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Western Expansion Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of Western Expansion can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a
thorough understanding of historical events, cultural shifts, and socio-economic dynamics. The
complexity lies in the need to delve into various aspects, such as the motivations behind
westward expansion, its impact on indigenous populations, and the broader consequences for the
nation as a whole.
To start, extensive research is imperative to grasp the multifaceted nature of Western Expansion.
Navigating through historical documents, scholarly articles, and diverse perspectives is time-
consuming, demanding patience and discernment to filter through a vast array of information.
The challenge intensifies when attempting to synthesize these diverse sources into a coherent
narrative that not only presents a chronological account but also analyzes the underlying causes
and effects.
Furthermore, addressing the ethical implications of westward expansion adds another layer of
difficulty. The clash of cultures and the displacement of Native American communities present a
delicate balancing act in exploring the expansion's consequences. Negotiating the fine line
between presenting historical facts objectively and acknowledging the moral complexities
involved requires a nuanced and sensitive approach.
The structural organization of the essay poses yet another challenge. Developing a clear thesis
statement and ensuring a logical flow of ideas is essential to communicate a compelling narrative.
It's crucial to strike a balance between presenting factual information and offering insightful
analysis to engage the reader intellectually.
In conclusion, writing an essay on Western Expansion demands not only a substantial investment
of time and effort in research but also a keen analytical and empathetic approach to navigate the
intricacies of the topic. While challenging, the process provides an opportunity to deepen one's
understanding of historical events and their lasting impact on society.
If you find yourself overwhelmed or pressed for time, it's worth considering external assistance.
Services like HelpWriting.net offer a platform where similar essays, and much more, can be
ordered, providing an alternative for those seeking support in their academic endeavors.
Western Expansion EssayWestern Expansion Essay
Dividend Theory And Growth Model
Dividend is that part of earning which is distributed among the shareholders. The
decisions about when and how much earnings should be paid as dividends is part of
the firm s dividend policy. It is irrefutable that dividend policy is controversial issue
as some people opine that dividends are relevant for the valuation of company and
others think that dividenddoes not effect the market price of shares and valuation of
firm. Besides this, the market where long term investment like share bonds are
traded is capital market. In the following paragraphs, i will put my emphasis on both
issues the dividend relevance theory along with roles and importance of capital
Dividend relevance theory and Growth model
Overview of dividend policy
The term dividends indicates to the distribution of earnings to shareholders,
primarily in the form of cash and after a company has distributed dividends to
preferred shareholders, the firm may keep the net earnings as retained earnings to
fund investment projects or distribute residual net earnings to common shareholders
or pay a part as dividends and keep the remainder for investment purposes. The
dividend payout ratio is the proportion of earnings that is available to common
shareholders that the firm pays out in the form of dividends. The up comings factors
are important to the decision of what proportion of a firm s earnings should be
retained and what proportion it should return to its shareholders.
в—Џ For the firm s investment
Why The Tecumseh Historical Society Will Be My Greatest
When working on this project I intend to utilize the materials that I already have
available to me as a starting point. The Tecumseh Historical Society has an
extensive amount of information on the Hayden family. Because of the amount of
information I will have to then sort out the information that would not be useful
toward my project, and then focus on the information that will enrich the project.
The Historical Society may also have contact information to reach descendants of
the Hayden family who might be willing to set up a time to perform an interview.
For this project, I believe the Tecumseh Historical Society will be my greatest
asset. When attempting to answer the question, I would first start to search
through the archives to find the information that addresses my question I plan to
break it into the three categories of Ford s influence on the the local community,
the economy, and the technology. In these categories I can break them up in the
many different sub categories as well. When answering my question of Henry
Ford s influence on the community, I plan on breaking it up in to several sub
categories as well. The categories that I would like to break economics into are the
following: the mill, economy of the citizens, and economy of the city as a whole.
One sources that I have is a newspaper article that discusses the involvement of
Henry Ford allowing citizens of the city to have a career. When looking at the
company, I have some budget plans before
The Day I Killed-Personal Narrative
I was running through the forest, paintballs zinging past me, they hit nearby trees,
I leapt through the bushes and through the thorns, I ducked behind a rock and fired
my paintballs. Logan was staggering behind me, he fired 8 paintballs until he got
bombarded, one hit him in the shin, another hit him in the gut. I remember like it
was yesterday. Then out of nowhere, Shield, our paintball chaperone shot me. A
quick wash of pain washed up my arm. I was hit, I walked back to where 9 others
were sitting, Logan was sitting right next to jay. Ow I said I m hit . Jay was
watching Luke shoot Vinnie like a wild turkey. Right before that, Vinnie, on the other
hand shot Shield while he was trying to get into the barn. That was it end of game. At
The Rules And Regulations On The Areas Of Global Wine...
This report is analysis of the rules and regulations in the areas of global wine
industry. With the emergence of New World players in the global wine industry has
been lost a lot of Old World market share (). Initially, France, Italy simply laughed
processing technology of the new player, such as U.S and Australia. However, it soon
became apparent that the new traditional wineproduction poses a serious threat to
those traditional winemakers. The French in particular were hurt when they began to
lose its coveted in the world market share as British markets to Australian. The main
issues discussed in this report are what are similarities and differences in the ways
between the New World and Old World wine producer.
Only the strong can survive and develop, which is common to all aspects of the
world. In the wine industry, New World challenges Old World and gradually takes
the better position in the market competition. The report recognizes the reasons
given case specific analysis pleading wine. As a result, the qualitative analysis of the
regions wine will be the main methods of reasoning of this paper. The truth is
disclosed in the New World how comparative to the Old World wine industry.
The Base viewed between Old World and New World wines
There are nearly 70 countries producing wines all around the world. These producers
divide into Old Wine (e.g. France, Italy) and New Wine (e.g. U.S, Australia) (). The
former has more than 1000
Analysis and Interpretation – the Nine Billion Names of
Analysis and interpretation The Nine Billion Names of God
In 1953 Arthur C. Clarke wrote The Nine Billion Names of God . This is a science
fictive short story where we meet a group of lamas who wants to write the nine
billion names of God. Atypically, the lamas will not use the normal alphabet; but their
own alphabet where they have invented and written in their holy books. In over three
centuries they have been typing these names down, and it would take another fifteen
thousand years for them to complete the chore. Therefore, they purchase a special
computer, Mark V, from a company, which can calculate and write all the letters
down. Compared to the fifteen thousand years the ... Show more content on
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It seems like he sees them as too stupid to be able to handle this equipment. He
believes that science is greater than religion. He cannot really see the purpose of this
task either, but asks the lama anyway and for a second he wonders whether he has
offended him. On the other hand, we have the lama who believes that these religious
thoughts go far beyond the science world. He knows that the scientists are narrow
minded and do not believe in a world of religion. It is somewhat alien your way of
thought, so I hope you will listen with an open mind while I explain it.
Later on in the conversation, the lama talks about this computer eliminating
ridiculous combinations. For example, no letter must occur more than three times in
succession. Three? Surely you mean two. Three is correct: I am afraid it would take
too long to explain why, even if you understood our language.
The lama knows that he will not understand their view at life and so does the
scientist. The barrier between these two worlds are simply too excessive. But the
lama has come to do business and he hires two engineers to come along to make sure
the computer works as intended.
When Chuck tells George the crazy news regarding the monks intention with the nine
billion names, their scientist brains simply can t find a reasonable explanation for
Indonesi An Important Factor For Indonesia
1.1.Background and Introduction Lately, the problems faced by the country are
increasingly complex. Starting from the health, environment, socio cultural to
economic and political problems. Among the issues faced by the countries around the
world, the economic issue is the most significant thing. The economic problem is not
limited to the exchange of goods and services only but also involves economic
transaction between one country to another. The increasing complexity of needs of a
country creates none of the country able to meet its own needs. Thus, it is a common
thing for countries to work together to maintain their economic situation, either
cooperation between countries with neighboring countries in the region or countries
in other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
As a country with commodity based export sector, Indonesia exports $724 million
of their oil cake, crude petroleum oils and confidential items to New Zealand.
Meanwhile, New Zealand exports $843 million of their milk powder, butter, dairy
spreads and frozen beef to Indonesia. 1.1.1.Definition of diplomatic relations
Diplomatic comes from the Latin word diploma which means charter. In the broad
sense, diplomatic can be interpreted as legitimate and legal use of a state in
conducting foreign policy. In order to establish the relationship between countries,
states usually send their diplomats to work in each other s country (Herde, 2000).
The benefit of diplomatic relations is to support the process of democratization,
sustained economic stability, social cohesion, tolerance of differences, and to
encourage respect, protection of human rights within countries (Herde, 2000).
1.1.2.Background and history of the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and
New Zealand In carrying out its foreign relations, Indonesia adheres to the
principle of free and active foreign policy. Free means that Indonesia is not bound
by any ideology or by politics of foreign countries or by super power countries.
While active means that Indonesia actively participated in public order and world
peace, with respect for sovereignty of other countries. One of the main purposes of
Zen Buddhism And The Zen School
Zen Buddhism originated from Chinese Ch an Buddhism that was transmitted to
Japan. The Zen school was known as one of the many Buddhist religion in Japan. In
Japan, Zen is defined as the buddha mind, ...the ultimate reality, or emptiness, of all
things and the enlightened state, or knowledge of that reality, characteristic of a
buddha (Bielefeldt 1995: 198). Zenemphasizes on the insight into the Buddha nature
through seated meditation(zazen), meditation practice, and teacher sudden
interaction. Zazen was understood as an expression of the Buddha nature. Zen
Buddhism, focus on a separate transmission outside scripture, not depend on words or
letters, a school based solely on the teaching of Bodhidharma, which points directly at
the person s mind, enabling one to see his own nature and become a budhha (
Bielefeldt 2002: 5). The teaching of Zen was divided into two distinct monastic
schools: The Northern school (Shen hsiu) and the Southern school (Hui neng). This
paper will show that the difference between the teaching of Gradual and Sudden have
affected the way people traditionally perceive enlightenment through the Northern
school and Southern school of teaching and Shen hui criticism of the Northern school
Buddhism is the teaching of enlightenment and to achieve enlightenment is the
reason why people practice this religion. Enlightenment refers to a singular, intense
experience of insight that one has achieved self realization. One who attains a state of
How Did Gianni Versace Change The World
Alex Pena
Coach Fox
English III 6
1 March 2015
Gianni Versace Gianni Versace changed the world with his expensive clothing line
and fashion; as a result of this fact, he deserves to have a commemorative postage
stamp in his honor. Gianni Versace was a very inspirational talent and dedicated
person and for that reason that is why his name is carried on so high in the fashion
industry. He was inspired as a child and also very strongly inspired by the Greek
ancient History. Gianni Versace was born in Reggio Calabria, Italyon December 2,
1948. He attended Liceo Classico Tommaso Campanella where he studied the
languages of Latin and Greek and also the ancient times of them. The seed that was
put in this very successful man was because he was born into a fashion family. He
was inspired because he was born into it. Versaces mother ran her own dressmaking
business and after graduation high school Versace went to go work for his beautiful
mother. The business was always a family affair, his brother Santo Versace was
working for him and so was his sister, Donatella Versace would work alongside the
both of them. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It wasn t until March of that year that year that he released his first signature
collection. In September of that year his men s collection also released. He became
famous for his hard work and dedication through the years and with the help of his
family he was able to make it big. He began designing for famous people such as
Actors, Actresses, Athletes, Celebrities, Important people. People would carry his
Greaves Brewery Case Analysis
Greaves Brewery Case Analysis
Greaves Brewery: Bottle Replenishment Case Analysis
Case Synopsis
The following is an analysis of the case, Greaves Brewery: Bottle Replenishment. It
details the growing beer operation of Greaves Brewery located in the Caribbean
island of Trinidad. The purchasing manager for the company, Alex Benson, is
uncertain about how many bottles to order from the company s German glass
supplier. His decision is complicated by the possibility of a new bottle design being
introduced that would compromise his existing inventory of bottles. Additionally, he
is faced with storage limitations and erratic sales, all of which are impacting his
decision. He is also concerned about over ordering to avoid issues from an ... Show
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Data Analysis to Support Decision
According to the case, prior to the implementation of the Trinidadian s government
excise taxes, Greaves Brewery was showing signs of growth (Erskine, Leenders
amp; Piper, 2004). To show growth trends, a Time Series graph was run from 1999
to 2004. However, the purpose of the case is to determine the quantity of bottles that
Greaves needs to purchase based on a sales forecast for 2004. Greaves provided five
years and two months of annual sales data. Using Stat Tools, the following analysis
were run: Moving Average, Exponential SmoothingSimple, Exponential Smoothing
Holt s, and Exponential Smoothing Winter s. Following a comparison on the
average on all models, the Exponential Smoothing Winter s was found to be the
most suitable model for the case. A graph analysis is captured below. StatTools
Report | | | | |
Analysis: | Forecast | | | | |
Performed By: | shart | | | | |
Date: | Friday, November 18, 2011 | | | |
Updating: | Live/Unlinked | | | | |
Forecasting Constant | | | | | |
Span | 3 | | | | |
Moving Averages | | | | | |
Mean Abs Err | 62.10 | | | | |
Root Mean Sq Err | 83.52 | | | | |
Mean Abs Per% Err | 22.27% | | | | |
Forecasting Data | Sales | Forecast |
Following The Trail Of Broken Hearts Summary
Following The Trail of Broken Hearts by David Epstein published on December
10, 2007 really opens your eyes to the fact that there are more medical problems then
sometimes we think or know about. We hear about the big ones like cancer, diabetes,
and high cholesterol but, what about the not well known diseases that are taking
more lives than other diseases combined? This article opens up and recognizes one of
those diseases, HCM or Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
HCM is a heart condition, that causes the walls in the left ventricle to enlarge, not
allowing full blood flow into the heart. Around the time of the article being
published there was an estimated 600,000 Americans who were living with HCM
and around 6,000 of them that will die each year from the disease. It is very common
in athletes and is the most common cause of sudden death for young athletes and
young people in general. At least every two weeks, an athlete with HCM will die
during or after exercise but yet, it s still a little known disease. ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Depending on who the person is, it may not be deadly but, for others it can strike
without notice. Because it s a genetic disease, if the patient doesn t know family
history or medical background it can be tricky and sometimes be confused with
asthma. Another huge problem with why it isn t more well known is because there
isn t a lot of screening programs provide like an ECG to help detect it in the U.S.
These scannings are not pushed or required for young athletes like they should be. I
believe with the new technology and the research that is being put into this disease,
we can hope for a better understanding of this disease and hope for it to become
Examples Of New Historicism In Othello
New Historicism
When I did research on New Historicism I found that it is seen as is a school of
literary theory and that it was first developed in the 1980 s. Also when I looked for
a definition for New Historicism I found that it is seen as an expressive act that is
embedded into a network that consists of material practices.
When we want to look for New Historicism in a novel or in a movie it is important to
first have a look at the author s biography as well as the social background and it is
lastly important to look at the ideas that was circulating the cultural era of that time
as well.
New Historicism is also concerned with the political function of the literature as well
as the concept of power. In other words how they emerge, but it will tell us about the
different ways of thinking at that time.
In other words New Historicism is a literary theory that is based on the idea that
literature should be studied and interpreted within the context of both the history of
the author and the history of the critic. New Historicism is also often emphasized as
the power struggle of all kinds, and that also includes the power struggle in literary
New Historicism in Othello:
New Historicism often seen as an emphasis of a power struggle of all kinds.
In Othello, most of the characters is engaged in ... Show more content on
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The first thing that I saw in a Feminism perspective is that the main characters in
the novel is played by women, the first character is a young girl (Mariam) and the
second character a girl who is growing up in a less fortunate condition. While reading
the novel I found that it was obvious that in the novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns ,
men have more rights than women and that can be seen by the fact that men have
authority over women. In the novel it was also a fact in the men s eyes that the
women belong at
Theu.s. Invasion Of Grenada
The U.S. invasion of Grenada was the first major U.S. military operation ever since
the end of the Vietnam War. Undeniably, many have concluded that it may have in
part been an assessment of the purported Vietnam syndrome, the alleged condition
that makes it problematic for the American public to support U.S. military
interference deprived of a just cause. As with Iraq, the early defences for the
invasion proved to be either extremely debatable or obviously false, hitherto it still
received bipartisan support in Congress and the approval of nearly two thirds of the
American public. The invasion of Grenadaby the U.S was very unusual compared to
other 20th century wars. It was by far the easiest, shortest and most successful
invasion for the United States during the 20th century period. The United States
intervention in Grenada has been characterised by some as a rescue mission, by
others an act of aggression. Therefore the purpose of this essay is to analyse and
examine the reasons and causes behind the U.S. led invasion into Grenada during
the latter part of 1983, as well as the consequences faced by both the United States
government and the people of Grenada. The Grenada Invasion also Codenamed
Operation Urgent Fury, was the U.S. decision to invade Grenada after the overthrow
and subsequent killing of the Grenadian President Maurice Bishop evoked
widespread criticism from several different outlets (Green, 2013). Recognizing such
outlooks, this essay also seek to examine
Should Athletes Use Peds Research Paper
ARE PEDs WORTH IT? Drugs, they are a wonder of medicine. They can be very
helpful, but they can also be very dangerous .Some athletes use peds, (performance
enhancing drugs) for muscular growth and or endurance and an example of them
are anabolic steroids. They give the user more muscular endurance and growth so
they can work out longer and grow more muscle in a shorter amount of time. These
drugs are used in athletics to help the athletes win and have pretty bad symptoms,
not only that but it is unfair to the rest of the competition for them to have that kind
of advantage. athletes usually are compelled to use drugs because they want to win
at all costs.this, win at all cost, mentality is a reason why athletes use PEDs.we need
to improve the regulations of peds in sports. peds can... Show more content on
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Steroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune
system. They are used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases and conditions.
As you seen peds can do good. They should be used only in hospitals not in sports.
They have a great potential for good. It can save lives, but also take them. We need
professionals to handle them and no i m not talking about professional athletes,
talking about professional doctors and scientists using them for good. Thou Peds
cause one s muscles to grow and not get damaged as easy which means not only
when then they work out they get more muscle but they work out longer without sore
muscles.when they get ready for competition they already have a advantage. They are
stronger and faster and more durable. This isn t a competition this is a almost
The World Trade Center Bombing Essay
Following the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, Rescorla invited Hill to New
York, where he hired him as a security consultant in order to assess the building s
security. Although no arrests had yet been made, Rescorla believed that the bomb
had been planted by Muslims. Hill went undercover in several mosques throughout
New Jersey, showing up for morning prayers at dawn. He took on the character of
an anti American Muslim, in order to interview the other visitors to the mosques.
He concluded that the attack was likely planned by a radical imam at a mosque in
New York or New Jersey. Followers of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, a radical
Muslim cleric based in Brooklyn, were subsequently convicted of the bombing.
Rescorla gained much more credibility and authority after the bombing, which
resulted in a change to the culture of Morgan Stanley, which he believed should have
moved out of the building because he felt that the World Trade Centerwas still a very
real target for terrorists. He recommended to his superiors at Morgan Stanley that the
company should leave their Manhattan office space, mentioning that labor costs
were lower in New Jersey and that the firm s employees and equipment would be
safer in a different building. However, this recommendation was not followed as the
company s lease at the World Trade Center was not up until 2006. Due to Rescorla s
urging and persistence, all employees, including senior executives, began practicing
emergency evacuations every three
Identity In Henry Turner s Regarding Henry
In Regarding Henry, Henry Turner, an established lawyer and unforgiving husband
is shot twice during a robbery. He is shot in the head and the heart, cutting off some
oxygen supply to his brain. Once he awakes from his coma, he really is
transformed from a selfish, mean man when he was controlled by his id, to a giving
and sweet man, now controlled by his super ego. Henry s natural state is his selfish,
id state.
Beginning with basically the first scene, Henry shows many signs of his id
controlling him. He yells at his daughter, and seems to have a super ego scene
where he feels sorry for her, but he s simply doing it out of obligation. He is very
negative and rude and only cares about himself. It s found out later that the court
case he won, he did it unfairly. He s deep into an affair. He is begging for a reality
check. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Throughout his recovery he meets a new friend named Bradley and barely remembers
anything, including his own family. Therefore, he gets a clean slate and gets to
replace his personality with new experiences. The most influential person in his
new life is Bradley. He is very pivotal in shaping Henry s new persona, now shaped
by superego. He really cares for people and cherishes his family. Since he doesn t
remember his old cheating, lying, rude ways, he s able to just be nice to everyone.
He quickly learns what is socially desirable and practices those ideas. He also does
a complete turn from his old habits. He quits his job because of their wrong ways
of conducting business. He even lies about his memory of things and makes up
something on the spot to comfort his daughter who is nervous about her school. He
becomes selfless, and an example of good morality by society s
Chinese Sourcing Quantization
( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Offer Drop Shipping and Warehousing for
Small Quantities of Goods ( removed HTML )
An experienced agent can arrange drop shipping convenience so that orders can be
sent directly from Chinese companies to your customers. That means you won t need
to warehouse, store and manage inventory for these goods, which saves a lot of time
and money.
Sourcing agents often own small warehouses that can be used to store small
shipments until you collect enough items to send in a large, more economical
shipment. This is a benefit that s often overlooked when dealing with a Chinese
sourcing agent. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Connect
with Respected Companies ( ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
( removed HTML ) Statistics Show Astonishing Opportunities for China Trade (
removed HTML )
The trade in goods and services between the United States and China reached
$648.2 billion in 2016. [2] China is now the largest trade partner of the United
States for combined imports and exports, and tapping this rapidly expanding market
is critical for any company that wants to market products globally. The U.S. trade
deficit with China in goods was $347.0 billion in 2016. However, the United States
enjoys a surplus of 37.4 billion in exported services to China.
This healthy a vibrant trade between the two countries should serve as
confirmation of the value of trading with China. You can make this process much
easier, learn what you need to know and get an experienced advocate on your side by
hiring a Chinese sourcing agent to act on your company s behalf. ( removed HTML
) Advantages of Expanding Your Trade Options in China ( removed HTML )
The costs of manufacturing are cheaper in China because of lower wages and a lower
cost of living than in the United States. Cheap labor means that many locally
produced goods are competitive with Western products while costing considerably
less.The top U.S. imports include sports equipment, apparel, footwear and consumer
goods. The United States commonly exports medical instruments, iron and steel,
plastics, agricultural
Of the People, By the People, For the People Essay
A defining attribute of America s system of government is the participation of the
citizens in decisions. Unlike many countries in the world today, one dictator does
not decide the path for the whole nation. People from ordinary backgrounds have the
opportunity to have an affect on laws passed in our country. While voting is the
more common form of exhibiting this privilege of participation, citizens also have
the ability to run for offices in our government. The structure of our government is
unique in that there are numerous offices to be held within our government which
are relatively equal in power. Officials within the federal government can be
categorized as being part of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of... Show
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The president must also enforce the laws set by congress, but the president also has
the power to veto bills that come to him from the Senate for approval.
In Article Two, Section One of the Constitution, there is a list of the qualifications to
become president. To become president, one must be a natural born citizen, thirty
five years of age, and be a resident in the United States for at least fourteen years.
These qualifications are fairly inclusive, which means that the majority of the
American population who are over thirty five years old poses the necessary
qualifications to become president.
The Legislative Branch The second branch of government is the Legislative Branch.
While the structure of this branch is split into two parts, the two sections balance
each other with their functions. The qualifications to be elected into this office are
different for the respective sections.
At the federal level, this branch is structured as a bicameral legislature. The two
houses of congress, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, operate jointly to
pass laws while providing accurate representation of the American population. The
House of Representatives contains 435 members, while the Senate possesses only
100 senators. These uneven amounts are due to the fact that the House of
Representative s number of
Truth and Goodness in Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas...
Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas Aquinas account for the existence of truth in sharply
contrasting ways. Kant locates all truth inside the mind, as a pure product of reason,
operating by means of rational categories. Although Kant acknowledges that all
knowledge originates in the intuition of the senses, the intelligibility of sense
experience he attributes to innateforms of apperception and to categoriesinherent to
the mind. The innate categories shape the phenomena of sensible being, and Kant
claims nothing can be known or proved about the noumena, the presumed world
external to the mind.1 Aquinas agrees that all knowledge comes through the senses,
but disagrees with Kant in arguing that categorical qualities do not originate... Show
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The two views of truth have divergent consequences for ethics. Aquinas philosophy
produces a tradition of moral clarity that endures to the present, while the philosophy
of Kant leads ultimately to the cultural relativism and moral skepticism that are
widespread in the modern world.
For Immanuel Kant, truth is accessible to the mind only because it derives from
rational categories already in the mind. Although knowledge begins in the senses,
Kant claims, besides what is given to the sensuous intuition, special concepts must
yet be superadded concepts which have their origin wholly a priori in the pure
understanding, and under which every perception must be first of all subsumed and
then by their means changed into experience. 6 The sources of such synthetic a priori
concepts are categories inherent in reason, and Kant supplies a table of such
categories, including in it: Unity (measure), Plurality (magnitude), Totality (whole),
Reality, Negation, Limitation, Substance, Cause, Community, Possibility, Existence,
and Necessity.7 Thus, the understanding of any perceived thing as a whole entity, or
as having an independent material existence, or as being caused by anything, or as
itself the cause of anything has its origin in rational categories in the mind and is not
traceable to any essential quality or state of being that can be attributed to the thing in
itself, according to Kant.
Psychoanalytic Criticism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
Throughout history, the release of literary pieces have contributed drastic changes to
humans and storytelling. While dissecting a literary piece, finding a familiar face,
line, or plot isn t uncommon. As people are easily influenced, so are the creation of
stories. The novel Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley as a whole, observed
carefully, presents an intriguing analysis, rooting from stories such as Genesis and
Prometheus; revolving around themes of love, knowledge, and. Additionally, when
the text is taken into consideration concerning Psychoanalytic criticism, Frankenstein
s creation reveals a deeper source of purpose on his actions, even tracing back to the
days his existence began.
To begin, certain aspects of Psychoanalytic criticism presents itself throughout the
entire story, allowing the reader to analyze the causation of the actions
Frankenstein s creation executes. The monster s actions are caused by the lack of
experience of the imaginary order, a process those with parents experience and
eventually slip out of as time passes. Lacanian theory holds that we all suffer from
lack because nothing can ever satisfy the desire one holds to return to what he
terms the imaginary order represented by the mother (Brackett). In Frankenstein s
situation he is denied this order due to the lack of companionship and love. His
first moments of life distanced immensely from perfection as the creation states, I
was poor, helpless, miserable wretch; I knew, and could distinguish, nothing; but
feeling pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept (Shelley 91). The first
moments of the creatures life encompassed fear, abandonment, and a deficiency of a
sense of togetherness. When the creation exists in absence of this experience, s[he]
is doubly cursed with the inability to return to an order s[he] never experienced ,
leading him to recognize how utterly abandoned and alone he was (Brackett).
Frankenstein emphasizes this isolation to Victor when he states, Satan had his
companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and
abhorred (Shelley 118). This imaginary order which remains as an unexposed factor
in Frankenstein s creations life begets the creature to metamorphose from
Persuasive Speech On Refugees
Good morning delegates of the youth parliament and observing members. Today I
stand before you to discuss an issue that continues to evoke high emotions and
create deep divisions within Australian society. I refer to the matter of refugees and
Australia s immigration policy. Not since the second world war has the world faced
such an upheaval with so many people displaced. In 2015 there were 65.3 million
people forcibly displaced from their homes because of conflict and persecution.
Developing countries hold 84% of refugees while wealthier countries like Australia
prioritise the need to reduce asylum seekers within their borders. The current policy
contravenes the proper treatment of refugees and asylum seekers; because regardless
of their mode of entry, once here Australia has a duty to provide protection.
International law under the 1951 Refugee Convention, permits the right to seek
asylum and allocates a responsibility to provide protection for those who lie under
the definition of refugee. Since then policies have been modified and used to suit
the interests of the government. In particular, the Border Protection Legislation
Amendment Act 1999. Authorised the removal of undocumented ships in
Australian territory and proclaimed that anyone aboard the ship can be forcibly
returned and denied application of asylum. Other legislation, such as the
Migration Legislation Amendment Act 1999 makes it illegal for a person to carry
people who are not citizens without valid documentation. These policies allow the
government to portray itself as strong on border protection and terrorism. This
plays well to its core constituencies but is rightly lambasted by human rights
organisations and civil liberty groups. Refugees are undocumented people fleeing
from their country of origin, so there isn t a variety of travel options to escape to
safety. The policy disclaiming that everyone who lands by boat doesn t get to stay
is ignorant to the concept of why people are forced to leave. It s not a choice to be
removed from your country, it s a matter of survival and safety. The core principle of
the Refugee convention is that people are not forced to return to a country where
they face the threat of persecution or danger.
Advertisements Analysis Essay
I collected advertisements from different magazine and interest sources. I used three
magazines to review and collect advertisements from. The magazines are called
Watch, Discover Beauty Within, and Seventeen. Watch magazine is a lifestyle
magazine entertainment, fashion and beauty magazine. This magazine gives
audience a look into the world of celebrities and style through the celebrity s
perspective. The magazinecontains interviews and photo shoots of celebrities.
Discover Beauty Within is a beauty magazine launched by Walgreens that provides
tips, tricks and coupons exclusively to shoppers at Walgreens. Seventeen magazine is
a fashion magazine that consist of fashion, beauty, dating, and health tips. The
magazines varied from teens, adult magazine and beauty. I used six internet sources
for additional advertisements online. I used four different blogs, Victoria Secret, and
CBS network. The selection of magazines and internet sources targeted women of
different ages and topics. A significant amount of the sources for women seem to
have the same subject matter, such as beauty, fashion, relationship advice, and
In the first ad we have an ad for a Metro bus where a women is trying to engage
another one in a conversation. However the other women is not interested and
responds with can we just talk about shoes . The ad reinforces the stereotype that
women are not smart or intelligent enough to want to discuss things outside of the
typecast gender role
Why Is Sugar Shack Johnny Novak
SUGAR SHACK JOHNNY NOVAK JACK by Craig Fleming Joe Novak, aka
Sugar Shack Johnny, aka Jack, was a complicated man, who lived a life that was in
many ways, larger than life. He was a tough, intelligent, compassionate, and
inarguably fearless man who was incredibly comfortable in his own skin. He is
missed and remembered with a lot of love. Joe Novak had bigger balls than anyone
I have ever known, and those big balls were securely connected to his big heart. I
am still intrigued, to this day, by the harmony, and conflict, between his passion for
knowledge, empathy, and brawn it was a very rare combination of qualities, with the
all the raw emotion and complexity of a classical music composition. Joe essentially
conducted pool... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Some of his tactics paralleled famed martial artist, Bruce Lee philosophies Be
unpredictable, and, Be like water. However, I think his heydays preceded Lee s
popularity. Joe was, by any and all definitions, a One of a Kind human being. I am
proud to have known him and to have been his friend. I can still hear his grizzly
bear voice, and his laughter, in my heart, and in the unsettled corners of my mind.
Sugar Shack Johnny, as he was known in the pool halls of days gone by, had a rare
combination of heart, muscle, and mind. He knew about hard roads and hard
rides, and he loved life. Novak was a fearless tush hog. Even more impressively,
Sugar Shack would not carry a gun, although many of his enemies did carry guns.
It is impossible for me to perceive him as his adversaries did, way back then. He
may have been unfairly stereotyped in the darkness of the countless pool halls he
undoubtedly knew inside and out, because he had a fearless confidence about him,
borne of circumstance and an irrepressible will to succeed. But most remarkably,
there was a timeless light that emanated from his charisma. He was not a man who
went looking for trouble, but if trouble came looking for him or someone he loved,
I would always put my money on Joe, even when he was 75 years old. Recently, in
spite of his reputation, I sensed that Joe
Body and Nature as Metaphor in A Thousand Acres Essay
Body and Nature as Metaphor in A Thousand Acres
Most issues on a farm return to the issue of keeping up appearances. (Smiley p.199)
[T]he female body is a reservoir, a virgin patch of still, pooled water where the fetus
comes to term. (Paglia p.27)
[A] fetus is a benign tumor, a vampire who steals in order to live. (Paglia p.11)
The epigraph to this novel is from The Ancient People and the Newly Come :
The body repeats the landscape. They are the source of each other and create each
other. We were marked by the seasonal body of earth, by the terrible migrations of
people, by the swift turn of a century, verging on change never before experienced on
this greening planet.
This encompasses much of what the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
But the fluidity of interior life turns poisonous precisely because it is suppressed.
All of it comes back to the double edged sword of patriarchy and capitalist industrial
farming, embodied by Larry. Ginny and Rose are trying to figure out how to
understand him better. I [that is, Ginny] feel like there s treacherous undercurrents all
the time. I think I m standing on solid ground, but then I discover that there s
something moving underneath it, shifting from place to place. There s always some
mystery. He doesn t say what he means. (104). From Larry, it spreads to all the other
characters, like Ginny and Ty: We had spent our life together practicing courtesy,
putting the best face on things, harboring secrets. (260) In the end, nobody can be
trusted, the poison influences everbody.
Pete s death is a tragic enactment of this metaphor. He was always silently angry,
trying to find some way to rebel against Larry, but losing himself more and more
bitterly in contemplating the target. (306) It is only by way of metaphorizing the
quarry that he can break the surface. Talking about the waterfilled quarry and
throwing stones in, he says: You hate to see that surface go unbroken. (249). Then he
contemplates the only way out: Pete stared past me. A breeze had come up, shattering
the surface of the water into shards of light. (251). Later that summer, he takes it: he
Themes in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin and The...
Many times, literature can be intriguing, and other times, confusing. During the
course of this year, although we had discussed a various amount of stories, there
were certain ones that had the strength to leave an impact on the reader. The
following will reveal the favorite piece of literature from this semester s syllabus as
being The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin because of its epiphany, and the most
challenging piece as being The Second Comingby William Butler Yeatsbecause of its
millennialism. The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin had been a fascinating story
with an epiphany at the conclusion of the story being a major theme throughout
the short story. This short story opened with a lady named Louise Mallard who
had heart trouble, and had to be informed about her husband s apparent death. Her
sister, Josephine, had decided to tell her after Louise s husband s friend, Richards,
had discovered about the death (a railroad accident) when he was in the newspaper
office and read Brently, (Louise s husband) on the list of those who died. Initially, the
reaction of Louise had been quite upsetting, she had been sobbing since Josephine
told her about the tragedy, and decided to go upstairs to be alone in her room. As she
sat in her room, she looked outside the window and she saw the numerous things
outside, such as the trees, the smells of rain, and the clouds. Eventually, she started to
feel something coming towards her, and moments later ...she abandoned herself a
The Bystander Effect In Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them
without doing anything. Albert Einstein, the world renowned theoretical physicist
known for his lasting impacts on science and philosophy, advocated for actively
instituting change rather than sitting back and hoping that someone else will take
action. In order to protect one s self and avoid humiliation or danger, people often
separate themselves from threatening situations. The bystander effecthelps explain
such behavior by suggesting that people strive to avoid conflict when among others
for fear of judgement. Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner accurately conveys the
aforementioned psychological ideas regarding one s reactions to incidents. The
protagonist,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Known as the bystander effect, this phenomenon occurs because people either
believe that someone else will step in and help or refuse to for the fear of being
ridiculed. In Sam Sommer s article Why Crowds Make Us Callous he addresses
the bystander effect and the impact it can have on social situations on many scales.
He argues, ...having other people around lets us rest on the assumption that
someone else will take care of it (Sommers). Everyone waits for everyone else to
take action; so, in the end, nothing happens as a result of the crowd. In Hosseini s
The Kite Runner, Amir finds Hassan backed up into an alley with Assef, Wali, and
Kamal. Assef asks the other two boys if they will help him, and they both
reluctantly agree to hold Hassan down. Among this chaotic mishap, Amir recalls, I
had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was
going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan... Or I could run. In the
end, I ran (Hosseini 77). For the fear of being punished in the same way as Hassan
and due to the fact that Wali and Kamal did not resist, Amir allowed Hassan to be
victimized. Hassan may not have been raped and abused if it had just been Amir
and Assef because then there would be no crowd providing pressure to do one thing
over another. Conclusively, Hosseini addresses the conflicting idea of societal
pressures and the difficult concept of whether or not Amir could have or should have
stood up for
Cross-Sectional Oral Health Survey Paper
A cross sectional oral health survey was designed to assess both functional and
psychosocial effects of dental disease on the elderly population of Buda, Texas
(US). Printed surveys that consisted of 50 open ended questions on dental disease
history and dental hygiene were mailed to the selected members of a target group.
However, the response rate was not satisfactory, as a large percentage of the selected
study participants either did not return the survey, or failed to answer all the
questions posed. The researchers opted for two strategies: prompt those who did not
respond with a second letter that guaranteed complete confidentiality and broaden the
pool of selected participants. Depending on the final response rate and researchers
statistical skills, the bias in the final publication will be more pronounced if: A.the
proportion of nonrespondents from the targeted sample is decreased B.the specific
weighting class adjustments are used on the final data C.the difference between the
observed and nonrespondent answers is increased D.the... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
In other words, the lower the survey response, the higher the likelihood for
nonresponse bias. This can be summed up with a general formula: Bias = P x (O N)
where P represents the proportion of nonrespondents in the targeted sample (also
referred to as the nonresponse rate), O the answer derived from observed responses,
and N the answer based only on nonrespondents. According to that formula, the bias
in question is calculated as the product of two main components: 1) nonresponse rate
and 2) the difference between the observed and nonrespondent answers. An increase
in either of the two components leads to increased nonresponse
Eva Braun s Definition Of The Word Evil
How could the woman behind the most deviant man in the history of the world go
somehow unnoticed. Was she a possible helping hand in what was the worst
genocide in recent history? Eva Braun is quite possibly the second hand definition
of the word evil. Was her life really like this? Could a women that lived a seemingly
normal life be capable of such heinous crimes? Eva Braunwas a right hand man to one
of history s most notorious criminals, but perhaps in her own light was not quite the
woman that everybody makes her out to be.
Something that many people do not know about Eva is that, she was a simple
woman who lived a seemingly simple life. Eva Braun was born on February 6, 1912
to Friedrich and Franziska Braun, in Munich Germany(3). ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun never shared an intimate moment together or so it
seems (Nobody knew Hitler s true sexuality so this may of had an impact)(3).Their
relationship was strictly domestic and relaxatory rather than the usual erotic
relationship that many couples share today(9). They were merely close friends
that thrived off of each others joy and companionship in times of need(3). Another
part of their relationship that was different than most is that it was completely
private. Hitler and Eva rarely appeared in public together(9). Even if they did, they
would not sit together or give any evidence that they were even acquaintances of
one another(8). This was hard on Eva, as she longed for his attention. She would
often cry when he was not around and it was apparent that he had a significant
impact on her mood. She even went to lengths as trying to take her own life at one
point in time because she did not think she would ever be good enough for him(3).
This proved to change the views that Hitler had on the relationship, as it started to
drastically change(8). Soon after the incident they moved in together and Eva
started to arrange gatherings for Hitler s closest friends otherwise known as his
inner circle . It was not long after that they started to live together that they were
married. It was in April of 1945 in Berlin where the ceremony happened, tragically a
day before both of their deaths. Although they were close companions for many
years, Eva never did
Berkeley Personal Statement
You made a mistake. I am sure that hundreds of students and parents have spoken
these sentiments to the admission department at UC Berkeley in the course of the
past few weeks. I am sure that thousands more throughout the state, throughout the
country even, have laughed, cried, and yelled these words, being sure to diminish
your institution with each remark. Personally, I hold Berkeley in the highest
regards as far as colleges go; having been a life long Bay Area resident, I have come
to cherish the diverse atmosphere and thirst for knowledge in Berkeley and the
surrounding area entropy. It is in this high esteem for the university and the
community that I write this candid letter. When a school such as Berkeley is so
inundated with qualified... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A final, more personal note as to why I so desire to attend Berkeley over a few of
my other possibilities: in the middle of November, in the midst of completing the
bulk of my college applications, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
Combined with applying to college, completing homework, staying on top of
classes, and keeping my commitments to extra curricular activities, the knowledge
that my mom has a serious form of cancer made those few months all the more
stress filled and difficult. Thank the Lord, my mom has successfully completed
radiation and continues to see specialists regularly, solidifying her status in my
mind as the strongest person I know. Going off to college, I am going to miss my
mom dearly, and she will dearly miss me. I ve always been very close with her, and
I recognize the ambivalence within her of wanting me to stay close to home in the
Bay Area while wanting what s best for me. I feel similar sentiments, having the
strong urge to protect and care for my mom, visiting on a regular basis, while
desiring to grow as a person into the man I strive to be. Berkeley would be the
perfect choice of school in relation to both aspects: its proximity to my home town of
Livermore, as well as the educational opportunities Berkeley
A Study On Hawaiian Airlines
Hawaiian Airlines
Karreem L. Lisbon
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University
This paper will cover information about Hawaiian airlines. Founded in 1929, now
in its 87th year of consecutive service, Hawaiian Airlines is Hawai i s biggest and
longest serving airline, as well as the largest provider of passenger air service from
its primary visitor markets on the U.S. mainland. Specifically, research to describe the
airline, its aircraft fleet, route structure and number of employees will be provided.
Information to determine whether Hawaiian airlines is organized as a corporation
with private ownership or is owned by the national government will be given and
discussed. Also, a brief description of the governmental agency or authority
responsible for regulation of safety, as well as the certification requirements and
minimum flight time for the commercial airline flight deck crewmembers. The
governmental agency or authority that is empowered to regulate the routes flown,
rates charged, and other economic aspects of the airline s flight operations will be
identified and discussed. Information will be given on the extent to which the
airline s fleet consists of owned vs. leased aircraft. All accidents involving an
aircraft operated by that airline since 1/01/2000 will be identified to include the
probable cause of each. Lastly, labor relationships of the airline s pilots and
maintenance personnel based in the airline s home nation will be discussed; plus, any
Buzz Marketing for Movies
Business Horizons (2007) 50, 395 403
Buzz marketing for movies
Iris Mohr
Tobin College of Business, St. John s University, 8000 Utopia Parkways, Jamaica,
NY 11439, USA
Motion pictures; Movies; Marketing; Promotion; Buzz marketing
Abstract In today s dynamic entertainment environment, movies are struggling to stay
afloat and remain profitable. Challenges such as piracy, digital theft, competition,
overlapping movie campaigns, media fragmentation, and audience saturation are
forcing marketers to stretch their film budgets and make every dollar as effective as
possible. With more and more entertainment options crowding peoples lives,
marketers must search for innovative ways to reach ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
According to Gnoffo (2005), by the end of 2004, Forrester Research estimated
there were TiVos and other DVRs in 6.5 million US households, up from 1.9
million in 2002. That number, the firm claims, will climb to almost 50 million by
2009, representing 41% of all US households. On another front, the popularity of
Netflix, an online subscription service boasting 3 million users, prompted both
Blockbuster and Wal Mart to offer similar services whereby people rent DVDs for
an unlimited time for a monthly fee. While it s true that DVDs may be a cash cow
for studios, theaters suffer when patrons skip the cinema experience and wait for
those releases at home. Needless to say, given the increase in entertainment
options, the movie going experience needs to be far more compelling to draw in
audience members. Moreover, this challenge is not likely to subside, but rather
grow more compelling: as discussed by Charny (2005), a recent study by Informa
Research Services indicates that 125 million people about 5% of all cell phone
owners will be watching television on their handsets by 2010. In addition, the Digital
Lifestyles 2006 Outlook from Parks Associates (Scherf, 2006) estimates that US
consumer spending for online entertainment, including on demand gaming, music,
and video services, will grow by
Empirical Results For Employment, Income, And
4. Empirical Results In order to estimate the simultaneous equations model, we use
three stage least square (3SLS) estimator. Table 2 presents the estimated coefficients
of the equations. The adjusted R squares show that the estimated models explain
46%, 63%, and 59% of variations in growth of employment, income, and congestion,
respectively. The coefficients for the endogenous variables (Employment growth,
income growth, and congestion growth) are statistically significant, indicating the
interdependence of employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth.
Table 2. Estimation Results for the Employment, Income, and Congestion Growth
Model INC GrowthEMP GrowthCON Growth Employment
Growth0.18258***0.96320*** (0.06479)(0.27303) Median Household Income
Growth0.32231*1.11963*** (0.16623)(0.41033) Traffic Congestion
Growth0.04636*0.07647**(0.02501)(0.03861)ln(2000 Employment
Density)0.133160.41812**0.16111(0.11113)(0.18044)(0.51398) 2000 Traffic
Congestion Level0.000380.000660.01811*** (0.00065)(0.00098)(0.00197) ln(2000
Population Density)0.169110.43635***0.12653(0.10473)(0.13229)(0.48881) ln(2000
Median Household Income)0.15521**0.127810.42470(0.06212)(0.09305)(0.26457)
ln(2000 Manufacturing Employment Density)0.08977***(0.02591)ln(2000 FIRE
Employment Density)0.01011(0.07068)2000 % Population with Higher than
Bachelor Degree0.35976**
Woman s Hollering Creek By Sandra Cisneros
A difficult choice such as life and death is not an easy decision to make. In Woman s
Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros, there is an important passage that through its
language and structure provides the protagonist with a strong internal conflict. The
passage comes with strange words and sentence structures which lead the reader to
question why Sandra Cisneros would do that. The short sentences and the strange
fitting words provide a reason why Cleofilas is different from the legend of La
Llorona . La Llorona represents the women who committed suicidewhile sufferingas
victims of abuse. Through the lens of Gender Trouble by Judith Butler, about
categorizing women into a general scope based on their common experiences is not
correct... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There was a creek by where Cleofilas lived called La Gritona, which translates to
the loud woman, La Gritona. Such a funny name for such a lovely arryo(creek)
(Cisneros, 46). The legend of the hollering woman came from this creek. The legend
probably was based on other women who were victims of abuse and committed
suicide. Listens here the word listen is very important because she is allowing the
temptation of committing suicide to enter her mind. Even when the sound isn t
present physically she is hearing attentively to the voice that is coming from within
The day sky turning to night gives us a meaning that Cleofilas thought about this
for a while. The turning may mean that Cleofilas has been turning the choice in her
head about what should she do. It is used with a feeling of something mystical
going on as if the idea of suicide is becoming an escape route for her. This is even
shown in other parts of the story There is no place to go. Unless one counts the
neighbor ladies...or the creek (Cisneros, 51). Even though there are physical sounds
happening around her like The baby pulling up fistfuls of grass and laughing
Cleofilas is still focused on the metaphorical calling that the legend of La Llorona is
giving her.
The group that La Llorona represents and Cleofilas are both in a similar situation,
they are all abused immigrant women who have children.
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
I. Background
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System or BRFSS is a health survey
conducted in the United States. This system uses this health surveys to look at
behavioral risk factors within the United States (Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, 2013). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in charged of
the BRFSS. The individual state health departments in the United States also conduct
the BRFSS. The health surveys are conducted by telephone. It is considered the world
s largest health survey system (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013).
The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System uses a cross sectional telephone
survey to determine risk factors for a chosen health issue (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2013). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides
technical and methodological assistance but individual states are able to add their
own questions to the health surveys being conducted (Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, 2013). The topics that have health surveys being administrated
includes alcohol consumption, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol awareness,
chronic health indictors, colorectal cancer screening, demographics, diabetes,
disability, exercise, fruits and vegetables, health care access/ coverage, health status,
HIV AIDS, hypertension awareness, immunization, injury, oral health, overweight
and obesity (BMI), physical activity, prostate cancer, tobacco use, and women s
The Bluest Eye Character Analysis
Characterization maneuvers by Toni Morrison Pecola Breedlove in The Bluest Eye
is a curious, young and innocent girl who tries to understand things that are even
more complex than she thinks. A wondering eleven years old girl who is not near to
recognizing the world she lives in; Pecola wants to be able to be something that she
thinks is unreachable without the need of any special trait, and she does whatever she
thinks it takes to achieve it. Toni Morrisoncreated a character who is constantly driven
by her actions and thoughts simultaneously according to what she thinks is correct of
To begin with, Toni Morrison describes how Pecola commit things to understand or
can achieve certain things. For example, We knew she was fond of the Shirley
Temple cup and took every opportunity to drink milk out of it just to handle and see
sweet Shirley s face Morrison (23). This clearly explains that she does this just to
be able to adjust and see this girl, as if they were not on a same level. Pecola does
this by impulsion because she might think that was the right action to take to reach
Shirley who Pecola taught was so different than her. Also, this example is seen
when The tears came fast, and she held her face in her hands Morrison (90). This
describes her as some who can feel easily feeling trapped and incapable of acting
against that force that is pushing her against a wall. Pecola is now feeling like
nothing she does can help it and quits, and she just stops
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ridesharing
Traffic jams has an optimal remedy as covoiturage (ride sharing) Introduction
Carpooling or ridesharing is a major process to avoid the congestion of vehicle in a
particular place. This process is nothing but sharing the car to travel more than one
member on the same vehicle. Uber, the transportation service has added this
technique recently to manage the huge number of utilizers. If we are using this ride
sharing technique, we can reduce the each person s other expenditure like fuel
costs, tolls and pressure of driving. Domination of transportation Every person has
to move from one place to another place for a particular purpose. The people are
accessing the transportation vehicles for this purpose. If we are seeing this in the
aspect of business,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The service application also implemented with this modification which will
provide the customer s satisfaction. Is any other tech to neglect it? There is no
other tech to avoid the traffic problem and in future, it may become. Car sharing is
the best remedy to avoid the traffic issue and also it leads to making relationship
within the people. There are so many positive contributions are available behind
this ride sharing technique. Drawbacks of it As per the proverb of too much of
anything is good for nothing , in the ride sharing tech, if the people s count is so
much, it will make the people uncomfortable to travel. We should be aware of that
which booking the tickets through the mobile application to travel. Every
passenger should be very clear with their destination because, if it is wrong, it will
affect the other people. Outcome of this tech Eventually, depends on some factors
the pollution is achieved and not only the pollution there are so many reasons
behind that. But, traffic is a major problem which is occurred by the unwanted
usage of vehicles. If we are looking for taking remedy of it is following the
transportation tech of ride sharing which is initially introduced by the Uber. We
should make use of it and also we can have a smooth and happy trip by this car
sharing without any traffic
Fair Game Meat Vs Eating Meat
Fair Game Hunting Meat vs. Modern America Meat At one time man had to hunt to
survive, these days that has transformed into hunting for a hobby. Although no longer
a necessity to survive, fair game hunting is popular throughout the United States.
This is one way to obtain meat to eat as part of your diet. Another and even more
popular was is to buy it through the grocery store. The meatthrough the grocery store
is produced on a large scale as quickly as possible. Eating meat from an animal that
was legally killed in a fair game environment is more ethical than eating meat from
the grocery store.
1.Wild game animals have a fair chance to survive.
When we look at a wild game animal compared to one that is raised to slaughter for
the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They have home field advantage. They notice when something is different in their
homes. Say a hunter hunting whitetail deer goes into the woods and puts a blind up
and expects to hunt out of it that day. A deer that calls that territory home is going to
notice that something is different; they will notice that the blind is there and they
will not like it. That is if they even get close enough to seeing the blind before they
smell a scent that is indifferent to that area. That scent being the hunter, the deer will
choose to take another route to its final destination rather than the route it usually
Looking at this situation in perspective of an animal that is raised strictly for the
reason of slaughtering for food, it would kind of be like that animal is tied to a tree
somewhere in the woods and the hunter puts his blind up within range of the animal.
The hunter kills the animal, without the animal even having a chance to run. Not
allowing the animal to use any sense that it was born with to get out of the situation.
Was that a fair chance to survive? No, the animal had no choice but to stay at the tree
completely vulnerable to any danger that may
Ford s Revitalization Strategy Essay
Case 4 Ford and the World Automobile Industry Robert M. Grant FORDВ’ S
REVITALIZATION STRATEGY In September 2003, Bruce Blythe took up the
new position as chief strategy officer at Ford Motor Company. His appointment
came in the wake of a massive upheaval of FordВ’ s strategy, leadership, and
organization. In 2001, FordВ’ s CEO Jacques Nasser had been ousted by the board
after a three year tenure. NasserВ’ s goal had been to transform Ford into a flexible,
customer focused, innovative, global giantВ— that simultaneously paid careful
attention to profitability and shareholder return. By late 2001, it was clear that the
strategy was not working. Overpriced acquisitions had dissipated shareholder value,
the Firestone Ford Explorer recall... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
By the turn of the century hundred of small companies were producing
automobiles both in Europe and in America. By 2004, the industry was in
different stages of its life cycle in different parts of the world. The US industry
entered a period of rapid growth during 1910 28, and reached its peak of
production in 1965. In the two decades up to 2004, car production was on a
downward trend, but if trucks were included, output was broadly stable (see table
4.2). In Europe and Japan too, total production was showing a declining trend The
problem of market saturation was exacerbated by the tendency for cars to last
longer(see table 4.3). [Tables 4.2 and 4.3 about here] As a result, the automobile
producers have looked increasingly to the newly industrializing countries for market
opportunities. During the 1980s and 1990s countries such as Korea, Malaysia,
Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Brazil, and Argentina offered the best growth prospects.
As these markets became increasingly saturated, so China, India, and the former
Soviet Union were seen as the В“ next waveВ” of attractive markets. With the
opening of many of these countries to trade and direct investment, the world
production of cars and trucks s continued to grow (see table 4.4 ). [Table 4.4 about
here] The Evolution of the Automobile The early years of the industry were
characterized by considerable uncertainty over the design and technology of the
Quantum Cumputers Essay examples
Quantum Cumputers By the strange laws of quantum mechanics, Folger, a senior
editor at Discover, notes, an electron, proton, or other subatomic particle is in more
than one place at a time, because individual particles behave like waves, these
different places are different states that an atom can exist in simultaneously. Ten years
ago, Folger writes, David Deutsch, a physicist at OxfordUniversity, argued that it
may be possible to build an extremely powerful computer based on this peculiar
reality. In 1994, Peter Shor, a mathematician at AT T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey,
proved that, in theory at least, a full blown quantum computer could factor even the
largest numbers in seconds an accomplishmentimpossible for even the... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
In our computers, circuit boards are designed so that a 1 or a 0 is represented by
differing amounts of electricity, the outcome of one possibility has no effect on the
other. However, a problem arises when quantum theories are introduced, the outcomes
come from a single piece of hardware existing in two separate realities and these
realties overlap one another affecting both outcomes at once. These problems can
become one of the greatest strengths of the new computer however, if it is possible to
program the outcomes in such a way so that undesirable effects cancel themselves out
while the positive ones reinforce each other. This quantum system must be able to
program the equation into it, verify its computation, and extract the results.
Several possible systems have been looked at by researchers, one of which involves
using electrons, atoms, or ions trapped inside of magnetic fields, intersecting lasers
would then be used to excite the confined particles to the right wavelength and a
second time to restore the particles to their ground state. A sequence of pulses could
be used to array the particles into a pattern usable in our system of equations.
Another possibility by Seth Lloyd of MIT proposed using organic metallic polymers
(one dimensional molecules made of repeating atoms). The energy states of a given
atom would be determined by its interaction with neighboring atoms in the chain.
Laser pulses
Examples Of Figurative Language In Shooting An Elephant
Well known author and journalist, George Orwell, in his essay, Shooting an
Elephant, describes his experiences as a Policeman in Moulmein, Burma during
European Imperialism. Orwell s purpose is to convey the ideal that what is right
and what is accepted don t always align. He adopts a remorseful tone in order to
convey to the reader the weight of his actions. By looking at George Orwells use of
imagery and figurative language, one can see his strongly conflicting opinions on
Orwell begins his essay, Shooting an Elephant, by explaining the actions of the
Burmese people and by expressing his contempt for imperialism. He appeals to the
empathy of the audience by stating the actions of the Burmese people: if a European
woman went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Orwell writes, If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as
much chance as a toad under a steam roller. (3). Orwell s use of the phrase adds to
the dramatic humor of the situation, and creates a better understanding of his
conflicting opinions on his situation. Preceding this statement is an internal argument
within which Orwell debates whether he should shoot the elephant or not. To
connect this statement back to the symbol of the elephant representing imperialism
it shows that if he were to go against the European imperialist he would surely lose
everything he had and possibly his life depending on the person, but right after the
quote above Orwell writes about not thinking particularly of his own skin but of the
natives behind him. Meaning he wasn t thinking so much about saving himself but
rather saving those around him. He was breathing very rhythmically with long
rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling (4), this quote
within it s self is a metaphor as well as imagery. It is a metaphor for how imperialists
may be overthrown but influences can never be forgotten, through this it gives us a
better understanding a picture of the scene and Orwell s feelings during this
The Pros And Cons Of Kyoto Protocol
Global warming influences every country in the world adversely. In order to relieve
this issue, in 1997, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCC) formulated and enacted Kyoto Protocol in Japan. At the beginning, more
than 150 countries joined the conference. After that, other countries ratified Kyoto
Protocolin succession. Until now, there are about 192 countries have already ratified
the protocol. The United States, however, chose to drop out in 2001 after becoming
one of the participants for four years. (Cable News Network Library, 2017)
Drawbacks of Kyoto Protocol and negative impacts on the economy are two main
reasons why the United States dropped out.
Kyoto Protocol is an agreement that forces all the signatory countries to make great
efforts to relieve global warming. It is widely accepted that greenhouse gases are
able to heat earth since they can prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere, a
reasonable amount of greenhouse gases is needed to keep the earth warm at a
constant and comfortable level, but the overabundance of those gases can influence
earth adversely and thus increase the temperature beyond desirable level. Kyoto
Protocol is aimed at solving this kind of problem. Therefore, we can say that Kyoto
Protocol is an international treaty among industrialized nations that sets mandatory
limits on greenhouse gas emissions. (Rouse, M., 2013) The countries who ratified the
protocol will be a member of the United Nations Framework
The Ecological Footprint Of The Human Race
The ecological footprint of the human race is only getting bigger and bigger as our
population steadily increases. It is estimated that our population grows 1.1% each
year and it doesn t show a trace of slowing down (who.int). We have all hopefully
heard the phrase reduce, reuse, and recycle. This phrase alone could help us gradually
reduce our ecological footprint, but many poor countries don t have governing
systems that takes in and sorts plastic or paper products. Some environmentalists say
that unless something drastically changes, humans are doomed in the future because
of lack of resources. Some say that by then, humans will have sufficient technology to
sustain ourselves and our large resource consuming population.
I think most people can agree that if we all change our mindset and governments
work together to solve the problem, there can be drastic improvements. As stated
from greenliving.com, An increase in population size makes excessive demands on
natural resources, and increases the demand on agriculture and livestock. Overall,
there are many negative impacts associated with population explosion. Some
environmentalists believe that the human race will reach its carrying capacity
relatively soon and our population will plummet. I beg to differ because I think that
humans will find a way to solve the population problem before disasters arrive. The
most efficient and easy way to solve the problem is very controversial. In The
Tragedy of the
661 Treatment Plan Essay
Instructions and Rubric for Elementary School Individual Counseling Case
Conceptualization and Treatment Plan Individual counseling is a responsive service
that involves one to one counseling with a student. Please use the case noted below
to conceptualize the case and answer the questions on the rubric. Please use the
rubric as your template for the assignment. That is, save a copy of the rubric as
Elementary School Treatment Plan . Then, simply type your responses within the
rubric template row and under each bulleted item. References will be included at the
end of the document on a separate page in APA style. There is no required page
length; just be sure to cover the rubric components completely and succinctly. The
only information... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Select a culture different from your own. The rest of your responses in this rubric
should consider Geoffrey s culture. Geoffrey is Native American This is a first
session with Geoffrey, who used a self referral to see you. What will you say to
Geoffrey with regard to confidentiality? Geoffrey, I want you to know that
whatever we discuss together, I will not share with anyone unless it breaks school
policy, you are harming yourself or others, or if the court tells me they want
information from me. I want you to know that this is a safe environment that you
can tell me whatever is on your mind and I will not share it with anyone unless it is
one of the things that I mentioned, okay? Will you need or want to contact the
parent or obtain parental permission for counseling services prior to meeting with
Geoffrey? Why or why not? No, because Geoffrey is experiencing what seems to be
a crisis situation, and I do not know the situation very well yet. I want Geoffrey to
feel comfortable with me and know that my office
Shinika s Death And Suicide Case Study
Shinika parents died in a car crash when he was in his final year of high school.
Her parents were on their way to pick him up from school to a church program
when the incident happened. Shinika was divested because she felt that it was his
entire fault by asking them to pick him up from school instead of coming home
with the school bus and will later go to Church. In addition she joined the wrong
crowd. Since, then after the death of his parents she turned to drugs to hide the
pain and guilt away. Even his family couldn t help her due to Shinika not wanting
to admit she had a problem. One day I was taking a walk in the park when I saw a
young lady shedding tears. I came to the young man and asked are you okay? Is
there anything I can help
Effects Of The Civil War On The United States
The United States of America following the Civil War was one that would be
entrenched into the culture of the country for the remainder of its existence. While
there are no survivors from the war or the time still living, we still see the effects of
the war waning on the country. If not today, then definitely through the civil rights
movement, but I digress.
The Reconstruction Era in the United States followed the Civil War after the defeat of
the Confederate States of America by the United States of America, or what we
mostly call the Union. This was a time of healing within our country, however,
many didn t see it that way. Freed African American slaves were those most
affected by this Union victory. While they were free within the terms of the law,
they still weren t able to do the things that some hoped. Southern whites caused
much of the trouble for the freed slaves, as we ll discuss later, they felt this was a
way for the northerners to rub it in the faces of those formers slave holders.
Race was big deal in the South following the Civil War, ranging from Texas all the
way over to Virginia. What we ll be focusing on are the conflicting ideals of the freed
slaves and the Southern whites within East Texas and Northwestern Louisiana. Racial
ties following the Civil War caused a troubling and crime ridden environment for the
freed African American slaves in East Texas and Northwestern Louisiana.
Mentioning of the Freedman s Bureau s role within the years following the
The Problem Of Illegal Immigration
Illegal immigration, particularly of unaccompanied minors and single mothers, has
increased to an unmanageable level and become a contentious and confusing political
topic. This paper will effort to outline the current situation by providing background
of the issue here in the US, describe the drivers that lead to the peoples emigration
from their largely Central American home countries including an examination of US
responsibility in the destabilization of these countries, and what measures can be
taken in both the US and home countries to help bring the situation under control and
manage immigrationfor these populations going forward.
Earlier this year, stories about mass migrations of children and young mothers coming
to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Any solution to the current situation will ultimately be equally complex and must
involve actions taken both in the United States and in the countries from where so
many are leaving.
Though this issue has seen tremendous traction in the media this year, this has been a
problem over the last several years. Before the spike in immigrants seen three years
ago, the United States routinely apprehended between five and ten thousand
unaccompanied minors each year. In addition, before the spike, the minors
predominately were Mexican, not Central American. With the spike, the
demographics of the immigrants seemed to change overnight, and the numbers of
immigrants from the Northern Triangle have far surpassed those coming from
Mexico. Since 2011, the numbers of unaccompanied minors has doubled each year,
from eight thousand in 2011 to twenty in 2012, to near forty in 2013. For fiscal year
2014, the Customs and Border Patrol estimates that more than eighty thousand minors
will have been apprehended at the border. Further, they have published estimates that
show they expect to see numbers in excess of two hundred thousand in fiscal year
It is important to show that the flow of minors from Northern Triangle countries is
not unidirectional to the United States. Other countries in the region are also seeing
large numbers of migrants coming across their borders. People are seeking refuge
Values And Beliefs InInto The Wild, And Henry David
Chris McCandless, from the movie Into the Wild, and Henry David Thoreau
shared similar reasons wanting to leave society, however how they approached life
lead toward Chris s death and Thoreau s success. Thoreau and Chris shared many
of the same values and beliefs. The beliefs and values they share included one
should learn from living life and society damages the individual however, they did
not share similar believes how they planned their lives. First, they place value in
one should learn from living life. Chris was a college graduate and was accepted
into Harvard, he left the whole thing behind so that he could learn from living life.
In many parts of the movie, Chris learns from living, he is convinced the core of
the man s spirit comes from new experiences (Into the Wild). Chris decides he
wants to kayak. He goes into the ranger station to ask about paddling down the
river. The ranger informs him he needs a permit, some experience, and
unfortunately there is a twelve year waiting list. Hearing this from the ranger does
not stand in his way the next morning he is in a kayak, with no care, no life jacket,
no helmet facing the rapids for the first time, learning from the experience. Thoreau
supported Chris s ideas and advocated for individuals to be students of life. In Walden
, Thoreau stated, I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front
only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and
not, when I
The Night I Was Nobody Analysis
The first major step to stopping racial inequality happened on December 6th, 1865
which is the day the 13th amendment was ratified which abolished slavery in the
United States. However, just merely abolishing slavery did not help all the African
Americans in the country because they were still being treated like second class
citizens in the country that stated that all men are created equal and entitled to the
same rights as anyone else. So in the wake of the black code and Jim Crow laws, the
civil rights act of 1866 was created. It stated that everyone no matter of their raceall
citizens should be treated equally, they hoped to stop the racial prejudice that was
plaguing the United States. Now, over 150 years later despite all of the efforts... Show
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Often it happens just this way, just that suddenly. Particularly if you are a black
man in America. Race and racism are a force larger than individuals, more
powerful than law or education or government or the church, a force able to wipe
these institutions away in the charged moments, minuscule or mountainous, when
black and white come face to face (888). No one should ever feel like who they are
as a person does not matter any more, but that is exactly what racism does. It takes
people of color and ignores everything about them except they color of their skin a
physical attribute that cannot be controlled by anyone. The color of someone s
skin should not define a person and by taking off his hat, Wideman would
essentially be saying it does because they don t care about who he is just what they
want to see. No one of color should feel like their race defines who they are because
it shouldn t. Race should not be a limit to someone. It should make someone feel
proud because each race brings something different to the world. No one should
believe that racism is a force that can shatter everything that the humans have built
because it isn t. The only way racism or racist can truly effect anyone is if society
lets it, but as long as there are people who stand against it racism will never win out
King Tutankhamun
King Tutankhamun (1343 1325 B.C.)
King Tutankhamun lived over 3,300 years ago during a period known as the New
Kingdom. This period of time was called the New Kingdom because it was when
the pharaohs united upper and lower Egypt into one kingdom with the capital being
Memphis near current day Cairo. The reason I chose to write a research paper on
King Tut is because he is one of the most well known pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
Tutankhamun is most well known only by the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922 by
Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon.
King Tut was born in 1343 B.C. into the 18th Dynasty. Early in his life Tutankaten
meaning the Living Image of the Aten changed his name to the well known
Tutankamun meaning Living Image of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Not much was known about these tombs and how they were arranged until the
British expedition led by Carter and Carnarvon unearthed the untouched intact tomb
of King Tutankhamun in 1922. This discovery quickly made King Tutankhamun one
of the most famous pharaohs in the history of Egypt. It also changed many of our
beliefs as to the mummification process and how the tombs were arranged.
Carter and Carnarvon discovered King Tutankhamun s tomb in the East Valley of the
Valley of the Kings. It has been recreated several times in museums around the world.
The tomb was actually quite small for a Pharaoh. It was probably built for someone of
lesser importance but at the pharaoh s unexpected death was rushed into modification
to accommodate the pharaoh. The tomb is composed of four chambers: the annex,
antechamber, burial chamber, and treasury. The burial chamber contains wall
paintings as well as the coffin of King Tutankhamun.
Before the opening of the tomb novelist Mari Corelli gave a public warning that
there would be dire consequences for anyone who entered the sealed tomb. Then just
seven weeks after the official opening of the tomb Tutankhamun s Curse struck. On
April 5th, 1923 Lord Carnarvon died and all sorts of
Freud s Theory Of Psychosocial Development
The lifespan perspective is crucial for understanding human development. There
are many different perspectives on the lifespan and the lifespan has been broken
down in many different ways. A variety of scholars and theorists have proposed
unique perspectives on lifespan. Sigmund Freud s theory of psychosocial
development considered five lifespan stages; oral, anal, phallic, latency, and
genital (Rathus, 2014). Erik Erikson expanded Freud s theory with a psychosocial
perspective on development and considered the lifespan to consist of eight stages.
He viewed and labeled these stages in terms of crises that individuals are faced
with at each stage in their life. This is an important perspective because it indicates
that all aspects of our lives are related and that the person we are today is a direct
result of what we experienced earlier in our lives. Other sources view the lifespan as
having nine stages broken into numeric age categories (Annenberg Foundation,
2015). From a leisure perspective, five lifespan stages are considered (Godbey,
2008). These lifespan perspectives exclude the prenatal stage. From an overall human
developmentviewpoint, I think it is important to include the prenatal stage and I
would break the lifespan down into the same eight stages identified by Rathus (2014).
In Rathus (2014) text, eight lifespan stages are identified; prenatal, infancy, early
childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and
How Video Games And Other Electronics Can Make You
After reading Dan Hurley s, Can You Make Yourself Smarter? I took interest in the
subject of how electronics can make you smarter. The article explained how
particular electronics can make you smarter which was very interesting to me
considering that I use many electronics on a daily basis. For my research question,
I zoomed out to other perspectives to ask in general, if electronics positively or
negatively impact the average person. I can directly link this article to my paper
because I include research about how video gamesand other electronics can make
people smarter.
In the past couple of years, electronics have gone from almost nonexistent to
practically the main source of entertainment for people around the world. In the more
recent years, the internet has slowly changed our society making it more interactive
and social instead of immobile (Craton). In fact, each American on average spends
nine hours a day in front of a cell phone or computer screen which can lead to serious
health problems (Khan). However, the human s excessive use of particular electronics
such as computers, phones, and automobiles, is not always detrimental to our society.
Computers, phones, TVs, and automobiles are a few electronic devices that are used
throughout one s everyday life. Not only can they be used for communication and
travel, but are also used for research that can save lives and provide information
within seconds, helping our hospitals, police, military, and other
Karl Marx s View Of Contemporary Social Ills
Power is present in every relationship and within each individual. Power is defined
as a group s ability to make another group its subject or to make some desired action
either by consensus or force. Within any organization or government, some elite
groups make decisions that directly or indirectly affect the lives of the larger mass.
Studies have shown that such decisions in most cases are made to service the elite s
value and economic interests; property ownership or production. Such directions
within the society cause resentment and inequality when the larger mass is not
included in the decision making. The inequality makes the elite class to enforce their
wishes and will on the less fortunate (Jessop 174). This essay seeks to give a... Show
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Between the two classes are small businesses which Marx calls them petty
bourgeoisie , a group that is subject to either join the working class or the capitalists
if surplus can be accommodated. In the ongoing industrial revolution the social
surplus contributes to conflict where classes exist in the form of struggle for
dominance or control over profits. Marx as a conflict theorist argued that the
economy defines and dominates the societal structural change. He explained that
social change and structure is a form of historical materialism that in the history
come in two groups: the oppressor and the oppressed. Marx stated that the society is
built on the exploitation of the oppressed. The struggle between the classes was what
brought about the industrial revolution. This division and the struggle in the society
have since never stopped, but instead there have been reestablishment of new
classes, new oppression conditions, and new struggles replacing the old ones. The
ancient societies e.g. the Roman and the Greek was built on slave labor and the two
classes in conflict during those times were the slaves and patricians. The struggle
between these classes resulted in the development of feudal societies that were
developed on serf s labor under their opponent, the lords. The end of feudalism
ushered in the capitalism, and Marx called the opposing forces in capitalist societies
Sociological Contexts
Analyzing Sociological Contexts
Living in a community that has its ups and downs with unemployment issues that
changes the community as a whole is difficult for ones living style. The purpose of
this assignment is to analyze sociological contexts for a better understanding within
my community. Below I will be addressing some new business, unemployment issues,
and how have the changes impacted the economic health and the school district.
New businesses in the community
Over the past five to ten years in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and its surrounding areas
has tremendously grown with business opportunities. Starting with the downtown
area of Baton Rouge that oversees the Mississippi River, there were several
companies that was welcome with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This organization educates not only children but parents, teachers and, members of
the community. I am currently working with this organization and sits on the
committee as we focus on re opening a community high school. As committee
members we work together to advocate for the community.
An additional to the community group is the Mentoring 29:11 program. With this
program, at risk students are empower to succeed in the communities by attending
summer enrichment programs, seminars and helping in their community. All of these
organizations sheds some light on educating the students and families in communities
around the area.
Finally the last community group is the big buddy program. The big buddy program
has over eight thousand kids that participates yearly. This program works with under
privilege kids through a mentoring program. This program is also a yearlong
program where students can get tutoring after school. There are several other
programs that s available in each community for kids and their families to participate
Nazis Use Of Propaganda During The Holocaust
Some ways the holocaust was implemented was the use of propaganda, the
relocation of people to Ghettos, the creation of laws to strip people of their rights,
and the use of technology to increase the efficiency of the machinery of genocide. I
think one of the most effect sytstem was using propaganda because a picture is
worth a thousand words. Seeing how the Nazis used propaganda and how that system
was very effective and terrible.
The use of propaganda at that time wasnt just putting posters around town. The
Nazis produced textbooks, flims, comics and even specific radio stations. The use
of all of the propaganda may have seemed minor but because the Nazis went
overboard today we look at propaganda as a horrible thing. The use of propaganda
is just reminding the people in the holocuast that their lives werent worth anything
and gave them broken faith, which was the point. In the Nazis favor the use of
propaganda was just another way of domination. A brilliant man named Joseph
Goebbels influeneced the poropaganda game greatly and made Hitler look like a
hero and used the fear of the people as stability. Joseph Goebbels was the
mastermind behind all of the porpagnada. Because Joseph was the head of the Nazis
propaganda his offical title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment.
The holocaust ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One example I found of propagnda effecting the youth was a poster of Hitler
holding a german child and the poster is conveying that Hitler is a god like figure
and that children should worship him. With all of the propagnada splattered
everywhere how else would the children learn that Hitler s way is the only way and
no one else matters. The disturbing truth of teaching the future genertion to not be
diverse and to look down on anyone who is different was a perfect target in using
Western Expansion Essay
Western Expansion Essay
Western Expansion Essay
Western Expansion Essay

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Western Expansion Essay

  • 1. Western Expansion Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of Western Expansion can be a challenging endeavor, requiring a thorough understanding of historical events, cultural shifts, and socio-economic dynamics. The complexity lies in the need to delve into various aspects, such as the motivations behind westward expansion, its impact on indigenous populations, and the broader consequences for the nation as a whole. To start, extensive research is imperative to grasp the multifaceted nature of Western Expansion. Navigating through historical documents, scholarly articles, and diverse perspectives is time- consuming, demanding patience and discernment to filter through a vast array of information. The challenge intensifies when attempting to synthesize these diverse sources into a coherent narrative that not only presents a chronological account but also analyzes the underlying causes and effects. Furthermore, addressing the ethical implications of westward expansion adds another layer of difficulty. The clash of cultures and the displacement of Native American communities present a delicate balancing act in exploring the expansion's consequences. Negotiating the fine line between presenting historical facts objectively and acknowledging the moral complexities involved requires a nuanced and sensitive approach. The structural organization of the essay poses yet another challenge. Developing a clear thesis statement and ensuring a logical flow of ideas is essential to communicate a compelling narrative. It's crucial to strike a balance between presenting factual information and offering insightful analysis to engage the reader intellectually. In conclusion, writing an essay on Western Expansion demands not only a substantial investment of time and effort in research but also a keen analytical and empathetic approach to navigate the intricacies of the topic. While challenging, the process provides an opportunity to deepen one's understanding of historical events and their lasting impact on society. If you find yourself overwhelmed or pressed for time, it's worth considering external assistance. Services like HelpWriting.net offer a platform where similar essays, and much more, can be ordered, providing an alternative for those seeking support in their academic endeavors. Western Expansion EssayWestern Expansion Essay
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  • 3. Why The Tecumseh Historical Society Will Be My Greatest Asset When working on this project I intend to utilize the materials that I already have available to me as a starting point. The Tecumseh Historical Society has an extensive amount of information on the Hayden family. Because of the amount of information I will have to then sort out the information that would not be useful toward my project, and then focus on the information that will enrich the project. The Historical Society may also have contact information to reach descendants of the Hayden family who might be willing to set up a time to perform an interview. For this project, I believe the Tecumseh Historical Society will be my greatest asset. When attempting to answer the question, I would first start to search through the archives to find the information that addresses my question I plan to break it into the three categories of Ford s influence on the the local community, the economy, and the technology. In these categories I can break them up in the many different sub categories as well. When answering my question of Henry Ford s influence on the community, I plan on breaking it up in to several sub categories as well. The categories that I would like to break economics into are the following: the mill, economy of the citizens, and economy of the city as a whole. One sources that I have is a newspaper article that discusses the involvement of Henry Ford allowing citizens of the city to have a career. When looking at the company, I have some budget plans before
  • 4. The Day I Killed-Personal Narrative I was running through the forest, paintballs zinging past me, they hit nearby trees, I leapt through the bushes and through the thorns, I ducked behind a rock and fired my paintballs. Logan was staggering behind me, he fired 8 paintballs until he got bombarded, one hit him in the shin, another hit him in the gut. I remember like it was yesterday. Then out of nowhere, Shield, our paintball chaperone shot me. A quick wash of pain washed up my arm. I was hit, I walked back to where 9 others were sitting, Logan was sitting right next to jay. Ow I said I m hit . Jay was watching Luke shoot Vinnie like a wild turkey. Right before that, Vinnie, on the other hand shot Shield while he was trying to get into the barn. That was it end of game. At
  • 5. The Rules And Regulations On The Areas Of Global Wine... This report is analysis of the rules and regulations in the areas of global wine industry. With the emergence of New World players in the global wine industry has been lost a lot of Old World market share (). Initially, France, Italy simply laughed processing technology of the new player, such as U.S and Australia. However, it soon became apparent that the new traditional wineproduction poses a serious threat to those traditional winemakers. The French in particular were hurt when they began to lose its coveted in the world market share as British markets to Australian. The main issues discussed in this report are what are similarities and differences in the ways between the New World and Old World wine producer. Introduction Only the strong can survive and develop, which is common to all aspects of the world. In the wine industry, New World challenges Old World and gradually takes the better position in the market competition. The report recognizes the reasons given case specific analysis pleading wine. As a result, the qualitative analysis of the regions wine will be the main methods of reasoning of this paper. The truth is disclosed in the New World how comparative to the Old World wine industry. The Base viewed between Old World and New World wines There are nearly 70 countries producing wines all around the world. These producers divide into Old Wine (e.g. France, Italy) and New Wine (e.g. U.S, Australia) (). The former has more than 1000
  • 6. Analysis and Interpretation – the Nine Billion Names of God Analysis and interpretation The Nine Billion Names of God In 1953 Arthur C. Clarke wrote The Nine Billion Names of God . This is a science fictive short story where we meet a group of lamas who wants to write the nine billion names of God. Atypically, the lamas will not use the normal alphabet; but their own alphabet where they have invented and written in their holy books. In over three centuries they have been typing these names down, and it would take another fifteen thousand years for them to complete the chore. Therefore, they purchase a special computer, Mark V, from a company, which can calculate and write all the letters down. Compared to the fifteen thousand years the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It seems like he sees them as too stupid to be able to handle this equipment. He believes that science is greater than religion. He cannot really see the purpose of this task either, but asks the lama anyway and for a second he wonders whether he has offended him. On the other hand, we have the lama who believes that these religious thoughts go far beyond the science world. He knows that the scientists are narrow minded and do not believe in a world of religion. It is somewhat alien your way of thought, so I hope you will listen with an open mind while I explain it. Later on in the conversation, the lama talks about this computer eliminating ridiculous combinations. For example, no letter must occur more than three times in succession. Three? Surely you mean two. Three is correct: I am afraid it would take too long to explain why, even if you understood our language. The lama knows that he will not understand their view at life and so does the scientist. The barrier between these two worlds are simply too excessive. But the lama has come to do business and he hires two engineers to come along to make sure the computer works as intended. When Chuck tells George the crazy news regarding the monks intention with the nine billion names, their scientist brains simply can t find a reasonable explanation for
  • 7. Indonesi An Important Factor For Indonesia 1.1.Background and Introduction Lately, the problems faced by the country are increasingly complex. Starting from the health, environment, socio cultural to economic and political problems. Among the issues faced by the countries around the world, the economic issue is the most significant thing. The economic problem is not limited to the exchange of goods and services only but also involves economic transaction between one country to another. The increasing complexity of needs of a country creates none of the country able to meet its own needs. Thus, it is a common thing for countries to work together to maintain their economic situation, either cooperation between countries with neighboring countries in the region or countries in other... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As a country with commodity based export sector, Indonesia exports $724 million of their oil cake, crude petroleum oils and confidential items to New Zealand. Meanwhile, New Zealand exports $843 million of their milk powder, butter, dairy spreads and frozen beef to Indonesia. 1.1.1.Definition of diplomatic relations Diplomatic comes from the Latin word diploma which means charter. In the broad sense, diplomatic can be interpreted as legitimate and legal use of a state in conducting foreign policy. In order to establish the relationship between countries, states usually send their diplomats to work in each other s country (Herde, 2000). The benefit of diplomatic relations is to support the process of democratization, sustained economic stability, social cohesion, tolerance of differences, and to encourage respect, protection of human rights within countries (Herde, 2000). 1.1.2.Background and history of the diplomatic relations between Indonesia and New Zealand In carrying out its foreign relations, Indonesia adheres to the principle of free and active foreign policy. Free means that Indonesia is not bound by any ideology or by politics of foreign countries or by super power countries. While active means that Indonesia actively participated in public order and world peace, with respect for sovereignty of other countries. One of the main purposes of Indonesia
  • 8. Zen Buddhism And The Zen School Zen Buddhism originated from Chinese Ch an Buddhism that was transmitted to Japan. The Zen school was known as one of the many Buddhist religion in Japan. In Japan, Zen is defined as the buddha mind, ...the ultimate reality, or emptiness, of all things and the enlightened state, or knowledge of that reality, characteristic of a buddha (Bielefeldt 1995: 198). Zenemphasizes on the insight into the Buddha nature through seated meditation(zazen), meditation practice, and teacher sudden interaction. Zazen was understood as an expression of the Buddha nature. Zen Buddhism, focus on a separate transmission outside scripture, not depend on words or letters, a school based solely on the teaching of Bodhidharma, which points directly at the person s mind, enabling one to see his own nature and become a budhha ( Bielefeldt 2002: 5). The teaching of Zen was divided into two distinct monastic schools: The Northern school (Shen hsiu) and the Southern school (Hui neng). This paper will show that the difference between the teaching of Gradual and Sudden have affected the way people traditionally perceive enlightenment through the Northern school and Southern school of teaching and Shen hui criticism of the Northern school practice. Buddhism is the teaching of enlightenment and to achieve enlightenment is the reason why people practice this religion. Enlightenment refers to a singular, intense experience of insight that one has achieved self realization. One who attains a state of
  • 9. How Did Gianni Versace Change The World Alex Pena Coach Fox English III 6 1 March 2015 Gianni Versace Gianni Versace changed the world with his expensive clothing line and fashion; as a result of this fact, he deserves to have a commemorative postage stamp in his honor. Gianni Versace was a very inspirational talent and dedicated person and for that reason that is why his name is carried on so high in the fashion industry. He was inspired as a child and also very strongly inspired by the Greek ancient History. Gianni Versace was born in Reggio Calabria, Italyon December 2, 1948. He attended Liceo Classico Tommaso Campanella where he studied the languages of Latin and Greek and also the ancient times of them. The seed that was put in this very successful man was because he was born into a fashion family. He was inspired because he was born into it. Versaces mother ran her own dressmaking business and after graduation high school Versace went to go work for his beautiful mother. The business was always a family affair, his brother Santo Versace was working for him and so was his sister, Donatella Versace would work alongside the both of them. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It wasn t until March of that year that year that he released his first signature collection. In September of that year his men s collection also released. He became famous for his hard work and dedication through the years and with the help of his family he was able to make it big. He began designing for famous people such as Actors, Actresses, Athletes, Celebrities, Important people. People would carry his clothing
  • 10. Greaves Brewery Case Analysis Greaves Brewery Case Analysis Greaves Brewery: Bottle Replenishment Case Analysis Case Synopsis The following is an analysis of the case, Greaves Brewery: Bottle Replenishment. It details the growing beer operation of Greaves Brewery located in the Caribbean island of Trinidad. The purchasing manager for the company, Alex Benson, is uncertain about how many bottles to order from the company s German glass supplier. His decision is complicated by the possibility of a new bottle design being introduced that would compromise his existing inventory of bottles. Additionally, he is faced with storage limitations and erratic sales, all of which are impacting his decision. He is also concerned about over ordering to avoid issues from an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Data Analysis to Support Decision According to the case, prior to the implementation of the Trinidadian s government excise taxes, Greaves Brewery was showing signs of growth (Erskine, Leenders amp; Piper, 2004). To show growth trends, a Time Series graph was run from 1999 to 2004. However, the purpose of the case is to determine the quantity of bottles that Greaves needs to purchase based on a sales forecast for 2004. Greaves provided five years and two months of annual sales data. Using Stat Tools, the following analysis were run: Moving Average, Exponential SmoothingSimple, Exponential Smoothing Holt s, and Exponential Smoothing Winter s. Following a comparison on the average on all models, the Exponential Smoothing Winter s was found to be the most suitable model for the case. A graph analysis is captured below. StatTools Report | | | | | Analysis: | Forecast | | | | | Performed By: | shart | | | | | Date: | Friday, November 18, 2011 | | | | Updating: | Live/Unlinked | | | | | Forecasting Constant | | | | | | Span | 3 | | | | | Moving Averages | | | | | | Mean Abs Err | 62.10 | | | | |
  • 11. Root Mean Sq Err | 83.52 | | | | | Mean Abs Per% Err | 22.27% | | | | | Forecasting Data | Sales | Forecast |
  • 12. Following The Trail Of Broken Hearts Summary Following The Trail of Broken Hearts by David Epstein published on December 10, 2007 really opens your eyes to the fact that there are more medical problems then sometimes we think or know about. We hear about the big ones like cancer, diabetes, and high cholesterol but, what about the not well known diseases that are taking more lives than other diseases combined? This article opens up and recognizes one of those diseases, HCM or Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. HCM is a heart condition, that causes the walls in the left ventricle to enlarge, not allowing full blood flow into the heart. Around the time of the article being published there was an estimated 600,000 Americans who were living with HCM and around 6,000 of them that will die each year from the disease. It is very common in athletes and is the most common cause of sudden death for young athletes and young people in general. At least every two weeks, an athlete with HCM will die during or after exercise but yet, it s still a little known disease. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Depending on who the person is, it may not be deadly but, for others it can strike without notice. Because it s a genetic disease, if the patient doesn t know family history or medical background it can be tricky and sometimes be confused with asthma. Another huge problem with why it isn t more well known is because there isn t a lot of screening programs provide like an ECG to help detect it in the U.S. These scannings are not pushed or required for young athletes like they should be. I believe with the new technology and the research that is being put into this disease, we can hope for a better understanding of this disease and hope for it to become
  • 13. Examples Of New Historicism In Othello New Historicism When I did research on New Historicism I found that it is seen as is a school of literary theory and that it was first developed in the 1980 s. Also when I looked for a definition for New Historicism I found that it is seen as an expressive act that is embedded into a network that consists of material practices. When we want to look for New Historicism in a novel or in a movie it is important to first have a look at the author s biography as well as the social background and it is lastly important to look at the ideas that was circulating the cultural era of that time as well. New Historicism is also concerned with the political function of the literature as well as the concept of power. In other words how they emerge, but it will tell us about the different ways of thinking at that time. In other words New Historicism is a literary theory that is based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpreted within the context of both the history of the author and the history of the critic. New Historicism is also often emphasized as the power struggle of all kinds, and that also includes the power struggle in literary texts. New Historicism in Othello: New Historicism often seen as an emphasis of a power struggle of all kinds. In Othello, most of the characters is engaged in ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first thing that I saw in a Feminism perspective is that the main characters in the novel is played by women, the first character is a young girl (Mariam) and the second character a girl who is growing up in a less fortunate condition. While reading the novel I found that it was obvious that in the novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns , men have more rights than women and that can be seen by the fact that men have authority over women. In the novel it was also a fact in the men s eyes that the women belong at
  • 14. Theu.s. Invasion Of Grenada The U.S. invasion of Grenada was the first major U.S. military operation ever since the end of the Vietnam War. Undeniably, many have concluded that it may have in part been an assessment of the purported Vietnam syndrome, the alleged condition that makes it problematic for the American public to support U.S. military interference deprived of a just cause. As with Iraq, the early defences for the invasion proved to be either extremely debatable or obviously false, hitherto it still received bipartisan support in Congress and the approval of nearly two thirds of the American public. The invasion of Grenadaby the U.S was very unusual compared to other 20th century wars. It was by far the easiest, shortest and most successful invasion for the United States during the 20th century period. The United States intervention in Grenada has been characterised by some as a rescue mission, by others an act of aggression. Therefore the purpose of this essay is to analyse and examine the reasons and causes behind the U.S. led invasion into Grenada during the latter part of 1983, as well as the consequences faced by both the United States government and the people of Grenada. The Grenada Invasion also Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury, was the U.S. decision to invade Grenada after the overthrow and subsequent killing of the Grenadian President Maurice Bishop evoked widespread criticism from several different outlets (Green, 2013). Recognizing such outlooks, this essay also seek to examine
  • 15. Should Athletes Use Peds Research Paper ARE PEDs WORTH IT? Drugs, they are a wonder of medicine. They can be very helpful, but they can also be very dangerous .Some athletes use peds, (performance enhancing drugs) for muscular growth and or endurance and an example of them are anabolic steroids. They give the user more muscular endurance and growth so they can work out longer and grow more muscle in a shorter amount of time. These drugs are used in athletics to help the athletes win and have pretty bad symptoms, not only that but it is unfair to the rest of the competition for them to have that kind of advantage. athletes usually are compelled to use drugs because they want to win at all costs.this, win at all cost, mentality is a reason why athletes use PEDs.we need to improve the regulations of peds in sports. peds can... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Steroids work by decreasing inflammation and reducing the activity of the immune system. They are used to treat a variety of inflammatory diseases and conditions. As you seen peds can do good. They should be used only in hospitals not in sports. They have a great potential for good. It can save lives, but also take them. We need professionals to handle them and no i m not talking about professional athletes, talking about professional doctors and scientists using them for good. Thou Peds cause one s muscles to grow and not get damaged as easy which means not only when then they work out they get more muscle but they work out longer without sore muscles.when they get ready for competition they already have a advantage. They are stronger and faster and more durable. This isn t a competition this is a almost guaranteed
  • 16. The World Trade Center Bombing Essay Following the 1993 World Trade Center Bombing, Rescorla invited Hill to New York, where he hired him as a security consultant in order to assess the building s security. Although no arrests had yet been made, Rescorla believed that the bomb had been planted by Muslims. Hill went undercover in several mosques throughout New Jersey, showing up for morning prayers at dawn. He took on the character of an anti American Muslim, in order to interview the other visitors to the mosques. He concluded that the attack was likely planned by a radical imam at a mosque in New York or New Jersey. Followers of Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman, a radical Muslim cleric based in Brooklyn, were subsequently convicted of the bombing. Rescorla gained much more credibility and authority after the bombing, which resulted in a change to the culture of Morgan Stanley, which he believed should have moved out of the building because he felt that the World Trade Centerwas still a very real target for terrorists. He recommended to his superiors at Morgan Stanley that the company should leave their Manhattan office space, mentioning that labor costs were lower in New Jersey and that the firm s employees and equipment would be safer in a different building. However, this recommendation was not followed as the company s lease at the World Trade Center was not up until 2006. Due to Rescorla s urging and persistence, all employees, including senior executives, began practicing emergency evacuations every three
  • 17. Identity In Henry Turner s Regarding Henry In Regarding Henry, Henry Turner, an established lawyer and unforgiving husband is shot twice during a robbery. He is shot in the head and the heart, cutting off some oxygen supply to his brain. Once he awakes from his coma, he really is transformed from a selfish, mean man when he was controlled by his id, to a giving and sweet man, now controlled by his super ego. Henry s natural state is his selfish, id state. Beginning with basically the first scene, Henry shows many signs of his id controlling him. He yells at his daughter, and seems to have a super ego scene where he feels sorry for her, but he s simply doing it out of obligation. He is very negative and rude and only cares about himself. It s found out later that the court case he won, he did it unfairly. He s deep into an affair. He is begging for a reality check. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout his recovery he meets a new friend named Bradley and barely remembers anything, including his own family. Therefore, he gets a clean slate and gets to replace his personality with new experiences. The most influential person in his new life is Bradley. He is very pivotal in shaping Henry s new persona, now shaped by superego. He really cares for people and cherishes his family. Since he doesn t remember his old cheating, lying, rude ways, he s able to just be nice to everyone. He quickly learns what is socially desirable and practices those ideas. He also does a complete turn from his old habits. He quits his job because of their wrong ways of conducting business. He even lies about his memory of things and makes up something on the spot to comfort his daughter who is nervous about her school. He becomes selfless, and an example of good morality by society s
  • 18. Chinese Sourcing Quantization ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Offer Drop Shipping and Warehousing for Small Quantities of Goods ( removed HTML ) An experienced agent can arrange drop shipping convenience so that orders can be sent directly from Chinese companies to your customers. That means you won t need to warehouse, store and manage inventory for these goods, which saves a lot of time and money. Sourcing agents often own small warehouses that can be used to store small shipments until you collect enough items to send in a large, more economical shipment. This is a benefit that s often overlooked when dealing with a Chinese sourcing agent. ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) ( removed HTML ) Connect with Respected Companies ( ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... ( removed HTML ) Statistics Show Astonishing Opportunities for China Trade ( removed HTML ) The trade in goods and services between the United States and China reached $648.2 billion in 2016. [2] China is now the largest trade partner of the United States for combined imports and exports, and tapping this rapidly expanding market is critical for any company that wants to market products globally. The U.S. trade deficit with China in goods was $347.0 billion in 2016. However, the United States enjoys a surplus of 37.4 billion in exported services to China. This healthy a vibrant trade between the two countries should serve as confirmation of the value of trading with China. You can make this process much easier, learn what you need to know and get an experienced advocate on your side by hiring a Chinese sourcing agent to act on your company s behalf. ( removed HTML ) Advantages of Expanding Your Trade Options in China ( removed HTML ) The costs of manufacturing are cheaper in China because of lower wages and a lower cost of living than in the United States. Cheap labor means that many locally produced goods are competitive with Western products while costing considerably less.The top U.S. imports include sports equipment, apparel, footwear and consumer goods. The United States commonly exports medical instruments, iron and steel, plastics, agricultural
  • 19. Of the People, By the People, For the People Essay A defining attribute of America s system of government is the participation of the citizens in decisions. Unlike many countries in the world today, one dictator does not decide the path for the whole nation. People from ordinary backgrounds have the opportunity to have an affect on laws passed in our country. While voting is the more common form of exhibiting this privilege of participation, citizens also have the ability to run for offices in our government. The structure of our government is unique in that there are numerous offices to be held within our government which are relatively equal in power. Officials within the federal government can be categorized as being part of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The president must also enforce the laws set by congress, but the president also has the power to veto bills that come to him from the Senate for approval. In Article Two, Section One of the Constitution, there is a list of the qualifications to become president. To become president, one must be a natural born citizen, thirty five years of age, and be a resident in the United States for at least fourteen years. These qualifications are fairly inclusive, which means that the majority of the American population who are over thirty five years old poses the necessary qualifications to become president. The Legislative Branch The second branch of government is the Legislative Branch. While the structure of this branch is split into two parts, the two sections balance each other with their functions. The qualifications to be elected into this office are different for the respective sections. At the federal level, this branch is structured as a bicameral legislature. The two houses of congress, the House of Representatives, and the Senate, operate jointly to pass laws while providing accurate representation of the American population. The House of Representatives contains 435 members, while the Senate possesses only 100 senators. These uneven amounts are due to the fact that the House of Representative s number of
  • 20. Truth and Goodness in Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas... Immanuel Kant and St. Thomas Aquinas account for the existence of truth in sharply contrasting ways. Kant locates all truth inside the mind, as a pure product of reason, operating by means of rational categories. Although Kant acknowledges that all knowledge originates in the intuition of the senses, the intelligibility of sense experience he attributes to innateforms of apperception and to categoriesinherent to the mind. The innate categories shape the phenomena of sensible being, and Kant claims nothing can be known or proved about the noumena, the presumed world external to the mind.1 Aquinas agrees that all knowledge comes through the senses, but disagrees with Kant in arguing that categorical qualities do not originate... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The two views of truth have divergent consequences for ethics. Aquinas philosophy produces a tradition of moral clarity that endures to the present, while the philosophy of Kant leads ultimately to the cultural relativism and moral skepticism that are widespread in the modern world. For Immanuel Kant, truth is accessible to the mind only because it derives from rational categories already in the mind. Although knowledge begins in the senses, Kant claims, besides what is given to the sensuous intuition, special concepts must yet be superadded concepts which have their origin wholly a priori in the pure understanding, and under which every perception must be first of all subsumed and then by their means changed into experience. 6 The sources of such synthetic a priori concepts are categories inherent in reason, and Kant supplies a table of such categories, including in it: Unity (measure), Plurality (magnitude), Totality (whole), Reality, Negation, Limitation, Substance, Cause, Community, Possibility, Existence, and Necessity.7 Thus, the understanding of any perceived thing as a whole entity, or as having an independent material existence, or as being caused by anything, or as itself the cause of anything has its origin in rational categories in the mind and is not traceable to any essential quality or state of being that can be attributed to the thing in itself, according to Kant.
  • 21. Psychoanalytic Criticism In Mary Shelley s Frankenstein Throughout history, the release of literary pieces have contributed drastic changes to humans and storytelling. While dissecting a literary piece, finding a familiar face, line, or plot isn t uncommon. As people are easily influenced, so are the creation of stories. The novel Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley as a whole, observed carefully, presents an intriguing analysis, rooting from stories such as Genesis and Prometheus; revolving around themes of love, knowledge, and. Additionally, when the text is taken into consideration concerning Psychoanalytic criticism, Frankenstein s creation reveals a deeper source of purpose on his actions, even tracing back to the days his existence began. To begin, certain aspects of Psychoanalytic criticism presents itself throughout the entire story, allowing the reader to analyze the causation of the actions Frankenstein s creation executes. The monster s actions are caused by the lack of experience of the imaginary order, a process those with parents experience and eventually slip out of as time passes. Lacanian theory holds that we all suffer from lack because nothing can ever satisfy the desire one holds to return to what he terms the imaginary order represented by the mother (Brackett). In Frankenstein s situation he is denied this order due to the lack of companionship and love. His first moments of life distanced immensely from perfection as the creation states, I was poor, helpless, miserable wretch; I knew, and could distinguish, nothing; but feeling pain invade me on all sides, I sat down and wept (Shelley 91). The first moments of the creatures life encompassed fear, abandonment, and a deficiency of a sense of togetherness. When the creation exists in absence of this experience, s[he] is doubly cursed with the inability to return to an order s[he] never experienced , leading him to recognize how utterly abandoned and alone he was (Brackett). Frankenstein emphasizes this isolation to Victor when he states, Satan had his companions, fellow devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and abhorred (Shelley 118). This imaginary order which remains as an unexposed factor in Frankenstein s creations life begets the creature to metamorphose from
  • 22. Persuasive Speech On Refugees Good morning delegates of the youth parliament and observing members. Today I stand before you to discuss an issue that continues to evoke high emotions and create deep divisions within Australian society. I refer to the matter of refugees and Australia s immigration policy. Not since the second world war has the world faced such an upheaval with so many people displaced. In 2015 there were 65.3 million people forcibly displaced from their homes because of conflict and persecution. Developing countries hold 84% of refugees while wealthier countries like Australia prioritise the need to reduce asylum seekers within their borders. The current policy contravenes the proper treatment of refugees and asylum seekers; because regardless of their mode of entry, once here Australia has a duty to provide protection. International law under the 1951 Refugee Convention, permits the right to seek asylum and allocates a responsibility to provide protection for those who lie under the definition of refugee. Since then policies have been modified and used to suit the interests of the government. In particular, the Border Protection Legislation Amendment Act 1999. Authorised the removal of undocumented ships in Australian territory and proclaimed that anyone aboard the ship can be forcibly returned and denied application of asylum. Other legislation, such as the Migration Legislation Amendment Act 1999 makes it illegal for a person to carry people who are not citizens without valid documentation. These policies allow the government to portray itself as strong on border protection and terrorism. This plays well to its core constituencies but is rightly lambasted by human rights organisations and civil liberty groups. Refugees are undocumented people fleeing from their country of origin, so there isn t a variety of travel options to escape to safety. The policy disclaiming that everyone who lands by boat doesn t get to stay is ignorant to the concept of why people are forced to leave. It s not a choice to be removed from your country, it s a matter of survival and safety. The core principle of the Refugee convention is that people are not forced to return to a country where they face the threat of persecution or danger.
  • 23. Advertisements Analysis Essay I collected advertisements from different magazine and interest sources. I used three magazines to review and collect advertisements from. The magazines are called Watch, Discover Beauty Within, and Seventeen. Watch magazine is a lifestyle magazine entertainment, fashion and beauty magazine. This magazine gives audience a look into the world of celebrities and style through the celebrity s perspective. The magazinecontains interviews and photo shoots of celebrities. Discover Beauty Within is a beauty magazine launched by Walgreens that provides tips, tricks and coupons exclusively to shoppers at Walgreens. Seventeen magazine is a fashion magazine that consist of fashion, beauty, dating, and health tips. The magazines varied from teens, adult magazine and beauty. I used six internet sources for additional advertisements online. I used four different blogs, Victoria Secret, and CBS network. The selection of magazines and internet sources targeted women of different ages and topics. A significant amount of the sources for women seem to have the same subject matter, such as beauty, fashion, relationship advice, and celebrities. In the first ad we have an ad for a Metro bus where a women is trying to engage another one in a conversation. However the other women is not interested and responds with can we just talk about shoes . The ad reinforces the stereotype that women are not smart or intelligent enough to want to discuss things outside of the typecast gender role
  • 24. Why Is Sugar Shack Johnny Novak SUGAR SHACK JOHNNY NOVAK JACK by Craig Fleming Joe Novak, aka Sugar Shack Johnny, aka Jack, was a complicated man, who lived a life that was in many ways, larger than life. He was a tough, intelligent, compassionate, and inarguably fearless man who was incredibly comfortable in his own skin. He is missed and remembered with a lot of love. Joe Novak had bigger balls than anyone I have ever known, and those big balls were securely connected to his big heart. I am still intrigued, to this day, by the harmony, and conflict, between his passion for knowledge, empathy, and brawn it was a very rare combination of qualities, with the all the raw emotion and complexity of a classical music composition. Joe essentially conducted pool... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some of his tactics paralleled famed martial artist, Bruce Lee philosophies Be unpredictable, and, Be like water. However, I think his heydays preceded Lee s popularity. Joe was, by any and all definitions, a One of a Kind human being. I am proud to have known him and to have been his friend. I can still hear his grizzly bear voice, and his laughter, in my heart, and in the unsettled corners of my mind. Sugar Shack Johnny, as he was known in the pool halls of days gone by, had a rare combination of heart, muscle, and mind. He knew about hard roads and hard rides, and he loved life. Novak was a fearless tush hog. Even more impressively, Sugar Shack would not carry a gun, although many of his enemies did carry guns. It is impossible for me to perceive him as his adversaries did, way back then. He may have been unfairly stereotyped in the darkness of the countless pool halls he undoubtedly knew inside and out, because he had a fearless confidence about him, borne of circumstance and an irrepressible will to succeed. But most remarkably, there was a timeless light that emanated from his charisma. He was not a man who went looking for trouble, but if trouble came looking for him or someone he loved, I would always put my money on Joe, even when he was 75 years old. Recently, in spite of his reputation, I sensed that Joe
  • 25. Body and Nature as Metaphor in A Thousand Acres Essay Body and Nature as Metaphor in A Thousand Acres Most issues on a farm return to the issue of keeping up appearances. (Smiley p.199) [T]he female body is a reservoir, a virgin patch of still, pooled water where the fetus comes to term. (Paglia p.27) [A] fetus is a benign tumor, a vampire who steals in order to live. (Paglia p.11) The epigraph to this novel is from The Ancient People and the Newly Come : The body repeats the landscape. They are the source of each other and create each other. We were marked by the seasonal body of earth, by the terrible migrations of people, by the swift turn of a century, verging on change never before experienced on this greening planet. This encompasses much of what the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But the fluidity of interior life turns poisonous precisely because it is suppressed. All of it comes back to the double edged sword of patriarchy and capitalist industrial farming, embodied by Larry. Ginny and Rose are trying to figure out how to understand him better. I [that is, Ginny] feel like there s treacherous undercurrents all the time. I think I m standing on solid ground, but then I discover that there s something moving underneath it, shifting from place to place. There s always some mystery. He doesn t say what he means. (104). From Larry, it spreads to all the other characters, like Ginny and Ty: We had spent our life together practicing courtesy, putting the best face on things, harboring secrets. (260) In the end, nobody can be trusted, the poison influences everbody. Pete s death is a tragic enactment of this metaphor. He was always silently angry, trying to find some way to rebel against Larry, but losing himself more and more bitterly in contemplating the target. (306) It is only by way of metaphorizing the quarry that he can break the surface. Talking about the waterfilled quarry and throwing stones in, he says: You hate to see that surface go unbroken. (249). Then he contemplates the only way out: Pete stared past me. A breeze had come up, shattering the surface of the water into shards of light. (251). Later that summer, he takes it: he
  • 26. Themes in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin and The... Many times, literature can be intriguing, and other times, confusing. During the course of this year, although we had discussed a various amount of stories, there were certain ones that had the strength to leave an impact on the reader. The following will reveal the favorite piece of literature from this semester s syllabus as being The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin because of its epiphany, and the most challenging piece as being The Second Comingby William Butler Yeatsbecause of its millennialism. The Story of An Hour by Kate Chopin had been a fascinating story with an epiphany at the conclusion of the story being a major theme throughout the short story. This short story opened with a lady named Louise Mallard who had heart trouble, and had to be informed about her husband s apparent death. Her sister, Josephine, had decided to tell her after Louise s husband s friend, Richards, had discovered about the death (a railroad accident) when he was in the newspaper office and read Brently, (Louise s husband) on the list of those who died. Initially, the reaction of Louise had been quite upsetting, she had been sobbing since Josephine told her about the tragedy, and decided to go upstairs to be alone in her room. As she sat in her room, she looked outside the window and she saw the numerous things outside, such as the trees, the smells of rain, and the clouds. Eventually, she started to feel something coming towards her, and moments later ...she abandoned herself a
  • 27. The Bystander Effect In Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything. Albert Einstein, the world renowned theoretical physicist known for his lasting impacts on science and philosophy, advocated for actively instituting change rather than sitting back and hoping that someone else will take action. In order to protect one s self and avoid humiliation or danger, people often separate themselves from threatening situations. The bystander effecthelps explain such behavior by suggesting that people strive to avoid conflict when among others for fear of judgement. Khaled Hosseini s The Kite Runner accurately conveys the aforementioned psychological ideas regarding one s reactions to incidents. The protagonist,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Known as the bystander effect, this phenomenon occurs because people either believe that someone else will step in and help or refuse to for the fear of being ridiculed. In Sam Sommer s article Why Crowds Make Us Callous he addresses the bystander effect and the impact it can have on social situations on many scales. He argues, ...having other people around lets us rest on the assumption that someone else will take care of it (Sommers). Everyone waits for everyone else to take action; so, in the end, nothing happens as a result of the crowd. In Hosseini s The Kite Runner, Amir finds Hassan backed up into an alley with Assef, Wali, and Kamal. Assef asks the other two boys if they will help him, and they both reluctantly agree to hold Hassan down. Among this chaotic mishap, Amir recalls, I had one last chance to make a decision. One final opportunity to decide who I was going to be. I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan... Or I could run. In the end, I ran (Hosseini 77). For the fear of being punished in the same way as Hassan and due to the fact that Wali and Kamal did not resist, Amir allowed Hassan to be victimized. Hassan may not have been raped and abused if it had just been Amir and Assef because then there would be no crowd providing pressure to do one thing over another. Conclusively, Hosseini addresses the conflicting idea of societal pressures and the difficult concept of whether or not Amir could have or should have stood up for
  • 28. Cross-Sectional Oral Health Survey Paper A cross sectional oral health survey was designed to assess both functional and psychosocial effects of dental disease on the elderly population of Buda, Texas (US). Printed surveys that consisted of 50 open ended questions on dental disease history and dental hygiene were mailed to the selected members of a target group. However, the response rate was not satisfactory, as a large percentage of the selected study participants either did not return the survey, or failed to answer all the questions posed. The researchers opted for two strategies: prompt those who did not respond with a second letter that guaranteed complete confidentiality and broaden the pool of selected participants. Depending on the final response rate and researchers statistical skills, the bias in the final publication will be more pronounced if: A.the proportion of nonrespondents from the targeted sample is decreased B.the specific weighting class adjustments are used on the final data C.the difference between the observed and nonrespondent answers is increased D.the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In other words, the lower the survey response, the higher the likelihood for nonresponse bias. This can be summed up with a general formula: Bias = P x (O N) where P represents the proportion of nonrespondents in the targeted sample (also referred to as the nonresponse rate), O the answer derived from observed responses, and N the answer based only on nonrespondents. According to that formula, the bias in question is calculated as the product of two main components: 1) nonresponse rate and 2) the difference between the observed and nonrespondent answers. An increase in either of the two components leads to increased nonresponse
  • 29. Eva Braun s Definition Of The Word Evil How could the woman behind the most deviant man in the history of the world go somehow unnoticed. Was she a possible helping hand in what was the worst genocide in recent history? Eva Braun is quite possibly the second hand definition of the word evil. Was her life really like this? Could a women that lived a seemingly normal life be capable of such heinous crimes? Eva Braunwas a right hand man to one of history s most notorious criminals, but perhaps in her own light was not quite the woman that everybody makes her out to be. Something that many people do not know about Eva is that, she was a simple woman who lived a seemingly simple life. Eva Braun was born on February 6, 1912 to Friedrich and Franziska Braun, in Munich Germany(3). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun never shared an intimate moment together or so it seems (Nobody knew Hitler s true sexuality so this may of had an impact)(3).Their relationship was strictly domestic and relaxatory rather than the usual erotic relationship that many couples share today(9). They were merely close friends that thrived off of each others joy and companionship in times of need(3). Another part of their relationship that was different than most is that it was completely private. Hitler and Eva rarely appeared in public together(9). Even if they did, they would not sit together or give any evidence that they were even acquaintances of one another(8). This was hard on Eva, as she longed for his attention. She would often cry when he was not around and it was apparent that he had a significant impact on her mood. She even went to lengths as trying to take her own life at one point in time because she did not think she would ever be good enough for him(3). This proved to change the views that Hitler had on the relationship, as it started to drastically change(8). Soon after the incident they moved in together and Eva started to arrange gatherings for Hitler s closest friends otherwise known as his inner circle . It was not long after that they started to live together that they were married. It was in April of 1945 in Berlin where the ceremony happened, tragically a day before both of their deaths. Although they were close companions for many years, Eva never did
  • 30. Berkeley Personal Statement You made a mistake. I am sure that hundreds of students and parents have spoken these sentiments to the admission department at UC Berkeley in the course of the past few weeks. I am sure that thousands more throughout the state, throughout the country even, have laughed, cried, and yelled these words, being sure to diminish your institution with each remark. Personally, I hold Berkeley in the highest regards as far as colleges go; having been a life long Bay Area resident, I have come to cherish the diverse atmosphere and thirst for knowledge in Berkeley and the surrounding area entropy. It is in this high esteem for the university and the community that I write this candid letter. When a school such as Berkeley is so inundated with qualified... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A final, more personal note as to why I so desire to attend Berkeley over a few of my other possibilities: in the middle of November, in the midst of completing the bulk of my college applications, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Combined with applying to college, completing homework, staying on top of classes, and keeping my commitments to extra curricular activities, the knowledge that my mom has a serious form of cancer made those few months all the more stress filled and difficult. Thank the Lord, my mom has successfully completed radiation and continues to see specialists regularly, solidifying her status in my mind as the strongest person I know. Going off to college, I am going to miss my mom dearly, and she will dearly miss me. I ve always been very close with her, and I recognize the ambivalence within her of wanting me to stay close to home in the Bay Area while wanting what s best for me. I feel similar sentiments, having the strong urge to protect and care for my mom, visiting on a regular basis, while desiring to grow as a person into the man I strive to be. Berkeley would be the perfect choice of school in relation to both aspects: its proximity to my home town of Livermore, as well as the educational opportunities Berkeley
  • 31. A Study On Hawaiian Airlines Hawaiian Airlines Karreem L. Lisbon Embry Riddle Aeronautical University This paper will cover information about Hawaiian airlines. Founded in 1929, now in its 87th year of consecutive service, Hawaiian Airlines is Hawai i s biggest and longest serving airline, as well as the largest provider of passenger air service from its primary visitor markets on the U.S. mainland. Specifically, research to describe the airline, its aircraft fleet, route structure and number of employees will be provided. Information to determine whether Hawaiian airlines is organized as a corporation with private ownership or is owned by the national government will be given and discussed. Also, a brief description of the governmental agency or authority responsible for regulation of safety, as well as the certification requirements and minimum flight time for the commercial airline flight deck crewmembers. The governmental agency or authority that is empowered to regulate the routes flown, rates charged, and other economic aspects of the airline s flight operations will be identified and discussed. Information will be given on the extent to which the airline s fleet consists of owned vs. leased aircraft. All accidents involving an aircraft operated by that airline since 1/01/2000 will be identified to include the probable cause of each. Lastly, labor relationships of the airline s pilots and maintenance personnel based in the airline s home nation will be discussed; plus, any
  • 32. Buzz Marketing for Movies Business Horizons (2007) 50, 395 403 www.elsevier.com/locate/bushor Buzz marketing for movies Iris Mohr Tobin College of Business, St. John s University, 8000 Utopia Parkways, Jamaica, NY 11439, USA KEYWORDS Motion pictures; Movies; Marketing; Promotion; Buzz marketing Abstract In today s dynamic entertainment environment, movies are struggling to stay afloat and remain profitable. Challenges such as piracy, digital theft, competition, overlapping movie campaigns, media fragmentation, and audience saturation are forcing marketers to stretch their film budgets and make every dollar as effective as possible. With more and more entertainment options crowding peoples lives, marketers must search for innovative ways to reach ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to Gnoffo (2005), by the end of 2004, Forrester Research estimated there were TiVos and other DVRs in 6.5 million US households, up from 1.9 million in 2002. That number, the firm claims, will climb to almost 50 million by 2009, representing 41% of all US households. On another front, the popularity of Netflix, an online subscription service boasting 3 million users, prompted both Blockbuster and Wal Mart to offer similar services whereby people rent DVDs for an unlimited time for a monthly fee. While it s true that DVDs may be a cash cow for studios, theaters suffer when patrons skip the cinema experience and wait for those releases at home. Needless to say, given the increase in entertainment options, the movie going experience needs to be far more compelling to draw in audience members. Moreover, this challenge is not likely to subside, but rather grow more compelling: as discussed by Charny (2005), a recent study by Informa Research Services indicates that 125 million people about 5% of all cell phone owners will be watching television on their handsets by 2010. In addition, the Digital Lifestyles 2006 Outlook from Parks Associates (Scherf, 2006) estimates that US consumer spending for online entertainment, including on demand gaming, music, and video services, will grow by
  • 33. Empirical Results For Employment, Income, And Congestion... 4. Empirical Results In order to estimate the simultaneous equations model, we use three stage least square (3SLS) estimator. Table 2 presents the estimated coefficients of the equations. The adjusted R squares show that the estimated models explain 46%, 63%, and 59% of variations in growth of employment, income, and congestion, respectively. The coefficients for the endogenous variables (Employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth) are statistically significant, indicating the interdependence of employment growth, income growth, and congestion growth. Table 2. Estimation Results for the Employment, Income, and Congestion Growth Model INC GrowthEMP GrowthCON Growth Employment Growth0.18258***0.96320*** (0.06479)(0.27303) Median Household Income Growth0.32231*1.11963*** (0.16623)(0.41033) Traffic Congestion Growth0.04636*0.07647**(0.02501)(0.03861)ln(2000 Employment Density)0.133160.41812**0.16111(0.11113)(0.18044)(0.51398) 2000 Traffic Congestion Level0.000380.000660.01811*** (0.00065)(0.00098)(0.00197) ln(2000 Population Density)0.169110.43635***0.12653(0.10473)(0.13229)(0.48881) ln(2000 Median Household Income)0.15521**0.127810.42470(0.06212)(0.09305)(0.26457) ln(2000 Manufacturing Employment Density)0.08977***(0.02591)ln(2000 FIRE Employment Density)0.01011(0.07068)2000 % Population with Higher than Bachelor Degree0.35976**
  • 34. Woman s Hollering Creek By Sandra Cisneros A difficult choice such as life and death is not an easy decision to make. In Woman s Hollering Creek by Sandra Cisneros, there is an important passage that through its language and structure provides the protagonist with a strong internal conflict. The passage comes with strange words and sentence structures which lead the reader to question why Sandra Cisneros would do that. The short sentences and the strange fitting words provide a reason why Cleofilas is different from the legend of La Llorona . La Llorona represents the women who committed suicidewhile sufferingas victims of abuse. Through the lens of Gender Trouble by Judith Butler, about categorizing women into a general scope based on their common experiences is not correct... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There was a creek by where Cleofilas lived called La Gritona, which translates to the loud woman, La Gritona. Such a funny name for such a lovely arryo(creek) (Cisneros, 46). The legend of the hollering woman came from this creek. The legend probably was based on other women who were victims of abuse and committed suicide. Listens here the word listen is very important because she is allowing the temptation of committing suicide to enter her mind. Even when the sound isn t present physically she is hearing attentively to the voice that is coming from within her. The day sky turning to night gives us a meaning that Cleofilas thought about this for a while. The turning may mean that Cleofilas has been turning the choice in her head about what should she do. It is used with a feeling of something mystical going on as if the idea of suicide is becoming an escape route for her. This is even shown in other parts of the story There is no place to go. Unless one counts the neighbor ladies...or the creek (Cisneros, 51). Even though there are physical sounds happening around her like The baby pulling up fistfuls of grass and laughing Cleofilas is still focused on the metaphorical calling that the legend of La Llorona is giving her. The group that La Llorona represents and Cleofilas are both in a similar situation, they are all abused immigrant women who have children.
  • 35. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System I. Background The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System or BRFSS is a health survey conducted in the United States. This system uses this health surveys to look at behavioral risk factors within the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is in charged of the BRFSS. The individual state health departments in the United States also conduct the BRFSS. The health surveys are conducted by telephone. It is considered the world s largest health survey system (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System uses a cross sectional telephone survey to determine risk factors for a chosen health issue (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides technical and methodological assistance but individual states are able to add their own questions to the health surveys being conducted (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2013). The topics that have health surveys being administrated includes alcohol consumption, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cholesterol awareness, chronic health indictors, colorectal cancer screening, demographics, diabetes, disability, exercise, fruits and vegetables, health care access/ coverage, health status, HIV AIDS, hypertension awareness, immunization, injury, oral health, overweight and obesity (BMI), physical activity, prostate cancer, tobacco use, and women s
  • 36. The Bluest Eye Character Analysis Characterization maneuvers by Toni Morrison Pecola Breedlove in The Bluest Eye is a curious, young and innocent girl who tries to understand things that are even more complex than she thinks. A wondering eleven years old girl who is not near to recognizing the world she lives in; Pecola wants to be able to be something that she thinks is unreachable without the need of any special trait, and she does whatever she thinks it takes to achieve it. Toni Morrisoncreated a character who is constantly driven by her actions and thoughts simultaneously according to what she thinks is correct of doing. To begin with, Toni Morrison describes how Pecola commit things to understand or can achieve certain things. For example, We knew she was fond of the Shirley Temple cup and took every opportunity to drink milk out of it just to handle and see sweet Shirley s face Morrison (23). This clearly explains that she does this just to be able to adjust and see this girl, as if they were not on a same level. Pecola does this by impulsion because she might think that was the right action to take to reach Shirley who Pecola taught was so different than her. Also, this example is seen when The tears came fast, and she held her face in her hands Morrison (90). This describes her as some who can feel easily feeling trapped and incapable of acting against that force that is pushing her against a wall. Pecola is now feeling like nothing she does can help it and quits, and she just stops
  • 37. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Ridesharing Traffic jams has an optimal remedy as covoiturage (ride sharing) Introduction Carpooling or ridesharing is a major process to avoid the congestion of vehicle in a particular place. This process is nothing but sharing the car to travel more than one member on the same vehicle. Uber, the transportation service has added this technique recently to manage the huge number of utilizers. If we are using this ride sharing technique, we can reduce the each person s other expenditure like fuel costs, tolls and pressure of driving. Domination of transportation Every person has to move from one place to another place for a particular purpose. The people are accessing the transportation vehicles for this purpose. If we are seeing this in the aspect of business,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The service application also implemented with this modification which will provide the customer s satisfaction. Is any other tech to neglect it? There is no other tech to avoid the traffic problem and in future, it may become. Car sharing is the best remedy to avoid the traffic issue and also it leads to making relationship within the people. There are so many positive contributions are available behind this ride sharing technique. Drawbacks of it As per the proverb of too much of anything is good for nothing , in the ride sharing tech, if the people s count is so much, it will make the people uncomfortable to travel. We should be aware of that which booking the tickets through the mobile application to travel. Every passenger should be very clear with their destination because, if it is wrong, it will affect the other people. Outcome of this tech Eventually, depends on some factors the pollution is achieved and not only the pollution there are so many reasons behind that. But, traffic is a major problem which is occurred by the unwanted usage of vehicles. If we are looking for taking remedy of it is following the transportation tech of ride sharing which is initially introduced by the Uber. We should make use of it and also we can have a smooth and happy trip by this car sharing without any traffic
  • 38. Fair Game Meat Vs Eating Meat Fair Game Hunting Meat vs. Modern America Meat At one time man had to hunt to survive, these days that has transformed into hunting for a hobby. Although no longer a necessity to survive, fair game hunting is popular throughout the United States. This is one way to obtain meat to eat as part of your diet. Another and even more popular was is to buy it through the grocery store. The meatthrough the grocery store is produced on a large scale as quickly as possible. Eating meat from an animal that was legally killed in a fair game environment is more ethical than eating meat from the grocery store. 1.Wild game animals have a fair chance to survive. When we look at a wild game animal compared to one that is raised to slaughter for the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They have home field advantage. They notice when something is different in their homes. Say a hunter hunting whitetail deer goes into the woods and puts a blind up and expects to hunt out of it that day. A deer that calls that territory home is going to notice that something is different; they will notice that the blind is there and they will not like it. That is if they even get close enough to seeing the blind before they smell a scent that is indifferent to that area. That scent being the hunter, the deer will choose to take another route to its final destination rather than the route it usually takes. Looking at this situation in perspective of an animal that is raised strictly for the reason of slaughtering for food, it would kind of be like that animal is tied to a tree somewhere in the woods and the hunter puts his blind up within range of the animal. The hunter kills the animal, without the animal even having a chance to run. Not allowing the animal to use any sense that it was born with to get out of the situation. Was that a fair chance to survive? No, the animal had no choice but to stay at the tree completely vulnerable to any danger that may
  • 39. Ford s Revitalization Strategy Essay Case 4 Ford and the World Automobile Industry Robert M. Grant FORDВ’ S REVITALIZATION STRATEGY In September 2003, Bruce Blythe took up the new position as chief strategy officer at Ford Motor Company. His appointment came in the wake of a massive upheaval of FordВ’ s strategy, leadership, and organization. In 2001, FordВ’ s CEO Jacques Nasser had been ousted by the board after a three year tenure. NasserВ’ s goal had been to transform Ford into a flexible, customer focused, innovative, global giantВ— that simultaneously paid careful attention to profitability and shareholder return. By late 2001, it was clear that the strategy was not working. Overpriced acquisitions had dissipated shareholder value, the Firestone Ford Explorer recall... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By the turn of the century hundred of small companies were producing automobiles both in Europe and in America. By 2004, the industry was in different stages of its life cycle in different parts of the world. The US industry entered a period of rapid growth during 1910 28, and reached its peak of production in 1965. In the two decades up to 2004, car production was on a downward trend, but if trucks were included, output was broadly stable (see table 4.2). In Europe and Japan too, total production was showing a declining trend The problem of market saturation was exacerbated by the tendency for cars to last longer(see table 4.3). [Tables 4.2 and 4.3 about here] As a result, the automobile producers have looked increasingly to the newly industrializing countries for market opportunities. During the 1980s and 1990s countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Brazil, and Argentina offered the best growth prospects. As these markets became increasingly saturated, so China, India, and the former Soviet Union were seen as the В“ next waveВ” of attractive markets. With the opening of many of these countries to trade and direct investment, the world production of cars and trucks s continued to grow (see table 4.4 ). [Table 4.4 about here] The Evolution of the Automobile The early years of the industry were characterized by considerable uncertainty over the design and technology of the motorcar.
  • 40. Quantum Cumputers Essay examples Quantum Cumputers By the strange laws of quantum mechanics, Folger, a senior editor at Discover, notes, an electron, proton, or other subatomic particle is in more than one place at a time, because individual particles behave like waves, these different places are different states that an atom can exist in simultaneously. Ten years ago, Folger writes, David Deutsch, a physicist at OxfordUniversity, argued that it may be possible to build an extremely powerful computer based on this peculiar reality. In 1994, Peter Shor, a mathematician at AT T Bell Laboratories in New Jersey, proved that, in theory at least, a full blown quantum computer could factor even the largest numbers in seconds an accomplishmentimpossible for even the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In our computers, circuit boards are designed so that a 1 or a 0 is represented by differing amounts of electricity, the outcome of one possibility has no effect on the other. However, a problem arises when quantum theories are introduced, the outcomes come from a single piece of hardware existing in two separate realities and these realties overlap one another affecting both outcomes at once. These problems can become one of the greatest strengths of the new computer however, if it is possible to program the outcomes in such a way so that undesirable effects cancel themselves out while the positive ones reinforce each other. This quantum system must be able to program the equation into it, verify its computation, and extract the results. Several possible systems have been looked at by researchers, one of which involves using electrons, atoms, or ions trapped inside of magnetic fields, intersecting lasers would then be used to excite the confined particles to the right wavelength and a second time to restore the particles to their ground state. A sequence of pulses could be used to array the particles into a pattern usable in our system of equations. Another possibility by Seth Lloyd of MIT proposed using organic metallic polymers (one dimensional molecules made of repeating atoms). The energy states of a given atom would be determined by its interaction with neighboring atoms in the chain. Laser pulses
  • 41. Examples Of Figurative Language In Shooting An Elephant Well known author and journalist, George Orwell, in his essay, Shooting an Elephant, describes his experiences as a Policeman in Moulmein, Burma during European Imperialism. Orwell s purpose is to convey the ideal that what is right and what is accepted don t always align. He adopts a remorseful tone in order to convey to the reader the weight of his actions. By looking at George Orwells use of imagery and figurative language, one can see his strongly conflicting opinions on Imperialism. Orwell begins his essay, Shooting an Elephant, by explaining the actions of the Burmese people and by expressing his contempt for imperialism. He appeals to the empathy of the audience by stating the actions of the Burmese people: if a European woman went ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Orwell writes, If the elephant charged and I missed him, I should have about as much chance as a toad under a steam roller. (3). Orwell s use of the phrase adds to the dramatic humor of the situation, and creates a better understanding of his conflicting opinions on his situation. Preceding this statement is an internal argument within which Orwell debates whether he should shoot the elephant or not. To connect this statement back to the symbol of the elephant representing imperialism it shows that if he were to go against the European imperialist he would surely lose everything he had and possibly his life depending on the person, but right after the quote above Orwell writes about not thinking particularly of his own skin but of the natives behind him. Meaning he wasn t thinking so much about saving himself but rather saving those around him. He was breathing very rhythmically with long rattling gasps, his great mound of a side painfully rising and falling (4), this quote within it s self is a metaphor as well as imagery. It is a metaphor for how imperialists may be overthrown but influences can never be forgotten, through this it gives us a better understanding a picture of the scene and Orwell s feelings during this
  • 42. The Pros And Cons Of Kyoto Protocol Global warming influences every country in the world adversely. In order to relieve this issue, in 1997, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) formulated and enacted Kyoto Protocol in Japan. At the beginning, more than 150 countries joined the conference. After that, other countries ratified Kyoto Protocolin succession. Until now, there are about 192 countries have already ratified the protocol. The United States, however, chose to drop out in 2001 after becoming one of the participants for four years. (Cable News Network Library, 2017) Drawbacks of Kyoto Protocol and negative impacts on the economy are two main reasons why the United States dropped out. Kyoto Protocol is an agreement that forces all the signatory countries to make great efforts to relieve global warming. It is widely accepted that greenhouse gases are able to heat earth since they can prevent heat from escaping from the atmosphere, a reasonable amount of greenhouse gases is needed to keep the earth warm at a constant and comfortable level, but the overabundance of those gases can influence earth adversely and thus increase the temperature beyond desirable level. Kyoto Protocol is aimed at solving this kind of problem. Therefore, we can say that Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty among industrialized nations that sets mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions. (Rouse, M., 2013) The countries who ratified the protocol will be a member of the United Nations Framework
  • 43. The Ecological Footprint Of The Human Race The ecological footprint of the human race is only getting bigger and bigger as our population steadily increases. It is estimated that our population grows 1.1% each year and it doesn t show a trace of slowing down (who.int). We have all hopefully heard the phrase reduce, reuse, and recycle. This phrase alone could help us gradually reduce our ecological footprint, but many poor countries don t have governing systems that takes in and sorts plastic or paper products. Some environmentalists say that unless something drastically changes, humans are doomed in the future because of lack of resources. Some say that by then, humans will have sufficient technology to sustain ourselves and our large resource consuming population. I think most people can agree that if we all change our mindset and governments work together to solve the problem, there can be drastic improvements. As stated from greenliving.com, An increase in population size makes excessive demands on natural resources, and increases the demand on agriculture and livestock. Overall, there are many negative impacts associated with population explosion. Some environmentalists believe that the human race will reach its carrying capacity relatively soon and our population will plummet. I beg to differ because I think that humans will find a way to solve the population problem before disasters arrive. The most efficient and easy way to solve the problem is very controversial. In The Tragedy of the
  • 44. 661 Treatment Plan Essay Instructions and Rubric for Elementary School Individual Counseling Case Conceptualization and Treatment Plan Individual counseling is a responsive service that involves one to one counseling with a student. Please use the case noted below to conceptualize the case and answer the questions on the rubric. Please use the rubric as your template for the assignment. That is, save a copy of the rubric as Elementary School Treatment Plan . Then, simply type your responses within the rubric template row and under each bulleted item. References will be included at the end of the document on a separate page in APA style. There is no required page length; just be sure to cover the rubric components completely and succinctly. The only information... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Select a culture different from your own. The rest of your responses in this rubric should consider Geoffrey s culture. Geoffrey is Native American This is a first session with Geoffrey, who used a self referral to see you. What will you say to Geoffrey with regard to confidentiality? Geoffrey, I want you to know that whatever we discuss together, I will not share with anyone unless it breaks school policy, you are harming yourself or others, or if the court tells me they want information from me. I want you to know that this is a safe environment that you can tell me whatever is on your mind and I will not share it with anyone unless it is one of the things that I mentioned, okay? Will you need or want to contact the parent or obtain parental permission for counseling services prior to meeting with Geoffrey? Why or why not? No, because Geoffrey is experiencing what seems to be a crisis situation, and I do not know the situation very well yet. I want Geoffrey to feel comfortable with me and know that my office
  • 45. Shinika s Death And Suicide Case Study Shinika parents died in a car crash when he was in his final year of high school. Her parents were on their way to pick him up from school to a church program when the incident happened. Shinika was divested because she felt that it was his entire fault by asking them to pick him up from school instead of coming home with the school bus and will later go to Church. In addition she joined the wrong crowd. Since, then after the death of his parents she turned to drugs to hide the pain and guilt away. Even his family couldn t help her due to Shinika not wanting to admit she had a problem. One day I was taking a walk in the park when I saw a young lady shedding tears. I came to the young man and asked are you okay? Is there anything I can help
  • 46. Effects Of The Civil War On The United States The United States of America following the Civil War was one that would be entrenched into the culture of the country for the remainder of its existence. While there are no survivors from the war or the time still living, we still see the effects of the war waning on the country. If not today, then definitely through the civil rights movement, but I digress. The Reconstruction Era in the United States followed the Civil War after the defeat of the Confederate States of America by the United States of America, or what we mostly call the Union. This was a time of healing within our country, however, many didn t see it that way. Freed African American slaves were those most affected by this Union victory. While they were free within the terms of the law, they still weren t able to do the things that some hoped. Southern whites caused much of the trouble for the freed slaves, as we ll discuss later, they felt this was a way for the northerners to rub it in the faces of those formers slave holders. Race was big deal in the South following the Civil War, ranging from Texas all the way over to Virginia. What we ll be focusing on are the conflicting ideals of the freed slaves and the Southern whites within East Texas and Northwestern Louisiana. Racial ties following the Civil War caused a troubling and crime ridden environment for the freed African American slaves in East Texas and Northwestern Louisiana. Mentioning of the Freedman s Bureau s role within the years following the
  • 47. The Problem Of Illegal Immigration Illegal immigration, particularly of unaccompanied minors and single mothers, has increased to an unmanageable level and become a contentious and confusing political topic. This paper will effort to outline the current situation by providing background of the issue here in the US, describe the drivers that lead to the peoples emigration from their largely Central American home countries including an examination of US responsibility in the destabilization of these countries, and what measures can be taken in both the US and home countries to help bring the situation under control and manage immigrationfor these populations going forward. Earlier this year, stories about mass migrations of children and young mothers coming to the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Any solution to the current situation will ultimately be equally complex and must involve actions taken both in the United States and in the countries from where so many are leaving. Though this issue has seen tremendous traction in the media this year, this has been a problem over the last several years. Before the spike in immigrants seen three years ago, the United States routinely apprehended between five and ten thousand unaccompanied minors each year. In addition, before the spike, the minors predominately were Mexican, not Central American. With the spike, the demographics of the immigrants seemed to change overnight, and the numbers of immigrants from the Northern Triangle have far surpassed those coming from Mexico. Since 2011, the numbers of unaccompanied minors has doubled each year, from eight thousand in 2011 to twenty in 2012, to near forty in 2013. For fiscal year 2014, the Customs and Border Patrol estimates that more than eighty thousand minors will have been apprehended at the border. Further, they have published estimates that show they expect to see numbers in excess of two hundred thousand in fiscal year 2015. It is important to show that the flow of minors from Northern Triangle countries is not unidirectional to the United States. Other countries in the region are also seeing large numbers of migrants coming across their borders. People are seeking refuge
  • 48. Values And Beliefs InInto The Wild, And Henry David Thoreau Chris McCandless, from the movie Into the Wild, and Henry David Thoreau shared similar reasons wanting to leave society, however how they approached life lead toward Chris s death and Thoreau s success. Thoreau and Chris shared many of the same values and beliefs. The beliefs and values they share included one should learn from living life and society damages the individual however, they did not share similar believes how they planned their lives. First, they place value in one should learn from living life. Chris was a college graduate and was accepted into Harvard, he left the whole thing behind so that he could learn from living life. In many parts of the movie, Chris learns from living, he is convinced the core of the man s spirit comes from new experiences (Into the Wild). Chris decides he wants to kayak. He goes into the ranger station to ask about paddling down the river. The ranger informs him he needs a permit, some experience, and unfortunately there is a twelve year waiting list. Hearing this from the ranger does not stand in his way the next morning he is in a kayak, with no care, no life jacket, no helmet facing the rapids for the first time, learning from the experience. Thoreau supported Chris s ideas and advocated for individuals to be students of life. In Walden , Thoreau stated, I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I
  • 49. The Night I Was Nobody Analysis The first major step to stopping racial inequality happened on December 6th, 1865 which is the day the 13th amendment was ratified which abolished slavery in the United States. However, just merely abolishing slavery did not help all the African Americans in the country because they were still being treated like second class citizens in the country that stated that all men are created equal and entitled to the same rights as anyone else. So in the wake of the black code and Jim Crow laws, the civil rights act of 1866 was created. It stated that everyone no matter of their raceall citizens should be treated equally, they hoped to stop the racial prejudice that was plaguing the United States. Now, over 150 years later despite all of the efforts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Often it happens just this way, just that suddenly. Particularly if you are a black man in America. Race and racism are a force larger than individuals, more powerful than law or education or government or the church, a force able to wipe these institutions away in the charged moments, minuscule or mountainous, when black and white come face to face (888). No one should ever feel like who they are as a person does not matter any more, but that is exactly what racism does. It takes people of color and ignores everything about them except they color of their skin a physical attribute that cannot be controlled by anyone. The color of someone s skin should not define a person and by taking off his hat, Wideman would essentially be saying it does because they don t care about who he is just what they want to see. No one of color should feel like their race defines who they are because it shouldn t. Race should not be a limit to someone. It should make someone feel proud because each race brings something different to the world. No one should believe that racism is a force that can shatter everything that the humans have built because it isn t. The only way racism or racist can truly effect anyone is if society lets it, but as long as there are people who stand against it racism will never win out over
  • 50. King Tutankhamun King Tutankhamun (1343 1325 B.C.) King Tutankhamun lived over 3,300 years ago during a period known as the New Kingdom. This period of time was called the New Kingdom because it was when the pharaohs united upper and lower Egypt into one kingdom with the capital being Memphis near current day Cairo. The reason I chose to write a research paper on King Tut is because he is one of the most well known pharaohs of ancient Egypt. Tutankhamun is most well known only by the discovery of his intact tomb in 1922 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. King Tut was born in 1343 B.C. into the 18th Dynasty. Early in his life Tutankaten meaning the Living Image of the Aten changed his name to the well known Tutankamun meaning Living Image of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Not much was known about these tombs and how they were arranged until the British expedition led by Carter and Carnarvon unearthed the untouched intact tomb of King Tutankhamun in 1922. This discovery quickly made King Tutankhamun one of the most famous pharaohs in the history of Egypt. It also changed many of our beliefs as to the mummification process and how the tombs were arranged. Carter and Carnarvon discovered King Tutankhamun s tomb in the East Valley of the Valley of the Kings. It has been recreated several times in museums around the world. The tomb was actually quite small for a Pharaoh. It was probably built for someone of lesser importance but at the pharaoh s unexpected death was rushed into modification to accommodate the pharaoh. The tomb is composed of four chambers: the annex, antechamber, burial chamber, and treasury. The burial chamber contains wall paintings as well as the coffin of King Tutankhamun. Before the opening of the tomb novelist Mari Corelli gave a public warning that there would be dire consequences for anyone who entered the sealed tomb. Then just seven weeks after the official opening of the tomb Tutankhamun s Curse struck. On April 5th, 1923 Lord Carnarvon died and all sorts of
  • 51. Freud s Theory Of Psychosocial Development The lifespan perspective is crucial for understanding human development. There are many different perspectives on the lifespan and the lifespan has been broken down in many different ways. A variety of scholars and theorists have proposed unique perspectives on lifespan. Sigmund Freud s theory of psychosocial development considered five lifespan stages; oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital (Rathus, 2014). Erik Erikson expanded Freud s theory with a psychosocial perspective on development and considered the lifespan to consist of eight stages. He viewed and labeled these stages in terms of crises that individuals are faced with at each stage in their life. This is an important perspective because it indicates that all aspects of our lives are related and that the person we are today is a direct result of what we experienced earlier in our lives. Other sources view the lifespan as having nine stages broken into numeric age categories (Annenberg Foundation, 2015). From a leisure perspective, five lifespan stages are considered (Godbey, 2008). These lifespan perspectives exclude the prenatal stage. From an overall human developmentviewpoint, I think it is important to include the prenatal stage and I would break the lifespan down into the same eight stages identified by Rathus (2014). In Rathus (2014) text, eight lifespan stages are identified; prenatal, infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood, and late
  • 52. How Video Games And Other Electronics Can Make You Smarter... After reading Dan Hurley s, Can You Make Yourself Smarter? I took interest in the subject of how electronics can make you smarter. The article explained how particular electronics can make you smarter which was very interesting to me considering that I use many electronics on a daily basis. For my research question, I zoomed out to other perspectives to ask in general, if electronics positively or negatively impact the average person. I can directly link this article to my paper because I include research about how video gamesand other electronics can make people smarter. Introduction In the past couple of years, electronics have gone from almost nonexistent to practically the main source of entertainment for people around the world. In the more recent years, the internet has slowly changed our society making it more interactive and social instead of immobile (Craton). In fact, each American on average spends nine hours a day in front of a cell phone or computer screen which can lead to serious health problems (Khan). However, the human s excessive use of particular electronics such as computers, phones, and automobiles, is not always detrimental to our society. Computers, phones, TVs, and automobiles are a few electronic devices that are used throughout one s everyday life. Not only can they be used for communication and travel, but are also used for research that can save lives and provide information within seconds, helping our hospitals, police, military, and other
  • 53. Karl Marx s View Of Contemporary Social Ills Power is present in every relationship and within each individual. Power is defined as a group s ability to make another group its subject or to make some desired action either by consensus or force. Within any organization or government, some elite groups make decisions that directly or indirectly affect the lives of the larger mass. Studies have shown that such decisions in most cases are made to service the elite s value and economic interests; property ownership or production. Such directions within the society cause resentment and inequality when the larger mass is not included in the decision making. The inequality makes the elite class to enforce their wishes and will on the less fortunate (Jessop 174). This essay seeks to give a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Between the two classes are small businesses which Marx calls them petty bourgeoisie , a group that is subject to either join the working class or the capitalists if surplus can be accommodated. In the ongoing industrial revolution the social surplus contributes to conflict where classes exist in the form of struggle for dominance or control over profits. Marx as a conflict theorist argued that the economy defines and dominates the societal structural change. He explained that social change and structure is a form of historical materialism that in the history come in two groups: the oppressor and the oppressed. Marx stated that the society is built on the exploitation of the oppressed. The struggle between the classes was what brought about the industrial revolution. This division and the struggle in the society have since never stopped, but instead there have been reestablishment of new classes, new oppression conditions, and new struggles replacing the old ones. The ancient societies e.g. the Roman and the Greek was built on slave labor and the two classes in conflict during those times were the slaves and patricians. The struggle between these classes resulted in the development of feudal societies that were developed on serf s labor under their opponent, the lords. The end of feudalism ushered in the capitalism, and Marx called the opposing forces in capitalist societies the
  • 54. Sociological Contexts Analyzing Sociological Contexts Living in a community that has its ups and downs with unemployment issues that changes the community as a whole is difficult for ones living style. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze sociological contexts for a better understanding within my community. Below I will be addressing some new business, unemployment issues, and how have the changes impacted the economic health and the school district. New businesses in the community Over the past five to ten years in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and its surrounding areas has tremendously grown with business opportunities. Starting with the downtown area of Baton Rouge that oversees the Mississippi River, there were several companies that was welcome with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This organization educates not only children but parents, teachers and, members of the community. I am currently working with this organization and sits on the committee as we focus on re opening a community high school. As committee members we work together to advocate for the community. An additional to the community group is the Mentoring 29:11 program. With this program, at risk students are empower to succeed in the communities by attending summer enrichment programs, seminars and helping in their community. All of these organizations sheds some light on educating the students and families in communities around the area. Finally the last community group is the big buddy program. The big buddy program has over eight thousand kids that participates yearly. This program works with under privilege kids through a mentoring program. This program is also a yearlong program where students can get tutoring after school. There are several other programs that s available in each community for kids and their families to participate
  • 55. Nazis Use Of Propaganda During The Holocaust Some ways the holocaust was implemented was the use of propaganda, the relocation of people to Ghettos, the creation of laws to strip people of their rights, and the use of technology to increase the efficiency of the machinery of genocide. I think one of the most effect sytstem was using propaganda because a picture is worth a thousand words. Seeing how the Nazis used propaganda and how that system was very effective and terrible. The use of propaganda at that time wasnt just putting posters around town. The Nazis produced textbooks, flims, comics and even specific radio stations. The use of all of the propaganda may have seemed minor but because the Nazis went overboard today we look at propaganda as a horrible thing. The use of propaganda is just reminding the people in the holocuast that their lives werent worth anything and gave them broken faith, which was the point. In the Nazis favor the use of propaganda was just another way of domination. A brilliant man named Joseph Goebbels influeneced the poropaganda game greatly and made Hitler look like a hero and used the fear of the people as stability. Joseph Goebbels was the mastermind behind all of the porpagnada. Because Joseph was the head of the Nazis propaganda his offical title was Minister of Propaganda and National Enlightenment. The holocaust ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One example I found of propagnda effecting the youth was a poster of Hitler holding a german child and the poster is conveying that Hitler is a god like figure and that children should worship him. With all of the propagnada splattered everywhere how else would the children learn that Hitler s way is the only way and no one else matters. The disturbing truth of teaching the future genertion to not be diverse and to look down on anyone who is different was a perfect target in using