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                                                                       Web 2.0
                                                                       Library 2.0

      Presentation by:
      Eddie Byrne
      Librarian & Web Administrator
      May 2007

           Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive, Dublin, Ireland
This is a two-part Presentation

Part One: Web 2.0 | Part Two: Library 2.0
Web 2.0
  Web 2.0 refers to the latest generation of
services available on the world wide web that
lets people collaborate and share information

         “The Social Web”
Source: http://flickr.com/people/ryyo/
Web 2.0                                    Characteristics

  •   Web sites being read/write, not just for passive
  •   Information gathering and social networking are
  •   Users creating the content of the sites they access.
  •   Personal workspace is “up there” on the web, not
      “down here” on your own PC
  •   Open source software rather than vendor driven
  •   Many devices used to access the web (mobile
      phones, PDAs, laptops, wireless connections)
  •   Radical trust by a community of users

                                          Source: http://multa.murdoch.edu.au
Web 2.0                                                      Characteristics

                  Collaboration                                    functionality
                                                  Content    and

    Participation                               Community
                      Read/Write web             Collective intelligence

      The web as a platform
                                                     User engagement
  Interaction / Communication with users
                                                Built upon
                               Decentralisation of authority

                                             The wisdom of crowds
   Freedom to share and reuse ('remix')

Key Web 2.0 principle - the service automatically gets better the more people use it.
Web 2.0                                     Terminology

                                           Social Bookmarking
  Blogs           APIs
       Feeds                                  Long Tail

             Creative Commons

      Folksonomy                     Tag Cloud        vlogs

  Podcasts                 Social Software
  Social Networking
Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Part One
Web 2.0                                                                             long tail
A Marketing Concept
Products that are in low demand or
                                                       Image source : http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/technology/
have low sales volume can collectively
make up a market share that rivals or
exceeds the relatively few current
A large proportion of Amazon.com's
book sales come from less well known
books that are not available in the high
street bookshops.
The collective demand for less popular
items can exceed all the most popular
items added together.
The Long Tail is about focusing on the     In the library world, the Long Tail philosophy
less popular content.                      would be that every book is of value to
                                           someone, and if we had the space to keep
                                           them all, eventually each would be read by
Similarly, Web 2.0 is about                someone.2
enabling access to previously
unavailable digital content.
WEB 2.0

Open Access
Open Source
Open Content

   Heyam El.Hayek
Web 2.0                Social Software / Technologies

  • Weblogs
  • Podcasts
  • RSS Feeds
  • Instant Messaging (IM)
  • Wikis
  • Social networking tools
  • Social (i.e. shared) bookmarking tools - del.icio.us,
    furl, digg, slashdot, reddit, fark
  • Social mapping – frappr, wayfaring, Google Maps
  • Web-based work sharing tools
  • Mashups
Web 2.0                            Social Networking Tools

       MySpace                                Bebo
                                    Yahoo! 360°

  • Xanga - community of online diaries and journals
  • Photo sharing - Flickr, BubbleShare
  • Video sharing - YouTube, Google Video, blip.tv
  • IMEEM - online community where people and groups can
    upload, share, tag, and playlist different media
  • Slideshare - for sharing PowerPoint and OpenOffice
  • Clipmarks - tool that lets you tag, store, organize, and share
    snippets of Web pages.
  • eSnips - a social content-sharing site, where you can publish
    and share any media type.
Web 2.0                             Social Networking Tools

  • What is MySpace? Why is it important?

    MySpace and Facebook are social network sites where
    individuals create profiles and link to others (“friends”) within the
    system. The profile serves as an individual’s digital
    representation (similar to homepages) of their tastes, fashion,
    and identity. In crafting this profile, individuals upload photos,
    indicate interests, list favorite musicians and describe
    themselves textually and through associated media. The social
    network feature allows participants to link themselves to others
    within the system, revealing their affiliations and peer group.
    These sites also allow friends to comment on each other’s
    profiles. Structurally, social network sites are a cross between a
    yearbook and a community website.
New York Magazine
Web 2.0                Social Networking Tools

Web 2.0               Social Networking Tools

Web 2.0                                    Social Networking Tools

      How does Twitter work?
      When you send Twitter a mobile text (SMS), it gets sent out to your group
      of friends and also saves to your Twitter page. Your friends might not have
      phone alerts turned on so they might check your web page instead.
      Likewise, you receive your friends mobile updates on your phone.
Web 2.0                      Social Networking Tools
                                             Social Mapping

               Create maps for people of certain interests,
               or browse and join the maps of other users,
               adding yourself and your location.

                Create and share maps with friends or
                the Wayfaring community at large.

               The web’s most popular collection of maps and
               satellite images. Get directions, view detailed
               images of landmarks or zoom in on locations.

               Online map and satellite imaging resource that
   Wikimapia   combines Google Maps with a wiki system, allowing
               users to add information to any location on Earth.
Web 2.0                     Social Networking Tools

Web 2.0                         Social Networking Tools

Web 2.0                                         Web as Platform

 Characteristics: work sharing, collaborative editing, rich formatting,
 document storage & sharing, access from anywhere; communities of
 members contributing to a collective effort or project.
 - emulating the desktop experience

 • Word processors / spreadsheets - Google Docs & Spreadsheets
   (formerly Writely), Zoho Writer, Writeboard
 • Online presentations - Zoho Show, Spresent
 • Drawing and sharing diagrams on the web - Gliffy
 • Wikis - software - wetpaint, mediawiki, pbwiki
 • Project Management – Basecamp, ZohoProjects
 • Online Storage - box.net, xdrive, ibackup, esnips, omnidrive

     • Extensive list of Web 2.0 applications available at: http://web2.wsj2.com/
     • SEE ALSO SEOmoz Web 2.0 Awards - http://www.seomoz.org/web2.0/
     • http://www.techcrunch.com/2006/01/31/the-online-storage-gang/


Web 2.0                                   Web as Platform

      Document Sharing

Web 2.0                   Web as Platform

                                 Online Storage

Web 2.0               Streaming Media

          Audio & Video

                           Acknowledgment: Heyam El.Hayek
Web 2.0     Social Bookmarking

           Store your bookmarks
          online, share them with
          everyone and see what
                others have
Web 2.0   Tagging
Web 2.0   Commenting
Web 2.0                                                           Blogs
  •   Online journal
  •   brief entries arranged in reverse chronological order
  •   diverse use - personal diaries to news sites
  •   quot;frequency, brevity, personalityquot; Evan Williams, creator of Blogger
  •   terminology - blogging, blogger, blogrolling, archives, categories,
      search, syndication (RSS), permalinks, comments, blogroll, trackback,
      pingback, tags
  •   easy to publish content online - quot;quick and easyquot;
  •   sense of immediacy
  •   almost instant feedback
  •   refresh of content on main page
  •   single, multiple contributors
  •   communication model
  •   conversation on the Internet - quot;comments foster communityquot;
  •   a place for “news, events, and discussionquot;
  •   rising level of expectation of interactivity in websites in general
  •   Question - is the target audience online in sufficient numbers to make
      a blog worthwhile?
Web 2.0                                         Blogs
Web 2.0                                         Blogs
Web 2.0                                         Blogs

          Technorati tracking over 70 million
          About 120,000 new weblogs being
           worldwide each day (April 2007).
Web 2.0                                 Wikis

  •   collaborative, knowledge-
      sharing tool
  •   online space for harnessing
      collective intelligence
  •   Saint Joseph County Public
      Library in South Bend, IN, used
      open source wiki software to
      create a successful subject
      guide that facilitates customer
  •   Software – Wetpaint MediaWiki
Web 2.0                                                  Wikis
          http://bookgroup.pbwiki.com/Previous%20Books       Link
Web 2.0                                                 Wikis
          http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php                   Link

                                      If you've done something at
                                     your library that you consider
                                     a success, please write about
                                     it in the wiki or provide a link
                                       to outside coverage. If you
                                     have materials that would be
                                        helpful to other librarians,
                                          add them to the wiki.
Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Part One
Web 2.0                                                               RSS

  •   RSS (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way to
      receive automatic updates from your chosen websites and blogs.
      Instead of going to a website, the website will send you a message
      every time there is something new.
  •   RSS allows you to be notified when new content appears on a website,
      blog, or news page. Basically, this means that you can get new content
      as it is posted to a site without actually having to visit the site. In other
      words, it is an easy way to manage, customize, and receive information
      that interests you and it can also save you a great deal of time.
  •   RSS is an xml-based format which allows web publishers to create and
      disseminate feeds of data, based on the content of their website.
  •   RSS enables you to subscribe to a website using a tool called a news
      reader or aggregator.
  •   RSS feeds contain article headlines, links and descriptions. The feeds
      are updated as the website is updated.
Web 2.0                                                           RSS

  The reasons you should care about feeds are:

  • you want to be notified of updates from the many web sites
    that you read without visiting them one by one
  • You prefer to read content from your favourite web sites at one
    convenient location without any interface clutter

  RSS – Benefits

  •   An easy way to receive automatic updates from your chosen websites
      and blogs. Instead of going to a website, the website will send you a
      message every time there is something new.
      Notification of new content 'on your desktop' as it happens – automatic
      Lets you create content in one place and display it in other places.
Web 2.0                                                            RSS

  Why bother with feeds?

  •   Labour-saving, Time-saving, Convenience.
  •   You want to stay current.
  •   You want to be notified of updates from the many web sites that you
      read without visiting them one by one
  •   You prefer to read your favourite websites from one convenient
      location without any interface clutter
  •   No need to trawl (favourite) websites for new content / news items.
  •   Librarians (and others) who strive to keep current with the latest news
      and trends in their particular field have started using feeds and readers
      to save time and organize materials.
  •   You need to install a software called News Reader (sometimes called
      Aggregator) on your desktop computer. All you have to do then is to
      use your News Reader to subscribe to the RSS content. This display the
      latest headlines and content from your chosen websites.
Web 2.0                                                          RSS


  •   RSS reader = news reader = RSS aggregator = a program that can
      read RSS files
  •   standalone applications that run in the background on your desktop,
      automatically updating headlines regularly:-
       •   Awasu – FREE
       •   FeedReader – FREE
       •   RSSReader – FREE
       •   NewzCrawler - €€
       •   FeedDemon - €€

  •   Plug-ins to applications already running on your PC:-
       • Pluck (for Internet Explorer) – FREE
       • NewsGator (for MS Outlook) - €€
Web 2.0                                                        RSS

  Readers (contd.)

  • Web (server)-based RSS aggregation system:-
      • Bloglines.com
        Googles Reader

      • A web (server)-based service means your favourite feeds will
        remain available when you change computers

  • Browsers with RSS capability:-

      • Firefox 1.5, 2+
      • Opera
      • IE 7.0
Web 2.0                                                        RSS


    Step 1: Use a News Aggregator - A newsreaderquot; or quot;aggregatorquot; will
    fetch and organize recent content and provide simple ways to read it.

    Step 2: Grab the feeds

    Step 3: View the content
Web 2.0                    RSS
          Desktop Reader
Web 2.0                          RSS
          RSS via your Browser
Web 2.0                                              RSS
                   Web-based Reader

Web 2.0                                                   Tools / Sites

      Fark is a community website allowing users to comment on a daily
      batch of news articles and other items from various websites.
      Digg is a community-based popularity website with an emphasis on
      technology and science articles. It combines social bookmarking,
      blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic
      editorial control.
      Slashdot is a technology-related news website which features user-
      submitted and editor-evaluated current affairs news.
      reddit is a community web site where users can post links to content
      on the web. Other users may then vote the posted links up or down,
      causing them to appear more or less prominently on the reddit home
      Furl (from File Uniform Resource Locators) is a social bookmarking
      website that allows members to store searchable copies of webpages
      and share them with others.
      del.icio.us is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and
      discovering web bookmarks.
      Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs.

                                           (most descriptions from Wikipedia)
Web 2.0   Tools / Sites
Web 2.0                                                Tools / Sites
  Create you own search…                                    www.rollyo.com

Web 2.0                                     Other Developments

  • Other Web 2.0 Developments

    Ajax*-based applications:
    Personalised homepages - Netvibes, Pageflakes, Google

    Mashups - a quot;mashupquot; mixes content from independent sources
    to create something new, usually via an API, RSS feed, or

    APIs - Application Programming Interface
    LIST: http://www.webmashup.com/Mashup_APIs/index.php

    *Note: Ajax, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is
    a web development technique for creating interactive web
Web 2.0                                                      Mashups

  • Web Mashup = API [1] + API [2] + API [N]

  • A web mashup is a website or web application that uses content
    from more than one source to create a completely new service.

  • Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party
    via a public interface or so called API. [Source: Wikipedia]
    - or RSS, e.g. using Suprglu

  • What is a mashup?
      http://news.zdnet.com/2036-2_22-6035716.html (Video)

  • Mashup examples:
  •   http://www.programmableweb.com/
Web 2.0                                          Mashups
          personalized home page or start page
Web 2.0                                          Mashups


                                  Note: Option of sharing your page
Web 2.0                                Mashups
Web 2.0                                                       Mashups
Web 2.0                              Mashups
Web 2.0                                Mashups

Web 2.0                                    Mashups
Web 2.0                                                       Mashups

Web 2.0 / Library 2.0                                     References

   •   The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2006

   •   Web 2.0 and Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software by Michael

   •   Learning 2.0 - online self-discovery program that encourages the
       exploration of web 2.0 tools and new technologies

   •   Library 2.0 Reading List

   •   TechCrunch
Web 2.0 / Library 2.0                                         References

   •   The Long Tail by Chris Anderson

   •   Rhonda Gonzales, Dean, CSU-Pueblo Library

   •   Five Weeks to a Social Library

   •   SirsiDynix Institute
       (ongoing forum for professional development in the library community)

   •   Go2Web20.net - The complete Web 2.0 directory
Web 2.0 / Library 2.0                            Acknowledgments

   •   Jenny Levine, American Library Association, The Shifted Librarian

   •   Heyam El.Hayek, Library Services Coordinator (LSC) Qattan Centre for
       the Child, Gaza

   •   Michael Stephens, Dominican University GSLIS

   •   David King, Digital Branch & Services Manager, Topeka & Shawnee
       County Public Library

   •   Stephen Abram, MLS, SirsiDynix Vice-President of Innovation
Web 2.0   …part one

              …and now…

                                      Library 2.0
                          part two…

More Related Content

Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Part One

  • 1. Image source: http://web54.fortrabbit.de/startup-the-new-econmy.html Part One Web 2.0 and Library 2.0 Presentation by: Eddie Byrne Librarian & Web Administrator May 2007 Dublin City Public Libraries & Archive, Dublin, Ireland
  • 2. This is a two-part Presentation --- Part One: Web 2.0 | Part Two: Library 2.0
  • 3. Web 2.0 Web 2.0 refers to the latest generation of services available on the world wide web that lets people collaborate and share information online. “The Social Web”
  • 5. Web 2.0 Characteristics • Web sites being read/write, not just for passive reading • Information gathering and social networking are intertwined • Users creating the content of the sites they access. • Personal workspace is “up there” on the web, not “down here” on your own PC • Open source software rather than vendor driven software • Many devices used to access the web (mobile phones, PDAs, laptops, wireless connections) • Radical trust by a community of users Source: http://multa.murdoch.edu.au
  • 6. Web 2.0 Characteristics Collaboration functionality Content and Participation Community Read/Write web Collective intelligence The web as a platform User engagement Interaction / Communication with users trust Built upon Openness Decentralisation of authority The wisdom of crowds Freedom to share and reuse ('remix') Key Web 2.0 principle - the service automatically gets better the more people use it.
  • 7. Web 2.0 Terminology Gaming Comments Social Bookmarking Blogs APIs AJAX Tagging Feeds Long Tail RSS Creative Commons Folksonomy Tag Cloud vlogs Podcasts Social Software Syndication Mashups Wikis Social Networking
  • 9. Web 2.0 long tail A Marketing Concept Products that are in low demand or Image source : http://blogs.guardian.co.uk/technology/ have low sales volume can collectively make up a market share that rivals or exceeds the relatively few current bestsellers.1 A large proportion of Amazon.com's book sales come from less well known books that are not available in the high street bookshops. The collective demand for less popular items can exceed all the most popular items added together. The Long Tail is about focusing on the In the library world, the Long Tail philosophy less popular content. would be that every book is of value to someone, and if we had the space to keep them all, eventually each would be read by Similarly, Web 2.0 is about someone.2 enabling access to previously unavailable digital content.
  • 10. WEB 2.0 Open Access * Open Source * Open Content Acknowledgment: Heyam El.Hayek
  • 11. Web 2.0 Social Software / Technologies • Weblogs • Podcasts • RSS Feeds • Instant Messaging (IM) • Wikis • Social networking tools • Social (i.e. shared) bookmarking tools - del.icio.us, furl, digg, slashdot, reddit, fark • Social mapping – frappr, wayfaring, Google Maps • Web-based work sharing tools • Mashups
  • 12. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools MySpace Bebo Facebook Ning.com Tagged Yahoo! 360° • Xanga - community of online diaries and journals • Photo sharing - Flickr, BubbleShare • Video sharing - YouTube, Google Video, blip.tv • IMEEM - online community where people and groups can upload, share, tag, and playlist different media • Slideshare - for sharing PowerPoint and OpenOffice presentations • Clipmarks - tool that lets you tag, store, organize, and share snippets of Web pages. • eSnips - a social content-sharing site, where you can publish and share any media type.
  • 13. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools • What is MySpace? Why is it important? MySpace and Facebook are social network sites where individuals create profiles and link to others (“friends”) within the system. The profile serves as an individual’s digital representation (similar to homepages) of their tastes, fashion, and identity. In crafting this profile, individuals upload photos, indicate interests, list favorite musicians and describe themselves textually and through associated media. The social network feature allows participants to link themselves to others within the system, revealing their affiliations and peer group. These sites also allow friends to comment on each other’s profiles. Structurally, social network sites are a cross between a yearbook and a community website. http://www.danah.org/papers/MySpaceDOPA.html
  • 15. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools http://librarians.ning.com/
  • 16. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools http://www.linkedin.com/
  • 17. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools How does Twitter work? When you send Twitter a mobile text (SMS), it gets sent out to your group of friends and also saves to your Twitter page. Your friends might not have phone alerts turned on so they might check your web page instead. Likewise, you receive your friends mobile updates on your phone.
  • 18. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools Social Mapping Create maps for people of certain interests, or browse and join the maps of other users, adding yourself and your location. Create and share maps with friends or the Wayfaring community at large. The web’s most popular collection of maps and satellite images. Get directions, view detailed images of landmarks or zoom in on locations. Online map and satellite imaging resource that Wikimapia combines Google Maps with a wiki system, allowing users to add information to any location on Earth.
  • 19. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools http://www.frappr.com/phoenixlibraries
  • 20. Web 2.0 Social Networking Tools http://www.communitywalk.com/DublinCityPublicLibraries
  • 21. Web 2.0 Web as Platform Characteristics: work sharing, collaborative editing, rich formatting, document storage & sharing, access from anywhere; communities of members contributing to a collective effort or project. - emulating the desktop experience • Word processors / spreadsheets - Google Docs & Spreadsheets (formerly Writely), Zoho Writer, Writeboard • Online presentations - Zoho Show, Spresent • Drawing and sharing diagrams on the web - Gliffy • Wikis - software - wetpaint, mediawiki, pbwiki • Project Management – Basecamp, ZohoProjects • Online Storage - box.net, xdrive, ibackup, esnips, omnidrive • Extensive list of Web 2.0 applications available at: http://web2.wsj2.com/ • SEE ALSO SEOmoz Web 2.0 Awards - http://www.seomoz.org/web2.0/ • http://www.techcrunch.com/2006/01/31/the-online-storage-gang/
  • 22. Online Presentations Word Processing
  • 24. Web 2.0 Web as Platform Document Sharing http://www.scribd.com/doc/46042/Dental-Health
  • 26. Web 2.0 Web as Platform Online Storage http://www.omnidrive.com/ http://www.box.net/
  • 27. Web 2.0 Streaming Media Audio & Video Acknowledgment: Heyam El.Hayek
  • 28. Web 2.0 Social Bookmarking Store your bookmarks online, share them with everyone and see what others have bookmarked
  • 29. Web 2.0 Tagging
  • 30. Web 2.0 Commenting
  • 31. Web 2.0 Blogs • Online journal • brief entries arranged in reverse chronological order • diverse use - personal diaries to news sites • quot;frequency, brevity, personalityquot; Evan Williams, creator of Blogger • terminology - blogging, blogger, blogrolling, archives, categories, search, syndication (RSS), permalinks, comments, blogroll, trackback, pingback, tags • easy to publish content online - quot;quick and easyquot; • sense of immediacy • almost instant feedback • refresh of content on main page • single, multiple contributors • communication model • conversation on the Internet - quot;comments foster communityquot; • a place for “news, events, and discussionquot; • rising level of expectation of interactivity in websites in general • Question - is the target audience online in sufficient numbers to make a blog worthwhile?
  • 32. Web 2.0 Blogs http://dublinreaders.wordpress.com/
  • 33. Web 2.0 Blogs http://dublinreaders.wordpress.com/
  • 34. Web 2.0 Blogs Technorati tracking over 70 million weblogs. About 120,000 new weblogs being created worldwide each day (April 2007).
  • 35. Web 2.0 Wikis • collaborative, knowledge- sharing tool • online space for harnessing collective intelligence • Saint Joseph County Public Library in South Bend, IN, used open source wiki software to create a successful subject guide that facilitates customer feedback. • Software – Wetpaint MediaWiki PBwiki
  • 36. Web 2.0 Wikis http://bookgroup.pbwiki.com/Previous%20Books Link
  • 37. Web 2.0 Wikis http://www.libsuccess.org/index.php Link If you've done something at your library that you consider a success, please write about it in the wiki or provide a link to outside coverage. If you have materials that would be helpful to other librarians, add them to the wiki.
  • 39. Web 2.0 RSS • RSS (which stands for Really Simple Syndication) is an easy way to receive automatic updates from your chosen websites and blogs. Instead of going to a website, the website will send you a message every time there is something new. • RSS allows you to be notified when new content appears on a website, blog, or news page. Basically, this means that you can get new content as it is posted to a site without actually having to visit the site. In other words, it is an easy way to manage, customize, and receive information that interests you and it can also save you a great deal of time. • RSS is an xml-based format which allows web publishers to create and disseminate feeds of data, based on the content of their website. • RSS enables you to subscribe to a website using a tool called a news reader or aggregator. • RSS feeds contain article headlines, links and descriptions. The feeds are updated as the website is updated.
  • 40. Web 2.0 RSS The reasons you should care about feeds are: • you want to be notified of updates from the many web sites that you read without visiting them one by one • You prefer to read content from your favourite web sites at one convenient location without any interface clutter RSS – Benefits • An easy way to receive automatic updates from your chosen websites and blogs. Instead of going to a website, the website will send you a message every time there is something new. Notification of new content 'on your desktop' as it happens – automatic updates. Lets you create content in one place and display it in other places.
  • 41. Web 2.0 RSS Why bother with feeds? • Labour-saving, Time-saving, Convenience. • You want to stay current. • You want to be notified of updates from the many web sites that you read without visiting them one by one • You prefer to read your favourite websites from one convenient location without any interface clutter • No need to trawl (favourite) websites for new content / news items. • Librarians (and others) who strive to keep current with the latest news and trends in their particular field have started using feeds and readers to save time and organize materials. • You need to install a software called News Reader (sometimes called Aggregator) on your desktop computer. All you have to do then is to use your News Reader to subscribe to the RSS content. This display the latest headlines and content from your chosen websites.
  • 42. Web 2.0 RSS Readers • RSS reader = news reader = RSS aggregator = a program that can read RSS files • standalone applications that run in the background on your desktop, automatically updating headlines regularly:- • Awasu – FREE • FeedReader – FREE • RSSReader – FREE • NewzCrawler - €€ • FeedDemon - €€ • Plug-ins to applications already running on your PC:- • Pluck (for Internet Explorer) – FREE • NewsGator (for MS Outlook) - €€
  • 43. Web 2.0 RSS Readers (contd.) • Web (server)-based RSS aggregation system:- • Bloglines.com Googles Reader • A web (server)-based service means your favourite feeds will remain available when you change computers • Browsers with RSS capability:- • Firefox 1.5, 2+ • Opera • IE 7.0
  • 44. Web 2.0 RSS Step-by-Step: Step 1: Use a News Aggregator - A newsreaderquot; or quot;aggregatorquot; will fetch and organize recent content and provide simple ways to read it. Step 2: Grab the feeds Step 3: View the content
  • 45. Web 2.0 RSS Desktop Reader
  • 46. Web 2.0 RSS RSS via your Browser
  • 47. Web 2.0 RSS Web-based Reader http://www.bloglines.com/public/dubcilib
  • 48. Web 2.0 Tools / Sites Fark is a community website allowing users to comment on a daily • batch of news articles and other items from various websites. Digg is a community-based popularity website with an emphasis on • technology and science articles. It combines social bookmarking, blogging, and syndication with a form of non-hierarchical, democratic editorial control. Slashdot is a technology-related news website which features user- • submitted and editor-evaluated current affairs news. reddit is a community web site where users can post links to content • on the web. Other users may then vote the posted links up or down, causing them to appear more or less prominently on the reddit home page. Furl (from File Uniform Resource Locators) is a social bookmarking • website that allows members to store searchable copies of webpages and share them with others. del.icio.us is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and • discovering web bookmarks. Technorati is an Internet search engine for searching blogs. • (most descriptions from Wikipedia)
  • 49. Web 2.0 Tools / Sites
  • 50. Web 2.0 Tools / Sites Create you own search… www.rollyo.com http://rollyo.com/ebyrne41/irish_publ_libraries/
  • 51. Web 2.0 Other Developments • Other Web 2.0 Developments Ajax*-based applications: Personalised homepages - Netvibes, Pageflakes, Google Mashups - a quot;mashupquot; mixes content from independent sources to create something new, usually via an API, RSS feed, or u JavaScript. APIs - Application Programming Interface LIST: http://www.webmashup.com/Mashup_APIs/index.php *Note: Ajax, shorthand for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, is a web development technique for creating interactive web applications.
  • 52. Web 2.0 Mashups • Web Mashup = API [1] + API [2] + API [N] • A web mashup is a website or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a completely new service. • Content used in mashups is typically sourced from a third party via a public interface or so called API. [Source: Wikipedia] - or RSS, e.g. using Suprglu • What is a mashup? http://news.zdnet.com/2036-2_22-6035716.html (Video) • Mashup examples: • http://www.programmableweb.com/ http://www.webmashup.com/Mashup_Examples/index.php
  • 53. Web 2.0 Mashups Google personalized home page or start page
  • 54. Web 2.0 Mashups http://www.pageflakes.com/ Note: Option of sharing your page
  • 55. Web 2.0 Mashups http://www.pageflakes.com/
  • 56. Web 2.0 Mashups http://www.pageflakes.com/philipbradley.ashx?page=4541261
  • 57. Web 2.0 Mashups http://www.netvibes.com/
  • 58. Web 2.0 Mashups http://www.earthalbum.com/
  • 59. Web 2.0 Mashups http://www.educationsearch.net
  • 60. Web 2.0 Mashups http://pwp.007mundo.com/jcmendez/flash/youtube/LastFmYoutube.html
  • 61. Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 References • The Best Web 2.0 Software of 2006 http://web2.wsj2.com/the_best_web_20_software_of_2006.htm • Web 2.0 and Libraries: Best Practices for Social Software by Michael Stephens • Learning 2.0 - online self-discovery program that encourages the exploration of web 2.0 tools and new technologies http://plcmclearning.blogspot.com/ • Library 2.0 Reading List http://www.squidoo.com/library20 • TechCrunch http://www.techcrunch.com
  • 62. Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 References • The Long Tail by Chris Anderson http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/12.10/tail.html • Rhonda Gonzales, Dean, CSU-Pueblo Library http://rhondagonzales.wordpress.com/2006/10/31/the-long-tail-in-action/ • Five Weeks to a Social Library http://www.sociallibraries.com/course/ • SirsiDynix Institute (ongoing forum for professional development in the library community) http://www.sirsidynixinstitute.com/index.php • Go2Web20.net - The complete Web 2.0 directory http://www.go2web20.net/
  • 63. Web 2.0 / Library 2.0 Acknowledgments • Jenny Levine, American Library Association, The Shifted Librarian http://www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/ • Heyam El.Hayek, Library Services Coordinator (LSC) Qattan Centre for the Child, Gaza http://arablibrarian.wordpress.com/ • Michael Stephens, Dominican University GSLIS www.tametheweb.com • David King, Digital Branch & Services Manager, Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library http://www.davidleeking.com • Stephen Abram, MLS, SirsiDynix Vice-President of Innovation http://stephenslighthouse.sirsi.com/
  • 64. Web 2.0 …part one …and now… Library 2.0 part two…