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John Maschak
   Apple Canada

    Gerry Paille
BC SD 60 Peace River
Web 2.0 for Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
ISTE NETS for Students
  National Educational Technology Standards for Students
ISTE NETS for Teachers
  National Educational Technology Standards for Students
Web 2.0 for Learning

Credit Educational Origami
What students really
     need are small,
lightweight tools to help
       them learn.

Andre Malan: http://tinyurl.com/nxv8dm
Web 2.0 for Learning
and more...

Web 2.0 for Learning
“And don't swallow the myth of the digital native.
Just because your teens Facebook, IM, and
Youtube, don't assume they know the rhetoric of
blogging, collective knowledge gathering
techniques of taggers and social bookmarkers,
collaborative norms of wiki work, how to tune and
feed a Twitter network, the art of multimedia
argumentation - and, by far most importantly,
online crap detection.”
Howard Rheingold
Bloom’s Taxonomy
From Nouns to Verbs
Web 2.0 Verbs

Ripping, remixing, commenting,
blogging, social bookmarking,
sharing, podcasting, vlogging,
modelling, linking, chatting, texting,
broadcasting, visualizing, animating,
publishing, collaborating,
communicating, uploading,
downloading, tagging...
The Networked Student
Credit Kim Cofino
What Do You Think
    About This Distinction?
1. Teachers who teach curriculum want:

       1.   Attendance and participation monitoring
       2.   Quizzes and Gradebooks
       3.   Content management and distribution of teacher created and filtered resources

2. Teachers who teach learning want:

       1.   Tools for individual and collaborative construction
       2.   Tools for reflection, self and group assessment
       3.   Content management (tags, spaces, organizational views) of teacher, student created
            and web resources
       4.   Spaces for exploration and discovery
       5.   Networks for developing learning skills and social skills
       6.   Aggregators for assessing net-wide student artifact construction

3. Teachers who want it all!

                   Dr. Terry Anderson’s Presentation MoodleMoot Canada 2009
             Follow the Interesting Discussion from the Chronicle Of Higher Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
“My goal is to give my readers the front line
experiences with web 2.0 tools in my classroom, not
         just a glossy review.” Jared Nichol

This wiki was started by Kevin Amboe as his first Wiki.
This space has been created to become a resource for
    those interested in learning and sharing about
      teaching and learning in the 21st Century.
Web 2.0 for Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
20 hours per minute uploaded

14,000 plus Hollywood Movies per day.
Web 2.0 for Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
ISTE NETS for Admin
National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators
Web 2.0 for Learning
Web 2.0 for Learning
College Humor (2009, June 29) Web Site Story. Retrieved July 1, 2009, from College Humor Web site: http://
ISTE (2007, June) National Educational Standards for Students. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from ISTE Web
site: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/
ISTE (2008, June) National Educational Standards for Teachers. Retrieved March 24, 2009,from ISTE Web
site: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/
Whitby, Greg (2009, May 26). Kids need 2 watch teachers learn not teach. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from
Twitter Web site: http://twitter.com/gregwhitby
Churches, Andrew (2008, March 14). 21st Century Teacher. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from Educational
Origami Web site: http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/21st+Century+Teacher
Andremalan.net (2009, June 26). Personal Learning Environments. Retrieved June 26, 2009, from
andremalan.net Web site: http://andremalan.net/2009/06/personal-learning-environments/
Drexler, Wendy (2008, November 26) The Networked Student. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from YouTube Web
site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwM4ieFOotA
Rheingold, Howard (2009, April 10) 21st Century Literacies. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from The San Francisco
Chronicle Web site: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?blogid=108&entry_id=38313
Churches, Andrew (2009, March 6). Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from Wikispaces
Web site: http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom%27s+Digital+Taxonomy.
Anderson, Terry (2009, April 3). Beyond Learning Management to Open Learning Support and Inspiration.
Retrieved April 3, 2009, from Slideshare Web site: http://www.slideshare.net/terrya/beyond-lms-keynote-to-
Cofino, Kim (2009, March 9) A Mindset, Not a Skillset. Retrieved April 21, 2009 from Flickr Web site: http://
ISTE (2009, June) National Educational Standards for Administrators. Retrieved July2, 2009,from ISTE Web
site: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForAdministrators/2009Standards/

maschak at apple dot com
gpaille at prn dot bc dot ca

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Web 2.0 for Learning

  • 1. John Maschak Apple Canada Gerry Paille BC SD 60 Peace River North
  • 4. ISTE NETS for Students National Educational Technology Standards for Students
  • 5. ISTE NETS for Teachers National Educational Technology Standards for Students
  • 8. What students really need are small, lightweight tools to help them learn. Andre Malan: http://tinyurl.com/nxv8dm
  • 12. But... “And don't swallow the myth of the digital native. Just because your teens Facebook, IM, and Youtube, don't assume they know the rhetoric of blogging, collective knowledge gathering techniques of taggers and social bookmarkers, collaborative norms of wiki work, how to tune and feed a Twitter network, the art of multimedia argumentation - and, by far most importantly, online crap detection.” Howard Rheingold
  • 14. Web 2.0 Verbs Ripping, remixing, commenting, blogging, social bookmarking, sharing, podcasting, vlogging, modelling, linking, chatting, texting, broadcasting, visualizing, animating, publishing, collaborating, communicating, uploading, downloading, tagging...
  • 17. What Do You Think About This Distinction? 1. Teachers who teach curriculum want: 1. Attendance and participation monitoring 2. Quizzes and Gradebooks 3. Content management and distribution of teacher created and filtered resources 2. Teachers who teach learning want: 1. Tools for individual and collaborative construction 2. Tools for reflection, self and group assessment 3. Content management (tags, spaces, organizational views) of teacher, student created and web resources 4. Spaces for exploration and discovery 5. Networks for developing learning skills and social skills 6. Aggregators for assessing net-wide student artifact construction 3. Teachers who want it all! Dr. Terry Anderson’s Presentation MoodleMoot Canada 2009 Follow the Interesting Discussion from the Chronicle Of Higher Learning
  • 20. “My goal is to give my readers the front line experiences with web 2.0 tools in my classroom, not just a glossy review.” Jared Nichol
  • 21. Text Text This wiki was started by Kevin Amboe as his first Wiki. This space has been created to become a resource for those interested in learning and sharing about teaching and learning in the 21st Century.
  • 24. 20 hours per minute uploaded 14,000 plus Hollywood Movies per day.
  • 28. ISTE NETS for Admin National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators
  • 31. Attributions College Humor (2009, June 29) Web Site Story. Retrieved July 1, 2009, from College Humor Web site: http:// www.collegehumor.com/video:1913584 ISTE (2007, June) National Educational Standards for Students. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from ISTE Web site: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForStudents/2007Standards/ NETS_for_Students_2007.htm ISTE (2008, June) National Educational Standards for Teachers. Retrieved March 24, 2009,from ISTE Web site: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForTeachers/2008Standards/ NETS_for_Teachers_2008.htm Whitby, Greg (2009, May 26). Kids need 2 watch teachers learn not teach. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from Twitter Web site: http://twitter.com/gregwhitby Churches, Andrew (2008, March 14). 21st Century Teacher. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from Educational Origami Web site: http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/21st+Century+Teacher Andremalan.net (2009, June 26). Personal Learning Environments. Retrieved June 26, 2009, from andremalan.net Web site: http://andremalan.net/2009/06/personal-learning-environments/ Drexler, Wendy (2008, November 26) The Networked Student. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from YouTube Web site: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwM4ieFOotA Rheingold, Howard (2009, April 10) 21st Century Literacies. Retrieved April 10, 2009, from The San Francisco Chronicle Web site: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/rheingold/detail?blogid=108&entry_id=38313 Churches, Andrew (2009, March 6). Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from Wikispaces Web site: http://edorigami.wikispaces.com/Bloom%27s+Digital+Taxonomy. Anderson, Terry (2009, April 3). Beyond Learning Management to Open Learning Support and Inspiration. Retrieved April 3, 2009, from Slideshare Web site: http://www.slideshare.net/terrya/beyond-lms-keynote-to- canada-moodlemoot-2009 Cofino, Kim (2009, March 9) A Mindset, Not a Skillset. Retrieved April 21, 2009 from Flickr Web site: http:// www.flickr.com/photos/superkimbo/3318863498/ ISTE (2009, June) National Educational Standards for Administrators. Retrieved July2, 2009,from ISTE Web site: http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/NETS/ForAdministrators/2009Standards/ NETS_for_Administrators_2009.htm
  • 32. http://tinyurl.com/lvsf9p maschak at apple dot com gpaille at prn dot bc dot ca