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Sabrina Simonpietri


1. Executive Summary, February 2017
2-5. Social Media Audit
 Social Media Assessment
 Traffic sources assessment
 Customer demographics assessment
 Competitor assessment
6. Social Media Objectives
7-8. Online Brand Persona and Voice
9. Strategies and Tools
10. Timing and Key Dates
11. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities
12. Social Media Policy
13-14. Critical Response Plan
15-17. Measurement and Reporting Results, February 12, 2017-March 12, 2017


 Our main goal for 2017 will be to grow our online following. We will do so by
focusing on gaining more followers on our social media accounts and more traffic
to our website by sharing more engaging, relevant content on our accounts.
 Strategies:
 1. Increase the amount of content we put out daily to our social profiles/website
 2. Encourage loyal customer advocacy


The following is an audit of Volta Coffee, Tea & Chocolate’s
social media presence to date. It includes an assessment of
all social networks, web traffic, audience demographics, and
a competitor analysis.


Date as of February 12, 2017
Social Media Assessment
Assessment Summary: At preset time, the most interactions per post occur on
Instagram. Facebook and Twitter are both doing well with posting content but
should be looking into follower engagement and interaction.
Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate
_volta 1,990 10 posts per week 2%
?ref=page_internal 2,951 5 posts per week 4%
com/volta_coffee/ 1,292 4 posts per weel
average interactions per post:


As of February 12, 2017
Website Traffic Sources Assessment
Assessment Summary: At present time, Facebook drives the most traffic to our website by far with
Twitter not lagging too far behind. Instagram has no direct traffic data available but many social
interactions occur on this network.
Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate
Facebook 900 unique visits 25% 1.20%
Twitter 500 unique visits 10% 2%


As of February 12, 2017
Audience Demographics Assessment
Assessment Summary: Majority is overwhelmingly in the 18-30 age group. Mostly college students
whose main social networks are Facebook and Instagram. Primary motivation for visiting the café is to
find a good café to eat and get coffee at. Secondary motivation mainly involve looking for a study
location. Review what content is being posted on Facebook and Instagram and try to extend the
resources of content to Twitter.
Age Distribution Gender Distribution Primary Social Network Secondary Social Network Primary Need Secondary Need
65% 18-30 40% male 55% Facebook 45% Instagram Looking for a good café
looking for a place to
20% 31-45 60% female 35% Instagram 25% Facebook
5% 46-60 30% Twitter 20% Twitter
5% 60-80


As of February 12, 2017
Competitor Assessment
Assessment Summary: Although the competitor has a large following on their Facebook page, it does not
measure up to our current following. To remain ahead we must continue to share relevant content on a
regular basis to keep our followers engaged.
Competitor Name Social Media Profile Strengths Weaknesses
Maudes Café FB: Maudes Café big following on FB
Very little engagement and
content distribution recently


 The main focus in 2017 is to grow our online following. We will do so by gaining
more followers on our social media and gaining more traffic to our website.
 Key Supporting Message: Improving Café life in Gainesville
 Objectives:
1. Increase unique visitors to website from social networks by 15% in 8 months via:
 A. Increased sharing of newly created content from website to social networks weekly
 B. increased use of brand hashtags across all social platforms
2. Increase Instagram followers by 400 in 8 months
3. Increase customer advocacy and interactions on social
 A. Increased use of brand hashtags
 KPIs:
• Number of unique visitors to Facebook and Twitter
• Number of Instagram followers
• Sentiment analysis


 Adjectives that describe our brand:
 Relaxing
 Positive
 Educated
 Modern
 Diverse
 Refreshing


Examples in our social media:


 Paid:
 Every Friday boost most popular organic Facebook posts for the weekend. The post must have a
minimum organic reach of 75, as well as a minimum of 5 likes or 3 comments.
 Owned:
 Introduce and encourage the use of the hashtag #VoltaViews. Create signage for the hashtag in
store and spread it online for customers to use when they take pictures of your products in store.
 Partner with 3 local community events within the next 8 months to sponsor and be involved.
 Earned:
 Monitor Twitter for keywords such as: coffee, tea, chocolate, Volta, Gainesville café. Respond to any
tweets/initiate conversations with relevant tweeters.
 Partner with 3 local community events within the next 8 months to sponsor and be involved.
 Tools:
 Approved: Buffer, Hootesuite
 Rejected: N/A
 Existing Subscriptions/Licenses: N/A


 Key dates coming up:
 Valentines day
 Changeville Social Change Festival
 First day of local college midterms
 Internal Events:
 Feb. 17- PechaKucha Night
 Reporting dates:
 Reporting will occur once a quarter in February, May, August and November. Precise
dates TBA


 Social Media Manager: Angelo Serralta
 Responsibilities: Maintaining and posting content on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook
accounts including social ads, visuals, and created website content or curated content;
Responding to comments; dealing with the media.
 Social Media Coordinator: Sara Hyland
 Responsibilities: Creating content for website; maintaining website and responding to
anyone contacting us through the website.


 Social media is deeply ingrained in our day to day lives. as well as our customers lives.
We use it to spread company messages, interact with customers and partners, and to
share our personal activities, thoughts, ideas, plans and more. As an employee and
representative of Volta, Coffee, Tea & Chocolate you are expected to demonstrate
etiquette in your social media use according to these guidelines.
1. Be respectful to ALL
2. Stay out of trouble (do not post anything illegal or start a fight)
3. Act helpful to customers
4. Be nice to strangers
5. Remain polite in all situations
6. Do not put down any competition
7. Feel free to spread the word on your networks if you are excited about a new
company product, event or campaign
8. If you're not sure, ask before you tweet, we'll help
 Volta Coffee is serious about the appropriate use of social media by our employees.
Violation of the Volta Coffee social policy may result in corrective action, up to, and
including, termination. You may also be subject to legal action, including criminal
prosecution. The company also reserves the right to take any further action it believes
is appropriate. Should you have any questions or concerns please speak to your


 Contact Information:
 Scenario #1: Inappropriate tweet sent from employee account
• When Tweet is detected:
• 1. screenshot tweet and then request employee delete it.
• 2. Alert Angelo Serralta (SMM). If Angelo is unavailable alert Sara Hyland (SMC).
• 3. Angelo to sync with Sara to determine tweet impact and reach on social and decide
further action to take.
• 4. If media has picked up on tweet, Angelo will deal with direct contact. If Angelo is
unavailable, Kim will manage all contact.
• 5. Angelo and Sara to sync with employee responsible for tweet and determine any
corrective action that must be taken.
• Pre-approved messaging: N/A in this scenario
Owner Name Telephone Alt. Telephone Email
Social Media Manager Angelo Serralta 3526789677 n/a aserralta@gmail.com
Social Media Coordinator Sara Hyland 3524367854 n/a


 Scenario #2: Tweet from dissatisfied customer
 1. Angelo Serralta to manage all direct contact with customers on social. If Angelo is
unavailable, Sara Hyland will manage it.
 2. Evaluate how much reach the tweet has gotten and how impactful it is on the
 3. Angelo to respond back to tweet immediately with pre-approved message and extend
 4. Angelo and Sara to determine if there is a need for a longer statement to be directly
posted on all social.
 Pre-approved message: “We're sorry to hear that. Please DM us your email so that we
can do all that we can to help assess the situation.”


 Quantitative KPIs:
 Reporting period: 3 months
 Date as of March 12, 2017
 Social Network Data
 Website Traffic Data
 Results Assessment: Our Instagram following has grown grown by 223 in 3 months, looking
ahead of schedule to hit the target of 400 followers in 8 months before planned.
Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate
ue_volta 2304 +8% growth 13 posts per week +6% increase 4%
al 4000 +10% growth 11 posts per week +110% increase 6%
m.com/volta_coffee/ 1,515 +6% growth 8 posts per week +100% increase average interactions per post: 80
Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate
1,600 unique visits +7%
growth 30% 3%
700 unique visits +5%
growth 55% 1.40%


 Qualitative KPIs:
 The Social team has done a great job of curating and creating content for social as well
as our site. Our unique visitors goal to our website of 15% in 8 months is on track. This
is in part largely due to the increased number of posts we have generated. Our online
community has received our content well.
 Sentiment Analysis:
 It has been decided that we will do a website renovation in the Summer season. We will
place a greater focus on integrating our social content on our website and vice versa,
making all of our networks more collective.
 #VoltaViews hashtag performance
 Between February 12, 2017 and March 12, 2017 the hashtag was mentioned 576 times
on Twitter and 707 times in Instagram.
 More than 60% of the customers who used the hashtag on their Instagram used it more
than once in the 3 month period and 40% used it more than 4 times.


 Proposed Action Items
 Continue #VoltaViews campaign
 Prepare a content strategy and website revamp plan for the upcoming summer

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  • 2. 1. Executive Summary, February 2017 2-5. Social Media Audit  Social Media Assessment  Traffic sources assessment  Customer demographics assessment  Competitor assessment 6. Social Media Objectives 7-8. Online Brand Persona and Voice 9. Strategies and Tools 10. Timing and Key Dates 11. Social Media Roles and Responsibilities 12. Social Media Policy 13-14. Critical Response Plan 15-17. Measurement and Reporting Results, February 12, 2017-March 12, 2017
  • 3.  Our main goal for 2017 will be to grow our online following. We will do so by focusing on gaining more followers on our social media accounts and more traffic to our website by sharing more engaging, relevant content on our accounts.  Strategies:  1. Increase the amount of content we put out daily to our social profiles/website  2. Encourage loyal customer advocacy
  • 4. The following is an audit of Volta Coffee, Tea & Chocolate’s social media presence to date. It includes an assessment of all social networks, web traffic, audience demographics, and a competitor analysis.
  • 5. Date as of February 12, 2017 Social Media Assessment Assessment Summary: At preset time, the most interactions per post occur on Instagram. Facebook and Twitter are both doing well with posting content but should be looking into follower engagement and interaction. Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate Twitter https://twitter.com/true _volta 1,990 10 posts per week 2% facebook https://www.facebook.c om/pg/VoltaGNV/likes/ ?ref=page_internal 2,951 5 posts per week 4% instagram https://www.instagram. com/volta_coffee/ 1,292 4 posts per weel average interactions per post: 45
  • 6. As of February 12, 2017 Website Traffic Sources Assessment Assessment Summary: At present time, Facebook drives the most traffic to our website by far with Twitter not lagging too far behind. Instagram has no direct traffic data available but many social interactions occur on this network. Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate Facebook 900 unique visits 25% 1.20% Twitter 500 unique visits 10% 2% Instagram NO DATA NO DATA NO DATA
  • 7. As of February 12, 2017 Audience Demographics Assessment Assessment Summary: Majority is overwhelmingly in the 18-30 age group. Mostly college students whose main social networks are Facebook and Instagram. Primary motivation for visiting the café is to find a good café to eat and get coffee at. Secondary motivation mainly involve looking for a study location. Review what content is being posted on Facebook and Instagram and try to extend the resources of content to Twitter. Age Distribution Gender Distribution Primary Social Network Secondary Social Network Primary Need Secondary Need 65% 18-30 40% male 55% Facebook 45% Instagram Looking for a good café looking for a place to study 20% 31-45 60% female 35% Instagram 25% Facebook 5% 46-60 30% Twitter 20% Twitter 5% 60-80
  • 8. As of February 12, 2017 Competitor Assessment Assessment Summary: Although the competitor has a large following on their Facebook page, it does not measure up to our current following. To remain ahead we must continue to share relevant content on a regular basis to keep our followers engaged. Competitor Name Social Media Profile Strengths Weaknesses Maudes Café FB: Maudes Café big following on FB Very little engagement and content distribution recently
  • 9.  The main focus in 2017 is to grow our online following. We will do so by gaining more followers on our social media and gaining more traffic to our website.  Key Supporting Message: Improving Café life in Gainesville  Objectives: 1. Increase unique visitors to website from social networks by 15% in 8 months via:  A. Increased sharing of newly created content from website to social networks weekly  B. increased use of brand hashtags across all social platforms 2. Increase Instagram followers by 400 in 8 months 3. Increase customer advocacy and interactions on social  A. Increased use of brand hashtags  KPIs: • Number of unique visitors to Facebook and Twitter • Number of Instagram followers • Sentiment analysis
  • 10.  Adjectives that describe our brand:  Relaxing  Positive  Educated  Modern  Diverse  Refreshing
  • 11. Examples in our social media:
  • 12.  Paid:  Every Friday boost most popular organic Facebook posts for the weekend. The post must have a minimum organic reach of 75, as well as a minimum of 5 likes or 3 comments.  Owned:  Introduce and encourage the use of the hashtag #VoltaViews. Create signage for the hashtag in store and spread it online for customers to use when they take pictures of your products in store.  Partner with 3 local community events within the next 8 months to sponsor and be involved.  Earned:  Monitor Twitter for keywords such as: coffee, tea, chocolate, Volta, Gainesville café. Respond to any tweets/initiate conversations with relevant tweeters.  Partner with 3 local community events within the next 8 months to sponsor and be involved.  Tools:  Approved: Buffer, Hootesuite  Rejected: N/A  Existing Subscriptions/Licenses: N/A
  • 13.  Key dates coming up:  Valentines day  Changeville Social Change Festival  First day of local college midterms  Internal Events:  Feb. 17- PechaKucha Night  Reporting dates:  Reporting will occur once a quarter in February, May, August and November. Precise dates TBA
  • 14.  Social Media Manager: Angelo Serralta  Responsibilities: Maintaining and posting content on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts including social ads, visuals, and created website content or curated content; Responding to comments; dealing with the media.  Social Media Coordinator: Sara Hyland  Responsibilities: Creating content for website; maintaining website and responding to anyone contacting us through the website.
  • 15.  Social media is deeply ingrained in our day to day lives. as well as our customers lives. We use it to spread company messages, interact with customers and partners, and to share our personal activities, thoughts, ideas, plans and more. As an employee and representative of Volta, Coffee, Tea & Chocolate you are expected to demonstrate etiquette in your social media use according to these guidelines. 1. Be respectful to ALL 2. Stay out of trouble (do not post anything illegal or start a fight) 3. Act helpful to customers 4. Be nice to strangers 5. Remain polite in all situations 6. Do not put down any competition 7. Feel free to spread the word on your networks if you are excited about a new company product, event or campaign 8. If you're not sure, ask before you tweet, we'll help  Volta Coffee is serious about the appropriate use of social media by our employees. Violation of the Volta Coffee social policy may result in corrective action, up to, and including, termination. You may also be subject to legal action, including criminal prosecution. The company also reserves the right to take any further action it believes is appropriate. Should you have any questions or concerns please speak to your Manager.
  • 16.  Contact Information:  Scenario #1: Inappropriate tweet sent from employee account • When Tweet is detected: • 1. screenshot tweet and then request employee delete it. • 2. Alert Angelo Serralta (SMM). If Angelo is unavailable alert Sara Hyland (SMC). • 3. Angelo to sync with Sara to determine tweet impact and reach on social and decide further action to take. • 4. If media has picked up on tweet, Angelo will deal with direct contact. If Angelo is unavailable, Kim will manage all contact. • 5. Angelo and Sara to sync with employee responsible for tweet and determine any corrective action that must be taken. • Pre-approved messaging: N/A in this scenario Owner Name Telephone Alt. Telephone Email Social Media Manager Angelo Serralta 3526789677 n/a aserralta@gmail.com Social Media Coordinator Sara Hyland 3524367854 n/a hylandsara@gmail.co m
  • 17.  Scenario #2: Tweet from dissatisfied customer  1. Angelo Serralta to manage all direct contact with customers on social. If Angelo is unavailable, Sara Hyland will manage it.  2. Evaluate how much reach the tweet has gotten and how impactful it is on the company.  3. Angelo to respond back to tweet immediately with pre-approved message and extend concern.  4. Angelo and Sara to determine if there is a need for a longer statement to be directly posted on all social.  Pre-approved message: “We're sorry to hear that. Please DM us your email so that we can do all that we can to help assess the situation.”
  • 18.  Quantitative KPIs:  Reporting period: 3 months  Date as of March 12, 2017  Social Network Data  Website Traffic Data  Results Assessment: Our Instagram following has grown grown by 223 in 3 months, looking ahead of schedule to hit the target of 400 followers in 8 months before planned. Social Network URL Follower Count Average Weekly Activity Average Engagement Rate Twitter https://twitter.com/tr ue_volta 2304 +8% growth 13 posts per week +6% increase 4% Facebook https://www.facebook .com/pg/VoltaGNV/li kes/?ref=page_intern al 4000 +10% growth 11 posts per week +110% increase 6% Instagram https://www.instagra m.com/volta_coffee/ 1,515 +6% growth 8 posts per week +100% increase average interactions per post: 80 Source Volume % of Overall Traffic Conversion Rate Twitter 1,600 unique visits +7% growth 30% 3% Facebook 700 unique visits +5% growth 55% 1.40%
  • 19.  Qualitative KPIs:  The Social team has done a great job of curating and creating content for social as well as our site. Our unique visitors goal to our website of 15% in 8 months is on track. This is in part largely due to the increased number of posts we have generated. Our online community has received our content well.  Sentiment Analysis:  It has been decided that we will do a website renovation in the Summer season. We will place a greater focus on integrating our social content on our website and vice versa, making all of our networks more collective.  #VoltaViews hashtag performance  Between February 12, 2017 and March 12, 2017 the hashtag was mentioned 576 times on Twitter and 707 times in Instagram.  More than 60% of the customers who used the hashtag on their Instagram used it more than once in the 3 month period and 40% used it more than 4 times.
  • 20.  Proposed Action Items  Continue #VoltaViews campaign  Prepare a content strategy and website revamp plan for the upcoming summer season.