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HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

HR Measures, Metrics
and Analytics Summit
  January 20-22, 2010
                           Develop and Implement HR Measures and Metrics
  Arlington, VA            for a More Productive and Innovative Workforce

                           You Will Learn to:
  Use Metrics              Measure the Connection Between HR Programs and Strategic Outcomes
  to Drive                 Understand the potential of human capital to achieve organizational missions
                           and goals
                           Benchmark Organizational Effectiveness through the Use of HR Metrics
  Monitor                  and Analytics
                           Identify best practices in HR metrics and analytics to maximize your
  Performance              organization’s ROI
  and Improve              Utilize Assessment Measures to Improve Performance and Planning
  Results                  Assess which areas of human capital development you should invest extensive
                           quality and training efforts

                           Manage and Maximize the Value of Your Workforce
                           Use workforce data to develop a results-oriented performance culture

In Association with:

                                                                      www.HR-Measures.com 1
                  HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

                  Day One: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
                    8:15   Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast
                    9:00   Keynote Address: Understand the Importance of Tracking the Effectiveness of Your HR
                   10:00   Break and Refreshments
                   10:15   Implement and Manage HR Performance Measures, Metrics and Analytics
                   11:15   Select the Right Metrics to Increase Workforce Performance and Productivity
                   12:15   Lunch Break
                    1:00   Measure the Bottom Line Impact of Workforce Analytics
                    2:00   Break and Refreshments
                    2:15   Develop Six Sigma Performance Improvement Metrics
                    3:15   Connect Key Performance Indicators with Continuous Improvement
                    4:15   Day One Adjourns

                  Day Two: Thursday, January 21, 2010
                    8:15   Continental Breakfast
                    9:00   Keynote Address: Use Workforce Metrics to Drive Innovation
                   10:00   Break and Refreshments
                   10:15   Use an ROI Approach to Manage Talent Retention
                   11:15   Develop a Balanced Scorecard to Advance Your HR Line of Business
                   12:15   Lunch Break
                    1:00   Measure and Improve Employee Engagement
                    2:00   Break and Refreshments
                    2:15   Analyze the Return on Workforce Investments
                    3:15   Use Data to Build Workforce Intelligence
                    4:15   Conference Adjourns

                  Day Three: Friday, January 22, 2010
                    8:30   Workshop Registration and Continental Breakfast

                    9:00   Workshop: Design a Metrics System to Drive Innovation and Performance

                   12:00   Workshop Adjourns

         who should attend:
           HR Executives                                                 Director of HR
           HR Practitioners                                              Executive Management
           CEOs                                                          Budget Directors
           CHRO                                                          Recruitment Professionals
           EVP, SVP, VP of HR                                            Retention Specialists

2        www.HR-Measures.com
day one
        HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

        January 20, 2010
        Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast

        keynote address
        Understand the Importance of Tracking the Effectiveness of Your
        HR Department
        In order to show the direct impact the human resource function has on all aspects of an organization,
        a strong metrics system must be implemented to support such contentions. In this session, you will
        gain a better understanding of how the implementation and communication of these measures will
        relay overall effectiveness within your organization. During this keynote you will learn how to increase
        the effectiveness of your HR strategies and functions in addition to learning more about emerging
        issues in the human resource arena.

        Break & Refreshments

        Implement and Manage HR Performance Measures, Metrics and Analytics
          Develop manageable and useful metrics by calculating the increase in transparency
          Assess measures based on employee actions to evaluate productivity
          Benchmark your human capital management approach with best-in-class examples
        Harry Griendling, Director of Staffing Solutions, DoubleStar, Inc.

        Select the Right Metrics to Increase Workforce Performance and Productivity
          Understand employees’ roles and their connection to organizational strategy
          Link employee development and enterprise success
          Identify outcomes that drive employee activities
        Brian Lowenthal, Managing Partner, Benchmark Partners LLC

        Lunch Break

top five reasons to attend:
 Implement               Design a metrics            Assess the impact      Discover the best   Reduce costs
 best-in-class HR        system to drive             and cost of your       way to measure      and improve
 performance             innovation and              learning programs      your talent         satisfaction
 measures                performance                                        management          throughout all of
                                                                            process             your HR functions

                                                                                            www.HR-Measures.com          3
day one
                  HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

                  January 20, 2010
                  Measure the Bottom Line Impact of Workforce Analytics
                    Understand why workforce measurements are mission critical to bottom line results
                    Establish performance measurement as a driver for success
                    Develop a measurement process that is valid and relevant to your organization
                  Dr. Michael Kannisto, Talent Acquisition, University Relations, Employment Branding, BASF

                  Break & Refreshments

                  Develop Six Sigma Performance Improvement Metrics
                    Reduce costs and improve satisfaction throughout all of your HR functions
                    Restructure your hiring procedures to circumvent long delays
                    Benchmark your results to understand how six sigma can be implemented throughout your
                      HR department

                  Connect Key Performance Indicators with Continuous Improvement
                    Determine if your HR department is operating at best-in-class levels
                    Decide if HR functions are supporting the profitability objectives of the organization
                    Establish meaningful KPIs for your HR functions

                  Day One Adjourns

               “Good ideas for measurements and how to suggest
                ideas to management.”
                                                                                                             Mary Doran,
                                                                                                       Hannaford Bros. Co.

4         www.HR-Measures.com
day two
    HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

    January 21, 2010
    Continental Breakfast

    keynote address
    Use Workforce Metrics to Drive Innovation
    In a down-turned economy and competitive market, innovation is key. The challenge of
    innovation isn’t usually the development of ideas but instead successfully managing the
    process so that it delivers a good ROI in people, time and money. This keynote will help you
    understand how to use workforce metrics to drive innovation and give you skills that will help
    your organization stay ahead of the curve.

    Break & Refreshments

    Use an ROI Approach to Manage Talent Retention
      Accurately measure the cost of talent departure
      Pinpoint causes of top talent turnover
      Design, implement and measure impact of solutions
    Lisa Edwards, Director of Learning and Development, Corbis

    Develop a Balanced Scorecard to Advance Your HR Line of Business
      Construct a balanced scorecard that improves the behavioral outcomes that are tied to
       organizational success
      Utilize your dashboard to measure how changes in business and human resource strategy
        affect employee performance
      Create a plan of action to close identified performance gaps

    Lunch Break

“Good examples of applying methodology to business.
 Good data that we can use later.”
                                                                                        Carla Drake,
                                                                           Management System Lead,
                                                                            Idaho National Laboratory

                                                                                      www.HR-Measures.com        5
day two
                  HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

                  January 21, 2010
                  Measure and Improve Employee Engagement
                    Calculate the financial impact of employee engagement
                    Crack the talent code to identify the factors that cause a person to engage, perform and
                      want to stay
                    Reduce turnover by identifying the causes of employee dissatisfaction
                  Dwight Cooper, Chief Executive Officer, PPR Healthcare

                  Break & Refreshments

                  Analyze the Return on Workforce Investments
                    Identify and measure the human capital factors that affect organizational performance
                    Measure and monitor the initiatives that best influence your desired outcomes
                    Apply and align value-based metrics to your strategic HR goals and initiatives

                  Use Data to Build Workforce Intelligence
                    Analyze your workforce’s impact on the business
                    Identify solutions to workforce issues
                    Understand where your workforce is most effective

                  Conference Adjourns

               “Great energy, appropriate examples that were
                                                                                                         Brian Houghton,
                                                                                            Talent Management Analyst, 3M

6         www.HR-Measures.com
     HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

      January 22, 2010
Workshops are designed to be an interactive way for participants to learn the latest
techniques in order to implement them in their workplace. This workshop provides
a platform to learn practical applications of current best practices. Space in this
comprehensive workshop is limited, so be sure to reserve your seat today.

      Workshop Registration & Continental Breakfast

      Design a Metrics System to Drive Innovation and Performance
      With over 500 human capital metrics, implementing the top 10 within your organization is a
      difficult undertaking. In order to apply the most appropriate measures and metrics requires a
      defined company mission. Understanding company areas that need improvement and what you
      want to measure can help streamline the process.
      During this workshop, you will learn how to:
        Receive over 500 different metrics to choose from and begin the process of selecting your
          handful of measures
        Understand the value of data reliability
        Develop tools to collect, compile and maintain critical information necessary for viable
      Shebani Patel, Manager, Saratoga Institute, PriceWaterhouseCoopers

      Workshop Adjourns

“Very interesting, provided a great way to look at
 metrics for insight.”
                                                                                            Adam Allmon,
                                                                              Business Intelligence, Target

                                                                                         www.HR-Measures.com          7
                   HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

                   In House Training
                   One of the more popular vehicles for            session to your objectives. While the majority
                   accessing the Institute’s educational           of on-site trainings are focused on smaller
                   offerings is the delivery of on-site            groups, the Institute also has the ability to
                   trainings and management facilitations.         accommodate organizational-wide training
                   Bringing a training or facilitation in-house    initiatives. Utilizing multiple instructors, the
                   gives you the opportunity to customize          Institute has the capacity to deliver courses
                   a program that addresses your exact             to groups of up to 300 participants per day.
                   challenges and provides a more personal
                   learning experience, while virtually            AREAS OF EXPERTISE
                   eliminating travel expenses. Whether you        On-site delivery of single courses,
                   require training for a small group or for an    certification programs and entire packages
                   organizational-wide initiative, the advanced    of specialized courses are available in the
                   learning methods employed by the Institute      following areas:
                   will create an intimate training atmosphere
                   that maximizes knowledge transfer to               Strategic Planning
                   enhance the talent within your organization.       Performance Measurement

                                                                      Project Management
                   We realize that not all obstacles can be           Lean Six Sigma
                   overcome by applying an “off-the-shelf             Workforce Management
                   solution”. While many training providers will      Budgeting and Forecasting
                   offer you some variation of their standard
                   training, the Institute’s subject matter
                   experts will work with you and your team           Performance Reporting
                   to examine your programs and determine             Program Evaluation
                   your exact areas of need. The identification        Administrative Management
                   of real life examples will create a learning
                                                                      Change Management
                   atmosphere that resonates with participants
                   while at the same time providing immediate         Balanced Scorecard
                   return on your training investment. Using
                   interactive exercises that employ actual        For more information about in-house training
                   projects or scenarios from your organization,   options available to you, please contact Jennifer
                   instructors can address specific                 Mueller at 202-739-9619 or email her at
                   challenges and align the curriculum of each     Jennifer.Mueller@PerformanceInstutite.org

8          www.HR-Measures.com
HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

         Logistics & Registration
         Venue and Hotel:                                      Tuition & Group Discounts:
         HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics will be held       The tuition rate for attending the College &
         at The Performance Institute Conference Center        University Performance Summit 2009 is as follows:
         in Arlington, VA, just one block east of the           Offerings                                  Tuition
         Courthouse Metro stop on the Orange Line. A
         public parking garage is located just inside of the    Conference                                 $1799
         building for $10/day.                                  Post-Conference                            $399
         The Performance Institute Conference Center
         1515 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 600                     * For the early bird rate or for information
         Arlington, VA 22201                                     on group discounts, please contact Blake
         877-992-9522                                            Humble at 858-866-9352 or email him
                                                                 at Blake.Humble@ASMIWeb.com
         A limited number of rooms have been reserved
         at the Arlington Rosslyn Courtyard by Marriott        Cancellations and
                                                               For live events: ASMI will provide a full refund less $399 administration
         at the prevailing rate of $209 until December         fee for cancellations four weeks before the event. If cancellation occurs
         19, 2009. Please call the hotel directly and          within two weeks prior to conference start date, no refund will be issued.
                                                               Registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel prior to the event will be
         reference code “HR Measures” when making              charged the entire registration fee.
         reservations to get the discounted rate. The hotel
                                                               For webinars: ASMI will provide a full refund less $50 administrative fee
         is conveniently located three blocks from the         for cancellations four weeks before the event. If cancellation occurs
         Rosslyn Metro station. Please ask the hotel about     within two weeks prior to conference start date, no refund will be issued.
         a complimentary shuttle that is also available for    .
                                                               Registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel prior to the meeting will
                                                               be charged the entire registration fee.
         your convenience.
                                                               All the cancellation requests need to be made online. Your confirmation
                                                               email contains links to modify or cancel registrations. Please note that the
         Arlington Rosslyn Courtyard by Marriott               cancellation is not final until you receive a written confirmation.
         1533 Clarendon Blvd.                                  Payment must be secured prior to the conference. If payment is not
         Arlington, VA 22209                                   received by the conference start date, a method of payment must
         Phone: 703-528-2222 / 1-800-321-2211                  be presented at the time of registration in order to guarantee your
                                                               participation at the event.
                                                               Quality Assurance
                                                               ASMI strives to provide you with the most productive and effective
                                                               educational experience possible. If after completing the course you feel

sponsorship opportunities                                      there is some way we can improve, please write your comments on the
                                                               evaluation form provided upon your arrival. Should you feel dissatisfied
                                                               with your learning experience and wish to request a credit or refund,
                                                               please submit it in writing no later than 10 business days after the end of
As a conference and training provider, The American            the training to:
Strategic Management Institute is an expert in bringing        ASMI Corporate Headquarters: Quality Assurance
                                                               805 15th Street NW, 3rd Floor
together leaders to share and discuss best practices and       Washington, DC 20005
                                                               Note: As speakers are confirmed six months before the event, some
innovations. We connect decision-makers with respected         speaker changes or topic changes may occur in the program. ASMI is not
solution providers.                                            responsible for speaker changes, but will work to ensure a comparable
                                                               speaker is located to participate in the program.
ASMI offers four different pre-designed                        If for any reason ASMI decides to cancel this conference, ASMI accepts
                                                               no responsibility for covering airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by
sponsorship packages:                                          registrants, including delegates, sponsors and guests.

 Event Co-Sponsor                                              Discounts
                                                               All ‘Early Bird’ Discounts must require payment at time of registration and
 Session Sponsor                                               before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount.
                                                               Any discounts offered whether by ASMI (including team discounts) must
                                                               also require payment at the time of registration.
 Luncheon Sponsor                                              All discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer.
                                                               Discounts cannot be applied retroactively
 Exhibit Booth Sponsor

For more information on sponsorships or to get
started, contact Blake Humble at 858-866-9352
or Blake.Humble@ASMIWeb.com
                                                                                                    www.HR-Measures.com                       9
HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit

     Logistics & Registration

      to register
                 Call                                 Fax this Form to                    Visit
                 877-992-9522                         866-234-0680                        www.HRMeasures.com

       Registration Form
              Yes! Register me for HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit
              Yes! Register me for HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit and the Workshop
              Please call me. I am interested in a special Group Discount for my team

       Delegate Information

       Name                                                         Title

       Organization                                                 Dept.


       City                                                         State                         Zip

       Telephone                                                    Fax


       Payment Information
          Check           Purchase Order / Training Form          Credit Card

       Credit Card Number                                           Expiration Date                         Verification no.

       Name on Card                                                 Billing Zip

       Please make checks payable to: The Performance Institute
                                                                                                        Priority Code: W231-WEB

10     www.HR-Measures.com

More Related Content


  • 1. HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit January 20-22, 2010 Develop and Implement HR Measures and Metrics Arlington, VA for a More Productive and Innovative Workforce You Will Learn to: Use Metrics Measure the Connection Between HR Programs and Strategic Outcomes to Drive Understand the potential of human capital to achieve organizational missions and goals Decisions, Benchmark Organizational Effectiveness through the Use of HR Metrics Monitor and Analytics Identify best practices in HR metrics and analytics to maximize your Performance organization’s ROI and Improve Utilize Assessment Measures to Improve Performance and Planning Results Assess which areas of human capital development you should invest extensive quality and training efforts Manage and Maximize the Value of Your Workforce Use workforce data to develop a results-oriented performance culture In Association with: www.HR-Measures.com 1 www.HR-Measures.com
  • 2. agenda HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit Agenda-at-a-Glance Day One: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:15 Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 Keynote Address: Understand the Importance of Tracking the Effectiveness of Your HR Department 10:00 Break and Refreshments 10:15 Implement and Manage HR Performance Measures, Metrics and Analytics 11:15 Select the Right Metrics to Increase Workforce Performance and Productivity 12:15 Lunch Break 1:00 Measure the Bottom Line Impact of Workforce Analytics 2:00 Break and Refreshments 2:15 Develop Six Sigma Performance Improvement Metrics 3:15 Connect Key Performance Indicators with Continuous Improvement 4:15 Day One Adjourns Day Two: Thursday, January 21, 2010 8:15 Continental Breakfast 9:00 Keynote Address: Use Workforce Metrics to Drive Innovation 10:00 Break and Refreshments 10:15 Use an ROI Approach to Manage Talent Retention 11:15 Develop a Balanced Scorecard to Advance Your HR Line of Business 12:15 Lunch Break 1:00 Measure and Improve Employee Engagement 2:00 Break and Refreshments 2:15 Analyze the Return on Workforce Investments 3:15 Use Data to Build Workforce Intelligence 4:15 Conference Adjourns Day Three: Friday, January 22, 2010 8:30 Workshop Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 Workshop: Design a Metrics System to Drive Innovation and Performance 12:00 Workshop Adjourns who should attend: HR Executives Director of HR HR Practitioners Executive Management CEOs Budget Directors CHRO Recruitment Professionals EVP, SVP, VP of HR Retention Specialists 2 www.HR-Measures.com
  • 3. day one HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit January 20, 2010 8:30 Conference Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 keynote address Understand the Importance of Tracking the Effectiveness of Your HR Department In order to show the direct impact the human resource function has on all aspects of an organization, a strong metrics system must be implemented to support such contentions. In this session, you will gain a better understanding of how the implementation and communication of these measures will relay overall effectiveness within your organization. During this keynote you will learn how to increase the effectiveness of your HR strategies and functions in addition to learning more about emerging issues in the human resource arena. 10:00 Break & Refreshments 10:15 Implement and Manage HR Performance Measures, Metrics and Analytics Develop manageable and useful metrics by calculating the increase in transparency Assess measures based on employee actions to evaluate productivity Benchmark your human capital management approach with best-in-class examples Harry Griendling, Director of Staffing Solutions, DoubleStar, Inc. 11:15 Select the Right Metrics to Increase Workforce Performance and Productivity Understand employees’ roles and their connection to organizational strategy Link employee development and enterprise success Identify outcomes that drive employee activities Brian Lowenthal, Managing Partner, Benchmark Partners LLC 12:15 Lunch Break top five reasons to attend: Implement Design a metrics Assess the impact Discover the best Reduce costs best-in-class HR system to drive and cost of your way to measure and improve performance innovation and learning programs your talent satisfaction measures performance management throughout all of process your HR functions www.HR-Measures.com 3
  • 4. day one HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit January 20, 2010 1:00 Measure the Bottom Line Impact of Workforce Analytics Understand why workforce measurements are mission critical to bottom line results Establish performance measurement as a driver for success Develop a measurement process that is valid and relevant to your organization Dr. Michael Kannisto, Talent Acquisition, University Relations, Employment Branding, BASF 2:00 Break & Refreshments 2:15 Develop Six Sigma Performance Improvement Metrics Reduce costs and improve satisfaction throughout all of your HR functions Restructure your hiring procedures to circumvent long delays Benchmark your results to understand how six sigma can be implemented throughout your HR department 3:15 Connect Key Performance Indicators with Continuous Improvement Determine if your HR department is operating at best-in-class levels Decide if HR functions are supporting the profitability objectives of the organization Establish meaningful KPIs for your HR functions 4:15 Day One Adjourns “Good ideas for measurements and how to suggest ideas to management.” Mary Doran, Hannaford Bros. Co. 4 www.HR-Measures.com
  • 5. day two HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit January 21, 2010 8:30 Continental Breakfast 9:00 keynote address Use Workforce Metrics to Drive Innovation In a down-turned economy and competitive market, innovation is key. The challenge of innovation isn’t usually the development of ideas but instead successfully managing the process so that it delivers a good ROI in people, time and money. This keynote will help you understand how to use workforce metrics to drive innovation and give you skills that will help your organization stay ahead of the curve. 10:00 Break & Refreshments 10:15 Use an ROI Approach to Manage Talent Retention Accurately measure the cost of talent departure Pinpoint causes of top talent turnover Design, implement and measure impact of solutions Lisa Edwards, Director of Learning and Development, Corbis 11:15 Develop a Balanced Scorecard to Advance Your HR Line of Business Construct a balanced scorecard that improves the behavioral outcomes that are tied to organizational success Utilize your dashboard to measure how changes in business and human resource strategy affect employee performance Create a plan of action to close identified performance gaps 12:15 Lunch Break “Good examples of applying methodology to business. Good data that we can use later.” Carla Drake, Management System Lead, Idaho National Laboratory www.HR-Measures.com 5
  • 6. day two HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit January 21, 2010 1:00 Measure and Improve Employee Engagement Calculate the financial impact of employee engagement Crack the talent code to identify the factors that cause a person to engage, perform and want to stay Reduce turnover by identifying the causes of employee dissatisfaction Dwight Cooper, Chief Executive Officer, PPR Healthcare 2:00 Break & Refreshments 2:15 Analyze the Return on Workforce Investments Identify and measure the human capital factors that affect organizational performance Measure and monitor the initiatives that best influence your desired outcomes Apply and align value-based metrics to your strategic HR goals and initiatives 3:15 Use Data to Build Workforce Intelligence Analyze your workforce’s impact on the business Identify solutions to workforce issues Understand where your workforce is most effective 4:15 Conference Adjourns “Great energy, appropriate examples that were transferable.” Brian Houghton, Talent Management Analyst, 3M 6 www.HR-Measures.com
  • 7. workshops HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit January 22, 2010 Workshops are designed to be an interactive way for participants to learn the latest techniques in order to implement them in their workplace. This workshop provides a platform to learn practical applications of current best practices. Space in this comprehensive workshop is limited, so be sure to reserve your seat today. 8:30 Workshop Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00 workshop Design a Metrics System to Drive Innovation and Performance With over 500 human capital metrics, implementing the top 10 within your organization is a difficult undertaking. In order to apply the most appropriate measures and metrics requires a defined company mission. Understanding company areas that need improvement and what you want to measure can help streamline the process. During this workshop, you will learn how to: Receive over 500 different metrics to choose from and begin the process of selecting your handful of measures Understand the value of data reliability Develop tools to collect, compile and maintain critical information necessary for viable metrics Shebani Patel, Manager, Saratoga Institute, PriceWaterhouseCoopers 12:00 Workshop Adjourns “Very interesting, provided a great way to look at metrics for insight.” Adam Allmon, Business Intelligence, Target www.HR-Measures.com 7
  • 8. training HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit In House Training One of the more popular vehicles for session to your objectives. While the majority accessing the Institute’s educational of on-site trainings are focused on smaller offerings is the delivery of on-site groups, the Institute also has the ability to trainings and management facilitations. accommodate organizational-wide training Bringing a training or facilitation in-house initiatives. Utilizing multiple instructors, the gives you the opportunity to customize Institute has the capacity to deliver courses a program that addresses your exact to groups of up to 300 participants per day. challenges and provides a more personal learning experience, while virtually AREAS OF EXPERTISE eliminating travel expenses. Whether you On-site delivery of single courses, require training for a small group or for an certification programs and entire packages organizational-wide initiative, the advanced of specialized courses are available in the learning methods employed by the Institute following areas: will create an intimate training atmosphere that maximizes knowledge transfer to Strategic Planning enhance the talent within your organization. Performance Measurement Project Management CUSTOMIZATION We realize that not all obstacles can be Lean Six Sigma overcome by applying an “off-the-shelf Workforce Management solution”. While many training providers will Budgeting and Forecasting offer you some variation of their standard Contracting training, the Institute’s subject matter experts will work with you and your team Performance Reporting to examine your programs and determine Program Evaluation your exact areas of need. The identification Administrative Management of real life examples will create a learning Change Management atmosphere that resonates with participants while at the same time providing immediate Balanced Scorecard return on your training investment. Using interactive exercises that employ actual For more information about in-house training projects or scenarios from your organization, options available to you, please contact Jennifer instructors can address specific Mueller at 202-739-9619 or email her at challenges and align the curriculum of each Jennifer.Mueller@PerformanceInstutite.org 8 www.HR-Measures.com
  • 9. HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit Logistics & Registration Venue and Hotel: Tuition & Group Discounts: HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics will be held The tuition rate for attending the College & at The Performance Institute Conference Center University Performance Summit 2009 is as follows: in Arlington, VA, just one block east of the Offerings Tuition Courthouse Metro stop on the Orange Line. A public parking garage is located just inside of the Conference $1799 building for $10/day. Post-Conference $399 Workshop The Performance Institute Conference Center 1515 N. Courthouse Rd., Suite 600 * For the early bird rate or for information Arlington, VA 22201 on group discounts, please contact Blake 877-992-9522 Humble at 858-866-9352 or email him at Blake.Humble@ASMIWeb.com A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the Arlington Rosslyn Courtyard by Marriott Cancellations and For live events: ASMI will provide a full refund less $399 administration at the prevailing rate of $209 until December fee for cancellations four weeks before the event. If cancellation occurs 19, 2009. Please call the hotel directly and within two weeks prior to conference start date, no refund will be issued. Registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel prior to the event will be reference code “HR Measures” when making charged the entire registration fee. reservations to get the discounted rate. The hotel For webinars: ASMI will provide a full refund less $50 administrative fee is conveniently located three blocks from the for cancellations four weeks before the event. If cancellation occurs Rosslyn Metro station. Please ask the hotel about within two weeks prior to conference start date, no refund will be issued. a complimentary shuttle that is also available for . Registrants who fail to attend and do not cancel prior to the meeting will be charged the entire registration fee. your convenience. All the cancellation requests need to be made online. Your confirmation email contains links to modify or cancel registrations. Please note that the Arlington Rosslyn Courtyard by Marriott cancellation is not final until you receive a written confirmation. 1533 Clarendon Blvd. Payment must be secured prior to the conference. If payment is not Arlington, VA 22209 received by the conference start date, a method of payment must Phone: 703-528-2222 / 1-800-321-2211 be presented at the time of registration in order to guarantee your participation at the event. www.courtyardarlingtonrosslyn.com Quality Assurance ASMI strives to provide you with the most productive and effective educational experience possible. If after completing the course you feel sponsorship opportunities there is some way we can improve, please write your comments on the evaluation form provided upon your arrival. Should you feel dissatisfied with your learning experience and wish to request a credit or refund, please submit it in writing no later than 10 business days after the end of As a conference and training provider, The American the training to: Strategic Management Institute is an expert in bringing ASMI Corporate Headquarters: Quality Assurance 805 15th Street NW, 3rd Floor together leaders to share and discuss best practices and Washington, DC 20005 Note: As speakers are confirmed six months before the event, some innovations. We connect decision-makers with respected speaker changes or topic changes may occur in the program. ASMI is not solution providers. responsible for speaker changes, but will work to ensure a comparable speaker is located to participate in the program. ASMI offers four different pre-designed If for any reason ASMI decides to cancel this conference, ASMI accepts no responsibility for covering airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by sponsorship packages: registrants, including delegates, sponsors and guests. Event Co-Sponsor Discounts All ‘Early Bird’ Discounts must require payment at time of registration and Session Sponsor before the cut-off date in order to receive any discount. Any discounts offered whether by ASMI (including team discounts) must also require payment at the time of registration. Luncheon Sponsor All discount offers cannot be combined with any other offer. Discounts cannot be applied retroactively Exhibit Booth Sponsor For more information on sponsorships or to get started, contact Blake Humble at 858-866-9352 or Blake.Humble@ASMIWeb.com www.HR-Measures.com 9
  • 10. HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit Logistics & Registration to register Call Fax this Form to Visit 877-992-9522 866-234-0680 www.HRMeasures.com Registration Form Yes! Register me for HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit Yes! Register me for HR Measures, Metrics and Analytics Summit and the Workshop Please call me. I am interested in a special Group Discount for my team Delegate Information Name Title Organization Dept. Address City State Zip Telephone Fax Email Payment Information Check Purchase Order / Training Form Credit Card Credit Card Number Expiration Date Verification no. Name on Card Billing Zip Please make checks payable to: The Performance Institute Priority Code: W231-WEB 10 www.HR-Measures.com