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West London Alliance -
Integrated Hospital Discharge
Stephen Day and
Cheryl Barsdell
in partnership with:
What is the WLA Integrated Hospital
Discharge Programme?
The WLA IHDP is a programme of
integration of health and social care
teams, at the crucial transition of
hospital discharge.
• Social Workers are allocated to the
wards and join the Multi-Disciplinary
Team meetings.
• Local authority teams are co-
located key hospital sites, thus
allowing early identifications of
patients with social care needs.
• The discharge pathways are
streamlined across the region.
Mount Vernon
Northwick Park
West Middlesex
Central Middlesex
Charing Cross
St Mary’s
Chelsea and
Royal Marsden
Specialist hospital
Local and Specialist hospital
with obstetric-led maternity unit
Local and Elective hospital
Local and Major hospital
Local hospital
Local and Major hospital and
specialist eye hospital and
Hyper Acute Stroke Unit
Introducing a WLA resident: Charlie
How Charlie feels
'I want to go home as soon as possible and be at home to look after my dog. I have lived on
my own for several years and have never needed any help. I want to get back to my normal
routine around the house and walk the dog to the shops each day to pick up my shopping.’
Charlie has a fall while out shopping.
Passers by phone an ambulance and Charlie is taken to Ealing hospital. Charlie has fallen on
his arm with some heavy bruising starting to show and so is admitted to a ward for tests to
take place. Charlie’s dog is taken to a kennel on Charlie’s admission as there is no one to care
of him.
Who is Charlie?
Charlie lives alone in a 3rd story flat in Wembley. He has no close family
or friends to support him. Charlie has arthritis that can occasionally
cause him pain when walking upstairs or getting out of bed. Charlie has
a dog who lives in the flat with him.
Table of contents
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
Objective of today
The programme’s
approach to change
The programme’s
approach to stakeholder
The impact on patient
Overview of next steps
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
The strategic context for integration
1. Prevention & Demand Management – ability to intervene early to improve
2. Integration & Whole systems working – integration between LAs, sub-
regional and sector-wide with sector STP plans
3. Personalisation – putting the person at the heart of the offer and process
4. Systematisation – scale at different spatial levels
5. System Resilience – linking into Urgent Care networks and enabling trust-
building across health and social care
6. Workforce – an increase in demand vs decrease in supply and London has a
significant shortage of social care, nursing and therapist practitioners.
What was happening in North West
London before the programme?
The average length
of stay for a cross-
border admission
within NW London
is 2.9 days longer
than one within a
CCG boundary
17,000 days are
spent in hospital
beds that could
be spent in an
individual’s own
discharges are
often due to the
complexity, home
care package or
home adaptation
43% of hospital
demand on ASC
occurs outside
the host
hospital's Local
30% of
inpatients could
have their needs
met more
effectively in
another setting
40% of
inpatients over
75 are well
enough to leave
What experience of care did Charlie
Charlie is assessed by the doctors and nurses and confirmed as medically fit. No one has time to
complete the Section 2 immediately.
The assessment notification is received by ASC followed shortly by the Section 5. The
Brent worker requires additional information to what has been recorded on the Section 5 and will
need to visit Charlie in Ealing hospital to further assess him.
Although Charlie was confirmed as medically fit several days ago, his discharge has been
delayed. The hospital place Charlie in a community bed to prevent his discharge being further
delayed. The social worker’s assessment identifies that Charlie would have been better cared for
at home with Reablement care to help him achieve his goals however Charlie has now become
dependant on the higher level of care provided.
Charlie is identified as requiring social care by the ward staff, however no
Brent social worker is located at the hospital. Although Charlie appears to
be medically fit, it is clear that he has social care needs and will require
an assessment from the therapists.
It is unclear what care Charlie previously received before being
What did the programme focus on, to
improve patient experience?
• Focus on residents & customers – design one way of discharging patients from
all hospitals in the region
• Create standard and clear offer to residents and patients across WLA –align
systems to evidence base – i.e. NICE guidelines and national best practice
• Drive better outcomes and through better use of resources – remove
duplication and variations in quality of care
• Invest in people and capability – significant culture change, system leadership
required to achieve sub-regional working
• Maximise current levers & mechanisms e.g. BCF timelines to be moved
forward to allow adequate system planning
• Overcome system hurdles, policies, legislation – highlighted through sub-
regional which needs to be addressed by NHS England and public sector leaders
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
How did the programme team design
the new model of care?
Co-design and co-production mean involving key stakeholders throughout the change
Front line
staff, lay
Shape the
check the
What is the aim of co-design?
Co-design and co-production ensure the solution is tailored to the local needs
The aims of the co-design process were to:
1. Align the approach to discharge across Three Boroughs, Ealing and Brent local authorities.
2. Align the approach to discharge across health and social care staff to enable joint working.
3. Define simple and effective hand-ons between the hospital teams and teams within the
4. Provide a ‘streamlined approach’ to hospital discharge which meets best practice and a co-
designed set of design principles.
5. Ensure the process can be flexibly implemented at each hospital site to take into account
real local differences.
6. Ensure lay partners and patients have the opportunity to give their feedback and express
their views, to actively shape the design process.
WLA Function
Social workers
form part of the
MDT on the ward
Social workers informed of
resident attendance early in
the process
Not relying
on S2/S5
service users
Telling their story
Patient choice
At all points of
the journey
support from social
workers in the MDT
Social workers aligned to the wards
Key discharge worker allocated at MDT
across heath or social care
Trusted assessor model; single
Discharge date and plan agreed with
MDT (inc. social care)
discharge planning
Discharge to assess
Key discharge worker
ensures family/carers are
informed and prepared
Streamlined pathways in
to the community
Service user’s
journey through
The co-designed interdisciplinary
model of care 1
The co-designed interdisciplinary
model of care 2
Single WLA ASC
function integrated in
Single Health
& Care
Patients &
Holistic Needs
Single Point of
Access –
brokering &
personised health
& care provision
Onward health
and care support
MDT Admission
& Discharge
What are the core principles of the
new model of care?
Customer centred care – Service users and their carers input in to their care and are fully informed
throughout the journey. Service users only have to tell their story once.
Clear Segmented Pathways – Ensure that patients are directed towards the most appropriate level of care.
An integrated hospital discharge pathway across ASC and health.
Tailored design per hospital – Ensure that the designs fit with the way each hospital works now.
Single discharging function – Think about discharge in a truly holistic sense.
Early assessment – Reduce delays, ensure that the most appropriate care for patients is identified early.
Inter-disciplinary working – Coordination across professions supports discharge.
Consistent approach for all WLA residents, irrespective of their hospital.
Single and streamlined assessment approach – Reduce the amount of duplication and make it easier to
share information.
Simple hand-ons between WLA ASC hospital teams – Simple hand-ons to home borough team shortly after
discharge to manage the specific local processes involved in onward care and reviews.
What difference does this make to
Charlie’s care?
Charlie gets to return home
and the community teams
will work with him to achieve
his goals.
A social worker attends the
MDT and obtains all relevant
information from all health
professionals involved.
The social worker and
therapists assess Charlie for
his immediate health and
social care needs.
The social worker quickly
arranges the care needed to
get Charlie home.
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
How did the programme team engage
with stakeholders?
The programme team involved all the relevant stakeholders, throughout all phases of
The engagement strategy focused on allowing staff to own parts of the programme,
giving them control over the content and approach to the changes.
This meant involving staff in focus groups and design groups, to facilitate the process
of coming up with ideas and sharing them.
Effective stakeholder engagement is essential to the success of the programme
The programme team managed
relationships with over 200
people across:
• 3 CCGs
• 3 NHS Trusts
• 8 Local Authorities
The programme also ensured that the
governance, decision-making processes and
accountability lines were clear to all involved.
What opportunity did Charlie have to
have his voice heard?
The programme team run a lay partner session and worked closely with a patient
reference group.
Charlie and
other patients
had the
opportunity to
input in the
design of the
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
What does this mean for patients?
The new service improves patients’ experience, and creates a standard and clear
pathway to residents and patients across WLA, aligned to the National Institute for
Health and Care Excellence guidelines (NICE) and national best practice. The new
service achieves the following patient outcomes:
• Patients return home from hospital sooner.
• Patients have a bigger input on the care they receive after leaving hospital
• Patients have clear information about the care they will receive, as soon as
• Patients tell their story once and professionals share this information amongst
themselves (inter-disciplinary working and trusted assessor).
• Patients understand who is responsible for their care and can contact them easily
(key discharge worker).
• Patients feel that the people caring for them are working together as a single team
(system resilience).
What does the evidence say?
Patients’ experience of hospital discharge has improved as a result of the new model
implementation. In comparison between the 2014 and 2015 Care Quality
Commission Adult Inpatient Survey at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, in 2015:
• More patients felt involved in their discharge decisions.
• More patients were given enough notice of their upcoming discharge.
• More patients had their home situation taken into account during discharge
Patient experience has improved
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
The WLA programme has delivered…
1. A new integrated model of hospital discharge.
2. Better outcomes for patients.
3. Improved patient experience.
1. Co-design and co-production of the new models of care.
2. Effective stakeholder engagement.
A positive experience for Charlie
Charlie’s experience of hospital admission and discharge:
• Early identification of Charlie’s needs.
• Continuity of care between hospital and the community.
• A holistic approach to Charlie’s needs and care
The strategic context of change
Co-design and co-production
Stakeholder engagement
Results and impact
Next steps
Next steps
The programme team is still working on extending the model and embedding the
Over the next year, the plan is to:
• Put in place hosted-provision arrangements, allowing social workers to assess
patients on behalf of other boroughs, regardless of the patient residency.
• Support the IT integration process, allowing social workers to access other
boroughs’ IT systems.
• Create a single discharge function on the wards.
• Implementation of ‘Home First’ models, to get patients home, where
assessments for long-term care can be completed in a setting that is more familiar
to patients.
Programme timeline
JAN 2015 - New integrated hospital
discharge model of care developed
MAR 2015 – Triborough Pilot launched in
3 hospitals supporting 8 wards with
integrated discharge across the Triborough
Nov 2016 – Phase 2 complete. Common
ASC model, processes & assessment
across Brent, Ealing and 3boroughs
DEC 2015 – Proposed business case
based on agreement at the Collaboration
MAR 2016 – Implementation of whole hospital
3Borough ASC teams supporting ward-based MDT
FEB – JUN 2016 – Colocation of WLA staff and
implementation of early identification process across
Imperial, LNW & Hillingdon hospitals
JUN 2016 – Phase 1 complete – go-live
of 7-day common assessment (health)
form across NWL and alignment of
protocols and pathways across the WLA
Phase 3 & 4
MAY – JUN 2016 – Standardised NWL
Needs-Based Assessment Form in use
across all NWL acute trusts
OCT 2016 – Needs-Based Assessment Form in use
to refer to social services in WLA area
APR 2016 – Streamlined referrals to Brent
community services; from 8 access points
to 2
Nov to May – phased implementation
of WLA ASC joint discharge teams
Overview of future plans
• Develop a business case and three pilot projects for managing people
out of hospital, and a shared approach to admissions avoidance &
hospital discharge across west London boroughs, aligned to hospitals
across NW London.
• Work with NHS NWL to develop a plan for providing better strategic
alignment and system leadership
• Linking in public health to develop a focus on upstream prevention and
demand management.
• Scope and roll out a collaborative approach to market management of
health and social care services.
• Develop collaborative approaches to hospital discharge, avoidance and
access to health and care services.
• Work with NHS England to establish a funding mechanism that allows
for greater pooling of budgets.
• Developing new delivery models e.g. accountable care organisations,
multiple specialist provider networks.
• Implement new health and social care commissioning models across
North West London to keep patients and services users out of acute care
and supported by community provision and affecting a shift from
treatment to prevention.

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West London Alliance- Integrated health and social care hospital transfer of care- PEN 2016

  • 1. West London Alliance - Integrated Hospital Discharge Programme Stephen Day and Cheryl Barsdell in partnership with:
  • 2. What is the WLA Integrated Hospital Discharge Programme? The WLA IHDP is a programme of integration of health and social care teams, at the crucial transition of hospital discharge. • Social Workers are allocated to the wards and join the Multi-Disciplinary Team meetings. • Local authority teams are co- located key hospital sites, thus allowing early identifications of patients with social care needs. • The discharge pathways are streamlined across the region. Mount Vernon Harefield RNOH Hillingdon Northwick Park Ealing West Middlesex Central Middlesex Hammersmith Charing Cross St Mary’s Chelsea and Westminster Royal Brompton Royal Marsden Specialist hospital Local and Specialist hospital with obstetric-led maternity unit Local and Elective hospital Local and Major hospital Local hospital Local and Major hospital and specialist eye hospital and Hyper Acute Stroke Unit M M
  • 3. Introducing a WLA resident: Charlie How Charlie feels 'I want to go home as soon as possible and be at home to look after my dog. I have lived on my own for several years and have never needed any help. I want to get back to my normal routine around the house and walk the dog to the shops each day to pick up my shopping.’ Charlie has a fall while out shopping. Passers by phone an ambulance and Charlie is taken to Ealing hospital. Charlie has fallen on his arm with some heavy bruising starting to show and so is admitted to a ward for tests to take place. Charlie’s dog is taken to a kennel on Charlie’s admission as there is no one to care of him. Who is Charlie? Charlie lives alone in a 3rd story flat in Wembley. He has no close family or friends to support him. Charlie has arthritis that can occasionally cause him pain when walking upstairs or getting out of bed. Charlie has a dog who lives in the flat with him.
  • 4. Table of contents Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 5. Objective of today The programme’s approach to change management The programme’s approach to stakeholder management The impact on patient experience Overview of next steps
  • 6. Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 7. The strategic context for integration 1. Prevention & Demand Management – ability to intervene early to improve outcomes 2. Integration & Whole systems working – integration between LAs, sub- regional and sector-wide with sector STP plans 3. Personalisation – putting the person at the heart of the offer and process 4. Systematisation – scale at different spatial levels 5. System Resilience – linking into Urgent Care networks and enabling trust- building across health and social care 6. Workforce – an increase in demand vs decrease in supply and London has a significant shortage of social care, nursing and therapist practitioners.
  • 8. What was happening in North West London before the programme? The evidence The average length of stay for a cross- border admission within NW London is 2.9 days longer than one within a CCG boundary 17,000 days are spent in hospital beds that could be spent in an individual’s own bed Delayed discharges are often due to the assessment's complexity, home care package or home adaptation 43% of hospital demand on ASC occurs outside the host hospital's Local Authority 30% of inpatients could have their needs met more effectively in another setting 40% of inpatients over 75 are well enough to leave
  • 9. What experience of care did Charlie have? Charlie is assessed by the doctors and nurses and confirmed as medically fit. No one has time to complete the Section 2 immediately. The assessment notification is received by ASC followed shortly by the Section 5. The Brent worker requires additional information to what has been recorded on the Section 5 and will need to visit Charlie in Ealing hospital to further assess him. Although Charlie was confirmed as medically fit several days ago, his discharge has been delayed. The hospital place Charlie in a community bed to prevent his discharge being further delayed. The social worker’s assessment identifies that Charlie would have been better cared for at home with Reablement care to help him achieve his goals however Charlie has now become dependant on the higher level of care provided. Charlie is identified as requiring social care by the ward staff, however no Brent social worker is located at the hospital. Although Charlie appears to be medically fit, it is clear that he has social care needs and will require an assessment from the therapists. It is unclear what care Charlie previously received before being admitted.
  • 10. What did the programme focus on, to improve patient experience? • Focus on residents & customers – design one way of discharging patients from all hospitals in the region • Create standard and clear offer to residents and patients across WLA –align systems to evidence base – i.e. NICE guidelines and national best practice • Drive better outcomes and through better use of resources – remove duplication and variations in quality of care • Invest in people and capability – significant culture change, system leadership required to achieve sub-regional working • Maximise current levers & mechanisms e.g. BCF timelines to be moved forward to allow adequate system planning • Overcome system hurdles, policies, legislation – highlighted through sub- regional which needs to be addressed by NHS England and public sector leaders
  • 11. Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 12. How did the programme team design the new model of care? Co-design and co-production mean involving key stakeholders throughout the change Co-design Co- production Front line staff, lay partners, senior leaders Collect feedback Escalate issues Shape the new model Guide colleagues through the change Support the implement ation Sense check the model
  • 13. What is the aim of co-design? Co-design and co-production ensure the solution is tailored to the local needs The aims of the co-design process were to: 1. Align the approach to discharge across Three Boroughs, Ealing and Brent local authorities. 2. Align the approach to discharge across health and social care staff to enable joint working. 3. Define simple and effective hand-ons between the hospital teams and teams within the community. 4. Provide a ‘streamlined approach’ to hospital discharge which meets best practice and a co- designed set of design principles. 5. Ensure the process can be flexibly implemented at each hospital site to take into account real local differences. 6. Ensure lay partners and patients have the opportunity to give their feedback and express their views, to actively shape the design process.
  • 14. Single WLA Function MDT Social workers form part of the MDT on the ward Social workers informed of resident attendance early in the process Not relying on S2/S5 Informed service users Telling their story once Patient choice At all points of the journey On-site support from social workers in the MDT Social workers aligned to the wards Key discharge worker allocated at MDT across heath or social care Trusted assessor model; single proportionate assessment Discharge date and plan agreed with MDT (inc. social care) Early discharge planning Discharge to assess model Key discharge worker ensures family/carers are informed and prepared Streamlined pathways in to the community Single assessment form Streamlined process Service user’s journey through hospital The co-designed interdisciplinary model of care 1
  • 15. The co-designed interdisciplinary model of care 2 LA LA LA Single WLA ASC function integrated in hospitals SharedDischargeProcess OneCommonReferralProcess Single Health & Care Assessment Shared Patients & Carers Holistic Needs Identification Single Point of Access – brokering & arranging personised health & care provision Onward health and care support MDT Admission & Discharge Planning
  • 16. What are the core principles of the new model of care? Customer centred care – Service users and their carers input in to their care and are fully informed throughout the journey. Service users only have to tell their story once. Clear Segmented Pathways – Ensure that patients are directed towards the most appropriate level of care. An integrated hospital discharge pathway across ASC and health. Tailored design per hospital – Ensure that the designs fit with the way each hospital works now. Single discharging function – Think about discharge in a truly holistic sense. Early assessment – Reduce delays, ensure that the most appropriate care for patients is identified early. Inter-disciplinary working – Coordination across professions supports discharge. Consistent approach for all WLA residents, irrespective of their hospital. Single and streamlined assessment approach – Reduce the amount of duplication and make it easier to share information. Simple hand-ons between WLA ASC hospital teams – Simple hand-ons to home borough team shortly after discharge to manage the specific local processes involved in onward care and reviews.
  • 17. What difference does this make to Charlie’s care? Charlie gets to return home and the community teams will work with him to achieve his goals. A social worker attends the MDT and obtains all relevant information from all health professionals involved. The social worker and therapists assess Charlie for his immediate health and social care needs. The social worker quickly arranges the care needed to get Charlie home.
  • 18. Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 19. How did the programme team engage with stakeholders? The programme team involved all the relevant stakeholders, throughout all phases of change. The engagement strategy focused on allowing staff to own parts of the programme, giving them control over the content and approach to the changes. This meant involving staff in focus groups and design groups, to facilitate the process of coming up with ideas and sharing them. Effective stakeholder engagement is essential to the success of the programme The programme team managed relationships with over 200 people across: • 3 CCGs • 3 NHS Trusts • 8 Local Authorities The programme also ensured that the governance, decision-making processes and accountability lines were clear to all involved.
  • 20. What opportunity did Charlie have to have his voice heard? The programme team run a lay partner session and worked closely with a patient reference group. Charlie and other patients had the opportunity to input in the design of the model
  • 21. Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 22. What does this mean for patients? The new service improves patients’ experience, and creates a standard and clear pathway to residents and patients across WLA, aligned to the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines (NICE) and national best practice. The new service achieves the following patient outcomes: • Patients return home from hospital sooner. • Patients have a bigger input on the care they receive after leaving hospital (personalisation). • Patients have clear information about the care they will receive, as soon as possible. • Patients tell their story once and professionals share this information amongst themselves (inter-disciplinary working and trusted assessor). • Patients understand who is responsible for their care and can contact them easily (key discharge worker). • Patients feel that the people caring for them are working together as a single team (system resilience).
  • 23. What does the evidence say? Patients’ experience of hospital discharge has improved as a result of the new model implementation. In comparison between the 2014 and 2015 Care Quality Commission Adult Inpatient Survey at Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, in 2015: • More patients felt involved in their discharge decisions. • More patients were given enough notice of their upcoming discharge. • More patients had their home situation taken into account during discharge planning. Patient experience has improved
  • 24. Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 25. Conclusion The WLA programme has delivered… 1. A new integrated model of hospital discharge. 2. Better outcomes for patients. 3. Improved patient experience. …Through 1. Co-design and co-production of the new models of care. 2. Effective stakeholder engagement.
  • 26. A positive experience for Charlie Charlie’s experience of hospital admission and discharge: • Early identification of Charlie’s needs. • Continuity of care between hospital and the community. • A holistic approach to Charlie’s needs and care preferences.
  • 27. Objectives The strategic context of change Co-design and co-production Stakeholder engagement Results and impact Conclusion Next steps
  • 28. Next steps The programme team is still working on extending the model and embedding the changes. Over the next year, the plan is to: • Put in place hosted-provision arrangements, allowing social workers to assess patients on behalf of other boroughs, regardless of the patient residency. • Support the IT integration process, allowing social workers to access other boroughs’ IT systems. • Create a single discharge function on the wards. • Implementation of ‘Home First’ models, to get patients home, where assessments for long-term care can be completed in a setting that is more familiar to patients.
  • 29. Programme timeline JAN 2015 - New integrated hospital discharge model of care developed MAR 2015 – Triborough Pilot launched in 3 hospitals supporting 8 wards with integrated discharge across the Triborough Nov 2016 – Phase 2 complete. Common ASC model, processes & assessment across Brent, Ealing and 3boroughs DEC 2015 – Proposed business case based on agreement at the Collaboration Board MAR 2016 – Implementation of whole hospital 3Borough ASC teams supporting ward-based MDT discharge H 3B FEB – JUN 2016 – Colocation of WLA staff and implementation of early identification process across Imperial, LNW & Hillingdon hospitals JUN 2016 – Phase 1 complete – go-live of 7-day common assessment (health) form across NWL and alignment of protocols and pathways across the WLA Phase 3 & 4 MAY – JUN 2016 – Standardised NWL Needs-Based Assessment Form in use across all NWL acute trusts OCT 2016 – Needs-Based Assessment Form in use to refer to social services in WLA area APR 2016 – Streamlined referrals to Brent community services; from 8 access points to 2 Nov to May – phased implementation of WLA ASC joint discharge teams
  • 30. Overview of future plans • Develop a business case and three pilot projects for managing people out of hospital, and a shared approach to admissions avoidance & hospital discharge across west London boroughs, aligned to hospitals across NW London. Earlier: 2015-2016 • Work with NHS NWL to develop a plan for providing better strategic alignment and system leadership • Linking in public health to develop a focus on upstream prevention and demand management. • Scope and roll out a collaborative approach to market management of health and social care services. • Develop collaborative approaches to hospital discharge, avoidance and access to health and care services. • Work with NHS England to establish a funding mechanism that allows for greater pooling of budgets. • Developing new delivery models e.g. accountable care organisations, multiple specialist provider networks. Soon: 2017-2018 • Implement new health and social care commissioning models across North West London to keep patients and services users out of acute care and supported by community provision and affecting a shift from treatment to prevention. Later: 2019-2020