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Wassup July 2012
The cultural trends magazine from   Correspondents:
Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific
Edited & designed by Kunal Sinha    InkeKurniawan(Jakarta)
                                    Mala Yutimalah (Jakarta)
                                    Elaine Dai (Beijing)
                                    NehaPunjabi (Mumbai)
                                    DonnahAlcoseba(Makati City)
                                    Wine Chua-Leonardo (Makati City)
                                    Joyce Koor( Singapore)
                                    WaqasTahir (Singapore)
                                    Naoko Ito (Tokyo)
                                    Azusa Fukai (Tokyo)
                                    Madhurim Gupta (Colombo)
                                    Mei Wu (Taipei)
                                    Beatrice Yong (Kuala Lumpur)
                                    Josephine Phang (Kuala Lumpur)
                                    Serena Park (Seoul)

                                    © Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific, 2012
Our engagement with the digital world is driven by what technology allows us to do, but
in great part it’s because it is shaping our opinions like never before. Amongst the
burgeoning population of bloggers and those that tweet, some folks are particularly
sticky: these opinion leaders stand out and are avidly followed because they have a pulse
of what’s happening across diverse fields: entertainment, politics, sport and lifestyle. In
this issue of Wassup, we speak with a cross-section of such influencers to get a sense of
what makes them so appealing.

Even as Western animation characters gain a toehold amongst kids and youth in Asia, an
entirely homegrown set of quirky characters has emerged on to the scene, dominating
the world of cinema, TV, comic books and theme parks. Japan’s foremost cultural exports
might be mangaand Hello Kitty, but here we’ve chosen to profile some of the lesser
known characters who are no less engaging. Go on and explore how they tap into local

While political and economic turmoil continue to buffet the world, with little resolution
in sight, Asians have to deal with their own uncertainties and tensions. Sometimes, an
over zealous police officer may have a city’s merrymakers up in arms; or a bureaucrat
who decides to crack down on those sporting tattoos can face strong resistance. On
other occasions, politicians and religious leaders who drive a wedge amongst people
invite their anger.

Ambitious new buildings, a new beer variant with frozen froth toppings, a new video
game and new TV shows, and the forthcoming cricket Twenty20 World Cup are just some
of the things that folks are talking about. They may be interested in the Euro Football
tournament, or the London Olympics, but these topics aren’t quite on top of their

Here in Asia, what’s trending is different. And Wassup tells you all about it !
14 countries.

20 correspondents deeply immersed in
popular and leading edge culture bring you
Cultural Insights that will make a world of
difference to your business.

                                                                                                   SOUTH KOREA



                                                                                                                 SRI LANKA




Look who’s talking:
 Internet Opinion Leaders

Knowing me, Knowing you:
    Animation characters

      Playing on my iPod

            Rage against

              Waiting List

Everyone is talking about

              Tense about

 Favorite knock-off brands
Look Who’s

Look who’s talking

 Pribadi Prananta

                                                           PribadiPrananta is among the 5,5 million Twitter
                                                           users in Indonesia. However, PribadiPrananta is not
                                                           just a Twitter user, he has that special “spot” in the
                                                           twitter land for tweeps around Indonesia as the
                                                           influencer. Pribadi aka Pipu is out othere on Twitter
                                                           using the name @pipis , in which in Indonesia, means
                                                           “pee”. That’s a plus one for Pipu, as it’s an interesting
                                                           name selection.

                                                           *on his experience on transjakarta bus

                                                           On his Twitter account, Pipu describes himself as a
                                                           Transjakartabus user, and an ad man - story teller for
                                                           the whole day. Pipu does play a role as a story teller
                                                           in Twitter, at least to his followers. He’s telling his
                                                           story in the morning when he takes Transjakarta bus
                                                           on his way to the office. He describes the people, or
                                                           the things that he sees, and his experience in a
                                                           different way.

Pipu doesn’t stop to tell “story” in the morning. Duringthe day, he usually shares content such as videos of
things that interest him; about cats and dogs, movie trailer, inspiring people, any updates on Japanese group
“AKB48” and last but not least, as an Ad Man, he also shares great ads around the world. What’s unique is on
Thursday night, it a session for a horror story, or called #memetwit. Pipuis one of the influencer who is
actively sharing a story each week.

His followers are mostly young people, cat lovers, Japanese girl band; JKT 48 or AKB48, and horror story
lovers. Every day, there will be one or more followers who shares photos of his/her cat, and they ask Pipu to
say “hi”” to them, and he did RT and say Hi. On Thursday night, also the same, there will be followers whoask
Piputo tell them a horror story. We asked him how can he tell horror story each week, and doesn’t he run out
of stories? Do you experience something scary each week? Well, story tellers are like magicians, they never

Because of his populariity among theTwitterati, brands such as AXIS (telecommunication provider), Pocari
Sweat , SMAX (Crackers), and others are using Pipu to drive his followers to get to know more about their
brand, or join the campaign they’re running. It seems that big brands trust Pipu will tell good stories about
them to his followers.
Look who’s talking

                      Sri Lanka

                      RamodMalaka is a talented 23
                      year old dancer who excels in
                      all types of dance genres.
                      Ramod is also a choreographer
                      at his young age and owns his
                      own dance studio. But this isn’t
                      his only talent; his skills in IT
                      have given him the opportunity
                      to launch his own website to
                      exhibit his dance skills and to
                      promote his dance studio.

                      He has made many friends
                      especially because of internet.
                      His dance troupe is also like
                      family to him and he hangs out
                      with them a lot. He feels he
                      gains a lot of knowledge just
                      socializing with his friends
                      because each person has a
                      different perception not just
                      about dancing but about life in
                      general. He further explains
                      that his life is not completely
                      about internet, although it
                      plays a big part in his life. Life
                      outside internet is where he
                      finds emotion. He says he
                      enjoys it a lot. He loves to hang
                      out at the beach because it
                      relaxes him and enables him to
                      improve his creative thoughts
                      in dance.

                      Internet is a drug to him is
                      what he says. His typical
                      explanation on how he feels
                      without internet is the same
                      way a drug-addict would seek
                      for his “line” to snort every
                      day, anytime of the day. He
                      quotes “Without the internet I
                      would feel weak and lifeless”….
Look who’s talking

The main reason why Ramod’s second home is the net is
because of his career. He thinks that the net helps him in
many ways to promote his dance studio. He launched his
website in early 2011.

What kind of stories does he like to share?                      Does his site have any impact?

Since Ramod’s passion is dancing, he finds interesting quotes,   He believes that his writing definitely has
stories, case studies on dancers, dance genres and so on to      an impact, especially on budding dancers
share with dance enthusiasts. He also likes to share videos of   who are inspired to reach the heights he
interesting dance moves he comes across on famous shows          has at his young age. Whenever he comes
like “So you think you can dance” and “Dancing with the          across something that is interesting he
Stars”. Moreover, he always uploads his personal                 shares it with his fans with the hope that
performances which have always managed to get him a good         it will inspire them as well. Interestingly, it
crowd cheer. By doing so he expects his fans and friends to      is not only dope on dancing that he
share their thoughts and takes the positives and the negatives   shares, but also information about new
as constructive criticism which he believes improves him         technologies as he is also very much into
performance by performance.                                      this industry, and is doing his BSc in
                                                                 Computing with Interactive Media at the
                                                                 South Asian Institute of Technology and

                                                                 What are his favourite sites?

                                                                 So You think I can dance-

                                                                 Monster Hip Hop –
Look who’s talking                                                                        Mumbai
                                                                                        Miss Malini

               We hereby present to you MaliniAgarwal who is
               also popularly known as @missmalini on Twitter.
               Her blogs feature on her own website –

           “So it’s like this; I’ve worked as a DJ on a local Radio Station – 94.3 Radio One,
           reported in on the Bollywood buzz live with Nikki Bedi on BBC Asia Network, continue
           to run a social network called Friday Club, write a gossip column in theMid Day and
           attend a hell of a lot of social “dos” (I plead occupational hazard but secretly enjoy it.) I
           like to think my fly-on-the-wall perspective is sometimes funny and mostly fair.

           Remember though that this is Bollywood; aka tinsel town, the land of Prada &
           Paparazzi. Here everyone wants to be on “Page 3″ – a direct descendant of the LA
           “Page 6” and very often they’ll stop at nothing for a full color high resolution mugshot.
           Watch this space then for all your desi glam gossip..Perez Hilton I’m about to play it
Look who’s talking

She covers way more topics than just Bollywood, “Everything from an awesome site called postsecret.com to
500pencils.socialdesigner.com dedicated to pencils of every imaginable colour, how cool is that right? I publish
whatever I find interesting assuming only that if its good enough for me its good enough for you! (excerpt from
her interview back in 2010)

What has made MissMalini, the blog, so popular?
I think MissMalini.com has a very unique voice and a living breathing personality which really sets it apart. It is
also completely a labor of love and I think that comes through. Since I've been in the media in Mumbai for over a
decade, the network I have built affords me unique access to Bollywood, lifestyle and fashion events as well as
personalities. So my perspective comes from behind the velvet rope which people are most curious about. We're
also very particular about the quality of writing and use a variety of media to make the posts very interactive. So
it's a fresher approach than traditional media.

My style.
I try to do what I always tell my writers and guest contributors: write the way you speak. Like you're telling a
friend. I want to hear your voice. Don't be afraid to have an opinion. The beauty of a blog is that you have great
creative freedom. The only 2 big rules I have are: a) don't be unnecessarily nasty and b) always spell check and
respect proper grammar rules! Its part of respecting your readers.Blogging at this scale is still pretty limited in
India. We just do what we think our readers will appreciate. We keep it fun, fresh and current. We're happy to see
the blogging industry grow in India!

What works for me?
I think brands are looking for new ways to connect with their audiences, in more individual, interactive ways.
They also want to get a finger on the pulse of today's youth, and we can help them with both. I think being
associated with the MissMalini brand also offers some credibility among my 18-35 demographic, especially
because we only work with partners and brands we genuinely like. Honestly, I think we mostly influence by
example. If we like a product, we'll talk about it. We like sharing the love if we think its something our audience
will enjoy. Where brands want a more sustained campaign, we work with them to create customized and unique
solutions that include editorials, contests, photo and video content, interviews, events, etc. But the golden rule is
that we only support things we like.
Look who’s talking                            How Malini, the girl, become Miss Malini, the
                                              I grew up in the digital age! I call it serendipity
                                              and being in the right place at the right time.
                                              I've always loved to write and am an Internet
                                              junkie, after working in print and radio for 9
                                              years running a social network called Friday
How do brands capitalize on her popularity?   Club and working online with MTV and Channel
                                              V (as head of digital content) I found that
                                              blogging was a fabulous way to connect all my
                                              passions in one place. The blog is a living
                                              breather mirror of my life and curates
                                              everything to do with Bollywood fashion
                                              lifestyle and geek chic - I am a life caster, I live
                                              my life online and I love it :)

                                              Rules I blog by:
                                              - Keep it honest. Blog about what you love. It
                                              - Respect your readers. Give them something
                                              that deserves their time. They'll respect you for
                                              it and come back too!
                                              - Don't take yourself too seriously. Its very easy
                                              to get caught up in yourself, especially in the
                                              entertainment industry. But you need to be
                                              able to laugh at yourself and let things roll of
                                              your back.
                                              - Make it fun!
Look who’s talking

Kenny Sia (www.kennysia.com)

Kenny Sia is one of Malaysia’s most popular bloggers. In fact,
his blogging career is one that most bloggers aspire to have.
He started the blog in January 2005 as a tool to
communicate with his overseas friends. However, it soon
became one of the Malaysian blogosphere’s most popular
blogs, partly attributed to an infamous post on April’s Fool’s
Day where he made fun of a score of famous bloggers.
Today, his blog has been visited over 24 million times and
has been awarded titles such as Blog of the Year and Best
Entertainment Blog.

It’s easy to see why people love his blog. His posts never fail
to make you laugh, whether he is writing about current                 Kenny Sia after shaving his head for charity
issues, Malaysian politics, local advertising, product reviews,
understanding women, day-to-day life or his travels. He
writes with a sense of humor that appeals across borders,
and it’s this humor that keeps people going back for more.
He’s notorious for his crude humor and satire, his
unabashedly self-depreciating wit and is well-known for his
parodies of scandals and controversies.

He’s not merely funny. He also writes thoughtful and
poignant posts, in between nonsensical ones, and his
product reviews are well researched and informative. But
whether it is a trip to the salon or patriotism or vibrating
condoms, his perspectives on the issue at hand never fail to      A parody of a slimming product advertisement
generate vigorous discussions and spark heated debate
amongst netizens.

Readers also love his blog because each post he puts up is an
original creation, not simply a copy-and-paste of interesting
news. Much thought and research goes into the planning of
each article and he painstakingly creates candid photo-
shopped pictures to illustrate his stories.

The most recent brands that have capitalized on his celebrity
blogging status are Apple, local car brand Perodua and
Guinness, but apart from the wide endorsements of
products, he was also appointed a judge for Malaysian
Dreamgirls, an online reality modeling pageant, and engaged
to be the brand ambassador for Mister Potato, a potato chip
                                                                        A controversial parody of a Malaysian
                                                                               politician’s sex scandal
Look who’s talking
                                                                                                 South Korea
                                                                                                   Hyori Lee

                                                                 ‘Social-tainer’ is a new terminology, that
                                                                 combines society and entertainer. Lately, it’s a
                                                                 big trend amongst entertainers to actively get
                                                                 involved with social issues by lending their
                                                                 voices, and even sometimes participating in
                                                                 touchy issues, which consequently makes
                                                                 them even more popular amongst the public.

                                                                 Hyori Lee is South Korea’s most famous singer
                                                                 and at the same time, fashionista. She is well
                                                                 known for expressing hers view on various
                                                                 issues via social media. This has made her one
                                                                 of the best social-tainers in South Korea.
                                                                 Most of all, she actively tweets about her care
                                                                 and concern about abandoned dogs and
                                                                 cats; these are reported by a large number of
                                                                 Korean media. Now, the serious issue of
Via Twitter, Hyori Lee showed her on-going                       abandoned pets has become the talk of town.
support and care for pets and animals, which
gradually raised the public’s interest in animal

                                                   Most of her Tweets (numbering around 2000) are about her
                                                   trivial everyday life story, along with her support and care
                                                   for pets and animals. Half of her Tweets are about
                                                   animals in danger. Quite often, she makes an effort to help
                                                   pet owners to search and find their lost dogs by Tweeting
                                                   and re-Tweeting their message. Obviously her influence as
                                                   a celebrity works well in finding lost pets.

                                                   She has also donated her possession towards raisings funds
                                                   for the animal protection movement.
Look who’s talking

Hyori Lee recently announced that she had turned vegetarian, publicly encouraging vegetarianism amongst her
followers. She said “I tend to act without hesitation when I have a conviction. Since I have been interested in animal
rights and protection, I found out another hidden side of animal protection. This made me turn vegetarian
spontaneously. Actually, after becoming a vegetarian, I am less touchy, more generous and relaxed about things
around me.” She added “If you feel it is difficult, or too dramatic a change to become a vegetarian, I recommend
that you skip having meat at least once a week, which would be a good way to start.”

In one media interview, she confessed her inner thoughts, saying, “Sometimes, as a well known celebrity, I feel a
burning desire to express my opinion in SNS like Twitter. Nonetheless, I enjoy expressing myself straightforwardly,
without any barrier through SNS, which is its biggest charm.”

Lately, we have noticed that a number of celebrities are easily hurt and mentioned negatively via SNS. But there
aresomecelebrities who use their fame for socially responsible activities, and in a more productive manner, like

She truly knows how well-known public figures can change the world into a better place.

             Hyori stars in a documentary about
             vegetarian life style on one of major
             South Korean cable TV channels.

 Hyori posts pictures of
 her own vegetarian
 pizzaon Twitter,
 vegetarian life style
 among Koreans.
Look who’s talking

                    16 year-old Xia Xue      Before & after plastic surgery     Xia Xue today, with dyed hair, make-up
                                                                                       and help from Photoshop

Xia Xue                                        Before diet pills: 46kg            After: 38.5kg & her 24-inches
                                                                                     shorts being very loose

Whether you love or hate her, Wendy Cheng (better           While she has her fair share of haters who criticize
known as Xiaxue) is arguably Singapore’s most well-         her for being ‘bimbotic’, ‘shallow’ and ‘vulgar’, she
known blogger. With 86,205 people likes on                  also has a strong following, even winning various
Facebook, 105,323 followers on Twitter and 37,842           blog awards such as her latest win for “Most
page visits on an average day, it’s hard to deny her        Influential Blog” which caused some to deem it as
popularity.                                                 “inappropriate” and “disappointing” last year.

She’s known for many things- her honesty about her          Her    latest    blog   post,    “The    Faces   of
plastic surgery and experience with diet pills, her         Haters”http://xiaxue.blogspot.sg/2012/05/faces-of-
penchant for pink and purple hair, her heavily              haters.htmlcaused controversy as well as people
photoshopped photos and last but not least, her             were split between supporting her and condemning
vocal expressions of her (often controversial) points       her for “hurting” innocent bystanders. This
of view. She even has her own mini-series titled            controversy was also published on national
“XiaXue’s guide to life” which covers things from “Lie      platforms such as The Straits Times and Yahoo News.
Detecting” to “My Pet Bunny” to “Kissing AGirl”             As one article aptly put it “Depending on who you
which you can view here:                                    are, Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue is a feminist avenger
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgFJlXB2cJo                  or a symbol of everything wrong with young women
According to a survey she conducted with 6000
respondents, her readers are mainly Singaporean
females, young adults, into fashion and looking for
alternative voices.
Look who’s talking

Chen Chi-shun

Chen Chi-shun, acerbic style blogger of the highly influential
"My Bitchy Personal Opinions,” is a fashion critic who is loved
and hated by almost every entertainer.

"Just because you love someone and are a huge fan, doesn't
mean everything that person does is perfect," Chen argues,
adding that he would personally never forgive a serious
fashion disaster just because he loved the person wearing it.

Chen says people often tell him that criticizing fashion is
much easier than creating fashion or great personal style of
your own. To this, the droll Internet personality explains that
“criticism" and “creation" have always been completely
different things, and bridging this distinction has never been
the point of his blog.

Chen has recently described popular entertainer, Jolin Tsai, a
fashion disaster in her latest MV ,“Honey Trap(美人計).” He
ridicules her shoulder pads with tassels as being“a monthly
calendar on shoulders.”

Jolin’s agent responded to Chen’s “bitchy” comments by
saying, “as long as they’re not personal attacks, Jolin can
dismiss them with a sense of humor.”

With over 10 million views this year, "My Bitchy Personal
Opinions" has allowed Chen to develop his own fan base
amongst a group of readers who are most likely office
workers suffering from work related pressure, and enjoy the
temporary pleasure of mocking someone’s clothing or a
particular brand. And of course, they may also appreciate the
fashion tips and trends.

And though he is frequently invited as a guest by many
fashion and luxury brands, Chen continues to criticize them
on his blog, which demonstrates his true commitment to
justice and humor.

                                            Jolin’s fashion disaster
Look who’s talking
                                                                                                             Sisi Ren

                                                                       Sisi Ren is a 28-year-old popular blogger from
                                                                       Hangzhou, China. He has been blogging at
                                                                       Yoho.cn, one of the biggest youth online
                                                                       communities and trendy online shops in China
                                                                       since 2008. As an art director at a leading
                                                                       premium women's wear brand in China, he has
                                                                       always been on top of fashion trends and
                                                                       loves sharing his fashion inspiration with his
                                                                       friends online. He also writes reviews and
                                                                       recommendations about recent popular music,
                                                                       movies and art exhibitions that interest him
                                                                       personally. In 2010, Sisi’s blog was featured on
                                                                       the leading youth fashion and culture
                                                                       magazine YOHO as the editor’s recommended
                                                                       blog for fashion conscious Chinese youth.

The majority of Sisi’s online followers are fashion conscious
and artistic youth between 18 and early 30. They visit his blog
to look for inspiration in fashion and art, as well as
recommendations on music, movies and new products.
However, Sisi doesn’t like to call his blog readers as ‘followers’,
he thinks he is also learning from them when they are
interacting online. “I always respond to each comment on my
blog and I love to interact with my online friends. I feel fulfilled
that my voice is being heard and appreciated by others, but
most importantly, I’ve made friends who have the same
interests and we will always learn new things from each other.
It is harder to find friends offline with mutual interests,” Sisi
says. He also cares very much about the quality of his blog
post. “I make picture board for each of my blog post because I
know young people prefer to look at picture, instead of
reading a long text article. I keep my writing as concisely as
possible and I always post new article every 3 or 4 days.” Sisi

Because of having a strong online presence, Sisi has been
identified by agencies and brands that are trying to market
and promote products among young Chinese consumers. In
the past three years, Sisi has collaborated with brands such as
Lynx, Lego and DEMETER to promote their products amongst
young Chinese consumers. He has also helped movie
companies such as Sony to do film promotions before the
movie is released.
Look who’s talking
Kyohei Sakaguchi

                                                             “A house, by nature, should be something free,
                                                             flexible, and personal, and that is what I wanted to
                                                             pursue,” Sakaguchi explains. But even his water
                                                             tower house and pizza scooter house didn’t prepare
                                                             him for what he found on the banks of Tokyo’s
                                                             Tama river in the year 2000. It was an encounter
                                                             that changed his life.

                                                             After the earthquake last year, he moved to
                                                             Kumamoto (a southern island in Japan) and built up
                                                             a new government, becoming its first prime
                                                             minister. He has started up the “Zero-center”;
                                                             where there were only four residences, more than
                                                             fifty people live today: the number of people has
                                                             grown quickly in the last six months.

Architect, artist and photographer of 0 Yen house            Creative people, who worry about radioactivity, are
                                                             moving from Tokyo to Kumamoto. A social
“Man can also build a house just like a bird can build its   community was built around the new government
nest. A wall of morning-glory, a house made of pottery       and started sending out information. It has become
pipes, and a two-generation house with dog … the total       one of the fastest growing creative communities
cost of construction is just 0 yen. Photograph collections   today.
of houses on road covered in surrounding of Shirakawa
Park and Kamagasaki and Shinjuku Central Park, etc.          Sakaguchi suggests that as human beings, people
Drawing is on the back of the cover.”                        have to stop depending on others, but need to start
                                                             expressing their own creativity in their own lives.
While studying architecture at Waseda University,            His attempt is to wake Japanese people up and to
Sakaguchi eschewed model-making and drafting for             restart people thinking by themselves.
more more visceral explorations, like living in an
abandoned water tower, and converting a pizza
delivery scooter into a mobile home.
Look who’s talking

                                                                    Jenni Epperson

                                      Jenni Epperson is one of the Philippines’ most
                                      popular bloggers these days. Not only does
                                      she have a very entertaining and fun writing
                                      style, her blogs also covers a variety of topics,
                                      ranging from food, beauty, interior design and
                                      general lifestyle. This range of topics is one of
                                      the main reasons why she can reach such a
                                      wide base of people. This also helped her
                                      build her huge Twitter following of around
                                      fifty-five thousand people. Because of her
                                      growing popularity, a lot of different brands
                                      have been engaging her. She has recently
                                      written blog posts about Havaianas, Beach
                                      Hut, Avon and a couple of make-up brands
                                      such as NARS. Other brands and services that
                                      have gone to her for support are a couple of
                                      food services and beauty treatment services.
                                      Jenni is definitely one of the countries top
                                      influencers and more and more people and
                                      brands are starting to take notice.

She blogs about a variety of topics
Look who’s talking
Knowing me,
Knowing you

        Animation characters
Knowing me, Knowing you


With a viewership of over 35 million people, home
grown hero Chhota Bheem is India’s top animated
television series.

Launched in 2008, by this year, over 120 episodes of
the popular animation series have been aired. The
success of the series has spun off into a number
of short animation films over the years and a full
length feature film titled ChhotaBheem and the
Curse of Damyaan which was released in 2012.

Bheem is an adventurous and fun-loving 9-year-old
who is gifted with extraordinary strength. This power
is a boon for Dholakpur, Bheem's village, which is
constantly beset by all kinds of perils. This child has a
big heart and he always uses his strength to help
those who are wronged or needy. He nabs culprits,
robbers and is seen as a Guardian of the innocent
and poor people and also the animals. He wants to
be a protector of the world. Bheem loves food
and has a certain craving for laddoos, which in fact,
give him a surge of energy and make him even
stronger than he normally is. Every episode comes
with a subtle message.

Parents and grandparents love him because it helps
them instil values into the child through stories from
epics of ancient India. How? Kids ask for Lord
Bheems’s stories because they want to know what
their favourite character grows up to become.

Inspiration : Bheema isone of the central characters
of Mahabharata, an epic of ancient India. Bheema was
distinguished from his brothers by his great stature
and strength. He was said to be capable of fighting
60,000 warriors at once, so mighty was he that when
he were to roar in anger he would put to shame the
proudest lion and frighten the most fearless warrior.
It is said that Bheema's appetite was so huge, that he
always had to eat less than full.
Knowing me, Knowing you

My 9 year old nephew prefers Indian mythology
heroes over Avengers or Transformers. Like all
boys, he loves fights but prefers those that make
his imagination run wild. He loves Bheem’s
weapon, gadda, and how he fights with it. The
village is different from our world, just like our
mythology stories. Not like Spiderman’s or

He doesn’t like spinach so he doesn’t get how
Popeye loves it. But he loves laddoos, just like
Chota Bheem and the rest of India does.              Director Rajiv Chilaka on how he wanted kids to connect with an
                                                     Indian hero and ChhotaBheem was the perfect choice.
Also pushing the character's popularity is
merchandising. The comics, DVDs, t-shirts etc.       “He was so strong and we all wanted to be like him,” says the
ChhotaBheem'sFavourite Drink 'Notty' Makes Its       founder and MD of Hyderabad-based Green Gold Animation.
Fruity Debut -                                       Years later, he came up with ChhotaBheem and set him in a
http://www.indiaprwire.com/pressrelease/food/        different era and context. “Children fell in love with the boy
20120523120685.htm                                   who was righteous and could take on any opponent. Bheem has
ChhotaBheem Games -                                  some unique character traits and is deeply rooted in Indian
http://chotabheemgamess.in/                          culture. He came in at a time when children had access to
ChhotaBheem Home Décor –                             mostly to international content. We wanted to give them a
http://www.greengoldstore.com/shop-by-               chance to experience an Indian hero who could connect with
category/home-decors.html                            them,” he adds.
Knowing me, Knowing you

Sri Lanka
Scooby Dooby Doo                                          The top 3 cartoon characters that are famous amongst
                                                          Sri Lankan kids are: 1st: Scooby-Doo; 2nd: Dennis the
                                                          Menace; 3rd: Tintin

                                                          The Scooby-Doo series is well-known not only amongst
                                                          kids but amongst young adults too. In Sri Lanka, the
                                                          series is aired on Sirasa TV. It is dubbed in Sinhala but
                                                          still retains the same name- Scooby-Doo, whereas the
                                                          other cartoons dubbed are given Sri Lankan names. (e.g.
                                                          Dennis the Menace – “Dangaya”)

Who is Scooby?

Originally aired in 1969, Scooby-Doo has been on TV
virtually non-stop ever since, entertaining generations
of kids around the entire world. Scooby-Doo is a
smart, funny, adventurous series that will always be a
classic among the viewers. Well-formed humor is by
far the show's best quality: there's a laugh for
everyone, and especially the kids will love how Scooby                                              Fanspeak …
always runs away from trouble. At the same time the
cartoon shows how kids can apply the characters'                  “Scooby Doo!!! because I like the doggy!..” –
ideas and solutions to their own lives, at home and at                                                 Mihelie(5)
school. How do Scooby and his friends use clues to                “Scooby!, he makes me laugh!” – Shaniza (7)
solve a problem? Every episode is an interesting              “Scooby – Doo!, I think Fred is cute!” – Venuki (8)
mystery for the kids.                                              “Scooby-Doo!, He’s COOOOL!!” - Jason (7)
Knowing me, Knowing you

                                               Si Kancil (The Deer) is one of the famous characters from traditional
Si Kancil                                      Indonesian fairy tales. It is quite likely that many adults have forgotten
                                               the stories, which their parents or grandparents and teachers may
                                               have told them when they were kids. Si Kancil has many adventures to
                                               share, among them“Si Kancil dan Si Siput (The Deer and The Snail)”, “Si
                                               Kancil Mencuri Timun (The Deer Steals Cucumber)” and “Si Kancil
                                               Menyeberang Sungai Penuh Buaya (The Deer Crossing River of
                                               Crocodiles)“ were quite popular. The most famous one is “Si Kancil
                                               Mencuri Timun”. These stories have now been transformed into a
                                               series of books, a cartoon show, and even a song to tell his story about
                                               stealing cucumber.

                                                                                                       *The Captious Deer Song

 The Adventure of The Deer Cartoon

                                          In recent years, some parents were concerned that Si Kancil‘s stories were
                                          about his using cleverness to trick, deceive or cheat others. Because of the
                                          concern that the fairytale could affect children’s character, Dr Sofyan Djalial,
                                          MA.MALD, Ministry of State Owned Enterprise, told people to stop telling
                                          stories about Si Kancil Mencuri Timun. Then, in 2009, Tedi Siswoko,
                                          published its first book, “Kancil (Bukan) Si Pencuri Timun (The Deer (is not)
                                          The Cucumber Stealer)”. It was a different story compared to the previous
                                          one, with Si Kancil using his cunning to help his friends, instead of cheating
                                          or deceiving them. Si Kancil plays the role of an anti-hero, but is still quite
                                          loveable, with children enjoying his adventures very much!
Knowing me, Knowing you
                    Upin and Ipin

                                                                      Their popularity amongst Malaysians has
                                                                      made them Malaysia’s favourite
                                                                      animated twins. Their Facebook page is
                                                                      a testament to that. With over 5.4
                                                                      million fans on Facebook – they are the
                                                                      most “liked” Facebook page in
                                                                      Malaysia.To date, the series has reached
                                                                      its fourth year-long season on TV. Apart
                                                                      from TV, you can also read Upin and Ipin
                                                                      comic books, buy their DVDs, watch
                                                                      their series online, in Malaysia’s first CGI
                                                                      Animated feature film Geng: The
                                                                      Adventure Begins.
Hi! We are Upin and Ipin, a pair of animated 5 year old
Malay twins who live in a small Malaysian village,
Kampung Durian Runtuh (Literal translation: Village of
Falling Durian) with our big sister, KakRos and
grandmother, Opah. We attend classes everyday at our
village’s TadikaMesra (Friendly Kindergarten) with our
Malay, Indian and Chinese friends.

‘Upin and Ipin’ was first created as a series of four
minute animated shorts by Les' Copaque Production to
educate children of the meaning and importance of
fasting and the Islamic holy month. It debuted on TV as
a Ramadhan special in September 2007 and was an
instant hit amongst adults and children in Malaysia.
                                                                                    Upin and Ipin and their classmates
Since then, the series has evolved into Upin&Ipin and
Friends, a more general themed series surrounding the
lives and adventures of the twins and their friends on        You can even catch them up close live in Upin
normal days, which has garnered an international              and Ipin The Musical, a theatre play production
audience following their debut on Disney Channel Asia.        performed by children. You can also track their
                                                              journey at the National Museum exhibiting the
It’s easy to see why viewers love the show. Aside from        animation process, memorabilia and a tour to
their entertaining misadventures and fantasies, children      Upin and Ipin's fantasy land.
love the show because the show’s characters, who are
far from perfect, are easy to relate to regardless of race,   Upin and Ipin merchandise include T-shirts,
religion or nationality, attributed by the racial diversity   bags, stationery, water bottles, soft toys and
of Upin and Ipin’s friends. Parents appreciate the show’s     even their own range of Upin and Ipin food (e.g.
moral grounding in each episode, aimed at educating           biscuits, chocolate, curry packets, edible pictures
children values such as responsibility, loyalty and           for cakes). There are also Upin and Ipin themed
honesty. But more than that, viewers love the show            carnivals with activities for children and families
because the show’s typical Malay village setting makes        and Upin and Ipin Cafes which serve dishes such
them feel at home better than shows set elsewhere.            as ‘Opa Fried Rice' or 'Chicken Fried Upin’.
Knowing me, Knowing you

 South Korea

“I am Pororo, the little penguin in a computer-generated animated cartoon series created by Iconix Entertainment
and EBS (a major education TV channel in Korea). Since my debut in 2003, I became so popular not only my
home country, Korea, but also overseas. I starred in animation film series revolving around the adventures in the
snowy village of PorongPorong Forest, where my friends and I often meet challenges and learn practical and
moral lessons in each episode.

You can easily guess how popular I am by seeing the nickname "Pororo the President" while some teenagers call
me "Pororo the God“ . I am so popular that a number of brands, especially brands targeting babies or children,
 started using me to promote in their products. In 2011 June, Korea’s biggest shopping mall brand, E-mart, held a
Pororophoto exhibition in book and music section, as a result boosting their sales by 32%. Lately bakery brand,
Paris Baguette, also started producing cakes and breads that look like me, aiming at winning the young
consumers’ heart”.

Pororo’scharm comes from each character’s uniqueness and friendliness. The main character ‘Pororo’ is a
penguin wearing big round aviator goggles and a tan-colored aviator cap. Considering that penguins are incapable
of flight, a penguin aviator is rather nonsensical, however the character is full of wit and imagination.

Likewise, other characters also have distinct personalities and unique interests which sometimes cause little (and
sometimes not so little) happenings in their calm white world.

Compared with other animations based on a super hero’s story, Pororo is something that’s more human and child
like, which helps young audiences stay engaged with the story more intensely.
Knowing me, Knowing you

                                                               Consumer brands
                                                              like Paris Baguette
                                                               have adopted the
                                                             Pororo character in
                                                                their products to
                                                                    attract young

Lately, the episode of one enthusiastic fan
rushing onto the stage proved Pororo’s
popularity among kids.
Knowing me, Knowing you

The Legend of Korra

‘The Legend of Korra’ premiered in Singapore on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14 this year.
This animated series is a sequel to ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, which aired on the same network from 2005
to 2008. Although only in its first 10 episodes, the show already has a strong following, appealing to a wider
demographic than just teenagers and kids despite being an animated series. One reasons for the show’s
popularity is it explores a number of universal themes, mainly friendship, family, love, sacrifice, power and
the responsibilities that come with it. Underlying all these is also an examination of what freedom really
means. Wrap that together with amazing animation that pays close attention to details plus a mixture of
humour and seriousness, you’ve got yourself an amazing series.

Although ‘The Legend of Korra’ is a relatively new series, you can
already find weekly reviews on YouTube and elsewhere online
where fans come together to discuss the latest episodes,
speculate about what the show has in store next and anticipating
the release of each new episode. As one critic put it “’The Legend
of Korra’ promises to be an excellent addition to the Avatar
mythos, pleasing both fans and newcomers alike”.
Knowing me, Knowing you

Open Chan

Open Chan, the first cartoon spokesperson in Taiwan’s
convenience retail industry, was born on July 11th,
2005. Open Chan is a dog who comes from the Open
planet and who loves to eat Onigiri (三角飯糰). He
was created by Japan Dentsu and Taiwan Dentsu, the
advertising company which is the agency of the
convenience store 7-ELEVEN.

In launching Open Chan, 7-ELEVEN and Dentsu enter a                   Open Chan items
new level of connecting emotionally with people. Also,
Open Chan showcases the friendly spirit of 7-ELEVEN
while introducing new products and services to
consumers and releasing peripheral products loved by

Children and office ladies are the key target audience
for Open Chan. They are attracted by the distinct and
loveable image, and lots of popular products enjoy
good sales if they are tagged a Open Chan image.
These include cookies, bread, cake, soft drink, tissue,
or small appliances (tooth brush, chopsticks, shopping
bag, T-Shirts…etc)

With the popularity of Open Chan and its growing fan
base, Open Chan’s first music album was released. In a               Open Chan’s Hotel
related MV, he plays guitar with his friends Momo,
Paiko, Chicowa, and others, thereby expanding the
number of cartoon characters associated with Open

Based upon Open Chan’ success, 7-ELEVEN has
ventured into the hotel and restaurant business with
Open Chan as a central theme. Furthermore, a
shopping mall as well as a theme park featuring Open
Chan were opened.

To some marketers’ point of view, Open Chan’s
success is an innovative marketing model which has
pleasantly surprised 7-ELEVEN, and has successfully
recruited children as new consumers.

                                                                     Open Chan’s Mall
Knowing me, Knowing you

Pleasant Goat

                                                                                          “I am Pleasant Goat,
                                                                                          an animated school-
                                                                                          age lamb living in the
                                                                                          village of Green
                                                                                          Pasture. I wear a blue
                                                                                          ribbon, with a bell
                                                                                          around my neck. My
                                                                                          friends think I am a
                                                                                          hero     because     I
                                                                                          always help them to
                                                                                          get through danger
                                                                                          when the wolves are
                                                                                          trying to catch us. I
                                                                                          love to play pranks
                                                                                          and all my friends get
                                                                                          mad at me.”

In the U.S, there is Mickey Mouse; In Japan, there’s Hello Kitty. Both animated icons have generated billions of
dollars in revenue and, perhaps even more importantly, raised the cultural cachet of their respective countries
to sensational levels. And now China is getting into the action.

Pleasant Goat is an animated lamb from a Chinese animated television series, ‘Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf’,
which created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining.
The series is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture and the story revolving around a
clumsy wolf who wants to catch and eat them. Since 2005, the series have been broadcasting on more than 75
satellite and cable TV networks across China, including Hong Kong‘s TVB. The first film based on the character
Pleasant Goat, released in 2009, broke box-office records for locally produced animation films in China with 130
million RMB (US$19.6 million) in revenue. In 2012, Disney announced that the series will be aired on its
channels in 46 countries in the Asia Pacific region, it is a milestone for China‘s homegrown animation industry. In
the coming three years, audiences in countries such as India, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Malaysia and
Singapore will be able to enjoy the latest 100 episodes of the hit cartoon series ’Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf -
Joys of Seasons.
Knowing me, Knowing you

    There are few reasons that the series is so
    popular. The animation industry in China has
    been undergoing a period of rapid
    transformation in the past ten years, the
    Chinese government at various levels have
    promulgated over 25 regulations to encourage
    creative industries and the development of
    specific creative clusters especially animation.
    Homegrown skilled animators are increasing and
    the quality of animation production has
    improved dramatically. The storyline of
    ‘Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf’ is very simple
    and easy for children to understand: a wolf tries
    to catch goats, but he always fails because the
    goats work together as a team and good will
    always win in the end. The whole story is very
    positive. The language that’s used in the series is
    based on the updated slangs and internet
    memes, even young parents enjoy watching it
    with their children.

    Pleasant Goat is not only a popular cartoon
    series, it is also a merchandising
    powerhouse! You can see it everywhere in
    China. In 2011, Hong Kong’s animation studio
    Imagi International bought the merchandise and
    licensing rights of the television series and
    animation films, in a 105 million USD deal.
    Disney has also been master licensee of Pleasant
    Goat and Big Big Wolf since December 2010.
Knowing me, Knowing You

Sawako Watanabe, also known as “Hiyoko 555” (39 years old) is a famous housewife who invented
food shaped in the form of 3D animated characters. She creates different kind of dishes using a
character called “Rirakuma” – Relaxed Bear. She has 5,000 followers in her photo sharing application.

Sawako makes the 3D character from whatever is available at home.

Recently, this trend has extended to other Japanese housewives who have found this as a great way of
encouraging their kids to eat healthy foods.
Knowing me, Knowing you

  Plogas: angasonghindi
  ‘The dog who isn’t’

  Created by Pol Medina, Pugad Baboy is a comic series
  about the “pigs” living in different levels of Manila
  society. Polgas, the family dog of the Sungcal family, is
  depicted as the crimefighter – battling corruption, drug-
  pushing, extortion, and stupidity – the evils of scociety.
  He appears in many other guises such as Dr. Sigmund
  Floyd (a spoof of Sigmund Freud), Pol Torero (World
  Wrestling Entertainment or WWE's The Undertaker),
  Amorsolo (a non-existent Ninja Turtle), Aquapol
  (Aquaman), Growlsbuster (spoofing The Ghostbusters),
  Darth Paul (spoofing Darth Vader), Polverine (a spoof of
  Wolverine, an X-Men character) and many others.
  The strip does not only showcase domestic life;
  occasionally, it features adventure, drama, and pure
  spoof sequences. More often, the strip mirrors the
  general sentiment of the Filipino people on relevant
  topics such as corruption in the government as well as
  Filipino pop culture.
iconic is this character, that Polgas appears in a variety of
   merchandise: limited edition San Miguel beer, plush
   toys, indie artist sneakers, shirts, and chess sets.
Knowing me, Knowing you


I am BankayMian, a 53 year old (animated) qawwal from
Pakistan whom you must have seen on Express News.
Alongside, I am also a columnist in the Urdu newspaper Express
and my column is published under the title, ‘BankayNama’.

People know me well for my sarcasm and wittiness. I use the art
of qawwali to comment on everyday issues which are being
faced by the Pakistani people and use my cynicism for the good
of the society. I strongly believe that parody is the best revenge
of modern times. My qawwalis follow the same pattern and so
goes the main line of my qawwali “BankayMianKiQawwali, Sub
Say Nirali” (BankayMian’sQawwali is the most unique.)

As the name Bankay (brave) suggests that I am not scared of
saying and telling the truth to and in front of anyone – but I say
it my way. This is what makes me stand out from the rest of the
qawwals and that is why everyone likes me and respects me so

My struggling, stressed out, yet full of energy and enthusiasm
qawwal party, consists of BabooBhai, Kallan and Laddan.
BabooBhai plays the tabla while Kallan and Laddan are for claps.

One interesting fact is that these three copy me in my style and
appearance; I certainly don’t mind it, in fact I am proud of it.

I am on a mission to be the voice of the common Pakistani
people and to act as the platform through which I can shout out
the grievances of theirs to the relevant in a humorous way.

To watch me in action, visit
*or any other music player
Playing on my iPod*


                  Maroon 5 ft Wiz Khaila            JAPAN
                  watch?v=5FlQSQuv_mg                                     Kana Nishino
                  Broken Hearted
                  Karmin                                                  http://www.youtube.c
                  http://www.youtube.co                                   om/watch?v=jFTMj7va
                  m/watch?v=s8cbak34DR                                    RjI

                   PathuSenehe Seya Roo                         Carly Rae Jepsen

                   PoornaSachintha&Kushani Ft.                  Call me Maybe
                   THILINA R.

               EpitoneProject – 2nd album
               Crack of Dawn
               v=u_5C5am2530                                    http://youtu.be/sHF1YJY7tWc

               Wonder Girls - Wonder party album
                Like This http://www.youtube.com/
                                                               Song: ‘PaniDa Rang’
               Girlfriend                                      Movie: Vicky Donor
               vzVhrdq0NI                                      http://www.youtube.com/watch?




Playing on my iPod*


                                                            Oli Hang
                                                            Go Go Fighting
                           2012                             d_XMzk2OTIxMTUy.html

                           by May day

                                                            Miss D.D
                                                            Everybody Loves A
 PHILIPPINES                                                Lover


               Ingrosso&Alesso ft. Ryan Tedder
               Calling (Lose My Mind)

                                                             Chien Yao
                                                             Star Toes


                Calvin Harris
                The Rain



Rage against

What’s making people really angry?
Rage against


  Project Hello Stranger

                                         Sri Lanka
                                         The Let-down at Rio-20

Some groups attending Rio+20 felt the summit was a
Sri Lanka’s position on Rio+20 was largely in line with    complete failure. On the penultimate day, protesters
that of the Group of 77, a coalition of developing         took up a position near the entrance to the summit
countries.                                                 venue, where the top-level plenary sessions were in

In his Rio +20 address, the Sri Lankan President          progress, and said the Green Economy would not save
MahindaRajapaksa said “Outsiders should not                the Earth, which was being battered by anti-
encroach on a country’s natural resources, whether         environmental practices.
on land or in the ocean. Protection of the sea bed
and the ocean floor against damage by the use of           Back in Colombo, organizers of Earth Walk 2012 and
environmentally unfriendly methods of fishing, such        other youth groups were disheartened, upset and
as bottom trawling, should be guaranteed by                some even angry that the summit had been “so non-
international law and practice.”                           conclusive”.

                                                                                                   Restarting a
                                                                                                  nuclear plant

                                              There was outrage in Japan when the government announced the
                                              re-start of one of the shut nuclear plants. 11,000 people
                                              surrounded the Prime Minister’s residence with banners saying
                                              ‘STOP the nuclear plant’, ‘STOP OOI (name of the nuclear plant)’.
                                              The local police arrested one of the protesters who assaulted a
                                              police officer. Supporters of the rally included influential figures
                                              such as famous writers and actors. But it remains a divisive issue:
                                              there are some people who support the reopening of nuclear
                                              plants to support Japan’s economic growth.
Rage against                                                                                          India
                                                                        Moral policing by the Mumbai Police

Assistant Commissioner of Police Vasant Dhoble, 57,         Working on a multi-pronged marketing strategy, the
has been accused by his severest critics of trying to       team has begun distributing flyers with morning
Taliban-ise Mumbai. Mr Dhoble, who heads the                newspapers and will distribute around 600,000
Mumbai Police's Social Service branch, faced his latest     leaflets over the weekend. "We have hired 200
criticism on Twitter when he was a trending topic for       commercial hoardings across Mumbai. In fact we are
recent raids on some of the city's landmark restaurants     paying Rs 28,000 to put up 30 hoardings in the
and pubs.                                                   Bandra-Santa Cruz area whereas political parties are
                                                            charged only Rs 8,000-9,000 for this number. Being
It's not just his mission, but his style that has enraged   private individuals, we are charged many times more
the city. He often carries a camera during his raids        because the civic body assumes we are advertisers,"
to film people for relatively minor violations. Armed at    says Kanal. The team has spent Rs 1,000 as printing
least once with a hockey stick, MrDhoble arrived to         charge           for          each         hoarding.
enforce what many in the city believe are archaic laws.
He raided Cafe Zoe for playing music without the            The artistic community has pledged support from day
required license for a DJ, and because it was over-         one. Writer-singer RamjiGulati whose song
                         crowded.                           'Apni Mumbai police sabkabhai' had created waves
                                                            will record a special song for the rally.
A day later, he raided the Shiro nightclub in Worli on      Choreographer SandeepSoparrkar is working on a
Saturday, saying it was flouting rules.                     piece as well. Kabir Bedi posted his thoughts online.
                                                            "Mumbai Police trample democratic rights (by)
He has said in his defence that he needs to protect         denying permission for Sunday rally against brutal
young people who gather at hookah bars and pubs             crackdown on city's nightlife," he wrote.
which are breaking the law. "I am doing my job," he
said to NDTV, a week after two women sued the police
for defamation because they were arrested for being
prostitutes in a raid led by Mr Dhoble.

A Facebook page called 'Dhoble - Oppressor of the
Innocent Public' has 20,000 members. Writer and
commentator PritishNandy has described him as
'Public Enemy No 1' on Twitter.                             TWITTER HANDLE

MrDhoble's track record in the police force has many        ‘#DHOBLE’
blemishes, but a patina of political patronage has
protected him. He was suspended in 1989 for
accepting a bribe in Pune. In 1994, he was sentenced to
seven years in prison and fined a lakh for his role in a
custodial death. He was dismissed from the force but
reinstated in 1996, after his jail sentence was dismissed
by the Mumbai High Court. A departmental inquiry
against him is still pending in this case - the Supreme
Court had ordered this. Before the Special Service
branch, Mr Dhoble was posted with the Maharashtra
VidhanSabha security.

The organisers of 24TH June’s proposed anti-Dhoble
rally at Carter Road say the Mumbai Police's denial of
permission has in fact resulted in a fresh groundswell of
Wassup July 2012
Rage against

Pregnant Editor-In-Chief Forced to Resign

                                            A former chief editor of a Chinese website PClady,
                                            which provides information services aimed at
                                            women, was reportedly forced to resign last month
                                            for being pregnant. The company canceled her
                                            computer and email account after she refused to
                                            quit, reports the XinxiShibao, a newspaper affiliated
                                            to the Guangzhou Daily. The 34-year-old woman,
                                            surnamed Dong, had been working for the website
                                            since last February, rising on the strength of her
                                            performance to become chief editor. The
                                            Guangzhou-based website asked Dong to quit her
                                            job on Apr 24, five days after she informed the
                                            company of her pregnancy. Dong had told the
                                            company that her doctor had suggested she take a
                                            period of time off. The company's senior vice
                                            president told her to quit on April 24 despite
                                            recently released national regulations stipulating
                                            women should not be made unemployed or paid
                                            less on account of pregnancy, giving birth and
                                            breastfeeding. Dong refused to quit but found her
                                            computer, permit and email account had been
                                            rendered invalid the same afternoon.

                                            Dong said this is not the first time the company has
                                            dismissed a pregnant employee, adding that the
                                            company prevented a previous incident from being
                                            disclosed. The editor says she has retained legal
                                            advise over the case. Dong’s story has appeared on
                                            China’s largest micro-blogging service Sina Weibo.
                                            Within few days, the story has became one of the
                                            most discussed topics. Netizens have expressed
                                            their anger on this issue, one commented: “As one
                                            of the largest websites that target women, it is
                                            shame that you don’t even give your employee
                                            basic woman rights. Women today are well
                                            educated, we should fearlessly go to court to
                                            safeguard our legal rights and interests when we
                                            have not been treated fairly.”
Rage against
The Ferrari accident and its aftermath

On May 12 2012, 4.15am, at the junction of Rochor Road and Victoria Street, a red Ferrari ran a red light,
crashing into a taxi and instantly claiming two lives at the point of impact. This incident reads like an episode of
a drama series; a rich married man from China with an unknown female passenger driving recklessly in the
night causing the death of two other innocent victims. One victim was the taxi driver, a father of 3 and the
household’s sole breadwinner. The entire incident was captured on tape by another taxi driver’s inbuilt camera
whose occupants managed to escape death by mere seconds. This footage quickly went viral, sparking outrage
online from both Singaporeans and those in China.

This incident has caused additional tension on the ground amongst Singaporeans especially at a time when anti-
foreigner sentiment is on the rise. Many blame the government for its ‘liberal’ acceptance of foreign talent
which they say is the culprit behind the rising influx of foreigners causing trouble.

Even the Chinese embassy in Singapore has told its citizens living in the Republic, that “[they] hope that Chinese
citizens living in Singapore will respect life, value the safety of themselves and others, abide by its laws and
regulations, and live responsibly and gracefully”. The embassy also conveyed its sincere and deep condolences
to the victims and their families.

The Chinese themselves were outraged at the behaviour of one of their own as commentaries have appeared
in China condemning the obnoxious behavior of rich Chinese overseas. Many see this irresponsible behaviouras
a result of the sudden rising affluence among the Chinese and the lack of education and etiquette that should

Rage against

Poor working conditions for nurses

About 200 nurses protested in front of the Department of Health
on 5/30, urging relevant authorities to immediately modify labor
laws to prevent hospitals from further exploiting them.

"Let me sleep," shouted Liang Hsiu-mei, a member of the Radical
Nurses Union, which was formed recently to address the
increasingly deteriorating working conditions for local nursing

Liang presented a sample shift chart that showed how their
employers forced them to take care of patients when they didn't
have enough rest.

Nearly one in four nurses had the experience of working both the
night shift and the day shift on the same day, Liang said, citing
findings from a survey her organization had conducted.

"Only if we have enough rest can patients be in good hands," she

However, some nurses just leave the industry or go to another
country to get the better pay and betterquality of life. At the
moment, there are 230,000 individuals who hold nursing licenses
in Taiwan, though only about 40 percent of them are working as
nurses in the work force, according to statistics compiled by
health officials.

 According to statistics from the DOH, the turnover rate for nurses
reached 20 percent last year, which was 3 to 4 percentage points
higher than in previous years. About 17,800 people left the
profession in 2011.

In a ceremony held to recognize distinguished nurses a few days
earlier, President Ma Ying-jeou announced a set of guidelines for
nursing reform and promised to improve the working conditions
for nurses.
Rage against
Lady Gaga’s Cancelled Concert

The National Police stated that they would not issue a permit for Lady Gaga’s concert scheduled for Jakarta on
June 3, 2012, for, among other reasons, fears that the Grammy Award winner would exploit her sensuality in a
manner which could harm the morals of Indonesian youth. This statement is more or less in line with the same
tune as that of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI), which previously said that Lady Gaga would “bring the faith of
Satan to the country and thus would destroy the nation’s morals” (The Jakarta Post, May 16, 2012).

Whether the police’s decision is right or wrong does not matter. In this case, state institutions seemed to fall
under the influence or are unable to deal with threats that come from religious hardliner groups. In those
cases, the hardliner groups clearly stated that they would launch physical attacks on other parties. Through
their actions, the hardliners were actually presenting more potential, and in some cases, actual threats to other

The irony, however, is that state institutions, which ideally must stay neutral to protect the well-being of all
people, are aligning with the hardliner groups. Instead of overcoming potential threats, the state apparatus
chooses to cooperate with the side that has launched the threat.

Lady Gaga fans went mad and protested back, but it clearly did not save the concert. Local concert promoter
Big Daddy Entertainment has promised to issue full refunds for the 52,000 tickets purchased for Lady Gaga’s
June 3 concert in Jakarta, after the US singer backed out early on Sunday morning. Big Daddy executive Michael
Rusli told reporters in Jakarta that the tickets would be refunded “100 percent“, starting on June 10. "We will
announce detailed procedures on Wednesday because we have to ask the police to issue a permit for us to
refund the tickets, since it will involve crowds," Michael said.

A total of 52,000 tickets, with prices ranging from Rp 465,000 (US$50.75) to Rp 2.25 million, have already been
sold since tickets sales opened on March 10. Michael Rusli declined to comment on how much money that the
promoter had lost due to the cancellation.

A total of 52,000 tickets, with prices ranging from Rp 465,000
(US$50.75) to Rp 2.25 million, had already been sold since tickets
sales opened on March 10. Michael Rusli declined to comment on
how much money that the promoter had lost due to the
Waiting list
Waiting list

Sri Lanka
World Cup Cricket Twenty20

                                 The 2012 ICC World Twenty20 will be the fourth ICC World Twenty20 competition,
                                 an international cricket tournament that will be held in Sri Lanka between
                                 September 18 and October 7, 2012. This will be the first World Twenty20
                                 tournament held in an Asian country, the last three being held in South Africa,
                                 England and the West Indies respectively. Sri Lankan pacer LasithMalinga has been
                                 chosen as the event ambassador of the tournament by ICC. On 21 September
                                 2011, ICC unveiled the logo of the tournament, named "Modern Spin”

                                 On 10th June 2012, the 100th day countdown for the ICC Twenty20 World Cup
                                 2012 was launched at the Pallekelle International Cricket Stadium. As part of the
                                 celebrations, more than 300 school children from the Kandy District formed a
                                 giant '100’ (actual photograph on the left). The ICC together with Sri Lanka Cricket
                                 also donated cricket bats to 100 girls and boys schools playing competitive cricket
                                 in the Kandy District. Also present at the occasion were Pakistan captain
                                 Mohammed Hafeez and Sri Lanka captain MahelaJayawardena and Sri Lanka
                                 women's captain ShashikalaSiriwardena.

                                 Schedule available on:

                                                                      Prevé from local car manufacturer Proton
Recently, local car manufacturer Proton announced
that its latest car model, Prevé, has received over
10,000 bookings in just two months, making it the
most popular 1.6 liter sedan in the market. The Prevé
is claimed to be Proton’s effort to offer the most
technologically advanced vehicle available to the mass
market and its launch was greatly anticipated by car
enthusiasts and the average Malaysian alike.

So far, reviews of the car have lauded the Prevé for its
affordability and for its technological innovations,        The 1.6 liter Proton Prevé
such as the built in GPS system and touchscreen audio
system on the dashboard. Some reviewers have even
deemed the Prevé as Proton’s first global car and its
finest model yet.
Waiting list
‘Gangs of Wasseypur’

 This year’s most
 talked-about movie
 ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’
 is probably the only
 Hindi film of recent
 times which is getting
 so much attention
 abroad also.

 The movie director AnuragKashyap is
 like a representative of Indian cinema,
 who stands out from the usual masala
 entertainers. His films are hard-hitting
 and realistic and that is the reason
 why ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ was a hot
 favourite at Cannes this year.

 ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ is a six hour
 marathon and will be released in two
 parts. But the 2nd part will be
 released probably after 2-3 weeks of
 the first part. At the end of the first
 part is when you can sit back to watch
 the trailer of the second one.

                                            Last         February,          Japanese
                                            company Fast Retailing Co., Ltd.
  Uniqlo                                    formally announced the June opening
                                            of the first Uniqlo shop in the
                                            Philippines, which will be located at SM
                                            Mall of Asia. With just days to go,
                                            shoppers are giddy with excitement
                                            especially with an opening sale to
                                            welcome them for the first 3 weeks.
                                            Many came to know and love Uniqlo
                                            from their travels around Asia. The
                                            arrival of the brand is a big treat for
                                            Filipino shoppers. In the next 3 years,
                                            more shoppers will get their Uniqlo fix
                                            with 49 other stores to open in the
                                            greater Manila area.
Waiting list
Maroon 5
With the cancelation of Lady Gaga’s concert, people are
resorting to the next concert by Maroon5, which is scheduled
to be on October 5, 2012. Despite the fact that it will the their
second concert this year in Jakarta, fans had lined up and
fought for the presale tickets launched on June 16. The sales
turned out amazing with 8000 presale tickets sold in less than
3 minutes.

This was exactly what happened on their last visit as well.
Looks like Indonesians haven’t had enough of Maroon5, and
this time, Maroon 5 made a short video to promote their tour
in Asia, where Jakarta will be the last city, closing their tour.


Prior to their concert on October 5, Maroon 5 will be
launching their new album, and this is what people have been
waiting for, on top of the upcoming concert.

Tokyo Sky Tree
Tokyo Sky Tree opened on May 22. It is the world's tallest free-
standing tower with a height of 634 meters. The tower was
primarily built to broadcast clear TV and radio signals without
interference from the many skyscrapers that have been built in
central Tokyo. Now, it become a town combining the
broadcast tower, an aquarium, a planetarium and the Tokyo
Solamachi complex, which boasts 312 shops and restaurants.
From May 22 to July 10, entry to the observation desk are by
Advance Reservation only, which had been sold out before
opening. In the first weekend, Tokyo Sky Tree and surrounding
facilities drew 564,000 visitors. Calculate on a year-long basis,
the number of visitors to Tokyo Skytree Town is expected to
total 32 million in the first year, and 25 million in the second.
Waiting list
           Diablo III

           It’s been 12 long years since Diablo II came out, and the worldwide wait for the
           sequel was finally over this year wth Diablo III’s release.

           While fans of the game had the option of getting their games through third
           party suppliers or directly online, many others decided to do the brave thing:
           Face off countless other fans and get their games in person at the launch event
           held by Asiasoft at FunanDigitaLife Mall. Some even lined up 24 hours before
           the launch of the events while others took leave from school and work specially
           to get their hands on the latest game. But to them, it’s a small sacrifice. Just ask
           Seth Chan, the first person in the queue. Hestarted queuing with his friends at
           6am the day before and even took two days off his annual leave to prepare for
           this launch event.

           This craze may not seem so surprising when one takes a look at the statistics:
           Singaporean youth are playing 27 hours of computer games/week according to
           an ongoing study by National Institute of Education (NIE).

           Some fun facts: this game has proved so popular that it’s namesake even made
           an appearance at this year’s Beerfest Asia in Singapore.
Waiting list

and also in Taiwan !

Diablo III has been the most anticipated game this
decade, drawing an eager audience in in Taiwan
too! The game’s creator, Blizzard, had us waiting
years for the next installment to Diablo II – a
game that millions of people still play.

Those long years of anticipation can seem like a
lifetime in the gaming world, when games such as
World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, or Battlefield,
release yearly updates .

Blizzard, the game’s creators, announced that
Diablo III had sold about 1 million copies in a
single month in Taiwan, making it the hottest-
selling PC game this summer.

However, there was some negative publicity as
one gamer was too excited and couldn’t stop
playing the game day and night, as this 31-year-
old man eventually died in front of the computer,
with the screen continuing to show Diablo III.
That’s how crazy these fans of popular computer
gamers                can                become!
Waiting list
                                                                     Xiaomi “Youth Edition” Smartphone

 May 15, 2012, Chinese smart phone marker                Founded by Chinese Internet guru Lei Jun, Xiao
 Xiaomi released a new version of its smart phone        mi began with a small team but aimed high - to-
 targeting younger and more price-sensitive              make Chinese high-end performing smart
 consumers. Its name, the 青春 (Qing Chun) or              phones with affordable prices. The company's
 “youth edition” also invokes a feeling of               smart phones, which cost around 2,000RMB
 springtime, indicating that they aim for this to be     ($317) or less than half the price of an Apple
 a seasonal deal. According to the announcement          iPhone 4,soldmore than 1.65 million units since
 on Xiaomi’s Weibo, the model is limited to               it entered the market on Oct 20 last year, the
 150,000 units, preorders were only available            company said. Xiaomi only offers its products
 through May 18. Priced at 1499 RMB ($238), the          through online sales, with limited number
 new phone is 20% faster in speed but 25%                of units at a time due to its limited production
 cheaper in price 25% compared with the original         capacity.
                                                         Earlier this year, Xiaomi secured $90 million in
 Before the preorder day, the message on Xiaomi’s        a venture capital fund-raising that attracted
 Weibo page has already been reposted 72,000             foreign investors, bringing the total investor
 times by fans. On May 18, the company sold all          financing       to   $130     million.    It   also
 150,000 phones in just 12 minutes as it launched        made Foxconn, the primary Apple product supp
 the online sale. One netizen commented on its           -lier, to be its supplier from January this year.
 Weibo page: “I heard great things about Xiaomi
 smart phone, I have been wanting to buy it but
 the price is kind of expensive to a college student
 like me. When I heard about the release of the
 youth edition, I was so happy and I have been
 waiting in front of computer to preorder on May
 18. But it is too popular and I couldn’t get a quota,
 they should produce more units!”
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
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Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
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Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012
Wassup July 2012

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Wassup July 2012

  • 2. The cultural trends magazine from Correspondents: Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific TariRusbianti(Jakarta) Edited & designed by Kunal Sinha InkeKurniawan(Jakarta) Mala Yutimalah (Jakarta) Elaine Dai (Beijing) NehaPunjabi (Mumbai) DonnahAlcoseba(Makati City) Wine Chua-Leonardo (Makati City) Joyce Koor( Singapore) WaqasTahir (Singapore) Naoko Ito (Tokyo) Azusa Fukai (Tokyo) Madhurim Gupta (Colombo) Mei Wu (Taipei) Beatrice Yong (Kuala Lumpur) Josephine Phang (Kuala Lumpur) Serena Park (Seoul) © Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific, 2012
  • 3. Our engagement with the digital world is driven by what technology allows us to do, but in great part it’s because it is shaping our opinions like never before. Amongst the burgeoning population of bloggers and those that tweet, some folks are particularly sticky: these opinion leaders stand out and are avidly followed because they have a pulse of what’s happening across diverse fields: entertainment, politics, sport and lifestyle. In this issue of Wassup, we speak with a cross-section of such influencers to get a sense of what makes them so appealing. Even as Western animation characters gain a toehold amongst kids and youth in Asia, an entirely homegrown set of quirky characters has emerged on to the scene, dominating the world of cinema, TV, comic books and theme parks. Japan’s foremost cultural exports might be mangaand Hello Kitty, but here we’ve chosen to profile some of the lesser known characters who are no less engaging. Go on and explore how they tap into local cultures. While political and economic turmoil continue to buffet the world, with little resolution in sight, Asians have to deal with their own uncertainties and tensions. Sometimes, an over zealous police officer may have a city’s merrymakers up in arms; or a bureaucrat who decides to crack down on those sporting tattoos can face strong resistance. On other occasions, politicians and religious leaders who drive a wedge amongst people invite their anger. Ambitious new buildings, a new beer variant with frozen froth toppings, a new video game and new TV shows, and the forthcoming cricket Twenty20 World Cup are just some of the things that folks are talking about. They may be interested in the Euro Football tournament, or the London Olympics, but these topics aren’t quite on top of their agenda. Here in Asia, what’s trending is different. And Wassup tells you all about it !
  • 4. 14 countries. 20 correspondents deeply immersed in popular and leading edge culture bring you Cultural Insights that will make a world of difference to your business. SOUTH KOREA BANGLADESH PHILIPPINES SINGAPORE INDONESIA SRI LANKA THAILAND MALAYSIA PAKISTAN VIETNAM TAIWAN JAPAN CHINA INDIA
  • 5. Look who’s talking: Internet Opinion Leaders Knowing me, Knowing you: Animation characters Playing on my iPod Rage against Waiting List Everyone is talking about Tense about Favorite knock-off brands
  • 6. Look Who’s Talking Internet Opinion Leaders
  • 7. Look who’s talking Indonesia Pribadi Prananta PribadiPrananta is among the 5,5 million Twitter users in Indonesia. However, PribadiPrananta is not just a Twitter user, he has that special “spot” in the twitter land for tweeps around Indonesia as the influencer. Pribadi aka Pipu is out othere on Twitter using the name @pipis , in which in Indonesia, means “pee”. That’s a plus one for Pipu, as it’s an interesting name selection. *on his experience on transjakarta bus On his Twitter account, Pipu describes himself as a Transjakartabus user, and an ad man - story teller for the whole day. Pipu does play a role as a story teller in Twitter, at least to his followers. He’s telling his story in the morning when he takes Transjakarta bus on his way to the office. He describes the people, or the things that he sees, and his experience in a different way. Pipu doesn’t stop to tell “story” in the morning. Duringthe day, he usually shares content such as videos of things that interest him; about cats and dogs, movie trailer, inspiring people, any updates on Japanese group “AKB48” and last but not least, as an Ad Man, he also shares great ads around the world. What’s unique is on Thursday night, it a session for a horror story, or called #memetwit. Pipuis one of the influencer who is actively sharing a story each week. His followers are mostly young people, cat lovers, Japanese girl band; JKT 48 or AKB48, and horror story lovers. Every day, there will be one or more followers who shares photos of his/her cat, and they ask Pipu to say “hi”” to them, and he did RT and say Hi. On Thursday night, also the same, there will be followers whoask Piputo tell them a horror story. We asked him how can he tell horror story each week, and doesn’t he run out of stories? Do you experience something scary each week? Well, story tellers are like magicians, they never tell. Because of his populariity among theTwitterati, brands such as AXIS (telecommunication provider), Pocari Sweat , SMAX (Crackers), and others are using Pipu to drive his followers to get to know more about their brand, or join the campaign they’re running. It seems that big brands trust Pipu will tell good stories about them to his followers.
  • 8. Look who’s talking Sri Lanka RamodMalaka is a talented 23 year old dancer who excels in all types of dance genres. Ramod is also a choreographer at his young age and owns his own dance studio. But this isn’t his only talent; his skills in IT have given him the opportunity to launch his own website to exhibit his dance skills and to promote his dance studio. He has made many friends especially because of internet. His dance troupe is also like family to him and he hangs out with them a lot. He feels he gains a lot of knowledge just socializing with his friends because each person has a different perception not just about dancing but about life in general. He further explains that his life is not completely about internet, although it plays a big part in his life. Life outside internet is where he finds emotion. He says he enjoys it a lot. He loves to hang out at the beach because it relaxes him and enables him to improve his creative thoughts in dance. Internet is a drug to him is what he says. His typical explanation on how he feels without internet is the same way a drug-addict would seek for his “line” to snort every www.ramodonline.com day, anytime of the day. He quotes “Without the internet I would feel weak and lifeless”….
  • 9. Look who’s talking The main reason why Ramod’s second home is the net is because of his career. He thinks that the net helps him in many ways to promote his dance studio. He launched his website in early 2011. What kind of stories does he like to share? Does his site have any impact? Since Ramod’s passion is dancing, he finds interesting quotes, He believes that his writing definitely has stories, case studies on dancers, dance genres and so on to an impact, especially on budding dancers share with dance enthusiasts. He also likes to share videos of who are inspired to reach the heights he interesting dance moves he comes across on famous shows has at his young age. Whenever he comes like “So you think you can dance” and “Dancing with the across something that is interesting he Stars”. Moreover, he always uploads his personal shares it with his fans with the hope that performances which have always managed to get him a good it will inspire them as well. Interestingly, it crowd cheer. By doing so he expects his fans and friends to is not only dope on dancing that he share their thoughts and takes the positives and the negatives shares, but also information about new as constructive criticism which he believes improves him technologies as he is also very much into performance by performance. this industry, and is doing his BSc in Computing with Interactive Media at the South Asian Institute of Technology and Management. What are his favourite sites? So You think I can dance- http://www.fox.com/dance/ Monster Hip Hop – http://www.monstersofhiphop.com/
  • 10. Look who’s talking Mumbai Miss Malini We hereby present to you MaliniAgarwal who is also popularly known as @missmalini on Twitter. Her blogs feature on her own website – missmalini.com “So it’s like this; I’ve worked as a DJ on a local Radio Station – 94.3 Radio One, reported in on the Bollywood buzz live with Nikki Bedi on BBC Asia Network, continue to run a social network called Friday Club, write a gossip column in theMid Day and attend a hell of a lot of social “dos” (I plead occupational hazard but secretly enjoy it.) I like to think my fly-on-the-wall perspective is sometimes funny and mostly fair. Remember though that this is Bollywood; aka tinsel town, the land of Prada & Paparazzi. Here everyone wants to be on “Page 3″ – a direct descendant of the LA “Page 6” and very often they’ll stop at nothing for a full color high resolution mugshot. Watch this space then for all your desi glam gossip..Perez Hilton I’m about to play it forward.”
  • 11. Look who’s talking She covers way more topics than just Bollywood, “Everything from an awesome site called postsecret.com to 500pencils.socialdesigner.com dedicated to pencils of every imaginable colour, how cool is that right? I publish whatever I find interesting assuming only that if its good enough for me its good enough for you! (excerpt from her interview back in 2010) What has made MissMalini, the blog, so popular? I think MissMalini.com has a very unique voice and a living breathing personality which really sets it apart. It is also completely a labor of love and I think that comes through. Since I've been in the media in Mumbai for over a decade, the network I have built affords me unique access to Bollywood, lifestyle and fashion events as well as personalities. So my perspective comes from behind the velvet rope which people are most curious about. We're also very particular about the quality of writing and use a variety of media to make the posts very interactive. So it's a fresher approach than traditional media. My style. I try to do what I always tell my writers and guest contributors: write the way you speak. Like you're telling a friend. I want to hear your voice. Don't be afraid to have an opinion. The beauty of a blog is that you have great creative freedom. The only 2 big rules I have are: a) don't be unnecessarily nasty and b) always spell check and respect proper grammar rules! Its part of respecting your readers.Blogging at this scale is still pretty limited in India. We just do what we think our readers will appreciate. We keep it fun, fresh and current. We're happy to see the blogging industry grow in India! What works for me? I think brands are looking for new ways to connect with their audiences, in more individual, interactive ways. They also want to get a finger on the pulse of today's youth, and we can help them with both. I think being associated with the MissMalini brand also offers some credibility among my 18-35 demographic, especially because we only work with partners and brands we genuinely like. Honestly, I think we mostly influence by example. If we like a product, we'll talk about it. We like sharing the love if we think its something our audience will enjoy. Where brands want a more sustained campaign, we work with them to create customized and unique solutions that include editorials, contests, photo and video content, interviews, events, etc. But the golden rule is that we only support things we like.
  • 12. Look who’s talking How Malini, the girl, become Miss Malini, the blogger? I grew up in the digital age! I call it serendipity and being in the right place at the right time. I've always loved to write and am an Internet junkie, after working in print and radio for 9 years running a social network called Friday How do brands capitalize on her popularity? Club and working online with MTV and Channel V (as head of digital content) I found that blogging was a fabulous way to connect all my passions in one place. The blog is a living breather mirror of my life and curates everything to do with Bollywood fashion lifestyle and geek chic - I am a life caster, I live my life online and I love it :) Rules I blog by: - Keep it honest. Blog about what you love. It shows. - Respect your readers. Give them something that deserves their time. They'll respect you for it and come back too! - Don't take yourself too seriously. Its very easy to get caught up in yourself, especially in the entertainment industry. But you need to be able to laugh at yourself and let things roll of your back. - Make it fun!
  • 13. Look who’s talking Malaysia Kenny Sia (www.kennysia.com) Kenny Sia is one of Malaysia’s most popular bloggers. In fact, his blogging career is one that most bloggers aspire to have. He started the blog in January 2005 as a tool to communicate with his overseas friends. However, it soon became one of the Malaysian blogosphere’s most popular blogs, partly attributed to an infamous post on April’s Fool’s Day where he made fun of a score of famous bloggers. Today, his blog has been visited over 24 million times and has been awarded titles such as Blog of the Year and Best Entertainment Blog. It’s easy to see why people love his blog. His posts never fail to make you laugh, whether he is writing about current Kenny Sia after shaving his head for charity issues, Malaysian politics, local advertising, product reviews, understanding women, day-to-day life or his travels. He writes with a sense of humor that appeals across borders, and it’s this humor that keeps people going back for more. He’s notorious for his crude humor and satire, his unabashedly self-depreciating wit and is well-known for his parodies of scandals and controversies. He’s not merely funny. He also writes thoughtful and poignant posts, in between nonsensical ones, and his product reviews are well researched and informative. But whether it is a trip to the salon or patriotism or vibrating condoms, his perspectives on the issue at hand never fail to A parody of a slimming product advertisement generate vigorous discussions and spark heated debate amongst netizens. Readers also love his blog because each post he puts up is an original creation, not simply a copy-and-paste of interesting news. Much thought and research goes into the planning of each article and he painstakingly creates candid photo- shopped pictures to illustrate his stories. The most recent brands that have capitalized on his celebrity blogging status are Apple, local car brand Perodua and Guinness, but apart from the wide endorsements of products, he was also appointed a judge for Malaysian Dreamgirls, an online reality modeling pageant, and engaged to be the brand ambassador for Mister Potato, a potato chip brand. A controversial parody of a Malaysian politician’s sex scandal
  • 14. Look who’s talking South Korea Hyori Lee ‘Social-tainer’ is a new terminology, that combines society and entertainer. Lately, it’s a big trend amongst entertainers to actively get involved with social issues by lending their voices, and even sometimes participating in touchy issues, which consequently makes them even more popular amongst the public. Hyori Lee is South Korea’s most famous singer and at the same time, fashionista. She is well known for expressing hers view on various issues via social media. This has made her one of the best social-tainers in South Korea. Most of all, she actively tweets about her care and concern about abandoned dogs and cats; these are reported by a large number of Korean media. Now, the serious issue of Via Twitter, Hyori Lee showed her on-going abandoned pets has become the talk of town. support and care for pets and animals, which gradually raised the public’s interest in animal rights. Most of her Tweets (numbering around 2000) are about her trivial everyday life story, along with her support and care for pets and animals. Half of her Tweets are about animals in danger. Quite often, she makes an effort to help pet owners to search and find their lost dogs by Tweeting and re-Tweeting their message. Obviously her influence as a celebrity works well in finding lost pets. She has also donated her possession towards raisings funds for the animal protection movement.
  • 15. Look who’s talking Hyori Lee recently announced that she had turned vegetarian, publicly encouraging vegetarianism amongst her followers. She said “I tend to act without hesitation when I have a conviction. Since I have been interested in animal rights and protection, I found out another hidden side of animal protection. This made me turn vegetarian spontaneously. Actually, after becoming a vegetarian, I am less touchy, more generous and relaxed about things around me.” She added “If you feel it is difficult, or too dramatic a change to become a vegetarian, I recommend that you skip having meat at least once a week, which would be a good way to start.” In one media interview, she confessed her inner thoughts, saying, “Sometimes, as a well known celebrity, I feel a burning desire to express my opinion in SNS like Twitter. Nonetheless, I enjoy expressing myself straightforwardly, without any barrier through SNS, which is its biggest charm.” Lately, we have noticed that a number of celebrities are easily hurt and mentioned negatively via SNS. But there aresomecelebrities who use their fame for socially responsible activities, and in a more productive manner, like Hyori Lee. She truly knows how well-known public figures can change the world into a better place. Hyori stars in a documentary about vegetarian life style on one of major South Korean cable TV channels. Hyori posts pictures of her own vegetarian pizzaon Twitter, promoting vegetarian life style among Koreans.
  • 16. Look who’s talking 16 year-old Xia Xue Before & after plastic surgery Xia Xue today, with dyed hair, make-up and help from Photoshop Singapore Xia Xue Before diet pills: 46kg After: 38.5kg & her 24-inches shorts being very loose Whether you love or hate her, Wendy Cheng (better While she has her fair share of haters who criticize known as Xiaxue) is arguably Singapore’s most well- her for being ‘bimbotic’, ‘shallow’ and ‘vulgar’, she known blogger. With 86,205 people likes on also has a strong following, even winning various Facebook, 105,323 followers on Twitter and 37,842 blog awards such as her latest win for “Most page visits on an average day, it’s hard to deny her Influential Blog” which caused some to deem it as popularity. “inappropriate” and “disappointing” last year. She’s known for many things- her honesty about her Her latest blog post, “The Faces of plastic surgery and experience with diet pills, her Haters”http://xiaxue.blogspot.sg/2012/05/faces-of- penchant for pink and purple hair, her heavily haters.htmlcaused controversy as well as people photoshopped photos and last but not least, her were split between supporting her and condemning vocal expressions of her (often controversial) points her for “hurting” innocent bystanders. This of view. She even has her own mini-series titled controversy was also published on national “XiaXue’s guide to life” which covers things from “Lie platforms such as The Straits Times and Yahoo News. Detecting” to “My Pet Bunny” to “Kissing AGirl” As one article aptly put it “Depending on who you which you can view here: are, Wendy Cheng aka Xiaxue is a feminist avenger http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgFJlXB2cJo or a symbol of everything wrong with young women today”. According to a survey she conducted with 6000 respondents, her readers are mainly Singaporean females, young adults, into fashion and looking for alternative voices.
  • 17. Look who’s talking Taiwan Chen Chi-shun Chen Chi-shun, acerbic style blogger of the highly influential "My Bitchy Personal Opinions,” is a fashion critic who is loved and hated by almost every entertainer. "Just because you love someone and are a huge fan, doesn't mean everything that person does is perfect," Chen argues, adding that he would personally never forgive a serious fashion disaster just because he loved the person wearing it. Chen says people often tell him that criticizing fashion is much easier than creating fashion or great personal style of your own. To this, the droll Internet personality explains that “criticism" and “creation" have always been completely different things, and bridging this distinction has never been the point of his blog. Chen has recently described popular entertainer, Jolin Tsai, a fashion disaster in her latest MV ,“Honey Trap(美人計).” He ridicules her shoulder pads with tassels as being“a monthly calendar on shoulders.” Jolin’s agent responded to Chen’s “bitchy” comments by saying, “as long as they’re not personal attacks, Jolin can dismiss them with a sense of humor.” With over 10 million views this year, "My Bitchy Personal Opinions" has allowed Chen to develop his own fan base amongst a group of readers who are most likely office workers suffering from work related pressure, and enjoy the temporary pleasure of mocking someone’s clothing or a particular brand. And of course, they may also appreciate the fashion tips and trends. And though he is frequently invited as a guest by many fashion and luxury brands, Chen continues to criticize them on his blog, which demonstrates his true commitment to justice and humor. Jolin’s fashion disaster
  • 18. Look who’s talking CHINA Sisi Ren Sisi Ren is a 28-year-old popular blogger from Hangzhou, China. He has been blogging at Yoho.cn, one of the biggest youth online communities and trendy online shops in China since 2008. As an art director at a leading premium women's wear brand in China, he has always been on top of fashion trends and loves sharing his fashion inspiration with his friends online. He also writes reviews and recommendations about recent popular music, movies and art exhibitions that interest him personally. In 2010, Sisi’s blog was featured on the leading youth fashion and culture magazine YOHO as the editor’s recommended blog for fashion conscious Chinese youth. The majority of Sisi’s online followers are fashion conscious and artistic youth between 18 and early 30. They visit his blog to look for inspiration in fashion and art, as well as recommendations on music, movies and new products. However, Sisi doesn’t like to call his blog readers as ‘followers’, he thinks he is also learning from them when they are interacting online. “I always respond to each comment on my blog and I love to interact with my online friends. I feel fulfilled that my voice is being heard and appreciated by others, but most importantly, I’ve made friends who have the same interests and we will always learn new things from each other. It is harder to find friends offline with mutual interests,” Sisi says. He also cares very much about the quality of his blog post. “I make picture board for each of my blog post because I know young people prefer to look at picture, instead of reading a long text article. I keep my writing as concisely as possible and I always post new article every 3 or 4 days.” Sisi explains. Because of having a strong online presence, Sisi has been identified by agencies and brands that are trying to market and promote products among young Chinese consumers. In the past three years, Sisi has collaborated with brands such as Lynx, Lego and DEMETER to promote their products amongst young Chinese consumers. He has also helped movie companies such as Sony to do film promotions before the movie is released.
  • 19. Look who’s talking Japan Kyohei Sakaguchi “A house, by nature, should be something free, flexible, and personal, and that is what I wanted to pursue,” Sakaguchi explains. But even his water tower house and pizza scooter house didn’t prepare him for what he found on the banks of Tokyo’s Tama river in the year 2000. It was an encounter that changed his life. After the earthquake last year, he moved to Kumamoto (a southern island in Japan) and built up a new government, becoming its first prime minister. He has started up the “Zero-center”; where there were only four residences, more than fifty people live today: the number of people has grown quickly in the last six months. Architect, artist and photographer of 0 Yen house Creative people, who worry about radioactivity, are moving from Tokyo to Kumamoto. A social “Man can also build a house just like a bird can build its community was built around the new government nest. A wall of morning-glory, a house made of pottery and started sending out information. It has become pipes, and a two-generation house with dog … the total one of the fastest growing creative communities cost of construction is just 0 yen. Photograph collections today. of houses on road covered in surrounding of Shirakawa Park and Kamagasaki and Shinjuku Central Park, etc. Sakaguchi suggests that as human beings, people Drawing is on the back of the cover.” have to stop depending on others, but need to start expressing their own creativity in their own lives. While studying architecture at Waseda University, His attempt is to wake Japanese people up and to Sakaguchi eschewed model-making and drafting for restart people thinking by themselves. more more visceral explorations, like living in an abandoned water tower, and converting a pizza delivery scooter into a mobile home.
  • 20. Look who’s talking Philippines Jenni Epperson Jenni Epperson is one of the Philippines’ most popular bloggers these days. Not only does she have a very entertaining and fun writing style, her blogs also covers a variety of topics, ranging from food, beauty, interior design and general lifestyle. This range of topics is one of the main reasons why she can reach such a wide base of people. This also helped her build her huge Twitter following of around fifty-five thousand people. Because of her growing popularity, a lot of different brands have been engaging her. She has recently written blog posts about Havaianas, Beach Hut, Avon and a couple of make-up brands such as NARS. Other brands and services that have gone to her for support are a couple of food services and beauty treatment services. Jenni is definitely one of the countries top influencers and more and more people and brands are starting to take notice. She blogs about a variety of topics
  • 22. Knowing me, Knowing you Animation characters
  • 23. Knowing me, Knowing you India ChhotaBheem With a viewership of over 35 million people, home grown hero Chhota Bheem is India’s top animated television series. Launched in 2008, by this year, over 120 episodes of the popular animation series have been aired. The success of the series has spun off into a number of short animation films over the years and a full length feature film titled ChhotaBheem and the Curse of Damyaan which was released in 2012. Bheem is an adventurous and fun-loving 9-year-old who is gifted with extraordinary strength. This power is a boon for Dholakpur, Bheem's village, which is constantly beset by all kinds of perils. This child has a big heart and he always uses his strength to help those who are wronged or needy. He nabs culprits, robbers and is seen as a Guardian of the innocent and poor people and also the animals. He wants to be a protector of the world. Bheem loves food and has a certain craving for laddoos, which in fact, give him a surge of energy and make him even stronger than he normally is. Every episode comes with a subtle message. Parents and grandparents love him because it helps them instil values into the child through stories from epics of ancient India. How? Kids ask for Lord Bheems’s stories because they want to know what their favourite character grows up to become. Inspiration : Bheema isone of the central characters of Mahabharata, an epic of ancient India. Bheema was distinguished from his brothers by his great stature and strength. He was said to be capable of fighting 60,000 warriors at once, so mighty was he that when he were to roar in anger he would put to shame the proudest lion and frighten the most fearless warrior. It is said that Bheema's appetite was so huge, that he always had to eat less than full.
  • 24. Knowing me, Knowing you My 9 year old nephew prefers Indian mythology heroes over Avengers or Transformers. Like all boys, he loves fights but prefers those that make his imagination run wild. He loves Bheem’s weapon, gadda, and how he fights with it. The village is different from our world, just like our mythology stories. Not like Spiderman’s or Batman’s. He doesn’t like spinach so he doesn’t get how Popeye loves it. But he loves laddoos, just like Chota Bheem and the rest of India does. Director Rajiv Chilaka on how he wanted kids to connect with an Indian hero and ChhotaBheem was the perfect choice. Also pushing the character's popularity is merchandising. The comics, DVDs, t-shirts etc. “He was so strong and we all wanted to be like him,” says the ChhotaBheem'sFavourite Drink 'Notty' Makes Its founder and MD of Hyderabad-based Green Gold Animation. Fruity Debut - Years later, he came up with ChhotaBheem and set him in a http://www.indiaprwire.com/pressrelease/food/ different era and context. “Children fell in love with the boy 20120523120685.htm who was righteous and could take on any opponent. Bheem has ChhotaBheem Games - some unique character traits and is deeply rooted in Indian http://chotabheemgamess.in/ culture. He came in at a time when children had access to ChhotaBheem Home Décor – mostly to international content. We wanted to give them a http://www.greengoldstore.com/shop-by- chance to experience an Indian hero who could connect with category/home-decors.html them,” he adds.
  • 25. Knowing me, Knowing you Sri Lanka Scooby Dooby Doo The top 3 cartoon characters that are famous amongst Sri Lankan kids are: 1st: Scooby-Doo; 2nd: Dennis the Menace; 3rd: Tintin The Scooby-Doo series is well-known not only amongst kids but amongst young adults too. In Sri Lanka, the series is aired on Sirasa TV. It is dubbed in Sinhala but still retains the same name- Scooby-Doo, whereas the other cartoons dubbed are given Sri Lankan names. (e.g. Dennis the Menace – “Dangaya”) Who is Scooby? Originally aired in 1969, Scooby-Doo has been on TV virtually non-stop ever since, entertaining generations of kids around the entire world. Scooby-Doo is a smart, funny, adventurous series that will always be a classic among the viewers. Well-formed humor is by far the show's best quality: there's a laugh for everyone, and especially the kids will love how Scooby Fanspeak … always runs away from trouble. At the same time the cartoon shows how kids can apply the characters' “Scooby Doo!!! because I like the doggy!..” – ideas and solutions to their own lives, at home and at Mihelie(5) school. How do Scooby and his friends use clues to “Scooby!, he makes me laugh!” – Shaniza (7) solve a problem? Every episode is an interesting “Scooby – Doo!, I think Fred is cute!” – Venuki (8) mystery for the kids. “Scooby-Doo!, He’s COOOOL!!” - Jason (7)
  • 26. Knowing me, Knowing you Indonesia Si Kancil (The Deer) is one of the famous characters from traditional Si Kancil Indonesian fairy tales. It is quite likely that many adults have forgotten the stories, which their parents or grandparents and teachers may have told them when they were kids. Si Kancil has many adventures to share, among them“Si Kancil dan Si Siput (The Deer and The Snail)”, “Si Kancil Mencuri Timun (The Deer Steals Cucumber)” and “Si Kancil Menyeberang Sungai Penuh Buaya (The Deer Crossing River of Crocodiles)“ were quite popular. The most famous one is “Si Kancil Mencuri Timun”. These stories have now been transformed into a series of books, a cartoon show, and even a song to tell his story about stealing cucumber. *The Captious Deer Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZ_LZU75Av0 &feature=related The Adventure of The Deer Cartoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96greHc4kjM In recent years, some parents were concerned that Si Kancil‘s stories were about his using cleverness to trick, deceive or cheat others. Because of the concern that the fairytale could affect children’s character, Dr Sofyan Djalial, MA.MALD, Ministry of State Owned Enterprise, told people to stop telling stories about Si Kancil Mencuri Timun. Then, in 2009, Tedi Siswoko, published its first book, “Kancil (Bukan) Si Pencuri Timun (The Deer (is not) The Cucumber Stealer)”. It was a different story compared to the previous one, with Si Kancil using his cunning to help his friends, instead of cheating or deceiving them. Si Kancil plays the role of an anti-hero, but is still quite loveable, with children enjoying his adventures very much!
  • 27. Knowing me, Knowing you Malaysia Upin and Ipin Their popularity amongst Malaysians has made them Malaysia’s favourite animated twins. Their Facebook page is a testament to that. With over 5.4 million fans on Facebook – they are the most “liked” Facebook page in Malaysia.To date, the series has reached its fourth year-long season on TV. Apart from TV, you can also read Upin and Ipin comic books, buy their DVDs, watch their series online, in Malaysia’s first CGI Animated feature film Geng: The Adventure Begins. Hi! We are Upin and Ipin, a pair of animated 5 year old Malay twins who live in a small Malaysian village, Kampung Durian Runtuh (Literal translation: Village of Falling Durian) with our big sister, KakRos and grandmother, Opah. We attend classes everyday at our village’s TadikaMesra (Friendly Kindergarten) with our Malay, Indian and Chinese friends. ‘Upin and Ipin’ was first created as a series of four minute animated shorts by Les' Copaque Production to educate children of the meaning and importance of fasting and the Islamic holy month. It debuted on TV as a Ramadhan special in September 2007 and was an instant hit amongst adults and children in Malaysia. Upin and Ipin and their classmates Since then, the series has evolved into Upin&Ipin and Friends, a more general themed series surrounding the lives and adventures of the twins and their friends on You can even catch them up close live in Upin normal days, which has garnered an international and Ipin The Musical, a theatre play production audience following their debut on Disney Channel Asia. performed by children. You can also track their journey at the National Museum exhibiting the It’s easy to see why viewers love the show. Aside from animation process, memorabilia and a tour to their entertaining misadventures and fantasies, children Upin and Ipin's fantasy land. love the show because the show’s characters, who are far from perfect, are easy to relate to regardless of race, Upin and Ipin merchandise include T-shirts, religion or nationality, attributed by the racial diversity bags, stationery, water bottles, soft toys and of Upin and Ipin’s friends. Parents appreciate the show’s even their own range of Upin and Ipin food (e.g. moral grounding in each episode, aimed at educating biscuits, chocolate, curry packets, edible pictures children values such as responsibility, loyalty and for cakes). There are also Upin and Ipin themed honesty. But more than that, viewers love the show carnivals with activities for children and families because the show’s typical Malay village setting makes and Upin and Ipin Cafes which serve dishes such them feel at home better than shows set elsewhere. as ‘Opa Fried Rice' or 'Chicken Fried Upin’.
  • 28. Knowing me, Knowing you South Korea Pororo “I am Pororo, the little penguin in a computer-generated animated cartoon series created by Iconix Entertainment and EBS (a major education TV channel in Korea). Since my debut in 2003, I became so popular not only my home country, Korea, but also overseas. I starred in animation film series revolving around the adventures in the snowy village of PorongPorong Forest, where my friends and I often meet challenges and learn practical and moral lessons in each episode. You can easily guess how popular I am by seeing the nickname "Pororo the President" while some teenagers call me "Pororo the God“ . I am so popular that a number of brands, especially brands targeting babies or children, started using me to promote in their products. In 2011 June, Korea’s biggest shopping mall brand, E-mart, held a Pororophoto exhibition in book and music section, as a result boosting their sales by 32%. Lately bakery brand, Paris Baguette, also started producing cakes and breads that look like me, aiming at winning the young consumers’ heart”. Pororo’scharm comes from each character’s uniqueness and friendliness. The main character ‘Pororo’ is a penguin wearing big round aviator goggles and a tan-colored aviator cap. Considering that penguins are incapable of flight, a penguin aviator is rather nonsensical, however the character is full of wit and imagination. Likewise, other characters also have distinct personalities and unique interests which sometimes cause little (and sometimes not so little) happenings in their calm white world. Compared with other animations based on a super hero’s story, Pororo is something that’s more human and child like, which helps young audiences stay engaged with the story more intensely.
  • 29. Knowing me, Knowing you Consumer brands like Paris Baguette have adopted the Pororo character in their products to attract young consumers. Lately, the episode of one enthusiastic fan rushing onto the stage proved Pororo’s popularity among kids.
  • 30. Knowing me, Knowing you Singapore The Legend of Korra ‘The Legend of Korra’ premiered in Singapore on the Nickelodeon television network on April 14 this year. This animated series is a sequel to ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’, which aired on the same network from 2005 to 2008. Although only in its first 10 episodes, the show already has a strong following, appealing to a wider demographic than just teenagers and kids despite being an animated series. One reasons for the show’s popularity is it explores a number of universal themes, mainly friendship, family, love, sacrifice, power and the responsibilities that come with it. Underlying all these is also an examination of what freedom really means. Wrap that together with amazing animation that pays close attention to details plus a mixture of humour and seriousness, you’ve got yourself an amazing series. Although ‘The Legend of Korra’ is a relatively new series, you can already find weekly reviews on YouTube and elsewhere online where fans come together to discuss the latest episodes, speculate about what the show has in store next and anticipating the release of each new episode. As one critic put it “’The Legend of Korra’ promises to be an excellent addition to the Avatar mythos, pleasing both fans and newcomers alike”.
  • 31. Knowing me, Knowing you Taiwan Open Chan Open Chan, the first cartoon spokesperson in Taiwan’s convenience retail industry, was born on July 11th, 2005. Open Chan is a dog who comes from the Open planet and who loves to eat Onigiri (三角飯糰). He was created by Japan Dentsu and Taiwan Dentsu, the advertising company which is the agency of the convenience store 7-ELEVEN. In launching Open Chan, 7-ELEVEN and Dentsu enter a Open Chan items new level of connecting emotionally with people. Also, Open Chan showcases the friendly spirit of 7-ELEVEN while introducing new products and services to consumers and releasing peripheral products loved by everyone. Children and office ladies are the key target audience for Open Chan. They are attracted by the distinct and loveable image, and lots of popular products enjoy good sales if they are tagged a Open Chan image. These include cookies, bread, cake, soft drink, tissue, or small appliances (tooth brush, chopsticks, shopping bag, T-Shirts…etc) With the popularity of Open Chan and its growing fan base, Open Chan’s first music album was released. In a Open Chan’s Hotel related MV, he plays guitar with his friends Momo, Paiko, Chicowa, and others, thereby expanding the number of cartoon characters associated with Open Chan. Based upon Open Chan’ success, 7-ELEVEN has ventured into the hotel and restaurant business with Open Chan as a central theme. Furthermore, a shopping mall as well as a theme park featuring Open Chan were opened. To some marketers’ point of view, Open Chan’s success is an innovative marketing model which has pleasantly surprised 7-ELEVEN, and has successfully recruited children as new consumers. Open Chan’s Mall
  • 32. Knowing me, Knowing you CHINA Pleasant Goat “I am Pleasant Goat, an animated school- age lamb living in the village of Green Pasture. I wear a blue ribbon, with a bell around my neck. My friends think I am a hero because I always help them to get through danger when the wolves are trying to catch us. I love to play pranks and all my friends get mad at me.” In the U.S, there is Mickey Mouse; In Japan, there’s Hello Kitty. Both animated icons have generated billions of dollars in revenue and, perhaps even more importantly, raised the cultural cachet of their respective countries to sensational levels. And now China is getting into the action. Pleasant Goat is an animated lamb from a Chinese animated television series, ‘Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf’, which created by Huang Weiming, Lin Yuting and Luo Yinggeng, and produced by Creative Power Entertaining. The series is about a group of goats living on the Green Pasture and the story revolving around a clumsy wolf who wants to catch and eat them. Since 2005, the series have been broadcasting on more than 75 satellite and cable TV networks across China, including Hong Kong‘s TVB. The first film based on the character Pleasant Goat, released in 2009, broke box-office records for locally produced animation films in China with 130 million RMB (US$19.6 million) in revenue. In 2012, Disney announced that the series will be aired on its channels in 46 countries in the Asia Pacific region, it is a milestone for China‘s homegrown animation industry. In the coming three years, audiences in countries such as India, Australia, New Zealand, South Korea, Malaysia and Singapore will be able to enjoy the latest 100 episodes of the hit cartoon series ’Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf - Joys of Seasons.
  • 33. Knowing me, Knowing you There are few reasons that the series is so popular. The animation industry in China has been undergoing a period of rapid transformation in the past ten years, the Chinese government at various levels have promulgated over 25 regulations to encourage creative industries and the development of specific creative clusters especially animation. Homegrown skilled animators are increasing and the quality of animation production has improved dramatically. The storyline of ‘Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf’ is very simple and easy for children to understand: a wolf tries to catch goats, but he always fails because the goats work together as a team and good will always win in the end. The whole story is very positive. The language that’s used in the series is based on the updated slangs and internet memes, even young parents enjoy watching it with their children. Pleasant Goat is not only a popular cartoon series, it is also a merchandising powerhouse! You can see it everywhere in China. In 2011, Hong Kong’s animation studio Imagi International bought the merchandise and licensing rights of the television series and animation films, in a 105 million USD deal. Disney has also been master licensee of Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf since December 2010.
  • 34. Knowing me, Knowing You Japan Rirakuma Sawako Watanabe, also known as “Hiyoko 555” (39 years old) is a famous housewife who invented food shaped in the form of 3D animated characters. She creates different kind of dishes using a character called “Rirakuma” – Relaxed Bear. She has 5,000 followers in her photo sharing application. Sawako makes the 3D character from whatever is available at home. Recently, this trend has extended to other Japanese housewives who have found this as a great way of encouraging their kids to eat healthy foods.
  • 35. Knowing me, Knowing you Philippines Plogas: angasonghindi ‘The dog who isn’t’ Created by Pol Medina, Pugad Baboy is a comic series about the “pigs” living in different levels of Manila society. Polgas, the family dog of the Sungcal family, is depicted as the crimefighter – battling corruption, drug- pushing, extortion, and stupidity – the evils of scociety. He appears in many other guises such as Dr. Sigmund Floyd (a spoof of Sigmund Freud), Pol Torero (World Wrestling Entertainment or WWE's The Undertaker), Amorsolo (a non-existent Ninja Turtle), Aquapol (Aquaman), Growlsbuster (spoofing The Ghostbusters), Darth Paul (spoofing Darth Vader), Polverine (a spoof of Wolverine, an X-Men character) and many others. The strip does not only showcase domestic life; occasionally, it features adventure, drama, and pure spoof sequences. More often, the strip mirrors the general sentiment of the Filipino people on relevant topics such as corruption in the government as well as Filipino pop culture. iconic is this character, that Polgas appears in a variety of merchandise: limited edition San Miguel beer, plush toys, indie artist sneakers, shirts, and chess sets.
  • 36. Knowing me, Knowing you Pakistan BankayMian I am BankayMian, a 53 year old (animated) qawwal from Pakistan whom you must have seen on Express News. Alongside, I am also a columnist in the Urdu newspaper Express and my column is published under the title, ‘BankayNama’. People know me well for my sarcasm and wittiness. I use the art of qawwali to comment on everyday issues which are being faced by the Pakistani people and use my cynicism for the good of the society. I strongly believe that parody is the best revenge of modern times. My qawwalis follow the same pattern and so goes the main line of my qawwali “BankayMianKiQawwali, Sub Say Nirali” (BankayMian’sQawwali is the most unique.) As the name Bankay (brave) suggests that I am not scared of saying and telling the truth to and in front of anyone – but I say it my way. This is what makes me stand out from the rest of the qawwals and that is why everyone likes me and respects me so much. My struggling, stressed out, yet full of energy and enthusiasm qawwal party, consists of BabooBhai, Kallan and Laddan. BabooBhai plays the tabla while Kallan and Laddan are for claps. One interesting fact is that these three copy me in my style and appearance; I certainly don’t mind it, in fact I am proud of it. I am on a mission to be the voice of the common Pakistani people and to act as the platform through which I can shout out the grievances of theirs to the relevant in a humorous way. To watch me in action, visit http://www.youtube.com/bankaymianqawal
  • 37. *or any other music player
  • 38. Playing on my iPod* SINGAPORE Payphone Maroon 5 ft Wiz Khaila JAPAN http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=5FlQSQuv_mg Kana Nishino Watashitachi Broken Hearted Karmin http://www.youtube.c http://www.youtube.co om/watch?v=jFTMj7va m/watch?v=s8cbak34DR RjI 0 MALAYSIA SRI LANKA PathuSenehe Seya Roo Carly Rae Jepsen PoornaSachintha&Kushani Ft. Call me Maybe THILINA R. http://youtu.be/fWNaR-rxAic http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=vXnKFSqs6N0 SOUTH KOREA EpitoneProject – 2nd album Klangit Crack of Dawn SesalMendua http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=u_5C5am2530 http://youtu.be/sHF1YJY7tWc Minuethttp://www.youtube.com /watch?v=K4D8cdz_eA0&feature =related INDIA Wonder Girls - Wonder party album Like This http://www.youtube.com/ Song: ‘PaniDa Rang’ watch?v=7EZTUYwjWBs Girlfriend Movie: Vicky Donor http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u vzVhrdq0NI http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=yA_S1s0DFmU&feature=fvwrel INDONESIA “AkuPastiBisa” Citra http://www.youtube.com/w atch?v=MVsY4bmYhqE
  • 39. Playing on my iPod* CHINA Oli Hang Go Go Fighting TAIWAN http://v.youku.com/v_show/i 2012 d_XMzk2OTIxMTUy.html by May day http://www.youtub e.com/watch?v=Yyg VVvuIWm4&feature =relmfu Miss D.D Everybody Loves A PHILIPPINES Lover http://v.youku.com/ v_show/id_XMzk3OT YxNDA0.html Ingrosso&Alesso ft. Ryan Tedder Calling (Lose My Mind) http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9G1I16gJBvU Chien Yao Star Toes http://v.youku.com/v_s how/id_XMzk0NTkxMjU 2.html Calvin Harris The Rain http://www.youtube.com/wa tch?v=jscd9utzNHs PAKISTAN TahirMitthu PerePavandiSaan http://www.youtube.com/wat ch?v=fCP8uv9v0yI
  • 40. Rage against What’s making people really angry?
  • 41. Rage against SINGAPORE Project Hello Stranger Sri Lanka The Let-down at Rio-20 
Some groups attending Rio+20 felt the summit was a Sri Lanka’s position on Rio+20 was largely in line with complete failure. On the penultimate day, protesters that of the Group of 77, a coalition of developing took up a position near the entrance to the summit countries. venue, where the top-level plenary sessions were in 
In his Rio +20 address, the Sri Lankan President progress, and said the Green Economy would not save MahindaRajapaksa said “Outsiders should not the Earth, which was being battered by anti- encroach on a country’s natural resources, whether environmental practices. on land or in the ocean. Protection of the sea bed and the ocean floor against damage by the use of Back in Colombo, organizers of Earth Walk 2012 and environmentally unfriendly methods of fishing, such other youth groups were disheartened, upset and as bottom trawling, should be guaranteed by some even angry that the summit had been “so non- international law and practice.” conclusive”. 
 Japan Restarting a nuclear plant There was outrage in Japan when the government announced the re-start of one of the shut nuclear plants. 11,000 people surrounded the Prime Minister’s residence with banners saying ‘STOP the nuclear plant’, ‘STOP OOI (name of the nuclear plant)’. The local police arrested one of the protesters who assaulted a police officer. Supporters of the rally included influential figures such as famous writers and actors. But it remains a divisive issue: there are some people who support the reopening of nuclear plants to support Japan’s economic growth.
  • 42. Rage against India Moral policing by the Mumbai Police Assistant Commissioner of Police Vasant Dhoble, 57, Working on a multi-pronged marketing strategy, the has been accused by his severest critics of trying to team has begun distributing flyers with morning Taliban-ise Mumbai. Mr Dhoble, who heads the newspapers and will distribute around 600,000 Mumbai Police's Social Service branch, faced his latest leaflets over the weekend. "We have hired 200 criticism on Twitter when he was a trending topic for commercial hoardings across Mumbai. In fact we are recent raids on some of the city's landmark restaurants paying Rs 28,000 to put up 30 hoardings in the and pubs. Bandra-Santa Cruz area whereas political parties are charged only Rs 8,000-9,000 for this number. Being It's not just his mission, but his style that has enraged private individuals, we are charged many times more the city. He often carries a camera during his raids because the civic body assumes we are advertisers," to film people for relatively minor violations. Armed at says Kanal. The team has spent Rs 1,000 as printing least once with a hockey stick, MrDhoble arrived to charge for each hoarding. enforce what many in the city believe are archaic laws. He raided Cafe Zoe for playing music without the The artistic community has pledged support from day required license for a DJ, and because it was over- one. Writer-singer RamjiGulati whose song crowded. 'Apni Mumbai police sabkabhai' had created waves will record a special song for the rally. A day later, he raided the Shiro nightclub in Worli on Choreographer SandeepSoparrkar is working on a Saturday, saying it was flouting rules. piece as well. Kabir Bedi posted his thoughts online. "Mumbai Police trample democratic rights (by) He has said in his defence that he needs to protect denying permission for Sunday rally against brutal young people who gather at hookah bars and pubs crackdown on city's nightlife," he wrote. which are breaking the law. "I am doing my job," he said to NDTV, a week after two women sued the police for defamation because they were arrested for being prostitutes in a raid led by Mr Dhoble. A Facebook page called 'Dhoble - Oppressor of the Innocent Public' has 20,000 members. Writer and commentator PritishNandy has described him as 'Public Enemy No 1' on Twitter. TWITTER HANDLE MrDhoble's track record in the police force has many ‘#DHOBLE’ blemishes, but a patina of political patronage has protected him. He was suspended in 1989 for accepting a bribe in Pune. In 1994, he was sentenced to seven years in prison and fined a lakh for his role in a custodial death. He was dismissed from the force but reinstated in 1996, after his jail sentence was dismissed by the Mumbai High Court. A departmental inquiry against him is still pending in this case - the Supreme Court had ordered this. Before the Special Service branch, Mr Dhoble was posted with the Maharashtra VidhanSabha security. The organisers of 24TH June’s proposed anti-Dhoble rally at Carter Road say the Mumbai Police's denial of permission has in fact resulted in a fresh groundswell of support.
  • 44. Rage against China Pregnant Editor-In-Chief Forced to Resign A former chief editor of a Chinese website PClady, which provides information services aimed at women, was reportedly forced to resign last month for being pregnant. The company canceled her computer and email account after she refused to quit, reports the XinxiShibao, a newspaper affiliated to the Guangzhou Daily. The 34-year-old woman, surnamed Dong, had been working for the website since last February, rising on the strength of her performance to become chief editor. The Guangzhou-based website asked Dong to quit her job on Apr 24, five days after she informed the company of her pregnancy. Dong had told the company that her doctor had suggested she take a period of time off. The company's senior vice president told her to quit on April 24 despite recently released national regulations stipulating women should not be made unemployed or paid less on account of pregnancy, giving birth and breastfeeding. Dong refused to quit but found her computer, permit and email account had been rendered invalid the same afternoon. Dong said this is not the first time the company has dismissed a pregnant employee, adding that the company prevented a previous incident from being disclosed. The editor says she has retained legal advise over the case. Dong’s story has appeared on China’s largest micro-blogging service Sina Weibo. Within few days, the story has became one of the most discussed topics. Netizens have expressed their anger on this issue, one commented: “As one of the largest websites that target women, it is shame that you don’t even give your employee basic woman rights. Women today are well educated, we should fearlessly go to court to safeguard our legal rights and interests when we have not been treated fairly.”
  • 45. Rage against Singapore The Ferrari accident and its aftermath On May 12 2012, 4.15am, at the junction of Rochor Road and Victoria Street, a red Ferrari ran a red light, crashing into a taxi and instantly claiming two lives at the point of impact. This incident reads like an episode of a drama series; a rich married man from China with an unknown female passenger driving recklessly in the night causing the death of two other innocent victims. One victim was the taxi driver, a father of 3 and the household’s sole breadwinner. The entire incident was captured on tape by another taxi driver’s inbuilt camera whose occupants managed to escape death by mere seconds. This footage quickly went viral, sparking outrage online from both Singaporeans and those in China. This incident has caused additional tension on the ground amongst Singaporeans especially at a time when anti- foreigner sentiment is on the rise. Many blame the government for its ‘liberal’ acceptance of foreign talent which they say is the culprit behind the rising influx of foreigners causing trouble. Even the Chinese embassy in Singapore has told its citizens living in the Republic, that “[they] hope that Chinese citizens living in Singapore will respect life, value the safety of themselves and others, abide by its laws and regulations, and live responsibly and gracefully”. The embassy also conveyed its sincere and deep condolences to the victims and their families. The Chinese themselves were outraged at the behaviour of one of their own as commentaries have appeared in China condemning the obnoxious behavior of rich Chinese overseas. Many see this irresponsible behaviouras a result of the sudden rising affluence among the Chinese and the lack of education and etiquette that should follow. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZG1HgOyFkU
  • 46. Rage against Taiwan Poor working conditions for nurses About 200 nurses protested in front of the Department of Health on 5/30, urging relevant authorities to immediately modify labor laws to prevent hospitals from further exploiting them. "Let me sleep," shouted Liang Hsiu-mei, a member of the Radical Nurses Union, which was formed recently to address the increasingly deteriorating working conditions for local nursing staff. Liang presented a sample shift chart that showed how their employers forced them to take care of patients when they didn't have enough rest. Nearly one in four nurses had the experience of working both the night shift and the day shift on the same day, Liang said, citing findings from a survey her organization had conducted. "Only if we have enough rest can patients be in good hands," she said. However, some nurses just leave the industry or go to another country to get the better pay and betterquality of life. At the moment, there are 230,000 individuals who hold nursing licenses in Taiwan, though only about 40 percent of them are working as nurses in the work force, according to statistics compiled by health officials. According to statistics from the DOH, the turnover rate for nurses reached 20 percent last year, which was 3 to 4 percentage points higher than in previous years. About 17,800 people left the profession in 2011. In a ceremony held to recognize distinguished nurses a few days earlier, President Ma Ying-jeou announced a set of guidelines for nursing reform and promised to improve the working conditions for nurses.
  • 47. Rage against Indonesia Lady Gaga’s Cancelled Concert The National Police stated that they would not issue a permit for Lady Gaga’s concert scheduled for Jakarta on June 3, 2012, for, among other reasons, fears that the Grammy Award winner would exploit her sensuality in a manner which could harm the morals of Indonesian youth. This statement is more or less in line with the same tune as that of the Islam Defenders Front (FPI), which previously said that Lady Gaga would “bring the faith of Satan to the country and thus would destroy the nation’s morals” (The Jakarta Post, May 16, 2012). Whether the police’s decision is right or wrong does not matter. In this case, state institutions seemed to fall under the influence or are unable to deal with threats that come from religious hardliner groups. In those cases, the hardliner groups clearly stated that they would launch physical attacks on other parties. Through their actions, the hardliners were actually presenting more potential, and in some cases, actual threats to other groups. The irony, however, is that state institutions, which ideally must stay neutral to protect the well-being of all people, are aligning with the hardliner groups. Instead of overcoming potential threats, the state apparatus chooses to cooperate with the side that has launched the threat. Lady Gaga fans went mad and protested back, but it clearly did not save the concert. Local concert promoter Big Daddy Entertainment has promised to issue full refunds for the 52,000 tickets purchased for Lady Gaga’s June 3 concert in Jakarta, after the US singer backed out early on Sunday morning. Big Daddy executive Michael Rusli told reporters in Jakarta that the tickets would be refunded “100 percent“, starting on June 10. "We will announce detailed procedures on Wednesday because we have to ask the police to issue a permit for us to refund the tickets, since it will involve crowds," Michael said. A total of 52,000 tickets, with prices ranging from Rp 465,000 (US$50.75) to Rp 2.25 million, have already been sold since tickets sales opened on March 10. Michael Rusli declined to comment on how much money that the promoter had lost due to the cancellation. A total of 52,000 tickets, with prices ranging from Rp 465,000 (US$50.75) to Rp 2.25 million, had already been sold since tickets sales opened on March 10. Michael Rusli declined to comment on how much money that the promoter had lost due to the cancellation.
  • 49. Waiting list Sri Lanka World Cup Cricket Twenty20 The 2012 ICC World Twenty20 will be the fourth ICC World Twenty20 competition, an international cricket tournament that will be held in Sri Lanka between September 18 and October 7, 2012. This will be the first World Twenty20 tournament held in an Asian country, the last three being held in South Africa, England and the West Indies respectively. Sri Lankan pacer LasithMalinga has been chosen as the event ambassador of the tournament by ICC. On 21 September 2011, ICC unveiled the logo of the tournament, named "Modern Spin” On 10th June 2012, the 100th day countdown for the ICC Twenty20 World Cup 2012 was launched at the Pallekelle International Cricket Stadium. As part of the celebrations, more than 300 school children from the Kandy District formed a giant '100’ (actual photograph on the left). The ICC together with Sri Lanka Cricket also donated cricket bats to 100 girls and boys schools playing competitive cricket in the Kandy District. Also present at the occasion were Pakistan captain Mohammed Hafeez and Sri Lanka captain MahelaJayawardena and Sri Lanka women's captain ShashikalaSiriwardena. Schedule available on: http://icc-cricket.yahoo.net/events_and_awards/twenty20/fixtures.php Malaysia Prevé from local car manufacturer Proton Recently, local car manufacturer Proton announced that its latest car model, Prevé, has received over 10,000 bookings in just two months, making it the most popular 1.6 liter sedan in the market. The Prevé is claimed to be Proton’s effort to offer the most technologically advanced vehicle available to the mass market and its launch was greatly anticipated by car enthusiasts and the average Malaysian alike. So far, reviews of the car have lauded the Prevé for its affordability and for its technological innovations, The 1.6 liter Proton Prevé such as the built in GPS system and touchscreen audio system on the dashboard. Some reviewers have even deemed the Prevé as Proton’s first global car and its finest model yet.
  • 50. Waiting list India ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ This year’s most talked-about movie ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ is probably the only Hindi film of recent times which is getting so much attention abroad also. The movie director AnuragKashyap is like a representative of Indian cinema, who stands out from the usual masala entertainers. His films are hard-hitting and realistic and that is the reason why ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ was a hot favourite at Cannes this year. ‘Gangs of Wasseypur’ is a six hour marathon and will be released in two parts. But the 2nd part will be released probably after 2-3 weeks of the first part. At the end of the first part is when you can sit back to watch the trailer of the second one. Last February, Japanese Philippines company Fast Retailing Co., Ltd. Uniqlo formally announced the June opening of the first Uniqlo shop in the Philippines, which will be located at SM Mall of Asia. With just days to go, shoppers are giddy with excitement especially with an opening sale to welcome them for the first 3 weeks. Many came to know and love Uniqlo from their travels around Asia. The arrival of the brand is a big treat for Filipino shoppers. In the next 3 years, more shoppers will get their Uniqlo fix with 49 other stores to open in the greater Manila area.
  • 51. Waiting list Indonesia Maroon 5 With the cancelation of Lady Gaga’s concert, people are resorting to the next concert by Maroon5, which is scheduled to be on October 5, 2012. Despite the fact that it will the their second concert this year in Jakarta, fans had lined up and fought for the presale tickets launched on June 16. The sales turned out amazing with 8000 presale tickets sold in less than 3 minutes. This was exactly what happened on their last visit as well. Looks like Indonesians haven’t had enough of Maroon5, and this time, Maroon 5 made a short video to promote their tour in Asia, where Jakarta will be the last city, closing their tour. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedde d&v=d0BXrq-_7pI Prior to their concert on October 5, Maroon 5 will be launching their new album, and this is what people have been waiting for, on top of the upcoming concert. Japan Tokyo Sky Tree Tokyo Sky Tree opened on May 22. It is the world's tallest free- standing tower with a height of 634 meters. The tower was primarily built to broadcast clear TV and radio signals without interference from the many skyscrapers that have been built in central Tokyo. Now, it become a town combining the broadcast tower, an aquarium, a planetarium and the Tokyo Solamachi complex, which boasts 312 shops and restaurants. From May 22 to July 10, entry to the observation desk are by Advance Reservation only, which had been sold out before opening. In the first weekend, Tokyo Sky Tree and surrounding facilities drew 564,000 visitors. Calculate on a year-long basis, the number of visitors to Tokyo Skytree Town is expected to total 32 million in the first year, and 25 million in the second.
  • 52. Waiting list Singapore Diablo III It’s been 12 long years since Diablo II came out, and the worldwide wait for the sequel was finally over this year wth Diablo III’s release. While fans of the game had the option of getting their games through third party suppliers or directly online, many others decided to do the brave thing: Face off countless other fans and get their games in person at the launch event held by Asiasoft at FunanDigitaLife Mall. Some even lined up 24 hours before the launch of the events while others took leave from school and work specially to get their hands on the latest game. But to them, it’s a small sacrifice. Just ask Seth Chan, the first person in the queue. Hestarted queuing with his friends at 6am the day before and even took two days off his annual leave to prepare for this launch event. This craze may not seem so surprising when one takes a look at the statistics: Singaporean youth are playing 27 hours of computer games/week according to an ongoing study by National Institute of Education (NIE). Some fun facts: this game has proved so popular that it’s namesake even made an appearance at this year’s Beerfest Asia in Singapore.
  • 53. Waiting list and also in Taiwan ! Diablo III has been the most anticipated game this decade, drawing an eager audience in in Taiwan too! The game’s creator, Blizzard, had us waiting years for the next installment to Diablo II – a game that millions of people still play. Those long years of anticipation can seem like a lifetime in the gaming world, when games such as World of Warcraft, Call of Duty, or Battlefield, release yearly updates . Blizzard, the game’s creators, announced that Diablo III had sold about 1 million copies in a single month in Taiwan, making it the hottest- selling PC game this summer. However, there was some negative publicity as one gamer was too excited and couldn’t stop playing the game day and night, as this 31-year- old man eventually died in front of the computer, with the screen continuing to show Diablo III. That’s how crazy these fans of popular computer gamers can become!
  • 54. Waiting list China Xiaomi “Youth Edition” Smartphone May 15, 2012, Chinese smart phone marker Founded by Chinese Internet guru Lei Jun, Xiao Xiaomi released a new version of its smart phone mi began with a small team but aimed high - to- targeting younger and more price-sensitive make Chinese high-end performing smart consumers. Its name, the 青春 (Qing Chun) or phones with affordable prices. The company's “youth edition” also invokes a feeling of smart phones, which cost around 2,000RMB springtime, indicating that they aim for this to be ($317) or less than half the price of an Apple a seasonal deal. According to the announcement iPhone 4,soldmore than 1.65 million units since on Xiaomi’s Weibo, the model is limited to it entered the market on Oct 20 last year, the 150,000 units, preorders were only available company said. Xiaomi only offers its products through May 18. Priced at 1499 RMB ($238), the through online sales, with limited number new phone is 20% faster in speed but 25% of units at a time due to its limited production cheaper in price 25% compared with the original capacity. model. Earlier this year, Xiaomi secured $90 million in Before the preorder day, the message on Xiaomi’s a venture capital fund-raising that attracted Weibo page has already been reposted 72,000 foreign investors, bringing the total investor times by fans. On May 18, the company sold all financing to $130 million. It also 150,000 phones in just 12 minutes as it launched made Foxconn, the primary Apple product supp the online sale. One netizen commented on its -lier, to be its supplier from January this year. Weibo page: “I heard great things about Xiaomi smart phone, I have been wanting to buy it but the price is kind of expensive to a college student like me. When I heard about the release of the youth edition, I was so happy and I have been waiting in front of computer to preorder on May 18. But it is too popular and I couldn’t get a quota, they should produce more units!”