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Gopika Chandran S 
Natural Science 
St. Thomas Training College 
Reg No: 
Submitted to 
Asha Sindhu 
Lecturer of Natural Science 
St. Thomas Training College


Web resources


Search engines 


Computer technology has a deep impact on education. It helps an effective storage and 
retention of information. Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field 
of communication in the history of mankind. Information is probably the biggest advantage 
internet is offering. 
It is notable that the growth of internet and technologies is rapidly increasing day-by day. 
It’s mainly useful for information search and retrieval on the web. The concept of a web resource 
is primitive in the web architecture and is used in the definition of its fundamental element. Web 
based information designed to help users standard websites (information available) are being 
developed by many private and public research centers. It encompassing everything or entity that 
can be identified, named, addressed or handled in anyway what over in the web at large, or in 
any networked information system. So it helps what we need is a practical uses friendly and ad-free 
format information is probably the biggest advantage web resources is offering. It is a virtual 
treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on 
this. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at our service on the internet. There is a huge 
amount of information available for just about every subject known to man, ranging from 
government law & services, conference, marketing, new ideas and technical support, the list is 
Student and teachers are among top uses who surf for reaching topics of their interest. 
Numerous resource units are available which offers different level of information gathering 
technique. It allows students to learn at their own pace.


The World Wide Web is an important application that uses internet data transport 
mechanism. The web is a system with universally accepted standard of storing, retrieving, 
formatting and displaying information. It handles all type of digital information including text, 
hypermedia, graphics and sound. The technology underlying www created by Timothy Berners – 
Lee, who in 1989 proposed a global network of hypertext document that would allow researchers 
to work together. 
The web is based on a standard type text language called Hypertext Markup Language 
(HTML) which formats documents and incorporates dynamics hypertext links to other 
documents stored on the same or different computers. Offering information through the web 
requires establishing a homepages, which is a text and graphical screen display that usually 
welcomes the users and explains the organization that has established the page. In most cases the 
home page will lead the users to other pages. All the pages of a particular organization or 
individual known as website. Different websites is available to gather information regarding 
various topics. 
To access a website, the user must specify a uniform resource locator (URL), which 
points to the address of a specific resource on the web. For instance the URL for Microsoft is 
http://www.microsoft.com. HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol, which is the


Communication standard used to transfer pages across the www pages of the internet. HTTP 
defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions web servers and browsers 
should take in response to various commands. 
Users primarily access the web through software application called browsers. The 
commonly used internet browsers are Netscape communicator, Microsoft internet explorer, 
Mozilla Firefox, opera etc. 
Eg: For searching about wildlife it should be written as http:/www.wildlife.com. Hence 
we can easily access information using this. 
A web search engine is designed to search for information on the www. The search 
results are usually presented in a list of results and are commonly called hits. The information 
may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Basically a search engine 
is a software program that searches for sites based on the words that user designate as search 
terms. Search engines looks through their own databases information in order to find what it is 
that the user is looking for. Different search engine searches for sites based on the word that uses 
designate as search term.


Search engines are not simple. They include incredibly detailed processes and 
methodologies, and are updated all the time. All search engines go by this basic process when 
conducting search processes, but because there are differences in search engines, there are bound 
to be different results depending on the engine we use. Major search engines such as Google, 
Yahoo, AltaVista provides results that can run for pages. Individual websites may use a search 
engine to index and retrieve the content of just their own site. An alternative to use search engine 
is to explore a structured directory of topics. Yahoo is the most widely used directory on the 
web. A number of web portal sites offer both the search engine and directory approaches to 
finding information. 
A wiki is a websites that allow the easy creation and editing any number of interlinked 
webpage. Wiki may exist to serve a specific purpose and in such cases, users use their editorial 
right to remove material that is considered ‘off topic’. Such in case of the collaborative 
encyclopedia Wikipedia. So it is the simplest online data base that could possibly work. Wikis 
are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to create websites.


 The World Wide Web as a resource have enabled librarian to take advantage of the 
capacity of internet to serve as a virtual reference desk, providing access to countless 
information resources worldwide. 
 Using the web, it provides accurate and effective information receives, without 
 Use for any topic especially education, political, legal, business and social issues topics. 
 It enables students to learn subject to which they wouldn’t otherwise have access. 
 It allows students to progress at their own place. 
 The Web Resource Repository enables portal administrators to upload and manage web 
resources in the portal. 
 The web's interactive capabilities provide functions not possible through standard print 
 The web offers greater flexibility regarding where and when its information can be 
 The most powerful feature of the web, however, is the wealth of information it contains, 
much of which is not available in even the largest library collections. 
 The search engines provide keyword and Boolean searching capabilities, so that one can 
find sites relating to a specific subject (e.g., Nelson Mandela). 
 The technology of the World Wide Web makes the resources of the Internet more 


Web resource is a tool which helps to access information. There are many reasons 
building a website requires that use obtain the right tools and resources. By using standard 
resources our visitor are able to use web page. The right resources also make it easy for sites for 
surfers to use sites. Search engine would index websites if the pages conform to their rules. Web 
tools make the web design job easy. 
Now that we are equipped with the right knowledge we can go about our web design with 
the assurance that we are going to produce something appealing and acceptable to most browses. 
Hence they provide the most vivid information about any problem which less down the 
complication. So the use of web resource for accessing information is rapidly increasing. The 
Web is not only a space of information, it is a tool to connect people with shared interests. The 
power of the Web is to enable anybody to share information. People had and fulfilled most of 
these needs of information before the Web, and there are many other ways of sending and 
receiving information. For decades, the major sources of information were newspaper, radio and 
TV. The internet has dramatically impacted the education system in the last few years and this 
trend will certainly continue well into the future. Many have discovered the advantages of having 
a presence on the internet and have successfully addressed corporate objectives by integrating 
their web site as part of their educational systems. 
 http/www.wikepedia.in


Web resources

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Web resources

  • 1. Gopika Chandran S Natural Science St. Thomas Training College Reg No: Submitted to Asha Sindhu Lecturer of Natural Science St. Thomas Training College
  • 3. INDEX SL NO: TOPIC PAGE NO: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction www Search engines Wikis Advantages Conclusion Reference 1 2-3 3-4 4 5 6 6
  • 4. 1 INTRODUCTION Computer technology has a deep impact on education. It helps an effective storage and retention of information. Internet has been perhaps the most outstanding innovation in the field of communication in the history of mankind. Information is probably the biggest advantage internet is offering. It is notable that the growth of internet and technologies is rapidly increasing day-by day. It’s mainly useful for information search and retrieval on the web. The concept of a web resource is primitive in the web architecture and is used in the definition of its fundamental element. Web based information designed to help users standard websites (information available) are being developed by many private and public research centers. It encompassing everything or entity that can be identified, named, addressed or handled in anyway what over in the web at large, or in any networked information system. So it helps what we need is a practical uses friendly and ad-free format information is probably the biggest advantage web resources is offering. It is a virtual treasure trove of information. Any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on this. The search engines like Google, yahoo is at our service on the internet. There is a huge amount of information available for just about every subject known to man, ranging from government law & services, conference, marketing, new ideas and technical support, the list is endless. Student and teachers are among top uses who surf for reaching topics of their interest. Numerous resource units are available which offers different level of information gathering technique. It allows students to learn at their own pace.
  • 5. 2 WWW The World Wide Web is an important application that uses internet data transport mechanism. The web is a system with universally accepted standard of storing, retrieving, formatting and displaying information. It handles all type of digital information including text, hypermedia, graphics and sound. The technology underlying www created by Timothy Berners – Lee, who in 1989 proposed a global network of hypertext document that would allow researchers to work together. The web is based on a standard type text language called Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) which formats documents and incorporates dynamics hypertext links to other documents stored on the same or different computers. Offering information through the web requires establishing a homepages, which is a text and graphical screen display that usually welcomes the users and explains the organization that has established the page. In most cases the home page will lead the users to other pages. All the pages of a particular organization or individual known as website. Different websites is available to gather information regarding various topics. To access a website, the user must specify a uniform resource locator (URL), which points to the address of a specific resource on the web. For instance the URL for Microsoft is http://www.microsoft.com. HTTP stands for hypertext transfer protocol, which is the
  • 6. 3 Communication standard used to transfer pages across the www pages of the internet. HTTP defines how messages are formatted and transmitted and what actions web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands. Users primarily access the web through software application called browsers. The commonly used internet browsers are Netscape communicator, Microsoft internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, opera etc. Eg: For searching about wildlife it should be written as http:/www.wildlife.com. Hence we can easily access information using this. SEARCH ENGINES A web search engine is designed to search for information on the www. The search results are usually presented in a list of results and are commonly called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Basically a search engine is a software program that searches for sites based on the words that user designate as search terms. Search engines looks through their own databases information in order to find what it is that the user is looking for. Different search engine searches for sites based on the word that uses designate as search term.
  • 7. 4 Search engines are not simple. They include incredibly detailed processes and methodologies, and are updated all the time. All search engines go by this basic process when conducting search processes, but because there are differences in search engines, there are bound to be different results depending on the engine we use. Major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, AltaVista provides results that can run for pages. Individual websites may use a search engine to index and retrieve the content of just their own site. An alternative to use search engine is to explore a structured directory of topics. Yahoo is the most widely used directory on the web. A number of web portal sites offer both the search engine and directory approaches to finding information. WIKIS A wiki is a websites that allow the easy creation and editing any number of interlinked webpage. Wiki may exist to serve a specific purpose and in such cases, users use their editorial right to remove material that is considered ‘off topic’. Such in case of the collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia. So it is the simplest online data base that could possibly work. Wikis are typically powered by wiki software and are often used to create websites.
  • 8. 5 ADVANTAGES  The World Wide Web as a resource have enabled librarian to take advantage of the capacity of internet to serve as a virtual reference desk, providing access to countless information resources worldwide.  Using the web, it provides accurate and effective information receives, without complication.  Use for any topic especially education, political, legal, business and social issues topics.  It enables students to learn subject to which they wouldn’t otherwise have access.  It allows students to progress at their own place.  The Web Resource Repository enables portal administrators to upload and manage web resources in the portal.  The web's interactive capabilities provide functions not possible through standard print sources.  The web offers greater flexibility regarding where and when its information can be accessed.  The most powerful feature of the web, however, is the wealth of information it contains, much of which is not available in even the largest library collections.  The search engines provide keyword and Boolean searching capabilities, so that one can find sites relating to a specific subject (e.g., Nelson Mandela).  The technology of the World Wide Web makes the resources of the Internet more accessible.
  • 9. 6 CONCLUSION Web resource is a tool which helps to access information. There are many reasons building a website requires that use obtain the right tools and resources. By using standard resources our visitor are able to use web page. The right resources also make it easy for sites for surfers to use sites. Search engine would index websites if the pages conform to their rules. Web tools make the web design job easy. Now that we are equipped with the right knowledge we can go about our web design with the assurance that we are going to produce something appealing and acceptable to most browses. Hence they provide the most vivid information about any problem which less down the complication. So the use of web resource for accessing information is rapidly increasing. The Web is not only a space of information, it is a tool to connect people with shared interests. The power of the Web is to enable anybody to share information. People had and fulfilled most of these needs of information before the Web, and there are many other ways of sending and receiving information. For decades, the major sources of information were newspaper, radio and TV. The internet has dramatically impacted the education system in the last few years and this trend will certainly continue well into the future. Many have discovered the advantages of having a presence on the internet and have successfully addressed corporate objectives by integrating their web site as part of their educational systems. REFERENCE  http/www.wikepedia.in