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Week 3 social media (rk)
How do youdefine
  social media?
What is “social media?”
Social media uses web-based technologies to
      turn communication into interactive

   A common thread running through all
  definitions of social media is a blending of
 technology and social interaction for the co-
               creation of value.
Traditional vs. Social Media
•generallyrequiresignificantreso •comparativelyinexpensive and
urces to publish information     accessible to enableanyone
                                 (evenprivateindividuals) to
                                 publish or accessinformation
•requiresspecializedskills and
training                         •anyonewithaccesscanoperate
                                 the means of social media
•centralizedframework for
organization, production, and    •more
distribution                     decentralized, lesshierarchical,
                                 multiple points of production
Traditional vs. Social Media

•the time between production   •canbe capable of
and distributioncanbe long     virtuallyinstantaneous
(thisisevolving)               publication and response

•once created, cannotbealtered •canbealteredalmostinstantane
                               ously by comments or editing
Week 3 social media (rk)
Distinguishing Social Platforms
So what’s the differencebetween all
thesedifferentplatformsthatwe group
  togetherunder the umbrellaterm
          « Social media »?
6 Types of social media functions
1. collaborative projects (for example,
2. blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter)
3. content communities (for example, YouTube)
4. social networking sites (for example,
5. virtualgameworlds (e.g.,World of Warcraft)
6. virtualsocial worlds (e.g. Second Life)
Source: Kaplan and Haenlein, Business Horizons (2010)
Manydifferentkinds of technology
Rememberthattechnologyisalwayshalf the
  equation, it’swhatallows social interaction.
Theseinclude, amongmanyothers:
 blogs and vlogs
 picture-sharing
 wall-postings
 email and instant-messaging
 music-sharing
 podcasting
Social media functions

    Theymaysharesome of the
       sametechnology, but
theyeachfavordifferentkinds of social
   They have differentfunctions.
Social media functions

How do weanalyzewhat the
functionis of a social platform
        in particular?
Social media functions

        All social media
         building blocks
But theyeach focus on different
7 Building Blocks of Social Platforms
1)   identity
2)   conversations
3)   sharing
4)   presence
5)   relationships
6)   reputation
7)   groups
1: The Honeycomb
2: The Honeycomb
Analyzing social media
But differentplatforms use
  differentcombinations of those building
  blocks, emphasizingdifferentfunctionalities.
EX: LinkedInuserscare mostly about
  identity, reputation and relationships
EX: YouTube’sprimary building blocks are
  sharing, conversations, groups and reputation
3: Specifichoneycombs
Why social media is transformative

  66% of online adults use social
      networkingsites (U.S.)

Source: PewResearch Center, August 2012
Why social media is transformative
To giveyou a sense of the growing impact of social media:

BetweenFebruary 2005 and August
 2006, the use of social networking sites
 amongyoungadult internet usersages
 18-29 jumpedfrom 9% to 49%.
That’s a lot, right?
Source: PewResearch Center, August 2012
Why social media is transformative
WhyFacebookis transformative
•   12% of online adultssaythey use Pinterest
•   12% of online adultssaythey use Instagram
•   5% of online adultssaythey use Tumblr
•   66% of online adults use Facebook
•   20% use LinkedIn
•   16% use Twitter

Source: PewResearch Center, August 2012
How FB dominates all others
Why FB is transformative
• There are 955 million active users on Facebook.

• Facebook has 232 million users in Europe, 222 million in
  NorthAmerica, and 219 million usersAsia.

• Facebook claims that, every day, usersspend 10.5 billion
  minutes (almost 20,000 years) online on the social

• More concretely: dailyusers in…France spend 21m53s on
  FB…in the United States spend 20m46s on FB
Why FB is transformative

 If Facebookwere a country
        itwouldbe the
world'sthirdlargest in terms of
 population, largereventhan
            the US.
Why FB is transformative
  Mobile is getting bigger every month for
Facebook. More than half of those 900 million
users acess FB via mobiles, with more than543
    million monthly active users on mobile
Why FB is transformative

Every minute, 684,478 pieces of
     content are shared on
Why FB is transformative
What does PRIVACY mean in the
       Facebook era?
Mark Zuckerberg
“When I got started in my dorm room at Harvard, the question a
      lot of people asked was ‘why would I want to put any
  information on the Internet at all? Why would I want to have
                           a website?’

  “And then in the last 5 or 6 years, blogging has taken off in a
    huge way and all these different services that have people
      sharing all this information. People have really gotten
   comfortable not only sharing more information and different
    kinds, but more openly and with more people. That social
        norm is just something that has evolved over time.
Your privacy is already compromised…
•   Cell phones track you
•   Credit cards track you
•   Cookies track you
•   Search engines track you
•   Governments track you
•   Credit agencies track you
•   Employers track you
Whatdoes QUALITY mean in the
Managing the conversation:
• Traditional media could control the message
  (the topic, the angle, the accuracy, even to
  someextent, the response)
• In social media: youcannotcompletely control
  your message, youcansimplybegin to
  participate in the "conversation"
  expectingthatyoucanachieve a significant
  influence in that conversation
Social Media: Heart of Convergence
Social Media & Politics
Social Media & information
Social media and news
        (in the US)
Social media and news
So what does this mean for you?

 How will you use social media

Chances are… you probably don’t
    know what to do with it
Adaptyour communication

It’s a CONVERSATION: consumers
  no longer want to be talked at.
  Instead, they want brands to
  listen, engage, and respond.
Adaptyour communication
You need to answer 3 questions:
1) Whatis the core of your content? What are
2) Whatis the most relevant content for each
   social platform?whatdo the usersherewant?
3) How canyoucommunicateyourcore content in
   a waythatuserswant to consume it?
Practicum: YourPersonal Brand
Are youalreadyengagingwith social

Whatdoesyour social media
 footprintsay about you?

How do yourenhanceyour profile?
Practicum: YourPersonal Brand
• Are you on LinkedIn?
• Are you on YouTube?
• Are you on FaceBook and Twitter?

Do thesedifferent building blocks make
 a coherentwhole?
Practicum: YourPersonal Brand

Whatmakes good Facebook and
 Twitter content?

Whatis narrative arc?

Are youmakingyour blog social?
Communicating SOCIALLY

• Advertising&Monetization: SocialVibe
• Event planning: Eventful, The
  Hotlist,Upcoming, Yelp, Inc.
• Advocacy: Causes, Jumo
• Fundraising:, Kickstarter, IndieGoGo
Social Advertising
Social Event Planning
Social Activism
Social fundraising

More Related Content

Week 3 social media (rk)

  • 2. How do youdefine social media?
  • 3. What is “social media?” Social media uses web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogues. A common thread running through all definitions of social media is a blending of technology and social interaction for the co- creation of value.
  • 4. Traditional vs. Social Media •generallyrequiresignificantreso •comparativelyinexpensive and urces to publish information accessible to enableanyone (evenprivateindividuals) to publish or accessinformation •requiresspecializedskills and training •anyonewithaccesscanoperate the means of social media production •centralizedframework for organization, production, and •more distribution decentralized, lesshierarchical, multiple points of production
  • 5. Traditional vs. Social Media •the time between production •canbe capable of and distributioncanbe long virtuallyinstantaneous (thisisevolving) publication and response •once created, cannotbealtered •canbealteredalmostinstantane ously by comments or editing
  • 7. Distinguishing Social Platforms So what’s the differencebetween all thesedifferentplatformsthatwe group togetherunder the umbrellaterm « Social media »?
  • 8. 6 Types of social media functions 1. collaborative projects (for example, Wikipedia) 2. blogs and microblogs (for example, Twitter) 3. content communities (for example, YouTube) 4. social networking sites (for example, Facebook) 5. virtualgameworlds (e.g.,World of Warcraft) 6. virtualsocial worlds (e.g. Second Life) Source: Kaplan and Haenlein, Business Horizons (2010)
  • 9. Manydifferentkinds of technology Rememberthattechnologyisalwayshalf the equation, it’swhatallows social interaction. Theseinclude, amongmanyothers:  blogs and vlogs  picture-sharing  wall-postings  email and instant-messaging  music-sharing  podcasting
  • 10. Social media functions Theymaysharesome of the sametechnology, but theyeachfavordifferentkinds of social interactions. They have differentfunctions.
  • 11. Social media functions How do weanalyzewhat the functionis of a social platform in particular?
  • 12. Social media functions All social media sharecommonfunctional building blocks But theyeach focus on different blocks
  • 13. 7 Building Blocks of Social Platforms 1) identity 2) conversations 3) sharing 4) presence 5) relationships 6) reputation 7) groups
  • 16. Analyzing social media But differentplatforms use differentcombinations of those building blocks, emphasizingdifferentfunctionalities. EX: LinkedInuserscare mostly about identity, reputation and relationships EX: YouTube’sprimary building blocks are sharing, conversations, groups and reputation
  • 18. Why social media is transformative 66% of online adults use social networkingsites (U.S.) Source: PewResearch Center, August 2012
  • 19. Why social media is transformative To giveyou a sense of the growing impact of social media: BetweenFebruary 2005 and August 2006, the use of social networking sites amongyoungadult internet usersages 18-29 jumpedfrom 9% to 49%. That’s a lot, right? Source: PewResearch Center, August 2012
  • 20. Why social media is transformative
  • 21. WhyFacebookis transformative • 12% of online adultssaythey use Pinterest • 12% of online adultssaythey use Instagram • 5% of online adultssaythey use Tumblr • 66% of online adults use Facebook • 20% use LinkedIn • 16% use Twitter Source: PewResearch Center, August 2012
  • 22. How FB dominates all others
  • 23. Why FB is transformative • There are 955 million active users on Facebook. • Facebook has 232 million users in Europe, 222 million in NorthAmerica, and 219 million usersAsia. • Facebook claims that, every day, usersspend 10.5 billion minutes (almost 20,000 years) online on the social network • More concretely: dailyusers in…France spend 21m53s on FB…in the United States spend 20m46s on FB
  • 24. Why FB is transformative If Facebookwere a country itwouldbe the world'sthirdlargest in terms of population, largereventhan the US.
  • 25. Why FB is transformative Mobile is getting bigger every month for Facebook. More than half of those 900 million users acess FB via mobiles, with more than543 million monthly active users on mobile devices.
  • 26. Why FB is transformative Every minute, 684,478 pieces of content are shared on Facebook.
  • 27. Why FB is transformative
  • 28. What does PRIVACY mean in the Facebook era?
  • 29. Mark Zuckerberg “When I got started in my dorm room at Harvard, the question a lot of people asked was ‘why would I want to put any information on the Internet at all? Why would I want to have a website?’ “And then in the last 5 or 6 years, blogging has taken off in a huge way and all these different services that have people sharing all this information. People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people. That social norm is just something that has evolved over time.
  • 30. Your privacy is already compromised… • Cell phones track you • Credit cards track you • Cookies track you • Search engines track you • Governments track you • Credit agencies track you • Employers track you
  • 31. Whatdoes QUALITY mean in the facebookera?
  • 32. Managing the conversation: • Traditional media could control the message (the topic, the angle, the accuracy, even to someextent, the response) • In social media: youcannotcompletely control your message, youcansimplybegin to participate in the "conversation" expectingthatyoucanachieve a significant influence in that conversation
  • 33. Social Media: Heart of Convergence
  • 34. Social Media & Politics
  • 35. Social Media & information
  • 36. Social media and news (in the US)
  • 38. So what does this mean for you? How will you use social media professionally? Chances are… you probably don’t know what to do with it
  • 39. Adaptyour communication It’s a CONVERSATION: consumers no longer want to be talked at. Instead, they want brands to listen, engage, and respond.
  • 40. Adaptyour communication You need to answer 3 questions: 1) Whatis the core of your content? What are yourgoals? 2) Whatis the most relevant content for each social platform?whatdo the usersherewant? 3) How canyoucommunicateyourcore content in a waythatuserswant to consume it?
  • 41. Practicum: YourPersonal Brand Are youalreadyengagingwith social media? Whatdoesyour social media footprintsay about you? How do yourenhanceyour profile?
  • 42. Practicum: YourPersonal Brand • Are you on LinkedIn? • Are you on YouTube? • Are you on FaceBook and Twitter? Do thesedifferent building blocks make a coherentwhole?
  • 43. Practicum: YourPersonal Brand Whatmakes good Facebook and Twitter content? Whatis narrative arc? Are youmakingyour blog social?
  • 44. Communicating SOCIALLY • Advertising&Monetization: SocialVibe • Event planning: Eventful, The Hotlist,Upcoming, Yelp, Inc. • Advocacy: Causes, Jumo • Fundraising:, Kickstarter, IndieGoGo