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Pinterest Analytics
& Social ROI Webinar
“It’s my top priority to
 ensure you drive real
 business results from
 your Pinterest
 Marketing initiatives.”

    Alex Littlewood
       Head of Customer Success

     @Pinfluencer    #Pinfluencer


What We’ll Cover Today

1. Pinterest. Who Cares?
2. What Can We Measure?
  •   Pinners, Advocates, and Influencers
  •   Pins & Boards
  •   Competitors
  •   Traffic, conversion, sales, and ROI

3. Pinterest Promotions
4. Questions
Audience Poll #1 & 2
Pinterest. Who Cares?
Pins from the website            80%

                                       Re-Pins in
•   Visits
•   Page Views
•   Conversion

                                       Viral Reach

Social is Constantly Evolving

 Users               Users                Users
   Life Ledger        Now!                Aspiration
 Brands              Brands               Brands
   Engagement         News                Uncover
   Brand Building     Support              Purchase Intent
                       Feedback            Social ROI

     92% trust recommendations from friends & family
      above all else when making purchase decisions.
                                      Source: Nielsen April 2012
Some Important Data About

                     • 3rd Most Popular Social
                       Network in the US
                     • Fastest Growing
                       in History
                     • 4th largest Website
                       traffic driver in the
                       world, more than:
                           Yahoo
                           Bing
                           Twitter
                           Google ads
Some Important Data About

          These are BIG spenders

                              < 17   18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64       65+

• 79% Users are Women        • Pinners are Predominantly 25-54
• Women control 80%+ of US
  Consumer Spending

                                                             Source: ComScore, Fast Company
Some Important Data About

Click traffic from Pinterest
Average Page views / visit
                               7.0          4.1         2.7
  (Average Order Value)
                               $180     $80             $69

 User Base                        % of            11%
By Network                       Socially
           550M                  Driven
                                Sessions                86%

                                                          Source: Comscore, Rich Relevance
Audience Poll #3 & 4
What Can We Measure?
Top Level KPI’s

                     What can you do with it?

  •   Understand the “pinworthiness” of your website
  •   Track the virality of your content with Re-Pin Rates
  •   Monitor Follower growth
  •   Discover new Pinners that haven’t pinned before
  •   Graph all your data to visualize trends
Pinners, Advocates, and Influencers

                                                      Few to Many

                    What can you do with it?          Many to Many Many

  •   Identify Pinners most engaged time of day, then schedule Pins
  •   Follow, Like, and Comment to establish contact and relationship
  •   Analyze their pinning activity
  •   Build campaigns in other channels: FB, Twitter, email
  •   Organize “follower appreciation” events/campaigns
Content Optimization: Pins & Boards

                     What can you do with it?

     •Build a promotion around most popular pins (i.e Top 5 Dresses)
     •Pin / Re-Pin
     •Learn what content is popular in Pinterest to inform inventory
      and future merchandising decisions
Boards Test board curation strategies
   • A/B                                        Pins
   • Virality popular content from within the app Revenue
• By  Pin most                                  • By
•   By   Pins / Re-Pins                        •   By   Clicks
•   By   Followers                             •   By   Site Visits
•   By   Engagement Score                      •   By   Page Views
•   By   Likes/Comments                        •   By   Engagement Score
                                               •   By   Likes/Comments

                       What can you do with it?

    •   Identify competitors engaged and influential pinners and
        connect to attract them to your brand
    •   Monitor their activity and learn from their mistakes, or react to
        their wins.
    •   Understand competitor content strategies
    •   Monitor and benchmark against performance

• Competitors Activity                     • Top Pins from Website
• Engaged and Influential Pinners          • Most Engaged Boards
Traffic, Conversion, Sales & ROI
                                                     Pinfluencer is the first
                                                     Social Media
                                                     Management technology
                                                     to integrate with all these
                                                     web analytics providers:
                    What can you do with it?

  •   Benchmark sales performance WoW & MoM
  •   Drive up Revenue and/or Visits per pin
  •   Optimize Pinterest content strategy and web “Pinworthiness” to
      drive desired results

  •   Fast and hard proof of True Social ROI!
Pinterest Promotions
Pinterest Promotions Strategy

1. Identify Biz Objectives & Define Success
2. Optimize Content
3. Promote, Promote, Promote
4. Test Best Practices. Iterate and improve!
Drive Engagement & Viral Reach!

                             Powered by

               •   Contests
               •   Sweepstakes
               •   Coupons
               •   Giveaways
               •   And more!
Visit the Pinfluencer Blog to Watch Our
Promotions Best Practices Webinar
Pinfluencer – Our Technology
The Marketing and Analytics Suite
Customer Support

Strategic               Training            Tech Support
• Pinterest Expertise   • Pinfluencer       • Account
• Pinterest Data          Features &          Administration
  & Analytics             Functionality     • Data
• Whitepapers           • Best Practices      Management
• Webinars              • Whitepapers       • Whitepapers
• Case Studies          • Webinars

        300+ Clients            10 Million+ Pinners
        2,000+ Brands           30 Million + Pins
Brands and Retailers use Pinfluencer
Publishers, Media, and Agencies use Pinfluencer
 Sign up for a Trial

 For a Demo contact

More Related Content

Webinar analytics & social roi

  • 2. “It’s my top priority to ensure you drive real business results from your Pinterest Marketing initiatives.” Alex Littlewood Head of Customer Success @Pinfluencer #Pinfluencer Facebook.com/pinfluencer @Pinfluencers
  • 3. What We’ll Cover Today 1. Pinterest. Who Cares? 2. What Can We Measure? • Pinners, Advocates, and Influencers • Pins & Boards • Competitors • Traffic, conversion, sales, and ROI 3. Pinterest Promotions 4. Questions
  • 6. Pins from the website 80% Re-Pins in Pinterest • Visits • Page Views • Conversion Viral Reach Impressions Clicks
  • 7. Social is Constantly Evolving Users Users Users  Life Ledger  Now!  Aspiration Brands Brands Brands  Engagement  News  Uncover  Brand Building  Support Purchase Intent  Feedback  Social ROI 92% trust recommendations from friends & family above all else when making purchase decisions. Source: Nielsen April 2012
  • 8. Some Important Data About • 3rd Most Popular Social Network in the US • Fastest Growing in History • 4th largest Website traffic driver in the world, more than:  Yahoo  Bing  Twitter  Google ads
  • 9. Some Important Data About These are BIG spenders < 17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ • 79% Users are Women • Pinners are Predominantly 25-54 • Women control 80%+ of US Consumer Spending Source: ComScore, Fast Company
  • 10. Some Important Data About Click traffic from Pinterest Average Page views / visit 7.0 4.1 2.7 AOV (Average Order Value) $180 $80 $69 1,000M User Base % of 11% By Network Socially 550M Driven Shopping Sessions 86% 25M Source: Comscore, Rich Relevance
  • 12. What Can We Measure?
  • 13. Top Level KPI’s What can you do with it? • Understand the “pinworthiness” of your website • Track the virality of your content with Re-Pin Rates • Monitor Follower growth • Discover new Pinners that haven’t pinned before • Graph all your data to visualize trends
  • 14. Pinners, Advocates, and Influencers Influencers Few to Many Advocates What can you do with it? Many to Many Many • Identify Pinners most engaged time of day, then schedule Pins • Follow, Like, and Comment to establish contact and relationship • Analyze their pinning activity • Build campaigns in other channels: FB, Twitter, email • Organize “follower appreciation” events/campaigns
  • 15. Content Optimization: Pins & Boards What can you do with it? •Build a promotion around most popular pins (i.e Top 5 Dresses) •Pin / Re-Pin •Learn what content is popular in Pinterest to inform inventory and future merchandising decisions Boards Test board curation strategies • A/B Pins • Virality popular content from within the app Revenue • By Pin most • By • By Pins / Re-Pins • By Clicks • By Followers • By Site Visits • By Engagement Score • By Page Views • By Likes/Comments • By Engagement Score • By Likes/Comments
  • 16. Competitors What can you do with it? • Identify competitors engaged and influential pinners and connect to attract them to your brand • Monitor their activity and learn from their mistakes, or react to their wins. • Understand competitor content strategies • Monitor and benchmark against performance • Competitors Activity • Top Pins from Website • Engaged and Influential Pinners • Most Engaged Boards
  • 17. Traffic, Conversion, Sales & ROI Pinfluencer is the first Social Media Management technology to integrate with all these web analytics providers: What can you do with it? • Benchmark sales performance WoW & MoM • Drive up Revenue and/or Visits per pin • Optimize Pinterest content strategy and web “Pinworthiness” to drive desired results • Fast and hard proof of True Social ROI!
  • 19. Pinterest Promotions Strategy 1. Identify Biz Objectives & Define Success 2. Optimize Content 3. Promote, Promote, Promote 4. Test Best Practices. Iterate and improve!
  • 20. Drive Engagement & Viral Reach! Powered by • Contests • Sweepstakes • Coupons • Giveaways • And more!
  • 21. Visit the Pinfluencer Blog to Watch Our Promotions Best Practices Webinar
  • 22. Pinfluencer – Our Technology
  • 23. The Marketing and Analytics Suite for
  • 24. Customer Support Strategic Training Tech Support Insights • Pinterest Expertise • Pinfluencer • Account • Pinterest Data Features & Administration & Analytics Functionality • Data • Whitepapers • Best Practices Management • Webinars • Whitepapers • Whitepapers • Case Studies • Webinars 300+ Clients 10 Million+ Pinners 2,000+ Brands 30 Million + Pins
  • 25. Brands and Retailers use Pinfluencer
  • 26. Publishers, Media, and Agencies use Pinfluencer
  • 28. THANK YOU! Sign up for a Trial @ www.Pinfluencer.com For a Demo contact Kris@Pinfluencer.com

Editor's Notes

  1. Alex Littlewood – Head of Customer SuccessI’ve been a marketing strategist in many capacities, going on 10 yearsMy #1 priority is clients finding success with Pinterest as a part of their larger Social Media, Marketing, and general business strategies.Please keep in touch with us by fanning and following, and for todays webinar use #PFwebinar, which will be monitored during the webinar by our CEO SharadVerma