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DRS: New Features, Best Practices
and Future Directions
Aashish Parikh, VMware
 This session may contain product features that are
currently under development.
 This session/overview of the new technology represents
no commitment from VMware to deliver these features in
any generally available product.
 Features are subject to change, and must not be included in
contracts, purchase orders, or sales agreements of any kind.
 Technical feasibility and market demand will affect final delivery.
 Pricing and packaging for any new technologies or features
discussed or presented have not been determined.
Talk Outline
 Advanced Resource Management concepts
• VM Happiness and Load-balancing
 New features in vSphere 5.5
• Going after harder problems, tackling specific pain-points
 Integrating with new Storage and Networking features
• Playing nicely with vFlash, vSAN and autoscaling proxy switch ports
 Future Directions
• What’s cooking in DRS labs!
Related Material
 Other DRS talks at VMworld 2013
• VSVC5821 - Performance and Capacity management of DRS clusters
(3:30 pm, Monday)
• STO5636 - Storage DRS: Deep Dive and Best Practices to Suit Your Storage
Environments (4 pm, Monday & 12:30 pm Tuesday)
• VSVC5364 - Storage IO Control: Concepts, Configuration and Best Practices to Tame
Different Storage Architectures (8:30 am, Wed. & 11 am, Thursday)
 From VMworld 2012
• VSP2825 - DRS: Advanced Concepts, Best Practices and Future Directions
• Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwoVGB68B9Y
• Slides: http://download3.vmware.com/vmworld/2012/top10/vsp2825.pdf
 VMware Technical Journal publications
• VMware Distributed Resource Management: Design, Implementation, and
Lessons Learned
• Storage DRS: Automated Management of Storage Devices In a Virtualized Datacenter
Advanced Resource
Management Concepts
Contention, happiness, constraint-handling and load-balancing
The Giant Host Abstraction
 DRS treats the cluster as one giant host
• Capacity of this giant “host” = capacity of the cluster
1 “giant host”
CPU = 60 GHz
Memory = 384 GB
6 hosts
CPU = 10 GHz
Memory = 64 GB
Why is That Hard?
Main issue: fragmentation of resource across hosts
Primary goal: Keep VMs happy by meeting their resource demands!
1 “giant host”
CPU = 60 GHz
Memory = 384 GB
VM demand < 60 GHz
All VMs running happily
Why Meet VM Demand as the Primary Goal?
 VM demand satisfied VM or application happiness
 Why is this not met by default?
• Host level overload: VM demands may not be met on the current host
 Three ways to find more capacity in your cluster
• Reclaim resources from VMs on current host
• Migrate VMs to a powered-on hosts with free capacity
• Power on a host (exit DPM standby mode) and then migrate VMs to it
 Note: demand current utilization
Why Not Load-balance the DRS Cluster as the Primary Goal?
 Load-balancing is not free
• When VM demand is low, load-balancing may have some cost but no benefit
 Load-balancing is a mechanism used to meet VM demands
Consider these 4 hosts with almost-idle VMs
Note: all VMs are getting what they need
Q: Should we balance VMs across hosts?
Important Metrics and UI Controls
 CPU and memory entitlement
• VM deserved value based on demand, resource settings and capacity
Load is not balanced but all VMs are happy!
DRS Load-balancing: The Balls and Bins Problem
 Problem: assign n balls to m bins
• Balls could have different sizes
• Bins could have different sizes
 Key Challenges
• Dynamic numbers and sizes of balls/bins
• Constraints on co-location, placement and others
 Now, what is a fair distribution of balls among bins?
 DRS load-balancing
• VM resource entitlements are the ‘balls’
• Host resource capacities are the ‘bins’
• Dynamic load, dynamic capacity
• Various constraints: DRS-Disabled-On-VM, VM-to-Host affinity, …
Goals of DRS Load-balancing
 Fairly distribute VM demand among hosts in a DRS cluster
 Enforce constraints
• Recommend mandatory moves
 Recommend moves that significantly improve imbalance
 Recommend moves with long-term benefit
How Is Imbalance Measured?
 Imbalance metric is a cluster-level metric
 For each host, we have
 Imbalance metric is the standard deviation of these normalized
 Imbalance metric = 0 perfect balance
 How much imbalance can you tolerate?
0.65 0.1 0.25
Imbalance metric = 0.2843
The Myth of Target Balance
 UI slider tells us what star threshold is acceptable
 Implicit target number for cluster imbalance metric
• n-star threshold tolerance of imbalance up to n * 10% in a 2-node cluster
 Constraints can make it hard to meet target balance
 Meeting aggressive target balance may require many migrations
• DRS will recommend them only if they also make VMs happier
If all VMs are happy, a little imbalance is not really a bad thing!
Key Takeaway Points
 The Goals of DRS
• Provide the giant host abstraction
• Meet VM demand and keep applications at high performance
• Use load balancing as a secondary metric while making VMs happy
 DRS recommends moves that reduce cluster imbalance
 Constraints can impact achievable imbalance metric
 If all VMs are happy, a little imbalance is not really a bad thing!
New Features in vSphere 5.5
Going after harder problems, tackling specific pain-points
Restrict #VMs per Host
 Consider a perfectly balanced cluster w.r.t. CPU, Memory
 Bigger host is ideal for new incoming VMs
 However, spreading VMs around is important to some of you!
• In vSphere 5.1, we introduced a new option
 LimitVMsPerESXHost = 6
• DRS will not admit or migrate more than 6 VMs to any Host
 This number must be managed manually – not really the DRS way!
AutoTune #VMs per Host
 *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: LimitVMsPerESXHostPercent
 Currently: 20 VMs New: 12 VMs Total: 32 VMs
 VMs per Host limit automatically set to: Mean + (Buffer% * Mean)
• Mean (VMs per host, including new VMs): 8
• Buffer% (value of new option): 50
• Therefore, new limit automatically set to: 8 + (50% * 8) = 12
 Use for new operations, not to correct current state
Host1 Host2 Host3 Host4
Latency-sensitive VMs and DRS
 Several efforts to help latency-sensitive apps
• VSVC5596 - Extreme Performance Series: Network Speed Ahead
• VSVC5187 - Silent Killer: How Latency Destroys Performance...And What to
Do About It
 DRS recognizes VMs marked as latency-sensitive
 DRS initial placement “just works”
 DRS load-balancing treats VMs as if soft-affine to current hosts
• Latency-sensitive workloads may be sensitive to vMotions
• Soft affinity is internal, no visible new rule in the UI
 VMs will not be migrated unless absolutely necessary
• To fix otherwise unfixable host overutilization
• To fix otherwise unfixable soft/hard rule-violation
 DRS recognizes VMs marked
as latency-sensitive
CPU Ready Time: Overview
 Ready time: The time a virtual CPU (vCPU) waits in a ready-to-run
state before it can be scheduled on a physical CPU (pCPU)
 Many causes for high ready time; many fixes; many red-herrings
 Active area of investigation and research, chime in! We need help!
• Give us more problem details, VC and ESX support files
• www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/05/09/drs-not-taking-cpu-ready-time-in-to-
I/O or event waitI/O or event complete
CPU Ready Time: Common “Problems” and Solutions
 “%RDY is 80, that cannot be good”
• Cumulative number – divide by #vCPUs to get an accurate measure
• Rule-of-thumb: up to 5% per vCPU is usually alright
 “Host utilization is very low, %RDY is very high”
• Host power-management settings reduce effective pCPU capacity!
• Set BIOS option to “OS control” and let ESX decide
• Low VM or RP CPU limit values restrict cycles delivered to VMs
• Increase limits (or set them back to “unlimited”, if possible)
 “Host and Cluster utilization is very high, %RDY is very high”
• Well, physics.. 
• Add more capacity to the cluster
CPU Ready Time: NUMA Scheduling Effects
 NUMA-scheduler can increase %RDY
 vCPUs scheduled for data locality
in caches and local memory
 So what’s the solution?
• There’s no real solution – there’s no real problem here!
 Application performance is often better!
• Benefit of NUMA-scheduling is usually more than the hit to %RDY
 For very CPU-heavy apps, disabling NUMA-rebalancer might help
• http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/02/vspherenuma-loadbalancing.html
node0 node1
0 7
1 6
2 5
3 4
7 0
6 1
5 2
4 3
CPU Ready Time: Better Handling in DRS
 Severe load imbalance in the cluster - high #vCPU / #pCPU ratio
• DRS automatically detects and addresses severe imbalance aggressively
• Functionality added in vSphere 4.1 U3, 5.0 U2 and 5.1
 CPU demand estimate too low – DRS averaging out the bursts
• 5-minute CPU average may capture CPU active too conservatively
• *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: AggressiveCPUActive = 1
• DRS Labs!: Better CPU demand estimation techniques
 Other reasons for performance hit due to high %RDY values
• Heterogeneous workloads on vCPUs of a VM, correlated workloads
• DRS Labs!: NUMA-aware DRS placement and load-balancing
Memory Demand Estimation
 DRS’ view of VM memory hierarchy
 Active memory determined by statistical sampling by ESX, often
underestimates demand!
 *NEW* in vSphere 5.5 – burst protection!
• PercentIdleMBInMemDemand = 25 (default)
 DRS / DPM memory demand = Active + (25% * IdleConsumed)
• For aggressive demand computation, PercentIdleMBInMemDemand = 100
Active Idle Consumed
Key Takeaway Points
 Number of VMs per host can now be managed with ease
• Use this wisely, VM happiness and load-balance can be adversely affected
 DRS handles latency-sensitive VMs effectively
 Better handling of CPU ready time
• *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: AggressiveCPUActive
• We need your help – precise problem descriptions and dump files
 Better handling of memory demand – burst protection
• *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: PercentIdleMBInMemDemand
Integrating with New Storage and
Networking Features
Playing nicely with vFlash, vSAN, autoscaling proxy switch ports
VMware vFlash: Overview
 VMware vFlash: new host-side caching solution in vSphere 5.5
 vFlash reservations statically defined per VMDK
 Cache is write-through (i.e. used as read cache only)
 Cache blocks copied to destination host during vMotion by default
ESX host
vmdk1 vmdk2
Shared storage
VMware vFlash: DRS Support and Best Practices
 DRS initial placement “just works”
• vFlash reservations are enforced during admission control
 DRS load-balancing treats VMs as if soft-affine to current hosts
 VMs will not be migrated unless absolutely necessary
• To fix otherwise unfixable host overutilization or soft/hard rule-violation
 Best practices:
• Use vFlash reservations judiciously
• Mix up VMs that need and do not need vFlash in a single cluster
VMware vFlash: Things to Know
 Migration time is proportional to cache allocation
 No need to re-warm on destination
 vMotions may take longer
 Host-maintenance mode operations may take longer
 vFlash space can get fragmented across the cluster – no defrag. mechanism
 Technical deep-dive
• STO5588 - vSphere Flash Read Cache Technical Overview
VMware vSAN: Interop with DRS
 vSAN creates a distributed datastore using local SSDs and disks
 A vSAN cluster can also have hosts without local storage
 VMDK blocks are duplicated across several hosts for reliability
 DRS is compatible with vSAN
 vMotion may cause remote accesses until local caches are warmed
Autoscaling Proxy Switch Ports and DRS
 DRS admission control – proxy switch ports test
• Makes sure that a host has enough ports on the proxy switch to map
• vNIC ports
• uplink ports
• vmkernel ports
 In vSphere 5.1, ports per host = 4096
• Hosts will power-on no more than ~400 VMs
 *NEW* in vSphere 5.5, autoscaling switch ports
• Ports per host discovered at host boot time
• Proxy switch ports automatically scaled
 DRS and HA will admit more VMs!
VMware DRS
Virtual Switch
Key Takeaway Points
 DRS and vFlash play nice!
• Initial placement “just works”
• vFlash reservations are enforced during admission control
• DRS load-balancing treats VMs as if soft-affine to current hosts
 DRS and vSAN are compatible with each other
 Proxy switch ports on ESX hosts now autoscale upon boot
• Large hosts can now admit many more VMs
Future Directions
What’s cooking in DRS labs!
Network DRS: Bandwidth Reservation
 Per-vNIC shares and limits have been available since vSphere 4.1
 We are experimenting with per vNIC bandwidth reservations
 In presence of network reservations
• DRS will respect those during placement and future vMotion recommendations
• pNIC capacity at host will be pooled together for this
 What else would you like to see in this area?
 Is pNIC contention an issue in your environment?
 Network RPs?
Static VM Overhead Memory: Overview
 Static overhead memory is the amount of additional memory
required to power-on or resume a VM
 Various factors affect the computation
• VM config. Parameters
• VMware features (FT, CBRC; etc)
• Host config. parameters
• ESXi Build Number
 This value is used for admission control!
• (Reservation + static overhead) must be admitted for a successful power-on
• Used by DRS initial placement, DRS load-balancing, manual migrations
Static VM Overhead Memory: Better Estimation
 Better estimation of static overhead memory leads to more
consolidation during power-on!
• www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/05/06/dynamic-versus-static-overhead-memory
 Some very encouraging results so far
 Here’s an example of a 10 vCPU VM with memsize = 120 GB
• The current approach computes static overhead memory:
• The new approach computes static overhead memory:
988.06 MB
12.26 GB
Proactive DRS: Overview
Remediate Verify
 Inventory
 Rules and constraints
 Available capacity
 Usage statistics
 Alarms, notifications
 RP tree integrity
 Rule and constraint
 Free capacity
 Growth rates
 Derived metrics
 RP violations
 Rule and constrain
 Capacity sufficient?
 VMs happy?
 Cluster balanced?
 Migrate to fix violations
 Increase VM entitlement
• On same host (re-divvy)
• On another host (migrate)
• On another host
(power on + migrate)
Evaluate Predict
 Motivation
• VM demand can be clipped
• Remediation can be
 Goals
• Predict and avoid spikes
• Make remediation cheaper
• Proactive load-balancing
• Proactive DPM
• Use predicted data for
placement, evacuation
DRS life-cycleProactive DRS life-cycle
Proactive DRS: Predicting Demand with vC Ops
 VMware Operations Manager – a.k.a. vC Ops
• Monitors VCs and their inventories
• Collects stats, does analytics and capacity planning
 Monitors VC performance stats and provides dynamic thresholds
• Gray area (literally )
• Range of predicted values
 Proactive DRS uses upper bound as predicted demand
• Various CPU and Memory metrics
• Not perfect: capacity planning vs demand estimation
• Work in progress, encouraging results so far
Proactive DRS: Fling
 We wrote you a fling!
• http://www.labs.vmware.com/flings/proactive-drs
• http://flingcontest.vmware.com
 Fun tool to try out basic Proactive DRS
• Connects to vC Ops, downloads dynamic thresholds, creates stats file
• Puts per-cluster “predicted.stats” files into your VCs, runs once a day
 To enable Proactive DRS, simply set ProactiveDRS = 1
 More details, assumptions, caveats on the fling page
Proactive DRS: Demo
In Summary
 VM Happiness is the key goal of DRS
 Load balancing keeps VMs happy and resource utilization fair
 New features in vSphere 5.5
• Automatic management of #VMs per ESX host, Latency-sensitive VM support
• Better ready-time handling, Better memory demand estimation
 Interoperability with vFlash, vSAN, autoscaling proxy switch ports
 Tons of cool DRS stuff in the pipeline, feedback welcome!
• Beginnings of network DRS, Better estimation of VM static overhead memory
• Proactive DRS!
VMworld 2013: DRS: New Features, Best Practices and Future Directions
DRS: New Features, Best Practices
and Future Directions
Aashish Parikh, VMware
Backup slides
DRS — Overview
 Ease of Management
 Initial Placement
 Runtime CPU/Memory Load-balancing
 VM-to-VM and VM-to-host
Affinity and Anti-Affinity
 Host Maintenance Mode
 Add Host
Always respect resource controls!
How Are Demands Computed?
 Demand indicates what a VM could consume given more resources
 Demand can be higher than utilization
• Think ready time
 CPU demand is a function of many CPU stats
 Memory demand is computed by tracking pages in guest address
space and the percentage touched in a given interval
Evaluating Candidates Moves to Generate Recommendations
 Consider migrations from over-loaded to under-loaded hosts
• Δ = Imbalance Metricbefore move – Imbalance Metricafter move
• ‘Δ’ is also called goodness
 Constraints and resource specifications are respected
• VMs from Host2 are anti-affine with Host1
 Prerequisite/dependent migrations also considered
 List of good moves is filtered further
Only the best of these moves are recommended
CPU Ready Time: Final Remarks
 “Host utilization is very high, %RDY is very high”
• Well, physics.. 
 Other reasons for performance hit due to high %RDY values
• Heterogenous workloads on vCPUs of a VM, correlated workloads
 Playing with more ideas in DRS Labs!
• Better CPU demand estimation
• NUMA-aware DRS placement and load-balancing
 Active area of investigation and research, chime in! We need help!
• Give us more problem details, VC and ESX support files
• www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/05/09/drs-not-taking-cpu-ready-time-in-to-

More Related Content

VMworld 2013: DRS: New Features, Best Practices and Future Directions

  • 1. DRS: New Features, Best Practices and Future Directions Aashish Parikh, VMware VSVC5280 #VSVC5280
  • 2. 22 Disclaimer  This session may contain product features that are currently under development.  This session/overview of the new technology represents no commitment from VMware to deliver these features in any generally available product.  Features are subject to change, and must not be included in contracts, purchase orders, or sales agreements of any kind.  Technical feasibility and market demand will affect final delivery.  Pricing and packaging for any new technologies or features discussed or presented have not been determined.
  • 3. 33 Talk Outline  Advanced Resource Management concepts • VM Happiness and Load-balancing  New features in vSphere 5.5 • Going after harder problems, tackling specific pain-points  Integrating with new Storage and Networking features • Playing nicely with vFlash, vSAN and autoscaling proxy switch ports  Future Directions • What’s cooking in DRS labs!
  • 4. 44 Related Material  Other DRS talks at VMworld 2013 • VSVC5821 - Performance and Capacity management of DRS clusters (3:30 pm, Monday) • STO5636 - Storage DRS: Deep Dive and Best Practices to Suit Your Storage Environments (4 pm, Monday & 12:30 pm Tuesday) • VSVC5364 - Storage IO Control: Concepts, Configuration and Best Practices to Tame Different Storage Architectures (8:30 am, Wed. & 11 am, Thursday)  From VMworld 2012 • VSP2825 - DRS: Advanced Concepts, Best Practices and Future Directions • Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwoVGB68B9Y • Slides: http://download3.vmware.com/vmworld/2012/top10/vsp2825.pdf  VMware Technical Journal publications • VMware Distributed Resource Management: Design, Implementation, and Lessons Learned • Storage DRS: Automated Management of Storage Devices In a Virtualized Datacenter
  • 5. 55 Advanced Resource Management Concepts Contention, happiness, constraint-handling and load-balancing
  • 6. 66 The Giant Host Abstraction  DRS treats the cluster as one giant host • Capacity of this giant “host” = capacity of the cluster 1 “giant host” CPU = 60 GHz Memory = 384 GB 6 hosts CPU = 10 GHz Memory = 64 GB
  • 7. 77 Why is That Hard? Main issue: fragmentation of resource across hosts Primary goal: Keep VMs happy by meeting their resource demands! 1 “giant host” CPU = 60 GHz Memory = 384 GB VM demand < 60 GHz All VMs running happily
  • 8. 88 Why Meet VM Demand as the Primary Goal?  VM demand satisfied VM or application happiness  Why is this not met by default? • Host level overload: VM demands may not be met on the current host  Three ways to find more capacity in your cluster • Reclaim resources from VMs on current host • Migrate VMs to a powered-on hosts with free capacity • Power on a host (exit DPM standby mode) and then migrate VMs to it  Note: demand current utilization
  • 9. 99 Why Not Load-balance the DRS Cluster as the Primary Goal?  Load-balancing is not free • When VM demand is low, load-balancing may have some cost but no benefit  Load-balancing is a mechanism used to meet VM demands Consider these 4 hosts with almost-idle VMs Note: all VMs are getting what they need Q: Should we balance VMs across hosts?
  • 10. 1010 Important Metrics and UI Controls  CPU and memory entitlement • VM deserved value based on demand, resource settings and capacity Load is not balanced but all VMs are happy!
  • 11. 1111 DRS Load-balancing: The Balls and Bins Problem  Problem: assign n balls to m bins • Balls could have different sizes • Bins could have different sizes  Key Challenges • Dynamic numbers and sizes of balls/bins • Constraints on co-location, placement and others  Now, what is a fair distribution of balls among bins?  DRS load-balancing • VM resource entitlements are the ‘balls’ • Host resource capacities are the ‘bins’ • Dynamic load, dynamic capacity • Various constraints: DRS-Disabled-On-VM, VM-to-Host affinity, …
  • 12. 1212 Goals of DRS Load-balancing  Fairly distribute VM demand among hosts in a DRS cluster  Enforce constraints • Recommend mandatory moves  Recommend moves that significantly improve imbalance  Recommend moves with long-term benefit
  • 13. 1313 How Is Imbalance Measured?  Imbalance metric is a cluster-level metric  For each host, we have  Imbalance metric is the standard deviation of these normalized entitlements  Imbalance metric = 0 perfect balance  How much imbalance can you tolerate? AWESOME!OOPS!OUCH!YIKES! 0.65 0.1 0.25 Imbalance metric = 0.2843
  • 14. 1414 The Myth of Target Balance  UI slider tells us what star threshold is acceptable  Implicit target number for cluster imbalance metric • n-star threshold tolerance of imbalance up to n * 10% in a 2-node cluster  Constraints can make it hard to meet target balance  Meeting aggressive target balance may require many migrations • DRS will recommend them only if they also make VMs happier If all VMs are happy, a little imbalance is not really a bad thing!
  • 15. 1515 Key Takeaway Points  The Goals of DRS • Provide the giant host abstraction • Meet VM demand and keep applications at high performance • Use load balancing as a secondary metric while making VMs happy  DRS recommends moves that reduce cluster imbalance  Constraints can impact achievable imbalance metric  If all VMs are happy, a little imbalance is not really a bad thing!
  • 16. 1616 New Features in vSphere 5.5 Going after harder problems, tackling specific pain-points
  • 17. 1717 Restrict #VMs per Host  Consider a perfectly balanced cluster w.r.t. CPU, Memory  Bigger host is ideal for new incoming VMs  However, spreading VMs around is important to some of you! • In vSphere 5.1, we introduced a new option  LimitVMsPerESXHost = 6 • DRS will not admit or migrate more than 6 VMs to any Host  This number must be managed manually – not really the DRS way!
  • 18. 1818 AutoTune #VMs per Host  *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: LimitVMsPerESXHostPercent  Currently: 20 VMs New: 12 VMs Total: 32 VMs  VMs per Host limit automatically set to: Mean + (Buffer% * Mean) • Mean (VMs per host, including new VMs): 8 • Buffer% (value of new option): 50 • Therefore, new limit automatically set to: 8 + (50% * 8) = 12  Use for new operations, not to correct current state Host1 Host2 Host3 Host4
  • 19. 1919 Latency-sensitive VMs and DRS  Several efforts to help latency-sensitive apps • VSVC5596 - Extreme Performance Series: Network Speed Ahead • VSVC5187 - Silent Killer: How Latency Destroys Performance...And What to Do About It  DRS recognizes VMs marked as latency-sensitive  DRS initial placement “just works”  DRS load-balancing treats VMs as if soft-affine to current hosts • Latency-sensitive workloads may be sensitive to vMotions • Soft affinity is internal, no visible new rule in the UI  VMs will not be migrated unless absolutely necessary • To fix otherwise unfixable host overutilization • To fix otherwise unfixable soft/hard rule-violation  DRS recognizes VMs marked as latency-sensitive
  • 20. 2020 CPU Ready Time: Overview  Ready time: The time a virtual CPU (vCPU) waits in a ready-to-run state before it can be scheduled on a physical CPU (pCPU)  Many causes for high ready time; many fixes; many red-herrings  Active area of investigation and research, chime in! We need help! • Give us more problem details, VC and ESX support files • www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/05/09/drs-not-taking-cpu-ready-time-in-to- account-need-your-help NEW TERMINATED WAITING READY RUNNING dispatch interrupt exitadmitted I/O or event waitI/O or event complete
  • 21. 2121 CPU Ready Time: Common “Problems” and Solutions  “%RDY is 80, that cannot be good” • Cumulative number – divide by #vCPUs to get an accurate measure • Rule-of-thumb: up to 5% per vCPU is usually alright  “Host utilization is very low, %RDY is very high” • Host power-management settings reduce effective pCPU capacity! • Set BIOS option to “OS control” and let ESX decide • Low VM or RP CPU limit values restrict cycles delivered to VMs • Increase limits (or set them back to “unlimited”, if possible)  “Host and Cluster utilization is very high, %RDY is very high” • Well, physics..  • Add more capacity to the cluster
  • 22. 2222 CPU Ready Time: NUMA Scheduling Effects  NUMA-scheduler can increase %RDY  vCPUs scheduled for data locality in caches and local memory  So what’s the solution? • There’s no real solution – there’s no real problem here!  Application performance is often better! • Benefit of NUMA-scheduling is usually more than the hit to %RDY  For very CPU-heavy apps, disabling NUMA-rebalancer might help • http://blogs.vmware.com/vsphere/2012/02/vspherenuma-loadbalancing.html node0 node1 Localmemory Localmemory 0 7 1 6 2 5 3 4 cores 7 0 6 1 5 2 4 3 cores
  • 23. 2323 CPU Ready Time: Better Handling in DRS  Severe load imbalance in the cluster - high #vCPU / #pCPU ratio • DRS automatically detects and addresses severe imbalance aggressively • Functionality added in vSphere 4.1 U3, 5.0 U2 and 5.1  CPU demand estimate too low – DRS averaging out the bursts • 5-minute CPU average may capture CPU active too conservatively • *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: AggressiveCPUActive = 1 • DRS Labs!: Better CPU demand estimation techniques  Other reasons for performance hit due to high %RDY values • Heterogeneous workloads on vCPUs of a VM, correlated workloads • DRS Labs!: NUMA-aware DRS placement and load-balancing
  • 24. 2424 Memory Demand Estimation  DRS’ view of VM memory hierarchy  Active memory determined by statistical sampling by ESX, often underestimates demand!  *NEW* in vSphere 5.5 – burst protection! • PercentIdleMBInMemDemand = 25 (default)  DRS / DPM memory demand = Active + (25% * IdleConsumed) • For aggressive demand computation, PercentIdleMBInMemDemand = 100 Active Idle Consumed Consumed Configured
  • 25. 2525 Key Takeaway Points  Number of VMs per host can now be managed with ease • Use this wisely, VM happiness and load-balance can be adversely affected  DRS handles latency-sensitive VMs effectively  Better handling of CPU ready time • *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: AggressiveCPUActive • We need your help – precise problem descriptions and dump files  Better handling of memory demand – burst protection • *NEW* in vSphere 5.5: PercentIdleMBInMemDemand
  • 26. 2626 Integrating with New Storage and Networking Features Playing nicely with vFlash, vSAN, autoscaling proxy switch ports
  • 27. 2727 VMware vFlash: Overview  VMware vFlash: new host-side caching solution in vSphere 5.5  vFlash reservations statically defined per VMDK  Cache is write-through (i.e. used as read cache only)  Cache blocks copied to destination host during vMotion by default ESX host SSDvFlash vmdk1 vmdk2 Shared storage
  • 28. 2828 VMware vFlash: DRS Support and Best Practices  DRS initial placement “just works” • vFlash reservations are enforced during admission control  DRS load-balancing treats VMs as if soft-affine to current hosts  VMs will not be migrated unless absolutely necessary • To fix otherwise unfixable host overutilization or soft/hard rule-violation  Best practices: • Use vFlash reservations judiciously • Mix up VMs that need and do not need vFlash in a single cluster
  • 29. 2929 VMware vFlash: Things to Know  Migration time is proportional to cache allocation  No need to re-warm on destination  vMotions may take longer  Host-maintenance mode operations may take longer  vFlash space can get fragmented across the cluster – no defrag. mechanism  Technical deep-dive • STO5588 - vSphere Flash Read Cache Technical Overview
  • 30. 3030 VMware vSAN: Interop with DRS  vSAN creates a distributed datastore using local SSDs and disks  A vSAN cluster can also have hosts without local storage  VMDK blocks are duplicated across several hosts for reliability  DRS is compatible with vSAN  vMotion may cause remote accesses until local caches are warmed
  • 31. 3131 Autoscaling Proxy Switch Ports and DRS  DRS admission control – proxy switch ports test • Makes sure that a host has enough ports on the proxy switch to map • vNIC ports • uplink ports • vmkernel ports  In vSphere 5.1, ports per host = 4096 • Hosts will power-on no more than ~400 VMs  *NEW* in vSphere 5.5, autoscaling switch ports • Ports per host discovered at host boot time • Proxy switch ports automatically scaled  DRS and HA will admit more VMs! VMware DRS Virtual Switch
  • 32. 3232 Key Takeaway Points  DRS and vFlash play nice! • Initial placement “just works” • vFlash reservations are enforced during admission control • DRS load-balancing treats VMs as if soft-affine to current hosts  DRS and vSAN are compatible with each other  Proxy switch ports on ESX hosts now autoscale upon boot • Large hosts can now admit many more VMs
  • 34. 3434 Network DRS: Bandwidth Reservation  Per-vNIC shares and limits have been available since vSphere 4.1  We are experimenting with per vNIC bandwidth reservations  In presence of network reservations • DRS will respect those during placement and future vMotion recommendations • pNIC capacity at host will be pooled together for this  What else would you like to see in this area?  Is pNIC contention an issue in your environment?  Network RPs?
  • 35. 3535 Static VM Overhead Memory: Overview  Static overhead memory is the amount of additional memory required to power-on or resume a VM  Various factors affect the computation • VM config. Parameters • VMware features (FT, CBRC; etc) • Host config. parameters • ESXi Build Number  This value is used for admission control! • (Reservation + static overhead) must be admitted for a successful power-on • Used by DRS initial placement, DRS load-balancing, manual migrations
  • 36. 3636 Static VM Overhead Memory: Better Estimation  Better estimation of static overhead memory leads to more consolidation during power-on! • www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/05/06/dynamic-versus-static-overhead-memory  Some very encouraging results so far  Here’s an example of a 10 vCPU VM with memsize = 120 GB • The current approach computes static overhead memory: • The new approach computes static overhead memory: <drumroll> 988.06 MB 12.26 GB
  • 37. 37 Proactive DRS: Overview Monitor ComputeEvaluate Remediate Verify  Inventory  Rules and constraints  Available capacity  Usage statistics  Alarms, notifications  RP tree integrity  Rule and constraint parameters  Free capacity  Growth rates  Derived metrics  RP violations  Rule and constrain violations  Capacity sufficient?  VMs happy?  Cluster balanced?  Migrate to fix violations  Increase VM entitlement • On same host (re-divvy) • On another host (migrate) • On another host (power on + migrate) Monitor RemediateCompute Evaluate Predict  Motivation • VM demand can be clipped • Remediation can be expensive  Goals • Predict and avoid spikes • Make remediation cheaper • Proactive load-balancing • Proactive DPM • Use predicted data for placement, evacuation DRS life-cycleProactive DRS life-cycle
  • 38. 3838 Proactive DRS: Predicting Demand with vC Ops  VMware Operations Manager – a.k.a. vC Ops • Monitors VCs and their inventories • Collects stats, does analytics and capacity planning  Monitors VC performance stats and provides dynamic thresholds • Gray area (literally ) • Range of predicted values  Proactive DRS uses upper bound as predicted demand • Various CPU and Memory metrics • Not perfect: capacity planning vs demand estimation • Work in progress, encouraging results so far
  • 39. 3939 Proactive DRS: Fling  We wrote you a fling! • http://www.labs.vmware.com/flings/proactive-drs • http://flingcontest.vmware.com  Fun tool to try out basic Proactive DRS • Connects to vC Ops, downloads dynamic thresholds, creates stats file • Puts per-cluster “predicted.stats” files into your VCs, runs once a day  To enable Proactive DRS, simply set ProactiveDRS = 1  More details, assumptions, caveats on the fling page
  • 41. 4141 In Summary  VM Happiness is the key goal of DRS  Load balancing keeps VMs happy and resource utilization fair  New features in vSphere 5.5 • Automatic management of #VMs per ESX host, Latency-sensitive VM support • Better ready-time handling, Better memory demand estimation  Interoperability with vFlash, vSAN, autoscaling proxy switch ports  Tons of cool DRS stuff in the pipeline, feedback welcome! • Beginnings of network DRS, Better estimation of VM static overhead memory • Proactive DRS!
  • 44. DRS: New Features, Best Practices and Future Directions Aashish Parikh, VMware VSVC5280 #VSVC5280
  • 46. 4646 DRS — Overview DRS Cluster vMotion  Ease of Management  Initial Placement  Runtime CPU/Memory Load-balancing  VM-to-VM and VM-to-host Affinity and Anti-Affinity  Host Maintenance Mode  Add Host ••• Always respect resource controls!
  • 47. 4747 How Are Demands Computed?  Demand indicates what a VM could consume given more resources  Demand can be higher than utilization • Think ready time  CPU demand is a function of many CPU stats  Memory demand is computed by tracking pages in guest address space and the percentage touched in a given interval
  • 48. 4848 Evaluating Candidates Moves to Generate Recommendations  Consider migrations from over-loaded to under-loaded hosts • Δ = Imbalance Metricbefore move – Imbalance Metricafter move • ‘Δ’ is also called goodness  Constraints and resource specifications are respected • VMs from Host2 are anti-affine with Host1  Prerequisite/dependent migrations also considered  List of good moves is filtered further Only the best of these moves are recommended Host1 Host2 Host3
  • 49. 4949 CPU Ready Time: Final Remarks  “Host utilization is very high, %RDY is very high” • Well, physics..   Other reasons for performance hit due to high %RDY values • Heterogenous workloads on vCPUs of a VM, correlated workloads  Playing with more ideas in DRS Labs! • Better CPU demand estimation • NUMA-aware DRS placement and load-balancing  Active area of investigation and research, chime in! We need help! • Give us more problem details, VC and ESX support files • www.yellow-bricks.com/2013/05/09/drs-not-taking-cpu-ready-time-in-to- account-need-your-help