMB, a world-class research consulting firm, in a comprehensive effort to more profoundly and more deeply understand the social lives of customers and what does and does not create Social Currency. 2010 2012 2016 03
  • 5. “While a lot of companies are doing digital (transformation), very few are doing it well yet.” George Westerman /Principal Scientist, MIT/ 05 THE  CONTEXT
  • 6. 97%of companies have launched digital transformation efforts 70 %of these transformation efforts are expected to fail Source:   Survey  of   Senior   executives,   The   Economist   – SAP  Study,   2016. What accounts for this high degree of failure?We think it has to do with the fact that consumers and customers change more rapidly than organizations do and companies do not take into account a full understanding of consumers and customers when launching a transformation. + and yet… 06 THE  NEXT  STAGE  OF  GROWTH
  • 7. Business transformation through technology Social, digital & mobile lives today Business transformation can only be successful if it takes into account the changes taking place in peoples’ lives… Companies need to comprehensively understand and truly embrace the complexity of the consumer or customer 07 BUSINESS  TRANSFORMATION  THROUGH  CUSTOMER  EXPERIENCES
  • 8. • Manage their lives and achieve their goals using technology across context and culture • Make decisions given the limited attention,time and effort available • Use social media, content, and other sources to inform themselves or entertain themselves along daily life activities • Extract value and utility from solutions • Become efficient and effective to complete processes such as shopping for alternatives Consumers in Today’s Social,Mobile & Digital World Products/ Services 08 TODAY’S  NEW  SOCIAL  CONSUMERS
  • 9. “We fail more often because we solve the wrong problem than becausewe get the wrong solution to the right problem” Russell Ackoff /Organizational Theorist/University ofPennsylvania 09 INTRODUCING  SOCIAL  CURRENCY
  • 10. = People acting in service of themselves2016 Today consumers don’t serve brands; they serve themselves.They use their social connections to create their reality, to manage their lives, to get the job done whether it is searching,evaluating,or buying or using a product or service or brand, and proactively talk about brands only in so far as it helps them establish themselves. = People acting in service of brands2010 That was the year when brands and marketers believed that social media,technologies, and currency would be used by consumers to amplify messages, to serve as influencers to other consumers, to become brand ambassadors and to create“earned” media. 10 THE  SHIFTING  PREMISE  OF  SOCIAL  CURRENCY
  • 11. Social Currency measures the abilityof brands to fit into how consumers managetheirsocial lives in today’s digital andmobileage. How much my relationship to the brandplays into my self-image and self-esteem. How much I feel a senseof belongingor kinship with others who use the brand. How much the brand facilitates communicating who I am. How much the content sharedby/about the brand engages me. How much the brand helps me forgenewsocial connections or relationships. How much my engagement with the brandor its customers enhances thevalue I get from the brand. How much other people helpmediscover, evaluate, andmakedecisions about the brand. 11 THE  DEFINITION  OF  SOCIAL  CURRENCY 7 Social Currency Dimensions
  • 12. PERSONAL EXPRESSION CONVERSATION AFFILIATION INFORMATION UTILITY IDENTITY SOCIAL IDENTITY 122 120 121 121 119 119 117 12 CALCULATING  SOCIAL  CURRENCY As an example, the best performing brand in our study, Nike, has an indexed Social Currency composite score of 120 - a weighted composite of the brand’s results on the 7 dimensions. This Social Currency score means that in the US, Nike facilitates the identity-building behaviors we’ve described at a 20% higher rate than the average of the 90 industry-leading brands covered in our study.All numbers on this slide are similarly indexed and represent a market- level snapshot of all US consumers who are aware of Nike.
  • 13. Social Currency is a powerful way to achieve the level of understanding of customers required allowing business transformation efforts to lead to a competitive advantage. Social Currency describes how consumers manage their social lives in today’s digital and mobile age and how brands or businesses can help consumers make decisions and live their lives more efficiently and effectively. Adopting a Social Currency strategy will ensure that all initiatives focus on the right problem – Helping customers make decisions and helping customers manage their lives more effectively and efficiently. 13 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  =  SOLVING  THE  RIGHT  PROBLEM  
  • 14. “Motivation,passion, and focus have to come from the top.” Kevin Plank /Founder of Under Armour, Inc./ 14 BUSINESS  TRANSFORMATION  THROUGH  SOCIAL  CURRENCY
  • 15. Under Armour has disrupted the sports apparel sector and built a strong brand and successful business by using Social Currency in order to compete against Nike and Adidas, some of the best marketers in the world. While smaller than Nike ($31 billion in revenue) and Adidas (over $16 billion), Under Armour ($4 billion) has grown rapidly since its founding 20 years ago and has a leg up on competition, to use athletic language,in terms of its $16 billion market cap.This multiple is unrivaled. Under Armour’s success has to do with a number of factors but at its core is how the company runs its business and operations, how it competes on a few fundamentals that keep it close to a rapidly changing customer, and how it leverages Social Currency (see page 18 for its astonishing results in our study). 15 THE  UNDER  ARMOUR  CASE  STUDY
  • 16. A differentiated strategic position drives the Social Currency dimensions of Conversation, Expression that taps into Personal and Social Identity Under Armour focuses on the top end of the performance apparel category in terms of quality and price with a brand positioning that speaks to consumers about the power of their own will. This position is highly democratizing, empowering and inclusive and contrasts to the Nike positioning. Under Armour also nurtures well an underdog position and an attitude and competitive spirit that sets it apart. This brand position helps consumers to articulate their personal and social identities. It drives Conversation and Expression. Cutting-edge brand building creates Affiliation and Utility Under Armour competes on parity activities such as great advertising and sponsorship. The “I Will” positioning is best expressed in the ad “I will what I want” featuring Misty Copeland, the first black woman to be promoted to principal dancer in the American Ballet Theatre’s 75-year history. It also underlies the sponsorship ofTom Brady, Stephen Curry and Jordan Spieth as well as LinseyVon. But the true point of difference activity is the $750 million investment in mobile technology. UA Record is a comprehensive health and fitness system. To consumers, it creates Utility and Affiliation. To Under Armour, it is the opportunity to transform the company from a performance apparel company to a technology company. 16 BRAND  STRATEGY  BUILDS  SOCIAL  CURRENCY
  • 17. Relentless and superior product innovation creates Conversation and keeps UA in the news with Information Under Armour is all about new product, value-added services, added performance, wide product selection, more attractive styling and technical superiority. The original base-layer or compression shirt for footballers is long obsolete, it has innovated beyond it and outcompetes rivals. Under Armour understands how to innovate at speed in mature categories. This creates news and novelty. It drives Information value of Social Currency and it leads to enormous conversation in the high-interest categories in which it competes. A business model that is built on speed, scale and scope fuels its growth and momentum as a brand and as a business. This fourth factor is the huge accelerator or multiplier of the other three factors. Under Armour is a rapidly growing firm deploying business transformation in full swing at all times. It does not run at the clock speed of the athletic category but has adopted the dynamics of the fashion industry, with constant changing styles and trends. Scale and scope at speed is the moto. Broader product offerings, new consumer segments, new categories, new markets and additional distribution creates a virtuous cycle of growth and momentum. 17 BUSINESS  STRATEGY  BUILDS  SOCIAL  CURRENCY
  • 18. PERSONAL EXPRESSION CONVERSATION AFFILIATION INFORMATION UTILITY IDENTITY SOCIAL IDENTITY 114 111 111 115 110 113 109 18 THE  UNDER  ARMOUR  SUCCESS  STORY UnderArmour punches above its weight when Social Currency scores are compared to company revenues, which is remarkable considering that UnderArmour has one fourth the revenue ofAdidas and one seventh the revenue of Nike.
  • 19. “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.” Albert Szent-Gyorgyi /Nobel Prize Winning Psychologist/ 19 THE  STUDY  FINDINGS
  • 20. The brands that emerged as having the highest Social Currency scores in our study represent a diverse set that cuts across categories. Top 10 Brands 20 FINDINGS
  • 21. Our study shows that a higher Social Currency increases consumers’ likelihood to choose a brand by +27% on average. Southwest topped the charts at +52%.The higher a brand’s Social Currency score, the more likely it will be chosen at the time of purchase. Likelihoodto Choose 21 THE  POWER  OF  SOCIAL  CURRENCY  TO  DRIVE  CHOICE +52% +51% +48% +43% +43%
  • 22. Our study shows that a high Social Currency score corresponds on average to a +19% greater willingness to pay a price premium. It is interesting to note the variation in price realization,category by category. +14% +12% +27% +11% +33% +12% +26% +12% +37% +9% TOP   % BOTTOM   % Airlines Beer Food Auto Fashion 22 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  AND  PRICE  REALIZATION
  • 23. When we looked at brands’ Social Currency among its current customers,it was interesting to note how niche or more targeted brands’ scores rose to the top. 172 151 116 115 161 158 112 110 124 124 108 108 Airlines Automobiles Beer Vs Vs Vs 23 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  AND  NICHE  BRANDS
  • 24. In the categories we studied, men contributed more to brands’ Social Currency than women did with the exception of airlines and fashion.One hypothesis is that the brands included in this report were mass brands that men may identify more with than women, especially in categories such as fashion. Unsurprisingly,the biggest gender gap in PersonalIdentity and Social Identity lies in the beer industry. PERSONAL IDENTITY All All SOCIAL IDENTITY 102 102 101 99 97 93 96 99 104 107 103 105 100 100 100 97 95 91 95 97 107 109 Airlines Automotive Beer Fashion Food Airlines Automotive Beer Fashion Food Men Women Men Women 24 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  AND  GENDER 100 100
  • 25. Brands’ Social Currency varies across generations.For example,the set of top automotive brands that engage Millennials come from more foreign brands whereas Boomers connect more withAmerican brands. 114 113 108 107 109 Top 5 Automotive: Boomers 112 112 108 107 108 Top 5 Automotive: Millennials 25 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  AND  GENERATIONS
  • 26. “The only source of knowledge is experience.” Albert Einstein /Theoretical Physicist/ 26 BEST  PRACTICES  UNCOVERED
  • 27. • In November of 2015,VirginAmerica launched the“SeatView” campaign where travelers could take a tour of theirAirbus A320 before entering the aircraft in person • In an industry where there is a low willingness to pay a price premium for a product (only 14%), this offered a moving pre-flight experience • We believe that the engagement around the campaign allowed for an increase in the Social Currency dimension of Utility 27 RESULTS: • 15% lift in unique visitorsto the Virgin website y.o.y • 10 million in earned impressions • 600,000 interactions with Google Street View • By April 2016 the airline’s trafficincreased 11.7% (13.5% higher than April 2015)
  • 28. • The most engaging and talked about campaign in Wendy’s 44-year history • 1.7 billion earned media impressions • 7.5 million Facebook views • 31% increase in Wendy’s stock price during the tenureof the campaign 28 • Wendy’s reintroduced their pretzel bacon cheeseburger in 2013 and turned toTwitter for inspiration • Their customers were tweeting how much they loved the pretzel bacon cheeseburger soWendy’s created a campaign where performers took actual customers tweets and sang them in the form of a love ballad • The comedic value of the content made it extremely shareable while also shining the spotlight on some of their customers, thereby increasing Social Currency on the Social Identity, Conversation and Affiliation dimensions RESULTS:
  • 29. • To launch their newAdizero F50 soccer cleat, Adidas wanted to light up Boston and NewYork City with an event that would bring fans together • A digital campaign alerted fans to the place and time at which a promotional light show took place,and once they were on location, integrated fan content such as their names and comments from Facebook in the light show • In fashion, the Affiliation dimension scores the lowest, so this was a great way to help people form new social connections via Adidas • Reached 7.3 million users • Drove 45,856 clicks • 15,000 shares • Adidas shares rose 2.2% the dayafter the release of the Adizero 29 RESULTS:
  • 30. • In January of 2016, Sam Adams launched its Nitro Beer which changed the course of beer consumption • This new line of beers was developed to encourage exploration of the brewer’s art, in line with Sam Adam’s mission of innovation and education • Nitro Beer increased the brand’s Social Currency by boosting its Personal Identity dimension. Drinking this beer says that you are innovative and thoughtful about the intricacies of your beer 30 • One of onlytwo nitro beer cans on the market. The other is Guinness. • Fills the ‘white space’of innovation in craft brewing, allowing SamAdams to stand out among the 4,200 craft brewers in the U.S. today RESULTS:
  • 31. “Social Currency is about the new behaviors of customers in today’s social, digital and mobile world. Understanding these behaviors will help increase the success of any business transformation effort.” Erich Joachimsthaler, Ph.D /CEO and Founder, Vivaldi/ 31 THE  PATH  TO  SOCIAL  CURRENCY
  • 32. Digital transformation& customercentricity are aboutconsumers,not about the brand. 32 THE  DESTINATION
  • 34. Audit performance on all dimensions Understand linkage to current marketing activities Define how customers use your brand to achieve their goals Map the landscape of behaviors that consumers engage in Research performance vs.industry Identify best in class players and derive learnings 34 WHERE  ARE  YOU  AND  WHY? Winningin today’s demandlandscaperequires understanding consumers’ activities andbehaviors in order to anticipatetheirjourney. By anticipating theirjourneybrands can influenceconsumers’ purchasecriteria, innovateto solvetheir problems andbuild an advantagebyaccumulating customerdata andharnessingnetwork effect. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. ASSESS CURRENT SOCIAL CURRENCY: EVALUATE AGAINST COMPETITION:
  • 35. Map the consumer journey Define the business in terms of consumer outcomes or goals Define the brand strategy objectives Identify the dimensions of social currency that drive these objectives Work across functions in the organization to enable the customer’s social and digital life and extend value creation beyond the usual marketing playbook Adopt a customer-first lens to manage the organization and create a culture that is focused on building value for customers Develop branding and marketing programs that help consumers in their journey 35 WHERE  TO  GO  AND  HOW? Marketers andbusiness leaders must shift their focus from making boldbranding promises tobuild value into every experiencethat customers havewith the brand. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. DEVELOPYOURAGENDA FOR CHANGE: EXECUTE CUSTOMER- CENTRICITY:
  • 36. “The outcomeof any serious research can only be to make two questionsgrow where only one grew before.” Thorstein Veblen /Economist and Sociologist/ 36 METHODOLOGY  USED
  • 37. April 2016 18,000 20 min Self-funded,joint effort between CMB and Vivaldi, with a huge assist from Lucid Research. Consumers18 years and up, with sample weighted to reflect US Census age and gender distributions. Online questionnaire,with consumers evaluating brands they were familiar with from theAirlines, Automotive,Beer,Fashion, or Restaurant Industries. 37 SURVEY  DETAILS
  • 39. We used Bayesian Networks to help understand the often- complex relationships between the Social Currency dimensions and key brand perception outcomes. Bayes Networks utilize mutual information across all variables in a network and are the best tool we have to help understand causality. Generally, we saw that: • The Personal Identity and Social Identity dimensions always had a direct relationship to all of the various outcomes we modeled. • Other dimensions usually had an indirect relationship to the outcomes,mediated through Personal and/or Social Identity. 39 THE  RESPECTIVE  ROLE  OF  THE  SOCIAL  CURRENCY  DIMENSIONS  
  • 40. SHAPLEY IMPORTANCE FOR MEAN OF CHOOSE OVER OTHERS/PAY MORE COMBINED DV Shapley Importance (%) Airlines Automotive Beer Fashion Food Total SC Personal Identity Factor 17.4% 20.3% 20.7% 21.2% 24.6% 21.1% SC Social Identity Factor 18.9% 17.9% 18.4% 18.5% 18.4% 18.8% SC Utility Factor 12.6% 11.8% 12.2% 12.4% 10.9% 11.9% SCAffiliation Factor 11.1% 10.6% 11.7% 10.2% 9.6% 10.6% SC Expression Factor 13.2% 14.1% 14.1% 12.9% 15.4% 14.0% SC Conversation Factor 13.9% 12.7% 11.4% 12.6% 10.8% 12.1% SC Information Factor 12.8% 12.6% 11.5% 12.2% 10.2% 11.7% r-Square 0.576 0.608 0.649 0.613 0.585 0.607 The final Social Currency factor compositions and the scores themselves are the product of 6 weeks of rigorous analysis and multiple iterations of modeling. For example, the regression model results below show Social Currency’s strong ability to predict higher level consumer perceptions which are known to correlate with business financial success. The R2 statistics quantifies the total amount of variance in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables in the model. 40 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  IMPACTS  BRAND  OUTCOMES
  • 41. AUTOMOTIVE STANDARDIZED COEFFICIENTS SC  PERSONAL  IDENTITY  FACTOR 0.336 Brand is worthpayingmorefor 0.238 SC  SOCIAL  IDENTITY  FACTOR 0.152 SC  EXPRESSION  FACTOR 0.145 Brand is agood deal in terms of cost/price 0.115 SC  UTILITY  FACTOR -0.102 Brand is sociallyresponsible -0.074 Brand is exciting 0.070 Brand rewards its customersfor their loyalty -0.058 Brand is useful 0.052 Brand is easy, convenient (e.g., easyto use) 0.041 Brand offers a wideselection : 0.037 Brand is arrogant -0.037 MODEL R2 0.680 Many models also included traditional/functional brand drivers like perceptions of price, selection and convenience. Generally, we saw that including these measures improve the model, but only incrementally; e.g.,in theAutomotive category shown, model R2 improves from .61 to .68. Our conclusion:while traditional brand drivers are important and do improve help our models, the Social Currency dimensions are excellent predictors on their own, and a new lens through which brands can find high-impact improvement opportunities. 41 SOCIAL  CURRENCY  VS.  TRADITIONAL  BRAND  DRIVERS
  • 43. This report benefited from the experiences and insights of all the partners and staff at Vivaldi and CMB. We are lucky to be a part of a community of over 200 extremely talented and smart consultants, strategists, designers, digital and social media experts, and data scientists. So many have helped along the way, from conceptualizing our company’s thinking about brands, business, and social media and digital strategy, to executing the research and surveys, to designing and producing the final report. In particular we’d like to thank Markus Zinnbauer, Inga Folta, Stefan Schneider, Jessi Mardakhaev, Jenifer Ekstein, Sara Bhouri, Lucas Austin, Jay Weiner, James Kelley, Ed Loessi, Megan McManaman. They helped uncover the insights that shape social currency, and contributed countless hours to research, analysis,and content creation. 43 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
  • 44. bcruz@cmbinfo.com @cmbinfo Erich Joachimsthaler, Ph.D. /Founder& CEO,Vivaldi/ Brant Cruz /VP,DigitalMedia & Entertainment Practice Leader,CMB/ ej@vivaldigroup.com @vivaldipartners Erica Carranza, Ph.D. /VP,ConsumerPsychology,CMB/ ecarranza@cmbinfo.com @cmbinfo 44 CONTRIBUTORS AgatheBlanchon-Ehrsam /CMO,Vivaldi/ agathe@vivaldigroup.com @vivaldipartners
  • 45. Vivaldi unlocks innovation and growth opportunities for brands and businesses in the context of today’s digitally connected world. We are known for: § Identifying growth opportunities § Building strong brands § Creating bold innovation § Leading internal transformation § Designing powerful brand experiences Vivaldi’s strategic guidance helps brand and business leaders create breakthrough yet actionable strategies. New York | Chicago | Toronto | Buenos Aires | London | Zurich| Munich|Hamburg| Dusseldorf | Singapore| Cape Town 45 ABOUT  VIVALDI
  • 46. CMB partners with a select group of world leading brands todeliver criticalinsights for confident,strategicdecision-making. We are known for our: § Business decision focus § Advanced analytical techniques & methods § Collaborative, expert & tenured staff § Rock-solid execution § Storytelling CMB’s custom primary research ensures executives get the answers they need to grow, innovate, and stay ahead of the competition. 46 ABOUT  CMB
  • 47. 13 Crosby Street | New York, NY 10013 t +1 212 965 0900 | f +1 212 965 0992 ej@vivaldigroup.com vivaldigroup.com @vivaldipartners 179 South Street | Boston, MA 02111 t 617-350-8922 | f 617-451-5272 bcruz@cmbinfo.com chadwickmartinbailey.com @cmbinfo Thank You!